RevMexAA (Serie de Conferencias), 40, 319–340 (2011) AUTHOR INDEX Abraham, Z. SgrA* emission at 7 mm. Allen, C. Revista Mexicana de Astronom´ıa y As- P. P. B. Beaklini & Z. Abraham, 112 trof´ısica, a real option for astronomical publication. Adame, L. Accretion disks around young brown S. Torres-Peimbert & C. Allen, 311 dwarfs. Spectral indices for the two viscosity pre- Allen, C. The Techniques of Diffracto-Astrometry scriptions. L. Adame, P. D’Alessio, N. Calvet, & applied to Hubble Space Telescope and Adaptive J. Cant´o, 263 Optics Images. L. J. S´anchez, J. Olivares, Agudo, I. Long-Term Optical Photopolarimetric A. Ruelas, C. Allen, A. Poveda, R. Costero, & Monitoring of Blazars at San Pedro M´artir. A. Nigoche-Netro, 308 E. Ben´ıtez et al., 44 Alonso-Garc´ıa, J. VISTA Variables in the V´ıa Agudo, I. Polarimetric Monitoring of Blazars at San L´actea (VVV): first results and perspectives. Pedro M´artir. M. Sorcia et al., 131 R. K. Saito et al., 221 Aguiar, O. D. Gravitational Wave Detection: What Alvarez,´ C. About pulsars dynamical evolution. is new. O. D. Aguiar, 299 R. L´opez-Valdivia, C. Alvarez,´ E. de la Fuente, Aguilar, E. Identification of high-z galaxies through D. Lorimer, & M. Kramer, 279 submillimetre drop-outs. E. Aguilar, I. Aret- Alvarez,´ M. Asteroseismology of the Delta Scuti star xaga, D. H. Hughes, G. Wilson, K. S. Scott, & V650 Tauri. L. Fox Machado, R. Michel, M. Alvarez,´ AzTEC/ASTE Team, 110 J. N. Fu, & C. Zurita, 237 Aguilar, L. Detecting Stellar Streams in the Galactic Alvarez,´ M. Spectroscopy of BL Cam - observations. Halo with a Modified GC3 Method. C. Mateu, M. Alvarez,´ R. Michel, L. Fox-Machado, J. P. Sareyan, G. Bruzual, L. Aguilar, A. Brown, O. Valenzuela, S. Fauvaud, & G. Tovmassian, 266 L. Carigi, F. Hern´andez, & H. Vel´azquez, 280 Alvarez, M. A. The Euler Characteristic as a Measure Aguilar, L. The mass power spectrum at sub-galactic of the Topology of Cosmic Reionization. scales as a constraint to dark matter properties. M. M. Friedrich, G. Mellema, M. A. Alvarez, A. X. Gonz´alez-Morales, O. Valenzuela, & L. Aguilar, P. R. Shapiro, & I. T. Iliev, 13 15 Alvarez-Meraz´ R. Analysis of the evolution of traps Aguilera, V. Star formation in unperturbed LIRGs. for protoplanets considering disk photoevaporation. I. Fuentes-Carrera et al., 119 R. Alvarez-Meraz,´ F. Masset, & A. Segura, 293 Ahumada, A. V. A new open cluster binary system Ambrocio-Cruz, P. Diffuse X-ray emission from Ed. W. J. Henney & S. Torres-Peimbert in the Milky Way. A. E. Piatti, J. J. Clari´a, & the superbubble N70. J. Reyes-Iturbide, A. V. Ahumada, 286 M. Rosado, A. Rodr´ıguez-Gonz´alez, P. F. Vel´azquez, Ahumada, A. V. BOCCE Project: The Bologna & P. Ambrocio-Cruz, 199 Open Cluster Chemical Evolution. A. V. Ahumada, Ambrocio-Cruz, P. Star formation in unperturbed A. Bragaglia, M. Tosi, & G. Marconi, 265 LIRGs. I. Fuentes-Carrera et al., 119 Ahumada, A. V. EFOSC2/NTT integrated spec- Andernach, H. Relation between activity, morphology troscopy of ten Magellanic Clouds’ stellar clusters. and environment for a large sample of SDSS galaxies. A. V. Ahumada, A. Ben´ıtez