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Low Temperature Materials and Mechanisms

Yoseph Bar-Cohen

Solids and Fluids at Low Temperatures

Publication details Yoseph Bar-Cohen Published online on: 13 Jul 2016

How to cite :- Yoseph Bar-Cohen. 13 Jul 2016, and Fluids at Low Temperatures from: Low Temperature Materials and Mechanisms CRC Press Accessed on: 26 Sep 2021


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, elasticity, tensile strength, viscosity) of planetary materials encountered on the the on encountered materials planetary of viscosity) strength, tensile elasticity, , Introduction continuing mystery is the range of new thermodynamic properties and rheologies and properties ofnewthermodynamic range the mystery is continuing 3.2.3 Rheological Considerations Rheological ...... 3.2.3 Amorphous ...... 3.2.2 Ices Crystalline ...... 3.2.1 Introduction Temperatures 3.3.3 Transitions Phase ...... 3.3.3 of Nonaqueous Properties Systems ...... 3.3.3 of Properties Aqueous and Systems ...... 3.3.2 of Structure ...... 3.3.1 Acknowledgments Summary/Conclusions . conductivit y, y, conductivit It ends with a brief note about applications of piezoelectric materials at low at materials piezoelectric of applications about note brief a with ends It ...... eprtr ha cpct, hra cnrcin eetia and electrical contraction, thermal capacity, heat temperature magneto-resistance in metals, and solid–liquid phase changes changes phase solid–liquid and metals, in magneto-resistance ...... This chapter describes materials and their relevant proprelevant their and materials describes chapter This . Space technology must survive ¤uctua survive must technology Space . Properties of industrial metals metals ofindustrial Properties . Of deeper scienti†c interest 44 34 42 40 45 45 36 28 27 29 27 37 37 37 41 - - Downloaded By: At: 21:50 26 Sep 2021; For: 9781315371962, chapter3, 10.1201/9781315371962-4 hexagonal I hexagonal (besides phase new numerals following the chronological order †rst of their discovery. The of entropy of contribution thermodynamic the diminishing decreases, atoms and kinetic molecules of the energy cooling, Upon disorder. to drive entropic the and formation bond of bene†t bond correlation [Stachurski, 2011]. to determine pattern splitting patterns; ortion NMR diffrac- electron x-rayor quantities; scattering thermodynamic associated or temperature known at present [Petrenko and Whitworth, 2002; Falenty et al.,2014], et 2002;Falenty Roman by labeled Whitworth, and [Petrenko present at known et al., 2013; al., et Algara-Siller 2015]. 1983] the atoms do not have to time orderly arrange to statethe lower-energy [Zallen, crystalline if favored, amorphousmay structures driven in result formation processes but kinetically ture of these bodies [Grundy bodies of al., et these 1993;ture al. et Quirico tempera-elucidate tosurface the used been has and surface the of analyses spectroscopic be identi†ed can in of difference vibrational material. environment The and the electronic at them 35. between temperature tion gen can exist in two phases—a cubic phases—a two in exist can ice gen bodies frigid of the outer solar system such as Pluto and Triton (a moon of Neptune), nitro- as solid [Sands, 1975]. a3D elements crystalline to describe symmetry necessary potential 230 to leads groups point the and lattices Bravais ice XVI, was discovered in 2014al. et in [Falenty discovered was XVI, ice may be be may Solids arrangement. molecular the in variations to due formed was it which under tions metals. and rocks of as possibly materials. those industrial also geology,but satellite icy to resemble key as interesting that them makes properties This analogy chemical and mechanical have At very low temperatures, water and other solid that presentare materials on icy satellites 3.2 28 cesses [Johannessen et al et [Johannessen cesses pro- bond-disrupting of presence factors the or makeup/existence impurities, several molecular of ci†c on depend may history,spe- thermal deposition, or freezing crystallinity of temperature and rate of pressure, including type and degree The 1937]. Lonsdale, 1933;Jefferson, and 1911;[Eucken, Hendricks orderlong-range a have not do that solids analog to compared when conductivities thermal higher and points, de†ned sharply melting and higher properties, physical anisotropic to rise gives generally This symmetry elements symmetry additional with de†ned be must 14and Bravaisthe units, lattices of symmetry the fundamental break multiplewhich of composed is solids, molecular or salts as such material, symmetrically unique lattice structures, calledlattices Bravais [Bruggeller Mayer, formed amorphous solid and is an to and form time 1980]. The process of crystallization can be understood as the balance between the enthalpic the between balance the as understood be can crystallization of process The transition glass the identi†ed are by analyzing or amorphous structures Speci†c Polymorphism is one of water’s anomalous properties: 17 distinct crystalline phases are are phases crystalline 17 distinct of water’s one properties: is Polymorphism anomalous Substances often occur in several different crystalline phases—a phenomenon known known phenomenon phases—a crystalline different several in occur often Substances h ceia ad hscl rpris f sld r gety nune b te condi- the by in¤uenced greatly are solid a of properties physical and chemical The The geometry of crystalline solids of be can by classi†ed ofsingle units The repeating geometry one crystalline of 14 polymorphism—

Solid Materials . If water is cooled at a rate greater than 10 than greater rate a at cooled wateris If . crystalline . At low temperatures, when the Gibbs free energy is enthalpically dominated, enthalpically is energy free Gibbs the when temperatures,low At . h ), described in 1900, was named ice II [Tammann, 1900]; the most recent one, recent 1900];most [Tammann, the II ice 1900,named was in ),described , with ordered and repeating fundamental units at the molecular level. molecular the at units fundamental repeating and ordered with , which depends on the conditions of conditions formation. For the on depends example, which distant, on . These elements are called called are elements These . ., 2007; Sestak et al. et Sestak 2007;., 6 K 6 . Their differing molecular structures change the the change structures molecular differing . Their α -phase or a hexagonal a or -phase 2011] , , 2014] , Low Temperature Materials and Mechanisms and Temperature Materials Low 6 point groups point K s . The crystalline state is energetically energetically is state crystalline The . . Other phases may exist [e.g., exist may Wilson phases Other . –1 , 1999] , , the crystalline state does not havenot does state crystalline the , . , and the combination of the the of combination the and , that provide the the provide that groups space . However, . crystalline much β -phase—with a transi a -phase—with amorphous - Downloaded By: At: 21:50 26 Sep 2021; For: 9781315371962, chapter3, 10.1201/9781315371962-4 Phase diagram of H of diagram Phase FIGURE 3.1 of this chapter.) lines of this dotted in simulations computational using pressures ultra-high italics in group when crystalline and references therein] and ice VII [Pistorius et al [Pistorius VII ice and therein] references and can be stable in a stablein be can scales, provided conditions temperature the and pressure do not change ble ice phases at laboratory time scales, and probably also not at astrophysically relevant time be isolated readily form can and characterized phases and phase stable most thermodynamically the never 3 Figure in found be cannot XVI, XIV, and XIII, XII, IV,IX, ices namely pressure of combination speci†c a at stable most of water 3 Figure in shown diagram phase The 3.2.1 [Sellberg, liquid 2014]. down to 232 remaining Kwhile of milliseconds scale time the ple, water at freezes normally 273 K at 1 atmosphere of pressure, but be can supercooled at determined solid–liquid phase boundary—a condition known as as known condition boundary—a phase solid–liquid determined 2003] Vekilov,Yoreo and [De place take to transitions additional allowing by formation crystal be not may the units size molecular the of critical a transformation below spontaneous, considered is sample bulk the of transformation namically favored cooling processthermody- immediatelyevery However,not results spontaneous. in solidi†cation thermodynamically becomes solidi†cation Temperatures Low at Fluids and Solids a phase boundary with liquid water (ices I (ices water liquid with boundary phase a . If nucleation. If sites do not may exist, liquids be cooled below thermodynamically the

Crystalline Ices Crystalline . Phase boundaries are plotted with a thick black line and predicted phase boundaries predicted at predicted boundaries phase predicted and line black thick a with plotted are boundaries Phase .

Temperature (K) . That is, the phase diagram merely shows the one phase that is thermodynamically merely showsdiagram is, thermodynamically phase That is the onethat phase the 500 100 200 300 400 0 0.01 P6 3

/mmc 2 Cmc2 Ice XI O from 0.01 to 10000 GPa and 0 to 500 K, showing stable water phases and their space space their and phases water stable showing K, 500 to 0 and GPa 10000 to 0.01 from O P–T . Proton disordered phases are written in bold, and proton-ordered phases are written Liquid wate 1 †eld or metastable at all at†eldmetastableall or P4 Ice III 0.1 1 2 1 2 r Ice II R3 A2/a Ice IV P1 XV Ic mn P42/ Ice VI e 11 c . 1 depicts the stability †elds of liquid and solid phases phases solid and liquid of †elds stability the depicts 1 I4 Ice VIII 1 Pressure (GPa) /amd Pm Ice VI h , III, V, VI [e V, VI III, , 3n P–T I 0 . . Nucleation sites, if present, often enable In spite of this metastable nature, such such nature, metastable this of spite In conditions . P , 1963; Mishima and Endo, 1978; Endo,Datchi and 1963;Mishima , and temperature temperature and . (Courtesy of Baptiste Journaux, coauthor coauthor Journaux, of . Baptiste (Courtesy .g. . 100 - sta more to convert do not They , Choukroun and Grasset, 2007 Grasset, and Choukroun , Pm Ice X . Some stable ice phases share share stablephases iceSome 3n supercooling Pbcm 1000 T . Crystalline phases . 1 because they are are they because 1 . Even if the phase phase Eventhe . if . Some ice phases, phases, ice Some P2 1

. For exam- .

