Proceedings of the Iowa Academy of Science

Volume 84 Number Article 3


A Checklist of the Aquatic and Wetland Vascular of Iowa: I. Ferns, Fern Allies, and Dicotyledons

Thomas G. Lammers Iowa State University

A. G. Van Der Valk Iowa State University

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Recommended Citation Lammers, Thomas G. and Van Der Valk, A. G. (1977) "A Checklist of the Aquatic and Wetland Vascular Plants of Iowa: I. Ferns, Fern Allies, and Dicotyledons," Proceedings of the Iowa Academy of Science, 84(2), 41-88. Available at:

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LAMMERS , THOMAS G. and A . G. VAN DER VALK (Department surveys. For each species, info rmation about its habitat , dis tributio n, of Botany and Pathology , Iowa State University, Ames , Iowa 50011 ). A synonomy , and frequency of occ urrence is provided, plus a distribution map . checklist of the aquatic and wetland vascular plants of Iowa: I. Fems , fem allies, A total of 9 fems , 6 fem allies, and 262 dicotyledons are considered aquatic or and dicotyledons. Proc. Iowa Acad . Sci . 84(2): 41 -88 , 1977. wetland species in Iowa. This paper is an annotated checklist of the aquatic and wetland fems, fem INDEX DESCRIPTORS: Aquatic plants, Iowa flora , wetland plants, fems and allies , and dicotyledons of Iowa and is based primarily on published flori stic fem allies, dicotyledons .

This series of papers is intended , by means of an annotated under water. Beal and Monson ( 1954), usin g these criteri a , recog­ checklist, to provide up-to-date in fo rmation on the kno wn distribu­ ni zed onl y 224 species of vascul ar aquatic plants in Io wa. tion of wetl and pl ants in Iowa. It is based almost entirely on recent In this seri es of papers, we wish to update and ex pand the Beal floristic surveys conducted by various Io wa authors (see BIBLIOG­ and Monson ( 1954) checklist. It is our intention in compiling the RAPHY). Specimens in the Herbarium of Io wa State Uni versity also present list to include all species that a worker in wetland ecology were examined in the preparation of this paper. Part I contain s an might encounter in Iowa wetl ands. As a result, some pl ants have annotated checklist and distribution maps of Iowa' s aquatic fem s, been incl uded that are not restricted to wetl and habitats, but that also fern allies, and dicotyledons. Part II will contain an annotated may grow in drier habitats. We define a wetl and plant as any pl ant checklist of the aquati c monocotyledons and a di scussion of species reported in the literature as growing in one or more of the fo ll owin g di stributional patterns in Io wa. Because these pape rs are based Iowa wetland types: primarily on literature reports, we cann ot vouch fo r the identifica­ tions of specimens other than our own . However, we belie ve th at I) seasonally fl ooded lowlands, most of the determinations included here are accurate . In compiling 2) wet meadows, the checkli st, older literature reports (i.e., pre- 1950) have not been 3) shallo w and deep freshwater marshes, consulted since this literature has already been revie wed in the re­ 4) open water of vari ous depths, gional fl ori stic surveys done under the directi on of Dr. Robert F. 5) bogs and fens. Thome at the Uni versity of Iowa in the fifties and early sixties. A bibliography of thi s older literature is given in Eil ers ( 1975) who The definition of these wetl and types foll ows th at of Martin et al. also gives a map showing the coverage of the various fl oristic sur­ ( 1953). As a result of this broader definition, we recogni ze more veys done in the fi fties and sixties. In the checklist , the exact loca­ th an 470 aquatic and wetland species in Io wa. This is more th an tion as it appeared in the ori ginal literature is provided fo r very rare double the number of species in Beal and Monson ( 1954). species. The herberia where these rare specime ns are housed are The distribution maps given for each species were compiled fro m abbreviated as: published information except for a few species onl y recentl y fo und IA University of Iowa, Iowa City; in Iowa (e.g. , Peltandra virginica) where the voucher specimens !SC Iowa State Uni versit y, Ames; were examined . A species is indicated as present in a county if a ISTC Uni versity of Northern Io wa, Cedar Falls; voucher specimen is known to exist from that county or if, in one of DPM Putnam Museum , Davenport; the regional surveys, it was observed in that county even if no vo u­ PC Parson' s College, Fairfield. cher specimen was collected . The distribution of most aquati c and Beal and Monson' s ( 1954) The Marsh and Aquatic Angiosperms marsh plants undoubtedly is wider th an is indicated in the maps in as of Io wa was the fi rst comprehensive checklist of Io wa aquati c pl ants. It also contained keys fo r identi fy ing the plants, brief habitat and much as they seem to have been inadequately collected in the re­ range info rmation, and distribution maps based on herbarium speci­ gional surveys. This is especiall y true of submerged species. A map mens examined by the authors. However, this work has two major of Io wa identifying the counties is given in Fig. I to help in inter­ deficiencies. First, it is more than 25 years o ld and predates the preting the distribution maps. regional Iowa fl ori sti c surveys mentioned previously . Second, Beal The nomenclature in these checklists is based on Cronquist ( 1963) and Monson ( 1954) use a narrow definition of an aquatic plant. It is except for grasses, when Pohl ( 1966) is fo ll owed. In compiling this much the same as th at of Dr. N. C. Fassett ( 1940) who defined an checJdist , numerous nomenclatural problems were encountered: di f­ aquatic pl ant as any plant visible to the naked eye, which, under ferent authors have treated certain taxa at different levels (species, norm al conditions, may germinate and grow with at least its base subspecies, variety, or form) because they have fo ll owed different authorities. Because of these inconsistencies in th e literature , we have not included any taxonomi c categori es below the species, ex ­ 'Journal Paper No. J-8719 of the Iowa Agriculture and Home Economics cept in a few cases where statewide information is available for a Experiment Station, Ames, Iowa. Project 2071. 'Department of Botany and Plant Pathology, Iowa State University, Ames, subspecies. In the checklist , families are arranged according to Iowa, 50011 . Cronquist ( 1968), but genera and species are arranged alphabeti -

Published by UNI ScholarWorks, 1977 1 Proceedings of the Iowa Academy of Science, Vol. 84 [1977], No. 2, Art. 3 42 PROC. IOWA ACAD. SCI. 84 (1977)

call y. An index to genera is provided at the ends of Part I and II. II. EQUISETOPHYT A Introduced species are indicated by an asterisk. We hope that these papers will be immediately useful to those EQUISETACEAE worki ng in many areas of wetland ecology and management . We Equisetum arvense L. Map 1-C also hope that the compilation of thi s materi al will aid in the even­ Common Statewide; wet ditches, roadsides, rail ways , stream­ tual preparation of a mu ch needed state fl ora . This has been the goal bank s, alluvial open woods, prairie swales. of Iowa botani sts sin ce C. E. Bessey's first Contributions to th e E. flu viatile L . Map 1-D Flora of Iowa in 1871 , and it is a tragedy that, despite repeated Infrequent in the northeastern third of Iowa; marshes , bogs, and starts, no fl ora has ever been completed. streambank s. £. hyemale L. (£. prealtum Raf.;£. robustum A. Br. ) Map 1-E I. LYCOPODIOPHYT A Common throughout ; wet ditches, alluvial woods, streambank s, roadsides. SELAGINELLACEAE E. sylvaticum L. Map 1-F Selaginella apoda (L.) Spring. Map I-A Rare, scattered locall y in the eastern half of Iowa; wooded MUSCATIN E: abundant in a seepage bog at the foot of a sandy streambank s, bogs, fe ns, and low prairie. bluff along Cedar Ri ver (sec. 15 Lake twp.), Thome 20 178, 1958 (IA). This population is still in existence according to J. H. Peck ( 1976). III. POL YPODIOPHYT A

ISOETACEAE OPHIOGLOSSACEAE /soetes melan opoda Gay & Durieu Map 1-B Botrychium simplex E. Hitchc. Map 1-G CLINTON: Clinton, Vasey, 1863 (Mi ssouri Botanical Gard en LINN: sandy pasture near pond (sec. 27, Jackson twp.), Thome and Gray Herbari a). 1411 2, 1954 (IA).






l'REMONT PAGE TAYLOR RINGGOLD DECATUR WAYNE APPIINOOSE DAV IS VANBUREN j LE E ... 9 g 2 Lammers and Van Der Valk: A Checklist of the Aquatic and Wetland Vascular Plants of Iowa: I low A WETLAND VASCULAR PLANTS 43

