A Comparative Study between Quantum Mechanics and Yogācāra Buddhism on Properties of Material Objects Ven. Hui Chen Department of English Language and Culture, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies. Email: chanfi gh@qq.com Abstract With the development of quantum mechanics, the knowledge of properties of material objects has been greatly changed, quite different from what people have taken for granted as well as that in the classic physics. Since Yogācāra is considered to be one of most compatible Buddhist theories with modern science, in order to see exactly how close Yogācāra is to quantum mechanics, this article aims at comparing quantum mechanics and Yogācāra on properties of material objects from three aspects, the source of material objects, their substantiality, and the interference from the mind. By doing this, a conclusion is made that the two have same opinions at a general level but different, to certain extents, from each other at a specifi c level. Keywords: quantum mechanics, Yogācāra, material objects JIABU | Vol. 11 No.2 (July – December 2018) 353 Introduction In classic physics, a material object is often considered to be a kind of substantial existence with certain amount of mass and is made of fundamental physical elements such as atoms, and is often considered to be different and dispensable from the mind. These properties, though quite consistent with the sense of ordinary human beings1, is actually contradictory to one of the most important Buddhist ideas Yogācāra, which believes that there is nothing substantial in the world except consciousness and there can be no fundamental physical elements that make up physical objects.2 However, with more and more puzzling findings emerging in quantum mechanics, science, specifically quantum mechanics, seems to have been put closer to Buddhist theories especially Yogācāra. So here the questions are 1) What does the quantum mechanics say about properties of a material object? 2) What does Yogācāra say bout about properties of material objects? 3) To what extent are they similar to each other on this point? In order to answer these questions, this article is trying to compare quantum mechanics and Yogācāra Buddhism on these three properties of material objects: 1) the source of material objects 2) the substantiality of material objects 3) influence from the mind on material objects. This comparison will start with the analysis of properties of material objects in quantum mechanics, followed by the analysis of that in Yogācāra, concluded at last concerning the similarities and differences of the analyses above. 1 Korman, Daniel Z., “Ordinary Objects”, The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Spring 2016 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), URL = <https://plato.stanford.edu/archives/spr2016/entries/ordinary- objects/>. 2 Master Xuanzhuang, Cheng Weishi Lun Zhijie (A Direct Translation and Commentary to Discourse on the Perfection of Consciousness-only, Chinese Edition), tr. Lin Guoliang, (Shanghai: Fudan Press, 2007), pp. 14-16. 354 JIABU | Vol. 11 No.2 (July – December 2018) Properties of Material Object in Quantum Mechanics Quantum mechanics is a kind of physics that mainly studies the features of the substances and their motion and interaction at the atomic level. These substances are mainly electrons, protons, neutrons, quarks etc.3 Different from the description of matter in traditional ways, these substances don’t take any form of matter, since they don’t have mass, nor do they take any space. They are measured by the unit of energy, quantum. Quarks are considered to be the smallest elements that constitute material objects. So far hundreds of quarks have been found. There are so many kinds of quarks that Leonard Susskind and others considered it necessary to unify all of them into one. Therefore, he proposed the theory called String Theory which states that all of the quarks are actually different forms of vibrating strings of energy. Different frequency and form will result in different kinds of quarks, thus different atoms. That is to say all of the material objects have the same source which is strings of energy. At the subatomic level, there is a phenomenon called particle entanglement, where if two particles are entangled and one spins towards one direction, the other will automatically spin towards the opposite direction. No matter how far the particles are from each other, the result will always be the same. It’s obviously not possible for these particles to have any signal connecting them because these particles are moving in the speed of light and nothing can move faster than the light. So even there’s signal, it can’t connect them. Many scientists try to explain this phenomenon with other theories. One of these theories seems to be plausible is Holography Theory, which believes that the entangled particles the scientists have detected are actually not two separated particles, but two images projected in different angles from a deeper entity that has not yet been detected. It