(metallic) C2/m 10000 29 Downloaded By: At: 21:50 26 Sep 2021; For: 9781315371962, chapter3, 10.1201/9781315371962-4 oceans that constitute an interesting analog to the icy satellites (Figure 3 (Figure satellites icy to the analog interesting an constitute that oceans 3 (Figure atoms are ordered over long ranges long over ordered are atoms 3 Figure al et 2014], [Schubert et al wellas as al et [Vanceice water of layer 800-km-thick an by covered is which Ganymede,example, 2009] et al et 2005], XII [Kuhs et al et [Kuhs XII 2005], and Singer, 2008], XIV [Salzmann et al et [Salzmann XIV 2008],Singer, and Fan et al et Fan et al et 1997; Pruzan et al et 1997; Pruzan ust al Kuhset ab t al et Kamb with other ice polymorphs, equilibrium namely ices II thermodynamic [Kamb,in exist 1964; et al 30 et al et Vance, S from (modi†ed objects selected of mantles upper ices the (°C) in (GPa) temperature high-pressure and pressure of pro†les having of terms in ocean Ganymede’s like behave would Earth on ocean possible are liquids where of pressures range multi-GPa the span oceans in Pressures FIGURE 3.2 Known , albeit very hot ones, are modeled as super objects with sea¤oor depths like Earth’s like depths sea¤oor with (10objects km), Europa’s Europa (100 super km), Ganymede’s (800 km) and as modeled are ones, hot very albeit exoplanets, Known oceans deep in 40°C bythan more elevated be will temperature sea¤oor general, in temperature; atbe a constant The distinction between proton-ordered and proton-disordered ice phases is shown in in shown is phases ice proton-disordered and proton-ordered between distinction The . , . . . . , 2006; Somayazulu al et , 2000] Astrobiology , 2004; Sotin et al et Sotin 2004; , , 1984; Fan et al et Fan 1984; , . uh ihpesr ie hss a b fud n h mnls f h iy on, for moons, icy the of mantles the in found be may phases ice high-pressure Such .3. . . , 2010;, Tajimaal et 2) . 18; ogne e al et Jorgensen 1984; , In all ice phases, the atoms occupy lattice positions, that is, the oxygen the is, that positions, lattice occupy atoms oxygen the phases, ice all In ) . . , and are disordered [Kuhs,2007] disordered are and , It ices that high-pressure play expected is also a key role planets [Leger ocean in 17; rod t al et Arnold 1971; , , 7(6), 2007), beginning at the estimated depth of the sea¤oor of the depth , 7(6), estimated at the 2007), beginning . , 2003; Song et al et Song 2003; ,

P (GPa) . 10 . , 2010; Knight and Singer,2005; Kuo and Kuhs, 2006; Salzmann et al et Salzmann 2006; Kuhs, and KuoSinger,2005; and 2010;Knight , , 1998; Lobban et al et 1998; Lobban , . 10 10 , 2007; Grasset et al 2007; et , Grasset –1 –100 1 0 . Ganymede , 1984;, al Matsuoet . , 2008;, al et Fan Europa . 16; ots t al et Fortes 1968; , 800 km . 18, 95 Pua e al et Pruzan 1985; 1984, , . , 2003; Singer et al et Singer 2003; , . 0 The atoms occupy lattice positions only in in only positions lattice occupy atoms hydrogen The . , 2004] Titanand [Tobie et al . . 0.025 Ganymede 0.4 Kepler 18b Kepler 11b Model values:ZengandSasselov2014 , 2006a, 2006b; Tribello et al et Tribello 2006b; 2006a, , . . , 2000; Salzmann et al et Salzmann 2000; , , 2009], roughly Earth-sized exoplanets with deep deep with exoplanets 2009],Earth-sized , roughly . (Courtesy of Steve Vance, principal author of this chapter of this author of Steve Vance, (Courtesy principal . , 2010], [Singer XI al et . Other ice phases are proton ordered and only 10 km T (°C) . 100 km , 1986;al , et Fukazawa 0 200 100 Low Temperature Materials and Mechanisms and Temperature Materials Low R/R 2.0 1.8 . 20, 05, II Waly t al et [Whalley VIII 2005], 2003, , Earth . , 2005; Knight et al et Knight 2005; , M/M

3 6 . 19, 92 Bso e al et Besson 1992; 1990, , Earth . The overlying ocean is assumed to to assumed is ocean overlying The . , 2006a, 2006b, 2008; Knight Knight 2006b,2008;2006a, , . Earth , 2005; Knight et al et 2005;, Knight . , 2005; Fortes et al et 2005;, Fortes . . , 2006], and XV [Kuhs [Kuhs XV and 2006], , , 1998,, 2002;al Kuo et

300 . 2) . , 2006; Yoshimura2006; , . . This †gure shows shows †gure This . A Europa-depth Europa-depth A . . . . , 2007] 2007] , , 1994, 1994, , , 1966; 1966; , , 2006; .) ., ., ., . .

Downloaded By: At: 21:50 26 Sep 2021; For: 9781315371962, chapter3, 10.1201/9781315371962-4 except for ice X, are proton-disordered and of increasing density, increasing of and proton-disordered exceptX,foriceare terpart of ice I ice of terpart to proton-orderedthe achieves transformation onethe statesuccessfully only a single type of ordering has been observed so far so observed been has ofordering type single a only lre nme o odrd rtn o†uain ae possible are con†gurations proton ordered of number larger a proton-ordered of the case icethe phases Temperatures Low at Fluids and Solids on Earth, is a proton-disordered form of ice of form proton-disordered a is Earth, on As a result, ice I ice result, a As Fowler, and [Bernal iceicerules crystal 1933], the within randomly distributed but are they terms of topology and ring structure ring and topology of terms hydrogen-networknew topologies forming and bonds, gen [Pauling, 1935] and amounts to approximately 3 2015.) SIF, Bologna: Amsterdam, IOS and Technology Promoting and Environment the Understanding for Basis the as Volume187:Fundamentals Fermi,” Water: post-icephases)X at >100phases GPa, (exceptices for ice ultrahigh-pressure amorphous X and the the and motif the crystalline all in is found circles) (†lled atom oxygen central a around coordination tetrahedral The probability. equal with observed are con†gurations these of all ices, proton-ordered proton-disordered in In whereas observed, is rules. these of ice one only ices, Bernal–Fowler the by allowed circles) (white con†gurations proton different Six FIGURE 3.3 Figure 3 Figure the transition sequence I sequence transition the phase proton-disordered a to disordered ∆ one) ordered an ing the ofgeometry the O-atoms (entropy-driven, e (density-driven,e O-lattice equation d Clausius–Clapeyron accordingto the axis, tois, pressure parallel entropy at 0 K 0 at entropy phase diagram in Figure 3 Figure in diagram phase al et [Parkkinen questioned ending at 2 at ending entropy,∆ is, that ∆ is, that form, proton-disordered and ordered axis pressure the V Solid–solid transitions between polymorphs are possible polymorphs are by of either between the a rearrangement transitions Solid–solid , but the entropy change may be close to zero ∆ zero to close be may change entropy the but , . 1, since they are almost parallel to the temperature axis temperature the to parallel almost are they 1, since . 50 g cm g 50 . h The residual entropy at 0 K has become famous as the Pauling entropy ∆ (Adapted from Fuentes-Landete, V Fuentes-Landete, (Adapted from . is known as ice XI, and its possible ferroelectric nature is currently being being currently is nature ferroelectric possible its and XI, ice as known is . h In the case of density-driven transitions, there is a †nite volume change change volume †nite a is there transitions, density-driven of case the In . represents a frustrated crystal, which does not have zero con†gurational con†gurational zero have not does which crystal, frustrated a represents S This is so because there is barely any volume difference between proton- between volumeany difference barely is there because so is This ≈ ∆ –3 . High density is accommodated by improving packing, bending hydro bending packing, improving by accommodated is density High S P . h The slope of the phase boundary d boundary phase the ofslope The

