O C V ΓΡΑΦΕΙ ΤΗΝ ΙΣΤΟΡΙΑ Bringing the news ΤΟΥ ΕΛΛΗΝΙΣΜΟΥ to generations of ΑΠΟ ΤΟ 1915 The National Herald Greek Americans A WEEKLY GREEK AMERICAN PUBLICATION c v www.thenationalherald.com VOL. 10, ISSUE 509 July 14, 2007 $1.00 GREECE: 1.75 EURO AHEPA Has Archbishop Christodoulos Coming to Miami for Liver Transplant Good Start Expert Greek American Physician Says the At Denver Ailing Prelate’s Condition is Quite Treatable By Theodore Kalmoukos are in the Ionian island of Kefalonia Special to The National Herald and the Dodecanese. Gathering The UMJ Memorial Medical Cen- BOSTON – Archbishop ter is among the top three medical Christodoulos of Athens & All centers in the United States for all AHEPA’s 85th Annual Greece will be coming to Miami, types of organ transplantation. Each Florida for a liver transplant, ac- year, more than 20,000 people na- Convention Enjoys an cording to sources exclusive to the tionwide receive organ transplants National Herald. The ailing prelate there. Dr. Tzakis has conducted a Enthusiastic Opening is expected to arrive from Greece on substantial portion of those opera- or about August 15. The operation tions. By Dimitri Soultogiannis will be performed Dr. Andreas Tza- Asked how many transplant pro- Special to the National Herald kis, a world-renowned expert in cedures he himself has performed, transplant surgery. Dr. Tzakis said, “I have done thou- Almost 2,500 Greek Americans Christodoulos, 66, has been hos- sands of transplants,” confirming registered to attend AHEPA’s 85th pitalized since June 9 after he felt that he was scheduled to examine annual Supreme Convention, strong discomfort in his abdominal Christodoulos on Wednesday after- which began earlier this past week area, which was initially thought to noon at 3-4 PM. at the Adam’s Mark Hotel in Den- be a result of food poisoning. Med- Dr. Tzakis had initially planned ver. Members and their families ical tests determined that he had a to travel to Athens last month to ex- traveled from across the United growth in his colon, however, which amine the archbishop. Due to some States, Greece, Cyprus, Canada and was removed surgically on June 13. unexpected transplant operations, Australia to participate in AHEPA’s During the surgery, doctors at the however, his visit to Greece was de- greatest yearly event. Aretaieion Hospital, where the arch- layed, and was kept apprised of the The National Herald spoke to bishop is currently staying, discov- situation through regular briefings some delegates about AHEPA’s past ered another growth on his liver and updates on the Archbishop’s and future, as well as the upcoming which, it is believed, was there for condition. elections for the next supreme pres- sometime. Dr. Tzakis is well respected in the ident who would be succeeding Dr. Tzakis traveled to Athens, this United States and throughout the out-going Supreme President Gus past Wednesday, July 11, and exam- world for his expertise in liver trans- James. ined Christodoulos at Aretaieion plantation. The University of Miami At press time, the race to suc- Hospital, where Greek physicians has established the Andreas Tzakis ceed Mr. James, former AHEPA briefed him about the Archbishop’s Chair of Transplant Surgery in his Supreme Vice President Ike Gulas, condition, sources said. honor, and to ensure that his mis- who ran against Mr. James last Dr. Tzakis believes Christodou- sion and professional excellence will year, was vying for the helm with AP/BRIAN BAER los’ condition is treatable; that his be a permanent hallmark of the in- Lee Millas, Chairman of AHEPA’s Greek booths were among the top attractions at the Summer Fancy Food Show, a large international food overall health is very good; and that Board of Trustees. Both men are exhibition which took place at the Jacob Javits Center in New York City earlier this week. The products on there should not be any problem Continued on page 2 popular within the AHEPA commu- display drew the attention of Greek and American importers alike. with organ rejection after the opera- nity, and the race was expected to tion, sources added. be tight. While in Athens, Dr. Tzakis also “The entire AHEPA family is conducted tests on the archbishop’s thrilled to be hosted by the AHEPA kidneys, sources said. When chapter in Denver,” Mr. James told 2007: The Year of Greek Exports Christodoulos comes to Miami, Dr. Snowe Pushes the National Herald by phone. “I Tzakis is expected to conduct more wish both Ike and Lee good luck on By Stavros Marmarinos large international food exhibition ucts to the minds of Greek Ameri- thorough examinations of the arch- For U.S. Troop this year’s elections. They are both Special to the National Herald held at Manhattan’s Jacob Javits cans and