RAIL Transforming Transportaon in Qatar: Building a Metro Network

CEO, Saad Ahmed Al Muhannadi Friday 1st March 2013 Contents

• Introducon to Qatar • What are we delivering? • How? • Business Investment Opportunies • Next steps Introducon to Qatar Profile of Qatar

Qatar • Populaon: 1.8m • Area: 4,500 sq. miles • Independent sovereign state since 1971 • Capital city: Drivers for Delivery

• A new transport choice for the increasing populaon (1.8m 2012): – populaon more than doubled from 1986 – 2004 (18 years) – Almost doubled again from 2004 – 2008 (4 years) – Will more than double again from 2008 – 2030 (22 years) • Key contributor to delivery of FIFA 2022 and other “mega events” • Impressive new landmark feature for Doha and surrounding area What Are We Delivering? Development Program

Qatar Rail Development Program (QRDP)

Doha Metro Passenger Rail Freight Rail Light Rail Transit

Doha High Speed Rail

Qatar Regional Passenger Rail

Gold Line Total Program Budget: $40 bn Qatar Integrated Rail Project (QIRP) Funded by Government

Metro Network – Phase 1

Total Length: 131km Underground 63 km (48%) Elevated 48 km (37%) At Grade 20 km (15%)

No. of Staons: 48

Phasing: Construcon begins 2013 Compleon of Phase 1 by 2019 Doha Metro

Metro Network – Phase 2

Total Length: 100km Underground 37 km (37%) Elevated 53 km (53%) At Grade 10 km (10%)

No. of Staons: 44

Phasing: Compleon of Phase 2 by 2026 Long Distance

Passenger and Freight Total Length: 400 km Phase 1 135 km Phase 2 173 km Phase 3 92 km Passenger: No. of Staons 7 Freight: No. of Yards 6 Phasing: Phase 1 Compleon by 2018 Phase 2 Compleon by 2021 Phase 3 Compleon by 2030 Light Rail Transit

Lusail and West Bay

Total Length (2 systems): 48 km

No. of Staons (2 systems): 53

Phasing: Lusail Construcon has begun Compleon by 2017 West Bay TBC How are we Delivering? The Formaon of Qatar Rail

Qatar Naonal Qatar Naonal Qatar Naonal Development Vision 2030 Strategy Framework 2012 ‐ 2032

Transport Master Plan Other Plans Other Plans for Qatar

Qatar Rail Mission

Qatar Rail Development Program (QRDP) Qatar Rail Delivery Structure

Government Steering Leadership Commiee

Management Qatar Rail

Strategic Technical Legal Program Consultant Consultant Direcon Management

Project Management Coordinaon Consultants

Implementaon Contractors Delivering a Sustainable Future

• Supporng the 4 ‘pillars’ of the Economic Qatar 2030 Naonal Vision Viability (Economic, Social, Human and Environmental Development) Social • Reducing Congeson and Responsibility Emissions • More efficient movement of people and goods Environmental Effecveness • Life cycle cost approach, sustainable procurement Operaonal Excellence Delivering & ‘Keep the Traffic Moving’ Business Investment Opportunies Economic Diversificaon

Qatar Rail is the largest single Government spending opportunity to act as a catalyst for diversificaon and private sector promoon ‐ 41 Projects

Qatar Infrastructure and Development Projects 18 Business Opportunies

Direct Business Opportunies from the Rail Projects range from 150 ‐ 200

Rail Infrastructure eg construcon, O&M ‐ approx 130 Projects

Transport/Rolling Stock eg manufacturing/ installaon, O&M ‐ approx 40 Projects Potenal Revenue Potenal revenue of over $38bn over next 20 years – annual GDP increase of approx. 0.3%

approx. 75 Projects Outside Qatar approx. 100 Qatar Projects

$25bn out of $38bn $25bn out of $38bn revenues directly linked revenues directly to rail projects Linked to rail projects 20 Business Investment Opportunies

Workshop to Develop Ideas – 12 March, Doha Keys to Success

• We believe keys to success include:

– Close collaboraon with all our stakeholders – Effecve partnerships with our contractors, suppliers, consultants, and other partners – Implemenng our big vision by learning from internaonal best pracce Next Steps Metro Key Tender Milestones

2012‐2013 2014‐2015 2016‐2017 2018‐2019 2020‐2021

Enabling Works/ PMCs

5 U/G Packages Award Q2 2013

3 E/L Packages Award Q4 2013

Rolling Stock (inc. depots) Q1 2014

Systems Q1 2014

Operaon & Maintenance Q4 2015

Track Work Q2 2014

Tesng & Commissioning Q2 2017

Start of Operaons Q4 2019 Next Steps

• Approve Architectural Branding • Finalise tender evaluaons (main civil U/G packages) • Appoint D&B Contractors • E/L Packages • Migaon of risks • Targeted recruitment • Keep the traffic in Doha moving during construcon!! Thank You