Wishing All a Happy New Year of Fish Breeding!

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Wishing All a Happy New Year of Fish Breeding! AQUATICA T H E O N - L I N E J O U R N A L O F T H E B R O O K L Y N A Q U A R I U M S O C I E T Y VOL. 31 JANUARY~ FEBRUARY 2018 No. 3 WISHINGWISHING ALLALL AA HAPPYHAPPY NEWNEW YEARYEAR OFOF FISHFISH BREEDING!BREEDING! Blue gularis, Fundulopanchax ajostedti 1 107 YEARS OF E DUCATING A QUARISTS AQUATICA VOL. 31 JANUARY - FEBUARY 2018 N O . 3 C ONTENTS PAGE 2 THE AQUATICA STAFF PAGE 21 SURPRISING BREEDING EXPERIMENTS WITH THE BLUENOSE PAGE 3 CALENDAR OF EVENTS. SHINER. BAS events for the year - 2018 Breeding this fish is tricky at best and certainly not easy. Bluenose spawn PAGE 4 WHAT MAKES YOUR cuckoo style in the nests of sunfish.Tony FRESHWATER AQUARIUM did some interesting experiments on TOO ACIDIC: AND HOW TO breeding this fish. CORRECT IT. ANTHONY P. KROEGER - BAS A low pH means the water is too acidic. This article will tell you how PAGE 24 BRACHYRHAPHIS to correct pH in your aquarium. RHABDOPHORA. TOBY SANDERS - AQUARISTGUIDE.COM An article on this interesting little livebearer and their breeding. PAGE 7 BREEDING THE RED BADIS. ALAN ROLLINGS - ACLC How to breed this beautiful small fish. LEE VAN HYFTE - EIAA PAGE 25 DIY CORNER: MAT FILTER CORNER BOX. How to build a foam mat filter box. PAGE 9 THE BLUE PIN TAIL GOURAMI. WILL WHITE - GAAS Breeding strategies for this gorgeous but little known dwarf gourami. PAGE 27 CLASSIC PLATY VARIETIES. MIKE HELLWEG - MAS Like swordtails, they are hardy, beautiful, easy to keep and breed and are available everywhere. Unfortu- PAGE 12 RECIPES: INFUSORIA SOUP. nately, just like swordtails, the platy also has many Tips on culturing and maintaining an infusoria soup mutations which are rarely seen anymore. Keep an for very small fry. eye open for these rarities: JOHN TODARO - BAS ANTHONY P. KROEGER - BAS PAGE 13 INSIDE THE FISHY WORLD OF PAGE 28 KEEPING AROWANAS IN THE NYC’S AQUARIUM OBSESSIVES. FRESHWATER AQUARIUM. A NY Post article that looks at a few of the An overview of the different species of this Society’s obsessive aquarists. fascinating family of fishes. CHADWICK MOORE - NY POST KATHERINE BARRINGTON - TFSRI PAGE 16 BREEDING THE BLUE GULARIS. PAGE 31 TIGER BARBS. Breeding blue gularis is not for beginners. Spawning One of the most popular species of tropical fish that blue gularis requires patience, but the rewards are is a standard in the world of fishkeeping. great. Read how. JOEL ANTKOWIAK - ACLC ANTHONY P. KROEGER - BAS PAGE 19 BREEDING JEWEL KILLIES. These two gems of Gabon are some of the most spectacular fish you could ever own and here are the tips on breeding them LEE VAN HYFTE - EIAA 2 A QUATICA STAFF /TZ\[W5_________________________________________John Todaro -[X\WZKS\ZXN )WZ\^WY DYY[RZ]\^_(^YZNX^W5 Ginny Cahill Joel Antkowiak Toby Sanders -[OM_/TZ\[W5______________ Kay Martin Katherine Barrington John Todaro 9W^YVL]\^W_=VWZPO_/TZ\[W5 Ryan Curtis Mike Hellweg Lee Van Hyfte 8]WZX^_/TZ\[W5___________________________Open Anthony P. Kroeger Will White 1U]X\_/TZ\[W5______________________________Izzy Zwerin Chadwick Moore -]\QZYV_/TZ\[W5_ Sy Angelicus Alan Rollings EUUSY\W]\Z[XY5__ Norman Doughty Chris Giam Sherwood Kenton Julia Noonan Shelly Sacks John Todaro Note: The Editor takes full responsibility for misspellings /@RV]XN^_/TZ\[W5_ Open and punctuation errors. AQUATICA ZY_OSKUZYV^T_[X_UZX^_KZCP[X\VUM_4^@R^O\_SUMDSNSY\3_KM_<D=J_Original articles P]M_K^_W^OWZX\^T KM_[\V^W X[XCOW[QZ\_[WN]XZC ;]\Z[XYI_OW[HZT^T_OW[O^W_RW^TZ\_ZY_NZH^X_\[_\V^_]S\V[W_]XT_AQUATICAI_]XT_\L[_R[OZ^Y_]W^_Y^X\_\[_\V^ /@RV]XN^_/TZ\[WJ_FW]XYRWZO\Z[XY_[Q U^R\SW^Y_P]M_X[\_K^_W^OWZX\^T_LZ\V[S\_LWZ\\^X_O^WPZYYZ[X_[Q_K[\V_/TZ\[W_]XT_\V^_=O^]G^WJ_D_X[\ZR^_[Q_LV^W^_[WZNZX]U_AQUATICA ]W\ZRU^Y V]H^_K^^X_OSKUZYV^T_YV[SUT_K^_Y^X\_\[_\V^_BAS Exchange Editor; 1J.J_<[@_>A!?AI_<GUMXI_&+_??>>CA??? AQUATICA LZUU_^@RV]XN^_OSKUZR]\Z[XY_LZ\V_]UU_ZX\^W^Y\^T_Y[RZ^\Z^YJ_EQ_L^_T[_X[\_W^R^ZH^_M[SW_OSKUZR]\Z[XY_Q[W_\VW^^ R[XY^RS\ZH^ P[X\VYI_L^_LZUU_]YYSP^_M[S_X[_U[XN^W_LZYV_\[_^@RV]XN^_]XT_M[SW_RUSK_P]M_K^__W^P[H^T_QW[P_[SW_P]ZUZXN_UZY\J ALL CORRESPONDENCE CONCERNING THIS PUBLICATION SHOULD BE SENT TO: ,_/TZ\[W5_John Todaro, 247 Middletown Road, South Londonderry VT, 05155 - Phone: 802 824-3743 Fax: Same. You can submit articles to the Editor by mail, fax, or E-mail to: [email protected]. FV^_Brooklyn Aquarium Society