IN THE MATTER of the Resource Management Act 1991 and the Local Government (Auckland Transitional Provisions) Act 2010


IN THE MATTER of TOPIC 081f Rezoning and Precincts (Geographical Areas)


IN THE MATTER of the submissions and further submissions set out in the Parties and Issues Report



26 JANUARY 2016



1. SUMMARY ...... 4





PART C: ANALYSIS ...... 21





Abbreviation Business Park BP City Centre CC Countryside Living CL Future Urban FU General Business GB Heavy Industry HI Height Sensitive Areas HSA Historic Character HC Large Lot LL Light Industry LI Local Centre LC Metropolitan Centre MC Mixed Housing Suburban MHS Mixed Housing Urban MHU Mixed Rural MR Mixed Use MU National Grid Corridor NGC Neighbourhood Centre NC Outstanding Natural Feature ONF Outstanding Natural Landscape ONL Pre-1944 Building Demolition Control Pre-1944 BDC Public Open Space POS Rapid and/or frequent service network RFN Rural and Coastal Settlement RCS Rural Coastal RC Rural Conservation RCon Rural Production RP Rural Urban Boundary RUB Significant Ecological Areas SEA Single House SH Special Purpose SP Strategic Transport Corridor STC Terrace Housing and Apartment THAB Buildings Town Centre TC Volcanic Viewshafts VV



1.1 The purpose of this joint Evidence Report (Report) is to consider submissions and further submissions to the Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan (PAUP) Topic 081 Rezoning and Precincts (Geographical Areas) (Topic 081). This Report considers submissions and further submissions that were received by the (the Council) in relation to zoning of the Rural South area.

1.2 The Rural South area covers the Franklin Local Board Area with the exception of parts of Alfriston and Ardmore. The area also includes parts of the Area in Hingaia and Drury. The majority of the Rural South area comprises rural zoned land; however it also includes towns of Pukekohe and Waiuku, settlements at Beachlands and Maraetai, and a number of other rural settlements. There are large areas of Future Urban zone (in the Pukekohe, Hingaia and Drury areas) and industrial zoned sites.

1.3 A total of 405 submission points have been received by the Council in relation to the PAUP zoning within the Rural South area. The area has been divided into the following five sub areas. Submission points received in each sub area are shown below:

• S14 – Hingaia, the Islands, Kingseat and Karaka (55 submission points);

• S15 – Bombay, Drury and Opaheke, Drury South, , Paparimu, Runciman and Ramarama (45 submission points);

• S16 – Pukekohe and (182 submission points);

• S17 – Awhitu, Glenbrook, Glenbrook Beach, and Waiuku (60 submission points); and

• S18 – Beachlands, Brookby, Clevedon, Clevedon Village Fringe, Maraetai, Matingarahi and Whitford (63 submission points)

1.4 The Report states whether or not we support the submissions, in full or in part, and identifies what amendments, if any, should be made to address matters raised in submissions.

1.5 In response to these submission points which either seek to amend or retain zoning, an assessment was made against the relevant PAUP objectives and policies of the relevant zone/s, the Regional Policy Statement (RPS), and local and regional context


to determine whether the requests are supported or rejected. As a result of the assessment, our position is broadly as follows:


(a) Submissions seek retention of the zone and where this is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives and policies of the PAUP zone(s) and gives effect to the RPS, retention is supported.

(b) Submissions seek to rezone sites to a higher or lower rural/residential zones, consideration has been given to the PAUP objectives and policies of the notified and sought zone(s), the RPS and local context. We support changes to zoning where the zoning complements the local context, and/or is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives and policies of the zone, and/or gives effect to the RPS.

(c) Submissions seek to make changes to business zoned land, the requests are assessed against the relevant zone objectives and policies, the RPS, the context of the site and its surroundings and the potential economic growth and viability of the area. We support changes to zoning where the zoning complements the local context, and/or is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives and policies of the zone, and/or gives effect to the RPS.

1.6 As a result of the rezoning analysis undertaken, we propose a number of zoning changes. Where we have not supported changes proposed in submissions we have outlined reasons to justify our positions.

1.7 Attachment B to this Report sets out the analysis and planners' position with regard to the themes raised in submissions requesting relief in relation to the zoning of the Rural South area. Attachment C contains the analysis and the planners' proposed position against each submission point and proposed changes to the zoning maps. Attachment D addresses area wide submissions, on which we have relied in proposing a number of in scope area-wide or street-wide changes to the notified zones.

1.8 Attachment E contains two maps for each of the geographic submission area units within the Rural South area: the PAUP zones as notified but with properties identified that are subject to submissions; and the zoning changes now proposed by the Council, with in-scope and out of scope changes identified. Proposed changes that are within scope are shown as black outline, while those that are out of scope are shown as blue


outline. The out of scope changes proposed are set out in Attachment F, together with the reasons for them.



2.1 The purpose of this Report is to consider submissions and further submissions that were received by the Council in relation to zoning of the Rural South (as shown in Figure 1).

2.2 The Rural South area is divided into five submission areas (S14 to S18). It includes the area from the Tamaki Firth coastal area to the east through the Manukau Harbour coastal area then onwards to the Tasman coastal area (Awhitu Peninsula) to the west.

2.3 The satellite town of Pukekohe and surrounding urban areas of Drury represents the mid-point of the Rural South area, with the eastern and western parts containing a number of standalone rural and coastal settlements (serviced and un-serviced towns and villages) with a mix of urban zoning and features, surrounded by larger land holdings with a CL, MR or RP zoning. These settlements are largely remote from major urban centres and are serviced with very limited public transport, effectively making them car-dependent dormitory suburbs accessed via key arterial roads.

2.4 Interspersed amongst this greater rural landscape there are a network of POS and SP zones in the form of significant regional parks like the Hunua Range Regional Park and numerous significant infrastructure such as active quarries, marinas, Glenbrook steel mill and the National Grid Corridor. It is noted that submissions on open space and special purpose land within the Franklin and Manukau Rural area are addressed in separate evidence in topic 080 – Rezoning and Precincts (General).

2.5 The overlays and constraints are wide ranging in this area given its spatial size and its display of exceptional landscape and natural character values, particularly along the coast but also inland slopes with native vegetation in the form of Significant Ecological Areas. These include infrastructural, cultural, heritage, visual and natural overlays and constraints. Along the coast line and in some cases beyond the coastal environment line the area is generally zoned RC.

2.6 Several of the settlements have also been the subject of recent plan changes. These have identified the appropriate level of growth to be accommodated at the present time within these locations.


2.7 As notified in the PAUP, the zoning applied within the Rural South area is predominantly RP, bordered by the RC zone along the west and north east coasts. There are bands of the MR zone around the Awhitu and Karaka Peninsulas, along Ramarama, Runciman, Brookby and Whitford areas. The small settlements across the Rural South area (S17 and S18) are zoned SH (serviced villages) or Rural and Coastal Settlement (un-serviced villages) along with various business related zones in recognition of their respective town centres. The urban area of Pukekohe and Drury features a mix of residential, business, special purpose and public open space zones and significant areas of LI and FU zone can be found within this corridor of the Rural South area.

2.1 The Report has been prepared by Craig Cairncross, Patrick Clearwater, Joy LaNauze, Michael Luong, and Cindy Yin. The qualifications and experience of the Report writers are attached in Attachment A.

2.2 The Rural South area includes the following localities. The planner that has addressed submission points on each submission area unit or locality within the submission area unit is indicated in brackets.

- Submission area S14:

• Hingaia and the Islands (Joy LaNauze)

• Kingseat and Karaka (Cindy Yin)

- Submission area S15:

• Hunua (Joy LaNauze)

• Drury and Opaheke (Joy LaNauze)

• Drury South (Craig Cairncross)

• Paparimu (Patrick Clearwater)

• Bombay (Patrick Clearwater)

• Runciman and Ramarama (Cindy Yin)

- Submission area S16 (Craig Cairncross):

• Pukekohe - Pukekohe Hill

• Pukekohe - Paerata North


• Pukekohe - Town Centre and surrounds

• Pukekohe - North Pukekohe Residential

• Pukekohe - Rest of Pukekohe Residential

• Pukekohe - Manukau Road industrial

• Pukekohe - Grace James and north and countryside living

• Pukekohe - Paerata and Paerata east

• Pukekohe - Whole town, unmapped

• Pukekohe - Belmont

• Pukekohe - Miscellaneous

- Submission area S17:

• Awhitu (Patrick Clearwater)

• Glenbrook (Joy LaNauze)

• Glenbrook Beach (Patrick Clearwater)

• Patumahoe (Michael Luong)

• Waiuku (Patrick Clearwater)

- Submission area S18 (Michael Luong):

• Beachlands

• Brookby

• Clevedon

• Clevedon Village Fringe

• Maraetai

• Matingarahi

• Whitford

There are also locality groups that cross submission area units:


- S14 and S17:

• Coastal (Cindy Yin)

2.3 As notified, the MR and RP zones predominate in the area with series of RC zoned land in areas with coastal environmental and/or site constraints. Some intensification is provided for, by mixture of centres, SH, RCS and CL dispersed throughout the localities. There are also large areas of FU zones (in the Pukekohe, Hingaia and Drury areas), pockets of special purpose, regional parks and industrial zoned sites.

Figure 1: Extent of the Rural South topic area

2.4 The Rural South area contains the following precincts. We note that submission points on the precinct provisions are addressed in the separate precinct Evidence Reports.

(a) Kingseat (evidence report on Topic 081: Precinct – Kingseat, prepared by Barry Mosley)


(b) Hingaia (Pararekau and Kopuahingahinga Islands) (evidence report on Topic 081: Precinct – Hingaia (Pararekau and Kopuahingahinga Islands), prepared by Joy LaNauze)

(c) Karaka 1 (evidence report on Topic 081: Precinct – Karaka 1, prepared by Cindy Yin)

(d) Karaka 2 (evidence report on Topic 081: Precinct – Karaka 2, prepared by Todd Webb)

(e) Drury South New (evidence report on Topic 081: Precinct – Pukekohe Hill, prepared by Craig Cairncross)

(f) Pukekohe Hill (evidence report on Topic 081: Precinct – Pukekohe Hill, prepared by Craig Cairncross)

(g) Waiuku (evidence report on Topic 081: Precinct – Waiuku, prepared by Michael Luong)

(h) Patumahoe New (evidence report on Topic 081: Precinct – Karaka 2, prepared by Todd Webb)

(i) Wattle Bay (evidence report on Topic 081: Precinct – Wattle Bay, prepared by Patrick Clearwater)

(j) Beachlands1 (evidence report on Topic 081: Precinct – Beachlands 1, prepared by Michael Luong)

(k) Beachlands 2 New (evidence report on Topic 081: Precinct – Karaka 2, prepared by Todd Webb)

(l) Kelly’s Cove (evidence report on Topic 081: Precinct – Kelly’s Cove, prepared by Michael Luong)

(m) Pine Harbour (evidence report on Topic 081: Precinct – Pine Harbour, prepared by Robert Scott)

(n) Whitford (evidence report on Topic 081: Precinct – Whitford, prepared by Peter Reaburn)

(o) Whitford Village (evidence report on Topic 081: Precinct – Whitford Village, prepared by Bain Cross)


(p) Runciman (evidence report on Topic 081: Precinct – Runciman, prepared by Barry Mosley)

(q) Bombay 1 New (evidence report on Topic 081: Precinct – Karaka 2, prepared by Todd Webb)

(r) Clevedon (evidence report on Topic 081: Precinct – Clevedon, prepared by Vrinda Moghe)

(s) Franklin (evidence report on Topic 081: Precinct – Franklin, prepared by Patrick Clearwater)

(t) Racing sub-precinct Club Counties Racing Club (evidence report on Topic 076, prepared by Christopher Scrafton)

(u) Racing sub-precinct Pukekohe Racing (evidence report on Topic 076, prepared by Christopher Scrafton)

(v) Stadiums and Showgrounds (the A&P Showgrounds) (evidence report on Topic 076, prepared by Christopher Scrafton)

(w) Stadiums and Showgrounds sub-precinct ECOLight Stadium (evidence report on Topic 076, prepared by Christopher Scrafton)

(x) Greenfield Urban (at Belmont) (evidence report on Topic 080, prepared by Rereata Hardman-Miller)

(y) Franklin 2 (the Wesley Special Housing Area)

2.5 The Report states whether or not we support the submissions, in full or in part, and identifies what amendments, if any, we consider should be made to address matters raised in submissions.


3.1 We confirm that we/I have read the Code of Conduct for Expert Witnesses contained in the Environment Court Practice Note 2014 and that we agree to comply with it. We confirm that we have considered all the material facts that we are aware of that might alter or detract from the opinions that we express, and that this Report is within our area of expertise, except where we state that we are relying on the evidence of another person.



4.1 We are providing planning evidence in relation to submissions on zoning in the Rural South area.

4.2 In preparing this Report we have relied on the statements of evidence of John Duguid about zoning and precincts for Topic 080 Rezoning and Precincts (General) (Topic 080) and Topic 081, which sets out the statutory framework, methodology, principles, and section 32 evaluations, used to guide the development and application of zones and precincts.

4.3 In preparing this Report we have also relied on the statement of evidence of Marc Dendale for Topic 081f Rezoning and Precincts (Geographical Areas) - South, which sets out a sub-regional overview of the South area including an area description of the area, overview of key infrastructure and transformation projects, and a summary of the precincts and rezoning outcomes in the South area.

4.4 The following expert statements of evidence have been relied on in preparing our Report:

(a) Alastair Cribbens, Steve Wrenn and Liam Winter, Public Transport (Auckland Transport);

(b) Mark Bourne, Water Infrastructure Planning (Watercare Services Ltd);

(c) Anthony Reidy, Zoning of Roads;

(d) David Mead, Flooding and Natural Hazards;

(e) Deborah Rowe, Historic Heritage and the Pre-1944 Overlay;

(f) C Stewart, A Reidy, L Deverall, J Cox, Public Open Space Rezoning;

(g) Philip Brown, Retirement Village Rezoning;

(h) Michael Campbell, Special Purpose Quarry Zone;

(i) Lisa Mein, Historic Character;

(j) Peter Reaburn, Volcanic Viewshafts and Height Sensitive Areas;

(k) Bruce Young, School Zones;

(l) Hearing Topic 011 RPS Rural, Bain Cross, Planning Evidence;


(m) Hearing Topic 013, Chloe Trenouth, RPS Objectives and Policies;

(n) Hearing Topic 013, David Taylor, RPS 3.1 Commercial and Industrial Growth;

(o) Topic 017, Chloe Trenouth, Strategic Overview;

(p) Topic 017, Ian Bayliss, Background to the Notified RUB;

(q) Hearing Topic 017, Peter Kensington, landscape - Pararekau and Kopuahingahinga Islands rebuttal evidence;

(r) Hearing Topic 017, Shona Myers, Ecology – Hingaia Islands rebuttal evidence;

(s) Hearing Topic 017, Sarah Sinclair, Coastal Engineer, rebuttal evidence;

(t) Hearing Topic 017, Peter Kensington, landscape – Hingaia Islands;

(u) Hearing Topic 017, Michael Luong, Patrick Clearwater and Cindy Yin, joint evidence in chief, RUB south for the Rural and Coastal Settlements - South;

(v) Hearing Topic 017, Joy LaNauze, rebuttal Evidence, RUB South for the Pararekau and Kopuahingahinga Islands – Hingaia;

(w) Hearing Topic 017, Vrinda Moghe, Joy LaNauze and Danni Briggs, joint evidence in chief, RUB South for Urban Edge – Flatbush, Howick-East Tamaki, Point View Drive, Mangere, Favona, Otahuhu and Hingaia;

(x) Topic 017, Douglas Fairgray, Economic;

(y) Topic 017, Joshua Arbury - RUB Transport Overview;

(z) Topic 017, Theunis van Schalkwyk, Evan Keating, Alastair Lovell and Scott MacArthur, AT joint statement of evidence);

(aa) Topic 017, Phill Jaggard, Stormwater;

(bb) Topic 017, David Colin Blow, Chris Allen and Andre Brian Stuart, Watercare joint statement of evidence;

(cc) Hearing Topic 019, Alistair Jamieson, Geological Planning;

(dd) Hearing Topic 022, Larissa Clarke;

(ee) Hearing Topic 028, Philip Brown, Future Urban – Planning;


(ff) Hearing Topic 051-054, Jarette Wickham, Centre Zones, Business Park and industries zones, Business activities and Business controls;

(gg) Hearing Topic 051-054, Jeremy Wyatt, Centre Zones, Business park and industries zones, Business activities and Business controls;

(hh) Hearing Topic 056, Ruth Andrews, Planning Evidence;

(ii) Hearing Topic 057, Bain Cross, Planning Evidence;

(jj) Hearing Topic 056-057, Fiona Curran-Cournane, Land and Soil Evidence;

(kk) Hearing Topic 057, Barry Mosley, Planning Evidence;

(ll) Hearing Topic 064, Barry Mosely, Subdivision Planning Rural;

(mm) Hearing Topic 064, Ian Mayhew, Subdivision Planning Stormwater;

(nn) Hearing Topic, 064, Philip Brown, Future Urban – Planning;

(oo) Hearing Topic 076, Christopher Scrafton, Major Recreation;

(pp) Hearing Topic 081, Marc Dendale, sub-regional planning evidence;

(qq) Hearing Topic 081, Robert Pryor, Pukekohe Hill landscape / amenity issues;

(rr) Hearing Topic 081, Melean Absolum, landscape evidence;

(ss) Hearing Topic 081, Shona Myers, ecology evidence;

(tt) Hearing Topic 081, Robert Hillier, geotechnical evidence;

(uu) Hearing Topic 081, Stephen Brown, landscape;

(vv) Hearing Topic 081, Fiona Curran-Courname, Elite and Prime Land Evidence;

(ww) Hearing Topic 081, Ruth Andrews, Rural Planning Evidence; and

(xx) Hearing Topic 081, Natalie Hampson, Economic Evidence.


5.1 The statutory framework is detailed in Section 5 of the evidence of Mr Duguid, dated 3 December 2015, and has not been repeated here.


5.2 Paragraph 5.12 of Mr Duguid's zoning evidence identifies the provisions of the Coastal Policy Statement of particular relevance to zoning, while paragraphs 5.13 to 5.21 address the provisions of the Auckland Plan. Section 6 then discusses the key sections of the RPS, as amended by the Council's current position, which need to be considered and given effect to through the application of zones (and precincts). Again, we do not repeat Mr Duguid's evidence here. However, of particular relevance to the planners' proposed positions relating to the Rural South area are the following RPS provisions discussed at paragraph 6.2 of Mr Duguid's evidence (with specific paragraph references in brackets):

(a) B2.1 Providing for growth in a quality compact urban form – Objectives 1 and 3 and Policy 2 (paragraph 6.2(a)).

(b) B2.2 A Quality Built Environment – Objective 1B (paragraph 6.2(b)).

(c) B2.3 Development Capacity and Supply of land for urban development – Objective 2 (paragraph 6.2(c)).

(d) B2.5 Rural and coastal towns and villages (paragraph 6.2(d)]

(e) B2.7 Social infrastructure (paragraph 6.2(f)]

(f) B3.1 Commercial and Industrial Growth – Objective 1 (paragraph 6.2(g)).

(g) B.3.2 Significant infrastructure – Objectives 5 and 6 (paragraph 6.2(h)).

(h) B3.3 Transport – Objective 2 (paragraph 6.2(i)).

(i) B4.1 Historic heritage – Objective 1 (paragraph 6.2(j)).

(j) B4.2 Special (Historic) character – Objectives 1, 3 and 4 (paragraph 6.2(k)).

(k) B4.3.1 Natural character – Objective 1 (paragraph 6.2(l)).

(l) B4.3.2 Landscape and Natural Features – Objective 7 (paragraph 6.2(m)).

(m) B6.1 Air (paragraph 6.2(r)]

(n) B6.7 Natural hazards – Objective 1 (paragraph 6.2(s)).

(o) B7.1 Subdivision, use and development in the coastal environment – Objective 5 and Policy 2A (paragraph 6.2(t)).

(p) B8. 1 Rural Activities (paragraph 6.2(w)).


(q) B8. 2 Land with High productive Potential (paragraph 6.2(x)).

(r) B8.3 Rural Subdivision (paragraph 6.2(y)).


6.1 We have read the Panel’s Interim Guidance and in particular those relating to:

(a) Chapter G: General Provisions, dated 9 March 2015;

(b) Best practice approaches to re-zoning and precincts, dated 31 July 2015;

(c) Air Quality, dated 25 September 2015; and

(d) Chapter G: Regional and District Rules, dated 9 October 2015.

6.2 The Panel’s Interim Guidance on best practice approaches to re-zoning and precincts sets out best practice approaches to changing zoning and precincts and Air Quality. I support the Panel’s guidance.


7.1 As noted above, the Council’s zoning principles are set out in Mr Duguid’s evidence about zoning for Topics 80 and 81 dated 3 December 2015. The Council’s approach to zoning is also detailed in Mr Duguid’s evidence in paragraphs 5.3-5.11. We have read and agree with this evidence.

Section 32 and 32AA

7.2 Section 32AA of the RMA requires a further evaluation for any changes that are proposed to the notified zones since the original Auckland Unitary Plan Evaluation Report (the Evaluation Report) was completed under section 32. All of the amendments to the notified PAUP zonings proposed in our evidence have been assessed in accordance with section 32AA. Although not explicitly stated, the options that we have considered in our assessment include the notified zoning, the amended zoning as sought by submitters, and the zone we have proposed in each case. The outcome of our section 32AA analysis is reflected in the reasons stated in (as relevant) Attachments B, C and F.

7.3 The zoning issues to which this Report relates are not specifically discussed in the Evaluation Report, however they reflect any recent decisions of the Environment Court, if relevant, and have been the subject of a section 32 process.


Auckland Transport / Watercare / Stormwater Unit input

7.4 Watercare Services Limited (WSL), Auckland Transport (AT), and the Council's Stormwater Unit (SWU) have provided technical input on rezoning. There was also consultation on HC and Pre-1944 BDC matters and VVs / HSAs as required.

7.5 In particular, WSL has provided input on the known transmission capacity constraints and planned investment of infrastructure in respect of their network. This information was provided on the basis of WSL’s understanding of capacity as at November 2015.

7.6 AT has provided input on planned infrastructure investment in line with the new public transport network to be implemented from 2016, as well as more specific comments on particular areas where other transport investment is planned. These infrastructure factors have informed Council’s consideration on appropriate zonings in the Rural South area, with the view to reach alignment between land-use and infrastructure provision.

7.7 SWU has also provided relevant input where there are flooding constraints on properties. For instance, as noted in Attachment D to David Mead's evidence of Topic 080 on flooding and natural hazards, in some cases SWU has assessed a particular site as being "in an area where flood plain hazards are considered to be inaccurate and/or not significant". That advice, alongside the other factors / principles also listed in Mr Mead's Attachment D, have influenced our assessment of the appropriate zoning of properties affected by a flood plain.



8.1 A total of 405 submission points have been received by the Council in relation to the PAUP zoning within the Rural South area. The area has been divided into the following 21 sub areas:

- Submission area S14:

• Hingaia and the Islands (13 submission points)

• Kingseat and Karaka (19 submission points)

- Submission area S15:

• Hunua (6 submission points)


• Drury and Opaheke (9 submission points)

• Drury South (2 submission points)

• Paparimu (1 submission points)

• Bombay (12 submission points)

• Runciman and Ramarama (15 submission points)

- Submission area S16

• Pukekohe - Pukekohe Hill (11 submission points)

• Pukekohe - Paerata North (3 submission points)

• Pukekohe - Town Centre and surrounds (55 submission points)

• Pukekohe - North Pukekohe Residential (63 submission points)

• Pukekohe - Rest of Pukekohe Residential (18 submission points)

• Pukekohe - Manukau Road industrial (7 submission points)

• Pukekohe - Grace James and north and countryside living (10 submission points)

• Pukekohe - Paerata and Paerata east (4 submission points)

• Pukekohe - Whole town, unmapped (2 submission points)

• Pukekohe – Belmont (2 submission points)

• Pukekohe – Miscellaneous (7 submission points)

- Submission area S17:

• Awhitu (7 submission points)

• Glenbrook (6 submission points)

• Glenbrook Beach (1 submission points)


• Patumahoe (7 submission points)

• Waiuku (34 submission points)

- Submission area S18

• Beachlands (4 submission points)

• Brookby (8 submission points)

• Clevedon (11 submission points)

• Clevedon Village Fringe (20 submission points)

• Maraetai (4 submission points)

• Matingarahi (4 submission points)

• Whitford (9 submission points)

There are also locality groups that cross submission area units:

- S14 and S17:

• Coastal (31 submission points)

8.2 The following themes have been identified across the Rural South area from our review of the 405 submission points received. Within these themes, submissions seek to retain the notified zone or rezone land, details of which are set out in the analysis in Attachment B:

• Any residential properties subject to key overlay – 40 submission points

• Business to other Business Zone (excludes mixed use and centres zones) - 11 submission points

• Centres/Terrace Housing Apartment Buildings (THAB)/Mixed Use Expansion/Contraction - 22 submission points

• Combined rezoning and precinct submissions - 30 submission points

• Errors - 14 submission points

• Future Urban Zone (FU) and rezoning - 24 submission points


• Heavy Industry Zone (HI) and Light Industry Zone (LI) - 8 submission points

• Large Lot - 8 submission points

• Mixed Housing Urban/Mixed Housing Suburban/Single House Expansion/Contraction - 110 submission points

• Public Open Space – 2 submission points

• Residential to other use - 4 submission points

• Rural - Countryside Living (CL) - 36 submission points

• Rural - Other - 42 submission points

• Rural and Coastal Settlement zone – 12 submission points

• Rural to Urban (not in or close to the RUB) – 9 submission points

• Rural Urban Boundary (RUB) and rezoning - 30 submission points

• Spot zoning - 3 submission points

8.3 There are 15 Auckland Council submission points which seek to rezone properties in the Rural South area. The submission points 5716-2191, 5716-3110, 5716-3178, 5716-3180, 5716-3181, 5716-3526, 5716-3527 and 5716-3179 seek to rezone properties in Rural South to rectify mapping errors. The submission points 5716-2983, 5716-3182, 5716-3528, 5716-3529 and 5716-978 seek to rezone properties to better reflect existing activity onsite. The submission points 5716-3165 and 5716-997 seek to rezone the Kingseat Village and Drury South Industrial area in order to reflect the recent Environment Court decisions.

8.4 Full analysis of the changes requested by these submission points is included in Attachment C to this Report. Maps showing proposed zoning changes are included in Attachment E.

8.5 Submission point 1371-1 from Nicole F Weber was incorrectly coded to Topic 081. The subject site is not located within the Auckland Council area.

8.6 Submission 6096-77 from Bunnings Ltd was incorrectly coded to the incorrect geographical location within Topic 081. The subject site relates to submission unit s12 area Takanini, but it is addressed in the Drury S15 part of this evidence.




Attachment B

9.1 Attachment B contains an analysis and planners' position with regard to the themes raised in submissions requesting relief in relation to the zoning of the Rural South area.

9.2 In undertaking this analysis we have had regard to the expert statements of evidence listed at paragraph 4.4 above.

Attachment C

9.3 Attachment C contains an analysis and position on individual submission points. On occasion, we have proposed the application of a new zone which differs from both the notified zone and the zone proposed by a submitter, and which is not within the scope of the submission. In those circumstances, we have recorded in the "reasons" column in Attachment C that the proposed rezoning is regarded as 'out of scope' (in which case further detail is provided in Attachment F and out of scope changes have been identified on zoning maps in Attachment E)

Relevant Overlays, Precincts and Constraints.

9.4 The table in Attachment C has 16 columns for each submission point. The purpose of each column is generally self-explanatory. However we wish to explain briefly the content in the column entitled “Relevant Overlays, Precincts and Constraints” (the constraints column), and clarify the relationship between the content of the constraints column and the “Reasons” column:

(a) Properties are often subject to a number of overlays and constraints.

(b) As the word “relevant” in the heading of the constraints column suggests, we have not always listed all overlays / constraints in the constraints column. Instead, we have only listed those constraints that we consider may have an impact on the zoning of the relevant property.

(c) Consistent with (b) above, the use of “N/A” in the constraints column does not necessarily mean that there are no overlays or constraints affecting a property. In some instances we have reached the view that any overlays or


constraints are not directly relevant to the determination of the appropriate zoning and have used the abbreviation “N/A” in those circumstances.

(d) Moving to the “Reasons” column, it should be noted that we do not necessarily discuss every one of the constraints listed in the constraints column. Rather, we have generally focused our discussion on the key or principal constraint(s) relevant to determining the appropriate zoning for a given property.

Attachment D

9.5 Attachment D addresses area wide submissions, on which we have relied in proposing a number of in scope area-wide or street-wide changes to the notified zones.

Attachment E

9.6 Attachment E contains two maps for the Rural South area:

(a) The PAUP zones as notified, but with properties identified that are subject to submissions; and

(b) The zoning changes proposed by the Council, with both “in scope” and “out of scope” changes identified. Proposed changes that are in scope are shown as black outline, while those that are out of scope are shown in blue outline.

9.7 Having regard to the requirements of sections 32 and 32AA of the RMA and the other statutory criteria of the RMA outlined in the evidence of Mr Duguid and the matters raised by submitters, we consider that the proposed zoning changes are appropriate because:

(a) The proposed amendments to the zones meet, and are the most appropriate way to achieve, the relevant PAUP objectives and policies of the Residential and Business zones.

(b) The proposed amendments give effect to the RPS provisions of the PAUP.

(c) The proposed amendments which are outside the scope of submissions are a holistic and comprehensive approach, which enables Council to give effect to the RPS, achieve the zone objectives and policies and which is in accordance with best planning practice.


(d) The proposed zoning of land is aligned with the provision of infrastructure; in particular transport, wastewater, water and stormwater management and planned investment of these infrastructure networks for the growth potential of the Rural South area.

(e) The proposed zoning of land takes into consideration the Council’s approach in determining the most appropriate zone, where the area/site is subject to the pre-1944 and historic (special) character and SEA overlays.


10.1 As outlined in Mr Duguid’s evidence, a number of amendments are proposed which are outside the scope of the submissions in order to give effect to the proposed PAUP RPS and to achieve the objectives (and policies) of the zones as proposed to be amended in the Council’s closing statements to the Panel on Topics 051-054 (Business) and Topics 059, 060, 062, and 063 (Residential). The out of scope changes proposed are set out in Attachment F, together with the reasons for them.

10.2 Out of scope changes proposed by the Council are, as noted, shown as blue outline on the zoning changes proposed by the Council map for each sub area in Attachment E.

10.3 Additionally, we have proposed a number of amendments to zoning(s) to correct minor technical errors. There are no particular submissions to which these amendments respond, and therefore they are technically also out of scope.


11.1 There are consequential amendments required to other parts of the PAUP as a result of our Evidence Report and these are addressed below in this Section of our Evidence Report, and the "Consequential Amendment" column of the table at Attachment C.

11.2 In the Topic 017 Area Specific – Pukekohe Drury rebuttal evidence of Craig Cairncross on behalf of Auckland Council, proposes to include an area of approximately 22ha to the immediate north east of the Wesley SHA within the RUB. The 017 evidence of Janine Bell dated 11 November 2015 proposes that the area is rezoned from Mixed Rural to Mixed Housing Urban (with Franklin 2 precinct sub-precinct a provisions being applied over the subject land). Having reviewed Ms Bell’s evidence we support the rezoning as it would give effect to the RPS and is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives and policies of the zone.


11.3 In the Topic 017 Area Specific – Pukekohe Drury evidence in chief of Craig Cairncross on behalf of Auckland Council, proposes a reduction of the Future Urban zoned area by approximately 175 ha near the southern edge of the RUB to the west of Buckland (centred on Tuakau Road and bounded to the south by Ray Wright Road, extending around to Buckland Road). We support a rezoning of this area of land to Rural Production as it would give effect to the RPS and is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives and policies of the zone.

11.4 The Additional Subdivision Control for Bombay recommended in the joint statement of evidence of Elizabeth Stewart and Rereata Hardman-Miller on behalf of Auckland Council for Topics 059, 060, 062 and 063 should be removed, if the Single House zone is replaced with Rural and Coastal Settlement zoning, as proposed in our evidence report in response to a submission.


12.1 We have considered the submissions received on the zoning of the Rural South area and we consider that the zoning changes proposed by the Council as set out in the maps included within Attachment E most appropriately meet the statutory framework for zoning set out in the statement of evidence of Mr Duguid about zoning for Topics 080 and 081, and the purpose of the Act.

Craig Cairncross, Patrick Clearwater, Joy LaNauze, Michael Luong, and Cindy Yin

26 January 2016


ATTACHMENT A: CVs of Report Writers

Donald Craig Cairncross

Career Summary

I have 22 years planning experience comprising 17 years as a consultant with the balance being local authority planning experience. For the last 4 years I have been employed as a Principal Planner within the Planning South unit at Auckland Council where I have undertaken strategic planning analysis, reported on Plan Changes and Notices of Requirement. I was Lead Planner on the Pukekohe Area Plan and contributed to the development of parts of the Auckland Unitary Plan.


Bachelor of Planning

Bachelor of Arts

Master of Heritage Conservation


Member New Zealand Planning Institute

Patrick Francis Clearwater

Career Summary

Four years’ experience in district plan development and strategic planning with local authorities:

• January 2014 to present, Auckland Council – Planner

• September 2011 to December 2013, Matamata-Piako District Council – Environmental Policy Planner


Bachelor of Planning (Honours), University of Auckland.



Graduate member of the New Zealand Planning Institute.

Joy Martha LaNauze

Career Summary:

Principal Planner employed by Auckland Council in the Planning South Unit.

Has 23 years New Zealand local authority planning experience.

Since June 2005 has undertaken planning work relating to the former Papakura District, which includes Hingaia and Drury. This includes organising and attending the Papakura District Council 2010 hearing for Private Plan Change 8 (Pararekau Island Country-Side Living Zone) and notifying Council’s decision in October 2010. Was not the reporting planner for Private Plan Change 8.

Since November 2010 work has also included some planning for the former Manukau and Franklin Districts.


Bachelor of Town Planning from the University of Auckland.


Graduate Plus member of the New Zealand Planning Institute

Michael Luong

Career Summary

September 2014 to present: Auckland Council - Principal Planner (Southern Area Planning)

July 2013 to September 2014: Auckland Council - Senior Planner (Southern Resource Consents)

November 2010 – July 2013: Auckland Council - Intermediate Planner (Southern Resource Consents)


June 2006 – November 2010: Manukau City Council - Resource Management Planner (Southern Resource Consents)

January 2004 – June 2006: McCormick Rankin Cagney – Town Planner


2004 - Bachelor of Planning (Honours), University of Auckland


Graduate Plus member of the New Zealand Planning Institute

Hui Cindy Yin

Career Summary

August 2014 to present, Auckland Council – Planner

June 2013 to August 2014, Wairoa District Council – District Planner


Bachelor of Planning, University of Auckland.


Graduate member of the New Zealand Planning Institute.


ATTACHMENT B: Analysis of Submissions by Theme

Hingaia and the Islands SUBMISSION THEME OVERVIEW OF SUBMISSIONS PLANNER’S POSITION Centres/Terrace Housing and Four submitters have made four site-specific Do not support change of zone from SH to THAB Apartment Buildings (THAB)/Mixed submission points relating to Centres, MU and THAB Resource consent has been obtained for a retirement village which is being constructed on this land, and it is Use Expansion/Contraction zones. considered that change of zone to create additional development potential is unnecessary. Retention of the notified From SH to THAB zone at present achieves the objectives and policies of the SH zone and gives effect to the RPS. 67 Hingaia Road (Part of Summerset Retirement Do not support change of zone from FU to MU Village) No rezoning of the FU is proposed because detailed assessment of any constraints needs to occur, and structure From FU to MU planning needs to be undertaken in accordance with RPS B2.3 before an appropriate live zone can be determined for land within the FU. It is noted that this land is included within the Hingaia Special Housing Area. A variation to the 71 and 75 Hingaia Road (land in vicinity of Hingaia PAUP under the Housing Accords and Special Areas Act 2013 has been applied for and a hearing was held in 2015. A Local Centre). decision is pending at time of evidence preparation. Retention of the FU zone is the most appropriate way to achieve From MU to MHS the objectives of the FU zone and gives effect to the RPS. Land around Hingaia Local Centre Do not support change of zone from MU to MHS, or LC and MU to TC From LC and MU to TC Economic evidence from Ms Natalie Hampson has been obtained by the Council (Topic 081) which supports retaining the notified extent of the LC zone at 1.7 ha or only slightly increasing it (to 2.4 ha for example). Having regard to 47 Harbourside Dr, 15 and 43 Hingaia Rd, Hingaia potential effects on the function and role of other existing and planned centres in the area, including the Papakura (Hingaia Local Centre and land in vicinity) Metropolitan Centre, I consider it appropriate to retain the notified LC and MU zones in this location. Retention of the notified LC and MU zones is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the zones and gives effect to the RPS, including the centres strategy / hierarchy. Rezoning and Precincts One submitter under topic 081 seeks the rezoning of An urban zoning for the islands is not supported Pararekau Island from CL to a LL zone (Lee Island Submission 3644-2 is coded to Topic 017 (RUB South) with an associated submission (3644-1) to include Pararekau Investments (New Zealand) Limited – Submission and Kopuahingahinga Islands within the RUB. A number of expert evidence briefs have been prepared on behalf of 4682-5). Council for Topic 017 supporting the exclusion of the islands from the RUB. A second submitter (Karaka Harbourside Estate Ltd An associated request from KHEL for the rezoning of Kopuahingahinga Island, with the exception of the vehicular route (KHEL) – Submission 3644-2) seeks the rezoning of across the centre of the island, to Open Space – Conservation (Submission (3644-4) is addressed in Topic 080 Public Pararekau Island from CL to the MHU zone. That Open Space. submission has been coded to Topic 017 (RUB South). The islands are also subject to the Pararekau and Kopuahingahinga Islands precinct provisions. Separate evidence for Council is also being presented for this precinct by Joy LaNauze under Topic 081. Future Urban Zone Seven submitters seek that FU land on the Hingaia Do not support change of zone from FU to SH/MHS/MHU/THAB/MU/or NC peninsula be variously zoned: No rezoning of the FU is proposed because detailed assessment of any constraints needs to occur, and structure Residential (SH, Mixed Housing, and THAB) planning needs to be undertaken in accordance with RPS B2.3 before an appropriate urban zone can be determined for land within the FU zone. It is noted that this land is included within the Hingaia Special Housing Area. A variation to MU the PAUP under the Housing Accords and Special Areas Act 2013 has been applied for and a hearing was held in NC 2015. A decision is pending at time of evidence preparation. Retention of the FU zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the FU zone and gives effect to the RPS. Spot Zoning One submitter seeks that 71 and 75 Hingaia Road be Do not support change of zone from FU to MU rezoned from FU to MU. No rezoning of the FU is proposed because detailed assessment of any constraints needs to occur, and structure planning needs to be undertaken in accordance with RPS B2.3 before an appropriate urban zone can be determined for land within the FU zone. It is noted that this land is included within the Hingaia Special Housing Area. A variation to the PAUP under the Housing Accords and Special Areas Act 2013 has been applied for and a hearing was held in 2015. A decision is pending at time of evidence preparation. Retention of the FU zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the FU zone and gives effect to the RPS.


Kingseat and Karaka

SUBMISSION THEME OVERVIEW OF SUBMISSIONS PLANNERS' POSITION Rural and Coastal Settlement zone 2 submission points seek to rezone RCS to NC Do not support change of zone from RCS to NC - the subject land is unserviced and is an isolated location. The notified zoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the zones and gives effect to the RPS.

2 submission points seek to rezone RC and MR land Do not support change of zone from RC and MR to RCS - the proposed change will compromise rural production to RCS activity as it is located on prime soil; and would represent an inappropriate scale of development at an isolated location where there is a lack of infrastructure. Retention of the notified zones is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the zones and gives effect to the RPS. 1 submission point seek to rezone SH zoned land to Do not support changes sought from SH to a rural zoning. Support a zoning change to RCS, as an out of scope prevent future development change (refer also to Attachment F). This area of land has been zoned SH in error. The properties are located at the existing node of the Karaka South Village where there is high residential demand and where existing settlement capacity is limited. Support RCS as a lower density zone that will allow for limited growth of an unserviced settlements growth in this area. Rezoning this area to RCS is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the RCS. 1 submission point seek to rezone land from RC to SH Do not support change of zone from RC to SH. The notified zoning is consistent with the Auckland Council District Plan (Franklin Section) - Manukau Harbour Management Area which was agreed as part of Franklin PC 14 consent order together with the extent of Karaka 2 area under the operative District Plan (Franklin). Retention of the notified zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the zone and gives effect to the RPS. Rural – Other 2 submission points seek to retain notified zonings Support the retention of the notified zoning. Retention of the notified zones is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the zones and gives effect to the RPS. 1 submission point seeks to rezone land from RP to Do not support the change of zone from RP to MR - as given the subject land area is less than 40ha, the MR proposed changes do not provide for any additional permitted activities on the site, especially in terms of minimum lot size and further subdivision development. Also, the subject site is located at the edge of the Karaka 2 precinct where the zoning change may also pre-empt Stage 4 (RUB) wider analysis. Retention of the RP zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the RP zone and gives effect to the RPS. 1 submission point seeks to rezone land from MR to Do not support the change of zone from MR to RP. Given the subject land area is approximately 1ha, the lot size RP is considered more appropriate to be zoned MR. MR zone applies to the land for small scale rural development while RP zone is for large rural properties with low intensity settlement. Also the proposed rezoning provides no benefit to the landowner in terms of the permitted activities allowed on site, especially in terms of minimum lot size and further subdivision development. Retention of the MR zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MR zone and gives effect to the RPS. Future Urban Zone (FUZ) and 2 submission points seek to rezone RC and MR to FU Do not support change of zone from RC and MR to FU Zone - the subject area is located at a remote location rezoning within the coastal environment in an area that lacks infrastructure. This submission point has not been picked up under the RUB topic. No FUZ should be located outside of RUB. Retention of the notified zones is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the RC and MR zones and gives effect to the RPS. Mixed Housing Urban/Mixed 1 submission point seeks to rezone land from SH to Partially support change of zone from Single House to Mixed Housing Suburban. Support to rezone part of the Housing Suburban/Single House MHS subject land from Single House to Mixed Housing Suburban due to the land being located in close proximity to the Expansion/Contraction Karaka 2 precinct town centre. Oppose the submission to rezone the remainder of the land to MHS as a rural buffer is required to provide for an appropriate urban and rural land use transition. 1 submission point seeks to rezone land from MHS to Do not support the change of zone from MHS to MHU. The minimum lot size for MHS required under the Karaka 2 MHU precinct is 300m2 which is the same as the minimum lot size for MHU under Auckland Wide Rules. The objectives, policies and rules for the MHS zone are more appropriate to be applied to the site. The subject area is not located in close proximity to any THAB zoned area, and is remote from existing and planned future infrastructure. Retention of the MHS zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS zone and gives effect to the RPS. Business to other Business Zone 1 submission point seeks to rezone land from NC to LI Do not support change of zone from NC to LI as it is not appropriate for the existing local centre and petrol station land uses and the site is not located adjacent to HI zoned land. Retention of the NC zone is the most appropriate


SUBMISSION THEME OVERVIEW OF SUBMISSIONS PLANNERS' POSITION way to achieve the objectives of the NC zone and gives effect to the RPS. 1 submission point seeks to retain the LC Support to retention of the notified zoning. Retention of the notified zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the LC zone and gives effect to the RPS. Rural Urban Boundary (RUB) and 1 submission point seeks to rezone land from MR to Do not support the change of zone from MR to (unspecified) Residential zones as the notified zone reflects the rezoning residential zones Environment Court consent order on Plan Change 14 to the Auckland Council District Plan (Franklin Section). The submission is RUB related request, but the submitter has requested to process their relief sought under Rezoning topic. The proposed zoning change may pre-empt Stage 4 (RUB) wider analysis. Retention of the MR zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MR zone and gives effect to the RPS. Rural – Countryside Living (CL) 1 submission point seeks to rezone land from MR to Do not support the change of zone from MR to CL as the proposed rezoning will compromise rural production CL activity as it’s located on prime soil, additionally spot zoning needs to be avoided. Retention of the MR zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MR zone and gives effect to the RPS. Error 1 submission point seeks to rezone land from MR and Support change of zone from MR and RC to Road as it will address zoning error. RC to Road 1 submission point seeks to rezone land from FU, MR, Support change of zone from MR, RP and RC to SH, LI, NC and POS - in order to reflect the recent Environment RP and RC to SH, LI, NC and POS Court consent order on Plan Change 28 to the Auckland Council District Plan (Franklin Section). The proposed changes are the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of zones and will give effect to the RPS objectives and policies.

Drury, Opaheke and Hunua

SUBMISSION THEME OVERVIEW OF SUBMISSIONS PLANNER’S POSITION Any residential properties subject to Transpower seek the retention of the underlying FU Support retention of notified zone a key overlay zone for their designated switching station at 261 FU is considered appropriate as detailed assessment of any constraints needs to occur, and structure planning needs Quarry Road to be undertaken in accordance with RPS B2.3 before an appropriate urban zone can be determined. Retention of notified FU zones is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the FU zone and give effect to RPS objectives and policies. Future Urban Zone Five submitters support the FU zoning of their land Support retention of notified zone FU is considered appropriate as detailed assessment of any constraints needs to occur, and structure planning needs to be undertaken in accordance with RPS B2.3 before an appropriate urban zone can be determined. Retention of notified FU zones is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the FU zone and give effect to RPS objectives and policies. Residential to Other Use One submitter seeks that the MHS portion of the site Do not support change from MHS to LI. at 173, 177 and 179 Great South Road, Takanini, be It is noted that Bunnings operate a trade supply activity from this site. See Council evidence Topic 051-054 (Centre rezoned to LI. Zones, Business park and industries zones, Business activities and Business Controls) about Large Format Retail and This submission (Bunnings Ltd – Submission 6096- Trade Supply in Business zones. LI is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the LI zone and gives 77) has been wrongly coded to Area S15 and actually effect to the RPS. MHS zoning will not give effect to the criteria in B3.1 of the RPS. relates to Area S12 – Takanini.