Ophioglossum vulgatum L. Map 2-A IV. MAGNOLIOPHYT A LINN: sand y pasture near pond (sec. 27 , Jackson twp.,), Thorn e 1411 3, 1954 (I A); same stati on Ni emann IOOO, 1974 (!SC). A . MAGNOLIATAE CHI CASAW: Ni eman; Peck ( 1976). BREMER: Peck ( 1976). NYMPHAEACEAE OSMUNDACEAE Brasenia schreberi Gmel. Map 3-C Osmunda cinamomea L. Map 2- B Rare, scattered locally across Iowa; shall ow ponds and lakes . Rare on moist seepage slopes in eastern Iowa, scattered locall y. ONuphar luteum (L.) Sibth. & Sm. subsp. variegatum (Englm .) Beal JACKS ON: Green Island , Pammel, 1905 (!SC) . JASPER: west (N. advena (Ait. ) Ait . F.) Map 3-D side of road between Colfax and Prairie City, Graves, 1933 (IA). MUSCATINE: along the Cedar River, Lake twp., Reppert , 1891 Frequent in the northeastern half of Iowa; ponds, lakes, oxbows, (IA ); same station, Thorne 10524 , 1952 (IA). DELA WARE: sloughs, and quiet waters of major streams. sandy meadow in Oneeda twp. , Ri ckey 1595, 1963 (IA). Nymphaea tuberosa Paine Map 3-E 0. regalis L. var. spec/abilis (Willd.) Gray Map 2-C Habitat and di stribution similar to th at of Nuphar luteum var­ Rare in bogs and marshes of east-central Iowa. CEDAR: along iegmum, and oft en occurring togeth er. road I mile east of Cedar Ri ver, 4 miles south of Rochester, Fay & Thome 11 85, 1950 (IA); same stati on, Lammers 648, 1976 NELUMBONACEAE (!SC and ISTC) . CLINTON: NEV.. sec. 36, Spring Rock twp., Nelumbo lutea (Willd.) Pers. (N. pentapetala Walt. ) Map 3-F Cooperrider 3993p. (IA). DELA WARE: sand y meadow along Lakes, ponds, sloughs, oxbows, quiet waters of major streams; Rt. 38 near Hopkin gton, Ric key 452, 1963 (IA). MUSCATINE: predominantl y along Mississ ippi and Missouri rivers and also in ­ Lake tw p., Reppert , 189 1 (IA); Wildcat Den, Melhus, 193 1 troduced to several interi or stations. (!SC). CERATOPHYLLACEAE ASPIDIACEAE Ceratophyllum demersum L. Map 3-G Dryopteris cristala (L.) Gray (Aspidium cristatum (L.) Sw.)Map 2-D Very common in ponds, lakes, sloughs, and oxbows throughout Infrequent in the northeastern third of Iowa; bogs, streambank s, alluvial woods. Iowa. Onoclea sensibilis L. Map 2-E RA NU NCULACEAE Common in the eastern two-thirds of the state; bogs, marshes, Anemone canadensis L. Map 3- H streambank s, and wet woods. Frequent statewide; wet roadside ditches, marshes, streambank s, Thelypleris paluslris Schott var. pubescens (Lawson) Fem . (Dryop­ and open alluvial woods. /eris 1helyp1eris (L.) Gray) Map 2-F A . caroliniana Walt. Map 4-A Infreq uent in the northeastern th ird of Iowa; bogs, marshes, low Rare, locall y in extreme northern and east-central Iowa; wet pram e. sandy prairie swales . MARSILEACEAE Caltha palustris L. Map 4-B Marsilea mucrona/a A. Br. (M. vest if a of auth. , not Hook. & Frequent in the northeastern half; bogs, marshes, pond and lake Grev.) Map 2-G margin s, streambank s . LYON: north west corn er of the county, in a pool on Sioux Myosurus minimus L. Map 4-C quart zit e , Shi mek, 1889 (IA); red iscovered in 1963 in same area Infrequent in eastern Iowa; sandy alluvial fl ats and marshes. by Grant (ISTC). Ranunculus abortivus L. Map 4- D J.C. Arthur ( 1882) states that this species is reported from Common; alluvial woods, moist slopes and ravines, wet ditches. Iowa (as M. ves1i1a) in the 1860 and 1869 editions of Alphonso R. aqua1ilis L. (R. trichophyllus Chaix) Map 4-E Woods' Classbook of Bo/any. Thi s report is based on specimens coll ected by Dr. Cousens " in Iowa, along the Mississippi Infrequent in eastern Iowa and the Lakes Region; cold ru nn ing Ri ver. " The specimens were deposited in the Herbarium of the water. Coll ege of Pharmacy, New York City, and were inadvertantly R . cymbalaria Pursh Map 4-F destroyed before Arthur's ti me. Numerous attempts to relocate In frequent in western Iowa; bogs, swamps, wet margin s, st ream­ th e station in Lyon county have fa il ed, and the species was bank s. thought to be no longer extant in Iowa until its rediscovery in R. flabellaris Raf. (R . delphinifolius Torr. ) Map 4-G 1963 . Frequent in the Lakes Region and in the drain age of the Des *M. quadrifolia L. Map 3-A Moines, Skunk , and Cedar-Iowa river systems; marshes, mar­ Introd uced from Europe and sparingly natura li zed in southern gins, bogs, swamps. Iowa. VAN BU REN: escaped from culti vati on on the Charl es Campbell fa rm , Mt. Zion (sec. 8, Van Buren twp.), becomin g a R. gmelini DC var. hookeri (D. Don) Benson (R. purshii Ri chards) weed, Hayden 8646, 1940 (ISC); on west shore of lake and into Map 4-H two fee t of water, Lacey Keosaucqua State Park , Monson 428, DI C KI NSON: southeast shore of Spirit Lake, Cratty, 1920 ([S C); 195 1 (IA & !SC); same stati on, ex tremely abundant , Lammers sandy shore of Center Lake (sec. 5, T99N R36W), Thorn e 504, 1975 (IST"c). DECATUR: in shall ow water in Nine Eagles 11 0 13, 1952 (IA). State Park , Farrar. I 166, 1974 (ISC) . R . longiroslris Godr. (R . circina1us Sibth .) Map 5- A Rare, scatt ered locall y; sloughs, slu ggish streams, lakes, and SAL VINIACEAE ponds. Azolla mexicana Pres I. (A. caroliniana of auth ., not Willd.) Map 3-B R. pennsylvanicus L. f. Map 5-B Infrequent in eastern and southern Iowa; still water of ponds and Most frequent in the northeastern half of Iowa; marshes, bogs, sloughs. ponds, swamps.

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R. rl'ctl/Tt//11s Poir. Map 5-C *C. v11 /xu111111 L. Map 7-D lnfrc4uent in the eastern third: wet ravines. alluvial woods. Fre4uent in eastern Iowa; wet prairie. low pastures, wet disturbed strcambanks. ground . *R. rl'prns L. var.,·il/osus LaMotte Map 5-D *Sile11e cserei Baumg. Map 7-E SCOTI: wet ditch north of Long Grove. Guldner (DPM): road­ Rare, scattered locally in nothern and eastern Iowa; low wet dis­ side north of Donahue. Guldner (DPM). JOHNSON: Somes. turbed ground . 1907 (ISC): along a railroad east of Iowa City , low ground. *S. cucubalus Wibel Map 7-F Shimek 1909 (ISC). R. sclt'ra/11s L. Map 5- E Rare, scattered locally in central and eastern Iowa; wet margins, lnfre4uent. predominantly in the Lakes Region and along the Des ditches, alluvial woods. cropland . Moines. Mississippi. and Missouri river systems: wet margins . S. nivea (Nutt.) Otth. Map 7-G bogs. swamps. and lakes. Rare; low wet disturbed ground . R ..1 ·1'pl1'1lfrio11alis Poir. (R. cariffforum Greene) Map 5-F S. s1ellalll (L.) Ait. f. Map 7-H Common throughout: wet swales. alluvial woods, streambanks. Common; prairie swales, alluvial woods, wet margins. *S rellaria aquatica (L.) Scop. (Myosoton aqualicum (L.) URTICACEAE Moench.) Map 8-A 8ot'h1111'/"ia cy/imlrica (L.) Sw. Map 5-G Rare, eastern Iowa; wet ditches, streambanks, and alluvial Infre4uent in eastern and central Iowa: wet margins. alluvial woods. woods. marshes, swamps. streambanks. S. lonxifo/ia Muhl. Map 8-B 8. dr1111111101uliww Wedd. Map 5-H Infrequent in eastern Iowa; wet margins and alluvial woods. MUSCATIN E: boggy margin of "Nelumbo pond" (sec. 15. •s. media (L.) Cyrillo Map 8-C Lake twp .). Guldner (DPM). Gleason and Cron4uist ( 1963) con­ Common throughout ; disturbed alluvial woods, streambanks, sider this to be a sun forn1 of 8 . cylindrirn. Laporlea ca11ade11sis (L.) Wedd. Map 6-A waste ground , shaded lawns and gardens. Common throughout: alluvial woods and streambanks. CHENOPODIACEAE Pi/ea .fimrana (Lunnell) Rydb. Map 6-B Atriplex pa!Ula L. Map 8-D BREM ER: moist lowland prairie (sec. I. T92N Rl2W), Fay, Scattered locally in southern Iowa, infrequent; wet roadsides, 1950 (IA). DICKINSON: wet springy marl of Silver Lake Fen. pastures, meadows. swales. Thorne 16209. 1955 (IA). JONES: sandy marsh (NEV., sec. 17 , T85N RI W). Cooperrider 3139 (IA). LOUISA: very moist Chenopodium rubrum L. Map 8-E ground near margin of spring fed pond (NW'h . sec. 7. T75N CLAY: muddy shore of Mud Lake, Hayden 4015 (ISC); sandy R4W). Davidson 4047 (IA). southwest shore of Lost Island Lake, Hayden 4013 (ISC). P. p11111i/a (L.) Gray Map 6-C C. standle_vanum Aellen (C. boschianum of auth., not Moq.) Common statewide: marshes. streambanks. alluvial woods. Map 8-F Urrirn dioica L. (U. procera Muhl. ; U. viridis Rydb.; U. gracilis Frequent, predominantly in the southern half; marshes, alluvial Ait : U. Im/Iii of auth .. not S. Wats. ) Map 6-D woods, streambanks. Very common throughout ; alluvial ground, wet waste places, roadsides. alluvial woods. AMARANTHACEAE Amaranthus 1a111ariscinus Nutt. Map 8-G Frequent throughout; marshes, alluvial woods, streambanks. BETULACEAE A. tuberculatus (Moq.) Sauer. Map 8-H Al11u.1· ru gosa (DuRoi) Spreng. Map 6-E Restricted to extreme northeastern Iowa; infrequent on stream­ Frequent in southeastern Iowa and the Lakes Region; marshes. bank s. A. tubercularus (Moq.) Sauer. x tamariscinus Nutt. Map 9-A 8l'lliia g/a11d11/osa Michx. var. gland11/ifera (Regel) GI. Map 6-F LOUISA: alluvial woods (sec. 16 , T75N R2W) , Davidson 3835, ALLAMAKEE: Postvi lle. Schultz. 191 3 (ISC); marsh in sand­ 1954 (IA) . hills along the Upper Iowa River. 7 miles south of New Albin, MAHASKA: alluvial prairie (sec. I, T74N Rl7W), Davidson Hayden 10308, 1937 (ISC). C HICKASAW: New Hampton , 3998, 1954 (IA). Spiker. 1923 (ISC); bog near New Hampto n, Murley 1549, 1940 (IS C). POLYGONACEAE 8 . /ur ea Michx. f. (8 al/eghe11ie11 sis Britt.) Map 6-G Infrequent; wet woods of northeastern Iowa. *Polvgonum caespilosum Blume var. longise1u111 (De Bruy n) 8 . nigra L. Map 6-H Stewart Map 9-B Frequent in th e southeastern quarter; allu vial woods and stream SCOTT: a native of tropical east Asia , abundant in low wet banks. places on Credit Island , Guldner (DPM). P. coccineum Muhl. (P. muhlenbergii (Meisn.) S. Wats. ; P. iowense CARYOPHYLLACEAE Rydb.; P. pratinco/a Greene; P. rigidula Sheld.) Map 9-C Cerasri11111 an·e11se L. (C. ,·elutinu111 Raf.) Map 7-A Very common statewide; marshes , swamps, ponds , lakes, often a Rare: wooded streambanks of northeastern Iowa. crop weed in low fields. This species ex hibits gre at morphologi- C. 11ww1s Raf. Map 7- B cal diversity , due almost entirely to envi ronment al factors. Infrequent in southeastern Iowa; wet ditches. alluvial woods. *P. h_vdropiper L. Map 9-D *C. viscosum L. Map 7-C Frequent statewide; marshes, prairie swales, swamps, wet mar­ Infreq uent in eastern Iowa; wet sandy al lu vial flats. gin s. 4 Lammers and Van Der Valk: A Checklist of the Aquatic and Wetland Vascular Plants of Iowa: I IOWA WETLAND VASCULAR PLANTS 45

