The Origin of the Celtic Comparative Type Oir Tressa, MW
170 R. Schmitt 16: offenbar noch nicht erschienen 14. 17: Het'owm Patmic', Patmowt'iwn T'at'arac' [Hethum der Histori ker Geschichte der Tataren] / Getum Patmic, Istorija Tatar / Hetum Patmich, History of Tatars, 4°, 1981, [Vlj, 704 S. (T: Ven~tik 1842; ]3: The Origin of the Celtic Comparative Type Olr. tressa, Bambis Asoti Eganyan; 642-691 Wortliste, Namen und Datlerungen em MW Jrech 'stronger' scblieBend; 692-702 Namenliste). 18/1-2: Step'anos Taronec'i Asolik, Patmowt'iwn Tiezerakan [Stepha The comparison of adjectives in Celtic presents many interesting fea nos von Taraun Asolik, Universalgeschichte] / Stepanos TaroneCl AsohIi<, tures 1, Some of these are structural and grammatical, such as the restric Obscaja Istorija / Stepanos Taronetsi Asoghik, General History, 8', 1: tion of the comparative to predicative position and the introdnction of a A-E, 1987 15, [IV], 707 S.; 2: m:-M, 1987 15 , [IV], 683 S. (T: S. Peterburg fourth degree of comparison, the equative, beside the usual positive, 1885; B: Valarsak Arzowmani K 'osyan; I 658-666, II 638-645 Namenhste; comparative and superlative. But there are purely formal peculiarities as 1667-706, II 646--682 Wortliste)15. well. Irregularly compared adjectives are synchronically very conspicuous 19/1-2: Frik, Banastelcowt'yownner [Frik, Gedichte] / Frik, Stihotvo in Old Irish and Middle Welsh, and many of the individual irregularities renija / Frik, Poems, 8°,1: A-K, 1986, [IV], 598 S.; 2: H-F, 1987,482 S. that they display are also puzzling from a diachronic point of view. A case (T: Erevan 1941; B: DSxowhi Sowreni Movsisyan; R: Alek'sandr S~mom in point is the Old Irish comparative ending in -a, the origin of which has Margaryan; I 563, II 449 Namenliste; I 564-597, II 450-481 Worthste).
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