DENNY, BISHOP COLLINS TRIP AROUND THE WORLD 1886 - 1887 & tarp Ifoqutu:" ~ 61' rN'0:"1 trolJl' wb11:b w'"' liU IWall IA«!UM oo.,ta In •1tt rrrun. Af""r I U.1'8:l o\J1t Uf ·~-al.r.ipJy lh>t ..._ror J>OUl"M fnfO uny ~ to wn1ch wu:·a o. fltvr toz I ,ltii'ro:t-.d' 4)Ul' dinuat l.!I • U:!.hur uf ll.11• ll!l.ll'C l:lo'ff '-Ur ,\eftl"'I_ di!t cl!Jul!' our f.r.anuo ~k'tJ«· lf{rlili'h'h our ClhOpr9tfru durfnir oaoa aoureo. and bol\' pleasant. and 1mlUl1fl' they wero rlur~ IDjiC' our uatlre stay wo f1od tHl1icu1ty Jn a.:i:­ pre.Ylflnp-. \Ybcu uot onnurnl'J lo brJnqlnt: tho vnt1011t1 courses ·.n· 'h wa1t1111= opl)n nR, thP-Y renuune:l &c.•ateJ on 1.'H~ HHt.tUnJ: floor JU lbtl C'URLOUl.iry Jauanr·~e pu::1ltl.)n ot roApt"cr. lhac. Jf', with ll\11 kooe:s flOd toe-: ru1J1•hJna tn~ fl,,.. r and the bu.Jy rt•stf.15?' , .. a , 11e ht.,tl!R -a. '"'n"1 ri1.1nf1i, JKHl•tiu11 " 01 r, torJrncJ, t11Jt 1100 \llrhh•11 the11a pCJupJr ,,, t•1,l,il:1Ht•tH.1 t1, k<.•eo ft'•t h•>u:1' a.1" ttu1c-a-u.1 w 11 .. nuvcr thoy bn.t 11t·\·n.c1..,n tu . ad•Jrl·&J \11', lhr..•.c n:•mrt.rkore ''urt. " \1,re 1>ra· cuJud :iy u IQ1V strac 1•tul t..•.w or l:!c•111 tcsy. \l"e tia:1 oul' ran1bh1!1. \Voll, •R) uu .,, ..11

...... ------~~~~~~~~

1 Letter-from J'apan. ell,\" ""Si. 111 Fm111:beo, )'. r. 1•r1·uti11g n ,1gh1 him Hm•h 1Ul nm• 1lH <'th, 1886. 1i. .. ,,__. without, l{p b no «XCl'ptlon to the rul" }.'r/ifnr G1•f'PJ1/,,.11·r Jnrll"pn1rfr11t: 9 -"*'L !hut notwlthstun1l111g- thure nr<' ""Ille l rng-.'"'"n:-u~I>.·,·"~fa:< to <'P~li'ie ""'"""·ll•t"lm ' '·""··'·1 u., a'lllll>,1'- ti The promb1· wa~ o:-.acte1l of nw in Il .· · · 1r • • ;~·.\I HI clrnwhnck~ in th<' !iii- und work of a . 'tt,v h'l.IY WIH• tfUg i11 hunor t f ti ' Le11·1:;h11rg that I should ·a«k a let "l'.. d \. , ,..__ . 1 ll -'ldhmli1l\'t• t'<>JH•lmkd to clo ~h1-o n•rn .. 111h1•rmg: ,. , . . • • tr< the dnck of the " ( 'ity of' i'<'ki11g," 0111' . . . . , 11 111 11 <1 111 1:ll~t· 1<"ttc·r .... 'HI tli1• U1111ti11,,. uur .\111c•r1<"an hah1t,a11<1 '<'"klllgtolt\'OJd .. lll J l't' l't ~· of' tl11· ,1<.,11111•r,.. of' th1• P:u·in1• .\J11il 1n1 Ja 1 .\ 11a1 1 co11tro l1·cl 111 1 !riw. ai- Jt. .rn till" . .111~ta11cl', ot . gotirng . l.Jnt n ,,!Jilli . 'I It r f' 1 111 11 Htenm"hip ( 'o., we wavpd good-h;\'<' to • • • •• '• ', 1' 1 ""ll\\ JIJ:ltl\' IJlllll\'"" cit' lu1ttl ~ hold on the ,..[1pp1~1·y l'Oat-tall of 'I """ · t'i , I • ' - tl11· man.v i\fothodi-;t ladic•" and ge11!11•• • ·• 1 11' 1 \I 1H•r1· I 1" "-1·1r, 1111cl -triJ> · l i11,..t1.,1d of' ~<' til'lll hold uf' hi' lill'l'- , l I .. ' '""J 1:1< 11 lll<'n wh<"P whit•• hnn< "nuld , g:• .f· '•••\ 11 111' Pf<' tt ·1 .... \\'l'IJ ~t \\'111r~ 1 lock. Xe\\' .... CPlll' .. , HP\\ surrot11Hiing~. . ' ' · ""' 1 1 he '""n flutf1·ri11g in tho hrl't'Z<' long al'IPI' h.ul \\:l\'1•1! 111 \'1t·t ·r' I -..1111111• ... t .u ..,norn1011:< work for tlw 1·.v<·• in .l11p>f11, • · 1 1 th1·ir fat'l's iiP<':llllt' indio.;finl't to 11~ as \\1• will quick!~· 1·:d1au~l 1111 Fn111ciseo Ba~·.­ there. ; J·l'nu•l ' .\111 ·ri<-1111 \':1lor Wlll'th"r 1( 1•• Jtrigltt ~un.:.hi11<·, ~\ ~till' l>r<·~?.<3', H :-l<'Ullt' I hnd <1uh-k work in llal!i1110r<' to pr«- . pla~'<·d ti~· a rt"!!i1J1f'nt fro111 'l:t-'•"'hn· of' hea111y, nr(' linkt•tl with tltL' last. "ig-ir 111;..· jot1r11('~', arri\·iug j11st lit•t(n·p I ~P.ttc, or l>~· ;\ rt.•g-fu1u11t t'rt 1 JJl \"1J'ginia. _ \\C hat! uf our nath·c· la11d. Pas.".ini.r out midnight :-:atunlay, 111111 ll•avi11g ut :!.!111: Hi)!ht or wrung, l take tli,11 privilq.;-<', thn,11gh thP "1:0Jde11 nr \'oyag1• thu.~ lhr has U('<'ll witlinut 'l'hP trit> IU't'Cl:<:o.t th1• 1•ontlrtPllf tnok n .tlu• rf'~)>l'dnl incident ~a1•p th(' d<'ath of' onf' oJ' \\"~Pk, 1114.:J\ttlJIJ~ ~" tli.1.~' t"t}Jf·Ut ul :--;t. Jo:"4t'{>Ji pl u·1· nrnl dt'!t•t,,1i1wclr- 11, d111• • 1 1 our ChilltN' ~tP1:ragP pns,..t•ngcrs. \\"c · .Mi,.,.•ouri. . .\II~~ <'ouuyy L11,rou;,d1 i . Han Fran<'i-.·o i·• 11 ''""' .• ,, .. ,,.,.ting 1 hav<:> st·Pn nothing out,.iclo of !ht- ~hip ! \\11]\!!l '.f j>ll..~"iiC!;"m'i.':f'~~"fiV1?t: <'II~" 1'\'i•n " tho... ., \\!Jo 111" 1 \ h•il1•d tltut had lit\> t' 1 11 j r1·11wrkahlt' p1•r~istt>11<·y •. 111<1 an• dr1•ling I brnskn. llll(I the :-.t\j!(\ .. hru:--11 C'OlJIJl r.v of ('l,lllf•IJ'f:thl,r Ill 1hP 1 ·:tl,Jc·-c·ar·~. 'l'Jt\• l1u-..i- 11ro11111l II' .''"t. \Viii you ho snrpri~ed 0 \\'~'(lJJ1i11g, l'tah mu] :-;,.,·ad:t. "E1 ho Ill'.•' l"'.rtion of' the •·it~ i..: h11ilt of' ,.,to111• 1\\ li1·11 l t«ll you \\'1• ''"'tld lakl' tlw w/11111· · C.tnvou" in (:tnh w11~ an e:...cC'pt1011 to aiul lira·!;. Tla· r1•~idl'nc1• -1·1·1io11,., arP I 1· I . I I ' · 1 11 ~P\\ , ... llll"t!' .... po1111 ;1f1tn1 ctn hc)arcl I ht~ ·thb: Thc•re thP ti111t•-1\11r11, \l<'nthl·r- huilt, liir tlw lll<>"t part, of' \\'01«1, 1>111 ol' '-.ialp.1111l 1iu•11 '"'' J,. 1"1111 :' ,,,,r{· rl1an lJtis, ; l.Jpaten rot·k, :--(•anH·1l ancl t.·1·acke<.l, :-.t•>t1d a lu·autit"ul \\"ood, --plPn\\'ll ll.., l'rt'i~ht, :tnfl \\ <111111 111•f'fl 111a11y cc·ho to hll lhl' di-.. ordant ·u1rncl' going grl'<'ll !•lat,., and 11,.,l<'I' gardPn' ~u1-r11u111f-, •11t" tlH· hn1t-.f'~ IH:~idt•-. lo fill up tllP va-' out from our 10111-: trai11 of <'al'~. Thi' iug ni•arly t•\ •'ry hoU."telHI· !l'm11 ~p:w1• l!ml \\'oul1l n•111.li11. :-:tr:111g-L·· run through ttl<· ::-iicrra :>i1•ya1llt 11111u11- t.ropil'lll trPC'S uud plant,,, 1Pnf whi<'h \\H"' n11\1k in tl11· lhC' «il.V whi<'h 110 vi~itor tllil~ to appr('(·i- ''""-" .,.,. l'ro111 th<• foJ1,,wi11g 't:L'" not <'qua! thn 1wrn~· hour,.; of lra\'el in tlw int<'l'<'~t /C'itii"'· Thi' Jlur new and S('r­ which lwrll took n f1 «~h lea."'" of' liti•.- Jn "mw pint'<'» the~· nr<' 1·xe1·rahh-, ('Clll­ I,·nnt~ arf' all <'hinC'"<', who H<'<'m to h1• The grni11 had IH!<'n harV•'"ft•d, and l>1y l-i"tiug of rough, Utl<'\'""' halt'-worn I \'ury 1·apnhlt'. 'l'hcy m·•· suppospd to in pil('s along tht> tra<'l;s at th-lati1111-. lpl:1nk. :"liy ~tay of j\\L'll1y-four hour~. I ~!•Pak En1tli~h, nnd het wee11 worrls and The on:hanl~, w1•1l alt1•111!1•<1, r1'v<•al<'rstand Wl'Hlth ut' fruit. ripo and rip<•ning. Kini'!< form~· Jong trip, was !1111 ~hort to enahl" Iwhnt on" w:mt.;. 'l'lu· t-hip is hnnd­ in fin(' condition ~IH>WPd whal 1111uri-h- Ill<' to cnt<.:h more thnn a gli111p~e 1if 11H· /-nrn('ly f'11r11i•lw1l, having <'\'<'r~' 11.l'L'Olll- mcut could lie fo1111d in liPld~ appa1- cit~·. I f'our1forf', hut ~ills Of fart:, SO WB do hav.e HOlllP prinf­ Han Frnnci,;eo the trnin 1•ro>'s<'d th" ~an twe11 1y liourR helnted, uni! hncl -ought me lllg'. !'uh IP B11y on u ho11t, I h1• 111n«t enormous for H>me ti rile at the holt•ls. Ht> wnR in 'l'lu•ro nre two tl\ing.-; nutic••ahlo in a thing I U\'l'l' , nllout. Our trniu wa' mu«h LwttPr Jw:ilth t111111 I ""IH."<'f<'111111lly lurg... exp1·oli !hr the ful1llltnPnt 1111.~ Rhortor nrnund a hill than O\'Or it, anct leaYe tho train at .Oak Jund Pil'r 1.111<1 cro~s juHtlflcd thll prophecy. Dr. l '. B. Hid· you 1·1111 get at our eourne hy romE>mbcr­ San F.rauc!::;co Bny-!!evc.>ral' mllCR-in n di<'k, our preacher In Ran Francisco, is u ing tl•" <1Hrth IB round. 'l'IJ,, oth•'r no­ ferry-boat. A donae fog hung ovor the typlcul .Methoueher. I found tlcP11hl« point fa that the traveler loses a - - clny 111 the lBOth meridian. \Ve lust lust -,

Ir-umlny, hU\'Ulg' ruUrf"1 HnrnrNI during tht.• d11y, 1\111! I •µoons, but 110 ~ngnr. 'l'he Bi~h11p trit'd I I"'""t from LH1\i,..burg- 111 tl o'<'ltl<'k Mon. 1._, tlwr« ar.. 1,., !'<'l'llttllw11t purtil1011" ~·011 ·; 11g11i11, thil' tinw dipping the «p11011 i11t1.' ,1 day 111orning anti lr11v<'b u." fh,f a• th.. "''" all throng-h thf' hc:u~<·' a• y1111 pn-.,;,1 ~h1• i1~u11dn1t1·y Kil~! !\IHI pou1•i11g- tlw j <'tlrlh tur11H. It will 1·ontinull ~· o'<'liwk along 1lw •tn·"t". 'I h•• p1•opl1• drPs'jl 111wg11111r~· ,;ng11r JOtA tht' t1•n, m11! wht•n: 1with him all tht• wuy around th1• 11orld. h<'Olnttlv. I 11111 ~ur•• J did not"""' 11 nn- • th<' girl ~11w "" hncl \Y'l111t. Wfl 11·1111lt'hirul 1111 lo:il '"'" ''"" -. 1'c•r.1· 11<>111:111 j' \\" an• 11011 nl tlw hllll"" of !Ir. IL·"'·; 1 dn~· i"\Plt°l'i~·, . ljh .cc\l('tl ... i,, r .,, i;\1'1.!<' ld :ll~Jl,\'I :,,', d'(' :hi<{h. 111·11·. lflli \\•• havt• t"'tllllt' y c111l1111un «1ll1,.,1·nt at 1so • tlw u 1.,,1 dr1... , .. 1 ,,1· 11 11 Ill<' 11at 11, •• 'J'lu• 1; own,; 11 'l'lt•nditl Con1pouml of' about ·I lmv11 uever lmit a da~· heforti, nnd <'ll- 1· 1 1· I ·' 11 tl t k' t t"1 J j>t•opl .. :trl' ''·'-""1" Ill~ y ]'"ti<' :1111 """: two·nty- I<' tllTt'~ on lP 1111 s 'II'~ 11 / )11,\'0d losing this the le~~ becauHe it 11111< tt·ul'li thi· world,"" far ns I htl\'• -•·1·11 11,' 'J'nkio, with n "Uh,tautlul thr«•·-·slrlt•U1'<'" u~c>d ti,.. t{i'>:> uli~~ioii:ori .. ~. I Ianti his wift', u minift•nt I ' 11or mor" •• r tlw 1·'ter t11 ltussiu t•neh vl'ltil'll'J liron:;ht U• intn Yokol1:11J1a.' 1i11 .. , 1.111 yon t•:uuwl '""I>Cct 11w1·1• fhhn I. !anti bi:; wife, are on hoard. Ht>vt•ral nt' at a ralt• not Jp,~ lh1111 l'i;.:111 111111-- au , 11a1 .. 11rittt'll. I promif'!'d u lt•tter fr"'l ; the Japnnese spenk EngJi,h. 'J'hPy nr" hour. \\'" 'biw,_,. hail<'~- al.out. I will i-t'l'lll'that 1n·111111''• 1 •. ; 't' ]\·"" ar0 :\ j o II.)· ~«t. ft'no i, , . grnn 111 l~. 111 :1;!'11 it it'<'l t t 'tai r 11 :.y• I: w i II i ng-, I 'o 1.r.1 ;o.; R DE:<. :<. \ • I To!.-io, Ju.pcm, Hl'pt. 2nd.-Our :- tlm11'< lll1111111d j•lnt<''. hral<'d :llld lini-twd llll tl1t• O\lt-1 to 11«t11>11wle>clJ.f<' our 111111·11i·lhl111•tt~ ul' till~ ,jrl1• \\ ith l'h•·«lt<. ,It h. h111low, :111tl 1·011-j lllPl'I',\', \Vn l'lll'lc'fl with Hrg«•I th1•o1. Wt• fl·rPJwt· about 1111,. h11ndrc·d. Tl"' ('ln•um-1 l".J taken sweet counsel together •m our li.•rent·e ot' th,. th11111h i:- thr1·1· l\•l't, th" way out;anm,1ind<'r l11·i11g proportional. ft',; :Ill A Rtl'nm launch Jmi.u~ ·us uutl our hng- i int<>rt>l'tin:r pl:u:t· to l'i:-il. TIH· \'i<'WR 1111: j!;:lg'(' at tht• cu ... ton~ I:Iousf\." The Japa..j the t1.·i1.· Ill!( Hild ha,•1, II'•'.'"' l'har111i11g-, I 11<',,e with court~S,\' h<>lped us through the <'Oniln1>111g- ''"'· r11.11111fa111-', ,·a11<.,1·-, work, alwayb unpleutiimt, of :m <'Xamina- ~o\1'11" a11d 1·ill.a!.!:""· \\'p ~t 11 pp(·d at !11" j tion In u fow minutes_ 1\1tmnti11i; Jin-. 1111i- <111 '"" ll'lp 1 " l111wh 11nol t11 lo11k.- · rikn1. l 1" would ha\'1• 111adl' :l j .. ' ~· JI • I rni~l'u at:.~l'ill. · A .lttp.111P:;c•:I ~Ill'"''"~ 1m th" ,..f;i~t'. \\ <' w11nt1" ·0111i> 1 •man pull>1 the vehicle, gP1u:rnlly ut 11 /i i ••f' tlu• PH•il'>1t I ting-<'t' to.r<'jlrP~t·nt a :r11011, l\'l'lll tltni1'.;.d1 · nrn< of glltting arpund j huvt• uvror /the' lllnt 11111 of ..gPttrnµ: ,.u~ar out. ot 11:1 tril'i1c>d ll~ 1111r 1111ag- ~ren 1 A citl'• iu fe. native part, of I l11ntiou only. A~ t.'e ~'llfil t1mn he i,ept. pOlJ>iC!l 1qi· !lJQ,,-mOPJl~.t~.&f. !lJ.'.!.l .Htory 'I•' ttay i11g " >1ugar ! 11 "i;~gar ! 11 1\ ow the I and a low stoey ;hirat!f'", :l!oo'fW' llr'a· ofJ word did no good 11t all. He might >l<> ~~~-~~. OUR JAPAN MIHSIO X. Thi1< is a mere 81Ullple, ou., iugre- Itradesmen, inn keepers, guides, priests · client of the olla pod1·id(l on which and o.tfioinls we h1&ve received 1mch Interesting Letter from Rev. Col- I my mind feK11ted for several da1·a: 1 tr.. alment Bil would been acre- lins Denny. !and this ~·a• all the f1•asting I h.<1d I

~\'1'. 'l I "1e i" ,\ !JJU'l'•t1r· '~!'OPP .t1.u11t tl:i1< Thou ha~I for al/ a ransom paid, ~-,,, • of attending a Sunday-school."·' .J,0111t't~r. l'hu~" of Ht raw •lf<' coni­ ll ied by Bro. 811 llll'P, II p Wt'll l l" 'vy ... ; ii.bout tw" 11.ud a half foet ;n Ji- •l in I\ Ja1•an~ae hr1us~. conducted j awa, th~ nnmP ol tl1P l11»rnlif1il C'0111· Ly ,\ pLpwian. Un the Wll.Y to the· d..lll~ltjJ ' \\'Otot·u V.'~a.r no !J,,t-l:J. p;;7;'ud L1·Jo11;;111,• f,, ll1t· ~letLu·l1,1 hut:•e trRcts were cli&tributed to 'l'hatr hai1 ltl Vt!l'Y elaborately dre~R· Epscvpd Ch11r,.l1. Ht 'fok10. llf'TI' ... J, with a <'runwdionA leclure­ into the kindly face of the young phy­ room". Thu C<•nfereuce was in ~e~­ t'>ilrn fh,!:1~ t~ ltll.t.h The f.r11t six sician,-may he be in this Empire PJ011 •L tL.• In•titult', Dr. MacL1y in 111ild" wu~ tliron,qh a eo.untry richly what Luke waa in the Roman Em­ 0ultivated. !'-. .. moru care or e.tten- tJ,.. cbu:r. ThPre wne nearly ;;;(l pire !-and into the faces of his wife fr"lll t1.1 • . (" df·t'lJt .,, uuJ h...-.r\le11-.. tlhlll v.·a::i: ruembers, 13 Arnnicn. The and sister, waiting for their turn to J•r. <'E'f•ltnl!< were rn .f1q.ane•e, which IJUt uJI t'°\ \"[: . t\dttl :ti lt)Vt u! the~~ re<'eive a tract. A young Buddhist waa interpretrd tor tLe ben<>flt of I i1 t' lte.d~ al~·~ !';~1 dt-n 1·roJ Uc.:t. Tb et t' priest came out of a temjJle anti looh are lJO tenco11, uo burn•, no .itoek. Tl.: .. those who had not yet ac11uired the. his tract. The worJ of God's love hlnguage. This was our firAt sight of· fow hor'''" ;111'! Lul!Oc'ka u11ed for .lraf. and God's gift, of man's privilege and 1·urpo"•'8 iu~ "hod with 11lrnw shoes. the worh of GoJ in .Japan. Here the way lo reach it went into many Stopping 111 u way.,i1le iun for rest for were men reJeerued Ly the Spirit of bands that bright Sunday. Seed fell God whose business 1t was to preach the ''ooliea we Lad 1\ fine view of tht! on the waters. To the children gath­ the Gospel to their countrymen.- ered in the Sunday-achoo] R lesson l\anaz:t1rn vall~y through which we They seemed to move comfortably rn from the Gospels was taught, hymns were to go. The scenery was d111'er- :Methodist harness. They presented sung, prayer made, the ten com~nd­ ent from anything we baJ eet>n. their reports, argued points of law, ments repeat en, vere~s of Scripture H needed nothing .to add tu its beau- examined character, received and ad- recited, The Doctor gave me an op· ty. The valley was small, consisting vanced men in the various classes. portunity to address the school. he of a cent~ section with mar.y finger~ Sunday was a day full of inst:l'uc- acting my inierpreter. I told them running into the surrounding hills. tion, full of joy. At 8 o'clock we at- as <>f that gladdest of all Scripture rev- The floor of the valley seemed, from tended a Love-f1>aat. The prayers elation-an atunement unlimited. our point of vie~, to O<' perfectl.v were full of fervor, so far as tho ear At night Bishop Wilson preached level. Afterwards it wa.~ seen to be could ret1cl the sounds. .The singing 1 at Aoyama through an interpreter. terracerl. 1t was fL perfect mosaii: of wa.q good, familiar tunes 'baing uaed. · emeralds differently tinted, and oc- 'l'he experiences were givan quietly. After suoh a. day it would have been caeionnlly a slight <1 f gold.- There was no interpreier, and we un- strange had not the lOSd Psalm rung Preci1. .itious hills roH~ np in und derstood not the language; but we through my soul. In Dr. lli~clay we nrounil the VRlley. Itising out of the felt sure our worship focused with found an old Baltimore Conference t.r""" \\"C'tt> tbe t lmt<'hed ho11;;t•11 of the the worship of !hese Japanese breth­ man, '~ho, as long ago as 1817, went villagea. Beyond 11tretcheJ tLe Bay reu before the . Ours to China, where he labored until i of Yedo with three OOalltifal islands. was guided by the direction, "Rejoice 1873, when he was put ia charge of: Inlets ran up into the valley from the in the Lord," theirs may have passed the Japan worh. The Doctor and his· wife courteously entreated ns, mah- Dominating the landscape was along the road marhe.• w" gt:ot 1iny-of !lie stars fr,r our Church." port than in \be Ea!!tern setLi<,m, 'J'he have seen. fj'prrztlt.l X!t<'r '''rrurP_ ,,~,. i·,, he rn.nrlid, I d1.i not thmk tln• was : 11 .. t1ve Chri"t.i .. 0""'1" ~AJ•eutetl IOBUJ•- iered through gates rich 111 carvrngs, , a cae8 of inverted vision, and m self­ 1 r•ort the nat.iv~ pastors and to J.uild ia covt>red with tPmJ·les wlier··· 111•. ahasement I went to Tokio. I hope the churl'!i<." and to a g11·at exttnt quer and gilt have heeu us~J \\Hh., .. t no one echoed the stA.tement of the the•) 1u~et.ihie fXj•t"dufi.,11. Fll .. 111ci .. ! regard to e:xpeuse. TlH»e J•t·u1·'1· J.,.,:1 old Rcotcb woma•1 when aaked what .uJ JH givet. to native e\•:tngpj1~ts, a.11d I AH if coueciouH tL•t 1!11· l111·k 01 111· ~J.p thought of the "ermon. lier a1;. 1i ... J1· ],, g11·11, (,, >'OIDC ,~f .. n: vl• ~.111- ' . objective realitv 0f th,.1 \I liwh t!Jt ,. .: . "\1er wa,, "It \l'aP neither p•nriti11' 11·utioual liueP, Lut 'ho "1g.t11i/..,,J / worsh!J•J•c1l lllllel lH• 11, • ! ' ] ' I Urn•le ")' "· 1 nor d1n,1m'." t 1.111.· lt'~ 1net·l 11.L·, Xi •. 1, ... t-~, or t h P.1 1 gorgeouan(lHH HtJt1 < x 1•,...11~1 \'t"llP,..H of I In YokolJ.lm .. '"" ""' l" t!J<• 1;ncstx 11 \'r 11 .• '•J h ' ' i ' . l: •\ t· t' fl (J (J t' . the templee ere<.te•l. :-;,,Jid Ja,., ., .. , . of }{r·(1, :;;.11u:()r. \\'{'> \\ j•J J"PUlPLUt, .. 1 1 \ ' n I ,. ' !10010 ahouml. .iH .J J... :.:.11L'' 1n / onr huopit.1ble (11·at1? .. i 1 whieh t:VPry duo! ,.,,,j I 1!],,r ''" : on t!1~ !~lull', the kirulnre• oJ Lim~elf tLat .Jn1•a1 1 j,. JPtt•ly "" l,,.t 111.i-di11~ · heavily gildeJ. B.. y,.,,,J tLe 1.,. 1 '\\Jft' }.•, .•n·i tLr!·f~:111 t.:•1·Plint" 11111 ., ·I "' .,: 1 pleR, high up OD tli .. II ,),. (;1!•q•t'lj :·1 \\,1,t..,PI J~• .... 1 ':_• 1 1 ·'ii· 't- .~ .. 11.·.1:1 f;,,. :11 .1c·1 L· 1 LJ1l1-- : approached hy many fl.gl11- 1,; 1·1 _.-,. ;' 'llj·', Ult"Udt ut ltlll -\'J lrtJOf1 111 .11 o: 1 thf• go~1·1·! rf)11· 1:1,· .. , ,1 ll 11-, l)O 11ot. ! ·grown stone slepR, iP -itnated tl1P ,I""'• /Utd llli 111 \'ol<0Ju11a,1 1 lu1v111g ! need tu !'•··L 1L1·,· .. 1. 1hrn •;!i• 11.r.. !1- I tomb of the Shog1rn IyP-yaRu. J t is I IJ•l 1·~1,,u,Jy f..,Jog11q.J11'•l I 1"'" ll uL" ul c,d or e,l111:11t1onal duv• !<. pd tLc as simple ru; the m'ausol~um .. 1 :~ •· l" ! • t1JUI' • tJdtf •\/ LJ1Jt•d Jl1· Par t•f lht' peOJ•lc. ': L·· j l'l':tc he1 f\8 a : Jeon 1., and I believe ae g1 an.1:­ 1 ;. .•.\.r'J•• 111 1, 111 llJ1· l 1i1t' LlJ!• fJvln preacher cuu \\OJ k le, Ill.' folfeHL L'Hpe· ; Down below, Japanr>e 111 ! has .J .. nt> : \'11J1nl 11J111 \11 ii'.11111• t\ \1,',lJIU, f11.1: \ city. a11.] tbr-11 ,,,.: 1J11-e.t tlJP II" .tJ•' I.;,/ lt' 0 Jc· gateways, towns, tempi>~, log 1 ;i~e, 111 I,,. !1~1 .. I. ··· .•.Ji,\J1h• /iu1lv.or.K,111•!n'.\U.!.l!.1.IV•~~1. J!J ornamented with ww .. l r1n iugs of ' \1.f·l J.1u11h11l I 1, J\'I J1·H I'll'J1t11·l I ,1 J, I , , fact t h e b•t.r\l~~t Le of . \\'I'll' hrt'tlJI' lfl or (Jllr •Y.11 J.lh IJ_,. I to ~taf!:-t1.~ 1 u.! IL'"~t' ar•· ~1VV f,\J(J~ I plain ">lone, moF.s·g1 own with a"e,, ' 11ud "',1}: u boow le· ii11. '" l1nv 1· 1. IYerxion• to CLnstlali:t \'a month. A ' which lead through a forest l•f gr.ind r 111"111<'<1 lll•lOl•f~ th1 Ill l" I b"m1· •ll . \Hrm henrted \'.'01 kt·r iia• toM "~ 1,' cryptomenas. brrng you to a terrnc~ I 1;.,\,1• lrn« lwPn will. !•1 . .I.\\", L.1w· ! individual 1ustanc1>-· 1·, Ji, 1 Wo11J• where, beyond a brunze gttteway, 111 bntl1, \\ h"rt Pn·ry wanl hu" l•t>en iz,. j don" througl• Rh 111t..r1•r1>t~ . 01 the eentre of a squn.-e encloHUTt>, i8 •lai1tly met, arul whne !La comfort~ Atnnng th .. FlnqJi,ha.1•e.ikiug J~J<.1<<'-"• the simple bronze tomb. It is a ey­ we have enjoyed hd\ e fa.Jl~n Rhort. nf v• ]'""/'. <>Lv1diouo ,;:, ! "~~~1 e<:m· linder surmounted by a J')'J.1ruiJ I uotl11ng except th.; kiuJly xp1rit 111 1 vor8ions, esp~c1ally 1k1111g tb'e b~t. / whose corners turn up. ThP vold whirh those comforta have Leen fur- 1Rummer. :\n Solid, enduring, almost sublim£>, in 1 merci~s t'XJ•erienrP. Six preachHo of LLe M. E. not His work to "convict the world of · one of personal work. Bishop '\'il­ Chareh, South, iucluPlienotdothatwork~ Ji; son preached in Yoli eloquent. I have uot on the Spirit of (lod to miLke it elf,,~. ton ten years ago. It. was somewhat h .. anl him preach suc•h a RPrmon tive in the hearts .,f these people. 1 humiliating that my college mates Rince the summer of '78. "'e fc.rg.,t With the ~Riil<' nmo1111t of work 1 r.un I !hivl a more vi\'id rem cm Lrance of 10y I ],., v.tto our Bisho]• iu the r .. w~u1-·' J aee 11." r~aaon "'. hy t b e succes" '"'" ; success at foot· ball than at my sue- 1Lranc•e that he was (;o,J'H meaaengrr. have natl ID M~x1ou should not be re· I cess in scholarship. That I stood The (PX t Wl\A I'P. Jn:; . l :~. 1 i. r;.,.i '8 pealed here. . • i / he0la over head in their remem bran re 01 I clealinr,A with 11• P\':. aion. Then agBin I WWJ told one the lwhat we ar« 1u1.I WUHI WI} r"n le· detiula of tLe wor;i:1 a.i 1t 18 nvw dona. I 'l'ioko reaidonts had said, when 1t was come. I cannot. wr!te nft.hia now.-~ li\F..u ex· known that Bishop Vi.iloon C'oaltl not I. . w, lrnv~ 1 ~en ;; uJ tal lrd "',th ~"'ct leave f .. r S_h~ngh"'~ ts even· . accept. the inYitation to preach at nearly all of the millJliohuriea here, in 1ng. A 11 of 0ur m!Sl!1onar~ef1! are !Tokio because of a previous engage- Kioto and in Oa11ka. The work of in good h~·11~h. a.nd at w. on the , Go

...... ______~~~~~~~~~ I Lt' '