P. hydropiperoides Michx. (P. opelousanum Riddell) Map 9-E ELATINACEAE Infrequent, primarily in southern Iowa; marshes, ponds, and Elatine triandra Schk. Map 12-A lakes. DICKINSON: clear shallow water of Jackpot (Three-Comers) P. lapathifolium L. (P. incanum Willd.) Map 9-F Pond (sec. 3, T98N R37W), Crum, 1975 (IA , ISC, ISTC). Gilly Common throughout; marshes, streambanks, lake and pond & MacDonald ( 1948) state that an earlier report by them ( 1938) margins. was based on a misidentified specimen of Justicia americana (L.) P. natans Eat. (P . amphibium of auth ., not L.; P. fluitans Eat.; P. Yahl., from Jefferson County. hartwrightii Gray) Map 9-G VIOLACEAE Frequent, primarily in the Lakes Region and in the Des Moines Viola lanceolata L. Map 12-B and Cedar-Iowa river systems; marshes, ponds, lakes. Highly Rare; restricted to marshes, meadows, and swales of east-central polymorphic, the fluctuations in gross morphology due, for the Iowa. most part, to environmental factors . Viola macloskeyi Lloyd subsp. pallens (Banks) Baker (V. pallens P. pennsylvanicum L. (P . longistylum Small) Map 9-H (Banks) Brainerd) Map 12-C Common throughout; low fields, marshes, roadsides, wet waste Rare; restricted to bogs and marshes of east-central Iowa. ground, lake and pond margins, often a crop weed . Viola macloskeyi pallens (Banks) Baker x lanceolata L. Map 12-C *P. persicaria L. Map 10-A MUSCATINE: bog among dunes 8 miles northwest of Common throughout; marshes, ditches, roadsides, low fields, Muscatine, Newbro, 1935 (IA) . JONES: sandy marsh (SWV.. sec . often a crop weed . 6 T83N R2W), Cooperrider 848 (IA). P. punctatum Ell. (P . robustum (Small) Fem.) Map 10-B V. nephrophylla Greene Map 12-E Common statewide; bogs, marshes, streambanks, wet ditches, Infrequent, northeastern half of Iowa; marshes, bogs, fens , and low fields, an occasional crop weed. prairie swales. P. ramosissimum Michx. (P . exertum Small) Map IO-C V. nephrophylla Greene x sororia Willd. Map 12-F Frequent throughout; moist sandy marshes and prairies. CLINTON: rich marshy seepage slope surrounded by woods P. sagittatum L. Map 10-D (SW'.4 sec. 2 T82N R6E), Cooperrider 3878 (IA). Frequent in the eastern half of the state, absent west of Des V. papilionacea Pursh. Map 12-G Moines; ponds, lakes, marshes, bogs, and streambanks. Common, throughout state in prairie swales and on wet shores. Rumex maritimus L. var. fueginus (Phil.) Dusen. (R . persicarioides V. sagittata Ait. (V. fimbriatula of auth. , not J. E. Smith) Map 12-H of auth., not L.) Map 10-E Infrequent in the eastern third of Iowa; streambanks, prairie Infrequent, primarily in the northwestern third of the state; bogs, swales, marshes, sandy alluvial openings. swamps, marshes, pond and lake margins. R. orbiculatus Gray (R . britannica of auth ., not L.) Map 10-F DROSERACEAE Infrequent in the northeastern third of Iowa; bogs, marshes, Drosera rotundifolia L. Map 13-A streambanks, wet ditches and margins. HANCOCK: floating sphagnum mat in Dead Man's Lake, Pilot *R. patientia L. Map 10-G Knob State Park, Thorne 14359, 1954 (IA); same station , Introduced by early German settlers as a vegetable green; rarely Lammers 550, 1975 (ISC). LINN: Berry , 1908 (IA) . escaping and becoming naturalized in marshes, swamps, and JUGLANDACEAE other disturbed wet ground . Carya illinoensis (Wang.) K. Koch (C. pecan (Marsh.) Englm. & R. verticillata L. Map 10-H Graebn.) Map 13-B Infrequent , primarily in the southeast quarter; streambanks, Rare in southeastern Iowa; wet alluvial woods along the marshes, lake and pond margins. Mississippi. Triadenum fraseri (Spach) GI . ( virginianum of auth., not C. lacinosa (Michx. f.) Loud (C . sulcata Nutt.) Map 13-C L.) Map 11-G Rare in southeastern Iowa; wet alluvial woods along the Rare , scattered in eastern Iowa; marshes, sloughs, prairie swales. Mississippi. MALVACEAE C. x nussbaumeri Sarg. (C. illinoensis (Wang.) K. Koch x Hibiscus militaris Cav. Map 11-H lacinosa (Michx. f.) Loud .) Map 13-D Frequent in the southeastern half along major streams. This putative hybrid is represented at ISC by several collections from Des Moines and Lee counties, made by C. C. Lounsberry in (Britt.) Bickn. Map 11-A the 1930s. The labels state that the trees were located on the LINN: boggy margin of marsh in sandy pasture, 2'h miles south floodplain of the Mississippi, at different stations, but are unclear of Coggon (sec. 27 , Jackson twp.), Thome 10844, 1952 (IA). as to whether they are native or planted. H. C{!nadense L. Map 11-B CLAY: around a pond at the crossroads west of Lost Island Lake, SALICACEAE Hayden 9512 (ISC). Populus balsamifera L. var. subcordata Hylander Map 13-E H. majus (Gray) Britt. Map 11-C Occasionally in northern Iowa along river banks and on Infrequent in eastern and south-central Iowa; wet sandy margins, lakeshores. EMMET: Estherville, School Section Creek valley, marshes, prairie swal es . Wolden , 1922 (ISC). HOWARD: sec. 23 , New Oregon twp., H. mutilum L. Map 11-D Spence & Thome 173, 1958 (IA). MITCHELL: sec. 28, Jenkins Frequent in the southeastern quarter; wet sandy soil of marshes, twp., Spence & Thorne 161 , 1958 (IA) . OSCEOLA: wooded meadows, swales , pond and lake margins. streambank southeast of Sibley, Shimek, 1899 (IA) . H. mutilum L. X majus (Gray) Brit. Map 11 -E P. deltoides Marsh. var. deltoides Map 13-F SCOTT: marsh northeast of St. Ann's Church, Guldner (DPM). Ve ry common throughout the state; low alluvial woods, H. pyrimidatum Ait. (H . ascyron of auth. , not L.) Map 11-F streambanks, wet margins of ponds and lakes. Infrequent , southeastern half; marshes, alluvial woods. var. occidentale Rydb. (P . sargentii Dode) Map 13-G

Published by UNI ScholarWorks, 1977 5 Proceedings of the Iowa Academy of Science, Vol. 84 [1977], No. 2, Art. 3 46 PROC. IOWA ACAD. SCI. 84 (1977)

Frequent in northwest alluvial woods. streambanks; L. J . Eilers SCOTT: ponds near Noels, Barnes (DPM). (personal cu111111unication) doubts that this variety of P . deltoides Cardamine bulbosa (Schreb.) BSP (C. rhomboidea DC) Map 16-B actually occurs in Iowa. Frequent throughout; bogs. marshes, streambanks, wet margins. Salix a111rgdaloides Anderss. Map 13-H C. douglasii (Torr.) Britt. (C. rhomboidea DC var. purpurea Com111o n statewide; streambanks. marshes. alluvial woods. wet Torr.) Map 16-C margins. Rare in southe rn a nd easte rn Iowa; a lluvi a l woods and *S. l}{/h_l'/onirn L. Map 14-A streambanks. This frequently planted shade tree occasionally escapes to C. pennsylvanica Muhl. (C . parvijlora of auth ., not L.; C. arenicola 111arshes. wet ditches and margins. streambanks. and alluvial Britt.) Map 16-D woods. Frequent , predominantly in the southeastern third; marshes, S. hehhiana Sarg. Map 14-B streambanks, swamps, alluvial woods. Infrequent in northern Iowa; marshes. bogs. prairie swales. *Nasturtium officinale R. Br. (Radicula nasturtium-aquaticum (L.) S . rnndida Fluegge Map 14-C Britt. & Rend I.) Map 16-E CERRO GORDO: swamp. Buffalo Slough. Mason City. Shimek. Introduced from Europe as a vegetable green; escaped and 1920 (IA). JOHNSON: 111arshes, Iowa City. Shi111ek. 1892 (IA). naturalized, primarily in the eastern half of the state; cold running S . discolor Muhl. Map 14-D springs, streams, wet ditches, marshes and sloughs . Infre quent. primarily known from northeastern Iowa; /odanrhus pinnatifidus (Michx.) Steud. Map 16-F streambanks. wet margins and ditches. marshes. prairie swales. Rare, scattered locall y in Iowa; low wet al luvial woods. S. discolor Muhl. X h11111ilis Marsh . Map 14-E Rorippa islandica (Oeder) Borbas Map 16-G MUSCATINE: wet ground. Reppert. 1891 (IA). A putative Common statewide; sandy marshes, alluvial woods, swamps, wet hybrid annotated by C. R. Ball. margins and ditches. *S. fragilis L. Map 14-F R . sessilijlora (Nutt.) Hitchc . Map 16-H Frequently planted cultigen, occasionally escaping to marshes, Infrequent in the southeast quarter and extreme southwestern tip streambanks. wet ditches and margins. Primarily collected from of Iowa; marshes, sloughs, alluvial woods, wet margins, and the northern half of Iowa. ditches. S. illlerior Rowlee Map 14-G *R. sylvestris (L.) Besser Map 17-A Very common throughout; wet ditches a nd margins, A weed of European ori gi n, sparingly introduced and naturalized streambanks. sand bars. thickets. alluvial open woods. in the state; alluvial flats along streams , wet sandy pond and lake S. lucida Muhl. Map 14-H margins. CERRO GORDO: swamp. Buffalo Slough. Mason City , Shimek, PRIMULACEAE 1920 (IA). SCOTT: Fejervery Park. Davenport, Guldner (DPM). Lysimachia ciliata L. Map 17-B WINNISHIEK: Ft. Atkinson. Shimek. 1903 (IA) . Common statewide; wet ditches, streambank s, alluvial woods. S. nigra Marsh. Map 15-A L. hybrida Michx. (L . lanceolata (Walt .) Gray) May 17-C Common statewide; wet ditches a nd margins, streambanks , Infrequent across Iowa; marshes and bogs. alluvial woods. *L. nummularia L. Map 17-D S. /aris Pursh Map 15-B Escaped from c ultivation to disturbed wet s ites; primarily Rare in north-central Iowa; swamps. marshes. bogs. collected in the eastern half, but to be expected e lsewhere. *S. pentandra L. Map 15-C L. quadrifolia Sims. Map 17- E GUTHRIE: boggy ravine near the north end of Springbrook State Frequent in the northern half of the state; prairie swales, marshes, Park. Fay 2311 (IA). swamps. S . petiolaris Sm. (S. gracilis Anderss.) Map 15 -D L. terrestris (L.) BSP Map 17-F Infrequent in the northeastern third of Iowa, and the Lakes Infrequent in the eastern third of the state; marshes, streambanks , Region; bogs. marshes. swamps, wet margins of ponds and wet margins, prairie swales. lakes. streambanks. L. thyrsijl.ora L. Map 17-G *S. purpurea L. Map 15-E MUSCATINE: banks of Mud Creek, Muscatine , Reppert , 1892 Infrequent in the northeastern half of Iowa; wet sandy marshes. (IA). SAXIFRAGACEAE S . rigida Muhl. (S . 111isso11rie11sis Bebb.; S. cordata of auth., not Parnassia glauca Raf. Map 17-H Michx .) Map 15-F Infrequent in northern and east-central Iowa; bogs, fens, and Ve ry common throughout ; wet margins a nd ditches, marshes. streambanks, and alluvial woods. P. parvijl.ora DC Map 18-A S. sericea Marsh. Map 15-G LINN: Cedar Rapids, Berry , 19 13 (IA). HEN RY : Mt. Pleasant, Jacques, 19 17 (!SC). JOHNSON: Solon, Penthorum sedoides L. Map 18- B Shimek, 1895 (IA). Common statewide; marshes, alluvial openin gs, prairie swales. S . subsericea (Anderss.) Schneider Map 15-H Ribes americanum Mill. Map 18-C PALO AL TO: peat bog north of Rock Island gravel pit at Bogs , swamps, marshes and streambanks of eastern Iowa; Graettinger, Wolden 1440 ((SC). Hartley ( 1966) and oth e rs infrequent. consider this to be a hybrid between S . petiolaris and S. sericea. Saxifraga pennsylvanica L. Map 18-D Frequent in the no rtheast third of Iowa, ev ide ntl y absent BRASSICACEAE elsewhere; fens, bogs, marshes, streambanks, prairie swales . Armoracia aquatica (Eat.) Wieg. (Neobeckia aquatica (Eat. ) Britt.; Radicula aquatica (Eat.) Robbins. ; Nasturtium lacustre Gray) ROSACEAE Map 16-A Agrimonia parvijlora Ait. Map 18- E MUSCATINE: slough near the Cedar River. Reppert, 1894 (IA). Frequent in southeastern Iowa, evid e ntl y absent e lsewhere; 6 Lammers and Van Der Valk: A Checklist of the Aquatic and Wetland Vascular Plants of Iowa: I low A WETLAND VASCULAR PLANTS 47

