For the Monitoring of our Environment from Space and from

2004 An international partnership for cooperation in Earth observations Integrated Global Carbon Observation Theme

A Strategy to Realise a Coordinated System of Integrated Global Carbon Cycle Observations

Ph. Ciais, B. Moore, W. Steffen, M. Hood, S. Quegan, J. Cihlar, M. Raupach, J. Tschirley, G. Inoue, S. Doney, C. Heinze, C. Sabine, K. Hibbard, D. Schulze, M. Heimann, A. Chédin, P. Monfray, A. Watson, C. LeQuéré, P. Tans, H. Dolman, R. Valentini, O. Arino, J. Townshend, G. Seufert, C. Field, T. Igarashi, C. Goodale, A. Nobre, D. Crisp, D. Baldocchi, S. Denning, I. Rasool, W. Cramer, R. Francey, D. Wickland ABOUT IGOS

The Integrated Global Observing Strategy (IGOS) is a partnership of international organisations that are concerned with global environmental change issues. It links research, long-term monitoring and operational programmes, bringing together the producers of global observations and the users that require them, to identify products needed, gaps in observations and mechanisms to respond to needs in the science and policy communities. Its principal objectives are to integrate , airborne and in-situ observation systems.

The IGOS partners are comprised of the Global Observing Systems (GOS), the International Organisations which sponsor the Global Observing Systems, the Committee on Earth Observation (CEOS), and International Global Change Science and Research programmes.

The IGOS Partners recognise that a comprehensive global earth observing system is best achieved through a step- wise process focused on practical results. The IGOS Themes allow for the definition and development of a global strategy for the observation of selected environmental issues that are of common interest to the IGOS Partners and to user groups. The current IGOS Themes include the Oceans, the Carbon cycle Geohazards, the Water cycle, Coastal areas with a Coral reef sub-theme, and Atmospheric chemistry.

The IGOS Carbon cycle theme (the IGCO - Integrated Global Carbon Observation theme) was initiated in 1999 by the International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme (IGBP), the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS), the Global Terrestrial Observing System (GTOS), the Global Climate Observing System (GCOS), the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, USA, (NASA), the Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales, France (CNES), and the National Space Development Agency of Japan (NASDA) on behalf of the Committee for Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS), the Environment Programme (UNEP), the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Global Atmosphere Watch programme of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO/GAW).

The proposal to develop the theme was approved by the IGOS Partners at their 6th Plenary in Rio de Janiero in November 2000 and a Theme Team was established under the chairmanship of Dr Philippe Ciais, LSCE, Unité mixte CEA-CNRS, France. With the support of a community of more than 400 people worldwide who contributed to this initiative, a draft report was submitted to the 10th IGOS Plenary in June 2003. Following an international peer review during July-September 2003, the present Theme report was approved for implementation by the IGOS Partnership in November 2003.

Financial and in-kind support for the development of the Carbon cycle theme were provided by CEA, CNES, ESA, EU DGXII, EUMETSAT, GMES, IGBP, IGFA, NASA, NASDA, NOAA and the US CCSP, and are gratefully acknowledged. Financial support for the publication, printing and distribution of this report was provided by the US CCSP.

Further information on IGOS can be obtained from: The Carbon cycle theme report is available from: Inquiries to the IGOS Carbon cycle theme can be sent to: Dr Philippe Ciais ([email protected])

Dietrich E. Leihner Xu Guanhua IGOS Co-chair IGOS Co-chair Director, Research, Extension Training Division Minister for Science & Technology Food & Agriculture Organization of the UN Fuxing Road 15b viale delle Terme di Caracalla Beijing 100862 00100 Rome Italy People’s Republic of China e-mail: [email protected]

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5 IGOS Carbon Theme Report 2004 igos CARBON

The overall goal of the Integrated Global Carbon This report provides a roadmap to realise the car- Observation (IGCO) Theme is to develop a flexible yet bon observing system, which ultimately will be imple- robust strategy for deploying global systematic obser- mented both by research and operational agencies. vations of the carbon cycle over the next decade. This The report identifies a core set of existing research- report sets forth a strategy to realise a coordinated based observations upon which to build the system. system of integrated global carbon cycle observa- It draws heavily from the Terrestrial Carbon Observing tions. The system has two main objectives: (TCO) strategy as well as documents that describe the Global Climate Observing System (GCOS), the Global > To provide the long-term observations required to Terrestrial Observing System (GTOS), and Global Ocean improve understanding of the present state and Observing System (GOOS). In addition, it describes the future behaviour of the global carbon cycle, particu- critical priorities and steps required to transfer the larly the factors that control the global atmospheric core set of research observations into an operational

CO2 level. system. > To monitor and assess the effectiveness of carbon The strategy for a carbon observing system is first sequestration and/or emission reduction activities a carbon crosscut of GCOS, GTOS, and GOOS and sec-

on global atmospheric CO2 levels, including attribu- ond an identification of new components not previously tion of sources and sinks by region and sector. identified. The coordinated system of integrated global carbon The system will meet those objectives by routinely observations should be built around complementary quantifying and assessing the global distribution of CO2 core groups of observations to address three themes: fluxes exchanged between the Earth’s surface and the Fluxes, Pools, and Processes. atmosphere, and by measuring at regular intervals the Fluxes. The first set of observations enables quan- changes of key carbon stocks, along with observations tification of the distribution and variability of CO2 fluxes that help elucidate underlying biogeochemical proc- between the Earth’s surface and the atmosphere. It esses. The system integrates across the multi-fac- contains: eted aspects of the three major domains of the carbon > Satellite observation of column integrated atmos- cycle: ocean, land, and atmosphere. Indeed, the most pheric CO2 distribution to an accuracy of at least 1 successful advances in understanding spring from ppm with synoptic global coverage--all latitudes, the combination of data and models for the different all seasons; domains; wherein, results from one domain place valu- » These observations do not exist yet and must be able constraints on the workings of the other two. given a very high priority. > An optimised operational network of atmospheric Implementing the carbon observing system requires: in situ stations and flask sampling sites with an > Consolidating data requirements, designing network accuracy of at least 0.1 ppm; configurations, and developing advanced algorithms » These observations, at present, are achieved in for assimilating carbon observations, which will be research mode, with ca. 100 stations worldwide. the core of a future, sustained operational system; They must be increased in horizontal and verti- > Developing cost-effective, low maintenance, in situ cal coverage to include continental interiors and

sensors for atmospheric CO2, ocean dissolved pCO2, poorly sampled regions. This requires develop- and terrestrial ecosystem fluxes; ment of cost-effective sensors and the system- > Developing and implementing technologies for atic use of platforms of opportunity. Also, there

remote sensing of CO2 from space; needs to be an enhancement of the inter-calibra- > Improving estimates of biomass based on national tion effort. inventories and/or remote sensing observations; > An optimised, operational network of eddy covariance > Developing operational carbon cycle models, vali- towers measuring on a continuous basis the fluxes of

dated through rigorous tests and driven by system- CO2, energy and water vapour over land ecosystems; atic observations, that can deliver routine diagnos- » These observations are currently made from a tics of the state of the carbon cycle; and research network comprising ca. 100 towers. > Enhancing data harmonisation and intercompara- The network must be secured for the long term, bility, archiving, and distribution to support model and expanded over ecosystem types, succes- development and implementation. sional stages, and land-use intensities.

6 IGOS Carbon Theme Report 2004 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY

> A global ocean pCO2 measurement system using a need, however, to be expanded over non-managed coordinated combination of research vessels, ships forests, adapted for carbon cycle studies, and be of opportunity, and autonomous drifters; made available on a georeferenced basis. » These observations represent at present about > Inventories of dissolved carbon in the main ocean 100 cruises. The central challenge to developing basins, measured at 5 to 10-year intervals to esti-

a global-scale operational ocean carbon observa- mate the sequestration of anthropogenic CO2 into tion network is the lack of accurate, robust, cost- surface waters;

effective, autonomous sensors for ocean pCO2. » These observations are currently made by the > A combination of satellite observations, backed up research community; they need to be systema- by a long-term continuity of measurements, deliv- tised, carefully intercalibrated, and expanded ering global observations of parameters required over poorly sampled ocean gyres.

to estimate surface-atmosphere CO2 fluxes where direct in situ measurements are scarce; Measuring changes in carbon stocks in these three » These crucial satellite observations are: land pools is critical for carbon closure. It is a fundamental cover status, disturbance extent and intensity, check upon the system, and essential for hindcast rea- parameters related to vegetation activity, ocean nalysis of the carbon budget. colour, and ancillary atmospheric and oceanic variables controlling the fluxes. Processes. The third set of observations in the system

> Georeferenced fossil fuel CO2 emission maps are measurements related to important carbon cycle including temporal variability and uncertainties; processes. Most of these will remain in the research » These observations are an important constraint domain, and thus will be coordinated within the frame- input for atmospheric studies, and they are also work of the international Global Carbon Project (GCP). central for the policy context. Four process-related observations, however, are now appropriate for the operational domain and will become The approach for using these observations to quantify part of the core set of the carbon observing system: the distribution and variability of CO2 fluxes between the > Fire distribution (hot spots) and burned area extent, Earth’s surface and the atmosphere requires reconcili- to estimate the fluxes of carbon that are emitted ation of both down-scaling and up-scaling estimates. during fires. Fire hot spots will be measured on Atmospheric transport models are required to down- (sub) daily time steps, with fire extent at monthly scale the atmospheric CO2 measurements into fluxes. intervals; Process- and data-driven carbon cycle flux models are > Land-cover change, to estimate the fluxes of car- required to scale-up point-wise in situ observations bon associated with forest clearing and reversion of using remotely sensed variables. agricultural lands to natural ecosystems. The sam- Once the carbon observing system is in place, pling interval will be 5 years with a spatial resolu- model-data fusion techniques will routinely assimilate tion of 1 km; the above listed data streams of carbon measurements > A network of time series that measure sinking to produce consistent and accurate estimates of global fluxes from sediment traps;

CO2 flux fields with typical resolution of 10 km over land > Large scale systematic measurements of oxygen to and 50 km over oceans with weekly frequency. determine changes in ocean stratification. » These observations are currently made by the Pools. The second set of observations focuses upon research community; they need to be systema- changes in the three key carbon pools: tised, harmonised, and expanded. > Forest aboveground biomass, which will be meas- ured at 5-year intervals by in situ inventory meth- The observation efforts will be combined with end- odologies and more frequently by remote sensing to-end data analysis systems to deliver high quality techniques; products that will be freely accessible to the scientific, > Soil carbon content will be measured at 10-year inter- resource management, and policy communities around vals primarily by in situ inventory methodologies; the world. » These observations are already collected on a sys- Finally, this report describes the implementation tematic basis for assessing the commercial value timeline that is proposed for a coordinated system of of forests and the quality of soils, respectively. They integrated global carbon cycle observations.

7 IGOS Carbon Theme Report 2004 igos CARBON

The concentrations of CO2 and CH4 in the atmosphere mately equal proportions. However, the apportionment are at the highest they have been in the past 25 million of carbon fluxes between ocean and land varies in time years. Current levels of CO2 have increased by 30% and space, and this variability is not well understood. from 280 ppm in pre-industrial times to more than 370 The primary mechanism for current land carbon ppm today, and they continue to rise. Current levels uptake is most likely the recovery from historical land of CH4 of 2000 ppb are nearly triple the pre-industrial use in and North America. There are several value of 700 ppb. other terrestrial processes, such as enhanced plant

growth due to the increase in atmospheric CO2, whose hese changes are caused by human activities; the effect is not yet well documented. For the ocean, the primary agents of change are fossil fuel combus- primary mechanism is ocean circulation coupled with t tion and modifications of global vegetation through the ocean solubility pump; the role of biota and changes land use and other agricultural changes (e.g., land in that role are less understood. conversion to agriculture including pasture expansion, Further, the atmospheric growth rate of CO2 exhib- biomass burning, and for methane, the increase in its large interannual fluctuations, on the order of the ruminants and rice cultivation). For the decade of the average long-term signal. The interannual variability

1990s, an average of about 6.3 Pg C per year as CO2 was signal cannot be explained by the variability in fossil released to the atmosphere from the burning of fossil fuel use. Rather it appears to reflect primarily changes fuels, and it is estimated that an average of 1.5-2.5 Pg C in terrestrial ecosystems induced by changing large- per year was emitted due to deforestation and land-use scale weather and climate patterns. 1 change during the same interval. Improved predictions of future CO2 levels require

The increasing CO2 and CH4 concentrations in the better quantification and process-level understanding atmosphere raise concern regarding the heat balance of the present state of the global carbon cycle, includ- of the global atmosphere. Specifically, the increasing ing both the natural components and anthropogenic concentrations of these gases will lead to an intensi- contributions. The current state of the science, how- fication of the Earth’s natural greenhouse effect. This ever, can neither account for the CO2 average growth shift in the planetary heat balance will force the global rate nor for the interannual variations with confidence. climate system in ways which are not well understood, Such overall patterns of temporal dynamics in the car- given the complex interactions and feedbacks involved, bon cycle are important, and our understanding of their but there is a general consensus that global patterns of primary drivers is limited. temperature and precipitation will change, though the At present, limitations in our current understand- magnitude, distribution and timing of these changes ing also include an inability to locate well key sink or are far from certain. The results of general circulation source regions. Independent information on spatial models indicate that globally averaged surface temper- and temporal patterns of CO2 sources and sinks is of atures could increase by as much as 1.5 to 6 degrees C extraordinary value for challenging process-based ter- by the end of this century.The increases in greenhouse restrial and oceanic carbon cycle models, and thus for gases in the atmosphere, as noted, are anthropogeni- our ability to predict future CO2 trajectories. cally driven but partly compensated by absorption of Quantifying present-day carbon sources and sinks

CO2 at the Earth’s surface and by chemical reactions in and understanding the underlying carbon mechanisms the atmosphere, for example, by the oxidation of meth- are pre-requisites to informed policy decisions. This ane by the hydroxyl radical. limitation is fundamental as nations seek to develop

This report focuses on CO2; it does provide, wher- strategies to manage carbon emissions and to imple- ever necessary, links to CH4. A specific strategy is ment carbon sequestration activities. being developed for CH4 and other non-CO2 carbon The state of carbon science and its observational compounds (e.g., volatile organic compounds emitted foundation must be sufficient to provide robust infer- by terrestrial vegetation) through the Integrated Global ences on the distribution of carbon fluxes and the con- Atmospheric Chemistry Observation (IGACO) theme.2 trolling processes. In part, this knowledge will be based

On average only half of the CO2 from anthropogenic upon existing or developing observational methodolo- emissions has remained until now in the atmosphere gies. For example, the terrestrial flux due to land-use 13 12 (Figure 1). Analyses of the decreasing C/ C and O2/N2 change can be estimated from stock changes (e.g., for- ratios in the atmosphere have shown that the land and est to non-forest conversions); in other cases, remote oceans have sequestered the other half, in approxi- observations of indicators of primary production (e.g.,


This complement is the key to answer- ing critical questions regarding spatial and temporal variability of carbon sources and sinks, and it forms the crucial capstone of the integrated observa- tional strategy. The ultimate target spatial resolution for global surface fluxes is 10 km over land and 50 km over oceans with temporal resolution of a week. This can be attained through a coordinated system of integrated global carbon cycle obser- Figure 1. The Global Carbon Cycle: pools and fluxes controlling the rising atmospheric CO2 concentra- vations (Section 4) tion (from SCOPE 23, in press) and with significant improvements in data ocean colour) will guide process and/or phenomena assimilation, atmospheric transport models, and in situ based models. In situ observations will provide essen- process models. The shorter-term objective of monthly tial calibration and quantification information. fluxes with spatial resolution of 100 km over land and Measurements of the atmospheric concentration of 500 km over the ocean should be possible within the carbon dioxide form an effective complement to verify decade (Section 5). Finer spatial resolution (10 km), measurements of carbon stock changes and process- however, might be attainable in some situations in the level activity indicators. This is because the atmosphere short-term for mechanistic studies and verification of is a rapid but incomplete mixer and integrator of spa- compliance with policies. tially and temporally varying surface fluxes; therefore, In summary, a coordinated system of integrated observations of the distribution and temporal evolution global carbon observations would contribute to of CO2 in the atmosphere can provide a powerful gauge answering critical scientific and societal questions. of surface fluxes. However, at present, the network of Those questions include: atmospheric in situ stations is too sparse to constrain > What are the size, location, and processes control- well the pattern of sources and sinks; the density and ling present-day terrestrial and marine carbon coverage of the network should be increased to improve sources and sinks? the flux estimates. > What is the effectiveness of deliberate sequestra- However, to achieve the needed observational den- tion activities? What are the implications for the sity and coverage, new techniques are required. The global carbon cycle of these activities? most important of these is the satellite measurement > What will be the behaviour of carbon sources and of the distribution of global atmospheric CO2, which is sinks in the future under higher CO2 and possibly able to densely sample the global atmosphere in all lat- altered patterns of climate, land vegetation, and itudes and in all seasons. In addition, this space-based ocean circulation? system would capture atmospheric CO2 gradients directly over source/sink regions. These global obser- vations provide the essential independent constraint on models of surface fluxes and the underlying processes.

