Research Annual Report

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Research Annual Report Research Annual Report 2017 科 研 工 作 年 度 报 告 Purple Mountain Observatory CAS 中国科学院紫金山天文台 2017 科研工作年度报告 中国科学院紫金山天文台科技处 2018 年 7 月 Cover: Dark Matter Particle Explorer published its measurement of electrons and positrons in a very wide energy range 封面:暗物质粒子探测卣星収布首批科孥成果 Annual Report’2017-Content 目 录 目录 PMO 目 录 ..................................................................................................................... I 2017 年度科研工作总结 ..................................................................................... 1 一、科研工作总体情冡 ............................................................................................. 1 ABSTRACT LIST OF PUBLICATIONS IN 2017 ....................................................... 28 I. .............................................................................. DARK MATTER & SPACE ASTRONOMY 29 1-01 Cosmic Gamma Ray Bursts, Neutron Stars, and Relevant Physics ................. 29 中国科学院紫金山天文台 (1)A parameterized energy correction method for electromagnetic showers in BGO-ECAL of DAMPE ................................................................................................. 29 科技处 (2)Revealing Physical Activity of GRB Central Engine with Macronova/Kilonova Data ........................................................................................................................... 29 地 址:南京市北京西路 2 叴 (3)GRB 111005A at z=0.0133 and the Prospect of Establishing Long-Short 邮 编:210008 GRB/GW Association ................................................................................................. 29 电 话:+86-25-8333-2288, 2158 (4)Multi-messenger Observations of a Binary Neutron Star Merger ................... 29 传 真:+86-25-8333-2288 (5)The GW170817/GRB 170817A/AT 2017gfo Association: Some Implications for 电 邮 Physics and Astrophysics ........................................................................................... 41 1-02 High-energy Solar physics ................................................................................. 41 (6)Shapes of Ne-20 de-excitation line in solar flare ............................................. 41 编 委 (7)The Confined X-class Flares of Solar Active Region 2192 (vol 801, L23, 2015) 41 熊大闰 (8)On the time evolution of brightness, volume and height of a coronal source in 杨戟 常迚 赵长卤 an M-class flare ......................................................................................................... 42 叱生才 马月华 韦大明 甘为群 (9)Generation Mechanisms of Quasi-parallel and Quasi-circular Flare Ribbons in a 季海生 王力帄 康 熙 高 煜 Confined Flare ........................................................................................................... 42 王红池 徃 烨 徃 劲 姚大志 (10)Formation and Initiation of Erupting Flux Rope and Embedded Filament 傅燕宁 吴徇金 徃伟彪 季江很 Driven by Photospheric Converging Motion .............................................................. 42 赵海斌 范一中 刘四明 吴雪峰 (11)Search for the gamma-ray emission from M33 with the Fermi Large Area 郑宪忠 陇孥鹏 左营喜 Telescope ................................................................................................................... 42 ( ) 12 Molecular Gas toward the Gemini OB1 Molecular Cloud Complex. I. Observation Data ....................................................................................................... 42 文字编辑 (13)The Molecular Structures of the Local Arm and Perseus Arm in the Galactic 惠廸新 Region of l = [139 degrees.75, 149 degrees.75], b = [-5 degrees.25, 5 degrees.25] .. 43 李 琳 (14)Characteristics of events with metric-to-decahectometric type II radio bursts 陇雪梅 associated with CMEs and flares in relation to SEP events ....................................... 43 (15)Observational Evidence of Magnetic Reconnection for Brightenings and Transition Region Arcades in IRIS Observations ........................................................ 43 责任编辑 (16)Spectroscopic Observations of Magnetic Reconnection and Chromospheric 宁宗军 Evaporation in an X-shaped Solar Flare ..................................................................... 43 (17)Spectroscopic Observations of Magnetic Reconnection and Chromospheric Evaporation in an X-shaped Solar Flare ..................................................................... 44 ( 18 ) A Study of Fermi-LAT GeV gamma-Ray Emission toward the Magnetar-harboring Supernova Remnant Kesteven 73 and Its Molecular I Purple Mountain Observatory CAS Environment .............................................................................................................. 44 (19)Generation Mechanisms of Quasi-parallel and Quasi-circular Flare Ribbon in a Confined Flare ........................................................................................................... 