How to connect to

Billy Sunsteel & Friends Battlefield Communications Utilizing TeamSpeak 3

A voice... in the Battlefield

Where & How to Download Teamspeak3

For your System

What is needed beforehand

First, Before, Downloading, Opening and Setting up the Teamspeak3, a few things will be necessary to have in order to complete that part, they are: A Privilege Key: Allows the player to Connect, and be a Member. Can be obtained through the Billy Sunsteel & Friends website. A Nickname: The name you want to be seen as on Billy Sunsteel & Friends' Battlefield Communications (It can be changed later too.) Note: “Privilege Key” can be obtained at the Billy Sunsteel & Friends website, when it is up. It can be obtained by emailing Billy Sunsteel & Friends. At the present, a “Privilege Key” is not necessary in order to connect, But if you have one, then use it. Next, One must know the “OS” of the computer or phone they wish to install the Teamspeak3 “Client” on in order to connect to Billy Sunsteel & Friends' Battlefield Communications server. Also, if the OS is Windows or , then check to see if it is a 32-bit, or a 64-bit processor. This will determine which “Client” will be chosen to download. For phones, the OS will be either “Android” or an “iOS” for iPhone, iPad or iPod. Currently, This setup manual is for installation on a computer; However, “client” procedure for phone download and installation should be similar.

The Computer OS “Client” download choices are:

1- Windows A) Client 32-bit B) Client 64-bit 2- Mac OS X Client OS X 3- Linux Client AMD 64-bit Client X86 (which is a 32-bit processor. Intel or AMD)

The Phone Os “Client” choices are: 1- iOS ( iPhone, iPad, iPod) A) Client 2- Android A) Client

Which “OS” does “my” the computer have?

HOW TO CHECK “OS” ON MOST WINDOWS COMPUTERS Click on then Right-click and select then click the “Tab.” You should see “Windows” and “64bit” if it is a 64-bit computer, But if “64-bit” or “32-bit” can not be found, one can assume it is a “32-bit” on Windows OS, as seen in the picture below.

(General Tab window view on Xp. Other Windows may be different▼) HOW TO CHECK OTHER “OS” SYSTEMS This will be added another time.


Now the download process:

NOTE: A view of TeamSpeak 3's download web page is pictured below. The instructions are in electronic print, as well as, in the picture of the download web page provided further below. Both can be utilized either together or separately, with the instructions:

Once, the “OS” is found, go to and locate the page=downloads. «« HERE!

Select, the “OS Client download” for your computer. Example: For Windows 32-bit select “Windows Client 32-bit download.”

Select, the “Mirror” where you want to download from, either gamed!de or 4Netplayers. (This part could be skipped.) Click and save either to the location the program has selected, or save to a folder of your choice to keep. Remember where it was saved.

(Below: Successfully downloaded “Teamspeak3 client. exe” saved to the computer should be scanned. May have 64 and other numbers after “Win”) ▼

Scan: the download with an Anti-virus program by “Right-clicking” on and “Selecting” a scanning process on your computer.

Billy Sunsteel likes Avast anti-virus program, and Spybot- Search & Destroy. Two programs that are free for home and non-commercial use are available. More on other free, and free for non-commercial use products, that Billy trusts, to secure your computer can be found here. (INSERT LINK HERE)

(A View of Teamspeak3 download page complete with instructions as described above, below) ▼

You have successfully downloaded TeamSpeak 3 Client to your computer.

(Below: Downloaded “Teamspeak3 client. exe” saved to the computer should be scanned as described in the instructions above. May have 64 and other numbers after “Win”) ▼

Next comes, Open and Setup TeamSpeak 3


How to open & setup Teamspeak3 on a computer:

After scanning for viruses, On Windows XP, right-click on the teamspeak3 setup.exe file, and select or . For Windows Vista and Windows 7, right-click and select and follow the instructions.