has the same mechanism as the surveillance system, in which different screens show different sides of one person who’s being shot by the cameras fixed at different corners of the room, so when this person moves, all of the images in different screens move. If someone doesn’t have any knowledge of surveillance system, he will probably think each screen displays the image of one person, and he’ll surely be confused why these people move at such a surprisingly concerting pace. There is another phenomenon in quantum mechanics that is superposition, which refers to the state in which particles possess different forms of existence at the same time. 3 Ismael, Jenann, “Quantum Mechanics”, The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Spring 2015 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), URL = <https://plato.stanford.edu/archives/spr2015/entries/qm/>. JIABU | Vol. 11 No.2 (July – December 2018) 355 For example, the radioactive Atom B-212 has been proved to possess the status of decaying and not decaying at the same moment after 60 minutes’ existence. However, this kind of phenomenon sounds rather strange and one of the scientists Schrodinger carried out a famous experiment in order to prove the absurdity of the existence of superposition. In this experiment, a cat is put into a concealed case together with a small case containing Atom B-212. And the small case is fixed with a string with the end tying a hammer, below the hammer is a little bottle containing toxic liquid. When Atom B-212 decays, the string will plummet, and the hammer will smash the bottle, and the toxic liquid will turn into toxic gas which will eventually kill the cat within the larger case. If the the atom does not decay, then the cat will be alive. According to the statement of superposition, after 60 minutes, the Atom B-212 will be in the status of both decaying and not decaying, which means the cat will be in a status of being both dead and alive. This, of course, is highly unlikely according to our human experience as well as commonsense, because when opening the case, there can be only one result, that is the cat is either dead or alive. Actually the explanation to is this comes from another phenomenon called collapse, which means different statuses of a particle in superposition is reduced to only one status because of an interference, an observing behavior from man. In this experiment, the behavior of opening the case and seeing whether the cat is dead or alive has ended the superposition phenomenon, if the cat is found to be alive, the status of being dead has collapsed because of the observation, vice versa. That is to say fundamentally the existence of material objects is influenced by man’s mind and it depends on the mind. Properties of Material Objects in Yogācāra Yogācāra is one of the most influential schools in Mahāyāna Buddhism. Its contribution to the development of this tradition is mainly known for its theoretical construction of Mahāyāna Buddhist doctrines both cosmologically and espitomologically. The word derived from Sanskrit Yogācāra has the implication of its justification based on meditation practice. Another commonly known word Consciousness-Only, translation of the Chinese word Weishi, points out the essential teaching of this theory which is that the existence of every phenomenon depends on consciousness. According to Yogācāra, man has Eight consciousnesses. Among the Eight, Ālaya Vijñāna the Eighth Consciousness, also called Store Consciousness, is the fundamental one from which both the other seven consciousnesses and the physical world are generated by the seeds, the potential energy, stored in Eighth Consciousness. Because it stores numerous 356 JIABU | Vol. 11 No.2 (July – December 2018) seeds which are all kinds of potential energy that can produce all of the phenomena that one cognizes, which is named manifest activities. The storage of the seeds have no beginning nor ending. They have been accumulated from countless lives of an individual and they are stored in the form of the Eighth Consciousness, which is so subtle that ordinary beings are not able to realize its existence at all. However, when conditions, both internal and external factors, become mature, these stored seeds are able to be activated and present themselves as manifest activities, and this process is called producing. The manifest activities, on the other hand, have their influence on the original seeds simultaneously, and this reverse effect made on the seeds are called perfuming. Once the original seeds are perfumed, new seeds will come into existence on the basis of the original ones also at the same time, and thus called seeds generating seeds. The Eighth Consciousness functions through such a continuous process of producing and perfuming among these seeds and manifest activities. By these non-stopping and repetitive pattern of producing and performing, new seeds as well as new manifest activities appear constantly, each resembles the previous one both on the side of seeds and on that of the manifest activities.