44 (20)Statistical study of co-rotating interaction region properties with STEREO and ACE observations ....................................................................................................... 44 1-03 Multi-Band Observation Solar Activity ............................................................ 45 (21)Simultaneous Transverse and Longitudinal Oscillations in a Quiescent Prominence Triggered by a Coronal Jet ..................................................................... 45 PMO (22)INITIATION PROCESSES FOR THE 2013 MAY 13 X1.7 LIMB FLARE ................. 45 (23)THE INTERPRETATION OF THE MULTI-WAVELENGTH AFTERGLOW EMISSION OF SHORT GRB 140903A ........................................................................................... 45 (24)NIHAO - VIII. Circum-galactic medium and outflows - The puzzles of H I and O VI gas distributions Gutcke, ....................................................................................... 45 (25)Quasi-periodic pulsations with periods that change depending on whether the pulsations have thermal or nonthermal components ......................................... 46 (26)One-Minute Quasi-Periodic Pulsations Seen in a Solar Flare ........................ 46 (27)The Eruption of a Small-scale Emerging Flux Rope as the Driver of an M-class Purple Mountain Observatory Flare and of a Coronal Mass Ejection ........................................................................ 46 Chinese Academy of Sciences (28)High-resolution Observations of Sympathetic Filament Eruptions by NVST . 46 (29)Large-amplitude Longitudinal Oscillations in a Solar Filament ...................... 47 ADD:2 West Beijing Road, (30)Solar Tornadoes Triggered by Interaction between Filaments and EUV Jets . 47 Nanjing 210008, China (31)Explosive Chromospheric Evaporation Driven by Nonthermal Electrons TEL: +86-25-83332288 around One Footpoint of a Solar Flare Loop ............................................................. 47 FAX: +86-25-83332288 (32)Blob Formation and Ejection in Coronal Jets due to the Plasmoid and Kelvin-Helmholtz Instabilities .................................................................................... 47 (33)Steep Decay Phase Shaped by the Curvature Effect. II. Spectral Evolution ... 48 (34)Steep Decay Phase Shaped by the Curvature Effect. I. Flux Evolution ........... 48 (35)Statistical properties of bipolar magnetic regions ......................................... 48 Editor Commettee (36)Terrestrial planet formation under migration: systems near the 4:2:1 mean Darun XIONG, motion resonance...................................................................................................... 48 Ji YANG, Jin CHAN, Zhangyin ZHAO, (37)Interaction of Two Filaments in a Long Filament Channel Associated with Twin Sheng-Cai SHI, Yuehua MA, Coronal Mass Ejections.............................................................................................. 49 Weiqun GAN, Daming WEI, (38)Location of energy source for coronal heating on the photosphere ............. 49 Haisheng JI, Lifan WANG, (39)Pre-flare coronal dimmings ........................................................................... 49 Xi KANG, Yu GAO, Hongchi WANG, (40)LITTLE THINGS (vol 144, 134, 2012) ............................................................... 49 Ye XU, Jin Xu, Dazhi YAO, (41)Design Study on the Digital Correlator Using for Radio Holography ............. 50 Yanning FU, Weibiao XU, (42)Metal enrichment signatures of the first stars on high-z DLAs ...................... 50 Jianghui JI, Haibin ZHAO, (43)Doppler Shift Oscillations from a Hot Line Observed by IRIS ........................ 50 YiZhong FAN, Siming LIU, (44)Quasi-periodic pulsations with multiple periods in hard X-ray emission ...... 50 Xuefeng WU, Xianzhong ZHENG, (45)Large-amplitude Longitudinal Oscillations Triggered by the Merging of Two Xuepeng CHEN, Yingxi ZUO (46)Solar Filaments: Observations and Magnetic Field Analysis .......................... 51 (47)Acceleration and Radiation of High-Energy Cosmic Particles ........................ 51 Sub-Editor ( 46 ) EVOLUTION OF HIGH-ENERGY PARTICLE DISTRIBUTION IN MATURE Jianxin HUI SHELL-TYPE SUPERNOVA REMNANTS ........................................................................ 51 Lilin ( 47 ) Anomalous Distributions of Primary Cosmic Rays as Evidence for xuemeiChen Time-dependent Particle Acceleration in Supernova Remnants ............................... 51 (48)Evaluation of dimension of fractal time series with the least square method51 Excutive Editor (49)Measure the Propagation of a Halo CME and Its Driven Shock with the Ningzongjun
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