9 IGOS Carbon Theme Report 2004 igos CARBON

The challenge of understanding and managing the with the GCP providing a framework for model develop- carbon cycle can only be met through a coordinated ment and intercomparison, advanced process studies, set of international activities – research, observa- and research-based observations; and the Integrated tions, and assessment (Figure 2). All three are essen- Global Carbon Observing theme providing a strategy tial, tightly linked activities, which depend upon one and implementation plan for systematic, long-term another to achieve an overall understanding and observations of carbon fluxes, pools, and processes. knowledge base. Observations. Making available key global observa- Research. There is an extensive array of individual and tions needed to improve understanding of the carbon national carbon cycle research activities. At the inter- cycle falls under the broad Integrated Global Observing national level the International Geosphere-Biosphere Strategy (IGOS)7 that seeks to unite the major satellite Programme (IGBP),3 the International Human and surface-based systems for global environmental Dimensions Programme on Global Environmental observations of the atmosphere, oceans, and land. Change (IHDP),4 and the World Climate Research The development and implementation of the IGOS is Programme (WCRP)5 have recently joined forces to build through a partnership, IGOS-P, among space agencies, an international framework for integrated research on as represented by the Committee on Earth Observation the carbon cycle, the Global Carbon Project (GCP).6 The Satellites (CEOS),8 the Global Observing Systems (the GCP’s three major themes are: Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS),9 the Global > Patterns and Variability: the current geographical Terrestrial Observing System (GTOS),10 and the Global and temporal distributions of the major stores and Climate Observing System (GCOS),11 as represented fluxes in the global carbon cycle. by both their programme offices and their sponsoring > Processes and Interactions: the underlying mecha- agencies, and the research community, as represented nisms and feedbacks that control the dynamics of by two major international research programmes, IGBP the carbon cycle, including its interactions with and WCRP, and their sponsoring national funding agen- human activities. cies represented by the International Group of Funding > Carbon Management: points of intervention and Agencies (IGFA) and their common scientific sponsor, windows of opportunity to steer the future evolution the International Council for Science (ICSU). of the global carbon cycle. The Integrated Global Carbon Observation theme team has the task of formulating, within the IGOS The relationship between the Integrated Global Carbon context, a strategy for building a coordinated system Observing theme and the GCP is particularly important, of integrated global carbon cycle observations (hence- forth called the ‘carbon observing system’ for short), encompassing the ocean, the land and the atmosphere, and including in situ as well as remotely-sensed obser- vations. Key to this is the ability to integrate carbon observations from a wide variety of platforms and tech- niques within a coherent modelling framework based on data assimilation and model-data fusion methods. The Integrated Global Carbon Observation theme team is closely related to and benefits from the Terrestrial Carbon Observation (TCO) initiative, a component of GTOS, which has developed an extensive framework and implementation strategy for a comprehensive terrestrial and atmospheric carbon cycle observing system. The strategy for developing a carbon observing system rests similarly upon a strong base for ocean carbon observations, and benefits from the GOOS Figure 2. Links between operational observation (IGCO), report N°118 that provides a strategy for a global ocean research (Global Carbon Project, GCP) and assessment (IPCC) carbon observation system and its connectivity to the atmosphere.12

10 IGOS Carbon Theme Report 2004 3 THE INTERNATIONAL CONTEXT

Furthermore, the ocean carbon survey will be Assessment. For the carbon cycle, the primary linked with 10-year repetitive transects being planned assessment activity occurs through the work of the in cooperation with CLIVAR (Climate Variability and Intergovernmental Panel on (IPCC13). Predictability, a project of the WCRP). There is also an For example, the IPCC’s Third Assessment Report initiative to develop a Global Time Series Observatory (TAR) produced a comprehensive and well documented System pilot project, consisting of a limited set of synthesis of our current understanding of carbon cycle mulit-disciplinary sites. Finally, there is an important dynamics. Special reports of the IPCC on Emission technology challenge to develop observing systems for Scenarios, on Land Use, Land Use Change and in situ carbon, such as an inexpensive carbon micro- Forestry activities, and Special Guidelines for sources sensor to be implemented on floats. and sinks reporting have also been produced to assess In addition to the existing global-scale but compart- the scientific basis for carbon sequestration under the mentalised observation strategies, there are a number Kyoto Protocol. The IPCC has launched two additional of important regional and national observation systems assessment activities related to the carbon cycle: a and strategies that will contribute valuable compo- special report on Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage, nents to the strategy for developing a carbon observ- due to be completed in 2005, and a collaborative effort ing system. At present, however, they still operate in with the research community to understand better the a fragmentary fashion and their full potential can only mechanisms that are leading to the current terrestrial be realised through the development of an internation- carbon sink and the direct and indirect human influ- ally integrated observational strategy, as envisioned in ences on this sink. Section 4. All of the building blocks are described in more detail in Section 5. Finally, the strategy is strengthened through close collaboration with the Global Carbon Project on the development of model-data fusion methodologies.

11 IGOS Carbon Theme Report 2004 igos CARBON

The aim of this section is to outline briefly the coordi- the atmosphere and thus address both objectives. This nated system of integrated global carbon cycle obser- integration of models and data requires establishment vations as it is envisaged when it is operational, by of both data requirements and modelling-assimilation 2015. Section 5 will provide more detail as to how this strategies. fully operational system can be built from a combina- tion of existing components and the development of 4.1.1 Data Requirements for Integration new components. Several aspects of the evolution to Well-founded data requirements are presented in a fully operational system are important. detail in Section 9 and provide a rationale for new measurements, the development of new technologies irst, the transition from research observations to and advanced algorithms, data harmonisation, archiv- operational observations (monitoring) is a critical ing, and distribution. Until now, the majority of carbon f step for most components of the carbon observ- observations have been tailored for research purposes, ing system. Second, to meet its objectives, the system supported by research funding agencies and imple- must integrate operational observations with models, mented mainly through national research programmes. and since model development and implementation is This global-scale research effort will now be coordi- a primary responsibility of the Global Carbon Project, nated internationally by the Global Carbon Project. close collaboration between the GCP and the carbon The challenge is to move towards a more focused, observing system is essential. Finally, the carbon cycle coherent system for monitoring carbon sources, sinks, is closely linked to other biogeochemical cycles, to the and processes, built around a backbone of core opera- physical climate system, to terrestrial and marine eco- tional observations to meet the objectives of the car- systems, and to a range of human activities. Thus, the bon observing system. Although research-generated spectrum of measurements of relevance to the carbon observations will continue to be important, the most cycle is potentially vast. The strategy of the carbon urgent priority is to implement, expand and enhance observing system is to focus on a core set of opera- the core set of operational observations. A summary of tional observations that are centrally important for the the required observation system is given in the boxes in carbon cycle itself. this section, classified into core and ancillary observa- tions. A roadmap for achieving these observations is 4.1 SCOPE AND OBJECTIVES presented in Section 5. he carbon observing system has two principal objectives: 4.1.2 Modelling Strategies for Integration. t Models validated by rigorous tests and supported by > To provide the long-term observations required to observations are a critical element for synthesising the improve understanding of the present state and spectrum of carbon observations, as already clearly future behaviour of the global carbon cycle, particu- recognised by the GCP, TCO, GCOS, GTOS, and GOOS. larly the factors that control the global atmospheric Models can assimilate a wide range of routine

CO2 level. observations, allow the use of imperfect or proxy > To monitor and assess the effectiveness of carbon measurements, help fill gaps in time or in regions of sequestration and/or emission reduction activities incomplete coverage, and provide a quantification of

on global atmospheric CO2 levels, including attribu- errors. A summary of model types and applications is tion of sources and sinks by region and sector. given in Section 9. Models further enable us to invert observations into the desired carbon cycle quanti- The first objective has both basic research and policy ties, such as surface sources and sinks or key driving components, while the second is aimed at providing parameters that may not be directly measurable or are policymakers with direct and useable information in unobservable at a particular scale. In addition, models the context of international negotiations to regulate can encompass the wide range of spatial and tempo- emissions. ral scales needed to quantify carbon pools and fluxes; By combining reliable and well-calibrated meas- they thus provide an efficient means for optimising the urements with realistic models of the marine and design of cost-effective observational strategies. terrestrial carbon cycle one may infer, by means of The current challenge is to apply a multiple con- inverse modelling and data assimilation, constraints straint approach using state of the art carbon models on the fluxes of CO2 between the Earth’s surface and coupled to climate models, assimilating both in situ

12 IGOS Carbon Theme Report 2004 4 TOWARDS A COORDINATED SYSTEM OF INTEGRATED GLOBAL CARBON OBSERVATIONS measurements and remotely sensed information. As fuel and land-use change) and is a sensitive indicator an example, in the last decade the oceanography com- of the exchange of carbon between the atmosphere and munity (see GODAE)14 is enhancing observational capa- the oceans and land. Satellite measurements of atmos- bility through a suite of global observing instruments pheric CO2 distribution will be integrated with in situ in space, including altimetry, and through a network surface flux measurements (e.g., ocean dissolved and of approximately 3000 ARGO autonomous profilers to marine boundary layer pCO2, eddy covariance meas- sample intermediate and deep waters. In parallel, data urements of terrestrial ecosystem-atmosphere fluxes), assimilation schemes have been developed, aiming scaled up using appropriate remote sensing data of towards an operational system in 2005 at global and surface properties with global coverage. The surface regional scales. This kind of approach that provides data will be assimilated within a modelling framework both nowcasting (real-time analysis) and hindcasting or used to calibrate or validate the remotely-sensed

(decadal reanalysis) must be envisioned for the car- observations of atmospheric CO2 distribution. The bon-climate system. remotely sensed atmospheric observations that are A major research focus of the Global Carbon Project foreseen will have a spatial resolution of 10 km or is to carry this concept forward in order to understand finer and near repeat interval of one week or less (for a and interpret the present behaviour of the carbon typical polar orbit, this is obviously latitude dependent). cycle, to simulate future CO2 levels and, ultimately, to The dedicated missions OCO (NASA) and GOSAT (JAXA), contribute to the projections of future climate change. to be launched in 2007 and 2008 respectively, will be the The challenge is to realise the high quality, consistent, first to provide such observations. long-term data to support the models, while maintain- ing enough flexibility to respond to new observational challenges as understanding of carbon cycle dynamics evolves. Key issues for integrating systematic carbon Box 1: Determining carbon fluxes between the atmosphere observations in models are presented in Section 6. and the Earth’s surface

Core Observations 4.2 THE COORDINATED SYSTEM OF INTEGRATED > Atmospheric column CO2 concentration measured from GLOBAL CARBON OBSERVATIONS satellites, with ground-based quality control (1 ppm) he coordinated system of integrated global carbon > Atmospheric CO2 concentration measured from in situ cycle observations needed to address the dual sci- networks, including vertical profiles (0.1 ppm) t entific and policy-relevant objectives stated above > Land-atmosphere CO2 flux measured via eddy covari- depends on both the research and operational agen- ance flux networks covering all ecosystems / regions/ disturbance regimes cies. It is designed primarily to monitor fluxes to the > Basin-scale observations of the air-sea flux: ocean atmosphere, and within carbon reservoirs, and pools ∆pCO2 from ship-based measurements, drifters and of carbon on a long-term basis. In addition, it will time series as well as variables needed to calculate fluxes (e.g., SST, wind) contribute to the observational base needed to under- > Mapping of fossil fuel and bio-fuel CO2 sources at high stand the dynamic processes that control the carbon resolution (10 km) including temporal variability (3- cycle. It focuses on long-term operational measure- hourly) ments, while aiming to build the partnerships needed > Global, synoptic satellite observations of ocean and ter- to engage research-based observational networks and restrial surface to extrapolate point-wise in situ fluxes to larger regions (vegetation state and activity, ocean models appropriate for data assimilation. surface physical state and biological state)

4.2.1 Fluxes: Magnitudes and Distributions Non-CO2 gases The highest priority for the coordinated system of > Space observation of column atmospheric CH4 (20 ppb) integrated global carbon cycle observations is to gen- Models erate global, high resolution maps of the CO2 fluxes > Inverse atmospheric transport models to retrieve flux- between the Earth’s surface and the atmosphere. The es from atmospheric data. fundamental components of any carbon flux-measuring > Models of ocean and terrestrial fluxes, both data-driven system must be in situ and space-based atmospheric and process-driven, to assimilate space-borne and in situ data into global flux maps measurements of the CO2 distribution, as the atmos- phere directly reflects the human perturbation of car- bon cycle dynamics (primarily the combustion of fossil

13 IGOS Carbon Theme Report 2004 igos CARBON

Combined together, in situ flux measurements, flux fields; and (ii) carbon cycle models are required remote sensing data streams, including space-based to assimilate the wide range of in situ observations of atmospheric measurements of CO2, and model analy- fluxes and ancillary measurements. sis will deliver by 2015 global flux distribution at a spa- It is important to recognise that none of the surface tial resolution of 10 km over land and 50 km over the flux-measuring components of the carbon observing oceans and a temporal sampling of about a week. The system currently exists in the operational state. The flux observation components of the system are given in biggest challenges in building this component of the Box 1. system over the next 15 years are therefore (i) to develop For in situ measurements over land, high spatial and deploy the technologies that enable remote sensing and temporal resolution is required to account for of column atmospheric CO2 concentration from space, the heterogeneity in land cover and to connect land surface and aircraft and (ii) to expand and enhance both management practices (e.g., farming, forestry) to the the current in situ flux measuring research networks exchange of CO2 with the atmosphere. Eddy covari- and transform them into operational systems. ance techniques now allow continuous monitoring of

