W*U_- AT I MOST Grr THIS SPEECH WORD FER FELLOW CITIZEN*- i tij& ONE MAM OIO YOU V»/ORO AS < Mlrt-r WlM THE VOTES u6aWj m ALU WHO WU-L TAKE ROM MO CALL I KIM AT THAT MEETiN' TO-MORROW- HE0 *TRONC* I* A I PARTV What the PEOPLE want >« MOW LETS SEE HOW MUCH OF IT m MAN,WHO l* AN STROMG- ISADS STRING TRIO tvrTJt 17 — r-—\ r-‘ FEARLEE5 '^r Meter* RI lor f ole* REMEMBER - CHARIS REVUE New York \srr~7r 5:00— Dance orchestra. 6:15—Stoess orchestra; Ralph Simpson, tenor; Wally Maher, narrator. 5:30—The Singing Lady. 5:45—Little Orphan Annie. 6:00—Everett orchestra. 6:20—What the City Budget Is and Is Not—Peter Grimm, Chairman Board of Trus- tees Citizens', Budget Com- mission. 6:30—Sketch. 6:45—To-day's News—Lowell Thomas. 7:00—Amos 'n' Andy. 7:15—Beglmentallsts Male chorus. 7:30—Stebbins Boys—Sketch. Martin 7:45—Bed and Ramona, songs. BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES Shhh-hh! By 8:00—Issues Between the Parties —Profe.*>sor Lindsay Rog- ers, democrat. Columbia University; Representative Frederick M. Davenport of , SPOT'S •••OH VAY 60*>H 1111. New York, republican: Al- ••• TWe. 'BOCJV& THlY'vjfc MY 9LH& gernon Lee, Socialist, presi- dent of Rand School. SAVi ‘Wt 5UN6VB TRYtm.Y 8:30—William Wirgcs and Joe Kahn, piano duo; John OR. HO*T\\_B ? WLRB THBY i'all. guitar: Frank NovaV SENT OUT E* SOME AGENT instrumentalist. 8:43—Jack Fulton, tenor. OV B\U-'s ON AN EXPEO\T\ON The resumption of the Charts 9:00—Concert orchestra: Alice TO Y\NO BOOTe ? SY\e'o Musical Revue on Tuesday, Sept fl, Mock, soprano; Edward •• over the WABC-Columbla air- ] Davie.®, baritone. GAME A COOK\E TO KNOVN Mark In Town—Small waves, will flntl WarnOw j 9:30—Friendship BUT THE ROB Vb THAT the new role of leader of a string Town Sketch. trio In which he performs on the 10:00—The Country Doctor— SHE DOESNft DARE We violin. Wnmow spent Ills musical Sketch. apprenticeship as violinist in .vari- 10:15—Tune Detective—Sigmund ANY CHANCES \N TRYING ous orchestras. For the past two Spaeth. TO FIND OUT years, lie has headed his own or- 10:30—-Hatter Up—Sketch. chestra and lias been heard, as 10:45—-Jane Froman, songs. well, several times ns truest con- 11:00—Pickens Sisters,, songs. ductor over the WABC-Columbla 11:15—Concert orchestra, direction network. Cosare Sodero. 12:00—Blue Rhythm band. 12:30 a. m.—Agnew orchestra. 464 660 WEAF HOO Meter* K lloijilo 349 A at the Beach! By Wood Cowan New York Mplrrj WABC Kilocycle' THE NEW FANGLES (Mom’n Pop) Day New Vork 5:00—Garden Melodies. T'GO TO THE HWL GET MOPE \ "POP, WHY OM AMV WANTED S'or, 5:30—Summary of Men's Nation- 5:00—Interview with Louis Dean ALL RIGHTALL RIGHT! I WAS MAKING IT NOO SAND, POP! 1 EARTH IS THE. BEACH,<30 al Tennis Championship by Bob Taplinger. wow! wow*. HERE’S VOUR I AS REALISTIC AS POSSIBLE. GONE Tournament, Forest Hills, 5:13—Virginia Arnold, piano. SCREEN BOOR OPEN> BUT vou BATHING CRAEV? L. I. 5:30—Skippy—Sketch. *d 5:45 — Heywood Hroun, columnist; 5:45—Summary of Men's Nation- PROMISED\\ SUIT tt Grace Kills, hostess; Theo- al Championship dore Webb, baritone; Kd- Tournament, Forest Hills, die Dunham, organ. L. I. 6:00—Concert Knsemble. 