marshes, fens, bogs, wet open ground . Infrequent in southern Iowa; prairie swales, wet margins of ponds Filipendula rubra (Hill) Robbins (Spiraea lobata Jacq.) Map 18-F and lakes. MUSCA TINE: moist soil near the Cedar River, Lake twp. , Decodon verticillatus (L.) Ell. Map 20-G Mac Kenzie, 1894 (IA). LINN: Cedar Rapids, Berry, 191 3 (IA). Geum aleppicum Jacq . Map 18-G Lythrum dacotanum Nieuw . (L. alatum of auth. , not Pursh) Map BREMER: moist lowland prairie (sec. I, T92N R 12W), Eil ers 20-H (IA). CERRO GORDO: Mason C ity , Shimek , 1921 (IA). Very common statewide; prairie swales, swamps, bogs, marshes, CLINTON: rich marsh surrounded by woods (SE':4 sec. 2, T82N sloughs, wet margins and ditches . R6 E) , Cooperrider 41 25 (IA). DELA WARE: slough, in pasture *L. salicaria L. Map 2 1-A (sec. 27, T88N R6W), Eil ers (IA). Cultivated garden ornamental, occasionally escaping to wet sites . Potentilla anserina L. Map 18-H BUENA VISTA: marsh, Storm Lake, Thorne 163 14 , 1955 (IA). LINN: wet meadow, Cedar Rapids, Berry, 19 13 (IA). DES MOINES: wet roadside ditch at intersection of Vineyard St. P. palustris (L.) Scop. Map 19-A and Cottonwood Drive, Burlington, Lammers & Vorwerk 332, Infrequent , northern Iowa; bogs, marshes, swamps. 1975 (ISC). POLK: shoreline of the Des Moines city reservoir, P. paradoxa Nutt. Map 19-B Van Bruggen 869 (IA). SCOTT: abandoned city dump at I Ith Rare , along the Missouri Ri ver and in the Lakes Region; low and Vine Sts. , Davenport , Guldner (DPM). sand y soil. Pep/is diandra Nutt. (Didiplis diandra (Nutt. ) Wood .) Map 2 1-B P. rivalis Nutt. (P. millegrana Englm .; P. pentandra Englm .) Infrequent in southeastern Iowa; pond s, lakes, and marshes. Map 19-C Rota/a ramosior (L.) Koehne. Map 2 1-C Infrequent , scattered locally across the state; wet marshes, pond Infrequent, primaril y in southeastern Iowa; marshes, pond s, and and lake margins, waste ground , and low wet fi elds. lakes. Spiraea alba Du Roi (S. salicifolia of auth. , not L.) Map 19- D MELASTOMACEAE Infrequent in the northeastern half; bogs, marshes, fens, prairie Rhexia virginica L. Map 2 1-D swales. CEDAR: s ma ll sandy Sphagnum bog near Cedar Ri ver , FABACEAE Rochester twp., Fay 1324, 1950 (IA). LINN: hillside opposite Amorpha fruticosa L. Map 19-E Eagle Cliff Country Club , Ke nwood , Berry, 19 13 (I A) . Frequent throughout; streambanks and wet margins. MUSCA TINE: sandy swale among wooded sand hills (sec. 7, Amphicarpa bracteata (L.) Fern . Map 19-H Lake twp.), Thorne 10964, 1952 (IA); same stati on, Shimek , Found occasionall y in prairie swales and on shores; distributed 1922 & 1926 (IA). th roughout Iowa. Apios americana Medi c. Map 19-F ONAGRACEAE Infrequent ac ross the state; streambanks and prairie swales. Epilobium coloratum Muhl. Map 2 1-E Lathyrus palustris L. Map 19-G Frequent , primarily in the northeast half of th e state; bogs, fe ns, Infrequent, scattered across Iowa; sandy alluvial fl ats, prairie marshes, swamps, sloughs, wet ditches and margins. swales , marshes, sloughs. £. glandulosum Lehm . (£. adenocaulon Haussk.) Map 2 1-F LIM NANTHACEAE Infrequent in the northwestern half of Iowa; marshes, pond and F/oerkea proserpinicoides Willd . Map 19-H lake margins, swamps, bogs. DUBUQUE: wet ground of springy rav ine , White Pine Holl ow £. palustre L. (£. leptophyllum Raf. ; £ . nesophilum Fern .; £ . State Forest, Thorne 14037, 1954 (IA). o/iganthum Michx. ; £. wyomingense Nels. ; £ . densum of auth . , not Raf.; £. lineare of auth. , not Muhl.) Map 2 1-G HALORAGACEAE Infrequent in northern Iowa; bogs, fe ns, marshes, swales, Myriophyllum spicatum L. var. exalbescens (Fern .) Jeps . (M . margi ns, alluvial fl ats, sloughs. exalbescens Fern .) Map 20-A £. strictum Muhl. Map 2 1-H Most frequent in the Lakes Region, scattered locall y elsewhere; GREENE: bog, Spring Lake State Park, Fay 4041 (IA). lakes and ponds. Jussiaea repens L. var. glabrescens Ktze. (J . diffusa of auth. , not M. heterophyllum Michx. Map 20-8 Forsk.) Map 22-A Infrequent in the Lakes Region; pond s and lakes. LUCAS: Red Haw Hill Lake near Chariton, Lewis 16, 1948 M. pinnatum (Walt. ) BSP (M. scabratum Michx.) Map 20-C (I SC). Rare in ponds and lakes of southern and eastern Iowa. Ludwigia altern ifolia L. Map 22- 8 Proserpinica palustris L. Map 20- D Infreque nt , southeast quart er; marshes , swales , bogs , CLINTON: marsh in pasture (NE'!i sec. 15, T82N RI E), streambank s. Cooperri der 346 (IA). MUSCATINE: Sali sbury Bridge, Barnes, L. palustris (L.) Ell . var. americana (DC) Fern . & Grise.Map 22-C 1896 (DPM); same stati on, Thorne & Beal, 1951 (IA). Infrequent in the eastern third; ponds, bogs, swamps, marshes. L. polycarpa Short & Peter Map 22 -D HIPPURACEAE Infrequent across Iowa, except seemingly absent from most of th e Hippuris vulgaris L. Map 20-E western third; marshes, swamps, streambank s, prairie swales , CERRO GORDO: Mason City, And erson, 1903 (IA). CLAY: wet pond and lake margin s. Lake twp. , Hayden 10 149, 1935 (I SC). DICKINSON: Upper Gar Oenothera parviflora L. (0. muricata L.) Map 22-E Lake, Shimek , 19 16 (ISC); Lower Gar Lake, Shimek, 19 18 Infrequent in eastern and northern Iowa; marshes, sloughs, we t (ISC). pond and lake margin s. 0. pilosella Raf. (0. fruticosa of auth . , not L. ; 0 . pratensis (Small ) LYTHRACEAE B. L. Robinson) Map 22- F Ammania coccin ea Rothb. Map 20-F Rare; bogs, marshes, and swales of southeastern Iowa.