Rural Countryside Living Three submitters seek that their land be rezoned to Do not support change from MR and RP to CL CL: The sites do not meet the criteria for areas identified for Countryside Living in RPS B8.3 Rural Subdivision Policy 6. Two submitters seek rezoning from MR to CL in Jones Retention of notified MR and RP zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the zones and gives Road and Middleton Road effect to RPS objectives and policies. One submitter in seeks rezoning from RP to CL in


SUBMISSION THEME OVERVIEW OF SUBMISSIONS PLANNER’S POSITION Ponga Road Rural Other The NZ Defence Force seeks to retain the MR for the Support retention of MR zone Ardmore Training Area [Minister of Defence NZ Defence Force land is designated and used as a Military Training Area but retains overall rural appearance. designation 4300] (land bound by Ardmore Quarry Surrounding land also retains overall rural appearance. Retention of the MR zone is the most appropriate way to Road to the north-east and Hunua Road to the south, achieve the objectives of the MR zone and gives effect to the RPS. Ardmore), and for the land surrounding it. Do not support change of zone from CL and MR to MR in Quarry Buffer Area Winstone Aggregates seek the rezoning of land identified within the proposed Quarry Buffer Area Council's evidence for Topic 080 "Special Purpose Quarry Zone" proposes that no changes be made to the Quarry surrounding the Hunua Quarry at 489 Hunua Road, Zone or the Quarry Buffer Area as they relate to Winstones Hunua Quarry. Six properties have split zonings. The zone Hunua to MR. boundary follows the bush line, so the MR parts of the sites are bush-covered, and are also with SEA_T-5323. The Quarry Buffer line extends onto part of the CL zoned portions of the sites, which controls what is developed on these portions of the sites. Extension of MR zoning across entirety of sites is considered unnecessarily restrictive. Retention of notified CL and MR zones is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the zones and gives effect to RPS objectives and policies.

Drury South

SUBMISSION THEME OVERVIEW OF SUBMISSIONS PLANNERS' POSITION Future Urban Zone and Rezoning Two submissions seek that approximately 361 The proposed rezoning to accommodate the Drury South industrial area is supported with the area to be rezoned hectares of land at Drury South which was the subject LI and HI whilst retaining the small areas of public open space adjacent to the Hingaia stream. Roads are not

of the recently adopted Drury South plan changes is zoned. The proposed rezoning provides for the Drury South Structure Plan area which was the subject of the rezoned from FU in order to provide for industrial recently adopted plan changes, gives effect to the RPS and is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives development and accommodate the changes to the and policies for the subject zones. Operative Auckland Council District Plan (Papakura and Franklin sections).


SUBMISSION THEME OVERVIEW OF SUBMISSIONS PLANNER’S POSITION Rural and Coastal Settlement zone 1 submission point seeking retention of the growth area Support retention of notified zone. This undeveloped area around Paparimu School of RCS is less than 1ha and at Paparimu is between two areas of developed RCS. This area is most appropriately retained as RCS to give effect to the objectives of the zone and gives effect to the rural and coastal towns and villages objectives and policies of the RPS.


SUBMISSION THEME OVERVIEW OF SUBMISSIONS PLANNER’S POSITION Rural to Urban (not in or close to 6 submission points seeking FU zone Do not support change to FU zone. The subject land is not located within the RUB and is not adjacent to a the RUB) serviced town or village. Retention of notified zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the Rural zones and gives effect to the RPS objectives and policies. 1 submission point seeking extension to motorway Do not support change to GB zone. The need for additional business land has not been demonstrated on this service centre rural site. Retention of the RP zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the RP zone and gives effect to the RPS objectives and policies.


SUBMISSION THEME OVERVIEW OF SUBMISSIONS PLANNER’S POSITION Rural and Coastal Settlement zone 1 submission point seeking Bombay be rezoned from SH Support change to RCS. Bombay is not a serviced village. RCS implements appropriate controls for this more to RCS efficiently than an additional subdivision control rule in conjunction with SH. Rezoning is therefore consistent with the RPS rural and coastal towns and villages objectives and policies, and achieves the objectives of the SH zone. Business to other Business zone 1 submission point requesting to retain the GB zone of Do not support retention of GB. Support alternative zone. The activities provided for in NC more closely match (excludes mixed use and centres the existing motorway service centre those suitable for a motorway service centre than in GB. Out of scope change therefore supported (refer to zones) Attachment F).

1 submission point requesting to further GB to An urban zoning of part of this site for a motorway service centre aligns with a recent plan change and the RPS, implement the new motorway service centre in the but alternative zone of NC rather than GB is supported as a change out of scope (refer to Attachment F), as the operative plan activities provided for in that zone more closely match those suitable for a motorway service centre. The zoning maps in attachment E show the whole site as NC. This is an error. In line with the activities provided for the southern area of the site in the decision on Plan Change 14 to the Auckland Council District Plan (Franklin Section), for the area of the site shown as Bombay 1 sub-precinct B, retention of the RP zone is supported. NC for the sub-precinct A area is supported. This is shown in the evidence on the Bombay 1 precinct prepared for the Council by Todd Webb. Rural - Countryside Living (CL) 1 submission point seeking CL near Bombay Do not support change to CL. The site does not meet criteria in RPS B8.3 Rural Subdivision Policy 6. In particular, the area is Land Use Capability Class 2 land (prime land). Rezoning would therefore not give effect to the RPS. Retention of the zone is the most appropriate way to give effect to the RP zone objectives and to give effect to the RPS. Rural - Other 1 submission point requesting to retain RP zone under Support retention of RP zone. Existing use and RP are compatible, and zoning is consistent with rural context. Transpower designation Retention of the zoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the RP zone and gives effect to the RPS.

Runciman and Ramarama

SUBMISSION THEME OVERVIEW OF SUBMISSIONS PLANNERS' POSITION Rural – Countryside Living (CL) 4 submission points seek to rezone land from MR to Do not support change of zone from MR to CL or to any Residential or Business zones as the notified zoning CL reflects the recent Environment Court consent order on PC 14 of the Auckland Council District Plan (Franklin Section). Retention of the MR zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MR zone and 2 submission points seek to rezone land from MR to gives effect to the RPS. CL or to any Residential and/or Business 1 submission point seek to rezone land from MR to CL or LL Rural – Other 1 submission point seeks to retain the RP Support the retention of the notified RP zone. Retention of the RP zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the RP zone and gives effect to the RPS. 3 submission points seek to rezone land from CL to Do not support the change of zoning from CL to other unspecific residential zones as the notified zoning reflects other unspecific residential zones the recent Environment Court consent order on PC 14 of the Auckland Council District Plan (Franklin Section). The subject land is located on prime soil, and more intensive zoning should be concentrated in areas where there is already existing development rather than in areas remote from existing settlements where there is limited/no infrastructure provision. Retention of the CL zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the CL zone and gives effect to the RPS. Rural Urban Boundary (RUB) and 2 submission points seek to rezone land from MR to Do not support the change of zone from MR and CL to FU and Business Park (BP) as the subject area is rezoning FU unserviced, located on prime soil and at an isolated location. These submission points have not been picked up under the RUB topic. No FUZ should be located outside of RUB. Retention of the notified zones is the most 1 submission point seeks to rezone land from CL and appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MR and CL zones and gives effect to the RPS. MR to a Business Park



SUBMISSION THEME OVERVIEW OF SUBMISSIONS PLANNER’S POSITION Mixed Housing Urban/Mixed There are 35 submission points seeking the retention 3 of the submission points seeking the retention of MHS, MHU or SH zoning are supported as the proposed zones Housing Suburban/Single House of MHS, MHU or SH, 32 of which are from Housing give effect to the RPS and are the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the subject zones. Expansion/Contraction New Zealand. Rezoning to MU from MHS is proposed for a group of properties on Edinburgh Street just north of the town centre and is considered the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the zone and gives effect to the RPS. There are 52 requests to rezone properties to SH, 20 of the 52 requests seeking a rezoning of properties are supported in full or in part as the proposed zones give MHU or THAB, 49 of which are from Housing New effect to the RPS and are the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the subject zones. THAB is Zealand. proposed in close proximity to the town centre and railway station, offering the opportunity to achieve quality compact residential development within walkable distance of the town centre. Rezoning to MHU is also proposed

to provide for housing choice and to facilitate a higher level of intensification.

32 of the rezoning requests are not supported as retaining the notified zones would give effect to the RPS and is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives and of the subject zones. Often the submitter's requested zone would result in a spot zone, which would not recognise local context. One submission seeks to limit intensification to the The submission is supported in part in that a variety of residential zones are proposed inclusive of zoning enabling area within walking distance of the Pukekohe town intensification, in order to give effect to the RPS and the relevant zone objectives. Pukekohe is identified as a centre and the railway station satellite with a population target of 50,000 by 2040. Any residential properties subject to Within this theme, submitters seek that specific sites Seven of the rezoning requests are supported in full as managing flood risks on the sites does not require a key overlay are rezoned to MHS, MHU or THAB. maintaining the notified zones and applying the requested zone to the site is the most appropriate way to achieve the zone objectives and gives effect to the RPS.

Nine of the requests to rezone to particular zones are not supported with alternative zones proposed instead as The sites were identified by Council as being subject managing flood risks on the sites does not require maintaining the notified zones but the requested zone would to flooding constraints result in spot zoning, which would not recognise local context.

Four of the rezoning requests are supported in part. Some properties referenced in the submission points are not 36 of the submission points are from Housing NZ. proposed to be rezoned from the notified zone because of flooding constraints, whereas others referenced in the submission points can be rezoned to the requested zone because managing flood risks does not require maintaining the notified zone. Applying the requested zones would be the most appropriate way to achieve the zone objectives and gives effect to the RPS. This group of four also features submission points seeking the rezoning of large areas within walking distance of the town centre or rail station. However a smaller area than requested by the submitter is proposed for rezoning to the requested zones given local context. Applying the proposed zones would be the most appropriate way to achieve the zone objectives and gives effect to the RPS. 18 rezoning requests are not supported and the notified zoning is supported as the most appropriate way to achieve the zone objectives for reasons of either avoiding spot zoning or because of flooding constraints. Combined rezoning and precinct The submissions concern land within the North The Pukekohe Hill submissions seeking rezoning are not supported as the rezoning sought is not consistent with submissions Pukekohe Hill precinct, the Belmont precinct and part the Pukekohe Hill precinct's objectives which seek to enable development which compliments and integrates with of the Runciman precinct. the area's rural landscape character, protecting the heritage and amenity values of the hill's northern slopes from

inappropriate development by restricting site size to minimise the effects of development on the open landscape

character of the middle and upper slopes through graduating the intensity of development up the hill from the Nine Pukekohe Hill submission points seek rezoning more suburban residential development below. A separate brief of evidence addresses Pukekohe Hill precinct from LL to SH. matters.

Another Pukekohe Hill submission seeks a ‘change of Retaining the notified zones is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives and policies of the subject use’ from RP and CL (rural zones) to LL residential zones and gives effect to the RPS. (urban zones).



Two Pukekohe Hill submissions seek to retain the HSH underlying zone but without sub precinct A

constraints. One Pukekohe East / Runciman submission seeks a The Pukekohe East/Runciman submission seeking rezoning of the split zoned site is not supported. Whilst CSL ‘rural change’ rezoning for a split zoned site (currently applies for eastern part of site, the bulk of subject site is zoned MR. The recently settled Plan Change 14 to the MR and CL) to CL for the whole site. Franklin section of the Operative District Plan established the Runciman CL area and defined the rural edge. The notified zoning is consistent with PC14, is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MR zone and gives effect to the RPS. A Belmont submission point seeks that MHS zoning The Belmont submission seeking that the zoning be retained is supported as it would give effect to the RPS and is as applied to the submitter’s site be retained. the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS zone. One submission (not within Attachment C as is a The Wesley submission proposing a rezoning of 22ha to the immediate north east of the Wesley SHA is consequential to Topic 017 Auckland Council planning supported as it would give effect to the RPS and is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHU evidence concerns a proposed 22ha rezoning from zone. MR to MHU (with Franklin 2 precinct sub-precinct A

provisions being applied over the subject land), to the immediate north east of the Wesley SHA. The area is proposed to be included within the RUB through the Council’s planning evidence in the Topic 017. Centres/Terrace Housing and Eight submission points seek to retain the TC or MU The eight submission points seeking to retain the notified zoning are supported. Retaining the notified zoning will Apartment Buildings/MU zoning as applies to the submitters’ sites or nearby. be the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the subjective zoned and would give effect to the RPS Expansion/Contraction Four submission points coded to this theme seek to Two of the four submissions seeking a change in use are supported in full. change the zoning from TC or MU to THAB. The two submissions seeking to rezone the areas around the town centre are supported in part as a smaller area is proposed for THAB, given the local context. The proposed zoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the zone and gives effect to the RPS. Two submission points seek to rezone a large area Applying the zones as proposed above would give effect to the RPS and is the most appropriate way to achieve (described by way of map attachments) around the the objectives of the subject zones. town centre to THAB or MHU. Business to Business Three submission points are seeking to retain GB or The three submission points seeking that the notified GB or LI zoning is retained are supported. Applying the LI zonings. zones as proposed above would give effect to the RPS and is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives

of the subject zones. One submission point seeks that land “around the The submission seeking that land “around the racecourse” be rezoned to a business zoning is not supported. racecourse” be rezoned to a business zoning. Applying the zones as proposed above would give effect to the RPS and is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the subject zones. One submission point seeks clear boundaries for LI The submission seeking clear boundaries for LI zoned areas is considered to be support for the notified zoning zones around residential areas in Pukekohe. and is supported. Applying the zones as proposed above would give effect to the RPS and is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the subject zones. Rural to Other Five submission points seek that zoning is retained. The submission points seeking the retention of the notified zones are supported in full. A submission seeking to protect the elite soils east of Pukekohe Hill is supported in part in that the identification of the RUB line factored in a high level of protection for Pukekohe’s productive soils in order to accommodate Pukekohe’s growth through to 2040. One change is proposed, that of removing 175ha from the RUB west of Buckland. Applying the zones as proposed above would give effect to the RPS and is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the subject zones. One submission seeks that the Pukekohe East crater The submission to rezone the Pukekohe East crater from RP to RCon is not supported. Overlay provisions which


SUBMISSION THEME OVERVIEW OF SUBMISSIONS PLANNER’S POSITION is zoned to RCon apply provide additional land use controls. Applying the zones as proposed above would give effect to the RPS and is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the subject zones. Rural to Countryside Living Five submission points have been coded under this The three requests to retain the notified zoning are supported. theme. Three submitters seek that the CL zoning be A submission to rezone the Burtt Road property is not supported. The recently settled PC 14 to the Auckland retained for the northern side of Grace James Drive. Council District Plan (Franklin Section) established the Runciman CL area and defined the rural edge. The notified One submitter seeks that a Burtt Road property is zoning is in line with PC 14. The notified zone gives effect to the RPS and is the most appropriate way to achieve rezoned from RP to CL the MR zone objectives and the relevant objectives of the Runciman Precinct. One submission relates to a property outside of the Auckland Council area in the Waikato, outside of the PAUP’s jurisdiction. Future Urban Zone and Rezoning Three submission points seek to retain the FU as The three submission points seeking to retain the FU zone as notified are supported. Applying the FU zone is the applies to the submitters’ sites. most appropriate way to achieve the objectives for the zone for the above properties. Structure planning and plan

changes will enable a detailed consideration of constraints and opportunities and appropriate urban zoning. One submission point seeks that FU, as an alternative The submission points seeking that FU zoning, as an alternative to MU or residential zoning be applied to three to MU or Residential zoning be applied to three lots lots (adjacent to the Franklin Trotting Club) currently zoned MR is supported. Applying the FU zone is the most (adjacent to the Franklin Trotting Club) currently appropriate way to achieve the objectives for the zone for the above properties and gives effect to the RPS. zoned Major Recreation. Structure planning and plan changes will enable a detailed consideration of constraints and opportunities and appropriate urban zoning. One submitter seeks that a number of sites at Heights The submission to rezone the FU zoned sites at Heights Road to MR is not supported. Applying the FU zone is Road are rezoned to MR in preference to FU. the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives for the zone for the above properties and gives effect to the RPS. Structure planning and plan changes will enable a detailed consideration of constraints and opportunities

and appropriate urban zoning. Two submission points seek that land at Paerata East The submission points seeking that land at Paerata East and Pukekohe South be rezoned for ‘live’ urban zones and Pukekohe South be rezoned to ‘live’ urban zones. are not supported. Applying the FU zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives for the zone for the subject properties and gives effect to the RPS. Structure planning and plan changes will enable a detailed consideration of constraints and opportunities and appropriate urban zoning. One submission seeks that CL zoned land at The proposed rezoning of CL zoned land at Runciman/Pukekohe East is not supported. The notified zone gives Runciman/Pukekohe East is rezoned to FU. effect to the RPS and is the most appropriate way to achieve the CL zone objectives and the relevant objectives of the Runciman precinct.

One submission point seeks that a Jutland Road The proposed rezoning at 190 Jutland Road is supported as it is within the Belmont SHA area and could in part be property be rezoned to MHS. utilised for residential development. Applying the MHS zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives for the zone for the above properties and gives effect to the RPS. Residential to other One submission seeks to rezone a Wellington Street One submission is supported in full - the Wellington Street site features business uses currently and it appears site from MHS to GB or MU Business. One may have been zoned in error.

submission seeks that more business zoning is

provided for in Pukekohe. The submission seeking that more business zoned land is provided close to land already zoned for business

purposes is supported in part as a rezoning of a group of Edinburgh Street sites just north of the Town Centre to One submission seeks that more industrial land is the MU zone is proposed. zoned in Pukekohe. The submission seeking that more industrial land is zoned is not supported in as much as the large area of FU zoning around Pukekohe/Paerata will likely provide the opportunity for more industrial land. Structure planning and plan changes will determine the appropriate locations for this.

Applying the zones as proposed above would give effect to the RPS and is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the subject zones. Spot zoning The submitter seeks that a group of Manukau Road The raceway site forms the southern boundary to this group of sites which has land zoned GB to the north and east. Land opposite on Manukau Road is zone GB and LI. THAB or MU zoning is not supported as this would


SUBMISSION THEME OVERVIEW OF SUBMISSIONS PLANNER’S POSITION sites be rezoned from LI to THAB, MU or GB result in spot zoning. Zoning the sites LI to provide for industrial business activities which do not generate objectionable odour dust or noise emissions gives effect to the RPS and is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives for the zone.


SUBMISSION THEME OVERVIEW OF SUBMISSIONS PLANNER’S POSITION Rural and Coastal Settlement zone 3 submission points requesting RCS zone for properties Support request to rezone from RC to RCS. The land is already subdivided to below minimum lot size for RCS on Orpheus Road, Orua Bay and is adjacent to existing RCS. Both RC and RCS rules provide for one dwelling per property. The only difference is the yard and height controls - which will provide flexibility for any future redevelopment of the existing dwellings on the sites. Rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the RCS zone and gives effect to the rural and coastal towns and villages objectives and policies of the RPS. Errors 2 submission points requesting RCS zone to align with Support change to RCS on part of the site. This is consistent with the Environment Court consent order relating the operative Village zone at Orua Bay to ENV-2009-304-000047 on Plan Change 14 to the Auckland Council District Plan (Franklin Section). Zoning was left out of the PAUP in error. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of RCS and gives effect to the rural and coastal towns and villages objectives and policies of the RPS. 1 submission point correcting a rural site zoned as SH Do not support change to RC. Support change to POS, as an out of scope change (refer also to Attachment F). This area of land has been zoned SH in error. It is owned by Auckland Council, and was part of a 20m wide esplanade reserve strip that has since eroded. Given the location, POS - Conservation is the most appropriate zone. Rural to Urban (not in or close to 1 submission point seeking rezoning to facilitate Support retention of notified zones. Resource consents provide for limited business activities in the Rural zones. the RUB) developing Awhitu for retirees with small cluster Retention of the existing zones achieves the objectives of the Rural zones and gives effect to the RPS. business zones and homestays, retirement villages, etc.


SUBMISSION THEME OVERVIEW OF SUBMISSIONS PLANNER’S POSITION Heavy Industry Zone (HI) and Light 4 submission points seeking HI and/or LI zoning Do not support. Any proposed extension of the HI zone or the creation of a LI zone in this location would have an Industry Zone (LI) impact on the surrounding rural land uses. One of the principles for rezoning land for HI is that it should have quick and efficient access to freight routes, rail or freight hubs, ports and airports. Glenbrook was the lowest scoring location in the 2011 “Group 1 Business Land Assessment” prepared by Harrison Grierson, with its major constraints being distance and accessibility. See Council evidence from Joy LaNauze for Topic 051-054 Centre Zones, Business park and industries zones, Business activities and Business Controls. Retention of the notified zones achieves the objectives of the RP zone and gives effect to the RPS. 2 submission points seeking retention of HI Support retention of the notified zone. The subject sites are used for a substation which serves the existing Glenbrook Steel Mill. Application of HI achieves the objectives of the HI zone and gives effect to the RPS.

Glenbrook Beach

SUBMISSION THEME OVERVIEW OF SUBMISSIONS PLANNER’S POSITION Rural Urban Boundary (RUB) and 1 submission point seeking rezoning from Rural to SH This area forms part of the McLarin Road, Glenbrook Special Housing Area (SHA) under the Housing Accords rezoning and Special Housing Areas Act (HASHAA). A variation to the PAUP under HASHAA for the Glenbrook SHA has recently been lodged which seeks to expand the urban area of Glenbrook Beach beyond the area that PAUP


SUBMISSION THEME OVERVIEW OF SUBMISSIONS PLANNER’S POSITION submissions apply to. As discussed in the Council's evidence and legal submissions for Topic 017 RUB South, the SHA process will determine appropriate PAUP zoning.


SUBMISSION THEME OVERVIEW OF SUBMISSIONS PLANNER’S POSITION Rural - Other 1 submission seeks to retain the RP zone of 388 Support. Retention of the RP zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the RP zone and gives Union Rd, Mauku effect to the RPS.

1 submission seeks to rezone various properties Do not support. The request to rezone the sites from RP to MR is not supported. The application of the MR zone along Union Road from RP to MR does not reflect the existing pattern of landholdings surrounding the site and will result in spot zoning in this location. In addition the group of properties are also located on Land Use Capability Class 1 land (elite land) .

Retention of the RP zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the RP zone and gives effect to the RPS. Rural Urban Boundary (RUB) and 1 submission seeks to rezone an area known as Support. The application of the SH zone reflects the outcomes of Plan Change 37 - Patumahoe Hill Structure Plan rezoning 'Patumahoe Hill' to SH Area (Auckland Council District Plan - Franklin Section) and reflects the existing pattern of landholdings surrounding the sites to the east which are also zoned SH. Note: This is also considered under Topic 081 -

Precincts for the new Patumahoe 2 precinct. Application of the SH zone will achieve the objectives of the SH zone and the relevant objectives of the Patumahoe 2 precinct. 3 submissions seek a rezoning from RP to an Do not support. The proposed change to a rural residential zone is inconsistent with the RPS and zone objectives unspecified zone albeit appears to be to a zone with and policies. It is acknowledge that that area proposed for rezoning is generally affected by elite soils and/or a greater subdivision potential. SEA overlay with only the site at 23 Clive Howe Road not containing any major constraints. The sites are contiguous with the existing urban zone. There is currently no RUB around Patumahoe and a zone change may pre-empt stage 4 (RUB) wider analysis of the existing urban limit of Patumahoe. Spot Zoning 1 submission seeks to rezone 128c and 128d Mauku Do not support. The request will result in spot zoning in this location and will not achieve integrated management Road, Patumahoe from RP to an Industrial zone. of resources and does not recognise local context. Retention of the RP zone is the most appropriate way to

achieve the objectives of the RP zone and gives effect to the RPS.


SUBMISSION THEME OVERVIEW OF SUBMISSIONS PLANNER’S POSITION Mixed Housing Urban/Mixed 14 submission points seeking to retain MHS Support retention of MHS. The notified zone achieves the objectives of the MHS zone and gives effect to the RPS Housing Suburban/Single House growth objectives, and is appropriate for the local context of Waiuku in areas away from the local centre. Expansion/Contraction 3 submission points seeking to rezone from SH to SH is required either because of flooding constraints on the sites or because MHS and would not recognise local MHS or MHU context, as spot zoning would result where other sites at Waiuku adjacent to the coastline have been zoned SH. Retention of the notified zone achieves the objectives of the SH zone and gives effect to the RPS. 1 submission point seeking to rezone from SH to Do not support change from SH to MHU. However, support MHS. Managing flooding risks on this property does MHU not require SH. MHS is more compatible with surrounding site, and the distance from LC means MHU is not appropriate. Change to MHS gives effect to the RPS and achieves the objectives of the MHS zone. Large Lot 6 submission points seeking to rezone large areas of These serviced areas have already been developed as LL, and cover a very large area, such that structure Waiuku from LL to SH or Mixed Housing planning is appropriate before rezoning. One area close to the town centre, between Brights Road and Kitchener Road, as identified on the S17 proposed zoning map in Attachment E, is suitable for rezoning. MHS is more appropriate, as an out of scope change (refer to Attachment F), given existing surrounding zoning and retaining a compact urban form, in line with the RPS.


SUBMISSION THEME OVERVIEW OF SUBMISSIONS PLANNER’S POSITION 1 submission point seeks to retain one property as LL Support retention of LL. The site is on the periphery of Waiuku and is unserviced. Retention of the notified zone achieves the objectives of the LL zone and gives effect to the RPS. Rural Urban Boundary (RUB) and 2 submission points seeking rezoning from Rural to Do not support change from MR and RC to SH. There is currently no RUB around Waiuku. The urban expansion rezoning Residential zones of these sites was considered under the provisions of B2.5 of the RPS in the Council’s evidence for Topic 017 RUB South and not supported. Retention of the notified zone achieves the objectives of the MR and RC zones and gives effect to the RPS. Business to other Business Zone 2 submission points seeking rezoning of the Kitchener Do not support change to GB. Support alternative change to MU. There is a large supply of LI land in Waiuku at (excludes mixed use and centres Road Business Park from LI to GB Fernleigh. GB would provide for large format retail, which has the potential to affect the LC zoning at Waiuku. MU, zones) an out of scope (refer to Attachment F) would provide for a mix of business activities and is compatible with the existing warehouse and office activities on site. Rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MU zone and to give effect to the RPS. Centres/Terrace Housing Apartment 2 submission points seeking expansion of MU zone Support change from MHS to MU. The site requested for MU is a large site, would be an extension of an existing Buildings (THAB)/Mixed Use MU zone, and the local environment including a school and medical centre are compatible with MU. Rezoning is Expansion/Contraction the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MU zone and give effect to the business and urban growth objectives of the RPS. 1 submission point seeking to retain LC zone Support retention of LC. LC is suitable given Waiuku is not identified as a town centre in the Auckland Plan, giving effect to the centres hierarchy/strategy in the RPS. Retention of the zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the LC zone. Heavy Industry Zone (HIZ) and Light 1 submission point seeking to retain LI zoning Site consists of existing light industrial activities. Retention of the zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the Industry Zone (LIZ) objectives of the LI zone and gives effect to the RPS business land objectives. 1 submission point seeking to rezone from HI to LI Change of zone to LI is not necessary as the sites are already zoned LI. This gives effect to Plan Change 37 to zoning the Auckland Council District Plan (Franklin Section), the objectives of the LI zone, and the business land objectives of the RPS.


SUBMISSION THEME OVERVIEW OF SUBMISSIONS PLANNER’S POSITION Combined rezoning and existing 2 submissions seek to retain the SH zone within Plan Support. Retention of the SH zone supports the outcomes anticipated for these plan changes, is the most precincts Change 30 – Beachlands Village New Avenues and appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the zone and gives effect to the RPS Plan Change 17 – Kellys Cove 1 submission seeks to rezone a parcel of land from Do not support. Requested zone from Auckland Council has been made in error. This should be corrected to 'LC' RP to SH to be consistent with Plan Change 30A – to reflect the outcomes of Plan Change 30A - Beachlands Village Business Centre to the Auckland Council District Beachlands Village Business Centre Plan (Manukau Section). Note: This is also considered under Topic 081 - Rezoning and Precincts (Geographic). Application of the LC zone will achieve the objectives of the LC zone and the relevant objectives of the Beachlands 2 precinct. Mixed Housing Urban/Mixed 1 submission seeks to rezone a cluster of four Support. The change is consistent with the existing residential development onsite, the surrounding residential Housing Suburban/Single House properties from NC to SH pattern and is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the SH zone and gives effect to the RPS. Expansion/Contraction


SUBMISSION THEME OVERVIEW OF SUBMISSIONS PLANNER’S POSITION Rural - Countryside Living (CL) 5 submissions seek to rezone various properties Do not support. Applying the recommended zone to the various sites is inconsistent with the RPS and zone


SUBMISSION THEME OVERVIEW OF SUBMISSIONS PLANNER’S POSITION along Fitzpatrick Road, Clevedon-Takanini Road, objectives and policies. This is because large scale rezoning for CL would result in CL expansion not anticipated West Road and adjoining roads from MR to CL by and not consistent with the nearby Clevedon Village and Plan Change 8 - Whitford Rural (Auckland Council District Plan - Manukau Section) areas and most of the requests do not meet the criteria in RPS B8.3 Rural

Subdivision Policy 6. Retention of the MR zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MR zone and gives effect to the RPS. Rural – Other 1 submission seeks to retain the MR zone Support. The zone is consistent with the objectives and policies of the MR zone and gives effect to the RPS. 1 submission seeks to rezone the Brookby area with a Do not support. MR is appropriate in the local context. Retention of the MR zone is the most appropriate way to more appropriate zone to facilitate its protection and achieve the objectives of the MR zone and gives effect to the RPS. retention as a rural area Rural to Urban (not in or close to the 1 submission seeks to rezone land on the eastern Do not support. The area does not meet the criteria for areas identified for urban expansion in RPS B2.1 Policy 1. RUB) side of Brookby Road, Manurewa from MR to MHU In particular, the change of zone to MHU does not achieve a quality compact urban form and will result in spot zoning in this location. Retention of the MR zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MR

zone and gives effect to the RPS.


SUBMISSION THEME OVERVIEW OF SUBMISSIONS PLANNER’S POSITION Rural - Countryside Living (CL) 3 submissions seek to rezone various properties Do not support. Applying the recommended zone to the various sites is inconsistent with the RPS and zone along Clevedon Kawakawa Road from RP, RC to CL objectives and policies. This is because large scale rezoning for Countryside Living will provide excessive capacity

that is not required under the Auckland Plan (refer to the evidence of Ruth Andrews) and most of the requests do

not meet the criteria in RPS B8.3 Subdivision Policy 6. Rural – Other 1 submission seeks to extend the RC zone to include Support in part. The request to extend the RC zone along the coastal edge is supported. The application of the all the coastal edge and to extend inland particularly RC zone reflects the extent of the coastal environment and Clevedon Kawakawa Road is considered to be a along the coastline extending east of defensible boundary in most areas for the extent of the RC zone. and backing onto Tawhitokina Bay

1 submission seeks to retain the RC zone but only for Support retention of the RC zone given the lands proximity to the coastal environment. Retention of the RC zone 50m of land from the river (272 and 278 Clevedon- is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the RC zone and gives effect to the RPS. Kawakawa Road, Clevedon) 1 Submission seeks to add new activity permitted Do not support. The submitters have a 95-year Forestry Right (with 84 years left to run) for the Hunua Forest over activity for 'quarrying' in the Air Quality high amenity land within the former Manukau and Franklin Districts. This rezoning request is being dealt with at Topic - 080 area - all other zones Rezoning, Public Open Space Zones whereby Councils position was to support the retention of the notified zone. The Council and the submitter are currently discussing whether precinct provisions are appropriate to address the submitters concerns. 1 submission seeks to rezone the low lying parts of Do not support. The retention of the RC zone and rezoning of areas of RP to RC better reflects the sites proximity Clevedon Kawakawa Bay Road (764, 836, 840 and to the coastal environment and the existing pattern of landholdings surrounding the site. In addition Clevedon 850 Clevedon - Kawakawa Bay Road) from RC and Kawakawa Road is considered to be a defensible boundary for the extent of the RC zone in this area. Rezoning of RP to RP all the land to RC is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the RC zone and gives effect to the RPS 1 submission seeks to rezone 75 Munros Road, The SEA onsite is acknowledged but the requested zone will result in spot zoning in this location and will not Clevedon from RP to a Zoning that recognises generally achieve integrated management of resources and does not recognise local context. In addition the site sensitivities of the land which contains an SEA etc. is located on prime soils. Retention of the PR zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the PR zone and gives effect to the RPS. Public Open 1 submission seeks to rezone the property within the Do not support. The submitters have a 95-year Forestry Right (with 84 years left to run) for the Hunua Forest over Hunua Forest (201 Moumoukai Hill Road, Clevedon) land within the former Manukau and Franklin Districts. This rezoning request is being dealt with at Topic - 080 Space Rezoning, Public Open Space Zones whereby Councils position was to support the retention of the notified zone.


SUBMISSION THEME OVERVIEW OF SUBMISSIONS PLANNER’S POSITION from POS to RP. The Council and the submitter are currently discussing whether precinct provisions are appropriate to address the submitters concerns. Rural and Coastal Settlement zone 1 submission seeks to rezone properties in the area of Do not support. The requested zone is inconsistent with the RPS and zone objectives and policies. The site is 184 Maraetai Coast Road, that are now owned by the located within the coastal environment and whilst there are no reticulated services within this area, it also does not

council from Coastal Rural to Rural and Coastal contain a distinct 'RCS' appearance given the larger land holding sizes and the fragmentation of small lots Settlement, and if necessary with the addition of a reflecting less than 10 household units. Retention of the RC zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the precinct or local area within the RUB objectives of the RC zone and gives effect to the RPS. 1 submission seeks to Clarify why Kawakawa Bay is While the sites have connection to the reticulated wastewater network from the Kawakawa Bay settlement, the proposed to be zoned as Rural Coastal and what sites are located on the outskirts of the settlement and spot zoning will occur. Retention of the current notified development can be undertaken in Kawakawa Bay. PAUP zones is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the respective zone and gives effect to the RPS.

Clevedon Village Fringe

SUBMISSION THEME OVERVIEW OF SUBMISSIONS PLANNER’S POSITION Combined rezoning and precinct 3 submissions have sought to retain the SH and CL Support only in part for the retention of the SH and CL zones at 190 Papakura – Clevedon Road. Retention of the submissions zones within the Clevedon precinct SH zone and a partial rezoning from MR to CL is supported and is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the SH and CL zones and gives effect to the RPS. The change also supports the outcomes of Plan

Change 32 - Clevedon Village (Auckland Council District Plan - Manukau Section).

Support retention of SH and CL zones at 94 and 195 Monument Road. Retention of the SH and CL zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the CL zone and gives effect to the RPS. The retention of the CL zone also supports the outcomes of Plan Change 32 - Clevedon Village (Auckland Council District Plan - Manukau Section). 1 submission seeks to rezone various properties Do not support. Retention of the SH zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the SH zone along Papakura-Clevedon Road as NC and gives effect to the RPS. The retention of the SH zone also supports the outcomes of Plan Change 32 - Clevedon Village. 1 submission seeks to rezone the portion of 190 Support in part. The application of the CL zone to parts of the site reflects the outcomes of Plan Change 32 - Papakura-Clevedon Road, Clevedon from MR to CL Clevedon Village (Auckland Council District Plan - Manukau Section). The remaining parts of the site do not meet the criteria for areas identified for Countryside Living in RPS B8.3 Rural Subdivision Policy 6. In particular the land is classified as Land Use Capability Class 2 land (prime land). Rural Urban Boundary (RUB) and 16 submissions seek to rezone various MR and RP to Support in full the request as they relate to the property at 250 Papakura-Clevedon Road, partial support for the rezoning CL properties at 290 Papakura-Clevedon Road and the area between Tourist Road, Papakura-Clevedon Road and Taitaia Stream. Do not support those requests at 384 Clevedon-Takanini Road, West Road, village end of McNicol

Road and outside the urban edge and CL limit of the Clevedon Village. Where requests are not supported these are because the sites do not meet the criteria for areas identified for Countryside Living in RPS B8.3 Rural Subdivision Policy 6. In particular the land is predominantly classified as Land Use Capability Class 2 land (prime land) and is located within close proximity to Plan Change 32 - Clevedon Village (Auckland Council District Plan - Manukau Section) and would result in CL expansion not anticipated by and not consistent with Plan Change 32. Retention of the MR and RP zones is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MR zone and gives effect to the RPS. Where requests are supported these reflect the zoning outcomes of Plan Change 32.



SUBMISSION THEME OVERVIEW OF SUBMISSIONS PLANNER’S POSITION Combined rezoning and existing 1 submission seeks to retain the CL and MR zones Support. Retaining the CL and MR zones supports the outcomes of Plan Change 8 - Whitford Rural and is the precinct most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the CL and MR zones and gives effect to the RPS. Mixed Housing Urban/Mixed 1 submission seeks to retain the SH zone Support. SH is appropriate in the local context. The zone is consistent with the objectives and policies of the SH Housing Suburban/Single House zone and gives effect to the RPS. Expansion/Contraction Rural - Countryside Living (CL) 1 submission seeks to rezone a portion of a large Do not support. Applying the recommended zone to the site does not meet the criteria for areas identified for rural land holding from MR and RP to CL Countryside Living in RPS B8.3 Rural Subdivision Policy 6. In particular, the rezoning request may also

compromise the stage 4 (RUB) wider analysis for Maraetai and the potential expansion of this settlement. Retention of the MR zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MR zone and gives effect to the RPS. Rural Urban Boundary (RUB) and 1 submission seeks to rezone a portion of a large Do not support. Applying the recommended zone to the site is inconsistent with the RPS and zone objectives and rezoning rural land holding from RC and MR to SH policies. It is acknowledged that that area proposed for rezoning is not affected by any major constraints and is contiguous with the existing urban zone. However zone change may pre-empt stage 4 (RUB) wider analysis for

Maraetai and the potential expansion of this settlement.


SUBMISSION THEME OVERVIEW OF SUBMISSIONS PLANNER’S POSITION Combined rezoning and precinct 1 submission seeks to retain the zones for Support. Retention of the RP, RC, RCS and NC zones is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of submissions Matingarahi Village, subject to all other matters in the the RP zone and gives effect to the RPS and also reflects the outcomes of a recent Environment Court consent submission being addressed in a manner consistent order (ENV2006-AKL-001006). Note: Out of scope changes have been made to the LL zone to RCS and this

with ENV2006-AKL-001006. addressed in Attachment F and planning maps. 1 submission seeks to rezone the existing Adams Do not support. The proposed zone is inconsistent with the RPS and zone objectives and policies and point 1.12 family home, East Coast Road, Matingarahi, and of the IHP best practice approaches for re-zoning. The resource consent application noted by the submitter has approved 11 large lots to LL. been given effect to therefore the rezoning request is not consider to be warranted. Retention of the RP zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the zone and gives effect to the RPS. Note: Out of scope changes have been made to the RP zone to RC zone and this addressed in Attachment F and planning maps. Large Lot 1 submission seeks to rezone the Adams Trust Do not support. The proposed zone is inconsistent with the RPS and zone objectives and policies and point 1.12 landholding, East Coast Road, Matingarahi, by of the IHP best practice approaches for re-zoning. In addition there are errors in the mapping of the RC zone

deleting the RC zone and replacing it with LL. under the PAUP compared to the Auckland Council District Plan (Franklin Section) for this area where it is presently zoned RP. The intention for the RC zone in the legacy plan is to replicate the line agreed through the operative plan. Retention of the RC zone and rezoning other parts of the site from RP to RC is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the RC zone and gives effect to the RPS. Note: Out of scope changes have been made to the RP zone to RC zone and this addressed in Attachment F and planning maps. Rural - Other 1 submission seeks to extend the RC zone around the Support in part The request to rezone the area from RP to RC is supported in part. There are errors in the entire coastline south of Matingarahi mapping of the coastal zone in the PAUP compared to the Auckland Council District Plan (Franklin Section). The intention for the RC zone in Franklin is to replicate the extent of the coastal zone agreed through Plan Change 14 to the Auckland Council District Plan (Franklin Section). The proposed change is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the RC zone and gives effect to the RPS.



SUBMISSION THEME OVERVIEW OF SUBMISSIONS PLANNER’S POSITION Combined rezoning and precinct 3 submissions seek to retain the CL zone within the Support. Retention of the CL zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the CL zone and gives submissions Whitford Area effect to the RPS. The retention of the CL zone also supports the outcomes of Plan Change 8 - Whitford Rural (Auckland Council District Plan - Manukau Section).

1 submission seeks to rezone 58 Whitford Park Road, Do not support. The area does not meet the criteria for areas identified for urban expansion in RPS B2.5 Policy 1. 101 and 155 Trig Road to SH and to identify the land In particular, the land is predominantly classified as Land Use Capability Class 2 and 3 land (prime land) and the as 'Whitford Village Sub-precinct E'. As an alternative, expansion would result in an enlarged Whitford village (un-serviced RC village) by approximately three folds. rezone properties to RCS Retention of the CL zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the CL zone and gives effect to the RPS.

Rural - Countryside Living (CL) 2 submissions seek to retain the CL zone within the Support. Retention of the CL zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the CL zone and gives Whitford Area. effect to the RPS. The retention of the CL zone also supports the outcomes of Plan Change 8 - Whitford Rural

(Auckland Council District Plan - Manukau Section).

Rural - Other 1 submission seeks to retain the balance of the land Support. Retention of the MR zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MR zone and within the Waiho Block, Maraetai currently zoned MR gives effect to the RPS.

Rural Urban Boundary (RUB) and 1 submission point seeks to rezone an area south of Do not support. The area does not meet the criteria for areas identified for Countryside Living in RPS B8.3 Rural rezoning Maraetai from MR to CL Subdivision Policy 6. In addition, the rezoning request may compromise the stage 4 (RUB) wider analysis for Maraetai and the potential expansion of this settlement. Retention of the MR zone is the most appropriate way to

achieve the objectives of the MR zone and gives effect to the RPS. 1 submission point seeks to rezone 35 and 51 Do not support. The area does not meet the criteria for areas identified for urban expansion in RPS B2.5 Policy 1. Whitford Park Rd, Whitford from CL to SH In particular, the land is predominantly classified as Land Use Capability Class 2 and 3 land (prime land) and the expansion would result in an enlarged Whitford village (un-serviced RC village) by approximately two folds. Retention of the CL zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the CL zone and gives effect to the RPS.


SUBMISSION THEME OVERVIEW OF SUBMISSIONS PLANNERS' POSITION Rural – Other 1 submission point seeks to retain the notified zonings Support the retention of the notified zoning. Retention of the notified zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the zone and gives effect to the RPS. 10 submission points seek to rezone land from RC to Do not support change of zone from RC to MR or SH or vice versa – as given that all of the subject land is located MR or SH in close proximity to the coast, the significance of the coastal margin setback needs to be recognised at the coastal edge to provide a natural buffer to coastal erosion and due to its contribution to visual amenity values. The notified Rural Coastal boundary in this area is consistent with the Auckland Council District Plan (Franklin Section) - Manukau Harbour Management Area. 1 submission point seeks to rezone from CT to MR Do not support change of zone from Coastal Transition (CT) to MR – given the subject land is located immediately next to the coast. Therefore it needs to be retained. The Coastal Transition zone applies to land which is above the Mean High Water Springs (MHWS) level and has been introduced to support improvements in the quality of information on the location of MHWS. Retention of the CT zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the CT zone and gives effect to the RPS. 1 submission point seeks to rezone 440 Clevedon- Do not support change of zone from RC to RP. The retention of the RC zone better reflects the sites proximity to Kawakawa Rd, Clevedon, from RC to RP the coastal environment and the existing pattern of landholdings surrounding the site. Retention of the RC zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the RC zone and gives effect to the RPS.


SUBMISSION THEME OVERVIEW OF SUBMISSIONS PLANNERS' POSITION Rural – Countryside Living (CL) 6 submission points seek to rezone land from RC and Do not support. The retention of the RC zone better reflects the sites proximity to the coastal environment and the MR to CL existing pattern of landholdings surrounding the site. Retention of the RC zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the RC zone and gives effect to the RPS. 2 submissions seek to rezone various properties along Do not support. The area does not meet the criteria for areas identified for CL in RPS B8.3 Rural Subdivision Clevedon-Kawakawa from RP to CL Policy 6. In particular the land is predominantly classified as Land Use Capability Class 2 and 3 land (prime land) and is located within close proximity to Plan Change 32 - Clevedon Village (Auckland Council District Plan - Manukau Section) and would result in CL expansion not anticipated by and not consistent with Plan Change 32. In addition Clevedon Kawakawa Road is considered to be a defensible boundary between the RC zone to the north and the RP zone to the south. Retention of the RC and RP zones is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the zones and gives effect to the RPS. Error 9 submission points seek to correct minor mapping Support change of zone for mapping error correction. errors


ATTACHMENT C: Zoning Analysis and Position for each Submission Point

RURAL Attachment 'C': Zoning Analysis and Position for each Submission Point Notes: The black text in the "summary" column of this Attachment is as notified. Occasional amendments have been made in red to take account of any re-notified SDR points and also for clarity, where necessary.