0:00—Irene Beasley, songs. 6:30—Carmichael and ItobertsOn. 0:13—Program Resume. eongs. 0:30—Keenan and Phillips, Piano 6:45—Back of the News in Wash- duo. ington—William Hrrd. 0:30—Jack Miller, songs 7:00—Midweek Hymn Sing. 0:45—Reis and Dunn, songs. 7:15—Rollickers quartet. 0:55—Road Reporter. 7:30—Ray Perkins, comedy; Van 7:00—Myrt and Marge. orchestra. 7:15—Sissle orchestra. 7:45—The Goldbergs—Sketch. 7:45—George Price, songs, Kreu- 8:00—Julia Sanderson and Frank ger’s orchestra. Crumit, songs. 8:00—News—Edwin C. Hill. 8:30—Tom Terriss. the Vagabond 8:15—Fray and Braggiotti, Piano Director—Sketch. team. 9: (0—New York Sinfonietta. di- 8:30—Kate Smith, songs. rection Quinto Maganini: 8:45—Musical Fast Freight. Hois Bennett, soprano. 3:00—Street Singer, songs: Shi I 9:30— Kd Wynn, comedian; Voor- kret's orrhestra. heesi orchestra. 9:15—Concert orchestra: Tommy Ev Crane 3 0:00—Dance orchestra: Walter McLaughlin, baritone. WASH TUBBS Easy Pulls a Surprise! O'Keefe, Police Dramatiza- 9:30—Crime Club—The Green tion—The Blond Bandit. Toad. 31:40—Bernle band. 10:00—Rich's orchestra. \ lUT WfcRYCl mWKMSTHIS? EKSV SPRINGS * SURPRISE; 31:*10—Denny orchestra. 10:30—Jones's orchestra. /J^URELN HE WILL REFUSE TO ARREST direc- 3 2:30—Ralph Kirhery, songs. 11:00—Symphony orchestra, tlKST HIM. NOW LBMC ) vUso CHMWIMCa A. CjIftL. HE WILL SET SORfcS, MfW. I UK6V0U7 3 2:05 a. m.—Whiteman orchestra. tion Howard Barlow. HIM HANG HIS SELF, HER FREE. THEM BULL \M\LV DENOUNCE SOT IAS WITS VS TO TAKE 3 2:30—Bestor orchestra. 11:30—Jack IJttle, songs. 11:45—Martin's orchestra. HUA AS NTRMIOR.— HMD WILL SOO PVOSONER 12:00—Stern orchestra. 1330 BE SHOT. 220 WDRC 12:30 a. m.—Kardoe>'H orchestra. Meters Kilocycles 1:30—-Sissle orchestra. Hartford WOIt, Newark—710k 5:00—Program resume. Artist. 5;00- Meet the 5:03—Hawaiian Ensemble. Arnold, 5:15- Virginia pianist. 5:30—Place-Pascocello, piano duo. 5:30- Skippy. and Angelo—Skit. Memories. 5:43—Tony 5:45- Musical Comedy 0:00—Uncle Don. with Irbne 6:00- Happy Time 0:30—Osborne orchestra. Beasley. 7:00—Sports—Ford Frick. j 6 15— Dusky Twins. 7:15—P.urbig and Sparks, comedy 6:30- ■ scores. 7:30—Jack Arthur, baritone. snogs; 6:35 Philisse Chevalier, 7:45—Piano Ensemble. s Vor eaS"/, gauamt Brown, accom- Margaret 8:00—Clvjndu—Mystery Drama. JL I ■OUD EASY, IS panist. 8:1 5—P.rowne-Llewcllyn. humor. s w\tw -me the Magician. smitten g 6:45- ■Chandu 8:30—Scottl orchestra. ©OU. DMJSOM CHUC-Ktts. and Marge. GLAMOROUS BEAUTV 7:00- -Mvrt 9:00—Frank and Flo. songs. IS MORS OR LESS *MV, Ukulele Ike. U6 W(\S TO\CK«> W\S WWV OP DMMSQN 7:1 5- Cliff Kdwards, 9:13—Juricn Holkstra, baritone. @vi LOLA FEDORA. orchestra. HE NEMSR PREftMEP IK® COUIP St SO 7:30- Noble Sissle’s 9:30—Studio orchestra. INTO P* WN&ERDUS TRPtf. ®R. W&-WNXS&.J violin- 7:4 5- -George Wcsterman. 