Published by UNI ScholarWorks, 1977 7 Proceedings of the Iowa Academy of Science, Vol. 84 [1977], No. 2, Art. 3 48 PROC. IOWA ACAD. SCI. 84 (1977)

CORNACEAE C. palustris L. (C. verna L.) Map 25-D Cornus obliqua Raf. (C. ammomum of auth., not Mill.; C. purpusi Rare, known from the Lakes Region and Delaware County; pond Koehne; C. sericea of auth., not L.) Map 22-G and lake margins, cold springs, marshes, and bogs. Infrequent, decreasing in occurrence from east to west; pond and lake margins, marshes, streambanks, thickets, swales. VERBENACEAE C. stolonifera Michx. Map 22-H Lippia lanceolata Michx. var. recognita Fem. & Grise. (Phyla Rare, scattered in northern and eastern Iowa; pond and lake lanceolata (Michx.) Greene) Map 25-E margins, marshes, streambanks, thickets. Common statewide; marshes, wet margins, streambanks. BALSAMIN ACEAE Verbena hastata L. Map 25-F Impatiens capensis Meerb. (/. biflora Walt.;/. fulva Nutt.) Common statewide; marshes, swales, margins, ditches, alluvial Map 23-A woods. Very common across the state; marshes, pond and lake margins, V. x rydbergii Moldenke (V. hastata L. x stricta Vent.)Map 25-G alluvial woods, streambanks, wet ditches. Infrequent across Iowa; swamps, bogs, marshes, streambanks, I. pallida Nutt. Map 23-B margins. Very common statewide; occurring with / . capensis, in similar LAMIACEAE habitats. Lycopus americanus Muhl. (L. sinuatus Ell.) Map 25-H APIACEAE Common statewide; wet ditches and margins, sloughs, marshes, Berula erecta (Huds.) Cov. (8 . pusilla (Nutt.) Fem.) Map 23-C streambanks. DICKINSON: Silver Lake fen, Anderson, 1934; same station, L. asper Greene Map 26-A Fox, 1941 (IA). EMMET: Des Moines River, Wolden 1130, Infrequent in the western third of the state; fens, bogs, marshes, 1925 (!SC) . PALO ALTO: sec. 34, Walnut twp., Hayden, 1936 streambanks, wet margins of ponds and lakes. (ISC). L. rubellus Moench. Map 26-B Cicuta bulbifera L. Map 23-D LINN: Berry, 1913 (IA). MARION: sandy moist roadside below Infrequent, northern Iowa; marshes, bogs , wet margins, Red Rock Cliff (NWt.4 sec. 2, T76N R20W), Beck, 1962 streambanks. (Simpson College). SCOTT: river banks at Blue Grass, Barnes, C. maculata L. Map 23-E 1894 (DPM). Common throughout; wet margins, marshes, swales, sloughs. L. uniflorus Michx. Map 26-C Sium suave Walt. (S. cicutaefolium Schrank) Map 23-F Infrequent, scattered locally; marshes , bogs, wet margins. Frequent, scattered locally throughout, primarily in the northern L. virginicus L. Map 26-D and central sections; marshes, swamps, bogs , lakes, ponds. Infrequent across Iowa; streambanks and wet pond and lake margins. GENTIANACEAE Mentha arvensis L. var. glabrata (Benth.) Fern. (M . canadensis Gentiana andrewsii Griseb. Map 23-G L.) Map 26-E Infrequent in the eastern two-thirds of Iowa; prairie swales, Frequent statewide; marshes, sloughs, wet ditches and margins. marshes, bogs. *M. aquatica L. Map 26-F G. crinita Froel. Map 23-H JOHNSON: low wet ground, Iowa City, Bass, 1942 (IA). Rare in eastern Iowa; marshes, bogs, lowland prairie. *M . cardiaca Gerarde Map 26-G G. procera Holm. Map 24-A European herb, escaped sparingly to wet ground in southern Rare in northern Iowa; marshes, fens, bogs. Iowa. Menyanthes trifoliata L. var. minor Raf. Map 24-B *M . citrata Ehrh. Map 26-H Rare in northern Iowa; marshes, swamps, bogs. Reported as an escape from cultivation to wet ground in Johnson ASCLEPIADACEAE County, by Bass ( 1943). Asclepias incarnata L. Map 24-C *M. gentilis L. Map 27-A Very common statewide; marshes, sloughs, ditches. Sparingly escaped from cultivation in eastern Iowa. *M . piperita L. Map 27-B CONVOLVULACEAE A popular garden herb, occasionally escaping to wet ground. Cuscuta - A large genus of native, chlorophyll-lacking, twmmg, *M . spicata L. Map 27-C parasitic vines, usually found in meadows, marshes, and low wet A popular garden herb, not infrequently escaping to low wet fields . It occasionally becomes a pest in crops and pastures. areas. Some of our Iowa species are locally abundant in marshes when Physostegia virginiana (L.) Benth. (P. speciosa Sweet; P. parviflora water levels are low. Very little habitat information is available Nutt; P. formosior Lunnell; Dracocephalum nuttallii Britt.) about individual species. Map 27-D C. cephalanthi Englm. (C. tenuifolia Englm .) Map 24-D Throughout state,i marshes, alluvial woods, streambanks, wet C. coryli Englm. (C. inflexa Englm.) Map 25-A ditches, and meadows. C. cuspidata Englm . Map 24-E This highly polymorphic species-complex is much in need of a C. gronovii Willd. Map 25-B general revision and clarification . Treatments of the group are C. indecora Choisy Map 24-F contradictory and confusing, and until further studies demonstrate C. paradoxa Raf. Map 24-G the correct relationships, the synonomy of necessity, will have to C. polygonorum Englm . Map 24-H suffice. CALLITRICHACEAE Scutellaria gallericulata L. (S. epilobifolia A. Hamil.) Map 27-E Callitriche heterophylla Pursh Map 25-C Most frequent on the Des Moines lobe of the Wisconsin drift Rare , locally in the Lakes Region , eastern Iowa, and Ringgold sheet; marshes, sloughs, bogs, and streambanks. County; ponds, lakes, sloughs, and marshes. S. lateriflora L. Map 27-F 8 Lammers and Van Der Valk: A Checklist of the Aquatic and Wetland Vascular Plants of Iowa: I low A WETLAND VASCULAR PLANTS 49

Frequent statewide; lake and pond margins. open alluvial woods. lake margins . streambanks. marshes. and streambanks. var. minthoides (Greene) Grant Stachys palustris L. (S . arenicola Britt .) Map 27-G An occasional form with leaves tapering to the sessile base, Throughout state;" wet ditches and margins. streambanks, slightly resembling a petiole, and sometimes confused with M . marshes. alatus; habitats similar to var. ringens , often growing together. S. 1e1111ifolia Willd. Map 27-H Pedicularis canadensis L. Map 29-E Most frequent in the southeastern quarter and the Lakes Region; Frequent statewide; marshes, alluvial woods, prairie swales, also wet margin s of lakes, ponds, and marshes. onto drier soil. Te11cri111n canadense L. var. occidentale (Gray) McClnt. & Epl. (T. P. lanceolata Michx . Map 29-F occide111ale Gray) Map 28-A Infrequent , northeastern half; bogs, marshes, swamps, swales. Frequent across Iowa; marshes. alluvial woods. streambanks. wel Penstemon calycosus Small Map 29-H ditches and margins of lakes and ponds. CEDAR: wet prairie swale at Rochester Cemetery, Guldner This is the wetlands phase of the species; in the interior United (DPM). States. the var. virgi11ic111n (Eat.) Raf. is the phase found on dry P. digiw/is Nutt. (P. alluviorum Pennell ) Map 29-G soil s. Typical var. ct111(1{/e11se is a plant of the Coastal Plain Frequent in the southeastern third of Io wa; marshes, prairie prov in ce. not reaching Iowa. swales, and up onto drier, open ground. Veronica americana (Raf.) Schwein. Map 30-A SCROPHULARIACEAE LEE: Hitchcock (!SC). WINNISHJEK: Decorah , Fitzsimmons, Bacopa ro1111u/ifo/ia (Michx.) Wettst. Map 28-B 1895 (IA); Decorah , Shimek, 1903 (IA). Infrequent . primarily known from southeastern Iowa; shall o w *V. anagal/is-aquatica L. Map 30-B water and muddy margins of small ponds. Rare, northeastern Iowa; cold springs and ponds . Che/one glabra L. (C. linifolia (Coleman) Pennell) Map 28-C V. catenaw Pennell (V. connata Raf. ; V. comosa of auth. , not Infrequent . northeastern third of Iowa; fens , bogs, marshes, wet Ri cht.) Map 30-C meadows. streambanks. Infrequent in marshes and bogs in northern Io wa . C. obliqua L. Map 28-D *V. longifolia L. Map 30-D CLI NTON: swamp in woods below Camanche, Shimek, 1930 LINN: wet meadow, Cedar Rapids, Berry, 19 12 (IA ). (IS C) . DES MOINES: Skunk River valley, Bartsch , 1895 (IA). V. peregrina L. Map 30-E LEE: Skunk Ri ve r valley. Bartsch. 1895 (!SC). MITCHELL: Frequent throughout ; wet ditches and margins. Osage. Tuttle. 19 14 & 1929 (!SC). MUSCATIN E: thickets along V. sc111el/ata L. Map 30-F Mu scatine Slough. Reppert . 1894 (IA). SCOTT: moist shallow BUC HANNAN: Muncey. Bessey, 1876 (!SC). CLINTON: ditch west of the pond at Credit Island , Guldner (DPM). marsh in pastured field (NE Y.. sec. 15 , T82N RI E) , Cooperrider Gerardia p11rp11rea L. var. p11rp11rea Map 28-E 2075 (IA). SCOTT: low wet ground at Noels, Barnes (DPM). Infreq uent in the northeastern half of Iowa; fens , bogs, marshes, we t meadows. prairie swales. wet margins of ponds and lakes . ACANTHACEAE var. parvijlora Benth. (G. pa11perc11/a (Gray) Britt.) In habitats Justicia americana (L.) Yahl. (Dianthera americana L.) Map 30-G similar to the typical, large-fl owered phase, and scattered HENRY: Mt. Pl easant, Mills (IA); very abundant around margin th roughout its range in Iowa, but seldom together. of lake, into shallow water, Geode State Park, Lammers 423 , G. te1111ifolia Yahl. Map 28-F 1975 (IS C & ISTC). JEFFERSON: rocky bed of Cedar Creek Infreque nt th roughout ; marshes, margin s, prairie swales, wet (sec. 34, Round Prairie twp.), MacDonald 3049, 1935 (PC) . ditches. LEE: Fults, 1931 (ISC). Gratia/a neg/ecta Torr. Map 28-G LENTIBULARIACEAE Frequent in the eastern half of the state; bogs , fens, marshes, Utricularia gibba L. Map 30-H streambanks, wet margins and ditches. JOHNSON: Swan Lake , Thorne 10467, 1950 (IA) . MUS- G. virginiana L. Map 28-H CATINE: Muscatine , Reppert, 1878 (IS C). DECATUR: Anderson , 1900 ([SC). J EFFERSON : Gilly & U. intermedia Hayne Map 31 -A McDonald 499, 1935 (PC). LEE: s mall po nd I \6 mil es CLAY: sec. 11 , Freeman twp. , Hayden 10054, 1935 ([SC). west-south west of Ft. Madison. Davidson 1532 (I A). EMMET: Cratty, 1878 & 1881 (ISC) MUSCATINE: small ponds among fixed sand dunes, Lake twp. , U. minor L. Map 3 1-8 Thorne, 1952 (IA) . RINGGOLD: Fitzpatrick, 1898 (IA) . DI CKINSON: Silver Lake , Shimek, 1932 (IA) and 1933 (IS C) . SCOTT: shall ow pond in pasture, near McCausland, Guldner EMMET: sec . II , T99N R3 1W , Cratt y , 1880 ([SC) . HAN­ (DPM ). COCK: Dead Man ' s Lake, Pilot Kn ob State Park , Thome, 1954 Lindernia dubia (L.) Penn ell (L. anagallidea (Michx .) Pennell) (IA) . Map 29-A U. vulgaris L. ( U. 'macrorhiza LeConte) Map 3 1-C Frequent statewide; wet margins, sloughs , ponds , lakes, marshes, Infrequent, scattered across Iowa; ponds , lakes,marshes. alluvia l woods , streamba nks, swamps, bogs . We follow CAMPANULACEAE Davidson ( 1959) in reducing L. anagallidea to syno nomy. Campanu/a aparinoides Pursh (C. 11/iginosa Rydb.) Map 3 1-D Mim11/11 s alatus Ait. Map 29-C Infrequent in the northeastern half of Iowa; marshes , swamps, Frequent in southeastern Iowa, but evidently absent elsewhere ; streambanks, alluvial woods. We follow Eil ers ( 197 1) in reduc­ marshes , open alluvial woods, streambanks. ing C . 11/igin osa to synonomy. M. g/abratus HBK var. fremontii (Benth .) Grant Map 29-B Rare, scattered locall y in extreme eastern and western Iowa; cold LOBELIACEAE calcareous springs, bogs, streambanks , marshes. Lobelia cardinalis L. Map 31-E M. ringens L. var. rin gens Map 29-D Infrequent in the eastern half of the state; marshes , swamps, Very common; prairie swales, open alluvial woods, pond and streambanks, alluvial woods.