CO2 fluxes over vegetation canopies. Terrestrial fluxes 4.2.2 Pools: Magnitudes, Distributions and Changes and their variability must be connected to weather pat- In addition to mapping surface-atmosphere fluxes, terns and biological processes. Temporal resolution of the carbon observing system will determine changes a week or so is sufficient to capture the variability in in the distribution and magnitudes of key carbon terrestrial fluxes driven by changing weather patterns pools and their evolution over time (Box 2). Measuring (e.g., the effect of frost or drought on forests). changes in carbon pool sizes requires a temporal

Over the oceans, CO2 fluxes must be firmly related sampling period much longer than that required for to physical and biological parameters (see Section fluxes. There is an inherent problem of small changes 4.2.3) in order to map fluxes correctly. Observations of in large numbers. Indeed, given the heterogeneous surface pCO2 at approximately monthly intervals over nature of most carbon pools and the fact that anthro- basin scales are required to make estimates of air- pogenic perturbations are generally much smaller sea fluxes. The carbon observing system must also than the total carbon store, only changes over several accommodate the significant variability of the fluxes years can normally be detected. in areas like the coastal margins and estuaries, where Over land, the carbon observing system will make large gradients in water properties and productivity repeat measurements (5-year intervals) of above- occur. This requires that the system must have the ground biomass in sample plots in all major forest capability to support sampling at higher spatial and biomes including both unmanaged and managed for- temporal resolutions, and to include ancillary obser- ests in the tropics, the temperate and boreal zones. vations that inform about underlying processes. The Accounting for the fate of carbon in wood products is carbon observing system must also provide estimates necessary to close the budget of biomass inventories. of horizontal, sometimes called lateral, fluxes, even if The strategy is to collaborate with national forest inven- these do not imply any net loss or gain to the atmos- tory programmes; the primary challenge is to harmo- phere. Lateral fluxes include carbon transport by ero- nise the data from various countries, to adapt them for sion, river transport, and wood and food product trade carbon cycle studies, and to report them in a transpar- (see Section 5.3). ent and verifiable manner to form an internally consist- Finally, the carbon observing system must be able ent global dataset for carbon accounting purposes and to detect improbable but potentially large carbon fluxes, for scientific studies. Space-based measurements of such as CO2 or CH4 from destabilisation of permafrost biomass are also highly desirable; these depend criti- areas or hydrates at the continental shelf margins. For cally on development and deployment of satellite lidars the latter, collaboration with the proposed observ- (e.g., Vegetation Canopy Lidar) and the appropriate ing system for atmospheric chemistry (i.e., IGACO) is radar systems (long wavelength radars and/or polari- essential. metric interferometry). Models are required to extrapolate from local flux Similarly, soil carbon survey programmes, devel- measurements to global flux maps (see Box 1). Two oped in synergy with plant biomass inventories, will types of model are particularly important: (i) atmos- detect long-term changes (approximately every 10 pheric transport models are required to invert atmos- years or so depending on local spatial variability) in car- pheric observations of CO2 distribution into surface bon accumulation in soil horizons. However, given the

14 IGOS Carbon Theme Report 2004 4 TOWARDS A COORDINATED SYSTEM OF INTEGRATED GLOBAL CARBON OBSERVATIONS huge heterogeneity of soil carbon distributions, numer- ous sampling sites around the world will be needed to Box 2: Monitoring carbon pools and pool changes detect significant changes in pool size. Core Observations Over the main ocean basins, measuring the ocean > Forest biomass inventories over all forest biomes, both dissolved carbon pool approximately every 5 to 10 in situ and satellite data years will be sufficient to corroborate independently the > Soil carbon inventories. air-sea flux mapping efforts. Determination of carbon > Basin-scale in situ inventories of dissolved and particu- pool sizes is of special interest for particular oceanic late organic and inorganic carbon in the ocean, with full domains, such as the deep-water production areas in the column sampling of carbon system parameters North Atlantic and the Southern Ocean. Existing multi- Ancillary Observations tracer techniques will be refined to estimate correctly > Carbon storage in the sediments of reservoirs and the invasion of the excess of atmospheric CO2 into the lakes; ocean against the high background of natural dissolved > Carbon storage in anthropogenic pools, primarily wood inorganic carbon. The developing GEOTRACES15 project products; would address well the in situ ocean carbon measure- > Carbon storage in frozen Arctic soils, both terrestrial and shallow seafloor permafrost; and ment requirements in a research context. > Sediment trap and sea-floor studies, with a special Finally, ancillary observations will be made of emphasis on coastal sediments. carbon storage in reservoirs and lakes and in carbon product pools (both wood products and food products Models including their processing and displacement in trade > Process-driven models of carbon dynamics in terres- systems), storage due to charcoal formation, and stor- trial and marine reservoirs age in the deep sediments in the oceans. In particular, better measurements of the amount of carbon buried in coastal sediments will be obtained to improve esti- systems, but not with the purpose to evaluate carbon mates of the amount of carbon exported to the deep storage. Rather, these numbers exist primarily for silvi- ocean via rivers. cultural and agricultural reasons. Consequently, these An additional ancillary observation will be made of are generally nationally based, so the harmonisation of large permafrost soil carbon stores, up to 400 Pg C glo- such existing data and the standardisation of methodol- bally, which exist in Arctic regions and were deposited ogies is a central issue. Most other pool measurements during the Pleistocene and Holocene. The Pleistocene exist only in research mode, and considerable further stocks, made of relatively labile carbon compounds, development is required before they can be included in could be degraded very rapidly if future regional warm- hindcasting, re-analysis, or carbon budget studies in ing initiates bacterial activity due to heating of the soil. the context of an operational system. Similarly, the shallow coastal seafloors of the Arctic Ocean contain important carbon stocks. Although it is 4.2.3 Linking fluxes to processes by observations uncertain if these huge stores are vulnerable to climate One of the three major themes of the Global Carbon change, their monitoring (temperature; flux surveys) Project is to develop a better understanding of the will be needed to detect any changes. processes that drive the dynamics of the carbon cycle. The pool measurements undertaken by the car- Improvement of process-based carbon cycle models bon observing system will enable key fluxes among is a key element in the GCP strategy. Because models sub-pools internal to each reservoir to be measured, are developed and tested on the basis of measure- in addition to the fluxes between the surface and the ments of carbon cycle behaviour, process-relevant atmosphere. In particular, processes which transfer observations are an important part of the strategy. For carbon from fast pools in contact with the atmosphere example, observed flux patterns give vital information (e.g., the ocean mixed layer and leaves) to pools of on underlying fundamental processes (e.g., air-sea gas longer turnover times (e.g., ocean intermediate waters, exchange, primary productivity of the ocean and land, tree trunks, and terrestrial litter) need to be monitored changes in ocean stratification and export of carbon closely. from surface to deeper waters, photosynthesis, respi- Of the core measurements for carbon pools out- ration, fossil fuel emissions, biomass burning). lined above, only forest biomass inventories (and in Nearly all of the measurements used in model some cases soil surveys) currently exist as operational development lie in the research domain and will remain

15 IGOS Carbon Theme Report 2004 igos CARBON so for the foreseeable future. However, two observa- Box 3. Linking fluxes to major processes: tions are especially important, both to estimate fluxes and to inform about the underlying processes, and Core Observations thus are recommended to become core observations > Global land-cover change (100 m) at intervals of 5 years in the operational domain. First, land-cover change from space is responsible for significant emissions of CO every > Global ecosystem disturbances from space 2 – Fire distribution (sub daily counts) year, usually estimated to be in the range 1.5 - 2.5 – Burned areas (monthly products) Gt C y-1. Routine observations of land-cover change, – Other disturbances (harvest, insects, windstorms) at intervals of 1 year with global coverage at a resolution of at least 1 km., > Vegetation state and activity from space will constrain this important flux much better and will – Leaf Area Index also provide insights as to the drivers of the observed – Vegetation architecture and profile changes. Second, ecological disturbances often lead to – Albedo, Fraction of Absorbed PAR and related biophysical parameters. event-related, large emissions of CO2 and other carbon – Parameters related to ecosystem condition, such as compounds (Figure 3). Globally, the most important drought indexes disturbance is fire, a source of 2 - 4 Gt C y-1, partly offset – Gross and Net Primary Productivity by ecosystem regrowth after burning. Remote sensing > Ocean colour (60% global on 3-5 days timeframe) technologies now allow the monitoring of fire distribu- > Time series of eddy-covariance fluxes of CO2, latent and sensible heat tion and extent of burned areas; such measurements > Time series of exported fluxes from sediment traps are recommended to become core observations in the > Large scale measurements of dissolved oxygen to deter- carbon observing system. mine changes in ocean stratification. A large number of ancillary process-relevant meas- urements (Box 3) are important for the development of Ancillary Observations carbon cycle models. Some of these will remain as > Co-sampling of parameters related to processes at eddy flux towers (e.g., soil moisture, nutrients, respiration research observations and thus within the domain of terms, phenology) the Global Carbon Project; others will be made as part > Co-sampling of parameters related to processes from of other observational systems, for example, mete- ship-based measurements, drifters and time series orological observations of the physical climate system. (e.g., ecosystem variables, pigments, nutrients) Thus, it is important that the carbon observing system > Space observations related to processes driving CO2 fluxes. For instance, maintain a close collaboration with the GCP, with – Climate and weather data, including precipitation national research programmes, and develop partner- – Soil moisture content – Radiation diffuse and direct components ships with other observation systems (e.g., climate, – Ocean circulation biodiversity, atmospheric chemistry). – Air-sea gas transfer (SST, SSS, winds) > In situ observation related to processes – Soil characteristics – Phenology – Nutrient distributions (ocean and land) – Species composition of ecosystems > Atmospheric tracers to separate ocean and terrestrial 13 sources, fossil fuel and biomass burning (O2:N2; C-CO2; CO; aerosols).

Non-CO2 gases

> Space observations of wetlands extent for CH4

> Fire emissions of CH4

> Non-CO2 gas emissions by ecosystem (B-VOCs)

Models > Process-driven carbon models to relate fluxes to processes

Figure 3. Comparison of fossil fuel CO2 emissions and fire Many of the ancillary measurements will be co- induced CO2 emissions of Canada shows the importance of sampled with the operational flux measurements (e.g., biomass burning in regional carbon budgets. as part of research programmes associated with the

16 IGOS Carbon Theme Report 2004 4 TOWARDS A COORDINATED SYSTEM OF INTEGRATED GLOBAL CARBON OBSERVATIONS eddy-flux network or as part of shipboard measure- ments on research cruises). Several are now routinely measured from space-based platforms and are includ- ed in other observation systems; for example, meas- urement of ocean colour is included as a component of the Oceans Theme of IGOS-P. The ancillary measurements also include observa- tions needed to determine the net carbon balance of ecosystems, such as knowledge of emissions of non-

CO2 carbon gases such as CH4, CO, and Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC).

17 IGOS Carbon Theme Report 2004 igos CARBON

The current system components are reviewed in Relevant atmospheric observations also include carbon Section 5.1 by Earth System domain (atmosphere, tracers and other tracers indirectly useful for carbon 13 18 land, ocean), and Section 5.2 presents recommenda- studies. Carbon tracers C-CO2, O-CO2 and O2:N2 tions for expanded observational capabilities. For the deliver specific constraints to separate terrestrial from atmosphere, there is a particular emphasis on a new marine fluxes. Other tracers, such as the inert gases 222 space-based measurement instrument. This domain SF6 and Rn, or C2Cl4 and, are used to evaluate atmos- approach reflects the current organisation of most pheric transport parametrisations in models. Tracers of the existing methodologies as well as the research related to combustion CO and black carbon, or surro- 14 and observational communities. However, the strate- gates of fossil fuel emissions such as CO2, are used gy for realising a coordinated system of global carbon to constrain biomass burning and fossil fuel emissions. observations will shift this existing domain-orienta- In addition, information on the dynamical structure of tion to a structure based on flux, pool and process- the atmosphere is necessary to interpret concentration related observations (Section 4). measurements. The existing components of atmospheric carbon 5.1 IDENTIFY THE BUILDING BLOCKS observations are: uilding the carbon observing system outlined in > Flask sampling networks including about 100 sites Section 4 requires a pragmatic strategy based globally with weekly sampling frequency (Figure b upon existing observation systems so far as possi- 4).16 In most cases, multiple species are determined 13 18 ble. Identification of fundamental existing components from flask air samples (e.g., C-CO2, O-CO2, O2:N2, have been carried out respectively by TCO for terres- CH4, N2O, SF6, CO). trial and atmospheric measurements and by GOOS for > Continuous stations of in situ CO2 monitoring, ocean measurements (see Section 9). These systems including several marine atmosphere baseline and networks provide the building blocks from which stations (e.g., ), mountain stations, and a global system can be developed. However, at present more recently several tall towers in the interior of they are mainly research tools and cannot be consid- continents. About 10 of the in situ CO2 stations out ered operational. These observations need significant of a total of 20 around the globe have long records enhancement, extension, and optimisation. spanning over the past 20 years. > Aircraft vertical profiles at about 10 sites around the 5.1.1 Existing Atmospheric Observations globe (e.g., North America, Europe, Siberia, South The atmosphere is a fast but incomplete mixer and Pacific) which deliver information on the vertical integrator of spatially and temporally varying surface structure of tracers, related to source distributions fluxes, and so the distribution and temporal evolution of CO2 and to atmospheric mixing (Figure 5). of CO2 in the atmosphere can be used to quantify sur- > Calibration and inter-comparison activities. face fluxes, using numerical models of atmospheric International exchange of standard samples is coor- transport. This process is known as inverse modelling. dinated internationally by the Global Atmosphere

Figure 4. Map of the global air sampling network in 2002. Figure 5. Airplane of AN-2 type used to sample vertical pro- files of CO2 in the lowest atmosphere over Central Siberia.


5.1.2 Existing Terrestrial Observations The current terrestrial carbon observation base is made up of in situ ecological measurements that are gener- ally labour intensive and expensive (e.g., net primary productivity, biomass or soil carbon), flux measure- ments by the eddy-covariance technique, completed by

atmospheric CO2 concentration at continental locations (e.g. tall towers, aircraft), and remote sensing data and products. In addition, there is partial information on nutri- ents, climate, soil moisture and radiation, and on some

Figure 6. World-wide distribution of eddy covariance towers disturbances (e.g., global maps of burned areas and fire measuring CO2, water vapour and energy fluxes. Ten years hotspots from satellite). ago, only 5 such towers were operating. The existing components of today’s terrestrial car- bon observations are: > Eddy covariance flux networks (about 100 towers, 17 Watch Programme of the WMO for CO2 and by the mainly over forests) (Figure 6). International Atomic Energy Agency for isotopes. > Forest biomass inventories that exist for most In parallel, there are several ongoing inter-com- developed countries include a very large number parison projects among the major air sampling of sampling locations, but many forest biomes have networks (e.g., through common sampling at the little or no inventory data (Figure 7).18 same location). This is a very important activity and > Soil surveys which exist at regional, national and needs increased support. global scale; however, their utility for carbon stud- ies and particularly for estimates of change in car- bon stocks is open to question.19

Figure 7. Large scale extensive forest inventories (top left) and forest harvesting to yield wood products.