→ . .g. 1 because the pair is separated by a phase boundary parallel to to parallel boundary phase a by separated is pair the because 1 III . 2014] , , by pressurization) or H-ordering/disordering while preserv H-ordering/disordering while or pressurization) by , → V . Order–disorder pairs can be easily recognized in the the in recognized easily be can pairs Order–disorder → . While ices I ices While VI VI . . Such phase boundaries can be identi†ed easily in in easily identi†ed be can boundaries phase Such For a given network of oxygen atoms, principle in → VII VII . The hydrogen atoms obey the Bernal–Fowler the obey atoms hydrogen The ., Proceedings of the International School of Physics “Enrico “Enrico Physics of School International the of Proceedings V . 41 J K J 41 → ≈ 0, but the two ices differ by the Pauling Pauling the by differ ices two the but0, ≈ h .g. X can be identi†ed and I S , by cooling a disordered phase to form ≈ 0 if the transition is from a proton- –1 mol . Ice I c consist entirely of six rings, V ice rings, six of entirely consist –1 . . h The oxygen networks differ in This entropy can be released if if released be can entropy This P/ , the most common form ofice form most common the , d T . . Experimentally, however, however, Experimentally, With With then goes to in†nity, that that in†nity, to goes then starting at0 starting

. All these ice phases, icephases, these All increasing pressure, increasing

. The ordered coun ordered The P/ . 92 g cm d T

= ∆ S/ –3 ∆ and and V . 31 S P - - - . , Downloaded By: At: 21:50 26 Sep 2021; For: 9781315371962, chapter3, 10.1201/9781315371962-4 32 rated into the ice lattice in ice I ice the in mobility reorientational the lattice lattice may enhance lowat temperatures such limitations ordered low temperature be phase accessed cannot due and tokinetic geometric constraints and Fowler, 1933],(averagedspace/time) whereasover probability ordered an in [Bernal same phase, onlythe one con†guration with ispopulated found. Often, are the six all phase, pentamer Walrafen as known geometry hydrogen-bond tetrahedral nature) entropic of is orderedphase an disordering of process the to connected (astransition the temperatures et al et XII–XIV [Salzmann et al et [Salzmann XII–XIV 2005; Knight et al et 2005; Knight 1985; Pruzan et al et 1985;Pruzan al et [Kuhs VI–XV 2008], Salzmann et al et Salzmann 2000; Salzmann et al et al et Whalley et al et Whalley defects may be introduced deliberately introduced be may defects agonal iceagonal I the symmetrization of hydrogen oxygen the atoms position between symmetrization the 1998, 2002; Kuo et al et Kuo 2002;1998, form form of ice I et al et NaCl, LiCl, RbI [Frank et al et [Frank RbINaCl,LiCl, Earth, ice Earth, I Guinier et al et Guinier 97 Waly 1983] Whalley, 1987; at ~140–200at K waterofat/belowcondensationupon icevapor particles on and forms of pressure ambient temperature of above~150 crystallization the K. pressure ent X (>100X GPa [Benoit al et X and VIII, VII, VI, ices example,(self-clathrates), for forshow example,threading; ring ice IV and others show ice two networks interpenetrating 2013] 4-, 5-,has 6-,Ramírez, 8-,and 9-,[Herrero 10-, 12-ring structures and 2005; Knight et al et Knight 2005; index”) [Kuhs et al et “cubicity [Kuhs index”)by (quanti†ed faults stacking hexagonal roughly with crystallites small of form rbn te hr-ag mlclr niomn (e environment molecular short-range the probing metry for I for metry layersidentical disorder pairs will be found in the same same the in found be will pairs disorder disordering the protons while almost entirely the preserving O-atom topology as has been suggested been by has as neutron diffraction) [Kuhs et al et [Kuhs diffraction) neutron (e orderlong-range the examining when distinguished be can they Three low-density variants of crystalline ice can be produced at ambient pressure: hex pressure: ambient at produced be can ice crystalline of variants low-density Three s etoe, cytlie hs my e rnfre it aohr y ordering/ by another into transformed be may phase crystalline a mentioned, As . . . , 2008; Köster et al , 1986; Hobbs, 1974; Gross and Svec, 1997]) and also at a higher pressure in ice VII (e VII ice in 1986; pressure , Hobbs, 1974;higher a atSvec, 1997])and also Gross and , 1984; Londono et al 1984; et Londono, c can occasionally be found in clouds [Murray et al et [Murray clouds in found be occasionally can h h h , ABAB with fcc symmetry for I for symmetry fcc with ABAB , , cubic ice I . , is only stable at . It may thus be present on comets after they have experienced temperatures temperatures experienced have they after comets on present be thus may It , 1984; Röttger et al 1984; et , Röttger . . , 1968; LaPlaca et al et LaPlaca 1968; , Both are very similar in density at density in similar very are Both . — , 2009], VII–VIII [Whalley et al et 2009], , VII–VIII[Whalley . . , 2006; Fan et al differing stacking order (hexagonal rings, ABCABC with hexagonal sym hexagonal ABCABC with rings, order(hexagonal stacking differing , 2006; Yoshimura al et . . , 1990, 1992, 2003; Besson et al et 1990,Besson 1992,2003;, Six are con†gurations allowed by the Bernal–Fowler ice in the rules local . , 1987; Kohl et al 1987; et , Kohl . Ice I Ice . . , 2006a, 2008; Knight et al et 2006a,2008;Knight , , 2005], III–IX [Fan et al et [Fan III–IX 2005], , . , 2015]), the ordered phase at lower and the disordered phase at higher c , and ice, and XI . . , 1996; Pruzan et al 1996; et , Pruzan , 2006a, 2006c; Tribello et al Tribelloet 2006c;2006a, , . . c in situ in , 1984; Fan, 2010; Knight and Singer, 2005; Kuo and Kuhs, 2006; Kuhs, and Kuo 2005; Singer, and 2010;Knight Fan, 1984; , , 1993; Knight et al et 1993; , Knight forms upon heating of in a vacuum or at ambi at or vacuum a in ice amorphous of heating upon forms . , 2006, 2013; Klotz et al 2013; 2006,et , Klotz T h (e < 72 K 72 < IR experiments and and IR experiments . . . , 1987] , , 2010; Tajima et al et Tajima 2010; , .g. , 1994] , . , HCl, HBr, HF, NH . , 1973; Nishibata and Whalley, 1974; Minceva-Sukarova Whalley, and Nishibata 1973; , While ice I While . . , 2000; Hansen et al et Hansen 2000; , Point defects (Bjerrum L/Dice the defects) ionic(Bjerrum Pointorin defects . A proton-ordered form of cubic ice I . . Ices I Ices I . These extrinsic defects may enhance the mobility mobility the enhance may defects extrinsic These . , 2006; Somayazulual et c P is not obtained as a single crystal, but only in the the in only but crystal, single a as obtained not is region of the phase diagram (I diagram phase the of region . , 2003]), the molecular nature disappears due 2003]), to , disappears nature molecular the c . ) [Kuhs and Lehmann, 1986; Kuhs et al et 1986; Kuhs Lehmann, and [Kuhs ) , 2006], V–XIII [Kuhs et al 2006], et V–XIII, [Kuhs h . . and I , 1966;al , et Kuhs , 2010; Kuhs et al et 2010;Kuhs , . h , 2008; Martin-Conde et al et 2008;Martin-Conde , Low Temperature Materials and Mechanisms and Temperature Materials Low is the abundant polymorph abundant the of is solid H It also forms upon heating of high-pressure high-pressure of heating upon forms Italso . , 1994, 1997; Song et al 1994, 1997;et , Song . P , 1984; Matsuo et al et Matsuo 1984; , . , 2009; Journaux et al et Journaux 2009; , atm .g. . c simulations [Geiger al et ab initio simulations , 2006; Martin-Conde et al et 2006;Martin-Conde , are polytypical polytypical are 3 . Rmn r mid- or Raman , , also appearing to be identical when identical be to appearing also , , KOH, etc KOH, , For the latter ultrahigh-pressure ice ultrahigh-pressure latter the For . , 2007] , . , 2005; Mayer and Hallbrucker, . , 1984;al , et Jorgensen . . . . Ice XI, the proton-ordered the XI, Ice By using dopants incorpo dopants using By , 1998; Lobban et al et Lobban 1998; , . [Tajima et al et [Tajima , 2008;, al et Fan . .g. . . , 1986; Fukazawa et al et Fukazawa 1986; , In a fully disordered disordered fully a In

relative to each other: other: each to relative . , x-ray diffraction or or diffraction x-ray , , 1998; Lobban et al 1998; , Lobban infrared) . , 2003; Singer et al et Singer 2003; , . , 2015]),, point such . , 2006;Noya, et al h . c Some structures –XIal [Singer et might also exist, . . , 1984; Matsuo Matsuo 1984; , These order– These . , 2006;Noya, . . , 2010],, and However, However, . . . , 2000; , . , 2014] , , 1984, 1984, , , 1987; 1987; , 2 O on on O .g., ., ., ., ., ., - - - - .

