Biu, Bursari, Gombi, Hawul, Hong, Jakusko, Jere and Kaga Local Government Areas

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Biu, Bursari, Gombi, Hawul, Hong, Jakusko, Jere and Kaga Local Government Areas Feed the Future Nigeria Livelihoods Project Conflict Analysis of Northeast Nigeria Biu, Bursari, Gombi, Hawul, Hong, Jakusko, Jere and Kaga Local Government Areas September 2017 1 Acknowledgements Chitra Nagarajan led the team that conducted this conflict analysis. Data collectors were Aliyu Mukhtar and Ayuba Mukhtar in Biu; Ene Simon Abu and Adamu Manu Girgir in Bursari; Mariam Abubakar Boda and Adamu Umar Sambo in Gombi; Muhammad Sanusi and Audu Solomon in Hawul; Lawal Santuraki and Hauwa Babale in Hong; Laraba Mustapha and Ligali Alhaji Dugu in Jakusko; Amina Ibrahim and Ya Jermaram Jibrin in Jere; and Abba Mohammed Wakil and John Baba Henah in Kaga. Staff of the University of Maiduguri were responsible for transcription and data entry, supervised by Jibrin Musa who also supervised data collection together with Chitra Nagarajan. This report was written by Chitra Nagarajan with Hilary Matfess, both of whom conducted additional interviews to inform research findings. Valerie Sheckler designed the actor maps. The CRS team who supported this conflict analysis include Yakubu Adamu-Pukama, Ann Ameh, Wellington Dzvene, Abubakar Kawu, Salisu Mohammed, Zulai Mtaku, Dayo Ogundijo, Afoma Okafor, Kehinde Oteju and Aliyu Umar. Martha Jikdang Hassan, Amina Musa and Aisha Muhammed Adam, CRS community mobilisers in Jere and Kaga, provided invaluable assistance with interviews there. CRS staff members across the emergency and Feed the Future programmes came together to participate in a conflict sensitivity workshop to validate research findings and develop action plans. Nell Bolton, Mary Margaret Dineen and Mohammed Salisu provided comments to an earlier draft of this report. The team also thanks all respondents who took part in the research for their time and support. 2 Table of Contents Acronyms Introduction Methodology Biu Bursari Gombi Hawul Hong Jakusko Jere Kaga Conclusion and Action Plan List of Figures Figure 1: Map of Research LGAs in Northeast Nigeria Figure 2: Map of Biu LGA Figure 3: Map of Biu Town Figure 4: Biu Actor Map Figure 5: Map of Bursari LGA Figure 6: Bursari Actor Map Figure 7: Map of Adamawa State Figure 8: Gombi Actor Map Figure 9: Map of Hawul LGA Figure 10: Hawul Actor Map Figure 11: Map of Adamawa State Figure 12: Hong Actor Map Figure 13: Map of Jakusko LGA Figure 14: Jakusko Actor Map Figure 15: Map of Jere LGA Figure 16: Jere Actor Map Figure 17: Map of Kaga LGA Figure 18: Kaga Actor Map 3 Acronyms ACF Action Contre La Faim (Action Against Hunger) AFAN All Farmers Association of Nigeria AOG armed opposition group APC All People’s Congress AUN American University of Nigeria BEDA Biu Emirate Development Association BOSAMA Borno State Agricultural Mechanisation Authority BOYES Borno Youth Empowerment Scheme CAN Christian Association of Nigeria CITAD Centre for Information Technology and Development CJTF Civilian Joint Taskforce CPP community peace partnership CRS Catholic Relief Services DDI Diamond Development Initiative DDRR disarmament, demobilisation, rehabilitation and reintegration DPO Divisional Police Officer DSS Department of State Services FOMWAN Federation of Muslim Women’s Associations of Nigeria GBVIMS gender based violence information management system ICRC International Committee of the Red Cross IDP internally displaced person ISWA Islamic State West Africa (Wilayat al Islamiyya Gharb Afriqiyyah) JAS Jama’atu Ahlis Sunnah Lida’awati Wal Jihad (People Committed to the Propagation of the Prophet’s Teachings and Jihad in English) IMC International Medical Corps IOM International Organisation for Migration LGA local government area MDAs ministries, departments and agencies MNJTF Multi National Joint Taskforce MSF Medecins sans Frontières (Doctors without Borders) NCWS National Council of Women’s Societies NDLEA National Drugs and Law Enforcement Agency NERI North East Regional Initiative NSRP Nigeria Stability and Reconciliation Programme NURTW National Union of Road Transport Workers 4 PDP People’s Democratic Party PDLP Pilot Livestock Development Programme SEA sexual exploitation and abuse SGBV sexual and gender based violence SILC savings and internal lending communities UNFPA United Nations Population Fund UNHCR United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees UNICEF United Nations Children’s Fund VAWG violence against women and girls WFP World Food Programme WHO World Health Organisation 5 Introduction Catholic Relief Services (CRS) is expanding the gains of the Feed the Future Nigeria livelihoods project supported by USAID in northwest and central Nigeria to three northeast states: Adamawa, Borno and Yobe. Its objective is to move returnees, host communities, vulnerable households and internally displaced