19 IGOS Carbon Theme Report 2004 igos CARBON

> Networks and transects for ecological studies and carbon system parameters (Figure 11). At present phenological observations. there are surveys generally on 5-10 years time > Satellite remote sensing (land cover and land cover scales (e.g., GEOSEC21, Transient Tracers in the changes induced by land use practices (Figure 8), Ocean (TTO22), and two recently completed research vegetation phenology and biophysical properties, projects of the IGBP and WCRP, respectively: Joint fires, radiation). Global Ocean Flux Study (JGOFS23), and the World Ocean Circulation Experiment (WOCE24)). Figure 9 shows the coverage of existing terrestrial car- > Moored and shipboard time series measurements bon observations. of the ocean carbon cycle components (Figure 12). In addition, some stations include sediment traps 5.1.3 Existing and sea-floor studies to investigate the transfer The existing components of an ocean carbon cycle of carbon from the surface waters to deeper and observing system are: longer-term storage compartments in the ocean. > Basin-scale surface observations of atmospheric There are presently about 30 time series stations

and oceanic pCO2 and related parameters on measuring carbon cycle variables. research ships and ships of opportunity (Figure 10). > Satellite remote sensing of parameters related to Regional datasets have been collected for the North carbon fluxes (e.g., surface winds, sea surface tem- Pacific, North Atlantic and equatorial Pacific. Global perature, ocean colour) as well as key ancillary data data products of monthly air-sea flux maps have such as altimetry. 20 been generated using the available pCO2 data. > Coastal zone time series stations on the continental > Large-scale ocean inventories from hydrographic shelf measuring carbon system variables as part of survey cruises with full water column sampling of national research programmes. Many of these are

Figure 8. Remote sensing of changes in land cover in Brazil

(SPOT image) Figure 10. Map of ocean pCO2 surveys on ships of opportu- nity, research vessels and moored points

Figure 9. Spatial and temporal coverage of existing terres- Figure 11. Map of existing coverage of ocean repeated inven- trial carbon observations tories


part of LOICZ (Land-Ocean Interactions in the Coastal programmes and countries have developed accurate Zone) research project of the IGBP25 but are not suf- and robust algorithms. Coordinated international ficiently supported at the international level in terms activities have been undertaken with the sponsorship of an operational observation network. of organisations such as CEOS, IGBP, WCRP, IHDP, and DIVERSITAS as well as the national space agencies. Figure 13 shows the coverage of existing carbon obser- While much progress has been achieved, this process vations. needs to continue with vigour. In linking measurements to models, a choice exists 5.2 THE MAJOR NEW ELEMENTS IN THE as to whether future carbon cycle data models should COORDINATED SYSTEM FOR INTEGRATED GLOBAL assimilate carbon cycle variables or be fitted with radi- CARBON OBSERVATIONS ative transfer codes to directly assimilate radiances ne central theme of the carbon observing system measured by space-borne sensors. It appears that the o is the integration of satellite observations with key latter approach could be better adapted as a means of in situ measurements. retrieving fluxes from future satellite CO2 observations, Satellite sensors measure scattered, reflected or and could be extended to assimilation of ocean colour emitted electromagnetic radiation that carries informa- and vegetation reflectances. tion about surface or atmospheric characteristics. Once The carbon observing system must: calibrated, these measurements can be transformed > Support the development and testing of the required into carbon cycle variables. Researchers in various algorithms and their modification over time for new sensors. The overall aim should be to acquire and implement community consensus algorithms. > Support the assimilation of satellite radiances (level 1 data products) using, if necessary, state-of- the-art numerical weather prediction models.

The list of satellite observations that would form the backbone of the carbon observing system is summa- rised in Section 9, and is based on a synthesis of the TCO and GOOS reports.26 The first subsection below highlights new satellite

technologies for atmospheric CO2, and the subsequent three sections describe the challenges in enhancing, extending, and optimising the existing research-based observing systems in each domain into operational components of the carbon observing system.

Figure 12 (Top) Roger Revelle research ship; (Bottom) Global Figure 13. Spatial and temporal coverage of existing ocean network of ARGO floats and moored systems carbon observations

21 IGOS Carbon Theme Report 2004 igos CARBON

5.2.1 Space-based Measurement of Atmospheric CO2 the tropics (20°N-20°S) that show good agreement Space-based high-precision measurements of the with what is presently known from aircraft instruments 27 column-integrated CO2 molecular density with glo- (Figure 14). Method-induced error of these retrievals bal, frequent coverage would be of extraordinary and is of the order of 3-4 ppm (around 1%). There is promise unique value in determining terrestrial and oceanic CO2 that additional advances will be achieved by exploiting fluxes. By linking the spatial distributions of CO2 with new long-wave instruments that have been recently atmospheric flux inversions, data assimilation tech- launched, such as the Atmospheric InfraRed Sounder niques, and coupled atmospheric, terrestrial and ocean (AIRS) - Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit (AMSU-A) carbon modelling (Section 6), the scientific community package28 or that will soon be launched, such as the 29 will be able to determine sources and sinks of CO2 at IASI/AMSU suite. The AIRS/AMSU and IASI/AMSU, unprecedented space and time resolution. In addition, as well as the planned CrIS30 on NPOESS31 have the this measurement stream will have value in its inde- advantage over HIRS-2/MSU of having a much higher pendence from in situ measurements or “bottom-up” spectral resolution, which allows isolation of a larger model-derived estimates of CO2 flux. set of more specifically sensitive CO2-channels from The atmospheric inversion approach exploits the the interfering water vapour and temperature signals.32 atmospheric gradients in CO2, which are strongest in A precision on the order of 0.5% at a space-time scale the lower part of the atmosphere. In a very real sense, of 100 km/weekly is envisaged. These instruments are the flux retrieval accuracy is a function of precision not being launched with the measurement of atmos- and sample density of measured total column CO2. The pheric CO2 concentration as their focus; however, their measurements need to be at the 0.3% (1 ppm) precision capabilities will improve our ability to monitor CO2 and or better for significant improvements in our knowledge other trace gases from space. of sources and sinks. The disadvantage is that the long-wave measure- Two spectral domains are usable: the long-wave ments tend to capture mostly the upper part of the infrared and the short-wave infrared. Each has advan- troposphere, where the signal of surface sources and tages and disadvantages. sinks is of smaller magnitude (except in the tropics) and Using existing measurements in the long-wave hence the gradient is weak. from the HIRS-2/AMSU instruments on the NOAA Using the short-wave infrared signal has the advan- polar satellite series, which were not initially designed tage of penetrating the atmosphere down to the ground. 33 34 for CO2 retrieval, very promising results have been Retrieval of CO2 from SCIAMACHY on ENVISAT is obtained, producing four years of monthly retrievals underway (Figure 15), using both sun-glint and nadir at 15° spatial resolution of the CO2 concentration over measurements (the latter over land) of the instrument

Figure 14. CO2 monthly mean concentration maps as retrieved from NOAA-10, at the resolution of 15°x15° (1°x1° moving average), for four months corresponding to the mini- Figure 15. (Top) Modelled uncertainty reduction on surface mum (October), maximum (April), or to intermediate values fluxes as delivered by space-borne CO2 measurements on (January and July) of the northern hemisphere CO2 seasonal AIRS in LWIR and (Bottom) SCIAMACHY in the SWIR spectral cycle. Courtesy of A. Chédin. domain. Courtesy of S. Houwelling.

22 IGOS Carbon Theme Report 2004 5 THE CHALLENGE TO REALISING THE COORDINATED SYSTEM OF GLOBAL CARBON OBSERVATIONS but atmospheric diffusers such as clouds and aerosol particles are an important source of contamination, and, given the 50 km field of view of SCIAMACHY, may yield to high data rejection. Nevertheless, given the lead time for developing the required sensor technology, better use of existing sen- sors should be pursued concurrently.35 On the 2007 horizon, the Orbiting Carbon Observatory (OCO - NASA; Figure 16)36 will use measurements of reflected sunlight in the short-wave infrared to provide global, high-precision measurements of the column- integrated CO2 mixing ratio. For the two year OCO mission, the measurement objective is daytime column integral measurements of CO2 with a precision of 0.3%

(1 ppm). This precision is needed to characterise CO2 sources and sinks. The Orbital Carbon Observatory will carry three high-resolution spectrometers, one for O2 and two for CO2 (1.6 and 2.06 µm respectively). It will be the first mission dedicated to atmospheric CO2 meas- urement and will likely serve as a pathfinder for future long-term CO2 monitoring missions. The Greenhouse gas Observing Satellite (GOSAT - JAXA; Figure 16)37 is also being planned for launch around 2007, with aims to observe CO2 global distri- bution, using either long-wave infrared or short-wave infrared signals. Reaching the ambitious goals set for OCO and GOSAT will require a better characterisation of spec- troscopic coefficients as well as effects of pressure, water, dust, tropopause location, and other atmos- pheric constituents. In that respect, the use and devel- Figure 16. Artist illustration of (top) the OCO spacecraft (to opment of ground-based solar observatories for CO2 is be lauched in 2007) orbiting the Earth in the nadir sounding urged to characterise the ultimate accuracy of the near mode, and (bottom) the GOSAT spacecraft, to be launched in IR absorption technique. Such a ground-based column 2008.

CO2 network will also provide a unique control for any space-based CO2 mission. Complementary surface or an active mission that focuses upon the measurement airborne lidar, used for photochemistry, should be of column CO2 without diurnal, seasonal, latitudinal, or improved to remotely capture CO2 vertical structure surface restrictions. This mission could be accomplished and give insight on estimated CO2 column bias. with the measurement technique based upon Laser 38 These passive CO2-focused instruments are the Absorption Spectroscopy (LAS), which is a powerful tool logical next step and build upon the results from AIRS/ for high-precision trace gas spectroscopy. LAS provides

AMSU and other spectrometers and interferometers. measurements of CO2 via measurements of received They, however, share some of the drawbacks. Passive power at wavelengths on and off an absorption line. instruments may not sufficiently resolve the lower part LAS differs from DIfferential Absorption LIDAR of the atmosphere, and there is an inherent inability to (DIAL) in that DIAL operates in a pulsed mode, which sample low-light regions. This could inject a bias into is not required for column measurement.a This criti- the inferred fluxes since there will be a systemic sam- pling of photosynthetically active temporal and regional a Determining the atmospheric profile globally of carbon dioxide would be conditions (e.g., day versus night, lack of high latitude of significant value, but it also presents a very high technological hurdle samples in the late fall to early spring). and would require a very significant investment. Having a cloud altimeter on board would be useful and may represent an appropriate compromise The appropriate next step after OCO and GOSAT is between achieving a profile versus simply the total column.

23 IGOS Carbon Theme Report 2004 igos CARBON cal distinction enables exploitation of investment by A second challenge is to implement these atmos- the commercial telecom industry, which has produced pheric observations synergistically with observations highly reliable laser products that fortuitously operate on the surface and subsurface, both on land and in through a set of clean, well-isolated CO2 absorption the ocean (e.g., on top of eddy covariance towers and lines. onboard ships of opportunity), and to include ancil- In parallel to algorithm development and new lary observation of ecosystem condition. Atmospheric space-borne sensors, validation and calibration of measurements need to be integrated with surface data space-based CO2 measurements by enhanced in into a single, internally consistent, coherent strategy. situ observations must also be built into the carbon For instance, tall towers for atmospheric observations observing system. Aircraft or balloon vertical sound- should best be located within denser regional networks ings must be carried out up to the stratosphere for sys- of eddy flux measurements, ecological studies, and tematic comparison with remotely-sensed column CO2 remote sensing information. from space, in synergy with network of ground-based upward-looking remote sensing CO2 stations. Efforts 5.2.3 Challenges in Enhancing, Extending and should be made to coordinate international satellite Optimising the Terrestrial Observing System observation projects being planned in the US, Japan, The core observations required in the terrestrial domain Europe and other countries. of the carbon observing system will be built by expand- ing and enhancing existing components rather than by 5.2.2 Challenges in Enhancing, Extending introducing new components. and Optimising the in situ Atmospheric Observing The core observations identified in Section 4 must System be transferred to the operational domain over the com- The first challenge in realizing the in situ atmospheric ing decade. These are (i) the eddy covariance flux net- component of the carbon observing system is to build works, (ii) forest biomass inventories, (iii) soil carbon and stabilise site networks that are denser and more surveys, and (iv) remote sensing of land-cover change spatially representative of the variability in fluxes. and of fire frequency and extent. Especially urgent are: Eddy Covariance Flux Network. It is of great > Expansion of networks over the interior of con- importance to ensure the continuity of existing meas- tinents (e.g., Africa, Siberia, Amazon) where the urements of eddy covariance ecosystem fluxes for at variability of sources and atmospheric transport least 10 years at each site (e.g., Figure 17); to expand imposes the need for a much higher sampling den- the network in under-sampled regions and ecosystems sity than currently achieved. This expansion may undergoing disturbances, develop real time data trans- require a range of platforms, including mountain fer, and to enhance data quality insurance procedures.

stations, tall towers, tethered balloons, and high Also, calibrated CO2 concentration measurements frequency aircraft measurements (possibly on com- should be added on top of suitable flux towers to com- mercial aircraft flights). plement atmospheric networks. > Development of multiple chemical-species analy- Forest Biomass Inventories. Forest biomass sis in flask air samples, including high-precision inventories are important for monitoring changes in the

analysis of tracers (e.g., O2/N2, Ar/N2). above-ground terrestrial carbon pool size. At present, > Improvement of atmospheric tracer transport however, these inventories are primarily designed to models and inverse methods towards higher spa- quantify the volume of merchantable wood in a given tial resolution as well as towards better use of region with high accuracy (standard error of 1% at the prior information on the geographic patterns of the national level). This quantity relates in a predictable fluxes (e.g., fossil fuel emissions). manner to carbon stored in tree biomass. Allometric > Development of robust remotely-operated continu- equations relating biomass to diameter, height and ous analysers, with an acceptable trade-off between tree age factors are needed to convert these volume logistical independence and precision. estimates into whole tree carbon content. Using

> Development of column CO2 optical sensors in constant conversion/expansion factors, as is usually

preparation for future satellite CO2 observations. done, results in large errors, since both wood density > Continuation of intercomparison and calibration and expansion factors vary considerably with age and activities under the WMO-GAW programme. between species. Further, conversion of volume incre- ment obtained from repeated inventories into carbon


been difficult to achieve.40 This difficulty, while real, must not discourage the efforts to achieve this impor- tant measurement. Soil Carbon Surveys. The soil carbon pool is more than twice the size of both the atmospheric and the above-ground terrestrial carbon pools, and it is extremely sensitive to management practices. In order to characterise this pool, data are needed for both the organic layer and the mineral soil. Carbon concentra- tions on their own are not sufficient, since the total car- bon pool is determined also by bulk density and profile depth. In addition, to understand the vulnerability of soils, it is necessary to distinguish between sub-pools of fast and slow turnover, which are linked to biological, chemical and physical mechanisms of immobilisation. In many countries separate soil surveys are car- ried out that allow quantification of carbon stocks in the soil. While most of these surveys suffer from the poor quality of their soil bulk density and stone content estimates, they represent the only source of informa- tion currently available. The challenge to the carbon observing system is to ensure that the current in situ Figure 17. Eddy covariance tower in Manaus, Brazil, meas- soil inventories are standardised, fully exploited, and uring fluxes of CO2, water vapour and energy. significantly extended. In addition, the system must develop new soil carbon measurement techniques; it sequestration needs an extra set of expansion factors must have the flexibility to absorb new model-based that take into account differences in turnover rates of approaches for estimating soil carbon, and it must pro- different plant organs. vide the biophysical parameters needed by models. Much work has yet to be done to create continuous, Land-use Change and Fire. Two observations asso- standardised, geo-referenced forest biomass and soil ciated with processes critical for the terrestrial part of carbon inventories. It is critical to harmonise the wide- the carbon cycle - land-use change and disturbance ly varying methodologies for inventory and analysis, in - have been included as core observations in the car- order to synthesise carbon estimates based on national bon observing system. The challenge here is to employ forest inventories. In addition, a major observational in an operational mode satellite systems to monitor challenge is to establish allometric functions convert- land cover changes (5-year time interval, 1 km spatial ing above-ground biomass to total biomass. Further resolution), fire hot spots (daily resolution), and burned work is also needed to expand the coverage over areas (monthly resolution). The land-cover change non-commercial forests and woodlands, over tropical observations should also emphasise forest/non-forest forests, and to develop satellite technology (Radar and transitions at higher spatial resolution (25 m). LIDAR) for remote sensing of biomass. The carbon observing system should include, as Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data are expected ancillary observations, improved satellite systems with to contribute to estimating biomass. However, high adequate ground-truthing (e.g., at flux tower sites) to resolution observation of forest by SAR has been frag- provide global coverage of continents on synoptic time mented in terms of temporal and spatial sense, and scales (1-7 days) for biophysical quantities (LAI, FPAR, conditions of observation (incident angle, etc.) are dif- and related information such as radiation and soil ferent from one satellite to another. There is a need to moisture), in order to estimate photosynthetic activity. build systematic, repetitive, spatially homogeneous and Another major challenge for the carbon observ- well coordinated global observation strategies for for- ing system is to scale up point measurements and est mapping by high resolution SAR. construct a bottom-up continental scale estimate of The use of LIDAR for vegetation biomass via height the terrestrial carbon budget with higher resolution determination holds great promise,39 but to date, it has information about regional patterns within continents,

25 IGOS Carbon Theme Report 2004 igos CARBON over seasonal to interannual time scales. This will be achieved by increasing the density of the in situ meas- urements listed in Section 5.1.2 and by increasing the frequency of associated atmospheric sampling, com- bined with satellite observations.

