INDEX INDEX. Abington, town of, Petition (II.) of George A. Beal and another for legis- lation providing for the more equitable apportionment of the expenses of the maintenance and running of the joint water works of, and Rockland, 38; Bill relative to the charges and expenses of the maintenance and running of the joint water works of, and Rockland, 72, 84 ; title changed, 93 ; enacted, etc., 175. Absent persons, estates of. See " Estates " Accidents to employees, insurance against. See " Insurance." Actions, Bill (H.) relative to filing, in the registry of deeds, notice of the pendency of certain, 729, 793, 804, 812 ; enacted, etc., 834. Acushnet River. See " New Bedford, City of " Adams, John, Communication from a committee in charge of the celebra- tion in the Old South Meeting-house in observance of the fourth day of March as the centennial of the inauguration of the first Massachusetts president, inviting members of the Legislature to be present, 305 ; committee appointed, 305. Adams Express Company, Petition of John M. Berry for legislation to regulate the charges of, 167 ; report leave to withdraw, 387 ; ac- cepted, 402. Petition (H.) of John M. Berry for legislation for the regulation of local rates charged by, 171; report (II.) leave to withdraw, 406; accepted, 422. Adjutant-General, Annual report of, 40 (see " Artillery " and " War Rec- ords") ; report no further legislation necessary, 624; accepted, 638. Administrators. See " (iurial Lots," " Probate Bonds" and "Taxes." Petition (II.) of John Lowell and another for legislation authorizing special, by leave of the probate court, to pay the debts of the de- ceased, 173 ; Bill (II.) authorizing special, by leave of the probate court to pay debts of the deceased, 379, 391, 402 ; enacted, etc., 437. Bill (II. on leave) relative to the sale and distribution of real estate by, 268; notice of rejection by House, 381. Adulterated liquors. See " Intoxicating Liquors." Agawam, town of, Petition (II.) of the selectmen of, for legislation to pro- tect said town against the further encroachments of the Connecticut River, 138; Resolve (H.) to provide for the protection of the west- ern bank of the Connecticut River in, from the further encroach- ments of said stream, 535, 565, 575, 583 ; passed, etc., 620. Agriculture, committee on, Order authorizing, to travel, 56. Agriculture, State Board of. See " Brown-tail Moth," " Dairy Bureau," " Gypsy Moth," " Hatch Experiment Station" and " Massachusetts Agricultural College." Petition (II.) of the first clerk of the secretary of, that his salary may be increased, 139 ; report (H.) leave to withdraw, 407; accepted, 423. Forty-fourth annual report of the secretary of, 593; report no legis- lation necessary, 704; accepted, 721. Alcohol, Petitions of George L. Gould and others for an amendment of section 2 of chapter 100 of the Public Statutes so that dealers in paints and oils and dealers in chemicals may sell pure, 166; Bill relative to the sale of pure, by dealers in paints and chemicals, 350, 364, 383 ; enacted, etc., 523 ; message from Governor returning bill with his objections thereto in writing, 555, 591, 627; failed to pass (yeas and nays), 628. Bill (on leave) to authorize the granting of licenses to dealers in paints and dealers in chemicals for the sale of pure, for mechanical, manufacturing or chemical purposes, 608; reported (S.), 631, 642, 654, 691; enacted, 715 ; laid before Governor, 725. Alden, Marcus M., Petition (H.) of, and Jesse H. Briggs that they may be allowed a bounty from the treasury of the Commonwealth, 116; report (II.) leave to withdraw, 407 ; accepted, 422. Amesbury, town of, Petition (II.) of D. W. Davis that, may be relieved from all charges on account of Rocks bridge, 76 ; Bill (H.) to re- lieve, from all charges on account of Rocks bridge, 258, 270, 279; enacted, etc., 320. Petition (II.) of a committee of, for legislation authorizing said town to refund its outstanding note indebtedness, 513* Bill to authorize, to refund a portion of its indebtedness, 578, 587, 596 ; enacted, etc., 659. Anatomical science, Bill (II. on leave) relative to the promotion of, 160; new draft (II.), 335, 347 ; rejected, 356 ; motion to reconsider neg- atived, 362. Anderson, George W., Resolve (II.) to confirm the acts of, as a justice of the peace, 235, 251, 262, 270 ; passed, etc., 311. Andover, town of, Petition (II.) of the inhabitants of, for the repeal of sec- tion 15 of chapter 386 of the Acts of 1895 authorizing said town to establish a system of sewerage, 83; Bill relative to a system of sewerage for, 241, 254, 262; enacted, etc., 329. Appropriations, Bill (II.) making, for the compensation and travel of the members of the Legislature, for the compensation of officers thereof, and for expenses in connection therewith, 45; enacted, etc., 60. Bill (11.) making, for salaries and expenses in the executive depart- ment of the