Llambay, J. F. C. San- R.A. Ortega-Minakata, J. P. Torres-Papaqui, H. An- © 2011: Instituto de Astronomía, UNAM - XIII Latin American Regional IAU Meeting tos, Jr., J. J. Clari´a, E. Bica, & A. E. Piatti, dernach, J. M. Islas-Islas, & D. M. Neri-Larios, 264 127 Ahumada, A. V. First photometric analysis of six Andrade-Santos, F. Spiral-arm substructures in the open cluster candidates. A. E. Piatti, J. J. Clari´a, intracluster gas. G. B. Lima Neto, T. F. Lagan´a, & & A. V. Ahumada, 285 F. Andrade-Santos, 125 Alberdi, A. EVN Observations: Unveiling the Heart Angeloni, R. The VVV Templates Project Towards of LIRGs and ULIRGs. C. Romero-Ca˜nizales, Automated Classification of VVV Light Curves. M. A. P´erez-Torres, & A. Alberdi, 90 M. Catelan, R. Angeloni, I. D´ek´any, K. Pichara, Alberdi, A. Thermal Radio Emission from Radiative S. Eyheramendy, & J. Borissova, 269 Shocks in Colliding Wind Binaries. G. Montes, Angeloni, R. VISTA Variables in the V´ıa L´actea R. F. Gonz´alez, J. Cant´o, M. A. P´erez-Torres, & (VVV): first results and perspectives. R. K. Saito A. Alberdi, 247 et al., 221 Allen, C. Diffracto-Astrometry of The Orion Trapez- Anglada, G. New results on the HH 80-81 jet. ium. J. Olivares, L. J. S´anchez, A. Ruelas, C. Allen, C. Carrasco-Gonz´alez, L. F. Rodr´ıguez, M. Os- A. Poveda, R. Costero, & A. Nigoche-Netro, 282 orio, G. Anglada, J. Mart´ı, J. M. Torrelles, 319 320 AUTHOR INDEX R. Galv´an-Madrid, & P. D’Alessio, 229 Ayala, S. Kinematical study of the planetary nebula Anguiano, O. 3D visualization of evolutionary dia- NGC 6058. P. F. Guill´en, R. V´azquez, S. Zavala, grams for quasars in the parameters space 4DE1. L. F. Miranda, M. E. Contreras, S. Ayala, & S. Gil, O. Anguiano, E. Jim´enez-Bail´on, D. Dultzin, A. Ne- 191 grete, P. Marziani, & J. Sulentic, 42 Anguita, T. Galaxy Scale Lenses in the RCS2. T. Anguita, 111 Banerjee, R. Time Variability in Simulated Ultra- Antoja, T. Kinematic structures in galactic disc compact and Hypercompact H II Regions. simulations. S. Roca-F`abrega, M. Romero-G´omez, R. Galv´an-Madrid, T. Peters, E. R. Keto, F. Figueras, T. Antoja, & O. Valenzuela, 130 M.-M. Mac Low, R. Banerjee, & R. S. Klessen, Antoja, T. Modelling the inner parts of the Milky 273 Way using invariant manifolds. M. Romero-Gomez, Basilakos, S. Constraining the Dark Energy Equation E. Athanassoula, T. Antoja, F. Figueras, O. Valen- of State Using Alternative Cosmic Tracers. zuela, & B. Pichardo, 92 R. Ch´avez, R. Terlevich, E. Terlevich, F. Bresolin, Araudo, A. T. Analysis of the spectral energy J. Melnick, M. Plionis, & S. Basilakos, 9 distribution from a runaway star bow shock. Batta, A. 3D Collapse and Accretion in Slowly C. S. Peri, A. T. Araudo, P. Benaglia, G. E. Romero, Rotating Polytropes. A. Batta & W. H. Lee, 155 & J. Mart´ı, 156 Beaklini, P. P. B. SgrA* emission at 7 mm. Arellano Ferro, A. The Globular Cluster NGC 6981: P. P. B. Beaklini & Z. Abraham, 112 Variable stars population, physical parameters and Beamin, J. C. VISTA Variables in the V´ıa L´actea astrometry. R. Figuera Jaimes, A. Arellano Ferro, (VVV): first results and perspectives. R. K. Saito