Next, the “Open File- Security Warning” window will display. Now click . ▼ this window may or may not show up as the program begins to setup ▼

The “Welcome to the Teamspeak 3 Client Setup Wizard” window will display. Select ▼ The “License Agreement” window will open. Scroll down and read it, then if you agree... Select and click on or if you disagree, then click on ▼ The “Choose Users” window will open.

If you have, or plan to have more than one profile or users on your computer, and you don't care that they will have access to your Teamspeak 3 from their profile, then Select .

* This choice will install to your computer's folders at: C:\Program files\Teamspeak 3 Client

BUT, If you don't want others on the computer to use your Teamspeak 3, then Select . Selecting this choice also allows Teamspeak 3 to be installed separately on each profile.

• This choice will install to your computer's folders at: C:\Documents and Settings\ What Your “User” Profile Name is \Local Settings\Application Data\Teamspeak 3 Client

Now click ▼ The “Choose Install Location” window is next. Depending on whom you chose as users in the previous window, the “Destination Folder” will be C:\Program files\Teamspeak 3 Client if you chose


C:\Documents and Settings\ What Your “User” Profile Name is \Local Settings\Application Data\Teamspeak 3 Client if chose .

You do have the choice to change the “Destination Folder” by clicking ; However, I recommend not changing it, and leave it at what the program choice made. But either choice you make please write down the location of the TeamSpeak 3 file, so it may be saved later when “Saving your Identity” for future reference.

Click ▼ The “Choose Configuration Location” window.

Here are two choices to select the location where to store the configuration files: 1- Recommended: Save in user own files 2- Save inside the installation folder

Highly recommend choice # 1, save in the user's own files (More Secure)

Select ▼ The “Choose Start Menu Folder” window.

The Start menu folder may be changed if you have a special reason to do so, which I will not get into here. I usually leave this as is, and leave “Do not create shortcuts” unticked.

Click ▼ The “Installing” window will open.

Here the slide bar will show the installing progress. This picture is showing the “Installing” process in action. The option to click may be selected to see a list of files being installed on your computer.

(The next window frame and not the one below will “Show the details”) after clicking and the completed install process. ▼ The “Installation Complete” window displayed. Here are the “Show details” files. The installation is complete!

Select ▼ Setup of Billy Sunsteel & Friends Battlefield Communications© utilizing Teamspeak 3 The “Welcome to TeamSpeak Setup Wizard” Window.

Here will be two windows: 1- TeamSpeak 3 the program, in the background. 2- TeamSpeak 3 Setup Wizard, in the foreground.

We will be working with the “TeamSpeak 3 Setup Wizard” ▼ (CONTINUE HERE)


======How to connect to

Billy Sunsteel & Friends Battlefield Communications

A voice... in the Battlefield

For the first time

Connect to Billy Sunsteel & Friends Battlefield Communications© utilizing Teamspeak 3 [First Window] After downloading and setting up, the “Capture” and “Playback” settings in your Teamspeak3 “Client” on your computer, be it Windows 32 or 64-bit, you will want to connect to Billy Sunsteel & Friends Battlefield Communications Server, so with the Teamspeak3 “Client” open, just follow the instructions in the pictures below. ▼ ======[SECOND WINDOW] After selecting in step 2, this window below will open, the <▼MORE> button on the bottom left side (where this picture shows it as <▲Less>) may need to be “Clicked” to view MORE of the window as shown here. Now, just fill in the information. These items must be included: * • Server IP Address with Port: The “Current” IP Address to connect to BattleCom. (IP Address & Port shown here are for illustration purposes only.) * • Nickname: The name you want to be seen as, when you are in BattleCom. (Nickname can be changed later again, when in BattleCom.) * • Server Password: The “Current” Password for BattleCom. (“letsplay” happens to be current, but may not be utilized once “Privilege Keys” for level protection come into change with the website.) * • One-Time Privilege Key or Token: Copy & Paste the one you received. ( Privilege Keys will be obtainable through the Billy Sunsteel & Friends Website after signing up as a Basic Member. It's FREE!) *

• Phonetic Nickname: This is the spelling of what your nickname would “Sound” like. Ex: [Billy] [Sunsteel] phonetically looks like [Bill-e] [Sun-steel] • For now, leave the rest as they are, or as seen here.

