DEVELOPING MOBILE APPS for RAIL-BASED PUBLIC TRANSPORT in KLANG VALLEY Bachelor of Applied Arts with Honours (Design Technology)

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DEVELOPING MOBILE APPS for RAIL-BASED PUBLIC TRANSPORT in KLANG VALLEY Bachelor of Applied Arts with Honours (Design Technology) DEVELOPING MOBILE APPS FOR RAIL-BASED PUBLIC TRANSPORT IN KLANG VALLEY LOKE XUE HUI Bachelor of Applied Arts with Honours (Design Technology) 2018 Gr.lde: I'kase l i(' k (oJ ) • 11l;J1 Y C'~1r PH)Jl.:d KC Plll l '\ I ~ I "I\: I"" PhD IHTI .o\J{,YIIO,"\ OF ()1{1(;1~ , \1. \\'OIU, This b lII:1d.: (In I e ....... ~.. d.I)' p i Siulil"lll ' " Ih:danttiurl . I LOKE .'<1.:£ HUI ~2.3 67 "~ :\( ULTV OF APPLIFO \ ~O CRE·\ TIYJ:: ARTS hcr"b~ ck"'\:lar.: 11L:'I111...: \\(),,,, 1.:J11i1:~'J, OE\ ' ELOPI~C -'IOBllE \PP, FO R R..\ I L- B...\ SE::O PLBLIC TRA,'\ 'iPORT I~ KI. \ ;\G \ ' -\LI .E\ I.. 'n~ (m~IILl I \\ork. I hJ\C nol ,oplcll rrom >1I1Y ot h", 11IJ~IU~' \\1)11.. 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I;cm fi dcllli,.lil\' .md rcslric·l iOII . p he ill~t r \Jtuc.1I \\:,,, lucJ';ln:d 1 y n il; C':lIIrc for .\ cadelillc Inforlu.ltiun Sen i ~"t II DEVELOPING MOBILE APPS FOR RAIL-BASED PUBLIC TRANSPORT IN KLANG VALLEY LOKE XUE HUI 52367 This project is one of the requirements for Bachelor of Applied Arts with Honours (Design Technology) Fakulti Seni Gunaan dan Kreatif UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA SARAWAK 2018 The project entitled „Developing Mobile Apps For Rail-Based Public Transport‟ was prepared by Loke Xue Hui and submitted to the Faculty of Applied and Creative Arts in partial fulfillment of the requirements for a Bachelor of Applied Arts with Honours (Design Technology). Received for examination by: ________________________ (Miss Noorhaslina Binti Senin) Date: ________________________ III ACKNOWLEDGEMENT First of all, I would like to dedicate my sincere thanks to my beloved supervisor, Miss Noorhaslina Binti Senin for all the uncountable help, intellectual support and guidance toward completing my Final Year Project. Thanks to her encouragement and trust in me, I am able to complete this study on time. I would like to express my thanks to my coursemates and friends for being such a grateful friend that helped and assist me in order to complete the project. I really appreciate all the helps given. Last but not least, I would like to express my warmest gratitude to my family especially my parents who always be my listener. Their continuous support, love and understanding have built me to be a better person in my university life. IV CONTENTS Page Title page Declaration I Verification III Acknowledgment IV Content V List of Tables IX List of Figures XII Abstract XIII Abstrak XIV CHAPTER 1 INTODUCTION 1.1 Background 1 1.1.1 The Evolution of Rail Transit Network in Malaysia 1 1.1.2 Railway Transit Apps in Malaysia 6 1.1.3 Fares and Payment Method 7 1.2 Problem Statement 8 1.3 Research Questions 8 1.4 Research Objectives 8 1.5 Scope of Study 9 1.6 Limitation of Research 9 V CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Public Transport 10 2.2 Mobile Apps 11 2.3 Mobility Apps 11 2.4 Usability 12 2.5 User Experience, UX 13 2.6 User Interface, UI 13 2.7 Service Design 14 2.8 Color 15 2.9 Layout 16 CHAPTER 3 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3.1 Primary Data 17 3.1.1 User Journey Map 17 3.1.2 User Interview 18 3.1.3 Observation 19 3.1.4 Competitor Analysis 20 3.1.5 Visual Analysis 20 3.2 Secondary Data 20 CHAPTER 4 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 4.1 Introduction 20 4.2 User Journey Map 20 4.3 Participant Interview 24 VI 4.3.1 The routine of using rail-based public transport 25 4.3.2 Problems when using rail-based public transport 26 4.3.3 The use of rail-based public transport mobile application 28 4.4 Service Provider Interview 29 4.5 Observation 30 4.6 Competitor Analysis 32 CHAPTER 5 DESIGN PROPOSAL 5.1 Introduction 37 5.2 Concept Design 37 5.3 User Task Model 39 5.4 Design Development 41 5.4.1 Sitemap 41 5.4.2 Wireframe 42 5.5 Visual Design Proposal 42 5.5.1 Logo Design 43 5.5.2 Button and Icon Design 44 5.5.3 Color Scheme 46 5.5.4 Typography 46 5.6 User Interface Design 47 5.7 Software and Prototype 55 5.8 Promotion and Strategy 56 5.8.1 Social Media 56 VII 5.8.2 Promotional Material 57 5.8.3 Microsite 57 5.8.4 Product Video 57 5.8.5 Rewards and Collaboration 57 5.8.6 Ambient Ads 59 CHAPTER 6 VALIDATION 6.1 Introduction 63 6.2 Usability Test and Validation 63 CHAPTER 7 RECOMMENDATION AND CONCLUSION 7.1 Recommendation 66 7.2 Conclusion 66 REFERENCES 68 LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix A: User Interview Guide 74 Appendix B: Service Provider Interview 83 Appendix C: System Usability Scale (SUS) 86 Appendix D: Design Development 87 VIII LIST OF TABLES Table 4.1 Feedbacks from user journey map.
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