Downloaded By: At: 21:50 26 Sep 2021; For: 9781315371962, chapter3, 10.1201/9781315371962-4 of NaCl, 5 mol% of CH interstitial (face-centered) and lattice sites (H sites lattice (face-centered) and interstitial 2009] In cases of HCl, KOH, NH HCl, of watering cases molecules. In byreplac- icecrystal the completely in incorporatedice, be insoluble dopantsin some can tice increases the volume of the phase by 8%, increasing the density by 0.2 g cm g 0.2by density the 8%,by increasing phase volume the ofthe increases tice around 2 around of salts in ice I ke, 1986] Akley, porated in the icebulk sheet at as boundaries liquid the inclusions brine grain [Weeks and incor- be may salts rejected formation, ice sea during present solutions aqueous freezing 1997] Svec, and [Gross freezing during impurities tion of Li tion (Figure 3 (Figure of II, still awaitof II, [Lokotosh discovery still Malomuzh, 1993; and Lokotosh, and Zabrodsky 1993] related to related Temperatures Low at Fluids and Solids tion tion by with substituting H (a) Proton-disordered ice VII crystallographic structure in one possible proton con†guration with the octahe- the dral interstitial face-centered with void con†guration proton possible one in structure crystallographic VII ice (a)Proton-disordered FIGURE 3.4 polar water molecules seem to disadvantagetolong-rangeH waterthe ofseem polar molecules ordering K 80 to down VIII to transition the ice proton-ordered inhibits ions Cl and Li of presence the temperatures, found that KOH doping accelerates dynamics in ice I ice KOH in that found dopingaccelerates dynamics phase temperature low[Köster et proton-orderedal the to access allowing and limitations kinetic ing and ppmand range.spite In low of the huge. be solubility, can on H-dynamics in¤uence the from from . future the in found be may transition order–disorder an through them to related phases ice new pair; 1986] Pletzer 1935;and MayerOliver and [Burton lattices ice the within defects point of pairs of dynamics the to related certainly are 2006b, 2009] al et [Salzmann XII V, and ices VI, high-pressure the in dynamics the accelerate to keeps the crystallographic structure of the pure H pure the of structure crystallographic the keeps hydrates clathrate in ice solid the solution as occurring that from shoulddistinguished be due to the isomorphism between the crystal lattices of NH of lattices crystal the between isomorphism the to due Recent high-pressure experiments have shown that ice VII can incorporate up to 1.6 mol% The solubility of dopants in ice is generally assumed to be low. be to assumed generally Iceis ice dopantsofin solubility I The ab initio ab calculations, Klotz et al et Klotz ab DFT initio. Using calculations, + (large circle) and Cl and circle) (large . .7 × 10× .7 4) rearrangement of protons and/or rotation of H of and/orrotation protons of rearrangement For example, the ordered counterparts ofI For example, ordered counterparts the calculations illustrating the lattice distortion and H and distortion lattice the illustrating calculations . The presence of presence 16.7. The mol% of Li . . . 2015] , The reasons why one dopant is effective and the other is not are still unclear, but but unclear, still are not is other the and effective is dopant one why reasons The . For the H h has a notable exception with ¤uoride,ammonium which forms a solid solu- –3 and 3 . Strong electrostatic interactions between the the between interactions . Strong electrostatic incorporated the ions and However, this may also slow down the dynamics the down slow also may this However, 3 OH [Frank et al et [Frank OH . 2 2 (±0 2 – O–NaCl system, the partition coef†cient partition the system, O–NaCl a) (medium circle) ions. (Modi†ed from Klotz, S.,Mater. Klotz, Nat. from (Modi†ed ions. circle) (medium 2 . (b) Snapshot of of a “salty” possible con†guration ice VII (LiCl·6H .2 5.2 mol% to up [Gross and Svec, 1997], molecules O most likely .2)10× –3 [Gross et al ice VI ., 2006, 2013], and up to 16.7 mol% of LiCl [Klotz et al., . Some ice phases do not form an order–disorder order–disorder an form not do phases ice Some I + and Cl and 2 b) O substitution) for Li forsubstitution) O 3 , HBr, or HF, the solubilities the ppbare in . [2009] predict ice atincorporation in VII . For concentrated solutions, for example, . , 1977, 1987] 1977, , – 2 h c solutes ice cubic P VII the in O phase O whereas HCl doping has been found found been HCldopinghas whereas and IV, as well as the disordered one 2 O misorientation induced by the incorpora- the by induced misorientation O 2 4 O molecules, thereby overcom thereby molecules, O ‘s ice VI F and ice I alty’ . While most substances are are substances most While . . This incompatible behavior This . I . K Empirically it has been been has it Empirically + d and Cl h (NaCl) is estimated estimated is (NaCl) Such incorporation . incorporation Such h tends to reject any reject to tends , 8, 2009.) 2 O orientations, orientations, O – , respectively , –3 2 n-3m O) derived . Atlow. . , 2006a, , lat 33 . - - Downloaded By: At: 21:50 26 Sep 2021; For: 9781315371962, chapter3, 10.1201/9781315371962-4 Just as polymorphism is regarded to be one ofoneH be to regarded is Justpolymorphism as 3.2.2 to a deeply supercooled, as low-density liquid upon ultraviscous known is which heating, Hermann et al., et 2012;Hermann Umemoto Wentzcovitch, and 2011; al., et Sanloup 2013]. Experimentally ASWwas produced by deposition Experimentally of H substrate solid cold very a on OH O, and H, atomic of reaction chemical orwater gaseous of deposition the by produced is water,ASW), solid (amorphous universe the in water of LDA) [Mishima et al., 1985]. All of them behave like glassy solids and seem to transform transform to seem and solids glassy like behave them ice,1985].ofal., et LDA)All amorphous [Mishima (low-density temperatures elevated at water solid amorphous of forms microporous, resulting in speci†c surface areas of several hundred and even more than than more even and 1000 m hundred several of areas surface speci†c in resulting microporous, tally, simulations predict new phases of ice [Wang et al., 2011; Militzer and Wilson, 2010; Wilson, 2011;and al., et [WangMilitzer ice of phases new predict tally, simulations phism: the existence of more than one amorphous solid phase [Mishima et al et one [Mishima amorphous solid phase of more existence than the phism: phases of interest for icy moons and large H large and of for interest moons icy phases ters bodies etary may contain high-pressure ice of mantles with hundreds ofthicknesses kilome physical properties of the solid are of interest for planetary scientists, as large water-rich plan waterofice tivity, stability volume, density, thermodynamic and of neutral solutes on the transition to a proton-ordered phase remains unknown. toof aproton-ordered solutes neutral remains phase transition on the itas may generate “crystal plasticity”* even at very low temperature. At effect present, the 34 * Molecular crystal with dynamical disorder in the orientation of its constituent molecules, in which ¤ip rates rates ¤ip which in molecules, constituent its of orientation the in disorder dynamical with crystal Molecular * obtainable obtainable in ways:three cryo-deposition of gaseous H glassy water, HGW) [Mayer, 1985; Kohl et al., 2005] and decompression of higher-density water,higher-density decompressionof[Mayer, HGW)glassy and al.,2005]1985; et Kohl dropletsof cryo-deposition (alsomicrometer-sized on a cooled substrate; hyper-quenched experiments [Ioppolo et al et [Ioppolo experiments et al [Stevenson deposit gases ¤ow ratesthe ofthe substrate or the of character general and ture al et Pletzer,1986;[Mayer spaceand Ehrenfreund in clouds star-forming darkcold in dust,and XVI [Kuhs et al., et [Kuhs XVI 2014]. ice as now is known and could experimentally prepared be structure clathrate oneempty et al ring, cage-like clathrate structures are predicted to be thermodynamically stable [Stevenson omn a uh oe opc vrat f S wt a pc† srae ra f es than less of area surface speci†c a m 1 with ASW of variant compact more much a forming 2003] al et [Ehrenfreund building planet of stagesearly very the pivotalin roleplaya thus may 2011] al et [Ehrenfreund pores the inside trapped be can molecules gas ASW and the presence in of trace (egases rate hydrates may [Mitterdorfer aresult al as et form range from picoseconds to nanoseconds. to picoseconds from range One One of solid water’s amorphous low-density variants, most likely the most abundant form t lrhg pesrs xedn a e Ma, urnl nt cesbe experimen- accessible not currently Mbar, few a exceeding pressures ultrahigh At s hw i Fgr 35 lwdniy om o aopos H amorphous of forms low-density 3.5, Figure in shown As Incorporating substantial amounts of ionic and molecular solutes may affect the conduc the affect solutesmay molecular and ionic of amounts substantial Incorporating In the negative pressure regime, phases resembling the geometries of naturally occur- naturally of geometries the resembling phases regime, pressure negative the In . 2 . As far as we as know, far ofAs solutes other into exist incorporated nostudies . /g [Baragiola, 2003; Mitterdorfer, 2014] . , 2003; Ioppolo et al , , 1999] . , 1999; Cartwright et al et Cartwright 1999; , . Chemical reactions of trapped molecules in the micropores are promoted, and ASW ASW promoted,and are micropores the in molecules trapped of reactions Chemical

Furthermore, when pore collapse is induced while guest molecules are trapped, clath Amorphous Ices 2 /g [Baragiola, 2003] /g[Baragiola, . Experiments have. Experiments not yet possiblebeen on ice at negative However,pressures. . , 2010]) , . . 2010] , These micropores will collapse when temperatures are raised, raised, are temperatures when collapse will micropores These . , 2008; Bossa et al et Bossa 2008; , . Depending on the conditions of formation (e formation of conditions the on Depending . ASW naturally occurs on comets, satellites, interstellar interstellar satellites, comets, on occurs naturally ASW .g. . During formation of microporous noncollapsed noncollapsed of microporous formation During , in , the coldin ofregions clouds), interstellar dense 2 O-rich planets (e planets O-rich Low Temperature Materials and Mechanisms and Temperature Materials Low . , 2012], the produced ASW may be highly highly be may ASW produced 2012], the , 2 O’s anomalous properties, so is polyamor . , 2011; al et Faizullin 2 2 O O (ASW) [Burton and Oliver, 1935], (g) on a cooled copper early rod in .g. , ice III, V, VI, X) and . Such modi†cations of the . , 2003; Mitterdorfer et al 2003; et Mitterdorfer, 2 O (s) are experimentally experimentally are . , 2014] high-pressure ice ice high-pressure

.g. . , 1984, 1985] , the tempera . . . ., ., ------.

