Yogini Dinacharya
YOGINI DINACHARYA ESSENTIAL AYURVEDA FOR YOGINIS DIN= DAY CHARYA=TO BE CLOSE TO YOGINI =FEMALE PRACTITIONER OF YOGA Dinacharya empowers us to !e "#ose to$ t%e r%&t%ms of ()ture*s +),#& "&"#e. B& 'ol#ow,(. ) +,()"%)r&) pr)"t,"e, we .row more ')m,#,)r w,t% t%e w)&s ()ture*s r%&t%m ,s re0e"te+ ,( our ow( ,(ter()# r%&t%ms of s#eep, w)1e'u#(ess, %u(.er, e#,m,()t,on, )(+ e(er.&: t%e e#eme(ts t%)t )re most ,mport)(t 'or %e)#t% )(+ #on.e3,t&. T%ese pr)"t,"es w%e( "om!,(e+ %e#p !)#)("e )## +os%)s )(+ "ontr,!ute to preser3,(. )(+ produ",(. prana, tejas, )(+ ojas, t%e %e)#t%& "ou(terp)rts to t%e +os%)s. T%,s ,s to s)&, ,t w,## %e#p ) wom)( !u,#+ %er e(er.&, "re)t,3,t&, !r,##,)("e of !r),( 4 !od&, )(+ sust),( %er ,mmu(e )(+ reprodu"t,3e %e)#t%. 5,t% t%ese re"omme(+)t,ons I w,s% &ou (ot on#& t%e 'ru,ts of .ood %e)#t%, !ut t%)t t%ese pr)"t,"es m)& ser3e &ou )s '),t%'u# 'r,e(+s )#on. t%e 6our(e& of #,'e )(+ +),#& &og," e7p#or)t,on of our !od,es, m,(+s, )(+ sp,r,ts- HOW TO USE THE YOGINI DINACHARYA: • Consistency is key. I' t%ese )re most#& (ew to &ou, p,"1 6ust two pr)"t,"es 'rom t%e #,st )(+ e(6o& t%ose +),#& 'or two wee1s.
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