© 2011: Instituto de Astronomía, UNAM - XIII Latin American Regional IAU Meeting Ed. W. J. Henney & S. Torres-Peimbert eMxA(ei eConferencias) de (Serie RevMexAA gd,I. Agudo, I. Agudo, Z. Abraham, dm,L. Adame, gia,L. Aguilar, gia,E. Aguilar, D. O. Aguiar, gia,L. Aguilar, giea V. Aguilera, hmd,A V. A. Ahumada, V. A. Ahumada, hmd,A V. A. Ahumada, V. A. Ahumada, led,A. Alberdi, le,C. Allen, A. Alberdi, oioigo lzr tSnPdoM´artir. Pedro San at al. Ben´ıtez et Blazars E. of Monitoring Abraham Z. & Beaklini B. P. P. er M´artir.Pedro pre- viscosity two Cant´oJ. the for indices scriptions. Spectral dwarfs. .Buul .Aulr .Bon .Valenzuela, O. Vel´azquez Brown, H. Hern´andez, A. & F. Aguilar, Carigi, Method. L. L. GC3 & Bruzual, Modified Scott, G. a S. with K. Halo Wilson, G. Hughes, Team H. AzTEC/ASTE D. xaga, drop-outs. submillimetre snew. is clsa osritt akmte properties. matter Aguilar 15 L. dark & Gonz´alez-Morales, Valenzuela, to X. O. constraint A. a as scales .FetsCreae al. et Fuentes-Carrera I. .Baala .Ts,&G Marconi G. & Tosi, M. Bragaglia, A. Evolution. Chemical Cluster Open o,J. .J lr´,E ia .E Piatti E. A. & Bica, E. Clari´a, J. San- C. J. 264 F. J. Jr., Ben´ıtez Llambay, tos, A. clusters. Ahumada, stellar V. Clouds’ A. Magellanic ten of troscopy Ahumada V. Way. A. Milky the in .A ´rzTre,&A Alberdi P´erez-Torres, ULIRGs. A. A. & and M. LIRGs of Ahumada V. A. & candidates. cluster open .Pvd,R otr,&A Nigoche-Netro A. & Costero, R. Poveda, A. ium. P´erez-Torres, & A. M. Cant´o, Alberdi A. J. Gonz´alez, Binaries. F. Wind R. Colliding in Shocks .Oiae,L .Sace,A uls .Allen, C. Ruelas, S´anchez, A. J. L. Olivares, J. 263 , .D Aguiar D. O. ircoAtoer fTeOinTrapez- Orion The of Diffracto- 247 , oaiercMntrn fBaasa San at Blazars of Monitoring Polarimetric h aspwrsetu tsub-galactic at spectrum power mass The eetn tla tem nteGalactic the in Streams Stellar Detecting dnicto fhg- aaisthrough high-z of Identification ogTr pia Photopolarimetric Optical Long-Term hra ai msinfo Radiative from Emission Radio Thermal V bevtos neln h Heart the Unveiling Observations: EVN crto ik rudyugbrown young around disks Accretion trfraini netre LIRGs. unperturbed in formation .Aae .DAeso .Cle,& Calvet, N. D’Alessio, P. Adame, L. rvttoa aeDtcin What Detection: Wave Gravitational 286 , gA msina mm. 7 at emission SgrA* .Sri tal. et Sorcia M. 44 , e pncutrbnr system binary cluster open new A 285 , is htmti nlsso six of analysis photometric First OC rjc:TeBologna The Project: BOCCE FS2NTitgae spec- integrated EFOSC2/NTT 110 , 299 , .E iti .J lr´,& Clari´a, J. J. Piatti, E. A. 119 , .E iti .J Clari´a, J. J. Piatti, E. A. .Romero-Ca˜nizales, C. .Aulr .Aret- I. Aguilar, E. 131 , 112 , 90 , , 40 .V Ahumada, V. A. 265 , 1–4 (2011) 319–340 , 280 , .Montes, G. .Mateu, C. UHRINDEX AUTHOR 282 , , , mrcoCu,P. Ambrocio-Cruz, le,C. Allen, Alonso-Garc´ıa, J. le,C. Allen, lae-ea R. Alvarez-Meraz neoi R. Angeloni, F. Andrade-Santos, H. Andernach, lae,C. Alvarez, neoi R. Angeloni, P. Ambrocio-Cruz, nld,G. Anglada, lae,M. Alvarez, lae,M. Alvarez, lae,M A. M. Alvarez, ´ ´ ´ ´ LIRGs. .Ambrocio-Cruz P. & Vel´azquez, Rodr´ıguez-Gonz´alez, N70. A. F. Rosado, P. M. superbubble the .Tre-emet&C Allen C. & Torres-Peimbert publication. S. astronomical for option real trof´ısica, a .Rea,C le,A oea .Cseo & Costero, R. Poveda, A. Allen, Nigoche-Netro C. A. Adaptive Ruelas, and Telescope A. Images. Space Hubble Optics to applied R. photoevaporation. disk considering protoplanets for .Ctln .Agln,I ´kay .Pichara, D´ek´any, K. Borissova I. J. & Angeloni, Eyheramendy, S. R. Curves. Light Catelan, VVV M. of Classification Automated Andrade-Santos F. Neri-Larios gas. M. intracluster D. & Islas-Islas, M. 127 J. An- H. Torres-Papaqui, dernach, P. J. galaxies. Ortega-Minakata, SDSS of R.A. sample large a for environment and .K at tal. perspectives. et and Saito K. results R. first (VVV): L´actea .Loe-adva C. L´opez-Valdivia, R. ro .Agaa .Mr´,J .Torrelles, M. J. Mart´ı, J. Os- Anglada, M. Rodr´ıguez, G. F. orio, L. Carrasco-Gonz´alez, C. perspectives. al. and et results first (VVV): .Lrmr .Kramer M. & Lorimer, D. 60Tauri. V650 M. Zurita C. & Fu, N. J. .Fuad .Tovmassian G. & Fauvaud, S. .M rerc,G elm,M .Alvarez, A. M. Iliev Mellema, Reionization. T. I. G. & Cosmic Shapiro, R. Friedrich, of P. M. Topology M. the of lae-ea,F ast .Segura A. & Masset, F. Alvarez-Meraz, lae,R ihl .FxMcao .P Sareyan, P. J. Fox-Machado, L. Michel, R. Alvarez, ´ ´ 221 , .FetsCreae al. et Fuentes-Carrera I. eit eiaad srnmı As- y Astronom´ıa de Mexicana Revista h ehiuso Diffracto-Astrometry of Techniques The pcrsoyo LCm-observations. - Cam BL of Spectroscopy seoesooyo h et ct star Scuti Delta the of Asteroseismology bu usr yaia evolution. dynamical pulsars About .FxMcao .Mce,M. Michel, R. Machado, Fox L. e eut nteH 08 jet. 80-81 HH the on results New The IT aibe nteVı L´actea V´ıa the in Variables VISTA eainbtenatvt,morphology activity, between Relation h ue hrceitca Measure a as Characteristic Euler The 221 , 308 , .B iaNt,T .Lagan´a, & F. T. Neto, Lima B. G. 125 , V Templates VVV nlsso h vlto ftraps of evolution the of Analysis 199 , IT aibe nteV´ıa the in Variables VISTA trfraini unperturbed in formation Star prlamsbtutrsi the in substructures Spiral-arm 237 , .J ´nhz .Olivares, J. S´anchez, J. L. iueXryeiso from emission X-ray Diffuse lae,E el Fuente, la de E. Alvarez, ´ 279 , 13 , 266 , 311 , 269 , .Reyes-Iturbide, J. 119 , rjc Towards Project .K Saito K. R. 293 , Alvarez, ´ 319 , © 2011: Instituto de Astronomía, UNAM - XIII Latin American Regional IAU Meeting Ed. W. J. Henney & S. Torres-Peimbert nuao O. Anguiano, 320 noa T. Antoja, T. Anguita, noa T. Antoja, rlaoFro A. Ferro, Arellano T. A. Araudo, rtaa I. Aretxaga, rit,A. Arrieta, I. Aretxaga, rhka,T G. T. Arshakian, rhr .J. S. Arthur, ria,E. Artigau, taasua E. Athanassoula, taasua E. Athanassoula, vl-es,V. Avila-Reese, V. Avila-Reese, vl-es,V. Avila-Reese, .Gl´nMdi,&P D’Alessio P. Galv´an-Madrid, & R. rt,P azai .Sulentic J. & Marziani, 4DE1. P. Ne- grete, space A. Jim´enez-Bail´on, parameters Dultzin, E. the D. Anguiano, O. in quasars for grams .Fgea,T noa .Valenzuela O. & Antoja, T. Figueras, F. simulations. Anguita T. .S ei .T ruo .Bngi,G .Romero, E. shock. G. Benaglia, Mart´ı bow P. J. Araudo, & T. star A. runaway Peri, S. C. a from distribution Valen- O. Pichardo Figueras, B. F. & Antoja, zuela, T. Athanassoula, E. manifolds. invariant using Way .M rmc,&S Giridhar S. & Bramich, M. and D. parameters physical astrometry. population, Variable .Wilson G. & & Scott, millimetre-wavelength observations. using S. protoclusters in K. galaxies Wilson, G. Hughes, Team H. AzTEC/ASTE D. xaga, drop-outs. submillimetre .Pibr,L eriv .Mrse,&A Arrieta A. & Morisset, 167 C. Georgiev, L. Peimbert, stars. central A. its and planetary .Cauha,&I Cruz-Gonz´alez I. emission & nuclear Chavushyan, AGN. V. optical and host jet of -scale the of lses ecr3,6 n 70. and 69 35, Mercer clusters: 185 stars. Wolf-Rayet around .Rmr-oe,E taasua .Antoja, Pichardo B. T. & manifolds. Valenzuela, Athanassoula, O. invariant Figueras, E. F. using Romero-Gomez, Way M. Milky the 284 .M´ujica-Garc´ıa, Athanassoula R. E. & COSMOS. from .Frai .Col´ın P. & Firmani, C. population. .A Mu˜noz-Guti´errez Avila-Reese A. V. M. & fgalaxies. of 156 , 111 , oeln h ne at fteMilky the of parts inner the Modelling V td fteyugMlyWystar Way Milky young the of study VVV 108 , ieai tutrsi aatcdisc galactic in structures Kinematic -a msinfo neselrbubbles interstellar from Emission X-Ray dnicto fhg- aaisthrough galaxies high-z of Identification aaySaeLne nteRCS2. the in Lenses Scale .AiaRee&C Firmani C. & Avila-Reese V. G 86 nfidsuyo the of study unified a 6826: NGC .FgeaJie,A rlaoFerro, Arellano A. Jaimes, Figuera R. tdigtepoete fmassive of properties the Studying .Zblo,D .Hge,I Aretxaga, I. Hughes, H. D. Zeballos, M. .Rd´ge-uba .Avila-Reese, Rodr´ıguez-Puebla, V. A. Dvsaiaino vltoaydia- evolutionary of visualization 3D .Rc-`bea .Romero-G´omez, Roca-F`abrega, M. S. h omcSa omto History. Formation Star Cosmic The h akadselrms assembly mass stellar and dark The nlsso h pcrlenergy spectral the of Analysis orltosbtenrdoemission radio between Correlations rpriso asi prlgalaxies spiral in bars of Properties edn h oa ikgalaxy disk local the Seeding .Trela .G Arshakian, G. T. Torrealba, J. .Hern´andez-L´opez, Recillas, I. E. h lblrCutrNC6981: NGC Cluster Globular The oeln h ne at of parts inner the Modelling 92 , 110 , 84 , .A ola&S .Arthur J. Toal´a S. A. & J. 235 , .Aulr .Aret- I. Aguilar, E. 42 , .Romero-Gomez, M. .P˜aoae al. Pe˜naloza et F. 229 , 98 , 121 , .R Fierro, R. C. 130 , 23 , 92 , 27 , UHRINDEX AUTHOR , , , eka,J E. J. Beckman, Ben´ıtez, E. Ben´ıtez, E. eala P. Benaglia, P. Benaglia, etu,C. Bertout, etn,E. Bertone, ekii .P B. P. P. Beaklini, emn .C. J. Beamin, S. Basilakos, R. Banerjee, S. Ayala, ia E. Bica, at,A. Batta, enl .G. C. Bernal, Ben´ıtez A. Llambay, ia E. Bica, VV:fis eut n perspectives. al. and et results first (VVV): oioigo lzr tSnPdoM´artir. Pedro San at al. Ben´ıtez et Blazars E. of Monitoring density. electron mean Beckman E. the J. Guti´errez & of L. Behavior 4449. er M´artir.Pedro objects. rbto rmarnwysa o shock. Romero, E. bow G. Benaglia, Mart´ı P. star J. Araudo, & T. runaway A. Peri, S. a C. from tribution .C´vz .TpaShao,E Bertone, E. Hern´andez- M67. Tapia-Schiavon, in B. C. Stars J. Ch´avez, Solar-like M. of Parameters .P .Baln .Abraham Z. & Beaklini B. P. P. .Tier,C uorn,&C Bertout C. Lupus. & Ducourant, in C. Teixeira, Stars R. Sequence Pre-Main of Chavushyan V. .Mlik .Pins .Basilakos S. Bresolin, & Tracers. Plionis, F. M. Terlevich, Cosmic Melnick, E. J. Terlevich, Alternative Ch´avez, R. Using R. Klessen Keto, State S. R. of R. & E. Banerjee, R. Peters, Regions. Low, 273 Mac II T. M.-M. Galv´an-Madrid, H Hypercompact R. and compact Gil S. & Ayala, S. Contreras, E. 191 M. Miranda, F. L. 6058. NGC oaigPolytropes. Rotating .Bc,&A .Piatti E. Clari´a, A. J. & J. Bica, Jr., E. Santos, C. F. Ben´ıtez J. Llambay, A. clusters. stellar Clouds’ Magellanic o,J. .J lr´,E ia .E Piatti E. A. & Objects. Compact Bica, E. Clari´a, J. San- C. J. 264 F. J. Jr., Ben´ıtez Llambay, tos, A. clusters. Ahumada, stellar V. Clouds’ A. Magellanic ten of troscopy Clusters. 221 , FS2NTitgae pcrsoyo ten of spectroscopy integrated EFOSC2/NTT V one erhfrNwGlci Open Galactic New for Search Pointed VVV ieaia td ftepaeaynebula planetary the of study Kinematical .Benaglia P. 156 , .Brsoae al. et Borissova J. oaiercMntrn fBaasa San at Blazars of Monitoring Polarimetric DClas n crto nSlowly in Accretion and Collapse 3D ai msinfo asv protostellar massive from emission Radio eemnto fKnmtcDistances Kinematic of Determination osriigteDr nryEquation Energy Dark the Constraining ogTr pia Photopolarimetric Optical Long-Term ieDphIdcsadAtmospheric and Indices Line-Depth nlsso h pcrleeg dis- energy spectral the of Analysis ieVraiiyi iuae Ultra- Simulated in Variability Time .F ul´n .Vaqe,S Zavala, V´azquez, S. Guill´en, R. F. P. 114 , rwn antcFed nCentral in Fields Magnetic Growing IT aibe nteVı L´actea V´ıa the in Variables VISTA .Sri tal. et Sorcia M. 44 , h I ein fM1adNGC and M51 of regions HII The gA msina mm. 7 at emission SgrA* .G enl&D Page D. & Bernal G. C. gia .R ade,& Vald´es, R. J. Aguila, ´ 211 , FS2NTitgae spec- integrated EFOSC2/NTT .Bta&W .Lee H. W. & Batta A. 264 , 267 , 192 , 131 , 112 , .V Ahumada, V. A. 9 , 272 , .K Saito K. R. .Galli, P. 149 , 155 , , , , © 2011: Instituto de Astronomía, UNAM - XIII Latin American Regional IAU Meeting Ed. W. J. Henney & S. Torres-Peimbert oisv,J. Borissova, rggi,A. Bragaglia, rmc,D M. D. Bramich, rsln F. Bresolin, F. Bresolin, iet,L. Binette, Brice˜no, C. lnoCn,X. Blanco-Cano, S. Biro, oat,C. Bonatto, Brice˜no, C. oisv,J. Borissova, ogoan,A. Bongiovanni, oisv,J. Borissova, oe,A F. A. Boden, oat,C. Bonatto, oe,A F. A. Boden, .Baala .Ts,&G Marconi G. & Tosi, M. Bragaglia, Evolution. A. Chemical Cluster trcutr:Mre 5 9ad70. and 69 al. 35, Mercer clusters: star .M rmc,&S Giridhar S. & Bramich, M. and D. parameters physical astrometry. population, stars Variable .Mlik .Pins .Basilakos S. Bresolin, & Tracers. Plionis, F. M. Terlevich, Cosmic Melnick, E. J. Terlevich, Alternative Ch´avez, R. Using R. State of Tsamis Y. & 300. NGC spiral .Mrse,G ts´sa .Binette L. Stasi´nska, & G. Morisset, work. C. at stars evolved low-mass .Gtruh .Stauffer J. Muzerolle, & J. Gutermuth, Vivas, R. K. Brice˜no, A. C. Hartmann, L. regions. stellar young .Ctln .Agln,I ´kay .Pichara, D´ek´any, K. Borissova I. J. & Angeloni, Eyheramendy, S. R. Curves. Light Catelan, VVV M. of Classification Automated Dougherty, K. M. Wilson, P´erez-Enr´ıquez J. R. R. H. Saturn. Leisner, & S. of J. Ru- ssell, T. Plasma C. Rodr´ıguez-Mart´ınez, Blanco-Cano, M. Magnetospheric X. the lses ecr3,6 n 70. and 69 35, Mercer clusters: .J ons .Brice˜no C. & Downes, J. J. stars. Lyrae RR QUEST-I pnClusters. Open (1918–1947). Mexico Biro in S. Astronomy Popular .A eDeo .A eLo .Bongiovanni, A. Leo, De A. Cepa M. J. Diego, & Verdugo, T. de lensing. A. gravitational J. through Emitters Alpha 284 .F orıuz .F Boden F. A. Rodr´ıguez, Dzib, S. & F. Torres, M. L. R. Mioduszewski, J. A. Loinard, L. pnClusters. Open uzwk,A .Bdn .F orıuz .M To- M. Rodr´ıguez, R. F. & rres L. Boden, F. A. duszewski, Serpens. in 95 284 , 231 , 309 , etr rmtePbi:APrri of Portrait A Public: the From Letters oiaino h iuegsi aais Hot galaxies: in gas diffuse the of Ionization esrn h aatcTikDs with Disk Thick Galactic the Measuring V td fteyugMlyWystar Way Milky young the of study VVV osriigteDr nryEquation Energy Dark the Constraining 177 , V one erhfrNwGalactic New for Search Pointed VVV hmclAudne nPei the in PNe in Abundances Chemical V one erhfrNwGalactic New for Search Pointed VVV LAatoer fteAB trEC star AeBe the of astrometry VLBA The .FgeaJie,A rlaoFerro, Arellano A. Jaimes, Figuera R. V td fteyugMlyWay Milky young the of study VVV esso rtpaeaydssin disks protoplanetary of Census h ol’ etdsac survey. distance Belt Gould’s The OC rjc:TeBlgaOpen Bologna The Project: BOCCE .Brsoae al. et Borissova J. .Brsoae al. et Borissova J. .P˜a .Saink,F Bresolin, Stasi´nska, Pe˜na, F. G. M. h lblrCutrNC6981: NGC Cluster Globular The ihrdhf aais&Lyman & galaxies redshift High .Di,L onr,A .Mio- J. A. Loinard, L. Dzib, S. V Templates VVV ae n ntblte in Instabilities and Waves 117 , 295 , .Hradz .Calvet, N. Hernandez, J. 245 , 243 , .Mtu .K Vivas, K. A. Mateu, C. 235 , 205 , 269 , .P˜aoae al. Pe˜naloza et F. .Flores-Fajardo, N. .V Ahumada, V. A. 267 , 267 , rjc Towards Project 265 , .Pe˜naloza et F. 9 , 118 , UHRINDEX AUTHOR , rza,G. Bruzual, A. Brown, aaa,R. Cabanac, G. A., Bruzual L. Bronfman, rza,G. Bruzual, G. Bruzual, G. A., Bruzual arr,J I. J. Cabrera, I. J. Cabrera, avt N. Calvet, aee,C. Caceres, acd-ri,H E. H. Caicedo-Ortiz, Brice˜no, C. avt N. Calvet, Brice˜no, C. .Buul .Aulr .Bon .Valenzuela, O. Vel´azquez Brown, H. Hern´andez, A. & F. Aguilar, Carigi, Method. L. L. GC3 Bruzual, Modified G. a with Halo .Buul .Aulr .Bon .Valenzuela, O. Vel´azquez Brown, H. Hern´andez, A. & F. Aguilar, Carigi, Method. L. L. GC3 Bruzual, Modified G. a with Halo .Mgi,R .Gn´lzLoelr,&M Rosado Gonz´alez-L´opezlira, M. A. 70 & R. Magris, G. ronments. Bruzual G. & Interaction. Binary Includes that far. cluster Bronfman stellar L. & compact young 1. Westerlund the with associated 66 synthesis population models. inverse from determination age a er M´artir. Pedro San oioigo lzr tSnPdoM´artir. Pedro San at al. Ben´ıtez et Blazars E. of Monitoring Cabanac, R. Limousin, Richard Mu˜noz, M. J. P. & R. J02140-0535. Motta, SL2S V. in dynamics .O Casta˜neda O. H. & 6822. NGC in Regions HII Giant .Aae .DAeso .Cle,&J Cant´o J. & Calvet, N. D’Alessio, prescriptions. P. viscosity Adame, two L. the for indices Spectral .Mnii .Ne,C eo .Sla,E Mason, E. Selman, F. Pietrzynski Melo, G. C. & Naef, D. Minniti, D. planets. extrasolar an .Bien,A .Vvs .Muzerolle, J. Vivas, Stauffer K. J. & A. Brice˜no, Gutermuth, R. C. mann, regions. stellar .Bien,C ae,J .Dwe,A .Vivas, K. A. Downes, Calvet J. N. Hern´andez, & J. J. Mateu, Brice˜no, C. C. .Hr´ne,N avt .Hartmann