Anti-Biotechnology Activism and the Politics of Agrifood Restructuring

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Anti-Biotechnology Activism and the Politics of Agrifood Restructuring REVOLUTION FROM THE AISLE? ANTI-BIOTECHNOLOGY ACTIVISM AND THE POLITICS OF AGRIFOOD RESTRUCTURING by Robin Jane Roff BA, University ofToronto, 2003 THESIS SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY In the Department ofGeography © Robin Jane Roff2008 SIMON FRASER UNIVERSITY Summer 2008 All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced in whole or in part, by photocopy or other means, without permission ofthe author. APPROVAL Name: Robin Jane Roff Degree: Doctor of Philosophy Title of Thesis: Revolution from the Aisle? Anti-biotechnology Activism and the Politics of Agrifood Restructuring Examining Committee: Chair: Dr. Nadine C. Schuurman, Associate Professor, Department ofGeography, SFU Dr. Geoff Mann, Assistant Professor Senior Supervisor, Department of Geography, SFU Dr. Paul Kingsbury, Assistant Professor Committee Member, Department ofGeography, SFU Dr. Gwen Chapman, Associate Professor Committee Member, Faculty ofLand and Food Systems, UBC Dr. Gerardo Otero, Professor Internal Examiner Department ofSociology!Anthropology, SFU Dr. Aaron Bobrow-Strain, Assistant Professor External Examiner Politics Department, Whitman College Date Approved: August 22, 2008 11 SIMON FRASER UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Declaration of Partial Copyright Licence The author, whose copyright is declared on the title page of this work, has granted to Simon Fraser University the right to lend this thesis, project or extended essay to users of the Simon Fraser University Library, and to make partial or single copies only for such users or in response to a request from the library of any other university, or other educational institution, on its own behalf or for one of its users. The author has further granted permission to Simon Fraser University to keep or make a digital copy for use in its circulating collection (currently available to the public at the "Institutional Repository" link of the SFU Library website <> at: <>) and, without changing the content, to translate the thesis/project or extended essays, if technically possible, to any medium or format for the purpose of preservation of the digital work. The author has further agreed that permission for multiple copying of this work for scholarly purposes may be granted by either the author or the Dean of Graduate Studies. It is understood that copying or publication of this work for financial gain shall not be allowed without the author's written permission. Permission for pUblic performance, or limited permission for private scholarly use, of any multimedia materials forming part of this work, may have been granted by the author. This information may be found on the separately catalogued multimedia material and in the signed Partial Copyright Licence. While licensing SFU to permit the above uses, the author retains copyright in the thesis, project or extended essays, including the right to change the work for subsequent purposes, including editing and publishing the work in whole or in part, and licensing other parties, as the author may desire. The original Partial Copyright Licence attesting to these terms, and signed by this author, may be found in the original bound copy of this work, retained in the Simon Fraser University Archive. Simon Fraser University Library Burnaby, BC, Canada Revised: Fall 2007 SIMON FRASER UNIVERSITY THINKING OF THE WORLD STATEMENT OF ETHICS APPROVAL The author, whose name appears on the title page of this work, has obtained, for the research described in this work, either: (a) Human research ethics approval from the Simon Fraser University Office of Research Ethics, or (b) Advance approval of the animal care protocol from the University Animal Care Committee of Simon Fraser University; or has conducted the research (c) as a co-investigator, in a research project approved in advance, or (d) as a member of a course approved in advance for minimal risk human research, by the Office of Research Ethics. A copy of the approval letter has been filed at the Theses Office of the University Library at the time of submission of this thesis or project. The original application for approval and letter of approval are filed with the relevant offices. Inquiries may be directed to those authorities. Bennett Library Simon Fraser University Burnaby, BC, Canada Last revISIOn Summer 2007 ABSTRACT Genetic engineering as scientific practice and a package of social relations has deeply marked the global political economy. Yet, the future ofagricultural applications is uncertain. In the United States, the global leader in GE production, the industry's dominance is challenged by a growing opposition movement intent on slowing commercial introductions, increasing regulation and shifting decision-making power from biotechnology corporations to citizens. Geographers and agrifood scholars herald this movement as a critical point ofresistance to the forces of political economic change. Indeed, to the extent that activists question corporate power, neoliberalization and agricultural industrialization they can playa crucial role in determining social, economic and environmental relations within and outside the food system. However, at present, there has been little assessment ofthe significance ofcontemporary tactics, strategies and practices. This project offers the first systematic examination ofthe movement in California, a centre ofresearch and development and grassroots activism. Using case studies ofGE Free Sonoma and the Non-GMO Project, I document the history, effect and potential oforganized campaigns and the everyday practices ofrank-and-ftle volunteers. I argue that although the movement developed as a