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Font Awesome 5 Free's Cheatsheet Solid Icons Font Awesome 5 Free's Cheatsheet Solid Icons ad f641 address-book f2b9 address-card f2bb adjust f042 air-freshener f5d0 align-center f037 align-justify f039 align-left f036 american-sign- f2a3 align-right f038 allergies f461 ambulance f0f9 language-interpreting anchor f13d angle-double-down f103 angle-double-left f100 angle-double-right f101 angle-double-up f102 angle-down f107 angle-left f104 angle-right f105 angle-up f106 angry f556 ankh f644 apple-alt f5d1 archive f187 archway f557 arrow-alt-circle-down f358 arrow-alt-circle-left f359 arrow-alt-circle-right f35a arrow-alt-circle-up f35b arrow-circle-down f0ab arrow-circle-left f0a8 arrow-circle-right f0a9 arrow-circle-up f0aa arrow-down f063 arrow-left f060 arrow-right f061 arrow-up f062 arrows-alt f0b2 arrows-alt-h f337 assistive-listening- f2a2 arrows-alt-v f338 asterisk f069 at f1fa systems atlas f558 atom f5d2 audio-description f29e award f559 backspace f55a backward f04a balance-scale f24e ban f05e band-aid f462 barcode f02a bars f0c9 baseball-ball f433 basketball-ball f434 bath f2cd battery-empty f244 battery-full f240 battery-half f242 battery-quarter f243 battery-three-quarters f241 bed f236 beer f0fc bell f0f3 bell-slash f1f6 bezier-curve f55b bible f647 bicycle f206 binoculars f1e5 birthday-cake f1fd blender f517 blind f29d bold f032 bolt f0e7 bomb f1e2 bone f5d7 bong f55c book f02d book-open f518 book-reader f5da bookmark f02e bowling-ball f436 box f466 box-open f49e boxes f468 braille f2a1 brain f5dc briefcase f0b1 briefcase-medical f469 broadcast-tower f519 broom f51a brush f55d bug f188 building f1ad bullhorn f0a1 bullseye f140 burn f46a bus f207 bus-alt f55e business-time f64a calculator f1ec calendar f133 calendar-alt f073 calendar-check f274 calendar-minus f272 calendar-plus f271 calendar-times f273 camera f030 camera-retro f083 cannabis f55f capsules f46b car f1b9 car-alt f5de car-battery f5df car-crash f5e1 car-side f5e4 caret-down f0d7 caret-left f0d9 caret-right f0da caret-square-down f150 caret-square-left f191 caret-square-right f152 caret-square-up f151 caret-up f0d8 cart-arrow-down f218 cart-plus f217 certificate f0a3 chalkboard f51b chalkboard-teacher f51c charging-station f5e7 chart-area f1fe chart-bar f080 chart-line f201 chart-pie f200 check f00c check-circle f058 check-double f560 check-square f14a chess f439 chess-bishop f43a chess-board f43c chess-king f43f chess-knight f441 chess-pawn f443 chess-queen f445 chess-rook f447 chevron-circle-down f13a chevron-circle-left f137 chevron-circle-right f138 chevron-circle-up f139 chevron-down f078 chevron-left f053 chevron-right f054 chevron-up f077 child f1ae church f51d circle f111 circle-notch f1ce city f64f clipboard f328 clipboard-check f46c clipboard-list f46d clock f017 clone f24d closed-captioning f20a cloud f0c2 cloud-download-alt f381 cloud-upload-alt f382 cocktail f561 code f121 code-branch f126 coffee f0f4 cog f013 cogs f085 coins f51e columns f0db comment f075 comment-alt f27a comment-dollar f651 comment-dots f4ad comment-slash f4b3 comments f086 comments-dollar f653 compact-disc f51f compass f14e compress f066 concierge-bell f562 cookie f563 cookie-bite f564 copy f0c5 copyright f1f9 couch f4b8 credit-card f09d crop f125 crop-alt f565 cross f654 crosshairs f05b crow f520 crown f521 cube f1b2 cubes f1b3 cut f0c4 database f1c0 deaf f2a4 desktop f108 dharmachakra f655 diagnoses f470 dice f522 dice-five f523 dice-four f524 dice-one f525 dice-six f526 dice-three f527 dice-two f528 digital-tachograph f566 directions f5eb divide f529 dizzy f567 dna f471 dollar-sign f155 dolly f472 dolly-flatbed f474 donate f4b9 door-closed f52a door-open f52b dot-circle f192 dove f4ba download f019 drafting-compass f568 draw-polygon f5ee drum f569 drum-steelpan f56a dumbbell f44b edit f044 eject f052 ellipsis-h f141 ellipsis-v f142 envelope f0e0 envelope-open f2b6 envelope-open-text f658 envelope-square f199 equals f52c eraser f12d euro-sign f153 exchange-alt f362 exclamation f12a exclamation-circle f06a exclamation-triangle f071 expand f065 expand-arrows-alt f31e external-link-square- f360 external-link-alt f35d eye f06e eye-dropper f1 alt eye-slash f070 fast-backward f049 fast-forward f050 fax f1ac feather f52d feather-alt f56b female f182 fighter-jet f0 file f15b file-alt f15c file-archive f1c6 file-audio f1c7 file-code f1c9 file-contract f56c file-download f56d file-excel f1c3 file-export f56e file-image f1c5 file-import f56f file-invoice f570 file-invoice-dollar f571 file-medical f477 file-medical-alt f478 