L. & dispersed Calvet, Hern´andez, Orion N. J. the through populations. viewed dwarfs brown .BuulA. Bruzual G. crto ik rudyugbondwarfs. brown young around disks Accretion .Mgi . .BuulA,&J Mateu J. & A., Bruzual G. C., Magris G. eetn tla tem nteGalactic the in Streams Stellar Detecting esso rtpaeaydssi young in disks protoplanetary of Census h IAVSASre nOinOB1. Orion in Survey CIDA-VISTA The eetn tla tem nteGalactic the in Streams Stellar Detecting 104 , h omto n al vlto of evolution early and formation The tla ouainSnhssModel Synthesis Population Stellar A 277 , ihcdneNRosrain of observations NIR cadence High ihrdhf bet nds envi- dust in objects High-redshift .E atıe-acı,G Bruzual, Mart´ınez-Garc´ıa, G. E. E. ogTr pia Photopolarimetric Optical Long-Term oaiercMntrn fBaasat Blazars of Monitoring Polarimetric toglnig eklnig and lensing, weak lensing, Strong .J ons .Bien,C Mateu, Brice˜no, C. C. Downes, J. J. 173 , oeigselrppltosna and near populations stellar Modeling h oeua neselrmedium interstellar molecular The netite nteglx asand mass galaxy the in Uncertainties 44 , .Ln,Y .Mya .Carrasco, L. Mayya, D. Y. Luna, A. 291 , .Hradz .Cle,L Hart- L. Calvet, N. Hernandez, J. 187 , 36 , .Sri tal. et Sorcia M. td fteInzdGsin Gas Ionized the of Study A .Ccrs .D Ivanov, D. V. Caceres, C. 225 , 243 , .E Caicedo-Ortiz E. H. 131 , .C Hern´andez C. F. .Verdugo, T. 280 , 280 , 217 , .Mateu, C. .Mateu, C. 263 , 321 , , © 2011: Instituto de Astronomía, UNAM - XIII Latin American Regional IAU Meeting Ed. W. J. Henney & S. Torres-Peimbert Cant´o, J. Cant´o, J. ap,C E. C. Cappa, Cant´o, J. ap,C E. C. Cappa, adn,O. Cardona, O. Cardona, avt N. Calvet, 322 aii L. Carigi, L Carigi, avt N. Calvet, aii L. Carigi, Carrasco-Gonz´alez, C. L. Carigi, arso L. Carrasco, L. Carrasco, L. Carrasco, D. D. Carpintero, .Aae .DAeso .Cle,&J Cant´o J. & Calvet, N. D’Alessio, prescriptions. P. viscosity Adame, two L. the for indices Spectral ubrt of outbursts .Cn´,P .Vlaqe,&E el Fuente la de Raga, E. Vel´azquez, C. & F. A. Cant´o, Pino, P. J. Dal Gouveia de G´omez, M. C. E. G. .Otg,G oeo .Rubio M. & Romero, G. Ortega, M. Sh2-54. P´erez-Torres, & A. M. Cant´o, Alberdi A. J. Gonz´alez, Binaries. F. Wind R. Colliding in Shocks .A oeo .Rbo .C Mart´ın C. M. & Rubio, M. Romero, 78. A. RCW G. and 52 RCW Bubbles: Wind nryFutain nSelrAtmospheres. Stellar Cardona in O. Fluctuations Energy .Bien,C ae,J .Dwe,A .Vivas, K. A. Downes, Calvet J. N. Hern´andez, & J. J. Mateu, Brice˜no, C. C. .Rbe-adz&L Carigi L. & Robles-Valdez F. & Pe˜na, 6822. NGC M. Peimbert for M. Carigi, Hern´andez-Mart´ınez, L. models L. evolution chemical Function. Source Simonneau E. the for Model .Hr´ne,N avt .Hartmann L. & dispersed Calvet, Hern´andez, Orion N. J. the through populations. viewed dwarfs brown .Buul .Aulr .Bon .Valenzuela, O. Vel´azquez Brown, H. Hern´andez, A. & F. Aguilar, Carigi, Method. L. L. GC3 Bruzual, Modified G. a with Halo 08 jet. 80-81 soitdwt h on opc tla cluster Bronfman stellar L. & compact young 1. Westerlund the with associated region star-forming Carrasco galactic L. the 18236-1205. in IRAS objects stellar clusters. sition. .HreaMr´nz .Ln,L arso & Carrasco, L. Luna, Shcherbakov A. A. Herrera-Mart´ınez, astronomy. G. radio for spectrometer acousto-optical .Crg .Peimbert M. & Carigi L. crto ik rudyugbondwarfs. brown young around disks Accretion oa rgn:PaeadCeia Compo- Chemical and Place origins: Solar 247 , eetn tla tem nteGalactic the in Streams Stellar Detecting .B rlaa&D .Carpintero D. D. & Orellana B. R. hra ai msinfo Radiative from Emission Radio Thermal .Vsuz .E ap,S Cichowolski, S. Cappa, E. C. Vasquez, J. h IAVSASre nOinOB1. Orion in Survey CIDA-VISTA The ueia oesfrte1t century 19th the for models Numerical hmclEouinMdlo M33. of Model Evolution Chemical 227 , 249 , N sosrainlcntansin constraints observational as PNe h omto n al vlto of evolution early and formation The 171 , η .Crac-ozae,L .Rodr´ıguez, F. Carrasco-Gonz´alez, L. C. h I tblzdwt ui Spline Cubic a with Stabilized IIM The nue trfraini h I region HII the in formation star Induced 268 , trFrigRgosTwrsStellar Towards Regions Forming Star Carinae. hrceiigteebde young embedded the Characterizing h oeua neselrmedium interstellar molecular The .J ons .Bien,C Mateu, Brice˜no, C. C. Downes, J. J. 305 , tmcLn itsb Thermal by Widths Line Atomic 173 , .Ln,Y .Mya .Carrasco, L. Mayya, D. Y. Luna, A. etn h rg elo an of cell Bragg the Testing .Rts .Ln,D ay,& Mayya, D. Luna, A. Retes, R. ueia iuain fopen of simulations Numerical .F ozae,A .Villa, M. Gonz´alez, A. F. R. e eut nteHH the on results New 225 , 129 , 46 , 259 , .Croa& Cardona O. .E Cappa, E. C. 280 , .Montes, G. 217 , .Mateu, C. 163 , 190 , 283 , UHRINDEX AUTHOR 263 , ihwlk,S. Cichowolski, ea J. Cepa, A. J. Celis-Gil, Ch´avez, R. Ch´avez, M. aa,R A. R. Casas, aa,R A. R. Casas, hvsyn V. Chavushyan, hn,A N. A. Chene, aa,R A. R. Casas, hvsyn V. Chavushyan, aet-iec,D. Casetti-Dinescu, aea,M. Catelan, aea,M. Catelan, O. Casta˜neda, H. aea,M. Catelan, .Ccoosi .Otg,G oeo .Rubio M. & Romero, G. 259 Ortega, M. Cichowolski, Sh2-54. S. region HII o hnds sa xeso fDhe Algo- Dehnen of extension Casas an A. as R. disc thin rithm. a for .C´vz .TpaShao,E Bertone, E. Hern´andez- M67. Tapia-Schiavon, in B. C. Stars J. Ch´avez, Solar-like & M. Verdugo, of T. Parameters Bongiovanni, A. Leo, Cepa De J. A. M. lensing. gravitational through ters .Ooi,G nld,J atı .M Torrelles, M. J. Mart´ı, D’Alessio J. P. Galv´an-Madrid, Anglada, & R. G. Osorio, M. .Mlik .Pins .Basilakos S. Bresolin, & Tracers. Plionis, F. M. Terlevich, Cosmic Melnick, E. J. Terlevich, Alternative Ch´avez, R. Using R. State of Chavushyan V. hnds sa xeso fDhe Algo- Dehnen Matter. Dark of without extension an Casas A. as R. disc rithm. thin a .Cauha,&I Cruz-Gonz´alez I. emission & nuclear Chavushyan, AGN. V. optical and host jet of parsec-scale the of pnClusters. Open u wr aayuigNBd simulations. Casas N-Body A. R. using Mart´ınez-Barbosa & A. galaxy C. Dwarf ius .C´vz .TpaShao,E Bertone, E. Hern´andez- Tapia-Schiavon, B. M67. C. in J. Ch´avez, Stars Solar-like M. of Parameters spheric .Chavushyan V. .Ctln .Agln,I ´kay .Pichara, D´ek´any, K. Borissova I. J. & Angeloni, Eyheramendy, S. R. Curves. Light Catelan, VVV M. of Classification Automated pnClusters. Open aelncCod sn P material. al. SPM et using Clouds Magellanic .V Sweigart V. A. & Populations. Cluster Casta˜neda O. H. & 6822. NGC in Regions HII Giant 106 , 117 , ihrdhf aais&LmnApaEmit- Alpha Lyman & galaxies redshift High .A ei-i,C .Mart´ınez-Barbosa, & A. C. Celis-Gil, A. J. .A ei-i,C .Mart´ınez-Barbosa, & A. C. Celis-Gil, A. J. osriigteDr nryEquation Energy Dark the Constraining 113 , 113 , ffcso eimErcmn nGlobular in Enrichment Helium of Effects V one erhfrNwGalactic New for Search Pointed VVV The ieDphIdcsadAtmospheric and Indices Line-Depth irpino wr aelt Galaxies Satellite Dwarf of Disruption rgnadeouino h Sagittar- the of evolution and Origin optto fiiilcniin for conditions initial of Computation V one erhfrNwGalactic New for Search Pointed VVV 114 , 114 , orltosbtenrdoemission radio between Correlations .Brsoae al. et Borissova J. .Brsoae al. et Borissova J. 257 , optto fiiilconditions initial of Computation V Templates VVV nue trfraini the in formation star Induced 187 , ieDphIdcsadAtmo- and Indices Line-Depth .Trela .G Arshakian, G. T. Torrealba, J. td fteInzdGsin Gas Ionized the of Study A gia .R ade,& Vald´es, R. J. Aguila, gia .R ade,& Vald´es, R. J. Aguila, ´ ´ .A .Vlac,M Catelan, M. Valcarce, R. A. A. rprmto td fthe of study motion Proper .A aa .Kroupa P. & Casas A. R. .Vsuz .E Cappa, E. C. Vasquez, J. 269 , .E Caicedo-Ortiz E. H. 229 , 267 , 267 , 98 , rjc Towards Project .A eDiego, de A. J. 9 , 68 , .Vieira K. 48 , , © 2011: Instituto de Astronomía, UNAM - XIII Latin American Regional IAU Meeting Ed. W. J. Henney & S. Torres-Peimbert oa .A. S. Cora, ooao Y. Coronado, ot,R .D. D. R. Costa, ord,R .M. L. R. Corradi, ot,R .D. D. R. Costa, Col´ın, P. od,S M. S. Conde, Col´ın, P. otea,M E. M. Contreras, E. M. Contreras, E. M. Contreras, lre J. Clarke, A. L. Cieza, lr´ ,J J. Clari´a, J. J. Clari´a, J. J. Clari´a, J. iz,L A. L. Cieza, itr oOsre High- Observed To Picture .M unz .P aart,C e .Lagos, Tecce P. E. T. del & Cora, C. A. Navarrete, S. Padilla, P. D. F. N. Mu˜noz, M. A. .Crnd .Mendoza S. & Coronado Y. ai .Mmao h PA collaboration IPHAS the & Mampaso, 183 A. radi, ihteIHSH IPHAS the with .M acnUhd,&F Matteucci F. & Marcon-Uchida, M. M33. M. and M31 Way, Milky the disks: .D .Csa .Morisset C. & nebulae. Costa, D. planetary D. R. bipolar of .C aa .Col´ın P. & nuclear Raga, of C. A. clusters stellar young starburst. by driven galaxies ukVsoiyDsiaino on Waves. Sound Conde of Ib´a˜nez M. H. S. Dissipation M. & Viscosity Bulk Col´ın & P. Firmani, C. Avila-Reese, Rodr´ıguez-Puebla, V. A. .Pee-edo,L luı,&J .Saucedo C. P´erez-Rend´on, J. B. Olgu´ın, 2414. & L. NGC Clusters: Young in Disks Ayala, S. Contreras, Gil E. M. S. Miranda, & F. L. Zavala, S. 6058. NGC nebula Jim´enez Y. M. ware. pnClusters. Open Cieza, A. L. Merin, Orellana Schreiber, B. M. & Williams, R. Smith-Castelli, P. A. M. J. Rebassa-Manssergas, Romero, A. A. G. o,J. .J lr´,E ia .E Piatti Ahumada E. V. A. A. candidates. & cluster Bica, E. Clari´a, J. San- clusters. C. J. 264 F. stellar J. Jr., Ben´ıtez Llambay, tos, A. Clouds’ Ahumada, V. Magellanic A. ten of .V Ahumada V. A. Way. Milky the ln,L .Cea .R crie,J .Williams, P. J. Schreiber, Romero A. R. G. M. Mer´ın, & Cieza, B. A. L. llana, 32). (Oph RXJ1633.9-2242 disk transitional 191 , .Og´n .Vaqe,M .Cnrrs & Contreras, E. V´azquez, M. Olgu´ın, R. L. 84 , edn h oa ikglx population. galaxy disk local the Seeding asadmtleeto ffiinyi disk in efficiency ejection metal and Mass V one erhfrNwGalactic New for Search Pointed VVV aibeIFSoeT i h LCDM The Fit To Slope IMF Variable A rniincruntla ik nLupus. in disks circumnstellar Transition FS2NTitgae spectroscopy integrated EFOSC2/NTT is htmti nlsso i open six of analysis photometric First e pncutrbnr ytmin system binary cluster open new A mgn fteds a nothe into gap dust the of Imaging .Rd´ge-ozae,A Esquivel, Rodr´ıguez-Gonz´alez, A. A. etn faRcmiigPam by Plasma Recombining a of Heating 193 , 285 , 286 , apn n oeigteproperties the modeling and Mapping ihcre fHT1i M87. in HST-1 of Lightcurves hmcleouinmdl o spiral for models evolution Chemical .Brsoae al. et Borissova J. ieaia td fteplanetary the of study Kinematical α htmti erhfrAccretion for Search Photometric erhfrNwPaeayNebulae Planetary New for Search ne:anblraayi soft- analysis nebular a Anneb: Survey. .E iti .J lr´,& Clari´a, J. J. Piatti, E. A. .E iti .J lr´,& Clari´a, J. J. Piatti, E. A. 86 , .F ul´n .V´azquez, R. Guill´en, F. P. z 294 , 50 , umliee Sources. Submillimeter 188 , .Sbn .L .Cor- M. L. R. Sabin, L. 233 , 253 , 267 , .E Contreras, E. M. .D .Costa, D. D. R. .M Faes, M. D. 115 , 21 , .Ore- M. 270 , UHRINDEX AUTHOR , , eDeo .A. J. Diego, de eBu,A .V. G. A. Brum, de eGueaDlPn,E M. E. Pino, Dal Gouveia de el une E. Fuente, la de ot-ure .V. M. Costa-Duarte, otr,R. Costero, otr,R. Costero, oil R. Coziol, R. Coziol, Cruz-Gonz´alez, I. R. Coziol, ’lsi,P. D’Alessio, Cruz-Gonz´alez, I. al ee G. Mese, Dalle P. D’Alessio, h 9hcnuyotussof outbursts Bongiovanni, century A. 19th Leo, the De A. Cepa M. J. Diego, & Verdugo, T. de lensing. A. gravitational J. through Emitters Alpha rjc einfrteAtrMission. Aster the al. for design project .F ozae,A .Vla .C G´omez, C. Cant´o, J. G. Raga, C. Fuente la A. Villa, de Pino, E. Vel´azquez, Dal M. & F. Gouveia P. A. de Gonz´alez, M. E. F. R. .Loe-adva C. L´opez-Valdivia, R. .Lrmr .Kramer M. & Lorimer, D. Jr. Galaxies. of ters .Aln .Pvd,R otr,&A Nigoche-Netro A. & Costero, 282 R. Poveda, A. Allen, C. Trapezium. .P orsPpqi .Czo,J .Islas-Islas, Neri-Larios M. M. D. J. & Coziol, Ortega-Minakata, & A. R. R. Torres-Papaqui, Costero, P. R. J. Poveda, A. Allen, Nigoche-Netro C. A. Adaptive Ruelas, and Telescope A. Images. Space Hubble Optics to applied ino h ascsaejtadotclnuclear optical Cruz-Gonz´alez I. and & Chavushyan, jet AGN. V. shakian, host parsec-scale of the emission of sion Ortega-Minakata A. R. & 80 Islas-Islas, M. J. Coziol, R. AGNs. Coziol R. 0507+164. H galaxy ro .Agaa .Mr´,J .Torrelles, M. J. Mart´ı, J. D’Alessio Os- Anglada, P. Galv´an-Madrid, & M. R. Rodr´ıguez, G. F. orio, L. Carrasco-Gonz´alez, C. AGN. Cruz-Gonz´alez I. in M´ujica, & R. SFR Maiolino, R. and features, silicate .Loe-rz .Shse,&G Garc´ıa G. Stars. & G Schuster, L´opez-Cruz, and W. O. F A, of Classification pre- viscosity two Cant´oJ. the for indices scriptions. Spectral dwarfs. 306 , 116 , 263 , 123 , o uioiyANcniae nSDSS. in candidates AGN Luminosity Low .M eiLro,J .Torres-Papaqui, P. J. Neri-Larios, M. D. h eeto feteeLow-Luminosity extreme of detection The eebrto apn fteSyet1.5 Seyfert the of mapping Reverberation h ehiuso Diffracto-Astrometry of Techniques The .Aae .DAeso .Cle,& Calvet, N. D’Alessio, P. Adame, L. .Oiae,L .Sace,A Ruelas, S´anchez, A. J. L. Olivares, J. e eut nteH 08 jet. 80-81 HH the on results New ircoAtoer fTeOrion The of Diffracto-Astrometry crto ik rudyugbrown young around disks Accretion h hsclBsso h Spectral the of Basis Physical The bu usr yaia evolution. dynamical pulsars About 308 , ihrdhf aais&Lyman & galaxies redshift High I n adXryluminosities, X-ray hard and MIR orltosbtenrdoemis- radio between Correlations .V ot-ure&L Sodr´e L. & Costa-Duarte V. M. erIfae Spectrometer Near-Infrared A .J ´nhz .Olivares, J. S´anchez, J. L. 117 , h opooyo Superclus- of Morphology The .Jykmr .S tln & Stalin, S. C. Jeyakumar, S. lae,E el Fuente, la de E. Alvarez, ´ 279 , .Trela .G Ar- G. T. Torrealba, J. ueia oesfor models Numerical 229 , 190 , η .DleMese, Dalle G. Carinae. .Htmet Hetem A. .Ju´arez,Y. 271 , 124 , 98 , 100 , 323 , , © 2011: Instituto de Astronomía, UNAM - XIII Latin American Regional IAU Meeting Ed. W. J. Henney & S. Torres-Peimbert eRsi .E. M. Rossi, De eRsi .E. M. Rossi, De F. D. Mello, de e lo A. Olmo, Del el une E. Fuente, la de 324 D´ek´any I. V. M. Valle, del egd-nld,G. Delgado-Inglada, egd-nld,G. Delgado-Inglada, egd-ern,R. Delgado-Serrano, eLo .A. M. Leo, De D´ek´any, I. eLm,C R. C. Lima, de oget,M K. M. Dougherty, ons .J. J. Downes, ons .J. J. Downes, ons .J. J. Downes, .B isr,&S .Pedrosa E. S. & Tissera, Relation. B. P. Tully-Fisher the of .E eRossi & De E. M. Torres-Flores, & galaxies. S. simulated of Oliveira, de Urrutia-Viscarra Evolution.F. Mendes Galaxy C. in ies .Kogl,A e lo .Perea J. & Olmo, Del A. Krongold, Y. Pairs. etr ubrt of outbursts century .Ctln .Agln,I ´kay .Pichara, D´ek´any, K. Borissova I. J. & Angeloni, Eyheramendy, S. R. Curves. Light Catelan, VVV M. of Classification Automated perspectives. and results first Romero E. G. radiation? high-energy nPaeayNbleo h oa Neighborhood. Solar Delgado-Inglada the G. Rodr´ıguez & of M. Nebulae Planetary in eua fteLreMglai Cloud. Ruiz Magellanic T. M. Pe˜na, Garc´ıa-Rojas, & Large Rodr´ıguez,M. J. M. the Delgado-Inglada, G. of Nebulae .A eDeo .A eLo .Bongiovanni, A. Leo, De A. Cepa M. J. Diego, & Verdugo, T. de Gou- lensing. A. gravitational de J. through M. Emitters Alpha E. G´omez, Fuente Vel´azquez, C. la F. Cant´o, de P. J. E. G. Raga, & C. A. Pino, Villa, Dal veia M. A. einfrteAtrMission. Aster the for design .DlaoSrao .Hme,Y .Yang, B. Y. Rodrigues M. & Hammer, 6Gyr. Flores, H. past F. Puech, M. the Delgado-Serrano, over R. Sequence Hubble served sl,J .Linr .J isn .K Dougherty, K. M. Wilson, P´erez-Enr´ıquez J. R. R. H. Saturn. Leisner, & S. of J. Ru- ssell, T. Plasma C. Rodr´ıguez-Mart´ınez, Blanco-Cano, M. Magnetospheric X. the .J ons .Brice˜no C. & Downes, J. J. stars. Lyrae RR QUEST-I .K ia,J enadz .Calvet N. Hern´andez, & J. Vivas, K. A. OB1. rw wrsvee hog h ro dispersed Orion the through populations. viewed dwarfs brown IT aibe nteV´ıa L´actea the (VVV): in Variables VISTA .Bien,C ae,J .Downes, J. J. Mateu, C. Brice˜no, C. The .J enadzIar,D Dultzin, D. Hern´andez-Ibarra, J. F. esrn h aatcTikDs with Disk Thick Galactic the Measuring 151 , h omto n al vlto of evolution early and formation The .J ons .Bien,C Mateu, Brice˜no, C. C. Downes, J. J. nue ula ciiyi Galaxy in Activity Nuclear Induced h IAVSASre nOrion in Survey CIDA-VISTA The erIfae pcrmtrproject Spectrometer Near-Infrared A hmcladmrhlgclanalysis morphological and Chemical ihrdhf aais&Lyman & galaxies redshift High uenv edakadteBend the and Feedback Supernova V Templates VVV h oeo ia wr Galax- Dwarf Tidal of Role The 190 , 128 , ueia oesfrte19th the for models Numerical 54 , a ar tr produce stars Tauri T Can η ae n ntblte in Instabilities and Waves nOeaudneo Oxygen of Overabundance An 117 , 165 , 295 , .E ers,P .Tissera, B. P. Pedrosa, E. S. h vlto fteOb- the of Evolution The rnDpeini Ionized in Depletion Iron Carinae. 