way to oppose the environmental and social injustices of neoliberalization, it also reproduces problematic social and economic cleavages and neoliberal rationalities. In the first section, I trace the development of California's GE Free movement and the implications ofGE Free Sonoma's campaign discourse. I then explore the unorganized tactics of the group's volunteers through the concept ofeveryday resistance. The discussion pays particular attention to the complexity and increasing use of consumer and market-focused activism. I argue iii that "voting with your dollar" can be a neoliberal conceit or a possible route to alternative economies. Activism simply needs to step out ofthe supermarket aisle. The second section continues this examination ofmarket tactics and assesses the consequences ofthe Non-GMO Project's proposed Non-GMO certification. After reviewing the group's history, I discuss the economic, regulatory and biological obstacles to negative labelling. Ultimately, this study is intended as both a critical challenge to activism and a resource to strengthen radical agrifood politics. Keywords: agricultural biotechnology; genetically engineered crops; genetically engineered food; GMO; neoliberalism; consumer activism; alternative food movement; GE Free; Non GMO Project; everyday resistance; third party certification; labelling; California Subject Terms: Food --Biotechnology --Social aspects; Agricultural biotechnology - Social aspects; Genetic engineering - Social aspects; Food -- Social aspects -- United States; Alternative Agriculture United States iv For my parents, who never cease to inspire v ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This text is the outcome ofa long process that started long before I entered graduate school. It bears the marks ofMontreal, Toronto, Santa Barbara, Vancouver, Riverside, and, ofcourse, Sonoma and Berkeley. In many ways, it was written in all these places. This project, however, is informed most by the people that saw me through the hard times and good times; the laughs, the tears and the long conversations over good (and not so good) meals. lowe an unending debt ofthanks to my informants - the members of GE Free Sonoma, the Non-GMO Project, the food manufacturers and all the other hard working activists opposing agricultural biotechnology. Without you, crucial struggles would remain unwaged. Thank you. I most thank my advisor, Geoff Mann, who gave me an academic home when I was lost, supported my intellectual endeavours and trusted me when I did not trust myself. Gwen Chapman and Paul Kingsbury completed my committee and helped me in an untold number ofways. To Gwen I must extend special thanks for bringing together such great minds to talk about food in all its dimensions and for always making me feel like part ofthe team. I must also thank Aaron Bobrow-Strain and Gerardo Otero for their helpful feedback on this manuscript. Chapter 4 ofthis work appears as "No alternative? The politics and history of Non-GMO certification" in Agriculture and Human Values (in press). Some ofthe ideas and arguments concerning the market for Non-GMO foods and reproduction of neoliberalism through activism also appear in "Shopping for change? Neoliberalizing vi activism and the limits ofeating non-GMO", Agriculture and Human Values (Volume 24, p. 511-522). Thank you to the publishers ofthese journals and the many reviewers who provided excellent feedback and comments. Over the years, many people have been sounding boards, shoulders and inspiration. First, to Stephanie Campbell, Ranae Kowalczuk, Agnieszka Leszczynski, Tanya Turk, Julia MacKenzie, Robert Humphries, Dawn Hoogeveen and Tracy Myerson, thank you for making Vancouver home and giving the University on the hill a pleasant face. You have contributed more then you know. lowe a special thanks to Julie Dillemuth, who has been with
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    JAZZ ON CD/2020 LIST 2 SADMAN RECORDS P.O. BOX 1413 LEICESTER LE2 8ZE PUBLISHED: SEPTEMBER 2020 TEL. 0116 270 6325 MOB. 07968 327155 e-mail: [email protected] Welcome to our SECOND CD set-price list of 2020. We are still offering free p&p on all orders posted within the UK. The present situation has somewhat delayed our original timetable. I sincerely hope this finds you all well now and in whatever the future brings. KEEP SAFE. This list is being published at the same time as Sadman Records News 62 (our 78rpm/LP listing). Let us know if you would like this list too. HERE ARE THE P&P CHARGES FOR CONSIGNMENTS SENT TO OTHER PARTS OF THE WORLD EUROPE: 1CD = £2.00, plus £1.50 for each CD after that, up to a maximim weight of 2kg/REST OF THE WORLD: 1CD = £3.00 plus £2.00 for each extra CD up to the same weight. Condition of all CDs 'AS NEW' apart from minor marks on the casing/disc itself. b = booklet; cc = cut to booklet and/or jewel case; d = disc; dam = damage; N* = sealed; s = slight; sod = sticker on disc; wo = writing on. SECTION ONE - SINGLE/2CD SETS BY ARTISTS IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER 1/001 ABERCROMBIE, JOHN/LaVERNE, ANDY Nosmo King (duets) SteepleChase SCCD31301 £5.00 1/002 AMMONS, GENE ALL STARS Groove Blues (Coltrane/Quinchette/Pepper Adams….) Prestige OJCCD723-2 £5.00 1/003 AMMONS, GENE SEPTET Bad! Bossa Nova (Burrell/Pizzarelli/Hank Jones/Norman Edge + perc) Prestige OJC20 351-2 £5.00 1/004 ARMSTRONG, LOUIS ORCHESTRA Vol.2 1936-38 Heart Full Of Rhythm MCA GRP16202 £5.00 1/005 BAKER, CHET You Can't Go Home Again A&M Jazz CD0805 £5.00 1/006 BAKER, CHET The Italian Sessions 1962 (w.Bobby Jaspar/Rene Thomas…) Bluebird ND82001 £5.00 1/007 BAKER, CHET QUARTET At Onkel Po's Carnegie Hall, Hamburg 1979 (2CD) Jazzline N77038 (w.sleeve) £6.00 1/008 BAKER, CHET QUARTET ParisConcert 1981 (Rene Urtreger/Aldo Romano/Pierre Michelot) D.I.W.
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