Downloaded By: At: 21:50 26 Sep 2021; For: 9781315371962, chapter3, 10.1201/9781315371962-4 high-density amorphous ice to be produced (in 1984) by compressing I compressing 1984)by (in produced be to ice amorphous high-density †rst the (uHDA)2006d]).HDAwas al., et [Salzmann rHDA = HDA relaxed and 2006d], ahr n seby f aocld oyrsalts hs eand Letn e al et [Loerting remained has polycrystallites) nanoscaled of assembly an rather mately 110 eHDA Kand at about 132 al., et Kat [Winkel 2011]. ambient pressure LDAtostates of relaxation), uHDA with atintrinsic approxi-transforming their to nected al. et uHDA–eHDAfor [Loerting case the also is as 2006],al., et [Bowron structure similar highly of be K (10 K/min) al., et at [Amann-Winkel ambient pressure 2013]. 116 be to determined was temperature transition ultraviscous glass-to-liquid supercooledwater. liquid—HDL The deeply a into heating upon transforms and solid glassy a like 1984; Nelmes et al., 2006], expanded HDA = eHDA [Winkel et al., 2008; Salzmann et al., et Salzmann 2008; al., et [Winkel eHDA = HDA expanded 2006],al., et Nelmes 1984; in the degree relaxation differing ofHDA (unannealed structural = uHDA et al., [Mishima HDAof (VHDA), icesub-states amorphous with high-density (HDA)very ice phousand at material of about penetration the and 143have softening indicated 1998]. K[Johari, rates to exhibit very similar glass transition temperatures ( temperatures transition glass similar very exhibit to rates peratures below crystallization at belowperatures >0.8pressures crystallization GPa et al. [Loerting al et [Mishima 77 K Promoting Technology of School Physics “Enrico Fermi,” Volume 187: Water: as the the for Fundamentals and Basis Understanding Environment compression/decompressionexperiments The polyamorphic three arrows. dashed formsthe LDA, HDA, and VHDA can reversibly be interconverted by by “LDA”) at indicated state (commonly called >110 is annealing structural same after K This for a few minutes. to ice HDA).(leading to HGW) ASW,crystalline and from Note that the acronyms HGW, and LDA the represent water (leading liquid to ASW), from water vapor (leading from ices, starting for amorphous routes Preparation FIGURE 3.5 (10 al.,1986], et “common”for136 K (10 heating K/min),rates heating (10fast K/h)170very [Handa for and K heating slow for K 124 be to found rate, tran heating the on depends sition, glass-to-liquid as known transformation, this of liquid (LDL) temperature water. The Temperatures Low at Fluids and Solids et al., 1989; Johari et al. et 1989; Johari et al., However, the general question of whether HDA may be considered glassy (or possibly (or glassy considered be may HDA whether of question general However, the ASW/HGW/LDAshown have experiments to diffraction neutron substitution Isotope o ae to ihrdniy mrhu sld hss r kon hg-est amor- high-density known: are phases solid amorphous higher-density two date, To 5 K/s) al et [Sepúlveda 100 – 38ºC 0ºC 2011] , ºC , IOS and Bologna: SIF, Amsterdam, 2015.) SIF, Bologna: Amsterdam, , IOS and . , 1984] (see Figure 3 Figure (see 1984] , Su co Liqui Ice, Wa Wa Va wa . However, uHDA and eHDA differ in their thermal stability (con- stability thermal their in differ eHDA However,and uHDA. oled pe po te te te , 1987 , I r- r d r r r h . , 2012] , Pr essu ~ Fa ; Elsaesser et al. et Elsaesser ; cold subs Depo 10 st Cooling re . ASW/HGW/LDA at “common” by DSC shown have been 7 K/s sition o . (Modi†ed from Fuentes-Landete, V AS tr W transitions annealing ate Sha Slow nto . 5) rp VHDA can be formed by heating uHDA to tem to uHDA heating by formed be can . VHDA LD HG W A VH HD LD HG AS 2010] , W: A: DA A: W: : Ve Amor High Low DensityAmorphousic Hy . Mechanical indentation experiments experiments indentation Mechanical . ry pe HighDensityAmorphousic rq De phous HD uenche nsity Amor A T So g ) of 136–137 K [Hallbrucker [Hallbrucker 136–137K of ) d Gl lid ., Wa as Proceedings of the International International the of Proceedings phous ice. sy te , 2011] ,

r Wa VH te e. h r DA to to eHDA behaves behaves . eHDA e. > 1 GPa at GPa 1 > P . 2009] , 35 - - . Downloaded By: At: 21:50 26 Sep 2021; For: 9781315371962, chapter3, 10.1201/9781315371962-4 failure mode [Yamashita et al. et [Yamashita mode failure brittle the respectively,MPa,10 in and 9 be to determined were strengths maximum the Stevenson 1990] and Eluszkiewicz by [reviewed CH4 and N2 1999],and al., et [Durham CO2 and a few locations on Earth: methane clathrate [Stern et al., 1996; Durham et al., 2003],al., et 1996;Durham al., et [Stern clathrate methane Earth: on locations few a and for where satellites icy cryovolcanismtions may Triton as such exist, Titan. and role in the evolution of Titan’s atmosphere [Choukroun et al. critical playa may clathrates ethane and methane of Formationatmosphere. its populate cover industry to petroleum the surface the of Titan familiar and Light and heavy alkanes dence, behavior, thixotropic and even at relatively [Carey fractions low et al. crystal rateand strain ture show the development of behaviors,yield stress-like shear-rate depen- the for responsible latter be might matrix ice the in absorption 2001].Intrinsic Shandera, and [Lorenz greater 100abouttimes is tangent loss the water ice,and pure of that lowerthan al et Arakawa and Maeno, 1994; Hogenboom et al et 1994; Hogenboom Maeno, and Arakawa and a strongly temperature-dependent viscosity [Croft et al., 1988; Durham et al., 1993;al., et Durham 1988;al., et [Croft temperature viscosity ice temperature-dependent lower strongly a a implies and which Jupiter, beyond bodies a icy as identi†ed in been constituent has likely Ammonia exoplanets. hypothesized and satellites icy on dant evolution.thermal global and relaxation, and formation crater tectonics, geology,including planetary ence in¤u- which ices, water of properties rheological [2001] the Stern reviewed and Durham 3.2.3 At water scales, about astrophysical time between 160 always 240 and crystalline be Kwill ices/deeplyunclear stable/supercooled and waterremains supercooled K 230above water amorphous between connection thermodynamic the so rapidly, and and inevitably tallize <160atK crystallization to prior liquids supercooleddeeply ultraviscous, to obtained [Winkel et obtained al was density 25%byin differing liquids ultraviscous two between interface an of formation 0. et al 0 of range the in possible glass transitions) to be between 134 and 142 K (at 0 GPa[Andersson,2006]1 at K 122 as early as s 100VHDAof of times 2011] [Andersson, K 140 1986] [Amann-Winkel et al et [Amann-Winkel uHDAof case the in found be not could that feature endothermic an 116at as presented K, Studies have shown uHDA to †rst relax and then transform to LDAat to transform then and relax †rst to uHDA shown have Studies 36 stronger materials may underlay solid N solid underlay may materials stronger on Triton on 2005; Porco al., et 2006; al., Fortes et 2007; al., et 2009; Desch Cooper al., et 2009]. 3. (Figure Earth on found not process ofgeological class a consideras tocryovolcanism scientists planetary led iorshas 07 GPa, experimental evidence for spontaneous liquid–liquid phase separation and the the and separation phase liquid–liquid spontaneous for evidence experimental GPa, 07 Rheologies of other frozen volatiles have been studied in connection with other planets planets other with connection in volatiles havestudied frozen been ofother Rheologies Other low temperature materials produce frozen volatiles that are thought to be abun- be to thought are that volatiles frozen produce materials temperature low Other The The interaction of materials with different rheologies, melting points, behav-and mixing . . , 2011] , , 2003] , . . Both brittle and ductile behaviors were observed for solid nitrogen and methane; methane; and nitrogen solid for observed were behaviors ductile and brittle Both . . A recent study of the rheology of ammonia-water slurries as a function oftempera- function a as rheology ofammonia-waterstudy of slurries recent the A .