245 , .Mtu .K Vivas, K. A. Mateu, C. .V e al & Valle del V. M. 56 , .Htme al. et Hetem A. .K at tal. et Saito K. R. 269 , .F eMello, de F. D. .E eRossi, De E. M. rjc Towards Project 179 , .F Gonz´alez, F. R. 52 , 58 , 225 , UHRINDEX AUTHOR 306 , 221 , acn N. Falcon, as .M. D. Faes, Falceta-Gon¸calves, D. avu,S. Fauvaud, eii A. Fenili, zb S. Dzib, mro,J P J. Emerson, saat,V. Escalante, D. Dultzin, uti,D. Dultzin, saat,V. Escalante, uorn,C. Ducourant, suvl A. Esquivel, ua,S. Duffau, zb S. Dzib, yeaed,S. Eyheramendy, uti,D. Dultzin, uti,D. Dultzin, satraiet akMatter. Dark to alternative as Falceta-Gon¸calvesD. Morisset C. & nebulae. Costa, D. planetary D. R. bipolar of M. .Fuad .Tovmassian G. & Fauvaud, S. o h se Mission. Aster the for .F oe,L .Rd´ge,&R .Torres M. R. Rodr´ıguez, & F. L. Boden, F. A. Serpens. regions. perspectives. al. and et results first (VVV): oioigo lzr tSnPdoM´artir. Pedro San at al. Ben´ıtez et Blazars E. of Monitoring .Pcaa .Ehrmny .Borissova J. & Eyheramendy, Light S. Pichara, VVV K. of Curves. Classification Automated Towards er M´artir.Pedro Irgo htsronsG213.880 surrounds that region HI .Tier,C uorn,&C Bertout C. Lupus. & Ducourant, in C. Teixeira, Stars R. Sequence Pre-Main of .C aa .Col´ın P. & nuclear Raga, of C. A. clusters stellar young starburst. by driven galaxies Lebr´on181 M. & Lizano, Rodr´ıguez, S. Escalante, F. V. L. Neria, C. Rodr´ıguez-Rico, Garay, G´omez, A. G. Y. C. .Dffu & Duffau, S. Overdensity. Pisces the Way: .Liad .J idsesi .M Torres, M. R. Boden F. Mioduszewski, A. Rodr´ıguez, & F. J. L. Dzib, A. S. Loinard, L. 4DE1. Sulentic J. space & Marziani, parameters P. Ne- grete, A. Jim´enez-Bail´on, the Dultzin, E. D. Anguiano, in O. quasars for .J enadzIar,D uti,Y Krongold, Perea J. Y. & Olmo, Dultzin, Del A. D. Hern´andez-Ibarra, J. F. .Hr´ne,N avt .Hartmann L. & Calvet, Hern´andez, N. J. lae,R ihl .FxMcao .P Sareyan, P. J. Fox-Machado, L. Michel, R. Alvarez, ´ 221 , LAatoer fteAB trE 5in 95 EC star AeBe the of astrometry VLBA erIfae pcrmtrpoetdesign project Spectrometer Near-Infrared A h ol’ etdsac survey. distance Belt Gould’s The .Escalante V. oDwt isensCsooia Term Cosmological Einstein’s with MoND netgtn h usit fteMilky the of Outskirts the Investigating .Di,L onr,A .Mioduszewski, J. A. Loinard, L. Dzib, S. nue ula ciiyi aayPairs. Galaxy in Activity Nuclear Induced oaiercMntrn fBaasa San at Blazars of Monitoring Polarimetric Dvsaiaino vltoaydiagrams evolutionary of visualization 3D pcrsoyo LCm-observations. - Cam BL of Spectroscopy asadmtleeto ffiinyi disk in efficiency ejection metal and Mass .Ctln .Agln,I D´ek´any, I. Angeloni, R. Catelan, M. apn n oeigteproperties the modeling and Mapping ogTr pia Photopolarimetric Optical Long-Term .Ivezi´cZ. ˇ oeso xadn photodissociation expanding of Models .Rd´ge-ozae,A Esquivel, Rodr´ıguez-Gonz´alez, A. A. bevtoso h photodissociated the of Observations eemnto fKnmtcDistances Kinematic of Determination IT aibe nteV´ıa L´actea the in Variables VISTA .Sri tal. et Sorcia M. 44 , The 159 , 261 , 189 , 86 , .Htme al. et Hetem A. neselrTurbulence. Interstellar 58 , V Templates VVV 266 , 233 , .K ia,B Sesar, B. Vivas, K. A. 131 , .Falcon N. 42 , − .M Faes, M. D. 306 , 11.837. 205 , 272 , .K Saito K. R. 217 , 11 , .Galli, P. 269 , Project 231 , , © 2011: Instituto de Astronomía, UNAM - XIII Latin American Regional IAU Meeting Ed. W. J. Henney & S. Torres-Peimbert u .N. J. Fu, une-arr,I. Fuentes-Carrera, al,P. Galli, rerc,M M. M. Friedrich, o ahd,L. Machado, Fox o-ahd,L. Fox-Machado, oya D. Foryta, C. Firmani, C. Firmani, oks S. Folkes, N. Flores-Fajardo, H. Flores, iur ams R. Jaimes, Figuera R. C. Fierro, iurs F. Figueras, oks .L. S. Folkes, Figuerˆedo, E. F. Figueras, .N u .Zurita C. & Fu, N. J. 60Tauri. V650 LIRGs. .Tier,C uorn,&C Bertout C. Lupus. & Ducourant, in C. Teixeira, Stars R. Sequence Pre-Main .M rerc,G elm,M .Alvarez, A. M. Iliev Mellema, T. I. G. & Shapiro, R. Friedrich, P. Reionization. M. Cosmic of M. Topology the of Measure M. Tauri. V650 star vations. .P aea,S avu,&G Tovmassian G. & Fauvaud, S. Sareyan, P. J. galaxies. einfrteAtrMission. Aster the for design Col´ın & P. Firmani, C. Avila-Reese, Rodr´ıguez-Puebla, V. A. lses ecr3,6 n 70. and 69 35, Mercer clusters: & Stasi´nska, G. work. Morisset, at Binette L. C. stars Flores-Fajardo, evolved low-mass N. & Hot Flores, galaxies: H. Puech, M. Yang, B. Rodrigues M. Y. Hammer, 6Gyr. F. past the over Sequence .M rmc,&S Giridhar S. & Bramich, M. and D. parameters physical astrometry. population, stars Variable .Pibr,L eriv .Mrse,&A Arrieta A. & Morisset, 167 C. Georgiev, L. Peimbert, stars. central A. its and nebula planetary .Fgea,T noa .Valenzuela O. & Antoja, T. Figueras, F. simulations. pnClusters. Open 284 einfrteAtrMission. Aster the for design Valen- O. Pichardo Figueras, B. F. & Antoja, zuela, T. Athanassoula, E. manifolds. invariant using Way lae,J .F,&C Zurita C. & Fu, N. J. Alvarez, ´ 84 , .FetsCreae al. et Fuentes-Carrera I. eemnto fKnmtcDsacsof Distances Kinematic of Determination seoesooyo h et ct star Scuti Delta the of Asteroseismology 118 , V td fteyugMlyWystar Way Milky young the of study VVV .AiaRee&C Firmani C. & Avila-Reese V. M. h vlto fteOsre Hubble Observed the of Evolution The edn h oa ikglx population. galaxy disk local the Seeding erIfae pcrmtrproject Spectrometer Near-Infrared A h akadselrms sebyof assembly mass stellar and dark The oeln h ne at fteMilky the of parts inner the Modelling 52 , V one erhfrNwGalactic New for Search Pointed VVV .FxMcao .Mce,M. Michel, R. Machado, Fox L. ieai tutrsi aatcdisc galactic in structures Kinematic .FgeaJie,A rlaoFerro, Arellano A. Jaimes, Figuera R. erIfae pcrmtrproject Spectrometer Near-Infrared A lae,R ihl .Fox-Machado, L. Michel, R. Alvarez, G 86 nfidsuyo the of study unified a 6826: NGC .Rc-`bea .Romero-G´omez, Roca-F`abrega, M. S. ´ .Brsoae al. et Borissova J. seoesooyo h et Scuti Delta the of Asteroseismology pcrsoyo LCm-obser- - Cam BL of Spectroscopy h ue hrceitca a as Characteristic Euler The h lblrCutrNC6981: NGC Cluster Globular The oiaino h iuegsin gas diffuse the of Ionization 92 , trfraini unperturbed in formation Star 237 , .FxMcao .Michel, R. Machado, Fox L. 13 , 235 , .Htme al. et Hetem A. .Htme al. et Hetem A. .Delgado-Serrano, R. .Romero-Gomez, M. 119 , 237 , .P˜aoae al. Pe˜naloza et F. 267 , .R Fierro, R. C. 27 , 130 , 272 , .Galli, P. Alvarez, 266 , ´ UHRINDEX AUTHOR 306 , 306 , , , ese,D. Geisler, eriv L. Georgiev, eriv L. Georgiev, ese,D. Geisler, Galv´an-Madrid, R. Galv´an-Madrid, R. Galv´an-Madrid, R. Garc´ıa-Rojas, J. Gazta˜naga, E. Garc´ıa-Rojas, J. T. G¨ansicke, B. acı -art,J A. Garc´ıa-Barreto, J. ¨ nik,B T. G¨ansicke, B. aa,G. Garay, aa,G. Garay, Garc´ıa, G. lses ecr3,6 n 70. and 69 35, Mercer clusters: safnto fredshift. of function a as 284 nebulae? .Pibr,L eriv .Mrse,&A Arrieta A. & Morisset, 167 C. Georgiev, L. Peimbert, stars. central A. its and nebula planetary Torrelles, M. J. Mart´ı, D’Alessio J. P. Galv´an-Madrid, Anglada, & R. G. Osorio, M. jet. pnClusters. Open Ho P. T. Rodr´ıguez, P. F. & L. 239 Keto, R. Galaxy. E. Zhang, the Q. in Stars Massive .P˜a .T Ruiz nucleus. T. M. [WC] Pe˜na, & M. a with nebulae utosue aaisadisipc nSun- Gazta˜naga on E. & Wilson, W. impact G. studies. Hughes, Sanchez-Arg¨uelles, H. O. D. D. its Zel’dovich and yaev galaxies dust-obscured Klessen S. R. Re- & Banerjee, R. II Low, Mac H M.-M. Hypercompact and gions. Ultracompact lated .Rd´ge,J acı-oa,M en,& Pe˜na, M. Garc´ıa-Rojas, Ruiz T. J. M. Rodr´ıguez, Cloud. M. Magellanic Large the of aais(B nteNab nvre 0 Universe, Nearby the in (SB) Galaxies .S og .T ¨nik,&C Tappert C. G¨ansicke, & T. B. Long, S. K. quiescence. .T ¨nik,L cmdorik .R Schreiber 289 R. M. & G¨ansicke, Schmidtobreick, T. L. B. binaries. post-common-envelope .A orıuzRc,G aa,L .Rodr´ıguez, & S´anchez-Monge F. A. L. Com- Garay, Rodr´ıguez-Rico, G. GGD14 A. C. the in plex. Region Photodissociated the Irgo htsronsG213.880 surrounds that region HI .Loe-rz .Shse,&G Garc´ıa G. Stars. & G Schuster, L´opez-Cruz, and W. O. F A, of Classification Lebr´on181 M. & Lizano, Rodr´ıguez, S. Escalante, F. V. L. Neria, C. Rodr´ıguez-Rico, Garay, G´omez, A. G. Y. C. ´ .Gl´nMdi,T ees .R Keto, R. E. Peters, Galv´an-Madrid, T. R. .Crac-ozae,L .Rodr´ıguez, F. L. Carrasco-Gonz´alez, C. .Goge,C oist .Zsarg´o J. & Morisset, C. Georgiev, L. 165 , V td fteyugMlyWystar Way Milky young the of study VVV V one erhfrNwGalactic New for Search Pointed VVV bevtoso h photodissociated the of Observations H110 .P rv˜oMrls .G´omez, Y. Trevi˜no-Morales, P. S. a tla oainsaeteplanetary the shape rotation stellar Can h hsclBsso h Spectral the of Basis Physical The G 86 nfidsuyo the of study unified a 6826: NGC .Shitbec,P Rodr´ıguez-Gil, P. Schmidtobreick, L. 19 , h nua oe pcrmof spectrum power angular The .Brsoae al. et Borissova J. α h tutr fB oau in Doradus BB of structure The rnDpeini oie Nebulae Ionized in Depletion Iron 297 , an msinlnsi planetary in lines emission Faint n C110 and nteFraino h Most the of Formation the On e eut nteH 80-81 HH the on results New ieVraiiyi Simu- in Variability Time crto ndetached in Accretion 169 , rcino togBarred Strong of Fraction .A Garc´ıa-Barreto A. J. α .Delgado-Inglada, G. .Galv´an-Madrid,R. .A Monta˜na, A. A. .P˜aoae al. Pe˜naloza et F. 229 , msintoward Emission 267 , .Garc´ıa-Rojas,J. .DleMese, Dalle G. − .Tappert, C. .R Fierro, R. C. 11.837. ≤ 271 , 288 , z ≤ 273 , 0 120 , 203 , . 066, 325 , , , , , © 2011: Instituto de Astronomía, UNAM - XIII Latin American Regional IAU Meeting Ed. W. J. Henney & S. Torres-Peimbert iad T. Girard, S. Gil, E. Giacani, 326 ioa R. Girola, S. Giridhar, obs,T I. T. Gombosi, ´ mz .C. G´omez, G. ´ mz .F. G´omez, J. G´omez, Y. G´omez, Y. G´omez, Y. G´omez-Gonz´alez, A. M. V. G´omez, Y. oza e,M M. Gonz´alez, M. M. Gonz´alez, M. Gonz´alez, I. oza e,J J. Gonz´alez, J. .F iad,M .Cnrrs .Aaa .Gil S. & Ayala, S. Contreras, E. 191 M. Miranda, F. L. 6058. NGC Giacani E. G24.7+0.6. Remnant lusuigSMmaterial. SPM using Clouds .Giridhar Bramich, S. M. D. & Ferro, Arellano A. Jaimes, Figuera astrometry.R. and parameters physical population, stars .Ohr .JtnoPria .I Gombosi I. T. & Jatenco-Pereira, V. Opher, M. Stars. Tauri T Weak-Lined of spheres Santos changes. M. paradigmatic & Girola through R. Astronomy of ubrt of outbursts .Cn´,P .Vlaqe,&E el Fuente la de Raga, E. Vel´azquez, C. & F. A. Cant´o, Pino, P. J. Dal Gouveia de G´omez, M. C. E. G. .A orıuzRc,G aa,L .Rodr´ıguez, & S´anchez-Monge F. A. L. Com- Garay, Rodr´ıguez-Rico, G. GGD14 A. C. the in plex. Region Photodissociated the fteutaopc I einG78.4+2.6. Rodr´ıguez region F. L. G´omez, HII & Y. Neria, ultracompact C. the G´omezof F. J. Su´arez, & O. Miranda, 197 F. L. rrero, observations candidates. Near-IR IRAS II. of nebulae planetary and stars Irgo htsronsG213.880 surrounds that region HI .F orıuz .Eclne .Lzn,&M Lebr´on181 M. & Lizano, Rodr´ıguez, S. Escalante, F. V. L. Neria, C. Rodr´ıguez-Rico, Garay, G´omez, A. G. Y. C. .Goe,&C Morisset C. G´omez, & Y. 418. IC Nebula ercMntrn fBaasa a er M´artir. Pedro San at Blazars of & Monitoring metric Ramirez, L. MeV. J. Gonz´alez, to M. Kaneko M. KeV Y. Sacahui, from R. energies J. in spectrum hard .M .G´omez-Gonz´alez A. M. V. Matlab. & in Images Astronomical of a er M´artir. Pedro San .MrnhlBsro .J Gonz´alez J. J. & Moranchel-Basurto, A. galaxies. spiral ´ ieaia td ftepaeaynebula planetary the of study Kinematical 157 , 194 , rprmto td fteMagellanic the of study motion Proper h lblrCutrNC68:Variable 6981: NGC Cluster Globular The opc ai ore ntevicinity the in sources radio Compact .P rv˜oMrls .G´omez, Y. Trevi˜no-Morales, P. S. iatcpooa ntelearning the in proposal didactic A trFrainAon h Supernova the Around Formation Star η xaso aalxo h Planetary the of Parallax Expansion erhn o evl bcrdpost-AGB obscured heavily for Searching bevtoso h photodissociated the of Observations H110 oaiercMntrn fBaasat Blazars of Monitoring Polarimetric 235 , .F ul´n .Vaqe,S Zavala, V´azquez, S. Guill´en, R. F. P. Carinae. ueia oesfrte1t century 19th the for models Numerical DSmltoso itdMagneto- Tilted of Simulations 3D α hmclaudne fdwarf of abundances Chemical 297 , .Guzm´an-Ram´ırez, Loinard, L. L. ogTr pia Photopolari- Optical Long-Term R 893 us iha with burst a 980923, GRB .Sri tal. et Sorcia M. n C110 and .RmsLro,M .Gue- A. M. Ramos-Larios, G. 315 , .F ozae,A .Villa, M. Gonz´alez, A. F. R. 241 , .Ptila .Prn & Paron, S. Petriella, A. .M Hidalgo-G´amez, M. A. 122 , opooia Filtering Morphological .Ver tal. et Vieira K. α msintoward Emission 131 , .Ibarra-Medel E. − .A Vidotto, A. A. 281 , 11.837. 60 , 190 , 106 , UHRINDEX AUTHOR 133 , , , , oza e,M M. Gonz´alez, M. oza e-oae,A X. Gonz´alez-Morales, A. F. Gonz´alez, R. Gonz´alez-L´opezlira, A. R. Gonz´alez, R.F. oza e,M M. Gonz´alez, M. rso M. Grosso, rgroHtm J. Gregorio-Hetem, uemt,R. Gutermuth, Guill´en, F. P. Guti´errez, L. ureo .A. M. Guerrero, amr F. Hammer, G´uzman-Ram´ırez, L. atan L. Hartmann, ureo .A. C. Guerrero, .Cn´,P .Vlaqe,&E el Fuente la de Raga, E. Vel´azquez, C. & F. A. Cant´o, Pino, P. J. Dal Gouveia de G´omez, M. C. E. G. tSnPdoM´artir. Pedro San at .Bnıe tal. Ben´ıtez et E. .Buul .Mgi,R .Gonz´alez-L´opezlira, A. & R. Rosado M. Magris, G. Bruzual, environments. G. dust in .F ozae,J ato .A P´erez-Torres, & A. M. Cant´o, Alberdi A. J. Gonz´alez, F. Binaries. Wind R. Colliding in Shocks tive ubrt of outbursts Collaboration HAWC.Observatory, yeSaswt e eemnto of Determination New with Stars Type ao R1. Major Aguilar matter L. dark & to constraint a properties. as scales sub-galactic at .Gtruh .Stauffer J. Muzerolle, & J. Gutermuth, Vivas, R. K. Brice˜no, A. C. Hartmann, L. regions. stellar young .A ureo .H en,&J .Sareyan 1778. P. J. NGC Pe˜na, & and H. J. 1647 Guerrero, NGC A. Clusters C. Open the of .Zvl,L .Mrna .E otea,S Ayala, S. Contreras, Gil E. M. S. Miranda, & F. L. Zavala, S. 6058. NGC nebula .Liad .Goe,&C Morisset C. G´omez, & Y. 418. Loinard, L. IC Nebula density.Planetary electron mean Beckman E. the J. Guti´errez & of L. Behavior 4449. .A ureo .F iad,O uae,& Su´arez, O. Miranda, F. L. G´omez F. Guerrero, J. A. Near-IR II. M. candidates. nebulae IRAS planetary of observations and stars post-AGB .Hme,Y .Yn,M uc,H lrs & Flores, H. Puech, M. Yang, B. Rodrigues M. Y. Hammer, 6Gyr. F. past the over Sequence .Gtruh .Stauffer J. Muzerolle, & J. Gutermuth, Vivas, R. K. Brice˜no, A. C. Hartmann, L. regions. stellar young .Gos .Levato H. & Grosso M. 191 , 247 , 70 , ttsia td fAilRtto nA in Rotation Axial of Study Statistical 197 , .Geoi-ee .Montmerle T. & Gregorio-Hetem J. η 15 , .X ozae-oae,O Valenzuela, Gonz´alez-Morales, O. X. A. 52 , 141 , h vlto fteOsre Hubble Observed the of Evolution The Carinae. h I ein fM1adNGC and M51 of regions HII The ueia oesfrte1t century 19th the for models Numerical ieaia td fteplanetary the of study Kinematical 44 , esso rtpaeaydssin disks protoplanetary of Census hra ai msinfo Radia- from Emission Radio Thermal esso rtpaeaydssin disks protoplanetary of Census uvby oaiercMntrn fBlazars of Monitoring Polarimetric h ihAttd am Ray Gamma Altitude High The erhn o evl obscured heavily for Searching iigo tla lsesi Canis in clusters stellar of Mixing − .M ozae o h HAWC Gonz´alez the M. for M. 275 , .Sri tal. et Sorcia M. .F ul´n .V´azquez, R. Guill´en, F. P. xaso aalxo the of Parallax Expansion .F ozae,A .Villa, M. Gonz´alez, A. F. R. β .Hradz .Calvet, N. Hernandez, J. .Hradz .Calvet, N. Hernandez, J. h aspwrspectrum power mass The hteeti Photometry Photoelectric .E Mart´ınez-Garc´ıa, E. E. 243 , 243 , 192 , ihrdhf objects High-redshift .Guzm´an-Ram´ırez,L. .Delgado-Serrano, R. .Ramos-Larios, G. 241 , 131 , .Montes, G. v sin 190 , 276 , i . 