Published by UNI ScholarWorks, 1977 9 50 Proceedings of the PROCIowa Academy. IOWA ACAD.of Science, SCI. Vol. 84 84 (1977) [1977], No. 2, Art. 3

L. kalmii L. Map 31-F 4097 (IA). KEOKUK: desiccated marshy area along IA 149 Locally abundant; restricted to bogs and fens of the Lakes Re- (NE1/.i sec. 28 , T77N RI IW), Davidson 1271 (IA). MUS­ gion. CATINE: Moscow, Guldner (DPM); Brasenia Pond (sec. 6, Lake L. siphilitica L. Map 31-G twp.), Guldner (DPM). SCOTT: Oakton, Ross, 1880 (DPM); Common throughout; streambanks, wet ditches, pond and lake Credit Island, Guldner (DPM). margins, marshes, swales, alluvial woods. B. beckii Torr. (Mega/odonta beckii (Torr.) Greene) Map 34-A Rare, known only from Clear Lake, Cerro Gordo county, and RUBIACEAE Little Miller's Bay, West Lake Okoboji, in Dickinson county. Cepha/anthus occidentalis L. Map 31-H *B . bipinnata L. Map 34-B Most frequent in the southeast half; marshes, wet margins, LEE: Rand Park near the Mississippi, Keokuk, Davidson 3293 stream banks. (IA.) LOUISA: moist sandy margins of slough, Muscatine Island Galium labradoricum (Wieg.) Wieg. Map 32-A (NE1/.i sec. 4, T75N R2W), Davidson 3935 (IA). CERRO GORDO: marsh, Mason City, Shimek, 1896 (IA). B. cernua L. Map 34-C G. obtusum Bigel. Map 32-B Common statewide; marshes, wet margins and ditches, stream­ banks, alluvial woods, prairie swales. Frequent throughout; alluvial woods, swamps, marshes, swales. B. coronata (L.) Britt. Map 34-D G. trifidum L. var. trifidum Map 32-C Infrequent in eastern Iowa; sloughs, wet margins, marshes, MUSCATINE: Wildcat Den, Guldner (DPM). SCOTT: Allen's streambanks. Grove, Guldner (DPM); Credit Island, Guldner (DPM). WIN­ B. discoidea (T. & G.) Britt. Map 34-E NISHIEK: Cardinal Marsh (sec. 6, T98N RIOW), Eilers, (IA). JACKSON: along dike through Green Island Slough, Cooperrider var. tinctorium (L.) T . & G. (G. tinctorium L.; G. claytonii 3105 (IA).. LOUISA: Muscatine Island , Shimek & Myers, 1897 Michx.) Map 32-D (IA). SCOTT: lo w wet grounds, West Davenport , Reppert Infrequent in the eastern third of the state; marshes, swamps, (DPM). bogs, alluvial woods . B. frondosa L. Map 34-F Frequent statewide; wet margins, pastures, marshes, stream­ ASTERACEAE banks, prairie swales. Aster furcatus Burgess (A . macrophyllus of auth., not L.) Map 32-E B. polylepis Blake (B. involucrata (Nutt.) Britt.) Map 34-G Rare, southern Iowa; alluvial woods and swamps. Frequent in southern Iowa; marshes, margins of ponds and lakes, A. junciformis Rydb. (A. junceus Ait.) Map 32-F streambanks, wet ditches, occasionally as a roadside, crop, and Rare in northern Iowa; fens, marshes, meadows, and swamps. pasture weed. A. lateriflorus (L.) Britt. Map 32-G B . tripartita L. (B . comosa (Gray) Wieg.; B. connata Muhl.) Frequent in the southeast quarter; prairie swales, marshes, allu­ Map 34-H vial woods . Most frequent in the southeastern quarter; marshes, wet ditches A. novae-angliae L. Map 32-H and margins, prairie swales. B. vulgata Greene. Map 35-A Common throughout; prairie swales, wet ditches, streambanks. Frequent in the southeastern half; margins, marshes, and swales. A. ontarionis Wieg . Map 33-A Boltonia asteroides (L.) L' Her (B. latisquama Gray) Map 35-B Frequent throughout, except apparently absent from the north­ Infrequent throughout; marshes, margins, swales , alluvial woods. western third of the state; alluvial woods and streambanks, on up Cirsium flodmanii (Rydb.) Arthur. Map 35-C to drier woods and prairies. In western Iowa, where the species is not uncommon, it grows on A. prealtus Poir. Map 33-B dry loess bluffs, dry upland prairies, and gravelly roadsides . In Infrequent in southern Iowa; prairie swales, open alluvial woods. eastern Iowa, however, at the following stations (perhaps intro­ A. prenanthoides Muhl. Map 33-C duced) , it has been collected from marshy prairie swales. Infrequent in eastern Iowa; streambanks, open alluvial woods. FLOYD: Rockfork, Pammel, 1922 (ISC) . JOHNSON: along railway at Solon, Shimek, 1902 (ISC). A. puniceus L. (A . lucidulus (Gray) Wieg.) Map 33-D C. muticum Michx. Map 35-D Frequent in the eastern two-thirds of Iowa; marshes, bogs, CERRO GORDO: marsh, Buffalo Slough, Mason City, Shimek , swamps and swales. 1922 (IA). CLINTON: rich seeping marshy ground surrounded A. simplex Willd. (A. interior Wieg .; A. tredescanti of auth., not by woods, Cooperrider 3057 (IA) . L.) Map 33-E Eclipta alba (L.) Hassk. Map 35-E Frequent throughout; low open woods, prairie swales , marshes, Frequent in the southeastern quarter; streambanks, wet margins of streambanks. ponds, lakes and sloughs. A. umbellatus Mill. (A. pubentior Cronq.) Map 33-F Erechtites hieracifolia (L.) Raf. Map 35-F Scattered locall y in the northeastern half of the state; bogs, Frequent, southern half of the state; marshes, wet margins, marshes, thickets , streambanks, prairie swales. swales . Eupatorium maculatum L. Map 35-G A. vimineus Lam. Map 33-G Infrequent across the state, evidently absent from the southeast. Rare in southeastern Iowa; fens , bogs , and wet sandy swales . Helenium autumnale L. Map 35-H Reported by Davidson ( 1959) from four stations in Louisa and Frequent statewide; open alluvial woods and flat s, low pastures, Muscatine counties; Gu ldner (1960), however, does not accept marshes, margins, streambanks. these specimens as A. vim ineus. Iva ciliata Willd. Map 36-A Bidens aristosa (Michx .) Britt. Map 33-H DES MOINES: moist depression in commercial sand and gravel JEFFERSON : low ground V2 mile west of Fairfield, Davidson area, Spring Grove, Davidson 3275 (IA). POTTAWATOMI E: 10 Lammers and Van Der Valk: A Checklist of the Aquatic and Wetland Vascular Plants of Iowa: I low A WETLAND VASCULAR PLANTS 51