At 1 GPa however, there appears to be a reversible glass–liquid transition at about at transition glass–liquid reversible a be to appears however, there GPa 1 At Rheological Considerations . . DSC measurements on eHDA at P at eHDA on measurements DSC . The thermal conductivity. The ofthermal (10%–30%) ammonia-rich ice is two times to three . 1–0 . 3 GPa locatedofhas reversibleonsets the volume (attributed changes to . 2013] , . , 2011] , . High-pressure experiments have presented dielectric relaxation relaxation dielectric presented have experiments High-pressure . . All these †ndings suggest transformation of amorphous ices ices amorphous of transformation suggest †ndings these All At higher temperatures, these deeply supercooled liquids crys 6) [e 6) 2010] , .g.,1994;Kargel, Gaidos,2001;al., et Fagents, 2003;Sotin . These low strengths suggest that H 2 and CH atm . , 1997; Leliwa-Kopystynski et al et 1997;, Leliwa-Kopystynski Low Temperature Materials and Mechanisms and Temperature Materials Low have indicated an onset of a glass transition transition glass a of onset an indicated have 4 to generate the topography observed observed topography the generate to . 1 and 0 and 1 , 2010] , . 3 GPa, respectively) [Seidl Such work has implica has work . Such . Dilatometric analysis analysis Dilatometric P atm 2 . [Handa et al et [Handa O ice or other other or ice O At 140 K and and 140K At ., 2002; Fortes . 2015] , . ., - - . Downloaded By: At: 21:50 26 Sep 2021; For: 9781315371962, chapter3, 10.1201/9781315371962-4 At about 0 amorphous solid phases and would correspondingly be of different density (LDL and HDL) al et [Finney region supercooled the in water of phase liquid one than more being there of esis sharp interface sharp the between two liquids of pure H simple ¤uids (Figure 3. (Figure ¤uids simple other of behavior the to anomalous 4°C at density maximum a causes that behavior ing tem- to MPa) (250 order- pressure 2011]. waterexhibits liquid phase,160[Mishima, elevated pure K lowas as the In peratures an at form liquid in stable are solutions Aqueous 3.3.2 point up to now a virtual at remained location, its has predicted so and crystallization Solids and Fluids at Low Temperatures Low at Fluids and Solids Amorphous solid water at various low temperatures. (Courtesy of AIP. (Courtesy permission.) With low temperatures. water at various solid Amorphous FIGURE 3.6 restrial oceans [e.g., oceans restrial extrater- 2009; Vanceof Vance Goodman and al., et 2014].transport material and thermal of ef†ciency expansion. the determine thermal properties and These density, viscosity, of range a display liquids temperature Low 3.3.1 Pluto as such worlds distant in included been have would these so ammonia, as and such alkanes species volatile of temperature freezing the below were Jupiter beyond system oceans solar outer water young the liquid 2006].in Temperaturesal., et internal [Hussmann years of to millions lead lasting would alone interiors their of heating radiogenic natural that indicate system solar the in objects planetary icy small evolutionof thermal the of Estimates system. solar the throughout places of and number applications,surprising a laboratory in exist they and industrial for interest of are liquids temperature Low 3.3 t al et [Stanley phases liquid different two these of regime the in point critical second a of sibility under low temperature and high pressure conditions pressure high and temperature low under ambient conditions might in fact be a of ¤uctuating mixture two liquids, which may separate Related to the existence of more than one amorphous phase of solid water is the hypoth the wateris solid of phase amorphous one than more of existence the to Related

. . , 2002] , Liquid Materials at Low TemperaturesLiquid Materials , 2000] ,

Structure of Liquids Structure Systems Properties Aqueous and . 2 GPa, these two liquids may exist in thermodynamic equilibrium, that is, with a is, a that with equilibrium, 2 GPa, thermodynamic in may two liquids exist these . The liquid phases would be thermodynamically continuously connected to the the to continuouslyconnected thermodynamically would be phases liquid The . This second critical point cannot be accessed experimentally because of fast fast of because experimentally accessed be cannot point critical second This AS 7) W de . The anomalous nature of water becomes more pronounced in in pronounced more becomes water of nature anomalous The . Amorphous T <140K po CC H sit Amor (a) 2 O ed l 4 onCC phous solidwate l 4 T ~140–150K cr ystalliz (b ) r atio 2 O. n So, the one-component system water at . This, in turn, may indicate the pos the indicate may turn, in This, CC Mole Volcano T >150K l 4 ev cula (c) ap orates r . 37 - - . . Downloaded By: At: 21:50 26 Sep 2021; For: 9781315371962, chapter3, 10.1201/9781315371962-4 38 represent represent a likely ocean composition in the ice-covered worlds [e centrated aqueous solutions behave simple as liquids. con- and disappear water of anomalies solutes,the of amounts suf†cient of presence the into the two ultraviscous liquids LDL GPaand HDL et 0.07 [Winkel al., 2011] and K 140at supporttheory. this separation In phase spontaneous for evidence experimental the and a HDL and LDL [Debenedetti, 2003] into separation liquid–liquid spontaneous a experiences water system single-component the if rationalized 228 K be was identi†ed [Speedy can about Angell, and 1976]. of anomalies temperature These isother- singular a or where capacity increase, power-law heat a show as compressibility mal such functions Response 0°C. below state supercooled the http://www from (Adapted heat Compressibility, capacity, temperature. versus density and FIGURE 3.7

compute the properties of aqueous systems in the presence of ice I ice of presence the in systems aqueous of properties the compute energy energy is computed as the sum of contributions from dissolved cations ( (e framework thermodynamic Pitzer the of implementation FREZCHEM The has been available for decades, based on the theoretical formulation of Kenneth Pitzer [1991] states thermodynamic possible of representation extensible and systematic a requires that liquids temperature low of space multicomponent a comprises compositions possible of array The ( cation–anion the describing coef†cients temperature-dependent and pressure- et al B ca o tmeaue uetc rns te at curn pae n reig qeu systems, aqueous freezing in phase occurring last the brines, eutectic temperature Low and C and . , 2012) balances the activity of water (excess chemical potential) of aqueous solutions to to solutions aqueous of potential) (excesswaterchemical of activity the 2012) , balances . Such a systematic framework for computing thermodynamics of aqueous systems systems aqueous of thermodynamics computing for framework systematic a Such ca ). +Φ +λ Higher-order interactions become relevant Higher-order concentrations interactions for higher ∑∑ cc 22 < ∑∑ ∑∑ ∑∑ ∑∑ ′ ac mm wR mm cc G w ac -30 -20-112345678910 ex ′′ T     22 ac =+ +λ fI cc () +ψ na ∑∑ a 2 2) 3.2. of polyamorphism2) (see Section occurrence The . mm ∑∑ Temperature /°C mm ca ac na ca ′ mm     na ca +Φ +λ Low Temperature Materials and Mechanisms and Temperature Materials Low aa < 2     ′ nn ∑∑ Bm < ca ' +    aa mm mm ∑ n c ′′ nn     '' cc .g. zC n aa , Zolotov and Kargel, 2009]    +λ +ψ ∑ . The underlying Gibbs underlying The ca n c c     m ) and anions ( anions and ) nn 2 cc . n lsbu + aa  ′ . interactions interactions     ac . .g. . uk/water/ , Marion Marion , a ), with with ), .) . . Downloaded By: At: 21:50 26 Sep 2021; For: 9781315371962, chapter3, 10.1201/9781315371962-4 molecular dynamics calculations [e.g., calculations al., et dynamics 2011].molecular Hassanali with associated problems forward 2013] al.,and et [Lemmon sets data dynamic thermo- multiproperty sparse with associated problems inverse large solve can that ers ior of multicomponent low settings. in temperature systems water’s properties, thermodynamic which can be used to systematically predict the behav- Brown 2013]nonaqueous atand systems low provide temperatures of sensitivea measure

trated by available for MgSO measurements density illus- as sets data Earth-centric worldsby other applicationto its in water,limited butof Temperatures Low at Fluids and Solids free Gibbs to related are derivatives temperature, second and the respectively: pressure through in energy Both behaviors. thermodynamic of probe sensitive a provide Acta Cosmochim. from (Modi†ed to Earth’srelevant oceans. conditions and conditions laboratory convenient explore MgSO the in measurements density of temperatures and Pressures FIGURE 3.8 aqueous solutions 1977; [Chen Millero and al., et Chen 1978; al., et Millero 1985; Vance and