274 , © 2011: Instituto de Astronomía, UNAM - XIII Latin American Regional IAU Meeting Ed. W. J. Henney & S. Torres-Peimbert ena dzIar,F J. Hern´andez-Ibarra, F. Hern´andez-Mart´ınez, L. Hern´andez-L´opez, I. Hern´andez-G´omez, A. Hern´andez-Mart´ınez, L. eny .J. W. Henney, J. Heidt, J. Heidt, Hern´andez- epl M. Hempel, Hern´andez, F. M. Hempel, ena dz .C. Hern´andez, F. enne,J. Hernandez, Hern´andez, J. L. Hartmann, Hern´andez, J. .Kogl,A e lo .Perea J. & Olmo, Del A. Krongold, Y. Pairs. Galaxy in .P˜a .Hern´andez-Mart´ınez L. Pe˜na, & M. PNLF. The 300: .Moreno E. effects. & X-Ray Hern´andez-G´omez,A. Ju´arez, Systems: Koenigsberger, A. G. J. Binary Asynchronous .Hr´ne-atıe,L aii .P˜a & Pe˜na, M. Peimbert M. Carigi, Hern´andez-Mart´ınez, 6822. L. NGC for L. models evolution chemical in straints .Rcla,R ´jc-acı,&E Athanassoula M´ujica-Garc´ıa, E. 121 R. & Recillas, COSMOS. E. from galaxies .B Hern´andez- in Stars B. Solar-like J. of M67. Parameters Atmospheric M´artir.Pedro M´artir. Pedro al. San et at Blazars of itoring .Chavushyan V. .Crg,F enadz .Vel´azquez H. Hern´andez, Valenzuela, & F. O. Brown, Carigi, A. L. Aguilar, L. Bruzual, Method. G. GC3 teu, Modified a with Halo Galactic Torres-Peimbert S. Clusters. Open perspectives. al. and et results first (VVV): i oe htIcue iayInteraction. Binary Bruzual Includes G. Hern´andez & C. that F. Model sis .Gtruh .Stauffer J. Muzerolle, & J. Gutermuth, Vivas, R. K. Brice˜no, A. C. Hartmann, L. regions. stellar young .K ia,J enadz .Calvet N. Hern´andez, & J. Vivas, K. A. OB1. Hartmann L. & dispersed Calvet, Hern´andez, Orion N. J. the through populations. viewed dwarfs brown .Hr´ne,N avt .Hartmann L. & dispersed Calvet, Hern´andez, Orion N. J. the through populations. viewed dwarfs brown 44 , 221 , .C´vz .TpaShao,E Bertone, E. Tapia-Schiavon, Ch´avez, C. M. ogTr pia htplrmti Mon- Photopolarimetric Optical Long-Term oaiercMntrn fBaasa San at Blazars of Monitoring Polarimetric gia .B. J. Aguila, ´ .Bien,C ae,J .Downes, J. J. Mateu, C. Brice˜no, C. 171 , 278 , V one erhfrNwGalactic New for Search Pointed VVV IT aibe nteVı L´actea V´ıa the in Variables VISTA 114 , h omto n al vlto of evolution early and formation The .J ons .Bien,C Mateu, Brice˜no, C. C. Downes, J. J. .J ons .Bien,C Mateu, Brice˜no, C. C. Downes, J. J. h omto n al vlto of evolution early and formation The h IAVSASre nOrion in Survey CIDA-VISTA The .Sri tal. et Sorcia M. esso rtpaeaydssin disks protoplanetary of Census eetn tla tem nthe in Streams Stellar Detecting .Brsoae al. et Borissova J. Preface. .J Hern´andez-Ibarra, Dultzin, J. D. F. xv , .RysPee,M P´erez-Guill´en, Reyes-P´erez, M. J. tla ouainSynthe- Population Stellar A gia .R ade,& Vald´es, R. J. Aguila, ´ rpriso asi spiral in bars of Properties nlsso ia ocsin Forces Tidal of Analysis lntr eua nNGC in Nebulae Planetary .Hradz .Calvet, N. Hernandez, J. N sosrainlcon- observational as PNe nue ula Activity Nuclear Induced ieDphIdcsand Indices Line-Depth 243 , 277 , 131 , .Hern´andez-L´opez,I. .J eny& Henney J. W. 267 , 200 , 58 , 225 , 280 , .K Saito K. R. 217 , 217 , .Ben´ıtezE. .Ma- C. UHRINDEX AUTHOR , iir,D. Hiriart, D. Hiriart, uhs .P. J. Hughes, P. T. P. Ho, Ib´a˜nez, H. M. H. D. Hughes, H. D. Hughes, M. E. Huerta, uhs .H. D. Hughes, braMdl E. Ibarra-Medel, braMdl .J. H. Ibarra-Medel, le,I T. I. Iliev, iag-´mz .M. Hidalgo-G´amez, A. ee,A. Hetem, Herrera-Mart´ınez, G. err,G. Herrera, Hern´andez-Toledo, M. H. oioigo lzr tSnPdoM´artir. Pedro San at al. Ben´ıtez et Blazars E. of Monitoring er M´artir.Pedro 1006. Ho P. T. P. Rodr´ıguez, & F. L. Keto, R. E. Galaxy. the in Stars yBl icst ispto fSudWaves. Sound Conde of Ib´a˜nez M. H. S. Dissipation M. & Viscosity Bulk by 201 Sun- Gazta˜naga on E. & Wilson, W. impact G. studies. Hughes, Sanchez-Arg¨uelles, H. O. D. D. its Zel’dovich and yaev galaxies dust-obscured Wilson G. & millimetre-wavelength observations. using protoclusters in galaxies time. Jim´enez-Bail´on E. in & Krongold, variability Y. Huerta, X-ray M. with E. relation their .M .G´omez-Gonz´alez A. Matlab. M. in V. Images nomical & Scott, S. K. Wilson, G. Team Hughes, AzTEC/ASTE H. D. Aretxaga, drop-outs. I. submillimetre through .J braMdl&O L´opez-Cruz O. & Ibarra-Medel J. M/L. H. Systems: Galaxy and Galaxies for Plane mental .M rerc,G elm,M .Alvarez, A. M. Iliev Mellema, Reionization. T. I. G. & Cosmic Shapiro, R. Friedrich, of P. M. Topology M. the of Gonz´alez J. J. & Moranchel-Basurto, galaxies. A. spiral dwarf einfrteAtrMission. Aster the for design .HreaMr´nz .Ln,L arso & Carrasco, L. Luna, Shcherbakov A. A. Herrera-Mart´ınez, astronomy. G. radio for spectrometer acousto-optical .J ´nhz .Hrea .Nigoche-Netro A. & Herrera, S´anchez, G. J. L. zuela Valen- Hern´andez-Toledo, O. Galaxies. M. Maga˜na, & H. M. of A. Pairs and 78 , .M ens,J .Hge,&D .Moffett A. D. & Hughes, P. J. Reynoso, M. E. oaiercMntrn fBaasa San at Blazars of Monitoring Polarimetric h ue hrceitca Measure a as Characteristic Euler The erIfae pcrmtrproject Spectrometer Near-Infrared A 108 , C htmtyo M15. of Photometry CCD ogTr pia Photopolarimetric Optical Long-Term nteFraino h otMassive Most the of Formation the On .Zblo,D .Hge,I Aretxaga, I. Hughes, H. D. Zeballos, M. esrn h antcfil nSN in field magnetic the Measuring 305 , 19 , .Sri tal. et Sorcia M. 44 , etn faRcmiigPlasma Recombining a of Heating tdigtepoete fmassive of properties the Studying G 56 pcrlfaue and features Spectral 3516: NGC h nua oe pcrmof spectrum power angular The dnicto fhg- galaxies high-z of Identification opooia itrn fAstro- of Filtering Morphological 110 , h nvraiyo h Funda- the of Universality The .Gl´nMdi,Q Zhang, Galv´an-Madrid, Q. R. etn h rg elo an of cell Bragg the Testing 122 , hmclaudne of abundances Chemical 13 , a eeto nIsolated in detection Bar .M Hidalgo-G´amez, M. A. 188 , .M´endez-Hern´andez,H. .Htme al. et Hetem A. 131 , .Iar-ee & Ibarra-Medel E. .A Monta˜na, A. A. 64 , 60 , .Aguilar, E. .Ruelas, A. 239 , 306 , 287 , 327 62 , , © 2011: Instituto de Astronomía, UNAM - XIII Latin American Regional IAU Meeting Ed. W. J. Henney & S. Torres-Peimbert Ju´arez, Y. eo .R. E. Keto, Y. Kaneko, vnv .D. V. Ivanov, M. J. Islas-Islas, M. J. Islas-Islas, M. J. Islas-Islas, 328 Jim´enez-Bail´on, E, Y. Jim´enez, M. Ivezi´c, D. V. Ivanov, eaua,S. Jeyakumar, V. Jatenco-Pereira, Jim´enez-Bail´on, E. ua e,J A. Ju´arez, J. vnv V. Ivanov, .Muia .Cruz-Gonz´alez I. M´ujica, & AGN. R. in SFR and features, .R eo .F orıuz .T .Ho P. T. P. Rodr´ıguez, & F. L. Keto, R. E. Galaxy. the in & Stars Ramirez, MeV. L. to J. Gonz´alez, M. KeV Kaneko M. Y. from Sacahui, R. energies J. in spectrum .Adrah .M sa-sa,&D .Neri-Larios M. D. & 127 Islas-Islas, M. J. Andernach, H. galax- SDSS of sample ies. large a for & environment and ogy Ortega-Minakata, A. R. Neri-Larios Islas-Islas, M. M. D. J. SDSS. ziol, in dates .Dffu & Duffau, S. Overdensity. Pisces the Way: rt,P azai .Sulentic J. & Marziani, P. Ne- grete, A. Jim´enez-Bail´on, Dultzin, E. 4DE1. space D. Anguiano, parameters O. the in quasars for diagrams Jim´enez Y. M. ware. a trcutr:Mre 5 9ad70. and 69 35, Mercer al. Pe˜naloza clusters: et F. star Way Mason, E. Selman, F. Pietrzynski Melo, G. C. & Naef, D. Minniti, D. planets. extrasolar & Islas-Islas, M. Ortega-Minakata J. A. Coziol, R. R. Torres-Papaqui, P. J. AGNs. Low-Luminosity .Coziol R. & 0507+164. H & galaxy Jatenco-Pereira, 1.5 V. Opher, Stars. Gombosi M. Tauri I. T. Vidotto, T A. Weak-Lined A. of netospheres hi eainwt -a aiblt ntime. Jim´enez-Bail´on E. in & Krongold, variability Y. Huerta, X-ray M. with E. relation their .A uae,G ongbre,&E Moreno E. & Koenigsberger, Ju´arez, G. A. J. effects. Systems:X-Ray Binary pnClusters. Open Z. ˇ ..Otg-iaaa .P Torres-Papaqui, P. J. Ortega-Minakata, R.A. .Og´n .Vaqe,M .Cnrrs & Contreras, E. V´azquez, M. Olgu´ın, R. L. netgtn h usit fteMilky the of Outskirts the Investigating 157 , I n adXrylmnste,silicate luminosities, X-ray hard and MIR 123 , V one erhfrNwGalactic New for Search Pointed VVV nteFraino h otMassive Most the of Formation the On nlsso ia ocsi Asynchronous in Forces Tidal of Analysis .Ivezi´cZ. R 893 us ihahard a with burst a 980923, GRB ˇ 133 , 193 , eebrto apn fteSeyfert the of mapping Reverberation ihcdneNRosrain of observations NIR cadence High V td fteyugMilky young the of study VVV 291 , .Brsoae al. et Borissova J. eainbtenatvt,morphol- activity, between Relation 284 , ne:anblraayi soft- analysis nebular a Anneb: 100 , o uioiyANcandi- AGN Luminosity Low G 56 pcrlfaue and features Spectral 3516: NGC Dvsaiaino evolutionary of visualization 3D .P orsPpqi .Co- R. Torres-Papaqui, P. J. h eeto fextreme of detection The DSmltoso itdMag- Tilted of Simulations 3D 261 , .Gl´nMdi,Q Zhang, Galv´an-Madrid, Q. R. 80 , .Ccrs .D Ivanov, D. V. Caceres, C. .Jykmr .S Stalin, S. C. Jeyakumar, S. .J´rz .Maiolino, Ju´arez, R. Y. 124 , .K ia,B Sesar, B. Vivas, K. A. .Hern´andez-G´omez,A. .M Neri-Larios, M. D. 42 , 267 , 239 , 278 , UHRINDEX AUTHOR 62 , , oig N. Koning, ocai,V. Korchagin, ongbre,G. Koenigsberger, S. R. Klessen, R. E. Keto, ese,J S. J. Leisner, rmr M. Kramer, ao,C e P. del C. Lagos, F. Lagan´a, T. Lebr´on, M. e,W H. W. Lee, utv R. Kurtev, rnod Y. Krongold, aen,I Lacerna, rnod Y. Krongold, rua P. Kroupa, utv R. Kurtev, .Moreno E. effects. & X-Ray Hern´andez-G´omez,A. Ju´arez, Systems: Koenigsberger, A. G. J. Binary Asynchronous .Tmy,&N Koning N. technique. & Tamayo, analysis F. kinematic new lusuigSMmaterial. SPM using Clouds .M a o,R aeje .S Klessen Keto, S. R. R. & E. Banerjee, R. Peters, Low, 273 Regions. Mac T. M.-M. II Galv´an-Madrid, H Klessen Keto, R. Hypercompact S. and R. R. tracompact & E. Banerjee, R. Peters, Regions. Low, 273 Mac II T. M.-M. Galv´an-Madrid, H Hypercompact R. and compact .Loe-adva C. L´opez-Valdivia, R. e,R .Wlo,M .Duhry & Dougherty, K. Leis- M. S. J. Wilson, Russell, J. P´erez-Enr´ıquez T. R. R. H. C. ner, Blanco-Cano, X. Saturn. of Plasma tospheric .dlP ao,N .Pdla .A oa & Cora, A. S. Padilla, D. N. Lagos, Tecce E. P. T. del High- C. Observed Sources. To ter Picture LCDM Andrade-Santos F. gas. acluster Irgo htsronsG213.880 surrounds that region HI oaigPolytropes. Rotating Lebr´on181 M. & Lizano, Rodr´ıguez, S. Escalante, F. V. L. Neria, C. Rodr´ıguez-Rico, Garay, G´omez, A. G. Y. C. lses ecr3,6 n 70. and 69 35, Mercer clusters: Kramer M. & Lorimer, D. .Kogl,A e lo .Perea J. & Olmo, Del A. Krongold, Y. Pairs. 284 cosmology. hi eainwt -a aiblt ntime. Jim´enez-Bail´on E. in & Krongold, variability Y. Huerta, X-ray M. with E. relation their ihu akMatter. Dark without pnClusters. Open 21 , V td fteyugMlyWystar Way Milky young the of study VVV sebyBa:cusfo ΛCDM a from clues Bias: Assembly V one erhfrNwGalactic New for Search Pointed VVV .J enadzIar,D Dultzin, D. Hern´andez-Ibarra, J. F. irpino wr aelt Galaxies Satellite Dwarf of Disruption DClas n crto nSlowly in Accretion and Collapse 3D .Lcra&N Padilla N. & Lacerna I. 278 , rs-rs apn D3 69 a 3639: BD+30 mapping Criss-cross bu usr yaia evolution. dynamical pulsars About ieVraiiyi iuae Ultra- Simulated in Variability Time bevtoso h photodissociated the of Observations ae n ntblte nteMagne- the in Instabilities and Waves rprmto td fteMagellanic the of study motion Proper nue ula ciiyi Galaxy in Activity Nuclear Induced prlamsbtutrsi h intr- the in substructures Spiral-arm .B iaNt,T .Lagan´a, & F. T. Neto, Lima B. G. G 56 pcrlfaue and features Spectral 3516: NGC ieVraiiyi iuae Ul- Simulated in Variability Time .Brsoae al. et Borissova J. aibeIFSoeT i The Fit To Slope IMF Variable A .M unz .P Navarrete, P. F. Mu˜noz, M. A. 125 , 295 , nlsso ia ocsin Forces Tidal of Analysis .Bta&W .Lee H. W. & Batta A. .A aa .Kroupa P. & Casas A. R. lae,E el Fuente, la de E. Alvarez, ´ 202 , 279 , .Rodr´ıguez-Mart´ınez,M. .Ver tal. et Vieira K. .P˜aoae al. Pe˜naloza et F. 267 , 17 , z − 58 , 11.837. Submillime- .Steffen, W. 155 , 106 , 62 , 48 , , , , , © 2011: Instituto de Astronomía, UNAM - XIII Latin American Regional IAU Meeting Ed. W. J. Henney & S. Torres-Peimbert eao H. Levato, og .S. K. Long, L´opez-Cruz, O. L´opez-Valdivia, R. L´opez, C. ua,P. Lucas, iaNt,G B. G. Neto, Lima ´ pz .M. L´opez, J. oie,D. Lorimer, iao S. Lizano, A. Lipovka, M. Limousin, onr,L. Loinard, ´ pz .M. L´opez, J. ua,P W. P. Lucas, onr,L. Loinard, onr,L. Loinard, od˜ o .P.Londo˜no, S. L´opez-Cruz, O. yeSaswt e eemnto of Determination New with Stars Type .S og .T ¨nik,&C Tappert C. G¨ansicke, & T. B. Long, S. K. escence. ln o aaisadGlx ytm:M/L. L´opez-Cruz Systems: O. & Galaxy Ibarra-Medel J. and H. Galaxies for Plane lusuigSMmaterial. SPM using Clouds .Lrmr .Kramer M. & Lorimer, D. tion. .Lrmr .Kramer M. & Lorimer, D. lses ecr3,6 n 70. and 69 35, Mercer clusters: .Loe-adva C. L´opez-Valdivia, R. Irgo htsronsG213.880 surrounds that region HI Lipovka Field. A. Magnetic Primordial a of Cabanac, R. Limousin, Richard Mu˜noz, M. J. P. & R. J02140-0535. Motta, SL2S V. in dynamics Andrade-Santos F. gas. intracluster .Goe,&C Morisset C. G´omez, & Y. 418. IC Nebula Lebr´on181 M. & Lizano, Rodr´ıguez, S. Escalante, F. V. L. Neria, C. Rodr´ıguez-Rico, Garay, G´omez, A. G. Y. C. a er M´artir. Pedro M´artir.San Pedro San at al. Ben´ıtez et Blazars E. of Monitoring VV:fis eut n perspectives. al. and et results first (VVV): 284 .F orıuz .F Boden F. A. Rodr´ıguez, Dzib, S. & F. Torres, M. L. R. Mioduszewski, J. A. Loinard, L. .Gos .Levato H. & Grosso M. .F oe,L .Rd´ge,&R .Torres M. R. Rodr´ıguez, & F. L. Boden, F. A. Serpens. in yDffrnilIae oioigMovement. Pinz´on G. Londo˜no Monitoring & P. S. Images Differential by .Loe-rz .Shse,&G Garc´ıa G. Stars. & G Schuster, L´opez-Cruz, and W. O. F A, of Classification 221 , .L´opez-Valdivia,R. C. V td fteyugMlyWystar Way Milky young the of study VVV 25 , rprmto td fteMagellanic the of study motion Proper ttsia td fAilRtto nA in Rotation Axial of Study Statistical LAatoer fteAB trE 95 EC star AeBe the of astrometry VLBA is tr omto ihtePresence the with Formation Stars First bevtoso h photodissociated the of Observations h ol’ etdsac survey. distance Belt Gould’s The 104 , .Di,L onr,A .Mioduszewski, J. A. Loinard, L. Dzib, S. h tutr fB oau nqui- in Doradus BB of structure The bu usr yaia evolution. dynamical pulsars About xaso aalxo h Planetary the of Parallax Expansion .Shitbec,P Rodr´ıguez-Gil, P. Schmidtobreick, L. oaiercMntrn fBaasat Blazars of Monitoring Polarimetric ogTr pia Photopolarimetric Optical Long-Term IT aibe nteVı L´actea V´ıa the in Variables VISTA toglnig eklnig and lensing, weak lensing, Strong 44 , h nvraiyo h Fundamental the of Universality The esrmn fsen nBogot´a in seeing of Measurement h hsclBsso h Spectral the of Basis Physical The .B iaNt,T .Lagan´a, & F. T. Neto, Lima B. G. 125 , .Guzm´an-Ram´ırez, Loinard, L. L. prlamsbtutrsi the in substructures Spiral-arm .Sri tal. et Sorcia M. bu usr yaia evolu- dynamical pulsars About 275 , lae,E el Fuente, la de E. Alvarez, ´ 241 , 279 , 279 , 307 , lae,E el Fuente, la de E. Alvarez, ´ .Ver tal. et Vieira K. 205 , .P˜aoae al. Pe˜naloza et F. .N´u˜nez-L´opezR. & 131 , 64 , .DleMese, Dalle G. − .Verdugo, T. 11.837. .K Saito K. R. 271 , 288 , v sin 106 , UHRINDEX AUTHOR 231 , i . , , acn,G. Marconi, aan ,A M. Maga˜na, A. Mart´ı, J. Mart´ı, J. acnUhd,M M. M. Marcon-Uchida, ars G. Magris, G. C., Magris atı ,M C. Mart´ın, M. aoio R. Maiolino, aps,A. Mampaso, ua A. Luna, atı e,C A. Mart´ınez, C. a o,M.