area Marciana


Pon Bar te dei et er a i alle Balbi r S M C an Zer c . Guer er uliania C.d Palazzo S. Zulian CAMPO D Soranzo . d C. d SAN GIOVANNI C. Spadar . Spec NOVO 5 . A ngelo C.te chier ia San Moisè Zogia . Chiesa i co ar C. d San M Palazzo ga Patriarch’s Trevisan Calle Lar CAMPO SAN Archaeological Museum Palace FILIPPO E GIACOMO F ond Torre Torre dell’Orologio Sott. C.te dell’Orologio 6 Pignoi . Orseolo San Marco S. Apollonia Church of San Zulian F 4 r chie oli ezz ec Basilica car V asse St Mark’s Basilica . Bar er C.d tana tie San Marco . R en ia zi a C.Br iscina or PIAZZA Basilica Gallery . P rocur C. d Palazzo Ducale C.d C.S. Z P SAN MARCO Ponte dei Piscinae diria o Sospiri Campanile di San Marco Frezz . Capr 7 Palazzo C. d ognolo Museo Correr 3 Prisons C. B Campanile Ducale Palazzo ina 8 Ponte dei Sospiri ontar Dandolo C.te C wc Archaeological ve 9 Museum atie Nuo ocur Sansovinian 2 Pr Gallery Bevilacqua La Masa WHARF S. Zaccaria Marciana area S. Moisè Gallery Danieli C. d Giardini ex Reali Venezia Mestre . R

C. Barozzi idott San Marco 4136 Via Cardinal Massaia 45

o 30124 Venezia 30174 Mestre S. Marco T 041 2748144 T 041 9655440 Palazzo S. Marco Giardinetti F 041 9655432 Giustinian Vallaresso 1 [email protected] | SAN MARCO BASIN

in collaboration with: map made by:

accessible area wc toilette facilitated bridge Material distributed free Updated in September 2017 Accessible Venice area Marciana phone beforehand to make arrangements. Staff will of 15 cm) in the side of the palace overlooking the St Mark’s area, magnet for tourists, can be reached place a ramp at the door to the hall leading to the quay. If your wheelchair cannot negotiate the step directly without encountering obstacles by taking lift (72x100 cm). A platform lift goes from the first to you can enter the palace from Porta della Carta (on the No. 2 vaporetto and getting off at the San Marco the second floor where the temporary exhibitions are the side immediately after the basilica) which will take Giardinetti stop. However we suggest you follow our held. You are advised to phone +39 041.2405211 you to the palace courtyard with the monumental route which takes in some stunning sights. beforehand. Giants’ Staircase. On the ground floor, there are accessible toilets, a cafeteria, and a bookshop. A lift [1] Take the No. 1 vaporetto (accessible) from [4] Just below the Torre dell’Orologio (Clock Tower), will take you to the first and second floors of the Piazzale Roma (bus terminus) or Ferrovia (railway one of the seminal buildings of the Venetian palace with the splendid council chambers and the station) and continue down the full length of the Renaissance (not accessible), you will find the entrance Doge’s Apartments. Canal Grande to San Marco Vallaresso stop. to the Mercerie, the famous shopping thoroughfare running from to Rialto. [8] Leaving the Doge’s Palace via the Porta della [2] Going down the alley opposite the landing stage - Carta, you can admire the soaring Campanile di San Calle Vallaresso - you will come to Campo San Moisè [5] From here you can go all the way to the Church of Marco. You can access it from the main entrance and the Church of San Moisè with its magnificent San Zulian without encountering obstacles. with the help of the staff (tel. n. 041.52 240 64) who baroque façade and thirteenth-century bell tower. The church houses works by Palma il Giovane. There will provide assistance for climbing the steps (4 steps There is one step at both the entrances of the church. are two entrances to the church: the main entrance of 17 cm and one of 14 cm) that lead to the lift that has two low steps while the side entrance has one will ake you to admire one of the city’s most splendid [3] If you turn right, rather than left, off Calle step only. panoramas. Vallaresso you will enter Piazza San Marco via an known as the Ala Napoleonica. You can [6] Going back to the Piazza, you can visit St Mark’s [9] The nearby quay has a splendid view of St Mark’s enjoy a spectacular view from here but will need to Basilica. The most accessible entrance is the left Basin. If you keep going (left) you will come to one of go down three steps to reach the piazza. To enter entrance, although there is a small step (about 5 Venice’s oldest bridges, Ponte della Paglia. Going up the piazza without encountering barriers you’ll need cm/2 in). Upon request a mobile platform can be the ramps you can see the famous Ponte dei Sospiri to leave the arcade, turn left into the narrow Calle used. (Bridge of Sighs), a covered walkway made from del Salvadego and keep going until you reach Bacino Inside the basilica, there are a number of difficulties Istrian stone along which prisoners were led from Orseolo (a picturesque “parking lot” for gondolas). in addition to the uneven floor: the Prisons to the chambers of the State Inquisitors Keep right and you will reach the piazza via the • access to the Pala d’Oro altarpiece involves four for trial. arcades of the Vecchie. Piazza San Marco fairly steep steps. After the bridge, turn left into Calle dei Albanesi has been the beating heart of the city’s political and • the Treasury is in a side room with two relatively which will take you to the pretty little Piazza di religious life for more than a thousand years and is low steps at the entrance and one step on the San Filippo e Giacomo and the romantic cloister of the symbol right and one on the left inside the room itself. Sant’Apollonia. of the city itself. • to visit the museum, you need to contact the staff In addition to the Palazzo Ducale (Doge’s Palace) the to use the lift to the second floor and the two Piazza San Marco Museums circuit includes: platform lifts making the entire route accessible. the Museo Correr, the National Archaeological Museum and the Monumental Rooms of the Biblioteca [7] When you leave the basilica, keep left and you For information on opening times here: Marciana. The entrance for visitors with impaired will come to the Doge’s Palace. mobility is on Calle del Salvadego. You are advised to The public entrance is via Porta del Frumento (a step