5.2.4 Challenges in Enhancing, Extending and Optimising the in situ Oceanic Observing System Some of the ocean carbon observations, such as the pCO2 surveys, could be transferred from research mode to operational mode in the near future, with significant efforts for enhancing data inter-comparability and reducing instrument maintenance and costs (Figure Figure 18. Ship of Opportunity used to make routine pCO2 18). At present questions about the data quality from measurements across the North Atlantic Ocean. an operational system and about the release of data in real-time are slowing the conversion to operational mode. The primary longer-term challenge for devel- Although many of the individual components of such oping a global-scale operational ocean observation a system exist, a new emphasis is required to build a network is the lack of accurate, robust, cost-efficient, coordinated system from these pieces. autonomous instruments for surface and subsurface Third, measurements are needed to allow the attri- sampling of principle carbonate system components. bution of the air-sea fluxes and export from the surface Conducting sustained observations from dedicated to deeper waters to the controlling processes. To meet research ships is an essential part of an ocean carbon this process-understanding challenge requires the research programme, but it is labour intensive and development of a network of time series that measure expensive. A large-scale operational ocean observation sinking fluxes from sediment traps along with nutri- system must be largely built on autonomous instru- ents and dissolved oxygen. In addition, there is a need ments. Although several prototype instruments are for large scale measurements of oxygen to determine available, much more research and development is changes in ocean stratification. Finally, we must contin- needed to advance the technology to the state of being ue the decadal basin-scale carbon and nutrient profile/ operational. inventories, which are fundamental to cross-checking A second major challenge for the quantification model calculations and unraveling ocean processes. of global air-sea fluxes is the development of robust The planned GEOSEC II is appropriate to this need. algorithms for estimating air-sea gas exchange from easily measured parameters. It is becoming increas- 5.3 FILLING GAPS IN CURRENT CARBON ingly clear that gas exchange parameterisations based OBSERVATION solely on wind speed are not sufficient to constrain the ther gaps in knowledge hinder the development of flux to within 20-30%. Additional research is needed o a comprehensive observation system for the carbon to develop algorithms using additional or different cycle. While these gaps may be in areas of quantitatively parameters (e.g., sea surface roughness) that are more smaller carbon fluxes, they are nonetheless important. accurate. Once these algorithms have been derived, the For instance, lack of quantitative knowledge about these necessary parameters need to be incorporated into the fluxes could bias the pattern of carbon fluxes and associ- observational programme so that more accurate flux ated processes determined by assimilation procedures. maps can be developed. Each subsection concludes with recommendations on To meet this challenge, there is a need to develop observational elements which should be included in satellite systems with adequate ground-truthing incor- the overall strategy, either as ancillary observations or porated on ships and buoys to obtain higher ocean as data to be obtained from other observation systems coverage of Sea-Surface Salinity (SSS), Sea-Surface (e.g., climate, atmospheric chemistry). Temperature (SST), Sea-Surface Height (SSH), wind speed, and ocean colour (60% global, over a 3-5 day timeframe). These measurements will serve to extrap- olate surface pCO2 measurements across full basins.


5.3.1 Transport through Rivers, Estuaries, 19). Such information for the air-sea flux of carbon in and Coastal Seas the coastal zones cannot yet be retrieved. River trans- Part of the carbon fixed on land is transported to the port of nutrients (N, P, Si) into ocean waters can also oceans by rivers, about 1% globally, much more in have a substantial impact on the coastal ocean carbon some regions. Although this transport of carbon is well cycle. Eutrophication has been recognised for years known in principle, it is poorly quantified. The fraction but its effect on the marine carbon cycle is still poorly of carbon that takes this pathway varies with the type understood. of soil and vegetation, the season and the hydrological It is important to compile, update, and make avail- cycle; it is also significantly modified by land manage- able existing global databases of riverine dissolved ment, reservoirs, and land-use practices in watersheds carbon and nutrient transports. In parallel, a high and river basins. priority is to develop gridded erosion models to spa- River carbon is found in both organic and inorganic tially allocate the source of the riverine dissolved and forms, and it can produce substantial CO2 and CH4 flux- particulate organic carbon, and to account for sediment es to the atmosphere. Once in the ocean, river carbon burial in reservoirs and coastal shelves. Quantification is integrated into oceanic carbon cycle processes. Its of erosion losses into sediments and onto terres- residence time in the ocean depends on its chemico- trial landscape positions also needs to be carried out. physical form and on how far it is transported before Similarly, quantification of the transport of carbon off it is exhaled back to the atmosphere or buried in sedi- the continental shelves into the open ocean needs to ments. It is now recognised that estuaries play a key be determined. The IGBP-LOICZ project is undertak- role in outgassing substantial amounts of river carbon ing a global-scale survey of biogeochemical budgets, before it reaches the coastal waters. Transport away including carbon emission and sequestration, based from the coasts varies with topography and the local on a standardised methodology. A critical next step in oceanic currents and ranges from a few kilometres to the development of the coastal zone component of the thousands of kilometres, and from a few hours to few carbon observing system is to determine whether the hundred years. LOICZ budgeting projects should be moved from the In addition to river carbon, the specific topography research to the operational mode. of the coastal ocean leads to enhanced vertical ocean mixing and marine productivity, both of which affect the 5.3.2 Transport of Wood and Food Products air-sea flux of carbon in ways that are highly hetero- via Trade Circuits geneous and poorly quantified. Satellite data of ocean Harvest, trade and utilisation of food and wood prod- colour show that marine biomass is 10 to 100 times ucts transports large amounts of carbon away from larger along the coasts than in the open ocean (Figure the ecosystems that produced them. The carbon is respired back to the atmosphere everywhere humans process and use it. The amount of carbon harvested from croplands and forests is roughly 2-3 Gt C y-1 glo- bally, an amount which partly goes into international trade circuits. Lateral transports of wood and food products have not been well quantified to date. The decay of har- vested wood products in pools of different longevities further bypasses the natural return to the atmosphere by respiration and disturbances, but it is not yet clear if it acts to accelerate or to slow down the turnover of carbon fixed by forests. Globally, carbon displacement by products/trade is important but on a regional basis or landscape basis, it may be an even more significant component of the terrestrial carbon balance. The mag- nitude of this transport varies with the type of transfer and geographic region. Within the context of the carbon Figure 19. Ocean colour pattern off the east coast of the United States in spring (MODIS image). observing system, standardised methodologies are required to process agricultural and forestry data41 to

27 IGOS Carbon Theme Report 2004 igos CARBON obtain credible estimates of the magnitude and tempo- terrestrial and marine carbon fluxes and their future ral trends of lateral anthropogenic transfers, including evolution. As data is acquired on core carbon cycle vari- imports and exports of products and packing material. ables, parallel data on nutrients, particularly N, P, Si Such methods should aim at producing gridded esti- and Fe, will be urgently needed and is important for the mates of the carbon fluxes involved in the processing, Global Carbon Project to develop better process-level trade, and consumption of wood and food products. understanding of carbon cycle dynamics. This ancil- lary data will include production rates (wind and water

5.3.3 Non-CO2 Components of Ecosystem Respiration erosion, fertilisation, fixation), changes in soil stores,

The fluxes of non-CO2 carbon gases such as CO, CH4 export to atmosphere and subsequent deposition on and VOCs from terrestrial ecosystems, sometimes land and oceans. There are substantial anthropogenic called “non-CO2 respiration“, must be quantified in nitrogen and phosphorus loadings to groundwater and order to fully close the carbon budget for an ecosystem, river systems through leaching from agricultural fer- given that atmospheric methods (eddy-covariance flux tiliser. On the other hand, silicate may be retained in towers, atmospheric inversions) in general measure freshwater systems due to building of dams and large

CO2 fluxes only. In some cases, a significant fraction of water reservoirs (silicate is needed by diatoms, which

CO2 withdrawn from the atmosphere is released back account for a substantial part of oceanic biological to the atmosphere in the form of non-CO2 gases (up export production of carbon). Anthropogenic atmos- + to 30% in some ecosystems), creating a local imbal- pheric nitrogen (NH4 ) deposition to the coastal seas ance in the CO2 budget. Globally, the oxidation of these can be of equal importance quantitatively as the direct compounds amounts to a production of 1.3 Gt C y-1 in input through rivers. the atmosphere. Non-CO2 compounds produced by ter- restrial (and marine) ecosystems may be of sufficiently 5.3.5 Geo-referenced Fossil Fuel Emissions short lifetime to be quickly transformed into CO2 before To understand the perturbed global carbon cycle, it is they reach an atmospheric background station, but important to improve the observation of the location this is not the case for CO and CH4, which have mean and timing of fossil fuel emissions. Present data on atmospheric lifetimes of many years. Eddy covariance fossil fuel emissions are typically obtained from energy techniques measuring CO2 simply miss these fluxes. production statistics and aggregated on an annual basis The emission, transport and chemical destruction of at the scale of individual countries;42 little information is non-CO2 carbon compounds is of primary interest to the presently available of the detailed space and time pat-

Integrated Global Atmospheric Chemistry Observation terns of fossil CO2 emissions. In the developing world, (IGACO) theme. In practice at the scale of eddy flux fossil fuel emissions are becoming an increasingly towers, it is most efficient to measure simultaneously important fraction of total carbon emissions, but emis- the emissions of CO2 and of non-CO2 carbon gases, sions of CO2 associated with more traditional fuel types either directly with micrometeorological methods or (e.g., with biomass fuel) are poorly mapped. indirectly by models driven by ecological process and The carbon observing system must measure fos- meteorological data. At the global scale of atmospheric sil emissions in the major industrialised areas of the inversions, state-of-the-art atmospheric chemistry world at the appropriate spatial and temporal scales to transport models are required to compute the atmos- be utilised in atmospheric transport models and inver- pheric production of CO2 from its chemical precursors sion studies. A realistic requirement is a spatial scale and to account for this process in the inverse retrieval on the order of 10 km or better and temporal resolu- of fluxes. Thus, close collaboration between the carbon tion that accounts realistically for fossil fuel CO2 release observing system and IGACO is essential. patterns, such as daily traffic peaks or the enhanced An important challenge to the atmospheric chem- emission from power plants during cold weather epi- istry observing system is to develop satellite observa- sodes or heat waves. Similar efforts to map biomass tion techniques to deliver methane-related products: in fuel emissions should be undertaken. particular, the spatial and temporal distribution of wet- lands globally and global soil moisture measurements. 5.4 IMPROVING DATA PRODUCTS AND DELIVERY TO USERS 5.3.4 Nutrient Fluxes to Ecosystems he ultimate goal of the carbon observing system There is increasing recognition of the key role of is to generate data products that are of value for nutrients (both stores and fluxes) in constraining both t the user communities. Raw observations are rarely 28 IGOS Carbon Theme Report 2004 5 THE CHALLENGE TO REALISING THE COORDINATED SYSTEM OF GLOBAL CARBON OBSERVATIONS adequate on their own. To create usable products, in measurements to models. Some in situ measurements situ measurements from a variety of sources need to are infrequent or require laboratory processing or be integrated with remote-sensing observations within tedious field work, and would thus only enter into an a modelling framework. To achieve this, a major chal- assimilation procedure once every year or so, perhaps lenge is to collect, process and harmonise in situ data to improve the retrospective analysis of carbon fluxes from diverse sources. At present problems with in situ and pools. Some other in situ observations on the other data include, among others, inconsistent parameter hand, such as pCO2 on ships of opportunity, terrestrial definitions, incomplete data, differing spatial and tem- ecosystem fluxes, or atmospheric concentrations, can poral scales and sampling bias in measurements. be transferred in real time to data centres and deliv- One issue is the question of data availability when ered to an operational procedure to now-cast carbon there is an intersection with national policy, in particu- fluxes, much in the same way as current meteorologi- lar for 200 miles coastal zone, forestry, and fossil-CO2 cal observations produce weather now-casts. emissions. Other issues include the delivery of in situ

29 IGOS Carbon Theme Report 2004 igos CARBON

6.1 INTEGRATING ACROSS SCALES tive global understanding of carbon sources and sinks oday, carbon observation networks have sparse at the regional scale. To reduce uncertainties in an data coverage, but they have reached a sufficient objective manner, we need strong integration across t stage of maturity so that regional estimates of flux- scales (Figures 20, 21), based on modelling schemes es and other carbon quantities can be set as a feasible for model-data fusion or data assimilation, which can objective. Science communities are well established for include observation of different characteristics. In the themes such as eddy covariance flux towers, atmos- ocean, the intermediate and deep oceans have to be pheric networks, or ocean pCO2 mapping. included as these reservoirs are flushed fairly quickly Organised, globally oriented networks exist for flux - 1000 - 2000 years - on a geological time scale. The towers, atmospheric concentrations, soil and biomass entire marine system must be considered for any kind surveys, ecological studies, and ocean pCO2, but these of overall budgeting. different methods all operate at different spatial and Data integration should proceed from the merging, temporal scales. Uncertainties in either their upscaling synthesis, and eventual the fusion of carbon observa- or downscaling prevent us from delivering quantita- tions within process oriented carbon models. It will

Vegetation Regional CO2, CH4 fluxes from aircraft Properties from Satellite and Regional airborne RSS Scale

PAR, SI, etc.

CO2 CH4 Local Scale

CO2 Photosysnthesis Canopy physiology

Plot Biometry Scale Soil fluxes

Litterfall CO2, CH4, CO Root dynamics NMHC, etc.

Respiration G844.013 DOC

Figure 20. Example of integration across scales from local to regional in up-scaling terrestrial observations.