-M. Low, Mac A. Luna, A. Luna, aer,F. Madeira, .Baala .Ts,&G Marconi G. & Tosi, M. Bragaglia, Evolution. A. Chemical Cluster .D .Csa .M acnUhd,&F Mat- F. & Marcon-Uchida, M33. M. and M. M31 Costa, Way, teucci D. Milky D. the R. disks: spiral for .Mmao h PA collaboration IPHAS the & Mampaso, A. .M enadzTld,&O Valenzuela O. Hern´andez-Toledo, & M. H. Galaxies. of ro .Agaa .Mr´,J .Torrelles, M. J. Mart´ı, J. D’Alessio Os- Anglada, P. Galv´an-Madrid, & M. R. Rodr´ıguez, G. & F. Romero, orio, L. E. Carrasco-Gonz´alez, G. C. Benaglia, P. shock. Mart´ı Araudo, bow J. T. star runaway A. a from .E atıe-acı,G rza,G Magris, G. Gonz´alez-L´opezlira, Bruzual, Rosado A. Mart´ınez-Garc´ıa, M. R. G. & E. E. 66 synthesis population models. inverse from determination age iiaefaue,adSRi AGN. Cruz-Gonz´alez I. in M´ujica, & R. SFR Maiolino, R. and features, silicate .A oeo .Rbo .C Mart´ın C. M. & Rubio, M. Romero, 78. A. RCW G. and 52 RCW Bubbles: Wind h PA H IPHAS the .Ln,Y .Mya .Crac,&L Bronfman L. & Carrasco, L. Mayya, 173 D. Y. Luna, 1. Westerlund A. cluster stellar compact young & the with Carrasco, L. Luna, Shcherbakov A. A. Herrera-Mart´ınez, astronomy. G. radio for spectrometer acousto-optical IRAS region Carrasco star-forming L. galactic the 18236-1205. in objects .A atıe-abs .A Casas simulations. A. N-Body R. Mart´ınez-Barbosa & A. using C. galaxy Dwarf tarius einfrteAtrMission. Aster the for design .M a o,R aeje .S Klessen Keto, S. R. R. & E. Banerjee, R. Peters, Low, 273 Regions. Mac T. M.-M. II Galv´an-Madrid, H R. Hypercompact and tracompact 115 , 156 , h oeua neselrmdu associated medium interstellar molecular The hrceiigteebde on stellar young embedded the Characterizing nlsso h pcrleeg distribution energy spectral the of Analysis .Mgi . .BuulA,&J Mateu J. & A., Bruzual G. C., Magris G. ihrdhf bet nds environments. dust in objects High-redshift e eut nteH 08 jet. 80-81 HH the on results New 249 , etn h rg elo an of cell Bragg the Testing erIfae pcrmtrproject Spectrometer Near-Infrared A α OC rjc:TeBlgaOpen Bologna The Project: BOCCE erhfrNwPaeayNblewith Nebulae Planetary New for Search .M´endez-Hern´andez, Maga˜na,H. M. A. netite nteglx asand mass galaxy the in Uncertainties trFrigRgosTwrsStellar Towards Regions Forming Star I n adXryluminosities, X-ray hard and MIR 305 , Survey. .Rts .Ln,D ay,& Mayya, D. Luna, A. Retes, R. a eeto nIoae n Pairs and Isolated in detection Bar rgnadeouino h Sagit- the of evolution and Origin ieVraiiyi iuae Ul- Simulated in Variability Time .Sbn .L .Corradi, M. L. R. Sabin, L. hmcleouinmodels evolution Chemical .Htme al. et Hetem A. 229 , .V Ahumada, V. A. 265 , 68 , 70 , .E Cappa, E. C. .S Peri, S. C. 183 , .Ju´arez,Y. 163 , 78 , 124 , 306 , 329 , , , © 2011: Instituto de Astronomía, UNAM - XIII Latin American Regional IAU Meeting Ed. W. J. Henney & S. Torres-Peimbert Mart´ınez, M. 330 atuc,F. Matteucci, J. Mateu, Mart´ınez-Garc´ıa, E. E. atı e-abs,C A. Mart´ınez-Barbosa, C. ay,Y D. Y. Mayya, D. Mayya, atı e-aao,E M. Mart´ınez-Palafox, E. azai P. Marziani, ay,Y D. Y. Mayya, ast F. Masset, E. Mason, ae,C. Mateu, ae,C. Mateu, ae,C. Mateu, ae,C. Mateu, 66 synthesis population models. inverse from determination age .A Casas Dehnen A. of R. extension & an as disc Algorithm. thin a for conditions galaxies. Mendoza C. Mel´endez, Starburst & M. and Seyfert .M acnUhd,&F Matteucci F. & Marcon-Uchida, M. M33. M. and M31 Way, Milky the disks: ar naHeacia nvre h SMBHs The Universe: Hierarchical of a descendants in Pairs .M atıe-aao .Valenzuela O. Mart´ınez-Palafox & M. E. atselrcutr nM81. in Santiago-Cort´es M. Rosa-Gonz´alez, clusters & D. stellar pact IRAS region Carrasco star-forming L. galactic the 18236-1205. in objects .Mgi,R .Gn´lzLoelr,&M Rosado Gonz´alez-L´opezlira, M. A. 70 & R. Magris, G. environments. rt,P azai .Sulentic J. & Marziani, 4DE1. P. Ne- grete, space A. Jim´enez-Bail´on, parameters Dultzin, E. the D. Anguiano, O. in quasars for grams .Rosa-Gonz´alezD. Clusters. Star .Ne,C eo .Sla,E ao,& Mason, photoevaporation. E. R. disk Selman, considering protoplanets F. Melo, C. Pietrzynski G. Naef, D. planets. .Buul .Aulr .Bon .Valenzuela, O. Vel´azquez Brown, H. Hern´andez, A. & F. Aguilar, Carigi, Method. L. L. GC3 Bruzual, Modified G. a with Halo .J ons .Brice˜no C. & Downes, J. J. stars. Lyrae RR QUEST-I .Bien,C ae,J .Dwe,A .Vivas, K. A. Downes, Calvet J. N. Hern´andez, & J. J. Mateu, Brice˜no, C. C. .Hr´ne,N avt .Hartmann L. & dispersed Calvet, Hern´andez, Orion N. J. the through populations. viewed dwarfs brown lae-ea,F ast .Segura A. & Masset, F. Alvarez-Meraz, ´ ihcdneNRosrain fextrasolar of observations NIR cadence High .Mgi . .BuulA,&J Mateu J. & A., Bruzual G. C., Magris G. h IAVSASre nOinOB1. Orion in Survey CIDA-VISTA The hrceiigteebde on stellar young embedded the Characterizing eetn tla tem nteGalactic the in Streams Stellar Detecting esrn h aatcTikDs with Disk Thick Galactic the Measuring netite nteglx asand mass galaxy the in Uncertainties 249 , .Ccrs .D vnv .Minniti, D. Ivanov, D. V. Caceres, C. h omto n al vlto of evolution early and formation The nlsso h vlto ftasfor traps of evolution the of Analysis .A ei-i,C .Mart´ınez-Barbosa, A. C. Celis-Gil, A. J. tutrlPrmtr fM1Compact M81 of Parameters Structural Dvsaiaino vltoaydia- evolutionary of visualization 3D 291 , 113 , hmcleouinmdl o spiral for models evolution Chemical .J ons .Bien,C Mateu, Brice˜no, C. C. Downes, J. J. hsclCniin naSml of Sample a in Conditions Physical T ogsi pcrsoyo com- of spectroscopy long-slit GTC .Snig-ote,Y .Mya & Mayya, D. Santiago-Cort´es, Y. M. z .Rts .Ln,D ay,& Mayya, D. Luna, A. Retes, R. .E Mart´ınez-Garc´ıa, Bruzual, E. G. E. 94 , iaymriggalaxies. merging binary 1 = ihrdhf bet ndust in objects High-redshift 225 , yaiso lc Holes Black of Dynamics 245 , 72 , optto finitial of Computation .Mtu .K Vivas, K. A. Mateu, C. 42 , .D Mayya, D. Y. .D .Costa, D. D. R. .Mart´ınez, M. 115 , 74 , 280 , 76 , 217 , .Mateu, C. 293 , UHRINDEX AUTHOR , , ei,B. Merin, ihl R. Michel, int,D. Minniti, enc,J. Melnick, edz,C. Mendoza, ihl R. Michel, M´endez-Hern´andez, H. edz,S. Mendoza, eo C. Melo, edsd lvia C. Oliveira, de Mendes Mer´ın, B. int,D. Minniti, int,D. Minniti, D. Minniti, Mel´endez, M. D. Y. Mayya, elm,G. Mellema, .A oeo .R crie,L .Cieza, A. L. Merin, Orellana Schreiber, B. M. & Williams, R. Smith-Castelli, P. A. M. J. Rebassa-Manssergas, Romero, A. A. G. 60Tauri. V650 .N u .Zurita C. & Fu, N. J. lses ecr3,6 n 70. and 69 35, Mercer clusters: zuela Valen- Hern´andez-Toledo, O. Galaxies. M. Maga˜na, & H. M. of A. Pairs and efr n trus galaxies. Mendoza C. Mel´endez, Starburst & M. and Seyfert 284 .Mlik .Pins .Basilakos S. Bresolin, & Tracers. Plionis, F. M. Terlevich, Cosmic Melnick, E. J. Terlevich, Alternative Ch´avez, R. Using R. State of .Mne eOier,S orsFoe,& Torres-Flores, S. Oliveira, de Urrutia-Viscarra F. Mendes Evolution. C. Galaxy in Galaxies .Crnd .Mendoza S. & Coronado Y. M. .Fuad .Tovmassian G. & Fauvaud, S. .Ne,C eo .Sla,E ao,& Mason, E. Selman, F. Melo, C. Pietrzynski G. Naef, D. planets. .A iz,M .Shebr .P Williams, P. J. Schreiber, R. Romero M. A. G. Mer´ın, Cieza, & B. 32). A. (Oph L. RXJ1633.9-2242 disk pnClusters. Open perspectives. al. and et results first (VVV): Mason, E. Selman, F. Pietrzynski Melo, G. C. & Naef, D. Minniti, D. planets. extrasolar efr n trus galaxies. Mendoza C. Mel´endez, Starburst & M. and Seyfert soitdwt h on opc tla cluster Bronfman stellar L. & compact young 1. Westerlund the with associated .M rerc,G elm,M .Alvarez, A. M. Iliev Mellema, Reionization. T. I. G. & Cosmic Shapiro, R. Friedrich, of P. M. Topology M. the of lae,R ihl .FxMcao .P Sareyan, P. J. Fox-Machado, L. Michel, R. Alvarez, ´ 78 , 221 , ihcdneNRosrain fextrasolar of observations NIR cadence High mgn fteds a notetransitional the into gap dust the of Imaging rniincruntla ik nLupus. in disks circumnstellar Transition pcrsoyo LCm-observations. - Cam BL of Spectroscopy seoesooyo h et ct star Scuti Delta the of Asteroseismology .Ccrs .D vnv .Minniti, D. Ivanov, D. V. Caceres, C. V td fteyugMlyWystar Way Milky young the of study VVV osriigteDr nryEquation Energy Dark the Constraining V one erhfrNwGalactic New for Search Pointed VVV h ue hrceitca Measure a as Characteristic Euler The IT aibe nteVı L´actea V´ıa the in Variables VISTA .FxMcao .Mce,M. Michel, R. Machado, Fox L. ihcdneNRosrain of observations NIR cadence High 291 , ihcre fHT1i M87. in HST-1 of Lightcurves hsclCniin naSml of Sample a in Conditions Physical 173 , hsclCniin naSml of Sample a in Conditions Physical h oeua neselrmedium interstellar molecular The .Ln,Y .Mya .Carrasco, L. Mayya, D. Y. Luna, A. 291 , .Brsoae al. et Borissova J. 54 , 237 , .Ccrs .D Ivanov, D. V. Caceres, C. h oeo ia Dwarf Tidal of Role The a eeto nIsolated in detection Bar 294 , 13 , 50 , 72 , 72 , .M´endez-Hern´andez,H. 266 , 253 , .P˜aoae al. Pe˜naloza et F. 267 , .F eMello, de F. D. 9 , .Mart´ınez, M. .Mart´ınez, M. .Orellana, M. .K Saito K. R. Alvarez, ´ , © 2011: Instituto de Astronomía, UNAM - XIII Latin American Regional IAU Meeting Ed. W. J. Henney & S. Torres-Peimbert oist C. Morisset, C. Morisset, oist C. Morisset, C. Morisset, ot,V. Motta, C. Morisset, oeo E. Moreno, oet .A. D. Moffett, F. L. Miranda, F. L. Miranda, idsesi .J. A. Mioduszewski, oe,D. Monet, oace-aut,A. Moranchel-Basurto, ots G. Montes, otel,T. Montmerle, A. Monta˜na, A. idsesi .J. A. Mioduszewski, .Goe,&C Morisset C. G´omez, & Y. 418. IC Nebula nebulae? .D .Csa .Morisset C. & nebulae. Costa, D. planetary D. R. bipolar of work. & Stasi´nska, at G. stars Morisset, Binette evolved L. C. Flores-Fajardo, low-mass N. Hot ies: .P unz .Lmui,R aaa,&J Richard J. 104 & Cabanac, R. Mu˜noz, Limousin, P. M. R. J02140-0535. SL2S in Arrieta A. & Morisset, 167 C. Georgiev, L. Peimbert, stars. central A. its and nebula planetary .A uae,G ongbre,&E Moreno E. & Koenigsberger, Ju´arez, G. A. J. effects. Systems:X-Ray Binary .A ureo .F iad,O uae,& Su´arez, O. Miranda, F. L. G´omez F. Guerrero, J. A. Near-IR II. M. candidates. nebulae IRAS planetary of observations and stars post-AGB Ayala, S. Contreras, Gil E. M. S. Miranda, & F. L. Zavala, S. 6058. NGC nebula .MrnhlBsro .J Gonz´alez J. J. & Moranchel-Basurto, galaxies. A. spiral dwarf 1006. Rodr´ıguez, & F. Torres L. Boden, M. Serpens. F. R. A. in Mioduszewski, J. 95 A. EC star lusuigSMmaterial. SPM using Clouds 201 ao R1. Major P´erez-Torres, & A. M. Cant´o, Alberdi A. J. Gonz´alez, Binaries. F. Wind R. Colliding in Shocks Sun- Gazta˜naga on E. & Wilson, W. impact G. studies. Hughes, Sanchez-Arg¨uelles, H. O. D. D. its Zel’dovich and yaev galaxies dust-obscured .Di,L .Rd´ge,&A .Boden F. A. Rodr´ıguez, & F. L. Dzib, S. survey. .M ens,J .Hge,&D .Moffett A. D. & Hughes, P. J. Reynoso, M. E. 191 , .Liad .J idsesi .M Torres, M. R. Mioduszewski, J. A. Loinard, L. 247 , 118 , toglnig eklnig n dynamics and lensing, weak lensing, Strong .Goge,C oist .Zsarg´o J. & Morisset, C. Georgiev, L. rprmto td fteMagellanic the of study motion Proper nlsso ia ocsi Asynchronous in Forces Tidal of Analysis hra ai msinfo Radiative from Emission Radio Thermal 197 , .Geoi-ee .Montmerle T. & Gregorio-Hetem J. a tla oainsaeteplanetary the shape rotation stellar Can 231 , apn n oeigteproperties the modeling and Mapping oiaino h iuegsi galax- in gas diffuse the of Ionization xaso aalxo h Planetary the of Parallax Expansion G 86 nfidsuyo the of study unified a 6826: NGC 19 , esrn h antcfil nSN in field magnetic the Measuring ieaia td fteplanetary the of study Kinematical iigo tla lsesi Canis in clusters stellar of Mixing erhn o evl obscured heavily for Searching h nua oe pcrmof spectrum power angular The .Guzm´an-Ram´ırez, Loinard, L. L. LAatoer fteAeBe the of astrometry VLBA h ol’ etdistance Belt Gould’s The .F ul´n .V´azquez, R. Guill´en, F. P. 241 , hmclaudne of abundances Chemical .Vruo .Motta, V. Verdugo, T. .M Hidalgo-G´amez, M. A. .Ver tal. et Vieira K. .Di,L Loinard, L. Dzib, S. 233 , .Hern´andez-G´omez,A. .A Monta˜na, A. A. .Ramos-Larios, G. .M Faes, M. D. .R Fierro, R. C. 60 , 205 , .Montes, G. 278 , 106 , UHRINDEX AUTHOR 274 , 203 , , , , M´ujica, R. M´ujica, R. M´ujica, R. M´ujica-Garc´ıa, R. Mour˜ao, D. ert,A. Negrete, J. Muzerolle, un z .M. Mu˜noz, A. aart,F P. F. Navarrete, D. Naef, Mu˜noz-Guti´errez, A. M. P.Mu˜noz, R. eiLro,D M. D. Neri-Larios, eiLro,D M. D. Neri-Larios, eiLro,D M. D. Neri-Larios, oioigo lzr tSnPdoM´artir. Pedro San at al. Ben´ıtez et Blazars E. of Monitoring .Muia .Cruz-Gonz´alez I. M´ujica, & AGN. R. in SFR and features, er M´artir.Pedro .M´ujica-Garc´ıa, Athanassoula R. E. & COSMOS. from Mission. Aster the for design .dlP ao,N .Pdla .A oa & Cora, A. S. Padilla, D. N. Lagos, Tecce E. P. T. del C. Sources. limeter rt,P azai .Sulentic J. & Marziani, 4DE1. P. Ne- grete, space A. Jim´enez-Bail´on, parameters Dultzin, E. the D. Anguiano, O. in quasars for grams Stauffer J. Muzerolle, & J. Gutermuth, Vivas, R. K. Brice˜no, A. C. Hartmann, L. regions. stellar young Avila-Reese V. History. mation .dlP ao,N .Pdla .A oa & Cora, A. S. Padilla, D. N. Lagos, Tecce E. P. T. del High- C. Observed Sources. To ter Picture LCDM .Ne,C eo .Sla,E ao,& High- Observed Mason, To E. Picture LCDM Selman, The F. Melo, C. Pietrzynski G. Naef, D. planets. Cabanac, R. Limousin, Richard Mu˜noz, M. J. P. & R. J02140-0535. Motta, SL2S V. in dynamics il .M sa-sa,R .Otg-iaaa & Ortega-Minakata, A. R. Neri-Larios Islas-Islas, M. M. D. J. SDSS. ziol, in dates opooyadevrnetfralresam- Neri-Larios M. large D. Islas-Islas, M. & J. a galaxies. Andernach, H. Torres-Papaqui, P. SDSS for J. of environment ple and morphology .P orsPpqi .Czo,J .IlsIls & Islas-Islas, M. Ortega-Minakata J. A. Coziol, R. R. Torres-Papaqui, P. J. AGNs. Low-Luminosity ihcdneNRosrain fextrasolar of observations NIR cadence High oaiercMntrn fBaasa San at Blazars of Monitoring Polarimetric I n adXrylmnste,silicate luminosities, X-ray hard and MIR 21 , 21 , .Ccrs .D vnv .Minniti, D. Ivanov, D. V. Caceres, C. 104 , ogTr pia Photopolarimetric Optical Long-Term erIfae pcrmtrproject Spectrometer Near-Infrared A Dvsaiaino vltoaydia- evolutionary of visualization 3D 291 , 23 , esso rtpaeaydssin disks protoplanetary of Census toglnig eklnig and lensing, weak lensing, Strong .Sri tal. et Sorcia M. aibeIFSoeT i The Fit To Slope IMF Variable A 44 , .M unz .P Navarrete, P. F. Mu˜noz, M. A. 100 , rpriso asi prlgalaxies spiral in bars of Properties aibeIFSoeT Fit To Slope IMF Variable A .Hern´andez-L´opez, Recillas, I. E. .M unz .P Navarrete, P. F. Mu˜noz, M. A. 127 , .P orsPpqi .Co- R. Torres-Papaqui, P. J. o uioiyANcandi- AGN Luminosity Low 80 , h eeto fextreme of detection The .A Mu˜noz-Guti´errez & A. M. eainbtenactivity, between Relation .Hradz .Calvet, N. Hernandez, J. 243 , h omcSa For- Star Cosmic The ..Ortega-Minakata, R.A. .J´rz .Maiolino, Ju´arez, R. Y. 124 , .Htme al. et Hetem A. .M Neri-Larios, M. D. 131 , 42 , 121 , z .Verdugo, T. Submillime- z Submil- 306 , 331 © 2011: Instituto de Astronomía, UNAM - XIII Latin American Regional IAU Meeting Ed. W. J. Henney & S. Torres-Peimbert rlaa M. Orellana, Olgu´ın, L. ei,C. Neria, 332 ei,C. Neria, ioh-er,A. Nigoche-Netro, iso,K. Nilsson, K. Nilsson, pe,M. Opher, J. Olivares, J. Olivares, rlaa M. Orellana, N´u˜nez-L´opez, R. Olgu´ın, L. Olgu´ın, L. ioh-er,A. Nigoche-Netro, A. Nigoche-Netro, ioh-er,A. Nigoche-Netro, .Orellana M. .FetsCreae al. et Fuentes-Carrera I. fteutaopc I einG78.4+2.6. Rodr´ıguez region F. L. G´omez, HII & Y. Neria, ultracompact C. the of Irgo htsronsG213.880 surrounds that region HI i,L .Rd´ge,V saat,S iao & Lizano, S. Escalante, V. Rodr´ıguez, Lebr´onM. F. Ne- L. C. Garay, ria, G´omez, G. Rodr´ıguez-Rico, Y. A. C. er M´artir. M´artir.Pedro Pedro San at al. Ben´ıtez et Blazars E. of Monitoring .Ohr .JtnoPria .I Gombosi I. T. & Stars. Jatenco-Pereira, V. Tauri & Opher, M. T Costero, Weak-Lined R. of Poveda, A. Allen, Nigoche-Netro C. A. Adaptive Ruelas, and Telescope A. Images. Space Hubble Optics to applied Nigoche-Netro A. & Costero, 282 R. Poveda, A. Allen, C. Trapezium. ln,L .Cea .R crie,J .Williams, P. J. Schreiber, Romero A. R. G. M. Mer´ın, & Cieza, B. A. L. llana, 32). (Oph RXJ1633.9-2242 disk transitional rsneo rmrilMgei Field. Magnetic Primordial a N´u˜nez-L´opezR. Lipovka of A. & Presence nYugCutr:NC2414. Saucedo & C. P´erez-Rend´on, NGC J. B. Olgu´ın, & Contreras, Clusters: L. Young in E. M. V´azquez, Jim´enez Y. R. M. Olgu´ın, L. .Rea,C le,A oea .Cseo & Costero, R. Poveda, A. Allen, Nigoche-Netro C. A. Ruelas, A. Trapezium. Orion Nigoche-Netro A. & 287 Herrera, S´anchez, G. J. L. elas, .NgceNto .Rea,&L .S´anchez J. L. & range. Ruelas, magnitude A. Nigoche-Netro, the A. on relation Faber-Jackson .Oiae,A uls .Aln .Pvd,R Cos- R. Poveda, Nigoche-Netro