10:00—Moonbeams trio; George Margaret llirks. con- ist; Shackley, organ. Barbara Troop. By Blosser tralto; 10:15—Conn orchestra. FRECKLES It’s Up to the Doctor! pianist. 10:45—Percy Hcmus, songs. 8: on —Kdwin C. Hill. weather. Piano 11:00—Time: 8:15 —Fray and Br.aggiotti. 11:02—Deep River orchestra. 3 duo. 11:30—Scotti orchestra. VJ HAT? STILL HAVIMS TROUBLE' YEAH, DOCTOR* SO DID 'WELL, MOW IT LOOKS AS IF ] 6EE, DOCTOR.... KJOVN^U BOYS 8:30' —The Story Book. organ \V(iV. Schenectady—7110k X TUOOSHT VOOR. DOS \WAS IS 8; 15- — Kddie Dunstedter, I 7UIKJIC SHE WAS SUE HAS VfJHAT KMO^M YOU DOW'T TUlfJK BUM on HOME- 7:00—Antoinette Halstead, con- i.-.t; male quartet. ALL OVER HER DISTEMPER. AS THA'T'S tralto: concert orchestra. WELL AGAIM....TUEKJ TYPHUS ...AMD SHE AAkSHT WOT I'LL SET TO 9:0 0- -Street Singer. : 7:15—Chandu the Magician. STARTED serious TUROUSH. 9:1 5- -‘ Threads of Happiness SUE ACTlH' PULL VMORK OKI HER. 7:30-1 2:30 a. m.—Same as H’EAF Tommy McLaughlin. David FUMMV DO KDKA. Pittsburgh—980k ...FAI KITED, VOU? VbU'LL AMD DO MV Ross, Andre Kostclanetzs 7:00—Same as WJZ. orchestra. AMD HAD A ST0AM6E DO EVERYJWlWG LEVEL BEST 8:30—Samuel Di Prlmlo, tenor. g 9:30 — Knu Crime club. j IMI HER. TO SAVE I 8:45—Same as WJZ. 4-OOM -M HER/ 3 0:00- —Manhattan Serenaders. 10:15—Pioneers program. EYES 30:30 —Isbani Jones orchestra. vjow'T you or- 10:30—Same as WJZ. 31:00 —Columbia Symphony 10:43—Talk—Florence "2 chestra. Tarry. :swfi 11:00—Sport review. 31:30 —Little Jack Little. orchestra. 11:15—News flashes. 31 5 _Freddie Martin .™ r :4 11:20—Louise Frayne. soprano. SORRy-'- 11:3't—Pettis orencstra. / 12:00—Samp as W.IZ. %? Notes HOOk—WIC'C. Bridgeport—499.7m Radio 5:00—The Dance Parade, orches- Tho old bromide about the mu- tra. drum has Ficlan who lost his bass 5:1 5—Musical Sketchbook. Sam Iiauni. been surpassed by 5:30—News flashes. XBC start drummer in Chicago. 5:45—The Rhythm Ramblers. broad day- of Sam lost his house in 0:00—Joseph Lopez, Mem'rics Yesteryear. all trio. |.'or weeks Sam was working 0:15—Men About Town, vocal One Em- Gene Anearn day and most of the night. 6:30—“Rig Brother"—Rob OUR WAY J. R. Williams OUR BOARDING HOUSE By a Corner. OUT By morning at 3 a. m. he bought ery's Poetry moved house on sight. The family 6:15—Morse Hull and her Melody bis In but Sam was always on Roys. at recording studios 7:00—News. way to work HOOPLE-OFP YEH—AN' tUHlLE \ before dawn. 7:15—"Big Brother" Rob Emery. C'/AOSJ, EGAD, BUTLER, 1 Finally the orchestra took a va- 7:30—"Love or Money”? script WITH TH' HEDGE/—VoU YOU'RE DIGGIN' the DO I OWE YOU cation and Sam invited boys net house warming. Sullivan and his Sham- AIN'T FOR BUTLER.'