[email protected] 1 1 Contents 2 1 Forward iv 3 Acknowledgements v 4 I Biology, Maintenance & Breeding 1 5 2 Introduction to killifish 2 6 2.1 What is a killifish? ...................... 3 7 2.2 Killifish biology, ecology and survival in the wild ...... 4 8 2.3 Basic physiology: a response to the environment ...... 8 9 3 Killifish in the aquarium 15 10 3.1 Killifish in the community .................. 15 11 3.2 Water quality ......................... 17 12 3.2.1 Water parameters ................... 17 13 3.2.2 Temperature ..................... 18 14 3.3 Tank setup ........................... 19 15 3.4 Maintenance .......................... 21 16 4 Foods, feeding & disease 25 17 4.1 Feeding ............................ 25 18 4.2 Culturing your own fish food ................. 28 19 4.2.1 Worms ........................ 28 20 4.2.2 Insect larvae ..................... 30 21 4.2.3 Crustaceans ...................... 30 22 4.2.4 Fruit flies ....................... 31 23 4.2.5 Culturing Infusoria .................. 32 24 4.2.6 Artificial food mixes ................. 33 i CONTENTS ii 25 4.3 Disease: prevention and cure ................. 34 26 5 Breeding killifish 38 27 5.1 Non-annuals .......................... 38 28 5.1.1 Constructing a spawning mop ............ 39 29 5.1.2 Tackling spawning problems ............. 39 30 5.1.3 Collecting and incubating eggs ............ 41 31 5.2 Annuals ............................ 43 32 5.2.1 Peat preparation ................... 43 33 5.3 Hatching hints ......................... 45 34 5.4 Rearing fry .......................... 47 35 5.5 Skewed sex ratios ....................... 48 36 II Killifish Review 51 37 6 Non-annuals 52 38 6.1 Aphyosemion and allies ...................