A. A. Allen, & C. tero, Ruelas, A. Olivares, Images. J. Optics Tele- Adaptive Space and Hubble scope to applied Diffracto-Astrometry 181 , trfraini netre LIRGs. unperturbed in formation Star opc ai ore ntevicinity the in sources radio Compact DSmltoso itdMagnetospheres Tilted of Simulations 3D ne:anblraayi software. analysis nebular a Anneb: oaiercMntrn fBaasa San at Blazars of Monitoring Polarimetric htmti erhfrAceinDisks Accretion for Search Photometric bevtoso h photodissociated the of Observations 145 , h ehiuso Diffracto-Astrometry of Techniques The ogTr pia Photopolarimetric Optical Long-Term tdigmcousr thigh-energies. at microquasars Studying .Oiae,L .Sace,A Ruelas, S´anchez, A. J. L. Olivares, J. ircoAtoer fTeOrion The of Diffracto-Astrometry 193 , mgn fteds a nothe into gap dust the of Imaging .Sri tal. et Sorcia M. 44 , 308 , 282 , C htmtyo M15. of Photometry CCD is tr omto ihthe with Formation Stars First .J ´nhz .Olivares, J. S´anchez, J. L. ircoAtoer fThe of Diffracto-Astrometry .Oiae,L .S´anchez, J. L. Olivares, J. h eedneo the of Dependence The 119 , 308 , h ehiusof Techniques The 294 , 25 , 131 , .E Contreras, E. M. .A Vidotto, A. A. − .J S´anchez, J. L. 281 , 11.837. .Ore- M. 270 , 126 , UHRINDEX AUTHOR .Ru- A. 133 , , , ers,S E. S. Pedrosa, ers,S E. S. Pedrosa, ers,S E. S. Pedrosa, emet A. Peimbert, rlaa M. Orellana, reaMnkt,R A. R. Ortega-Minakata, rlaa .B. R. Orellana, aro L. Parrao, S. Paron, A. R. Ortega-Minakata, M. Ortega, ail,N D. N. Padilla, ail,N D. N. Padilla, reaMnkt,R A. R. Ortega-Minakata, sro M. Osorio, ae D. Page, ail,N. Padilla, .B isr,&S .Pedrosa E. S. & Tissera, Relation. B. P. Tully-Fisher the of Scannapieco C. Haloes. Matter .E eRossi De E. M. & galaxies. simulated of .Peimbert A. Metallicity. estimated .P orsPpqi .Czo,J .IlsIls & Islas-Islas, M. Ortega-Minakata J. A. Coziol, R. R. Torres-Papaqui, P. J. AGNs. Low-Luminosity .RbsaMnsra,J .Wlim,B Merin, Orellana B. M. & Williams, Smith-Castelli, P. A. J. Rebassa-Manssergas, A. Lupus. opooyadevrnetfralresam- Neri-Larios M. large D. Islas-Islas, M. & J. a galaxies. Andernach, H. Torres-Papaqui, P. SDSS for J. of environment ple and morphology vnsfrSyObservations. Sky for Events Giacani E. G24.7+0.6. Remnant Ortega-Minakata, A. Neri-Larios R. M. Islas-Islas, D. & M. J. SDSS. Coziol, R. in candidates Rubio M. & Romero, G. Ortega, M. Sh2-54. clusters. .dlP ao,N .Pdla .A oa & Cora, A. S. Padilla, D. N. Lagos, Tecce E. P. T. del High- C. Observed Sources. To ter Picture LCDM e:cmiigcutrn n uioiyfunction luminosity and clustering measurements. combining ies: Objects. ro .Agaa .Mr´,J .Torrelles, M. J. Mart´ı, J. D’Alessio Os- Anglada, P. Galv´an-Madrid, & M. R. Rodr´ıguez, G. F. orio, L. Carrasco-Gonz´alez, C. cosmology. rwn antcFed nCnrlCompact Central in Fields Magnetic Growing .A oeo .R crie,L .Cieza, A. L. Schreiber, R. M. Romero, A. G. Mrnoa il” raiaino Public of Organization Cielo”, al “Mirando .B rlaa&D .Carpintero D. D. & Orellana B. R. .Vsuz .E ap,S Cichowolski, S. Cappa, E. C. Vasquez, J. .G enl&D Page D. & Bernal G. C. 194 , trFrainAon h Supernova the Around Formation Star 21 , nue trfraini h I region HII the in formation star Induced 175 , e eut nteH 08 jet. 80-81 HH the on results New sebyBa:cusfo ΛCDM a from clues Bias: Assembly .Lcra&N Padilla N. & Lacerna I. G 5 n h nvresUnder- Universe’s the and 456 NGC 82 , hmcladmrhlgclanalysis morphological and Chemical ffcso aayfraino Dark on formation galaxy of Effects rniincruntla ik in disks circumnstellar Transition uenv edakadteBend the and Feedback Supernova aibeIFSoeT i The Fit To Slope IMF Variable A h sebyo al-yegalax- early-type of assembly The .D Padilla D. N. .M unz .P Navarrete, P. F. Mu˜noz, M. A. 128 , ueia iuain fopen of simulations Numerical .E ers,P .Tsea & Tissera, B. P. Pedrosa, E. S. 127 , 100 , 80 , .E ers,P .Tissera, B. P. Pedrosa, E. S. .Ptila .Prn & Paron, S. Petriella, A. eainbtenactivity, between Relation h eeto fextreme of detection The .A Pe˜na-Guerrero & A. M. o uioiyAGN Luminosity Low ..Ortega-Minakata, R.A. .P Torres-Papaqui, P. J. 1 , 56 , .Parrao L. .M Neri-Larios, M. D. 253 , 229 , 149 , .E eRossi, De E. M. 259 , 17 , z Submillime- 316 , 283 , © 2011: Instituto de Astronomía, UNAM - XIII Latin American Regional IAU Meeting Ed. W. J. Henney & S. Torres-Peimbert ee egiff,S E. S. Bergliaffa, Perez P´erez-Enr´ıquez, R. H. P´erez-Guill´en, M. P´erez-Rend´on, B. ee,J. Perea, etao .F. P. Penteado, emet M. Peimbert, A. Peimbert, Pe˜naloza, F. emet M. Peimbert, en ,J H. Pe˜na, J. Pe˜na, M. Pe˜na, M. Pe˜na, M. Pe˜naloza, F. A. Pe˜na-Guerrero, M. Pe˜na, M. Pe˜na, M. Pe˜na, M. Models. sl,J .Linr .J isn .K Dougherty, K. M. Wilson, P´erez-Enr´ıquez J. R. R. H. Saturn. Leisner, & S. of J. Ru- ssell, Plasma T. C. Rodr´ıguez-Mart´ınez, Magnetospheric Blanco-Cano, M. X. the in .P˜a .Hern´andez-Mart´ınez L. Pe˜na, & M. PNLF. The ik nYugCutr:NC2414. NGC Clusters: Young in Disks .J enadzIar,D uti,Y Krongold, Perea J. Y. & Olmo, Dultzin, Del A. D. Hern´andez-Ibarra, J. F. einfrteAtrMission. Aster the for design .Pibr,L eriv .Mrse,&A Arrieta A. & Morisset, 167 C. Georgiev, L. Peimbert, stars. central A. its and nebula planetary trcutr:Mre 5 9ad70. and 69 al. 35, Mercer clusters: star Composition. & Pe˜na, 6822. NGC M. Peimbert for M. Carigi, models Hern´andez-Mart´ınez, L. evolution L. chemical in .Hern´andez-Mart´ınez L. & PNLF. & Pe˜na, 6822. NGC M. Peimbert for M. Carigi, Hern´andez-Mart´ınez, L. models L. evolution chemical 1778. Sareyan P. NGC J. Pe˜na, and & H. 1647 J. Guerrero, NGC A. C. Clusters Open the pnClusters. Open Peimbert A. & Metallicity. Underestimated nuclei. Pe˜na [WC] M. with PNe of & Pe˜na, M. Garc´ıa-Rojas, Ruiz T. J. M. Rodr´ıguez, Cloud. M. Magellanic Large Ruiz T. M. nucleus. [WC] a with Tsamis Y. 300. NGC 284 , 198 , nue ula ciiyi aayPairs. Galaxy in Activity Nuclear Induced .RysPee,M P´erez-Guill´en, Reyes-P´erez, M. Pe˜na,J. M. hmclAudne nPei h spiral the in PNe in Abundances Chemical ailvlcte n ieaia behavior kinematical and velocities Radial .E ee Bergliaffa Perez E. S. an msinlnsi lntr nebulae planetary in lines emission Faint rnDpeini oie eua fthe of Nebulae Ionized in Depletion Iron 177 , 165 , 169 , lntr eua nNC30 The 300: NGC in Nebulae Planetary N sosrainlcntansin constraints observational as PNe 171 , 171 , uvby .P˜a .Saink,F rsln & Bresolin, Stasi´nska, F. Pe˜na, G. M. V one erhfrNwGalactic New for Search Pointed VVV V td fteyugMlyWay Milky young the of study VVV 175 , G 86 nfidsuyo the of study unified a 6826: NGC .Crg .Peimbert M. & Carigi L. oa rgn:PaeadChemical and Place origins: Solar erIfae pcrmtrproject Spectrometer Near-Infrared A N sosrainlconstraints observational as PNe .RysPee,M P´erez-Guill´en, M. Reyes-P´erez, J. .Brsoae al. et Borissova J. − htmti erhfrAccretion for Search Photometric lntr eua nNC300: NGC in Nebulae Planetary β hteeti htmtyof Photometry Photoelectric .Gr´aRjs .Pe˜na, Garc´ıa-Rojas, & M. J. 295 , G 5 n h Universe’s the and 456 NGC 58 , 200 , osnua Cosmological Nonsingular ae n Instabilities and Waves .S Rechy-Garc´ıa & S. J. .A Pe˜na-Guerrero A. M. .Htme al. et Hetem A. 5 , .Delgado-Inglada, G. 267 , 200 , .E Contreras, E. M. .Pe˜naloza et F. .R Fierro, R. C. 46 , 276 , UHRINDEX AUTHOR 306 , , lti,I. Platais, loi,M. Plionis, ihro B. Pichardo, K. Pichara, iti .E. A. Piatti, itznk,G. Pietrzynski, B. Pichardo, iti .E. A. Piatti, iti .E. A. Piatti, Pinz´on, G. P´erez-Torres, A. M. es,P. Persi, P´erez-Torres, A. M. ei .S. C. Peri, hlis .P. J. Phillips, A. Petriella, T. Peters, lusuigSMmaterial. SPM using Clouds fSaeUigAtraieCsi Tracers. Cosmic Alternative Using State of .Ctln .Agln,I ´kay .Pichara, D´ek´any, K. Borissova I. J. & Angeloni, Eyheramendy, S. R. Curves. Light Catelan, VVV M. of Classification Automated .Vlnul,&B Pichardo B. & triaxiality. Valenzuela, halo O. matter dark Way .Ahnsol,T noa .Fgea,O Valen- O. Pichardo Figueras, B. F. & Antoja, zuela, T. Athanassoula, E. manifolds. invariant using Way Ahumada V. A. candidates. cluster o,J. .J lr´,E ia .E Piatti E. A. & Bica, E. Clari´a, J. San- clusters. C. J. 264 F. stellar J. Jr., Ben´ıtez Llambay, tos, A. Clouds’ Ahumada, V. Magellanic A. ten of Ahumada V. A. Way. Milky the ieeta mgsMntrn Movement. Pinz´on G. Londo˜no & Monitoring P. S. Images Differential Mason, E. Selman, F. Pietrzynski Melo, G. C. & Naef, D. Minniti, D. planets. extrasolar n h er fLRsadULIRGs. and LIRGs of Al- berdi A. P´erez-Torres, & Heart A. Romero-Ca˜nizales, M. C. the ing rmRdaieSok nCliigWn Bina- Wind Alberdi P´erez-Torres, A. Colliding A. & M. in Shocks ries. Radiative from .T ruo .Bngi,G .Rmr,& Persi P. Romero, & Roth, E. M. Tapia, G. M. Benaglia, P. shock. Mart´ı Araudo, bow J. T. star runaway A. a from .Giacani E. G24.7+0.6. Remnant Banerjee, R. Klessen Low, Mac S. M.-M. R. Keto, & R. E. Peters, T. Regions. II H Hypercompact and .P hlis .A Quino-Mendoza A. J. & Phillips, Mid-Infrared. P. J. the in Nebulae .Pee-edo,L luı,&J .Saucedo C. P´erez-Rend´on, J. B. Olgu´ın, & L. 90 , meddyugsasi otenNC3372. NGC northern in stars young Embedded 156 , .Mne,R .Gn´lz .Cant´o, J. Gonz´alez, F. R. Montes, G. ieVraiiyi iuae Ultracompact Simulated in Variability Time nlsso h pcrleeg distribution energy spectral the of Analysis 194 , rprmto td fteMagellanic the of study motion Proper osriigteDr nryEquation Energy Dark the Constraining esrmn fsen nBgtaby Bogot´a in seeing of Measurement The osbelcldansi o h Milky the for diagnostic local possible A FS2NTitgae spectroscopy integrated EFOSC2/NTT trFrainAon h Supernova the Around Formation Star oeln h ne at fteMilky the of parts inner the Modelling is htmti nlsso i open six of analysis photometric First apn n pcrsoyo Planetary of Spectroscopy and Mapping e pncutrbnr ytmin system binary cluster open new A 285 , 286 , 273 , 291 , ihcdneNRosrain of observations NIR cadence High V Templates VVV 92 , .E iti .J lr´,& Clari´a, J. J. Piatti, E. A. .E iti .J lr´,& Clari´a, J. J. Piatti, E. A. V bevtos Unveil- Observations: EVN .Ccrs .D Ivanov, D. V. Caceres, C. hra ai Emission Radio Thermal .Ptila .Prn & Paron, S. Petriella, A. 307 , 88 , .Ver tal. et Vieira K. 255 , 269 , 247 , .Romero-Gomez, M. .Galv´an-Madrid,R. .Ramos-Larios, G. rjc Towards Project .Rojas-Ni˜no,A. 195 , .S Peri, S. C. 270 , 106 , 333 , © 2011: Instituto de Astronomía, UNAM - XIII Latin American Regional IAU Meeting Ed. W. J. Henney & S. Torres-Peimbert eet,P. Repetto, eils E. Recillas, S. Rechy-Garc´ıa, J. A. Rebassa-Manssergas, G. Ramos-Larios, ˆ g,I S. Rˆego, I. G. Ramos-Larios, oea A. Poveda, 334 aa .C. A. Raga, M. Puech, A. Poveda, un-edz,J A. J. Quino-Mendoza, aa .C. A. Raga, ao-ais G. Ramos-Larios, L. J. Ramirez, .FetsCreae al. et Fuentes-Carrera I. .Mrn .SihCsel,&M Orellana M. & Williams, Smith-Castelli, A. P. Merin, J. Rebassa-Manssergas, B. A. Cieza, A. L. Lupus. in disks .M´ujica-Garc´ıa, Athanassoula R. E. & COSMOS. from Pe˜na M. & nuclei. [WC] with PNe of behavior & Su´arez, O. Miranda, F. L. G´omez F. Guerrero, J. A. Near-IR II. M. candidates. nebulae IRAS planetary of observations and stars post-AGB einfrteAtrMission. Aster the for design ihsaltelescopes. small with .Mlik .Pins .Basilakos S. Bresolin, & Plionis, F. M. Terlevich, Melnick, E. J. Terlevich, Ch´avez, R. R. .Pvd,R otr,&A Nigoche-Netro A. & Costero, R. Poveda, A. ium. .C aa .Col´ın P. & nuclear Raga, of C. A. clusters stellar young starburst. the by driven galaxies in Nebulae Planetary Quino-Mendoza A. J. of Mid-Infrared. troscopy & Costero, R. Poveda, A. Allen, Nigoche-Netro C. A. Adaptive Ruelas, and Telescope A. Images. Space Hubble Optics to applied .Hme,Y .Yn,M uc,H lrs & Flores, H. Puech, M. Yang, B. Rodrigues M. Y. Hammer, 6Gyr. F. past the over Sequence ubrt of outbursts .Cn´,P .Vlaqe,&E el Fuente la de Raga, E. Vel´azquez, C. & F. A. Cant´o, Pino, P. J. Dal Gouveia de G´omez, M. C. E. G. .P hlis .A Quino-Mendoza A. J. & Phillips, P. J. Mid-Infrared. the in & Nebulae etary Ramirez, MeV. L. to J. Gonz´alez, M. KeV Kaneko M. Y. from Sacahui, R. energies J. in spectrum .Oiae,L .Sace,A uls .Allen, C. Ruelas, S´anchez, A. J. L. Olivares, J. 157 , ircoAtoer fTeOinTrapez- Orion The of Diffracto-Astrometry 198 , h vlto fteOsre Hubble Observed the of Evolution The h ehiuso Diffracto-Astrometry of Techniques The trfraini netre LIRGs. unperturbed in formation Star asadmtleeto ffiinyi disk in efficiency ejection metal and Mass 197 , erIfae pcrmtrproject Spectrometer Near-Infrared A η ueia oesfrte1t century 19th the for models Numerical 52 , rpriso asi prlgalaxies spiral in bars of Properties Carinae. .Rd´ge-ozae,A Esquivel, Rodr´ıguez-Gonz´alez, A. A. R 893 us ihahard a with burst a 980923, GRB .RmsLro,J .Pilp,& Phillips, P. J. Ramos-Larios, G. 308 , apn n pcrsoyo Plan- of Spectroscopy and Mapping bevn an eua n halos and nebulae faint Observing .A oeo .R Schreiber, R. M. Romero, A. G. .Hern´andez-L´opez, Recillas, I. E. erhn o evl obscured heavily for Searching ailvlcte n kinematical and velocities Radial 195 , .J ´nhz .Olivares, J. S´anchez, J. L. 86 , .Ramos-Larios G. 119 , .F ozae,A .Villa, M. Gonz´alez, A. F. R. rniincircumnstellar Transition apn n Spec- and Mapping .Htme al. et Hetem A. .Delgado-Serrano, R. .S Rechy-Garc´ıa S. J. .Ramos-Larios, G. .Ramos-Larios, G. 121 , 9 , 195 , 196 , 282 , 253 , 190 , UHRINDEX AUTHOR 306 , ens,E M. E. Reynoso, ihr,J. Richard, olsVle F. Robles-Valdez G. M. Richer, Reyes-P´erez, J. Roca-F`abrega, S. M. Reyes-Ruiz, orge,M. Rodrigues, ee-trie J. Reyes-Iturbide, R. Retes, orı uz .F. Rodr´ıguez, L. orı uz .F. Rodr´ıguez, L. orı uz .F. Rodr´ıguez, L. orı uz .F. Rodr´ıguez, L. orı uz .F. Rodr´ıguez, L. F. Rodr´ıguez, L. 1006. 201 .Rbe-adz&L Carigi L. & Robles-Valdez F. Richer G. M. Cabanac, R. Limousin, Richard Mu˜noz, M. J. P. & R. J02140-0535. Motta, SL2S V. in dynamics Hern´andez-Mart´ınez L. & PNLF. .Ambrocio-Cruz P. & Vel´azquez, Rodr´ıguez-Gonz´alez, N70. A. F. Rosado, P. M. superbubble the nCliinesPamsdet h w stream two the to due Plasmas instability. Collisionless in .Rmr-´mz .Fgea,T noa & Antoja, T. Figueras, Valenzuela O. simulations. F. Romero-G´omez, M. disc tic .Hme,Y .Yn,M uc,H lrs & Flores, H. Puech, M. Yang, B. Rodrigues M. Y. Hammer, 6Gyr. F. past the over Sequence IRAS region Carrasco star-forming L. galactic the 18236-1205. in objects .Nra .Goe,&L .Rodr´ıguez F. L. G´omez, & G78.4+2.6. Y. region Neria, HII C. ultracompact the of vicinity .A orıuzRc,G aa,L .Rodr´ıguez, & S´anchez-Monge F. A. GGD14 L. Garay, Rodr´ıguez-Rico, the G. A. in C. Region Complex. Photodissociated the ward .Ooi,G nld,J atı .M Torrelles, M. J. Mart´ı, D’Alessio J. P. Galv´an-Madrid, Anglada, & R. G. Osorio, M. jet. Irgo htsronsG213.880 surrounds that region HI .F orıuz .F Boden F. A. Rodr´ıguez, Dzib, S. & F. Torres, M. L. R. Mioduszewski, J. A. Loinard, L. Ho P. T. Rodr´ıguez, P. F. & L. 239 Keto, R. Galaxy. E. Zhang, the Q. in Stars Massive Lebr´on181 M. & Lizano, Rodr´ıguez, S. Escalante, F. V. L. Neria, C. Rodr´ıguez-Rico, Garay, G´omez, A. G. Y. C. ´ .M ens,J .Hge,&D .Moffett A. D. & Hughes, P. J. Reynoso, M. E. .RysPee,M P´erez-Guill´en, Reyes-P´erez, M. Pe˜na,J. M. .Crac-ozae,L .Rodr´ıguez, F. L. Carrasco-Gonz´alez, C. hrceiigteebde on stellar young embedded the Characterizing 249 , .M rj .Reyes-Ruiz M. & Trejo M. D. 104 , 52 , 251 , 130 , toglnig eklnig and lensing, weak lensing, Strong h vlto fteOsre Hubble Observed the of Evolution The .P rv˜oMrls .G´omez, Y. Trevi˜no-Morales, P. S. .Rts .Ln,D ay,& Mayya, D. Luna, A. Retes, R. lntr eua nNC30 The 300: NGC in Nebulae Planetary eea ast Brightness. to Ways Several esrn h antcfil nSN in field magnetic the Measuring bevtoso h photodissociated the of Observations h ol’ etdsac survey. distance Belt Gould’s The hmclEouinMdlo M33. of Model Evolution Chemical neseisMmnu transport Momentum Interspecies 297 , H110 nteFraino h Most the of Formation the On e eut nteH 80-81 HH the on results New opc ai ore nthe in sources radio Compact ieai tutrsi galac- in structures Kinematic 199 , iueXryeiso from emission X-ray Diffuse α 200 , n C110 and 129 , 205 , .Delgado-Serrano, R. .Reyes-Iturbide, J. .Roca-F`abrega, S. .Galv´an-Madrid,R. 229 , α − 281 , .Verdugo, T. msinto- Emission 11.837. 