' laoitllllge. Dr. )Y alter. 'rh~ Ja1·"e pe·•rl., •no e;,:,·ee · • · ly int;>;."6ating. In ths warm WflatL,,r ctbina ·:--<-i - •.~ •· .. Itunl 8how a Jon hie rov; of black f.e~th ~-- ...... '-W .. ~...... '(' they go almost naked, yet axe ... e i'O· ! is to t•.;kc• au-1Vel1, I won't l!.l!Y wh .1~ range· work'-- S · l?'~'·"', ·~-.. \T 1 lite a.n<13 of ipecac you 1 tbP Amuri,,nn clndc~ to thP haJt'.cJad on October l l3Ll1. Dr. 'V:~. J\i.rh to will find ont what elf'e(')t .i !."~· l"or­ fashionable bl'lles. It ra1< a.a in many ot.her 111at­ Dukes to Mias hl. J. B;i~ 1 hata:~· aped like "t1·aw-sti1.d,,. and ~ to 1~. Fdt!·ly cc.r1HidAn~ ,JdJ"\11PHP. have made w1ti1111 il1e l.1-i /it to h1n-~ bowi111-~ to t•11. ... .l1 utbt>t »~~ y•rofou1HlJ:· e1!1bter11 yean·; 1• 11' the "ond1- ), IB hf'al th miill !lla.t)•. '~·'/:\."J~P,,··· v ·t:r;i:..·?·.~~~)lj,., their rebo11rt'<'s. The carpenterA hold into Ibis work. We :ttfen 8 '· I I lo h18 wif'! WhPn thrv \\'('r" haYilJ" a Wilson and r ha idoaa t.h<.' roa.Ja• tra.velle. d, in th~ PJ in·~ Ii I.tie covP here wl\i t mg for an 0 I to . If l conL1nue to euJ''" iu · railway cab•, in the very templea <"Xpec~d tyrho0n to )'"" by. The I ten d L h eRl' wor Iune11 1 am rcrta.111· J tliemAelves, the people I oak them Plllp j}j a staunch little ~cr1Jw·st<'amor I I will not get tLero. Won't. you Atlper· ell.gerly, &toppeJ their prayer.< in the I l>elou;:ling to a Japanese Company, I inter1J Lhi.i building.,., D0<'A 11 ny onr temples to take thew, leaneJ out. of ~ un l!!Ai, I L.u; lt iH o~i.J lhc dyle v:· ol1t•"'ll1g I •h . 1. ~ 1 < oWtJ in ~ c·11 PttgC?rnean to ana\l.E:'t I shou1d writ!! t.o you from Oh1n1J., and I th" hair"'' , .. ,.,.,s the state-m.irr11?1,,' h l f t' · th I . · l l L . 1 t n cu J~ or 1""1 .rue -ion trom · e peo- I guve my promiRe to you for such a w11 O\\ "' , ~trol heJ, arngle. The , I Th B"bl · b · d A 1 18 Jet!.er~ You will not objec~ to u be- 1 marri~J women ahio genern.lly bln~k Pe. ,_ e e th erJng rea · S 7°· th e1· r t e~ th . T o h ave ontl o f th eae wo- r1ety i.rnown na e a.paneee. cn1-. I ginni!\·g in J11pl1ll. I ture, whose members promise to reo.d I men1 wh en c I oae t o you w1 th h er I a spe-0ified :portion of i,he Bible ovary I day, to pr.y for ~ mi1m~re of €he ~~·~ ·t ~ii.I. flit Nii& l!Jii, n UniOE,, &lid to itidurn oth•rs to join, lP~~~ ·'~ :-ilk$ome hRS already S,l>-001111>1r,b,,111, manv of ··:-;h~ll \\ • ."· ber.t.: ~onls S..Jl· !;,.:ht1 d \V lllt on J1igls .: "··· :· · '"''i#it~~l~. '!'he w1•:l»m fiom 1 them living in t1•wm1 '\hero there• <1.r~ hhalJ \\ft l<> men hc1dt-rl,1t~d · ' ' · ... '&fot ·lroD1 the ff&, nar­ 'ftic L11m1J .. r I.If• •i<"ny ~· are no missionaries, and no nRtive ''illdented wit.Ii -many- 'IH.tla ~J .i...~,'11!/<"J- ,')<.-• preachers. The GoRpel iR herr Ila I: i~ .l. privil,'ge lo l111vp n part ir: f!et· 11.aya and dotted with islands. The elsewhere, the power of God unto ting the Light to a11y dark hear! .. town is built on the horse-shoe i.hore, salvation to ew:ry one that believeth. Let UA avail 0111~Phe· of thi, J'iivi­ and runs baok in to the corners ir:. the Men, women und children are bear­ lege' Let. 11~ ha\'e au ol>ie"t rn lift' mountain, and up the terraced hill· ing the GoRpel in this land, are con­ worthy of a trim rn1rn ' l.:L 112 Lur~I sidee. H undre l•'nr I',..'"''''"'' 'h111 ln1 J,~ r1· ... 1~W.1u '" 1111tive crnfl~. :1. , "., winuteP \IC :l • 1 lrneeled bt·r'ore gilt •hrine cor;t,,; 11 i·'nr \l1nl IH1i lu 111.JJu • t,,, .l1wl~1 .. , a.11 1 carl!P'in silorli•' '-". l\tllC'JJht·r::, 19land •\ Ud lht• .t.:'•JPd [IJt~I J 1 ldl d11 . .. in::; an ima..;e of Dnd.JLa. I~ ""Plinf made RnrrP•I l"·m11•tyr~· blood, if th,, \ "fY tru;_,.. }'0111 !r11•11d, tlov.u JPt>~·1tl;; la•J·H•g th .. 11 Jia1 .. J. trail'la•r1 · :. J;4t.!t \ rock 1i/'),.,., c '· 1, r 1 --: .. ·tightly, they .n1ed in tLo u1< ,l ,..; J 'Jo."' :-o, 11 11 al>ru~ ,,.,..1it ot the \\aler'<:o r~rl!.'' ll.IJcholy, cleApon.Jinl', f.1recl to1,,." i.bont 5ll.f~PI. Belo\\', not eut ,rely !'\'Pr hl'arcl, "Sav .. I .E1 .. n1.t1 Bud 1 0 "OD• 0 aJ,,d at high t1di", 11.r11 Rhar]J Ji,,," .\g.. in u11.J "i::'•i1. th~v J•ut "I 1\ Hut·;., J 1 Tll E \\\l]{ LJ >. l'Ut'J.·.... (°)\ 1•1 tl l • 1 JP{"j!•i1°(-'1 ( ll f}it tl118 1nournful rry. r<'"" fro1u rockh.J•elco1'.. u1a11.• 1 .. ct ive L'hr:s1 j,rn~ t hrir lrncP~, lJ11t no ro:1ntr11Hn<:•· •l1»\\" Latt.>r from the Rev. Collins Denny. are said to h1cvc been thrown, after ,.,] r.o Pye kindli•d with o,·, lie reli~1. 1 PUiffnng sevt r<· tortne1R. This was seeme.J 1·pJi~ve:perienre re.•t. Dt'B· this i~ the pJa,.e where the deeci waR pa1rrngly thf'y prayed, deHpowlingl.) f O•>rroupo11Jtn11•1• • ·t •r111 l-:r1"'1 tJI' \ :. :u 1--THIH>lHT, J done. Thi;; ,J,,,ibt i en1oveiety wo11lcl grow warmer, /can the needle of a man's soi:l rePf Dear Bro . .La1c :-The tJI•hoon if he Lal>1yed us i ~hours did ua oai· the doubt aside, <1ccepting the tradi­ I the Son of God. Un Hun th .. y did goocl s<'rvice · we bad the benefit of. tion aP history, looking on that · not call. No hand cau tune t.he harp the whole of tLe Inl:uid 8e11 of Japan/ weather'lH•atcn rock I thought. if "the of human life, anple need to praiP.e a glorified Saviour. To J/im t.hey beauty, or if at tim~s there was· monotony it was a "mono\ony of Him who, with deliverance from the did 11ot go. :No wonder these J.ioor beauty." 1 can not guess how man_v sufferings peculiar to a ChriRtiar: 's creatures we11t away with di~cord in hun,]rQfully terruced, add little 1f anv· l ha.\'c )>T<'t1ched, \\ho lrnow that thev save the 8Urface of the waters. We thing to the rc~ne. 'I'he light-hons~~ have been taught the truth, thai (jo;l had had our last sight of Japan. expects them to ,Jo their duty in ~;;~r.:~~.. ii:i!.'Q.i,f.f.icib&l ~ iii:i~eh~.. ',stmid· 'l'hose emeruld islands where Christi. spreading the krrowleuge of HimH•lf, &1!;~.tlte;r. -~cko1;1· ~iu~. aui ty is anchored are now behind us to pray for the-;" who linow 11.m uot, ~.;·& b~#w.:on~d ol..dar'k gr11en.: and our facee nre towa!'Js Ohiea. ' I · ~tt·~t fi~,...~:is ucy''ll>\rrow, · to giva of their aubPtill1ce 10 H1I .:, • •,;...~-·j~·~.-.r '• ~. ' a- ~·- t..•. J'r'. muddy yellow, colored by the waters · Virginia creepers, eal!le tbrough this of t1e mighty rivor. Sbi.nghlil is er,dly. };ach of these day-~chooJ& 1 window rn eoftened that nothing ~itnat,ed on the Western bank of the cost the '\Vom11n°d Doard of l\liasiBns I I eeemed t-0 be in harmony here but tho I Whung Poo, 14 miles from the junc­ J of our ('bnrch $1fl0 n yel\r, and the worship of tho living God. Th!' child­ tion of that river with the Y angtsi. 1 ac•booJ> ~5 srhol.1rs ell.Ch.- ren of the school were in the chur,.b. Tbs Whung P Wlt8 full of V6Slltls of : 'fl.:e boar.Jing-school,-·Clopton,-'-1e Tho Ohinese teacher took her seat 11.t many kinds and of manv nations !specially for training workers, aoJ of, the 01g11n, auotLer ChineHe teacher The Ohin!'se wur JUllks, ;arrying S I c0urz,e 11:1· ~ome\v h at moru eX}Jt:l1~1vt.· 1 .:I gave out a hymn. Tha little girls 1 rannons t•uch, were gay with paint / \\'hnt a sight it wiu;, thoal' two Luu-' with clean, bright foe~~. and neat 1tnd bunt1ug. Foreign built gnu dreJ girl8 with their teacht>rA, ancl clreaRe~, atood up and sung with evi· looufy belongiug tot.he Chinese wen• I the missionttries who are the p1rket­ de11t. iutert'Kt ·- tL<· tune lo wL1Jh W<: / l.1yi11g aloni-i t lie c h11111a·l. Kteamers i guarcl of "ur ('hnrch 011 duty in th'" 'Riur, the \l'urcb hL•ginui11g, "\\'e pr:.idt> "'''" nwv1111-: llJ• on the L1gh ti1le, 111111 for·uff lc<11d I llro. Heu! led tho all!g· ·:'. · /'!'Ji,,.., II (;.,d" 'l'l1t•rA wn1· Lut tw0 I""t lu the 11'1"· , the "'uus in all l11ng1111g,., of earth it I•· Sl1u11Khui, l111t fhuy •·0111·1not1111\'!' I Jut," .ind "l'reci1,n!i l1~w,~J~," WPrt· j I·~ "'aidl and ~·h11 }1 lllKY hP tht ~.,~JJ•l i 1ua·11· tl1a.t UJ•J•l<1u .11 .,, ,, l.r.f..lit 1lu.v tll!tlt' J~.\ t•fj 1·f11fd !"lt~Pl1Jf'(l fo l'lf'J~:, 1 fl " 'i.l1d • t\ • t•I ~·~~!I• I 'I 1 ·.r .. I ;,, gvo1l ~1·•nlM. Jl.,\ .. IJCi ·I•< ind t!iP. (-;rlth1r rth.11 uf rl'r1nlt) ru11~~ I . ! •• l .. , I"hipping riRe tLe housee of t,Le furt1g 1, ',\ 1tJ. •lie• J•"-t:w .. ,,f tfu) So11 t>I li.,d j j eity w1t_h here and there a rh1m·l1 i. I ':1!. ,,, ,lo.~/\< j; ,...,}i,.i \\ d'ivl1 u1nde an u.ddrc•:=ts I "f·Ir~, mde atones along the highway · \llll1 h l •r. J\ lien llcll'rpr>'t eel. Tiic• loy wl1icL has marched, cJ.-!.IJ, 11 L.. havrol 111 R very c·rc••lita· 1 , and garri"'lllH where she has gathered · ldt• u1a11nt'r, J1·'1·r:dlL' \\itb alt1•ul1u11: forces. 'I'hese hom•es, facing a hanrl­ ·•. , 1,' '' \•,, 11· 1·1•1.a} :-Jt-r­ I'to .1:1 that w11" ""1d wituoHt .wy •1,.:11· : . e<1meBuncl 11rr· by no mE>an~ unRiJ!hlly \ll.t"• .tl 'J'r1111:y \\h11 Ii : .. 111 L11·1~ J•I. I ! of \\'t·tt.r1np,.:~ 'rhP d11.'<01oµ_\ to tht• i ; rn appearar1rP, on the contrary, they t1u1•((•1I '01 t1IJl' \\t't•I\, \\c \\'t~rt>- HI · tllJJt• ()J.l llnndrt•il' \\·a.., \1..... 11·. in1- '1 1 are fiue bUJl,Iings. several storiPs '1·r .. ~sive. I ,·an "'Y with el'Pn grP:.I·: i high, some of them with pillared ! ~r emphaRi5 tholll l lrnn~ f'aid when! ' / fronts. Reaching to the water's e1lge i Apeakiug ,d theme<.'ting~ lielcl by S18·: tlJl' !,v.':o- o1v.t.. l11t• .\·1r;1v~t. iJ.llt'r..t.·: ni I are grass plolaancl gardPna well •'ared · Hnyes at chff~rPnt points •n our \ Pr,ity as cnre to nltc>n.J, the rut· Ill­ for and sprrnkled with trees anJ • Co11ferrr.ce !Hr1:ory, "Ilelp those . i.~1· ,.f th• t"liltr!'h Hll•I '""h <>li.c•n. ~~ ~hrubs. The steamer was at her I wcukn !" They are rly gre~ting and welcome. A widt• •Lor IB open to them, iud 1u 01 Vttry earnest nrnn11<•z to at­ place wllere typhoons leave wrecks stirred up to help in a noblo work wluch ~e witnesses of the economy trnt1ve peopl11. Ait1•r l11• Aei;mon, rn W,. C&OPt_Ot. f,l\i~, tq~~!;l'_;;,.4f­ response to his 11·•111eE,t that nil 1•. ho : of sub~1iti.i.l buildings. The pro­ Him who "d.ied .. *nJ.~~~.qr-i{.141..~ ·:.vrt~e .. perty of our Church is a compound of '?-.""' . '5£~~'"'·~· desired to h1•CtJme Christians, 11.nd i oar pioket-gqa.,4;;~~~~.·. ~~j·. '~ 1 • about 5 acres, well situated and im­ who would like the prayers of the · Let that man and wo~~~~!)g proved by the school buildings and Church for their Fnlvation to at.and the M. E. Ohurch, SoMb~%,~;.:iWid two missionary rP~i~. Fl ere is 11 llf" ubuut" do7."ll of the •c·bool g1rl8 deallrt thew. hide their}Mia'.~~ , i·rPparation for demands which th<> arose. This may mean mu··h, it may I Let t~at one who d~'.~4€:.~:~mi#a fnture may mah.e. Tr.inity. premises . mean little, but where ia the preach­ . duty 10 the greaL work- f>,f,( , - · . g pff,. , ..Rare the! 1 ·~!'·t}~·.t.wo mi]~. er at home who would not thank ( ioJ j t~e ~uowledge of God pr~~~f·L' 0 fpr:.·~~t I thirdiJ of all!" l.lCf~ . OD which stand gRtion '1 those who are helpiog,'.'~i}~·e OfopLon ach~l, f.he residence occupi­ On \\'ednE>sdny, ll-IiBs Haygood nud }>rayer to more work un*ij:':~~!-Y ed Ly the ladies in charge of the Mias ll!t1>·e brought the children in au cl Lealhoniam and sin and~~- Woman's work, and TrinHy Church. connection with Trinity schools to the i n!ltions are blotted from the "C~s- ...... ,.~ 1 By tho aide of the Church is a wooden church. There were 21 !l girls hy a..:- I R1ons of tbe Son of God, and ;11iit~ljJi frame work with the bell whose eound tun! count, iiPAidcs thP. teacLerH ancl I men shH.ll k uow the Lord "rr~'iii'l1e seems to be an echo from home. The friends. Uf these 200 werp clay- !!l1U;f uuto the greatest! \\'e m.e on tsida vmlls of the ehurch are cov· 1 i'<'Lvla", and thP utlwr" tbe Clopt~n . Ifor lwlow our whole duty in t~ ?e· ernd with Virginia Lreep1:ra which 1 a•·hool girl.. Thexe BrP 11 vf th<"R(' j gard. If we p~y attention to tb.e~Jn- alone would huvf! heen 1mfficieut to cJo.~.,F~ho•.1l•, •'flf'h having a Ul, 111 p"'" . JU notion to do unto others a~}we 1 moike it attractive. The pulpit ie in 1 1 t.ei.eh11r wh11'• th" ladie~ frow hom~ wonk\ that they shon)d do Ul:l~a , a recesa wiLh a stained window. . glass viH1t the achoo!~, e:xamiue the schol-1 we may tind o.Ol1'«' •lUlt of m\'l~.lj.' in 'fh0 light, broken by the leaves of the aI"ll, anJ supervisa the work gen- ; what we do for ournelves. r ha.vJflfor I ~ 11. long tima believed. AB I h.11;~'.; · lt1 After expel'ienoing tho kinduesa ' yo..i. oft.en, and indeed told · . :. and attention of Ilr. Allen and of onr ple in· my con~egation-; ·" . ~;·. we other miMionaries in Shanghai for would not be in Slght o/fnllUUl:lg.. three da.ya, 11.'e tcok the nte&mer for injunction, ~o far u it ra8't.eii··~r 1 th& Peiho with the in t.iuti(lu of tiµen~t lugh. Passing over a I l'echele where 11i11t~r ·lothrng, ·" short bridge yon <'Orue to t.he g11.te 111 eluding 1\11 overcoat, 1° •1· •!JP. 1.. 0 : a ~emi-circle in the wall. Here the \\•arm I switrms of Luman beings begin, and Very truly your friuuF.NNY. I ?.enre of filth. The streets are -nstr· I row, not ovPr l () feet in wiclth, 1ne overhnug with innumerable aigos, nre full of burden bearers bending beneath eno1 mouH JoadR. Shops line both siJes of the ~treet~. In some of these dark iiolf>i> very handsome things be seen. It would be.~ misnomer to call it a maaner'ijf.. .,,..,. lye with us. It io e:xi~tenc~. not lit,ei To pat our people h.>re with snoitfood, clothwg, bo\·els, to poi­ sonous air, to hf> in such cir~tan- es would be !Cl kill ont ev&ry finer element in our natures, al::nost to dig up the very foundation on which an appeal to nobler purposes is built, to leave us hopeless both for this world and the world to come. The wonder 'is not that there are so few admira· ble qualities in the Chinese, but that there are so many; not that they are so hard to move to a civilization per­ meated wit.h Christianity, but that they can Le mo1·e,th"' - meat of the lan· was but one cloud in the Pky of our enjoy­ ferllmd-A J71lJ11 Harmonious Bodg­ expects tu h•i;ln h<'r work. Opposlto tl.lls mcut, the skknoss of Mifs Dora Rankin, oompouna101JJ <111cl Slwughai-The Sudden ently eontlnuiug in !Jer well-doing" )ll.,.,ns of .Jli&a 'nara llancin-Tt~. rhurch, th(· nativt- pnri11g Rebels' ere-ck, 2.') uJilt·s fron1 81H1cho"6· was the 1 I -BeautifuJ Landacapd. lo bis return to AmP1lcn. Oppo-ire,. on the next point at whiC'h we stopped. HPreas l~ft, a'."' B~1ffington Tua111tt~e •in•I Dro. at Nuy:ai11ng, th<· 11 ork of tue T01iping I 1 1 n.rk"'. s res1d1•nce. A f.·w steps rurtht'r I Oorict-.spou11ttn"'' l'.Jt THE lZPlkr-OP.\ r ?tf rrROJ•IS"l, J rebt'ls Is B• "" ·n thr ntiu, »U ovny hund IWd '.IP rti«:h the hospital ou tut' rlgl.r 8llANOHAT Uhlnu. ) Kuen C'haprl In ~an we haven aud native with the n·oidenc.e 01 J>r. l'IU'I( nntl Bro. Nov. 30, J0 8H f re~ld"nce c·nll•·d }!nrvi11 C11np1·l. From the I· Mars~ull opposllo. Jt ion compact se!lle- / Our down tho Peibo from TuDg­ top of the htll of t!Je walls, nn island : ment, well built, ~Jigibly located for work, ry. A sltle­ of tpa great lake ont of which lhe lalaud nf others, we had P. mo•t cordial weleome. wheeler between Yokohnmn and. Kobe de· Dong ding·s1m rfaoo, is first visible. lu The hrethrea and the ladi!'5 Lad a" ork to ~!bed eV<"ry c11rve known ln lJla!hem:i­ ev•ry dlreotloo town 8ud ville.go nnd ham­ show, au cl lhey were glad lo show it nnd tiC$, but It m!1de gootl ti~ A ho11s1> bo.n.t let dot tho landsce.pc. CanalA, spanned by j !<>answer noy questions n·luting to their on the P{l-ibo cvl~ci;illy W~JV-Orked by 1 finp t1ton~ bridge-, clotted with lnnumern- work. The anuunl n·pon of the Bo11rd Of m~ ~o hay& thelt',i_>lflC\'t 111JlQn# t~o ()f blc boats, lie like silver lncework OD the Miosion~, of thr \\'. B. ~! , 111111 lbc rPporls 1'nmn ·1\Ioul:B1d us. lions of people. They have "no hope ~ad Tht-FCC rt•porta n1 t• now bufi.1rt• : hr . h urch. She had been spondlng a few lnts out~idc of t!Je ventllnt!on, comfortable beds and bt>dding, ·Mctllodists In and arcuod Sbn11gb11i, Suo· ~all large vl:JngPs <·nnt.niniiag thous· u stove to use in case of net'd, room equal ands of pPOple. Vr.(.,Dt •paces are no~ to the cabin of n steamer, a well supplied ehoo, tbe 80 miles hetween, and the wanting within the city The foot-print larder, and a good cook; we found travel­ country nround, among so mnny millions? 1 of the Tai· ping rebels is found in pi lea of In this clrcle whoRc 1·entro Is Kuen !:!an. bb ing around the field oooupled by the l\L Iru !sh. The str~ets are nnnow and of E Church, South, very pleasant. whose rndlus Is 20 miles, tbl& circle which 1 course, crowded with people. Foreigners. Al Nayzlang we root. the l\Iisses Rankin la the home of fl<'Vtral uillllous, we have 1are not at 11 premium in the bank of a tree-· not ijElf rcsltlent foreign missionar)'. In 1 who besides g!viu!! us a cordial receptiou. I tion. '!'he missionary is still living and Soochow, 2t. miles off W<' hn1·e n few but 'working in Slrnni::hni \\}J \\ns by iVJoweJ us n work It would tlt·ligbt the 0 dragg~cl heurt of u.ny Cbri• to ~xamine. Nu ,1,vl.i.g.t nrf' thesu a~onl! P.o ninny?" It tli1• h·dr througll 1h1• f:tre<·t~ of tli1~t liter~ny church Is puor that he.s such work1•re, and the~e few are pnt intu t!Jo hnnds of the I city. 1t is no Hmnll up"t'H>nl illnr and to preach ti t ·t L .. ?' · , ,• _ . 1 11lg lli I 1tfl llf•l ul'Pll So !lJ'U:_v .Yl'UrS the work done In Nayzlaog in •'l<·n In the 'i'Jlltn, If llA V. iJI dl~lr lhUIO those WorkmeD , Rin<·e Llwy were dccinrl'll In l>f' <-O"Jl lt I· ; respect with which an foreig!.'l•'l'8 nre tr<'nt­ 'then~ .:'every on.c:• sholl bave not~nly .. ~ fPitFI ofhnru1~nity Tllc~vrtht•rLJ J,)r··~Uy.; cd by the people. The girls lu the board· 1 little, hut thq slrnll 11l;u hf' filled. tcrinus bnvc l\\v m't"S · 1 · . . ~ 10 naJ'J\~:-i tt•f-lt 111g 10 I Ing school !Uld the boye in the day •Cbools IM ore than t111,_, eu1.ugb s!Ja!I ren111l~1 '.o 8ooch<>w. The i'loutbern Pr1•,hytcrinns CJD<- are oerl.alnly, In app.1Ll'llncf', a great Im· prov« a b!Psslng t" th•:"~ hey.ind. ~s !Jav<' tht ee rf'sidenl "';";01 n~lc·s, of provement on Iha other Chinese., lhb 11_ gl1 t I go• on Kuf'n h•u, but It IS I w !Jorn h·is IJet•ii ·n A r I • 1 • • 1 1nl rit a 1or tto1nP. I 'lo one compound are •ltuat~rl Loul'e j' rnough to drive out bop<·lel!J!lless, "Dd tu ' months. Tl BnpHi.t; Jun,. natin I 0 11 &-Jr!le, 11, chnrc!l; th., ooardlpJl school, tl.i!lldlog lo the ell ll · Id I Pn.<,in,: three very !Hr~ uetUements on • Y· .'a ea t 1e bnlrarng· u-i· for sebool. and !he I n..uXl nor,'b ,_1mnil. ... u r the "r~1· l<. wo <·n tere d acllool-.nnild hnspltnl work. llwrr•. 18 PI eurl1· i;:•.nrwo&ge of the Mtive pzesc!Jn. Not 1 1 1 Soochmv, 11ulllu uf llw stieut clrnpclR . vcryJar away Is tho parronoge of the for. J \ho end of the eln•et uu ellhIt ~1 • l¥'·11t'· .·~~l the 1rnv!l la hard, but must 00 a. giv- C'dt Ohapel. N'i

The• Ohurcb of God Is an in"C>J!irtablc Ju1111 • In tho Cu in a bl IMion, !ilu•" mrr. Bca.le3 fiy!ng. Thl)y m110L bo J trouhl~ broken from tho \n vll. Ione of our minL•lrlb C!rr•['t clwpcl. A largo cougregntlon Ii~ ·" '"""' to th.8 Jtormer Capital vf sfmJ)l} Lec1Luxt-' 1 "'ll h1r bB j ned •llcntiv .. ly to cverything­ he ''' llw o men of Clod working in China, C11nton, Hong Kong and Jl'artWel/ to Lo trn\'I' !he RBSuranco uf tlw LorJ J•••us •hat wn., "Rl.J in '"'"'Y IDlPling oftlic C'ou­ 'or1 nh 11110 0f thC: ~fls•!nn. '!'he brrthro n <..'hina--Tlr.e Great lVnrk, Ji'm" '"' · C'Ju i•t rhat the t.;!lt<•a .,f brll shall not pre· 8matt, Obstaclea Mrrny \\'Crc uuxions In hnvc R Conli.•r1·n<'P 11ri.:"11n· , '•" ·~•tinsttJi, t'h11rcboJGotll Wcliu\'<' ' izrd. IH ... hop '\'!Ison nnt h•tYinc a • """"'of llJr g111t·s ,,f hrll 11t home, bu1 liy 11 OOll lt't··I l·l~ p11rpose 111 tt111{ rnattrr, 1:111rnu 't ; .. rrf'R l'nn,1 t•nr" c•t •rn i-: F.rr:..' '1r. How Nyin!l' tb;s need is slu• k11ow1- jt'('li1111 irorn uny tine. 'J'ht:~P hrcthr<.•n t\ft• · oftlH• Ynng-t-z rivPr It was formn)\· tlic not, Tlw door nerJH·nr. To 11e mcnnB so impo.inIP to llnBW< r point<·dly 1uid sincor~Jy not b<'in!.' buttrcsfi<•cl, and except at R few plonsnnt ~urroundings. ns1)n \Yh_y tht•y eould not "''Jr!< in I .. a. :Much of it looks as if it nr:Vl'r wn• We stood on a rld:te within thP wall• of' harmony. ~•> rens<'n npJ>t·nrt:d tn 1u1·, hut inhnhitc·d. It is WPll uncl b<>i1utlfully rhc eit.r of Tang-sob, rihout 30 miles norlb I \\·antctl to "01nkc at- ... urauc1• d1111hly .. 1..., I aituatctl. Purph• Mountain, as well name· I of tloochow. Here Is n muntry full <'f sure. ,. rom c•11·h one 1 recP1Ve·I the nn· ns the l.lluc H11« lo tho hii:h lmhl i" 1111,J around the f'ity. Some ~latl'ment puts lbr matter ton n1ilt.l,ly. Ii north nnd w< st, !:'oocbo17 to the eouth,. of the ilrf'lbrcn g1vr lhP population atour­ dol•f\ not It gives tilt' fi1('t.:.. Ron1Cl OIH: K1wn-snn to thll soutbii'aat. · 'I'oW'nl! aila; hnlf n mill inn at least. If tberr nrc so mnnr v.Jl.,g.0s nnd cittes oo 1rn111ero11s ti1ai It mny n•k, "\'r'ns t1 ... 1c no Iron bit• 111 the it belies its loo:.s. We wPrc hospitably Mis~ioo ~·· is irnpos~ible to cdil't'it Uiii!l.. · T.micHcle en1crtnincJ hy Dr. anrl Mr•. BcekP, of the There waH tr11111Jlc The report of the "hose md!ua l~ 23· ml1oo ~}1,\llad('ll the (iPnerul ('ouf•·rt•nt"'' J.!'llVl' lhnt flt.ct to the ~I E. Church, at whoa" house Rev. V. C. homes Of.:.taUl!tJnl!', t..ud •£;iJIOJ1l not n Ibrt, the supt•rinteodcnt of th<' mis.•iou world • , .Qh$.tlnp .'!W!.'.~~ Q!IU\b~ fountl, not u Y\."lult wus the chsriu·t1·r of tin• ttoulJJc and Hev. M. Jackson, al•o of the mlaaion, 1 ~ ~bU~'QWldlng.,ii:\,9.,\-:ll'P!.'W! wb~re God anrl what bno hccomu ul il ?" live. lleru as al Soocbow, !here arc• no 1 is''l'l'orsli!P,~~~i."4'l$~l(nown. It!• I\ "\'IJt was the rll'~d rot 011 tJu 1 ,,Jd n1c1hod of foreign rrs1donls except mlasionnries. Tbe sad sfgtii,)hll"~ii~~ homes. The Nm1e gov.,rnruenl, and wn" buri1·d with tbnt Northern PreahyterianR also have work r..t tbiog Wl!S Wfon~-di11g·81l.n, 11.11 l•luud In the plll('e ofhurial with R tornh si.1111., ond ,. tber Princeton mnn. My heart very the Griiilt L~ke. Tbfo territory Is at our whoever l'lrita:i ils epirnph n1uet \Vtlll 11 nnturally warma to "the boys of olcl NM· iloors.· IL cnn be rr11cbed roorlily from uo hi'-1 O'\'/n hnnd a .... thal \\·l1<•11 1t It> rc·n.d sau.'' The facl that Df'&rly all of them sti~iiow. It wrn ho reached by R Church . Ibo band by wbich nnd nn w1.1ch it i• writ· st-00~ 01'cr tbolt 11.00~ In blue wntiir ao ~)ob will ~Q!llth "th~ Obureb Trlum­ Iten ean he seen. The orgnnization of the tl\'l\f t~~llt~fr'ltn>~.. \Jlll" pbant," but., 1lll h~ b<>..en t.rulr arud, "the . Confrrcnca put the ?>fission on 11 basis ae I mine wore pure wb!W u0<•s not offor any church lndU!'Prent can never 'become the ceptable to itself. I har, and then their color la not "fast.''• church trlunipbant.11 It ls the church Tne ladl~s held thr1r mcctiiws in tbe Our stockings look nearly nl!ke. The. mllitnttt which will ho the church triuin· afternoons. B1•bop Wil•on wns presrnt l'hlle.nder Bmitli, belonging to plrnnt. nnd prcsi1let!. Several oft ht• q11c&tion• re­ the M. E. Church Is a lorp-e bullding of two Two weeks were spent in and 11rouod lating lo their work were lef1 uudc<'id<•d, stories, built cf lead colored brick. The _Soochow, and brtween Sha.ngbal and nwltJi( to th<· nbs1·ncc of the l\Iissc•s R11n- 1 hrctbren say Nankin is healtuy, bas very Soochow. At the end of the lime thus kiu. A clay or two 11f1~r lilibo Doro R•n· I little rnnlnrla, luat the poople are kind nnrl Fpent the llfiraion met. Hlslwp Wi:son ,lJn l.'<'Ul'h• cl ~lrn11gh1d she wns lllkl'n veiy ; •ppronchnble and lhnl there i• n vrrv nrganlu~!. 1'hP 1>J>1•lly grew wors.,, null frum that ' hopeful outlook. The work in Nnukin j, fir•t day of tbe Jllcaling. A wook was time left diJnnghni. t\'.\S in / ~ntll 'Ve~ 110 !mt two )'C'Ms old. TbC' M. E. Cuurrh n.h.rmmg condition. Her siclrnrs,, nr·r••· spent io Conference anu in Mi.,,lon buai· have four misaioanrics bcsidc.q the •uper• n ess. Time wa.s given for tile full oon· s1~s.t1nf! ht•r nbsenle nq \Yell R.S tlJ.Pah,.~cnce j ot Mlaq f,och!c H•rnkin, Jett the ladies tno 1 ipt1·1Hlcnt re•i•ling in Naukiu; tho North- eicleratinn of every ml\tter with whll'l1 tho i Sire ~ \tlloiry all i1.hc1~ the Coll~uncr.' j Thora !fl nothing wh!ob tleeds to lie con· nnd the B-1ptl•ts hnvc stnlloas In Obing Klang. Tn He<" Henri• 'WonnR, or tlu• . c!"llfod. Tl:.ll p:.ibli0h;;~ repb:rt of. the rictloa Aurtl. " :'., ,.byt~l'11rn <..:twri:h, I lll«t "" 1 of the lnBt GtmemJ Oonforence\ op6!i.lta of old fr: 1.1111 1 into tll" tv<>rl1I tu ?:r·lun ""d t• to:l nil h1s I l'omu lb«h r,nt.f n•t: kno'.Y j fol111'HAI 1110 »t Iha Unlvnnlly of\'h·gin!,., ! ! l~ivil11.tlt1on 1 dnyu undt·r th1• iu-.~\Y yok("' ,.J 'J.~·1ornt1<"c. I to 1\·hnt it le1I. <.1n11»n Furrar 11 T!Jt' plr11.mnt hoursR1wnt" th tlwtt• hr.,th· I I · · · I I · · 1 0 11., 1f"rf mny w 8{111u~ ruon1 101 •1u•· .. t1on 1n aut 10111.r tn bUt'h nlHftffr!-<. ~tti1l that with ren, thu t!l.lJ...~ of old timt"Jt, or ('•lmn1.1" / lltl" Ata.1e1n1·n? tlud tllf' C'n•11n1.iu iia\v Tl' ' lhr1~l' CXrt•p!!t!Un, 1111 Gr~1·k or l{oumn of friends, of th1• hn.o-1 A~ I .. 1rd('ok1· .. aitf. ··r11c! , .. 1111 f>1 .. tti1111vi'i1.nti1111. II aiiy ! la \vhn hnK hiul t\\'O ''nH1thc1"' 1-101 t lt1:'-' 1111111 ( '111nrn1i11 l~H\\' itl 1·111111111111 ~f·JI .. •· ·• \\1•nt .. '·•'"''I'\\ h111 , 1viJ•.1·1i=on, 11rui!li·•·li·d = ! tht>y dt·• th1· i:1Ntit11ti1Jn~ uf h "":JJ .!.{ '111111111111 I.:1W 11111•Jt,11" n •. ,., 1. ·~ ., 1 J.!'ht I 11\'' iit 1'1:11111 '·' '•111 1,. ... ·111i· ;, r h n !"!Utl\ / 'vhieh c·t·t laly nh fntl"J nlin11t I\ tn·i11 \o; hHI 11 t' < ii loi. •1 1n 1hi~ d11y t .. p11t (Ji .. "hi• I 11dn !lt1• f1\ f.1;1u a· 1 11u11 J( 1 rei! '''l\il. 1he 1nx11 111111 .. 1·1! \\1111ld not hi"',, !l.1·:.:- 11• 1 ~ ... !i!~· l. 11111.f \\ lh !lit• !-1h111 k), ~ "' Illa!~ . : 1fh·ll .. : l 1 .1•1u~l1 fo nli••\\ \\lint tt\!i 1. B\\'Cnr to. 1 1·r111·1 !.~1 th!' l•R'.lt ~11;,,,. intn tL1 1 l.i]tl's. , ''" ••ruplt>lot•'.I, \\ i: It m .. r:tl '"'" '11!1,,; Jn 11, / I \\'1· )1·11 -.liu.11ghi11 lh1 nt,r.:lit llJ J>ic • IU lf'I 1 u11nd, hut lCs· .. 1an1lnrif .. ,,J au!Jp 1,1, ·~·,dnf.t mnc·h .. 1 ; 1, h11\ 1t1t.t uugn.~nd our p1u··~hgr l•1 Sut·/ 11n pht•lt' of Chr1Rlin1111y. lf 1111· u1an bus J: th1· I,. & () Hlc n1n''""· flr ,\ 111•11 flro~. l'n•·ri:y hP mny r.lta•",. tho•'"""· L.rt If h<> whll'b uut <•U)\• tl11 IC li111J1f'R b·1t 1 1 I""" f,.t 11vi··lr "1,., 1, "·""'t rn.1 with this ~l ''"thna;lfi~'.,t 1!, bll:1lll~,,~~.ll· I nlRo thclt heart• hl\d h""" c:pcnnl to '·" · '' 11r1d I f1•rs u . ft 1"&<'"<' n11 "'' the rdoina~ecf. jt · Noble n1Pn n.utl won\<'D, th• y "'lnnnder ueto OO:iDY tlitUldVnntnget.., hnt W!!I. tl1e ft.R8Ut 1 ' I ""' tn ll'" d,~" •oi"t· Tioi· words I the Lom:l'Orall His b<>nclltar' China bas; anco thaL Oorsbip Lcfo1t'our (;•.. H.1 1 nnd \viii t1·'1 I I '\r1· i11 1nv n11nd wo ·~ ipe what I~ g:1uu.tcr than be r1Ul the Church tbut her rcpre-.ntuth·r·~ n re ' "In p1:11"'1' ofnl t XnRRnn, in\· 1•.• ,.... bt>. The ucse \\orablrthrfr anct"Stor~. true to thr tru•t l'Olllmitt"11·i tlu·rn. ' ll11rr•h h11rrotlt hurrah. · Such a p.>.Oplrmov••lowly. It isprogrrss, 1'hc J{ohilla took n~ to Ilnn,!? hon:.:, ' ~'4 lt•r ""' < -1 .. ,11 ·· "' when th"y mov.,nt all. Th•rr. arecviden· \\'J,.;p ! ht•\' i;;ilH~I Ii\ t~ 1ni!1 R in fJ:::; hour:-. lull !11th· f olfH' lfuviug ~ I h rt·1 t In''''" I· r • 1'• 1 .'\ >ll'l'-:tn ' <'CR that th"Y nrc moving, hut it h~s been we took the first Sl<•1mcr going lo< 'ant<•n, 1 nnu is likely to he ~lowly. Th1·se people 1.i11 n1·1.' .... 11.\ 1 "I•::- u:••!s a and were wclcom ... \ hr Dr. •wl :\Ir•. I ~.in1" lllti<'I . I RtruU~l' 11• h1 ar '1 \J1•tho.Ji .. t pr1·n1·hf'J' huvc lost tjlc idea of Gou, if thcy evrr hRd Ornves, of the Bupti"' Church with :i llnl- l'hC«•ru1g !'oil h1 ... 1ily a J>rpc:.hyll'rian l '1)). - it. Thef. bave no word in their lnngooge tin1ore 'Yt·l<'omc. lf(• nH·t rt·n11 orut:1t i \'1•Q ' l<·,;1" · Tu1· 1ln··tri11"' of )il'tlt1•11l,m :it'<':ill / whirh ~I:hold the id.. a.. Two men who of the Bapti•t, ~ ortl1crn Prc"h) tcriao,;; 1111• d1•111't·T f('l fllC lJC'CfllU:H' t!JP)' Jin.\ l.' l1l'1'll have th~putation of being the tlnl'St nncl J<:nglish Wr•leyan Churclit•'. snw Jnl'l•ti~hlt•d, w1·igh•-.I in tl1e lt•lttnl'"S uncl Rchol~ ~ODg tbc forPigners In the Em· as n1uch of Canton ns lb<' thnc 1i1. 1l1l\•.-,-.t, '. fnu11d tu h1• ''not ~·nnt1ug" l\!.k n11• not pirP, tol me in anS\\'Pr to a. ,~uestlon thnt and al tcndl'd n 1urr·t in(! of the ini<:.~ion ·\ ri(•-. · whc•rc 1ny \\'t1 nponr;; \\'1•11• f1>r;;1 il,li,11 und<•r l ;od wnri!PO oLjl'<'Livc rculity in tile high al which '\\'t~ '' t•rt• n1nilc to tlo n1orr t hnn ' w•t11t nag i1,, l tl!(llt., / ''"I mo~.~ nnd in tt·llrctual system of tile half the to.I king, 1nuC"h to 1)111 di~uppu1nt · ,,.c h:ft IIung I\011;: 11 "II)' bt·n11tif11I for I Chin~f" 'fhc ("hnrch is gathering oui tnf'tlt. C'n!ll<•n hnn l»Ut.·n hndiy tr1·1tt1·'1 hy 1 situation, J)t cc1nht-r 7, nnd tlJnq lJid 1~1rc· I frO!)l t\aifrti..~ thiR pc•op!" and instructing in""" l\ 1:0 hnvti wrlttc n <•f ii. Wr· found ... .. 11 duila to?sc•d 11hout no s!11l'-ll~bt·rsbip. ( 'hlldren are h<'ing 1 it the cleaoc>t Chinese City w1• hart Yi"i' ~\'l'll to~ '~iin:\ Tl~ :~ I ru the ( 1111111 ::;,'R 111 a Horm, p1rkin,: up t!lt1ght lJ1 Qpristlnn schools. LILerature iR dr,.11le.tI41c;.ttw trotb of God. In the J 1<1. Its ~hop~ nrc lnrg• r an11rr kn.~. nr.. usl"tl,. is Impatient s.nd builds great cx­ foreigners ~utf1·r und tht• l'n.ntonP!ie n1~ ('hin1\ ic: hc·ltt•t \\'ork1tl hy n1iRRion11ric~ 1 J•Pctn:1•JDS on smnll foanJatlons. sniOto 100 iniJ· • sew the oldest bospitHI in C1tin11-on·r 50 li11n8, linYc ~trn.1g ra1·1·1J rltnrncl1•1L.. 1i, .... , yrar• old. It 1s w"11 lllled und the work J~url\ll' '"'Hl" i.11 111.'\l ~11J.t~ !11111·. nt l1011i,,"1'JJ,. I kr1·pa tbc I>r. nod his l111ly a•-h1ant bu~y Il11'tor.~ of f"1\'!li,-n1111n, 1 tl1•tt r:H't' h·:!i no J all the time. !tie 11sdf.,uµponing ioiltilll· infln1•ncr. 11p(1n 1 1vi111.,llion 'l'!Ji'i i~ fli·l 1 \l11• 1111h- r9.,1, :\1"! •t,d1ut.• !\lllltll•t. i.t I.. t1nn 1 and doea a °"·ork the rt•su~t.,. nf \\'l•tc·h 1 "i1l 1Jc rc.a.d in ot .. ruit'" ·we W<'re ""Tl y lllRofr It mny !or tf\1c !hnt !111· c'IJ11Utl!011 to hnvo so •liort a ti~c to ~rend JU C':i.u ' of thp l'u;tt•d ~ratr ... 1lf An11·Ih•uo\el'turns I ton, Inf\ a little wns bett1·r than no ti•lll' el 1 tf11• h.) pul ht•<:(',>; ,>f llH• \\I ilC'fB Oll the Bllha nil I hrul hop•d \f) meet l\~n more l'r:""'' ~ Jt·c·t of tlJ(.l influenc<:' nf rn01• '11111 r-1!1nutL 1 ton men in Unnton, one of them u t'IMs r u1111u c·1,·ili1ntir.11 1 ln1t th:tt i4 hcC'n111-1:c I rnul<', Rev. A. A. Fultou, who wn, moiol><'tl I c;1·111'falim1lons bwrP hecn loo ha•ly. The nnd ilHvch flv.·ny rro111 thr to\Vll in which I .Jl'\\S nnd tile ("Lrnrsc 010110 would prove he hlld !i,c.1tcd. ~fril111·r of tbPsl' h1etl11n1 lh1rklc wron:;- in thi• mntter. wu.a in Cauton. Na> on" l'11n Jn1·llRllrt· l ll,.,. j 'Wrtliou• homogrnrouancas of laognnw· inf\uencr on I.he world of 11 l;lu ihtinu ( "(• l I lh1• Chlni·sc nrc yet onr proplr. 'fh1•y nrl' ' lt'ge. I $pCllk r111r\iculnrh· ot l'rinn·I Oil I' '\ <'oao.~rv.ttivc pr'oplo "'hh a'i o!cl c·i\'ill.r.n­ bcciiuw •h" Hi my Alu.a .llat.-r. uuL wlu• 1 . ttnn They lrnva had gri·nt t, .. ,, h•ra, moral Ila 11 uu of Priuc&ton i• turn of t•vcry other : t~ .• chl'l'A. huv11 UcWI •11:.,.,.t to but I Christl>lll College proportional.a to t!JP!r I flow onlak!e. inlluences.. 'fb.t:iy hn.vo worked ! ad\·nutagcu ln m!'lln• ancl u1lvantage. Give out to th,;~fr icaults all tlmt Lhc human tbrew no light into the future so illa- have been here too. The toe of my mining it. that in the de.rk set.ting shoe Wal' once instinct with life and shines a mansion o( glory, if it spoke e.1111rgy at the eight of e foot·h'lll, 11nQ'l.'lib11ities of our im- here it waa in the ..a.roe concl1t10n at mortal 1iaturea being transformed in- the thought of the critws. Th ... t Tai to likeness to tlrn Son of God, it wbuld deme seemed to me to be on the point be to us an 1ne.it1mable boon, worth of soaring away from Parth, u mPre :i;ore th11n anytLing."~"e in .the worl. prn1Re brought out 111 l1 ·bt , : ·: ... 1ti1:g 1 1 tl.~ 1 'aod thanksgi\'ing for Le1ng Lorn into sun, it seew~1l uK if the l'c1:.u111 rn- 1 i an ioherit.anre of Christian C'i viliza-1 q~ription found on the marblP ha"" of I I . I I I t1on,- . . •\he Pearo"h Throne 111 J1~JL1 Lel .. u.; I I Six rutle8 from are the ed ltere, ,rnJ tJ, ... t in h1• La//(J . --~ H~nares ~!oore, rurns of Lamath. Tb1swas the place Roo1h, ought to havP. put 1t h~re, "Jf ':\ROUND THE \VORLJJ. where Saluya .Mum--Buddha- there be an on earth it 1i; 1 preached his first sermon, and here this, it is thiR, it is this." You have Letter from Rev. Gollins Denny J B 'dh' ] d · Iwere arge uo 1st. t~mp es an no doubt met that conceit of some 10,.n-e,poudanceor T:;!BCOPAL M£TnoDror,] ?loister~, the mi ns of wbic~ are very one of our English authors in which 1