D. M. Bramich, & S. Giridhar, 235 et al., 221 Aretxaga, I. Identification of high-z galaxies through Beckman, J. E. The HII regions of M51 and NGC submillimetre drop-outs. E. Aguilar, I. Aret- 4449. Behavior of the mean electron density. xaga, D. H. Hughes, G. Wilson, K. S. Scott, & L. Guti´errez & J. E. Beckman, 192 AzTEC/ASTE Team, 110 Aretxaga, I. Studying the properties of massive Benaglia, P. Analysis of the spectral energy dis- galaxies in protoclusters using millimetre-wavelength tribution from a runaway star bow shock. observations. M. Zeballos, D. H. Hughes, I. Aretxaga, C. S. Peri, A. T. Araudo, P. Benaglia, G. E. Romero, & G. Wilson, 108 & J. Mart´ı, 156 Arrieta, A. NGC 6826: a unified study of the Benaglia, P. Radio emission from massive protostellar planetary nebula and its central stars. C. R. Fierro, objects. P. Benaglia, 211 A. Peimbert, L. Georgiev, C. Morisset, & A. Arrieta, Ben´ıtez, E. Long-Term Optical Photopolarimetric 167 Monitoring of Blazars at San Pedro M´artir. Arshakian, T. G. Correlations between radio emission E. Ben´ıtez et al., 44 Ben´ıtez, E. Polarimetric Monitoring of Blazars at San Ed. W. J. Henney & S. Torres-Peimbert of the parsec-scale jet and optical nuclear emission of host AGN. J. Torrealba, T. G. Arshakian, Pedro M´artir. M. Sorcia et al., 131 V. Chavushyan, & I. Cruz-Gonz´alez, 98 Ben´ıtez Llambay, A. EFOSC2/NTT integrated spec- Arthur, S. J. X-Ray Emission from interstellar bubbles troscopy of ten Magellanic Clouds’ stellar clusters. around Wolf-Rayet stars. J. A. Toal´a& S. J. Arthur, A. V. Ahumada, A. Ben´ıtez Llambay, J. F. C. San- 185 tos, Jr., J. J. Clari´a, E. Bica, & A. E. Piatti, Artigau, E. VVV study of the young Milky Way star 264 clusters: Mercer 35, 69 and 70. F. Pe˜naloza et al., Bernal, C. G. Growing Magnetic Fields in Central © 2011: Instituto de Astronomía, UNAM - XIII Latin American Regional IAU Meeting 284 Compact Objects. C. G. Bernal & D. Page, 149 Athanassoula, E. Modelling the inner parts of Bertone, E. Line-Depth Indices and Atmospheric the Milky Way using invariant manifolds. Parameters of Solar-like Stars in M67. M. Romero-Gomez, E. Athanassoula, T. Antoja, M. Ch´avez, C. Tapia-Schiavon, E. Bertone, F. Figueras, O. Valenzuela, & B. Pichardo, 92 J. B. Hern´andez-Aguila,´ J. R. Vald´es, & Athanassoula, E. Properties of bars in spiral galaxies V. Chavushyan, 114 from COSMOS. I. Hern´andez-L´opez, E. Recillas, Bertout, C. Determination of Kinematic Distances R. M´ujica-Garc´ıa, & E. Athanassoula, 121 of Pre-Main Sequence Stars in Lupus. P. Galli, Avila-Reese, V. Seeding the local disk galaxy R. Teixeira, C. Ducourant, & C. Bertout, 272 population. A. Rodr´ıguez-Puebla, V. Avila-Reese, Bica, E. EFOSC2/NTT integrated spectroscopy of ten C. Firmani, & P. Col´ın, 84 Magellanic Clouds’ stellar clusters. A. V. Ahumada, Avila-Reese, V. The Cosmic Star Formation History. A. Ben´ıtez Llambay, J. F. C. Santos, Jr., J. J. Clari´a, M. A. Mu˜noz-Guti´errez & V. Avila-Reese, 23 E. Bica, & A. E. Piatti, 264 Avila-Reese, V. The dark and stellar mass assembly Bica, E.
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