Council Bluffs, Shimek, 1898 (IA). JEFFERSON: Fairfield, Hypericum ...... 45 Penthorum ...... 47 Gilly and McDonald, 1203 and 2891 (PC) . Impatiens ...... 48 Peplis ...... 47 Silphium perfoliatum L. Map 36-8 Iodanthus ...... 46 Physostegia ...... 48 Common statewide; alluvial openings, wet ditches and margins, ISO ET ACEAE ...... 43 Pilea ...... 44 prairie swales, roadsides, streambanks. lsoetes ...... 43 POL YGONACEAE ...... 45 Solidago gigantea Ait. (S . serotina of auth ., not Retz.) Map 36-C Iva ...... 50 Polygonum ...... 45 Common throughout; low pastures, alluvial thickets and woods, JUGLANDACEAE ...... 46 Populus ...... 46 marshes, streambanks. Jussiaea ...... 47 Potentilla ...... 47 S. graminifolia (L.) Salisb. (S. hirtella (Greene) Bush; S. tenuifolia Justicia ...... 49 PRIMULACEAE ...... 46 of auth ., not Pursh) Map 36-D LAMIACEAE ...... 48 Proserpinica ...... 47 Frequent across the state; wet sandy swales, marshes, and Laportea ...... 44 RANUNCULACEAE ...... 44 ditches. Lathyrus ...... 47 Ranunculus ...... 44 S. patula Muhl. Map 36-E LENTIBULARIACEAE .... 49 Rhexia ...... 47 MUSCATINE: wet woods on fixed dune (N W '/.i sec. 7, Lake LIMNANTHACEAE ...... 47 Ribes ...... 47 twp .), Thome, 1952 (IA). Lindernia ...... 49 Rorippa ...... 46 S. riddellii Frank . Map 36-F Lippia ...... 48 ROSACEAE ...... 47 Infrequent in northern and east-central Iowa; marshes and prairie Lobelia ...... 50 Rotala ...... 47 swales. LOBELIACEAE ...... 50 RUBIACEAE ...... 50 Vernonia fasciculata Michx. Map 36-G Ludwigia ...... 47,48 Rumex ...... 45 Common throughout ; low pastures, wet ditches, marshes, Lycopus ...... 48 SALICACEAE ...... 46 sloughs. Lysimachia ...... 46,47 Salix ...... 46 L YTHRACEAE ...... 47 SAL VINIACEAE ...... 43 Lythrum ...... 47 ,48 Saxifraga ...... 47 INDEX TO GENERA AND FAMILIES MAL V ACEAE ...... 45 SAXIFRAGACEAE ...... 47 Marsilea ...... 43 SCROPHULARIACEAE ... 49 ACANTHACEAE ...... 49 Cerastium ...... 44 MARSILEACEAE ...... 43 Scutellaria ...... 49 Agrimonia ...... 47 CERA TOPHYLLACEAE . . . 44 MELASTOMACEAE ...... 47 Selaginella ...... 43 Alnus ...... 44 Ceratophyllum ...... 44 Mentha ...... 48 SELAGINELLACEAE .... . 43 AMARANTHACEAE ..... 45 Chelone ...... 49 Menyanthes Silene ...... 44 Amaranthus ...... 45 CHENOPODIACEAE . ... . 44 Mimulus ...... 49 Silphium ...... 50 Ammania ...... 47 Chenopodium ...... 44,45 Myosurus ...... 44 Sium ...... 48 Amorpha ...... 47 Cicuta ...... 48 Myriophyllum ...... 47 Solidago ...... 50 Amphicarpa ...... 47 Cirsium ...... 50 Nasturtium ...... 46 Spiraea ...... 47 Anemone ...... 44 CON VOL VULACEAE .... 48 Nelumbo ...... 43 Stachys ...... 49 APIACEAE ...... 48 CORNACEAE ...... 48 NELUMBONACEAE ...... 43 Stellaria ...... 44 Apios ...... 47 Comus ...... 48 Nuphar ...... 43 Teucrium ...... 49 Armoracia ...... 46 Cuscuta ...... 48 Nymphaea ...... 43 Thelypteris ...... 43 ASCLEPIADACEAE ...... 48 Decodon ...... 47 NYMPHAEACEAE ...... 43 Triadenum ...... 45 Asclepias ...... 48 Drosera ...... 45 Oenothera ...... 48 Urtica ...... 44 ASPIDIACEAE ...... 43 DROSERACEAE ...... 45 ONAGRACEAE ...... 47 URTICACEAE ...... 44 Aster ...... 50 Dryopteris ...... 43 Onoclea ...... 43 Utricularia ...... 49 ASTERACEAE ...... 50 Eclipta ...... 50 OPHIOGLOSSACEAE .. . .. 43 Verbena ...... 48 Atriplex ...... 44 ELATINACEAE ...... 45 Ophioglossum ...... 43 VERBEN ACEAE ...... 48 Azolla ...... 43 Elatine ...... 45 Osmunda ...... 43 Vernonia ...... 50 Bacopa ...... 49 Epilobium ...... 47 OSMUNDACEAE ...... 43 Veronica ...... 49 BALSAMINACEAE ...... 48 EQUISETACEAE ...... 43 Parnassia ...... 47 Viola ...... 45 Berula ...... 48 Equisetum ...... 43 Pedicularis ...... 49 VIOLACEAE ...... 45 Betula ...... 44 Erechtites ...... 50 Penstemon ...... 49 BETULACEAE ...... 44 Eupatorium ...... 50 Bidens ...... 50 FABACEAE ...... 47 Boehmeria ...... 44 Filipendula ...... 47 Boltonia ...... 50 Floerkea ...... 47 Botrychium ...... 43 Galium ...... 50 Brasenia ...... 43 Gentiana ...... 48 BRASSICACEAE ...... 46 GENTIANACEAE ...... 48 CALLITRICHACEAE . .... 48 Gerardia ...... 49 Callitriche ...... 48 Geum ...... 47 Caltha ...... 44 Gratiola ...... 49 Campanula ...... 49 HALORAGACEAE ...... 47 CAMPANULACEAE ...... 49 Helenium ...... 50 Cardamine ...... 46 Hibiscus ...... 45 Carya ...... 46 HIPPURACEAE ...... 47 CARYOPHYLLACEAE ... . 44 Hippuris ...... 47 Cephalanthus ...... 50 HYPERICACEAE ...... 45

Published by UNI ScholarWorks, 1977 11 Proceedings of the Iowa Academy of Science, Vol. 84 [1977], No. 2, Art. 3 52 PROC. IOWA ACAD. SCI. 84 (1977)

Plate I. (A) Selaginella apoda, (B) lsoetes melanopoda, (C) Equisetum arvense, (D) Equisetum fluviatile , (E) Equisetum hyemale, (F) Equisetum sylvaticum, and (G) Botrychium simplex. 12 Lammers and Van Der Valk: A Checklist of the Aquatic and Wetland Vascular Plants of Iowa: I low A WETLAND VASCULAR PLANTS 53

Plate 2. (A)Ophioglossum vulgatum, (B)Osmunda cinnamomea, (C) Osmunda regalis, (D) Dryopteris cristata, (E) Onoclea sen­ sibilis, (F) Thelypteris palustris, and (G) Marsilea mucronata.

Published by UNI ScholarWorks, 1977 13 Proceedings of the Iowa Academy of Science, Vol. 84 [1977], No. 2, Art. 3 54 PROC. IOWA ACAD. SCI. 84 (1977)

Plate 3. (A) Marsilea quadrifolia, (B)Azolla mexicana, (C) Brasenia schreberi, (D) Nuphar luteum variegatum, (E) Nymphaea tuberosa, (F) Nelumbo lutea, (G) Ceratophyllum demersum, and (H) Anemone canadensis. 14 Lammers and Van Der Valk: A Checklist of the Aquatic and Wetland Vascular Plants of Iowa: I lowA WETLAND VASCULAR PLANTS 55

Plate 4. (A) Anemone caroliniana, (B) Caltha palustris, (C) Myosurus minimus, (D)Ranunculus abortivus, (E)Ranunculus aquatilis, (F) Ranunculus cymbalaria, (G) Ranunculus flabel­ laris, and (H) Ranunculus gmelini.

Published by UNI ScholarWorks, 1977 15 Proceedings of the Iowa Academy of Science, Vol. 84 [1977], No. 2, Art. 3 56 PROC. IOWA ACAD. SCI. 84 (1977)

Plate 5. (A) Ranunculus longirostris, (B) Ranunculus pennsyl­ vanicus, (C) Ranunculus recurvatus, (D) Ranunculus repens, (E) Ranunculus scleratus, (F) Ranunculus septentrionalis, (G) Boehmeria cylindrica, and (H) Boehmeria drummondiana. 16 Lammers and Van Der Valk: A Checklist of the Aquatic and Wetland Vascular Plants of Iowa: I IOWA WETLAND VASCULAR PLANTS 57

Plate 6. (A) Laportea canadensis, (B) Pilea fontana, (C) Pilea pumila, (D) Urtica dioica, (E) Alnus rugosa, (F) Betula glan­ dulosa, (G) Betula lutea, and (H) Betula nigra.

Published by UNI ScholarWorks, 1977 17 Proceedings of the Iowa Academy of Science, Vol. 84 [1977], No. 2, Art. 3 58 PROC. IOWA ACAD. SCI. 84 (1977)

Plate 7. (A) Cerastium arvense, (B) Cerastium nutans, (C) Cerastium viscosum, (D) Cerastium vulgatum, (E) Silene cserei, (F) Silene cucubalus, (G) Silene nivea, and (H) Silene stellata. 18 Lammers and Van Der Valk: A Checklist of the Aquatic and Wetland Vascular Plants of Iowa: I lowA WETLAND VASCULAR PLANTS 59

Plate 8. (A) Stellaria aquatica, (B) Stellaria longifolia, (C) Stellaria media, (D) Atriplex patula, (E) Chenopodium rubrum, (F) Chenopodium standleyanum, (G) Amaranthus tamariscinus, and (H) Amaranthus tuberculatus.

Published by UNI ScholarWorks, 1977 19 Proceedings of the Iowa Academy of Science, Vol. 84 [1977], No. 2, Art. 3 60 PROC. IOWA ACAD. SCI. 84 (1977)

Plate 9 . (A) Amaranthus tamariscinus x tuberculatus, (B) Polygonum caespitosum, (C) Polygonum coccineum, (D) Polygonum hydropiper, (E) Polygonum hydropiperoides, (F) Polygonum lapathifolium, (G) Polygonum natans, and (H) Polygonum pennsylvanicum. 20 Lammers and Van Der Valk: A Checklist of the Aquatic and Wetland Vascular Plants of Iowa: I low A WETLAND VASCULAR PLANTS 61

Plate 10. (A) Polygonum persicaria, (B) Polygonum punctatum, (C) Polygonum ramosissimum, (D) Polygonum sagittatum, (E) Rumex maritimus, (F) Rumex orbiculatus, (G) Rumex patientia, and (H) Rumex verticillata.

Published by UNI ScholarWorks, 1977 21 Proceedings of the Iowa Academy of Science, Vol. 84 [1977], No. 2, Art. 3 62 PROC. IOWA ACAD. SCI. 84 (1977)

Plate 11 . (A) Hypericum boreale, (B) , (C) , (D) , (E) Hypericum mutilum x majus, (F) Hypericum pyrimidatum, (G) Triadenum fraseri, and (H ) Hibiscus militaris. 22 Lammers and Van Der Valk: A Checklist of the Aquatic and Wetland Vascular Plants of Iowa: I low A WETLAND VASCULAR PLANTS 63

Plate 12. (A) Elatine triandra, (8) Viola lanceolata, (C) Viola mac­ loskeyi pallens, (D) Viola macloskeyi pallens x lanceolata, (E) Viola nephrophylla, (F) Viola nephrophylla x sororia, (G) Viola papilionacea and (H) Viola sagittata.

Published by UNI ScholarWorks, 1977 23 Proceedings of the Iowa Academy of Science, Vol. 84 [1977], No. 2, Art. 3 64 PROC. IOWA ACAD. SCI. 84 (1977)

Plate 13 . (A) Drosera rotundifolia, (B) Carya illinoensis, (C) Carya lacinosa, (D) Carya x nussbaumeri, (E) Populus balsamifera, (F) Populus deltoides var. deltoides, (G) Populus deltoides var. occidentale, and (H) Salix amygdaloides . 24 Lammers and Van Der Valk: A Checklist of the Aquatic and Wetland Vascular Plants of Iowa: I low A WETLAND VASCULAR PLANTS 65

Plate 14. (A) Salix babylonica, (B) Salix bebbiana, (C) Salix can­ dida , (D) Salix discolor, (E) Salix discolor x humilis, (F) Salix fragilis, (G) Salix interior, and (H) Salix lucida .