*Note: In the future, a “One-Time Privilege Key” or “Token” will be necessary in order to connect, but the “Player” will be automatically assigned as a “Billy Sunsteel & Friends BattleCom Member” in the “Main Server Group” which will be signified by players with this icon next to their name in BattleCom.

“BattleCom” is shortened for “Battlefield Communications.” ▼


[THIRD WINDOW] After selecting in the last step, this window below will open, and you are now connected to Billy Sunsteel & Friends Battlefield Communications and will be in the “Global Channel [Lobby].” A small window, Host Message or Model, will open on top of BattleCom it displays our “Contact email.” Click to close it. Make sure to “Bookmark” the server so one may connect again.

Take the time to familiarize oneself with the BattleCom layout in the picture below this picture. That's it, you should be connected, if not email [email protected] and put “Connection Issues” in “Subject” line, we will get back to you. ▼ Now please, Take the time to familiarize oneself with the BattleCom layout in text, and the picture below


The Basics

Channel Window The “Channel Window” lists all the server channels, and the players in the channels. If one is “Subscribed” to all channels, then one will see all players even when one is not in the same channel as other players. One may need to scroll up/down or left/right to view all channels available. Learn “How to Subscribe to Channels”

Info Window In the “Channel Window” the player Billy Sunsteel is highlighted, so that player's avatar and other information can be seen in the “Info Window” to the right of the “Channel Window.” Some items are, a players “Description” which lists their in-game player names, the players position or membership in the Main Server Groups, and the Channels Groups . Now, if the “Global Channel [Lobby]” was highlighted, then one would see that channel's information in the “Info Window.” So on, and so forth. Again, one can scroll up/down or left/right in this window to view all information. Learn “How to enter a Description.”

Text Window The “Text Window” runs underneath the “Channel Window” and the “Info Window” One can toggle between views of text on different Tabs. Each Tab will have it's own text in the “Text Window”, or no text. But the Tabs will be labeled. Tab labels & what they contain Billy Sunsteel & Friends Battlefield Communications. • IP Address of server • Contact Us email • Urgent need to know information • Updates • Deals • Limited Time offers • Other important information from Server Admins • No players may text in here, only Admins, and Co-Admins (Maybe) The name of the Channel one is currently in. • Any text from all that publicly chat within this channel • Players can publicly text here.

• To text, click this channel Tab, and write text below near the [A].

Other Tabs possible The name of the player(s) one “Opened a chat” with. (If one has that privilege) • Any text from and to that player in private chat within this channel

The default set tab of view for text when one first enters is “Billy Sunsteel & Friends Battlefield Communications.” There will also be a Tab for “Global Channel [Lobby]” Learn more on How to Text here ▼

With this Basic understanding of the lay-out of Billy Sunsteel & Friends Battlefield Communications one can get started in the voice/text server.

Highly recommend watching video [C1.1] TeamSpeak 3 Client - Windows Installation and Setup, explains the “Setup Wizard” in-case one may want to re-do after setup.

[C2] TeamSpeak 3 Client - Permissions System Basics

[C3] TeamSpeak 3 Client - Permissions System for Advanced Users

======How to Save your “Identity”

Reasons this may be utilized later:

A) Computer Crash, New Hard drive B) Open another TeamSpeak 3 client under another “Profile” of yours. C) Using TeamSpeak 3 on Another or New computer.

Billy Sunsteel © Billy Sunsteel & Friends © Billy Sunsteel & Friends Battlefield Communications © Billy Sunsteel & Friends BattleCom © Billy Sunsteel & Friends ShadowFactor©