What Is Time?: Yogācāra-Buddhist Meditation on the Problem of the External World in the Treatise on the Perfection of Consciousness-Only (Cheng Weishi Lun)
DOI: 10.4312/as.2016.4.1.35-57 35 What is Time?: Yogācāra-Buddhist Meditation on the Problem of the External World in the Treatise on the Perfection of Consciousness-only (Cheng weishi lun) Jianjun LI*1 Abstract Because it asserts that there is consciousness-only (vijñapti-mātratā), the difficulty in philo- sophically approaching the Yogācāra-Buddhist text Cheng weishi lun centers on the problem of the external world. This paper is based on a review by Lambert Schmithausen that, specif- ically with regard to the problem of the external world, questions Dan Lusthaus’s phenom- enological investigation of the CWSL. In it I point out that the fundamental temporality of consciousness brought to light by the Yogacaric revelation of the incessant differentiation of consciousness (vijñāna-parināma� ) calls into question every temporally conditioned, and hence appropriational, understanding of vijñapti-mātratā. Therefore, the problem of the external world cannot be approached without taking into account the temporality of con- sciousness, which, furthermore, compels us to face the riddle of time. Keywords: time, vijñapti-mātratā, Cheng weishi lun, Dan Lusthaus, Lambert Schmithausen Izvleček Budistično jogijsko besedilo Cheng weishi lun zagovarja trditev, da obstaja samo zavest (vijñapti-mātratā), zato se filozofski pristop tega besedila usmeri na problem zunanjega sveta. Ta članek temelji na recenziji Lamberta Schmithasena, ki se ob upoštevanju prob- lema zunanjega sveta ukvarja s fenomenološkimi preiskavami CWSL-ja Dana Lusthausa. V njem sem poudaril, da je zaradi odvisnosti zavesti od časa, ki jo poudarja razodevanje nenehnega spreminjanja zavesti pri jogi (vijñāna-parināma� ), vprašljivo vsako časovno po- gojeno, in zato večkrat prisvojeno, razumevanje pojma vijñapti-mātratā.
The Teachings on Momentariness Found in Xuanzang's
불교학연구 (Korea Journal of Buddhist Studies) 제66호(2021.3) pp. 1∼49 10.21482/jbs.66..20213.1 Why Change Is the Only Constant: The Teachings on Momentariness Found in Xuanzang’s Translation of the Abhidharma Treatises of Saṅghabhadra* Ernest Billings (Billy) Brewster Lecturer, Iona College ebrewster@iona.edu I. Introduction III. Untangling the Knots in the Theory of II. Saṅghabhadra on the Constancy of the Continuum of Nine Factors Change IV. Conclusion Summary Within the Abhidharma literature, the doctrinal discussions on momentariness composed by the fifth-century C.E. Indic theorist, Saṅghabhadra, and rendered into Chinese by the pilgrim and scholar-monk, Xuanzang (602?–667 C.E.), stand as rigorous and detailed defenses of the Buddhist tenet of momentariness. This paper examines several passages on the doctrine of momentariness that are extant only within Xuanzang’s Chinese translations of two treatises by Saṅghabhadra, the Treatise Conforming to the Correct Logic of Abhidharma (Sanskrit, hereafter Skt. *Abhidharmanyāyānusāraśāstra; Chinese, hereafter Chi. Apidamo shun zhengli lun 阿毘達磨順正理論) and the Treatise Clarifying the Treasury of Abhidharma Tenets (Skt. * I would like to express my gratitude to Dr. Jakub Zamorski for numerous comments, suggestions, and corrections on the translations. I thank Dr. John Makeham for commenting on my paper as a panel respondent at the meeting of the European Association for Chinese Philosophy meeting in Ghent in 2019. The three anonymous reviewers also provided invaluable feedback, which I have tried to incorporate wherever possible. Why Change Is the Only Constant: The Teachings on Momentariness Found in Xuanzang’s Translation … 1 *Abhidharmasamayapradīpikāśāstra; Chi. Apidamo zang xianzong lun 阿毘達磨顯宗論).