Commonwealth, 52, 66, 76, 84; enacted, etc., 117. Bill (H.) making, for salaries and expenses of the State Board of Ar- bitration and Conciliation, 52, 66, 76, 84; enacted, etc., 118. Bill (H.) making, for salaries and expenses of the Bureau of Statistics of Labor, 52, 78, 92, 100; enacted, etc., 118. Bill (II.) making, for salaries and expenses of the Civil Service Com- mission, 52, 87, 100, 109, (yeas and nays) 119 ; enacted, etc., 175. Bill (II.) making, for salaries and expenses in the department of the Secretary of the Commonwealth, 52, 78, 92,101; enacted, etc., 118. Bill (H.) making, for salaries and expenses in the department of the Treasurer and Receiver-General, 52, 66, 76, 85; enacted, etc., 118. Bill (H.) making, for salaries and expenses in the department of the Auditor of Accounts of the Commonwealth, 52, 78, 92; title changed, 100 ; enacted, etc., 117. Bill (II.) making, for salaries and expenses of the Commissioners of Savings Banks, 52, 67, 76, 85 ; enacted, etc., 118. Bill (II.) making an appropriation for the Massachusetts State Fire- men's Association, 52, 67, 76, 85 ; enacted, etc., 118. Bill (H.) making, for salaries and expenses of the Railroad Commis- sioners, 52, 79, 92, 101; enacted, etc., 118. Bill (II.) making, for expenses of the Free Public Library Commission, 52, 78, 92 ; title changed, 101; enacted, etc , 117. Bill (H.) making, for salaries and expenses of the Controller of County Accounts, 52, 66, 76, 84; enacted, etc., 118. Bill (H.) making, for salaries and expenses of the Gas and Electric Light Commissioners, 53, 66, 76, 85 ; enacted, etc., 117. Bill (II.) making, for salaries and expenses of the Commissioner of Public Records, 53, 66, 76, 85 ; enacted, etc., 118. Bill (H.) making, for salaries and expenses in the department of the Tax Commissioner, 53, 67, 77, 85; enacted, etc., 119. Bill (II.) making, for salaries and expenses in the State Library, 53, 67, 77, 85 ; enacted, etc., 119. Bill (II.) making an appropriation for the Massachusetts School Fund, 53, 66, 77, 84; enacted, etc., 117. Bill (II.) making, for salaries and expenses in the department of the Adjutant-General, and for sundry other military expenses, 53, 132, 153, 165 ; enacted, etc., 213. Bill (II.) making an appropriation for the payment of premiums on securities purchased for the Massachusetts School Fund, 53, 66, 77, 85; enacted, etc., 117. Appropriations, Bill (II.) making an appropriation for the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 53, 78, 92, 100; enacted, etc., 117. Bill (H.) making, for salaries and expenses of the judicial department of the Commonwealth, 53, 66, 77, 85 ; enacted, etc., 118. Bill (H.) making, for deficiencies in, for certain expenses authorized in the year 1896, 57 ; enacted, etc., 71. Bill (H.) making an appropriation for the Prison and Hospital Loan Sinking Fund, 57, 67, 77, 85 ; enacted, etc , 118. Bill (II.) making, for the payment of annuities to soldiers and others, 57, 78, 92, 102 ; enacted, etc., 117. Bill (II.) making, for the payment of State and military aid, and ex- penses in connection therewith, 57, 79, 92, 101; enacted, etc., 117. Bill (H.) making, for the salaries and expenses of the General Super- intendent of Prisons, 57, 79, 92, 102 ; enacted, etc., 117. Bill (H.) making, for salaries and expenses in the office of the Insur- ance Commissioner, 57, 79,92, 100; enacted, etc., 117. Bill (II.) making, for printing and binding public documents, the pur- chase of paper and publishing laws, 57, 79, 92 ; title changed, 107, 120; enacted, etc., 183. Bill (H.) making an appropriation for the Abolition of Grade Cross- ings Loan Sinking Fund, 57, 67, 77 ; title changed, 85; enacted, etc., 117. Bill (H ) making an appropriation for operating the North- Metropol- itan system of sewerage, 58, 87, 100, 109 ; enacted, etc., 152. Bill (II.) making an appropriation for the Metropolitan Parks Loan Sinking Fund, 58, 66, 77, 85 ; enacted, etc., 117. Bill (II.) making, for the salaries and expenses of the State Pension Agent, 58, 79, 92, 102 ; enacted, etc., 118. Bill (II.) making, for salaries and expenses of the district police, 58, 79, 92, 100 ; enacted, etc., 118. Bill (II.) making, for the salaries of employees, and other necessary expenses in the department of the Sergeant-at-Arms, 58, 87, 100, 109 ; enacted, etc , 152. Bill (II.) making an appropriation for compensation and expenses of the Ballot Law Commission, 58, 79, 92, 101; enacted, etc., 117. Bill (II.) making an appropriation for the Perkins institution and Massachusetts School for the Blind, 58, 78, 92, 102; enacted, etc., 117. Bill (II.) making an appropriation for the salary of the Assayer and Inspector of Liquors, 58, 78, 92, 101; enacted, etc., 118. Bill (II.) making an appropriation for operating the Charles River valley system of sewerage, 58, 78, 93, 102; enacted, etc., 118.
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