BOHBAY, INDIA, l j rnterestmg~nd verJ'.exteos1ve. There ~e speaks of certain ca1he1·rlnl 8 as be. January 1!3, 1887. J I many 1ostruct1vo lessons to be mg "a psalm in marhle." I oeve1 I1 / Th.e GM1ts of Bombay-PalaceJS, Tem- , lea:ned from ..One is the saw a o~thedral whose architecture ! plcs and Mos1ues in a Ruinous Cun- !~g1'.11nte result of the sacrifice of con- was music or poetry to me, probably j · dition-Th~ Va!ley of t/,e Ganges- v1ct10· s. The Buddhist leaders con- due to a dullness ou artistic matte1s. View from the Top of 11Jo.sque-Tlu sentl:'d lo a compromise with Brah- Two pieces of marble iu Rome di1l fos- J Sacred Bull Chewing /ti,q Cud-Re- manism, in which instead of holding cinateme, "The Pying Gladiator" i.n,J I nares wltolly gfren up t(I Idolatry- on to their protest against idolatry Michael Angelo's "Moses." I turned l Bathing in the Gangts-Sad and Bud

•• summer Is nigh" on account of onr trip I through the country. From the top of t.ROUND THE ·.WOftLD. ! this ho'\se with Its two mised portions-a - font high-which may result from arches , below, we bad a fine view. Tho sea was high. Jonah must hove found It some. what so shortly after he embarked. '!'be (OOrreaPQnd.enceot TnEEPISOOPAL)(ETHODIBT.] rocks lo the water were free from the sea, JmnuBALEM, Feb. 27, 1887. as the wlnda had blown tho water off, and We arrived In Jaffa from AlexRDdrla on left the beach exposed as for na the rocks. Friday. It was a bad, rough day, and at Sharon stretched away to the N ortb and first we were told we could not land. It • East as far as tbe eye could reach. Pbllls· seemed too bad, after having caught sight· • tia Jny to the South. J alfa, surrounded of the land through the clouds that hung by its orange groves, was around ua. I ao thickly over it and revealed but the thought, bowever,cbieflyof the lesson the portion near the shore; after having seen Lord taught Peter here, a lesson the world Jaffa rising from the water's edge to the 1 be.s bt>en exceedingly slow In Jenrnllig summit of the bill, and looking more like that "He is no respecter of persons." a fortress In position than n town; aftPr If the lesson bad closed with this I think having sighted the place from which Jo­ it lucluiles enough to prove Calvinism nah embarked to escape from the work wrong, at as far ns unconditional God gave him, not to be able to pnl foot: election is concerned; and how much, how in Jaffa. The Captain signalled for a boat· very much brighter, many lives would however, and soon a number pushed out have ~ecn but for that decree. Calvin him­ betweon the black rocks that showed their self suid It was God's decree, nnile dooretum"-n decree which Is breakers. logically inevitably c<>nMcteady f"r a trip up the '.'\ilL mil~s from the preRent city. Ao ele- and ihrough PaJe,,tine. phant Wits seat to fake ua to Amker. Don't suppose we were taken for men ' : of international reputation and of ·great importance. It is c11stomary to Peml au elephaut for every stranger who applies for a permit to visit Am­ ker. I was not enamored with ele­ plant ridrng. The chances of a fall at? not 'poor, and one has too far t 0 fill. We looked down on the camels Ne passed. The Bishop preferred to I ----·--- - walk hack to the rarriage-about two 1 ~ROUND THE \VOH.LD. miles. I stuck to the elephaut rn0re as a matter of sentime?.J! than R!! a Letter from Rev. Golline Denny. matter of pleasure. Amker is finely situated iu a narro\1 valley. A small 10orr<-spondoneeorTaEEP1t!<'oPALMF.Tnoo1sT,] lake lies just below the pa.laces. The BOMBAY, INDIA, l surroundingsbaveLadnodouht.much January :13, 188'i. J to do with the r~1·utation the palaces Tire Visit to Inrlta- Wliat was &en have for Leanly. In one thing Amker Peculiar Cham'. of the Buildings~t /excels any place l hav., l'\·er seeu: its Agra and Delln-Beautijzd Archi- colony of black-fared, long-tailed lvir111c·1· In 101 "l"·l here. It JR the finPst about, plenty of them, hut there ieso I colh·g1• b1,,l.lmg 1 cvc·r ·"aw, nnd cciuJ,J much preeervecl one can overlook the I be copl<'d at nny '•I our .\,_,fl Jl'an e·JJ-1 rnius. ()np beauty about I}~'.' build-/ leg<»< vrry '"~1r~1~ t_h'.•ir irnprovi·· ing• of the :Moguls is tho murblelmenl. OfwhilP 11n11J.-,,,..,J rnu1lilt', •ll scit·ei1 wuik GlR>• would give light Ift·w J•llvilion; and cn1·0L1s "" tlie 1-ky hut 11ot >1ir. Light, a:r, proteet1ou ·line, one tower \\Ith an ;'l"'11 •lum,•. ii from tho rainR-thia was th~ problem j' Htancls "urronude1l hy the hoill<'8 of 11v11IPutly. ltH solution WJ\H found in its h!uil,•11ts "a tl..iug of bea11ly" in a most J~licate Jee11-1n• ol ecrct·n work i lant!Fcape "hil'h IH'P•l" few lone hes ,u( 11• !1H11 l.]e •!llU aanJ·&lo1.e. '1'h1'•e I tho linnd of mun give I\ }'"~11!iar clJRrm lo all the: BomLay '" a \'1·ry im1•rP~·i1"C~ 1'ify. j bu1ltliugs iu Agra aod Delhi aud IYoung, l 01.u1ou~. co,mof"i!aan, foll their surroundings. At a little di~-'. of thrill and bu>inc~s. It seems to tanee it lookH like lace, Within is r.1- bP, thougl1 according to the census is ways found cool, refreshing sharle. not, the most popttlou" city WP hav.e 1 Delhi ought to be seen before Agra, •Pen srnce WP h·lt Aru.-ric.i. StreawR because the remains at Delhi are not Iof peoplti of all uat 1onalities flow so extensive and r.ot so well preserv-, down all its streets. The houses of ed as at Agra. There is a red ~And- the natives are lal'ge,.liner, more aub­ Blone fort with some of iU! once beau-! stantial than I have sPeu in India. I tif11: huildings, but these are smaller Ispent nearly 11 week in Bombay, and anJ haviug had more portable wealth the gny colors, the different styles of have suffered more than the build- dress, ihe turbans of every known ings at Agra. The remains of once color, size, and shapeP, to be seen at chaste, inlaid work can still be seen I any time of the th are worth a visit, especially the saw the battle·field of centuries, the Carli Caves which .. re the work of 1 site of palace, fort and tombs, the: Buddhists. ruins of many different "~chools of i I havf' no doubt the English rule architecture." The Kootub is Delhi's: in India is Uod's mercy to these peo­ Taj, but it does not inspire tho be-/ pie. They have never 1.!!own such • I holder as does the glory of Agra./ beneficent laws, and such mild rule. Delhi has many noble associations, A country once divided into ;..1any but to me none that equalled tho and varying states, in all of which scene in "the mutiny" of 1857. I the people were in slavery aud sunk walked for two hours in thP rain out ill deep darkness aurl aegradation, of the Cashmere gate, around the without even an example which if/ walls, to the position of batteries, fol lowed would elevate them, is now . over the battle-field, reading in the actually, though not nominally, ua-; guide-book of the event.fl which not der one rule, and that a oivilized, 1· many years ago occurred at these enlightened law anaod to the North, \Vith its tall tower, "Sword of the Spirit," as truly entitled to · jimzu, the Gimzo of II Chron. 28: 18, to the designation "Cour de Liou" ns Rich-­ 1.he East; Latrnn. the reputed home of the ard, aye more truly entitled to it, for Rich­ pc-uit<"ut thief, to the Houthcast; Gezer, ar!l's heart WBS tbc heart of a lion more in now called Tell Jezer, city of Judges a natural than in a spiritual sense, but

