332 Ecstasy Intoxication: the Toxicological Basis For
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REV. HOSP. CLÍN. FAC. MED. S. PAULO 58(6):332-341, 2003 ECSTASY INTOXICATION: THE TOXICOLOGICAL BASIS FOR TREATMENT Maristela Ferigolo, Adriana G. da S. Machado, Niara B. Oliveira and Helena M. T. Barros FERIGOLO M et al. - Ecstasy intoxication: the toxicological basis for treatment. Rev. Hosp. Clín. Fac. Med. S. Paulo 58(6):332-341, 2003. Youngsters are increasingly using 3,4 methylenedioxymethamphetamine, known as ecstasy, because it is wrongly believed that it does not induce harm. However, there are many reports of adverse effects, including acute intoxication, abuse potential, and possible neurotoxic effects. Therefore, health care providers need to promptly recognize the symptoms of systemic intoxication in order to initiate early treatment. The drug is used by the oral route for long hours during crowded dance parties. Acutely, ecstasy increases the release of serotonin and decreases its reuptake, leading to hypertension, hyperthermia, trismus, and vomiting. There is debate on whether recreational doses of ecstasy cause permanent damage to human serotonergic neurons. Ecstasy users showed a high risk of developing psychopathological disturbances. The prolonged use of ecstasy might induce dependence, characterized by tolerance and hangover. Acute ecstasy intoxication needs emergency-type treatment to avoid the dose-dependent increase in adverse reactions and in severity of complications. There are no specific antidotes to be used during acute intoxication. Supportive measures and medical treatment for each one of the complications should be implemented, keeping in mind that symptoms originate mainly from the central nervous system and the cardiovascular system. DESCRIPTORS: 3,4 methylenedioxymethamphetamine. Adverse effects. Substance-related disorders. Cognition. Hyperthermia. In 2001, an estimated 8.1 million also known as XTC, E, Adam, MDM subjective effects of MDMA in hu- (3.6%) Americans aged 12 or older had or “ drug of love”7. The behavioral ef- mans are not the same as those pro- tried ecstasy at least once in their life- fects of increased self-confidence, un- duced by LSD and because the drug times. This is more than the estimated derstanding and empathy, and an in- does not have a similar structure or 6.5 million (2.9 %) lifetime users in creased sensation of proximity and in- pharmacological activity to hallucino- 20001. The Brazilian National House- timacy with other people are described gens or psychedelic drugs, the term hold Survey on Psychoactive Drug Use mainly in uncontrolled studies. Com- “entactogens” meaning “entering in detected that 0.6% of respondents munication and personal relationship contact with yourself”10,11 was pro- aged 12 or older used ecstasy or other skills were also described to improve. posed to define a new pharmacologi- hallucinogens, meaning that 295,000 Euphoria and increased emotional and cal class. Also, a never-proven sexual Brazilians used this group of drugs at physical energy are presumed to occur enhancement action was cited by ex- least once in their lifetimes2. with this psychostimulant8-11. Since the perimental consumers12,13. However, Ecstasy or 3,4 methylene- ecstasy does not increase the excite- dioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) is a ment or the sexual desire in most of the 3-5 From the Psychoactive Substances synthetic amphetamine , the wide- Information Service, Division of users, and orgasms may be delayed due spread use of which since the 1980s Pharmacology, “Fundação Faculdade to higher awareness of sensory input, might be related to the exaggerated Federal de Ciências Médicas de Porto especially in men; it cannot be classi- Alegre”- Porto Alegre/RS, Brazil. declaration of possible therapeutic ef- Received for publication on fied as an agent to treat sexual fects by some authors6. This drug is June 16, 2003. dysfuctions12. Ecstasy can be more 332 REV. HOSP. CLÍN. FAC. MED. S. PAULO 58(6):332-341, 2003 Ecstasy intoxication: the toxicological basis for treatment Ferigolo M et al. easily classified as a psychostimulant, In Northern Hemisphere countries, PATTERNS OF ECSTASY USE since it has chemical and action simi- adolescents with a polydrug-use pat- larities with cocaine and ampheta- tern also consume ecstasy. The sub- Ecstasy was synthesized and pat- mines. According to the American Psy- stance is introduced later in a drug-use ented in Germany by Merck in 1914 chiatric Association, ecstasy may be sequence of legal and illegal sub- for appetite control. However, it was classified as a hallucinogen, due to its stances. The pattern of ecstasy use dif- never released in the market22, and the potential to occasionally induce hal- fers from the use of amphetamines; it scientific community ignored it until lucinations and “flashbacks” if used in is strongly associated with subcultural 1970. At that time, ecstasy was re- extremely high doses14. Certainly, in music preferences and