Inc. ZY_]_X[XCOW[QZ\_[WN]XZ;]\Z[X_:A?4R3_423_Q[W_O^[OU^ ZX\^W^Y\^T_ZX_\V^_]BS]WZSP V[KKM_]XT_\V^_Y\STM_[Q ]BS]\ZR_UZQ^J_FV^_=[RZ^\M_P^^\Y \V^_>XT_9WZT]M_[Q_^]RV_P[X\V_^@R^O\_SUM_]XT_DSNSY\_]\_\V^_/TSR]\Z[X_6]UU_[Q_\V^_&^L_+[WG_DBS]WZSP_]\ -[X^M_EYU]XTI_=SWQ_DH^XS^ ]\_)^Y\_'\V_=\JI_]\_052A_18J_ 8^^\ZXNY_]W^_[O^X_\[_HZYZ\[WYJ_#^QW^YVP^X\Y_]W^_Y^WH^TJ_8^PK^WYVZO_ZY_>:_O^W_M^]W Q]PZUM>A_ZXTZHZTS]U?:_Q[W_Y\ST^X\Y SXT^W_?'J =^XT_ZXBSZWZ^Y_[W_P^PK^WYVZO_RV^RGY_O]M]KU^_\[5 Brooklyn Aquarium Society, R[_8^PK^WYVZO_-V]ZWO^WY[XI_1J.J_<[@_>A!?AI_<W[[GUMXI_&+_??>>CAA??J BROOKLYN AQUARIUM SOCIETY BOARD OF DIRECTORS OFFICERS /@RV]XN^_/TZ\[W5_ BOARD MEMBERS Open 1W^YZT^X\5_ Bill Amely Steve Matassa 8^PK^WYVZO_-V]ZWO^WY[X5_ David Manuel Marty Karfinkel ?Y\_ZR^_1W^YZT^X\5_ Leon Perry Gennady (Gene) Kogan =^WN^]X\C]\CDWPY5 Lita Goldberg Michael Roman >XT_ZR^_1W^YZT^X\5_ Vito Sacchieri Marie Licciardello #^R[WTZXN_=^RW^\]WM5 Kay Martin Wayne Sinckler FW^]YSW^W5_ Bob Strazzulla Alfred Turrisi )^K_8]Y\^W5_ Larry Whitfield -[WW^YO[XTZXN_=^RW^\]WM5_ Bernard Deren Ronald Wiesenfield Dan Smith /TZ\[W5_ John Todaro 3 B R O O K LY N A Q UA R I U M S O C I E TY CALENDAR OF EVENTS ~ 2018 HapPy New Year 2018 AN 12 Joe Uaru - King of DYI ~ My Aquarium Gallery The Untold Story ~ 9[UU[L^T_KM_]X_]SR\Z[X_[Q P]WZX^ QZYVI ]BS]CRSU\SW^T_R[W]UYI QW^YVL]\^W QZYVI_OU]X\Y _TWM_N[[TYJ FEB 9 John Coppolino - Building my dream system - 1300-gallon SPS display ~ 9[UU[L^T_KM_]X_]SR\Z[X_[Q P]WZX^ QZYVI ]BS]CRSU\SW^T_R[W]UYI QW^YVL]\^W QZYVI_OU]X\Y _TWM_N[[TYJ MAR 9 Nathaniel Curtis, ZooMed - The Science Behind the Spectrum ~ 9[UU[L^T_KM_]X_]SR\Z[X [Q P]WZX^ QZYVI ]BS]CRSU\SW^T_R[W]UYI_QW^YVL]\^W QZYVI_OU]X\Y _TWM_N[[TYJ APR. 13 Sanjay Joshi - Reef Lighting ~ 9[UU[L^T_KM_]X_]SR\Z[X_[Q_P]WZX^ QZYVI ]BS]CRSU\SW^T_R[W]UYI QW^YVL]C \^W QZYVI_OU]X\Y _TWM_N[[TYJ May 11 Giant Spring Auction ~ 9W^YVL]\^W_QZYVI_OU]X\YI_P]WZX^ QZYVI_]BS]CRSU\SW^T_R[W]UY_ _TWM_N[[TYI_ZXRUSTC ZXN_]_KW]XT_X^L_::CN]UU[X_\]XG_ _Y\]XTJ JUN. 8 James Perrenod, President of Discus R Us - Discus Keeping Q & A ~ 9[UU[L^T_KM_]X_]SR\Z[X_[Q P]WZX^_QZYVI ]BS]CRSU\SW^T_R[W]UYI QW^YVL]\^W QZYVI_OU]X\Y _TWM_N[[TYJ NO MEETING JULY & AUGUST SEPT 14 TBA ~ 8]WZX^_QZYVI ]BS]CRSU\SW^T_R[W]UYI QW^YVL]\^W_QZYVI_OU]X\Y _TWM_N[[TY_]SR\Z[X OCT 12 Giant Fall Auction ~ 9W^YVL]\^W_QZYVI_OU]X\YI_P]WZX^_QZYVI ]BS]CRSU\SW^T R[W]UY_ _TWM_N[[TYI_ZXRUSTZXN_] KW]XT_X^L ::CN]UU[X_\]XG _Y\]XTJ NOV 9 TBA ~ 8]WZX^_QZYVI ]BS]CRSU\SW^T_R[W]UYI QW^YVL]\^W_QZYVI_OU]X\Y _TWM_N[[TY_]SR\Z[XJ DEC 14 Holiday Party ~ Members, their families & friends • 9ZYV_<ZXN[_ _1WZ;^Y_,_<D=_]L]WTY_OW^Y^X\]\Z[XYJ 4 Toby Sanders - aquaristguide.com What Makes Your Freshwater Aquarium Too Acidic And How To Correct It Are your fish covered in mucus? Gasping? Or dying? You may have an acidity problem. It is not always the case that you can see an acidity problem directly with the naked eye. The water may appear clean, but the pH is too low. A low pH level means the water is too acidic. You need to monitor your pH levels and make adjustments to the environment quickly if you have a low pH. An unsafe pH level must be corrected to preserve the health of your aquarium. Equally, a reading that is too high is dangerous. What is pH and why does it matter? ,_O6_Y\]XTY_Q[W_\V^_ O[\^X\Z]U_[Q_6MTW[N^XJ7 ,_D_O6_YR]U^_XSPK^WY_QW[P_?_\[_?% ,_FV^_O6_U^H^U_W^Q^WY_\[_\V^_]RZTZ\MI_[W_]UG]UZXZ\MI_[Q_\V^_L]\^WJ_E\_ZY_]_YRZ^X\ZQZR__ YR]U^_SY^T_\[_T^\^WPZX^_\V^_RV]W]R\^WZY\ZRY_[Q_]_UZBSZTJ ,_0_ZY_X^S\W]UI_^JNJI_L]\^W_\V]\_L^_TWZXGJ_ ,_D_O6_[Q_U^YY_\V]X_0_ZY_]RZTZRJ_4UZG^_]_U^P[X3 ,_D_O6_NW^]\^W_\V]X_0_ZY_]UG]UZX^J_4UZG^_Y[]O3 ,_FV^_U[L^W_\V^_XSPK^WI_\V^_Y\W[XN^W_\V^_]RZTJ_ ,_FV^_VZNV^W_\V^_XSPK^WI_\V^_P[W^_]UG]UZX^_\V^_Y[US\Z[XJ What is the pH of a healthy freshwater aquarium? 6.6 to 7.8 pH D_V^]U\VM_QW^YVL]\^W_]BS]WZSP_ZY_X^Z\V^W ,_)V^X_\VZY_K]U]XR^_ZY_SOY^\I_Z\_R]X_U^]T_\[_]X ZXC \[[_]RZTZR_X[W_]UG]UZX^J_FV^Y^_]W^_P^]YSW^Y_SY^T RW^]Y^_ZX_\[@ZXY_ZX_\V^_L]\^WJ_ \[_T^YRWZK^_\V^_K]U]XR^_[Q_RV^PZR]UY_]XT_KZ[U[NZR]U ,_DPP[XZ]_]XT_XZ\W]\^Y_]W^_R[XYSP^T OW[TSR\Y_LVZRV_]W^_OW^Y^X\_ZX_\V^_L]\^WI_YSRV_]Y KM_XZ\WZQZR]\Z[X_K]R\^WZ]J_EQ_\V^_L]\^W_O6_N[^Y N]Y^Y_]XT_L]Y\^Y_UZG^_XZ\W]\^YJ_FV^_QZU\W]\Z[X_[Q K^U[L_!I_\V^Y^_K]R\^WZ]_TZ^I_]XT_\V^_L]\^W_K^R[P^Y L]\^W_W^P[H^Y_Y[P^_[Q_\V^Y^_OW[TSR\Y ]XT_G^^OY QU[[T^T_LZ\V_L]Y\^_OW[TSR\YJ_ M[SW_L]\^W_RU^]XJ ,_.H^WRW[LTZXN_R]X_]UY[_R]SY^_^@R^YY_L]Y\^J What makes your aquarium acidic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