eeoig ag temdnmc rmwrs s ae osbe y oen comput- modern by possible made is frameworks thermodynamic large Developing The Pitzer framework is useful for representing the multicomponent thermodynamics thermodynamics multicomponent the representing for useful is framework Pitzer The Sound speed and speci†c heat capacity measurements in solutions at low temperature temperature low at solutions in measurements capacity heat speci†c and speed Sound Sound Sound speed measurements in water [Vance and Brown, 2010; Lin and Trusler, 2012] and , 110, Vance, S., J.M. 176–189, Brown, Elsevier.) from 2013, Copyright permission with –20 120 140 160 Temperature (°C)100 20 40 60 80 0 0 at Europa Earth 200       V ∂ ∂ρ ∂ ∂ Pc C P CT =    P P mG T,    Pressure (MPa) ρ 400 m =− T, m = =+ Vance andBrown2013    =− 1 ∂ ∂ ∂ 2 ∂ P T T 2 G    2 T ∂ ∂ T, C 600 T 2 4 α m V shown in Figure 3.8. Figure shown in P 2 2 4 (aq) system illustrate that studies typically typically studies that (aq)illustrate system 800 Ganymede Callisto Worlds Larger Ocean Titan and 1000 ab initio ab 39 Downloaded By: At: 21:50 26 Sep 2021; For: 9781315371962, chapter3, 10.1201/9781315371962-4 1987] conductivities for these liquid hydrocarbons have also been measured [Younglove and Ely, 1982; 1977], Goodwin, relevant are for industry. gas these lique†edas the natural Thermal at cryogenic temperatures [Haynes, 1973; Diller and Saber, 1981; Goodwin et al., 1973; Diller, may have implicationsexploration for the of worlds. many therefore, ethane, and methane as such liquids nonaqueous of properties physical the of 2009].worldsStudies [Lunine, Earth-like than common more much worlds are Titan-like that case the be may it G-dwarfs, than abundant more 10–100times are M-dwarfs Since planet’ssurface. the on ethane and methane liquid maintain to enough does—just Titan as radiation of amount similar a receivewould AU)(1 star a such around orbit safe a in M-dwarf (red dwarf), which is smaller and less luminous than the Sun (a the is Planets G-dwarf). universe the in stablestar of type common most The Earth. on those than universe is more ethane-rich [Brown et al. et [Brown ethane-rich more is Ontario Lacus lake southern the while methane, of comprised entirely almost is Titan of 90 K [Mitchell et al. et [Mitchell K 90 2014;Cornet Hodyss, and [Malaska et al Earth on structures karst gypsum or limestone to al et [Lorenz lakes the into particulates includesolid with phases pluvial ¤uvial carbons and (via(via river)rainfall) of transport Propane Ethane Methane forming dunes in the equatorial regions [Lorenz et al et [Lorenz regions equatorial the in dunes forming atmosphere the in poles South and [Brown at North al., et the lakes 2010]. clouds, form hydrocarbons precipitatecycle onto on Earth—these surface, pool the in and hydrologic the to and involved active cyclesimilar are an and phase in liquid the form Methane ethane lakes. hydrocarbon liquid and atmosphere thick a with Saturn of moon a temperatures cryogenic at materials of transport and chemistry the in roles important play liquids Nonaqueous 3.3.3 40 isal. et considerably Mitchell from lower compared with a previous study (1 Hydrocarbon Temperature at Surface (95 Titan of Hydrocarbons Liquid K) Physical Properties 3.1 TABLE The viscosities The and viscosities densities of liquid methane, ethane, and propane have been reported the throughout ubiquitous more much be may Titan on present conditions the fact, In A recent study reported the complex dielectric constants of liquid methane and ethane at Titan also contains a vast inventory contains Titan of also molecules generated organic by photochemistry . , 2015] . Values Table relevant shown in to are Titan conditions surface 3.1.

Properties of Nonaqueous Systems of Nonaqueous Properties . Viscosity (Pa·s) Density (g/cm Density (Pa·s) Viscosity 1.073 ×10 1.784 ×10 5.211 ×10 . These species form solid aerosol particles that fall onto the surface, the onto fall that particles aerosol solid form species These . These loss tangents suggest that the northern lake Ligeia Mare Mare Ligeia lake northern the suggestthat tangents loss These . 2015] , Te et xml o tee neatos a b fud n Titan, on found be can interactions these of example best The . –3 –3 –4 , 2008] , 0.7234 0.6468 0.4458 . The loss tangent for methane (2 . , 2008], and may also generate landforms similar similar generate landforms 2008], mayalso , and 3 ) Low Temperature Materials and Mechanisms and Temperature Materials Low Thermal Conductivity Conductivity Thermal (W/m·K) . , 2006] 0.2155 0.226 0.261 . Interactions of liquid hydro liquid of Interactions Diller [1982],Goodwin Diller andSaber[1981], Haynes [1973]and and Ely[1987] [1977], and Younglove Ely [1987] and Younglove and Goodwin et al.[1973], Hanley etal.[1977] .86 ± 1.01 × 101.01× ± .86 Reference(s) .14 × 10 × .14 −5 −3 - ) ) Downloaded By: At: 21:50 26 Sep 2021; For: 9781315371962, chapter3, 10.1201/9781315371962-4 ible 1975]. [Kaufman, reported been has reactivity extensively been has exploredgas industry, lique†edthe tures in natural noand chemical of hydrocarbons atsteel,to such as materials and aluminum, titanium cryogenic tempera- al. et [Kirichek af†nity similar with PTFE and steel, stainless aluminum, non-Newtonian non-Newtonian ¤uid just below its melting point (90.6 K), and adheres to materials such as et al et al., et 2005; Lebreton Huygens [Niemann lander the from data interpreting for icant,both al., et powder [Maynard-Casely 2016]. diffraction synchrotron at 90Kusing obtained rate dissolution and size particle as such evaporite properties affect can and lakes, Titan around deposits al., et equation 1969]: [Hill volume Clausius–Mossotti by predicted the as fraction with linearly al.,varies [Sen et 1992]constant dielectric mixtures the that indicates alkane heavier probably is hydrocarbons and Work liquid contamination. due higher with to this where on Earth [Cableal., 2014; et Earth on al. Vu et with solidreadily atforms a ethane benzene co-crystal 90 to K, a similar hydrated 1987] and can serve as an energy source for bacteria methanogenic [McKay and Smith, 2005] al et [Cordierrespectively as acetylene and HCN believedare to comprise approximately 1% and 2% of Titanthe lakes, reactivity,formation and Cable see al., et 2012). tholin Titan of review (fora Titan of atmosphere the gas– through fall a they at as interface liquid chemistry enable may particles these of surface the onto adsorption although uid hydrocarbons liq- to exposed and etc.) irradiation, UV discharge, (coldplasma sources energy various been explored.also Simulated Titan aerosols, termed “tholins,” have been generated using weight. molecular the is [Paillou et al et [Paillou Temperatures Low at Fluids and Solids determine where liquids are stable in natural settings on Earth and other planets planets other and Earth on settings natural in by stable (e treat are to liquids dif†cult where are determine that curves multiple extrapolation de†ne boundaries phase Solid–liquid 3.3.3 much as heat possible atmosphere. as the into rejecting and insulation thick using avoidedby be should leaks heat Such measurements. that (exsolvation) scienti†c with bubbles interfere may nitrogen of formation the indicate simulations experimental ture, ture, kinetics in aqueous systems are enabled by high-resolution Raman spectroscopy spectroscopy Raman high-resolution by enabled are systems [e aqueous in kinetics .g., Figures 3.93. and .g., Bollengier al., et 2013; Cable al., et 2014]. Lorenz [2015] studied the effects of heat rejection for a Titan lake lander or submers- or lander lake Titan a for rejection heat of effects the [2015] studied Lorenz Understanding Understanding the interaction of nonaqueous liquids with is spacecraft materials signif- Liquid Liquid physical surface properties. haveTitanfor implications solublealso Less species such species organic other hydrocarbons, liquid solublein very not are tholins Although have temperatures atcryogenic organics solid with hydrocarbons liquid of Interactions . For a lander with heat leaks on the order of 100 W/m100 of order the on leaks heat with lander a For . ., 2005] and for future designing υ

Phase Transitions Phase i ε is the volume fraction, fraction, volume the is ʹ m is the dielectric constant of the mixture, and for the the for and mixture, the of constant dielectric the is sample contained ~5% ~5% ., 2008], although the authors contained note that the Paillou et sample al. . Details of the melting point as a function of composition and and composition of function temperature a as point melting the of Details . . The crystal structure of the benzene–ethane co-crystal has recently been . These . complexThese organics are relatively insoluble in liquid hydrocarbons, 10) () . Careful measurements of phase boundaries and and boundaries phase of measurements Careful . . ε , 2009] , ′ mm –1 ρ i is the mass density, density, mass the is . /2 Acetylene is capable of polymerization on Titan [Raulin, [Raulin, Titan on polymerization ofcapable is Acetylene () ε+ , 2014] , ′ in situ in . These co- may be present in evaporitic in present be may co-crystals These . Titan missions Titan =Σ ii 4/ πυ ρα ii α NM i is polarizability,the electric and A . Methane . behavesMethane a like viscous 2 into the hydrocarbon liquid, hydrocarbon the into 3 i th component of the mix- the componentof th i , 2012] , crystallization . Exposure Exposure . M 41 . i Downloaded By: At: 21:50 26 Sep 2021; For: 9781315371962, chapter3, 10.1201/9781315371962-4 planetological applications, 279–293, Copyright 1988, with permission from Elsevier.) from 279–293, 1988, permission applications, Copyright with planetological 42 interdependency of both mechanical and electrical material properties, and are highly highly are and properties, material electrical and mechanical both of interdependency for example [Collin al., et 2011] low and physical temperature toinvestigate scale, phenomena nanometer at quantum the also are materials at used active as the devicestemperatures MEMS cryogenic and NEMS in sensor material magneto-motive and Electro-motive intensity. †eld electromagnetic high at resonance maintained tune enabling cavities, actively (SRF) to frequency radio used superconducting also are materials 1996]. Piezoelectric [Eriksson, probes scanning with used stages specimen for displacements precision-controlled providing scale, meter ments at cryogenic temperatures to investigate physical quantum phenomena at the nano- text. They preceding the in are described as also usedproperties, thermodynamic material of asinvestigation for used actuators are materials Piezoelectric in analytical instru 3.4 from from hydration states different of ice separating at transitions ~55and peritectic wt%, wt% 18529 at K 170K ofand 80 wt%, 180 temperature K. (Reprinted eutectic a showing pressure, atmospheric at ammonia for diagram Phase FIGURE 3.9 h eetomcaia poete o peolcrc eais eut rm complex from result ceramics piezoelectric of properties electro-mechanical The

Icarus at Cryogenic Temperaturesat Cryogenic Materials of Piezoelectric Properties Material , 73(2),J.I.S.K.,Lunine, , Croft, J

Density, g/cm3 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00 7 200 170 NH 2NH NH NH 3 . 3

H 3 .