Published by UNI ScholarWorks, 1977 25 Proceedings of the Iowa Academy of Science, Vol. 84 [1977], No. 2, Art. 3 66 PROC. IOWA ACAD. SCI. 84 (1977)

Plate 15 . (A) Salix nigra, (8) Salix pedicellaris, (C) Salix pentandra, (D) Salix petiolaris, (E) Salix purpurea, (F) Salix rigida , (G) Salix sericea, and (H) Salix subsericea. 26 Lammers and Van Der Valk: A Checklist of the Aquatic and Wetland Vascular Plants of Iowa: I


Plate 16. (A) Armoracia aquatica, (B) Cardamine bulbosa, (C) Car­ damine douglasii, (D) Cardamine pennsylvanica, (E) Nastur­ tium officinale, (F) lodanthus pinnatiftdus, (G) Rorippa is/an­ dica, and (H) Rorippa sessilifiora.

Published by UNI ScholarWorks, 1977 27 Proceedings of the Iowa Academy of Science, Vol. 84 [1977], No. 2, Art. 3

68 PROC. IOWA ACAD. SCI. 84 (1977)

Plate 17 . (A) Rorippa sylvestris, (B) Lysimachia ciliata, (C) Lysimachia hybrida, (D) Lysimachia nummularia, (E) Lysimachia quadrifolia, (F) Lysimachia terrestris, (G) Lysimachia thyrsiflora, and (H) Parnassia glauca. 28 Lammers and Van Der Valk: A Checklist of the Aquatic and Wetland Vascular Plants of Iowa: I


Plate 18 . (A)Parnassiaparvijlora, (B)Penthorumsedoides, (C)Ribes americanum , (D ) Saxifraga pennsylvanica, (E) Agrimonia par­ vijlora , (F) Filipendula rubra, (G) Geum aleppicum, and (H) Potentilla anserina.

Published by UNI ScholarWorks, 1977 29 Proceedings of the Iowa Academy of Science, Vol. 84 [1977], No. 2, Art. 3 70 PROC. IOWA ACAD. SCI. 84 (1977)

Plate ·J9. (A)Potentilla palustris, (B) Potentilla parado.xa, (C) Poten­ tilla rivalis, (D)Spiraea alba, (E)Amorphafruticosa, (F)Apios americana, (G) Lathyrus palustris, and (H) Amphicarpa brac­ teata (dots) and Floerkea proserpinicoides (triangle). 30 Lammers and Van Der Valk: A Checklist of the Aquatic and Wetland Vascular Plants of Iowa: I


Plate 20. (A) Myriophyllum spicatum, (B) Myriophyllum heterophyl­ lum , (C) Myriophyllum pinnatum, (D) Proserpinica palustris, (E) Hippuris vulgaris, (F) Ammania coccinea, (G) Decodon verticillatus, (and H) Lythrum da cotanum .

Published by UNI ScholarWorks, 1977 31 Proceedings of the Iowa Academy of Science, Vol. 84 [1977], No. 2, Art. 3 72 PROC. IOWA ACAD. SCI. 84 (1977)

Plate 21. (A) Lythrum salicaria, (B) Pep/is diandra, (C)Rotala ramosior, (D) Rhexia virginica, (E) Epilobium coloratum, (F) Epilobium glandulosum, (G) Epilobium palustre, and (H) Epilobium strictum. 32 Lammers and Van Der Valk: A Checklist of the Aquatic and Wetland Vascular Plants of Iowa: I IOWA WETLAND VASCULAR PLANTS 73

Plate 22. (A)Jussiaea repens, (B)Ludwigia alternifolia, (C)Ludwigia palustris, (D) Ludwigia polycarpa, (E) Oenothera parviflora, (F) Oenothera pilosella, (G) Cornus obliqua, and (H) Cornus stolonifera .

Published by UNI ScholarWorks, 1977 33 Proceedings of the Iowa Academy of Science, Vol. 84 [1977], No. 2, Art. 3 74 PROC. IOWA ACAD. SCI. 84 (1977)

Plate 23 . (A) Impatiens capensis, (B) Impatiens pallida, (C) Berula erecta, (D) Cicuta bulbifera, (E) Cicuta maculata , (F) Sium suave, (G) Gentiana andrewsii, and (H) Gentiana crinita. 34 Lammers and Van Der Valk: A Checklist of the Aquatic and Wetland Vascular Plants of Iowa: I


Plate 24. (A) Gentiana procera, (B) Menyanthes trifoliata, (C) Asclepias incarnata, (D) Cuscuta cephalanthi, (E) Cuscuta cus­ pidata, (F) Cuscuta indecora, (G) Cuscuta paradoxa, and (H) Cuscuta polygonorum.

Published by UNI ScholarWorks, 1977 35 Proceedings of the Iowa Academy of Science, Vol. 84 [1977], No. 2, Art. 3 76 low A WETLAND VASCULAR PLANTS

Plate 25. (A) Cuscuta corylii, (B) Cuscuta gronovii, (C) Callitriche heterophylla, (D) Callitriche palustris, (E) Lippia lanceolata, (F) Verbena hastata, (G) Verbena x rydbergii, and (H)Lycopus americanus. 36 Lammers and Van Der Valk: A Checklist of the Aquatic and Wetland Vascular Plants of Iowa: I


Plate 26. (A) Lycopus asper, (B) Lycopus rubellus, (C) Lycopus uni­ florus, (D)Lycopus virginicus, (E)Mentha arvensis, (F)Mentha aquatica, (G) Mentha cardiaca, and (H) Mentha citrata.

Published by UNI ScholarWorks, 1977 37 Proceedings of the Iowa Academy of Science, Vol. 84 [1977], No. 2, Art. 3 78 PROC. IOWA ACAD. SCI. 84 (1977)


Plate 27. (A) Mentha gentilis, (B) Mentha piperita, (C) Mentha spicata, (D) Physostegia virginiana, (E) Scutellaria gal­ lericulata, (F)Scutellaria laterijlora, (G)Stachys palustris, and (H) Stachys tenuifolia. 38 Lammers and Van Der Valk: A Checklist of the Aquatic and Wetland Vascular Plants of Iowa: I IOWA WETLAND VASCULAR PLANTS 79

Plate 28 . (A) Teucrium canadense, (B) Bacopa rotundifolia, (C) Chelone glabra, (D) Chelone obliqua, (E) Gerardia purpurea, (F)Gerardia tenuifolia, (G) Gratiola ne~lecta, and (H) Gratiola virginiana.

Published by UNI ScholarWorks, 1977 39 Proceedings of the Iowa Academy of Science, Vol. 84 [1977], No. 2, Art. 3 80 PROC. IOWA ACAD. SCI. 84 (1977)

Plate 29. (A) Lindernia dubia, (B) Mimulus glabratus, (C) Mimulus alatus, (D) Mimulus ringens, (E) Pedicularis canadensis, (F) Pedicularis lanceolata, (G) Penstemon digitalis, and (H) Pen­ stemon calycosus. 40 Lammers and Van Der Valk: A Checklist of the Aquatic and Wetland Vascular Plants of Iowa: I IOWA WETLAND VASCULAR PLANTS 81

Plate 30. (A) Veronica americana, (B) Veronica anagallis-aquatica, (C) Veronica catenata, (D) Veronica longifolia, (E) Veronica peregrina, (F) Veronica scutellata, (G)Justicia americana, and (H) Utricularia gibba .

Published by UNI ScholarWorks, 1977 41 Proceedings of the Iowa Academy of Science, Vol. 84 [1977], No. 2, Art. 3 82 PROC. IOWA ACAD. SCI. 84 (1977)

Plate 31 . (A) Utricularia intermedia, (B) Utricularia minor, (C) Utric­ ularia vulgaris, (D) Campanula aparinoides, (E) Lobelia car­ dinalis, (F) Lobelia kalmii, (G) Lobelia siphilitica, and (H) C ephalanthus occidentalis. 42 Lammers and Van Der Valk: A Checklist of the Aquatic and Wetland Vascular Plants of Iowa: I lowA WETLAND VASCULAR PLANTS 83

Plate 32. (A) Galium labridoricum, (B) Galium obtusum, (C) Galium trifidum var. trifidum , (D) Galium trifidum var. tinctorium, (E) Aster furcatus, (F)Aster junciformis, (G)Aster lateriflorus, and (H) Aster novaeangliae.

Published by UNI ScholarWorks, 1977 43 Proceedings of the Iowa Academy of Science, Vol. 84 [1977], No. 2, Art. 3 84 PROC. IOWA ACAD. SCI. 84 (1977)

Plate 33 . (A) Aster ontarionis, (B) Aster prealtus, (C) Aster prenan­ thoides, (D)Aster puniceus, (E)Aster simplex, (F)Aster umbel­ latus, (G) Aster vimineus, and (H) Bidens aristosa. 44 Lammers and Van Der Valk: A Checklist of the Aquatic and Wetland Vascular Plants of Iowa: I low A WETLAND VASCULAR PLANTS 85

Plate 34. (A) Bidens beckii, (B) Bidens bipinnata, (C) Bidens cernua, (D)Bidens coronata, (E) Bidens discoidea, (F)Bidensfrondosa, (G) Bidens polylepis, and (H) Bidens tripartita.

Published by UNI ScholarWorks, 1977 45 Proceedings of the Iowa Academy of Science, Vol. 84 [1977], No. 2, Art. 3 86 PROC. IOWA ACAD. SCI. 84 (1977)

Plate 35. (A) Bidens vulgata, (8) Boltonia asteroides, (C) Cirsium flodmanii , (D) Cirsium muticum, (E) Eclipta alba, (F) Erechtites hieracifolia, (G) Eupatorium maculatum, and (H) Helenium autumnale. 46 Lammers and Van Der Valk: A Checklist of the Aquatic and Wetland Vascular Plants of Iowa: I low A WETLAND VASCULAR PLANTS 87

Plate 36. (A) Iva ciliata, (B) Silphium perfoliatum, (C) Solidago gigantea, (D) Solidago graminifolia, (E) Solidago patula, (F) Solidago riddellii, and (G) Vernonia fasciculata.

Published by UNI ScholarWorks, 1977 47 Proceedings of the Iowa Academy of Science, Vol. 84 [1977], No. 2, Art. 3 88 PROC. IOWA ACAD. SCI. 84 (1977)

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