30 IGOS Carbon Theme Report 2004 6 THE INTEGRATION CHALLENGE require comprehensive advanced carbon cycle data data within a single assimilation procedure may cre- assimilation models, which are expected to analyse ate the risk that the optimal solution would be exces- large amounts of data and diagnose on a routine basis sively dependent on potential biases of remote sensing carbon quantities and to provide error diagnostics. products and/or the possible biases introduced by the Given the strong carbon-climate interactions, it is most likely heterogeneous distribution of in situ observa- likely that numerical weather prediction models, fitted tions. In order to avoid this situation, in situ data may with specific terrestrial modules to compute carbon be kept aside as precious sources of independent qual- cycling, will provide the best framework to assimilate ity assessment in the carbon cycle data assimilation terrestrial and atmospheric measurements. Similarly, system. It should also be recognised that a variety of operational oceanography models that work at higher different biogeochemical models based on distinct resolution than current ocean carbon models should hypothesis should be used in parallel, rather than one be appropriately computing the biogeochemical state single model. of the ocean and the relevant nutrients and carbon The relevant scale at which it is desirable to quan- fluxes. Ultimately, a global assimilation in full ocean- tify fluxes from a global perspective is typically 10-50 atmosphere-land carbon-climate is required jointly for km with weekly resolution. Over land, climate and physical and biogeochemical variables. This approach weather patterns acting on carbon fluxes at 10 km will both improve hindcasts and forecasts of weather, scales can be analysed from numerical weather analy- climate, and the carbon cycle. sis with input data from carbon cycle models. Over the Remote sensing products ultimately will deliver ocean, at the scale of 50 km, meso-scale eddies can be several orders of magnitude more information than resolved in operational oceanography models. Carbon in situ measurements. However, including all types of processes partly operate differently at even smaller scales, depending on topography, ecosystem distribu- tions, and anthropogenic land use patterns. However, on timescales of up to a few years they show a remark- able degree of coherency over larger scales, due to the Approach Scale predominantly similar temporal response to climate and weather.

Remote 6.2 TOWARDS A MULTIPLE CONSTRAINT Sensing Global ASSIMILATION OF CARBON CYCLE OBSERVATIONS rocess modelling of the carbon cycle has advanced Aircraft significantly. Ocean biogeochemical models have p 43 Surveys Ocean been developed and are increasingly being tested Basin and developed using oceanographic process data, Trans-basin Sections time series measurements, and satellite observations including altimetry, , and VOS Surface Regional ocean colour observations. Land surface-physical cli- Observations mate models are at an advanced stage of development and are being coupled to land carbon-nitrogen models Time-series for vegetation and soils. Longer-term controls over the sites and 1 km2 Moorings carbon cycle such as natural disturbance and land use are being added to models as global land cover and Process land-cover change data improve. Several experiments Studies 1 m2 have been done using coupled carbon-climate models. In this context, multiple-constraint data assimi- lation44 techniques are of particular importance in exploiting observations to improve our understanding of the global carbon cycle and concurrently our ability to express this understanding in both diagnostic and Figure 21. Integration across scales for ocean carbon obser- vations. prognostic models (See also the Tables 9.4 and 9.5 in Section 9 of this report). The essence of the approach is

31 IGOS Carbon Theme Report 2004 igos CARBON

to use the multiple kinds of measurements to constrain initial efforts to assimilate CO2 flux observations into model parameters to optimal values, and then to infer terrestrial process models, and approaches are emerg- complete space-time distributions of carbon stores and ing as to how to assimilate multiple process observa- fluxes (or other sought variables). The inference is done tions simultaneously. However, the state-of-the-art is by using the model to predict the observed variables at still relatively young, and significant progress is needed locations where measurements are available, and then in order to exploit fully the data from an integrated glo- finding the set of parameter choices that minimises bal carbon observing system. the overall departure between model predictions and There are several further challenges (see also measurements. Section 6.3), including the need for high dimensional, The multiple-constraint data assimilation approach efficient methods. Other challenges are found in the is related to, but differs from, current atmospheric current state of carbon modelling. For instance, in inverse methods in which surface source-sink distribu- order to assimilate and integrate a wide range of dif- tions at large scales are determined from measured ferent observations, the models must include state concentration distributions alone. Key differences variables and parameters related to the observations. include: (1) atmospheric inversions are restricted to At present, carbon cycle models do not include the concentration measurements, whereas, multiple con- full range of processes required to link to the array straints can accommodate data of any kind predictable of emerging observations. A high priority of the Global by the generic model; (2) atmospheric inversions infer Carbon Project is to develop the models required for sources and sinks directly from concentration meas- multiple constraint approaches. urements, without the need to infer an intermediate There is currently no unified model (and likewise no set of parameters; (3) the inverse problem generally single family of observations), which would enable us exploits linear expressions of atmospheric transport to execute successful carbon data assimilation. Given and mixing; whereas in multiple constraint, the problem the diversity of scales, it is possible that a suite or a formally allows nonlinear forward expressions; and (4) hierarchy of models nested one within each other may the multiple constraint approach offers the possibility be needed to capture properly the variability inherent of accessing multiple sources of constraining data with in some observations45 (Figure 22). However, the over- vastly different spatial, temporal, and process resolu- arching goal of obtaining a global picture of the carbon tions, thus producing more constrained predictions. cycle should be kept in mind, which favours the choice A multiple constraint approach is potentially falsifi- of models that are sufficiently generic in their param- able by confronting the model with a diverse range of eterisations and input variable requirements, and yet data sources. Failure to accommodate all data streams based on state-of-the-art mechanistic understanding simultaneously with a common parameter set consti- (see Section 9). We summarise below some of these tutes a means of model falsification, thus preserving scientific challenges specific to the assimilation of car- the scientific integrity of the approach. In a similar vein, bon observations: the data assimilation, multiple constraint approach offers a means for discriminating between important and less important avenues for research to improve the process representations in the carbon cycle model, because the inverse techniques return uncertainties on estimated parameters. A reduction in these uncertain- ties constitutes an increase in the information content of the overall prediction of the model. Potential data sources can be assessed for the reduction in uncertain- ty they provide for model parameters. Importantly, this approach requires the uncertainty characteristics of the data but does not require actual data to be available, allowing preliminary tests of experimental designs. Fortunately, data assimilation schemes for a number of specific processes have been developed. Figure 22. Illustrative information flow in a global carbon Ocean carbon data have been used in assimilation cycle data assimilation system. schemes to estimate oceanic carbon fluxes. There are

32 IGOS Carbon Theme Report 2004 6 THE INTEGRATION CHALLENGE

> Develop the ability to accommodate vast amounts of pheric state keeps no memory beyond a few days. disparate satellite observations. To best do so, bio- In the global carbon cycle, several processes are geochemical models need to be fitted with radiative expressed on longer time scales. transfer modules in order to enable them to simu- late state variables (e.g., reflectances), which are as 6.3 PRINCIPLE REQUIREMENTS FOR ASSIMILATING close as possible to what the sensors can actually CARBON CYCLE OBSERVATIONS measure. A carbon assimilation system must there- he recent Carbon Data Assimilation Report46 (See fore be dimensioned to digest massive amounts of Box 4) noted several research gaps, challenges, satellite data, both in terms of variational require- t and opportunities including: ments (given nonlinearities in the models) and in > Developing component and coupled carbon cycle terms of data processing and storage. models (generally from existing carbon process > Account for the uneven distribution of in situ models) that address the requirements and objec- measurements. Some regions of the world, where tives of an assimilation system for state, flux, or intensive sampling programs are put in place, are parameter estimation; expected to have much better observational cov- > Developing observational operators to link models erage than others. Global carbon data integration and observables in assimilation systems; should thus address the issue of bridging the gap > Developing more efficient adjoint operators for between data rich and data poor areas that should well-validated transport models with cost functions eventually be linked to the atmospheric growth rate computed from potential satellite observations; and to our ability to mitigate it. At present, we live in coupling these adjoint operators into an efficient a data-poor world for carbon cycle in situ observa- optimisation algorithm; and developing algorithms tions, and most of the observations are operated on for generating efficiently parts of the error covari- a research basis. But we see the onset of the devel- ance matrix. opment of denser networks with regional emphasis > Evaluating better measurement bias from instru- over, for instance, North America, Europe, Japan, mental, algorithmic or sampling error. Assimilation Siberia, and the Amazon. It is thus key to the suc- models that will integrate multiple data types will cess of a carbon cycle data assimilation system to be more vulnerable to bias than inverse models that plan at an early stage improved data calibration, 46 harmonisation, and quality insurance procedures Box 4: Excerpt from Carbon Data Assimilation Report

which will ensure that in situ observations pro- “Observations have not been assembled to study the carbon duced by different networks are fully compatible cycle as an integrated whole. Observing and understand- with each other. ing a single reservoir (land, atmosphere, or oceans) does not translate to a concordant understanding of multiple > Account for the coupling of weather and climate reservoirs interacting within the coupled system. In order with carbon cycling. Over land, optimising photo- to understand the patterns and variability of sources and sinks of carbon dioxide, it is necessary to integrate together synthesis will likely alter the latent and sensible data about the land, atmosphere, oceans, and fossil fuels. heat fluxes, which in turn feed back on the bound- Analyzing the carbon system as a whole requires unprec- ary layer transport of atmospheric CO . It is thus edented integration of information, far exceeding today’s 2 modeling and data analysis techniques. inevitable that the most realistic manner to assimi- late carbon observations is to insert carbon cycling Data assimilation is a family of techniques for improving estimates of geophysical quantities combining models and models within numerical weather prediction mod- observations. Although best known as a tool in weather fore- els, and beyond in coupled ocean-atmosphere-land casting, data assimilation is also used in analysis of complex climate and Earth System models. This will become data sets, and in estimation of parameters in models. Data assimilation is particularly valuable in bringing disparate crucial when remote sensing of the atmospheric observations to bear on a common problem to achieve the best analysis, consistent with all the available information. CO2 concentration becomes operational, because Data assimilation techniques can play a major role in carbon concentration, temperature, and humidity profiles cycle science, producing robust & consistent estimates of are intimately linked in the atmospheric radiative contemporary sources and sinks by integrating atmospheric, transfer. terrestrial and oceanic data together into a common analysis framework. The goal of the data assimilation program is to > Develop the ability to retrospectively analyse the characterize the variability of CO2 sources and sinks, aid in available observations at regular intervals (roughly confirming the mechanisms causing sources and sinks, and, every season). Carbon data assimilation is different ultimately, increase the credibility of prediction of the carbon system.” in that respect from where the atmos-

33 IGOS Carbon Theme Report 2004 igos CARBON

have largely relied on data from surface concentra- understood to estimate surface fluxes from atmos- tion networks. The space/time variations in biases pheric observations. Additional analysis, collabora- from different measurements must be defined well tion with physical meteorologists and possibly new before use in assimilation systems. field studies are required to improve models of > Advancing land and ocean process-driven and data- these processes for coupled surface-atmosphere driven models (Table 9.5). As noted, the global car- assimilation systems. bon cycle is regulated by long-term processes (e.g., > Geographically resolving fossil fuel emissions, deep ocean circulation, disturbance and recovery which have generally been defined in carbon cycle of land vegetation) varying over periods much studies from data sets with low spatial and tem- longer than those of most observational records. poral resolution. Techniques using atmospheric Assimilation techniques for the carbon cycle must tracers of fossil fuel combustion and improved be developed to account for this “background” in socio-economic data are needed to understand fos- order to provide mechanistic understanding of the sil emissions in new higher resolution assimilation present-day variability of fluxes and storage. schemes. These techniques can also help to quanti- > Understanding basic atmospheric mixing proc- fy biomass-burning fluxes. The observational need esses, especially PBL (Planetary Boundary Layer) regarding fossil fuels has been noted in Section mixing and unresolved convection, which have a 5.3.5 of this report.

major impact on CO2 distributions and must be

34 IGOS Carbon Theme Report 2004 6 THE INTEGRATION CHALLENGE

35 IGOS Carbon Theme Report 2004 igos CARBON

he establishment of a systematic observation sys- observing systems are coordinated, internally consist- tem for the global carbon cycle is a complex under- ent and complementary with respect to space, time t taking, primarily because the complexity of the car- and methodological protocol. For instance, there is a bon cycle intersects with political and economic struc- need for coordination between the eddy covariance flux tures (e.g., energy systems) that have been established tower and atmospheric flask sampling networks. By at international as well as national levels. An effective improving the calibration of atmospheric CO2 measure- and efficient framework for global carbon cycle obser- ments at the top of eddy covariance flux towers, these vation must rely on several components, most of which data can be used in atmospheric inversions. Similarly, have multiple clients and are sponsored for different improving the accuracy of CO2 concentration measure- reasons. It is therefore essential that the design and ments onboard ships of opportunity measuring ∆pCO2 implementation of the observing system as well as will help atmospheric methods to improve air-sea flux those of international and national carbon research estimates. programmes are clearly linked with each other and to A large challenge to ocean carbon measurement the policymaking community charged with meeting the is to coordinate major initiatives involving ship-based, carbon/climate challenge. satellite-based, and land-based observation efforts. New and stable institutional arrangements are These are often large-scale, expensive endeavours needed in order to establish and maintain these link- undertaken with national or regional-based funding. ages so that a reliable system of observations on the There are numerous opportunities for benefiting from global carbon cycle can be built. A strong and effective economies of scale arising from international planning partnership with the Global Carbon Project is particu- and coordination in this realm. For example, in terms larly important to link research and operational obser- of ship-based observations of pCO2, the CO2 Panel of vations; to ensure that data produced by the carbon the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission observing system is fully integrated into model devel- (IOC47) and Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research opment, analysis and synthesis; and to develop effec- (SCOR48) is collaborating with the Global Carbon Project tive protocols for information management. to ensure the most effective re-occupation of the WOCE A particular institutional challenge for the carbon hydrograph sections over the coming years. observing system is to ensure that the component Thus, it is clear that the carbon observing system must emphasise coordination and collaboration with existing activities where these are positioned to gener- ate the needed input or output products; use the best available scientific expertise in the generation of new products intended to fill gaps; and rely on the IGCO Implementation Team to monitor the implementation process. Figure 23 presents a proposed framework for guid- ing the carbon observing system. This institutional structure is designed to meet the challenges outlined above by formation of an IGCO Implementation Team that will be guided by input from its primary user groups and simultaneously interact strongly with the data providers. A key linkage is between the IGCO Implementation Team, CEOS, and the global observing systems (GXOS) that include in situ measuring compo- nents. Each of these organisations will be responsible for a component(s) of the carbon observing system, but the system will not be effective without coordina- tion between the components. Thus, an important task of the IGCO Implementation Team is to monitor the integration of component activities. Figure 23. Institutional links and implementation of a coordi- nated system of global carbon observations Equally important is the interaction of the IGCO Implementation Team with the user groups. The poli-