3 H Hildenbrand &Giauque(1953) is Work Haar &Gallogher(1978) IC 2

O . 2

2H O T Ph Solid Liquidus 2 . Kargel, Equation of state of ammonia water liquid: Derivation and and Derivation liquid: water ammonia of state of Equation Kargel, . as O e : Te

H 0.486 0.654 mp 2 O erature, Low Temperature Materials and Mechanisms and Temperature Materials Low 250 ° K 300 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 35 30 26 22 18 14 10 6 2 0% - Downloaded By: At: 21:50 26 Sep 2021; For: 9781315371962, chapter3, 10.1201/9781315371962-4 after quartz. Varying the percentages of constituent materials in PZT affects the crystal- the affects PZT in materials constituent of percentages the Varying quartz. after on low relying at coupling sensors temperatures. electromechanical their and characterizing requires instruments elements piezoelectric cryogenic Advancing dependent. temperature Temperatures Low at Fluids and Solids Suppression of the melting temperature of ices for increasing concentrations of MgSO of concentrations increasing for ices of temperature melting the of Suppression FIGURE 3.10 namic equations of state. (Courtesy of Olivier Bollengier, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington.) Seattle, of Washington, University Bollengier, of Olivier (Courtesy of state. thermody- equations namic b-spline-based from constructed phase ¤uid the for energies free Gibbs and data solidus available be cutr ae etd oh lcrcly deeti ls) n mcaial (displace- mechanically and loss) (dielectric ments) at wereproperties measured, temperatures. cryogenic also conjunction, In thermal electrically both tested are actuators able avail- commercially studies, these In cavities. SRF of developmenttuning active the of in †lm’s low cycling. the temperature through performance degrades further which 2004], Trolier-McKinstry, and [Wolf cycling tem- perature after and during stress residual and strain both creates substrate and †lm PZT the (and between poled create strain). mismatch domains thus expansion Finally, thermal the perature of Curie temperature. Furthermore, with the decreases tem- relative permittivity electrical values composition differing the correlates with of PZTcoupling differing †lms factors in electro- in varying thickness [Wolf and variability Trolier-McKinstry, 2004].of The †lms PZT differing crystallographically and compositionally several for derived cally 1989] dissipation and (dielectric factor, properties constant material respectively) [Zhuang al.,et mechanical and electrical pertinent of dependence temperature largest the showphases) near the tetragonal morphotropic and rhombohedral (between crystallographic boundary lographic composition of the In pure crystal. piezoelectric bulk PZT compositionscrystals, Lead zirconate tinate (PZT) is one of the most common piezoelectric materials utilized utilized materials piezoelectric common most the of one is (PZT) tinate zirconate Lead Piezoelectric stack actuator performance at low temperatures has been characterized characterized been has temperatures low at performance actuator stack Piezoelectric . Temperature–function relationships for PZT †lms have since been phenomenologi- been have since PZTfor†lms relationships Temperature–function .

. Decreasing permittivity diminishes the requisite electric †eld necessary to align †eldto the requisite electric align necessary diminishes permittivity . Decreasing Temperature (K) 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 310 320 0 ice Ih Binary systemequilibria,extrapolated Binary systemequilibria,thermodyamicapproach Unary systemequilibria[ChoukrounandGrasset,2010] Solidus [Doughertyetal.,2007] Solidus [Grassetetal.,2001] Solidus [Hogenboometal.,1995] 0 0 0 0 001200 1000 800 600 400 200 ice III solution Aqueous ice II ice V Pressure (MPa) ice VI 4 (aq), computed from from (aq),computed

0.75 m 1.25 m 0.25m 2.75 m 2.50 m 2.25 m 2.00 m1.75 m mechanical 1.50 m 1.00 m 0.50 m 43 Downloaded By: At: 21:50 26 Sep 2021; For: 9781315371962, chapter3, 10.1201/9781315371962-4 accuracy due to minimal response hysteresis [Fouaidy response al., et 2005]. dueaccuracy to minimal increased and heating dielectric from contributions thermal reduced of bene†ts the with cavities,SRF for devices tuning deploymentactiveforviable as range the in perform tors diminishes actuator the of heating dielectric diminishes, performance mechanical and decrease temperatures As ments on the order of several micrometers have been observed at the lowest temperatures. the range between 95%of performance 300 K and reduction 1.8 mechanical in K, displace- a approximatelyDespite K. 4 below temperatures at value negligible a to decreases ages and temperature with However, to applied performance. response volt-mechanical mechanical the hysteresis decreases in actuators the of capacitance The temperatures. low at conversion electro-mechanical Trolier-McKinstry, in decrease marked and a 1989],al., showing et [Wolf Zhuang 2004; derivations phenomenological and measurements prior the with coincide Fouaidy’s results general, In loss. dielectric to due heating speci†cally 44 thermodynamic frameworks that will be necessary for future planetary exploration. planetary for future necessary be frameworks will that thermodynamic detailed enablecomputers fast while boundaries, phase and speeds sound as such erties prop- temperature fundamental probing Lowfor techniques phases. measurement innovative enable liquid technologies and amorphous, crystalline, multiple and rheologies, space large ofvolatilea comprise compositions, involvingmaterials Planetarycomplex temperature low- materials. drive temperature low Earth of properties beyond the exploration understanding in human–robotic progress coupled and physics of frontiers The 3.5 n h eetia poete o te cutr tcs s rdmnnl lna throughout al. linear et [Fouaidy predominantly (~2–300 K) is temperatures of stacks range actuator the the of properties electrical the on dynamic (>>3of cavity SRF effects cycles), Gigaan the of lifetime anticipated to cavities SRF in for use actuators stack displacement capabilities has little effect on the viability of the piezoelectric material piezoelectric of the viability on the effect displacement little capabilities has maximum in loss the sensors, small-scale and instrumentation sensitive in applicationsFor . hysteresis and heating dielectric reduced of addedbene†ts the with temperatures, cryogenic at response mechanical provide consistent properties material piezoelectric performance, in .). etc mismatch, expansion (thermal devices interfer thin-†lm more in phenomena with ing temperature, lower a at performance mechanical reduced exhibit †lm temperature given a voltagedisplacement from with decreases mechanical maximum the that agreement studied at cryogenic temperatures under various external conditions and loading during hysteresis signi†cant actuatorsat T=2K[Fouaidy piezoelectric the shows al., et unloading 2007]. (capacitance) properties electrical in Unlike K. 2 change atappliedvoltage to the lowattemperatures, response actuators for mechanical in hysteresis nF the 16 of increase an only but K, 300 at actuators for nF 426 capacitanceof in increase an to forcecorresponding preloading in increase 1000 N a with proportionality of correlation,linear this or sensitivity, decreases with lower temperatures, the corresponds tocapacitance, increased However, performance. and thereby mechanical and associated crystallographic morphology of the piezoelectric device piezoelectric the morphologyof crystallographic associated and eto ¤x (~2 ¤ux Neutron Piezoelectric material properties affecting electro-mechanical performance have been been have performance electro-mechanical affecting properties material Piezoelectric radiation, and are thus viable in the radiation environment [Martinet, 2006]. Over the the 2006].Over [Martinet, environment radiation the in viable thus are and radiation,

Summary/Conclusions . The degree of performance degradation is largely affected by the composition the by affected largely is degradation performance of degree The 1 10 × .1 . Despite degradationsigni†cant near 1.8 K, actua- the commercial 15 N/cm 2 ) has been used to verify the ef†cacy of piezoelectric piezoelectric of ef†cacy the verify to used been has ) . These studies indicated negligible degradation studies due. These Low Temperature Materials and Mechanisms and Temperature Materials Low 2007] , Icesd rlaig force preloading Increased . . In general, there is good good is there general, In . Despite the decrease decrease the Despite Both bulk and thin- preloading preloading . -

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