Auckland Unitary Plan Independent Hearings Panel Auckland Council Evidence Submission Point Pathway Report Analysis Planner's Position RELEVANT SUB PROPERTIES OVERLAYS, PLANNER'S PROPOSED SUB SUBMITTER AREA SUBJECT TO REQUESTED PRECINCTS AND PROPOSED ZONE GIS MAP POINT NAME TOPIC UNIT SUMMARY SUBMISSIONS SUBMISSION THEME LOCALITY PAUP ZONE ZONE CONSTRAINTS POSITION REASONS CHANGE CHANGE CONSEQUENTIAL AMENDMENT 1042-2 James J Rural (South) S18 Rezone 250 Papakura-Clevedon 250 Papakura- Rural Urban Boundary Clevedon MR CL Flooding SUPPORT IN FULL; Support the change from MR to CL. The application of the CL zone reflects the outcomes of Plan CL Yes No Brookman Road from Mixed Rural to Clevedon Rd, (RUB) and rezoning Village Fringe constraints CHANGE OF ZONE Change 32 - Clevedon Village (Auckland Council District Plan - Manukau Section). Rezoning of the Clevedon Rural Clevedon site from MR to CL is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the CL zone and gives effect to the RPS. 1047-2 Alan Cole Rural (South) S14 and Amend the location of the Rural Area-wide (81, 181, Errors Coastal RC RC and other N/A SUPPORT IN FULL; Support zoning boundary amendment - There are errors in the mapping of the coastal zone in the RC and other Yes No S17 Coastal zone so it is in keeping 207 Kohekohe Rural zones CHANGE OF ZONE PAUP compared to the Auckland Council District Plan (Franklin Section). The intention for RC zone Rural zone with what was agreed to in Karioitahi Rd; in Franklin is to replicate the line agreed through the operative plan. The proposed change is the Franklin District Council Plan Boundary Rd (ALL D P most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the RC zone and gives effect to the RPS. Change 14 13654 BLK XI AWHITU S D BLKS I II MAIORO S D PT ALLOT 406 143A 146); Capes Rd (Lot 5 DP 414771); Manukau Heads Rd (Allotment 284 Parish of Awhitu); 284 Orua Bay Rd; Big Bay Rd (LOT 2 DP 427776 LOT 3 DP 25574 LOT 11 DP 336027); 30 Hudson Rd; 403 Grahams Beach Rd; 246 Rd; 115 Saddleton Rd; 83 Percy Millen Dr; 73 Rd; 105 1092-2 Rebecca A Russo Rural (South) S18 Rezone 250 Papakura-Clevedon 250 Papakura- Rural Urban Boundary Clevedon MR CL Flooding SUPPORT IN FULL; Support the change from MR to CL. The application of the CL zone reflects the outcomes of Plan CL Yes No Road, Clevedon, from Mixed Clevedon Rd, (RUB) and rezoning Village Fringe constraints CHANGE OF ZONE Change 32 - Clevedon Village (Auckland Council District Plan - Manukau Section). Rezoning of the Rural to include it in the Clevedon Clevedon site from MR to CL is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the CL zone and gives Rural zone and Clevedon effect to the RPS. Structure Plan 1139-2 Plymouth Rural (South) S14 Retain the Future Urban zone at 221 Park Estate Rd, Future Urban Zone (FU) Hingaia and the FU FU or Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Support retention of notified zone. No rezoning of the FU is proposed because detailed assessment No change No No Brethren Christian 221 Park Estate Road Hingaia or Hingaia and rezoning islands unspecified constraints CHANGE; SUPPORT of any constraints needs to occur, and structure planning needs to be undertaken in accordance with Church provide a residential zone. residential RETENTION OF RPS B2.3 before an appropriate live zone can be determined for land within the FU. It is noted that NOTIFIED ZONE resource consent for a worship centre for the Plymouth Brethren on this site was granted in 2014 (ENV-2013-AKL-000040 - Trustees of the Papakura Gospel Hall Trust v Auckland Council). It is also noted that this land is within the Hingaia Special Housing Area. A variation to the PAUP under the Housing Accords and Special Areas Act 2013 has been applied for and a hearing was held in 2015. A decision is pending at time of evidence preparation. Retention of the FU zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the FU zone and gives effect to the RPS.

1188-1 Hingaia Holdings Rural (South) S14 Rezone 71 & 75 Hingaia Road, 71 & 75 Hingaia Rd, Spot zoning Hingaia and the FU MU Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Support retention of notified zone. No rezoning of the FU is proposed because detailed assessment No change No No Limited Karaka from Future Urban to Karaka islands constraints CHANGE; SUPPORT of any constraints needs to occur, and structure planning needs to be undertaken in accordance with Mixed Use. RETENTION OF RPS B2.3 before an appropriate live zone can be determined for land within the FU. It is noted that NOTIFIED ZONE this land is included within the Hingaia Special Housing Area. A variation to the PAUP under the Housing Accords and Special Areas Act 2013 has been applied for and a hearing was held in 2015. A decision is pending at time of evidence preparation. Retention of the FU zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the FU zone and gives effect to the RPS. 1223-3 YLH Holdings Rural (south) S16 Rezone the three lots to the 152, 154 and 156 Future Urban Zone (FU) Pukekohe - MREC MU, MHU or N/A SUPPORT IN FULL; The land is not part of the trotting club and should have a zoning consistent with neighbouring land. FU Yes No Limited northwest of Racecourse (Franklin Golding Rd and rezoning Miscellaneous FU CHANGE OF ZONE Support FU zoning for the subject land. Applying the proposed zone gives effect to the RPS and is Trotting Club) from Major the most appropriate way to achieve the FU zone objectives. FU zone applied to provide for future Recreation Facility to Mixed Use, urban growth. Structure Planning and a plan change will provide detail of the future urban land use. Residential Mixed Housing, or Future Urban. The three lots are described as located between the Racecourse and Golding Rd, Pukekohe 1325-1 Michael Wood Rural (South) S15 Rezone the landholding of 50 Area-wide - Runciman Rural - Countryside Runciman and MR LL Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support change from MR to LL - the area is located at neither the periphery of an urban area No change No No hectares located between SH1 and Ramarama Living (CL) Ramarama constraints, SEA, CHANGE; SUPPORT nor within the RUB. It's sited along the SH1 which provides high visibility of the site. The land also (Southern motorway), Great South NGC RETENTION OF contains elite and prime soil where urbanisation should be avoided and RP activities encouraged. Road and Road, NOTIFIED ZONE Retention of zone will achieve the objectives of the MR zone and gives effect to the RPS. Ramarama, adjoining the Ramarama interchange to Large Lot Residential. 1325-2 Michael Wood Rural (South) S15 Rezone the landholding of 50 Area-wide - Runciman Rural - Countryside Runciman and MR CL Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support change from MR to CL - the area is located at neither the periphery of an urban area No change No No hectares located between SH1 and Ramarama Living (CL) Ramarama constraints, SEA, CHANGE; SUPPORT nor within the RUB. It's sited along the SH1 which provides high visibility of the site. The land also (Southern motorway), Great South NGC RETENTION OF contains elite and prime soil where urbanisation should be avoided and RP activities encouraged. Road and Ararimu Road, NOTIFIED ZONE Retention of zone will achieve the objectives of the MR zone and gives effect to the RPS. Ramarama, adjoining the Ramarama interchange to Countryside Living 133-1 John C Raybould Rural (South) S18 Rezone 30 and 30A Sunkist Bay 30 and 30A Sunkist Mixed Housing Beachlands NC SH N/A SUPPORT IN FULL; Support change from NC to SH zone. The application of the SH zone reflects the existing pattern of SH Yes No Rd, and 55 and 55A First View Bay Rd, and 55 and Urban/Mixed Housing CHANGE OF ZONE residential landholdings surrounding the site and, the existing residential activities that have been Ave, Beachlands from Business 1 55A First View Ave, Suburban/Single House established on the sites. Rezoning to SH achieves the objectives of the SH zone and gives effect to Neighbourhood Centre to Beachlands Expansion/Contraction the RPS. Residential 1355-1 Scott B Gavin Rural (South) S17 Rezone 23 Clive Howe Road, 23 Clive Howe Rd, Rural Urban Boundary Patumahoe RP Unspecified Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Support retention of RP zone. The proposed change to a rural residential zone is inconsistent with No change No No Patumahoe from Rural Production Patumahoe (RUB) and rezoning constraints, SEA CHANGE; SUPPORT the RPS. There is currently no RUB around Patumahoe. It is acknowledge that that area proposed for to a rural-residential zone. RETENTION OF rezoning is not affected by any major constraints and is contiguous with the existing urban zone. NOTIFIED ZONE However zone change may pre-empt stage 4 (RUB) wider analysis for the area south east of the existing urban limit of Patumahoe and the potential expansion of this settlement. 1371-1 Nicole F Webber Rural (South) S16 Rezone 198C Buckville Road, 198C Buckville Rd Rural - Countryside Pukekohe - Unspecified Unspecified N/A N/A The subject site is outside the Auckland Council area, in the Waikato District. The PAUP therefore No change No No Pukekohe to a lifestyle residential Living (CL) Miscellaneous does not apply. To the site. zone which enables subdivision of a 10 acre lot.

Page 1 RURAL Attachment 'C': Zoning Analysis and Position for each Submission Point Notes: The black text in the "summary" column of this Attachment is as notified. Occasional amendments have been made in red to take account of any re-notified SDR points and also for clarity, where necessary.

Auckland Unitary Plan Independent Hearings Panel Auckland Council Evidence Submission Point Pathway Report Analysis Planner's Position RELEVANT SUB PROPERTIES OVERLAYS, PLANNER'S PROPOSED SUB SUBMITTER AREA SUBJECT TO REQUESTED PRECINCTS AND PROPOSED ZONE GIS MAP POINT NAME TOPIC UNIT SUMMARY SUBMISSIONS SUBMISSION THEME LOCALITY PAUP ZONE ZONE CONSTRAINTS POSITION REASONS CHANGE CHANGE CONSEQUENTIAL AMENDMENT 1487-1 Wendy Goad Rural (South) S14 Reject single house Zoning on Area-wide - Kingseat Rural and Coastal Kingseat and SH Unspecified Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support changes sought from SH to a rural zoning. Support a zoning change to RCS, as an RCS Yes No Blackbridge Road, Karaka and Karaka Settlement zone Karaka constraints, Karaka CHANGE; SUPPORT out of scope change (refer also to Attachment F). This area of land has been zoned SH in error. The South precinct ALTERNATIVE ZONE properties are located at the existing node of the Karaka South Village where there is high residential demand and where existing settlement capacity is limited. Support RCS as a lower density zone that will allow for limited growth of an unserviced settlements growth in this area. Rezoning this area to RCS is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the RCS. 1487-2 Wendy Goad Rural (South) S14 Retain Rural Coastal zone on Area-wide - Coastal Rural - Other Coastal RC RC Flooding SUPPORT IN FULL; Support retention of notified RC zone - the subject area is located in close proximity to the coast No change No No land adjacent to the coast at constraints RETENTION OF where adverse effects with respect to coastal amenity, character and the environment need to be Karaka. NOTIFIED ZONE managed. Retention of the RC zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the RC zone and gives effect to the RPS. 1487-3 Wendy Goad Rural (South) S14 Retain Zoning of Karaka as Mixed Area-wide - Kingseat Rural - Other Kingseat and MR and RP MR and RP Flooding SUPPORT IN FULL; Support retention of notified MR and RP zoning - the properties are located on elite and prime soils. No change No No Rural or Rural Production. and Karaka Karaka constraints, Karaka RETENTION OF Retention of the MR and RP zones is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MR South precinct NOTIFIED ZONE and RP zones and gives effect to the RPS.

1630-1 Chong Tian Goh Rural (South) S18 Rezone the properties along West West Rd and adjacent Rural - Countryside Brookby MR CL Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support change from MR to CL zone. The sites does meet the criteria for areas identified for No change No No Road and adjacent roads (e.g. Rds Living (CL) constraints, SEA, CHANGE; SUPPORT Countryside Living in RPS B8.3 Rural Subdivision Policy 6. In particular the land is partly located on Sutton Road), Brookby from Mixed NGC RETENTION OF prime soils and is within close proximity to Plan Change 8 - Whitford Rural and Plan Change 32 - Rural to Countryside zone. NOTIFIED ZONE Clevedon Village (Auckland Council District Plan - Manukau Section) and would result in CL expansion not anticipated by and not consistent with Plan Changes 8 and 32. Retention of the MR zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MR zone and gives effect to the RPS. 1684-1 Balle Group of Rural (South) S16 Rezone the land occupied by 106 Beatty Rd, 166, Future Urban Zone (FU) Pukekohe - FU MR SEA DO NOT SUPPORT Support notified zone. Application of the FU zone gives effect to the RPS and is the most appropriate No change No No Companies and Balle Group and The Burns 185, 196, 222 Heights and rezoning Paerata north CHANGE; SUPPORT way to achieve the zone objectives. The zone applied will provide for future urban growth to enable the Burns Family Family Trust at Heights Rd and Rd RETENTION OF Pukekohe to achieve 2040 targets for population and local employment. Structure Planning and plan Trust Beatty Rd, Pukekohe to Mixed NOTIFIED ZONE changes of FU land to will provide the detail regarding future zoning.. Rural. 1731-92 Fletcher Rural (South) S14 Rezone part of land at Karaka Area wide - Hingaia Future Urban Zone (FU) Hingaia and the SH MHS Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support change of zone from SH to MHS. The Auckland Council District Plan (Papakura No change No No Residential Lakes and surroundings to Mixed and rezoning islands constraints CHANGE; SUPPORT Section) residential zoning for this portion of Hingaia was determined by a plan change (Auckland Limited Housing Suburban. Refer to RETENTION OF Council District Plan: Papakura Section Plan Change 5 (operative 2006). The majority of the land Attachment 10 in Submission NOTIFIED ZONE has been fully developed. As the land use pattern of the developed land is new dwellings which 1731 for details. This submission maximise the coverage on their sites, it is considered that change of zone to create additional proposes a change from FU development potential is unnecessary because the SH zone best reflects the existing pattern of development. Retention of the SH zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the SH zone and gives effect to the RPS. 1819-1 Karaka Centre Rural (South) S14 Rezone land on the Hingaia Area wide - Hingaia Future Urban Zone (FU) Hingaia and the FU SH, THAB and Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Support retention of FU zone. No rezoning of the FU zone is proposed because detailed assessment No change No No Limited and Peninsula from Future Urban and rezoning islands unspecified MH constraints, NGC, CHANGE; SUPPORT of any constraints needs to occur, and structure planning needs to be undertaken in accordance with Karaka Lakes zone to Single House, Mixed Historic Character RETENTION OF RPS B2.3 before an appropriate live zone can be determined for land within the FU zone. It is noted Limited (Attn: Housing and Terrace Housing and NOTIFIED ZONE that this land is included within the Hingaia Special Housing Area. A variation to the PAUP under the Douglas Allan) Apartment Building zones (being Housing Accords and Special Areas Act 2013 has been applied for and a hearing was held in 2015. land in the general vicinity of A decision is pending at time of evidence preparation. Retention of the FU zone is the most Hingaia Road, Hinau Road, Park appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the FU zone and gives effect to the RPS. Estate Road, Hayfield Way and Pararekau Road, bordered on the east by the Southern Motorway and on the north, west and south by the Manukau Harbour and its tributaries) as outlined in Annexure 1 [page 6/24].

1819-3 Karaka Centre Rural (South) S14 Rezone the Hingaia Centre land 47 Harbourside Dr, 15 Centres/Terrace Hingaia and the LC and MU TC Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support change of zone from LC and MU to TC. Economic evidence from Ms Natalie No change No No Limited and from Local Centre and Mixed Use and 43 Hingaia Rd, Housing Apartment islands constraints, NGC CHANGE; SUPPORT Hampson has been obtained by the Council (Topic 081) which supports retaining the notified extent Karaka Lakes zones to Town Centre zone as Hingaia Buildings (THAB)/Mixed RETENTION OF of the LC zone at 1.7 ha or only slightly increasing it (to 2.4 ha for example). Having regard to Limited (Attn: shown in Annexure 1[page 11/24] Use NOTIFIED ZONE potential effects on the function and role of other existing and planned centres in the area, including Douglas Allan) Expansion/Contraction the Papakura Metropolitan Centre, I consider it appropriate to retain the notified LC and MU zones in this location. Retention of the notified LC and MU zones is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the zones and gives effect to the RPS, including the centres strategy / hierarchy.

2008-1 Fairfield Farms Rural (South) S18 Rezone 384 Clevedon-Takanini 384 Clevedon-Takanini Rural Urban Boundary Clevedon MR CL or RP Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support change from MR to CL zone. The area does not meet the criteria for areas identified No change No No Nominee Road, Clevedon (Lot 2 Rd, Clevedon and the (RUB) and rezoning Village Fringe constraints CHANGE; SUPPORT for Countryside Living in RPS B8.3 Rural Subdivision Policy 6. In particular the land is classified as Company Limited DP429956) and the land located land located between RETENTION OF Land Use Capability Class 2 land (prime land) and is within close proximity to Plan Change 32 - (Attn: Sarah between the Clevedon precinct the Clevedon precinct NOTIFIED ZONE Clevedon Village (Auckland Council District Plan - Manukau Section). CL in this location was not Mandeno and plan boundary and 384 Clevedon- plan boundary and 384 anticipated by and is not consistent with Plan Change 32. Retention of the MR zone is the most Charles Benson) Takanini Road, Clevedon to Clevedon-Takanini Rd, appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MR zone and gives effect to the RPS. Countryside Living or, in the Clevedon alternative, retain the Rural Production zone. Refer to the map on page 6/6 of the submission for details. Note - submission point has been re- notified to include the reference to retaining the Rural Production zoning. 2038-1 Belmont Rural (South) S16 Retain Mixed Housing [Suburban] Special Housing Area Combined rezoning and Pukekohe - MHS MHS Greenfield Urban SUPPORT IN FULL; Support notified zone. Applying the notified zone to the site is the most appropriate way to achieve No change Yes No Residents and Zoning in Belmont area, defined by Adams Rd precinct submissions Belmont precinct RETENTION OF the MHS zone objectives and gives effect to RPS. Special Housing Area has been approved. Site Landowners Pukekohe South, Rifle Range Rd, NOTIFIED ZONE being developed currently. Association Jutland Rd, Victoria St Incorporated West. Pollock and Belmont Rds.

2083-2 Kent Valley Farm Rural (South) S16 Retain Countryside Living Zoning CL zoned properties to Rural - Countryside Pukekohe - CL CL N/A SUPPORT IN FULL; Support notified zone. Recently settled PC 14 to the Auckland Council District Plan: Franklin Section No change No No Trust of properties to the north and east the north and east of Living (CL) Grace James RETENTION OF established the Runciman CL area and defined the rural edge. The notified zoning and Runciman of Grace James Road. Grace James Rd. and north and NOTIFIED ZONE precinct provisions are in line with PC14. RPS Sections 8.1 - 8.3, as described in the Closing countryside Statement on behalf of Council in relation to Topic 011 establishes the RPS rural policy framework living for sustainably managing the rural environment. Section 6.6 Countryside Living zone, as described in the Closing Statement on behalf of Council in relation to Topics 056 and 057, confirms the purpose of the CL zone and its objectives. The notified zone gives effect to the RPS and is the most appropriate way to achieve the CL zone objectives and the relevant objectives of the Runciman precinct.

Page 2 RURAL Attachment 'C': Zoning Analysis and Position for each Submission Point Notes: The black text in the "summary" column of this Attachment is as notified. Occasional amendments have been made in red to take account of any re-notified SDR points and also for clarity, where necessary.

Auckland Unitary Plan Independent Hearings Panel Auckland Council Evidence Submission Point Pathway Report Analysis Planner's Position RELEVANT SUB PROPERTIES OVERLAYS, PLANNER'S PROPOSED SUB SUBMITTER AREA SUBJECT TO REQUESTED PRECINCTS AND PROPOSED ZONE GIS MAP POINT NAME TOPIC UNIT SUMMARY SUBMISSIONS SUBMISSION THEME LOCALITY PAUP ZONE ZONE CONSTRAINTS POSITION REASONS CHANGE CHANGE CONSEQUENTIAL AMENDMENT 2083-3 Kent Valley Farm Rural (South) S16 Retain Mixed Rural Zoning of Farms to the north of Rural - Other Pukekohe - MR MR SEA SUPPORT IN FULL; Support notified zone. Recently settled PC 14 to the Auckland Council District Plan: Franklin Section No change No No Trust farms to the north of Grace James Grace James Rd, Grace James RETENTION OF established the Runciman CL area and defined the rural edge. The notified zoning is in line with Road. Pukekohe and north and NOTIFIED ZONE PC14. RPS Sections 8.1 - 8.3, as described in the Closing Statement on behalf of Council in relation countryside to Topic 011 establishes the RPS rural policy framework for sustainably managing the rural living environment. Section 6.3 MR zone describes the purpose of the MR zone. MR sites provide greater flexibility to accommodate a range of rural production activities and non residential activities while still ensuring good amenity levels. The notified MR zone gives effect to the RPS and is the most appropriate way to achieve the MR zone objectives. 2085-2 Penzance Valley Rural (South) S16 Retain Countryside Living Zoning Countryside Living Rural - Countryside Pukekohe - CL CL N/A SUPPORT IN FULL; Support notified zone. Recently settled PC 14 to the Auckland Council District Plan: Franklin Section No change No No Farm Trust of properties to the north and east Zoning of properties to Living (CL) Grace James RETENTION OF established the Runciman CL area and defined the rural edge. The notified zoning and Runciman of Grace James Road. the north and east of and north and NOTIFIED ZONE precinct provisions are in line with PC14. RPS Sections 8.1 - 8.3, as described in the Closing Grace James Rd. countryside Statement on behalf of Council in relation to Topic 011 establishes the RPS rural policy framework living for sustainably managing the rural environment. Section 6.6 Countryside Living zone, as described in the Closing Statement on behalf of Council in relation to Topics 056 and 057, confirms the purpose of the CL zone and its objectives. The notified zone gives effect to the RPS and is the most appropriate way to achieve the CL zone objectives and the relevant objectives of the Runciman precinct.

2085-3 Penzance Valley Rural (South) S16 Retain Mixed Rural Zoning of Farms to the north of Rural - Other Pukekohe - MR MR SEA SUPPORT IN FULL; Support notified zone. Recently settled PC 14 to the Auckland Council District Plan: Franklin Section No change No No Farm Trust farms to the north of Grace James Grace James Road. Grace James RETENTION OF established the Runciman CL area and defined the rural edge. The notified zoning is in line with Road. and north and NOTIFIED ZONE PC14. RPS Sections 8.1 - 8.3, as described in the Closing Statement on behalf of Council in relation countryside to Topic 011 establishes the RPS rural policy framework for sustainably managing the rural living environment. Section 6.3 MR zone describes the purpose of the MR zone. MR sites provide greater flexibility to accommodate a range of rural production activities and non residential activities while still ensuring good amenity levels. The notified MR zone gives effect to the RPS and is the most appropriate way to achieve the MR zone objectives. 2087-3 Brent S Grieg Rural (South) S16 Retain the Mixed Use zone on 85- 85-87 Edinburgh St, Centres/Terrace Pukekohe - MU MU N/A SUPPORT IN FULL; Support notified zone. Applying the proposed MU zone to the sites will gives effect to the RPS and is No change No No 87 Edinburgh Street site located Pukekohe Housing Apartment Town centre & RETENTION OF the most appropriate way to achieve the zone objectives. The zoning will provide for a compatible mix at 85-87 Edinburgh Street, Buildings (THAB)/Mixed surrounds NOTIFIED ZONE of residential and employment activities on the periphery of the town centre. Pukekohe as Mixed Use. Use Expansion/Contraction 2170-1 Chrisalis Ventures Rural (South) S15 Rezone land located between Land located between Rural to Urban (not in or Bombay RP GB Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support change to GB zone. The need for additional business land has not been No change No No and Great South Road and Southern Great South Rd and close to the RUB) constraints CHANGE; SUPPORT demonstrated on this rural site. Retention of the RP zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the Reidy/McKenzie Motorway at Bombay from Rural Southern Motorway at RETENTION OF objectives of the RP zone and gives effect to the RPS objectives and policies. (Attn: William Production to a zone that would Bombay NOTIFIED ZONE Birch) enable a motorway service centre

2183-1 Aarron Balle Rural (South) S15 Add Fahey Road, Bombay Fahey Rd, Bombay Rural to Urban (not in or Bombay RP FU Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support change to FU zone. The subject land is not located within the RUB and is not No change No Family Trust (Greenfields Cluster Area, close to the RUB) constraints CHANGE; SUPPORT adjacent to a serviced town or village. Retention of notified RP zone is the most appropriate way to Southern Cluster) to be included RETENTION OF achieve the objectives of the RP zone and gives effect to the RPS objectives and policies. within the RUB. NOTIFIED ZONE No 2186-1 Whitford Rural (South) S18 Retain the [Franklin District Plan] Area within Whitford Rural - Countryside Whitford CL CL Flooding SUPPORT IN FULL; Support the retention of the CL zone. Retention of the CL zone is the most appropriate way to No change No No Residents and Whitford Countryside Living zone zoned Rural 2 under Living (CL) constraints, SEA RETENTION OF achieve the objectives of the CL zone and gives effect to the RPS and reflects existing pattern of land Ratepayers for the Rural 2 area and reinstate the legacy district plan NOTIFIED ZONE use. Association the start date and existing subdivision rules. This relates to the Manukau District Plan not Franklin District Plan 2196-1 Orepunga Farms Rural (south) S14 Rezone 425 Clarks Beach Road, 425 Clarks Beach Rd, Rural and Coastal Kingseat and MR RCS Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support change from MR to RCS - the property is located at a remote and unserviced location No change No No Limited Waiau Pa from Mixed Rural to Waiau Pa Settlement zone Karaka constraints CHANGE; SUPPORT where urban development should be avoided. Prime soils cover half of the property. Therefore, Rural and Coastal Settlement RETENTION OF further urbanisation will compromise rural production activities. Retention of the notified zone zone. NOTIFIED ZONE achieves the objectives of the MR zone and gives effect to the RPS. 2215-1 Short Family Rural (South) S17 Rezone 24-28 Constable Road 24-28 Constable Rd, Centres/Terrace Waiuku MHS MU Flooding SUPPORT IN FULL; Support change from MHS to MU. The site requested for MU is a large site, would be an extension of MU Yes No Trust (Attn: TV Waiuku from Mixed Housing Waiuku Housing Apartment constraints CHANGE OF ZONE an existing MU zone, and the local environment including a school and medical centre are Short) Suburban to Business Mixed Use. Buildings (THAB)/Mixed compatible with MU. Rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MU zone Use and gives effect to the business and urban growth objectives of the RPS. Expansion/Contraction 2215-2 Short Family Rural (South) S17 Rezone 30 Constable Road 30 Constable Rd, Centres/Terrace Waiuku SH MU Flooding SUPPORT IN FULL; Support change from MHS to MU. The site requested for MU is a large site, would be an extension of MU Yes No Trust (Attn: TV Waiuku from Single House to Waiuku Housing Apartment constraints CHANGE OF ZONE an existing MU zone, and the local environment including a school and medical centre are Short) Business Mixed Use. Buildings (THAB)/Mixed compatible with MU. Rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MU zone Use and gives effect to the business and urban growth objectives of the RPS. Expansion/Contraction 2274-1 Patumahoe Rural (South) S17 Rezone 128c and 128d Mauku 128c and 128d Mauku Spot Zoning Patumahoe RP Unspecified - Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support rezoning from RP to an industrial zone. The request will result in spot zoning in this No change No No Waterfall Trust Road, Patumahoe from Rural Rd, Patumahoe Industrial constraints CHANGE; SUPPORT location and will not generally achieve integrated management of resources and does not recognise and MacDirect Production to an Industrial zone. RETENTION OF local context. Retention of the RP zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the Limited (Attn: NOTIFIED ZONE RP zone and gives effect to the RPS. Murray C Grant) 2279-1 Malcolm A Rural (south) S14 Rezone 61 Walters Road Karaka 61 Walters Rd, Karaka Rural - other Coastal RC MR N/A DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support change of zone from RC to MR - the property is located in close proximity to the coast No change No No Kennedy from Rural Coast zone to Mixed CHANGE; SUPPORT and contains a significant coastal environment. The RC zone recognises the significance of the Rural zone. RETENTION OF coastal margin setback in maintaining the natural character of the coastal edge, providing a natural NOTIFIED ZONE buffer to coastal erosion and contributing to visual amenity values. The notified RC boundary in this area is consistent with the Auckland Council District Plan (Franklin Section) - Manukau Harbour Management Area. Retention of notified RC zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the RC zone objectives of the zone and gives effect to the RPS. 2330-1 John Fillmore Rural (South) S16 Rezone 78 Burtt Road, Drury from 78 Burtt Rd, Drury Rural - Countryside Pukekohe - MR CL SEA, ONL DO NOT SUPPORT Support notified zone. Recently settled PC 14 to the Auckland Council District Plan: Franklin Section No change No No Mixed Rural to the Countryside Living (CL) Grace James CHANGE; SUPPORT established the Runciman CL area and defined the rural edge. The notified zoning is in line with Living zone. and north and RETENTION OF PC14. RPS Sections 8.1 - 8.3, as described in the Closing Statement on behalf of Council in relation countryside NOTIFIED ZONE to Topic 011 establishes the RPS rural policy framework for sustainably managing the rural living environment. Section 6.3 MR zone describes the purpose of the MR zone. MR sites provide greater flexibility to accommodate a range of rural production activities and non residential activities while still ensuring good amenity levels. The notified zone gives effect to the RPS and is the most appropriate way to achieve the MR zone objectives. 2353-1 David Mueller Rural (South) S17 Rezone 53, 53A and 61 Kitchener 53, 53A and 61 Large Lot Waiuku LL Unspecified - Flooding SUPPORT IN FULL; Support change from LL to MHS. Site is close to the centre of Wailuku, adjacent to existing MHU, MHS Yes No Road, Waiuku from Large Lot to Kitchener Rd, Waiuku Mixed Housing constraints CHANGE OF ZONE MHS and MU zones, and serviced with water and wastewater infrastructure. Rezoning is the most Mixed Housing [inferred submitter appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS zone. This small amount of rezoning gives is requesting Mixed Housing effect to the urban growth objectives and policies of the RPS. Suburban]

Page 3 RURAL Attachment 'C': Zoning Analysis and Position for each Submission Point Notes: The black text in the "summary" column of this Attachment is as notified. Occasional amendments have been made in red to take account of any re-notified SDR points and also for clarity, where necessary.

Auckland Unitary Plan Independent Hearings Panel Auckland Council Evidence Submission Point Pathway Report Analysis Planner's Position RELEVANT SUB PROPERTIES OVERLAYS, PLANNER'S PROPOSED SUB SUBMITTER AREA SUBJECT TO REQUESTED PRECINCTS AND PROPOSED ZONE GIS MAP POINT NAME TOPIC UNIT SUMMARY SUBMISSIONS SUBMISSION THEME LOCALITY PAUP ZONE ZONE CONSTRAINTS POSITION REASONS CHANGE CHANGE CONSEQUENTIAL AMENDMENT 2362-1 Frances M Rural (South) S16 Retain the Future Urban zone at 844A Paerata Rd, Future Urban Zone (FU) Pukekohe - FU FU N/A SUPPORT IN FULL; Support notified zone. Applying the proposed zone to the site gives effect to the RPS and is the most No change No No Maxwell 844A Paerata Road, Paerata, Paerata and rezoning Paerata north RETENTION OF appropriate way to achieve the FU zone objectives. FU zone applied to provide for future urban Pukekohe. NOTIFIED ZONE growth. Structure Planning and a plan change to provide detail of future urban land use. 2367-1 Stratford Rural (South) S18 Rezone 272 and 278 Clevedon- 272 and 278 Clevedon- Rural - Countryside Clevedon RC CL Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support change from RC to CL zone. The sites does not meet the criteria for areas identified RC Yes No Properties Limited Kawakawa Road, Clevedon from Kawakawa Rd, Living (CL) constraints, SEA CHANGE; SUPPORT for Countryside Living in RPS B8.3 Rural Subdivision Policy 6. In particular the land is predominantly (Attn: J G Rural Coastal to Countryside Clevedon ALTERNATIVE ZONE classified as Land Use Capability Class 2 and 3 land (prime land) and is located within close Goodyer) Living. Refer to submission for proximity to Plan Change 32 - Clevedon Village (Auckland Council District Plan - Manukau Section) various Countryside living and would result CL expansion not anticipated by and consistent with Plan Change 32. The site is subdivision options and to plan B also located within and/or adjacent to the coastal environment. Retention of the RC zone is the most for details. There is overlapping appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the RC zone and gives effect to the RPS. points with 2415-4 which is included in this submission but not 2415-4 2367-4 Stratford Rural (South) S18 Retain the Rural Coastal zone for 272 and 278 Clevedon- Rural - Other Clevedon RC RC Flooding SUPPORT IN FULL; Support retention of the RC zone given the lands proximity to the coastal environment. Retention of Properties Limited 50m of land from the river (272 Kawakawa Rd, constraints, SEA RETENTION OF the RC zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the RC zone and gives effect to (Attn: J G and 278 Clevedon-Kawakawa Clevedon NOTIFIED ZONE the RPS. Goodyer) Road, Clevedon) in the event of re- Zoning to Countryside Living or Mixed Rural and Rural Production (with changes to the rules to permit subdivision of these properties to 4 ha). Refer to submission for details. Submission 4 refers to something completely different. Should be coded as submission point 3 to read 'If relief sought in (I), (ii) and (iii) above is not granted, rezone the submitters land to either Mixed Rural or Rural Production (but retain a depth of 50 m from the river on Lot 1 DP 33480 and Lot 1 DP 146882 as Rural Coastal Zone' 2412-1 PL and RM Reidy, Rural South S16 Rezone the area identified in the {defined by the red Future Urban Zone (FU) Pukekohe - CSL FU SEA, Runciman DO NOT SUPPORT Support notified zone. Recently settled PC 14 to the Auckland Council District Plan: Franklin Section No change No No AJ and PM submission {defined by the red polygon (address not and rezoning Miscellaneous sub precinct B CHANGE; SUPPORT established the Runciman CL area and defined the rural edge. The notified zoning and Runciman Kloeten, polygon (address not listed) by listed) by submitter in RETENTION OF precinct provisions are in line with PC14. RPS Sections 8.1 - 8.3 described in the Council's Topic Ruatotara Limited submitter in the submission} being the submission} being NOTIFIED ZONE 011 Closing Statement establishes the RPS rural policy framework for sustainably managing the rural approximately 229 ha between approximately 229 ha environment. Section 6.6 Countryside Living zone, as described in the Council's Topics 056 and 057 Grace James Drive and Runciman between Grace James Closing Statement confirms the purpose of the CL zone and its objectives. The notified zone gives Road in Pukekohe from Drive and Runciman effect to the RPS and is the most appropriate way to achieve the CL zone objectives and the relevant Countryside Living to Future Road objectives of the Runciman precinct. Urban zone 2415-1 Netherlea Rural (South) S18 Rezone the land bounded by Area bounded by Rural - Countryside Coastal RC and RP CL Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support change from MC and RP to CL zone. The area does not meet the criteria for areas No change No No Holdings Limited Clevedon Kawakawa Road, Lot 1 Clevedon Kawakawa Living (CL) constraints, SEA CHANGE; SUPPORT identified for Countryside Living in the RPS B8.3 Rural Subdivision Policy 6. In particular the land is (Attn: Julie DP 146882, the Wairoa River and Rd, Lot 1 DP 146882, RETENTION OF predominantly classified as Land Use Capability Class 2 and 3 land (prime land) and is located within Goodyer) the Clevedon Precinct Plan. from the Wairoa River and NOTIFIED ZONE close proximity to Plan Change 32 - Clevedon Village of the Auckland Council District Plan (Manukau mixed Rural Coastal and Rural the Clevedon Precinct Section) and would result in CL expansion not anticipated by and not consistent with Plan Change 32 Production to Countryside Living Plan of the Auckland Council District Plan (Manukau Section). Retention of the RC and RP zones is the [refer to Plan B on Page 11/11 of most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MR zone and gives effect to the RPS. the submission]. Some missing details in terms of orientation e.g. south, east etc. Does not include rezoning alternatives stated in (ii) and (iv) 2415-4 Netherlea Rural (South) S18 Rezone 252 Clevedon-Kawakawa 252 Clevedon- Rural - Countryside Coastal RP CL Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support change from RP to CL zone. The sites do not meet the criteria for areas identified for No change No No Holdings Limited Road, Clevedon, from the Rural Kawakawa Rd, Living (CL) constraints, SEA CHANGE; SUPPORT Countryside Living in the RPS B8.3 Rural Subdivision Policy 6 and does not maintain and enhance (Attn: Julie Production to the Countryside Clevedon RETENTION OF rural character and amenity. In particular the land is partly located on prime soils and within and/or Goodyer) Living zone [refer to Plan A, Page NOTIFIED ZONE adjacent to the coastal environment. In addition Clevedon Kawakawa Road is considered to be a 10/11]. defensible boundary between RC in the north and RP zone to the south. Retention of the RP zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the RP zone and gives effect to the RPS.

2512-16 Winstone Rural (South) S15 Rezone the land identified within 109, 315, 341, 367, Rural - Other Hunua CL and MR MR SEA, Quarry Buffer DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support change of zone from CL and MR to MR. Council's evidence for Topic 080 "Special No change No No Aggregates (Attn: the proposed Quarry Buffer Area 369, 352, 354, 397, Area, Additional CHANGE; SUPPORT Purpose Quarry Zone" proposes that no changes be made to the Quarry Zone or the Quarry Buffer Dan McGregor) surrounding the Hunua Quarry at 411, 480-486, 482, Subdivision RETENTION OF Area as they relate to Winstones Hunua Quarry. Six properties have split zonings. The zone 489 Hunua Road, Hunua in 484, 490, 499, 600, Controls (Papakura NOTIFIED ZONE boundary follows the bush line, so the MR parts of the sites are bush-covered, and are also with Appendix 3 of the submission vol. 696, 902, 904, 906, Countryside Living SEA_T-5323. The Quarry Buffer line extends onto part of the CL zoned portions of the sites, which 3 page 14/16 (500m from the 910, 920 Hunua Rd, 1ha) controls what is developed on these portions of the sites. Extension of MR zoning across entirety of boundary of the revised Quarry 239, 241, 243 Kauri sites is considered unnecessarily restrictive. Retention of notified CL and MR zones is the most Zone) to Mixed Rural. View Rd, 101 appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the zones and gives effect to RPS objectives and Coalmine Rd, 167, policies. 193, 255 Middleton Rd, 10 Hays Creek Rd, Hunua 2551-1 Roscommon Rural (South) S18 Rezone 100, 102, 110, and 150 100, 102, 110, and 150 Rural Urban Boundary Clevedon RP CL Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support change from RP to CL zone. Applying the proposed zone is inconsistent with the No change No No Properties Limited McNicol Road and 30 Otau McNicol Rd and 30 (RUB) and rezoning Village Fringe constraints, SEA CHANGE; SUPPORT RPS and zone objectives and policies. The sites do not meet the criteria for areas identified for (Attn: Julie Mountain Road, Clevedon from Otau Mountain Rd, RETENTION OF Countryside Living in RPS B8.3 Rural Subdivision Policy 6. In particular the site is located on prime Goodyer) Rural Production to Countryside Clevedon NOTIFIED ZONE soils and within close proximity to the recent Plan Change 32 - Clevedon Village and would result in Living zone. Submission also CL expansion not unanticipated by and not consistent with Plan Change 32. Retention of the RP contains a few extra related zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the PR zone and gives effect to the rezoning sub points. RPS. 266-1 Kerry R Stace Rural (South) S17 Rezone 106 Waitangi Falls Road, 106 Waitangi Falls Rd, Errors Coastal POS Unspecified N/A SUPPORT IN FULL; Support change to RC zone. Site is not publicly-owned land; the RC zone is the most compatible with RC Yes No Glenbrook from Public Open Glenbrook Rural or CL CHANGE OF ZONE the surrounding zones. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the RC Space to Rural or Countryside zone and gives effect to the RPS. living.

Page 4 RURAL Attachment 'C': Zoning Analysis and Position for each Submission Point Notes: The black text in the "summary" column of this Attachment is as notified. Occasional amendments have been made in red to take account of any re-notified SDR points and also for clarity, where necessary.

Auckland Unitary Plan Independent Hearings Panel Auckland Council Evidence Submission Point Pathway Report Analysis Planner's Position RELEVANT SUB PROPERTIES OVERLAYS, PLANNER'S PROPOSED SUB SUBMITTER AREA SUBJECT TO REQUESTED PRECINCTS AND PROPOSED ZONE GIS MAP POINT NAME TOPIC UNIT SUMMARY SUBMISSIONS SUBMISSION THEME LOCALITY PAUP ZONE ZONE CONSTRAINTS POSITION REASONS CHANGE CHANGE CONSEQUENTIAL AMENDMENT 2667-1 Barry John & Rural (South) S14 Rezone the western side of Bryant Area-wide - Coastal Rural - Other Coastal MR and RC RC Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support change of zone from MR and RC to RC - the property is not located close to the No change No No Anne Chappell Road, Karaka (refer to submission constraints CHANGE; SUPPORT immediate coastal environment. The MR zone is considered appropriate to encourage small rural lot for detailed description and map) RETENTION OF activities. Retention of zone achieves the objectives of the MR zone and gives effect to the RPS. from Mixed Rural zone to Coastal NOTIFIED ZONE [inferred to mean Rural Coastal zone]. 2681-1 Anna K Maxwell Rural (South) S17 Rezone 46 Orpheus Road, Orua 46 Orpheus Bay Rd, Rural and Coastal Awhitu RC RCS N/A SUPPORT IN FULL; Support request to rezone from RC to RCS. The land is already subdivided to below minimum lot size RCS Yes No Bay, Franklin, from Rural Coastal Orua Bay Settlement zone CHANGE OF ZONE for RCS and is adjacent to existing RCS. Both RC and RCS rules provide for one dwelling per zone to Rural and Coastal Properties on the south property. The only difference is the yard and height controls - which will provide flexibility for any Settlement zone, or rezone all side of the seaward future redevelopment of the existing dwellings on the sites. Rezoning is the most appropriate way to properties on the south side of the end of Orpheus Rd achieve the objectives of the RCS zone and gives effect to the RPS. seaward end of Orpheus Road to Rural and Coastal Settlement zone (refer to the submission; these areas are identified in Appendix A). 2748-29 The Warehouse Rural (South) S16 Retain the General Business at 124 Manukau Rd, Business to other Pukekohe - GB GB N/A SUPPORT IN FULL; Support notified zone. Applying the GB zone to the site is the most appropriate way to achieve the No change No No Limited (Attn: 124 Manukau Road [Pukekohe]. Pukekohe Business Zone Manukau Road RETENTION OF zone's objectives and is consistent with local context. It also gives effect to the RPS. Paula Brosnahan) (excludes mixed use industrial NOTIFIED ZONE and centres zones) 2770-1 Mark T Russell Rural (South) S18 Rezone 75 Munros Road, 75 Munros Rd, Rural - Other Clevedon RP Unspecified Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Support retention of the RP zone. The SEA onsite is acknowledged but the proposed zone will result No change No No Clevedon from Rural Production Clevedon constraints, SEA CHANGE; SUPPORT in spot zoning in this location and will not generally achieve integrated management of resources and to a Zoning that recognises RETENTION OF does not recognise local context. In addition the site is located on prime soils. Retention of the RP sensitivities of land which contain NOTIFIED ZONE zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the PR zone and gives effect to the an SEA or apply a spot zone. RPS. 2824-1 Max Cossey Rural (South) S17 Rezone 53, 53A and 61 Kitchener 53, 53A and 61 Large Lot Waiuku LL Unspecified - Flooding SUPPORT IN FULL; Support change from LL to MHS. Site is close to the centre of Waiuku, adjacent to existing MHU, MHS Yes No Road Waiuku from Large Lot, to Kitchener Rd Waiuku Mixed Housing constraints CHANGE OF ZONE MHS and MU zones, and serviced with water and wastewater infrastructure. Rezoning is the most Mixed Housing. Rezone the appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS zone. This small amount of rezoning gives surrounding area a combination of effect to the urban growth objectives and policies of the RPS. Mixed Housing and Single Housing. 2854-2 Bloom St George Rural (South) S16 Rezone Edinburgh St between Edinburgh St between Mixed Housing Pukekohe - MHS MHU N/A DO NOT SUPPORT Support MU zoning rather than MHU. Provides for moderate to high intensity residential as well as MU Yes No Limited (Attn: Blair Ave and Albert St, Pukekohe Blair Ave and Albert St, Urban/Mixed Housing Town centre & CHANGE; SUPPORT employment opportunities. Rezoning in line with the MU zone objectives and policies and reflects Johanna C Klein) from Mixed Housing Suburban to Pukekohe Suburban/Single House surrounds ALTERNATIVE ZONE context of this busy main road north to the immediate north of the town centre. Applying the proposed Mixed Housing Urban Expansion/Contraction MU zone gives effect to the RPS and is the most appropriate way to achieve the zone objectives.

2883-1 Greener Pastures Rural (South) S18 Rezone 440 Clevedon-Kawakawa 440 Clevedon- Rural - Other Coastal RC RP Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support the change from RC to RP. The retention of the RC zone better reflects the site's No change No No Trust (Attn: Rd, Clevedon, from Rural Coastal Kawakawa Rd, constraints, SEA CHANGE; SUPPORT proximity to the coastal environment and the existing pattern of landholdings surrounding the site. Miranda L Marsh) to Rural Production Clevedon RETENTION OF Retention of the RC zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the RC zone and NOTIFIED ZONE gives effect to the RPS. 2895-1 Philip Cossey Rural (South) S17 Rezone 53 Kitchener Road, 53A 53 Kitchener Rd, 53A Large Lot Waiuku LL Unspecified - Flooding SUPPORT IN FULL; Support change from LL to MHS. Site is close to the centre of Waiuku, adjacent to existing MHU, MHS Yes No Kitchener Road, 61 Kitchener Kitchener Rd, 61 Mixed Housing constraints CHANGE OF ZONE MHS and MU zones, and serviced with water and wastewater infrastructure. Rezoning is the most Road, Waiuku from Large Lot to Kitchener Rd, Waiuku appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS zone. This small amount of rezoning gives Mixed Housing [Suburban - effect to the urban growth objectives and policies of the RPS. submission refers to surrounding Zoning] 2936-2 Land Solutions Rural (south) S18 Rezone the properties in the area 184 Maraetai Coast Rural and Coastal Clevedon RC RCS Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support change from RC to RCS zone. The site is located within the coastal environment and No change No No Limited of 184 Maraetai Coast Road, that Rd, Clevedon Settlement zone constraints CHANGE; SUPPORT whilst there is no reticulated services within this area, it also does not contain a distinct 'RCS' are now owned by the council RETENTION OF appearance given the larger land holding sizes and the fragmentation of small lots reflecting less from Coastal Rural to Rural and NOTIFIED ZONE than 10 household units. Retention of the RC zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the Coastal Settlement, and if objectives of the RC zone and gives effect to the RPS. necessary with the addition of a precinct or local area within the RUB. 3068-2 D and J Rural (South) S15 Rezone Lot 1 DP 133250 BLK XVI Lot 1 DP 133250 BLK Rural to Urban (not in or Bombay RP FU Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support change to FU zone. The subject land is not located within the RUB and is not No change No Sutherland DRURY SD and Lot 3 DP 133250 XVI DRURY SD and close to the RUB) constraints CHANGE; SUPPORT adjacent to a serviced town or village. Retention of notified RP zone is the most appropriate way to Limited BLK XVI DRURY SD both in Lot 3 DP 133250 BLK RETENTION OF achieve the objectives of the RP zone and gives effect to the RPS objectives and policies. Beaver Road, Bombay from Rural XVI DRURY SD in NOTIFIED ZONE Production to Future Urban and Beaver Rd, Bombay include within the RUB southern cluster (refer to plan attached as page 10/20, vol 1 of the submission). No 3068-3 D and J Rural (South) S15 Rezone Pt Lot 4 DP 19233 BLK Pt Lot 4 DP 19233 BLK Rural to Urban (not in or Bombay RP FU Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support change to FU zone. The subject land is not located within the RUB and is not No change No Sutherland XVI DRURY SD, State Highway XVI DRURY SD, State close to the RUB) constraints CHANGE; SUPPORT adjacent to a serviced town or village. Retention of notified RP zone is the most appropriate way to Limited Bombay from Rural Production to Highway Bombay RETENTION OF achieve the objectives of the RP zone and gives effect to the RPS objectives and policies. Future Urban and include within NOTIFIED ZONE the RUB southern cluster (refer to plan attached as page 15/20 vol 1 of the submission). No

Page 5 RURAL Attachment 'C': Zoning Analysis and Position for each Submission Point Notes: The black text in the "summary" column of this Attachment is as notified. Occasional amendments have been made in red to take account of any re-notified SDR points and also for clarity, where necessary.