10 : 29 and I Kings 9: 16 on s bill to the these women and their fellow workers in 8ontb: Gatb, now called Telles·Setleb, tbis and in other Heathen Janus have farther otr to tho South; and Ashdod, now hearts in which the "Lion of the tribe of Esdud, the Azotus of Acta 8 : 4-0 to the ! Judah" has Hie t.hrone. These crusaders Southwest. Of course the plain of Sharon j will surcoed, and if Lboy do not crown a tllJ>!'eads off North west and East. Shortly · Godfrey In the earthlyJerusalcm they will leaving Ramleh tbe plain began to shout to Him who autfere.· I' j up in this pond when the water had !em to meet the lmpreee!on mnd<' by a · ~vaporated cluring a dry season. reading ol Luka 24. Further on we were , But you want something more than In eight of m-li.11bekel, wb1ch llaedeker ! Jntfa. We left Jntra at 6 o'clock Saturdav thinks ls the Emmaus of the Bible. l llnd wurniug rn a stage, or what we cailed du~­ l hnve need of every scrap and thread of ing the war, au ambulance. Just outsirle Information I hnve gleaned from all the of JnJfa we were shown the traditionni site I books 1 read on the topography, and wherd Dorcas was raised from toe dend. In fact on any branch of st.udy counected A Mohammedan tomlJ uccupil'S lhc spot / 7filh this great !God. Baedeker gives no ' now. Arter passing the urnl'gc gruvr' 1 reference to the l:lioahlc reading which with their cnctuB hf'dg<'B, we came .iul <•n helps the claim of Amwlll!, nor doaa be the plaiu of Sl.iaron. The day was C'loudy, Tder to... pat~ "«ll~I! tl!.-e. Mti'­ except for a few moments nt 11 timr I r.~ >1< ~10il at. AmW"i!a. ,. .r. lB~., i.--v.....~UQt, tllo • pl&<'ll bu bu ..,.• .,., ut ~l batrle• _,, __...__.,...._,,_,,~----·------llt\<1 of'""·' hot't'lhlo lfti\Nn '-'IUOJtU •ud GlaU.blt1r COJ mi:tny dRYB, o.t tbo t-D•l ot wbJob tJwe be car­ rletJ away ruo~t of the MnO"tll emJ>eror'a h11- me111e al\cumulaliona or l(old, sUvur and preotoua Jewels. awo1111~r whtoh wu Rbah .1 .. r1nn'ii ot.•lebrntetl l)('lac-oek 'hro110, that Js too id to bavc C'Oflt O\ tir !.wttul l -nve million dol­ lan1. 'fhe u.1n.Jl'nt ,,r WOAtth oarrh-d ott by tht·-·1· Pur"IBn ln\adt.1ra Dl\ httVt.! buen cnor.. A NAVAL OFFIC.r:n lN lNJllA. JUvUfl, Ah llu· )10.llll t.;-111J..-rot.:i hi:oarne po..i- I 1!.CB.lfttJ or lln1111·1i~u '"••.dtt1. \\'h~nHtuah Je The lmpet'lal Clry of th• Or8at '10&::1111•- j har1 tllu ~ta.,-111n ..·b: '· ,_.:, ~r1·nt 111 '!tlculnhio Cow \\'or•hlJ». Da.uctou <1trl11, 111111111r1 \H·u11urv11111 lh•1lH J..anort~ dlhl A1r1re, 1 (Spoolal CorrMpontleut•H of fhlltln1nro Run.1 Jud he h•r• In hlt1 11<:tuso1ry u 8U1u 111 JCA•ll' llH•1>t \ '" lhu nn111lll1L vf 11T111 00(' l11in.Jred IJ11.ut. lNDJA. J)oo.12. lfitSO.-LeRvtr1R" Alli· • 1111.111111 •• 11llura, 111 1\ll•l1tl•1h ro •·.•11111losa rl~ar tbe nl~ht or t!:c 91h. n oleasnnt rl•'o ot 1 Jnw1li' R\•t-1y '''~""r 111 !)i•thl 1· ..J.:'rl'l4 th(\ 310 mlloa thrt•UKh ono or the rh·h··~t a.nil ti' sr ' cnrrylnK nwav ,,f llu· "''"'''" k throtu· 1 Tw1ot1 a1.1 • ,.,-urJ., lJr·lh1 JHt11~~.1 11Jr11uu:h lrrl,,.atf'd d1i:;1r1ot.s ot lndtn Oruuuht 1111 to oru• 1·11 ·•f i.,.,,. t 11 1 14111nJP, l•ul !'Ill"' th11 llnlh1 the nPXt o! nt'l1\rnoou. hf11t·h t1-1 la:111 ... 1,•J .. 1dq.( fl11 J, ·lhth .. , 11111) 111· "tu1-r 1 ounrr.Y patt'!.(l(t thr1111Jrh hNq bo,-.n r-en•,"' '· ,. , J1•,Ju1 I c..-. .,tf, •..n,l IA. U'.h•l't f"U• I rt.. ralTIOllR b)' tl•Rt OfttlOnUI Ml1Clf'IT'I' UJ,.o1~ J•1rt 111 .f I111u, • "'!! 1 • r~ lht> Jlindt,ofr·-tho 0 Mnho.hharnt"--n Wf)1 It 111 fh· •. ,r "1 l\ ~:!• .• r tht• n\ uJ ru (llfy ~nnskr1t, whll•h dC'A•'I :lll18 th1• wiira of J .n1trnt., I' Qif'/\I• •I I •l'r ',Jt•'!. ,, I' •I •'Ullll\l!J~BJJ• IJ· 1,•fl ,f J •'• ••• 11•u1 IJ,H,11 '""hair of the rlll"r Of th'n Arynr.11, ln ]8 J4r'A'O Vl•I <11.,.0 nhtQll 11rt• Jf:11•I • ~ 11 •·• 1 T'1•. ·''"\ 11·• r1111oro In contalnln~ ~o.uoo llnrs. It dcs<·rlhr>q f'" •• ·• JnJ.alt•IJ!!.U.ot'>• 11 ...... u• I\ 1 •• l{Q/IJlllUlllf'Ot'-' which ''<'C"Uttt.·t.l lt1 thA Ultb °"ntury t•nft•1u 1LU1I t•1l11!f w1 .... 1 11 .. 1" ... ,,. ""-"'\·"' w.-..i '''1.• hart l~hrl"'t. aocll11 wo tttWVUb ftllllhJUC .u Tld '-ttJh.-iu•uu•!Jn.11 'flf'(Jrld. passc11•• tJt "" u1. l•-1 fruut t.i,·I 1•m11,. }'r-0 f,,•>Jtl \\ " ... 'I I . 1... Ii p~J h J .. c \'V•'I•sq dhi:r1•~1r.t or tho rC'ltJri1111" 1u •Ul'IP11 a1). }l'c\I'~, I' Qlft.<1•111 •II" Iii 1111ud1•":t,• \ 9t hf"r nntt\~e solil11•1·v IPtl to th<- or,... h. c M "' • ..-1. \bl cl lll"-1\r 1)11 ~·11r1 .. 111 •••"-' ~.,1·••1• "'' of that muttnJ ''hloh tho F.thlllsh Po• p••· w11! J'•'"·••·J,-.loll'flll• '~"'''I"'' '•~•II• 1n11l. ,, I ho n11• '• '• 11 "11·1~i, 1 . n·. .,.,J' tbvf, Urabmloa a btph <"ildtc, l>t>l1<"\'l~d \\'1•rt- ot l1<'11J ~111it111I Ll 11111'·: 1( tho titi\ 1 , ,, • .,, 11r1•:uied wllb c-ov.'a fat. "l'o u d1 r·•J the 1 H• l•11llll •t1 f1 ur 1,r 11·uul1h2 bf•' w1-n11 JhuiJ"\'" rt'.'rLISA.1 ot thPRo aoltli<-1.5 you 1"111 f."Jrcuse m)' I braucbinjl' off for n. motnPnt. 1u1•l M1ohnru111 ..Ja1111, Our 11111 h· h~cl le "ii\• COW WOR!-FIIPltHR. llFI A.l 1h1· f1)(1t or lht• 91•·pa. h<" hnln" u.11111 I '1•11 \\., w1•r11 l·1•11111111'J to 1·ut1·1· 1>1niu1t All castes or Brabintn11.:ul Hlndoos wor~hlT> I IJ1 •'AlhU' t\'•• Wl rr• • • • Whlll thff 7\l11hnru1111 .. lnni> tho cow. and thlf' worship 1.. exvrcsst·d sv r-on:il•l<>r U1• 111• ,.,., , •• 1•1•1r I'll~,. ...., upt·nly autl In ao' di1rPf'E'nt \Vuya thut a \~situr n1.l1C"es It abovl:' nil other common tlu• 1·1(hnn1 n.1:u11·• '' ... • '''*'d 1,1tt1tttnr1o•<" 'i 1 ·lr1111l{lo PH\1' I w-1h llru· lnru·· rlf\Jll\1,r 1 1 ~trt>el ,,lghts In I n11lo.. 1'hr COW IR &U)JfHJ.~t'"11 1 l':tli1o,11l· .,, , u11 tt1 "'''111• Ritt·, nnd ''lH'h hxv to be dc~centlcd !rt1m tho fl Un. and so 1s ouro ,,r f IUK lnuurl 111 l·ih· ... 11 • 111. : .. 1• •1~., \tl• l\C1111n und holy. auu cv~rrthtog 1'1hich co1nos from rt.II ~tobu111111• 11. l )·I.',!. Ill I 1l1itl. )JJflliU it I~ couo:;hJt"rod as<'red and purif}Jug. A <'C..J­ wet",..,. car11 II .,. ': .. 1tt · '·'cu pJt1d l.J\' n 11~ P· ta1u cast,. of womc·u ha.Te no other duty thaa 1 n•11I·· Wuntl1H• 1 1.1 "" tlH•) ul1 klH'l•I nn1l to JrO around an I pick up all C'O\Y dropplD!li::. 1 T Sc• Ill ('C"ffnlll lJ r1 .. ~ I lh•• d1•1 J ,., tlu• r1•J.':' lt Is pr1·Uably the most common sl~ht in 1..11ar117 r• • 1 pri•1..·1'!11on 1'( !h(•tr 11. •\f'lll• 01~ Jn1l'a. Th1,ao Uroppinscs &rt· used !or \'er1ous "tvuUIJ Jo ('r'f'•lll 111 l11r 11•1<> .. t 'rl;1. J ,·•·cpi n~ ii '' .111,. &..l'l l•, \'Jllbui t>o1U of tUt" lvVt. u! .JVUt9. purpo!ile8. 'rbe bOUtit'R Of e.Jl pious n1ndoO-" tu•l.l• 01 In !lot• W•·I ti '• rh .. · n,r,. ·•I 1111:. 1lU,lh'Ud, nave lbl• doors anti ourelde walJs pJu~tC"rC>tl G'• JriuurJP •" tl lnr1r.• U•M· ,,, .;, b .. r\·o,r, Ju 1:r r\ r.~ ;u l t.l~ OF Rt: INS.. wub tb .. n1: 1he poor ll~tt them f1)r homv tuo1 1 Wll. n I ,.,,,, lilltH.iJ ... \ •l'C n1t11U l'lf'ttO.SP (111r 111~t tlb•tor rioxt 1nornln1lWO.S B an.1 ,,,. l ... 1.lul( ll1( ir dtiMtl, n.11•1 111"' a~he!', t· thu 1h ... 1 ba • , • • 1 n1\ ~uue (Jt the I•. 111 ,., brtrl ..,-1, wbo lulJ. u ~lllitll tlr1 'I no ah11u. but visit.a bis a C."01¥ In ortlur l11 <""'"'h tl.1· tn1tif)"h1.c •tu.le ll'J tturn1ountt-•I b.\ 1w111:t11i.cl1· '''"' o••l.1•H.tC•·lvr·k ar their hontos. He 111 a"c'>od cotnps.ny, itnrl Is Jt \.'OlD1'8 from hur to bn1 ho hlot lta.uda Rlhl lr1v llhlt{.I m1,rUl11 l1trr•·t1 'I hrn·.. ~b tnJafa<'lng \Vt·ll t"1•<~1•iv• J t1r everl'body. for a Htudoo 1u•111 l11 .. n1•111, '" n1J,Ja1 "'' 111, 111 futrri • •'II· 111111 llUlkP"- him the ohJr~f f1Q~f'nl1)1l~(1r Ot forfjbeo.U \flth. ShP I·' th .. &(,UTl' 1 ·f aJI that t.b<· 1r an art·11 • 1111· f\t 1111u11u1L11htn J.:.nuL•Uuar pai.-. h1 .. •'>'rr,:11ut1lly, aud RI.SO makes lt ttle fs 11\voot an..i vuro 1.c> hint 11., w111 not a 1 Jo"' r rrOPl\J' t"""' 'l'ht-t r1·111a1u1:ur lJurt or tbu race on 11 10.r fur hhn 1n aid lo arran.idns al m.tlt-­ bur to be madQ R beu-tt or bur0 Jon, and If ht H marry tag or a Btl'Pwothcr tWt""U uu.. <.:ornJ,Jo.rlmt>u~ 1.ho front l11 tat~t'tl fr-w 1ni11utca brouirht us tn stgut of tho emnll and the klllhllc or a oow. with wbifo u1e.rlilc lnl•dll with ln· 1'11Jnr of li'croz Bbnh~ ouo or ~~von hlstorlcaJ All thla wus known to tho EOQ'JISb whC'n 1i1•ripllon1 tu blark nu1rl!Jc.,'" &1\'ID,1' n pillars 1•rectl•d la Cront or Dhuddl•t temple• those bhrh·oaote Rlntloo!'t reoc•lvt:-d their !'1.·11- htf!.IOrJ Of OOT11Hruct1on OC th'll dur1u;: tho rhtrd cent.ury U. c. C'n.1 '-'IDJ.!9 on m~QIJf> o.n1l 1'5 aurru1nulln,;r. 'fba H, 1r this pillar the of teace of lmprl&0nrutont tor tc10 yoors. t:i,n ot uromluent ortnclploe tho Rn7 one wouder why tho nntiYe trooJJS rnutl· qt thu lclt,·rlof \8 PB\'Cd wlt.h slab'! of WhltH llhuddlst rollJZ'fvn are said to be tho oldest ml\rltlo oc l'•JURI Alz.1• 1.brouR"hout, a.nd all con~ RIPhqOOtlc1t.I chdrnoters on any muuu1ncat tn nted the next day n11atust these doOl('rs or tu.i11111l' tho knr._ l111a pntt'lra Jnlahl In oarrow Cloos AtrRDQ"e 1 ntlla TJrlvtnfl on wo aoon pa.s11cd c!ltMIO to tnotr rell«lon. and lt BOem at all &tripes ot l>lack ruorblC', whlcb n1u1r .. a a vory ruh1R th(' la.)88 or n111rhh'. liUJ n1°1un1••J n.•1th lc.1na hoa\·y rlC'hly­ R•ldoJ a1011•·H. 'l'lu• \ 0 1•11t1ul doroe Js 1hc tho mo_..r hu1h•ful WQM.llh'" 111 lnrtlC'tllil In \'Ory uarruw strip~. 'l'hr1•e lldl· druput., tbo alto at tbo moat unolbnt city of TblS ~ltr of l>ttn oorDel" t()W­ wlllob l wlll d~ecrtbe hereat'8r, wu sttii&ied 'l'lle butldlPi la red llfUl~ OIU.'• • ., \en. mllOI from the mo<1-.n city, abd white marbtu. eupPOrtod 011 """"' oolamM ot ai1!1 of l"Of1 l&Ddtlone. In rlle lower part ot une DlOUllted ~ • perteot.17 propo""°"9d: t.radllwn n.o it t.bal It- ll<111t In &bo lint of tlleeo oav1Uons on attcntlQot 01>11ued r... nf Yttlle ltlo.ttQ, The lntc:e11 ma &r<>JJl\4, Wttb but rn· "'>:C!topll n• ah ..... 011t 'Ct Jln(lo .,_ 'oloeU. '1111$ t.<>rnlt tllo !x P1..-arl '4:.-.qut<. t~Olt bfu~JhJ.1 a I ! '1•r ~·l"nral ra!tr:..t tart~ ou. w.ip Ttsfte-d s.1nll!l l•Ut hf.a11·1f;~u1 t1tt1.c,bc.J Ule t>"'3W8 wc.1l6 aili.:'b!u .h1v•~Anou1,, ,.,u1rouc11~ b' j art":-t-ttrnt n.".:a!Jrn, ro. ~ t.1lfU' ~ tomt. l'tt a nnt .....-....'l'tatUne '11' T1'J:tjt ••"' uis. J -au fl ~ tb u1.ter. lib1 too1h Wtt,.:i.•h•r-lu11t:r• 1 1., , ha1···~' tr~t\.tt ••f lllalis ut lH•au11tull> ·11U11•I 4 lnHflOf( u,n-.-1 hlt)Wa\~ lf.1 Pl In alt. l:fHb.1 lt,J 11, 11 l.11, "'t_.,, h .O;Ja,d 11 fQOo',.llll•" UlAI I I•; lthlh .\u:i" 1tnd ihn 7u.i M;t;;J:-••A. Dream lu I •l ( l.u. pl(l1 I., 1111 WflJCl.J Uo tht; (ti! i•J\' I· µ 1USt.11 l>- t ti I• '1-'• t1ln' J•..,t"rlrM M.onum11nt11, l\t'l\I I I II, '.I IU•• I .,'I.ti'" hlt:\.1. • 1 ,11 lu P1•1 .. 11 "J...:\ u .. rloh u..1i. f'l ou\ 11 "'·~ l'\·:•11 1'01rv&y• .. 11•nrn of llaJUmoru 81111.l ,}' Jorull'1..' .•1•1:> &Ullr1.0 J:) lhd 111:111 .;u\1~r111t:: I -1 'tflh "!hi"( ltf tlJt.. iitll1 t11J ;F I l' >ti. ' 11 \u1·~'· l;\UIA.. J>t•C. 1.1 .. f)er~ we ar()al tbu 'luJ p••C.! 1u 11p1dr. hll tLo hu111h!t-o, .r .. ''•'"' "' u•' '"' 1, 1o.1 1. 111 ·~· •I·-•· ,, 1 ttve or , 11r Jt1.1Ji.:ltu., •.r '·, l'u:Juttr••r Hh1111 J, 1tabal, the peerloP9 totnh •11"' .. 1 r ·II"' ,1,,,,_1 ti·~ tu.ieh 11 .... • 1 11 np 1 ,.,., ulfu-r wLUI L rur. or NktilArn-t h11h.-tu1, ,.1 .. ctit.1d br tbtt Emperor ~bab Johan to ~ho\Y '111 • Q \'IJ I·••'\ lll1t ·1 'tfll l'llfl~ 1·1,.," I. '1'1'1 n1•1•11 hnd1~ lr-11Al,•I 1 1;,0Qve thP cp; l'l"n.1ro or bur eex. Little did ho I\ I•• II• .,\ ~ I,.>/ •" .. • 'f-i fOJ HI' I l1• kl,! 1 ri. 11:;1:1 wurt "' 6ti\11·L1 tJtt1 ... JtU1l \'t u.11·1 th• that yl'att1 after bJa tbl9 I ht- .. '>\ \ ... ,, 11' ••• ' •'· • ·I r.Jrf'C('~ 2&0 death tlf.1.1111111 tc·n• •JP·lj J frou,, f4lruu h.-. u 1'! l Y 1 ,, 1•1, \ ;:. , f )' 11 \\, J" ,, ., I J11uweot to a nu re, awMst womao w >uld .s1111i\•111h11!<> UJt• \Jn r•'I'•' l>Ut u. •ta. ..r• 111•1'tt.ll) 01 1h1 , J,.,11, • u1t-u•1 11r &.••u.UtOi'\.•111.•J, ~.,,,'•I'•\ lJ'"-'' .. ·· •. ~ ' 11 ,.,,., ~.11111 '\ ' '' ., ••. , atlll remain 1hf' m">&t lwautiful pluceot aroh1 .. t>·u·c~ ._.r ui lb• hca-...1.-1114. •'t1.l1 th•\ t·•• • l• ·Ht•I 1 u. 'b.1-41.11, r u1111u.. 1 _ ... 1u lu t.l\ltll"{l, tecture Ju the world. ~t.1t t.f'~U t (,·,11u lhr l<~l 1( lht de' hulf•illhrrt I~ ir'b:t-J 11: •H I ,1h1wit1• lfitPUJcl 11 ""U" Urnt l"IRftT V1RW 011' .A.OH.l· •11n., } '"''"•'-•J iallti U kD11t l•H\ ,r. c•a.,·h c.111J. H1f1 "'' \•QW 11utJJ1·u..;,• hnJ1 tl>f"\•un h h1l!J oC The ftr&t Vi<'W or Agra as 006 drives trom 1 ltt•1· l& 1'111µ-JLuut lo tho tnldrtlo YVal tn~du ov<'r ~lul.hJohnu. 14omu111111•.trt•rc-;1,.ct tc.•nf( tho eta.tlon proseou1 &o 1trtklnrt and f[l)J>OSinfr 1 lht ht\nd1~1 knoG or a •l&e tumolunt h' J,&:0 ov1•r lltl.. ld.\1tnf.E l'A.l\AJ'IR&. an nppearanoe es to Jmmediately e:rcho one a tbu vh11lrn'tt hUAd. \V'bdart•Uh•I tbo ot1c.'k .'\. br,1uuru1 Jr.l\'111110 of 1wr.110 u111r1>1 •., n1r> livf'ht'St lntort"6t. A more etrik.IDR' 1pectacla U."' tqro anuta •llablod tbe 1'buJl lo •1rn\,. It JlOr~•U IJy 1h1rty~ll 'l~tUUllVfl 1•of1J1allfJ o11l1t1 I had oot yet seen in lndla. My trip was t1allt vntrutb to &lntrurlo tbe vloum. ·rho KR.Jiu· 11utt,111Jnl. 1'11 11e>1 up orJ a r,Hsttd ~·r"'''" happily taken 111 a dlrPctioo_ the opposite 10 i!J'1Jh OI thll ttortn.Y ioni-vl-dual Is hf'llc.1 In ''-'"'<.J w11h !lu1iCrt .,r 1.-11110 rua\rhlt• 1'111" thu.t u~ua!JY puraued bJ" J od1na tourists. tor t:"l't·Q.t \'t>uoraUon._ crowds iati~ndlnQ' thll au~ (l-:\VJl1011IS1..ornwn('tl \•.) ("111 R111ul1 Ol!I a"rllet:'­ nit hough all the places I bave visited tbus far nvnl ht.\!d le bta.bonot. A stand. with a rul R"llrlu•I .Jon1t""· °fl•u ·~n11r• 11111 ,1 .. "uh th•· .,,ere 1orertstlnJl,the- lntorest bas increased as l-\.{'r:;u1 ow 1t. lt-tUDISar the hflacl of the BAr ('.l.COPtlOll vt •h• ,., iloll!ii. l!\ Ji• hi}' H.n•I bf•ttut1 J havo proceeded. A i-nnltsar bet DR more so \'\Jl.itll&M''1.. 'l"h11 Uloo-t. OlSroput.ablc D&lll'hnnu 1" ~ ll11nS( ot 1,, 11..-:01r. A.JITa potilleUefl more o:r tntbrest than ell the !htlwc..~U <.•&oh J11e of th~ s11 ltu1i1 .. uf..tQlQ8 t~ t-"rou' b.•''" , .Jlf~ ••1 !l'J. 011l•U<.11 ,.,."l;''°"r a srood otbe-r olacea combJned. AB ooo stands on the u bi~a\·y ..i11•u 1..in1111fJ,.ll~ f'(i;1J. lh! 1UJ1U "1:UOJutry 1.HUUll ~\.. '"' ~·l .... ,II ha)u&tradt• •"'""'' I\•• plattorm here and faces the ch.y be I~ oon­ 1 v.t-.¥'•""" -~ ... ~ ~ •, /,.,.,,.,..J., lln ,,j 1 u1t1<.t ·• 111s 111 rml sa1uJaL.vno. :iuw" 111 wi. ·~ frc.ntE:>d on one aldr by a vJew or Agra a 1m- 1.,,., ... ..a hlilfl.,411) "I'""' \-,...,~I .. 'h,' lit rl:. 1 rh h ""'''I :> lll•J ill A, lUitllll"C ,·f lh.)fll /tu 1ut·ni1A Jumrua of \Hl\'1·1 nli#'ttttf WC•! ii. \\'lt11111 1)11 lh" .1 .. " II Moho1uru11dan a1osQuo-the ll· 1t., .. a:ia1~ li-<· .. ~1..w-1 ·'"' """l..;t1u MusJld. 1'l:.,s 1111e bulJdiou was er('cted , 111 1, , ,. ...1Wt tuilt.1 ••&I':-. d.Jl.U~. -.ivt1'-'ti '"" ut 1110 ~t"'""I vlhpHU llllWI IUhu•Vtt 1 111 \llt:i c;1•11•1t11,1·111• M,1hfAl•411, n11,llro1t •1uw11 a11d hy tbP J·:1uperor Shu~ j t"'han in honor of hJs Uln\ 1 i., 11.:, l•rt1uf(lJ\ lit> 11, 811-"llL ut 1111° JU\'lrll( dauJ{hter, Jeb.anara. Bea-uru, who rt•· lP 11 •• ,.. n11.1 111oat L1ta1uliC1.11 1-11t11r tu 1llu •lltclUWHhl nt fl)r •Hl1Jll1 hll1#( llkn atHOll,IKKI It. :llh>tlJ J"lll f)r ll)n cltllllllj/ 1-1 IUI" ~1>1i•Jl1'> ,,. IU/\IOt'd so dovrJtec:tly with bim aCter he had '11-1 11 '· lbu i1l•1Jo(Ctl lt •h~ f na<' lllJ ~ht1(1 1 )' '11 ,.1111°" h.o\\ ." bcf'lill dt'.\PI) 1·-.l•·h.L.'1:1 t I U1r 1 .. 11\•1 ~I U'11ot'l-t ll•llt r ~.t 1 1 ···l ,, i.. ~ruup .,( auu1u11t 1 u1101 '"'hl 1h scunPwflnt Filn1lh1r to tht' n1a&;rnlflcen Ju1n1nn • ; 1 .11,.•[t,1u Ou•. l111All1L11 tra 'l'111ri Id 11 µll· t111tl la Vtr1t\t>-U UI ru1._,IAD D< llttL HI lrltctfl ti' 1 11t1lrl lHUHJlfl at J)rlhl, hilt it 11\CkR the C'iOR'IUJCff r 1,1 1•at•tl!11t dt.ltotl 1.uuc .. 111y 111n\t•111•'1'Jl'd, RUU muslvtJ wraco of tbn latter. It I& dlvhh-«1 I 4'-" rhttl f"•11I, l .1 1d.tJ.Jt Lt•J of 1·: f\•t-1 dt tho lt 11,,.,~ tn et. l)ltra~1t.1· ufJUn •a.rth, nfu hut thrt1t! c:oml)tlrl nrenta.. t"M!b of which 1 'I lUUi, l-1 1 ';"lfll<' 1 I h '•' Jl'I>' I~ llf lbW, f,, 11' • ~t 'tol"'l-'t t.hti '''l• •\ ~· 1 i!I surm{ll1u1~ L.1 ..1 ... '\Xiv et.r!kJuK fcarure or •1' ~ ,: '"· r. '"I llH. rL1btr 11 ""'I '\.•.l•Y-· ... , -"rf'lu. t'~ ~·r~:- t-Ut.a-c J.r uu~ 1 r at• hu.\ 10.r ti. It WRfl Ill tuJll ltA'V&llln• lt1111 1l1h ·•ttl8btat1.. t r-anR\.'ll 10 a tlanr IOj( tUrn-ct.1o.n, '"''d f""'Odu:tltu:r ... 1 q: red MtltUHUnC". ·rho U1•Por onrt or rl:AC<•Cl!l. 'rlJHvh• 4 o OO'-' hui i.wcul1arl7 vtottl~uu oaoct. Jt ,'!'1..h g1 ..-rv is 11urro1.1Dtlrd by!\ ru·otl~ ·• "''''(..J ait~rw11rch1 t-arrlc(t ol:f hi tbo Pnr»;, "'W! Id aa1d 10 ho IAl1f'U ttn•>UKb tu uaallY aooonuuo-­ n1u.Tblt1 l.laloou1. Tbc- tlutlna" or 'hti ·owefil 11lllc~ecJ. 'rhf) 1hruno prvper, "hh.:b ~1•11c.UtiloU datfJ 4,0fJO "·orahlpoera· 8tor,> nre alternately cJrouJnr nnrl 11n!lu •a.t". or pr a thick slab, al.a: tcot by ft>ur. eupp(.lrtod on .&.Jf.HAR'e, PA.LACH ARD 1'01"', the seoond Ettory all 01rcu:ar. f\nd or 1he tOtrd ~Ix mRSSIYe lt11&. WU ot lkllld .llOld lULAld Wltu {Jo \ho Qtbf'c .. tdo vr ua.. and a\Qis.6 ru U!e eta ... ewry all angular, tho remaining storlen bt•iuA" 01norald8, rub1oes and dla.mullds. Ovt"r 1 t WM tlou. is the btin bntth:rrneiotttif prewar of pleiu-raocd. Tbo h•Wur story is enc1rclt•d hy n. caoop7 or l'Qld, whb l\ heavy t11oao or Akbar's tJnta tort an1l palace, aa lmPO&lnu­ bi..t belts or loscrlptlona In de<>p-~ut ornu­ J>')arlB. aupported by t\felYe plll&rn ot 1rold all Qtruotu~ 10 red Baodsfoue witn very bigh ruuntal Arable script, gfvlng r:x1ntcl8 frn1n rl11hly 1nJAid: wtftb costly 'ft•ms. Bebtud tba wauo. 1urmountod at frequent toteTvaJn by tho Koran •nd nil or tbo beauutul M U•llm throne were two oeaeocks ut 6r()ld wt th tb<'lr lUllU.11. odd-Jooktmr or&OftllRLIOD~ &Dd &aid (IJIJJ a1trluu!<'ll ot the Almlirhry. 'rha e<>ooud taJls spread out, 80 lasald with u1noralds. to ..,"Ov~r a 01roult or a mtte ant.1 a-halt. 1 t nud third aturle& are aJeo beltf'il "JI b c.leep~ sapphires, DGar'8 and other precious stonol'I or WM ous of the mC>ilt lmvoslnll looking .torti­ ru-t lo:-.criotton11, ai.d no oae can iruu.lline tb" aporopr1ate colon an to nearly r1•proaoot Uto. tlcattous that 1 have e•er seeo, but I am tuJd Lf.nulit'u.l ol!'t11Jt of tbla red-and·whttc oouical oa et>Cb &ldQ of~ throooatoo~ that Qrteatal tho< It I• b<.'lflnolall to decay and could not colu1nu. lTitb It.a dimlnlsbh1K" tluUn~li nud emblem of rtJyalty, an umbrella, open 11nd or wttbstt1.nd modern artillery ftre. ac.101 n1ocaW or vary1oa cute Jo lta bau·1~. anti t·rho&on velvot. fringed wltb pearlsutid hand­ We will now take a look at those places nr bells fliurea on lrs marblo Ualoon lee. somPlJI' embroidered. I ta haodlo "!:l& 1Jf gold, iDSlde wblob Rive so cloar an idea. or the Hc1w l wJsbed that tbe Waab111wton moau- otutldttd With 0B oJ.atm that St waa 1·ommonuod throu11h tho C.:hu.dnl Ghauk.tho cul. lHH.1•·d tbeo to tbe flrst 1ocloaur-e through a me.aslve s1 contur1oa before b.Y a Rlndoo rul<'r bllVl.:'r atrl·Ot of thn old .\tov.u1e.. wtJere 1ho tunt•r nteway or olS1r&nt de&IR"a. A short t.11 ..11ab10 hlR dnW"h•"'" to bavo a vlow ot tho gontlll 1Ju1p1a~ ,. haw IJJ,. "''•!ti walk brou1tbt ui,;i to the baotlsome oalaco • ,, Pr .Jtfmna r~"'l i:la.r. obo must hi\ Vo 1·1~ uuJ RIJvcr JuwulrY• ..,ttb tbaor11a1Ut•Ull\lh111 uuild:.:ura, moat ot wlllob face e. large marble ,, l''"(U tJ ~. roay Kiri, tor I did uol Unit 11 u 011eullar to 1J0Jh1; ·'1an1on11fi, sapph1r"t.•b, cm­ courtyard over «O feat aquaro. Tbia court i8 ~,.,, "".; lo climb tho ~fl'D alctiC wb 1rh cnilcJI and Ptn\rlM, fr1•1JUPt1tlY e:ct Jn nrn1lot~. nlmoet surrouudod by arcades of marb!o. / i. ·")J t<> tne too or thn Kootub. nn~·Jt ft<. 1 in.:n n1u1 lJ1'tl•'t.~lnt'S, n11.l nu11Jt 111!.ll!i 0,1 wJth nu1neroua btWtlBomely carved columns, \.\ tihlu BUJt:P•f' Uiruw of '-bO Koot.ub 114 uD\t l\'vt)" •hlt'h aro nor l'l<'t· KUJ'\1'Lu.. r1• .,,1"(' a..o.d ta eu1ered t1·oro opposite ands tbrousrb I of : lie most t.wr1u11111.vuumcats lu lhtU..\. In 1)1l\ worJ1!. Th1·o;,"' url• 111 llU• "', .u of sevt"ral smaller court.yards or the on.lace. One 'IUE lUOK PILLAR. 1n1n1t1.tu('oS a1111 arto all Jlnl1'111d "ltb~J>ou. &da or one marblfl court 11 taken up by the 1 1')11s ts a aoJJd, 1muoth poll11hf'd shaft. ot ~.J·1work J.Sclonr Wllh a. l.11u~h Jh1- \VUtl~ l:t pulillc aud1encoball, (Dewan A'aw,) tbe utbor ml.xcd mctf11, nbout J'r iDPhes tu ter o.nn u:ro<'Ult:U Jn tsvtr.. 11C'll •olor~. or el110 In IHi!IA'ffl Sides belq lQ the form Of Jow. nlalo 1 about 6U feet lonir. ouly :z.3 re.ct of wlHch ar~ ink so wor k,n1l fl!l lo 1iln1p1v display lt1tht nnd wbuo marble arcbes. In thla halt tbe Empe. ahove il'round, and 11!1.ld to weJgh nrurly 18 shado. Bl.•(,,rl'l comwohetlnq vrurk the.• ll-v)y ror Akbar l\dmlnlstereoll.8nod. \\' n~n nuR ulQudJnR on bla tbrono and paueotlY UttenlDg c·ruc1ed l>.Y tbe Rajah Ohava in ..\. U. 3UI. 'l'be f~ tlw Pt\IOllUll II Jlt\Jft,_•.1.)(ed I.Ir ll Pl'Oll lf1t.r r.o tho wost trivial complalute ot tbe lowllcat dent -0t a cannon ball on it shows th(> ctr 1•ct kJod Of qJatid, tlltck &Ud YOrJ Olt'&r. /llu1U of of bl• subJoctd. a.11 or whom felt sure or re· or a abOI. ftred ar. lt bJorderor the Nntllr Shah tho work I enw wns really r..i. ... t.:dcn1. v.-,, celvlag 1>8tleni attention and speedy Justice I to break Oown tlle bared: ot>ject or H 1ndoo leave tonight tor Agra. tho City lVbioh uunR rrom tbPlr be.LoYed rulor. Molati·v. Tb< Hladoo b as could be douo I (OrtJlll1t lfUOStJl, B l!llllll but beauflrol wnlto anywhere tol'Oad. heav:r lllal>9 of • oao : ~hti)UM'h D. m~v-a llJSteWf'J'" wa cu~rod a ~ t11e ~ wli.lte. ir.... k~ covered baut': iu tho end. or wblch "'1l.8 .<\kl>tl? llMll .-. •t&n..... l'Bl*f OU ~.df."~d the main oaradc ilrOUocl on whlcb. tho Roll· rlJM U!e frtlqueui alflP"lrll: _..w. tlle a I Ila~ troo~ ooeUPl'IWl tbe IJ>rt worn baYll14r st>Ott or whirl> ho wu fOnd; aa4 wlslolr took vuaro-cnnunt. 1 wu partloularl,. tbankflt.I pl9/llllD 1'. 11'4111-·W&llfd OGillrg.rafll DUGlf. }'o.j .-.. •:sl,lllllMI' tQ ~. "'" .... , · 'l'bt loft wl!:lell SIMlll .J..._ 1111C·;t'w tJda j -!lf. .. Ri'-"IN\11 ~-,,...... ' &- lqo Ill­ m1Urt-J'~, ta•~ I 11eQ wtt.Aba.-tll•J 11 eo1 tiuuctreaof...._ "°"'.... =- ... lkll!oate -tlii. ""' . . Ulul 1'0UUff "°""'UllllUol. but Illa ~­ ii-=~·:;..qe wlllft-=-~ 110r.;10ut... ~~=-~~=.~ IJjlgrMai. wlllc-c h.,. · llC.t;-".lliJA to bak w•ntieref.~ raui ,_ on blaooloa,and she held equal Power with hlai 1DUble earcoobaa..., laldowan br maJiloll' or her tomb tbo most beautltu and that "God Alone Ill l'ow.,rful." ~(,. ~ Kha& contain• a marble pavc-meut toJA.ld WI Lb buUJ10• Jn all tbo koowo world. 1Jde of Shi• 11 the torRb of her lord IUlvtU"d. And now l wtlJ atlttmpt a t.lo~crlption of , lsraer aod hlrher. We a..e told that Sl>filt ln tbb oourt use Emperor actl hi• oobh.11 $.bl~ pi·olless wt1.u1ol«:1>um. n..ltbougb I aw pos1 .. Juhan luteaded to build blmoelr a farlror I i4d played a prue--a crou botwuon ~robea.t •utl llVf• that no wurd1 of m100 i·an clve an u.r!~­ 1uore UlAltllllloen" tomb d1ruollr aaruat Lhe bal:kll'Qmmou- lo which tho ploCt.>j wero rop­ q1111to 1tfu ot lta bu&Llt)'· a i.>6N.ULY ~" soft, eo r1,..,r, and tu coaneot tha two by a 011rbla "'Bf'JDLt·cl by buwan bolDJCd, r h IJ. a11d pure u lQ bca only felt, uut u..¥- brldire, bat I m•ll"b doubt hi•'"""' luwlnr 1'114 on one alde ot thls auJ uN>ve all the other 1!11 4"1·d. nuy dctilro to bel&td •way t1·u1n ha oas lo.Tit. I bt1Hdl11N1111 wba.I. WAS k:Ut"VU a!i lhfl .J1i.SU1tno P'!llRtul' tbroOA"b llD arohl'd 6ntrance. we lt au, it OOUld OU})' ht1Yt$ lA..-..:tQ a m1tttU ~ ' liow~r a euuall tower-11hut>ed b1.11ltJloa ut UuJ uurttelYea Ju A ~Ulljlra11ac10, un one V&UHY. and a kind tatet stopped iu ILQdJ!~ .. whJto ~11rhl"1, bo""1111ruUy C!lrvrd aot>•ldO tbe WU'll J 1 "l b1~ •• 4 io 1-ne t.uud<>U or c.tra pt 1uctptll w1re, Jt."!'•1 lld.11U!.lullt'I, wblcll tormti th""' eu1rtluoo tiO WhOati yJtf uull htt baJ JPJW.Ql"t111izuJ. and mu1.Lbnve louk1-~ lfko ll at"}c*uo tro111 flit.Irv thtt 'l'"J Utsr•l&n. Thl!I itPL,..., la lula!d with ./\ t I lJtl UM.dl and WUlt lllflOrf Of tbe 1'8Cf.4?la'}ft lit. 1111. 'l'h11 be1onu1oa a"8o1'od tu t.n.- uuut.lla&r Ufllr\ll+t'lllM iuu1 "11h •IJ.1V1'IPIJUllJ" lu U1~1 l•IC' whtoh a1utrouu1J tbu terral'IJ at tbe '4J &ttt 11.Nt J11Ja1tl aiJ11 015rvatS •IL OVl'r 4nd havo bala ft11•1 '' ... ,ftl, Jttl11 IV 1' ft,• I La .•.U.OO\o t, '""u lutMUIV1;1 ro11 eauQa&s.)ti~ UIVftl'J\JM.. ~ UU.-..Jtt• rJ( ..Q.ULt'Lt,t i.cro1l<.t .IJ,.• •u• k. •'.Q•ittate fOrlb 1 lfl.llJ.W L,HlllJ (11r ,IUV 111·1 .... 1. • I h1e:i ~·I f~•ppc;.u b.r wt.Jl•or<•fJIVr.1.>1.1..,d whlto $1" pa1U.tllJ1 IU u, alrJJfJa(JlJof'°~llM.u bu• laotf. ,J,~ '" ,,,f . ., Ho"tl•F!~\'1.Jh:t 1tt ,, .Jl t"JJ!S "''·" hlu J1111u.""tl. r!a1•h fttt"~"' tbe 'l'aJ. ~ tlttl onu 'J'bo odd1·1SI louklllJ' h1111olno ut all le rbe .. I II ·•tQl'<>U t•J IUCI pt.rtr JU J.16afl ro un •ht· w~,.1 JJldt" l:i .i-uuwu 11.11 tbf" ''Tr•"' l:lh,,nnh •1ahat, ,.11uculn••1w Lbu Y.1111iu1111 • "''~ thltt l1Ar\len ot PAMWllO. M.,~. 1 ut· " r1,~ ,,, a,.,, lb ,,t 110 ~ whatever. , tl'Alt'l IH\tb toon1 .. •II ll11• lui.hlt.1 t'"'t" uf Wtll~?. Pa,.'IJ11g- throueh tbta arch.,d g-1\teway, \V6 Alul "'IUI (!Yid t. I\' Uulil l.U t).&1'0" out tb&l uOYnrotl vr1tLI ,.; auu1,ll •l&Jtll 010 11111uwu~111 arut our tlrtl view of tbc •ra.J tl1r .. ugt. tt. tJeRU· 1d1~1-.. 1.r r~ .. ~J•~7 e:..nd 1o}1om1,.ttry •btob mirror" fll(Anvr•I &11 • \01 Y' • • hc'f'l~Jthlu ortt. l1 tiJ lollil' aV(•llUO Of foUDUt.l'"Ul.. flll. .l.f),u"" Dil\'f"' .1h t· 141\ lu bu. va be1,1n t.hcr"iY1UJl prlllofpie 'i'hu ,.ftttuL Ja CJUJh>U•, I.Jul UtJ't. J1111lh •11es1J,1 uu•11t." nud tropJttal frtH~"I. tru1r.11 anil tlowerrJ, ul tbti 1.111ttu ilrJ~J;rq. l)Joualu11. n1 .. l th\ln, t•Jf lbt1 M.nt t I H. J {..,-.•J l!Jtf.i J &ID '1 ht' D..l&thll"' of th(:j '11aj. the tnt.yluas nd A 1hur1 wnlk. thun Uro11.,11t us to ltte tu••lo 1111\ tf·•IDll' Lo IR'\ dllludt- d• "''dpttun Vl lb" plu( ,, tbat l havo frullh U.Od rlCW ll.8 \hOUllb they hU.\'8 beea Datt mQIM.IUti)· whh•h 115 tu1llt. 110 •u t•ls~•I··•· 111"1 1·,.ad 1·'-l.J:Uit tho v ... w- wtucb ! uow have;, to«o1bnr f)Ut YP!llt·rd11.J, and 1t iutemt JiJl1317 fortD and a1irr•Jull401J 11r" hlll'h ra•l 4111"111t .. U1• UtJfuru u.o. ' tbAt lht!F W;I' pr~t'f'O 11115 ftt."llbbOilll t.oc Wr\11. &louutlug a hhch tll1o1ht uf r'c"" n1111 l.Jvwo tbf1 aveane are tw<• nanow lakes thuuSB.uda ut J"tl'lir& tu COWt' 1.'be material p1:utijlOj( 'h1 ClllBlJ '"" Pf•lll-.•H •• huttlt,.,, • "'''"" 1u i1nu, seoorate4 by a Wide ma:-1..ilo tf•trl\t·o. and '-" .Jur-·tu wbh·b l realJy bctJlcve the s1r.a- Jn &Htht or ... bt•t1Ullf111 "' .... 1•111•11 Alt I t.r..l a11.1 •• uwo wbt(.1b e.parlr.1011 a lu1uc row ot roun • 11lc ('lllereal bt.bUly Of the '] flJ 1S due-are .YfJt tiattU -a Ynr) Jl"'lll 1 l•.1 ru.b.C Lil· 1ltt1I h'C't'lll l.a'"l!I.. t'""'· with a slnJrl'-' elondt•r Jet. ()ti 1· JU1'1r n11a11ttid 10 ·h.s l>f•(•uJtar !lhmate_ With Its rut Crom Jtti 1Ju1u .,.. ,,..,. ') ca-·•I•.. I" •1h t11tJi,: ur'!jt· 101olatuJ'{' lHJi.eH la a. wloc v•·rtc-r1 J9 •'lrar 1•k1n" irul bot .• Jrr atmO!vberu. lltiw aod Ci.L thv llPPeaut7. rows o.1.qu111tt11i,. tbri~e ot 11101_.., .. ,, . .,,"d lu& 1111111, 111. • l1hth r11n1li1t· '"''"' t.i 111I1\1•"''• .& Dlt.J:...i.W tN WARBLB. fwolv&-ettled 001uruutt. ntad bolnD 1u 1Ju.· form (,1111 1lul11111.lq AJ.rt1 :llli1.IUl1 l.O"Wol n,f lb<1tf to 81'1•111 I afterwards -.nw ll LIY muonli1:eht., aod ft of tlla kD6t•llD£' pattc·rn ur l'tarl\00111<• r.rt.'helS Ju., 111llk-WlalL• 1u&&«. 1tuuu111, lrJ 1.,. Ii lhlt.•b8 WRB thc~1 a drea1u 1n marble 1ndf){'d. 1 can­ lt J& RUrmou11t.«1 tJy LhtCfl :.UH\f·WLIJlo d1HUt•ll Nu 1. ru1ruu1 .,.1 u.a U...t J.itu Jt.tu.i .... .-it.. •Wt wia.Aw• not dc-sorll.1c· rbu rt-oUngs 1t produC6d fa me. with hlacb 1(1ldN 1plntt:1 Thu ooJy•• 111- saYP oau to thtt t•U'ect lhat tt did not seem 11.rh.1u about eotiro bu1IU1ug lft al t.bti tt:1r'"" I\• .,. HulAhll> • ti, ...... 1 nitr. Ol. ~ ...... ,~ r•)AI- ·that- If I roso rrc1m my seu.t on tbe 1>0roh wlltob are part.IY clost'd bY 1oarble wrt"f!llA o11i1, •IJJ..C ••ft'1 ul. · ur th" faleo mvtJque :u1cl trjod to couoh the } 1 nvlu~ the m 1111•, 14,.u ..1, 11.r 1.1 11<.· It a·•·• ; , ...... ,, 1.. · grasp. rbt' Uumu aecms Jtke a lJe-auLltul m11k:­ clear a.a tbouah unly uu1 Y66Lt rday. ·r11c •ii•·.. nl• I " .. • • .u ' ' n• "' • • • • ,u Wliito c·i.... ud In ao othcrn·Jso clear aaty_ I was t.11'ect of 11irbt anti abado lll the olr·ar sunll11ht ...... 't. th• 1. 1111 "' .1.nn:-u.1r . 1old 1bat arubltectural Q.Z per LB had deoJdeU Kl\~ea this olace an air vt pur.1Lyand ornawoututloo. aod an Jebao bullt the place &a a companion to the u .. 1.111 ,, u1.... I 111 11.I) "'Iii• . ttt\'111 .... Ill• u11neoei\11ary darknPM within tbe obn.mbar of Mou M usJld at ...>elh1. hut. tbts J.u:arl of ail 1llh,.] l.111.•·l• nU c •I•"' 1111 11J t.1t••• •lttc&y ~lit the dead~ l>ut to UJt' it Aeem'rt a thiDM" pc>rteot c.•llurcbes can be inore approi,1r1&tolY caJled a p ..cyit.ln •1o~P(S I• t1.·1t"~• tl11:. w1111du1 lul In l)f•Ruty an11 A11IRh 'rh8 ttarku<'u ot the 11 '• '1tlr1 ,·owpanlon to tho 'l'aj. I ""'hJ••J 11+1 11t q ll•ill• •h•l •·I \Ill\ 1ntortor sEte1nM R1>pruprtatl;f to suols a tornb1 AK.BAil -raa GR.ZAT. I 1un1 it1,. 111n11tli'- l1111nnr t&lluut hAI( Wtt'J whPrt: loud. harAb nol11~" arn NRc.•hod ln a or all the llUKUI 1:1nperois Akbar was by I 1t11Wfl 1h11 UYulpJQ 1111a nr11I l'lilill" fUll \·I~.,. f 1tJ01tt 11i61Ul'rtH'nblo rnaunnr. aa thnu~b pro... fo.r tho ablest a.uJ KroateaL, but Shah .Jeb~n lhf\ Jtlllil'tl b11tlJi"•· itcul R"l1>f1(11h11•n11I t• 1111 · tr11t11ur fUf'Blbat. unllutt ooJqp In the tiN•Aonue ot' ,vae the moat ma,rntftcont. The Bmpero1 ltlllr11 "''lh ••IU1h11l•1t11 kttpl lflt-· lho;f'it ( 1 r d1Pde1ul, antl wharo 1ha low, soft ton~ ot a .Akbar succeeded to th~ tbrone wben he was llllth--' tllltl". I h•.lltll11r """ lltCIHJ, Intl ( 1 h~ w111n1ui'n vf11oo ?Al111111 10 wAl'ea vf l\shll0>­ but fourte.,n 7oar1 ot age. wJtb ouJy U1e Pun· Of•ll!·l 11 .. t lflQll:J:.f• •hill n11• h M f'lllUlllUl"n ""•IJl•J ulo111 110unrJo11. Jtt.b uodcr bis rule. He had the wladom to 'M" n,~·· 0'1,.10j I 11~ ,, ...... , ..... r hu11UH• hhll•I" I YIJlf,,cJ f( lWIM, on1•tf h11JflY)l§'ftf uo•t unt:'r, HboW no dtelloctloD between hi& .Mob.ammea hut I r)J.I ,flq' .. n ""A''" nu·oiur l•) t1111•.t.11t~c:r. hJ' 1t 1u1rr~1"1 1t11111t1llHt1t, ruut 1 f~'"' u l\ut'fi wn. • / Uau and Hlntloo subJecu, and me.du every llfnn (rr11tn"n11> 11.1•n'lf• I 10 •h• l 1ol A l""4t\t• R 1l1••lt•• whl1111 I JUrt lllltl ltll Vlr>llUld lf.1 fhfl 11 trort to mould thelU 1uto a comu.on nation· ful 1lrAR''' hi t11ct.rLlr; ' 'J'•J At'' 1u 1her fo•lilf. <•t uttJSnlr bllJ11ti.01t1ftir A a1hr.. Hora oo lod1ao s··ll, he made every NI 11 '"• it1·l111U (If lOllH· "'"' \ 1 11t1.~1~· "9!lh dnalr~ 10 11w..~ u. QIJltJtt &1•11 O;.lttfu nH ....JaltL Jlf 1 I effort to etve tbe country ot b.J.A birt.b what tftU J'll'l•J f•lll f l'llf• ·fill I '111\f ii I \ltoJllll " 1ha1 l1nttl1hil111 It 11r111re»~ ulh1 a11 .j,~ -' 1 Bbe baa never bed, a nationality. Ho e\'"en Lh14 1l1t•1.Hll ilia" r·1pr1·,.ei.•-•t• I flu! •)1•1• 11 ,,f bt:.e1lfl fl\f <111"'·--bla4 ..,l,1 ~ • lflll 1 • 1 II•·.