Electrostatic Discharge Analysis of Multi Layer Ceramic Capacitors
Electrostatic Discharge Analysis of Multi Layer Ceramic Capacitors Cyrous Rostamzadeh, Robert Bosch LLC – USA February 17, 2011 Cyrous Rostamzadeh, Senior IEEE Member, February 17, 2011 Mr. Kimball Williams Thank you for your Colossal Contributions and Dedication to IEEE EMC Society. You have educated, trained, inspired, managed and encouraged many of the EMC Engineers and Technicians in the SE Michigan area. You are well respected by everyone throughout the EMC Society and Automotive Community. I had the privilege to prepare this presentation, per your invitation, and I hope you will continue to guide the EMC Society long after your retirement from the Professional Responsibilities as of February 2012, thank you. Cyrous Rostamzadeh, Senior IEEE Member, February 17, 2011 Mr. Kimball Williams Cyrous Rostamzadeh, Senior IEEE Member, February 17, 2011 A privilege for me to be educated, mentored, collaborated with some of the finest minds of EMC… Cyrous Rostamzadeh, Senior IEEE Member, February 17, 2011 Dr. Al Reuhli (IBM) Dr.Clayton Paul Cyrous Rostamzadeh, Senior IEEE Member, February 17, 2011 Dr. Howard Johnson Signal Integrity 1994 2001 Cyrous Rostamzadeh, Senior IEEE Member, February 17, 2011 Professor Flavio Canavero Politecnico di Torino Professor Christos Christopouplos University of Nottingham Cyrous Rostamzadeh, Senior IEEE Member, February 17, 2011 Professor Sergio Pignari Politecnico di Milano Professor Farhad Rachidi Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL) Cyrous Rostamzadeh, Senior IEEE Member, February 17, 2011 ProfessorProfessor
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