Auckland Unitary Plan Independent Hearings Panel Auckland Council Evidence Submission Point Pathway Report Analysis Planner's Position RELEVANT SUB PROPERTIES OVERLAYS, PLANNER'S PROPOSED SUB SUBMITTER AREA SUBJECT TO REQUESTED PRECINCTS AND PROPOSED ZONE GIS MAP POINT NAME TOPIC UNIT SUMMARY SUBMISSIONS SUBMISSION THEME LOCALITY PAUP ZONE ZONE CONSTRAINTS POSITION REASONS CHANGE CHANGE CONSEQUENTIAL AMENDMENT 3068-4 D and J Rural (South) S15 Rezone 182 Mill Road (Lot 1 DP 182 Mill Rd (Lot 1 DP Rural to Urban (not in or Bombay RP FU Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support change to FU zone. The subject land is not located within the RUB and is not No change No Sutherland 98557 BLKS XII XVI DRURY SD) 98557 BLKS XII XVI close to the RUB) constraints CHANGE; SUPPORT adjacent to a serviced town or village. Retention of notified RP zone is the most appropriate way to Limited and 168 Mill Road (Lot 1 DP DRURY SD) and 168 RETENTION OF achieve the objectives of the RP zone and gives effect to the RPS objectives and policies. 86997 PT DP 38992 BLKS XII XVI Mill Rd (Lot 1 DP NOTIFIED ZONE DRURY SD) and 188 Mill Road 86997 PT DP 38992 (PT ALLOT 27 MANGATAWHIRI BLKS XII XVI DRURY PSH BLKS XII XVI DRURY SD) SD) and 188 Mill Rd and Mill Road (Lot 3 DP 161926) (PT ALLOT 27 and 180E Mill Road, Bombay (PT MANGATAWHIRI PSH LOT 1 DP 19233 LOT 1 DP BLKS XII XVI DRURY 73059) and 2128 State Highway, SD) and Mill Rd (Lot 3 Bombay (Lot 2 DP 210316 BLK DP 161926) and 180E XVI DRURY SD) from Rural Mill Rd, Bombay (PT Production to Future Urban and LOT 1 DP 19233 LOT include within the RUB southern 1 DP 73059) and 2128 cluster (refer to plan attached as State Highway, page 20/20 vol 1 of the Bombay (Lot 2 DP submission). 210316 BLK XVI DRURY SD) No 3068-5 D and J Rural (South) S15 Rezone 28 Runciman Rd, 28 Runciman Rd, Rural to Urban (not in or Bombay RP FU Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support change to FU zone. The subject land is not located within the RUB and is not No change No No Sutherland Pukekohe East (Lot 2, DP 375362 Pukekohe East (Lot 2, close to the RUB) constraints, SEA CHANGE; SUPPORT adjacent to a serviced town or village. Retention of notified RP zone is the most appropriate way to Limited and Lot 2 DP 338733), and Mill DP 375362 and Lot 2 RETENTION OF achieve the objectives of the RP zone and gives effect to the RPS objectives and policies. Rd, Bombay (Lot 1 and Pt Lot 2 DP 338733), and Mill NOTIFIED ZONE DP 79559) from Mixed Rural to Rd, Bombay (Lot 1 and Future Urban and include within Pt Lot 2 DP 79559) the RUB southern cluster (refer to plan attached as page 5/5, vol 2 of the submission) 3081-2 Fulton Bloodstock Rural (South) S14 Rezone 359 Linwood Rd, Karaka 359, 363, 371, 379C, Rural - Other Kingseat and RP MR Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support change from RP to MR – the average lot size for the subject properties is below 10ha, No change No No Limited (Attn: and all properties east of 379D, 393 Linwood Karaka constraints, Karaka CHANGE; SUPPORT the requested change does not provide for any additional permitted activities allowed on site. The Kerry Fulton) Rosewood Lane from Rural Rd, Papakura 2 precinct RETENTION OF subject site is located around the Karaka 2 precinct, hence the proposed zoning change may pre- Production to Mixed Rural. NOTIFIED ZONE empt Stage 4 (RUB) wider analysis for the Karaka 2 area. Retention of RP zone achieves the objectives of the RP zone and gives effect to the RPS. 3099-4 The Pakuranga Rural (South) S14 Rezone 27 Linwood Road, Karaka 27 Linwood Rd, Rural and Coastal Kingseat and RC RCS Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support change from RC to RCS – the property is located on prime soil, hence further No change No No Hunt to the Rural and Coastal Karaka Settlement zone Karaka constraints CHANGE; SUPPORT development will compromise more productive activity. The property is also outside of the RUB and Settlement zone. RETENTION OF located at a remote location where there is lack of infrastructure. Retention of notified RC zone is the NOTIFIED ZONE most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the zone and gives effect to the RPS. 3221-1 Haldane Trust Rural (South) S17 Retain the existing Franklin 130H Wattle Bay Rd Errors Awhitu MR MR and RCS SEA SUPPORT IN FULL; Support change to RCS on part of the site. This is consistent with the Environment Court consent Area shown Yes No (Attn: Robert District Plan zones for 130H Orua Bay CHANGE OF ZONE order relating to ENV-2009-304-000047 on Plan Change 14 to the Auckland Council District Plan as Village Makgill) Wattle Bay Road, Orua Bay (Lot 8 (Franklin Section). Zoning was left out of the PAUP in error. The rezoning is the most appropriate Zone in DP 42177). The submission also way to achieve the objectives of the RCS zone and gives effect to the RPS. consent relates to the 'property's order for relationship to the surrounding ENV-2009- environment.' 304-000047 to RCS; the rest of the site remains MR 3240-1 Douglas Hunt Rural (South) S18 Rezone the land from between 290 Papakura- Rural Urban Boundary Clevedon MR CL Flooding SUPPORT IN PART; Support the change from MR to CL in part. The application of the CL zone to parts of the site reflects CL Yes No Tourist Road to the south, Clevedon Rd, (RUB) and rezoning Village Fringe constraints PARTIAL CHANGE the outcomes of Plan Change 32 - Clevedon Village (Auckland Council District Plan - Manukau Papakura-Clevedon Road to the Clevedon and various Section). The remaining parts of the site does not meet the criteria for areas identified for west and a minor tributary of the surrounding properties Countryside Living in RPS B8.3 Rural Subdivision Policy 6. In particular the land is classified as Taitaia Stream to the east, all in prime land and would result in CL expansion not anticipated by and not consistent with Plan Change Clevedon, from Mixed Rural to 32 - Clevedon Village. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MR Clevedon Rural (in particular 290 and CL zones and gives effect to the RPS. Papakura-Clevedon Road). Submission point more like 3575- 1 not the above. 3344-1 Kinny Rural (South) S16 Rezone 40 Jellicoe Road and 40 Jellicoe Rd and Combined rezoning and Pukekohe - LL SH Pukekohe Hill DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support proposed zone change. The notified zoning is the most appropriate way to achieve No change No No International adjoining land in the block adjoining land in the precinct submissions Pukekohe Hill Precinct - Area B CHANGE; SUPPORT the LL zone objectives and the relevant objectives and policies of the Pukekohe Hill precinct. It is Limited (Attn: bounded by Jellicoe Road, block bounded by RETENTION OF also consistent with the North Pukekohe Hill structure plan (NPHSP) issues and objectives in the Brian Putt) Calcutta Road, Blake Road, Jellicoe Rd, Calcutta NOTIFIED ZONE Auckland Council District Plan: Franklin section. The NPHSP provisions were settled in 2008 Kitchener Road and Anzac Road, Rd, Blake Rd, following Environment Court and High Court decisions. The change sought is not in line with the Pukekohe, from Large Lot to Kitchener Rd and Pukekohe Hill precinct's objectives which are based on the NPHSP provisions. The precinct Single House. Anzac Rd, Pukekohe objectives seek to enable development which complements and integrates with the area's rural landscape character, protecting the heritage and amenity values of the hill's northern slopes from inappropriate development by restricting site size to minimise the effects of development on the open landscape character of the middle and upper slopes through graduating the intensity of development up the hill from the more suburban residential development below. 3344-2 Kinny Rural (South) S16 Rezone 42 Jellicoe Road, 42 Jellicoe Rd Combined rezoning and Pukekohe - LL SH Pukekohe Precinct - DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support proposed zone change. The notified zoning is the most appropriate way to achieve No change No No International Pukekohe from Large Lot to precinct submissions Pukekohe Hill Area B CHANGE; SUPPORT the LL zone objectives and the relevant objectives of the Pukekohe Hill precinct. It is also consistent Limited (Attn: Single House. RETENTION OF with the North Pukekohe Hill structure plan (NPHSP) issues and objectives in the Auckland Council Brian Putt) NOTIFIED ZONE District Plan: Franklin section. The NPHSP provisions were settled in 2008 following Environment Court and High Court decisions. The change sought is not in line with the Pukekohe Hill precinct's objectives which are based on the NPHSP provisions. The precinct objectives seek to enable development which complements and integrates with the area's rural landscape character, protecting the heritage and amenity values of the hill's northern slopes from inappropriate development by restricting site size to minimise the effects of development on the open landscape character of the middle and upper slopes through graduating the intensity of development up the hill from the more suburban residential development below. 3396-6 Orua View Rural (South) S17 Rezone 63 Morrison Road, 63 Morrison Rd, Rural - Other Coastal RC and MR MR N/A DO NOT SUPPORT Support retention of the notified zone. The property has been identified as being part of significant No change No No Company Limited Waiuku from Mixed Rural and Waiuku CHANGE; SUPPORT coastal environmental area. The RC zone recognises the significance of the coastal margin setback (Attn: David L Rural Coastal to Mixed Rural. RETENTION OF in maintaining the natural character of the coastal edge, providing a natural buffer to coastal erosion Jamison) NOTIFIED ZONE and contributing to visual amenity values. The notified RC boundary in this area is consistent with the Auckland Council District Plan (Franklin Section) - Manukau Harbour Management Area. Retention of notified RC zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the zone.

Page 6 RURAL Attachment 'C': Zoning Analysis and Position for each Submission Point Notes: The black text in the "summary" column of this Attachment is as notified. Occasional amendments have been made in red to take account of any re-notified SDR points and also for clarity, where necessary.

Auckland Unitary Plan Independent Hearings Panel Auckland Council Evidence Submission Point Pathway Report Analysis Planner's Position RELEVANT SUB PROPERTIES OVERLAYS, PLANNER'S PROPOSED SUB SUBMITTER AREA SUBJECT TO REQUESTED PRECINCTS AND PROPOSED ZONE GIS MAP POINT NAME TOPIC UNIT SUMMARY SUBMISSIONS SUBMISSION THEME LOCALITY PAUP ZONE ZONE CONSTRAINTS POSITION REASONS CHANGE CHANGE CONSEQUENTIAL AMENDMENT 3575-1 John Hunt Rural (South) S18 Rezone the land identified in the 290 Papakura- Rural Urban Boundary Clevedon MR CL Flooding SUPPORT IN PART; Support the change from MR to CL in part. The application of the CL zone to parts of the site reflects CL Yes No submission, particularly 290 Clevedon Rd, (RUB) and rezoning Village Fringe constraints PARTIAL CHANGE the outcomes of Plan Change 32 - Clevedon Village (Auckland Council District Plan - Manukau Papakura-Clevedon Road, Clevedon and various Section). The remaining parts of the site does not meet the criteria for areas identified for Clevedon to Clevedon Rural surrounding properties Countryside Living in RPS B8.3 Rural Subdivision Policy 6. In particular the land is classified as [page 2, Vol. 1 - inferred to mean prime land and would result in CL expansion not anticipated by and not consistent with Plan Change the same rural zone as is applied 32. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MR and CL zones and to majority of Clevedon]. gives effect to the RPS. 3599-2 Brookdale Limited Rural (south) S17 Rezone the land bordered by the Lot 1 DP 462060 Heavy Industry Zone Glenbrook RP HI and LI Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Support retention of the RP zone. Any proposed extension of the HI zone or the creation of a LI zone No change No No railway line, Mission Bush Road Lot 7 DP 310008 (HI) and Light Industry constraints, Heavy CHANGE; SUPPORT in this location would have an impact on the surrounding rural land uses. One of the principles for and Brookside Road in Glenbrook Lot 6 DP 174767 Zone (LI) Industry Air Quality RETENTION OF rezoning land for HI is that it should have quick and efficient access to freight routes, rail or freight from Rural Production to another Lot 8 DP 174767 NOTIFIED ZONE hubs, ports and airports. Glenbrook was the lowest scoring location in the 2011 “Group 1 Business zone to provide for business Lot 1 DP 103304 Land Assessment” prepared by Harrison Grierson, with its major constraints being distance and growth [refer to submission for Lot 1 DP 142075 accessibility. Retention of the notified zones achieves the objectives of the RP zone and gives effect map]. Lot 2 DP 142075 to the RPS. 3679-13 Mid Island Farms Rural (south) S14 Rezone parts of 73 Waiau Pa 73 Waiau Pa Rd, Rural - Other Coastal Coastal MR Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support change of zone from CT to MR – the CT zone applies to land which is above the No change No No Limited Road, Pukekohe, from Coastal Pukekohe Transition (CT) constraints, SEA CHANGE; SUPPORT Mean High Water Springs (MHWS) as at 2012 that was typically unzoned in the previous district Conservation to a rural zone. RETENTION OF plans. The CT zone does not presume that the land is either public or private land. The MR is not NOTIFIED ZONE appropriate to the site as further investigation is required to confirm its exact location for the current MHWS. Zoning and/or precinct provisions will be applied once the tenure of the land has been determined. Retention of notified CT zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the zone. 3679-14 Mid Island Farms Rural (south) S14 Remove parts of 73 Waiau Pa 73 Waiau Pa Rd, Public Open Space Coastal POS MR Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support change of zone from POS to MR - the subject land is owned by Council for esplanade No change No No Limited Road, Pukekohe, from public Pukekohe constraints, SEA CHANGE; SUPPORT purposes. The esplanade recognises the significance of the coastal margin setback in maintaining open space [to an unspecified RETENTION OF the natural character of the coastal edge, providing a natural buffer to coastal erosion and zone.] NOTIFIED ZONE contributing to visual amenity values. Retention of zone archives the objectives of the POS zone and gives effect to the RPS. 3679-2 Robert McGregor Rural (South) S14 Rezone 73 Waiau Pā Road, 73 Waiau Pā Rd Rural - other Coastal RC MR Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support change of zone from RC to other zones - the property is located immediately adjacent No change No No Thom Pukekohe from Rural Coastal to a constraints, SEA CHANGE; SUPPORT to the coast. The RC zone recognises the significance of the coastal margin setback in maintaining zone which reflects recent RETENTION OF the natural character of the coastal edge, providing a natural buffer to coastal erosion and Franklin District Council mediated NOTIFIED ZONE contributing to the visual amenity values. The notified RC boundary in this area is consistent with the coastal boundaries. Auckland Council District Plan (Franklin Section) - Manukau Harbour Management Area. Retention of notified RC zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the zone and gives effect to the RPS. 3682-229 Stevenson Group Rural (South) S15 Rezone the Drury South Industrial Area wide - Drury Future Urban Zone (FU) Drury South FU HI and LI SEA, NGC SUPPORT IN FULL; Support change to LI and HI zone as would be consistent with the Auckland Council Operative Plan: HI and LI Yes No Limited area from Future Urban zone to South and rezoning CHANGE OF ZONE Papakura and Franklin sections as amended by the recently settled Drury South plan changes. Light Industry and Heavy Industry Change of zone to LI and HI zones is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the LI zone as shown map 2 attached to and HI zones and gives effect to the RPS. the submission 3693-2 Whitford Forest Rural (South) S18 Retain the balance of the land Waiho Block, Maraetai Rural - Other Whitford MR MR Flooding SUPPORT IN FULL; Support retention of MR zone. Retention of the MR zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the No change No No Holdings within the Waiho Block, constraints, SEA RETENTION OF objectives of the MR zone and gives effect to the RPS. Company (Attn: Maraetai (as per maps on pages NOTIFIED ZONE Malcolm Maclean) 16 and 17/17 in submission) as Mixed Rural. 3693-3 Whitford Forest Rural (South) S18 Retain Single House zone at 36 36 Rewa Rd, Maraetai Mixed Housing Maraetai SH SH N/A SUPPORT IN FULL; Support retention of SH zone. SH is appropriate in the local context. Retention of the SH zone is the No change No No Holdings Rewa Road, Maraetai. Urban/Mixed Housing RETENTION OF most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the SH zone and gives effect to the RPS. Company (Attn: Suburban/Single House NOTIFIED ZONE Malcolm Maclean) Expansion/Contraction 3693-4 Whitford Forest Rural (South) S18 Retain Mixed Rural and Te Maraunga Block, Combined rezoning and Maraetai MR and CL MR and CL Flooding SUPPORT IN FULL; Support retention of MR and CL zones. The application of the CL zone reflects the outcomes of Plan No change No No Holdings Countryside Living Zoning of the Maraetai precinct submissions constraints, SEA, RETENTION OF Change 8 - Whitford Rural (Auckland Council District Plan - Manukau Section). Retention of the MR Company (Attn: Te Maraunga Block, Maraetai (as Whitford sub NOTIFIED ZONE and CL zones is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MR and CL zones and Malcolm Maclean) per lot numbers listed on page precinct A & B gives effect to the RPS. 3/17 and shown on Figure 1 of page 16/17 of submission). 3700-48 Atlas Concrete Rural (South) S15 Rezone 2038 Great South Road, 2038 Great South Rd, Business to other Bombay RP GB Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT An urban zoning of part of this site for a motorway service centre aligns with a recent plan change NC for sub- Yes No Limited (Attn: Bombay from Rural Production to Bombay Business zone constraints; CHANGE; SUPPORT and the RPS, but alternative zone of NC rather than GB is supported as a change out of scope (refer precinct A of David Haines) General Business. (excludes mixed use Bombay 1 precinct ALTERNATIVE ZONE to Attachment F), as the activities provided for in that zone more closely match those suitable for a the Bombay and centres zones) motorway service centre. 1 precinct; The zoning maps in attachment E show the whole site as NC. This is an error. In line with the RP for sub- activities provided for the southern area of the site in the decision on Plan Change 14 to the precinct B of Auckland Council District Plan (Franklin Section), for the area of the site shown as Bombay 1 sub- the Bombay precinct B, retention of the RP zone is supported. NC for the sub-precinct A area is supported. This is 1 precinct shown in the evidence on the Bombay 1 precinct prepared for the Council by Todd Webb. 3700-49 Atlas Concrete Rural (South) S15 Retain the General Business zone Lot 1 DP 161926, and Business to other Bombay GB GB Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support retention of GB. Support alternative zone. The activities provided for in NC more NC Yes No Limited (Attn: over the Motorway Service Centre Lot 2 DP 161926 Business zone constraints; CHANGE; SUPPORT closely match those suitable for a motorway service centre than in GB. Out of scope change David Haines) at the junction of SH1 and Mill (excludes mixed use Bombay 1 precinct ALTERNATIVE ZONE therefore supported (refer to Attachment F). Road. and centres zones) 3704-1 Wayne Allen Ltd Rural (South) S18 Retain in part Countryside Living Area within the Combined rezoning and Whitford CL CL Flooding SUPPORT IN FULL; Support the retention of the CL zone. Retention of the CL zone is the most appropriate way to No change No No Zone within the Turanga Turanga Catchment, precinct submissions constraints, SEA, RETENTION OF achieve the objectives of the CL zone and gives effect to the RPS. The retention of the CL zone also Catchment. Whitford NGC, Whitford sub NOTIFIED ZONE supports the outcomes of Plan Change 8 - Whitford Rural (Auckland Council District Plan - Manukau precinct A & B Section). 3721-1 Wairoa Bay Farm Rural (South) S18 Rezone 1019 Clevedon 1019 Clevedon Rural - Countryside Clevedon RC and RP CL Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support change from RC and RP to CL. The RC zone recognises the significance of the No change No No Ltd Kawakawa Road and the land Kawakawa Rd, Living (CL) constraints CHANGE; SUPPORT coastal margin setback in maintaining the natural character of the coastal edge, providing a natural areas adjoining it, that have Clevedon and RETENTION OF buffer to coastal erosion and contributing to visual amenity values. The change would also result in similar soil quality and topography surrounding area NOTIFIED ZONE CL expansion not anticipated in this location and would not maintain and enhance rural character constraints, from Rural, Rural and amenity. Retention of the RC and RP zones is the most appropriate way to achieve the Coastal and Rural Production to objectives of the RC and RP zones and gives effect to the RPS. Countryside Living.

Page 7 RURAL Attachment 'C': Zoning Analysis and Position for each Submission Point Notes: The black text in the "summary" column of this Attachment is as notified. Occasional amendments have been made in red to take account of any re-notified SDR points and also for clarity, where necessary.

Auckland Unitary Plan Independent Hearings Panel Auckland Council Evidence Submission Point Pathway Report Analysis Planner's Position RELEVANT SUB PROPERTIES OVERLAYS, PLANNER'S PROPOSED SUB SUBMITTER AREA SUBJECT TO REQUESTED PRECINCTS AND PROPOSED ZONE GIS MAP POINT NAME TOPIC UNIT SUMMARY SUBMISSIONS SUBMISSION THEME LOCALITY PAUP ZONE ZONE CONSTRAINTS POSITION REASONS CHANGE CHANGE CONSEQUENTIAL AMENDMENT 3809-1 Pukekohe South Rural (South) S16 Seeks to rezone the sites 1700, 1702, 1722, Future Urban Zone (FU) Pukekohe - FU MHS, GB and SEA DO NOT SUPPORT Support notified zone. Applying the proposed zone to the site gives effect to the RPS and is the most FU No No Residents group described in the submission from 1748 Buckland Rd, and rezoning Miscellaneous SP CHANGE; SUPPORT appropriate way to achieve the zone objectives of the FU zone. Zone applied to provide for future Future Urban to Business, Pukekohe RETENTION OF urban growth. Structure Planning and a plan change will provide detail of future urban land use. Residential and Special Purpose 194, 170, 150, 152, NOTIFIED ZONE zones 124, 120 Station Rd, Pukekohe 43, 43A30, 25, 11 Youngs Rd, Pukekohe 94B Golding Rd, Pukekohe 27B, 27C, 26 Royal Doulton Dr, Pukekohe 110, 108B, 108A, 104 94A, 94C, 84 Golding Rd, Pukekohe 73, 105, 93 Logan Rd, Buckland 10, 12-16 Yates Rd, Pukekohe 109 Logan Rd Pukekohe 82, 72, 92 , 27, 49 53, 87, 99 Yates Rd, Pukekohe 165 Logan Rd, Buckland 214, 156 Golding Rd, Pukekohe 27A 27 25 17 Royal 3833-7 Kent & Diana Rural (South) S18 Rezone 777 Clevedon Kawakawa 777 Clevedon Rural - Countryside Clevedon RP CL Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support change from RP to CL zone. The sites does not meet the criteria for areas identified No change No No Robertson Rd and 853 Clevedon Kawakawa Kawakawa Rd and 853 Living (CL) constraints, SEA CHANGE; SUPPORT for Countryside Living in RPS B8.3 Rural Subdivision Policy 6. In particular the land is partially Rd, as well as those areas Clevedon Kawakawa RETENTION OF classified as prime land and does not maintain and enhance rural character and amenity values. surrounding it sharing the same Rd and surrounding NOTIFIED ZONE Retention of the RP zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MR zone and topography and soil qualities, area gives effect to the RPS. from Rural Production to Countryside Living. 3855-1 John Sutherland Rural (South) S15 Amend extent of RUB Ambush Rd, Drury Rural Urban Boundary Runciman and MR FU Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support change from MR to FU - urban growth opportunities are limited in this area due to the No change No No Family Trust (Greenfields Cluster Area, (LOT 1 DP 343667 and (RUB) and rezoning Ramarama constraints, SEA CHANGE; SUPPORT land being recognised as part of SEA. The property is also located on elite and prime soils. Retention Southern Cluster) to rezone LOT LOT 1 DP 168278) RETENTION OF of notified RC zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MR zone and gives 1 DP 343667 and LOT 1 DP NOTIFIED ZONE effect to the RPS. 168278 [Ambush Road, Drury] Future Urban, following a re- evaluation of the area. See submission page 5/5 for map. 3880-1 Green Fresh Rural (South) S15 Amend extent of RUB Pt Allot 2 and 4 DP Rural Urban Boundary Runciman and MR FU Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support change from MR to FU - the area is not within the RUB and is located along SH1 No change No No Produce Limited (Greenfields Cluster Area, 337933 Allot 375 and (RUB) and rezoning Ramarama constraints, NGC CHANGE; SUPPORT which provides high visibility of the area. The land also contains elite and prime soils and Southern Cluster) to rezone Pt Pt Allot 48 Parish of RETENTION OF urbanisation should be avoided to protect this important resource and to allow for the efficient use of Allot 2 and 4 DP 337933 Allot 375 Opaheke (Great South NOTIFIED ZONE this land for more productive activities. Retention of zone achieves the objectives of the MR zone and and Pt Allot 48 Parish of Opaheke Rd, Drury) and 1523 gives effect to the RPS. (Great South Road, Drury) and Great South Rd, Drury 1523 Great South Road, Drury to Future Urban, following a re- evaluation of the area. See submission for map [page 5/5]. 3900-1 John Sutherland Rural (South) S15 Amend extent of RUB 125 Rutherford Rd, Rural to Urban (not in or Bombay MR FU Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support change from MR to FU. The subject land is not located within the RUB and is not No change No No Family Trust, D (Greenfields Cluster Area, 115 Rutherford Rd, close to the RUB) constraints, SEA CHANGE; SUPPORT adjacent to a serviced town or village. Retention of notified MR zone achieves the objectives of the and J Sutherland Southern Cluster) to rezone 125 148B Rutherford Rd, RETENTION OF MR zone and gives effect to the RPS objectives and policies. Limited and Rutherford Road, 115 Rutherford and Lot 4 DP 130413 NOTIFIED ZONE Green Fresh Road, 148B Rutherford Road, and Produce Limited Lot 4 DP 130413 Rutherford Road, East Pukekohe to Future Urban, following a re-evaluation of the area. See submission for map [page 5/5]. 3918-2 T K and B W Rural (South) S17 Rezone area known as 24 Kingseat Rd, Rural Urban Boundary Patumahoe RP SH Flooding SUPPORT IN FULL; The request to rezone the sites from RP to SH is supported. The application of the SH zone reflects SH Yes No McMiken Limited 'Patumahoe Hill' to Single House. Patumahoe and 26A (RUB) and rezoning constraints CHANGE OF ZONE the outcomes of Plan Change 37 - Patumahoe Hill Structure Plan Area (Auckland Council District (Attn: Johnathan See map in submission [page Kingseat Rd, Plan - Franklin Section) and reflects the existing pattern of landholdings surrounding the sites to the Cutler) 6/6]. Patumahoe east which are also zoned SH. Note: This is also considered under Topic 081 - Precincts for the new Patumahoe2 precinct. Application of the SH zone will achieve the objectives of the SH zone and the relevant objectives of the Patumahoe 2 precinct. 3936-1 Rebecca Stirrup Rural (South) S18 Rezone Brookby to a zone more Brookby area Rural - Other Brookby MR and CL Unspecified Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Support retention of the MR zone. MR is appropriate in the local context. Retention of the MR zone is No change No No (Brookby appropriate to facilitate its constraints, SEA, CHANGE; SUPPORT the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MR zone and gives effect to the RPS. Environment protection and retention as a rural NGC RETENTION OF Protection area. NOTIFIED ZONE Society) 3955-1 Wayne Meads Rural (South) S17 Rezone 98 Woodhouse Rd, 98 Woodhouse Rd, Rural Urban Boundary Patumahoe RP Unspecified Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Support retention of the RP zone. The change to a rural residential zone is inconsistent with the No change No No Pukekohe from Rural Production Patumahoe (RUB) and rezoning constraints, SEA CHANGE; SUPPORT RPS. The site proposed for rezoning is largely covered in the SEA overlay with the remaining area to a zone with subdivision RETENTION OF covered in prime soils. There is currently no RUB around Patumahoe. It is acknowledged that the site potential [Countryside Living] NOTIFIED ZONE is contiguous with the existing urban zone however a zone change may also pre-empt stage 4 (RUB) Submission doesn’t specifically wider analysis for the area north east of the existing urban limit of Patumahoe and the potential mention 'Countryside Living' expansion of this settlement. Retention of the RP zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the RP zone and the gives effect to the RPS. 3971-1 Hamish Poole Rural (South) S15 Rezone 210 Jones Road, Hunua 210 Jones Rd, Hunua Rural - Countryside Hunua MR CL Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support change of zone from MR to CL. The area does not meet the criteria for areas No change No No from Mixed Rural to Countryside Living (CL) constraints, SEA CHANGE; SUPPORT identified for Countryside Living in RPS B8.3 Rural Subdivision Policy 6. The land is some 3 km or Living RETENTION OF more from other CL areas, contains a number of areas of high natural value (SEAs) and adjoins a NOTIFIED ZONE Water Supply Management Area and the NZ Defence Force's Military Training Area. Retention of notified MR zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the zone and gives effect to RPS objectives and policies.

Page 8 RURAL Attachment 'C': Zoning Analysis and Position for each Submission Point Notes: The black text in the "summary" column of this Attachment is as notified. Occasional amendments have been made in red to take account of any re-notified SDR points and also for clarity, where necessary.

Auckland Unitary Plan Independent Hearings Panel Auckland Council Evidence Submission Point Pathway Report Analysis Planner's Position RELEVANT SUB PROPERTIES OVERLAYS, PLANNER'S PROPOSED SUB SUBMITTER AREA SUBJECT TO REQUESTED PRECINCTS AND PROPOSED ZONE GIS MAP POINT NAME TOPIC UNIT SUMMARY SUBMISSIONS SUBMISSION THEME LOCALITY PAUP ZONE ZONE CONSTRAINTS POSITION REASONS CHANGE CHANGE CONSEQUENTIAL AMENDMENT 4004-2 Karaka Village Rural (South) S14 Retain Local Centre zone on north-343 Linwood Rd, Business to other Kingseat and LC LC Karaka 2 precinct SUPPORT IN FULL; Support retention of notified LC zone at this property – the existing activity on the property primarily No change No No (1995) Limited et eastern part of 343 Linwood Papakura. Business Zone Karaka RETENTION OF services local convenience needs and provides residential living opportunities. Retention of notified al (Attn: Emma Road, Papakura. (excludes mixed use NOTIFIED ZONE LC zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the LC zone and gives effect to the Bayly) and centres zones) RPS including the centres strategy/hierarchy. 4004-3 Karaka Village Rural (South) S14 Rezone 343 Linwood Road, 343 Linwood Rd, Mixed Housing Kingseat and SH MHS Flooding SUPPORT IN PART; Support partially changes of property at 343 Linwood Rd from SH to MHS. The site is located in close MHS and SH Yes No (1995) Limited et Papakura from Single House to Papakura Urban/Mixed Housing Karaka constraints, Karaka PARTIAL CHANGE proximity to the Karaka 2 precinct town centre. Oppose the submission to rezone the remainder of al (Attn: Emma Mixed Housing Suburban Suburban/Single House 2 precinct the land to MHS as a rural buffer is required to provide for an appropriate urban and rural land use Bayly) Expansion/Contraction transition. The proposed changes are the most appropriate way to achieve the SH and MHS objectives of the zones and will gives effect to the RPS.

4004-4 Karaka Village Rural (South) S14 Rezone 355 Blackbridge Road, 355 Blackbridge Rd, Rural Urban Boundary Kingseat and MR Unspecified - Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support change from MR to residential zone – the property is outside of the RUB and adjoins No change No No (1995) Limited et Papakura from Mixed Rural to a Papakura (RUB) and rezoning Karaka Residential constraints, Karaka CHANGE; SUPPORT the Karaka 2 precinct area. Zoning change may pre-empt Stage 4 (RUB) wider analysis for Karaka 2 al (Attn: Emma Residential Zoning [specific zone zones 2 precinct RETENTION OF precinct area. Retention of zone will therefore gives effect to the RPS. Bayly) not requested] NOTIFIED ZONE 4004-7 Karaka Village Rural (South) S14 Rezone the land surrounding 53, 75, 345 Karaka Rural - Countryside Coastal RC and MR CL Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support change of zone from various rural zones to CL - the subject land is located in close No change No No (1995) Limited et Karaka Village, particularly to the North Rd; Karaka Living (CL) constraints CHANGE; SUPPORT proximity to the Karaka 2 precinct. The area does not meet the criteria for areas have been identified al (Attn: Emma north, east and south, [from North Rd (Lot 20 DP RETENTION OF as having for CL in the RPS B8.3 Rural Subdivision Policy 6. In particular the land is having high Bayly) several rural zones] to 9285; and Pt Lot 3 DP NOTIFIED ZONE natural values and contains elite and prime land as well as a significant coastal environmental area. Countryside Living [refer to 9285 Pt Allot 258 Retention of notified zones is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the RC and MR submission page 6/6 for details] Parish of Karaka Lot 1 zones and gives effect to the RPS. DP 45305); 101 Dyke Rd; Dyke Rd (Lot 1 DP 409182); 315, 355 Blackbridge Rd; 195 Linwood Rd; 102 Walters Rd; Walters Rd (Lot 6 DP 159472) 4008-1 Van Den Brink 34 Rural (South) S16 Retain the Town Centre zone for Pukekohe town centre Centres/Terrace Pukekohe - TC TC Pre-1944 BDC; SUPPORT IN FULL; Support notified zone. Applying the TC zone gives effect to the RPS including the Centres No change No No Limited (Attn: Pukekohe Housing Apartment Town centre & Historic heritage RETENTION OF Strategy/Hierarchy and is the most appropriate way to achieve the TC zone objectives. The TC zone Emma Bayly) Buildings (THAB)/Mixed surrounds extent of place NOTIFIED ZONE provides for a wide range of activities including commercial, leisure and civic activities. Will enable Use the appropriate management of development within the town centre so that it contributes to the Expansion/Contraction function and amenity of the centre. 4019-1 Charles Road Rural (South) S18 Rezone 12 West Road, Clevedon 12 West Rd, Clevedon Rural Urban Boundary Clevedon MR CL Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support change from MR to CL zone. The site does not meet the criteria for areas identified No change No No Farm Limited and from Mixed Rural to a zone which (RUB) and rezoning Village Fringe constraints, NGC CHANGE; SUPPORT for Countryside Living in RPS B8.3 Rural Subdivision Policy 6. In particular the land is classified as Greenfields VDB provides for subdivision for RETENTION OF Land Use Capability Class 2 land (prime land) and is located within close proximity to Plan Change Limited (Attn: lifestyle properties. NOTIFIED ZONE 32 - Clevedon Village (Auckland Council District Plan - Manukau Section) and would result in CL Emma Bayly) expansion not anticipated by and consistent with Plan Change 32. Retention of the MR zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MR zone and gives effect to the RPS. 4019-2 Charles Road Rural (South) S18 Rezone 24 West Road, Clevedon 24 West Rd, Clevedon Rural Urban Boundary Clevedon MR CL Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support change from MR to CL zone. The site does not meet the criteria for areas identified No change No No Farm Limited and from Mixed Rural to a zone which (RUB) and rezoning Village Fringe constraints, NGC CHANGE; SUPPORT for Countryside Living in RPS B8.3 Rural Subdivision Policy 6. In particular the land is predominantly Greenfields VDB provides for subdivision for RETENTION OF classified as Land Use Capability Class 2 land (prime land) and is located within close proximity to Limited (Attn: lifestyle properties NOTIFIED ZONE Plan Change 32 - Clevedon Village (Auckland Council District Plan - Manukau Section) and would Emma Bayly) result in CL expansion not anticipated by and consistent with Plan Change 32. Retention of the MR zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MR zone and gives effect to the RPS. 4055-1 Glendalagh Rural (South) S17 Rezone McLarin Road, Glenbrook Lot 1 DP 18680 Rural Urban Boundary Glenbrook RC SH Flooding N/A This area forms part of the McLarin Road, Glenbrook Special Housing Area (SHA) under the Housing No change No No Limited (Attn: from Rural Coastal to Single Lot 2 DP 351480 (RUB) and rezoning Beach constraints Accords and Special Housing Areas Act (HASHAA). A variation to the PAUP under HASHAA for the Donna Goettler) House. Refer to full submission Lot 1 DP 351480 Glenbrook SHA has recently been lodged which seeks to expand the urban area of Glenbrook Beach for a map of the properties [page beyond the area that PAUP submissions apply to. As discussed in the Council's evidence and legal 10/10] submissions for Topic 017 RUB South, the SHA process will determine appropriate PAUP zoning.

4197-1 Susan McDougall Rural (South) S18 Rezone land between Tourist Area between Tourist Rural Urban Boundary Clevedon MR CL Flooding SUPPORT IN PART; Support the change from MR to CL in part. The application of the CL zone to parts of the site reflects CL Yes No Road, Papakura-Clevedon Rd Rd, Papakura- (RUB) and rezoning Village Fringe constraints PARTIAL CHANGE the outcomes of Plan Change 32 - Clevedon Village (Auckland Council District Plan - Manukau and Taitaia Stream to Clevedon Clevedon Rd and Section). The remaining parts of the site does not meet the criteria for areas identified for Rural [inferred from the Legacy Taitaia Stream Countryside Living in RPS B8.3 Rural Subdivision Policy 6. In particular the land is classified as Manukau Plan] prime land and would result in CL expansion not anticipated by and not consistent with Plan Change 32. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MR and CL zones and gives effect to the RPS. 4274-104 Minister of Police Rural (South) S17 Retain Local Centre Zoning of 3-7 3-7 Court St, Waiuku Centres/Terrace Waiuku LC LC N/A SUPPORT IN FULL; Support retention of LC. LC is suitable given Waiuku is not identified as a town centre in the No change No No (Attn: Justine Court Street, Waiuku Housing Apartment RETENTION OF Auckland Plan, giving effect to the centres hierarchy/strategy in the RPS. Retention of the zone is the Bray) Buildings (THAB)/Mixed NOTIFIED ZONE most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the LC zone. Use Expansion/Contraction 4279-26 Minister for Rural (South) S16 Retain the Mixed Use Zone over 25 Stadium Dr Centres/Terrace Pukekohe - MU MU N/A SUPPORT IN FULL; Support notified zone. Applying the MU zone to the site the most appropriate way to achieve the No change No No Courts (Attn: the Pukekohe District Court. Housing Apartment Town centre & RETENTION OF zone objectives. The zoning will provide for a compatible mix of residential and employment activities Justine Bray) Buildings (THAB)/Mixed surrounds NOTIFIED ZONE on the periphery of the town centre and gives effect to the RPS. Use Expansion/Contraction 4331-1 Pamela Ingram Rural (South) S15 Rezone Ingram Road and the Area-wide - Runciman Rural - Countryside Runciman and MR CL Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support change from MR to CL - growth opportunities are limited in this area due to the land No change No No areas adjoining Raventhorpe and Ramarama Living (CL) Ramarama constraints, SEA CHANGE; SUPPORT being recognised as part of a SEA. The area does not meet the criteria for areas identified for CL in Reserve, Ramarama [refer page RETENTION OF the RPS B8.3 Rural Subdivision Policy 6. In particular the land is classified as Land Use Capability 5/8 of submission]from Mixed NOTIFIED ZONE Class 2 land (prime land) and has identified areas of high natural values (an SEA). Retention of the Rural to Countryside Living. MR zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MR zone and gives effect to the RPS.

4337-1 Denise Roose Rural (South) S16 Retain Zoning on the eastern side Eastern side of Grace Mixed Housing Pukekohe - SH SH N/A SUPPORT IN FULL; Support notified zone. Retention of the notified zone gives effect to the RPS and is the most SH No No of Grace James Road, Pukekohe James Rd, Pukekohe Urban/Mixed Housing Grace James RETENTION OF appropriate way to gives effect to the objectives for the SH zone, given the recent existing (with specific reference to 4 and (with specific reference Suburban/Single House and north and NOTIFIED ZONE development on the subject sites and the public transport accessibility constraints in this peripheral 12 Grace James Road). to 4 and 12 Grace Expansion/Contraction countryside urban area. James Rd) living

Page 9 RURAL Attachment 'C': Zoning Analysis and Position for each Submission Point Notes: The black text in the "summary" column of this Attachment is as notified. Occasional amendments have been made in red to take account of any re-notified SDR points and also for clarity, where necessary.

