FDOT Experience with PBES for Small-Medium Span Bridges Steven Nolan, P.E, Florida Dept. of Transportation (1), (850) 414-4272,
[email protected] Sam Fallaha, P.E, Florida Dept. of Transportation (1), (850) 414-4296,
[email protected] Vickie Young, P.E, Florida Dept. of Transportation (1), (850) 414-4301,
[email protected] (1) State Structures Design Office, 605 Suwannee St, Tallahassee FL. 32399 ABSTRACT In the last quarter century, some elaborate methods of accelerated bridge construction (ABC) have been explored and executed in Florida, predominately though necessity in the segmental construction. ABC techniques have also been applied to more traditional flat-slab and slab-on-girder bridges including: Prefabricated Bridge Elements and Systems (PBES), full size bridge moves, top down construction, and other efforts to minimize road user delays and environmental impacts. This paper focuses on four modest structural systems which were successfully implemented on FDOT construction projects since the initiation of FHWA’s Every Day Counts program. This discussion focuses on ABC structural systems for: Precast Intermediate Bent Caps, Precast Full-Depth Bridge Deck Panels, Prestressed Concrete Florida-Slab Beams, and Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil Integrated Bridge Systems. INTRODUCTION Florida has been heavily involved in accelerated bridge construction activities (ABC) since the middle of the last century, primarily driven for economic advantage, with efforts predominantly led by the precast concrete industry. In the last quarter century, some elaborate methods of accelerated bridge construction have been explored and executed in Florida, predominately though necessity in the post-tensioned (PT) segmental construction to provide economy through speed of fabrication and erection, to offset significant mobilization and setup cost, specialized PT subcontractors and equipment.