INDEX INDEX. Abington, town of, Petition (II.) of George A. Beal and another for legis- lation providing for the more equitable apportionment of the expenses of the maintenance and running of the joint water works of, and Rockland, 38; Bill relative to the charges and expenses of the maintenance and running of the joint water works of, and Rockland, 72, 84 ; title changed, 93 ; enacted, etc., 175. Absent persons, estates of. See " Estates " Accidents to employees, insurance against. See " Insurance." Actions, Bill (H.) relative to filing, in the registry of deeds, notice of the pendency of certain, 729, 793, 804, 812 ; enacted, etc., 834. Acushnet River. See " New Bedford, City of " Adams, John, Communication from a committee in charge of the celebra- tion in the Old South Meeting-house in observance of the fourth day of March as the centennial of the inauguration of the first Massachusetts president, inviting members of the Legislature to be present, 305 ; committee appointed, 305. Adams Express Company, Petition of John M. Berry for legislation to regulate the charges of, 167 ; report leave to withdraw, 387 ; ac- cepted, 402. Petition (H.) of John M. Berry for legislation for the regulation of local rates charged by, 171; report (II.) leave to withdraw, 406; accepted, 422. Adjutant-General, Annual report of, 40 (see " Artillery " and " War Rec- ords") ; report no further legislation necessary, 624; accepted, 638. Administrators. See " (iurial Lots," " Probate Bonds" and "Taxes." Petition (II.) of John Lowell and another for legislation authorizing special, by leave of the probate court, to pay the debts of the de- ceased, 173 ; Bill (II.) authorizing special, by leave of the probate court to pay debts of the deceased, 379, 391, 402 ; enacted, etc., 437.
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