Auckland Unitary Plan Independent Hearings Panel Auckland Council Evidence Submission Point Pathway Report Analysis Planner's Position RELEVANT SUB PROPERTIES OVERLAYS, PLANNER'S PROPOSED SUB SUBMITTER AREA SUBJECT TO REQUESTED PRECINCTS AND PROPOSED ZONE GIS MAP POINT NAME TOPIC UNIT SUMMARY SUBMISSIONS SUBMISSION THEME LOCALITY PAUP ZONE ZONE CONSTRAINTS POSITION REASONS CHANGE CHANGE CONSEQUENTIAL AMENDMENT 4341-1 Li Xie and Liu Ya Rural (South) S16 Rezone 18-40 Tuakau Road, 18-40 Tuakau Rd, Combined rezoning and Pukekohe - LL SH Pukekohe Hill DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support proposed zone change. The notified zoning is the most appropriate way to achieve No change No No Jun Pukekohe to Single House. Pukekohe precinct submissions Pukekohe Hill Precinct - Area B CHANGE; SUPPORT the LL zone objectives and the relevant objectives of the Pukekohe Hill precinct. It is also consistent RETENTION OF with the North Pukekohe Hill structure plan (NPHSP) issues and objectives in the Auckland Council NOTIFIED ZONE District Plan: Franklin section. The NPHSP provisions were settled in 2008 following Environment Court and High Court decisions. The change sought is not in line with the Pukekohe Hill precinct's objectives which are based on the NPHSP provisions. The precinct objectives seek to enable development which complements and integrates with the area's rural landscape character, protecting the heritage and amenity values of the hill's northern slopes from inappropriate development by restricting site size to minimise the effects of development on the open landscape character of the middle and upper slopes through graduating the intensity of development up the hill from the more suburban residential development below. 4485-12 Auckland Rural (south) S16 Rezone Pukekohe East crater to 133, 137, 197 Rural - other Pukekohe - MR Rcon SEA, ONF DO NOT SUPPORT Support notified MR zone. ONF overlay rules apply to the subject sites and appropriately manage No change No No Volcanic Cones Rural Conservation. Pukekohe East Rd, 57, Miscellaneous CHANGE; SUPPORT activities within the crater area. Existing rural activities are undertaken on subject sites. The MR Society 97, 97C Runciman Rd RETENTION OF zoning gives effect to the RPS and is the most appropriate way to achieve the MR zone's objectives. Incorporated NOTIFIED ZONE 4500-101 Counties Power Rural (South) S17 Retain the Mixed Housing 125 Kitchener Rd, Mixed Housing Waiuku MHS MHS N/A SUPPORT IN FULL; Support retention of MHS zone. Zoning aligns with surrounding zones and adjacent uses. Retention No change No No Limited (Attn: Suburban Zoning of 125 Kitchener Waiuku and adjoining Urban/Mixed Housing RETENTION OF of the zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS zone and gives effect Louise Road, Waiuku (Counties Power area Suburban/Single House NOTIFIED ZONE to the RPS. MacPherson) Ltd designation 3001 'Waiuku Expansion/Contraction substation') and the Zoning of adjoining land. 4500-103 Counties Power Rural (South) S14 Retain the Rural Production Batty Rd, Papakura Rural - Other Kingseat and RP RP N/A SUPPORT IN FULL; Support retention of notified RP zone at this property and adjoining land - the property is designated No change No No Limited (Attn: Zoning of Batty Road (Lot 1 DP (Lot 1 DP 56769) Karaka RETENTION OF by Counties Power Ltd for electricity supply purposes and the RP zone is appropriate in this location. Louise 56769) Kingseat (Counties Power NOTIFIED ZONE Retention of the RP zone gives effect to the RPS objectives and policies. MacPherson) Ltd designation 3002 'Te Hihi substation') and the Zoning of adjoining land. 4500-105 Counties Power Rural (South) S15 Retain the Rural Production Hillview Rd (Lot 1 DP Rural - Other Runciman and RP RP N/A SUPPORT IN FULL; Support retention of notified RP zone at this property and adjoining land - the property is designated No change No No Limited (Attn: Zoning Hillview Road (Lot 1 DP 109070) Ramarama RETENTION OF by Counties Power Ltd for electricity supply purposes and is an appropriate zone in this location. Louise 109070), Ramarama (Counties NOTIFIED ZONE Retention of zone will give effect to the RPS objectives and policies. MacPherson) Power Ltd designation 3003 'Ramarama substation') and the Zoning of adjoining land. 4500-107 Counties Power Rural (South) S17 Retain the Light Industry Zoning 141 Collingwood Rd, Heavy Industry Zone Waiuku LI LI Waiuku precinct SUPPORT IN FULL; Support retention of LI zone. Site consists of existing light industrial activities. Retention of the zone No change No No Limited (Attn: of Cornwall Road (part of Lot 2 Waiuku (and various (HI) and Light Industry RETENTION OF is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the LI zone and gives effect to the RPS Louise DP 384042), Waiuku (Counties adjoining sites) Zone (LI) NOTIFIED ZONE business land objectives. MacPherson) Power Ltd designation 3004 'Waiuku substation) and the Zoning of adjoining land. 4500-112 Counties Power Rural (South) S16 Retain the Light Industry Zoning 14 Glasgow Rd, Business to other Pukekohe - LI LI N/A SUPPORT IN FULL; Support notified zone. Applying the LI zone to the site will gives effect to the RPS and is the most No change No No Limited (Attn: of 14 Glasgow Road, Pukekohe Pukekohe and Business Zone Manukau Road RETENTION OF appropriate way to achieve the zone objectives. The zone will enable a range of industrial activities Louise (Counties Power Ltd office) and adjoining land (excludes mixed use industrial NOTIFIED ZONE to locate and function productively with only potential adverse effects on amenity values and natural MacPherson) the Zoning of adjoining land. and centres zones) values within the zone and adjacent areas being able to be to be managed. 4500-114 Counties Power Rural (south) S17 Retain the Heavy Industry zoning Lot 1 DP 175576 Heavy Industry Zone Glenbrook HI HI Flooding SUPPORT IN FULL; Support retention of the notified zone. The site is used for a substation which serves the existing No change No No Limited of Whitham Road (Lot 1 DP (HI) and Light Industry constraints, NGC RETENTION OF Glenbrook Steel Mill. Application of HI achieves the objectives of the HI zone and gives effect to the 175576), Glenbrook (Counties Zone (LI) NOTIFIED ZONE RPS. Power Ltd notice of requirement R3008 'Glenbrook substation') and the zoning of adjoining land. 4500-117 Counties Power Rural (South) S17 Retain the underlying Zoning of Lot 1 DP 139740 Heavy Industry Zone Glenbrook HI HI Flooding SUPPORT IN FULL; Support retention of the notified zone. The site is used for a substation which serves the existing No change No No Limited (Attn: Transpower designation 8510 (HI) and Light Industry constraints, NGC RETENTION OF Glenbrook Steel Mill. Application of HI achieves the objectives of the HI zone and gives effect to the Louise 'Glenbrook Electricity Substation' Zone (LI) NOTIFIED ZONE RPS.See Council evidence from Joy LaNauze for Topic 051-054 Centre Zones, Business park and MacPherson) [Heavy Industry]. industries zones, Business activities and Business Controls. 4500-120 Counties Power Rural (South) S15 Retain the underlying Zoning of Part of Lot 3 DP Rural - Other Bombay RP RP NGC SUPPORT IN FULL; Support retention of RP zone. Existing use and RP are compatible, and zoning is consistent with No change No No Limited (Attn: Transpower designation 8511 439460 covered by RETENTION OF rural context. Retention of the zoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the RP Louise 'Bombay Electricity Substation' designation 8511 in NOTIFIED ZONE zone and gives effect to the RPS. MacPherson) [153 Barber Road, Bombay, Rural notified PAUP Production zone]. 4500-123 Counties Power Rural (South) S15 Retain the underlying Zoning of 261 Quarry Rd, Drury Future Urban Zone (FU) Drury and FU FU Flooding SUPPORT IN FULL; Support retention of notified zone. FU is considered appropriate as detailed assessment of any No change No No Limited (Attn: Transpower designation 8521 and rezoning Opaheke constraints, NGC RETENTION OF constraints needs to occur, and structure planning needs to be undertaken in accordance with RPS Louise 'Drury switching station', at 261 NOTIFIED ZONE B2.3 before an appropriate live zone can be determined. Retention of notified FU zones is the most MacPherson) Quarry Road, Drury [Future Urban appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the FU zone and gives effect to RPS objectives and zone]. policies. 4500-99 Counties Power Rural (South) S16 Retain the General Business 104 Manukau Rd, Business to other Pukekohe - GB GB N/A SUPPORT IN FULL; Support notified zone. Applying the LI zone to the site will gives effect to the RPS and is the most No change No No Limited (Attn: Zoning of 104 Manukau Road, Pukekohe Business Zone Manukau Road RETENTION OF appropriate way to achieve the zone objectives. The zone will enable a range of industrial activities Louise Pukekohe (Counties Power Ltd (excludes mixed use industrial NOTIFIED ZONE to locate and function productively with only potential adverse effects on amenity values and natural MacPherson) designation 3000 'Pukekohe and centres zones) values within the zone and adjacent areas being able to be to be managed. substation') and the Zoning of adjoining land. 4617-1 Ian and Pat Rural (south) S14 Rezone 261 Seagrove Road, 261 Seagrove Rd, Rural - Countryside Coastal RC MR or CL Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support change of zone from RC to MR or CL - the land is having high natural values and elite No change No No Jemmett Waiau Pa, from Rural Coastal to Waiau Pa Living (CL) constraints CHANGE; SUPPORT and prime soils as well as being part of a significant coastal environmental area. The RC zone Mixed Rural or Countryside RETENTION OF recognises the significance of the coastal margin setback in maintaining the natural character of the Living. NOTIFIED ZONE coastal edge, providing a natural buffer to coastal erosion and contributing to visual amenity values. The notified RC boundary in this area is consistent with the Auckland Council District Plan (Franklin Section) - Manukau Harbour Management Area. The area does not meet the criteria for areas identified for CL in the RPS B8.3 Rural Subdivision Policy 6. In particular the land is classified as Land Use Capability Class 2 land (prime land). Retention of the MR zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MR zone and gives effect to the RPS.

4658-1 Neil Burndred Rural (South) S15 Rezone 145, 147 and 163 145, 147 and 163 Rural - Countryside Hunua MR CL Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support change of zone from MR to CL. The area does not meet the criteria for areas No change No No Middleton Road, Hunua from Middleton Rd, Hunua Living (CL) constraints, SEA, CHANGE; SUPPORT identified for Countryside Living in RPS B8.3 Rural Subdivision Policy 6. In particular the area is Mixed Rural to Countryside Living. Quarry Buffer Area, RETENTION OF mostly within an ONL and is also partly within a Quarry Buffer Area. Retention of notified MR zone is ONL NOTIFIED ZONE the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the zone and gives effect to RPS objectives and policies.

Page 10 RURAL Attachment 'C': Zoning Analysis and Position for each Submission Point Notes: The black text in the "summary" column of this Attachment is as notified. Occasional amendments have been made in red to take account of any re-notified SDR points and also for clarity, where necessary.

Auckland Unitary Plan Independent Hearings Panel Auckland Council Evidence Submission Point Pathway Report Analysis Planner's Position RELEVANT SUB PROPERTIES OVERLAYS, PLANNER'S PROPOSED SUB SUBMITTER AREA SUBJECT TO REQUESTED PRECINCTS AND PROPOSED ZONE GIS MAP POINT NAME TOPIC UNIT SUMMARY SUBMISSIONS SUBMISSION THEME LOCALITY PAUP ZONE ZONE CONSTRAINTS POSITION REASONS CHANGE CHANGE CONSEQUENTIAL AMENDMENT 4682-5 Lee Island Rural (South) S14 Rezone Pararekau Island from Pararekau Island Combined rezoning and Hingaia and the CL LL Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support change of zone from CL to LL. Issues relating to this island have also been No change No No Investments (New Countryside Living to Large Lot precinct submissions islands constraints, SEA, CHANGE; SUPPORT addressed in precinct evidence for Topic 081 and Topic 017 RUB South. The Pararekau and Zealand) Limited zone Historic Character, RETENTION OF Kopuahingahinga Islands have a unique coastal and non-urban character and this should be (Attn: Brian Putt) Pararekau and NOTIFIED ZONE retained. Inclusion with the RUB and subsequent urban development would result in adverse effects Kopuahingahinga on natural character, landscape and visual amenity values for this sensitive landscape. The Islands Precinct expansion of the RUB and urban development is likely to impact significantly on the ecological values of Pararekau and Kopuahingahinga Islands, including the marine receiving environment. The islands are an important sensitive environment culturally. Relying on a single road access (two causeways) generates risk in the event that this access is not available in future. The appropriate level of development on Pararekau Island was relatively recently considered by the Environment Court in a 2012 decision on the draft consent order for Private Plan Change 8 to Auckland Council District Plan: Papakura (PPC8). The provisions of PPC8 approved by the Environment Court demonstrate that Pararekau Island is not suitable for intensive urban development. It has been demonstrated through decisions of the Environment Court on a draft consent order and the final PCC8 provisions in 2012 (Karaka Harbourside Estate Limited v Auckland Council [2012] NZEnvC 171 & 236) that a low density sensitively planned countryside living type development can be accommodated without significant detriment to the overriding environmental, cultural and landscape values exhibited by the Islands. Retention of the CL zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the Consent Order and gives effect to the RPS.

4707-1 Village Farms Rural (South) S14 Rezone part of land at 292 292 Urquart Rd, Rural - other Coastal RC MR Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support change of zone from RC to MR - the property is located in close proximity to the coast No change No No Limited (Attn: Urquart Road, Karaka (including Karaka constraints CHANGE; SUPPORT and contains significant elements which characterise the coastal environment. The RC zone Richard Brabant) all land greater than 50m from RETENTION OF recognises the significance of the coastal margin setback in maintaining the natural character of the MHWS) from Rural Coastal to NOTIFIED ZONE coastal edge, providing a natural buffer to coastal erosion and contributing to visual amenity values. Mixed Rural. The notified RC boundary in this area is consistent with the Auckland Council District Plan (Franklin Section) - Manukau Harbour Management Area. Retention of notified RC zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the RC zone and gives effect to the RPS. 4767-1 Wesley College Rural (South) S16 Retain Mixed Rural Zoning of Unspecified. Farms to Rural - other Pukekohe - MR MR SEA SUPPORT IN FULL; Support zone as notified. The notified zone gives effect to the RPS and is the most appropriate way No change No No Trust Board and farms to the north of Grace James the north of Grace Paerata north RETENTION OF to achieve the objectives of the MR zone. Recently settled Plan Change 14 to the Auckland Council Grafton Downs Road. James Rd NOTIFIED ZONE District Plan: Franklin section established the Runciman CL area and defined the rural edge. The Limited (Attn: Sue current zoning is in line with PC14. Simons) 4779-1 Chapman Onion Rural (South) S17 Rezone land [see page 3/4 of 6, 46, 94, 112, 176 and Rural - Other Patumahoe RP MR Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support change from RP to MR . The application of the MR zone does not reflect the existing No change No No Exports Limited submission] from Rural Production 192 Union Rd, constraints CHANGE; SUPPORT pattern of landholdings surrounding the site and will result in spot zoning in this location. In addition (Attn: Sharon M to Mixed Rural. Pukekohe (including RETENTION OF the group of properties are also located on Land Use Capability Class 1 land (elite land) . Retention Chapman) Lot 1 DP 335854) NOTIFIED ZONE of the RP zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the RP zone and gives effect to the RPS. 4786-37 Ponga Rural (South) S15 Retain the Future Urban Zoning, 95 Walker Rd, Drury Future Urban Zone (FU) Drury and FU FU Flooding SUPPORT IN FULL; Support zoning retention. FU is considered appropriate as detailed assessment of any constraints No change No No Developments and inclusion within the RUB, of and rezoning Opaheke constraints RETENTION OF needs to occur, and structure planning needs to be undertaken in accordance with RPS B2.3 before Limited (Attn: 95 Walker Road Drury (Lot 2 DP NOTIFIED ZONE an appropriate live zone can be determined for land within the FU. Retention of notified FU zones is David Haines) 350745). the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the zones and gives effect to RPS objectives and policies. 4792-96 MLW Adams Rural (South) S18 Retain the zones for Matingarahi Lot 1 and 2 DP 12729 Combined rezoning and Matingarahi RP, RC, LL, RP, RC, LL, Flooding SUPPORT IN FULL; Support retention of the RP, RC, CL, RCS and NC zones. Retention of the CRP, RC, CL, RCS and LL, RCS, No No Family Trust Village, subject to all other and 2213 East Coast precinct submissions CL, RCS and CL, RCS and constraints, SEA, RETENTION OF NC zones is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the notified PAUP zones and CSL and NC (Attn: David matters in the submission being Rd, Matingarahi NC NC Franklin sub NOTIFIED ZONE gives effect to the RPS and also reflects the outcomes of a recent Environment Court consent order Haines) addressed in a manner consistent precinct E, ONL (ENV2006-AKL-001006). Note: Out of scope changes have been made to the LL zone to RCS and with ENV2006-AKL-001006. this addressed in Attachment F and planning maps.

4792-97 MLW Adams Rural (South) S18 Rezone the existing Adams family Lot 1 and 2 DP 12729 Combined rezoning and Matingarahi RP LL Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support change from RP to LL zone. The proposed zone is inconsistent with the RPS and No change No No Family Trust home, East Coast Road, and 2213 East Coast precinct submissions constraints, SEA, CHANGE; SUPPORT zone objectives and policies and point 1.12 of the IHP best practice approaches for re-zoning. The (Attn: David Matingarahi, and approved 11 Rd, Matingarahi Franklin sub RETENTION OF resource consent application noted by the submitted has been given effect to therefore the rezoning Haines) large lots identified in Annexure 2 precinct E, ONL NOTIFIED ZONE request is not consider to be warranted. Retention of the RP zone achieves the objectives of the RP of the submission (refer pages 39- zone and gives effect to the RPS. 41/41) to Large Lot. 4792-98 MLW Adams Rural (South) S18 Rezone the Adams Trust Lot 1 and 2 DP 12729 Large Lot Matingarahi RC LL Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support change from RC to LL zone. The proposed zone is inconsistent with the RPS and RC Yes No Family Trust landholding, East Coast Road, and 2213 East Coast constraints, SEA, CHANGE; SUPPORT zone objectives and policies and point 1.12 of the IHP best practice approaches for re-zoning. In (Attn: David Matingarahi, by deleting the Rural Rd, Matingarahi ONL ALTERNATIVE ZONE addition there are errors in the mapping of the RC zone under the PAUP compared to the Auckland Haines) Coastal zone and replacing it with Council District Plan (Franklin Section) for this area where it is presently zoned RP. The intention for Large Lot. the RC zone in the legacy plan is to replicate the line agreed through the operative plan. Retention of the RC zone and rezoning other parts of the site from RP to RC is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the RC zone and gives effect to the RPS. 4833-1 Paul Gilbert Rural (South) S15 Amend Zoning in Ramarama from Area-wide - Runciman Rural - Countryside Runciman and MR Unspecified - Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support change from MR to CL - the area is located along side SH1 which provides high No change No No Mixed Rural to allow for and Ramarama Living (CL) Ramarama CL, residential constraints, SEA, CHANGE; SUPPORT visibility to the site. The land also contains elite and prime soil. Urbanisation should be avoided and Countryside Living, Residential and/or NGC RETENTION OF RP activities encouraged. Retention of notified MR zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the and Business growth business NOTIFIED ZONE objectives of the MR zone and gives effect to the RPS. 4835-1 P and D Rural (South) S18 Rezone the low lying part of the 64, 836, 840 and 850 Rural - Other Clevedon RC and RP RP Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support change from RC to RP. The retention of the RC zone and rezoning of areas of RP to RC Yes No Chamberlin land (located at 764, 836, 840 and Clevedon - Kawakawa constraints CHANGE; SUPPORT RC better reflects the sites proximity to the coastal environment and the existing pattern of Limited (Attn: 850 Clevedon - Kawakawa Bay Bay Rd, Clevedon ALTERNATIVE ZONE landholdings surrounding the site. In addition Clevedon Kawakawa Road is considered to be a Shirley Ferguson) Road, Clevedon) south of the defensible boundary for the extent of the RC zone in this area. Rezoning the land is the most elevated Peninsula alongside the appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the RP zone and gives effect to the RPS. (Note: this Wairoa River to Clevedon - submission relies on submission number 4848-562 for scope) Kawakawa Bay Road from Rural Coastal to Rural Production. 4838-1 Leonie and Ray Rural (south) S14 Rezone 33 Walters Road, Karaka, 33 Walters Rd, Karaka Rural - Countryside Coastal RC CL Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support change of zone from RC to CL - the land is having high natural values and elite and No change No No Wheeler from Rural Coastal to Countryside Living (CL) constraints CHANGE; SUPPORT prime soils as well as being part of a significant coastal environmental area. The RC zone recognises Living. RETENTION OF the significance of the coastal margin setback in maintaining the natural character of the coastal NOTIFIED ZONE edge, providing a natural buffer to coastal erosion and contributing to visual amenity values. The notified RC boundary in this area is consistent with the Auckland Council District Plan (Franklin Section) - Manukau Harbour Management Area. The area does not meet the criteria for areas identified for CL in the RPS B8.3 Rural Subdivision Policy 6. In particular the land is classified as Land Use Capability Class 2 land (prime land). Retention of the MR zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MR zone and gives effect to the RPS.

Page 11 RURAL Attachment 'C': Zoning Analysis and Position for each Submission Point Notes: The black text in the "summary" column of this Attachment is as notified. Occasional amendments have been made in red to take account of any re-notified SDR points and also for clarity, where necessary.

Auckland Unitary Plan Independent Hearings Panel Auckland Council Evidence Submission Point Pathway Report Analysis Planner's Position RELEVANT SUB PROPERTIES OVERLAYS, PLANNER'S PROPOSED SUB SUBMITTER AREA SUBJECT TO REQUESTED PRECINCTS AND PROPOSED ZONE GIS MAP POINT NAME TOPIC UNIT SUMMARY SUBMISSIONS SUBMISSION THEME LOCALITY PAUP ZONE ZONE CONSTRAINTS POSITION REASONS CHANGE CHANGE CONSEQUENTIAL AMENDMENT 4848-562 Royal Forest and Rural (South) S18 Extend the Rural Coastal zone to Coastal edge and Rural - Other Clevedon RC and RP RC Flooding SUPPORT IN PART; Support the extension of the RC zone along the coastal edge in part. The application of the RC zone RC Yes No Bird Protection include all the coastal edge and to inland particularly constraints, SEA PARTIAL CHANGE reflects the extent of the coastal environment and Clevedon Kawakawa Road is considered to be a Society of New extend inland particularly along along the coastline defensible boundary in most areas for the extent of the RC zone. The proposed changes are the Zealand the coastline extending east of extending east of most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the RC zone and will gives effect to the RPS. Incorporated Kawakawa Bay and backing onto Kawakawa Bay and (Attn: Erica Tawhitokina Bay (Rural grid 14 - backing onto Toleman) hard copy PAUP maps; Maraetai Tawhitokina Bay to area). 4848-563 Royal Forest and Rural (South) S18 Extend the Rural Coastal zone Entire coastline south Rural - Other Matingarahi RP RC Flooding SUPPORT IN PART; Support the change from RP to RC zone in part. There are errors in the mapping of the coastal zone RC Yes No Bird Protection around the entire coastline south of Matingarahi constraints, SEA, PARTIAL CHANGE in the PAUP compared to the Auckland Council District Plan (Franklin Section). The intention for the Society of New of Matingarahi (Rural grid 15 - ONL RC zone in Franklin is to replicate the extent of the coastal zone agreed through Plan Change 14 to Zealand hard copy PAUP maps; Orere the Auckland Council District Plan (Franklin Section). The proposed change is the most appropriate Incorporated point south). way to achieve the objectives of the RC zone and gives effect to the RPS. (Attn: Erica Toleman) 4856-2 Parklands Rural (South) S14 Rezone 72 Hinau Rd, Hingaia as 72 Hinau Rd, Hingaia Future Urban Zone (FU) Hingaia and the FU SH, and/or Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support change of zone from FU to SH and/or MHS and/or MHU. No rezoning of the FU is No change No No Properties Limited Mixed Housing Urban or Mixed and rezoning islands MHS and/or constraints, NGC CHANGE; SUPPORT proposed because detailed assessment of any constraints needs to occur, and structure planning (Attn: Joseph Housing Suburban or Single MHU RETENTION OF needs to be undertaken in accordance with RPS B2.3 before an appropriate live zone can be Noma) House or a combination of all of NOTIFIED ZONE determined for land within the FU zone. It is noted that this land is included within the Hingaia the above This submission Special Housing Area. A variation to the PAUP under the Housing Accords and Special Areas Act proposes a change from FU 2013 has been applied for and a hearing was held in 2015. A decision is pending at time of evidence preparation. Retention of the FU zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the FU zone and gives effect to the RPS. 4957-1 JPR Enterprises Rural (South) S16 Retain Future Urban zone at 1219 1219 Paerata Rd Future Urban Zone (FU) Pukekohe - FU FU N/A SUPPORT IN FULL; Support notified zone. Zone applied to provide for future urban growth. Structure Planning and a plan No change No No Limited (Attn: Paerata Road, Pukekohe, in order and rezoning Paerata and RETENTION OF change will provide detail of future urban land use. Applying the proposed zone to the site gives Nicky Wijdeven) to rezone the land to a Paerata East NOTIFIED ZONE effect to the RPS and is the most appropriate way to achieve the zone objectives of the FU zone. commercial zone. 4957-2 JPR Enterprises Rural (South) S16 Retain Future Urban zone at 1215 1215 Paerata Rd, Future Urban Zone (FU) Pukekohe - FU FU N/A SUPPORT IN FULL; Support notified zone. Applying the proposed zone to the site gives effect to the RPS and is the most No change No No Limited (Attn: Paerata Road, Pukekohe, in order Pukekohe and rezoning Paerata and RETENTION OF appropriate way to achieve the FU zone objectives. ZFU zone applied to provide for future urban Nicky Wijdeven) to rezone the land to a Paerata East NOTIFIED ZONE growth. Structure Planning and a plan change to provide detail of future urban land use. commercial zone. 4972-1 Parmenter Rural (South) S18 Retain the Countryside Living 11 Turanga Rd, Combined rezoning and Whitford CL CL Flooding SUPPORT IN FULL; Support retention of the CL zone. Retention of the CL zone is the most appropriate way to achieve No change No No Trustees Limited zone for 11 Turanga Road and Whitford and other precinct submissions constraints, SEA, RETENTION OF the objectives of the CL zone and gives effect to the RPS. The retention of the CL zone also supports (Attn: Jonathan the Whitford area (beyond the properties within the NGC, Whitford sub NOTIFIED ZONE the outcomes of Plan Change 8 - Whitford Rural (Auckland Council District Plan - Manukau Section). Cutler) Whitford Precinct). greater Whitford area precinct A & B 5021-1 Brett R MacLean Rural (South) S18 Rezone Brookby from Rural 1 Brookby area Rural - Countryside Brookby MR CL Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support change from MR to CL zone. The sites does not meet the criteria for areas identified No change No No [infer Mixed Rural] to Countryside Living (CL) constraints, SEA, CHANGE; SUPPORT for Countryside Living in RPS B8.3 Rural Subdivision Policy 6. In particular the land is partly located Living zone. NGC RETENTION OF on prime soils and is located between Plan Change 32 - Clevedon Village and Plan Change 8 - NOTIFIED ZONE Whitford Rural (Auckland Council District Plan - Manukau Section) and would result in CL expansion not anticipated by and not consistent with Plan Changes 8 and 32. Retention of the MR zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MR zone and gives effect to the RPS.

5023-2 Vanessa Rural (South) S18 Rezone rural properties within a Area within a few Rural Urban Boundary Clevedon RP Unspecified Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support rezoning from PR to CL zone. The sites do not meet the criteria for areas identified No change No No Gascoigne few kilometres east of Clevedon kilometres east of (RUB) and rezoning Village Fringe constraints, SEA CHANGE; SUPPORT for Countryside Living in RPS B8.3 Rural Subdivision Policy 6. In particular the land is partly located Village to allow for 1-3Ha lifestyle Clevedon Village RETENTION OF on prime soils and is within close proximity to Plan Change 32 - Clevedon Village (Auckland Council blocks NOTIFIED ZONE District Plan - Manukau Section) and would result CL expansion not anticipated by and not consistent with Plan Change 32. Retention of the RP zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the RP zone and gives effect to the RPS. 5032-1 Joan and Brian Rural (south) S14 Rezone 53 Walters Rd, Karaka, 53 Walters Rd, Karaka Rural - Countryside Coastal RC CL Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support change of zone from RC to CL - the land is having high natural values and elite and No change No No Withers from Rural Coastal - Manukau Living (CL) constraints CHANGE; SUPPORT prime soils as well as being part of a significant coastal environmental area. The RC zone recognises Harbour Coastal Area to RETENTION OF the significance of the coastal margin setback in maintaining the natural character of the coastal Countryside Living with a NOTIFIED ZONE edge, providing a natural buffer to coastal erosion and contributing to visual amenity values. The minimum lot size of 2 ha. notified RC boundary in this area is consistent with the Auckland Council District Plan (Franklin Section) - Manukau Harbour Management Area. The area does not meet the criteria for areas identified for CL in the RPS B8.3 Rural Subdivision Policy 6. In particular the land is classified as Land Use Capability Class 2 land (prime land). Retention of the MR zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MR zone and gives effect to the RPS.

5032-22 Joan and Brian Rural (South) S14 Amend the PAUP to allow for 53 Walters Rd, Karaka Rural - Countryside Coastal RC CL Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support change of zone from RC to CL - the property has been identified as having high No change No No Withers future use and development, Living (CL) constraints CHANGE; SUPPORT natural values and elite and prime land as well as forming part of a significant coastal environmental including subdivision, of 53 RETENTION OF area. The RC zone recognises the significance of the coastal margin setback in maintaining the Walters Rd, Karaka. NOTIFIED ZONE natural character of the coastal edge, providing a natural buffer to coastal erosion and contributing to the visual amenity values of the area. The notified RC boundary in this area is consistent with the Auckland Council District Plan (Franklin Section) - Manukau Harbour Management Area. Retention of notified RC zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the zone and gives effect to the RPS. 5067-1 Jeanette and Rural (south) S14 Rezone 65 Walters Road, Karaka 65 Walters Rd, Karaka Rural - Countryside Coastal RC CL Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support change of zone from RC to CL - the land is having high natural values and elite and No change No No Barry Phillips from Rural Coastal to Countryside Living (CL) constraints CHANGE; SUPPORT prime soils as well as being part of a significant coastal environmental area. The RC zone recognises Living. RETENTION OF the significance of the coastal margin setback in maintaining the natural character of the coastal NOTIFIED ZONE edge, providing a natural buffer to coastal erosion and contributing to visual amenity values. The notified RC boundary in this area is consistent with the Auckland Council District Plan (Franklin Section) - Manukau Harbour Management Area. The area does not meet the criteria for areas identified for CL in the RPS B8.3 Rural Subdivision Policy 6. In particular the land is classified as Land Use Capability Class 2 land (prime land). Retention of the MR zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MR zone and gives effect to the RPS.

5164-1 The Maskell Trust Rural (South) S18 Rezone 165 Fitzpatrick Road and 65 Fitzpatrick Rd and Rural - Countryside Brookby MR CL Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support change from MR to CL zone. The sites do not meet the criteria for areas identified for No change No No (Attn: Emma 90 Clevedon-Takanini Road, 90 Clevedon-Takanini Living (CL) constraints, SEA, CHANGE; SUPPORT Countryside Living in RPS B8.3 Rural Subdivision Policy 6. In particular the land is partially classified Bayly) Brookby (Lot 1 DP 45581 and Lot Rd, Brookby NGC RETENTION OF as Land Use Capability Class 3 (prime land) and is within close proximity to Plan Change 32 - 4 DP 364324 (CT: 586533) and NOTIFIED ZONE Clevedon Village (Auckland Council District Plan - Manukau Section) and would result in CL Lot 1 DP 425505 (CT: 500606)) to expansion not anticipated by and not consistent with Plan Change 32. Retention of the MR zone is 'Countryside Living'. Refer to map the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MR zone and gives effect to the RPS. on page 7/7 of the submission.

Page 12 RURAL Attachment 'C': Zoning Analysis and Position for each Submission Point Notes: The black text in the "summary" column of this Attachment is as notified. Occasional amendments have been made in red to take account of any re-notified SDR points and also for clarity, where necessary.

Auckland Unitary Plan Independent Hearings Panel Auckland Council Evidence Submission Point Pathway Report Analysis Planner's Position RELEVANT SUB PROPERTIES OVERLAYS, PLANNER'S PROPOSED SUB SUBMITTER AREA SUBJECT TO REQUESTED PRECINCTS AND PROPOSED ZONE GIS MAP POINT NAME TOPIC UNIT SUMMARY SUBMISSIONS SUBMISSION THEME LOCALITY PAUP ZONE ZONE CONSTRAINTS POSITION REASONS CHANGE CHANGE CONSEQUENTIAL AMENDMENT 5167-1 W C and E J Rural (South) S18 Rezone 11 Fitzpatrick Road, 11 Fitzpatrick Rd, Rural - Countryside Brookby MR CL Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support change from MR to CL zone. The site does not meet the criteria for areas identified No change No No Dickens Brookby (Lot 1 Deeds Plan 56 Brookby Living (CL) constraints, SEA, CHANGE; SUPPORT for Countryside Living in RPS B8.3 Rural Subdivision Policy 6. In particular the land is predominantly and Lot 2 DP 312833) from Mixed NGC RETENTION OF classified as Land Use Capability Class 2 and 3 land (prime land) and is located between Plan Rural to Countryside Living. NOTIFIED ZONE Change 32 - Clevedon Village and Plan Change 8 - Whitford Rural (Auckland Council District Plan - [Refer to map on page 7/7 of Manukau Section) and would result in CL expansion not anticipated by and not consistent with Plan submission. The property address Changes 8 and 32. Retention of the MR zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives in the submission given on page of the MR zone and gives effect to the RPS. 2/7 and the map on page 7/7 do not match] The property address is for 5170 not 5167 5170-1 Brookby Rural (South) S18 Rezone 11 Fitzpatrick Road, 11 Fitzpatrick Rd, Rural - Countryside Brookby MR CL Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support change from MR to CL zone. The site does not meet the criteria for areas identified No change No No Equestrian Park Brookby (Lot 1 Deeds Plan 56 Brookby Living (CL) constraints, SEA, CHANGE; SUPPORT for Countryside Living in RPS B8.3 Rural Subdivision Policy 6. In particular the land is predominantly Limited (Attn: and Lot 2 DP 312833) from Mixed NGC RETENTION OF classified as Land Use Capability Class 2 and 3 land (prime land) and is located between Plan Emma Bayly) Rural to Countryside Living. NOTIFIED ZONE Change 32 - Clevedon Village and Plan Change 8 - Whitford Rural (Auckland Council District Plan - [Refer to map on page 7/7 of Manukau Section) and would result in CL expansion not anticipated by and not consistent with Plan submission]. Similar format to Changes 8 and 32. Retention of the MR zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives submission 4019, 6619, 5164 and of the MR zone and gives effect to the RPS. 5167 and vice versa (same agent) 5205-9 Phillip Hogan Rural (South) S14 Rezone 11 Silkwood Crescent, 11 Silkwood Crescent, Future Urban Zone (FU) Hingaia and the FU SH Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support change of zone from FU to SH. No rezoning of the FU is proposed because detailed No change No No Hingaia and land surrounding it Hingaia and rezoning islands constraints CHANGE; SUPPORT assessment of any constraints needs to occur, and structure planning needs to be undertaken in from Future Urban zone to Single RETENTION OF accordance with RPS B2.3 before an appropriate live zone can be determined for land within the FU House. [Does not provide NOTIFIED ZONE zone. It is noted that this land is included within the Hingaia Special Housing Area. A variation to the addresses of the surrounding PAUP under the Housing Accords and Special Areas Act 2013 has been applied for and a hearing land]. was held in 2015. A decision is pending at time of evidence preparation. Retention of the FU zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the FU zone and gives effect to the RPS.

5259-138 Hugh Green Rural (South) S14 Rezone 144, 152, 180, 200 and 144, 152, 180, 200 and Future Urban Zone (FU) Hingaia and the FU MHS, MHU and Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support change of zone from FU to MHS/MHU/NC. No rezoning of the FU is proposed No change No No Limited 252 Park Estate Road, Hingaia 252 Park Estate Rd, and rezoning islands NC constraints, NGC, CHANGE; SUPPORT because detailed assessment of any constraints needs to occur, and structure planning needs to be Mixed Housing Urban zone and Hingaia Historic character RETENTION OF undertaken in accordance with RPS B2.3 before an appropriate live zone can be determined for land Mixed Housing Suburban zone NOTIFIED ZONE within the FU zone. It is noted that this land is included within the Hingaia Special Housing Area. A and Neighbourhood Centre zone. variation to the PAUP under the Housing Accords and Special Areas Act 2013 has been applied for Refer to page 5/36, volume 2 of and a hearing was held in 2015. A decision is pending at time of evidence preparation. Retention of the submission. the FU zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the FU zone and gives effect to the RPS. 5277-141 The Urban Design Rural (South) S16 Rezone land on Kennelly Kennelly Crescent, Centres/Terrace Pukekohe - MHS and SH MHU and N/A SUPPORT IN PART; Support the change of zone proposed by the submitter in part. A smaller area of the THAB zone is THAB for Yes No Forum New Crescent, Pukekohe as shown in Pukekohe as shown in Housing Apartment Town centre & THAB PARTIAL CHANGE proposed (see Attachment E maps) in light of local context. Applying THAB close to town centre and part of the Zealand (Attn: the submission [refer to page the submission Buildings (THAB)/Mixed surrounds railway station gives effect to the RPS and is the most appropriate way to achieve the THAB zone area Melanie 12/104], from Mixed Housing Use objectives. The THAB zone allows terraced housing and apartment residential living around town Whittaker) Suburban and Single House to Expansion/Contraction centres, enables efficient use of land and infrastructure. The area offers the opportunity to achieve Mixed Housing Urban and quality compact residential development within walkable distance of the town centre. Terrace Housing and Apartment Buildings. 5277-143 The Urban Design Rural (South) S16 Rezone land on Wesley Street, Wesley St, Carlton Rd Centres/Terrace Pukekohe - MHU and MU THAB N/A SUPPORT IN PART; Support the change of zone proposed by the submitter in part. A smaller area of the THAB zone is THAB for Yes No Forum New Carlton Road and Birch and Birch Housing Apartment Town centre & PARTIAL CHANGE proposed (see Attachment E maps) in light of local context. Applying THAB close to town centre and part of the Zealand (Attn: Street, Pukekohe as shown in the St, Pukekohe as Buildings (THAB)/Mixed surrounds railway station gives effect to the RPS and is the most appropriate way to achieve the THAB zone area Melanie submission [refer to page 12/104], shown in the Use objectives. The THAB zone allows terraced housing and apartment residential living around town Whittaker) from Mixed Housing Urban and submission Expansion/Contraction centres, enables efficient use of land and infrastructure. The area offers the opportunity to achieve Mixed Use to Terrace Housing quality compact residential development within walkable distance of the town centre. and Apartment Buildings.

5277-144 The Urban Design Rural (South) S14 Rezone land surrounding the Area-wide - Kingseat Future Urban Zone (FU) Kingseat and RC and MR FU Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support change of zone from RC and MR to FU - the potential to accommodate urban growth No change No No Forum New Karaka and Pahuerhure inlet, as and Karaka and rezoning Karaka constraints, SEA CHANGE; SUPPORT is limited in this area due to significant coastal environment constraints, its remote location and Zealand (Attn: shown in the submission [refer to RETENTION OF insufficient infrastructure. Ian Bayliss in his evidence in relation to Topic 017 RUB South has fully Melanie page 13/104], from Rural Coastal NOTIFIED ZONE explained the reasons why this area has been excluded from the RUB for Karaka. No FU should be Whittaker) and Mixed Rural to Future Urban located outside of the RUB. Retention of the notified zone gives effect to the RPS. Zone. 5277-255 The Urban Design Rural (South) S14 Rezone land around Hingaia 47 Harbourside Dr, 15 Centres/Terrace Hingaia and the MU MHS Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support change of zone from MU to MHS. The MU zone is appropriately located and will No change No No Forum New Local Centre as shown in the and 43 Hingaia Rd, Housing Apartment islands constraints, NGC CHANGE; SUPPORT provide for greater intensity and a range of uses (including further commercial uses to service the Zealand (Attn: submission [refer to page 55/104] Hingaia Buildings (THAB)/Mixed RETENTION OF Hingaia Peninsula). Retention of the MU zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives Melanie from Mixed Use to Mixed Housing Use NOTIFIED ZONE of the MU zone and gives effect to the RPS, including the centres strategy / hierarchy. Whittaker) Suburban. Expansion/Contraction 5280-143 The New Zealand Rural (South) S16 Rezone land on Kennelly Sites on Kennelly Any residential Pukekohe - MHS and SH MHU and N/A SUPPORT IN PART; Support the change of zone proposed by the submitter in part. A smaller area is however proposed THAB Yes No Institute of Crescent, Pukekohe as shown in Crescent, Pukekohe as properties subject to a Town centre & THAB PARTIAL CHANGE (on the southern side of Kennelly Crescent) for THAB in light of local context. Applying THAB close Architects the submission [refer to page shown in the key overlay surrounds to town centre and railway station gives effect to the RPS and is the most appropriate way to achieve 12/104], from Mixed Housing submission the THAB zone objectives. The THAB zone allows terraced housing and apartment residential living Suburban and Single House to around town centres, enables efficient use of land and infrastructure. The area offers the opportunity Mixed Housing Urban and to achieve quality compact residential development within walkable distance of the town centre. Terrace Housing and Apartment Buildings. 5280-145 The New Zealand Rural (South) S16 Rezone land on Wesley Street, Sites on Wesley St, Centres/Terrace Pukekohe - MHU and MU THAB N/A SUPPORT IN PART; Support the change of zone proposed by the submitter in part. A smaller area of the THAB zone is THAB Yes No Institute of Carlton Road and Birch Carlton Rd and Birch Housing Apartment Town centre & PARTIAL CHANGE proposed (see Attachment E maps) in light of local context. Applying THAB close to town centre and Architects (Attn: Street, Pukekohe as shown in the St, Pukekohe as Buildings (THAB)/Mixed surrounds railway station gives effect to the RPS and is the most appropriate way to achieve the THAB zone Graeme Scott) submission [refer to page 12/104], shown in the Use objectives. The THAB zone allows terraced housing and apartment residential living around town from Mixed Housing Urban and submission Expansion/Contraction centres, enables efficient use of land and infrastructure. The area offers the opportunity to achieve Mixed Use to Terrace Housing quality compact residential development within walkable distance of the town centre. and Apartment Buildings.

5280-146 The New Zealand Rural (South) S14 Rezone land surrounding the Area-wide - Kingseat Future Urban Zone (FU) Kingseat and RC and MR FU Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support change of zone from RC and MR to FU - the potential to accommodate urban growth No change No No Institute of Karaka and Pahuerhure inlet, as and Karaka and rezoning Karaka constraints, SEA CHANGE; SUPPORT is limited in this area due to significant coastal environment constraints, its remote location and Architects (Attn: shown in the submission [refer to RETENTION OF insufficient infrastructure. Ian Bayliss in his evidence in relation to Topic 017 RUB South has fully Graeme Scott) page 13/104], from Rural Coastal NOTIFIED ZONE explained the reasons why this area has been excluded from the RUB for Karaka. No FU should be and Mixed Rural to Future Urban located outside of the RUB. Retention of the notified zone gives effect to the RPS. Zone.

Page 13 RURAL Attachment 'C': Zoning Analysis and Position for each Submission Point Notes: The black text in the "summary" column of this Attachment is as notified. Occasional amendments have been made in red to take account of any re-notified SDR points and also for clarity, where necessary.

Auckland Unitary Plan Independent Hearings Panel Auckland Council Evidence Submission Point Pathway Report Analysis Planner's Position RELEVANT SUB PROPERTIES OVERLAYS, PLANNER'S PROPOSED SUB SUBMITTER AREA SUBJECT TO REQUESTED PRECINCTS AND PROPOSED ZONE GIS MAP POINT NAME TOPIC UNIT SUMMARY SUBMISSIONS SUBMISSION THEME LOCALITY PAUP ZONE ZONE CONSTRAINTS POSITION REASONS CHANGE CHANGE CONSEQUENTIAL AMENDMENT 5280-257 The New Zealand Rural (South) S14 Rezone land around Hingaia 47 Harbourside Dr, 15 Centres/Terrace Hingaia and the MU MHS Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support change of zone from MU to MHS. The MU zone is appropriately located and will No No Institute of Local Centre as shown in the and 43 Hingaia Rd, Housing Apartment islands constraints, NGC CHANGE; SUPPORT provide for greater intensity and a range of uses (including further commercial uses to service the Architects (Attn: submission [refer to page Hingaia Buildings (THAB)/Mixed RETENTION OF Hingaia Peninsula). Retention of the MU zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives Graeme Scott) 55/104] from Mixed Use to Mixed Use NOTIFIED ZONE of the MU zone and gives effect to the RPS, including the centres strategy / hierarchy. Housing Suburban. Expansion/Contraction 5370-1 John M Gilbert Rural (South) S15 Rezone Ramarama from Mixed Area-wide - Runciman Rural - Countryside Runciman and MR Unspecified - Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support change from MR to CL - the area is located along side SH1 which provides high No change No No Rural to Countryside Living, and Ramarama Living (CL) Ramarama CL, residential constraints, SEA, CHANGE; SUPPORT visibility to the site. The area does not meet the criteria for areas identified for CL in the RPS B8.3 residential and/or business. and/or NGC RETENTION OF Rural Subdivision Policy 6. In particular the land is classified as Land Use Capability Class 2 land business NOTIFIED ZONE (prime land). Retention of the MR zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MR zone and gives effect to the RPS.

5371-2 Maraetai Land Rural (South) S18 Rezone part of 76 Maraetai 76 Maraetai School Rural Urban Boundary Maraetai MR CL Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support rezoning from MR to CL zone. The area does not meet the criteria for areas identified No change No No Development School Road, Maraetai together Rd, Maraetai and (RUB) and rezoning constraints, SEA CHANGE; SUPPORT for Countryside Living in RPS B8.3 Rural Subdivision Policy 6. In particular, the rezoning request Limited (Attn: with adjacent land from Mixed adjacent area RETENTION OF may compromise the stage 4 (RUB) wider analysis for Maraetai and the potential expansion of this Philip Brown) Rural land to Countryside Living NOTIFIED ZONE settlement. Retention of the MR zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MR as shown on Attachment B on zone and gives effect to the RPS. page 8/9 of the submission. 5401-1 John Ingram Rural (South) S16 Rezone 198-220 Manukau Rd, 198-220 Manukau Rd, Spot Zoning Pukekohe - LI THAB, MU, GB N/A DO NOT SUPPORT Support notified zone. The Pukekohe raceway site forms the southern boundary to this group of sites No change No No Pukekohe from Light Industry to Pukekohe Manukau Road CHANGE; SUPPORT which has land zoned GB to the north and east. Land opposite on Manukau Road is zoned GB and Terrace Housing and Apartment industrial RETENTION OF LI. The submitter has requested a range of alternative zones. The first two alternatives THAB zoning Buildings, Mixed Use or General NOTIFIED ZONE or MU zoning would result in spot zones, which would not recognise local context. Zoning the sites LI Business. to provide for industrial business activities which do not generate objectionable odour dust or noise emissions gives effect to the RPS and is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives for the LI zone. 5416-1 Trent and Rural (South) S18 Rezone land at the Clevedon Clevedon Village end Rural Urban Boundary Clevedon RP CL Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support change from RP to CL zone. The area does not meet the criteria for areas identified No change No No Katherine Archer Village end of McNicol Road, of McNicol Rd, (RUB) and rezoning Village Fringe constraints CHANGE; SUPPORT for Countryside Living in RPS B8.3 Rural Subdivision Policy 6. In particular the land is predominantly Clevedon from Rural Production Clevedon RETENTION OF classified as Land Use Capability Class 2 land (prime land) and is located within close proximity to to Countryside Living. NOTIFIED ZONE Plan Change 32 - Clevedon Village (Auckland Council District Plan - Manukau Section) and would result in CL expansion not anticipated by and not consistent with Plan Change 32. Retention of the RP zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the RP zone and gives effect to the RPS. 5416-2 Trent and Rural (South) S18 Amend the PAUP to adopt a "big Area in close proximity Rural Urban Boundary Clevedon MR and RP CL Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support change from MR and RP to CL zone. The area does not meet the criteria for areas No change No No Katherine Archer picture" approach to the Zoning to the Clevedon Village (RUB) and rezoning Village Fringe constraints CHANGE; SUPPORT identified for Countryside Living in RPS B8.3 Rural Subdivision Policy 6. In particular the land is for suitable rural land in close RETENTION OF predominantly classified as Land Use Capability Class 2 and 3 land (prime land) and is located within proximity to the Clevedon Village. NOTIFIED ZONE close proximity to Plan Change 32 - Clevedon Village (Auckland Council District Plan - Manukau Section) and would result in CL expansion not anticipated by and not consistent with Plan Change 32. Retention of the MR and RP zones is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MR zone and gives effect to the RPS. 5416-3 Trent and Rural (South) S18 Rezone 90 McNicol Road, 90 McNicol Rd, Rural Urban Boundary Clevedon RP CL Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support change from RP to CL zone. The site does not meet the criteria for areas identified for No change No No Katherine Archer Clevedon from Rural Production Clevedon (RUB) and rezoning Village Fringe constraints CHANGE; SUPPORT Countryside Living in RPS B8.3 Rural Subdivision Policy 6. In particular the land is predominantly to Countryside Living. RETENTION OF located on prime soils and is within close proximity to Plan Change 32 - Clevedon Village (Auckland NOTIFIED ZONE Council District Plan - Manukau Section) and would result in CL expansion not anticipated by and not consistent with Plan Change 32. Retention of the RP zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the RP zone and gives effect to the RPS. 5425-1 Megan Ranchhod Rural (South) S15 Rezone Bombay Village from Bombay village Rural and Coastal Bombay SH RCS N/A SUPPORT IN FULL; Support change to RCS. Bombay is not a serviced village. RCS implements appropriate controls for RCS Yes Yes - remove the Bombay additional Single House zone to Rural Settlement zone CHANGE OF ZONE this more efficiently than an additional subdivision control rule in conjunction with SH. Rezoning is subdivision control, from the maps Coastal Settlement. therefore consistent with the RPS rural and coastal towns and villages objectives and policies, and and from Table 3 in H.5 Subdivision achieves the objectives of the SH zone. 2.3.1 Residential zones 5475-1 Te Hihi Autocourt Rural (south) S14 Rezone the four lots adjoining 755 751 and 753 Linwood Rural and Coastal Kingseat and RCS NC N/A DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support change from RCS to NC - the properties are located next to an existing small corner No change No No 1987 Limited Linwood Road, Karaka as Rd; 518 and 514 Batty Settlement zone Karaka CHANGE; SUPPORT store which provides residents and passers-by with locally required retail and commercial service commercial [inferred to be Rd RETENTION OF needs. The development of a larger NC is not considered to be necessary in such at such remote Neighbourhood Centre zone NOTIFIED ZONE location where there is also a lack of infrastructure provision. Retention of zone will therefore gives which the zoning of 755 Linwood effect to the RPS objectives and policies including the centres strategy/hierarchy. Road]. 5528-3 Templemore Land Rural (South) S15 Rezone the sites located at Area-wide - Runciman Rural - Countryside Runciman and MR CL Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support change from MR to CL - the area is located along side SH1 which provides high No change No No Company Limited Ramarama and bounded by and Ramarama Living (CL) Ramarama constraints, NGC CHANGE; SUPPORT visibility to the site. The area does not meet the criteria for areas identified for CL in the RPS B8.3 (Attn: Nick Ararimu Road, Great South Road, RETENTION OF Rural Subdivision Policy 6. In particular the land is classified as Land Use Capability Class 2 land Roberts) rural-residential sites to the south NOTIFIED ZONE (prime land). Retention of the MR zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the and State Highway 1 (shown on MR zone and gives effect to the RPS. page 10/20 of the submission), from Mixed Rural to Countryside Living. 5533-1 35 Whitford Park Rural (South) S18 Rezone 35 and 51 Whitford Park 35 and 51 Whitford Rural Urban Boundary Whitford CL SH Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support change from CL to SH zone. The area does not meet the criteria for areas identified No change No No Limited Road, Whitford to Single House Park Rd, Whitford (RUB) and rezoning constraints, SEA CHANGE; SUPPORT for urban expansion in RPS B2.5 Policy 1. In particular, the land is predominantly classified as Land [from Countryside Living zone]. RETENTION OF Use Capability Class 2 and 3 land (prime land) and the expansion would result in an enlarged NOTIFIED ZONE Whitford village (unserviced RC village) by approximately two folds. Retention of the CL zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the CL zone and gives effect to the RPS.