• '""'&'l went ao far u oolY to mttrry Into the ramflle1 ht11nAn lo!rCi'i"·llhf r•· 1C111l1l~ rr11ru' :h~ uJ 1.,,~ •• ~ • , .. fu,s i;>I 1f 1 ot tbe royal Hlndoos. HIB military euccefts and d11'(V1111rnrl 111 ,. tr1v Lo Allrtl 1 11· 11a.i tbu-,• tba& J WIUJ at all 04rr!et.I . waR remark.abie, anJ at bis death alm1J8t all Tllo latJ uco•tlut1 '" a tbir1l .11 " u111t• 1'1 aW•l· ny a ktuJwlOll.&re or t.lh: .1.·11\lls t>l Ibo j or Jndla was tlrtnly Be:ourod t.o ble empire. \1·nulh l1y t111r bsJl tha.1 •llslanf•v •11 nr'1n.•tth. '"'ualrunuuo uu.r J"f.t.Ull#.R •J:nt l' 10 cor of hJ.Alln'J ~<'I ,.,,. '-"'"''"'! to re.fu~e tne lhl.,rJred. wltb red aaudel•1neo. UulU up lu tho th•. fut.u.rtl they wUl cattY iiwaJ' ~L~IJ' 84 tzrqat l!h:upt1ror wb•ii ho wnn,,a ... red a lJUh._.,.tG 1nlc.Jttlfl Of tbis fB 1\ lcVf"i lorraoe Of WbUl't ttnt.bua!ut.Jo 1,tJJ>T"CtUt'ouo u rnUut. Th8N U9 trom tuln woU-kuown l>tJJ, nlthouvh 11\>UO marble, ralS&d bfttWC'.etl 2,'") H.lld 3() f('t•l nboYO uJ.GuJ othc:r hMuUtul ptaoes ftbo.Ut Aa-n1., but c.·ould tell wbotber lt •uan OYlcloh<'• ot ravor th~ lt·vel or the aar with lba Taj. ftr ut dl.Jlµl~uur,11u1Ltl att.cor It tiad l.trtou Qlen. parfoot IQUart•, wfth au CdR'<' of ovt'r 300 feel. OTB•K T()lf 8$. A bootJuu trow qqa ah.le ut the buJ: ffifllBnt Rltdnlif rron1 each c>oruor of tble sauare IS a. A protty vie,, aorvu Uio rl ver fJ"('qQ tbo Taj farora ot 110 w.uao ktud, ...,hJJu one trow the atatelJ' white marblu t1nver, havlull noat la tilo wmb ot tho p0er Itma~-ud-Daulah,tbe 01 ber sh.le rneant a autllll"n tlr-owetnffd. 1000 baloonlea at various ht"l1Chta 1and a delloalo Oraad V1&ler ot JebnuJer~ •ho. -.ncn at tho r·~uttlnsr tn the alAOp or doath. It bh1 ba.oa opoo PR Tillou nt theo top. IJOlnt or d&atb, wlU, 'he Nmpor-or and SuJ.. a.i.W tb&t bf\ cmmo to his own dearb by Root· 'l'he Taj, whJob '" 111 thA reatre ot thl' tflr­ ruoa (Noor lllnhlll, bl• dau11bter) al his b<111• den1ally eat.11111 a bonbon rrom the wron11 side I raoe. takea up a aoaco 186 feet &t1uarc. wt lb aide~wM asltod by the lotwr 1r b" r&00flnlze<1 or hie box. he tour oornt:l"ll fat•l11~ tbo towttrh ollt ad'. so tbG 1Swporor, aud reolled wt tollowe: Not one ot hf11 auoc8110rl was bll equal tn a.a to mako tour wldo lane" aocl tour narrow ..Rvoo lf tllo motbor·blJudtnau haPDUDed to juclfrmeut aad •ufht;r, aod when be d10"1 tbo cornun. CroW"nlnir u,,. mlddlo ,.~ tbo flat tx1 ltfDBBUl now, He btmMtlt wouJd auretY .Moa-ut .Empire Iott tc. 1tronaPaL prop. root IB 11 anO'f'! wbllt' 1Jo1no. y,,.rp_ bl.rh 11.1..J. <•r .i.nutf' the-o bl' tbe 1pleodor ot th)'" bt"o•-" I But now o. drlvat oYor tlntt~ om.ooth. Wide 1 po1feot prn.,...., •• •nne. fn.'.11 W"blob epr• '18"8 & >11~undra, llOD10 Qve mlle9 froai Altl'a, t!le roa m1&­ tomb.. to erect thereon • m*MnlAoent (fraod h>0ldng. P*"'31D& tbrouwti a.o open ll1•11l bore, un1I I am !old that W.oy •re ti.)fftlr bulld!ui;r to be uoed ia a J>aL1ea&ure doorway, whlob ltltS orlJrlnaJlY c.tosed muah Jfood .,ora llllQU"11t ~ba llladal'.I, bllL I durJ111r Ilia remaJolDM <1&Jra. ...,4 to r0<,. bl• by two doon of solid allvor. we enter w11too111ucll ~ fr.>r U... tJ.\ - tllsU' :llu!IJ restlo• p!JlllQ after his d•th. Tb.o '.l.'l.l THI 08.4,HBER 01" !rll2 DEAD 8UJ}t4.NA. ""'-.. ..ul!-. a arduu wu a ruorl to l'llllOrt ot th• exalted and bor flDJIU\&l Jonr,IUld are at onoo struck We l~nva be111 t<>nfl'b& tor Je.J'l)Or9o the DUO duri- ber UC~tl- and It bu alw~ wltll IUI wondlN'tlll Dl4110f d!IOOnlLlon. '.l'be RoaeR~d olt:v<1t lho Klu'I oblldren, the lib be\UI 1"1fP09ed tl>ai ahe lnieaded I.bat ltAllouJd u~• ot th& wal!o and all tbe oolumua Bl1I o1 whlc> canno: bu rouoil ac:vwllere e!Be it! nal!IWJIUr oooblln tb• tomb at h8" daarJy be$U1lfull1 aad detlentaly lnlald with wotb~r the 'IMrlti. !OYod b111ib&ad. l• IN hap-od, tlloup, tbaa Of pearl, bloodl!U)llCI, coral. juber, llU'QUOIBO, abo cllll4 ftnt. In ob!M ll!rtll be&" eighth lau!a-iUlllll aw othe• bi>a-• .:tonea. cl11W. .aDd lier bUM to nun·llllllU lea.,.,. ana llowen. ~ ll~r .-till t!ul lllOC wlllab ab• luil loTed lllOlt .,,.,,.-11t1.a18 .-O~JllfOllld"' ... l*l'.J~•• ~· vhlmaliV11. tile rwU01r.i>lilo11 at tlie 1!""'1 wltlWl.ldn-1-ert'>d Aalll"" ""'-'Otl:t'll bl I lanll,• lb.wtia · "°" . n. ni;tn1. fupr.a. n...... ll!. 'll!llG.-'W.,tdY!l!il ...lJ.ll. and tboo rl&ID&' and 1 , 1-. ur r.h1, rJl1ni: Hlndoi;, li.aJa. Tbe J.a.rJre eo.1u~· nway. On ono side o't thlJ hfill ot wor- I•. ··nr• urovlnott vr ltkJputana ta tlJv1tled. up 6hJu wns a n~url• of Mabadeo, with bis wife. and noat to llus a small oavUy Jo tho q,r,, 1-10\ 1..'l'td na.t1\0 stat""• nll undvr riat:lve Huor cornalnlusr tho most common ObJaot • ·.i1 1 • nnll ttu• 111t111h11unta or whtoh aru of WOl'tlhlp for tbo \Yomao-tbe Llo&Z' • ~' · ' 1 .1j Jtujpurr.i, Wh(• h•,1'1 thom&0Jves to l 1 Is 6'H1.1othlnir wbtoh 1 c11nnoi do­ 1. 11 .. 1, .. ,,Jln&r rn1~0 • r nritl\'UG Ju Jntlia. si•rlht•, hur 101.1 cao drnw some Intel°"' ' .f lh· rh t11•Mt .. r tlH•flu dlat thlt1 obj1·~t ot woniblp wht111 I tell }'ou that a lllndoo womau's .I '\" !o, l1 1111 llu • ~ nlty c1f Wbl..:.b I FlU• 1 h•r S r •0).1''1.[ c](.•~11 • :n If)\~ WOrlJ jq fu hft 1\ J t 1~ J -, l'rr, · I bf fhr Mah.srajli 1u ..... ·h1·r. \td1r11·J wOUH·n who arC' chllJIU68 '· ,,.,, , • 2'11• 'l ll1• 1CoJ:,) uf .lt.,ij'frco1r, 1V)h• tlr• :•)Pk•· 1 tJowu uv 111 na l,h;:111" UIH11!r the •. ,• .. ··111,11. 1Jtun1JH1t( nrwy, &bd at 011\11,...,, 1t.fluo1"" uf uYll f'pjf'tl6, e-\IJ Bi.xJUt ·• ... •11 .. 1~11111 ~11J lu\\f1 a 1111 .. ha1. "1 1-. llllft.ICCS of "oil!{ unt1 R"Odolc--scs. J.t1•·1nu thu "J•c rill·il Willi u 81.J1ull rfl(•m cut fn t. ,.,,, .. 0 1., f(-•111'•1.: .\..a mmttur ur th .. wall, ha '1"-'loll'h tf'1l!t K\,Rk•d 6 larvo lvorv '., ll'reur , .. , n1ll'l:>louu1·) ruut'llH• •th r•~d ht·•·uvht ll11i..h>0. U11u vr :ht •rlUl'Wbor.. had ~cumo ••· I Uh llUillJ Al'tih•a., lh1;1 UUlatill "'•' n t.C•ll\Crt l.o l'hrli!t.IB1Jlty0 A(tCr WblCtl UU .~ • • '· •1• 1h•-ulou10Jy !lLtra.L'll"t.I illtt-o JHtlU'I 11•111)(')0 l\'•,uhl hM\"C Mfl\ thiusr tu du WJtb .; ' •·•'kt)' ~'"dJl' ),t ''"'"P..-1 l•11t 1,1m !ti 'to d1111k l'I n -t· • 1• C :111· >11tt.l1tutlS111ld 1...i1~' S:x1·1~v111iit 1hu i.:-1u·•l•·n or th1(1l('p l lht• l'l1f' .. l 0110 'J'h<· OO.\I t1111r11"1ll W•· w1•rc..} btl.thtand I "" , •• ..i IOWt!"~. 1101110 "'ltt1 aud l!Om(' ii• 1tJI J111lh! II" <)1 )" J\ltH'•,. · f !,.U II IJhll ,.111 h r r ~' 1111.1 • 1n,, 11.111.•11101, <.h·s rlu.J ~ur '"''" ''•'" di C""4, l.iUl all Of •11.(h•rtte ro~ l!oltJJ('d( kl't lit JfatlJ •If \lloJI< 11• t•, (])• 14 ;II I' A 11'o1·r,·t•'· ,, .. '''." _1.tll 11 •· \Vt•Ultl ll, • • 11..111..·v .. c hcrt l40•J rti.1rs,, "·•thllJ.tUIUfl k llf\?..1 Whh•h l"I IJIJ11i 1•f1tlrt.:I) ··1 nan.r t.ltt • t tlu •II•,,, tlu• 1. oi "'htv .•• n ,.\011°1·1 L•1"''·' 11 1111'<." I• )I'll I .I') 1,vru. l)l'l\'1111." tnruul(', • '·" .1\ 11111 n1ru1. \'.1·11 Jvua JI(.•> Ll•'f' lL - 11~.u r•·lh•l-f i.lr1 .. '"" ~ ... , u nt•1111 ~. srnvli. Jt•\ tHn·~ ':! 111 th• i.l r•·t·t, \\ 1..• ~1"~· t:. 111 a d11t11ro11t •'I\ U llh ·llJ" lillfl• II ur •ltllH.fU•nl1,1I '\'fh l111l1·1·1tl1-R, rr••IJ('•'''~ l\lltl hct~u·e-h1nquu~·r1·r ' .I> llV.J.llill'l'J Cl'l\' (•f l'lo:l1IA:' Uocu. U1•1·ortltltJll'\. En<'h -.tury IH •lu~c.rntc.~'1 ltf.'ht frv1n 1nnt 11f .110 .. ay It·• .. ,., ,.., :,.Hu :trr·1~1 l1t 1,.,11 ...,.,1 t rluht l\U•l nr11~·1h'llll't.I 111 u .S11T. r•. ' t<' }'It• fr 111 t l " l!tcl1t. I h• ''r •!•h' ull ul Ill.:' tilt' 81-lu"ulh 11 q••t·tu•· l 111t.•1d 'll><>H 1n11k1111: tv1101- ·1.,, • l•) l\l', -•the• i1lt1..·tt1offht; ,,\11,(' ll'lillh.. utht~r"-, 11:11! la 111unutJ 11•"<.' •rJllJ,.. 1n1• 1 h.1r­ ~ 1n'lrnlr1v 111vn ttu.J "'v'n"n tliruwi::ll Jnr~ uf "'°Ut<.•r ·1 111..: nt • 111 l11ttil h1·1uJ~-t11J1uewl1at • • i. '"' .. : 1ht•t«t streets thll pluk huu rou~o s111u"d\ Lrought rrorn tho t1Lnto ntln<:tR. Rfll'r lhe ta.,hi"n Of 8 phrl'DO)OU"ISt., but for R !tlh1hlly l•11t -and 1 t·~ otitJt r\'•·d. \Vbea th..- URnkvrout1t~ was ln1t1 pori11b1·tJ lrtlt'llf'I~ This fUC'tory wiu1 ·~1tfo1 purpo-ie nil rnui.:hlnv 1 "' n·u rortlnod tutus aliout tho town~ f'\attud by tb11 pr<•A(•nt HnJR unnilug thosco pli.fcone are fed by the corn ,, "Jntr th1,ao 1t1 r•6tl!I are t("I bo see-o Lho cn-..1¥ 001nmou With aU ltajpUld, look HP tQ their 01urchanra, wh11 1uko ro'1'11lar turns 1n so ·1hu11" lf.Utl tJwelJIUR'IS or lhfl Jl)tl.C(\. OnC"' Kajput as tholr fathor cu.lliull' t111 u\· do1up-. 1'ha Hl1Hlt•n rtsJistlon nnrtalnly bas l .ill "' 111it111, lu A'Hnornl appoarulll'O and &tJJ\·Cll "ehlldroD of lht1 kluK'1 "l.'he;, lhijputa two oJ:C'•·ll~nl fcaturca In 11. \vhlon require ~' •· .... ' 1lkt1t\11otber'1. Tht4V artt &amoly aro davlJed $0 tbut all 1be ablc.t-bodlf'0<o · 110 rro .,, 'J'hu ru1&r w"lls ot thttH atto)Xt P11tJ veNlll11 wht1•1J n.e dwolllusr-houtte 111 buUt., vor,y rune baok tbrQugh l.W aoneratlond to the l~r'fc elcpbllot.s n.waitlnic uo., whlcb baa been I '" ·PH'nth· ro a holtlht of t~•c atorioe. and all srroat Barna, tho Son of tb1: Stlo. The rous atood, but tho driver • 11 ••rt i.:t r·uu un tu tho 9amo balarh&, t.bua EVJl!NINO AMffBBMEN1'S. Roon &e>ttltld tho matt or by causi uJr thf' mbcbty 1 111 1• .. ~ollrt' hh ,,ktl nf ·l•t>llltll,l'I loot W! Jn the eveulrm we vbi11t•0 lndh:•e. t•lt llt:Jr was tM1 .1ted noross hla nc>eok, 1ttJOOmnaQlrit hy a iu•tntod 111 r"•I or hl•ar. eod aouu.-llmbl 11rot1~ ~Ith tbl!lr tu.i·n11 oovurl•·i or l'lsu ""Dtf'tl In prorl from n 11harp.potntod Rt<.:ul rod, the ru1d 11 111nu •1t th•· l111ui,t:A ba96 Qmustoa paiut­ ol~lllrrlUftll.. pct>plni;r tbrou.ll"h tb~ bllnda mighty 1naS& st4r111d otr with a combination ltu:li "u tt(t ... ,11t1. 'rbu ldM a( tbti oouatr,- PfJOPlti In bulJr~k Oftrtlt. and Nautnh or mot Iona wbh.•b m:u1e me al moat lmwrlne 1...... 11d(cu1ts lo, nuUve l-llnd•.)Cl., &a4MM:lob te. Jtcbll!Jil'. auJ rolllua' to an r:allrely prtdc nDd pJeaaure In porruDJJancu or dttfuront &ca. 'fht, bo11sc:111 iif tha wenltby arn noOl'fJly their nauvo mu~lclana. H.t.·uoht1111 tho too or th" first b1U, wo could f"1i11-roo from & atnrrlc D.rC'bcd Qt.ow&)', wblob 1 Tr..WM..J!I OFTllC H1:.i;uoo Al.>J.W:e !tc'U bunlnJ us the uvtna Cil:V of' Ptak, witb tt.4 lt lW" Jn to 11 ur.c1' c~utrat court. The l>Uildltur From lntro WE' droft bauk to tne city to at­ beauutiil surroundlni'S. and abE"ad of us "bat tt!l('llf ts ro baautl.tul roow11t, all ODt.'Dlug lo to balooAl.Q:I wb.tcll over­ to Mllhadeo, tho Hlndoo Adam. As we city, r<:•tlna amontl stoun high hllfs aad lovk tllis ¢Uutr1&l uourl. allgbed from our carr!ago In tront of' t.blH protttly latd out, bur. now, elloot and Tllll l'ALA.C!I ()Jj' TUI! Wllll).JL JJIJille wo wore mot by a uumber of Hltldo°"" ll4Dd • •raQd Uf1>-«ln 1touo bull, Jooonued all nf tbladeaulllt.loll - _.., ill duo to tho" :!:I d...,p. rising ntuo atortea Wirb, elllCh ttoq with •l"C'fttlul anti ur~t1 ot ~uw~ 'T'o au11K'«t1*31 o« t"- poor, ltrno<-am JltOPI,. •I bel11& losa ID 1rldt11 tban Uie oae belolf It. our rltnrt - ...., ,,. quite lllDllU, but 'l'be Hlndoo lll'l«M tolwnM very bandsoma. ,.Ith f br!l{bt marblo In­ "°1110 llY&d lo Amber& day ov1.1 would ah .. wer lin1umor­ -1~0's CO!o1s. '.l'lle 1111U...Jildli;llil1< ls ot rl8o .., f4lll. ~udsr, llrilrht.17 ldlded able 0\'11$ Oil blul aocl "" lbcin. In. tlOJJB~'. mtnarea..._.w~ \1'.!!fl!. .tQ.14_ tbtlt. wo mi;wt an11tro1J ot this be clalcrtod tblo really llbuu;, tut and butJi tbo present oJry of JoypOre for bl1 people. A spirit or ml11ralloo Is com­ q vte1"!11 trom 11111 llfreotlon, ~or J)lotur· mon to these Ra.:fputa., but. ihoy UC\'er loave .here to Bettle QOWU anct ev,,.ry lncl1a hu K"ono by fore\"et. '"" la!V fork ot tha roc:.lcy I tion rep,IJy tr.:reeed1 tbe aboTe but by ''Liilo wllh an almos1 ~tartlinsr dt.iLh1etnosa. fta'urea.. M u•J•tl or li<>mbay, wuloh oa.onol be,, It lr;l\Ve mr cold shuddftr·~ at. I "11..:e<.1 at this ~' iw mucb lt.Jtl ltupt1o;slhle to 11.a.r, a.a the IRUo­ pated ~lib thodc ai A11ra, Deihl llt!d Jake. whl•Jb bas been the ti•:~", .. or so mnn:r raot awonstl't tht- oauvcs, and tbttf aro In a t.. p"lui <4 loolcs, but wblob la ntt1rloue ar1cl J~t10" trouble.•, It 1R knnwn fhnt r10~ In 'lleee .M.ohatt11ooottn mo~qne~, lt bO.!Pt: th1S:l'8 wltbln tho ·Hfl\•rent H'tjpuh trJbr·.;; or" t~r a tow dllV!' prc1·(>iJintr the.ton which the Q..t1-1~r1tK1 t.bht there is cine tvr eve:ry ten rcgardf'd ru;: tnl'<'iltuvu~. lllodr~o ruarr1111:rua Id.SI ,·1·naus w~"' ra.J..(•n rboy Wt:rea~ea to leave taousand JX'vPI<. tu the PltlC(.\ or Q'V(jr efebtj, nr:-- uhvays m0tu C'Jp1·111u'o afiairR for the tllf" ''ltY In tiargA ournb rs. 1n alJ. I bavtJ nut ye[ EWea a. more uaJ,y.: '"'hL'I' qf tho bri11o. lri <'On11t.·•4 1\'UCt" O( RIJ \\" o aru tinch••T''"' off th• maln lnndlng­ JcokJoQ' N>t or Pt.·op1E' tban those 'vho were· tt11 .. , and alflo h1.•\,·ao1st it 1s vO'onsive phlCd· ·t!le Ap111}0 !:Junder--iJfreo1ly In froo& hungiug libc.>ur. lbe!IC lllu.!IQU«.~.:1. Tb~y maP~! t0 ltoJpuh Drl•lo lu h&\'n n flllUR'bter of tbo J(1.mbay ltoyat Y'a<•bt l'lub bulldlosr. a uut hll\O be-ea rcsldoul.1:1 or the c-1ty, tor all i.lamarr1<··1. \bt ('fl'})(• or tnffl.nt.lcldo, !au ti r. elegant an ct "1' raOC'ful-Jooltlng !'trut:ture. tht&t l know, 1us nil JJdJ.1"rlu1H rn Mt:O· 'll.,. durJng J u1>11l lltlt• J'Par~. ha'i hC'c·n a Vt·ry jo rht: Gothic st\·1a, £-urrouoded by t.u.t1tef1Jlls thoir et.ay ..tJt JJ,>rob,l. hBllll uround tbe:se · .-.. 1nn1c-n onr. "J"h" re ~le Jr1raot~ wr·ro Ja1J out walk11 a111l a:roLJuds. 1uo:;;qut"H, apdt.~n•J>· do:uu n •tt11r1J,r but oar: f·ill.J1 1 thr .. wn Into thl~ P·•n•t • nf~hr l•> La1.t1tor..· at the Apollc. Huoder, wo tln•l our.. 11111.J smokt'. 1111e of tt11 so u10PQUE'" ts used as ~ h1:cru:.1 t ,.,iJ !or tho al1uta1•1r~. or tbry dt~·d ~elves In tho foreh1n and bualn."88' part of the Dla.1.:c ut nor!>h1t> t..y tr.ut 111<1.:>t fannt1ra, t1eot 1 fr1.1n tht· etft c•t.;i CJf p .. IF: OJ sn1Part!d OD the c 1r.r. which 1a slmpJy a handenm(.1 Jnyu•JI or n 110 believlt tbut ·•J:o;, i'JM.l.d1" will yet Cc.•rnt• ro ruoth~·r"H br1•ust ll"•l i1l1--0rlocrl as tbe <'h1ld pa; H.I ftDd tlne buUdlDiCS t~~t W'.)Uld y,, <'rodh carry r\re and tbc d•\C1r.1 tuto al: c •Uutrtus BU••kt~U itg ···otb1•r's m1:k 1'he fal'llt ltaJa or ro aay <:-ltJ lu ct.e world. 1 hP Sa1JoN H1 1Dl\'. 111.t orult'"VSlna tbc 101Jrct•·ll ui Afuhoruet. \Ve "rn ,,..1, "'II" 1 111.J 26 \\'i\'('6 and P...xl <'1111t•nL.· •'8. I tbe 8eoretarlat. tho htlZ'h CCJUrt and thtl post­ Ji<· rt cam1• to &t"verl'll Ii 101100 tl:!·uplee,. with 1 , ,., •• tc· hnvf-' su.C'rillctitl n nurutic.•r '" t··~ Oftl<"'e arc Ju.,«u. bandaome buiJdinKB. e.:1 Ju ' their b1a:h. ta~r1uJo: dvt~t'li ttnd JlltJo blaok, 1°•·111nJttt•lf;;1H111~ ur1.atC"r than I car~ to n1~n- on"' part at' thr oily and on tboil.:f, n110 of 111a1e:> &lhl f1•n1 .. 1c K"o"iJ boen · 1uost weal«ny 11101.:• o~ huVf' urcoted teDJ11len Jt•\J 1111·· •hu· u~ ColHt or l~ r»iiA.-c, tra...,Jtou tbrouilh-n. le-s::i. native van tn a , Jn 1>rd<.·.r to s·.i 1.sty 1h1·11 sp1111 on I Jo11111111ts, '''h• • :~ au1r•·~'··h·d U.v 1nany bt.•o.ut1~u1 tll't'8.t ilep~ rnore or l&.WI Euruppe.nJz1 ·d, bu1 tli.adt<..'l.tlng lht•JU l'l •H1c.• ...·1tt.l t.h•itli s: it.S a t•u1. 111.~~· of :1 hy.:;onf' ma.Ku1nconc:e Our ,,tJ1t eJ:Ot-edl~Kl}' !llk'l"<.Ctfoi:r. A lJn,. Of h•rrso Ut·D"ra1 rult.0. L., t1,, .• °" ""·vr·h1p1·d by their 1\r.;t \'iSll \\,11;; tq car~ rllllM a1oag the 011ttre lt"nirth a( tbo main UOCt ~tor'., AJI 111.,J._,1·<, t,.,,~ OJI(' tnJni:{ tu 1t1"&<'t and c~ra WPrtt alwav~ tillt•d W1th 'Z'llr 'l'f'~IJ'l 1: or SAC'H?F.l("E, tllo t:· 01111011- thal It-, al. 1•1·:11 f Ill 1hn · .XJ.11 0:..100 nauv,;'tt., th) lt seemed tom,•, and J belte\'t: they 1 \\•t;.-•rc-. 011 (.'U\ h 111on.lnL' ur tht• )•tar. B R'Oat Is ''\Ybut \V.18 j.l() lj I,. 11;: t •T Ill} l11lhur 1s Jule to t hom mOl'tJ f»r pl<~11sure tbao rr ,m t1[1V ~o .. J c 11oug1~ t1.r 1... · ...\ ... \\{I 1·•1 ... R1· I Us· these :-ou1·r f•...:t·d ti.> tbt~ .i:liudn .. JlOd ot the f<'rnol«.·. t1P•1re to rt<,,Oh tbbh d€':>1tnatjonl'l m"ro '\', wi:re just too JRt\J to \Vltnt'-Ss tbat n1orn··h 1·1 ti •f r•u· 111;,. J •lls w1111Jn l•>ld l.)1,1 •.:b..y th.&11 by walkhur. rhe fttrtK't8 11.rc, 1,r ~vllll' otr1..•r11u,. .,, Pr!l\• • f·•hn 11((1y~Jo•1k1n~ .n..:'R llftC11tlc·e. hut \ft. ~aw thDJ."01l tn "'lio111 Ullt, f\"Pl} ,t" li:""\8!'1 ..i'fl(.' Ji.11JIJ008 t hL pla.1!to 1~ l!f•tlh~tu,·11-" hi ltH)US bhtt..•k and races anJ w11h P<.•oplc tr·om ulJ p11.rte of 11." I },c•t"•t·!1G't·r :r. 111 Iii 'i'' :11 11n· 11 ··11111 noc. I lo1ut rt·•l lt111),\\lll1tt.n•~1·f.. 1 no.::. u( ~b.11llSasih1 ru •lobe. Outat11e of :"iti\f 'York t !1ttVd nt:'t"rj ti· r11 .. f!HlJ.r vi. • .... n· 1111,. ·1 .• •• 1 ...... 1 ... ,. 11r1oc1P1ll 1ti..1 u1 •.1,t app1vo11,lfp n•lorum~al. d6f'n a ruorc;11 ooe11nop.:it1.!'ln cuy, f'J1h 1·r 11~ 11• Lc-o.\IU1Cth1&p1trt t>[ Un~'"· t.:,1 ~·nkfng a .. not "'U Vtol lo' l't'ttl'S ag11 thnt a J ,,' ..t't1Jiv111n to nut.1vna11ty. tht: B~cH>. 8t1y at 'tu..... J t•( •• 1 .. 111 .. ft 1• ., hnrnnu h1''!1;{ i:i~trnd ,., u ~·,1$. klllt-c.l Mo-I i:oer Lawruvdans. Ja•u~, U11u•1•i1d1J, Po.r" ... etl, Jews. \\t,• w1}1,.•art f••I ~ .J11Vt1 lO '•hi•\ ·•IJ 1111 'Ill <.•ach morn1n~ n:-: 11 i;al.riftco t-Ob rn•h h-drc•aJt!1J Arrnc-11ian~ Rllt.I ( hriAtlurt .. : El-'rOPt:u.ns or all f'•'St ot t.he h••:u•_• r . .., lc•r•t.;t'-. f t•i.1.,1 (, 1· god ·which h1u.J l•1 11 1lrt>.iiu 10 J1. uµpear~tl natioualf tll~ ••o\ m1•ricans, .'\ u•u rul l~11s, A~l~rf_<'. r1>111.and &ud l'itrs·•1·s '' 1111,J .• : ~1-11.l•:.o 111 ilu:u~ rnrml r Hnja. aud •lcu1xndcd It'll' •fMr.••) ~·u•r1ncu 'J'urics 1111.J l't"rs1ttnt1, ,\laloy"' .A frtctiu,.., t,;b1· tu:1.l • .A JlJur,· 1!hilrHl)1 • ..r 1ir1\'o • • ...: ('·>UJ 1 ll•Jt or n hu1uu1i h(.. lflil u...; th<.. r..r11.•e or 111.:. con· 1 0 11 r1nued i:!'OC>!:,. J ., !iuruitJiCS are i ~''"'' r;tl 11• rl11• IJ->tUt..'O r•111hi11ut,"' •1. • J, l.l J. inost or tbe ws.1Jy tnJ.:hta of Bon.bay. Tho conc .. n~h·U fron1 J..rl"'A•ru.: l'r" •lo... liJ .t:1. huth ' in~:s fln<', nut.,! '"tho 11r1vn.1cn.1.J1c-n11• hnll, th·st plaoc we.• Blt'P 11.t ls tb. t..:ruw!vrd market. wall, U·1t thH Pf·op.t.· i ; ,,-. 11 11 1\ t· lt·wn ~'3L th("!"IL~u ur Vh1 ry.'"an•l th•" h11ui:1r.,1i,. 0 wh!ch In ('Y1 ry rt Sf'eCt Wc•uld do oredtr. to thu full lltHJt•f\t .,r •ti. .1011s.·r1·, nhlc 101111;'~ 1,1!1it:hl .\lt•1)\'l'• f I .. ,.. ht u\'C'r IL hu~ l.11 r •I•> nuy ,lf' our h•>nlt t:1tie-'<. Th11:1J fta<".largo tn1u­ frun1 tbo t1111·11 •• .:- Ju.J 11,,, C«n;d,.,..111·rl" 11ot cr-nH.nrc.· Wl'h t•111li.Jiu2'.; 1n Avru 1.11;tl i,., roo(,•d l•Ulldlu..:~ are RO arrunjl1 ·d a.ti to ! 0 1ru• would ln1.1• to !Jt$\'t• th•., ''vlJ J•1a1·~::i ro1111.\"c..•c1 Jl lh1 :i..i11, cno ,•h11uld u ... r l<'u\'1• .J1•Ttw•:-t· n111 ui.lle.terul 1r1•,•ur1 ... hai1111l 1u 1!8 oeotroa. '\\ith1~uts-..:<.•t11J( chl·1' antJnt.., ot t110 old [{a.Jae who \Yt ro :n dl~A'ra<•o. Jtruupot or JauH'hlnif. chnttJnfl aut•.. ~ud 1 h 11., rr1 ri•' Sfo,E>ral oalrd .. r 111 ·- ~ ~ }"nun11 mc•n a·1t1 J ~ thrv 10 ... c..·ly conft.111·.J. anu W( N wornco arrt11uclu1oC ti:Je man}'·Oolore.J Uowcn !r1 qu,·rHh' sra1 \'1..•d to •lc-tth, so lbc.• ~ui1Jo A'Ulit Wt-re 1 boUQU(•(lt .:tC••l c, .. !Jr ,,if r111c1! u~. nt rhl· eu.u•c limo n1r11nrk­ dr••\~ t•y, t•\h:o t1r· :,,,. • c :1· "IJ \Ut"fr h1t.'k:­ u1tl.', wh1\)b he aa.rJand" for Wt1lcb thdru 1H.~eweJ to b1.1 a aol\ :11.110··:!:, sl ll llh I It( r huJ "ho::n·11 u l11u ~liRt h,,, hnd Uut 0110 hf.·li, 1 t.iotu:ht wu~ uuou11h for any u1u.n. J arrcr­ steady deruunJ. 'J.'hc- JU1•n, wltn tht Ir tnra1111a nf't~ht-... , h •ti ::i \\' .lrL 10 tlo thLiir \Vt1.r1.1s tot.nil 1•111 lh:.t lie baol S and 1 l LI.,,..,) tu oormit hito lo <..lltl:r lhe housu. S<1n1e many-colored nrmeuts, "'hb OOrc•arnut w .. tt not 1101og to b• ru.:ll·J 111 n th·~,· 1'.1~•·s. I•· 0111~ 'VqUJ•l lakc that ns e. .sucn ul uJ\'tlll«.- aud ankle.a Jl'leamhur w•th sllvtir Uru.celuts for E'At.'b Q( lue.01..• )'1.•UllJ.( lll"O h11 h· l BS lhntJMh 111;c cl\ i.ll.ilt1011 f .. r lll•• Htudoo ra1.·C!. 1 aod ban111:lea. 41) &eatod tn Ute nu11st Ol Ch"86 la,) WCJ.8 flUlfl, It uti; hUJJt \~l~ l I 1.~.1 !J 1 ''( l :\I lJLQ~ 0 JeaVtlS, flowera &fld bl.. uums. •DRtJu a.a plctufoo lar li.Wl..•Clllt•R1 l 'hu.1 WOSI tc•Ji ii r I l lll"t ... PHHJ TH;; H.\J '\ 6. TIGl.HK. ('SQ JO e.otl Q..'t ploasiDB a dC~uu as CIDO OOUld knov.n tn lbH 1-lintlVO 1o\" r, "1\ Pio •'l' ()( tho <.iolnl!' bock tu thu City tti we catnP.. we paid Wtsh to ~o. 1.t.10.1u.' Url\'lu.,. h.v tt11.··I.! 111\t·rs, WE: s1x>n a vi:Ht to rtu· ltnJ,,,':t tt.rt•r... "',.:ht furJto, ttlrc("- 'I'ho otht:11r butldhnrs were taken up with b•- lla.U to~ tbe bes.utlflJl :·tos1d,·n<-1·~ ur the 101,kiou ru~ll""l'BLCTS, 81J ~IUilht Within lt1t;' oootulnlru: rrulls and vei:ef..tlblea of J'nraeea: or nre---wor~Jpttrs, tho •·riuc·1pal lius- l"U months, aaJ each kaown 10 ba\'" tn.IUly tl'·sc•r1p1Jvn1t and am •81 ~xi·elJt:"at dts- 11H"h8 iwop1e or Bom1.1ay. '1'ht..-J' 'urn\ but a on~·~n hit tua.11--ouo be1111l crctln,•cJ with bav­ 1>J.11y ,,r nsh, tho ~r1ca ot ever.rtaJDQ" belOK urnall prop·)rtl<>0 ot Ultt popu11lrrou of rhe fo1o ··nteu olu\'On t>1.'1)Pll·. "l'b(.•y W(.•re all rl:'0&0!1Rl>H•. cJty. aum~r;nw &tOt mo.rr tbau tlt1y tu .. UIK 1J, t x.•ig-Qt. In tht• Stato JD lanro C&ll'ee.. nnd k"'Pt .But there wrae no QJeat lo alRht nor any tiU'- $.J.u·lr YuUIS."*9 Ilk~ f•1.~t.:11y f•~r 1.~bll.1 .. 'I"~. \\'ht:r«.· 1'1l11vbt uotll soweak frorn hunKer tbu.t I dead fowls. A 11nall, separatE' bulld1oa- la cowblneJ wuh ao entire. tiu~'<.lotn rro111 <·~tu tbor couhl Ul brouu-bt to the ctty with 83f~ty. ueed as a beef mark.el. but It bu beeu Placed projUdJCOS. ha.Ve made tbaru by f.u.r tbu W0:3t Thc:r 1.1·µt U"rotrllnR' aud sprlDR1D'1 at ua all to ooo &ide, .ao that aood l-1 u1dooe 01ay not bo Pl"f.!mtooat peoplo tu tt11L1ru C'-4:1m1nu111ry ll&Jr tho tl1J«.o ''C.. wcro thou· onrue, and 1 oat'lhled t>y a el~n< or the cut-UV b.>dlflll Of Thuae Po.rMCB IW'e tho 4osct"Udt>Ul5 or th1JSe 1bolr mo:it SAcreJ. antma.I, wbtcb baT-e beeo ftre-1'Ur9blPf,..."f'O (Zoroaa"&r1au11) Of l'un;ta Wbu, the lunz-(•st anti uwllest lookJnR" specimens fJt killed to aupp1y the lttblo" ot torclg.i°"' Io \'then tbcfr oountry WM co11QuoreJ IJy tb<: t l1uir kind that r b&\'d evor seen. the 111>00 spac.'8 h101osed by tbe l:jutJU­ M obarn.inedana. deollnt.o;cJ. to gt vc up MOHAJdllF.DAN Bf'HU.L 4ND HINDOO Br.Rl'i'- inJrs oue ca.a buy nnv uurobt\r of Uve bJrds. tcllglon, &nd lft'te, In OOrtl.•QUt-0C6. OOtilpollGQ JNO. Uut no1Je that hiJ.ft' b1•cn killOd. 10 6.t.·e trom tbo1r OOUDtn, fluoJJy aottllua lo l ... 1-a,·1ni: tho l~11y aqatn, wo soon to o. lkaTlDR' h1..·re and Grl\'1QR' out on tbe Parell Uli• part ot lauta. '.l'bret..1"11 be=w rnc little c.liatance farther on, nn.1 wo came a,li·te-~•o.,. and !otJLV1dua1 enera. Notwftti.. Tb&J' RN Y61\Y prol!Qo, and &.1181.t num~ ..... to t be Hindoo burolug 8TOUUU. o IR.r.A"e ope a 11 t~lUR' f.b1e. bo btt.a l°""rued to ho.Ji bis own ta;;::;c•aa J:aplU.17.. · · -- • ~·' ~Pn.c.."e conta.tolng what looked like b.and~ma. wltll tho Ell.t\>-u In buSI..,,.. ""'ti"""' for ho bomoe on alid llll'QUnd •~:· • Utt)e ra..l.'icd pavlllone anJ towors ut wnHe Ji! skrtiw•l nud pallrint, posaeatcd ot 4 1.uloot IOQk mOlfR llko P:lhioe. t!UU> ll.ko the b. 'iff. · mn.rhJ(.J, hut which, lo i·oallty• .,.,ero tuw1J..y for him rrolD O&tillll moat. so w1.a11<1W11 tQ I!!& 111 or JlBl! t 111111' tb ta.kc up e. Pos1t1tln ro windward ot chem. r.o ilTeGon a •huplo diet or lhU, ""il"'tab1 ea •urrounuod' b ex·=Y ..... and beaut! 1'l"he mnon<.l'r ot burntng'\o'Urlcs ucoordtmr to tbo llt>tl fruit aU crsou. For tbu p00r, a pyre ., bLlt lllt.te.!...Thti forc.•lgu(lr doel not come qut 'll'&Dl!e the tl"'etUla. ",' ls fotmod ot drl•·t'l ot \ liab.taJ'"ood. J 88.W threo such burn1nil8 alto~ '1'1 'b-er, a11rl hov1:- 1J0 tlcR1ro hJ so~ any more. \Vo l~uvo tonu·ht tor Ahmedal>atJ, Uw flnua1. ""'tF btitw11et.1 Ibis-c-.._.... Pl•ll'(• Rfl•I Bon1b11:v. - • . -~ i'},.. 1 rie • .. 11 11t l~•11t:sr:t'-Paw -.D'\1111 'til ... nhlp-TowWJt of ""ll•aoe. 1::,r,1 t.•.11) t.'orroouc•Jldenoo .-.r >h"•. \ 'tier l.1 l<(ITI U hr ATES 8Tlli~SI\ l:lft.Oll•LYN, .S BOMD.4.T. J"fnu.., Dee. 2'..-llornbaJ" wuo11Jt­ 'r tna.'1} tll'"atocJ 1,,1 an llJ•nd, but at lo.tu rcura f ll iins !. •'II Conneotff 'Wftb Ill<.' m9,r.)n11d by n. J c· nt~e\\af. [' fit a llf&e-1 ,,,klog oily • 2'lM mend,... ln Burol><'IJ , · atne, out wear wb1all !>'Ill"" dbacrll!Uon-ot bl"clr I accardt 11g to tuaotu #f'i or tnf:'1r n11a1{Tll, arn • a. I · l>l\Or"'i.I tu Goc.1 auJ U.;H.. (ul to 102111-!, "llU!r - l>AOJl.lM'lOlf or TOKOlUJiU... .i:l.u8d, roun.i 1u bo•r.uw. w ltllou t a ttm • and tllan runnlll:I{ up rrom tront l\Lld .._r tO an<1=1n. And now at I<> Uie ,,ay or .Y olloh•wa.whloll ~.'1 atrKr...,.ratlon moet •t 1lw "'''' L!irt'l the ridavwl• at 11 tent. A tt.•w Uays latcr the 'Jffif'lill corpse-benrora Jn rc..illty an or thl'l"tt ht1-we The wom.,u drt."-1 lu Uowu1g robes of eYer.J rL"turu to lbe tower, and coil~ utiUR tbe tben tow-,s-a tol'Oljra &e\tlemoot In tlosed b7 forehro HotllcIDy I air llnd ralu. lu tllls ma.uuer tile Pn.rSt:Q& f\!1d \!On.9Ulal' bulhliD.ll:S,, fiDG f(Jl"*IC1\ a:'.>re-t f,S.r w'·r~ :IJe l.Ja J.-. ...Hnv~t wou1on I aaw fn Jadis "lnlw that thc.h r1t.'IJ autl lllttlr tH.>Or 11rtt sJ, Jr.scnptJJ~I u11J 1llc: homt!'s of Qldto a U.U.Ji.o.­ 'rhtJ' d:eb!J Lbti.r , hlld~u9 of wbom lhtli l.1vUglJl lv{lt.>lhOl' all~t tl~atb Ul.l & Pi'l'tllQt ut.1r Of th6 ft1f£llJ..'D rc~i1l•1Ul.S. tUld is (1u..~J ?.t:• aeew PA88ldcatoly tone.I. fn all th.& colors of 1 t1Qua1ity. a sea. WPIJ, alon&' wbicb runll s. arnoo1b, w111~ lh<:J rRJal.Jow-t:oyiJ d.uJ 1;1rJb, l'.l 1fmlla..r atttn• AllbouR"b thfl vury idea ot tb1s manner 1treet., ca!ltnl \btl liUDfl. Ot Lhe D&tlVf' toWU •Ull to "l Ct rra1n SC'••: \\" 1du, Jooett trQuaora Of of ourhu 1B repulsive dld~U3liOJZ. l'dt, In a ""will roakumontl'.)n lat.or.. ftNe col.1r, h, ,Jo, 111 ttt-n or &Dlber &Uk. Utt.le / "dnlta.ry po.jut ot view, It ft.lid tttv bJll wucn .rho 1.uua lo a •ucc... a.un or •mall bllls. •bort Jackote (If fJlac:k :onuvo or blutt. ha.Pd: Iruvr<· thoroU¥hlr tl~u cr-ematloo c.Joes. thlok.lJ' ~<.ttrJ wlth handeomt: tort:J1Cn aoJ. l'ODlul\ t'IUbrotdor~a lu ll• h..l und slll'ts:f' w ~ 1 I Ou~iJe or lbe City pruper,_ tbe woet fntt>T-­ n&t1Ye •..-01tq~., lD YAriou.:1 pleaat1118' 9tylea tJl h1llr h•oee nutl llr1 .. f•1g nnJ t.'• \>C'rt5".i W'ltb archltecturo. aad, iu WO!t case&, ueatlU..i.Jt 1u th~lr1 t'&tJntc plact1 tu \'lalt is tbe .Elepbaata Cavt:ii, oyl11 dr1l·u.J c.ap..:; o~ eu1l>rouJor,.. d slJK llr clolb , un an island or tho aa.o1e nam"• about an 1.uctty &'krdt>na of trt.•ftl!I._ ehrubu aud llo'fnrs. 01 Q"(JHt. .'\ Jlt"'.•l1Jl • - Pa~~ clJl.'Jrt;,, mtl.-..s,.. buur'z1 t.l.uatn1n11 from tho .A.p0Jlo BonJer. 'l'hfl' AmorlC8.ll6, rr•.::.JC"h 8.lld Eugllllb e.1:1.('h Ul~t t.r111ianr 8Ulb1. i 'fhl18•! arc 1Creat Htudoo tea1p1e• ot ma..,sivu navo a bo&Pttal 011 tho Juul?. onrouurt1ou6. ou1 but or th" s1JJLd rock aull that ot our oouniry ls tht> poore.1t-look1.:J&' oae ad or tbwo• P<'"l•I .. ut a l>:1nra.1u tbov Mr• do:"IYa LJc,,a.iruyer. NuthiUJl vf tho tb.tec. tl.l\Vil..f'"' "'' JJIHB:!'i\1111}' ;.••,ur;~ Jlt" i..~d Pt lit,• 18 kuowc ab(IUt tbf'J flutlqu1t.y ot And back of All th I~. rrow the m1at11t or a llhd lh ~Ill I() ll JJ"OU~hly CU• I• llk•J W1to tn1•1u~ tht>:1t• cuYes. autl the DH-tlV<"S about isoru1'ay nDJf8 ot s1nail turroutrdln"' lull•. tber• rl!M!s anu \f'1th evaiy · ft.;t"IJnw !'or eurnmt'r ttrnL• 1.111 act.·ount or tboRrcac number ot .frlOUDt FUJiY81lld., th~ t>OEffhJ~ WYUUfBJll tnen1. Nun1l·{~r-1 i•f thetn tiH1tcd 1t.~ ZihJ» of cvlJras wnlch infost 11Jem. My e.xt>t"rft;1uc., vt tbCJ 10.:..J of tbu rls1a11 suo,. Without a rep-­ f'Vc>t)' d11r. ui. I w1 rP. a:s rnu< b nu <..ihjc·ct <1f loa 1a 1uf'I toad8or' th11t lbe trav••ler 1br0Ullh l"<•iot:UIRlh.. :1 .,t wb1('h n>.) Jn1 .. ».Dt"80 J,1:t:L11re It" I u in11 r1~t l•l t '·1· l::!u : r" ~:o1 to., i;i:h ll "a.:: i• • r b•·w. JuJl& wilt ftu.J It worth the time tfl S.Pt-Ud at. Ct.1ru1d1•rtnl part. • 'l'uke' 1111 ttw ft~oa 4 A b1.111J1·nd of tt11·rn ,·0111 •1v .,J,,n~l·l.- v•11.· lctt. ... t 1wu 1lnr11 1uD n,uay. l Rm •>nl)" &<. ..rry i;. ·1t·an.:' wb1ur.. o\11 y ... nrly ~eur f111u1 J~unu w attf'r oron, the •1J~rr11 n1'1. ... h·1 •Jn 1..h1ty .-e. i th:at I cannot \'i&ir Pc.01.a, HyJ~ralift.Und, tu ',.•II 'I 'I I , th n1 llh dl1it'\ s , 1•)nf nii ti.I· 11•11!" '"· ~It I • · to 1ott.vo hr•re tonlorro ~ tvr C~} Ion. un our ftl'llU!.lltJll VC tn1i;-1n : h1' JUPlSUU•t> "l"h 1'hC'Y hnve rra1.y 1r 1h1•1r ('liur"nt·s. or l'~lrP wa}' to l .tuna. n:ic1 Jupaa, natl of course l mm1•ff'_... , ns they ,·all '111\11J, lu Bombay, 1.ut muse rru \VI 1 b tho ."\bin. Q:. It d\Hh, nlUl·~t. t.t.1 tbca 1..·l·JUdG, with 11ot II nPt l•t :ng c,f lbl~ -~1111 111ltl., J wAb not p,·r· coU\040 o, •.. :11. f,,r huu•lf\'- th\• 1)f OU<'· l<'r<.•lQ 1bO ll'~IJt) . -::..:..:_ . out..;i.i. l •tt:; .;l'\f• Ir 11.,... , t thor lhrse t~1upl("'fl ---- ._,.. -- 11 vr:•: . .i ,u\1.rcllt &1:rJ 1-1t.l.•)ll. ]L l"' •1 • il"f· c10•!1i\1•ly11~Jy. 1'1• ·ut"rt•1nl'ets:'lnt.t 10 11Q1v, hut !rto1n 1ho ft··q it.n..;.r ot the ..ar1 .1 'l' aKt ~ ,v1tt1 \\111t:b Jati~u 1·. troubl9J w.· au1} t11• J..,•p• ('f\nl!" . u•r L'vt•:i!~ u p-·r111 11 tn rharge Tl~J SUN. SUJ.11· }'I•\! it 1~ .,I, f•,.•J Ju•r!UlhP'1 \\J,h fir<~ r 11t tl:StrUrt-J 11111! L.1~ ruig?.I) .:1.t.1,L IS ,)JI} I f!luulht'ttui.:. ftll·I •111<)' UI u Ulff mtt. J\ • ar ... tt.1 Ii liii/; ~1ru nt ,.,.r ''l hit tt '11e out. llALTIMOi:_~ YON!'AY. ,JIJLY IR._2.:'!!7· y \ r:t;W1·~' •r1io ll-'••1•1-a11 ~II·! tntiJ. urt.> bQ.ul to be \t·r): =-_-:.- ~------a11"1 ~ nud 1r.i1f'1:tt :n• r.1rr1U11, ••rupth ret\'•·\\cH,..,UVLll,..,:\1r,111;oJa-. 1 11<',.Utl,\UU•)O Ws&.hfni:tc>n !?nl'oa~ or ·•The !'rt.n.n.'' ]~ ..~. \l''lc ·1 '1 l:il I l\,...,f..,. 1110 <•litlrO co: ••. : 1 r .... t!, '\t\i W.\-"• tt1.·~•JlhjJtU1:.} I~ ancl .. 11~. 'l'hc ~r··•d 11 -J ·ri ~. th11uU"b~ &N~ i' ftTRll£'r. HXTWEKN l'RIRTl!J:NTR A.ND Jntei111-t•·nt ll!1•I l'irhlr r·c·n.nJ;.NTff, WARRI!IU'fON. JJ. c. t::olf:l111•Jaitb \1hh:t ~l t.>K cJv.\'ll 1t11· lotl•~·"' 1 l'llll •Jf dlO t', 1}' vf j', 1•, \ htlV(• lh' u v\'. n !'.t'll•1(•IS Hnd. J.:"IVe b<-• reoetved, and wber0 Te q HUl\ w11J be 11•. tbv pv r tu .. ir rbJ1,Jr,•1o u\1 "}' t• 1Jt:nllv11al a·l\'U.Utu4l''u... t'oao.r1 on sale daily, at RD early hour, a1. pub· Its tu •1tJ, fhu\ CIH1u1 to lil! ,('\t' in Ont' trutJ a11d oll~ llshert' prlces-s.wo reoUI per C:~ An·! :.IC•W '('t l!!l Lr11Jf1y rio1.1• \, LuftG.n'l. ., PD\V«rful (;0-1, 1ho IHll~c , llfloll ... ti" I : W1 IU'~ It :J.1(.-I· tho wnrl•1 ar1c1 tb1• tnur"C' or nil J)o\v(•r anct R.11.MRLES lN ,JAPAN. 11...1 .,r 1:-i.· (1111\.11·,. .. r 1!1. 1·1.:1·'" 11·-iiu·. i:!'lory 'Phoy IJ"'.:;;«1\.'t·I\· d''TI} 'v1._1r:o.l•lpinR' 11rt~. ll!:J.!Jlh·Vu (ioJ !··Le I ml1u•!l1HI IC of al• of l"okoh.:ttxut.. OJ•' fh i .. al "UI" •11 1 • t1, • \l.J,.t"1•• "'l.111 . ..i &l:tt;• It;.;,. fRt I \t'f',!I; h.' • •""1\.U 1 I •I' '\.l'\I • ..,, bu1".1r• t~ • • 1 ·• ..ac1:.i..· :ae l'l11n, ni·t U. c:. J-"i Au-ti 1r- Hu'"'"' TN, \'°f'\ltOTio\MA., ml.k·••..,. rn,"r fl"f!Yfl~ ,,. • " ' ' " tr• Hlr11 0111 · :JQ(o;.- \Ir. l 'W'Urot • Jln•r•"' , , .. ,,. .. J>.PA''• ""l";. 10 ...... , IJ ile ID 8 Lu<' •"-tl1 I I f1f \~j_ IU ' U,ll. •.)".l.J• ,,,. R.t a •I• w 11· •1lf Ji1 ,J11,y Jli.'V \(i, I :111 ill · .\ lttlJfJ o\. r" 111llr bl\.,'1\Jl•l th• \1ohernn1i...­ the .. u,i" of l'P1to-l'okohama bay-th<' \Vf'l'll-1 fl'l'f' :t {0rn1i.::11 D IW1 ·'5 •,,, 1 ~,· ' • ,ll'V"(ll ,. l1 I dan liurinl 1l10.u1•l 01•tl n11 a h!ll L(1p \\tJ L·~tmo t.1111 t1vu11dAry or qblt'h 1.. a bo.:d l>tutr wbtoh \ t.1)lr 'lf f.-'18("(•(111,\ ·1111k1.~ •• i· !') 10 "lJt• ot thl· ~ tnu11l\•s: n:aces of hurh:tl 1u 1'or1us tbe end c>f a rni•gl' of low I.ill~. en·J trlutlns wit.a liu:'I 1·uua· r~ ,•n 1 t•1·:1• rn1•rp ... R\U at1\•• ... had hC1"1\Qh.. ·l=~•'O 1111.:C•"•j, \11 i, ,, the• Y.flrJ.! ·•1e 1'1.r·:i\I''!> "l'u\\ 1co 1Ji :--1h.H&\.'C." wlJl~h J~ nn.mPd 'J'rt ~tr l'v:nt 111 comro·· •n..l1':\· .{'h1.:rc w1 r1· Uvl- uf llu·~e t ...... 01R w11J11n ao 11(, h•n.rl .i of the s11ln11 ,.. t·f 1h1· • 11 , .. tlntl 1)f CorDID•"l h>re 1,\-rry's ra1uo11q T rrbty c:x11 os.1.·u \~ri1l11•J tnrl l'lllr· .... , '"hltb n.lso ~oo­ !l(•J.tJ Rl. l JQ!I 'l!Uu. Qn .. •tly I ...u .. 'I 'I ,, lh•ll' tJ tl tire tt.·•, w1th ho1~'':( 60 cu~ lu llR wllh .l11.p11n tn 1,.i..·, .... Bt,!otl'Hl thib bJutr we onn .1ffµu111'6c~ '-'H.Ptt ll. sud 111h "<.'Jt .~ ;" ~ ·•· I 1, n1.:f·M tlO".Vll pnlr9 bhJo \\'ui1~ ''~ tu per rut t.;10 ru.).i Crom tbu sa1~rc•l · ,. f, • the \\'llt(·ri:. ot JIJV u ·~0111111\'tl'lt!..l \..r('n1y vf .. .t , : ... n · -J' tiff.)'" flru \\ Hh:r1 : .. rail r1n till) l•>WCrh. A!i \\.'f) ll.1o•11u!( or Y"dC', In l'l'i1n•h Lh" 1)1.. a:uirn<"LCI ltl:tl II ha.; 111•\'ll ..... ' I k;o th1· 'J!l.'; ., -l \\'LI."' 111·.;. 11"\u ls n11J lflll'i 1&1 •f'U (UCH'IUI 1 J"st n.r1pr .. l:u.1n: u. A'I t 11n.. l't' ru11c1t\J-l nru Jn··ant.."0'al art:i ~tll"h l!.• ''"'r · Uf\W"· I Y 11,,.1 lin1u uv :n tbf' 11r1...... • •h· t c'i t1. , 1 1 t.xu~ ill .1:1.lik,._ tht·y rr-1•1)..i:i.11.1111'. nu d1!l.t111C't1 n I\ 1·\ · \1iS.'li•f!lf'PI lia). J~1·1 ••fH ··I\ •a;. IHI•, "t•dtn.. lr,•111 1 i WltlJ. }; IJ.'.I '' '".4••' j '111..- r }"•rr~ J·1'1n1\. ""ttrat,.·gtt :'p.l •vu1cti J"f"rUtJ•U"' Inc p•lrL of h.n.11ngawo, ou1) J~ ,,li,1"' 11 111'·OrRfl ...•• ,.V 1lllllllt3ty, 1":. ,1 ~l'••u1tHI ut tfl~ ;• . tl;1 .. t"1t Uel'JR • urt·l~·J l1) the J'uwt•r .;f ~.1c11ce on u b1c1, tboao oic.l un.\~u1 oJli,••·n: who a.l-.tJ) ~ t<.•lt that '\\1\•VU tbt· ·J'oKJalv. \~ c:r\Ul 'n ouul r1" ·I tb(- ~hip~ wbt1l1l ll)cJ 1~io1&...1u1duJ wc•r1• thr. wldcll tu 11 •'o 111. were cnatt1l1t(·H.:-a,•,1 :. ti•(l<'th('r, us th•Jugb 0111 ol•l rta1ck'n1 of Ne"' YtHk wc,u1cl at Tb .., Jt1pane~fl goveromont. soon aup;·1· ... uo thvughl ut t1• ntli had po\vcr to n W rho u~M J~ !~an ot \' .1k(_•ham!I., 11ou10 twv wiles 1&t.·rvu Che lla.r. r~11i1lcu ,\.,.r-. th1) drst st.eam ,..esu.,I tltut 6k.y, OclJhC Cu?Vf\'•d hc..,.,r ll1t:1 1011 w1tb a otr­ nee\ vtetl '"lrb pl('&SUl"\.', nnd r.,movell tl!err• ovt•r \'ls1.i.. J Auatro11u, on wtllb&ma •as then but a mt1t'Hb)· '' c.-· arP uc .t :ni•t.akeu. 11 ne "ns ovtt.i unu1dcJ by thto \Vu)' a.r11u:1cJ~ tc., a deep \'i'• II 1 1 the intawp, buL todiy u ta a Janet', weU·d1uiutttU bl"olo&. 6f&Wa 1'5 av Jar.ror 1hu.o 1t. WM O.l OraL, and, In w"tf s11ltl It.> n Ju.pat.eFd • ·nwp.iu)' ws11y Yl•tir• cootu.111 n1.,,11 bt>dJ'. n t.Xitllmarcuru polut.1 ot vl«'w, Is Of 110 11:11 .. hu)t'a enouH"h to a h .. IUl'o, :i.oJ are s.UJI mu&t comforta.ble and Tnesa thr\•t• rowft corr· .. ~onnd t.o> tho Lbrce purtanoe wbaC:.,\'6t, Noc.w1Uletaa4.JulB .. u 11ll11SL PvfJUhlf' Stt>am1•rd out hott. 1nural pr~·: ... ~Ld or lhl' z .. ruai,i;tr1uu reugaoo tblS, aud a~ tba f4.0t. thM. tbe. ooa..utar viz.: ..<.Juod 'rhou ... htt-." ··o .. ou \Vords: 1 And t>otw•:l•n i:.nd Rlk> it thl>t nutn~rousfteat ruorea6'ltat.'tN.S all UY'O bl Yollob&mn.,, theo,v of \'U$dut9 ti,. wa.U"r l" a.Jruo~t nL ... "' wJtb. "vtWW of UH" W1,;ll 15 nllt-J \\Ith rtltcrjog e>r the cmplru, wid Its lmpor1JW11lQ IB lboreu­ Plh<'t•. J'lJ.1.t cruw ol u1t~Jb. numt.01·11 fruw two IU)o"e("'.!t ur uborcc.,Rl nntl ~Tit!, tiU ns to kt- 'Ua jag atcad.llv J"6&r by year. b'Jnc ateamors to Cbtht. and thoy d.fO UtlURllJ d1 csa..~d lu IODJl\ eaf'r.h Ucn1f'IQ.tl1 H t1 vw ht·lna p0Uut1.-d. oi.lllr and leave its h~tbor ctYory day, awl u. \Vldtt-tloovoluo oo-ttOn nrmea~-a 00111 .. Y;l21.·n tn1: b<,-blo oommuuloatlou w11b all b1nac1on c~pe autl a-wb1C'h 0c,mea 1 UffloE:'OY'fU'ft 8f0 M.ld 0\' r It, n1111 tt.C ut "'°"' partt of Eb• 'l'Grid.. Its mo&t tmportn.r1t then u<.•,.,;.1 to bttlow t.lln &o~. j"\vme v.unr l.lflht- o I boarerd--who havn pc·rr 1rrut'd Ctsrt.a.Jn ,.zport al tllo 11rooen1 time Is llllJ<, tbo value 11Lllug :1l11c trousers. but ma.oy only "oar n of that aent to tho Ulllted Slate• and l!urope nu1.·~ury l't'lhrioua rites. uotl nro alonl.:" 1>rr­ loin "lotb. 'l bey must weal' sqmo BJ.IP' .. n1ttt<'1nc•1 IL In & r ...·ct·P"' Jl<"!t ta orda-rof lm~oo, &od almost all or ot fur a man to lilJ ,c~our. lD a uuJo <..•uu J r ta.ale ta tta proper row, r<.·1110\e and deau-oy 1a.,.. 1- lt Jn sent dtrt'!Ot W &11 ~cl.loo Cur American tl1,on. rl'bt'ly &CUJI fDSlrkJ ot TO'lrJUIC, St.0.JH1luQ: oouaumpuon. 'l'ba& lc.'llt lO u.e Unl\e lbotlJ.os.t, w1tll one "NaKed we oomo 1uto ttua \fllrld, u.ntl ot tnot lut r•-ar was •alued M "11.'100.00!I. Ad >.Bo l11 advuuc-o rc:.."dt.LOtr ou an WOl!UO•l 'boo..rd.. o..od lllllOUQI UjJOHG4 ~ -J,f bv£ ~.f : nok1 d we 011flbt to lt>nvc ll"·-tt.U•l tl:l•n h.iuulJIDM JooJit, ht>aYY Pl 1 uLed on -eou.u. 41 let.Vf' tllc place. A!! s,.11Ju tbl·l' 1norDlt!'inir. 4 Wbloh Bl!CUrf'.J tu short OUl.J:::;tRliJOr Or ,,000 r01'\"1#aetll la Yoi;Oballl& 1W11rly 600 Jeuvo the;, tower.'l'O Or,011.e ot, At. en .... 11 outward dbO\"& or the oar 'fth ICb hf\ Ve boon rapidly COi l~ctlllQ' OU nt•.lgll• llre BrtUab 1Ubl00 Cbliiea... '.l'he bo1 lu~ Wal.JS tt.nOOsa.loa Qn1t h11ve tn iili.!"h~ ttwoup llowu bC'an:I ba!f 'lfllf acros1 tbo ba.11.>or. 'l'h.,• C.:llln- bare llN IRl>l.dY• ,b&MS-wor.l&b Vl."ft•ra WO.,t ut tlu• fUa~ tal party tho wus••UUJf"811al 1>0opJe o( Ulo J>l•oo. vt·r1 mworGle, LO cuut.S takhur u Pati~Cogc.:r '.J,lUBIUK 18J:l.4Jl... :-oacht.•J 1bu1r h1•UH'fl. Ju t.hl1:1 maonor WJS'll'horo tn tho bo.rhoc. tbo l-'a11K:e& huh.I thn.t thu)'· uvu1U pol1uUng .And no" let u11 ta to a aa.o:tJ>aa and:roasbore. IW1lh p11tn:fYl11~ l!1:t1h tho::lt• UIUIDOllld wbJob, 1'a11oiu,: at tbo J~ucuon Q! 1..llv !otcip-n and ~Ii lb.o 111u,c:Je::;. 'l~e pruCosttlOlt '"" gr 111,0111,.Y 'o\'t>rc tt1' 0JC1H hl(ft.Ul tnnt uu: i;t .. ul•:t .:ru1i1ve tO'iJnf, tMr· Dr.i~ alJrbt f"'bibh pr-osont1 fOJlowea by'bllnd 6r JUQ:IDll!d J)(IUJJI('. (UH.I It 8 l::l~U.1.:~ lfSt about .thirty or moro "8<1 l;o seu tbou1 d tboy wropo or limp •IOPll' nuu1lJfor W(•re not. boua:tit. tunl w1"9 J>tio.k.t"d jtnrioki11h1&n.l(l11ftol-Po\'1&.r oarrfffA'es,) tbo owu­ iib.o att'Cflt.s, blO\f10.w th~h· 1hrll l'ttotl whistled. on Lo hu lh'iJllg'•tt Ol\O.W. bert). 'J."b:e ehl ut· whlcl croWdt.t-·."RI. 1'hc Jinrlokl•ha (orlgllll\111 tb9 lulren­ <>Urlos. .Wo :first en~e1· a ahK •l<>ru a.nd soe cus~fFJ1 utttll.Jll.Jl 1' d.i lDarur to recover Wle \\lpo or an 4morl'claD} '" tbo ca•·rl~ flt lho \\hClt Vtould dnzzle'the eres or auy·tau1 _In oar1ro, ao.d it wus rouuOO:r;11mrJ1ar to tiiat ot' a baby . mooero ware bad all ueun reduced to a state... wrapper~. dre.. 1011: ll'Ul¥ns, Bal<>kln1<. Ja.ckot:c, uf DUJD. <'f\rr1Q.Ste. w1th a.u a.dJ~rablo to,P aod a neat scurfs.. bed qull~ _Mid 8croeos 1h all t.oo colors \..1.J'i!Hon on lho sent. u"c.lor whlcb J& a rcccµ~ or tbo rnJubQW; crupo shs.wls, Jargtt ancl email. Tbls ••Mt an lmprobablr ;arc,for tho Jap, "'f41,0lO !Or b1Uc~ago. 1.'no body Is treQU«.:DLly 1 ombroldercd w1tb t.w;to In dellcateo colors, and aoe~ hnve u~ed Jac..·<.uu:r \\'artt !or ct-•nturios- t1ltb&'l' nntllr 111oquored Qr~tW 1>1;t1~111e)lted &o .fine that tbt' larJre11t of tbem couJtl be 1n rhe piaoo or crlaaB au'1 ta.hJowar,.,_ W CUPI. wltb tll'IUll: l\14 lllO!llltod on twu IU!h'I, blltb dl"awn.thruu&th a 1111ly"s ftnnt·rhur, Rl'ld.many sauftlmlofl It wu OlUltutnary io :-o.t11~'\Plr•11 tiun ona, tho owni\c llft,•11 111• th.~ \Vo next droo Sato a plantt wh1lre wl! 6nd 111ultA 11orue t1n1.• nrUolo ot h1cqu1.•r WAreQn tbo .. 6Unfhl and 111nrtnd t.l!T ovor tho wido. 1uuout.h J.,imncoo bronzes or nil aetor1p11oa, 11ia.ln, 1,11 1r1 oft' 1u1t11 t•IJJh.l Jn rho hunt I). itl\tru:r tC­ fltl'Ottt at n r"l.Jl\l Lrot,. MM.nY pt tb.allC mJ.11.J ~n with ir(Jld. silver aqct brasH. auc1 nlao UUlf uoH.t ot h,,.,,uur r bon n11 1 1:q.p111ng au i\ J • aoep UP& trat. With bu~ au ocoasfooal •bort d1'Ucately ctu·ved out ot tho 8011<1 µic-00; v11f11:11, cltlduga.l oou t OU 6A.C"h tilJ ·c~hJ.UC IJlr..(ihU6.)1 I rest. tho.t lylll ORl'rY tbem OVl'r thirty m1lee tcJols, urue, storks. oandlosUckat. anhuu.hs of u11til ho nta<"h('U rull.n's c·Hr~. but suCb Kr­ ttc1cs are scarcely .:iv.·r t•>r &aloa.ttht11,,.te. ... a:ay tor BGvcrat days Jo euoooasiou, but \Vo 0.11 kinds, und 'h.E." most 1mpo~8Jule dragont' • 1 wore inronnod that web Qt tnem aa had 'l'ue wo.1,·kmaosh1p is oxcclleut. for tbe Jop~.. day. Iu euccct•tl1r,K lct1eri:1 '"e hope tO ba I srt'aOy 01np1oyment In this maooor were nese hav"' o.1Ways been celebrnted tor tb_e1r able tv tell yuu abour them 10 connection j ~en ... raHy short Hvcd. befog carried 01? at an work in txlt:t.alB. bat the pr1'C8! arc inorea!nD"' w1tb tbe b.abltS. custc1ma anJ na41oual cb,.r.: earl)" U20 by hctu t aoroJ)Ortlon to tbo aOteri&Uoa ot •.be t>90Ple. in1uy wt.:o.tbcr LtJc to.\) 18 ouc. up aod acovor­ mcroo..e 111, the demand Crom the Un.ltcd . .TOR!' C'RI!'IAJUN. ini:c of olla1l l!l:llk drn'vn over tho entire front. S1atos aod Burope, A:e yet. we ht\ ve soen oo 'Tba\Ul.&~~.'f'OX'.Y wb.un. ret11ly nl<.l brouzeti.1or ncu1·1y &II suon as hR\"Q tQo:y tt.ll <'.arry tanoy~colored Jupaueise lKn­ bor:on rf)r enJu lu rhto pa•t llnV<' UG.\n otcltod uu --TIJ}!j Sl.JN. t.ccna.. l'ha man wbu 0Kb to lo11r.11 bow ~uniarlr. tu•1"·1,· 11n ruuoh 110 aw ttioY ruust hu9'<1 ocnu !n ub1y oXJ>ttre Ja1Jo.uwo atlit a.r. ma.k1usc ouw Llln nlil«u UnnJ"""'1nOt. A:O llU\rif ;)'Ol'IN Ru:o­ 1U1uu11 louk. o1a. 1 \\fh,iu lht1,Y Wcll'D OOUtlldurod 10 ltti UIUJlJ&t tn N u.xt wo step loto a china 1uoro, but tlll wo 1'nll 1ll·e.11JJ wllb uotbJOM' ou but a nat·row J.vto hooe to visit thoi«- at J{1,bl1, l{1oto uu.J Nturn.· a.lo~b. tut.kl. \Vlilo11 are ~aid 10 llo tlut t.u•"'t In tile 4 \IUEF.R OURTOat. eml,ltro wo will not. now at.te1upt. a clQac&:J.12".' RldJoK" up till• wls ot all erylo~ Goil""\'f~irtirns. \V,.. weru t ht· ll.l•)Dlh of litay it ts ouafomary to ft oat R poht14ly in\•ftt~d ups~D.lrs to "l::;1t 'the- m,_au­ Pni>or llllb In rrou1 of eaoh bou•e In which a CBCt<>rY.1u" soated, a la Turk, oaoD bbe en11:oired. on-"a an\! -very unbaPl>Y ara molit ' nttl.triutl ptooe <.>f cJotsoone.. 'l'hu baae vf thn artlctc lo (.•1urph•s wbo oahnot Uc tt.lao Whun tbhl f u11ose mournlug cotors-whta11 we tma1.ooud or iue met.tll Lmcln11. l'he ..s~ ~ll,llOO• blUnitl{'IJ that. a mlln child had bocn tiorn In tbruugh tl\'tl burnlullS,, batore "'the lttSt. vf t.h'u n1IJacC'ut liou'>w during tbo year. Uur. t.ba10 \VUlt.•Di toe 1:1nzluic matt'rlal Js put ou •. Tho 1i ba•l ••oce been carried orr by the grim pr1ce1:1 or Uu.:se aruclt's aro CU1l.IDRraUvcly du:1t.·uyor. low, a pair or wscs ot moderate sizu. wblcn aumo &TRBRT toole not .le::lS than two nu>lllhi of ll- skilled ' Strlklnit oft to.too r!irbl>'tl.'Olll our consulate workll.lao's tlruo to oompl~te, seldom cost11ul we entor tbe Honono.,,ion, better known to more 1 llan trow S60 to $a00. AS vie at.arted to foreli:n tourists as Cul"JO'Street. We will not leu.vethlsstote4 . , '-~ .1.a .... ~ ao awo:ty frC\tD this s~rfK'lt. for; the many other .lAJi'ANJ!Slil rumnut PllOCJOSSIOiMtHUfil u10 duur. l:l'lr&t n1uil" 1.h ro~ men, s}luclal loterost which oe.nnot bo toudd io I eu.ub o&rryiuB an iulm_~tU>U et.aua ur oow-uut t.hls ono. 'J'bo eoone tn t.bJs etroe' WllB a l)ar-­ 111,won, wbo were toUowed by de'f'CJrul p1uu t.i1·111n.r1,· nutmatod. ono. 'rbero wero numot"· co.rrylha uud bc11tinJl lo1nt.vn1s. .Atter tho•o (.l-Ulf jl111 luk.Jtihn11 c:ontnlutuu p<1w<1ered, CUlllC .0. l)EUCL!HSion of DHIU fJrttssed iu blue, pau1to,1 and tpu,a&U«ilJY att.lred JKuanose lnaroli1111t two b.v tw.o o.nd ~acb. wc'l.lrlu&" a WOJllUQ. «nd Olllkkelt. *ltb toll8'• balr 4000 u u lu.rgo strR'" hat. vt·r.\' shuilar tu::. lully !i bUU"' lu ltumo11eo •h•llCI Qf altllba' lm1>0aalbl$ de­ du\Yu, 11&1 urull·r thto calu t10 l\S tC> alnioat llldu Mh:11s.. n.111J Mltll 0111ar11 ooot.Alufn1 !Mb.lvuabt:V­ tbo !tico.. lioblrul tht .. prooOttSIUb c..•amo Lho Ul"&'ttot•ll C•11·olsrn IQ.tllt.·d on ViaJla uf Jl1.ipnotlou l.JM.lll.Jou1.·ors. t•JU1· mu11, 1JU1Jl1oruu1l two bam­ tu 1hu .1ur10 ahOl.I~ aod wboJookoll uuL K\Yk­ bon poles Oil tlu,Jr SUOUIUUN, OU lVhJoll rustod W••l·.t but vory PbCUltM to ClUt' eye.a as they lvok~d like a .Lt&t:QCOIBD bo:X enureJy <.1solu>d by In waat;you would t.erui big baby covored with wlutu.'"ln th.lti hox wa.; the carrla~e11.. curpoe "re$£'1ud c.lss and af1ttr the01. a nutnUer ot coolies.. llar, by meacs or wbtcb its owner could C&l'ry carrytu_i' a ba.mboo polttOn bl~ shoulder. vu it :fromODP plRce toanotb~r on hie sbouldertt. cacb euJ ur wbil.:h "IUlo elunr.r a l..L1·2e bluc..·k 1 t was clean Iookintl. neatly arran1rell tt1a oo.r conta.U.IU&' food tor the <.lead ao.U hid aod very ootnplote, contaiolng a cb.trcoal tamHy d.eWes. •tA')~ft and OooktnR llten11t111 on one fliide an1l LACQU&R WARE. :tood and tSh1bes on the olllor. J t wo.a ull ao A ft er th1e procuSli\OD bad bad64.l we went tnto emall, 1housrh. tbar It 1011kud onl,. O.t tor use ln l11uc~u111 tiLC.U'U nurt thuru 6':1.W htc! a ctuld'a 11la,.--bouP.... .Arnblhur IJy UM ouuiu a. n. ware or alJ k1ud13· ·opou a1.1u1 uh•afl!LJ Cllhl1t\•t..t1. h11nd­ "'°uni rilrl w11b ~ ba4 e..i~' IA oao e.v•" Buu .. __ ..... ~ t«n:ob1"r l.Jo):ev, 111<.>Vu btJ.1.11t1, putr bo.x.,e 1.u1d inau-y Otl1or thiUKI tQO nuuturuu., LU tu.i.t.I •111 hlah W0<1Jnu. WhlClh n•ldu•l nrv~ Uh•Utlon • oml 1011110" c., 11'11' eh•11•1, llnJ 'IVllld J'ho iu.uquur u11trtl I.Ill l~l)lnt d.ltllJIQ1' Ii'(\ V~ll''" ll1·1•"41••1l 111 th•111t1ll11rui1c•oa\.Ullh\-WllAl-1nUrh~ 11u1b wiu.un ls ·nbtaluua ''°Pl th111tu.1quur trt:t1, hn 01"1"'1 • '1fN911(11it atn'WH ot l/IUP, Wl'll op11 11 r101u w11Jo11. atwr 011LUn11111t.o It. durt1ur tnu .... th it llV\JW •n Rll lo t•X 1u111~ 1UolU1ldn1·f.LlllO l)f lhare thQ .umo tv ao l(uui..l w11tk. tu couiw- 11u 1n.i1.·-.111 ti11111."u ru11nh>it,by rbt1 ,.,"y,wbloh qu~noo ot \Vbloh mocJern lu.cquur waru dO:e. 11• origluaur butrp"'°"l 'tro1n thetlo u1no 1 11u1 ovou bCJllll to uomimru wlt.b that mnclu lavft.U(\IWJ womou. Thl,,i y6uuR i:lrl ontrl.,f"\ n p11c1r to twunty yoa.r"turo. A reo.llY t\i·Ht.-uJ11JlJf AJ.,nnll tt•r1t \\ht1111<•,wh'1>h "h .. tilow nt tt·c:o\lll1111t I p1tH!U of lnl.!1111•n nu1Cht to willuttaud Uut lbittirvn1 .. l•I U'lllH\1 ln1r flr'uCt•Rdllll, "· llUl.tR'l· I oout..1111 1,r IL 1111nll111( n11BI. A \'Ufil hJ Ml1UU ~riur. 01. 1v1 tt\fl H&t.IUl \\ luh JF1l1t.tn11•111; 0• 11I1 11, ~ I hu,·i.I '"' tli.1 c•IJ1111t L11"t llltl.llY )'Otutt nM1111 u1·1·~t. Ju111l•lu1ull•h, 11n11 whc~ ll,t\111\1h1 au· n1t'1111111l1111•n 11un1u1u uf Vtt1°,)' IJoRulitUI .11.rLn1t1111 1.1! lai• 1111u·r t.1 1u J11t11lrt '''"' 111111111h1u of n11,.lln•1 " l"nl'> 111 I \Vl\l'O ~um Jt'1Ut. ftllUI boru LQ \no Vl•·uu=' 11 .x."' UI ·lo·r 1.,1 •l1 I\,. nWK)' putn ill\CI 11tltt't1t11u1. .'\~HI\" I htl:ltllou 10 b~ ol~olllJ, ,U.Utl· t11ok t.tiW nan1e · ot Ntehl·l'Cn, whiob · wo~h thtoir hH.nds bttforo eut.·rias:- tbo t-E-mJ>lo, tin.' 'il\W to b1w lustend ot puahtaa h tct>ltl •l1:111a.,. 'IIibtus or tbO Snn."b' Hs-rououo4 i4e we tlnd uurse:l\''19 taClnJr tke op&a !ront or huu. \Ve tbluSt lbls aJI very ofch the lnterJor or the bulldlnsr. Tbi• Interior le Jl1p JaUJr.""bS at u:; tor doing ot'berwUte. • ls tb~ 80-ke-klo, wbfCb ,coot«los the hlatory l\ttgs. Tbo ll"&eat .b!U's» ti.inn t weutJ' seaca u&ro. fluwenr.~t>Jants. and e't'en th., O"rou11d "Vhk·b reor.aoaular spa~(li:;, a.od contains uometous t\iey ll'l'OW tn-l1J <'R'l)abl,.., hy'ec(H:'\.~~r+~~ \'l'Q~ 1..-u~~ht L..1 'hd H.llt1UU.OU or Ulo HUltlO­ low black lacquor tables, wblch art'J tlflC' ~vorl·• hy th~ lntt•rttti.Una dl!ICUVoriea ot' l111c-ratinns, or eYeot.naU.v art~loioq to a st11to tor the use ot the Priests.. lu the back half or BuUdh11sl11p. .AA far as man alone ts con­ 'S'\ 1 P.!l.!-'lVE ~"1£1,L MOON OS t,4~ ; a I~' .ue.r.- · Ql;l . Wll!Ql>:,»l~lfpi out own snlvs,t.,_Lion rnn•ln nt,nr ti llY l'ro(t1!1Sl.11· ;\JUlth>. The10 I corn,~fl, he roust work bts aYauclfully lncqaerel!·sllrhle in itolil. rOtl an~ by t~l.!'QUcut pra;s-f'r and by a ai1:1ot. obs8l'v... 't"frrn !nu.I opt-n WhPO a cunlott WtLS made for bJa\lk. <:OD.calnfnR' a nru.i;;.h:e l1naa-e or NiChi­ anoo'l>r the J.a,..,l•id do~blf' Wddbil. Tble ron tu a etrtinA" oosture. wbiab. ti ls as~ct·tBll. tU<- rnHw1l.y, 1\nll were TouuU to b& vel'y &lmt­ liOCt worship Huddbe. but chilm that 8.000 lu tollowed by a our ...'\t..•\v l~ol'tand $tates aad lo seYeral otber century,. The ceillnir is oroamented with )Jrophrt, who will convert those of tb:eJr t>dntloge ot id<>ls, birds, boa.ts and flowera, 1111rt..i ot ttle world. No r1..•Jlca ot a ,t;lOn.;i fl.Re t"hb who have never before atta.lned to '~ BrA (!ff'..!O'ltO"'d, but Iba OuU in ttottei·y of Budd llaoblp. 1111<1,trott1, l~~l~to ba.un !!. l.&WJ31Cll.ll91CUl•r ~!.JRp(•S ~nJ dltrl."rent GWOl>f""OI"· · · milSt~ act~" · d ro. ali or many varietlee ot .N Jcbi-1·en'11 lito 'Was an. l'Xccedlnsrlv event• Ot'Uf\1n1•ntnti•Jn was vory valuable. The bona.ti rttproaeat uotwork a.ud po11dnnt9, 11w:'irot•t fuJ. oo~, but we hB\"w cot tf1ne to more tbnn or men anU animals were toqocl Ul Jsqutte·11ae, but we ·o,·tdf'Dt l:v do not &ee tbe mrrDllOD it. He went about ltt)rtormtng t>fa.oe at "itat, for worltmca- t.tro aow nhundnnct<, but uuCuriuuateJy, tb~ tJUtlrte nuracles and u1ado a ereat 11Urnber or con­ ot nutbuouc .ls.pd.De~~ &Dl!Wed lo repalrll>g and· oroamenllnR" the ah')('otll.·e any bJetory v~rt.i. Ho waa often ne~cutod b:v those of ' Jntorior. Rl\'f~S u;: no R~cur•te idea. of wben tbeae !'C<"'ts. hy tbe 11:011uus wer11 built. d11foront and. also llOVernmeut., Wallr.inll" bao"k ot tb!s bnlldfn1niastacveral bu;. Unal1y dJf'd in T1enc0 tn thfJ bouao ot a tcwp!ea aod · t.broul!'h th• li>oloaUro vt l1C:nvjnJC tn0 :rnf11 at this Rtatlr>n. wa take fnvortro lllsciple 111 th1.e very vJJJaw~. tl1P. roncl a111l 1>t.1t1 (nr a WAik 10 11ie town ot tho ptleaLtt' quariora.. none nt whroti we have lioln" lu lhtt I.op or DOU1f'roue •Oort Hla"'hr'I 11oa.oe to· t106oflbo. wo soon com" to an ox trn­ Jk•'CKIUI. 1h1• 1tH(l 1)( thHIUf 1,llllO llOLf•d N h\hJ­ uC tJtOJ)tl nhtl l•n•111nA" •t•v1u·a11uuall to1npl~11 uo ,., II l··11111lt"O· "J ho lla)· '" ll 111111'1!.at.UL tll\tl, lho llve hlllRltlo fl'.t'l.VOYO.rd, In which art' uh1r.-P.J. th.o way. tv11 Outl OllrMfllrnM OG Lh8 lJtoW Of a the aeh1'..lf' .of NlohJ... roo. and ulllo a monunu.•nt l1'1tlkl1urw:oo1l, l\•hl lh1UJr,,,h1vhur JU•l Tt11lfll1rtl 1tJH, tr 11111 Whl•Jll \Y\\ hR Vet A ..Pleudtd VIOW ,,, thtt f(1111t1111u uf l111t it111•ln1t Ol•llltluit. Jllt••DUI" to bis mo111ory. In a r1teesa or th111 bllhuwer, 1\·1•11!.\I .),\P.\"i~llH 'll ht1lltl lhulr lull1,llff1t. lUirbt ht ud t1•/H1t ut n.ilc1 dfflw1101t by a. ln1· RQORnt l'flfttlpv. r1 .•.,, ''"'''''" 1111 ,.1.1 '\ •1111"11 1 lh''"' '"'',• w" onu !ti u Ut'Ollt twv.-11,111 1•11 rt•it unftt\l'O.)', on ·~llol. \.Ylthln thUt butlcUug 11 a ~lo1111 tablet. toruuuJ J\l•ftl\•U'I' t ... "'I ")IJIJf•l¥f• ll1t\'.• l11·uu 11l111tti111I RHli.t ut W hhlh. lh 11. llll',:ttJ uJonu II\ I hO WlllJ, 1.tJ 011t lUl•I hot IC•''h blt""l~Cuotl. 'J 1bo j1\f•"' ft•IJ o/ 11111owta lotus ttowor. r&s1 fnQ' on otallt citoue a. ..:11o:ft.nt.h; rap.:h1lve1y Ulfl::V tdo1--.a roll itortoilu·a. on 'fhloh atanda a elli 1brin1!, 1lm­ 1.~ ttu.1t lh1s cu5tom dttlOtl bn.llk tor oS•) who hDl'O to h•11k at [hem, lbJs Btnhrna. Thi.WO nich~a are aJw11ys oov.. • QUfftorn IS. 110 IODJ.!'~l fasluonable, aud. iu OOU­ a Jar, wblcb fs said lo conta.ln Nlt•bf-rpn'11 ercd by wtre soreons. owinu to neouuar <'US­ u.hea and al&n ooe of bts teoth. 'l'bet'o S••QU8DO~ !.q r(\plf1l)' Jylnu ont. It ie RRhi to tum1 or the devotees.. who are frequ~ntly fa 11 ,, r• flr1r.•"d trom c.11e 00atcw ut li!e wir.. object• nre held In ll'rellt veaeratlon b)f' all the habit or mtikiug Wbtlt are termed ·~tlave rolloworo or tbe Elok-Ko seer. to JthOW h'~r n•IPJify tolirr husband by'Maktmc otl'f.lrinp""-petitiou• to the taole tor some llersaltso ug1y tnnr au other mnn wu11ld Uave But we ft&r tbat ::vou must bo irflttfna'tired dcalred result, written oa J)linor.wbicb le •b•o or this place. so will leave ft at one«', retrace 1\ 1}~1rr tn F>Vc.•n IOtJk ti:r her. Tho Riuht WA.& cb~Wcel In Lo a evltbaU and tbrowu a.r. lllo idol. C(•rtninly r.Jp\1l!li\'"" b\K4u.a. !aw •comente we 1 our steps to the bolow, n.oct tak.u you .J.t lt et.I-Oka ia tbe network of tbu Acreon the Wltb US to 11 M~L wu.r OOfltPt"OS"t.ion io R mora l>lea~ill8' IJ&UtJoB will ha 2r1Hlt.ed: otherwise~ not. A. .JAJ'ANBSE HOTEL. 01;1•- ftll\t ot n youa'°' 1ori.-eyrd motber .1.laoR"tnit L-O tncao scrueue were a uumbor ot ... ,11'!"' JL&K ~l111i..ol,,,l, l i; Clt\flJ1•JJ ~~ We are In rrout or It; a l.:>Dll" two-•tol"led 0 Rtrn.\v ~ndals.. some of.1mmoJ1SO e:ize, wbtub l-1• 1 11,, .~w.. '"''1 lo1•ki1\" "'"' \J...:)1'fd •r.d he1J)J>y..-a.·n· bn~ he,,u Pl need 1horo bv pebitle w1tb &ore 1 buHl1tog-, but a1·0 lnlweJlatelv at a lt1a1 as t.o '"~,.,1i.1 tu' :-lhl' be.ii not h~'-''J ao nnrortunato t1•f't u n. torm ot petit.lvn lo tbe idol tor where tho en1rauce is. tor all the lowor \'llU1 4.11r '.•\ olaro,va u.ncl t1•."lrh n11 'ho old reoovot.v. flour--.rront. eid1,s aucl rear-LI o~n. ihere '' 1••1·111 wh J 1•1r••1.,(t•I h11I, All•I h•IJ O WO A llulo boforQ rnnohln1< thl• l:l\tOWl)f' wo AOC beln• a •tnp-lo ovltJonoe i>t eUher door hh'1R ••not hurCA1unr&.J ooatom raf blut.J •PMdHe., ntOl"fh~tl at a larzre .. boa Jn wlnoh were uun&e or wtntlow anywboro. 4 autnbor ot r011y """ .oC , ... I obeelced. bhla-ey0d &tlrJa n.rtl amlJJaw autl n, 111~ l•ut·lu~ c\n t'1" l•n••k, 1v1 nu1 11µ tt L:"I""' uu1ubcror painted l1\blol1S rc>ut·o· \\. c.rc11'11• ll11lht1·M nnh• 1111\t1u1•1-. fur tho little J,,p b11bY 1a Cbt,r­ ror n.1tt1wor,.d Pl"Myeirs. to lilmlle fn return aull to ao.y "Ohelv," tlfl 1 nith tr11 h611..t fu.\'iiuc to ti<" troot, "ndrft l~asslruc throu1tb tho Q'ateway, we find oUl"-o tbe usunt .Japaoese salatnt•on. '!'hoy J ... nn ofld a1gnt 111f\~t"•I to soe the little ht'B.d RC'IVus in an O:Xt~nslvA oourt-ya.rd tllled wi1b manage to dlre(•t ue to tUo rtar of the l•tJl•IJinM first O\'er out• ot 1LA mothPr·.-1 shouJ­ tf 1nplos sJtuatad Jo. groves ot ~ne towertnJC bulldtue, where wcr tlud a beautiful artJftolal tler-. and tht-n o,·er t'J1:1 otbor, accorllHlll namf.·d Kl~bhuoj)a 1 ooo ot .Buddha's 1 ""nctuhcr. and unle~~ other llttlc brot.berq or most ccJetu·atc \Vt.'fllth or posJ­ J'R•·k uuiiJ It is fivft C'lr s1.x. years ohJ •. \\'boo by an ovll spirit to devour ea.ob du,y. Jluthlha. , tlon Is happy unloso ha can have a Rarden at nth .. r 11uhi1.';i c111uo il lt1 P.Hhttr oarrl<"d tn th~ J¥1,.1lln.nll.r took ber oase Jn baod, drovo lho baok or bhi house_ Hntn1.• 11u\•111rr h.,. AO cldor sistor or Liy a hired 01:t 1h~ oanntbal splt'lt and coavorted. We take In this charming Yiew tor enme 1t111 1, ... t1v 0""11 i1turoe nro unknown. nntl t_he ncr. Shri uttMrwards boca1no n nun. ttme &11d then tbo you 1.u:r 111rls-nut1ao1. they 01·•lth•r-. d<111'1 ,.lJ.l•·cl. r••r. 1di n ,,.,..noral rule, nod te:J "how IJur to ..Qu 1hnr or hnn1ot.11tr1tto e!luic skle ot tbe ll'&to.way IR lluul.ltor MIDall roc10011i•• abou~ G rent !0011 blf' 3 fee• wld I and yuu 011nnot Jmaa-fn~ bo\V soft and uaay rn,1• 1hRl Jn1•1u1t'l''' U1i1r111'•I wom1•11 tt.Ktt very tctmole, In wh1c.•tl we nottoe sbavon.. hoaune aru \\' £" sropp('d at 1nanr r.•r th" Dl\tlvo bo11An8 or thrir so<•t. <:loRe tu thlt11 Je a lar.coe bronze ot oln<·, wblcb has bc·~n atalnod n.nd poll&h6d. ('In 1he road, and a1waYR ronnd the men bard bell. whh1b Js rung b:r bl·inl?' struoK with a The L\VO tloura Rre ahut oJl' front tbu e.t. 'vo11· k. Jn one was, a <'arm•oter wbo waa h~RV\" AlhlinR hl~Bln Of n•olnl. outsiae anct also da Yldcd Into oulnoroUR 1'.ol·kine nn n drawe-r tor a C'nbtnet. '.rho ·rRkh1&;" thP. smooth. broad roaf! wbloh leads •P•rtmon is by woodun latt},Q11-wol'lr. IOfee~ Jarwe rnatn temple in neath' CO'f"tjrtJd with wlHte rice paper 1:0th?1•d thnt be Jrcw tt\r. 1ow11rds hirn. the coutre or tbe court-yard. we soon como to and mnde to slldu in 1troVl"'A In auoti a 11,. lulrl P"''"•!t"ul Iur..:e enbin<•t9 of Hae pcJ1lf;hP1l llD RVeoutt bra11~hlnQ' oa re the rfght: d()Wa mnoner ttlJ to thorouwhly OP6D tho t·u1Jr" h~rC1 wor"lhORl'dil. on11 llii or ~JC caJ .. trerA, w"' ere a. fln,. n""-~lorird rctl i11u1t')(la. aoors are rendered uo11000490.ry. Whan all 11••1L w111kn1ui11h1f). Unt\.l•.ted "t.'OUld out tho <"RVt.'R or each tttory fd11Ketl wJth rowto or tho Jicroene are cloe&1J, to ao rrurn one rno111 h·\'11'1'1 t.¥ittu laaa 11tnn a lfGf'~ln tl.n1ah1ng otl#t ,,t bt>ll•, nu•I lbe entll'f' bulldiwt' oapped by R to another wo clrnpl) sJido ono ot 1be lnlt!t'­ \l1t•m. \\1t1l ~th•} wu1u for 11111" nt only $n r,n our.Joua looklnar spJr11, 'IYhfi"tll lo11ks llkA an Yeo1n'f aonJono aa1de. l t we only w1111l f!J nr•l~o1:. Nf\ftr l>J Wtt• " t>ot.tor whu, hnmr11Ao thrf'H1h•1I Aorulv, .-nrm11n11t•·d by n look out. QC dourn wn 1411JtJ h""" a llt1Je ur tbe 1.h•.111·11 R•',,'"''' on a ltonr. kaDt bi1o1 1.. 11111 rt"'""' 11111'1)"1 f1111r n •q1hn1·fl•Jll hn.11. rou­ ·Wl\ll• but tt wo wauL to go out wo •ltdt.t b1ok 1• 1t•1•1 11 '"l\'1ttl ruvolvlntt wtth hh1 r,..vr. rr1u•1;:111~ thu f"Un u-o.J,JoH,i, "J'Jtn Lodv ur tlJIR nn \'Ut.lro acl·eou. A Yory efmpJo RrmnKe- 1 n nil l'IUot)G "hurct fnn1alN tf11Ulb1l JlllA'1lfll.' IN nt•l n101·" u1nn l!l (OOl.ti!J.l.l"l('• and f lll•>nl. Wn UHllU l\tlffilr, hlltnno tb1\t IA nnt.uon- , , . ,,,., T'" ...- .. r•·•'l•·1·d thnl whc•n Ont ot.her... tho t·~v''" l1roJ1•01 1th1111t tho 1nmn- l1tnR"th. ft: 1 duulve to Q<•cuturt.111 ouJd wttu.We;,r. • 1111 C'1u1turt11l ll11} ""' 11• h111olly 11n111l .. y•uJ In ~truok UM Ii.wt. It \VfJUlc.l. bo n af)•J1I pluoo 111 kf'IC'U A tuw kok.f'Jtth1n11A h11nR 1111 U1u aldn tcrtr.ot11J. '~011.\ l·•U' 11cn Blru,"' 11110 111\lt. All A 1.1urit"'trt\I "''"Y tr1i111 dnrluu lln ,.1trfh(111"Lc... 'l'hl1< Pn· bnL tbero IM 110 uth(~r rut•nllurft to thCl&t'J i 11:1· thf• mfl1111111I wn111un are tudu1triuu1 o,ud 6f111tt11~ !Ill 1 r•l11111l1 ·ol 1.y 11i., 1l111.V<'K or n1u11oruuK a·cJomfl. \Vu, u.ntl t1y UIOB.118 of" JlOOICOL dlo­ tklna' uesnuR havJng tl\keo 1i u1>,,n 'tor}.• (ow rn n111nlu".1u111 ~··rtt>rt\lly n1t1ch dt&­ t11e lh11l1Jhl"b1 hor•· h:1ry 1helr th·ati ua a. stt.. tb1:t1asttlvea to wan. on UB. 'Xboy d(d 1.ot t.-.~1r11, 1f''\1111111a !n ti 1111·ro 11tn111p tor a tall, tin~ pr>~tur('. ~111rlr.,rn 1 /\.Jilt In ov11r e. n1llt1 !tom 01nure Wf'I' enter n1•all.r kopr. nnd "'IT r1>1111cl1• 1 J by trnu-touklttlo( th" 11Pa1 - ln<"1lu1111 b111 •Plnll vlllftif9 cir I kC!'gnnll. rn111rure. K•·~plnq- Qn up thn hri.>nll rotu.l wn ! 1\f\orq,wh11mJ)Jr,, \YlllOh JM 110 llkfJ . QUQ'L' Ct'Qy, llll whlC!ll ht a. lAO(JUUl' haw1 11011· ftl•Tn, ""Ht C'OU\1!1 11) lhl) l"tll1111'1 ur A lnnv fflvlll oth11ir JhJddbJttl tc.1111pJuft 111 Jnrnu1 tbe1.t \vo w111 tnlnllllt hot \VU tar. 111 whloh Ill u. Qtt"8 or rtah n( 11•011n Mt"'11111, RI 111&:1 11111 •11 \Thloh wn Ql\11 ,ttuu dt-11nrtbo IL. 't'llc. t'••Ol la qt• hhu"k lllctH. • llU4Wllttd 1111.i 11t11·h11r0 11, n.11oth6r buW'J oont"iu~ I •1<1 •'111 rnlH'" 111 UH• "l'{llJ11d11 or 1 llu Nf'l)lti~ W'hl\Jh HWnu1l Uo\\'11 In a. \"t•lofnhu 11111 vc' lo Ina 11wout culH tt, 1u1d R. u1uh t>r i10.1kou··u Jnr11tt 1\un p11 11. •n 1u1111t111 r1 0111 N h 1t1J .. Nn1 •. fu1nnu• h.ittou•UVu prnjo1•t111g' afl\hhnl 111 tho &lch'h~. 1 ~lutt or r1uJ1s11. wulon :hHUtttrrues nltJalne K ,IP.1\1'1111·1111 t11·1~111, "·h1• ttn11 lllo ftl11nJc•r or tll.., \\'11 anp11011n Hint th1:1 0111'\'L•il rvl'Ul wart ltlnJllh nt 1;c~Voral.I ft-tt(, QD1l of \Y'hlL'h lbO JapJl ttf''k'""k(I lltJQt it. \V11hall 1hf11 Puoh l)nl!' ot nt· JU011. !a.mou1 Ot tbnfeW•'floted up to "aoh aiO)'bQOd by a wiracle, s1rp .... 1tlo111111h.'" o1 wbioh .is a torira stone at ouetJ, r111:1d llsb, splDRcb, sweet potatoc~. i\Dd bocnrne !' f~>ll·1l<>d11ed.• ll,rl"9_t. a.t t~o Ilabm·atory, 111..i.hloh ..tlul~Lnr-01 -bave 10 nnd cbloker:as bo1l~d Io bot vratar. and tinnily L>1<1 ~·'llP ul 1:1<•0; ·h, '"'~Pel ng in dig~.:u;• thl" f ...n.:nditlor, i<.1: onr oft Le 1•dt•rp1e~t~d hy the f•.-:nr,1,. · s~l!,·d ~Jeth,. •.h~1L on,l\,.,~ t·t' 1..!:.~ •r\H·<.•'1 t:trt i.:r.:kril.J~··!!, ! b1..lldin~1b a JH<'f.f' t .f nld }{!J:lt\~f· paTJrn1f"Jh i .;. :.'J luv'. •.-n:rh d b»i:h •1f' 1.ty gt1t1Hitl1 th.-r; rin.o. ! h t..'"D <'f! •\ ~l t!!.j~ fn t1gttv t:i owtn ~~:. ·' "'Nne fouut: a:nd h,,U\f Lt·J~)lr., Utlow ~~ .... ._ ·•: 11 ;Ja C1J l!lj' gr.tnrlUJlftfa,:r~ Jh,UJf\ .n ! qlt; lfilug Mm•: ' . . . ~ r11.p«~·•H1oc. ~i"Hs I~ N[ter; 1 . p.·i\·t 1.• f'~1·~ 'I'br· ~nt~ ofthP.&P1S un.ce1·u~in '· l ;, •· 11 ~': u1 ... Stl;1W""..r am: nly rn<1f11l'r 11n 1 J.~ltdr:, fl-:1 wci! us ;tifs JHn~ .. mn ubo1t mun;,. l I [)o,trd; l find roon.i thcru fvr n1vs--lf nn•l u.nd they cln11g lo ti"' ~nildinl!• <>I I who , l•dru to lie d&..:ii;uded from tll1• j th~ 4th eentnry <1 rn!-lciing th1 su1nm-1 . I'11\' f'l1nilJ\ nnd t-, JJt..U tiJhl. iildto 11u1ntec1 du:;;t: & ,,f 1J,u Aµostie!', hut ih1s !Anti bar. ~ /. J,.J\ nn~ l' utJ 1ut u ft·\J 1nun1t..ut1"1 l"li srunil I lu~Jt.•c ··1'1at<1zt< J· .. p1s,·opacv·• ~nn1es no dre('f'ndr1nts nf "the unjust etewrml "I vu~ley 1;, rt'tLf"lled \"'J h11·h rnn8 dov, u the J 1 •d "I~ sidf HnJ's "<' 11nl1.f\1l 1H1r Thi\! mnu b wifhPut ~uccessors here. Ifo E!l.Stfocoof(llh..t in n!'louthcnst diie<•tlo:1. ~ J!•'-'<4( ~td1) ;HI tl1<•ir Jittl': f'lflft, f Jusir.I 1)n ! .;~id, "t.o hrg I am aab1t1necL" The people Around the 1.. nf lhif> \1\li()' iA lht: 'ILlllll I ··nt\\'tJJt•,: pJi.infy 1111.l 11pt>11ly r ! hav" nwrovercutot eight r·)Hf ofit·i i' TLit: Jt lltl J,r.~ l}(:('U ''ritt<•U J)u11Jy a': I 1• . .\ ·11, l1«ppr fl11\\ .I1d "t' .... 1uotl-i c ,)tnt· .,~C"; 'Lr sn• 1111•~111 !lthl J1l'rl'1 Jrl'uSnh."tU, "! Nn ... rrlh, nuu by ..... · ·n : ih 1, Ju1ppJnt't1S t 11.dl .... 1· tl1e B~'" I 1r.. h. \'J~]ab' ~.; rc.. ~>11d~·l \\1'!1 uh\l'tlt'l."· Hh11r,~ ~·hrr1· "llJU~'I of \.lie migbty \VOrkP' '"'c 11l11· •JI-• ''··'Y 1 ('fllf1rk. 1t 1.. 11• •t i:1 up1 : • tb('n '"now pr.. hnhl,;, •'Ill!llH:nto ,,, -'hl:-i­ 1 of thL~ ?.louut vf l~]ivt ~ Jt5 ':3Umruil i"- ~ 1 ; '''!"''[' J!:1)jA•·upat'j ' U111y ht tl.uu, lh1'~( TIOJ!l out nf sight ,f tl•r ,·l!!11p•, 1.1111 iP frotll I'') tL,,. l~rrt•ks lu ibt· ('h1.r1Ji1•f ,.,,. !l.1!y .Jeru.snlFUl si1out • aP 1fl.r !LA t .. -'~1-1 1 143n" • ~'-ipnl,·u1e Wtra 1 nt.. ~ •·· 't.t• 1r11 1 t. .. , 11:1~ This muv 110.i," l1{"~·1 tt. poiu1 Ir.ill\ '''Uh 11: I ,·int' !J.J"1! tho L1 ·d ! ~6· ., p~u.nttd 11l't..: tuo • . I 1 JI~ :1.!:'r,..nrlpd t• h, currying '"''1th. l g~1n1 f.u iC-tl\ 1\ t1.11.i i l .,.,,,. f1111•~ nr1 i"VC'n 1 lllm thl!l lioJ) .;lJ !,.w,_n, "" that no" I 1 ..ri .\-t !hr,v v. 111 ht- ~lv1•1! l•> ,,JI'\\ hu \vil1 thcro 1.. r. "}Inn tu t !tt' t l!o1y .' There 'Y.'Ul'I ~ i 1•:c,·1v•1 thb!ll. n 1·rOP!'.. h~~r1, nt .Tt·1 l1snlC'1n, nnd t1h.;J'(' '\\Uh. l.01JJ}.11 uJ~o a l11rnli; I tl1~)t1,·,ht. ,.,.11110 noar t11at: roouut '-rhc•11re i111r J,.•r\l ~·n~ "• nrri<•d up· l5 , I l5'' ; 't 1ntu l1t'c.\·1~ri.' 1J1'1t v. <. 11' {;1111's cUihlre11 1 ~·ero r '"i•, •1, ~··~ti to t-IU11t! Pll ''henVl•fl'!-> LETfEH FRO!;! J El\USAL£hl. !;. j siuo of "'' ompty sf'pu!dm'" whero o.11 is

-- 1 \ry , 1 'i;:~r. "'wli"~ '' ilh jm•f0r t!1xL lmn~lntiou (Oo1-r\''.\'k1n1ii•n':"oof 'ter:E1U1N· 1~-:\i..1%r'I~('l..i.. :.:1. 1 ~'hH h !Jun l>L'cn l'ru.11isc:d to n.!l 1.lf the · JJ.fll'!HI.IY. }'l.!li< H ,'}, 1&17. I ilJihlreu uflinJ, 1 Tl.Jc,•.S of Ct11<..l l .Jernr.nlcm tr.. c!nr i< Lhu '"-'l v !ll.l'gC· SOetn ""'''' '" i.>ri'1!!

, i.s, .Ti.:'lllS fl!ld Pro1.~tanta huro LObpices, I Jr:ids thc4 Dib'e,nu1: f..'i"~"" llnstnnlt lig!.itio i Lo::ip1t1d;1. orµbnnn:..i-es t:.nd £1•bo,1!s. It ih n. I Jnauv ph~1:t.~. 7l1H uut!c-r&touot co nir.ny of these! e

ttncblngs, aud n ca,1.i flf C.)]d water is o!ttu I hon. tnc Pead "u0 i,t '«• .f nnJau, Jerkl11J ~:.111 given in t.IJe :\lru;tcr'g I1!llllc in ~his cli,r. the poillt> beiwc,'n. lll'Lron i, situaterl The <'n .. iron" of Jent&ulem areas 1uterest· <'D lhe Suuthwe~t face• •)f a hill iu OD<' of 111 1 ~ as th<' city H•elf. The amnll tnrloseu. the mt•'! lx·amifol valleys 1 e"l~r s11w, I 1' r:arden rnllcd OethRemano is lo\\ down on wond~·rcJ if J!Ioo•e ,....,nJl, 1uu mny murk the site uf The bill "itlcs nr .. tetrn.!' b:i; I.II tho LAnn , BllJ l>:1rl~v. lft!tr: ,.• .,~(N? !~nrl '<"Ol'O Puch I "(',...r)ttt~ of rt··-' /} f.':i'l-3)'.°J p t-rr::,11 Clf\?(lf0 • ( • A_.1 I I ~ ... \ 1 l - Ir:. .... l • v-:• u (")1 ""l 1ro...n. J ;~t-?cl n-;l .....-i.rh ~..ll H. t.t\1', )'°3'=10!t46Pbc:ro .1. ~rnf .s:..~t tf~n•> ~ I 1· or f hrn.'·nv~(l(•f . 1•1.,_., .~ ....~..··p .t:idi-on "t":!.~l. v \';b'c:i 1-.r.,,11Ji- I :ro ... t . .ltl(, ie u. oo~~ ...,,3 i1,._ ::.~·· .ti, i' : a~·• J.:i~\li,"'h J ·' · " I A cigll1 c,; ,,;:,; ~·u=;v ¥mu ~II mi .... ;i Jcruo:ilem on th<- l-::Mi. <'Ur Lorri we.< llC· f 'l»Y'>.' rl>lc, 'rhe •Yn!J.".·"Y lll'llllHli~.lC'yl 1.·ustc1tU:'-d t.CJ g1.·. e.o·l if erount! could Ue. ;ln.r~?>d !! :i.! 'fJa, :w1JrJ:~>d -tlni), ~·~'·"·tl, "if thi, m .. ot in Jtru•a- ! ~IH•:cr-01>~ l\tll '1'.10 1t1lkyiuunil)/;·'.ta~­1 1 lcn: ' UuJ ha.U U'J..l'I~ rcspet·t \O 'vor&hip ~ fi·1.1lu n~..:::.LJJ,:il< lll ll:J '("."J'f l "t!it- fh.:JJ tir: 0 thrrn c·ls<'"lht>rC', rn '" uld Ile here in lhIB: I i3·'4'-." H fa ncu p)4> in hru1~,.,, i>n•l / 1 rnlluy. <.:iirob:nr- tlw •t<>cp "H " of Olivet I wllPuL as ln lhe.)lnys when Huth c:imo to 1 :. uumt ~' of builB1:11i·Tcy h11r_\·cat ;r,ilJ 1 ·~ J \ ,1 i111J uli rl1.ind11;: tr.i J J I I IAJ~ yet. ('t'Lu}l (;l t'• •. I ('f\J( ~h,:~ '1.\."~H'f:l t>ru.~10(!.t Ct; oi 0 l. Ll li. !i.1 r:1..i1;. tbr h-!·,-.~ \';ne1 • nou:blo f'\tjntr, "l'· : j(ltl11f ;i~-1··~,·'\f '•tJ1,~ ilr!1" ,)f tlit· ttLHpl.H.!r•1B', it~ t.Hr.i...,d. ~JL the f,u1uiliit lt:P ltui:m:ion!' bnvc' J [!.!•·n Ph.t;~·; ~1. 1n :1·-:· ·-~t: ..;r.: l.1 1n .8.'J!hlcL.rm hu1lt r. r·hn1·1.:~. ·~ f". :~ t .,,,,I.} ,1..,JGdoi~.n,auil Iof f...:I \ll"St" ...ii,' ~.-1.·~ &ll\Sa n11~ut~ 1>11<·ti 1n the urt£ tt. 9·--?l .. t..1't.. htll ~,p;i;m-. W~·i'!'h l &r'''J ~~ ..~t sboVi'n. It i~ ,._~0111~P1·f11l I 1 -· lor•1•?1 t ,,f ('l'l"fl' •l b.'JJ:· I ' • l L. I I t" ,, ev•·nnt _ d -· • JhO'\'i'.·filf.llf'. I tr~ T~'/':Cl,__,·1 ~·I p;iC:1Jc~111;-t.,: .ilOUgJ&tog~·:JC:'..- ~lC1! J'\~t..'l, t)f. Jtli: iz p11:llfiUr0tofo-~RJJro ;,, nc·ry dlroctlou. I I Fit'?

LE\TER FfiOlli JERl:.'-hLEM.\\ 1 1 i ~U\.'f'f~ !'..J'3 Rltitui iH.·rc·i f1u, ''·t!t hc·H.• tUc i Itua.f•'l J1;r l.L:..·flr.ttlk9iDJt"!"U£~t·w .. (Jn-.""'/.,' - *· ; ?·fo•l•r ,,... J ,,n ! ·~·: .. !lt ·.~.i t,i. .. ~l'd Tl" I , leas! lias t!ouo ••> r.;"i, j,{ ~ih ~ 11r, i+f-..( ; ·l1nin1~ h: .... ~·tr• ..:' ··~ ··11.t: l·:;.,. ••l lLt ,,r,.."'t' 1lr~fi'Jt! ~i-~~

1 0 Th~rt' is tr.L1. h 1L.Jt •'<--!iL'. 1.1t(fi:!:i1. dl.I( i hml! IJJ tJi•:• 'J,.,,,1 •· ·.•. I· ·.dl.'tu,;o' '\. lhJ.G Ji. Hnk, ll. n, R6C'tor ofl::lt. · ~1·ho bus rfo.<1 ""· of tlHJ ennhi), an•. 1 noi one •t"tJ~ lb left up,111 111wthur thal lui.S /II Paul's Church, Baltimore, U. s. A." thotlgbt so much of the henvenly .JcnM­ 1 not urt·n ilJrowu .J"" 1: Tbt' :llnster's I I heard a Greek Pril'llt . lcm that <·culd lie writtt·n frow this city, I l' l"<'1tLr,., / say to some Am~rirens Jn Feil's Ilott1l:; one very difficult to tintl. A Prenl'i1 llJJC musl t.o ,.r..,duln1rn un•I •010M'ibnt, where we stoppi'd, lhut Dr. Halo, ofBnlti· 011:hor, C.:hutr.nhrinn•l, I th1uk, apolui;it.C'1.I ii;n1JrRnt to 11< l!c\1· it (,. 1 ;l}i:c·F. Ilic ,.itc of' morP, s11id inn~~ f"r the GrPt'k Cbureh 111 corrl•r-11ond1 nt fl)r '·;.-ritjng "') a, l1ia Jon~ tl•t' "'pnlr hri' i11 will< h · 11r I. r,J " '' 1.,j1 , drngomnn !Lt· D<'xtclny if the Dr. Hule who, ~nt..1r~ it 1Jho1tr-t TttuH ne1•,'?<.;P £Atrf. ri Pho rt ,.:;egtJ tlw l'"rformnnct ,,fa •1iiraci., ''"t : linle:-:-un ... ,' l 1 1 ~a •1·!in~ nek C'tl!Jl'<'!J Le;e w lmve a J>Jtant clergyman sny- I the '\\!Ills, hnt contku<"l' to the ' tv hr rt.. L('iic·re tL!".' i.J ln· 1be t1'1l<· ·,Jt1· ~\ 1ng mt,,_! J'i,pers ha\ e ri'n~hetlJIJ hy a~!.'ng nw if 1 tli•pnu.l the lhl' Pro1t<·otnn1 EpiH·upul Church IJJ iht· 1 tbe statt!ment ia ncccptt Lcl'c in 11. .. llLJ I llhl-'nrlu·d. t lr,(• <•f th<'~f!' gr•Junds, 1l ~lnt. t"..'1thin tbe city aigns ()f rect·nt impr11re- f'f'.\r.! 1·rt. nnd tba! n ~!i,::ht nntl unfnrtnnfi~" fJ•1tl 1'1••'t, i~ th•:: urrt•ptnr.1·c of •lthe bi~tor.c 1n~.ct arc ec~n in the DC:','i'!y anti ~plf'11<1i..ily grap h1·lwec n Ji •. r cun1ing 'lnd !l1(' l'~ii:.t(·1l E;n"' "l"'"Y·" TiJ,• •1rgan of the High p.1v1 cl Mre<:>ts The city has nk•n:; tbc 0 r d'1ys t.f tLe Apo ... tJf's Jli~ argut'1<:rt I<­ t t1ll!(·h 1)n::.Y ,,f t11e C'l111r<'h of Eng1nnd, newly pnvclil'. '\ h11·i1 ! !'>!l\\' in ('f'ylou lilBt the l~<1r..t l'arfs,•fthe Jews' (~no.rl1 r,tfH1t 1iO•lc·rEtnn•i !!n 1 ·Jl.t. .' '''Jiqc:, .. 1 1 p: . i·~~r·iH ! : 1 1·•1J 1 r. !.·· l \ 1~~ edit.or inJ on Lh~ prop.J~l , !'<:>ri1on <>f the <'ity wh~re Zion ~l0pes ,·.-.nsit.1~ in tr:v:nnl !>IJ('<'1• .. <:;j{)n 'f!Je ~·ar·~ t'••ll 1 Jf tJ11• ,,!, t('"ltnnt Epi:.;<'opnl (.'hn:r<'fJ : ,!vl\'ll ~o the lo\licir Tyr~>rtan Vnlh·y u11 lo1111hl, 1J!Hl F•J fr!'!Jll' ~o nt thnt Ill(' in wlnt It fl,.. st;,ternt'nt Wllb mudu th\! th whllin the wall!'.>, n.ntl t1'~qt ~({t,.ln 1 f IJ.l"' 1 1? .. in :1'lt·tnpt11Jg 1° 1•;1:-,t1 tbn.t bridt.•c• ... 'lreeb nn•t., ~.rr- Yrry nrt11!d ~'?puichrl' of n11r !. )1,J. f}H· flllt!l1s' hle bvvn, "lh~ lil.'!riric EpiH'<•phry," coul!: ,~,, t,,·, !('(' ft 'Cl v,•hu h 1 ln1l •IU l" 1l~·n1n.t. C'o1,!d nffiJintion be hs.cJ nnn;~ of thr s1:c1J ac:: the :-nh tr1,1 - 1 p;,!;t, 1t· 0 tllr ~P'TI1•n \\'1'1·~·..:.~( '1 nucdntiIJ( nt. llH • I" ' S ' 1· ' • uJ .t· 1t,' .!1 ,f'f.'1audau1l.\rue1ica.. t.ous of th~ BQ·t~llf"rl 'fo'\\'<'r a)f Dnvid, or.c F--pots occupied Uy ottr 1.1 .•rJ an•? :1I11iy 1 l di; 1.ot :H<·lt·n.i t i •:1.a>lt: \·erbo.tim> but I cif thn nubles of tht• pr(•,:1·~1 t 'ili:.1c ;, :1r ~Ia,g,Jr~c·nc w1.j'n JI. :11,pc 'lft·d tn lif'J 1 11 Lt1YL :.!I\ t n lh::- r,r·i!·P 1.f ;l·r ·1rt1clf', L(•f ·y,,i:l (1 fl. 1..»!lilllll 1c•rt11t'_., full!ll~ •n··tr ilic: ghl·!rc, tl.e ;"l1Jlar to u 1dr·b ntlJ I.on] 1 fo!/l(':!Ptl,,diH,•.! fn.sp!i'.--[ nrJ>rr: ... hJl'-'r· tl,·· !.1·"""0· '~hi<'~ !=-('en);:; tv !:n1 c lJ·' ·n •he ... ·r.r, ~h.d -;•;J,rn tli<.'\' b .!lllrt"' I 1Iin1. !J,e 1 ia.n !rcr, ::! i r fl·:~( l1J ..... ~. t thp serv;­ 1 1 11 '•'n1b-~t·'·1t; Jfa ll0n1:in G1 1 lit.·r ~~1·;, .; .:;,•. '1,·i~t11•1Jf l}Jl l'.,.;J,J 111•d !!l'H\f" 1•f ~\d'ltl!, 1 ' rs ,.,f 1 1tlH·r 1 ·1 l·· ,., 'J, t t . uurcLt·.-~. ath, 1Lf! tll<' .. iri:t.~ o! Jl rnPP.. lfJil , 1r 'I'1t1 • ..{, ·•• ' l11f· UJl•l tlJC 1r 1·1:~11.u o; (_•\Jr J.. orCT ··t••nt· Sl P 11 l1c '·"ll~' r .... \\ J:cn n nH1n prvpo t~ i'iiHf\ the ohliterc.Ltttl ilt~l·J 1pt idn \\'{• runcit.· \\' h I' h J-{j .. fc.•f't n,·ert• ln ·n 111 ! , t hi• Rpo t '\' h(•J·e 2 Jllhrr1abO t0 11 \',•1n1111~ ·b1• Int~ -'1 right tn .,11t tht.· uume :llivnH 1 • t>f tht '\' J~: ;..·1 'n. Il1.;, 1ni111 ..·nt ''-'itc. tLe l'ln<'l.. \""\lH'!l' Ji~lrtt~.1 1 ~:i'vt: ht-1 •lcf·i::., •J1 ;•, dnly at.d !.f!l.1ly. 'rJn· ·111.l1t.:. ·inti i-_tn1r,vuvs l\rcnt.' h0,1 ~11:rt\' 11" •,\11':1 ''IO'i\'r•l·U '' ith th.1rn!=-, tl·c ·t 1 ::rp l rutt--l· nt ]' 'l 1 • 1 ; ?,'. (_'ht.r ...1 in tlu \ ... 1~'PI under lltt' pr<'~f'nt s11rfa..-·L· .. I 1!11• "h•.·rl' 1i1• .., '1"" r:udr l r o t Ii 1· ( r1 •!-S, 1he 1i .. :1· ' .. \. '!nv~·1 ·a ·t .'.";'J'l''•\: "'~} pr0Jh)~1.1] n~nt· :.:r .. n;11.l 1 ""' !bci<:..e nr.1 yr-1 fuily , 1'lP"•i 1 I .r. '\ L•, 1. tl1t~ ··1 ..1 q ~t~")li a·1.l 1n:.ur tt!•·rt·· l!l /I' {11 ll1f /,l l'f d{•n1Hlt)Jl•,:1()1\ti •) (!J 1 T>,111,;,. '!11 ;iard allti\.li··~ (,' !1t· 1t11.1·11, 111 1-.11t·i.:i J\.: J.qlin" ; 'J'hr·e f\ff'.1L<~·11t1-cl h.v <11l•1 I, n:tcil .... [a~ ..... th.'ll :~ :p H 1·n.11;d ,'j1, ... d :---t i'\.uu Ol"l, :-11ul n1:1n:· n dt vo1Jl pil. j \'>'llj', '11.l "U l:i1 ndJ111a: it• 1'11JJ}" tnt• Vi\7f' ~:1•1)(• \\ilh d•'<'J: ly 1H Yl•Jlt: \ L~· •.. ~!.d I r111n hi ... ~l l l)l('~P :i:i11 ("''·ii\' 11) f)p•fll 'l'!1f:l . . '"Vl1,_-..}1 '-ll!J•I( t .b, 'l>i ''I: J!l lhL r1 l!.p~I I 1 '!oJ• II.I Lil d'1•f. ], , \ I; II,,;) pl- j'·-~;( 1 I' ;rc•1·k l J1,i:• h l11b l·n ••• ,,, ~ ~11:·rt .. f :1 11 .. Ptrb.q·tt ,·., !li:it . .11·:;-:; .n ;.- 1;p tt 1 i li·1·uF­ ,\ .d· ~"=' r11 ·"'"l LJ ,, n . ; '· u.u ll•·llt; ~·1,!~'11,..: I.1t•l'ld1·;rr,l 1,rt·1hi;rr ,, 1 1 : tlil" ~1r1 "'< !''' lei v;r 1', :l• 1. 1·dLH t ·i1id I heh1 nt \he h"gtnu.1i;! uf J,t u1 1'Ul'lt: ran ""l tL·· B dt1111nrl' \ .. r,f~'P'Jll 1, J\11 ..1.· • • . ' ' I 1 I I I l .. ! j•Off11)11 ,,i fh1 • •.1 .. tt 11·"' bl :: ... L.,J· 1PlJHl., '-..<'l;n 11 lt·l~)lis. i 1·1 111• iiuuht l11.1I •1,u'"• .~ t!Jt J1lllllJl~(· 1 ~~":.i--1 I~.:·, ~·J·"> ! 1 '>C1 n t I y di S<'1 >·, l tcJ, . It'·,., :~ ll ~ o .1 l '1 I 1-- , II.' 1, I : L'Tuv.d Uint ~~::.tl1c.·:<1. ·u t!1L rht1f('l: \lfrf' trr 111 ,'\fi.'rirc·th, '\ l11•r1~ '\ti af! \'l't! 1·'11, 1~ ,. 1 1 1 .\1ur111 11 1 ci1n "'flfpl,:.d tn 1, t··1r· th~·1·. i 10 t 1t3 l1ill it·rnw11 n~ ·'"!"''~ ':" ·'" • • , ti'· I ·iPY('llt nnil :·nrnt~t :~ '• 1-. n. :-Jil t-1t~l1t I 11•1.t "\pf~·itl,_, •hf.' Tl lt•1• ..:•···:1 .... : 1 ~r.,\ 1 ih·n""I' " J'u I and T t\"lJlf 1 .... , :t in':"'.\ T'1 "!H.: .. ' , . • • • 1 ,._, ..,. L .. n. IJl'M U1 . TK1!<1l ~., • !ltuuy .. 11I•' :nlt lJJ. •. L .l1•;, i l:p1·<'1~pt.1j'' .IJ8V1U{! l:11·gr·Jy 1r' •111 \\il11 ..nnl 111.J1~r a~ ~ ! ,11crr· -'1fi~);uu1.11 .J·,ric,-- '' 1~!J t ,1l hCd gl~~!>, I ' . . j . ( t·tfldl'.. ,. ~ i.1 L.IJ<~ ..iJ •t-U·'. .i~~n··.u~·111 T;jc t1-; iJJ, ' ' II •.\ •• l••'l: .lllJIY 111n.r1:f l•'l 11H•li ht(.~ n~ ur,!d { ~.itb1 .... ~.:. l l- th:u.~~ whtc l• 1 I JLOPt!'\- '\ JB:tcc: "~re th1 £,O•cnlll"" .. l ?\lL th~t tho 'fem11k of i'<·)lorn1•11rind11; ! 1 m1ni~,tcro bc·en kal'~"Kn tn c·e!f'l';r.te J ------··-----

======---..::-_------_.. :-:_-~_-_ -_·.::--=-= a Mongolian camp a mile or two di~ta·1t, of young men who ~ntered Princeton ns leaves in \',>'ombru:o," it i• impossible to I11·lil greatly to the scene. Many time• It Freshmen in the foll of Hli2 especinlly dc,criuc ll:c filth. 'I'hP ulf>u torim; n1·e s••cm(•d as If we mnel be in the distant attrnctrd my attention when the clnsg ns- tnxen1lful. I, kd by that dignitled runn, dressed in cheek-bones, and small eyes. Ile spoke P<·kini: is many stations beyond. It""" I n loni:: coat of sheep skins, must be Abra- Enij;lish very ind Isl loctly hut ma1lc n bard, nevrr he cl ~n•ec uncle had C'xercisc in the c·lfort to kc<•p pure that its .\ C'hinnrncn and "Mongolian looks upon been killed by pirates otf lhe coast of China mndes •n· •trui1g und W>'ll 1mosplwrcwh1ch bcrmstotnk<' All tbr •n.J th<·y rnnuotnnont 20 miles from Peking. A semi circle swel'8 to the questions propounded show· houf' In 11 nll•k Jitter, an1nd lo" . s1sts· of a num be r o f 1arge b u1'I surprise to one who funr · is n h:un•,t l•eforc the l'hur<'h. if 'hP. \\ill fi O""rert '" 1gu~rghr u 11t out o ir' e 1 ue~" o a . . . h1'll . surmount' erl b v a h t>ildl ng a 1mos t u•o years bnJ• been his clns•·mnte,• . meeting hun reap it. . · several t1mcsn day m rlass-room, nssoc1nt· Hcv. M1. (;nUH'\',<'11 nml Jlr. t'rcws who feel S(!Uaro containing a rectanglar marblo cd with him in the Literary ~iety, hnv· hndbrm mobbed and driven out of Chung- column on a marble pedestal. O~ one of Ing him In tile cl!llls pruyer-mcetiugs, to King uftrr all lhc property of lb<~ir Mis­ 8 the emootb faces of thla oolumn JS eln· lcnl u ~hat be wno l'cga1Jcd us on" of tile slon, the \I. K t.Uur<·h, lrnll been dPRtroy­ gle ro~ ?f Chinese chnraci:ers. ?ne of ab:egt, most sp1ritu11.I of preaclll'r~ in Pek- ml came tu P~kiag re. the bu1luraJ!c ouilding given up tile hall, ' upheld tbPy !Jnd lnin for four years of our ct rompounded of grucc 1111.J pln<'k. by ~k-wood columns, raoh column ue- fUl wnr, nod put into the hands of tbe An afternoon null night with 11, .. h1<·Lh­ iug ~ srngle piece of tenk about one foot boys nine ~nd ton years old, who knew rcn of lheGongregntlunal ('hnrC'h nt Tnn;.:· in circumference anu abouL fiO feet high. re of the science of war from obscrva· cbo, and n fl'\\ hnurs ut T1enl·Hin g-nve This t~mb of Yung-lo in Its d.,.~gn an~ ~~~n thnn thej did of letters f1:omstndy, U8 11n opportunity to Sl'C and to l1t•111· n j c'te<'~llon Vl'>'Uld havo htampcd tis nrchi· wt1 read tbat the m»at populous, and I little of tho work ut \hose two point-<. ! tect: Jf he had been " Western man, as n think the book said largest• city in the - - . - gemu8, the peer of any Ill1l1l known lu the ld p k' T l>c urc as Juslill W~st. It la la&rd to tll'e how the aituatlon wor was e ing. '' • • .. . ' :... , ... \.. - ·•· .. ..!.~·~~:'' v.- ::i.IJ. i·· I !il llh: .11.1ny '.\ it1· l )t' ~.11111. nll ) h<' hn · ~ .• · ·t •. ..: . h... .n,t i .~ •. 1• " · • 1.:-~ " Letter Re·. C.... :!IS n~nuy. I f·>rtnnit:•· !'iin..,! :i~nu' it.,:· J::;. 1 ... 11·11· l l.t111J. h. 1 J'•" hf"1•11 fru!tl1 -."'I ·dru t' lt l1h l : l.t.l" \l.11r1n I'•··, J, hi; .. f ll11 i ... '_J. "1 .. , \fl(d th ,· ••• • lhi\1 lJ1·ki11~ \\ 1~ nnf lhr I 'o\•lf1(1. M&uionarc<.~ r~nd uazr lto•t•- lhr ti1· that lhlj' \\1Jl ..,11ouhr tn :l ~t.ltt· of ·lllu1 1 i- i :1Jgt ... l ~ lly i.1 fh1 hut lhllt l\'1\1 hnJ l 1 1 1Vcill of lfortll ('la 11a - f '11111<•lov• of the Sl.1tnan , \\'<> l,'l/- 7"/u: .\'u1 th ( '!11 IHI .lf, ,,,1,,,, t!]' t ',. J/ 111111 tlic plra'nn· of nt<'<'li11g th<' dnah Vnlky 1'11P [•<>\\er r.f lir>t irnpir·s- j mcnili~:r3 ot the )(°orth ('hinn Mhi .... ion C)f :-iunl't hnU not cr:tirti\' hrnk1 u by ht·tter 1 P.:. r:hur1·lt-l'r,a11,J11,• f,,11 /!1~!tr1J, lrilavn tht· E. l 'hurrh in l'1·k1ng. lii;ht. Pekin/!, tl1<>llf'h-not II - ..·1 n l·..'nt1ll-"l111tttll'~ ·rl<·tr "' }Jis/.,.l'f' lJ';{- ~I. Tlu•y "''re tk mo~t l"'I"'' holding tltl'ir A11nu:il ~It-elm;: "111 n we l11us <"lj' in the world, \1.11; oac of th<' . 1 rl·J.cht· 11hc 1 ity Tiu·)' \\l·r1· <'• 1llll•ot1s world's ~11·alt·f.l citil'!-1. :-\u<'h it prov·! t·11011:..'h to a-.k u~ to 11u1kc H fl·\\' It·tnf\1 l.;s t:d t•l lit'. 'l'h1.- population ... put at d1ffl'r· 1 I 1t'.. !'J"("·J•n11 i. 111 r 1111 J 1·1-... "1 \,. )l1111 n•:l->J · to th,. (_'nnft r1•1u·c nllt·r n·p lind h{'('Il i11· t nt ti~urca,h) difl'l·lrut gnt'b't·rs, u~ not t•n- j ~11\,._t,IJ \I (. 11ina. i trodth·c1l. It \\u~ 11 11 ~111all pll·a:-.ur(• timt!y tempe1e•l .luy 1•1 Sham:hni's lm lhrcn in lopan, <•f ""r '}111pathy 'IJHI and pr1l•--tal IOI " rivnt•·ly h11\\'t•v1·r. th(' i 0rt·liircr1 1br 'j'aricr l'li,\ l"S s1ud to l·t· 1111... • ;.;rl'atl·""t I

1 JH~Ut ~on1t>\Vl.i,1I f)r. \\alt< 1 J ~ IJan1h11th. i..:n\ : inriny 1!1lt•r1·~t111c; pt •nts ·1l•t1\lt •t1t·il' ' \\'ft.I] n11\\ -,1a1uling. Jn :-i11tne; •)f i: .. d11u111· ~ thr :'up~rintf'uda11t of"llr .l.lpo.11 )fii:.~ion 1 I 'i\·ork. "J'ht· 11"•1tlt:-- of 1·lit ..... ?Jn11 \Y1)rk 'll :-io11s it llJlJ•:·1J.l'hl':; llie 1igurt:~ gi\·cn b.\; n1rt Bisllop '\\'il~ou und ilH. 1n "Yukt1lnuna :-\nrtJJ\ ' 1 inn art• lJJ"l"C :-.pp:1r1·nt.au1l richl•r J ll.•f1)1 1•,tll" of thf' \\'Hll pf l~nhylnn, not in 1 about tbP 111it1d~P ol ..... pt \\'t· haJ th(~ thnn n1 "'-onH· nthcr pcul~

1 plt·n~.t1r<• ar111 lii•JH fi1 nl 1.1.: 1 '·'llpnny fr 1t11 ('\er. 1,:; v.· .. rth c1111" ·h·r1ut-!. l •l aU""\\'l'l 1 'J'hc, ir1 of tl1t· \\'nl1:-l of J>ckin.~ 1:-= ~nLl 1 that tinlC' uutil tLl· latti r , .ut 11!' 'll•:oh<'r,,1 to., qti1 ~lrvu it '\H" ltar1H~.1 tli,1l Hut 01orl· t•1 l.H· ~S 111ile~. 'J'hi~ i11cl11d1·~ th<· \\':\Jt •I \Vht·n. nllt·r liavi11:• rc·11 ,y,,J hi-. ~cnC'rnus I tliau 1•111· or t\\·o tif ll.1· nat"'' p1r:u l11•rs tlic 1 11111e .. 1.: !(il). '1'11t· 'I'ailal, Hy \\:li1

hoetpilt\lif) ~lur Ill~ l•l:r !'f'\\ i:1 ]><·kin_K l\ c: ('•)nltl 111 ~ht• :1.: fll!lf'lt ll10'l1 \. r !:.l .~)))>' Ii•) It I l lngh a11il '" f1·1 I l\ :dt· on inp. II left No1tl.i l !11n:i t" 11 t111n to ~li:lnl.!'hhl. l oti l'I '·:i~int·~:-i, ,t .... tlJt')' J't 11t:1rt· frc 111 tht· i~ htitv1h 1 1111:ri:S~···!. 1,,llh·1n1·1,t1·d. a11d '.flu: b. iutllH'"':- of I>r. J .aJ 1· ,t la :1110 of hif, • .\11 .. :-11 ii! !or 11r1 n··h1ng, t1111: ~ 111~ , .. t I cl :1:-.t )IJtJ), 110]1 J ' \ll t 111· 1 or1111r~ '\ll:I !.'~tt·" h! l'

'"'if<'\\OUld ll'I\'(' 1111-t.dt tlu·:-1 \\(>(·k~dc·li~lit~ 1 througLoul I l·lll.\ JJ<1\\' lllt\11~ nf lhc·~i· r lJJa .. -:1\'l.' t'J\\'('f.... .o\t lll(Cl'\uls ,,, :ii.nut ll ful h111l thf"f(' Lie1·n nolhill:, 1·}::.1· of }ill'n& : 11n.t1\1:~ \\O!:l•I tf'lllllHll· In Jill 'ii h JI tlif' IJll1L fTll!tld flvl'.~C:- :11'. ht11lt tlll li•p, .1rcnn 1 th1•sc Hll JJ.)l t-1·1·11 t1•1u1 iJclo\\ 1\!1111!.!

he P:on1e gr<'n1f'l' 1'\,Jl1Jl<'ll~:lt1<•n beE-tO\\'C"d / puy th• 1t1 th("r1• i~ no n11a11~ ··: a:-tl·Jt 1 1~u· 1 ith pu\('11 iOJI J 1•f Iii" Ulh 1v111 t hn• ·. 1. 1 upon us )lctliodh.. t prt·iu li1•1i;i lir tl1t• J,ord I ing. )1 y opi11i1 n is thnt tlu· J:ll!--'-.t11naru h ! • •J,; .. I tu· .Jr1\ ~·11 Mlir·t ,...,t '\'1t111u lht•'l'ar 111 than th(• 1..1 -ti 1 \\ iVl'h I J,. g 1\1 ..;, the rnaj,>ri· ht·J ~, un•I cl:-c\\·li<'rf' 111 f hl• -n·1·rlnss- n1onit•s. 'l'lu· J11H1r \\nS tllil·d .ip "l\'ithout I of the l'ntholil' rntl1<'•hul wht•n t:iis, .1thc· 1 the point of our visit-if! ""n1d to hf' hcttt r Jo.:::. 11f ti1nc:, nnd lH•'l"t' tli:u1 11 nt'l· t~·nr;" 'I Jral \\ll~ built tho tile:.. "''rl hl:11 !.;. 1, , .,, 1 11 than at otlu 1 plnt1·~ 1 L1it ',., n in ~an ho 1 ~liiuc·U lll tlH• c·y1·::. of 1unny ol IJ1n:--l' Ill C· tc·1 a fe"· la1u ... thl• Ul:u·I..; p:unt "n<:. \\at-I,· Pass 1t iR no llf'ft•111·1· to 11:~· conn try. A j t=t•nt \.Vlic)111ltlt:r.._tuod ''hut \\3:0 ~111'1. J~1sh- l'd otl, and ln llil· ll"t11u1sl11nt·11t aud :1ugc·1 hrcnk in tLe \\nil ~Jin\\~ it 'h hujit of su1nll I op Wil=:-on pr1·;11 hcd t\\iec· 1. 1 tl:t· lleli!.!11t, u( tll<' CliinC'sl, IL.l' l't•of \\US lfllJH•ri:t! , ,. 1 f.tOut fl J0o~Jy pPt•d togrtl.t·r ,.,.ith nn inn\ r 1 1111<1 no •louLt, lo Iii" c·d11:c·11.t11111 •lf the 1 Ju''. lt :-; bnid llll' < 'h111C'SC ]Ja\ ere·( c>l.\'1. d and outer fu<'i11g of \\t·ll. l1l stone )aid in i l~n~li:-b·~JH' fl'~1·!c·nl~ OJ J>ck111g-.•~f. for 8'tllbfl\rlion nnd ton1for1 nil they, au 1 goutl 1l1orta1. 1 hc t .. p I~ ,,f leacking iu J{cu ..J. 'V Lu11ri .. nn old J'rincc: arc 101111·l'nl'1.l :--1i.11i1i1· .. <•I J,; ,;. 11 t Jir.)ui:l1 the g:1lL1't-.1.} :111111 1,n .. s, or n.hout 10 11 cl·1"·'"' !'Jnll\ 'l\'i'nufllit· lat,!.'P n111nher t·ro~i\ lhl•tn, p11h:111ti1·· .111' 1 1111 'l"