36 IGOS Carbon Theme Report 2004 7 INSTITUTIONAL AND FUNDING CHALLENGES cymakers are represented at two levels - representa- tional community are currently weak. Internationally, tives of the national level policy community and at the the Global Terrestrial Observing System (GTOS)52 and level of the UN Framework Convention on Climate its sponsors (particularly the Food and Agriculture Change through their Subsidiary Body on Scientific and Organization (FAO),53 the United Nations Environment Technological Advice (SBSTA). Given the tight coupling Programme (UNEP),54 and WMO) have national points between operational observation, research observation of contact, but even at the national level, the observa- and the scientific research itself, the carbon observing tion programmes and their funding are not typically system must have a close working relationship with coordinated centrally. the Global Carbon Project. This can best be achieved There is a unique opportunity provided by the through significant cross-membership of the IGCO recent Earth Observation Summit55, held in July 2003 Implementation Team and the GCP Scientific Steering in Washington DC, to gain commitments for continu- Committee; joint activities and workshops; and co- ity and expansion in core carbon observations from a publication of major reports and papers that have both broad range of organisations, each operating in its own observation and research aspects. particular institutional setting. In this context, the fol- There are two additional organisational challenges low-on summits in Japan and Europe are particularly towards building the carbon observing system from important. national and regional components: (i) continuity of Improvements beyond an initial observing system observations and (ii) research and technology develop- described herein require vigorous support for research ment in support of the observing system. development in several areas. The most important of A major issue confronting the carbon observing these are: (i) improved and new instrumentation for in system is to ensure the continuity of the core meas- situ and satellite observations of atmospheric CO2; (ii) urements, at a minimum. Satellite observations are network enhancement and design optimisation studies, coordinated within CEOS, a partner of IGOS; however, in turn requiring the capability to evaluate trade-offs in atmospheric in situ observations (e.g., trace gas con- performance based on various hypothetical improve- centrations) are linked via the World Meterological ments in the observations; and (iii) development of Organization (WMO)49to national agencies. Ocean models and algorithms that are able to more effectively observations are coordinated through the Global Ocean invert or assimilate raw observations to produce glo- Observing System (GOOS)50 in collaboration with national bal carbon flux fields. Finally, and most importantly, agencies under the auspices of the Intergovernmental observations (particularly space-based) must be read- Oceanographic Commission (IOC)51 of UNESCO. For ily available to the broad, international scientific com- terrestrial ecosystems, the links between the national munity. funding and implementation agencies and the interna-

37 IGOS Carbon Theme Report 2004 igos CARBON

Requirements for a Coordinated System of NACP…) to a coordinated programme within the Integrated Global Carbon Observations by 2011 framework of the Global Carbon Project. > Involvement of operational satellite agencies such

> The global atmospheric CO2 network should be in as NOAA, EUMETSAT in these workshops/studies place, both on land and oceans, including aircraft from the very beginning.

profiles, for a continuous in situ CO2 analysis with an accuracy of 0.2 ppmv and with a typical spatial Synthesis of Existing Data resolution of 5° by 5° grid over land and 10° by 10° > Organise workshops to define requirements and grid over the oceans. initiate collection of geo-referenced information > The eddy covariance tower network has been dealing with:

expanded with new towers and inter-calibrated. It – Georeferenced fossil fuel CO2 emission maps, operates for complex and disturbed ecosystems, – Lateral movement of C by fluvial transport, and across gradients of succession, stand age, and – Lateral movement of C by trade of wood and land-use intensity. food products, and

> Global soil carbon content is updated every 10 – Non-CO2 gas emissions (e.g., CH4, CO, VOCs) years on a 1° by 1° grid. Forest biomass changes and their contribution to regional budgets in are updated every 5 years and the data from vari- coordination with IGACO Theme Team. ous national institutions are available on a geo-ref- erenced basis. Algorithms and Model Developments

> On ocean surface basin-scale, an operational sys- > Establish a strategic plan for a global CO2 satellite

tem of extensive in situ sampling of surface pCO2 observation system combining existing OCO mis- levels has been implemented. sion, and future Japanese (GOSAT) and European > Basin-scale in situ measurements of dissolved and projects. particulate organic and inorganic carbon in the > Conduct re-analysis of the NOAA-TOVS HiRs data ocean, with full column sampling of carbon system following pioneer work by Chédin and co-workers parameters, are being made. (Tables 9.1 and 9.4).

> Land satellite products are evaluated and are ready > Expand efforts to retrieve CO2 distribution from to be used in process-based terrestrial ecosystems existing satellites, such as AIRS, SCIAMACHY, IASI models. and TES (Tables 9.1 and 9.4). > Ocean satellite products are evaluated and ready to > Develop algorithms to map from land observing be assimilated in operational oceanography models satellites (e.g., Landsat, SPOT, ALOS, NPOESS) the fitted with carbon cycle capabilities. global distribution and temporal variability of: for- > New satellites are now in place for measuring col- est-no-forest information; global land use; biomass

umn density of CO2 and other carbon compounds. information; seasonal cycle of vegetation and fires; > The modelling community is ready to ingest these and wetland cover (Tables 9.1 and 9.3). data in the models to determine precisely the > Develop prototype carbon cycle data assimilation sources and sinks of carbon and the future evolu- models (Table 9.5). tion of carbon related compounds in the atmos- phere. In Situ Networks Development > Increase atmospheric measurement networks, The roadmap towards those objectives is described building upon regional initiatives (CARBOEUROPE, below: NACP, Siberian projects, LBA). An increase of 50% of the number of available measurements is a fea- Phase 1: Preparation (2003-2006) sible target (Table 9.4). Institutional Actions > Increase terrestrial ecosystem networks, in par- > Approval of IGCO Theme Report by IGOS-P. ticular flux towers and soil/biomass carbon surveys > Improved coordination among existing international especially in the tropics. An increase of 50% of the programmes and components, particularly GCP number of available measurements is a feasible and IGCO. target (Table 9.3). > Beginning convergence of current regional stud- > Increase coverage of air-sea flux measurements ies through joint workshops (e.g., CARBOEUROPE, and ocean interior surveys such as the planned


GEOSECS II; US and EU programmes in the Atlantic, > Satellite-derived atmospheric CO2 measurements, Japanese and US in the North Pacific; and the vari- and their impact in obtaining better flux output ous planned surveys in the Southern Ocean (Table products; 9.2). > Gradual improvements of input satellite data prod-

> Develop measurements of atmospheric CO2 on eddy ucts for land and ocean (point and gridded) and of covariance towers (Table 9.4). models; > Gradual improvement of point and gridded data Methodological Developments – Network Design Studies products of lateral carbon flows and emissions of

> Define a methodology so that global soil carbon fossil fuel CO2; content can be updated every 10 years on a 1° by 1° > Improvment of global in situ networks; grid (Table 9.3). > Production of new inventory data flux estimates; > Define a methodology, including enhanced geo- > Development of data assimilation methods of car- referenced data availability, so that forest biomass bon cycle observations; inventories can be updated every 5 years as compo- > Development of biomass and soil carbon surveys to nents of the observing system. (Table 9.3). obtain full coverage of forest ecosystems, particu- > Design a global network of ecological, bio-optical, larly in the tropics. and biogeochemical observations, as the basis for calibrating, validating, and adding value to remotely In Situ Networks Development

sensed ocean colour data. Products will be the > Deployment of CO2 in situ measurements on sev- developed through the Ocean Biology Project ini- eral passenger aircraft; tiated by CEOS and presently coordinated by the > Use of in situ network and aircraft campaigns for

International Ocean Colour Co-ordinating Group validation of new satellite data of atmospheric CO2 (IOCCG). (Tables 9.1 and 9.2). columns and possibly vertical profiles obtained par- > Evaluate the current capabilities to derive the air- ticularly from OCO AIRS, SCIAMACHY and IASI; sea gas transfer velocity distribution from satellite > Pursuit of methods and sensor development for observed surface roughness (scatterometer and eddy covariance flux measurements; altimeter). Process-level work needed particularly > Development of biomass and soil carbon surveys to for high and low wind speed, and bubble dominated obtain full coverage of forest ecosystems, particu- environments. (Table 9.1). larly in the tropics: > Initiate technology development in the area of > Deployment of new sensors for ocean carbonate Lidars for operational satellites, which may provide system and nutrient observations.

a complete profile of atmospheric CO2 and other carbon molecules. (Table 9.1). Methodological Developments – Network Design Studies > Comparison and systematic evaluation of carbon Phase 2: Demonstration (2006-2010) cycle data assimilation models; Institutional Actions > End-to-end check on the data system so that it ful- Assessment of the status of global carbon observations fills the need of the international modelling com- and revision of data requirements for: munity.

39 IGOS Carbon Theme Report 2004 igos CARBON

Table 9.1 Space observations related to the Integrated Global Carbon Observations

Component of Surface- Global Observation Existing, Approved, or Proposed Instruments / Missions Atmosphere Carbon Flux Required Historic Current and Near-term Through 2010 Future

Surface fl uxes inverted Atmospheric CO2 HIRS-2 LWIR: AIRS, IASI OCO Active CO2 from atmospheric CO2 variability GOSAT sensors measurements SWIR: SCIAMACHY Attribution of surface fl uxes to Atmospheric CO MOPITT SCIAMACHY TES combustion processes variability Atmospheric BC TOMS CALIPSO aerosols variability POLDER-I POLDER-II APS

Land-atmosphere CO2 fl ux and Land cover type AVHRR terrestrial carbon processes Land cover change Burned areas LandSat1-7 SPOT1-5 AVNIR MODIS LDCM GLI ASTER MERIS NPOES NPOES AVNIR-2 VIIRS VIIRS Prep. Prog. Biophysical products: AVHRR

LAI, FAPAR, Landsat 1-7 Albedo… MERIS LDCM MODIS ALOS Vegetation SeaWIFS ASTER Productivity

SPOT-4-5 (Vegetation/HRG)

METOP-1-2-3… MSG/SEVIRI NPOES NPOES VIIRS VIIRS Prep. Prog. Vegetation architecture MISR or profi le


Climate variables driving land- Soil moisture regime SSM I ASAR SMOS NPOES atmosphere fl uxes (surface and deep) CMIS Precipitation TRMM GPM, Follow–on missions, geosynchronous Cloud cover AVHRR MODIS CloudSat CERES NPOES Prep Prog. NPOES METOP-1-2-3 MSG


Other Contributing Potential New Missions Spatial Sampling Temporal Sampling Remote Sensors Frequency Frequency

IIP (FPI and LIDAR) Active CO2 measurements 1-50 km Daily * using Laser techniques

25 km Daily *

NPOES 1-50 km Daily * CrIs

Synergistic multispectral optical 30 m and 250-1.000 m weekly AVIRIS + multifrequency polarimetric AIRSAR radar

AIRSAR Synergistic multispectral 25-1000 m weekly optical, radar missions Hyperspectral Mission e.g. SPECTRA


AIRSAR VCL 25 - 250 m Annually LVIS Wide-swath LIDAR + SLICER interferometric radar Daily

VCL, Wide-swath LIDAR + low- 50 – 100 m Annually frequency polarimetric radar


AIRSAR, IIP (UHF / Higher-resolution radiometers, 5-50 km 3-day for surface, 10- VHF radar) lower-frequency radars day for depth DPR 5 km Daily TRMM

Follow–on missions, 1 km Daily geosynchronous

41 IGOS Carbon Theme Report 2004 igos CARBON

Component of Surface Global Observation Existing, Approved, or Proposed Instruments / Missions – Atmosphere Carbon fl ux Required Historic Present and Near – term Through 2010 future

Land–atmosphere CH4 fl ux Atmospheric CH4 IMG MOPITT TES variability AIRS SCIAMACHY

Biomass burning CH4 See fi re emissions spots and burned areas Wetland extent AVHRR LandSat 1-7 SPOT1-5 SIR-C ERS-2 ALOS, LDCM ERS-1 ASAR JERS-1

ERS1-2 Air–Sea CO fl ux 2 Wind speed ERS – 1-2 QUICKSCAT ESA’s Atmospheric ASAR Dynamic Explorer MERIS AMSR-E WindSat SeaWinds AMSR Sea surface AVHRR SBERS temperature ATSR VIIRS NPOES Prep. VIIRS NPOES AATSR Prog. METOP 1-2-3 Ocean biogeochemistry Chlorophyll CZCS SeaWIFS SGLI Ocean colour POLDER-I MODIS Ocean productivity POLDER-II ADEOSII GLI MERIS VIIRS NPOES VIIRS NPOES PrepProg.

Ocean circulation Circulation & TOPEX JASON–1 JASON–2 hydrography ENVISAT/ALTIMETER ERS-1 ERS-2

* longer temporal averaging may be needed to get desired precision


Other Contributing Potential New Missions Spatial Sampling Temporal Sampling Remote Sensors Frequency Frequency

25 – 100 km TBD

AIRSAR Low-frequency polarimetric 25 m or less, and – 1 weekly radar km

ALPHASCAT 25 km Daily Wind Lidar

1 Km Daily NPOES CrIS

SIMBIOS 1 km Daily A / C particulate LIDAR

300 km 10 day

43 IGOS Carbon Theme Report 2004 igos CARBON

Table 9.2 Observation requirements for in situ ocean measurements (source GOOS)

Ocean carbon Basin-scale Surface Observations Large scale inventories cycle Parameter Global surface mapping of: Vertical profi les of: requirements ∆pCO (continuity) 2 Carbonate system Carbonate system Nutrients, Nutrients Tracers Fluorescence, Optical properties Biogeochemical species (iron, DOC and POC) Tracers, hydrography parameters Hydrography parameters

Sampling Cover all ocean gyres to map seasonal, annual, inter- for each basin on a 5-10 year revisit time to track the requirements annual fl uxes penetration of anthropogenic CO2, (expansion with current Platforms: Oceanographic research vessels, VOS, and Platforms: shipboard surveys; coordinated sampling of parameters) SOOP vessels above parameters New Collect atmospheric data along the VOS lines Add new time-series stations in key remote locations (high parameters (prec. 0.1 ppm) to better resolve regional budgets latitude water formation regions, ocean margins). requirements Measurements of dissolved oxygen to determine changes in ocean stratifi cation. New sensors, Develop spatially and temporally extensive in situ sampling Develop autonomous carbonate system sensors that could techniques of surface pCO2 be deployed on profi ling fl oats Develop co-sampling of other ecosystem and biogeochemical data to place pCO2 data in proper context


Biogeochemical Time Series Ocean Remote Sensing Coastal Observations

Time series of: Global maps of: Chlorophyll, ocean colour, ocean ∆pCO2 productivity global fi elds with sampling Sediment traps frequency enabling collocation with in situ data (see Table 9.1) Trace metals Possibly major plankton species Ocean optical properties Plankton species and abundance through the Continuous Plankton Recorder Programme (CPR) Continuous time series stations Ensure continued support for developing Frequent survey by ships for CPR a common network of coastal observing system elements

Develop a network of quasi-autonomous ecological, bio-optical, Develop satellite system to obtain higher Establish a long-term and biogeochemical time series ocean coverage (60% global, over a 3-5 day observing network timeframe) for coastal zones and Development of automated techniques for measuring ocean margins (use biogeochem. properties Develop systematic in-situ measurements to pilot studies for optimal support satellite ocean colour (incorporated design) Development of a network of time series to measure sinking into VOS+time series) fl uxes from sediment traps along with nutrients and dissolved O2

45 IGOS Carbon Theme Report 2004 igos CARBON

Table 9.3. Observation requirements for terrestrial component (source TCO)