house-party go- ported to produce “a controllable state the coming years, a better understand- ing and weakly associated with smok- of alteration of conscience with sen- ing of the drug’s effects will allow its ing and conduct problems19. Its use is sual and emotional harmony”, suggest- accurate classification. increasing in college students who also ing that it could be used as an Nowadays, MDMA is becoming the use marijuana, alcohol, have multiple adjuvant in psychotherapy8,9,25. In the center of discussion in both lay and sex partners, and spend more time so- beginning of the 1980s, MDMA be- scientific press for its abuse potential cializing than studying20. Gay/bi- came popular as a recreational drug26,27. and possible neurotoxic effects. In the sexual men who are MDMA users Around 1985, the USA Drug Enforce- beginning of the 1990s, it was banned (13% of the group) were found to be ment Administration (DEA) restricted as a therapeutic drug by the World younger, less educated, to have had the therapeutic use of MDMA, placing Health Organization15. Ecstasy was in- more male partners, more one night it on the list of forbidden substances troduced in Brazil around 1994. Since stands with men, to have unprotected and without clinical use due to its fre- 1997, ecstasy has been a topic of ques- anal sex with males, to have more gay/ quent abuse and to central nervous tioning for drug hot lines in Brazil16. In bisexual friends, and to have higher system serotonergic degenera- Brazil, ecstasy is sold at all-night dance levels of gay community participation tion22,24,28,29. Due to the expansion of parties attended by hundreds of thou- and affiliation than nonusers21. the illegal drug market and the belief sands of youngsters where loud techno Ecstasy has a reputation of being that the use of ecstasy for recreational music is played, and bright and pulsat- a safe drug; however, there are many purpose is safe, the number of cases of ing lights fill the environment. There is reports of adverse reactions associated toxicity related to ecstasy or to a mix- evidence that until now, the use of ec- with the drug, as described in other re- ture of substances sold as ecstasy has stasy has been limited to middle-class views3,22,16,23,24. The increasing popular- been increasing6. However, several sci- or upper-middle-class individuals in ity of ecstasy among youngsters entific reports confirm that ecstasy is Brazil, so that most people, including prompts the need for health care pro- potentially fatal, and therefore, precau- health care professionals, are unfamil- viders to quickly recognize the symp- tions should be taken to avoid the be- iar with the drug. However, ecstasy may toms of severe systemic intoxication ginning of its use by children and ado- be becoming more popular in Latin in order to initiate early treatment, with lescents30,31. America, following the pattern seen in rehydration and cooling in cases of Ecstasy is used orally and is sold as North America and Europe. The fact hyperthermia, for seizures, cardiac ar- tablets or capsules of several colors, that ecstasy is sold as a pill and is thus rhythmia, and for metabolic and elec- shapes, and sizes, containing from 50 extremely easy to use is a possible con- trolyte abnormalities. The need for to 150 mg of the drug. Sometimes it is tributing factor to the drug’s popular- more information on ecstasy seems to sold as a powdered substance to be ity17. In a recent survey in the city of be growing due to its increased use, mixed with beverages6,32,33. There are São Paulo, most ecstasy users were detectable by the higher number of re- descriptions of rectal use and intrana- shown to have attended universities ports of intoxication with ecstasy. sal use of the powdered MDMA34. The and use dance party events and the Therefore, the objective of this review street preparations are up to 90% pure34 Internet for entertainment. These indi- is to give a recent picture of the clini- and may also contain MDA, caffeine, viduals are equally distributed in het- cal effects of the drug and the conse- LSD, amphetamine, methamphetamine, erosexual and homosexual groups, with quences of drug use. We also reviewed mixture of amphetamines, paracetamol, respect to sexual orientation, and most some preclinical studies performed or ketamine and other nonidentified of them use piercing and tattoos. Ac- with experimental animals to elucidate substances34,35. Therefore, since quality cording to these individuals, the ex- clinical problem mechanisms and dis- control does not exist in the illicit drug perimental use of the drug occurred due cuss future prevention methods for market, consumers are subject to addi- to its easy acquisition18. long-term adverse outcomes of ecstasy. tional risk. When the typical recrea- 333 Ecstasy intoxication: the toxicological basis for treatment REV. HOSP. CLÍN. FAC. MED. S. PAULO 58(6):332-341, 2003 Ferigolo M et al. tional doses are used, MDMA is not wives, merchants, health professionals, mg and last from 2 to 4 hours3,26.