5544-2 Nicky Collins Rural (South) S18 Rezone 58 Whitford Park Road, 58 Whitford Park Rd, Combined rezoning and Whitford CL SH Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support change from CL to SH zone. The area does not meet the criteria for areas identified No change No No 101 and 155 Trig Road to Single 101 and 155 Trig Rd, precinct submissions constraints, SEA, CHANGE; SUPPORT for urban expansion in RPS B2.5 Policy 1. In particular, the land is predominantly classified as Land House. Identify the land as Whitford Whitford sub- RETENTION OF Use Capability Class 2 and 3 land (prime land) and the expansion would result in an enlarged 'Whitford Village Sub-precinct E'. precinct A, ONL NOTIFIED ZONE Whitford village (unserviced RC village) by approximately three folds. Retention of the CL zone is the As an alternative, rezone most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the CL zone and gives effect to the RPS. properties to Rural and Coastal Settlement. Refer to submission Attachment 1, page 6/6. 5551-1 Duckie Rural (South) S18 Retain the Single House zone at 110 Jack Lachlan Dr, Combined rezoning and Beachlands SH SH Flooding SUPPORT IN FULL; Support retention of the SH zone. The retention of the SH zone supports the outcomes of Plan No change No No Investment 110 Jack Lachlan Drive, Beachlands precinct submissions constraints and RETENTION OF Change 30 - Beachlands Village New Avenues (Auckland Council District Plan - Manukau Section). Company Limited Beachlands. Beachlands 1 NOTIFIED ZONE Retention of the SH zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the SH zone and (Attn: Paul Du) precinct gives effect to the RPS. 5571-6 Patumahoe Rural (South) S17 Rezone the sites at Patumahoe 61 and 75 Patumahoe Rural Urban Boundary Patumahoe RP Unspecified Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Support retention of the RP zone. The change to a rural residential zone is inconsistent with the No change No No Village identified in the submission. See Rd, Patumahoe and 23 (RUB) and rezoning constraints, SEA CHANGE; SUPPORT RPS. The site at 61 Patumahoe Road is largely covered in elite soils and the site at 75 Patumahoe Incorporated pg. 5/5 of the submission for Clive Howe Rd, RETENTION OF Road is partly covered in elite solid albeit both sites are generally within close proximity to the (Attn: Paula details. Patumahoe NOTIFIED ZONE existing urban zone. There is currently no RUB around Patumahoe. A zone change may also pre- Crosswell) empt stage 4 (RUB) wider analysis for the area north east of the existing urban limit of Patumahoe and the potential expansion of this settlement. Retention of the RP zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the RP zone and the gives effect to the RPS.

Page 14 RURAL Attachment 'C': Zoning Analysis and Position for each Submission Point Notes: The black text in the "summary" column of this Attachment is as notified. Occasional amendments have been made in red to take account of any re-notified SDR points and also for clarity, where necessary.

Auckland Unitary Plan Independent Hearings Panel Auckland Council Evidence Submission Point Pathway Report Analysis Planner's Position RELEVANT SUB PROPERTIES OVERLAYS, PLANNER'S PROPOSED SUB SUBMITTER AREA SUBJECT TO REQUESTED PRECINCTS AND PROPOSED ZONE GIS MAP POINT NAME TOPIC UNIT SUMMARY SUBMISSIONS SUBMISSION THEME LOCALITY PAUP ZONE ZONE CONSTRAINTS POSITION REASONS CHANGE CHANGE CONSEQUENTIAL AMENDMENT 5575-1 Karl Wilson Rural (South) S14 Rezone 66 Blackbridge Road, 66 Blackbridge Rd Rural - other Coastal RC SH Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support change of zone from RC to SH - the property is unserviced and the land has been No change No No RD 1, Papakura from Rural constraints CHANGE; SUPPORT identified as a significant coastal environmental area. The RC zone recognises the significance of Coastal zone to "Village zone, RETENTION OF the coastal margin setback in maintaining the natural character of the coastal edge, providing a growth node" [infer Single House NOTIFIED ZONE natural buffer to coastal erosion and contributing to the visual amenity values of the area. The zone]. notified RC boundary in this area is consistent with the Auckland Council District Plan (Franklin Section) - Manukau Harbour Management Area. Retention of notified RC zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the zone and gives effect to the RPS. 5579-1 Leif Fredricsen Rural (South) S18 Rezone more land around Area around Clevedon Rural Urban Boundary Clevedon MR and RP CL Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support change from MR and RP to CL zone. The area does not meet the criteria for areas No change No No Clevedon Village to Countryside village (RUB) and rezoning Village Fringe constraints, SEA, CHANGE; SUPPORT identified for Countryside Living in RPS B8.3 Rural Subdivision Policy 6. In particular the land is Living. NGC, ONL RETENTION OF predominantly classified as Land Use Capability Class 2 and 3 land (prime land) and is located within NOTIFIED ZONE close proximity to Plan Change 32 - Clevedon Village (Auckland Council District Plan - Manukau Section) and would result in unanticipated CL expansion not anticipated by and not consistent with Plan Change 32. Retention of the MR and RP zones is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MR zone and gives effect to the RPS. 5698-2 Nicholas and Rural (South) S17 Reject the limited Business Glenbrook Heavy Industry Zone Glenbrook HI and RP Unspecified Various DO NOT SUPPORT Support retention of notified zone. Any proposed extension of the HI zone or the creation of a LI No change No No Vanessa Lush Zoning provided for in Glenbrook. (HI) and Light Industry CHANGE; SUPPORT zone in this location would have an impact on the surrounding rural land uses. One of the principles This submission contains about Zone (LI) RETENTION OF for rezoning land for HI is that it should have quick and efficient access to freight routes, rail or freight two more relevant submission NOTIFIED ZONE hubs, ports and airports. Glenbrook was the lowest scoring location in the 2011 “Group 1 Business points Land Assessment” prepared by Harrison Grierson, with its major constraints being distance and accessibility..Retention of notified zone achieves the objectives of the RP zone and gives effect to the RPS.See Council evidence from Joy LaNauze for Topic 051-054 Centre Zones, Business park and industries zones, Business activities and Business Controls 5698-3 Nicholas and Rural (south) S17 Rezone the area bounded by the Lot 1 DP 462060 Heavy Industry Zone Glenbrook RP HI and LI Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Support retention of notified zone. Any proposed extension of the HI zone or the creation of a LI No change No No Vanessa Lush railway line, Mission Bush Road Lot 7 DP 310008 (HI) and Light Industry constraints, Heavy CHANGE; SUPPORT zone in this location would have an impact on the surrounding rural land uses. One of the principles and Brookside Road, Glenbrook Lot 6 DP 174767 Zone (LI) Industry Air Quality RETENTION OF for rezoning land for HI is that it should have quick and efficient access to freight routes, rail or freight from Rural Production to Heavy Lot 8 DP 174767 NOTIFIED ZONE hubs, ports and airports. Glenbrook was the lowest scoring location in the 2011 “Group 1 Business and Light Industry. See Figure 1 Lot 1 DP 103304 Land Assessment” prepared by Harrison Grierson, with its major constraints being distance and in submission for specific area Lot 1 DP 142075 accessibility. See Council evidence from Joy LaNauze for Topic 051-054 Centre Zones, Business [page 12/12]. Lot 2 DP 142075 park and industries zones, Business activities and Business Controls. Retention of notified zone achieves the objectives of the RP zone and gives effect to the RPS. 5713-57 Anselmi Ridge Rural (South) S16 Retain the Mixed Housing 18-36 Anselmi Ridge Mixed Housing Pukekohe - MHS MHS N/A SUPPORT IN FULL; Support the retention of the zone proposed. MHS is the most appropriate way to achieve the No change No No Limited (ARL) Suburban zone on Lot 700, 60, Rd Urban/Mixed Housing Rest of RETENTION OF objectives for the MHS zone, which provides for a variety of detached and attached housing types 61, 71, 72, and 73 DP 420959 Suburban/Single House Pukekohe NOTIFIED ZONE and gives effect to the RPS. Anselmi Ridge Road, Pukekohe. Expansion/Contraction residential 5716- Auckland Council Rural (South) S14 Rezone Lot 13 DP 159159 Linwood Rd, Papakura Errors Kingseat and MR and RC Road Flooding SUPPORT IN FULL; Support change of zone from MR and RC to Road - the subject area is a road reverse which has Road Yes No 2191 (Attn: Stephen [Linwood Road, Papakura] from (Lot 13 DP 159159) Karaka constraints, SEA CHANGE OF ZONE been incorrectly zoned as MR and RC in the notified PAUP. The rezoning request is to correct a Town) Esplanade area to be Public Open minor GIS mapping error. The proposed change is the most appropriate way gives effect to the RPS. Space Conservation and slither of land by road to be zoned Road. Refer to submission [Volume 4 page 34/35 and Volume 25 page 187/439]. 5716- Auckland Council Rural (south) S18 Rezone Hunua Forest, 201 201 Moumoukai Hill Public Open Space Clevedon POS RP Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support rezoning from POS to RP zone. The submitters have a 95-year Forestry Right (with No change No No 2983 Moumoukai Hill Road, Clevedon Rd, Clevedon constraints, SEA CHANGE; SUPPORT 84 years left to run) for the Hunua Forest over land within the former Manukau and Franklin Districts. from Public Open Space - RETENTION OF This rezoning request is being dealt with at Topic - 080 Rezoning, Public Open Space Zones Conservation to Rural Production. NOTIFIED ZONE whereby Councils position was to support the retention of the notified zone. The Council and the Refer to submission, Volume 4, submitter are currently discussing whether precinct provisions are appropriate to address the page 14/35 and Attachment 709, submitters concerns. The notified zoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the Volume 20 for appellations. POS zone and gives effect to the RPS.

5716- Auckland Council Rural (South) S17 Rezone part of 130A Wattle Bay The area of Lot 14 DP Errors Awhitu SH RC N/A DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support change to RC. Support change to POS, as an out of scope change (refer also to Change the Yes No 3110 (Attn: Stephen Road, Manukau Heads (LOT 3 DP 42177 that is shown as CHANGE; SUPPORT Attachment F). This area of land has been zoned SH in error. It is owned by Auckland Council, and area of Lot Town) 93366 LOTS 14 15 16 17 18 19 Single House in the ALTERNATIVE ZONE was part of a 20m wide esplanade reserve strip that has since eroded. Given the location, change 14 DP 42177 DP 42177 LOT 3 DP 51829 BLK notified PAUP the zoning to POS - Conservation is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the POS that is XIV) from Single House to Rural zone and gives effect the RPS. currently SH Coastal. Refer to submission, to POS – Volume 4, page 21/35 and Conservation Attachment 820, Volume 21. . The rest of the parcel remains as General Coastal Marine 5716- Auckland Council Rural (South) S14 Rezone the land in Kingseat sub- Kingseat Rd, Linwood Errors Kingseat and FU, MR, RP SH, LI, NC and Kingseat precinct SUPPORT IN FULL; Support change of zone from MR, RP and RC to SH, LI, NC and POS - in order to reflect the recent SH, LI, NC Yes No 3165 (Attn: Stephen precincts C and D to Large Lot. Rd, Mcrobbie Rd, Karaka and RC POS CHANGE OF ZONE Environment Court consent order on Plan Change 28 to the Auckland Council District Plan (Franklin and POS Town) Refer to submission, Volume 4, Section). The proposed changes are the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of zones page 25/35 and Attachment 876, and gives effect to the RPS. Volume 21. 5716- Auckland Council Rural (South) S14 Rezone part of 115 Saddleton 115 Saddleton Rd Errors Coastal RC MR N/A SUPPORT IN FULL; Support change of zone from RC to MR - There are errors in the mapping of the coastal zone in the MR Yes No 3178 (Attn: Stephen Road, Pukekohe (LOT 1 DP CHANGE OF ZONE PAUP compared to the Auckland Council District Plan (Franklin section). The intention for the RC Town) 372902) from Rural Coastal to zone in the Franklin area is to replicate the line as contained within the operative plan. The proposed Mixed Rural. Refer to submission, change is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MR zone and gives effect to the Volume 4, page 26/35 and RPS. Attachment 889 and 891, Volume 21. 5716- Auckland Council Rural (South) S17 Rezone parts of 81, 119,181 and Parts of 81, 119,181 Errors Coastal RC MR N/A SUPPORT IN FULL; Support zoning boundary amendment - There are errors in the mapping of the coastal zone in the MR and RC Yes No 3179 (Attn: Stephen 207 Kohekohe-Karioitahi Road and 207 Kohekohe- CHANGE OF ZONE PAUP compared to the Auckland Council District Plan (Franklin Section). The intention for the RC Town) from Rural Coastal to Mixed Karioitahi Rd zone in Franklin is to replicate the extent of the coastal zone agreed through Plan Change 14 to the Rural. Refer to submission, Auckland Council District Plan (Franklin Section).The proposed change is the most appropriate way Volume 4, page 26/35 and to achieve the objectives of the RC zone and gives effect to the RPS. Attachment 889 and 891a, Volume 21.

Page 15 RURAL Attachment 'C': Zoning Analysis and Position for each Submission Point Notes: The black text in the "summary" column of this Attachment is as notified. Occasional amendments have been made in red to take account of any re-notified SDR points and also for clarity, where necessary.

Auckland Unitary Plan Independent Hearings Panel Auckland Council Evidence Submission Point Pathway Report Analysis Planner's Position RELEVANT SUB PROPERTIES OVERLAYS, PLANNER'S PROPOSED SUB SUBMITTER AREA SUBJECT TO REQUESTED PRECINCTS AND PROPOSED ZONE GIS MAP POINT NAME TOPIC UNIT SUMMARY SUBMISSIONS SUBMISSION THEME LOCALITY PAUP ZONE ZONE CONSTRAINTS POSITION REASONS CHANGE CHANGE CONSEQUENTIAL AMENDMENT 5716- Auckland Council Rural (South) S17 Rezone extensive areas of land Various sites on Large Lot Waiuku LL SH Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Submission was made in error. Intention was to only apply to serviced areas. Even serviced areas MHS for Yes No 3180 (Attn: Stephen around Waiuku from Large Lot to southern extent of constraints, SEA CHANGE; SUPPORT have already been developed as LL, and cover a very large area, such that structure planning is between Town) Single House in accordance with Waiuku settlement ALTERNATIVE ZONE appropriate before rezoning. One area close to the town centre, between Brights Road and Kitchener Brights Road Attachment 890. Refer to Road, as identified on the S17 proposed zoning map in Attachment E, is suitable for rezoning. MHS and submission, Volume 4, page is more appropriate, as an out of scope change (refer to Attachment F), given existing surrounding Kitchener 26/35 and Attachment 890, zoning and retaining a compact urban form, in line with the RPS. Road, as Volume 21. identified on the S17 proposed zoning map 5716- Auckland Council Rural (South) S14 and Rezone sites within the Franklin Area-wide (81, 181, Errors Coastal RC RC and other N/A SUPPORT IN FULL; Support zoning boundary amendment - There are errors in the mapping of the coastal zone in the RC and other Yes No 3181 (Attn: Stephen S17 area from Rural Coastal to either 207 Kohekohe Rural zone CHANGE OF ZONE PAUP compared to the Auckland Council District Plan (Franklin Section). The intention for RC zone Rural zone Town) Rural Production or Mixed Rural Karioitahi Rd; in Franklin is to replicate the line agreed through the operative plan. The proposed change is the to reflect the Coastal zone Boundary Rd (ALL D P most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the RC zone and gives effect to the RPS. boundary in the Auckland Council 13654 BLK XI District Plan Operative Franklin AWHITU S D BLKS I II Section 2000. See volume 4, MAIORO S D PT page 26/35. ALLOT 406 143A 146); Capes Rd (Lot 5 DP 414771); Manukau Heads Rd (Allotment 284 Parish of Awhitu); 284 Orua Bay Rd; Big Bay Rd (LOT 2 DP 427776 LOT 3 DP 25574 LOT 11 DP 336027); 30 Hudson Rd; 403 Grahams Beach Rd; 246 Clarks Beach Rd; 115 Saddleton Rd; 83 Percy Millen Dr; 73 Waiau Pa Rd; 105 5716- Auckland Council Rural (South) S17 Rezone 23 Kitchener Road, 23 Kitchener Rd, Business to other Waiuku LI GB Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support change to GB. Support alternative change to MU. There is a large supply of LI land in MU Yes No 3182 (Attn: Stephen Waiuku (Part Lot 1 D P 730) from Waiuku Business Zone constraints CHANGE; SUPPORT Waiuku at Fernleigh. GB would provide for large format retail, which has the potential to affect the LC Town) Light Industry to General (excludes mixed use ALTERNATIVE ZONE zoning at Waiuku. MU, an out of scope (refer to Attachment F) would provide for a mix of business Business. Refer to submission, and centres zones) activities and is compatible with the existing warehouse and office activities on site. Rezoning is the Volume 4, page 26/35 and most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MU zone and to gives effect to the RPS. Attachment 891d, Volume 21. 5716- Auckland Council Rural (South) S14 and Rezone land zoned as Rural Area-wide (81, 181, Errors Coastal RC RC and other N/A SUPPORT IN FULL; Support zoning boundary amendment - There are errors in the mapping of the coastal zone in the RC and other Yes No 3526 (Attn: Stephen S17 Coastal in the Franklin Area to be 207 Kohekohe Rural zone CHANGE OF ZONE PAUP compared to the Auckland Council District Plan (Franklin Section). The intention for RC zone Rural zone Town) aligned with the Coastal zone in Karioitahi Rd; in Franklin is to replicate the line agreed through the operative plan. The proposed change is the the operative Franklin Plan [Refer Boundary Rd (ALL D P most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the RC zone and gives effect to the RPS. to Franklin Local Board Views, 13654 BLK XI Volume 26, page 35/103]. AWHITU S D BLKS I II MAIORO S D PT ALLOT 406 143A 146); Capes Rd (Lot 5 DP 414771); Manukau Heads Rd (Allotment 284 Parish of Awhitu); 284 Orua Bay Rd; Big Bay Rd (LOT 2 DP 427776 LOT 3 DP 25574 LOT 11 DP 336027); 30 Hudson Rd; 403 Grahams Beach Rd; 246 Clarks Beach Rd; 115 Saddleton Rd; 83 Percy Millen Dr; 73 Waiau Pa Rd; 105 5716- Auckland Council Rural (South) S14 and Rezone areas of Franklin that Area-wide (81, 181, Errors Coastal RC RC and other N/A SUPPORT IN FULL; Support zoning boundary amendment - There are errors in the mapping of the coastal zone in the RC and other Yes No 3527 (Attn: Stephen S17 were zoned as Rural in the 207 Kohekohe Rural zone CHANGE OF ZONE PAUP compared to the Auckland Council District Plan (Franklin Section). The intention for RC zone Rural zone Town) Franklin District Plan and are now Karioitahi Rd; in Franklin is to replicate the line agreed through the operative plan. The proposed change is the zoned Rural Coastal to either Boundary Rd (ALL D P most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the RC zone and gives effect to the RPS. Mixed Rural or Rural 13654 BLK XI Production [Refer to Franklin AWHITU S D BLKS I II Local Board Views, Volume 26, MAIORO S D PT page 36/103]. ALLOT 406 143A 146); Capes Rd (Lot 5 DP 414771); Manukau Heads Rd (Allotment 284 Parish of Awhitu); 284 Orua Bay Rd; Big Bay Rd (LOT 2 DP 427776 LOT 3 DP 25574 LOT 11 DP 336027); 30 Hudson Rd; 403 Grahams Beach Rd; 246 Clarks Beach Rd; 115 Saddleton Rd; 83 Percy Millen Dr; 73 Waiau Pa Rd; 105

Page 16 RURAL Attachment 'C': Zoning Analysis and Position for each Submission Point Notes: The black text in the "summary" column of this Attachment is as notified. Occasional amendments have been made in red to take account of any re-notified SDR points and also for clarity, where necessary.

Auckland Unitary Plan Independent Hearings Panel Auckland Council Evidence Submission Point Pathway Report Analysis Planner's Position RELEVANT SUB PROPERTIES OVERLAYS, PLANNER'S PROPOSED SUB SUBMITTER AREA SUBJECT TO REQUESTED PRECINCTS AND PROPOSED ZONE GIS MAP POINT NAME TOPIC UNIT SUMMARY SUBMISSIONS SUBMISSION THEME LOCALITY PAUP ZONE ZONE CONSTRAINTS POSITION REASONS CHANGE CHANGE CONSEQUENTIAL AMENDMENT 5716- Auckland Council Rural (South) S17 Rezone the Kitchener Road 23 Kitchener Rd, Business to other Waiuku LI GB Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support change to GB. Support alternative change to MU. There is a large supply of LI land in MU Yes No 3528 (Attn: Stephen Business Park, Waiuku, to Waiuku Business Zone constraints CHANGE; SUPPORT Waiuku at Fernleigh. GB would provide for large format retail, which has the potential to affect the LC Town) General Business [Refer to (excludes mixed use ALTERNATIVE ZONE zoning at Waiuku. MU, an out of scope (refer to Attachment F) would provide for a mix of business Franklin Local Board Views, and centres zones) activities and is compatible with the existing warehouse and office activities on site. Rezoning is the Volume 26, page 36/103]. most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MU zone and to gives effect to the RPS.

5716- Auckland Council Rural (South) S17 Rezone land in Waiuku, All Large Lot zoned Large Lot Waiuku LL SH Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT These serviced areas have already been developed as LL, and cover a very large area, such that MHS for Yes No 3529 particularly Columbo Rd, that is land in Waiuku constraints CHANGE; SUPPORT structure planning is appropriate before rezoning. One area close to the town centre, between between zoned Large Lot and is supported ALTERNATIVE ZONE Brights Road and Kitchener Road, as identified on the S17 proposed zoning map in Attachment E, is Brights Road by reticulated services to Single suitable for rezoning. MHS is more appropriate, as an out of scope change (refer to Attachment F), and House [Refer to Franklin Local given existing surrounding zoning and retaining a compact urban form, in line with the RPS. Kitchener Board Views, Volume 26, page Road, as 36/103]. identified on the S17 proposed zoning map 5716-978 Auckland Council Rural (South) S18 Rezone LOT 1 DP 388374 [129 129 Beachlands Rd, Combined rezoning and Beachlands RP SH Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support change from RP to SH zone. Requested zone from Auckland Council has been made LC Yes No (Attn: Stephen Beachlands Road ] from Rural Beachlands precinct submissions constraints, CHANGE; SUPPORT in error. This should be corrected to 'LC' to reflect the outcomes of Plan Change 30A - Beachlands Town) Production to Single House to be Beachlands 2 ALTERNATIVE ZONE Village Business Centre to the Auckland Council District Plan (Manukau Section). Note: This is also consistent with the precinct plan. precinct considered under Topic 081 - Rezoning and Precincts (Geographic). Application of the LC zone will achieve the objectives of the LC zone and the relevant objectives of the Beachlands 2 precinct and gives effect to the RPS. 5716-997 Auckland Council Rural (South) S15 Rezone the Drury South Industrial Area wide - Drury Future Urban Zone (FU) Drury South FU HI, LI and POS SEA, NGC SUPPORT IN PART; Support change to LI and HI zones as would be consistent with the Auckland Council Operative Plan: HI and LI Yes No area from Future Urban zone to South and rezoning PARTIAL CHANGE Papakura and Franklin sections as amended by the recently settled Drury South plan. Changes. Light Industry and Heavy Industry Change of zone to LI and HI zones is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the LI zone as shown map 2 attached to and HI zones and gives effect to the RPS. the submission 5739-1 Paerata East Rural (South) S16 Rezone the land at Paerata East, land at Paerata East, Future Urban Zone (FU) Pukekohe - FU MHS ONF SUPPORT IN FULL; Support notified FU zone. Applying the proposed FU zone to the site gives effect to the RPS and is No change No No Residents and (currently zoned Future Urban) in (currently zoned and rezoning Paerata and RETENTION OF the most appropriate way to achieve the FU zone objectives. The zone has been applied to provide Landowners accordance with Annexure 2 Future Urban) in Paerata East NOTIFIED ZONE for future urban growth. Structure Planning and plan change of the FU zoned land to provide detail Association [Refer to submission for details, accordance with as to the future zoning. Incorporated page 9/9]. Annexure 2 of the submission 5836-1 Barbara A Bass Rural (South) S15 Retain the Future Urban zone 40 Gatland Rd, Future Urban Zone (FU) Drury and FU FU N/A SUPPORT IN FULL; Support retention of FU zone. Submission seeks to retain. FU is an appropriate zone for the site as it No change No No [inferred] on 40 Gatland Road, Papakura and rezoning Opaheke RETENTION OF has been included within the notified RUB. Retention of FU is appropriate as it achieves the Papakura NOTIFIED ZONE objectives of the FU zone and gives effect to the RPS. 5885-1 Michael G Abbott Rural (South) S17 Rezone 74 Douglas Rd, Waiuku 74 Douglas Rd, Rural - Other Coastal RC Unspecific N/A DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support change of zone from RC to an unspecified zone- the property has been identified as No change No No and surrounding general land Waiuku CHANGE; SUPPORT being part of significant coastal environmental area. The RC zone recognises the significance of the area from Rural Coastal to an RETENTION OF coastal margin setback in maintaining the natural character of the coastal edge, providing a natural unspecific zone NOTIFIED ZONE buffer to coastal erosion and contributing to visual amenity values. The notified RC boundary in this area is consistent with the Auckland Council District Plan (Franklin Section) - Manukau Harbour Management Area. Retention of the RC zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the RC zone and gives effect to the RPS. 5923-1 Jann Hurley Rural (South) S16 Rezone the bulk of Pukekohe Pukekohe township - Mixed Housing Pukekohe - MHS SH N/A SUPPORT IN PART; A variety of residential zones is supported in order to gives effect to the RPS and the relevant zone Various Yes No township from Mixed Housing MHS, SH, MHU Urban/Mixed Housing whole town, PARTIAL CHANGE objectives. Pukekohe identified as a satellite with a population target of 50,000 by 2040. zones - as Suburban to Single house zone. Suburban/Single House unmapped notified, Expansion/Contraction Changes proposed as discussed elsewhere in this spreadsheet 5923-3 Jann Hurley Rural (South) S16 Limit intensification to the area Area within walking Mixed Housing Pukekohe - TC, MU, MHS, TC, MU, MHS, Pre-1944 BDC SUPPORT IN PART; A variety of residential zones is supported in order to gives effect to the RPS and the relevant zone Various - Yes No within walking distance of the distance of the Urban/Mixed Housing Town centre & MHU MHU PARTIAL CHANGE objectives . including Pukekohe town centre Pukekohe town centre Suburban/Single House surrounds THAB, MHU and the railway station. and the railway station Expansion/Contraction and MHS 5923-8 Jann Hurley Rural (South) S16 Provide clear boundaries for the Land on the boundary Business to other Pukekohe - LI LI N/A SUPPORT IN FULL; Support notified zones. Applying the proposed zones to sites in Pukekohe gives effect to the RPS No change No No Light Industrial zone around of the LI zone and Business Zone Manukau Road RETENTION OF and is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the zones. residential development in residential zones in (excludes mixed use industrial NOTIFIED ZONE Pukekohe. Pukekohe and centres zones) 5923-9 Jann Hurley Rural (South) S16 Rezone the land around the Land around Pukekohe Business to other Pukekohe - FU Unspecified - N/A DO NOT SUPPORT Support notified zone. The zones around the Pukekohe racecourse gives effect to the RPS and is the No change No No Pukekohe racecourse to racecourse Business Zone Manukau Road Commercial CHANGE; SUPPORT most appropriate way to achieve the zone objectives. Structure planning and a plan change will commercial or light industrial use. (excludes mixed use industrial RETENTION OF provide detail of future land use. and centres zones) NOTIFIED ZONE 5925-1 Robert Wallace Rural (South) S14 Rezone the land zoned Mixed Linwood Rd, Papakura Mixed Housing Kingseat and MHS MHU Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support change of zone from MHS to MHU - the property is not located on land surrounded by No change No No Housing Suburban within the (Lot 11 DP 158573) Urban/Mixed Housing Karaka constraints, Karaka CHANGE; SUPPORT town centre, a high density residential area or in close proximity to the RFN. Retention of notified Karaka North precinct to Mixed Suburban/Single House 2 precinct RETENTION OF MHS zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHU zone and gives effect to Housing Urban as shown in Map Expansion/Contraction NOTIFIED ZONE the RPS. 1, Appendix 3 on page 19/21 of the submission. 5925-2 Robert Wallace Rural (South) S14 Rezone Lots 6, 7, 8 and 13 Dyke Rd and Linwood Rural - other Coastal RC SH Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support change of zone from RC to SH - the property is located in proximity to the coast and No change No No DP158573 within the Karaka Rd, Papakura (Lots 6, constraints, Karaka CHANGE; SUPPORT contains significant coastal environment. The RC zone recognises the significance of the coastal North Village from Rural Coastal 7, 8 and 13 DP158573) 2 precinct RETENTION OF margin setback in maintaining the natural character of the coastal edge, providing a natural buffer to to Single House as shown in Map NOTIFIED ZONE coastal erosion and contributing to the visual amenity values. The notified RC boundary in this area 1, Appendix 3 on page 19/21 of is consistent with the Auckland Council District Plan (Franklin Section) - Manukau Harbour the submission. Management Area. Retention of notified RC zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the RC zone and gives effect to the RPS. 5941-2 Ann Geraldine Rural (South) S14 Rezone the sites on Linwood Area-wide - Kingseat Rural - Other Kingseat and MR RP Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support change of zone from MR to RP - the subject area includes a mixture of small to No change No No Hinkaka Road, including 1010 Linwood and Karaka Karaka constraints CHANGE; SUPPORT medium size rural lots which are able of providing opportunities for both more productive and retail Road, Papakura from Mixed Rural RETENTION OF service activities. The MR zone as notified provides for the opportunity for the to the current rural Zoning NOTIFIED ZONE establishment/retention small scale boutique type rural activities like homestay etc. Retention of the [inferred the Rural zone in the notified PAUP zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MR zone and, gives Operative Franklin District Plan] effect to B8.2 of the RPS by maintaining the site's capability, flexibility and accessibility for primary and prevent any further rezoning production. of this area until the effects of the Kingseat development on the existing community are known.

Page 17 RURAL Attachment 'C': Zoning Analysis and Position for each Submission Point Notes: The black text in the "summary" column of this Attachment is as notified. Occasional amendments have been made in red to take account of any re-notified SDR points and also for clarity, where necessary.

Auckland Unitary Plan Independent Hearings Panel Auckland Council Evidence Submission Point Pathway Report Analysis Planner's Position RELEVANT SUB PROPERTIES OVERLAYS, PLANNER'S PROPOSED SUB SUBMITTER AREA SUBJECT TO REQUESTED PRECINCTS AND PROPOSED ZONE GIS MAP POINT NAME TOPIC UNIT SUMMARY SUBMISSIONS SUBMISSION THEME LOCALITY PAUP ZONE ZONE CONSTRAINTS POSITION REASONS CHANGE CHANGE CONSEQUENTIAL AMENDMENT 6006-5 Pukekohe Rural (South) S16 Retain the Zoning within the inner The area in Pukekohe Centres/Terrace Pukekohe - TC TC Pre-1944 BDC; SUPPORT IN FULL; Support notified zone. Applying the TC zone gives effect to the RPS including the Centres No change No No Citizens and ring of commercial Pukekohe defined by Wesley Housing Apartment Town centre & Historic heritage RETENTION OF Strategy/Hierarchy and is the most appropriate way to achieve the zone objectives. The TC zone Ratepayers (defined by Wesley Street, Street, Massey Buildings (THAB)/Mixed surrounds extent of place NOTIFIED ZONE provides for a wide range of activities including commercial, leisure and civic activities. This will Association Massey Avenue, Stadium Drive Avenue, Stadium Drive Use enable the appropriate management of development within the town centre so that it contributes to and Tobin Street. and Tobin Street Expansion/Contraction the function and amenity of the centre 6067-1 Dennis Rural (South) S17 Rezone Awhitu to facilitate Awhitu Rural to Urban (not in or Awhitu MR and RC Unspecified N/A DO NOT SUPPORT Support retention of notified zones in Awhitu. Resource consents provide for some limited business No change No No Dominikovich developing the area for retirees close to the RUB) CHANGE; SUPPORT activities in the Rural zones. Retention of the existing zones achieves the objectives of the relevant with small cluster business zones RETENTION OF Rural zones and gives effect to the RPS. and homestays, retirement NOTIFIED ZONE villages etc. 6096-77 Bunnings Limited Rural (South) S15 Rezone the Mixed Housing 173, 177 and 179 Residential to other use Drury and MHS LI N/A DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support change from MHS to LI. It is noted that Bunnings operate a trade supply activity from No change No No (Attn: Bronwyn Suburban zoned portion of the Great South Rd, Opaheke CHANGE; SUPPORT this site. However, do not support the change from MHS zone to LI zone because spot zoning in this Carruthers) site at 173, 177 and 179 Great Takanini RETENTION OF location will not generally achieve integrated management of resources and does not recognise local South Road, Takanini, to Light NOTIFIED ZONE context. Retention of the MHS zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS Industry. zone and gives effect to the RPS. 6096-79 Bunnings Limited Rural (South) S16 Retain the Mixed Use Zoning at 105 Manukau Rd, Centres/Terrace Pukekohe - MU MU N/A SUPPORT IN FULL; Support notified zone. Applying the MU zone gives effect to the RPS and is the most appropriate way No change No No (Attn: Bronwyn 105 Manukau Road, Pukekohe. Pukekohe Housing Apartment Manukau Road RETENTION OF to achieve the MU zone objectives. The zoning will provide for a compatible mix of residential and Carruthers) Buildings (THAB)/Mixed industrial NOTIFIED ZONE employment activities on the periphery of the town centre. Use Expansion/Contraction 61-1 Joanne P Kenny Rural (South) S18 Rezone land on the eastern side Eastern side of Rural to Urban (not in or Brookby MR MHU Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support change from MR to MHU zone. The area does not meet the criteria for areas No change No No of Brookby Road, Manurewa from Brookby Rd close to the RUB) constraints, SEA, CHANGE; SUPPORT identified for urban expansion in RPS B2.1 Policy 1. In particular the change of zone to MHU does Mixed Rural to Mixed Housing NGC RETENTION OF not achieve a quality compact urban form and will result in spot zoning in this location. Retention of Urban. NOTIFIED ZONE the MR zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MR zone and gives effect to the RPS. 6120-1 Auckland Gliding Rural (South) S15 Seeks same Zoning as adjacent 264 Appleby Rd, Future Urban Zone (FU) Drury and FU FU Flooding SUPPORT IN FULL; Support retention of FU zone. The Auckland Gliding Club operates at 264 Appleby Road Drury, and No change No No Club Incorporated property. Submitter is a Gliding Drury and rezoning Opaheke constraints RETENTION OF sits within the notified RUB. FU is considered appropriate as detailed assessment of any constraints (Attn: David R club and requires a rural Zoning NOTIFIED ZONE needs to occur, and structure planning needs to be undertaken in accordance with RPS B2.3 before Moody) to carry out operations without an appropriate live zone can be determined. Retention of the FU zone is the most appropriate way to reserve sensitivity effects, achieve the objectives of the FU zone and gives effect to the RPS. however recognises the need for development and therefore if Zoning changes on adjacent sites, the club seeks to include the property in the rezoning at such time as the development impedes Club activities or reverse sensitivity issues arise. 6134-1 Craig Wallace Rural (South) S14 Rezone 65 Whangapouri Road 65 Whangapouri Rd Rural - Countryside Kingseat and MR CL N/A DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support change from MR to CL - the properties are located between the Karaka South Village No change No No and Lot 2 DP 464886 from Mixed and Lot 2 DP 464886 Living (CL) Karaka CHANGE; SUPPORT and Hingaia FU area. The area does not meet the criteria for areas identified for CL in the RPS B8.3 Rural to Countryside Living. RETENTION OF Rural Subdivision Policy 6. In particular the land is classified as Land Use Capability Class 2 land NOTIFIED ZONE (prime land). Retention of the MR zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MR zone and gives effect to the RPS.

6157-4 Christine E Rural (South) S16 Retain Mixed Housing zone on Sites on Edinburgh St - Mixed Housing Pukekohe - MHS and MHU MHS and MHU N/A DO NOT SUPPORT Support MU zoning rather than MHU. Provides for moderate to high intensity residential as well as MU Yes No Madsen Edinburgh Street, Pukekohe. Refer to submission Urban/Mixed Housing North CHANGE; SUPPORT employment opportunities. Zoning as proposed gives effect to the RPS, is the most appropriate way Suburban/Single House Pukekohe ALTERNATIVE ZONE to achieve with the objectives of the MU zone, and reflects context of this busy main road north to the Expansion/Contraction residential immediate north of the town centre. 6184-1 Peter Bosch and Rural (South) S18 Retain Single House zone for 94 94 Monument Rd, Combined rezoning and Clevedon SH SH Clevedon sub SUPPORT IN FULL; Support retention of the SH zone. Retention of the SH zone is the most appropriate way to achieve No change No No Jane Masters Monument Road, Clevedon. Clevedon precinct submissions Village Fringe precinct 1B RETENTION OF the objectives of the SH zone and gives effect to the RPS. The retention of the SH zone also NOTIFIED ZONE supports the outcomes of Plan Change 32 - Clevedon Village (Auckland Council District Plan - Manukau Section). 6191-2 Sarah Forsyth Rural (South) S18 Rezone 36, 38, 40 and 42 36, 38, 40 and 42 Combined rezoning and Clevedon SH NC Clevedon sub DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support change from SH to NC zone. Retention of the SH zone is the most appropriate way to No change No No Papakura-Clevedon Road as Papakura-Clevedon precinct submissions Village Fringe precinct 1A CHANGE; SUPPORT achieve the objectives of the SH zone and gives effect to the RPS. The retention of the SH zone also Neighbourhood Centre Rd, Clevedon RETENTION OF supports the outcomes of Plan Change 32 - Clevedon Village. NOTIFIED ZONE 6222-2 EA and JP Rural (South) S16 Retain zoning which protects the Properties around the Rural - other Pukekohe - RP RP N/A SUPPORT IN FULL; Subject to one amendment which proposes a reduction of the FU west of Buckland, support notified RP Yes No Nicholls and elite soils around the eastern side eastern side of Miscellaneous RETENTION OF zones. The notified RP zone gives effect to the RPS and the objectives of the zone. The notified Belmont Land of Pukekohe Hill, Pukekohe Pukekohe Hill, NOTIFIED ZONE zoning was developed to protect rural production and high quality soils whilst providing for future Owners and towards Buckland Pukekohe towards urban growth to enable Pukekohe to achieve 2040 targets for population and local employment. Makan Lala and Buckland Sons Limited 6229-2 John E Abbott Rural (South) S17 Rezone 74 Douglas Road Pollok, 74 Douglas Rd, Rural - Other Coastal RC Unspecific N/A DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support change of zone from RC to an unspecified zone- the property has been identified as No change No No and neighbouring property to the Waiuku CHANGE; SUPPORT being part of significant coastal environmental area. The RC zone recognises the significance of the north, from Rural Coastal to a RETENTION OF coastal margin setback in maintaining the natural character of the coastal edge, providing a natural zone not associated with the NOTIFIED ZONE buffer to coastal erosion and contributing to visual amenity values. The notified RC boundary in this coastal area. area is consistent with the Auckland Council District Plan (Franklin Section) - Manukau Harbour Management Area. Retention of the RC zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the RC zone and gives effect to the RPS. 6257-30 Rockgas Limited Rural (South) S14 Rezone 755 Linwood Road, 755 Linwood Rd, Business to other Kingseat and NC LI N/A DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support change from NC to LI - the NC zone is proposed to provide residents and passers-by No change No No (Attn: Rosemary Karaka from Neighbourhood Karaka Business Zone Karaka CHANGE; SUPPORT with locally required retail and commercial service needs. Use of the site for LI could result in the loss Dixon) Centre to Light Industry (excludes mixed use RETENTION OF of this local facility. Retention of notified NC zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the and centres zones) NOTIFIED ZONE objectives of the zone and gives effect to the RPS including the centres strategy/hierarchy. 6281-1 1 Wellington Rural (South) S16 Rezone 1 Wellington Street, 1 Wellington St, Residential to other use Pukekohe - MHS GB N/A SUPPORT IN FULL; Support submitter's proposed zone change. Applying the proposed GB zone to the site will gives GB Yes No Limited (Attn: Pukekohe from Mixed Housing Pukekohe Town centre & CHANGE OF ZONE effect to the RPS and is the most appropriate way to achieve the GB zone objectives. Notified zone John Gasson) Suburban to General Business or surrounds involves a possible mapping error. Long standing use of site for (general) business activities. Mixed Use Business. 6290-1 Valley Farms Rural (South) S16 Rezone 35 Grace James Road, 35 Grace James Rd, Combined rezoning and Pukekohe - MR and CL CL SEA DO NOT SUPPORT Support zone as notified. The notified zone gives effect to the RPS and is the most appropriate way No change No No (Attn: Craig Pukekohe from Mixed Rural and Pukekohe precinct submissions Grace James CHANGE; SUPPORT to achieve the objectives of the MR and CL zones. Whilst CL applies for eastern part of site, the bulk Forrester) Countryside Living to Countryside and north and RETENTION OF of subject site is in MR zone. Recently settled Plan Change 14 to the Auckland Council District Plan: Living. countryside NOTIFIED ZONE Franklin section established the Runciman CL area and defined the rural edge. The current zoning is living in line with PC14. 6299-1 34 Franklin Rural (South) S16 Retain the Mixed Use Business 34 Franklin Rd, Centres/Terrace Pukekohe - MU MU N/A SUPPORT IN FULL; Support notified zone. Applying the MU zone to the site is the most appropriate way to achieve the No change No No Limited (Attn: Zoning for 34 Franklin Road, Pukekohe Housing Apartment Town centre & RETENTION OF zone objectives. The zoning will provide for a compatible mix of residential and employment activities John Gasson) Pukekohe Buildings (THAB)/Mixed surrounds NOTIFIED ZONE on the periphery of the town centre and gives effect to the RPS. Use Expansion/Contraction

Page 18 RURAL Attachment 'C': Zoning Analysis and Position for each Submission Point Notes: The black text in the "summary" column of this Attachment is as notified. Occasional amendments have been made in red to take account of any re-notified SDR points and also for clarity, where necessary.