132 , , , , © 2011: Instituto de Astronomía, UNAM - XIII Latin American Regional IAU Meeting Ed. W. J. Henney & S. Torres-Peimbert Rodr´ıguez, M. orı uz .F. Rodr´ıguez, L. Rodr´ıguez-Mart´ınez, M. Rodr´ıguez-Gil, P. Rodr´ıguez, M. Rodr´ıguez-Gonz´alez, A. Rodr´ıguez-Gonz´alez, A. Rodr´ıguez-Puebla, A. orı uzRc,C A. Rodr´ıguez-Rico, C. oeo .A. G. Romero, orı uzRc,C A. Rodr´ıguez-Rico, C. oeo .A. G. Romero, Rojas-Ni˜no, A. oeo G. Romero, oeo .A. G. Romero, lntr eua fteSlrNeighborhood. Solar Delgado-Inglada the G. Rodr´ıguez & M. of Nebulae Planetary Rodr´ıguez, & F. Torres L. Boden, M. Serpens. F. R. A. in Mioduszewski, J. 95 A. EC star sl,J .Linr .J isn .K Dougherty, K. M. Wilson, P´erez-Enr´ıquez J. R. R. H. Saturn. Leisner, & S. of J. Ru- ssell, Plasma T. C. Rodr´ıguez-Mart´ınez, Magnetospheric Blanco-Cano, M. X. the in Col´ın P. & stellar Raga, C. young A. by Esquivel, A. driven starburst. galaxies nuclear of clusters disk in efficiency .S og .T ¨nik,&C Tappert C. G¨ansicke, & T. B. Long, S. K. & quiescence. Pe˜na, M. Garc´ıa-Rojas, Ruiz T. J. M. Rodr´ıguez, Cloud. M. Magellanic Large the .Ambrocio-Cruz P. & Vel´azquez, Rodr´ıguez-Gonz´alez, N70. F. A. Rosado, P. superbubble M. the from .Frai .Col´ın P. & Firmani, C. population. .A oeo .Rbo .C Mart´ın C. M. & Rubio, M. Romero, 78. A. RCW G. and 52 RCW Bubbles: Wind .A orıuzRc,G aa,L .Rodr´ıguez, & S´anchez-Monge F. A. L. Garay, Rodr´ıguez-Rico, G. A. GGD14 C. the in Region Complex. Photodissociated the toward .RbsaMnsra,J .Wlim,B Merin, Orellana B. M. & Williams, Smith-Castelli, P. A. J. Rebassa-Manssergas, A. Lupus. oitdH einta urud G213.880 surrounds that region HI sociated h ik a akmte aotriaxiality. halo Pichardo matter B. & dark Valenzuela, Rojas-Ni˜no, O. Way A. Milky & the Lizano, S. Escalante, V. Rodr´ıguez, Lebr´onM. F. Ne- L. C. Garay, ria, G´omez, G. Rodr´ıguez-Rico, Y. A. C. .Otg,G oeo .Rubio M. & Romero, G. Ortega, M. Sh2-54. ln,L .Cea .R crie,J .Williams, P. J. Schreiber, Romero A. R. G. M. Mer´ın, & Cieza, B. A. L. llana, 32). (Oph RXJ1633.9-2242 disk transitional ´ .A oeo .R crie,L .Cieza, A. L. Schreiber, R. M. Romero, A. G. 181 , .Vsuz .E ap,S Cichowolski, S. Cappa, E. C. Vasquez, J. 165 , nue trfraini h I region HII the in formation star Induced 231 , .Rd´ge-uba .Avila-Reese, Rodr´ıguez-Puebla, V. A. .Shitbec,P Rodr´ıguez-Gil, P. Schmidtobreick, L. .P rv˜oMrls .G´omez, Y. Trevi˜no-Morales, P. S. trFrigRgosTwrsStellar Towards Regions Forming Star rnDpeini oie eua of Nebulae Ionized in Depletion Iron nOeaudneo xgnin Oxygen of Overabundance An mgn fteds a nothe into gap dust the of Imaging rniincruntla ik in disks circumnstellar Transition osbelcldansi for diagnostic local possible A 297 , LAatoer fteAeBe the of astrometry VLBA h tutr fB oau in Doradus BB of structure The 199 , 84 , 295 , edn h oa ikgalaxy disk local the Seeding bevtoso h photodis- the of Observations H110 294 , asadmtlejection metal and Mass iueXryemission X-ray Diffuse ae n Instabilities and Waves α .Rodr´ıguez-Gonz´alez,A. .Di,L Loinard, L. Dzib, S. n C110 and .Delgado-Inglada, G. 253 , .Reyes-Iturbide, J. 259 , 179 , 86 , .E Cappa, E. C. α 288 , 163 , − Emission 11.837. .Ore- M. 88 , UHRINDEX AUTHOR Rosa-Gonz´alez, D. Rosa-Gonz´alez, D. M. Romero-Gomez, Rosa-Gonz´alez, D. Romero-G´omez, M. uls A. Ruelas, M. Rosado, oao M. Rosado, M. Rosado, Romero-Ca˜nizales, C. oh M. Roth, oae,M. Rosales, ui,M. Rubio, ui,M. Rubio, uls A. Ruelas, oeo .E. G. Romero, oeo .E. G. Romero, E. G. Romero, .Rmr-oe,E taasua .Antoja, Pichardo B. T. & manifolds. Valenzuela, Athanassoula, O. invariant Figueras, E. F. using Romero-Gomez, Way M. Milky the opc tla lsesi M81. Santiago-Cort´es in M. Rosa-Gonz´alez, & D. clusters stellar compact .Tle,R elvc,&H .Schmitt R. Charac- galaxies. H. & HII Terlevich, 1358-328. R. Telles, in Terlevich, Tol E. Rosa-Gonz´alez, E. formation D. and Torres-Campos, star A. 1318 the Mrk terising of maps .Rmr-´mz .Fgea,T noa & Antoja, T. Figueras, Valenzuela O. F. Romero-G´omez, simulations. M. disc galactic .D ay,&D Rosa-Gonz´alez D. & Mayya, D. Clusters. Y. Star Compact ium. eln h er fLRsadULIRGs. and LIRGs Al- berdi A. of P´erez-Torres, & A. Romero-Ca˜nizales, Heart M. C. the veiling .Mgi,R .Gn´lzLoelr,&M Rosado Gonz´alez-L´opezlira, M. A. 70 & R. Magris, G. & ments. Vel´azquez, F. Ambrocio-Cruz P. P. Rodr´ıguez-Gonz´alez, A. N70. perbubble .FetsCreae al. et Fuentes-Carrera I. 135 G 3372. NGC High at Altitude. Alternative Observational an as Observatory .Otg,G oeo .Rubio M. & Romero, G. Ortega, M. Sh2-54. 255 .A oeo .Rbo .C Mart´ın C. M. & Rubio, M. Romero, 78. A. RCW G. and 52 RCW Bubbles: Wind .J ´nhz .Hrea .Nigoche-Netro A. & Herrera, S´anchez, G. J. L. radiation? .L iyo&G .Romero E. G. & Vieyro L. F. Romero, E. shock. G. Benaglia, Mart´ı bow P. J. Araudo, & T. star A. runaway Peri, S. C. a from distribution 90 , .Oiae,L .Sace,A uls .Allen, C. Ruelas, S´anchez, A. J. L. Olivares, J. ircoAtoer fTeOinTrapez- Orion The of Diffracto-Astrometry .Vsuz .E ap,S Cichowolski, S. Cappa, E. C. Vasquez, J. 156 , nue trfraini h I region HII the in formation star Induced C htmtyo M15. of Photometry CCD .RslsfrteLG Collaboration LAGO the for Rosales M. trFrigRgosTwrsStellar Towards Regions Forming Star trfraini netre LIRGs. unperturbed in formation Star meddyugsasi northern in stars young Embedded .V e al .E Romero E. G. & Valle del V. M. .E atıe-acı,G Bruzual, Mart´ınez-Garc´ıa, G. E. E. ihrdhf bet nds environ- dust in objects High-redshift iueXryeiso rmtesu- the from emission X-ray Diffuse 130 , h ag prueGmaRay Gamma Aperture Large The a ar tr rdc high-energy produce stars Tauri T Can lrsfo aatcbakholes. black galactic from Flares .Tpa .Rt,&P Persi P. & Roth, M. Tapia, M. nlsso h pcrlenergy spectral the of Analysis 199 , .RysIubd,M Rosado, M. Reyes-Iturbide, J. tutrlPrmtr fM81 of Parameters Structural T ogsi pcrsoyof spectroscopy long-slit GTC H oeln h ne at of parts inner the Modelling α 119 , ieai tutrsin structures Kinematic V bevtos Un- Observations: EVN n OI]eiso line emission [OIII] and 153 , .Santiago-Cort´es, M. .Roca-F`abrega, S. 94 , 259 , .D Mayya, D. Y. .E Cappa, E. C. 102 , 76 , .Ruelas, A. 163 , 92 , 151 , 287 , 335 , , , © 2011: Instituto de Astronomía, UNAM - XIII Latin American Regional IAU Meeting Ed. W. J. Henney & S. Torres-Peimbert ai,L. Sabin, T. C. Russell, uz .T. M. Ruiz, A. Ruelas, 336 aau,J R. J. Sacahui, uz .T. M. Ruiz, A. Ruelas, aau,R. Sacahui, R. Sacahui, at,R. Saito, ´ nhz .J. S´anchez, L. ae S. Sale, K. R. Saito, ae .E. S. Sale, ´ nhz .J. S´anchez, L. J. S´anchez, L. ´ nhz .J. S´anchez, L. .Pvd,R otr,&A Nigoche-Netro A. & Costero, R. Poveda, A. e,R .Wlo,M .Duhry & collaboration IPHAS the Dougherty, & Mampaso, A. K. Leis- H IPHAS M. S. J. Wilson, Russell, J. P´erez-Enr´ıquez T. R. R. H. C. ner, Blanco-Cano, X. Saturn. of Plasma tospheric .Rd´ge,J acı-oa,M en,& Pe˜na, M. Garc´ıa-Rojas, Ruiz T. J. M. Rodr´ıguez, Cloud. M. Magellanic Large S´anchez J. L. & Ruelas, range. A. magnitude the on relation .T Ruiz & T. M. nucleus. Costero, [WC] R. a with Poveda, A. Allen, Nigoche-Netro C. A. Adaptive Ruelas, and Telescope A. Images. Space Hubble Optics to applied a er M´artir. Pedro M´artir.San Pedro San at al. Ben´ıtez et Blazars E. of & Monitoring Ramirez, MeV. L. to J. Gonz´alez, M. KeV Kaneko M. Y. from Sacahui, R. energies J. in spectrum Clusters. lses ecr3,6 n 70. and 69 35, Mercer clusters: perspectives. al. and et results first (VVV): 284 pnClusters. Open .Oiae,A uls .Aln .Pvd,R Cos- R. Poveda, Nigoche-Netro A. A. Allen, & C. tero, Ruelas, A. Olivares, Images. J. Optics Tele- Adaptive Space and Hubble scope to applied Diffracto-Astrometry .J ´nhz .Hrea .Nigoche-Netro A. & Herrera, S´anchez, G. J. L. .Rea,&L .S´anchez J. L. & Ruelas, range. A. magnitude the on relation Nigoche-Netro A. & Costero, 282 R. Poveda, A. Allen, C. Trapezium. 221 , V td fteyugMlyWystar Way Milky young the of study VVV V one erhfrNwGlci Open Galactic New for Search Pointed VVV erhfrNwPaeayNblewt the with Nebulae Planetary New for Search α 157 , 165 , 169 , .Brsoae al. et Borissova J. h ehiuso Diffracto-Astrometry of Techniques The V one erhfrNwGalactic New for Search Pointed VVV h eedneo h Faber-Jackson the of Dependence The an msinlnsi lntr nebulae planetary in lines emission Faint Survey. rnDpeini oie eua fthe of Nebulae Ionized in Depletion Iron oaiercMntrn fBaasat Blazars of Monitoring Polarimetric ogTr pia Photopolarimetric Optical Long-Term IT aibe nteVı L´actea V´ıa the in Variables VISTA .Oiae,L .Sace,A Ruelas, S´anchez, A. J. L. Olivares, J. C htmtyo M15. of Photometry CCD ae n ntblte nteMagne- the in Instabilities and Waves h eedneo h Faber-Jackson the of Dependence The R 893 us ihahard a with burst a 980923, GRB ircoAtoer fTeOrion The of Diffracto-Astrometry 44 , .Brsoae al. et Borissova J. 308 , .Sri tal. et Sorcia M. 295 , .J ´nhz .Olivares, J. S´anchez, J. L. .Sbn .L .Corradi, M. L. R. Sabin, L. .Gr´aRjs .Pe˜na, Garc´ıa-Rojas, & M. J. h ehiusof Techniques The 308 , 126 , 126 , 267 , .Rodr´ıguez-Mart´ınez,M. .Delgado-Inglada, G. .P˜aoae al. Pe˜naloza et F. .Nigoche-Netro, A. .Nigoche-Netro, A. 267 , 131 , .J S´anchez, J. L. 183 , .K Saito K. R. .Ruelas, A. 282 , UHRINDEX AUTHOR 287 , , , cmdorik L. Schmidtobreick, cmdorik L. Schmidtobreick, cmt,H R. H. Schmitt, cnaic,C. Scannapieco, crie,M R. M. Schreiber, Santiago-Cort´es, M. Santiago-Cort´es, M. crie,M R. M. Schreiber, ats M. Santos, C. F. J. Jr., Santos, aea,J P. J. Sareyan, S´anchez-Flores, M. aea,J P. J. Sareyan, ace-r¨els .O. Sanchez-Arg¨uelles, D. acd,J C. J. Saucedo, S´anchez-Monge, .S og .T ¨nik,&C Tappert C. G¨ansicke, & T. B. Long, S. K. quiescence. Schreiber 289 R. M. & G¨ansicke, Schmidtobreick, T. L. B. binaries. post-common-envelope .Rs-ozae,E elvc,E els .Ter- Schmitt R. R. H. Telles, & E. levich, the Terlevich, Characterising Rosa-Gonz´alez, galaxies. E. D. HII 1358-328. in Tol formation and star 1318 Mrk of .Scannapieco C. Haloes. Matter opc tla lsesi M81. Santiago-Cort´es in M. Rosa-Gonz´alez, & D. clusters stellar compact .A orıuzRc,G aa,L .Rodr´ıguez, & S´anchez-Monge F. A. L. Garay, Rodr´ıguez-Rico, G. A. GGD14 C. the in Region Complex. Photodissociated the toward .D ay,&D Rosa-Gonz´alez D. & Mayya, D. Clusters. Y. Star Compact .T ¨nik,L cmdorik .R Schreiber 289 R. M. & G¨ansicke, Schmidtobreick, T. L. B. binaries. post-common-envelope o,J. .J lr´,E ia .E Piatti E. A. & Bica, E. Clari´a, J. San- C. J. 264 F. J. Jr., Ben´ıtez Llambay, tos, A. clusters. Ahumada, stellar V. Clouds’ A. Magellanic ten of troscopy rniinlds X13.-22(p 32). (Oph RXJ1633.9-2242 disk transitional .Grl .Santos changes. M. paradigmatic & Girola through R. Astronomy of h pnCutr G 67adNC1778. Sareyan P. NGC J. Pe˜na, and & H. 1647 J. Guerrero, NGC A. C. Clusters Open the .O ace-r¨els .H uhs .W Wil- Gazta˜naga W. E. G. & on Hughes, son, H. impact Sanchez-Arg¨uelles, D. its O. studies. D. and Zel’dovich galaxies Sunyaev dust-obscured of trum M. .Fuad .Tovmassian G. & Fauvaud, S. aial lntwt ihCO rich a with planet habitable nYugCutr:NC2414. Saucedo C. P´erez-Rend´on, NGC J. B. Olgu´ın, & Clusters: L. Young in h ffc faselrflare. stellar Segura a of effect the ´ lae,R ihl .FxMcao .P Sareyan, P. J. Fox-Machado, L. Michel, R. Alvarez, ´ 296 , iatcpooa ntelearning the in proposal didactic A pcrsoyo LCm-observations. - Cam BL of Spectroscopy htmti erhfrAceinDisks Accretion for Search Photometric uvby .Shitbec,P Rodr´ıguez-Gil, P. Schmidtobreick, L. .P rv˜oMrls .G´omez, Y. Trevi˜no-Morales, P. S. 82 , A. ´ H ffcso aayfraino Dark on formation galaxy of Effects 297 , α mgn fteds a nothe into gap dust the of Imaging .E ers,P .Tsea & Tissera, B. P. Pedrosa, E. S. − h tutr fB oau in Doradus BB of structure The 19 , n OI]eiso iemaps line emission [OIII] and FS2NTitgae spec- integrated EFOSC2/NTT β tutrlPrmtr fM81 of Parameters Structural T ogsi pcrsoyof spectroscopy long-slit GTC H110 topei hmsr na in chemistry Atmospheric 315 , 102 , crto ndetached in Accretion hteeti htmtyof Photometry Photoelectric crto ndetached in Accretion α h nua oe spec- power angular The .Sace-lrs&A. S´anchez-Flores & M. 266 , n C110 and .Santiago-Cort´es, M. 2 .Torres-Campos, A. 94 , topeeunder atmosphere .A Monta˜na, A. A. .E Contreras, E. M. .D Mayya, D. Y. .Tappert, C. .Tappert, C. α 76 , 288 , Emission 276 , .Ore- M. 270 , , , , © 2011: Instituto de Astronomía, UNAM - XIII Latin American Regional IAU Meeting Ed. W. J. Henney & S. Torres-Peimbert iona,E. Simonneau, mt-atli A. Smith-Castelli, A. Shcherbakov, oca M. Sorcia, L. Sodr´e, Jr., oca M. Sorcia, Stasi´nska, G. eua A. Segura, tln .S. C. Stalin, ct,K S. K. Scott, eua A. Segura, ea,B. Sesar, F. Selman, hpr,P R. P. Shapiro, fi,R. Sfair, crie,M R. M. Schreiber, cutr W. Schuster, .RbsaMnsra,J .Wlim,B Merin, Orellana B. M. & Williams, Smith-Castelli, P. A. J. Rebassa-Manssergas, A. Lupus. Function. Simonneau E. Source & the for Model & Spline Carrasco, L. Luna, Shcherbakov A. A. Herrera-Mart´ınez, astronomy. G. radio for spectrometer acousto-optical Galaxies. er M´artir. M´artir.Pedro Pedro San at al. Ben´ıtez et Blazars E. of Monitoring rtpaescnieigds photoevaporation. R. disk considering protoplanets .Tsamis Y. & 300. NGC spiral Coziol R. & 0507+164. H galaxy 1.5 aa .H uhs .Wlo,K .Sot & Scott, S. K. Wilson, G. Hughes, Team H. AzTEC/ASTE D. xaga, drop-outs. submillimetre .Dffu & Duffau, S. Overdensity. Pisces the Way: Mason, E. Selman, F. Pietrzynski Melo, G. C. & Naef, D. Minniti, D. planets. trasolar 296 faselrflare. stellar a of lntwt ihCO rich a with planet .M rerc,G elm,M .Alvarez, A. M. Iliev Mellema, Reionization. T. I. G. & Cosmic Shapiro, R. Friedrich, of P. M. Topology M. the of o h se Mission. Aster the for .RbsaMnsra,J .Wlim,B Merin, Orellana B. M. & Williams, Smith-Castelli, P. A. J. Rebassa-Manssergas, A. Lupus. .Loe-rz .Shse,&G Garc´ıa G. Stars. & G Schuster, L´opez-Cruz, and W. O. F A, of Classification ln,L .Cea .R crie,J .Williams, P. J. Schreiber, Romero A. R. G. M. Mer´ın, & Cieza, B. A. L. llana, lae-ea,F ast .Segura A. & Masset, F. Alvarez-Meraz, ´ erIfae pcrmtrpoetdesign project Spectrometer Near-Infrared A .A oeo .R crie,L .Cieza, A. L. Schreiber, R. M. Romero, A. G. .A oeo .R crie,L .Cieza, A. L. Schreiber, R. M. Romero, A. G. netgtn h usit fteMilky the of Outskirts the Investigating oaiercMntrn fBaasa San at Blazars of Monitoring Polarimetric .V ot-ure&L Sodr´e Jr. L. & Costa-Duarte V. M. 123 , nlsso h vlto ftasfor traps of evolution the of Analysis ihcdneNRosrain fex- of observations NIR cadence High topei hmsr nahabitable a in chemistry Atmospheric dnicto fhg- aaisthrough galaxies high-z of Identification ogTr pia Photopolarimetric Optical Long-Term 177 , .Ivezi´cZ. eebrto apn fteSeyfert the of mapping Reverberation ˇ hmclAudne nPei the in PNe in Abundances Chemical h ue hrceitca Measure a as Characteristic Euler The h opooyo uecutr of Superclusters of Morphology The h hsclBsso h Spectral the of Basis Physical The 305 , .Sri tal. et Sorcia M. 44 , 268 , 291 , h I tblzdwt Cubic a with Stabilized IIM The .P˜a .Saink,F Bresolin, Stasi´nska, Pe˜na, F. G. M. rniincruntla ik in disks circumnstellar Transition rniincruntla ik in disks circumnstellar Transition etn h rg elo an of cell Bragg the Testing .Sace-lrs&A Segura A. S´anchez-Flores & M. 110 , 261 , 2 .Ccrs .D Ivanov, D. V. Caceres, C. .Htme al. et Hetem A. topeeudrteeffect the under atmosphere .Jykmr .S Stalin, S. C. Jeyakumar, S. 294 , 13 , .K ia,B Sesar, B. Vivas, K. A. .Aulr .Aret- I. Aguilar, E. 131 , 253 , 253 , .DleMese, Dalle G. 306 , .Cardona O. 271 , 293 , UHRINDEX AUTHOR 116 , , Stasi´nska, G. Stasi´nska, G. tue,J. Stauffer, tffn W. Steffen, Su´arez, O. uetc J. Sulentic, wiat .V. A. Sweigart, aao F. Tamayo, ai,M. Tapia, apr,C. Tappert, ai-civn C. Tapia-Schiavon, apr,C. Tappert, ec,T E. T. Tecce, exia R. Teixeira, els E. Telles, .Stasi´nskaG. an .Bien,A .Vvs .Muzerolle, J. Vivas, Stauffer K. J. & A. Brice˜no, Gutermuth, R. C. mann, regions. stellar work. & Stasi´nska, at G. stars Morisset, Binette evolved L. C. Flores-Fajardo, low-mass N. Hot ies: .Tmy,&N Koning N. technique. & Tamayo, analysis F. kinematic new rr,L .Mrna .S´rz .F G´omez