Antony 83-30 BCE 337–283 BC King of Macedon

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Antony 83-30 BCE 337–283 BC King of Macedon Demetrius Poliorchetes Parallel Lives Mark Antony 83-30 BCE 337–283 BC King of Macedon • “We may, I think avail ourselves of• “…two persons who justify the the cases of those who have fallen words of Plato that great natures produce great vices as well as into indiscretions , and have, in great virtues. … Both were high stations, made themselves amorous and intemperate, conspicuous for misconduct….we warlike and munificent, shall be all the more zealous to sumptuous in their ways of living read, observe and imitate the bet- and overbearing in their ter lives if we are not left in manners… their lives a series of ignorance of the blameworthy great successes and disasters, and the bad… mighty acquisitions and tremendous losses of power…” Early Life Genealogy Brilliant Promise; Bad Choices 2 • Curio Clodius Greece • Grandfather killed by Marius • Father married into Julian family • Father Creticus died early • Mother married Cornelius Lentulus, executed by Cicero 63BCE Early Adventures, 3 pp. 273-4* Syria : Commander of Cavalry Egypt: Opportunity Knocks Antony and Hercules, 4 Antony in Rome, 49 BCE • Did Antony begin Civil Wars? *6 • Associated with Curio and Caesar • As tribune and augur • Pompey’s troops sent to Bibulus • Antony entrusted with • Reads out letters from Caesar command of troops and which Senators tried to suppress administration of Italy • Moves that both Caesar and Pompey should dismiss troops which large majority approve Best Soldier Next to Julius Caesar, 7-8 Brundisium • Defeating Pompey 48 BCE Antony as Master of the Horse and Cos, 8-11 Fights with Dolabella, tribune Punishment and Marriage, p. 280* » Fulvia » Fulvia » Married to • Way of Living, p.279 » Fulvia » Ful » Married to Clodius » Fulvia » Married to Clodius » Married to Curio » Conspired with » Antony’s brother Against Octavian • The Ides of March and After, 12-16, p. 283, 4 Flight of the Conspirators; Arrival of Octavian, 16-18, p. 285 • Antony Declared Public Enemy • Antony Declared Public Enemy • Battle of Mutina 43 BCE • antony The Second Triumvirate, 20-22, p.288 • Battle of Philippi 42 BCE Octavian goes to Rome; Antony Goes East Needs money promised to soldiers ; Harsh to Greece and Asia 23-25 Off to Parthia , but Cleopatra • interrupts his plans, 25-26, p. 294, 6 • Bad Behavior , p.291 Wrong Time to Dawdle • Antony goes to Alexandria with Cleopatra 28- 29 * to play around Wake Up Calls • Italy Triumvirate Renewed, 40 BCE • Parthia • Sicily Resentments and Suspicions,33-35 • With Octavia in Athens: Ventidius 34 • Octavian in Rome Meeting in Tarentum 37 BCE Marcus Antonius vs. Antony and Cleopatra, 36* Antony’s Eastern Expedition, 37-52, Blunders? 38, v. p.355 Difficulties, Escape, and Triumph over Armenia in Alexandria, 32 BCE Octavia vs. Cleopatra, 51-54 Athens Alexandria, 53, p.320 • Sent Back to Rome,54, • p.321 • Donations, p.56-7 No Room for 2 at the Top Preliminaries to War, 55-59, Denunciations in Rome; Responses As Antony prepares for Armenian war Cleo prevents solution • Antony rejoins Cleopatra for a Joy Ride; blunder, 58,p.324 War Declared Against Cleopatra, 60-68 Army or Navy? 62,63 Challenges, 62 • Antony stronger on land, but Cleo insists on naval battle • And defections by client Kings kings, 63. Fight and Flight 65-66, p.332 Winner and Loser No place to flee, 69 • Solitude, like Timon, 70 Inimitable Livers become Order of the Inseparable in Death Petitions for future of children Carpe Diem!, 71 and life after Actium 72 • Octavian refuses; he wants Antony Dead and Cleopatra alive for Roman Triumph 73 Octavian in Alexandria Antony’s Last Battle, 74- 76 Death of Antony, 76-77 Death of Cleopatra, 84-86, p. 386 Octavian tries to keep her alive, But she outwits him 78-85 Aftermath .
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