file-pdf f1c1 file-powerpoint f1c4 file-prescription f572 file-signature f573 file-upload f574 file-video f1c8 file-word f1c2 fill f575 fill-drip f576 film f008 filter f0b0 fingerprint f577 fire f06d fire-extinguisher f134 first-aid f479 fish f578 flag f024 flag-checkered f11e flask f0c3 flushed f579 folder f07b folder-minus f65d folder-open f07c folder-plus f65e font f031 font-awesome-logo- f4e6 football-ball f44e forward f04e frog f52e full frown f119 frown-open f57a funnel-dollar f662 futbol f1e3 gamepad f11b gas-pump f52f gavel f0e3 gem f3a5 genderless f22d gift f06b glass-martini f000 glass-martini-alt f57b glasses f530 globe f0ac globe-africa f57c globe-americas f57d globe-asia f57e golf-ball f450 gopuram f664 graduation-cap f19d greater-than f531 greater-than-equal f532 grimace f57f grin f580 grin-alt f581 grin-beam f582 grin-beam-sweat f583 grin-hearts f584 grin-squint f585 grin-squint-tears f586 grin-stars f587 grin-tears f588 grin-tongue f589 grin-tongue-squint f58a grin-tongue-wink f58b grin-wink f58c grip-horizontal f58d grip-vertical f58e h-square f0fd hamsa f665 hand-holding f4bd hand-holding-heart f4be hand-holding-usd f4c0 hand-lizard f258 hand-paper f256 hand-peace f25b . hand-point-down f0a7 hand-point-left f0a5 hand-point-right f0a4 hand-point-up f0a6 hand-pointer f25a hand-rock f255 hand-scissors f257 hand-spock f259 hands f4c2 hands-helping f4c4 handshake f2b5 hashtag f292 haykal f666 hdd f0a0 heading f1dc headphones f025 headphones-alt f58f headset f590 heart f004 heartbeat f21e helicopter f533 highlighter f591 history f1da hockey-puck f453 home f015 hospital f0f8 hospital-alt f47d hospital-symbol f47e hot-tub f593 hotel f594 hourglass f254 hourglass-end f253 hourglass-half f252 hourglass-start f251 i-cursor f246 id-badge f2c1 id-card f2c2 id-card-alt f47f image f03e images f302 inbox f01c indent f03c industry f275 infinity f534 info f129 info-circle f05a italic f033 jedi f669 joint f595 journal-whills f66a kaaba f66b key f084 keyboard f11c khanda f66d kiss f596 kiss-beam f597 kiss-wink-heart f598 kiwi-bird f535 landmark f66f language f1ab laptop f109 laptop-code f5fc laugh f599 laugh-beam f59a laugh-squint f59b laugh-wink f59c layer-group f5fd leaf f06c lemon f094 less-than f536 less-than-equal f537 level-down-alt f3be level-up-alt f3bf life-ring f1cd lightbulb f0eb link f0c1 lira-sign f195 list f03a list-alt f022 list-ol f0cb list-ul f0ca location-arrow f124 lock f023 lock-open f3c1 long-arrow-alt-down f309 long-arrow-alt-left f30a long-arrow-alt-right f30b long-arrow-alt-up f30c low-vision f2a8 luggage-cart f59d magic f0d0 magnet f076 mail-bulk f674 male f183 map f279 map-marked f59f map-marked-alt f5a0 map-marker f041 map-marker-alt f3c5 map-pin f276 map-signs f277 marker f5a1 mars f222 mars-double f227 mars-stroke f229 mars-stroke-h f22b mars-stroke-v f22a medal f5a2 medkit f0fa meh f11a meh-blank f5a4 meh-rolling-eyes f5a5 memory f538 menorah f676 mercury f223 microchip f2db microphone f130 microphone-alt f3c9 microphone-alt-slash f539 microphone-slash f131 microscope f610 minus f068 minus-circle f056 minus-square f146 mobile f10b mobile-alt f3cd money-bill f0d6 money-bill-alt f3d1 money-bill-wave f53a money-bill-wave-alt f53b money-check f53c money-check-alt f53d monument f5a6 moon f186 mortar-pestle f5a7 mosque f678 motorcycle f21c mouse-pointer f245 music f001 neuter f22c newspaper f1ea not-equal f53e notes-medical f481 object-group f247 object-ungroup f248 oil-can f613 om f679 outdent f03b paint-brush f1fc paint-roller f5aa palette f53f pallet f482 paper-plane f1d8 paperclip f0c6 parachute-box f4cd paragraph f1dd parking f540 passport f5ab pastafarianism f67b paste f0ea pause f04c pause-circle f28b paw f1b0 peace f67c pen f304 pen-alt f305 pen-fancy f5ac pen-nib f5ad pen-square f14b pencil-alt f303 pencil-ruler f5ae people-carry f4ce percent f295 percentage f541 phone f095 phone-slash f3dd phone-square f098 phone-volume f2a0 piggy-bank f4d3 pills f484 place-of-worship f67f plane f072 plane-arrival f5af plane-departure f5b0 play f04b play-circle f144 plug f1e6 plus f067 plus-circle f055 plus-square f0fe podcast f2ce poll f681 poll-h f682 poo f2fe poop f619 portrait f3e0 pound-sign f154 power-off f011 pray f683 praying-hands f684 prescription f5b1 prescription-bottle f485 prescription-bottle-alt f486 print f02f procedures f487 project-diagram f542 puzzle-piece f12e qrcode f029 question f128 question-circle f059 quidditch f458 quote-left f10d quote-right f10e quran f687 random f074 receipt f543 recycle f1b8 redo f01e redo-alt f2f9 registered f25d
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