F. J. Su´arez, & O. Miranda, 197 F. L. rrero, observations candidates. Near-IR IRAS II. of nebulae planetary and stars o usr nteprmtr pc 4DE1. Sulentic J. space & Marziani, parameters P. Ne- grete, A. Jim´enez-Bail´on, the Dultzin, E. D. Anguiano, in O. quasars for .Ctln .V Sweigart V. A. & Catelan, M. Populations. Cluster Globular .Tmy,&N Koning N. technique. & Tamayo, analysis F. kinematic new G 3372. NGC .C´vz .TpaShao,E Bertone, E. Hern´andez- Tapia-Schiavon, B. M67. C. in J. Ch´avez, Stars Solar-like M. of Parameters spheric 255 .T ¨nik,L cmdorik .R Schreiber 289 R. M. & G¨ansicke, Schmidtobreick, T. L. B. binaries. post-common-envelope Chavushyan V. .S og .T ¨nik,&C Tappert C. G¨ansicke, & T. B. Long, S. K. quiescence. itr oOsre High- Observed To Picture .M unz .P aart,C e .Lagos, Tecce P. E. T. del & Cora, C. A. Navarrete, S. Padilla, P. D. F. N. Mu˜noz, M. A. .Tier,C uorn,&C Bertout C. Lupus. & Ducourant, in C. Teixeira, Stars R. Sequence Pre-Main of .Treih .Tle,R elvc,&H .Schmitt R. H. & Terlevich, 102 R. Telles, E. Terlevich, E. galaxies. in formation HII star the Characterising 1358-328. Tol and H 118 , α erhn o evl bcrdpost-AGB obscured heavily for Searching Dvsaiaino vltoaydiagrams evolutionary of visualization 3D esso rtpaeaydssi young in disks protoplanetary of Census aibeIFSoeT i h LCDM The Fit To Slope IMF Variable A n OI]eiso iemp fMk1318 Mrk of maps line emission [OIII] and 96 , meddyugsasi northern in stars young Embedded eemnto fKnmtcDistances Kinematic of Determination rs-rs apn D3 69 a 3639: BD+30 mapping Criss-cross rs-rs apn D3 69 a 3639: BD+30 mapping Criss-cross oiaino h iuegsi galax- in gas diffuse the of Ionization h tutr fB oau in Doradus BB of structure The .Tre-aps .Rosa-Gonz´alez, D. Torres-Campos, A. .Shitbec,P Rodr´ıguez-Gil, P. Schmidtobreick, L. 114 , OMSadltl monsters. little and HOLMES .Tpa .Rt,&P Persi P. & Roth, M. Tapia, M. .Hradz .Cle,L Hart- L. Calvet, N. Hernandez, J. ffcso eimErcmn in Enrichment Helium of Effects gia .R ade,& Vald´es, R. J. Aguila, crto ndetached in Accretion ´ ieDphIdcsadAtmo- and Indices Line-Depth .RmsLro,M .Gue- A. M. Ramos-Larios, G. 202 , 202 , z umliee Sources. Submillimeter 243 , 257 , 42 , .A .Valcarce, R. A. A. .Tappert, C. 272 , .Steffen, W. .Steffen, W. 21 , 288 , .Galli, P. 337 , , , , © 2011: Instituto de Astronomía, UNAM - XIII Latin American Regional IAU Meeting Ed. W. J. Henney & S. Torres-Peimbert elvc,E. Terlevich, 338 elvc,E. Terlevich, elvc,R. Terlevich, elvc,R. Terlevich, isr,P B. P. Tissera, B. P. Tissera, orab,J. Torrealba, isr,P B. P. Tissera, orle,J M. J. Torrelles, I. Toledo, Toal´a, A. J. ors .M. R. Torres, orsCmo,A. Torres-Campos, M. R. Torres, oeo I. Toledo, orsFoe,S. Torres-Flores, .Mlik .Pins .Basilakos S. Bresolin, & Tracers. Plionis, F. M. Terlevich, Cosmic Melnick, E. J. Terlevich, Alternative Ch´avez, R. Using R. State of .Rs-ozae,E elvc,E els .Ter- Schmitt R. R. H. Telles, & E. levich, Terlevich, galaxies. Rosa-Gonz´alez, E. star HII D. the Characterising in 1358-328. formation Tol and 1318 Mrk .Mlik .Pins .Basilakos S. Bresolin, & Tracers. Plionis, F. M. Terlevich, Cosmic Melnick, E. J. Terlevich, Alternative Ch´avez, R. Using R. State of .Rs-ozae,E elvc,E els .Ter- Schmitt R. R. H. Telles, & E. levich, Terlevich, galaxies. Rosa-Gonz´alez, E. star HII D. the Characterising in 1358-328. formation Tol and 1318 Mrk .B isr,&S .Pedrosa E. S. & Tissera, Relation. B. P. Tully-Fisher the of .Cauha,&I Cruz-Gonz´alez I. emission & nuclear Chavushyan, AGN. V. optical and host jet of parsec-scale the of .Scannapieco C. Haloes. Matter Rossi De E. M. & galaxies. simulated of .Ooi,G nld,J atı .M Torrelles, M. J. Mart´ı, D’Alessio J. P. Galv´an-Madrid, Anglada, & R. G. Osorio, M. jet. perspectives. and results first 185 stars. Wolf-Rayet around .F orıuz .F Boden F. A. Rodr´ıguez, Dzib, S. & F. Torres, M. L. R. Mioduszewski, J. A. Loinard, L. uzwk,A .Bdn .F orıuz .M To- M. Rodr´ıguez, R. F. & rres L. Boden, F. A. duszewski, Serpens. in 95 EC pnClusters. Open .Tle,R elvc,&H .Schmitt R. Charac- galaxies. H. & HII Terlevich, 1358-328. R. Telles, in Terlevich, Tol E. Rosa-Gonz´alez, E. formation D. and Torres-Campos, star A. 1318 the Mrk terising of maps .Mne eOier,S orsFoe,& Torres-Flores, S. Oliveira, de Urrutia-Viscarra Evolution.F. Mendes Galaxy C. in ies 231 , .Crac-ozae,L .Rodr´ıguez, F. L. Carrasco-Gonz´alez, C. IT aibe nteV´ıa L´actea the (VVV): in Variables VISTA V one erhfrNwGalactic New for Search Pointed VVV -a msinfo neselrbubbles interstellar from Emission X-Ray osriigteDr nryEquation Energy Dark the Constraining osriigteDr nryEquation Energy Dark the Constraining H H orltosbtenrdoemission radio between Correlations hmcladmrhlgclanalysis morphological and Chemical h ol’ etdsac survey. distance Belt Gould’s The 82 , ffcso aayfraino Dark on formation galaxy of Effects uenv edakadteBend the and Feedback Supernova LAatoer fteAB star AeBe the of astrometry VLBA α α .Brsoae al. et Borissova J. 128 , e eut nteH 80-81 HH the on results New n OI]eiso iemp of maps line emission [OIII] and h oeo ia wr Galax- Dwarf Tidal of Role The n OI]eiso iemp of maps line emission [OIII] and .E ers,P .Tsea & Tissera, B. P. Pedrosa, E. S. .Trela .G Arshakian, G. T. Torrealba, J. 54 , .Di,L onr,A .Mio- J. A. Loinard, L. Dzib, S. H 102 , 102 , .E ers,P .Tissera, B. P. Pedrosa, E. S. α .A ola&S .Arthur J. Toal´a S. A. & J. n OI]eiso line emission [OIII] and 56 , .K at tal. et Saito K. R. 205 , .Torres-Campos, A. .Torres-Campos, A. .F eMello, de F. D. 229 , .E eRossi, De E. M. 267 , 98 , 9 , 9 , 102 , UHRINDEX AUTHOR 221 , , orsPpqi .P. J. Torres-Papaqui, orsPpqi .P. J. Torres-Papaqui, orsPpqi .P. J. Torres-Papaqui, rj,D M. D. Trejo, Trevi˜no-Morales, P. S. orsPibr,S. Torres-Peimbert, rui-icra F. Urrutia-Viscarra, Y. Tsamis, omsin G. Tovmassian, M. Tosi, acre .A R. A. A. Valcarce, aezea O. Valenzuela, S. Torres-Peimbert, Vald´es, R. J. aezea O. Valenzuela, aezea O. Valenzuela, opooyadevrnetfralresam- Neri-Larios M. large D. Islas-Islas, M. & J. a galaxies. Andernach, H. Torres-Papaqui, P. SDSS for J. of environment ple and morphology il .M sa-sa,R .Otg-iaaa & Ortega-Minakata, A. R. Neri-Larios Islas-Islas, M. M. D. J. ziol, SDSS. in didates .M rj .Reyes-Ruiz M. & Trejo M. instability.D. stream two the to due Plasmas Collisionless .P orsPpqi .Czo,J .IlsIls & Islas-Islas, M. Ortega-Minakata J. A. Coziol, R. R. Torres-Papaqui, P. J. AGNs. Low-Luminosity publication. astronomical for option real Astrof´ısica,tronom´ıa a y .A orıuzRc,G aa,L .Rodr´ıguez, & S´anchez-Monge F. A. L. Garay, Rodr´ıguez-Rico, G. A. GGD14 C. the in Region Complex. Photodissociated the toward .Tsamis Y. 300. NGC .Ts,&G Marconi G. & Tosi, M. Evolution. Chemical Torres-Peimbert S. .Ctln .V Sweigart V. A. & Catelan, M. Populations. Cluster Globular .Mne eOier,S orsFoe,& Torres-Flores, S. Oliveira, de Urrutia-Viscarra F. Mendes Evolution. C. Galaxy in Galaxies vations. .P aea,S avu,&G Tovmassian G. & Fauvaud, S. Sareyan, P. J. .C´vz .TpaShao,E Bertone, E. Hern´andez- M67. Tapia-Schiavon, in B. C. Stars J. Ch´avez, Solar-like M. of Parameters h ik a akmte aotriaxiality. halo Pichardo matter B. & dark Valenzuela, Rojas-Ni˜no, O. Way A. Milky the Chavushyan V. .M enadzTld,&O Valenzuela O. Hern´andez-Toledo, & M. H. Galaxies. .Crg,F enadz .Vel´azquez H. Hern´andez, Valenzuela, & F. O. Brown, Carigi, A. L. Aguilar, L. Bruzual, Method. G. GC3 teu, Modified a with Halo Galactic ´ OC rjc:TeBlgaOe Cluster Open Bologna The Project: BOCCE 177 , M. hmclAudne nPei h spiral the in PNe in Abundances Chemical .MedzHr´ne,A .Maga˜na, M´endez-Hern´andez, M. H. A. .P˜a .Saink,F rsln & Bresolin, Stasi´nska, F. Pe˜na, G. M. .Tre-emet&C Allen C. & Torres-Peimbert S. neseisMmnu rnpr in transport Momentum Interspecies ieDphIdcsadAtmospheric and Indices Line-Depth lae,R ihl .Fox-Machado, L. Michel, R. Alvarez, .P rv˜oMrls .G´omez, Y. Trevi˜no-Morales, P. S. 114 , ´ a eeto nIoae n ar of Pairs and Isolated in detection Bar eetn tla tem nthe in Streams Stellar Detecting pcrsoyo LCm-obser- - Cam BL of Spectroscopy osbelcldansi for diagnostic local possible A 100 , 297 , xv , 54 , ffcso eimErcmn in Enrichment Helium of Effects 127 , gia .R ade,& Vald´es, R. J. Aguila, ´ .P orsPpqi .Co- R. Torres-Papaqui, P. J. .V hmd,A Bragaglia, A. Ahumada, V. A. Preface. 80 , 265 , eit eiaad As- de Mexicana Revista h oeo ia Dwarf Tidal of Role The o uioiyANcan- AGN Luminosity Low H110 eainbtenactivity, between Relation h eeto fextreme of detection The ..Ortega-Minakata, R.A. 132 , α 257 , .M Neri-Larios, M. D. n C110 and .A .Valcarce, R. A. A. .J eny& Henney J. W. .F eMello, de F. D. 280 , α 78 , Emission 311 , 266 , 88 , .Ma- C. © 2011: Instituto de Astronomía, UNAM - XIII Latin American Regional IAU Meeting Ed. W. J. Henney & S. Torres-Peimbert aezea O. Valenzuela, a lea W. Altena, van O. Valenzuela, O. Valenzuela, aezea O. Valenzuela, a lea .F. W. Altena, van aqe,J. Vasquez, V´azquez, C. V´azquez, R. V´azquez, R. Vel´azquez, H. Vel´azquez, F. P. Vel´azquez, F. P. edg,T. Verdugo, ely S. Verley, T. Verdugo, edsMneer,L. Verdes-Montenegro, .Fgea,T noa .Valenzuela O. & Antoja, T. Figueras, F. simulations. .Valenzuela O. & galaxies. merging binary 1 lusuigSMmaterial. SPM using Clouds matter dark Aguilar to L. & constraint a properties. as scales sub-galactic Valen- O. Pichardo Figueras, B. F. & Antoja, zuela, T. Athanassoula, E. manifolds. invariant using Way irrhclUies:TeSBsdsednsof descendants SMBHs The Universe: Hierarchical r rprMto uvy 0 ilo boueproper motions. absolute million 100 Survey: Motion Proper ern .Otg,G oeo .Rubio M. & Romero, G. Ortega, M. Sh2-54. .FetsCreae al. et Fuentes-Carrera I. .Og´n .Vaqe,M .Cnrrs & Contreras, E. M. V´azquez, Jim´enez Y. R. M. Olgu´ın, L. .Buul .Aulr .Bon .Valenzuela, O. Vel´azquez Brown, H. Hern´andez, A. & F. Aguilar, Carigi, L. Method. L. GC3 Bruzual, Modified G. a with Halo tic Ayala, S. Contreras, Gil E. M. S. Miranda, & F. L. Zavala, S. 6058. NGC nebula etr ubrt of outbursts century .A eDeo .A eLo .Bongiovanni, A. Leo, De A. Cepa M. J. Diego, & lensing. Verdugo, T. de gravitational A. through J. Emitters pha .Ambrocio-Cruz P. & Vel´azquez, Rodr´ıguez-Gonz´alez, N70. F. A. Rosado, P. M. superbubble the .FetsCreae al. et Fuentes-Carrera I. Cabanac, R. Limousin, Richard Mu˜noz, M. J. P. & R. J02140-0535. Motta, SL2S V. in dynamics ubdLIRGs. turbed .M il,G .Goe,E .d Gou- de M. E. G´omez, Fuente Vel´azquez, C. la F. Cant´o, de P. J. E. G. Raga, & C. A. Pino, Villa, Dal veia M. A. 191 , trfraini netre LIRGs. unperturbed in formation Star .Vsuz .E ap,S Cichowolski, S. Cappa, E. C. Vasquez, J. .vnAltena van F. W nue trfraini h I region HII the in formation star Induced 15 , trfraini netre LIRGs. unperturbed in formation Star 104 , .X ozae-oae,O Valenzuela, Gonz´alez-Morales, O. X. A. ne:anblraayi software. analysis nebular a Anneb: ihrdhf aais&LmnAl- Lyman & galaxies redshift High eetn tla tem nteGalac- the in Streams Stellar Detecting ieaia td fteplanetary the of study Kinematical 193 , toglnig eklnig and lensing, weak lensing, Strong .Rc-`bea .Romero-G´omez, Roca-F`abrega, M. S. oeln h ne at fteMilky the of parts inner the Modelling rprmto td fteMagellanic the of study motion Proper ieai tutrsi aatcdisc galactic in structures Kinematic yaiso lc oe ar na in Pairs Holes Black of Dynamics 74 , .FetsCreae al. et Fuentes-Carrera I. 190 , h aspwrsetu at spectrum power mass The ueia oesfrte19th the for models Numerical P4 h aeSnJa South- Yale/San-Juan The SPM4: iueXryeiso from emission X-ray Diffuse 199 , 92 , η 117 , .F ul´n .V´azquez, R. Guill´en, F. P. 119 , 119 , Carinae. trfraini unper- in formation Star 290 , .M Mart´ınez-Palafox M. E. .Ver tal. et Vieira K. .Reyes-Iturbide, J. .Romero-Gomez, M. 259 , .F Gonz´alez, F. R. .Verdugo, T. 130 , 280 , 119 , .Mateu, C. 106 , UHRINDEX AUTHOR z = ag .B. Y. Yang, isn .J. R. Wilson, P. J. Williams, itr O. Winter, W. G. Wilson, G. Wilson, G. Wilson, ia,A K. A. Vivas, ia,A K. A. Vivas, il,A M. A. Villa, ia,A K. A. Vivas, ia,A K. A. Vivas, ilas .P. J. Williams, iot,A A. A. Vidotto, iia K. Vieira, iyo .L. F. Vieyro, .Hme,Y .Yn,M uc,H lrs & Flores, H. Puech, M. Yang, B. Rodrigues M. Y. Hammer, 6Gyr. F. past the over Sequence .RbsaMnsra,J .Wlim,B Merin, Orellana B. M. & Williams, Smith-Castelli, P. A. J. Rebassa-Manssergas, A. Lupus. e,R .Wlo,M .Duhry & Dougherty, K. Leis- Mission. M. S. Aster the for J. design Wilson, Russell, J. P´erez-Enr´ıquez T. R. R. H. C. ner, Blanco-Cano, X. Saturn. of Plasma tospheric Sun- Gazta˜naga on E. & Wilson, W. impact G. studies. Hughes, Sanchez-Arg¨uelles, H. O. D. D. its Zel’dovich and yaev galaxies dust-obscured Wilson G. & millimetre-wavelength observations. using protoclusters in galaxies .Cn´,P .Vlaqe,&E el Fuente la de Raga, E. Vel´azquez, C. & F. A. Cant´o, Pino, P. J. Dal Gouveia de G´omez, M. C. E. G. aa .H uhs .Wlo,K .Sot & Scott, S. K. Wilson, G. Hughes, Team H. AzTEC/ASTE D. xaga, drop-outs. submillimetre .Gtruh .Stauffer J. Muzerolle, & J. Gutermuth, Vivas, R. K. Brice˜no, A. C. Hartmann, L. regions. stellar young .Dffu & Duffau, S. Overdensity. Pisces the Way: ubrt of outbursts .J ons .Brice˜no C. & Downes, J. J. stars. Lyrae RR QUEST-I .Bien,C ae,J .Dwe,A .Vivas, K. A. Downes, Calvet J. N. Hern´andez, & J. J. Mateu, Brice˜no, C. C. ln,L .Cea .R crie,J .Williams, P. J. Schreiber, Romero A. R. G. M. Mer´ın, & Cieza, B. A. L. llana, 32). (Oph RXJ1633.9-2242 disk transitional .Ohr .JtnoPria .I Gombosi I. T. & Jatenco-Pereira, V. Opher, M. Stars. Tauri T Weak-Lined of spheres lusuigSMmaterial. SPM using Clouds .L iyo&G .Romero E. G. & Vieyro L. F. .A oeo .R crie,L .Cieza, A. L. Schreiber, R. M. Romero, A. G. rprmto td fteMagellanic the of study motion Proper dnicto fhg- aaisthrough galaxies high-z of Identification η 108 , h IAVSASre nOinOB1. Orion in Survey CIDA-VISTA The erIfae pcrmtrproject Spectrometer Near-Infrared A h vlto fteOsre Hubble Observed the of Evolution The esrn h aatcTikDs with Disk Thick Galactic the Measuring netgtn h usit fteMilky the of Outskirts the Investigating ueia oesfrte1t century 19th the for models Numerical 52 , .Ivezi´cZ. tdigtepoete fmassive of properties the Studying ˇ ae n ntblte nteMagne- the in Instabilities and Waves Carinae. .Zblo,D .Hge,I Aretxaga, I. Hughes, H. D. Zeballos, M. lrsfo aatcbakholes. black galactic from Flares esso rtpaeaydssin disks protoplanetary of Census 19 , DSmltoso itdMagneto- Tilted of Simulations 3D mgn fteds a nothe into gap dust the of Imaging rniincruntla ik in disks circumnstellar Transition h nua oe pcrmof spectrum power angular The 110 , 295 , 261 , .F ozae,A .Villa, M. Gonz´alez, A. F. R. .Hradz .Calvet, N. Hernandez, J. 225 , 294 , 245 , 243 , .Mtu .K Vivas, K. A. Mateu, C. .Rodr´ıguez-Mart´ınez,M. 153 , .Ver tal. et Vieira K. .K ia,B Sesar, B. Vivas, K. A. .Aulr .Aret- I. Aguilar, E. .Htme al. et Hetem A. .Delgado-Serrano, R. 253 , .A Monta˜na, A. A. .A Vidotto, A. A. 190 , .Ore- M. 106 , 306 , 133 , 339 © 2011: Instituto de Astronomía, UNAM - XIII Latin American Regional IAU Meeting Ed. W. J. Henney & S. Torres-Peimbert ahra,N. Zacharias, 340 aaa S. Zavala, eals M. Zeballos, lusuigSMmaterial. SPM using Clouds .Wilson G. & millimetre-wavelength observations. using protoclusters in galaxies Gil S. & Ayala, S. Contreras, E. 191 M. Miranda, F. L. 6058. NGC ieaia td ftepaeaynebula planetary the of study Kinematical 108 , rprmto td fteMagellanic the of study motion Proper .F ul´n .Vaqe,S Zavala, V´azquez, S. Guill´en, R. F. P. .Zblo,D .Hge,I Aretxaga, I. Hughes, H. D. Zeballos, M. tdigtepoete fmassive of properties the Studying .Ver tal. et Vieira K. 106 , UHRINDEX AUTHOR , hn,Q. Zhang, uia C. Zurita, Zsarg´o, J. .R eo .F orıuz .T .Ho P. T. P. Rodr´ıguez, & F. L. Keto, R. E. Galaxy. the in Stars 60Tauri. V650 nebulae? .N u .Zurita C. & Fu, N. J. .Goge,C oist .Zsarg´o J. & Morisset, C. Georgiev, L. a tla oainsaeteplanetary the shape rotation stellar Can seoesooyo h et ct star Scuti Delta the of Asteroseismology nteFraino h otMassive Most the of Formation the On .FxMcao .Mce,M. Michel, R. Machado, Fox L. 237 , .Gl´nMdi,Q Zhang, Galv´an-Madrid, Q. R. 239 , Alvarez, ´ 203 ,