persons (IDPs) from depending on humanitarian assistance to engaging in agricultural and other economic activities and experience a reduction in poverty. Adamawa, Borno and Yobe states have experienced violent conflict which has not only led to widespread displacement and reduction in livelihoods but affected community tensions and conflicts. Humanitarian and development programming have potential to bring communities together across lines of division, promote social cohesion and address causes of conflict if designed and implemented with conflict sensitivity in mind. Conversely, programmes can instead create tension and exacerbate already existing conflict. USAID is committed to responding effectively to violence and its aftermath. One of the ways to do so is to use development assistance to manage and mitigate the causes of conflict. This study examined conflict dynamics in focal local government areas (LGAs) (Gombi and Hong in Adamawa, Biu, Hawul, Kaga and Jere in Borno and Jakusko and Bursari in Yobe) with focus on their implications for programming. Please see Figures 1 for a map of northeast Nigeria with research LGAs marked. Research findings were shared at a workshop on conflict sensitivity which aimed to encourage reflection and conflict sensitivity action planning by CRS staff. Context Adamawa, Borno and Yobe, Feed the Future states in the northeast, are experiencing some of the most intense violence in Nigeria’s history. In 2005, Jama’atu Ahlis Sunnah Lida’awati Wal Jihad (JAS, translated as People Committed to the Propagation of the Prophet’s Teachings and Jihad), commonly known as Boko Haram, noticeably emerged in Maiduguri. Originally protesting the corruption and inequality produced by state structures and calling for a return to a ‘purer’, more Islamic way of life, its ideology, tactics and strategy have been evolving. Over time, the group morphed into declaring control over territory, setting off bombs including through suicide bombers, forced recruitment and kidnapping and violence against women and girls (VAWG) including sexual violence and forced marriage. Operations by the Multi-National Joint Task Force (MNJTF) and local vigilante groups and the Civilian Joint Task Force (CJTF) recovered territory from mid 2014 to early 2015. Always with competing factions, the group split into at least two distinct groups: JAS headed by Abubakar Shekau and Wilayat al Islamiyya Gharb Afriqiyyah (translated as Islamic State West Africa or ISWA) headed by Abu Musab al-Barnawi in 2016.1 Civilian harm has been committed by all parties to the conflict. The Nigerian military has failed to protect communities from violence, committed civilian harm during operations and directly targeted civilians, including through unlawful detention, harassment, destruction of property, forced displacement, sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA), indiscriminate targeting groups such as young men, torture and excessive use of force.2 Meanwhile, the CJTF has been implicated in extra-judicial killings, harassment, SEA, recruitment and use of children and diversion of humanitarian aid. Other vigilante groups, which include local hunters, are perceived as having committed fewer abuses but there is a lack of empirical research in this area. This conflict 1 Please note that in the interests of conflict sensitivity, the research will use the exact names of the groups involved where relevant and the term armed opposition groups to refer to all those active in the northeast (as opposed to using the blanket term ‘Boko Haram’ which, rather than being the name of the groups themselves, is one approportioned to them by the media and serves to simplify their message and aims). 2 K Dietrich, “When We Can’t See the Enemy, Civilians Become the Enemy”: Living Through Nigeria’s Six Year Insurgency, (Center for Civilians in Conflict, 2015). 6 between the Nigerian state, vigilante groups and armed opposition groups overlays, exacerbates and feeds off already existing dynamics as well as creates new tensions within and between communities in these states. Figure 1: Map of Research LGAs in Northeast Nigeria 7 The conflict analysis follows the USAID conflict assessment framework and consist of two parts.3 The first part was diagnosis: an analysis of political, economic, social, and security factors that contribute to conflict, violence and instability or enable peace and social cohesion within the 8 LGAs of Feed the Future’s expansion into northeast Nigeria based on interviews and surveys in focal communities. This looked at four areas: 1) context; 2) key actors; 3) conflict dynamics looking at grievances and resilience; and 4) possible trajectories. Please note that not all the above areas are covered in equal detail for all LGAs as this was not possible within the time and resources allotted to the conflict analysis. Rather, the conflict
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