iMovie 6HD Basic Editing and Functions Instructions

-Shut down all other applications

-Open iMovie

-Either Create a new project (See Transfer Instructions) or Open an Existing Project

Clips Pane, will change display based on Viewer, what editing where button you movie or click clip is displayed

Timeline and clip Editing view Buttons buttons Timeline, will change display based on what Import and edit mode viewing Play Controls Volume Control mode you are in -Different Editing Modes

Clips: Allows you to drag imported clips to the timeline, this is a good place to also break up your clips into more manageable time lengths, and keep what you don’t use.

1 iMovie 6HD Basic Editing and Functions Instructions

Themes: iMovie 6 comes with a few multimedia themes, that allow for a more visual, but “corny” methods to display your video.

Media: This is where you can import , photo’s, apple sound FX, and record audio directly into your movie. Must also use iTunes, and iPhoto, to import music, and photo’s.

Editing: Editing is where you can add titles, transitions, video effects, and audio effects.

Chapters: Chapters, where you can add a marker that will divide a movie into chapters, for later use on a DVD.

Trimming Clips

-Once clips have been transfered over, begin to cut clips to appropriate length.

-In order to do this, select clip in clip pane

-Hit Play

-Watch the playhead, as it travels along the clip


-Hit Play again (this will pause the play head), when playhead gets to approximately to where you want to divide the clip

-You can use the arrow keys to navigate playhead frame by frame to get the exact moment that you want to split the clip

-Go to edit, split clip at playhead, or his Command T

-Repeat process until clips are at desired length

2 iMovie 6HD Basic Editing and Functions Instructions

-Once Clips have been divided to more appropriate lengths, begin to drag your clips into a rough outline of how you want the movie to look. (You can always remove, move and alter clips, so don’t think that this is permanent)

-Mix and match, continue to divide and move clips until you have a desired movie.

Adding Photos, and Music

-Click on the Media button

-Choose Audio, or Photos Audio and Photo buttons

List of available List of sounds, available and iTunes albums in Library iPhoto

Display of Display of sounds or Photos music

Search for song, or Play photo sound or music

Record Audio directly into movie Show Photo Settings Ken Burns Effect, Zoom in and out gently from a picture (named after Ken Burns) Where to start and Controls Zoom end Ken Burns Effect Controls length of picture Apply changes Reverse zoom

3 iMovie 6HD Basic Editing and Functions Instructions


-Select Audio in Media

-Click the timeline viewer button

-There will now be to audio tracks, in addition to your video tracks

-Drag music to appropriate place under video tracks

To Adjust Volume

-Go to View/Show Clip Volume Levels

-Notice that now both your video, and audio now display volume control in the form of purple lines

Volume Control for video Volume Control for audio

-Select a point in the audio you want to increase, or decrease by clicking on the purple line, and a yellow ball will appear

-Click and hold prior or after the ball, and notice that the everything before or after (depending where you clicked) stays the same, but where you adjust your mouse increases or decreases the volume.

4 iMovie 6HD Basic Editing and Functions Instructions


-Select Photos in Media

-Select Album that Photo is in

-Select Photo and Drag it directly into the timeline

Editing Photo

-Select Photo in timeline

-Select Show Photo Settings

-Apply Ken Burns Effect, Zoom in or out, Change length photo plays in movie as needed

Transitions, Titles, and Video FX

Titles Transitions Video FX One used most often, will be Most Common used are black centered title, and for One used most often, is Fade and white, and sepia documentaries, striped subtitle in/out, and Cross Dissolve Can control various settings You can edit font, size length, You can determine speed of based on effect and weather the title displays transition over black, or over a clip To insert effect simply click and To insert transition, simply click drag effect to clip to be altered To insert title to timeline simply and drag desired transition into in the timeline click and drag the desired title the timeline 5