Final draft of article in Goldschmidt & Pearce (eds.) Idealism: New Essays in Metaphysics, Oxford (2017) Buddhist Idealism1 Bronwyn Finnigan School of Philosophy Australian National University Idealism has been a prominent philosophical view in Indian Buddhist thought since the 4th century CE. It was a topic of considerable debate for centuries amongst Buddhist and non-Buddhist philosophers in India and Tibet. It also had a significant influence on the intellectual culture of China and Japan. Much can be gained from contemporary engagement with these arguments. It has the potential to reveal cross-cultural antecedents to contemporary views, new arguments that could be re-mobilised in current debates, and may challenge the presuppositions that frame Western discussions of idealism by providing alternatives. There are several ways to approach such a study. One approach is comparative; taking the Western philosophical tradition as one’s starting point and considering the extent to which Buddhist arguments might advance or depart from established views. While there are many potential benefits of this approach, it runs the risk of reading Western philosophical commitments into Buddhist thought rather than drawing a genuine comparison. There is also considerable debate on either side of the comparative divide about the nature and presuppositions of idealistic arguments, issues which would need to be carefully addressed and potentially resolved for a genuine comparison. 1 I would like to thank Dan Arnold, Jay Garfield, Jonathan Gold, Shinya Moriyama, Tom Tillemans and the editors of this book for helpful comments on an earlier draft of this chapter. 1 Final draft of article in Goldschmidt & Pearce (eds.) Idealism: New Essays in Metaphysics, Oxford (2017) This chapter will take a more modest approach.
Kuiji's Abhidharmic Recontextualization of Chinese
296 Teng Chapter 9 Kuiji’s Abhidharmic Recontextualization of Chinese Buddhism Weijen Teng 1 Introduction: Contextualization and Recontextualization Elsewhere I have tried to show that Kuiji 窺基 (632–682) who was recognized historically as the successor of Xuanzang 玄奘 especially in the latter’s legacy of the Chinese Yogācāra school, the Faxiang school (Faxiang zong 法相宗), intended to set Chinese understanding of Buddhism aright by reorienting it toward Indian Buddhism. I tried to demonstrate in that work that what consti- tuted such a reorientation was not a mere promotion of a Yogācāra form of Buddhism as has been generally understood by scholars of Chinese Buddhism. I argued that Kuiji’s more significant potential contribution to such a reorien- tation lay in his construction of a methodological foundation for Chinese Buddhist intellectual practice, which can be interpreted as a response to the much debated issue of the ‘sinification of Buddhism’. The three methodologi- cal dimensions of Kuiji’s endeavors I emphasized are: recontextualization, exegesis, and logic. The present study explores the ‘recontextualization’ dimen- sion of Kuiji’s methodology.1 In the prolonged course of the spreading of Buddhism to China, Buddhist texts and ideas were studied and interpreted divorced from their home cul- tural, historical, and intellectual contexts. On the other hand, they were received, digested and made use of the new contexts informed by the local cultural and socio-political concerns. Echoing Yūki Reimon, Robert Gimello has tried to show that in response to the socio-political context of the late sixth and early seventh centuries, most of the leading Buddhists in that period were concerned to relieve Buddhism of the onus of its foreignness and approached Buddhist texts and teachings in such a context.2 1 See the “Introduction” of Teng’s unpublished doctoral dissertation (2011), “Recontextualization, Exegesis, and Logic: Kuiji’s (632–682) Methodological Restructuring of Chinese Buddhism”.
Madhyamaka and Yogācāra: Allies or Rivals? eds. by Jay L. Garfield and Jan Westerhoff (review) Oren Hanner Philosophy East and West, Volume 68, Number 2, April 2018, pp. 629-633 (Review) Published by University of Hawai'i Press For additional information about this article https://muse.jhu.edu/article/690307 Access provided by University of California @ Berkeley (14 Apr 2018 01:33 GMT) and thought. I highly recommend this book to anyone interested in the life and thought of a seminal Korean Confucian philosopher. Note 1 – Edward Y. J. Chung, The Korean Neo-Confucianism of Yi T’oegye and Yi Yulgok: A Re- appraisal of the “Four-Seven Thesis” and Its Practical Implications for Self-Cultivation (Albany: State University of New York Press, 1995). Madhyamaka and Yogācāra: Allies or Rivals? Edited by Jay L. Garfield and Jan Wester- hoff. New York: Oxford University Press, 2015. Pp. xi + 280. Hardcover $105.00, ISBN 978-0-1902-3128-6. Paper $36.95, ISBN 978-0-1902-3129-3. Reviewed by Oren Hanner University of California, Berkeley hanner@berkeley.edu Recent decades have witnessed a number of scholarly attempts to illuminate the philosophical affinity between the Madhyamaka and Yogācāra, the two main systems of thought in the Mahāyāna stream of Buddhism. Both schools originated in India in the first centuries of the common era, and had a significant impact on the doc- trines of Asian Buddhism in such countries as China, Korea, Tibet, and Japan. Conse- quently, their views concerning reality have been documented in various textual sources, ranging from early philosophical treatises by their chief founders, Nāgārjuna (Madhyamaka) and Vasubandhu and Asaṅga (Yogācāra), to sūtras and later commen- taries.