Auckland Unitary Plan Independent Hearings Panel Auckland Council Evidence Submission Point Pathway Report Analysis Planner's Position RELEVANT SUB PROPERTIES OVERLAYS, PLANNER'S PROPOSED SUB SUBMITTER AREA SUBJECT TO REQUESTED PRECINCTS AND PROPOSED ZONE GIS MAP POINT NAME TOPIC UNIT SUMMARY SUBMISSIONS SUBMISSION THEME LOCALITY PAUP ZONE ZONE CONSTRAINTS POSITION REASONS CHANGE CHANGE CONSEQUENTIAL AMENDMENT 6321-5 Grant B Matheson Rural (South) S15 Retain growth area around Area around Paparimu Rural and Coastal Paparimu RCS Unspecified N/A SUPPORT IN FULL; Support retention of notified zone. This undeveloped area around Paparimu School of RCS is less No change No No Paparimu School. School Settlement zone RETENTION OF than 1ha and is between two areas of developed RCS. Retaining the RCS zoning is the most NOTIFIED ZONE appropriate way to ahchieve the objectives of the RCS zone and gives effect to the rural and coastal towns and villages objectives and policies of the RPS. 6323-2 Kana Holdings Rural (South) S16 Rezone 204, 220 and 222 204, 220 and 222 Combined rezoning and Pukekohe - SH SH Pukekohe Hill DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support proposed zone change. The notified zoning is the most appropriate way to achieve No change No No (1963) Limited Kitchener Road, Pukekohe to Kitchener Rd, precinct submissions Pukekohe Hill Precinct CHANGE; SUPPORT the SH zone objectives and the relevant objectives of the Pukekohe Hill precinct. It is also consistent Single House. Pukekohe RETENTION OF with the North Pukekohe Hill structure plan (NPHSP) issues and objectives in the Auckland Council NOTIFIED ZONE District Plan: Franklin section. The NPHSP provisions were settled in 2008 following Environment Court and High Court decisions. The change sought is not in line with the Pukekohe Hill precinct's objectives which are based on the NPHSP provisions. The precinct objectives seek to enable development which complements and integrates with the area's rural landscape character, protecting the heritage and amenity values of the hill's northern slopes from inappropriate development by restricting site size to minimise the effects of development on the open landscape character of the middle and upper slopes through graduating the intensity of development up the hill from the more suburban residential development below. 6328-1 M and B Chhagan Rural (South) S16 Rezone 1 Grace James Road, 1 Grace James Rd, Mixed Housing Pukekohe - CL SH N/A DO NOT SUPPORT Support notified zone. Retaining the CL zone to the site gives effect to the RPS and is the most No change No No Pukekohe from Large Lot Pukekohe Urban/Mixed Housing Grace James CHANGE; SUPPORT appropriate way to achieve the CL zone's objectives and is consistent with local context. Residential to Single House. Suburban/Single House and north and RETENTION OF Expansion/Contraction countryside NOTIFIED ZONE living 6332-1 Tui Glen Rural (South) S16 Rezone 190 Jutland Road, 190 Jutland Rd, Future Urban Zone (FU) Pukekohe - FU MHS SEA SUPPORT IN FULL; Support the rezoning proposed for the submitter's land south of Rifle Range Rd within Special MHS Yes No Nurseries (Attn: Pukekohe from Future Urban to Pukekohe and rezoning Belmont CHANGE OF ZONE Housing Area. Existing site uses - dwellings and intensive horticulture. There is an SEA and steeper Dan Madsen) Mixed Housing Suburban. terrain affects part of the site but the site within Belmont SHA area. The zoning proposed is the appropriate way to achieve the MHS zone's objectives, and gives effect to the RPS. 6340-1 N Wallabh and Rural (South) S15 Rezone 178 Portsmouth Road, 178 Portsmouth Rd, Rural - Countryside Bombay RP CL N/A DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support change to CL. The site does not meet criteria in RPS B8.3 Rural Subdivision Policy 6. No change No No Sons (Attn: Dan Bombay from Rural Production to Bombay Living (CL) CHANGE; SUPPORT In particular, the area is Land Use Capability Class 2 land (prime land). Rezoning would therefore not Madsen) Countryside Living. RETENTION OF gives effect to the RPS. Retention of the zone is the most appropriate way to gives effect to the RP NOTIFIED ZONE zone objectives and to gives effect to the RPS. 6342-1 T and K Whitton Rural (south) S16 Rezone 36 Jellicoe Road, 36 Jellicoe Rd, Combined rezoning and Pukekohe - LL SH Pukekohe Hill DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support proposed zone change. The notified zoning is the most appropriate way to achieve No change No No Pukekohe from Large Lot Pukekohe precinct submissions Pukekohe Hill Precinct CHANGE; SUPPORT the LL zone objectives and the relevant objectives of the Pukekohe Hill precinct. It is also consistent Residential to a more intensive RETENTION OF with the North Pukekohe Hill structure plan (NPHSP) issues and objectives in the Auckland Council residential zone. NOTIFIED ZONE District Plan: Franklin section. The NPHSP provisions were settled in 2008 following Environment Court and High Court decisions. The change sought is not in line with the Pukekohe Hill precinct's objectives which are based on the NPHSP provisions. The precinct objectives seek to enable development which complements and integrates with the area's rural landscape character, protecting the heritage and amenity values of the hill's northern slopes from inappropriate development by restricting site size to minimise the effects of development on the open landscape character of the middle and upper slopes through graduating the intensity of development up the hill from the more suburban residential development below. 6346-1 Mohan Parsot Rural (South) S16 Rezone 253 Kitchener Road, 253 Kitchener Rd, Combined rezoning and Pukekohe - SH SH Pukekohe Hill DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support proposed zone change. The notified zoning is the most appropriate way to achieve No change No No Pukekohe from Pukekohe Hill Sub- Pukekohe precinct submissions Pukekohe Hill Precinct CHANGE; SUPPORT the SH zone objectives and the relevant objectives of the Pukekohe Hill precinct. It is also consistent Precinct A to Single House. RETENTION OF with the North Pukekohe Hill structure plan (NPHSP) issues and objectives in the Auckland Council NOTIFIED ZONE District Plan: Franklin section. The NPHSP provisions were settled in 2008 following Environment Court and High Court decisions. The change sought is not in line with the Pukekohe Hill precinct's objectives which are based on the NPHSP provisions. The precinct objectives seek to enable development which complements and integrates with the area's rural landscape character, protecting the heritage and amenity values of the hill's northern slopes from inappropriate development by restricting site size to minimise the effects of development on the open landscape character of the middle and upper slopes through graduating the intensity of development up the hill from the more suburban residential development below. 6350-2 Linda M and Rural (South) S16 Rezone 63 Anzac Road, 63 Anzac Rd, Combined rezoning and Pukekohe - LL SH Pukekohe Hill DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support proposed zone change. The notified zoning is the most appropriate way to achieve No change No No Stewart D Sloane Pukekohe to Single House. Pukekohe precinct submissions Pukekohe Hill Precinct CHANGE; SUPPORT the LL zone objectives and the relevant objectives of the Pukekohe Hill precinct. It is also consistent and Lee A RETENTION OF with the North Pukekohe Hill structure plan (NPHSP) issues and objectives in the Auckland Council Cochrane NOTIFIED ZONE District Plan: Franklin section. The NPHSP provisions were settled in 2008 following Environment Court and High Court decisions. The change sought is not in line with the Pukekohe Hill precinct's objectives which are based on the NPHSP provisions. The precinct objectives seek to enable development which complements and integrates with the area's rural landscape character, protecting the heritage and amenity values of the hill's northern slopes from inappropriate development by restricting site size to minimise the effects of development on the open landscape character of the middle and upper slopes through graduating the intensity of development up the hill from the more suburban residential development below. 6353-3 The A W Rural (South) S16 Rezone the area of land bounded the area of land Combined rezoning and Pukekohe - LL SH Pukekohe Hill DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support proposed zone change. The notified zoning is the most appropriate way to achieve No change No No McGough Family by Anzac Road, Jellicoe Road, bounded by Anzac Rd, precinct submissions Pukekohe Hill Precinct CHANGE; SUPPORT the LL zone objectives and the relevant objectives of the Pukekohe Hill precinct. It is also consistent Trust (Attn: Alan Calcutta Road and north to Flynn Jellicoe Rd, Calcutta RETENTION OF with the North Pukekohe Hill structure plan (NPHSP) issues and objectives in the Auckland Council W McGough) Road to Single house with an Rd and north to Flynn NOTIFIED ZONE District Plan: Franklin section. The NPHSP provisions were settled in 2008 following Environment average lot size of 1000m2. Rd Court and High Court decisions. The change sought is not in line with the Pukekohe Hill precinct's objectives which are based on the NPHSP provisions. The precinct objectives seek to enable development which complements and integrates with the area's rural landscape character, protecting the heritage and amenity values of the hill's northern slopes from inappropriate development by restricting site size to minimise the effects of development on the open landscape character of the middle and upper slopes through graduating the intensity of development up the hill from the more suburban residential development below.

Page 19 RURAL Attachment 'C': Zoning Analysis and Position for each Submission Point Notes: The black text in the "summary" column of this Attachment is as notified. Occasional amendments have been made in red to take account of any re-notified SDR points and also for clarity, where necessary.

Auckland Unitary Plan Independent Hearings Panel Auckland Council Evidence Submission Point Pathway Report Analysis Planner's Position RELEVANT SUB PROPERTIES OVERLAYS, PLANNER'S PROPOSED SUB SUBMITTER AREA SUBJECT TO REQUESTED PRECINCTS AND PROPOSED ZONE GIS MAP POINT NAME TOPIC UNIT SUMMARY SUBMISSIONS SUBMISSION THEME LOCALITY PAUP ZONE ZONE CONSTRAINTS POSITION REASONS CHANGE CHANGE CONSEQUENTIAL AMENDMENT 6410-19 John E Sexton Rural (South) S14 and Rezone sites affected by decision Area-wide (81, 181, Errors Coastal RC RC and other N/A SUPPORT IN FULL; Support zoning boundary amendment - There are errors in the mapping of the coastal zone in the RC and other Yes No S17 of [Franklin] Plan Change 14 so 207 Kohekohe Rural zone CHANGE OF ZONE PAUP compared to the Auckland Council District Plan (Franklin Section). The intention for RC zone Rural zone that extent of Rural Coastal zone Karioitahi Rd; in Franklin is to replicate the line agreed through the operative plan. The proposed change is the is the same as decided in Plan Boundary Rd (ALL D P most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the RC zone and gives effect to the RPS. Change 14. 13654 BLK XI AWHITU S D BLKS I II MAIORO S D PT ALLOT 406 143A 146); Capes Rd (Lot 5 DP 414771); Manukau Heads Rd (Allotment 284 Parish of Awhitu); 284 Orua Bay Rd; Big Bay Rd (LOT 2 DP 427776 LOT 3 DP 25574 LOT 11 DP 336027); 30 Hudson Rd; 403 Grahams Beach Rd; 246 Clarks Beach Rd; 115 Saddleton Rd; 83 Percy Millen Dr; 73 Waiau Pa Rd; 105 6465-1 Karaka Farms Rural (South) S14 Rezone the parts of 55 Harkness 55 Harkness Rd Rural - other Coastal MR and RC MR Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support change of zone from RC and MR to MR - the property is located in close proximity to No change No No Limited (Attn: Jo Road, Karaka, that are zoned constraints CHANGE; SUPPORT the coast and contains significant coastal environment. The RC zone recognises the significance of Young) Rural Coastal zone to the Mixed RETENTION OF the coastal margin setback in maintaining the natural character of the coastal edge, providing a Rural zone. NOTIFIED ZONE natural buffer to coastal erosion and contributing to visual amenity values. The notified RC boundary in this area is consistent with the Auckland Council District Plan (Franklin Section) - Manukau Harbour Management Area. Retention of notified RC zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the zone and gives effect to the RPS. 6523-66 Federated Rural (South) S14 and Amend the Rural Coastal zone in Area-wide (81, 181, Errors Coastal RC RC and other N/A SUPPORT IN FULL; Support zoning boundary amendment - There are errors in the mapping of the coastal zone in the RC and other Yes No Farmers of New S17 the former Franklin District to 207 Kohekohe Rural zone CHANGE OF ZONE PAUP compared to the Auckland Council District Plan (Franklin Section). The intention for RC zone Rural zone Zealand reflect the zone boundaries Karioitahi Rd; in Franklin is to replicate the line agreed through the operative plan. The proposed change is the agreed as part of the Franklin Boundary Rd (ALL D P most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the RC zone and gives effect to the RPS. Plan Change 14 process. 13654 BLK XI AWHITU S D BLKS I II MAIORO S D PT ALLOT 406 143A 146); Capes Rd (Lot 5 DP 414771); Manukau Heads Rd (Allotment 284 Parish of Awhitu); 284 Orua Bay Rd; Big Bay Rd (LOT 2 DP 427776 LOT 3 DP 25574 LOT 11 DP 336027); 30 Hudson Rd; 403 Grahams Beach Rd; 246 Clarks Beach Rd; 115 Saddleton Rd; 83 Percy Millen Dr; 73 Waiau Pa Rd; 105 6566-3 Glenn W Rural (South) S14 Enable commercial activities in Te 751 and 753 Linwood Rural and Coastal Kingseat and RCS NC N/A DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support change from RCS to NC - the properties are located next to an existing small corner No change No No Archibald Hihi to increase and allow Rd; 518 and 514 Batty Settlement zone Karaka CHANGE; SUPPORT store which provides residents and passers-by with locally required retail and commercial service expansion around existing site. Rd RETENTION OF needs. The development of a larger NC is not considered to be necessary in such remote location NOTIFIED ZONE where there is also a lack of infrastructure provision. Retention of notified RCS zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the zone and gives effect to the RPS. 6618-10 Pine Grove Farms Rural (South) S18 Retain Single House and 190 Papakura- Combined rezoning and Clevedon SH and CL SH and CL Flooding SUPPORT IN PART; Support retention of the SH and CL zones. Retention of the SH zone and a partial rezoning from MR No change No No (Attn: Lara Countryside Living Zoning for the Clevedon Rd, precinct submissions Village Fringe constraints, NGC, PARTIAL CHANGE to CL is supported and is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the SH and CL Clarke) extent of 190 Papakura-Clevedon Clevedon Clevedon sub zones and gives effect to the RPS. The change also supports the outcomes of Plan Change 32 - Road, Clevedon zoned as Single precinct 1B and 3 Clevedon Village (Auckland Council District Plan - Manukau Section). House and Countryside Living 6618-11 Pine Grove Farms Rural (South) S18 Rezone the portion of 190 190 Papakura- Combined rezoning and Clevedon MR CL Flooding SUPPORT IN PART; The request to rezone the site from MR to CL is partially supported. The application of the CL zone to CL Yes No (Attn: Lara Papakura-Clevedon Road, Clevedon Rd, precinct submissions Village Fringe constraints, NGC, PARTIAL CHANGE parts of the site reflects the outcomes of Plan Change 32 - Clevedon Village (Auckland Council Clarke) Clevedon zoned Mixed Rural to Clevedon Clevedon sub District Plan - Manukau Section). The remaining parts of the site does not meet the criteria for areas Countryside Living precinct 3 identified for Countryside Living in RPS B8.3 Rural Subdivision Policy 6. In particular the land is classified as prime land and would result in CL expansion not anticipated by and not consistent with Plan Change 32. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MR and CL zones and gives effect to the RPS. 6618-9 Pine Grove Farms Rural (South) S18 Retain the Countryside Living 195 Monument Rd, Combined rezoning and Clevedon CL CL Flooding SUPPORT IN FULL; Support retention of the CL zone. Retention of the CL zone is the most appropriate way to achieve No change No No (Attn: Lara Zoning of 195 Monument Road, Clevedon precinct submissions Village Fringe constraints, NGC, RETENTION OF the objectives of the CL zone and gives effect to the RPS. The retention of the CL zone also supports Clarke) Clevedon Clevedon sub NOTIFIED ZONE the outcomes of Plan Change 32 - Clevedon Village (Auckland Council District Plan - Manukau precinct 3 Section). 6619-10 Evans Family Rural (South) S18 Retain the Mixed Rural Zoning of 267 Brookby Rd, Rural - Other Brookby MR MR Flooding SUPPORT IN FULL; Support retention of the MR zone. MR is appropriate in the local context. Retention of the MR zone is No change No No Trust (Attn: Lara 267 Brookby Rd, Brookby and 140 Brookby and 140 constraints, SEA, RETENTION OF the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MR zone and gives effect to the RPS. Clarke) Clevedon-Takanini Road, Clevedon-Takanini Rd, NGC NOTIFIED ZONE Clevedon Clevedon 6644-1 Roger McGarry Rural (South) S17 Rezone Lot 6 12009 BLK XIV Lot 6 12009 BLK XIV Rural and Coastal Awhitu RC RCS N/A SUPPORT IN FULL; Support request to rezone from RC to RCS. The land is already subdivided to below minimum lot size RCS Yes No Titirangi S D, Orpheus Road, Titirangi S D Settlement zone CHANGE OF ZONE for RCS and is adjacent to existing RCS. Both RC and RCS rules provide for one dwelling per Orua Bay from Rural Coastal to property. The only difference is the yard and height controls - which will provide flexibility for any Rural and Coastal Settlement. future redevelopment of the existing dwellings on the sites. Rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the RCS zone and gives effect to the RPS. 6644-2 Roger McGarry Rural (South) S17 Rezone all properties on the Properties on the south Rural and Coastal Awhitu RC RCS N/A SUPPORT IN FULL; Support request to rezone from RC to RCS. The land is already subdivided to below minimum lot size RCS Yes No south side of the seaward end of side of the seaward Settlement zone CHANGE OF ZONE for RCS and is adjacent to existing RCS. Both RC and RCS rules provide for one dwelling per Orpheus Road, Waiuku to Rural end of Orpheus Rd, property. The only difference is the yard and height controls - which will provide flexibility for any and Coastal Settlement. Orua Bay future redevelopment of the existing dwellings on the sites. Rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the RCS zone and gives effect to the RPS.

Page 20 RURAL Attachment 'C': Zoning Analysis and Position for each Submission Point Notes: The black text in the "summary" column of this Attachment is as notified. Occasional amendments have been made in red to take account of any re-notified SDR points and also for clarity, where necessary.

Auckland Unitary Plan Independent Hearings Panel Auckland Council Evidence Submission Point Pathway Report Analysis Planner's Position RELEVANT SUB PROPERTIES OVERLAYS, PLANNER'S PROPOSED SUB SUBMITTER AREA SUBJECT TO REQUESTED PRECINCTS AND PROPOSED ZONE GIS MAP POINT NAME TOPIC UNIT SUMMARY SUBMISSIONS SUBMISSION THEME LOCALITY PAUP ZONE ZONE CONSTRAINTS POSITION REASONS CHANGE CHANGE CONSEQUENTIAL AMENDMENT 6650-218 Summerset Group Rural (South) S14 53, 59 and 65 Pararekau Road, Rezone 53, 59 and 65 Future Urban Zone (FU) Hingaia and the FU THAB Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support change of zone from FU to THAB. No rezoning of the FU is proposed because No change No No Holdings Limited Hingaia Pararekau Rd, and rezoning islands constraints CHANGE; SUPPORT detailed assessment of any constraints needs to occur, and structure planning needs to be (Attn: Laura Hingaia, from Future RETENTION OF undertaken in accordance with RPS B2.3 before an appropriate live zone can be determined for this Swan) Urban to Terrace NOTIFIED ZONE land within the FU zone. It is noted that this land is included within the Hingaia Special Housing Housing and Area. A variation to the PAUP under the Housing Accords and Special Areas Act 2013 has been Apartment Buildings. applied for and a hearing was held in 2015. A decision is pending at time of evidence preparation. Retention of the FU zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the FU zone and gives effect to the RPS. 6650-4 Summerset Group Rural (South) S14 Rezone 67 Hingaia Road, 67 Hingaia Rd, Centres/Terrace Hingaia and the SH THAB Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support change of zone from SH to THAB. Resource consent has been obtained for a No change No No Holdings Limited Hingaia, from Single House to Hingaia Housing Apartment islands constraints CHANGE; SUPPORT retirement village which is being constructed on this land, and it is considered that change of zone to (Attn: Laura Terrace Housing and Apartment Buildings (THAB)/Mixed RETENTION OF create additional development potential is unnecessary. Retention of the notified zone is the most Swan) Buildings zone. Use NOTIFIED ZONE appropriate way to achieve the objectives and policies of the SH zone and gives effect to the RPS. Expansion/Contraction 6739-1 Fernando and Jill Rural (South) S15 Rezone 134 Runciman Road, 134 Runciman Rd Rural - Countryside Runciman and MR CL N/A DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support change from MR to CL - the property has land area of 1.189ha. The area does not No change No No Sousa Pukekohe from Mixed Rural to Living (CL) Ramarama CHANGE; SUPPORT meet the criteria for areas identified for CL in the RPS B8.3 Rural Subdivision Policy 6. In particular Countryside Living. RETENTION OF the land is classified as Land Use Capability Class 2 land (prime land). Retention of the MR zone is NOTIFIED ZONE the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MR zone and gives effect to the RPS.

6871-3 Karl Schweder Rural (South) S16 Rezone the land in Pukekohe Hill Sub-precinct B land Combined rezoning and Pukekohe - LL SH Pukekohe Hill DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support proposed zone change. The notified zoning is the most appropriate way to achieve No change No No Sub-precinct B Bounded by Anzac bounded by Anzac Rd, precinct submissions Pukekohe Hill Precinct CHANGE; SUPPORT the LL zone objectives and the relevant objectives of the Pukekohe Hill precinct. It is also consistent Road, Jellicoe Road, Calcutta Jellicoe Rd, Calcutta RETENTION OF with the North Pukekohe Hill structure plan (NPHSP) issues and objectives in the Auckland Council Road, Blake Road and Kitchener Rd, Blake Rd and NOTIFIED ZONE District Plan: Franklin section. The NPHSP provisions were settled in 2008 following Environment Road, and in particular Lot 2 DP Kitchener Rd, and in Court and High Court decisions. The change sought is not in line with the Pukekohe Hill precinct's 87104 (149 Anzac Rd) from Large particular Lot 2 DP objectives which are based on the NPHSP provisions. The precinct objectives seek to enable Lot to Single House. 87104 (149 Anzac Rd) development which complements and integrates with the area's rural landscape character, protecting the heritage and amenity values of the hill's northern slopes from inappropriate development by restricting site size to minimise the effects of development on the open landscape character of the middle and upper slopes through graduating the intensity of development up the hill from the more suburban residential development below. 6874-2 Flynn Bros Rural (South) S16 Rezone sub-precinct B of the Sub-precinct B Combined rezoning and Pukekohe - LL SH Pukekohe Hill DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support proposed zone change. The notified zoning is the most appropriate way to achieve No change No No Limited (Attn: Pukekohe Hill precinct from Large Bounded by Anzac Rd, precinct submissions Pukekohe Hill Precinct CHANGE; SUPPORT the LL zone objectives and the relevant objectives of the Pukekohe Hill precinct. It is also consistent Patrick G Flynn) Lot to Single House. Jellicoe Rd, Calcutta RETENTION OF with the North Pukekohe Hill structure plan (NPHSP) issues and objectives in the Auckland Council Rd, Blake Rd and NOTIFIED ZONE District Plan: Franklin section. The NPHSP provisions were settled in 2008 following Environment Kitchener Rd Court and High Court decisions. The change sought is not in line with the Pukekohe Hill precinct's objectives which are based on the NPHSP provisions. The precinct objectives seek to enable development which complements and integrates with the area's rural landscape character, protecting the heritage and amenity values of the hill's northern slopes from inappropriate development by restricting site size to minimise the effects of development on the open landscape character of the middle and upper slopes through graduating the intensity of development up the hill from the more suburban residential development below. 6890-1 Stuart G Searle Rural (South) S15 Rezone the Runciman area from Area-wide - Runciman Rural - Other Runciman and CL Unspecified - Flooding SUPPORT IN FULL; Support retention of the notified CL at this area. CL has been recognised as an appropriate type of No change No No Countryside Living to a rural and Ramarama Ramarama rural residential constraints, SEA, RETENTION OF rural residential activity in this location via a recent Environment Court consent order on appeals to residential zone. NGC NOTIFIED ZONE Plan Change 14 to the Auckland Council District Plan (Franklin Section). Retention of notified CL zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the zone and gives effect to the RPS.

6914-1 Timothy M Wood Rural (South) S15 Rezone 1359 Great South Road, Area-wide - Runciman Rural - Countryside Runciman and MR LL or CL Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support change from MR to LL or CL - growth opportunities are limited in this area due to the No change No No Ramarama, and the corner of and Ramarama Living (CL) Ramarama constraints, SEA CHANGE; SUPPORT land being recognised as part of an SEA. The area also does not meet the criteria for areas identified Great South Road and Ararium, RETENTION OF for CL in the RPS B8.3 Rural Subdivision Policy 6. In particular the land is classified as Land Use Ramarama from Mixed Rural to NOTIFIED ZONE Capability Class 2 land (prime land). Retention of the MR zone is the most appropriate way to Large Lot Residential or achieve the objectives of the MR zone and gives effect to the RPS. Countryside Living 6924-1 Forsyth Family Rural (South) S18 Rezone 1 West Road, Clevedon 1 West Rd, Clevedon Rural Urban Boundary Clevedon MR CL Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support change from MR to CL zone. The site does not meet the criteria for areas identified No change No No Trust (Attn: from Rural Production to (RUB) and rezoning Village Fringe constraints, NGC CHANGE; SUPPORT for Countryside Living in RPS B8.3 Rural Subdivision Policy 6. In particular the land is predominantly Martyn and Sarah Countryside Living Zone RETENTION OF classified as Land Use Capability Class 2 land (prime land) and is located within close proximity to Forsyth) NOTIFIED ZONE Plan Change 32 - Clevedon Village (Auckland Council District Plan - Manukau Section) and would result in CL expansion not anticipated by and not consistent with Plan Change 32. Retention of the MR zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MR zone and gives effect to the RPS. 7098-2 David Madsen Rural (South) S16 Rezone Pukekohe central area as Large residential area Centres/Terrace Pukekohe - MHS THAB N/A SUPPORT IN PART; Support the change of zone proposed by the submitter in part. Applying THAB zoning close to town THAB and Yes No identified in appendix to around periphery of Housing Apartment Town centre & PARTIAL CHANGE centre and railway station gives effect to the RPS and is the most appropriate way to achieve the MU submission, particularly town centre described Buildings (THAB)/Mixed surrounds THAB zone objectives. The zone allows terraced housing and apartment residential living around Edinburgh St to Mixed Use and visually by way of an Use town centres, enables efficient use of land and infrastructure and the opportunity to achieve quality Terrace Housing and Apartment annotated map Expansion/Contraction compact residential development within walkable distance of the town centre. A limited extent of Buildings. Amend height limit for attached to the THAB rezoning is proposed for Pukekohe - with three areas being proposed. The first is to the this Terrace Housing and submission - northwest of Victoria Street around Seddon and Dublin Streets and on the southern side of Kennelly Apartment Buildings rezoning to 3 comprising (clockwise Crescent as well as an area between Victoria and West Street, east of Coronation Ave. A second stories. from the north/railway area is proposed for part of the block bounded by Harris, Roulston and Graham Streets. The third line): Hamilton Pl, area is to the east of the railway line (and Ecolight Stadium) involving a number of sites fronting Edinburgh St, Blair Station Road between East Street and Birch Road together with a number of sites on the northern Ave, Seddon St, side of East Street and the western side of Prospect Tce. MHU zoning is also proposed for Matatea Victoria St, Coronation Ave properties and for a number of properties on the eastern side of Prospect Tce as well as a few Ave, West St, Fausett sites in The Glade South in order to facilitate a higher level of intensification, given the proximity to Ave. Also Prospect the town centre/railway station. Mixed Use zoning is also proposed to the north of the town centre, Tce, The Glade South, south of Albert Street, bounded by Seddon and Edinburgh Streets as well as a number of sites Matatea Ave, Carlton fronting Edinburgh Street as far as Blair Ave to the west and Hall Street to the east in order to Rd, Birch Rd provide for growth.

Page 21 RURAL Attachment 'C': Zoning Analysis and Position for each Submission Point Notes: The black text in the "summary" column of this Attachment is as notified. Occasional amendments have been made in red to take account of any re-notified SDR points and also for clarity, where necessary.

Auckland Unitary Plan Independent Hearings Panel Auckland Council Evidence Submission Point Pathway Report Analysis Planner's Position RELEVANT SUB PROPERTIES OVERLAYS, PLANNER'S PROPOSED SUB SUBMITTER AREA SUBJECT TO REQUESTED PRECINCTS AND PROPOSED ZONE GIS MAP POINT NAME TOPIC UNIT SUMMARY SUBMISSIONS SUBMISSION THEME LOCALITY PAUP ZONE ZONE CONSTRAINTS POSITION REASONS CHANGE CHANGE CONSEQUENTIAL AMENDMENT 7098-3 David Madsen Rural (South) S16 Rezone housing within 500m of Residential zones Any residential Pukekohe - TC, MU, MHS, THAB N/A SUPPORT IN PART; Support the change of zone proposed by the submitter in part. Applying THAB zoning close to town THAB and Yes No train stations, particularly in within 500m of train properties subject to a Town centre & MHU PARTIAL CHANGE centre and railway station gives effect to the RPS and is the most appropriate way to achieve the MHU relation to Pukekohe to Terrace station key overlay surrounds THAB zone objectives. The zone allows terraced housing and apartment residential living around Housing and Apartment Buildings. town centres, enables efficient use of land and infrastructure and the opportunity to achieve quality Refer to map attached to compact residential development within walkable distance of the town centre. A limited extent of submission for rezoning around THAB rezoning is proposed for Pukekohe - with three areas being proposed. The first is to the Pukekohe train station. northwest of Victoria Street around Seddon and Dublin Streets and on the southern side of Kennelly Crescent as well as an area between Victoria and West Street, east of Coronation Ave. A second area is proposed for part of the block bounded by Harris, Roulston and Graham Streets. The third area is to the east of the railway line (and Ecolight Stadium) involving a number of sites fronting Station Road between East Street and Birch Road together with a number of sites on the northern side of East Street and the western side of Prospect Tce. MHU zoning is also proposed for Matatea Ave properties and for a number of properties on the eastern side of Prospect Tce as well as a few sites in The Glade South in order to facilitate a higher level of intensification, given the proximity to the town centre/railway station. Mixed Use zoning is also proposed to the north of the town centre, south of Albert Street, bounded by Seddon and Edinburgh Streets as well as a number of sites fronting Edinburgh Street as far as Blair Ave to the west and Hall Street to the east in order to provide for growth. Refer to the Attachment E maps for detail. 7121-1 Spinnaker Bay Rural (South) S18 Retain underlying Zoning of Spinnaker Bay area Combined rezoning and Beachlands SH SH Flooding SUPPORT IN FULL; Support retention of the SH zone. The retention of the SH zone supports the outcomes of Plan No change No No Limited (Attn: Kelly's Cove precinct, precinct submissions constraints and RETENTION OF Change 17 - Kellys Cove (Auckland Council District Plan - Manukau Section). Retention of the SH David Hay) Beachlands, as Single House. Kelly's Cove NOTIFIED ZONE zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the SH zone and gives effect to the precinct RPS. 7121-4 Spinnaker Bay Rural (South) S18 Rezone area south of Maraetai Various sites south of Rural Urban Boundary Whitford MR CL Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support change from MR to CL zone. The area does not meet the criteria for areas identified No change No No Limited (Attn: School Rd, Maraetai, (and in Maraetai (Part Te (RUB) and rezoning constraints, SEA CHANGE; SUPPORT for Countryside Living in RPS B8.3 Rural Subdivision Policy 6. In particular, the rezoning request David Hay) particular lots Part Te Ruangaingai 2 Block, RETENTION OF may compromise the stage 4 (RUB) wider analysis for Maraetai and the potential expansion of this Ruangaingai 2 Block, Lot 2 DP Lot 2 DP 211627 and NOTIFIED ZONE settlement. Retention of the MR zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MR 211627 and Part Waihohonu) Part Waihohonu) zone and gives effect to the RPS. from Mixed Rural, to Countryside Living. See map on p 13/13 of submission for details. [see also submission point 3]. Appears to be missing submission point 3. 7124-34 The Marion Ross Rural (South) S18 Rezone part of the site at 3 3 Maraetai Coast Rd, Rural Urban Boundary Maraetai MR and RC SH Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support change from MR and RC to SH. There is currently no RUB around Maraetai. The No change No No Memorial Trust Maraetai Coast Rd, Clevedon, Clevedon (RUB) and rezoning constraints, SEA CHANGE; SUPPORT urban expansion of this site was considered under the provisions of B2.5 of the RPS in the Councils Board (Attn: from Rural Coastal and Mixed RETENTION OF evidence for Topic 017 RUB South and not supported. It is acknowledge that that area proposed for David Hay) Rural to Single House. See map NOTIFIED ZONE rezoning is not affected by any major constraints and is contiguous with the existing urban zone. on p 14/14 for details. However zone change may also pre-empt stage 4 (RUB) wider analysis for the area south of the existing urban limit of Maraetai and the potential expansion of this settlement. Retention of the MR and RC zones is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MR and RC zones and gives effect to the RPS. 7135-1 Potts Road Trust Rural (South) S18 Retain the Countryside Living Potts Rd and Clifton Rural - Countryside Whitford CL CL Flooding SUPPORT IN FULL; Support retention of the CL zone. Retention of the CL zone is the most appropriate way to achieve No change No No and Clifton zone on land between Potts Rd Rd, Whitford Living (CL) constraints RETENTION OF the objectives of the CL zone and gives effect to the RPS. Holdings and The and Clifton Rd, Whitford. See p NOTIFIED ZONE Ayrlies Gardens 4/19 of submission for site and Wetlands descriptions and p 18/19 for a Charitable Trust) map of the area. 7255-1 Richard Ma Rural (South) S15 Rezone land at Bremner Road, Area wide - Drury Centres/Terrace Drury and FU LC, THAB, Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support change of zone from FU to LC, THAB, MHS and POS. Whilst the submitter seeks to No change No No Drury ( see map page 6/12 of the Housing Apartment Opaheke MHS and POS constraints CHANGE; SUPPORT proceed straight to live zoning, the subject area is now part of an SHA. A variation to the PAUP under submission) as Local Centre, Buildings (THAB)/Mixed RETENTION OF the Housing Accords and Special Housing Access Act 2013 has not to date been applied for. Terrace Housing and Apartment Use NOTIFIED ZONE Retention of the FU zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the FU zone and Buildings, Mixed Housing Expansion/Contraction gives effect to the RPS. Suburban and Public Open Space as per page 7/12 of the submission. 7278-1 M H Cox Rural (South) S17 Rezone Lot 1 DP 28944 and Lot 1 DP 28944 and Rural Urban Boundary Waiuku MR SH Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support change from MR to SH. There is currently no RUB around Waiuku. The urban No change No No surrounding properties at Harvey surrounding properties (RUB) and rezoning constraints CHANGE; SUPPORT expansion of these sites was considered under the provisions of B2.5 of the RPS in the Council's Road, Waiuku (as shown on the at Harvey Rd, Waiuku RETENTION OF evidence for Topic 017 RUB South and not supported. Retention of the notified zone achieves the map page 3/4 of the submission), NOTIFIED ZONE objectives of the MR zone and gives effect to the RPS. from Mixed Rural to 'Single Lot - Residential'. 7283-1 Peishuang Dong Rural (South) S18 Retain the Countryside Living Area within the Combined rezoning and Whitford CL CL Flooding SUPPORT IN FULL; Support the retention of the CL zone. Retention of the CL zone is the most appropriate way to No change No No zone within the Turanga Turanga Catchment, precinct submissions constraints, SEA, RETENTION OF achieve the objectives of the CL zone and gives effect to the RPS. The retention of the CL zone also Catchment, Whitford Whitford NGC, Whitford sub NOTIFIED ZONE supports the outcomes of Plan Change 8 - Whitford Rural (Auckland Council District Plan - Manukau precinct A & B, Section). ONL 7293-1 The Cameron Rural (South) S17 Rezone properties on Glenbrook- Pt Lots 1 and 2 DP Rural Urban Boundary Waiuku MR and RC SH Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support change from MR and RC to SH. There is currently no RUB around Waiuku. The No change No No Road Group (Attn: Waiuku Road and Cameron 22432, Lot 1 DP (RUB) and rezoning constraints CHANGE; SUPPORT urban expansion of these sites was considered under the provisions of B2.5 of the RPS in the Neil Crispe) Road, Waiuku (as listed on page 376887, 15, 27, 31, 37, RETENTION OF Council's evidence for Topic 017 RUB South and not supported. Retention of the notified zone 1/4 of the submission) from Mixed 71 Cameron Rd, NOTIFIED ZONE achieves the objectives of the MR and RC zones and gives effect to the RPS. Rural and Rural Coastal to 'Single Waiuku and 53, 63 Lot -Residential'. Glenbrook Waiuku Rd, Glenbrook and Allot 300 Waiuku East PSH BLK XIII Awhitu SD 7364-1 John Farrell Rural (South) S16 Rezone Jellicoe, Middleton, Jellicoe, Middleton, Combined rezoning and Pukekohe - RP, CL LL Pukekohe Hill DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support proposed zone change. The notified zoning is the most appropriate way to achieve No change No No Nurseries Limited Bayly, and Anzac Roads, Bayly, and Anzac Rds, precinct submissions Miscellaneous Precinct CHANGE; SUPPORT the RP and CL zone objectives and the relevant objectives of the Pukekohe Hill precinct. It is also and Brendon Pukekohe from Countryside Living Pukekohe RETENTION OF consistent with the North Pukekohe Hill structure plan (NPHSP) issues and objectives in the Farrell Limited and Rural Production to Large Lot NOTIFIED ZONE Auckland Council District Plan: Franklin section. The NPHSP provisions were settled in 2008 Residential. following Environment Court and High Court decisions. The change sought is not in line with the Pukekohe Hill precinct's objectives which are based on the NPHSP provisions. The precinct objectives seek to enable development which complements and integrates with the area's rural landscape character, protecting the heritage and amenity values of the hill's northern slopes from inappropriate development by restricting site size to minimise the effects of development on the open landscape character of the middle and upper slopes through graduating the intensity of development up the hill from the more suburban residential development below.

Page 22 RURAL Attachment 'C': Zoning Analysis and Position for each Submission Point Notes: The black text in the "summary" column of this Attachment is as notified. Occasional amendments have been made in red to take account of any re-notified SDR points and also for clarity, where necessary.

Auckland Unitary Plan Independent Hearings Panel Auckland Council Evidence Submission Point Pathway Report Analysis Planner's Position RELEVANT SUB PROPERTIES OVERLAYS, PLANNER'S PROPOSED SUB SUBMITTER AREA SUBJECT TO REQUESTED PRECINCTS AND PROPOSED ZONE GIS MAP POINT NAME TOPIC UNIT SUMMARY SUBMISSIONS SUBMISSION THEME LOCALITY PAUP ZONE ZONE CONSTRAINTS POSITION REASONS CHANGE CHANGE CONSEQUENTIAL AMENDMENT 7743-1 Robert and Dylan Rural (South) S17 Rezone 130I Wattle Bay Road, 130I Wattle Bay Rd Errors Awhitu MR and RCS MR and RCS SEA SUPPORT IN FULL; Support change to RCS on part of the site. This is consistent with the Environment Court consent Area shown Yes No Makgill Orua Bay to the operative Orua Bay CHANGE OF ZONE order relating to ENV-2009-304-000047 on Plan Change 14 to the Auckland Council District Plan as Village Franklin District Plan. (Franklin Section). Zoning was left out of the PAUP in error. The rezoning is the most appropriate Zone in way to achieve the objectives of RCS and gives effect to the RPS. consent order for ENV-2009- 304-000047 to RCS; rest of site remains MR 838-44 Rob Owen Rural (South) S15 Retain the Mixed Rural Zoning for 600 Hunua Rd, Drury Rural - Other Hunua MR MR Flooding SUPPORT IN FULL; Support retention of MR zone. Land is designated and used as a Military Training Area but retains No change No No the Ardmore Training Area constraints, SEA RETENTION OF overall rural appearance. Retention of the MR zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the [Minister of Defence designation NOTIFIED ZONE objectives of the MR zone and gives effect to the RPS. 4300] (land bound by Ardmore Quarry Road to the north-east and Hunua Road to the south, Ardmore). 838-69 Rob Owen Rural (South) S15 Retain the Mixed Rural Zoning 600 Hunua Rd, Drury Rural - Other Hunua MR MR Flooding SUPPORT IN FULL; Support retention of MR zone. The land surrounding the Military Training Area retains an overall No change No No surrounding the Ardmore Training constraints, SEA RETENTION OF rural appearance. Retention of the MR zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of Camp, Ardmore [Minister of NOTIFIED ZONE the MR zone and gives effect to the RPS. Defence designation 4300]. 839-1563 Housing New Rural (South) S17 Rezone 42, HUIA STREET, 42 Huia St, Waiuku Mixed Housing Waiuku SH MHS N/A DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support change to MHS. The request will result in spot zoning in this location and will not No change No No Zealand Waiuku from Single House to Urban/Mixed Housing CHANGE; SUPPORT generally achieve integrated management of resources and does not recognise local context. Corporation Mixed Housing Suburban Suburban/Single House RETENTION OF Retention of the RP zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the RP zone and Expansion/Contraction NOTIFIED ZONE gives effect to the RPS. 839-1565 Housing New Rural (South) S15 Retain Future Urban at 3, 3 Fitzgerald Rd, Drury Future Urban Zone (FU) Drury and FU FU Flooding SUPPORT IN FULL; Support retention of FU zone. Site is within the notified RUB. No rezoning of the FU is proposed No change No No Zealand FITZGERALD ROAD, Drury. and rezoning Opaheke constraints RETENTION OF because detailed assessment of any constraints needs to occur, and structure planning needs to be Corporation NOTIFIED ZONE undertaken in accordance with RPS B2.3 before an appropriate live zone can be determined for land within the FU. Retention of the FU zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the FU zone and gives effect to the RPS. 839-1568 Housing New Rural (South) S16 Retain Mixed Housing Suburban 47, Paerata Rd, Mixed Housing Pukekohe - MHS MHS N/A SUPPORT IN FULL; Support notified zone. Applying the SH zone to the site gives effect to the RPS, is the most No change No No Zealand at 47, Paerata Road, Pukekohe. Pukekohe Urban/Mixed Housing North RETENTION OF appropriate way to achieve the zone's objectives as it is consistent with local context. Corporation Suburban/Single House Pukekohe NOTIFIED ZONE Expansion/Contraction residential 839-1577 Housing New Rural (South) S17 Retain Mixed Housing Suburban 15 Lina Place, Waiuku Mixed Housing Waiuku MHS MHS N/A SUPPORT IN FULL; Support retention of MHS. The notified zone achieves the objectives of the MHS zone and gives No change No No Zealand at 15, LINA PLACE, Waiuku. Urban/Mixed Housing RETENTION OF effect to the RPS growth objectives, and is appropriate for the local context of Waiuku in areas away Corporation Suburban/Single House NOTIFIED ZONE from the local centre. Expansion/Contraction 839-1586 Housing New Rural (South) S16 Retain Mixed Housing Suburban 18, Paerata Rd, Mixed Housing Pukekohe - MHS MHS N/A SUPPORT IN FULL; Support notified zone. Applying the MHS zone to the site gives effect to the RPS, is the most No change No No Zealand at 18, Paerata Road, Pukekohe. Pukekohe Urban/Mixed Housing North RETENTION OF appropriate way to achieve the MHS zone's objectives and is consistent with local context. Corporation Suburban/Single House Pukekohe NOTIFIED ZONE Expansion/Contraction residential 839-1590 Housing New Rural (South) S17 Retain Rural Production at 388, 388 Union Rd, Mauku Rural - Other Patumahoe RP RP Flooding SUPPORT IN FULL; Support retention of the RP zone. RP is appropriate in the local context. Retention of the RP zone is No change No No Zealand UNION ROAD, Mauku. constraints, SEA RETENTION OF the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the RP zone and gives effect to the RPS. Corporation NOTIFIED ZONE 839-1611 Housing New Rural (South) S16 Retain Mixed Housing Suburban 34, Kayes Rd, Mixed Housing Pukekohe - MHS MHS N/A SUPPORT IN FULL; Support notified zone. Applying the MHS zone to the site gives effect to the RPS, is the most No change No No Zealand at 34, Kayes Road, Pukekohe. Pukekohe Urban/Mixed Housing North RETENTION OF appropriate way to achieve the MHS zone's objectives and is consistent with local context. Corporation Suburban/Single House Pukekohe NOTIFIED ZONE Expansion/Contraction residential 839-1671 Housing New Rural (South) S17 Retain Mixed Housing Suburban 2 Matai St, Waiuku. Mixed Housing Waiuku MHS MHS Flooding SUPPORT IN FULL; Support retention of MHS. The notified zone achieves the objectives of the MHS zone and gives No change No No Zealand at 2, MATAI STREET, Waiuku. Urban/Mixed Housing constraints RETENTION OF effect to the RPS growth objectives, and is appropriate for the local context of Waiuku in areas away Corporation Suburban/Single House NOTIFIED ZONE from the local centre. Expansion/Contraction 839-1688 Housing New Rural (South) S17 Retain Mixed Housing Suburban 25 Lina Place, Waiuku Mixed Housing Waiuku MHS MHS Flooding SUPPORT IN FULL; Support retention of MHS. The notified zone achieves the objectives of the MHS zone and gives No change No No Zealand at 25, LINA PLACE, Waiuku. Urban/Mixed Housing constraints RETENTION OF effect to the RPS growth objectives, and is appropriate for the local context of Waiuku in areas away Corporation Suburban/Single House NOTIFIED ZONE from the local centre. Expansion/Contraction 839-1692 Housing New Rural (South) S16 Retain Mixed Housing Suburban 8, Arnhem Place, Mixed Housing Pukekohe - MHS MHS N/A SUPPORT IN FULL; Support notified zone. Applying the MHS zone to the site gives effect to the RPS, is the most No change No No Zealand at 8, Arnhem Place, Pukekohe. Pukekohe Urban/Mixed Housing North RETENTION OF appropriate way to achieve the MHS zone's objectives and is consistent with local context. Corporation Suburban/Single House Pukekohe NOTIFIED ZONE Expansion/Contraction residential 839-1708 Housing New Rural (South) S17 Retain Large Lot at 255, WAIUKU- 255 Waiuku-Otaua Rd, Large Lot Waiuku LL LL N/A SUPPORT IN FULL; Support retention of LL. The site is on the periphery of Waiuku and is unserviced. Retention of the No change No No Zealand OTAUA ROAD, Waiuku-Otaua. Waiuku-Otaua RETENTION OF notified zone achieves the objectives of the LL zone and gives effect to the RPS. Corporation NOTIFIED ZONE 839-1709 Housing New Rural (South) S17 Retain Mixed Housing Suburban 98 King St, Waiuku Mixed Housing Waiuku MHS MHS N/A SUPPORT IN FULL; Support retention of MHS. The notified zone achieves the objectives of the MHS zone and gives No change No No Zealand at 98, KING STREET, Waiuku. Urban/Mixed Housing RETENTION OF effect to the RPS growth objectives, and is appropriate for the local context of Waiuku in areas away Corporation Suburban/Single House NOTIFIED ZONE from the local centre. Expansion/Contraction 839-1742 Housing New Rural (South) S16 Retain Mixed Housing Suburban 54, Tasman St, Mixed Housing Pukekohe - MHS MHS N/A SUPPORT IN FULL; Support notified zone. Applying the MHS zone to the site gives effect to the RPS, is the most No change No No Zealand at 54, Tasman Street, Pukekohe. Pukekohe Urban/Mixed Housing North RETENTION OF appropriate way to achieve the MHS zone's objectives and is consistent with local context. Corporation Suburban/Single House Pukekohe NOTIFIED ZONE Expansion/Contraction residential 839-1763 Housing New Rural (South) S16 Retain Single House at 1018, 1018, Paerata Rd, Mixed Housing Pukekohe - SH SH N/A SUPPORT IN FULL; Support notified zone. Applying the MHS zone to the site gives effect to the RPS, is the most No change No No Zealand Paerata Road, Pukekohe. Pukekohe Urban/Mixed Housing Paerata and RETENTION OF appropriate way to achieve the MHS zone's objectives and is consistent with local context. Corporation Suburban/Single House Paerata East NOTIFIED ZONE Expansion/Contraction 839-1765 Housing New Rural (South) S16 Retain Mixed Housing Suburban 11, Birdwood Rd, Mixed Housing Pukekohe - MHS MHS N/A SUPPORT IN FULL; Support notified zone. Applying the MHS zone to the site gives effect to the RPS, is the most No change No No Zealand at 11, Birdwood Road, Pukekohe. Pukekohe Urban/Mixed Housing North RETENTION OF appropriate way to achieve the MHS zone's objectives and is consistent with local context. Corporation Suburban/Single House Pukekohe NOTIFIED ZONE Expansion/Contraction residential 839-1777 Housing New Rural (South) S17 Retain Mixed Housing Suburban 106 Kitchener Rd, Mixed Housing Waiuku MHS MHS N/A SUPPORT IN FULL; Support retention of MHS. The notified zone achieves the objectives of the MHS zone and gives No change No No Zealand at 106, KITCHENER ROAD, Waiuku Urban/Mixed Housing RETENTION OF effect to the RPS growth objectives, and is appropriate for the local context of Waiuku in areas away Corporation Waiuku. Suburban/Single House NOTIFIED ZONE from the local centre. Expansion/Contraction 839-1882 Housing New Rural (South) S17 Retain Mixed Housing Suburban 11A and 11B Lina Mixed Housing Waiuku MHS MHS N/A SUPPORT IN FULL; Support retention of MHS. The notified zone achieves the objectives of the MHS zone and gives No change No No Zealand at 11A,11B, LINA PLACE, Place, Waiuku Urban/Mixed Housing RETENTION OF effect to the RPS growth objectives, and is appropriate for the local context of Waiuku in areas away Corporation Waiuku. Suburban/Single House NOTIFIED ZONE from the local centre. Expansion/Contraction

Page 23 RURAL Attachment 'C': Zoning Analysis and Position for each Submission Point Notes: The black text in the "summary" column of this Attachment is as notified. Occasional amendments have been made in red to take account of any re-notified SDR points and also for clarity, where necessary.

