794 ' Lothian Corps of Fencible . To be Cornettt George Cranstoun, Gent, to be Cornet* Bernard Dewes, Gent. William Harding, Gent. Durham Corps of Fencible Cavalry. Pembroke Troops of Gentlemen and Ttmanry, John Wright, Gent, to be Captain-, vice To be Captain/, Milbanke, who resigns. Richard Lord Milford. Surrey Regiment of Fencible Cavalry. John Campbell, Esq; Cornet John Winstoe to be Lieutenant, vice Fairsield, York, North Riding Troops of Gentlemen and Ttmanry * who resigns. To be Captains* Haddington Corps of Fencible Cavalry. Lord Morpeth. Robert Tennant, Gent, to be Cornet. Charles Duncombe, Esq; Thomas Core, Esq; Oxfordshire Corps of Fencible Cavalry. John Wharton, Esq; James Kennett Stockford, Gent, to be Coanet. To he , Cornelius Cayley, Gent. Surrey Regiment of Gentlemen and Teomanry. Clotworthoy Gowan, Gent. To be Captains* ^ Matthew Dodsworth, Gent. Thomas Turton, Esiji George Payne, Esq; Winchelsea Company of Volunteers* John Collett, Esq; Richard Denne, Esq; to be Captain. To be Lieutenants* George Davies, Gent, to be First Lieutenant. Charles Bunell, Gent. Richard Cropper, Gent, to be * William Elliott, Gent. Loyal Independent Sheffield Volunteers. William Strode, Gento James Bulcock, Gent. p To be Captains* Henry Ridout, Gent. Lieutenant James Shemeld. •, Jacob Roberts, Esq; To be Cornets9 Christopher Dunkin, Gent, To be Lieut enants» ;^. :•; Arthur Onflow, Gent* John Wells. Arthur Jones, Gent. Ensign John Stanley. Pellat Pope, Gent. Francis Walker, Gent. John Wreaks, Gent. "'•*/£ Captain Holwell's Troop of Gentlemen and Teomanry ofVincen t Eyre, Gent. the Connty of Kent. John Anthony Whitaker, Gent, to be Cornet. [ To he Ensigns, Robert Lowther, Gent. Leicester/hire Regiment of Gentlemen and Teomanry. William Morris, Gent. • Hulse, Gent, to be Cornet. Hull Volunteer- Company of Artillery* Captain Hole's Troop of the Hertfordjbire Gentlemen Captain Benjamin Metcalfe, from the Kingston Vo« and Yeomanry. lunteers, to be Captain. Thomas Hope Byde, Gent, to be Lieutenant. To be Lieutenants, Adolphus Mutkirke, Gent, to be Cornet. Lieutenant John Wolf, from che Kingston Volunteers,, Lieutenant William Horncastle, from Ditto. Iste of Tbanet Troop of Gentlemen and Teomanry. Lieutenant John Burstall, jun. from Ditto. John Garrett, Gent, to be Lieutenant. John Cowell, Gent, to be Cornet. Dock Company of Hull Volunteers* Joseph Outram, Esq; to be Captain. A Troop ofthe Somersetshire Gentlemen and Teomanry.Joh n Booth, Gent, to be First Lieutenant. Sir Philip Hales, Bart, to be Captain. Richard Howard, Gent, to be Second Lieutenant. Hon. Hug'.i Somerville to be Lieutenant. Bermondsey Company of Volunteers, „ ^ Captain Stevens's Troop ofi tbe Somersetshire Gentlemen v and Teomanry. Thomas Gaitfkill, Esq; to be Captain. Simon Field, Gent, to be First Lieutenant. J Samuel Surge, Gent, to be Lieutenant. Hayter Reed, Gent, to be Second Lieutenant. James Leach, Gent, to be Cornet. Lincolnshire Troop of Gentlemen and Teomanry* Commiffions signed by His Majesty for tbe Army in Ire* Sir John Trollope, Bart, to be Captain. land; dated July St 1794* except otherwise men* Sir Thomas Whichcote, Bart, to be Lieutenant. tioned. Thomas Deans Hogard, Gent, to be Comet. $tb Regiment of Dragoons, Mr. Samuel Onge to ba Cornet, vice Bagwell, promoted. Dated April • Warwickshire Troops of Gentlemen and Teomanry. 30, 1794. To be Captains, jtb Regiment of Dragoon Guards, Mr. Robert Miller Heneage Earl of Aylesford. to be Cornet, vice Corr, promoted in the 83d Heneage Legge, Esq; Foot. Simon Adams, Esq; Ditto, Mr. Thomas Coates to be Cornet, vice Con<= Evelyn Shirley, Esq, fidine, promoted. To be Lieutenantsa 1 yh Regiment of Dragoons, Cornet Benjamin Scott Kenelm Digby, Gent. Bradfhaw to be Lieutenant in the Additional Richard Moland, Gent. Troops. Abraham Bracebridge,. Gent* iqth Regiment of Dragoons, Cornet James Tyrrell Humphrey Arden, Gent. to be Lieutenant in the Additional Troops, Ditto,