Emerald Necklacenecklace by Cynthia Levinson
AnAn EmeraldEmerald NecklaceNecklace by Cynthia Levinson hen Bostonians saw New try. As the most comprehensive system York’s glorious Central Park, in the country, these parks would allow Wmany knew they needed to city dwellers to “rest the mind” while improve their own city’s parks. Three strolling, riding carriages, playing lawn downtown areas provided greenery. But tennis, and enjoying a “little folks’ fair” Boston, founded as a historic “city on (a playground). a hill,” could be even more beautiful. However, before Boston could Leaders of the Boston Park Movement develop new parks, Olmsted realized, asked Frederick Law Olmsted for ideas. the city needed better sanitation. A In 1878, Olmsted surveyed existing lovely tree-lined walkway ended at This map of the Emerald parks and western suburbs. He sup- “the foulest marsh and muddy flats to Necklace captures how ported the city’s idea for a series of be found anywhere in Massachusetts.” the parks and parkways connected green spaces flowing from This mixture of salt and fresh water, link together to create a continuous “green” the city center, along creeks and marsh- the Back Bay Fens, flooded at high tide. experience within the land, around a pond, and through At low tide, raw sewage baked into city limits. woods to a sheep meadow in the coun- the mud and smelled horrible. Even 28 28_emerald necklace.indd 28 5/2/12 12:26 PM LEFT: Olmsted began work in the Back Bay Fens by dredging, or by Cynthia Levinson deepening, the waterway. BELOW: Today, it’s an attractive park. animal life was dying.
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