*? out for a belated 7:43—Dan FOOLIN'US IN /9 ?-WHY the way Sam went along to lead rock orchestra. YOU CAN him THAT DIDN'T YOU DOUGH, but the daylight bewildered S:00—The Oosslpers. RlGGlN’/—^ house. Alt- Dance BRING UP #14- and he couldn’t find the 8:15—The C.olden Slipper PAY /V\E AAV TELL ME SO ? for an hour he tele- Marathon. er searching FOR ME/ his wife to come out and 8:30—"Songs for Sale"—Bonny RIGHT OR I’LL -MY WORD/ phoned NOW, TH' MOSS act as guide. and Van. SCRAPE Ross. PUT 8:45—Took Talk—George R. AN ECLIPSE ON X AH-UM-/H YOUR MEMORY — OFF a summer resident 0:00—"The Rutterfly Terrible" Urban Caro, —-- wa.-» sitting YoUP ER-—YOU at Point Lookout, L. I., Mystery Series. EYE/ AN' you'll recall one peacefully on his front porch 0:30—Organ recital. THOUGHT GIVE t- a fire siren. You’D SEE, PUTTIN'TH'STING evening when he heard 10:00—;Xews flashes. fireman he imme- Tea Room orches- .As a volunteer 10:15—-Rosebud duS’Til' EH '2 AH- ME FOR $ 14, to his DODGE, ON, dlately sprang up and called tra. MCNULTY’S neighbor to help man the engine. 10:30—Totem Pole orchestra. UFP-£^ AT “What for?’’ asked the neigh- 11:00—Fred Esposito and his 'CD Radio orchestra. PARTY you hear tho siren?’’ 11:15—Francis J. Cronin, organist. j7/, t>°“Didn’t Well take it his orches- Oh. is that it? 11:30—Carl Moore and on the rasy. It’s only Kd Wynn, tra. radio.”

tenor, will make Lanny Rosa, scene in which the entire cast is late his fir."t Broadway appearance the of a Amer- shouting whoops; falling this month in the Bhuberts' barometer. radio icano." He will continue his his stage programs. Lanny made Graham McNamee, NRC's ace dehut at the age of six. announcer shook hands the other with Mitsumi Kasai, Japanese executive day Phillips Carlin, NBC ace sports announcer. Kasai, in re- who is an enthusiastic angler, company with other Japanese cently received an unusual broadcasters, visited the NBC stu- of trout.” He had so frequently dios in New York. inquired as to the size of the trout in Dean Gleason L. Archer's pri- Kelvin Keech. the NBC mike- Mass, that vate pond in Norwell, man Is appearing on programs NBC's law lecturer, cut silhouettes with his left knee swathed in out of some of his finest specimens bandage. He strained a ligament a few of paper. Phil went fishing playing tennis. days later. James Wallington, NBC announ- Members of the sound effects de- cer, qualified as a life saver by partment of the Chicago NBC pulling a man and woman out of Studios who claim to be able to re- Little Neck Bay in Long Island admit The produce any known sound Sound recently. rescued pair, that they are stopped by these contestants in a sailing race, cap- three requests: The patter of a kit- sized. Wallington. cruising in the them aboard his ten's feet on a carpeted floor: the vicinity, took yawl disabled craft. —-hlz of an arrow during a battle and towed In the