Sts. Peter & Paul Boulder Weekly Bulletin Week of July 2nd, 2017 Contact Info Sts. Peter & Paul Greek Orthodox Church 5640 Jay Rd. Boulder, CO 80301 Office: 303-581-1434 Rev. Fr. Jordan Brown Recurring Services Orthros Sunday @ 8:30 am Service Schedule & Parish Activities Divine Liturgy Sunday @ 9:30 am Friday, July 7 St. Kyriaki Great Vespers Saturday @ 5 pm Orthros 8:30 am Confession by appt. Divine Liturgy 9 am Welcome to Our Parish! Saturday, July 8 Family Hike 9 am Great Vespers 5 pm The mission of Sts. Peter & Paul is to be a beacon of Orthodox Chris- tian spirituality in the greater Boul- Sunday, July 9 Project Mexico Fundraiser Lunch der area. We strive together to live Pagratis Baptism 1 pm our Orthodox Christian Faith by having a devoted prayer life, through fasting and almsgiving, and through regular participation in the services and sacraments of the Holy Orthodox Church. Hosts & Volunteers Have an Announcement? Ushers Matt Melonakis Myrrhbearers Demetra G., Sophie Please contact Aaron Wall:
[email protected] ; Choir Alexandra, Elizabeth, Georgia (720) 400-6579 Deadline is every Wed. before Di- Epistle Reader Elizabeth vine Liturgy. St. Kyriaki As a Model for Our Lives By Protopresbyter Fr. George Papavarnavas The reign of Diocletian (3rd century A.D.) revealed many Martyrs, who shine like multi-luminous stars in the noetic firmament of the Church of Christ. One of them is Saint Kyriaki. Raised in an environment of reverence and love for the true God, she was raised in the admonition of the life of the gospel and became, according to the sacred hymnographer, a spring with much water that watered the Church and made her bear fruit.