Terrestrial carbon Land cover and land use Biomass Seasonal growth cycle Fires / disturbances cycle Continuity Continuity of calibrated, Ensure ongoing availability Ensuring continuity of Continuity of calibrated challenges fi ne resolution optical data of canopy structure moderate resolution moderate resolution from both fi xed-view (eg., measurements optical sensor satellite data; Burned Landsat) and pointable measurements: same as areas (res <200 m needed). (eg., SPOT) sensors Improve availability for land cover Fires hotspots (res ≈ 1000 and harmonisation of m) Continuity of calibrated, inventories Ensuring agency moderate resolution commitments to Information on historical global satellite More effi cient use of generating global LAI changes in fi re regimes observations national inventories (e.g. products beyond the (long term satellite data + improved expansion MODIS/TERRA period. ground surveys) Systematic reprocessing factors…) of satellite data to prepare Ensuring continuity of time-stamped or time Ensure systematic moderate resolution series data observation of forest by optical sensor SAT (eg, ALOS) measurements Knowledge Obtain global land use Expand inventories to Use of new satellite Develop methods challenges information by means of tropical forests, non- techniques (lidar, multi- to quantify partial satellite data at various commercial forests, angle optical) to detect disturbances in forests spatial scales woodlands frost-free season duration (insect damage, selective at high latitudes harvesting) Develop methods for Develop new soil carbon deriving global land use measurement techniques, Use of new satellite Information on plume information by means of and sampling strategies sensing techniques (multi- composition from satellite satellite at various spatial angle optical, lidar) to be scales, in linkge with the Update the 1:5 million further investigated for Information on injection effect on carbon fl uxes soil map of the world improving LAI accuracy height (underway) at high LAI values and New methods to map Develop satellite information on the areas burned by ‘ground technology for remote distribution of sunlight fi res’ sensing of biomass within canopy (eg.,SAR and Lidar)

Land Cover information Water Snow and ice Barren or sparsely vegetated Built-up Croplands Forest Leaf type Needle Broadleaf Mixed Leaf longevity Evergreen Deciduous Mixed Canopy cover 10 – 25 % 25 – 40 % 40 – 60 % 60 – 100 % Canopy height 0 – 1 m 1 – 2 m > 2 m (low shrub) (tall shrub) (trees) Forest special theme: fl ooded forest Spatial resolution: 1 km (coarse) and 25 m (fi ne) Update cycle 5 years (coarse and fi ne)


Solar radiation Eddy-covariance fl ux towers Methane / soil moisture and Canopy biochemistry surface wetness Ensuring the development and Continuity to maintain existing production of daily to monthly measurement programs for at SW products. least 10 years at a site Expand the current network in underrepresented regions, and ecosystems undergoing disturbances Improving international coordination (on-line data transfer, data quality assurance)

Develop daily PAR products from Poof of “virtual tall towers“ Map the global distribution and Experimental programs to geostationary and polar orbiting concept accurate CO2 temporal variability of wetland determine the operational sensors. Spatial resolution near concentration measured at fl ux cover types feasibility of producing robust ~10 km and direct estimation towers (< 1 ppm) estimates of canopy biochemical for the PAR spectral region (0.4 Develop satellite observation properties. (C and N content of - 0.7 µm). Standardise methodologies techniques and modelling tools pools) among the regional networks to estimate methane fl uxes from (joint ecological measurement, wetlands (include. water table use of high resolution remote depth) sensing, gap fi lling) Develop satellite-based capability to monitor global soil moisture

47 IGOS Carbon Theme Report 2004 igos CARBON

Table 9.3 (continued) Satellite data requirements for terrestrial observing system component

Land Cover Change information Coarse Fine Resolution 1 km initially 250 m as soon as possible 25 m Cycle Annual wall – to – wall 5 year wall – to – wall; 20% - 30 % annual Classes No change No change Forest Ë non - forest Forest Ë non - forest Non -forest Ë forest Non - forest Ë forest Special products Burned forest Forest fragmentation Forest change occurrence

Fire information Spatial resolution Revisit cycle Temporal cycle Source(s) of data Fire monitoring 250 – 1 km 12 h 12 h Coarse resolution optical (thermal) Mapping burned 25 m - 1 km Annual 3 months Coarse and fi ne resolution optical with SAR area backup Modelling 250 m – 1 km Annual 6 months Coarse resolution optical plus land cover plus biomass, emission factors, etc.

Biophysical information Accuracy Spatial Temporal Source(s) of data needed resolution cycle LAI ± 0.2 – 1.0 1 km 7 days Coarse resolution optical m2/ m2 PAR ± 2 – 5 % 1 km 30 min – 1 day Coarse resolution optical W / m2 FPAR ± 5 – 10 % 1 km 7 days Coarse resolution optical Dimensionless Above ground biomass ± 10 – 25% 1 km 5 years Inferred from land cover until spaceborne G / m2 measurements are available NPP ± 20 – 30 % 1 km 1 year Above products plus ground and spaceborne g C / m2 / yr meteorological data


Table 9.4. Observation requirements for atmospheric measurements and inversion modelling

Atmospheric In situ Transport models and Satellite CO2 components Measurements Inversions Measurements

Parameter CO2 measured continuously at in situ Availability of existing atmospheric Algorithm development to retrieve requirements stations data through data centers (e.g. WMO) column integrated CO2 and CH4 (continuity) abundances from existing sensors Other greenhouse gases (e.g., CH4, Generation of homogeneous in Long Wave Infrared (AIRS, TOVS) N2O) at in situ stations and in fl ask atmospheric data products for and Short Wave Infrared domains sampling programmes modellers (e.g. GLOBALVIEW-CO2) (SCIAMACHY) Carbon cycle related tracers in weekly A priori information on the spatial 13 fl ask samples: O2/N2, C in CO2, 18O and temporal patterns of terrestrial in CO2 and oceanic fl uxes, if possible with an error-structure Analogue tracers of fossil fuel CO2: 14 C in CO2, SF6, CO, C2Cl4 Information on atmospheric structure

222 and transport (e.g. From NWP centers) Transport tracers: Rn, CFCs, SF6… allowing the development of improved transport models Sampling Ensure commitment of the present Increased resolution in space and time Algorithm developments on requirements fl ask sampling programs. for the surface fl uxes to be optimised quantifying the error structure for (expansion CO2 retrieval from space (diffusers, with current Add new sites for fl ask sampling based Use of higher resolution Atmospheric spectroscopy studies, diurnal cycle…) parameters) on network optimisation studies, Transport Models especially in the interior of continents

Add in situ CO2 vertical profi les with high enough sampling frequency to characterise the mean gradients between the boundary layer and the free troposphere Increase the number of continuous stations (e.g. tall towers) inside the continents, particularly in the tropics – coordinated with vertical profi les

Develop sampling of CO2 onboard commercial passenger aircraft (2 programmes currently existing) Coordinate expansion of atmospheric programmes with shipboard measurements of air-sea fl uxes and ecosystem fl uxes (underway in Europe, North America, Siberia) Frequent calibration of laboratories to the primary WMO standards Frequent intercomparison programmes for CO2, and other species

New parameters Develop analysis of new tracers (eg High resolution maps of fossil fuel Develop specifi c infrared CO2 / products Ar/N2) emission (up to hourly, 10 km) and bio- monitoring mission: NASA-OCO and requirements fuels emissions possibly NASDA-GOSAT (precision 1 Develop new sampling platforms ppm) for high frequency in situ CO2 High resolution maps of fi re emissions measurements: tethered balloons, (fi res, injection heights, emission - Develop assimilation framework in unmanned aircraft factors, delayed emissions following numerical weather prediction models disturbance) to assimilate satellite radiances Development of robust remotely- operated continuous CO2 and O2 Develop high resolution transport - Research on active sensors to analysers, with an acceptable trade-off models in conjunction with land retrieve CO2 vertical structure (ESA between logistical independence and surface schemes ongoing study: FACTS) precision.

49 IGOS Carbon Theme Report 2004 igos CARBON

Table 9.5 Range of models for assimilating carbon cycle observations

Ocean models Applications Terrestrial and Anthropogenic Applications models Data-driven models Generate continuous carbon Data-driven terrestrial Generate continuous fi elds of Examples: and biogeochemical fi elds that biosphere models GPP, NPP, NEP Diagnostic models of ∆pCO2 incorporate available data Examples Ocean productivity models Light Use Effi ciency models Simulate short term variability of driven by satellite observations… Interpolate and extrapolate driven by satellite fi elds Net Ecosystem Exchange pointwise observations to basins Neural network upscaling of Fusion of satellite observations Separate anthropogenic and eddy-covariance data natural components Upscaling of eddy fl ux observations Fusion of satellite observations Data-driven emission models Input fl ux patterns to Estimate bio-geochemical rates atmospheric transport models Estimate of current sources and Generate time varying maps of sinks biofuels, fossil emissions of CO2 and tracers Initial / Boundary conditions for prognostic models Design of optimal observation networks. Process-driven models Sensitivity of fl uxes to controlling Process-driven terrestrial Sensitivity of fl uxes to controlling Examples: processes biosphere models processes Global ocean carbon models Examples: Coupled ocean-atmosphere Study of interactions between Carbon, Energy, water process- Study of interactions between models with carbon cycling processes based models processes Study of interactions between Energy, water, carbon, nutrients Study of interactions between carbon cycle and climate on process-based models carbon cycle and climate interannual and longer time Energy, water, carbon, nutrients scales models with disturbances and Long integrations to examine ecosystem dynamics carbon pools and rates, and NEP

Process-driven emission Impact of nutrient addition and models limitation Impact of land use and land management and disturbances on carbon pools and long term sequestration Generate algorithms that allow interactive calculation of emissions with climate and other drivers Regional ocean models Study of small scales effects on Forestry models Calculate biomass dynamic Basin-to-global models large scale quantities evolution in managed forests in Coastal / Regional models Agricultural models response to management action. Coastal dynamics and CO2 fl ux studies Riverine Transport models Calculate yield of crop under Soil erosion models different stress, and practice

Calculate non CO2 gas emissions (N2O and CH4)


Atmospheric models Applications

Global off-line transport Inversions of CO2 sources and models sinks resolution >100–50 km Inversions of parameters Global on-line transport in controlling the fl uxes (in climate models conjunction with ocean and resolution >100–50 km terrestrial fl ux models) Inverse and forward simulations Weather prediction models with of atmospheric CO . atmospheric transport 2 resolution >100–50 km Coupling with ocean and terrestrial fl ux models

Retrieval of atmospheric CO2 distribution from space-borne sensors

Regional off-line transport Inverse and forward simulations model resolution 50 – 1 km for inverting regional fl uxes Interpretation of intensive Regional on-line transport in campaign data climate model Representation error in coarser resolution 50 – 1 km scale models

Generate high resolution climate and weather fi elds to drive fl ux models Inversion of model parameters controlling regional fl uxes Coupling between climate variability and carbon fl uxes

Turbulent transport models Canopy scale processes Examples Large eddy simulators Turbulent canopy transfer models

51 IGOS Carbon Theme Report 2004 igos CARBON

1 Climate Change 2001: Synthesis Report: Third 28 Which is flying on board the NASA/Aqua satellite Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel that was launched in May 2002. on Climate Change, in Houghton, J.T., Ding, Y., 29 The Inrared Atmospheric Sounder Interferometer Griggs, D.J., Noguer, M., van der Linden, P.J., Dai, (IASI) will fly with AMSU on board the EUMETSAT/ X., Maskell, K., and Johnson, C.A., eds.: Cambridge, MetOp that is scheduled for launch in 2005. United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA, Cambridge 30 Which will fly which will fly on the NOAA-NASA’s University Press, 881 pp. NPOESS Preparatory Program (NPP) Mission as 2 well on the NPOESS meteorological satellite. p7igaco.doc. 31 3 32 For instance, AIRS measures 2378 frequencies at 4 high spectral resolution and covers most of the 5 infrared spectrum while HIRS-2 measures 19 infra- 6 red frequencies. 7 33 8 34 9 35 In particular, the 25-year archive of the HIRS-2 10 should be used to produce a CO2 record at a space- 11 time scale of 10° /monthly and with a target preci- 12 sion of 1%. 13 36 14 37 15 index_e.html 16 38 CMDL Flask Network (GLOBALVIEW-CO2 2000, May, R.D. and Webster, C.R. 1990. “Balloon- Cooperative Atmospheric Data Integration Project borne Laser Spectrometer Measurements of

- Carbon Dioxide: Boulder, Colorado, NOAA-CMDL) NO2 with Gas Absorption Sensitivities Below 17 10-5”, Appl. Opt. 29, 5042-5044. C.R. Webster, index.html, C.R. and May, R.D. 1991. Aircraft Laser Infrared carboeuroflux.htm, Absorption Spectrometer (ALIAS) for Polar ameriflux/Participants/Sites/Map/index.cfm, http: Studies”, Infrared Technology XVII, 1540, 187- //, http:// 194. Webster, C.R. and May, R.D. 1992. “In-Situ Stratospheric Measurements of CH4, 13CH4, N2O, ozflux/, and OC18O Using the BLISS Tunable Diode Laser 18 As an exception see Spectrometer”, Geophys. Res. Letters 19, 45-48. projects/rainfor/ Michelson, H.A. et al. 1999. “Intercomparison of 19 ATMOS, SAGE II, and ER-2 observations in the surfaces.html and Arctic vortex and extra-vortex air masses during dsmw.HTM spring 1993”, Geophys. Res. Letters, 26, 291-294. 20 Zahniser, M. S. et al. 1995. “Measurement of trace 21 gas fluxes using tunable diode laser spectros- .GEOSECS/ copy.” Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. A, 351, 371-382. 22 Nelson, D.D. et al. 1996. “Recent Improvements in ndp004.html Atmospheric Trace Gas Monitoring Using Mid-infra- 23 red Tunable Diode Lasers.” SPIE Proceedings, Vol. 24 2834, 148-159. index.html 39 25 40 26 (TCO) and http: 41 // (GOOS) 42 27 Chédin et al. Journal of Geophysical Research, 108 bysubjec.html#trace and D18, 2003 int/coredata/edgar/index.html

52 IGOS Carbon Theme Report 2004 NOTES

43; http://eos-; http: // trans_dg.jsp; 44 A data assimilation system consists of three parts 1) A description of the system, usually in terms of the values of spatial fields (e.g., of temperature, biomass, salinity...). The collection of all these describes the “state” of the system. 2) A numeri- cal “forecast or forward model that describes the evolution of the state from one time to the next. 3) A set of so-called observational operators that relate aspects of the state to observed quantities. These may be very simple if the state variable is observed directly but may also involve a substantial numeri- cal model. 45 For instance the CO2 atmospheric concentration at a tall tower can be interpreted using a suite of nested models from the globe down to proximate source areas. 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55

53 IGOS Carbon Theme Report 2004

The IGOS Partners CEOS Committee on Earth Observation Satellites FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations GCOS Global Climate Observing System GOOS Global Ocean Observing System GOS/GAW Global Observing System/ Global Atmosphere Watch of WMO GTOS Global Terrestrial Observing System ICSU International Council for Science IGBP International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme IGFA International Group of Funding Agencies IGFA for Global Change Research IOC-UNESCO Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO UNEP United Nations Environment Programme UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientifi c and Cultural Organization WCRP World Climate Research Programme WMO World Meteorological Organization CONTACT DETAILS Philippe Ciais LSCE, Unité mixte CEA-CNRS Batiment 709, L’Orme des Merisiers FR-91191 Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex, France Tel: +33-1-6908-9506; Fax: +33-1-6908-7716 Email: [email protected]

Berrien Moore III Institute for the Study of Earth, Oceans and Space (EOS) University of New Hampshire 39 College Road, 305 Morse Hall, Durham, NH 03824-3524, USA Tel: +1-603-862-1766; Fax: +1-603-862-1915 Email: [email protected]

Produced by the International Geosphere-Biosphere Will Steffen Programme (IGBP). Financial support was provided by International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme (IGBP) the US Climate Change Science Program (US CCSP) Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences Box 50005, S-104 05 Stockholm, Sweden Tel: +46-8-16-64-48; Fax: +46-8-16-64-05 Email: [email protected] Layout & technical editing: #40306 / Print: Printfabriken AB Printfabriken #40306 / Print: Layout & technical editing: