
DENNY, BISHOP COLLINS TRIP AROUND THE WORLD 1886 - 1887 & tarp Ifoqutu:" ~ 61' rN'0:"1 trolJl' wb11:b w'"' liU IWall IA«!UM oo.,ta In •1tt rrrun. Af""r I U.1'8:l o\J1t Uf ·~-al.r.ipJy lh>t ..._ror J>OUl"M fnfO uny ~ to wn1ch wu:·a o. fltvr toz I ,ltii'ro:t-ao.d' 4)Ul' dinuat l.!I • U:!.hur uf ll.11• ll!l.ll'C l:lo'ff '-Ur ,\eftl"'I_ di!t cl!Jul!' our f.r.anuo ~k'tJ«· lf{rlili'h'h our ClhOpr9tfru durfnir oaoa aoureo. and bol\' pleasant. and 1mlUl1fl' they wero rlur~ IDjiC' our uatlre stay wo f1od tHl1icu1ty Jn a.:i:­ pre.Ylflnp-. \Ybcu uot onnurnl'J lo brJnqlnt: tho vnt1011t1 courses ·.n· 'h wa1t1111= opl)n nR, thP-Y renuune:l &c.•ateJ on 1.'H~ HHt.tUnJ: floor JU lbtl C'URLOUl.iry Jauanr·~e pu::1ltl.)n ot roApt"cr. lhac. Jf', with ll\11 kooe:s flOd toe-: ru1J1•hJna tn~ fl,,.. r and the bu.Jy rt•stf.15?' , .. a , 11e ht.,tl!R -a. '"'n"1 ri1.1nf1i, JKHl•tiu11 " 01 r, torJrncJ, t11Jt 1100 \llrhh•11 the11a pCJupJr ,,, t•1,l,il:1Ht•tH.1 t1, k<.•eo ft'•t h•>u:1' a.1" ttu1c-a-u.1 w 11 .. nuvcr thoy bn.t 11t·\·n.c1..,n tu . ad•Jrl·&J \11', lhr..•.c n:•mrt.rkore ''urt. " \1,re 1>ra· cuJud :iy u IQ1V strac 1•tul t..•.w or l:!c•111 tcsy. \l"e tia<J u \'nr ,. rair tt'lUlPlft nta typical Jop.. &ou!la 101•1•1, bul. httt't•aflr..·1 we wul 11ot tall t.o c-ur 1 y Ir• ad or crd• li(.'nt &ad hUD16 cannot.I buet whh ua •.>:1 oul' ran1bh1!1. \Voll, •R) uu .,, ..11<l tak"' t.iut lhtle luterest tn 1'\Ul ro111ru tr1t1 tu l.'ukohama. wo w111 Jua\•u you ht:ro, and Adle you t'1 1uett us iu 'l"ukJ'<.• tlL 8Qlne uear11wo in the fnturtl. JOllN ('Ul.,.A!J.\.:-t • ..........................--------------------~~~~~~~~ 1 Letter-from J'apan. ell,\" ""Si. 111 Fm111:beo, )'. r. 1•r1·uti11g n ,1gh1 him Hm•h 1Ul nm• 1lH <'<Hild 111• ronnft><l •Ill, of' the cit~· until wo Wllrll too l'losp tn N'll and nm indoot('d lo him, 11" L... tlw ill~hop, PAl'fFH' On: 1.N, } It 1<1 11d1·11.ntn1te.. <'~•ni,ing out nf' the- \ lA\t. .j5"·l~\1rth,-Lung. W.'i" F.aat,) ci«put through the l'rnwrli< of' importuu11t" for ht•lfl \\ llkh Wl' <'tlllhl not hU\'(' 1]011t• Aug. 2.'>th, 1886. 1i. .. ,,__. without, l{p b no «XCl'ptlon to the rul" }.'r/ifnr G1•f'PJ1/,,.11·r Jnrll"pn1rfr11t: 9 -"*'L !hut notwlthstun1l111g- thure nr<' ""Ille l rng-.'"'"n:-u~I>.·,·"~fa:< to <'P~li'ie ""'"""·ll•t"lm ' '·""··'·1 u., a'lllll>,1'- ti The promb1· wa~ o:-.acte1l of nw in Il .· · · 1r • • ;~·.\I HI clrnwhnck~ in th<' !iii- und work of a . 'tt,v h'l.IY WIH• tfUg i11 hunor t f ti ' Le11·1:;h11rg that I should ·<t•11d i>a«k a let "l'.. d \. , ,..__ . 1 ll -'ldhmli1<t JH'Pt1ch1·r, Ood glvP~ u c•omp«11- t1a11 1 I lll:i o ww H.c•11t1t.1t.•» lwlclJ1i.• t1·1· fro111 Japan. I hc·g-iu at thb tli'<llllH'(• . n ~atio11. that 11wrf• thtm covors all clmw- her<'. o!' 111·,, <111~·,, f't-0111 thut t·ouutr~· so ns tn 1t~ 111m111rJ lll<'('fi11g- Tl11• 11an1<·,.. or 1,1u,ks-a lo\'l'ly \\ ifr. J.(il <' llll' H 1.111g run lu.•forl' rny jump. l 1111111y pl.fl'!''• n·uo\\'llc•d 111111· 11~ hnvitl"" 1 Htnndlng at 2 p. 111., i\ ugu,..t I Ith, on , IC'l'll :-0.('l'll('"i Of ldtl(lll\ l11tllll'""I \\ l I h>l\'t• t'<>JH•lmkd to clo ~h1-o n•rn .. 111h1•rmg: ,. , . • • tr< the dnck of the " ( 'ity of' i'<'ki11g," 0111' . , 11 111 11 <1 111 1:ll~t· 1<"ttc·r .... 'HI tli1• U1111ti11,,. uur .\111c•r1<"an hah1t,a11<1 '<'"klllgtolt\'OJd .. lll J l't' l't ~· of' tl11· ,1<.,11111•r,.. of' th1• P:u·in1• .\J11il 1n1 Ja 1 .\ 11a1 1 co11tro l1·cl 111 1 !riw. ai- Jt. .rn till". .111~ta11cl', ot . gotirng. l.Jnt n ,,!Jilli. 'I It r f' 1 111 11 Htenm"hip ( 'o., we wavpd good-h;\'<' to • • • •• '• ', 1' 1 ""ll\\ JIJ:ltl\' IJlllll\'"" cit' lu1ttl ~ hold on the ,..[1pp1~1·y l'Oat-tall of 'I """ · t'i , I • ' - tl11· man.v i\fothodi-;t ladic•" and ge11!11•• • ·• 1 11' 1 \I 1H•r1· I 1" "-1·1r, 1111cl -triJ> · l i11,..t1.,1d of' ~<'i:t.ing til'lll hold uf' hi' lill'l'- , l I .. ' '""J 1:1< 11 lll<'n wh<"P whit•• hnn<lkt•rchief>< "nuld , g:• .f· '•••\ 11 111' Pf<' tt ·1 .... \\'l'IJ ~t \\'111r~ 1 lock. Xe\\' .... CPlll' .. , HP\\ surrot11Hiing~. ' ' · ""' 1 1 he '""n flutf1·ri11g in tho hrl't'Z<' long al'IPI' h.ul \\:l\'1•1! 111 \'1t·t ·r' I -..1111111• ... t .u ..,norn1011:< work for tlw 1·.v<·• in .l11p>f11, • · 1 1 th1·ir fat'l's iiP<':llllt' indio.;finl't to 11~ as \\1• will quick!~· 1·:d1au~l <Ill of' tl11· tJ1111 'I" 11• \111t·111 111 i1; 1n Ju\ ... a Jl,!..;111 ,,, r.-{•l 1 ><te:11111'<l out into :->1111 Fn111ciseo Ba~·.­ there. ; J·l'nu•l ' .\111 ·ri<-1111 \':1lor Wlll'th"r 1( 1•• Jtrigltt ~un.:.hi11<·, ~\ ~till' l>r<·~?.<3', H :-l<'Ullt' I hnd <1uh-k work in llal!i1110r<' to pr«- . pla~'<·d ti~· a rt"!!i1J1f'nt fro111 'l:t-'•"'hn· of' hea111y, nr(' linkt•tl with tltL' last. "ig-i<t '1ntrl~ ft>r 111;..· jot1r11('~', arri\·iug j11st lit•t(n·p I ~P.ttc, or l>~· ;\ rt.•g-fu1u11t t'rt 1 JJl \"1J'ginia. _ \\C hat! uf our nath·c· la11d. Pas.".ini.r out midnight :-:atunlay, 111111 ll•avi11g ut :!.!111: Hi)!ht or wrung, l take tli,11 privilq.;-<', thn,11gh thP "1:0Jde11 <inf«" WP turnptl : p. 111. Tm--d.1y. .-:11111lay J ~111·111 11 rn111.\ 'an~. tr~, lo h·arn a ll''""n u..: .. 1'111 111111 in- towards thC' nnrt ii \l'<•st throngh a rolling 1!11y at \\"<'Hh·y tiro,·1· <'11111p, g'<'lt111g a ;"Jl1r 111 ir :L... ! 1·n11t .. 111platP M'('Jt('s where 110 111 , sen on our way to Yokohama, Japan. Ig-ttmp~·· or 111111•.)' rr1t·11•1,. ... <1 \\ "' p.dc1 1" .- .. n-l·11111·11c··- wh•·rp 1 < >nr \'oyag1• thu.~ lhr has U('<'ll witlinut 'l'hP trit> IU't'Cl:<:o.t th1• 1•ontlrtPllf tnok n .tlu• rf'~)><llbihiPty nl' l'ili/ 1 •1•l11t•• "I J11· lllt.f· l Jt, hJ>l'dnl incident ~a1•p th(' d<'ath of' onf' oJ' \\"~Pk, 1114.:J\ttlJIJ~ ~" tli.1.~' t"t}Jf·Ut ul :--;t. Jo:"4t'{>Ji pl u·1· nrnl dt'!t•t,,1i1wclr- 11, d111• • 1 1 our ChilltN' ~tP1:ragP pns,..t•ngcrs. \\"c · .Mi,.,.•ouri. .\II~~ <'ouuyy L11,rou;,d1 i . Han Fran<'i-.·o i·• 11 ''""' .• ,, .. ,,.,.ting 1 hav<:> st·Pn nothing out,.iclo of !ht- ~hip ! \\11]\!!l '.f j>ll..~"iiC!;"m'i.':f'~~"fiV1?t: <'II~" 1'\'i•n " tho... ., \\!Jo 111" 1 \ h•il1•d tltut had lit\> t<inc•c \1·<· "t:wt"d ('XC<'pt tlw 'IUUCh of it W!lil lllOllOIOJH)U~ly unintcr- ntan~· t•ilil'l< ill 111:111,\' land..:. ()fl(• t 1'11\'C'b 1 li•\1' g-ulls that, li:t\"<' follow"d uo.; with a :estlng, · ""P<'Cially tlw prairies 1J1' .N(". """... it" "ll't'p :-tn•t•t..: <"u•il;-.· 11 1 "''~:'>' 1 11 j r1·11wrkahlt' p1•r~istt>11<·y •. 111<1 an• dr1•ling I brnskn. llll(I the :-.t\j!(\ .. hru:--11 C'OlJIJl r.v of ('l,lllf•IJ'f:thl,r Ill 1hP 1 ·:tl,Jc·-c·ar·~. 'l'Jt\• l1u-..i- 11ro11111l II' .''"t. \Viii you ho snrpri~ed 0 \\'~'(lJJ1i11g, l'tah mu] :-;,.,·ad:t. "E1 ho Ill'.•' l"'.rtion of' the •·it~ i..: h11ilt of' ,.,to111• 1\\ li1·11 l t«ll you \\'1• ''"'tld lakl' tlw w/11111· · C.tnvou" in (:tnh w11~ an e:...cC'pt1011 to aiul lira·!;. Tla· r1•~idl'nc1• -1·1·1io11,., arP I 1· I . I I ' · 1 11 ~P\\ , ... llll"t!' .... po1111 ;1f1tn1 ctn hc)arcl I ht~ ·thb: Thc•re thP ti111t•-1\11r11, \l<'nthl·r- huilt, liir tlw lll<>"t part, of' \\'01«1, 1>111 ol' '-.ialp.1111l 1iu•11 '"'' J,. 1"1111 :' ,,,,r{· rl1an lJtis, ; l.Jpaten rot·k, :--(•anH·1l ancl t.·1·acke<.l, :-.t•>t1d a lu·autit"ul \\"ood, --plPn<liclJ.)· \\nrkt•il a1uJ 1 w"(-.- M'\um-tnk" :1ll""th1· · f11r'hft11rr1· i1Y'" tlt!S up in ~ilP11t ~uhli1uity gi,·inj.! u <leliant; t"Ul'\'t·d · 11 · 1 1 l1a11tl;;11111pf.v J1.dut1•.1. J"l1f' 1 1 ! t<>\\'ll ll.., l'rt'i~ht, :tnfl \\ <111111 111•f'fl 111a11y cc·ho to hll lhl' di-.. ordant ·u1rncl' going grl'<'ll !•lat,., and 11,.,l<'I' gardPn' ~u1-r11u111f-, •11t" tlH· hn1t-.f'~ IH:~idt•-. lo fill up tllP va-' out from our 10111-: trai11 of <'al'~.
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