Studies in Yogācāra-Vijñānavāda Idealism I: the Interpretation of Vasubandhu’S Viṃśikā
ASIA 2014; 68(3): 709 – 756 Birgit Kellner and John Taber Studies in Yogācāra-Vijñānavāda idealism I: The interpretation of Vasubandhu’s Viṃśikā Abstract: In recent scholarship there has been a persistent tendency, especially among North-American scholars, to deny that Indian Yogācāra philosophy is a form of idealism. The discussion has naturally focused on the interpretation of Vasubandhu’s Viṃśikā, a foundational text of the school, as well as one of the most accessible, which other researchers have taken to be denying the existence of a material world external to consciousness. In this article, after noting some of the points in favor of a non-idealist read- ing of the Viṃśikā, we shall offer a new reading that supports the old “standard”, but still widespread, interpretation that it indeed intends to deny the existence of physical objects outside of consciousness. We suggest that Vasubandhu develops in the Viṃśikā an extended argumentum ad ignorantiam where the absence of external objects is derived from the absence of evidence for their existence. This reading is the result of examining argumentation strategy rather than investigat- ing the logical structure of individual proofs in isolation, and it takes cues from Vasubandhu’s strategy for refuting the existence of a self in Abhidharma- kośabhāṣya IX. In addition, our reading looks at the entire Viṃśikā, rather than isolating a purported argumentative “core” (vv. 11–15), and draws attention to the relevance of some of its subtleties. Finally, we also suggest that Vasubandhu might have opted for a less direct argumentation strategy to prove the non- existence of the external world because of specific soteriological aspects of the doctrine of vijñaptimātratā.
Comparative Philosophy Volume 7, No. 1 (2016): 59-89 Open Access / ISSN 2151-6014 www.comparativephilosophy.org BUDDHIST PHENOMENOLOGY AND THE PROBLEM OF ESSENCE JINGJING LI ABSTRACT: In this paper, I intend to make a case for Buddhist phenomenology. By Buddhist phenomenology, I mean a phenomenological interpretation of Yogācāra’s doctrine of consciousness. Yet, this interpretation will be vulnerable if I do not justify the way in which the anti-essentialistic Buddhist philosophy can countenance the Husserlian essence. I dub this problem of compatibility between Buddhist and phenomenology the “problem of essence”. Nevertheless, I argue that this problem will not jeopardize Buddhist phenomenology because: (1) Yogācārins, especially later Yogācārins represented by Xuan Zang do not articulate emptiness as a negation but as an affirmation of the existent; (2) Husserl’s phenomenological essence is not a substance that Yogācārins reject but the ideal sense (Sinn) that Yogācārins also stress. After resolving the problem of essence, I formulate Buddhist phenomenology as follows: on the epistemological level, it describes intentional acts of consciousness; on the meta-epistemological level, it entails transcendental idealism. Keywords: essence, emptiness, later Yogācāra, transcendental idealism, Buddhist phenomenology 1. INTRODUCTION In Ideas1, Husserl defines phenomenology as the science of essence, not the science of matters of facts (Hua 3/5). This demarcation marks his turn from descriptive phenomenology (the study that factually analyzes real psychological phenomena) to transcendental phenomenology (the theory that explains essential ideal conditions that make real psychological phenomena possible). Regardless of this turn, Husserl uses phenomenology as the approach to consciousness. He describes human consciousness to be the intentional awareness constituted by subjects in their interaction with objects that appear as mental phenomena.