U.S. importers.” bishop’s heart, which the Greek very capable men, and I have faith Convention Center, which began HFTB’s CEO also stated that American physician apparently be- in them. I hope this momentum NEW YORK – Greek olive oil ex- last Sunday, July 8, and ended this Greece’s marketing effort, known lieves is strong enough to undergo Withdrawal that we enjoyed at AHEPA these ports to the United States and past Tuesday, July 10. Discussions as “Kerasma” (Treat), has been the procedure. past two years will continue to exist Canada will triple by the end of regarding deals with various U.S. widely accepted and very success- Dr. Tzakis is a pre-eminent edu- for years to come.” 2008, according to Panagiotis importers have begun, he said. ful. “The fact is that more and more cator and research scientist, and Di- By Kevin Wack Since Mr. James was only the Drosos, CEO of the Hellenic For- “They clearly see that Greek Greek Americans are asking to dis- rector of the University of Portland Press Herald only the fourth person to serve as eign Trade Board. Speaking to The products have a place in the Ameri- play our promotional signs, and Miami/Jackson Memorial Medical AHEPA’s top man for two consecu- National Herald, he also stressed can market, where they are contin- want to include Greek recipes in Center, a leading medical center for WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senator tive years since 1962, and since his that this will be the year of Greek uously in demand,” Mr. Drosos stat- their products,” he said. organ transplants. Before traveling Olympia J. Snowe (R-Maine) an- two one-year terms are widely re- exports to the U.S. ed. “Through persistence, patience, Speaking about the recent Food to Athens, he was in Brazil, where nounced this past Wednesday garded a success, questions have Mr. Drosos relayed his personal and consistence, we are building Show, Mr. Drosos said it marked he was attending a medical confer- morning, July 11, that she will sup- been raised as to whether AHEPA satisfaction, as well as that of repre- up Greece’s presence in America the largest Greek national partici- ence. The National Herald spoke port a Democratic-led proposal to should mandate a minimum of two sentatives from major Greek com- once again. We have been away for pation in a decade. He recalled that with him this past Monday, July 9, begin withdrawing U.S. troops years for its elected officers, rather panies who came to participate in many years, but we have managed and learned that he was born and from Iraq within 120 days, a loss than hold elections every year. the Summer Fancy Food Show, a to once again return Greek prod- Continued on page 3 raised in Piraeus, and that his roots for a White House trying to main- AHEPA Communications Direc- tain Republican support for its war tor Michael Zacharaides told the strategy. Herald that the Convention’s first Snowe became just the second day went smoothly. “Most of the Republican to sign onto the with- participants showed up and regis- drawal proposal, joining Oregon tered, and we’re now ready for Economy of Senator Gordon Smith, according what Wednesday brings, the first to her spokesman David Snepp. official day of the convention,” he Greece Among The proposal, sponsored by De- said. mocratic Senators Carl Levin of AHEPA Executive Director Basil Michigan and Jack Reed of Rhode Mossaidis said the Convention’s Europe’s Best Island, calls for most American opening ceremonies and prayer troops to be withdrawn by April service, officiated by Metropolitan 2008. It would allow a smaller Isaiah of Denver, was “beautiful.” By Evan C. Lambrou force to remain in Iraq for certain Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper Special to The National Herald limited purposes, such as countert- attended along with more than 400 errorism and training of Iraqi secu- other people. NEW YORK – In the June 23, rity forces. “It was just great,” Mr. Mos- 2007 issue of Forbes, Tatiana Ser- “We have arrived at the cross- saidis said. “It’s always good to get afin discusses Greece's economic roads of hope and reality, and we this kind of kickoff. It sets a nice progress, points out that Greece, must now address the reality. We tone for the rest of the week.” "with little fanfare, has become one need to send a strong message from of Europe's best-performing the United States Congress on be- Continued on page 3 economies and stock markets," and half of the American people that identifies several reasons why the the current strategy is unaccept- Greek economy has done so well in able, and that we must move in a since the 2004 Olympic Games in different course,” Snowe said in a Athens.
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