Auckland Unitary Plan Independent Hearings Panel Auckland Council Evidence Submission Point Pathway Report Analysis Planner's Position RELEVANT SUB PROPERTIES OVERLAYS, PLANNER'S PROPOSED SUB SUBMITTER AREA SUBJECT TO REQUESTED PRECINCTS AND PROPOSED ZONE GIS MAP POINT NAME TOPIC UNIT SUMMARY SUBMISSIONS SUBMISSION THEME LOCALITY PAUP ZONE ZONE CONSTRAINTS POSITION REASONS CHANGE CHANGE CONSEQUENTIAL AMENDMENT 839-1888 Housing New Rural (South) S16 Retain Mixed Housing Suburban 29, London St, Mixed Housing Pukekohe - MHS MHS N/A SUPPORT IN FULL; Support notified zone. Applying the MHS zone to the site gives effect to the RPS, is the most No change No No Zealand at 29, London Street, Pukekohe. Pukekohe Urban/Mixed Housing North RETENTION OF appropriate way to achieve the MHS zone's objectives and is consistent with local context. Corporation Suburban/Single House Pukekohe NOTIFIED ZONE Expansion/Contraction residential 839-1894 Housing New Rural (South) S16 Retain Mixed Housing Suburban 3, Ranch Place, Mixed Housing Pukekohe - MHS MHS N/A SUPPORT IN FULL; Support notified zone. Applying the MHS zone to the site gives effect to the RPS, is the most No change No No Zealand at 3, Ranch Place, Pukekohe. Pukekohe Urban/Mixed Housing North RETENTION OF appropriate way to achieve the MHS zone's objectives and is consistent with local context. Corporation Suburban/Single House Pukekohe NOTIFIED ZONE Expansion/Contraction residential 839-2202 Housing New Rural (South) S16 Retain Mixed Housing Suburban 30B,30, Frank Hewitt Mixed Housing Pukekohe - MHS MHS N/A SUPPORT IN FULL; Support notified zone. Applying the MHS zone to the site gives effect to the RPS, is the most No change No No Zealand at 30B,30, Frank Hewitt Street, St, Pukekohe. Urban/Mixed Housing North RETENTION OF appropriate way to achieve the MHS zone's objectives and is consistent with local context. Corporation Pukekohe. Suburban/Single House Pukekohe NOTIFIED ZONE Expansion/Contraction residential 839-2203 Housing New Rural (South) S16 Retain Mixed Housing Suburban 26,24A,24B, Frank Mixed Housing Pukekohe - MHS MHS N/A SUPPORT IN FULL; Support notified zone. Applying the MHS zone to the site gives effect to the RPS, is the most No change No No Zealand at 26,24A,24B, Frank Hewitt Hewitt St, Pukekohe. Urban/Mixed Housing North RETENTION OF appropriate way to achieve the MHS zone's objectives and is consistent with local context. Corporation Street, Pukekohe. Suburban/Single House Pukekohe NOTIFIED ZONE Expansion/Contraction residential 839-2204 Housing New Rural (South) S16 Retain Mixed Housing Suburban 2,4, Times Mixed Housing Pukekohe - MHS MHS N/A SUPPORT IN FULL; Support notified zone. Applying the MHS zone to the site gives effect to the RPS, is the most No change No No Zealand at 2,4, Times Place,11,13,15, Place,11,13,15, Frank Urban/Mixed Housing North RETENTION OF appropriate way to achieve the MHS zone's objectives and is consistent with local context. Corporation Frank Hewitt Street, Pukekohe. Hewitt St, Pukekohe Suburban/Single House Pukekohe NOTIFIED ZONE Expansion/Contraction residential 839-2205 Housing New Rural (South) S16 Retain Mixed Housing Suburban 11,15,11A, Times Mixed Housing Pukekohe - MHS MHS N/A SUPPORT IN FULL; Support notified zone. Applying the MHS zone to the site gives effect to the RPS, is the most No change No No Zealand at 11,15,11A, Times Place, Place, Pukekohe Urban/Mixed Housing North RETENTION OF appropriate way to achieve the MHS zone's objectives and is consistent with local context. Corporation Pukekohe. Suburban/Single House Pukekohe NOTIFIED ZONE Expansion/Contraction residential 839-2206 Housing New Rural (South) S16 Retain Mixed Housing Suburban 1,3,5,7, Times Mixed Housing Pukekohe - MHS MHS N/A SUPPORT IN FULL; Support notified zone. Applying the MHS zone to the site gives effect to the RPS, is the most No change No No Zealand at 1,3,5,7, Times Place,9,5,7, Place,9,5,7, Frank Urban/Mixed Housing North RETENTION OF appropriate way to achieve the MHS zone's objectives and is consistent with local context. Corporation Frank Hewitt Street, Pukekohe. Hewitt St, Pukekohe. Suburban/Single House Pukekohe NOTIFIED ZONE Expansion/Contraction residential 839-2207 Housing New Rural (South) S16 Retain Mixed Housing Suburban 4,6, Frank Hewitt St, Mixed Housing Pukekohe - MHS MHS N/A SUPPORT IN FULL; Support notified zone. Applying the MHS zone to the site gives effect to the RPS, is the most No change No No Zealand at 4,6, Frank Hewitt Street, Pukekohe. Urban/Mixed Housing North RETENTION OF appropriate way to achieve the MHS zone's objectives and is consistent with local context. Corporation Pukekohe. Suburban/Single House Pukekohe NOTIFIED ZONE Expansion/Contraction residential 839-2208 Housing New Rural (South) S16 Retain Mixed Housing Suburban 52, Birdwood Rd East Mixed Housing Pukekohe - MHS MHS N/A SUPPORT IN FULL; Support notified zone. Applying the MHS zone to the site gives effect to the RPS, is the most No change No No Zealand at 52, Birdwood Road East, 63,65, ,63,65, Beatty Rd, Urban/Mixed Housing North RETENTION OF appropriate way to achieve the MHS zone's objectives and is consistent with local context. Corporation Beatty Road, Pukekohe. Pukekohe. Suburban/Single House Pukekohe NOTIFIED ZONE Expansion/Contraction residential 839-2209 Housing New Rural (South) S16 Retain Mixed Housing Suburban 58,56,60,62,64,66, Mixed Housing Pukekohe - MHS MHS N/A SUPPORT IN FULL; Support notified zone. Applying the MHS zone to the site gives effect to the RPS, is the most No change No No Zealand at 58,56,60,62,64,66, Birdwood Birdwood Rd East, Urban/Mixed Housing North RETENTION OF appropriate way to achieve the MHS zone's objectives and is consistent with local context. Corporation Road EAST, Pukekohe. Pukekohe. Suburban/Single House Pukekohe NOTIFIED ZONE Expansion/Contraction residential 839-2210 Housing New Rural (South) S16 Retain Mixed Housing Suburban 67C,67A,67B,67, Mixed Housing Pukekohe - MHS MHS N/A SUPPORT IN FULL; Support notified zone. Applying the MHS zone to the site gives effect to the RPS, is the most No change No No Zealand at 67C,67A,67B,67, Birdwood Birdwood Rd East, Urban/Mixed Housing North RETENTION OF appropriate way to achieve the MHS zone's objectives and is consistent with local context. Corporation Road EAST, Pukekohe. Pukekohe. Suburban/Single House Pukekohe NOTIFIED ZONE Expansion/Contraction residential 839-2211 Housing New Rural (South) S16 Retain Mixed Housing Suburban 19,21,17, Windmill Mixed Housing Pukekohe - MHS MHS N/A SUPPORT IN FULL; Support notified zone. Applying the MHS zone to the site gives effect to the RPS, is the most No change No No Zealand at 19,21,17, Windmill Road,2,4,6, Rd,2,4,6, Tasman Urban/Mixed Housing North RETENTION OF appropriate way to achieve the MHS zone's objectives and is consistent with local context. Corporation Tasman Street,33,35, Birdwood St,33,35, Birdwood Rd, Suburban/Single House Pukekohe NOTIFIED ZONE Road, Pukekohe. Pukekohe Expansion/Contraction residential 839-2212 Housing New Rural (South) S16 Retain Mixed Housing Suburban 31,27,29, Holland Mixed Housing Pukekohe - MHS MHS N/A SUPPORT IN FULL; Support notified zone. Applying the MHS zone to the site gives effect to the RPS, is the most No change No No Zealand at 31,27,29, Holland Street,12, St,12, Tasman St, Urban/Mixed Housing North RETENTION OF appropriate way to achieve the MHS zone's objectives and is consistent with local context. Corporation Tasman Street, Pukekohe. Pukekohe. Suburban/Single House Pukekohe NOTIFIED ZONE Expansion/Contraction residential 839-2213 Housing New Rural (South) S16 Retain Mixed Housing Suburban 1,3,5,7, Arnhem Mixed Housing Pukekohe - MHS MHS N/A SUPPORT IN FULL; Support notified zone. Applying the MHS zone to the site gives effect to the RPS, is the most No change No No Zealand at 1,3,5,7, Arnhem Place,19, Place,19, Birdwood Urban/Mixed Housing North RETENTION OF appropriate way to achieve the MHS zone's objectives and is consistent with local context. Corporation Birdwood Road,9,17, Tasman Rd,9,17, Tasman St, Suburban/Single House Pukekohe NOTIFIED ZONE Street, Pukekohe. Pukekohe. Expansion/Contraction residential 839-2214 Housing New Rural (South) S16 Retain Mixed Housing Suburban 95A, 93B, 93A, 95B, Mixed Housing Pukekohe - MHS MHS N/A SUPPORT IN FULL; Support notified zone. Applying the MHS zone to the site gives effect to the RPS, is the most No change No No Zealand at 95A, 93B, 93A, 95B, 95, 95, Helvetia Rd, Urban/Mixed Housing North RETENTION OF appropriate way to achieve the MHS zone's objectives and is consistent with local context. Corporation Helvetia Road, Pukekohe. Pukekohe. Suburban/Single House Pukekohe NOTIFIED ZONE Expansion/Contraction residential 839-2215 Housing New Rural (South) S16 Retain Mixed Housing Suburban 4, Arnhem Place, Mixed Housing Pukekohe - MHS MHS N/A SUPPORT IN FULL; Support notified zone. Applying the MHS zone to the site gives effect to the RPS, is the most No change No No Zealand at 4, Arnhem Place, 25,27,21,23, 25,27,21,23, Tasman Urban/Mixed Housing North RETENTION OF appropriate way to achieve the MHS zone's objectives and is consistent with local context. Corporation Tasman Street, Pukekohe. St, Pukekohe Suburban/Single House Pukekohe NOTIFIED ZONE Expansion/Contraction residential 839-2216 Housing New Rural (South) S16 Retain Mixed Housing Suburban 14,16, Tasman St, 42, Mixed Housing Pukekohe - MHS MHS N/A SUPPORT IN FULL; Support notified zone. Applying the MHS zone to the site gives effect to the RPS, is the most No change No No Zealand at 14,16, Tasman Street,42, Holland St, Pukekohe Urban/Mixed Housing North RETENTION OF appropriate way to achieve the MHS zone's objectives and is consistent with local context. Corporation Holland Street, Pukekohe. Suburban/Single House Pukekohe NOTIFIED ZONE Expansion/Contraction residential 839-2217 Housing New Rural (South) S16 Retain Mixed Use at 16, 16, Harrington Avenue, Mixed Housing Pukekohe - MU MU Pre-1944 BDC SUPPORT IN FULL; Support notified zone. Applying the MHS zone to the site gives effect to the RPS, is the most No change No No Zealand Harrington Avenue,24,24A, 24,24A, Victoria St, Urban/Mixed Housing Town centre & RETENTION OF appropriate way to achieve the MHS zone's objectives and is consistent with local context. Corporation Victoria Street, Pukekohe. Pukekohe. Suburban/Single House surrounds NOTIFIED ZONE Expansion/Contraction 839-2218 Housing New Rural (South) S16 Retain Mixed Housing Suburban 14,16, Marblewood Mixed Housing Pukekohe - MHS MHS N/A SUPPORT IN FULL; Support notified zone. Applying the MHS zone to the site gives effect to the RPS, is the most No change No No Zealand at 14,16, Marblewood Grove, Grove, Pukekohe. Urban/Mixed Housing North RETENTION OF appropriate way to achieve the MHS zone's objectives and is consistent with local context. Corporation Pukekohe. Suburban/Single House Pukekohe NOTIFIED ZONE Expansion/Contraction residential 839-2219 Housing New Rural (South) S17 Retain Mixed Housing Suburban 10,12 and 12A Lina Mixed Housing Waiuku MHS MHS N/A SUPPORT IN FULL; Support retention of MHS. The notified zone achieves the objectives of the MHS zone and gives No change No No Zealand at 10,12,12A, LINA PLACE, Place, Waiuku Urban/Mixed Housing RETENTION OF effect to the RPS growth objectives, and is appropriate for the local context of Waiuku in areas away Corporation Waiuku. Suburban/Single House NOTIFIED ZONE from the local centre. Expansion/Contraction 839-2220 Housing New Rural (South) S17 Retain Mixed Housing Suburban 3 and 3A Kauri Dr, Mixed Housing Waiuku MHS MHS N/A SUPPORT IN FULL; Support retention of MHS. The notified zone achieves the objectives of the MHS zone and gives No change No No Zealand at 3,3A, KAURI DRIVE, Waiuku. Waiuku Urban/Mixed Housing RETENTION OF effect to the RPS growth objectives, and is appropriate for the local context of Waiuku in areas away Corporation Suburban/Single House NOTIFIED ZONE from the local centre. Expansion/Contraction 839-2221 Housing New Rural (South) S17 Retain Mixed Housing Suburban 108 and 108A, Mixed Housing Waiuku MHS MHS N/A SUPPORT IN FULL; Support retention of MHS. The notified zone achieves the objectives of the MHS zone and gives No change No No Zealand at 108,108A, RACECOURSE Racecourse Rd, Urban/Mixed Housing RETENTION OF effect to the RPS growth objectives, and is appropriate for the local context of Waiuku in areas away Corporation ROAD, Waiuku. Waiuku Suburban/Single House NOTIFIED ZONE from the local centre. Expansion/Contraction

Page 24 RURAL Attachment 'C': Zoning Analysis and Position for each Submission Point Notes: The black text in the "summary" column of this Attachment is as notified. Occasional amendments have been made in red to take account of any re-notified SDR points and also for clarity, where necessary.

Auckland Unitary Plan Independent Hearings Panel Auckland Council Evidence Submission Point Pathway Report Analysis Planner's Position RELEVANT SUB PROPERTIES OVERLAYS, PLANNER'S PROPOSED SUB SUBMITTER AREA SUBJECT TO REQUESTED PRECINCTS AND PROPOSED ZONE GIS MAP POINT NAME TOPIC UNIT SUMMARY SUBMISSIONS SUBMISSION THEME LOCALITY PAUP ZONE ZONE CONSTRAINTS POSITION REASONS CHANGE CHANGE CONSEQUENTIAL AMENDMENT 839-2222 Housing New Rural (South) S17 Rezone 12,14,6, BREAKER 12,14 and 6 Breaker Mixed Housing Waiuku SH MHS Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support change of zone from SH to MHS. The site is affected by flooding constraints. No change No No Zealand GROVE, Waiuku from Single Grove, Waiuku Urban/Mixed Housing constraints CHANGE; SUPPORT Retention of the SH zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the zone and gives Corporation House to Mixed Housing Suburban/Single House RETENTION OF effect to the RPS. Suburban Expansion/Contraction NOTIFIED ZONE 839-2296 Housing New Rural (South) S16 Retain Mixed Use at 10 Wesley 10 Wesley St Centres/Terrace Pukekohe - MU MU N/A SUPPORT IN FULL; Support notified zone. Applying the notified zone to the site is the most appropriate way to achieve No change No No Zealand Street. Pukekohe. Housing Apartment Town centre & RETENTION OF the MU zone's objectives. The MU zoning will provide for a compatible mix of residential and Corporation Buildings (THAB)/Mixed surrounds NOTIFIED ZONE employment activities on the periphery of the town centre. Use Expansion/Contraction 839-2327 Housing New Rural (South) S16 Retain Mixed Housing Suburban 17 McNally Rd. Mixed Housing Pukekohe - MHS MHS N/A SUPPORT IN FULL; Support notified zone. Applying the MHS zone to the site gives effect to the RPS, is the most No change No No Zealand at 17 McNally Road. Pukekohe. Pukekohe Urban/Mixed Housing Rest of RETENTION OF appropriate way to achieve the MHS zone's objectives and is consistent with local context. Corporation Suburban/Single House Pukekohe NOTIFIED ZONE Expansion/Contraction residential 839-2426 Housing New Rural (South) S16 Retain Mixed Housing Suburban 207 Queen St. Mixed Housing Pukekohe - MHS MHS N/A SUPPORT IN FULL; Support notified zone. Applying the MHS zone to the site gives effect to the RPS, is the most No change No No Zealand at 207 Queen Street. Pukekohe. Pukekohe Urban/Mixed Housing Rest of RETENTION OF appropriate way to achieve the MHS zone's objectives and is consistent with local context. Corporation Suburban/Single House Pukekohe NOTIFIED ZONE Expansion/Contraction residential 839-2595 Housing New Rural (South) S16 Retain Mixed Housing Suburban 9 Merlot Lane, Mixed Housing Pukekohe - MHS MHS N/A SUPPORT IN FULL; Support notified zone. Applying the MHS zone to the site gives effect to the RPS, is the most No change No No Zealand at 9 Merlot Lane. Pukekohe. Pukekohe. Urban/Mixed Housing North RETENTION OF appropriate way to achieve the MHS zone's objectives and is consistent with local context. Corporation Suburban/Single House Pukekohe NOTIFIED ZONE Expansion/Contraction residential 839-2596 Housing New Rural (South) S16 Retain Mixed Housing Suburban 11 Merlot Lane, Mixed Housing Pukekohe - MHS MHS N/A SUPPORT IN FULL; Support notified zone. Applying the MHS zone to the site gives effect to the RPS, is the most No change No No Zealand at 11 Merlot Lane. Pukekohe. Pukekohe. Urban/Mixed Housing North RETENTION OF appropriate way to achieve the MHS zone's objectives and is consistent with local context. Corporation Suburban/Single House Pukekohe NOTIFIED ZONE Expansion/Contraction residential 839-2833 Housing New Rural (South) S16 Rezone 24,12,20,14,22,16,18, 24,12,20,14,22,16,18, Mixed Housing Pukekohe - MHS MHU N/A SUPPORT IN PART; Support submitter's proposed zoning for 24,12,20,14,22,16,18, Times Place and 58 Beatty Road, MHS - Yes No Zealand Times Place, 56,58, Beatty Road, Times Place, 56,58, Urban/Mixed Housing North PARTIAL CHANGE Pukekohe as is the most appropriate way to achieve the MHS zone's objectives. 56 Beatty Rd which except 56 Corporation Pukekohe from Mixed Housing Beatty Rd, Pukekohe Suburban/Single House Pukekohe has a flooding constraint such that it should be zoned SH. Beatty Rd Suburban, Single House to Mixed Expansion/Contraction residential which should Housing Suburban. be zoned SH. 839-2834 Housing New Rural (South) S16 Rezone 19,21,23, Times Place, 19,21,23, Times Any residential Pukekohe - SH MHS Flooding SUPPORT IN PART; Support change of zone in part. Support the rezoning of 19 and 21 Times Place and 52 and 54 SH and MHS Yes No Zealand 54,52, Beatty Road, Pukekohe Place,54,52, Beatty properties subject to a North constraints PARTIAL CHANGE Beatty Road where managing flood risks on these sites does not require maintaining a SH zoning. Corporation from Mixed Housing Suburban, Rd, Pukekohe key overlay Pukekohe Zoning the sites MHS would be the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives for the MHS zone Single House to Mixed Housing residential which provides for a variety of detached and attached housing types. 23 Times Place is affected by Suburban. flooding constraints and retaining the notified zoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the SH zone and gives effect to the RPS. 839-2835 Housing New Rural (South) S16 Rezone 24,26,28,22, Tasman 24,26,28,22, Tasman Any residential Pukekohe - SH MHS Flooding SUPPORT IN PART; Support change of zone in part. Managing flooding risks does not require maintaining a SH zone for SH and MHS yes No Zealand Street, Pukekohe from Mixed St properties subject to a North constraints PARTIAL CHANGE 28 Tasman St. This site and No 22 can be zoned MHS, being the most appropriate way to achieve Corporation Housing Suburban, Single House key overlay Pukekohe the objectives for the MHS zone, - which provides for a variety of detached and attached housing to Mixed Housing Suburban. residential types. 24 and 26 Tasman St are affected by flooding constraints and retaining the notified SH zone is considered the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the SH zone. The zoning proposed gives effect to the RPS. 839-2836 Housing New Rural (South) S16 Rezone 32-32B,30,28,36,34A- 32-32B,30,28,36,34A- Mixed Housing Pukekohe - MU, MHS MU N/A DO NOT SUPPORT Proposed change to THAB - applying the proposed zone to the sites gives effect to the RPS and is THAB Yes No Zealand 34B, Victoria Street, Pukekohe 34B, Victoria St, Urban/Mixed Housing Town centre & CHANGE; SUPPORT the most appropriate way to achieve the zone objectives. The THAB zone allows terraced housing Corporation from Mixed Use, Mixed Housing Pukekohe Suburban/Single House surrounds ALTERNATIVE ZONE and apartment residential living around town centres and close to public transport, enables efficient Suburban to Mixed Use. Expansion/Contraction use of land and infrastructure. The site offers the opportunity to achieve quality compact residential development within walkable distance of the town centre and/or railway station. 839-4956 Housing New Rural (South) S16 Rezone 26, Kayes Road, 26, Kayes Rd Any residential Pukekohe - SH MHS N/A SUPPORT IN FULL; Support change to MHS. Managing flooding risk on this site does not require maintaining a SH zone. MHS Yes No Zealand Pukekohe from Single House to properties subject to a North CHANGE OF ZONE Zoning the site MHS is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS zone which Corporation Mixed Housing Suburban. key overlay Pukekohe provides for a variety of detached and attached housing types and gives effect to the RPS. residential 839-4965 Housing New Rural (South) S16 Rezone 5, Garden Terrace, 5, Garden Terrace, Mixed Housing Pukekohe - MHS MHU N/A DO NOT SUPPORT Support notified zone. The submitter's requested zone would result in a spot zone, which would not No change No No Zealand Pukekohe from Mixed Housing Pukekohe Urban/Mixed Housing Rest of CHANGE; SUPPORT recognise local context. Zoning the site MHS is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of Corporation Suburban to Mixed Housing Suburban/Single House Pukekohe RETENTION OF the MHS zone, which provides for a variety of detached and attached housing types, and gives effect Urban. Expansion/Contraction residential NOTIFIED ZONE to the RPS. 839-4992 Housing New Rural (South) S16 Rezone 88,88A, Seddon Street, 88,88A, Seddon St, Mixed Housing Pukekohe - MHS MHU and N/A SUPPORT IN FULL; Support proposed change to THAB - applying the proposed zone to the sites gives effect to the RPS THAB Yes No Zealand Pukekohe from Mixed Housing Pukekohe Urban/Mixed Housing North THAB CHANGE OF ZONE and is the most appropriate way to achieve the zone objectives. The THAB zone allows terraced Corporation Suburban to Mixed Housing Suburban/Single House Pukekohe housing and apartment residential living around town centres and close to public transport, enables Urban or Terrace Housing and Expansion/Contraction residential efficient use of land and infrastructure. The site offers the opportunity to achieve quality compact Apartment Buildings. residential development within walkable distance of the town centre and/or railway station.

839-5017 Housing New Rural (South) S16 Rezone 12, McShane Street, 12 McShane St, Any residential Pukekohe - SH MHU Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support proposed change. The site is affected by flooding constraints and retaining the No change No No Zealand Pukekohe from Single House to Pukekohe properties subject to a North constraints CHANGE; SUPPORT notified SH zone is considered the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the SH zone Corporation Mixed Housing Urban. key overlay Pukekohe RETENTION OF and gives effect to the RPS. residential NOTIFIED ZONE 839-5025 Housing New Rural (South) S16 Rezone 79A-79C,79, Princes 79A-79C,79, Princes Any residential Pukekohe - SH MHU Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Support change of zone to MHS. Managing flooding risk on this site does not require maintaining a MHS Yes No Zealand Street, Pukekohe from Single St, Pukekohe properties subject to a North constraints CHANGE; SUPPORT SH zone. The submitter's requested zone would however result in a spot zone, which would not Corporation House to Mixed Housing Urban. key overlay Pukekohe ALTERNATIVE ZONE recognise local context. Zoning the site MHS is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of residential the MHS zone which provides for a variety of detached and attached housing types and gives effect to the RPS. 839-5046 Housing New Rural (South) S16 Rezone 17, Childs Avenue, 17, Childs Avenue, Any residential Pukekohe - SH MHU Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Support change of zone to MHS. Managing flooding risk on this site does not require maintaining a MHS Yes No Zealand Pukekohe from Single House to Pukekohe properties subject to a North constraints CHANGE; SUPPORT SH zone. The submitter's requested zone would however result in a spot zone, which would not Corporation Mixed Housing Urban. key overlay Pukekohe ALTERNATIVE ZONE recognise local context. Zoning the site MHS is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of residential the MHS zone which provides for a variety of detached and attached housing types and gives effect to the RPS. 839-5063 Housing New Rural (South) S16 Rezone 8, Duke Avenue, 8, Duke Avenue, Any residential Pukekohe - SH MHS Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support proposed change. The site is affected by flooding constraints and retaining the No change No No Zealand Pukekohe from Single House to Pukekohe properties subject to a North constraints CHANGE; SUPPORT notified SH zone is considered the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the SH zone Corporation Mixed Housing Suburban. key overlay Pukekohe RETENTION OF and gives effect to the RPS. residential NOTIFIED ZONE 839-5068 Housing New Rural (South) S16 Rezone 2, Henry Curd Terrace, 2, Henry Curd Terrace, Any residential Pukekohe - SH MHU Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Support zone as notified. Managing flooding risks on these sites does not require maintaining a SH MHS Yes No Zealand Pukekohe from Single House to Pukekohe properties subject to a Rest of constraints CHANGE; SUPPORT zone. The submitter's requested zone would however result in a spot zone, which would not Corporation Mixed Housing Urban. key overlay Pukekohe ALTERNATIVE ZONE recognise local context. The most appropriate zoning is MHS. This is the most appropriate way to residential achieve the objectives of the MHS zone which provides for a variety of detached and attached housing types and gives effect to the RPS.

Page 25 RURAL Attachment 'C': Zoning Analysis and Position for each Submission Point Notes: The black text in the "summary" column of this Attachment is as notified. Occasional amendments have been made in red to take account of any re-notified SDR points and also for clarity, where necessary.

Auckland Unitary Plan Independent Hearings Panel Auckland Council Evidence Submission Point Pathway Report Analysis Planner's Position RELEVANT SUB PROPERTIES OVERLAYS, PLANNER'S PROPOSED SUB SUBMITTER AREA SUBJECT TO REQUESTED PRECINCTS AND PROPOSED ZONE GIS MAP POINT NAME TOPIC UNIT SUMMARY SUBMISSIONS SUBMISSION THEME LOCALITY PAUP ZONE ZONE CONSTRAINTS POSITION REASONS CHANGE CHANGE CONSEQUENTIAL AMENDMENT 839-5073 Housing New Rural (South) S16 Rezone 37, Montgomery Avenue, 37, Montgomery Mixed Housing Pukekohe - MHS MHU N/A DO NOT SUPPORT Support notified zone. The submitter's requested zone would result in a spot zone which would not No change No No Zealand Pukekohe from Mixed Housing Avenue, Pukekohe Urban/Mixed Housing North CHANGE; SUPPORT generally achieve intergarted management of resouce and would not recognise local context. Zoning Corporation Suburban to Mixed Housing Suburban/Single House Pukekohe RETENTION OF the site MHS is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the zone, which provides for a Urban. Expansion/Contraction residential NOTIFIED ZONE variety of detached and attached housing types and gives effect to the RPS. 839-5100 Housing New Rural (South) S16 Rezone 88, Kayes Road, 88, Kayes Rd, Mixed Housing Pukekohe - MHS MHU N/A DO NOT SUPPORT Support notified zone. The submitter's requested zone would result in a spot zone which would not No change No No Zealand Pukekohe from Mixed Housing Pukekohe Urban/Mixed Housing North CHANGE; SUPPORT recognise local context. Zoning the site MHS is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of Corporation Suburban to Mixed Housing Suburban/Single House Pukekohe RETENTION OF the MHS zone which provides for a variety of detached and attached housing types, and gives effect Urban. Expansion/Contraction residential NOTIFIED ZONE to the RPS. 839-5184 Housing New Rural (South) S17 Rezone 2-2B, VALLEY ROAD, 2-2B Valley Rd, Mixed Housing Waiuku MHS MHS Flooding SUPPORT IN FULL; Support retention of MHS. The notified zone achieves the objectives of the MHS zone and gives No change No No Zealand Waiuku from Mixed Housing Waiuku Urban/Mixed Housing constraints RETENTION OF effect to the RPS growth objectives, and is appropriate for the local context of Waiuku in areas away Corporation Suburban to Mixed Housing Suburban/Single House NOTIFIED ZONE from the local centre. Suburban. This is a retained Expansion/Contraction submission. 839-5198 Housing New Rural (South) S16 Rezone 34, McShane Street, 34, McShane St, Mixed Housing Pukekohe - MHS MHU N/A DO NOT SUPPORT Support notified zone. The submitter's requested zone would result in a spot zone which would not No change No No Zealand Pukekohe from Mixed Housing Pukekohe Urban/Mixed Housing North CHANGE; SUPPORT recognise local context. Zoning the site MHS is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives Corporation Suburban to Mixed Housing Suburban/Single House Pukekohe RETENTION OF of the MHS zone which provides for a variety of detached and attached housing types, and gives Urban. Expansion/Contraction residential NOTIFIED ZONE effect to the RPS. 839-5208 Housing New Rural (South) S17 Rezone 7, HOWDEN STREET, 7 Howden St, Waiuku Mixed Housing Waiuku MHS MHS Flooding SUPPORT IN FULL; Support retention of MHS. The notified zone achieves the objectives of the MHS zone and gives No change No No Zealand Waiuku from Mixed Housing Urban/Mixed Housing constraints RETENTION OF effect to the RPS growth objectives, and is appropriate for the local context of Waiuku in areas away Corporation Suburban to Mixed Housing Suburban/Single House NOTIFIED ZONE from the local centre. Suburban. This is a retained Expansion/Contraction submission 839-5219 Housing New Rural (South) S16 Rezone 94, Kayes Road, 94, Kayes Rd, Mixed Housing Pukekohe - MHS MHU N/A DO NOT SUPPORT Support notified zone. The submitter's requested zone would result in a spot zone which would not No change No No Zealand Pukekohe from Mixed Housing Pukekohe Urban/Mixed Housing North CHANGE; SUPPORT recognise local context. Zoning the site MHS is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives Corporation Suburban to Mixed Housing Suburban/Single House Pukekohe RETENTION OF of the MHS zone which provides for a variety of detached and attached housing types, and gives Urban. Expansion/Contraction residential NOTIFIED ZONE effect to the RPS. 839-5225 Housing New Rural (South) S16 Rezone 32-34, Queen Street, 32-34, Queen St, Centres/Terrace Pukekohe - TC THAB N/A SUPPORT IN FULL; Support the change of zone proposed by the submitter. Applying the THAB zone gives effect to the THAB Yes No Zealand Pukekohe from Town Centre to Pukekohe Housing Apartment Town centre & CHANGE OF ZONE RPS and is the most appropriate way to achieve the THAB zone objectives. Corporation Terrace Housing and Apartment Buildings (THAB)/Mixed surrounds Buildings. Use Expansion/Contraction 839-5283 Housing New Rural (South) S16 Rezone 3, Hooper Avenue, 3, Hooper Avenue, Mixed Housing Pukekohe - MHS MHU N/A DO NOT SUPPORT Support notified zone. The submitter's requested zone would result in a spot zone which would not No change No No Zealand Pukekohe from Mixed Housing Pukekohe Urban/Mixed Housing North CHANGE; SUPPORT recognise local context. Zoning the site MHS is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives Corporation Suburban to Mixed Housing Suburban/Single House Pukekohe RETENTION OF of the MHS zone which provides for a variety of detached and attached housing types, and gives Urban. Expansion/Contraction residential NOTIFIED ZONE effect to the RPS. 839-5351 Housing New Rural (South) S16 Rezone 82,82A, Seddon Street, 82,82A, Seddon St, Mixed Housing Pukekohe - MHS MHU or THAB N/A SUPPORT IN FULL; Support proposed change to THAB - applying the proposed zone to the sites gives effect to the RPS THAB Yes No Zealand Pukekohe from Mixed Housing Pukekohe Urban/Mixed Housing Town centre & CHANGE OF ZONE and is the most appropriate way to achieve the THAB zone objectives. The THAB zone allows Corporation Suburban to Mixed Housing Suburban/Single House surrounds terraced housing and apartment residential living around town centres and close to public transport, Urban or Terrace Housing and Expansion/Contraction enables efficient use of land and infrastructure. The site offers the opportunity to achieve quality Apartment Buildings. compact residential development within walkable distance of the town centre and/or railway station.

839-5407 Housing New Rural (South) S16 Rezone 48, Tasman Street, 48, Tasman St, Mixed Housing Pukekohe - MHS MHU N/A DO NOT SUPPORT Support notified zone. The submitter's requested zone would result in a spot zone which would not No change No No Zealand Pukekohe from Mixed Housing Pukekohe Urban/Mixed Housing North CHANGE; SUPPORT recognise local context. Zoning the site MHS is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives Corporation Suburban to Mixed Housing Suburban/Single House Pukekohe RETENTION OF of the MHS zone which provides for a variety of detached and attached housing types, and gives Urban. Expansion/Contraction residential NOTIFIED ZONE effect to the RPS. 839-5485 Housing New Rural (South) S16 Rezone 15, Duke Avenue, 15, Duke Avenue, Any residential Pukekohe - SH MHS Flooding SUPPORT IN FULL; Support change of zone to MHS. Managing flooding risk on this site does not require maintaining a MHS Yes No Zealand Pukekohe from Single House to Pukekohe properties subject to a North constraints CHANGE OF ZONE SH zone. Zoning the site MHS is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS zone Corporation Mixed Housing Suburban. key overlay Pukekohe which provides for a variety of detached and attached housing types and gives effect to the RPS. residential 839-5509 Housing New Rural (South) S16 Rezone 36, Montgomery Avenue, 36, Montgomery Mixed Housing Pukekohe - MHS MHU N/A DO NOT SUPPORT Support notified zone. The submitter's requested zone would result in a spot zone which would not No change No No Zealand Pukekohe from Mixed Housing Avenue, Pukekohe Urban/Mixed Housing North CHANGE; SUPPORT recognise local context. Zoning the site MHS is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives Corporation Suburban to Mixed Housing Suburban/Single House Pukekohe RETENTION OF of the MHS zone which provides for a variety of detached and attached housing types, and gives Urban. Expansion/Contraction residential NOTIFIED ZONE effect to the RPS. 839-5548 Housing New Rural (South) S16 Rezone 7, Churchill Street, 7, Churchill St, Any residential Pukekohe - SH MHU or THAB Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support proposed change. Site affected by flooding constraints and retaining the notified SH No change No No Zealand Pukekohe from Single House to Pukekohe properties subject to a North constraints CHANGE; SUPPORT zone is considered the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the SH zone and gives Corporation Mixed Housing Urban or THAB. key overlay Pukekohe RETENTION OF effect to the RPS. residential NOTIFIED ZONE 839-5577 Housing New Rural (South) S16 Rezone 134, Wellington Street, 134, Wellington St, Mixed Housing Pukekohe - MHS MHU N/A DO NOT SUPPORT Support notified zone. The submitter's requested zone would result in a spot zone, which would not No change No No Zealand Pukekohe from Mixed Housing Pukekohe Urban/Mixed Housing Rest of CHANGE; SUPPORT recognise local context. Zoning the site MHS is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives Corporation Suburban to Mixed Housing Suburban/Single House Pukekohe RETENTION OF of the zone, which provides for a variety of detached and attached housing types. Urban. Expansion/Contraction residential NOTIFIED ZONE 839-5593 Housing New Rural (South) S16 Rezone 17, McShane Street, 17, McShane St, Any residential Pukekohe - MHS MHU Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support change of zone from MHS to MHU - The submitter's requested zone would result in a No change No No Zealand Pukekohe from Mixed Housing Pukekohe properties subject to a North constraints CHANGE; SUPPORT spot zone, which would not recognise local context. Retaining the notified zone is the most Corporation Suburban to Mixed Housing key overlay Pukekohe RETENTION OF appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS zone which provides for a variety of detached Urban. residential NOTIFIED ZONE and attached housing types and gives effect to the RPS. 839-5688 Housing New Rural (South) S16 Rezone 65, Princes Street, 65, Princes St, Any residential Pukekohe - SH MHU Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Support change of zone to MHS. Managing flooding risk on this site does not require maintaining a MHS Yes No Zealand Pukekohe from Single House to Pukekohe properties subject to a North constraints CHANGE; SUPPORT SH zone. The submitter's requested zone would however result in a spot zone, which would not Corporation Mixed Housing Urban. key overlay Pukekohe ALTERNATIVE ZONE recognise local context. Zoning the site MHS is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of residential the MHS zone which provides for a variety of detached and attached housing types and gives effect to the RPS. 839-5722 Housing New Rural (South) S16 Rezone 6, Prospect Terrace, 6, Prospect Terrace, Mixed Housing Pukekohe - MHU MHU or THAB N/A SUPPORT IN FULL; Support proposed change to THAB - applying the proposed zone to the site gives effect to the RPS THAB Yes No Zealand Pukekohe from Mixed Housing Pukekohe Urban/Mixed Housing Town centre & CHANGE OF ZONE and is the most appropriate way to achieve the THAB zone objectives. The THAB zone allows Corporation Urban to Mixed Housing Urban or Suburban/Single House surrounds terraced housing and apartment residential living around town centres and close to public transport, Terrace Housing and Apartment Expansion/Contraction enables efficient use of land and infrastructure. The site offers the opportunity to achieve quality Buildings. compact residential development within walkable distance of the town centre and/or railway station.

839-5728 Housing New Rural (South) S16 Rezone 2, McShane Street, 2, McShane St, Any residential Pukekohe - SH MHU Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support proposed change. The site is affected by flooding constraints and retaining the No change No No Zealand Pukekohe from Single House to Pukekohe properties subject to a North constraints CHANGE; SUPPORT notified SH zone is considered the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the SH zone Corporation Mixed Housing Urban. key overlay Pukekohe RETENTION OF and gives effect to the RPS. residential NOTIFIED ZONE 839-5835 Housing New Rural (South) S16 Rezone 40-40C, Dublin Street, 40-40C, Dublin St, Mixed Housing Pukekohe - MHS THAB N/A DO NOT SUPPORT Support notified zone. The submitter's requested zone would result in a spot zone which would not No change No No Zealand Pukekohe from Mixed Housing Pukekohe Urban/Mixed Housing North CHANGE; SUPPORT recognise local context. Zoning the site MHS is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives Corporation Suburban to Terrace Housing and Suburban/Single House Pukekohe RETENTION OF of the MHS zone which provides for a variety of detached and attached housing types, and gives Apartment Buildings. Expansion/Contraction residential NOTIFIED ZONE effect to the RPS.

Page 26 RURAL Attachment 'C': Zoning Analysis and Position for each Submission Point Notes: The black text in the "summary" column of this Attachment is as notified. Occasional amendments have been made in red to take account of any re-notified SDR points and also for clarity, where necessary.

Auckland Unitary Plan Independent Hearings Panel Auckland Council Evidence Submission Point Pathway Report Analysis Planner's Position RELEVANT SUB PROPERTIES OVERLAYS, PLANNER'S PROPOSED SUB SUBMITTER AREA SUBJECT TO REQUESTED PRECINCTS AND PROPOSED ZONE GIS MAP POINT NAME TOPIC UNIT SUMMARY SUBMISSIONS SUBMISSION THEME LOCALITY PAUP ZONE ZONE CONSTRAINTS POSITION REASONS CHANGE CHANGE CONSEQUENTIAL AMENDMENT 839-5879 Housing New Rural (South) S16 Rezone 68A,68B, Kayes Road, 68A,68B, Kayes Rd, Any residential Pukekohe - MHS MHU Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support change of zone to MHS. Managing flooding risk on these sites does not require No change No No Zealand Pukekohe from Mixed Housing Pukekohe properties subject to a North constraints CHANGE; SUPPORT applying a SH zone. The submitter's requested zone would however result in a spot zone, which Corporation Suburban to Mixed Housing key overlay Pukekohe RETENTION OF would not recognise local context. Zoning the sites MHS is the most appropriate way to achieve the Urban. residential NOTIFIED ZONE objectives of the MHS zone which provides for a variety of detached and attached housing types and gives effect to the RPS. 839-5899 Housing New Rural (South) S16 Rezone 3, Holland Street, 3, Holland St, Any residential Pukekohe - MHS MHU Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT The submitter's requested zone would result in a spot zone which would not recognise local context. No change No No Zealand Pukekohe from Mixed Housing properties subject to a North constraints CHANGE; SUPPORT Zoning the site MHS is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS zone which Corporation Suburban to Mixed Housing key overlay Pukekohe RETENTION OF provides for a variety of detached and attached housing types, and gives effect to the RPS. Urban. residential NOTIFIED ZONE 839-5962 Housing New Rural (South) S16 Rezone 9, Henry Curd Terrace, 9, Henry Curd Terrace, Any residential Pukekohe - MHS MHU Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT The submitter's requested zone would result in a spot zone which would not recognise local context. No change No No Zealand Pukekohe from Mixed Housing Pukekohe properties subject to a Rest of constraints CHANGE; SUPPORT Zoning the site MHS is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS zone which Corporation Suburban to Mixed Housing key overlay Pukekohe RETENTION OF provides for a variety of detached and attached housing types, and gives effect to the RPS. Urban. residential NOTIFIED ZONE 839-5972 Housing New Rural (South) S16 Rezone 64, West Street, 64, West St, Any residential Pukekohe - SH MHU Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Support change of zone to MHS. Managing flooding risk on this site does not require maintaining a MHS yes No Zealand Pukekohe from Single House to Pukekohe properties subject to a Town centre & constraints CHANGE; SUPPORT SH zone. The submitter's requested zone would however result in a spot zone, which would not Corporation Mixed Housing Urban. key overlay surrounds ALTERNATIVE ZONE recognise local context. Zoning the site MHS is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS zone which provides for a variety of detached and attached housing types and gives effect to the RPS. 839-6120 Housing New Rural (South) S16 Rezone 3, Kennelly Crescent, 3, Kennelly Crescent, Any residential Pukekohe - MHS MHU or THAB Flooding SUPPORT IN FULL; Support the change of zone proposed by the submitter. Managing flooding risks on these sites does THAB Yes No Zealand Pukekohe from Mixed Housing Pukekohe properties subject to a Town centre & constraints CHANGE OF ZONE not require maintaining the notified zone. Applying THAB to the site gives effect to the RPS and is Corporation Suburban to Mixed Housing key overlay surrounds the most appropriate way to achieve the THAB zone objectives. The THAB zone allows terraced Urban or Terrace Housing and housing and apartment residential living around town centres, enables efficient use of land and Apartment Buildings. infrastructure. The site offers the opportunity to achieve quality compact residential development within walkable distance of the town centre. 839-6134 Housing New Rural (South) S16 Rezone 4, Montgomery Avenue, 4, Montgomery Mixed Housing Pukekohe - MHS MHU or THAB N/A DO NOT SUPPORT Support notified zone. The submitter's requested zone would result in a spot zone which would not No change No No Zealand Pukekohe from Mixed Housing Avenue, Pukekohe Urban/Mixed Housing Town centre & CHANGE; SUPPORT recognise local context. Zoning the site MHS is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives Corporation Suburban to Mixed Housing Suburban/Single House surrounds RETENTION OF of the MHS zone which provides for a variety of detached and attached housing types, and gives Urban or Terrace Housing and Expansion/Contraction NOTIFIED ZONE effect to the RPS. Apartment Buildings. 839-6151 Housing New Rural (South) S16 Rezone 30, Montgomery Avenue, 30, Montgomery Mixed Housing Pukekohe - MHS MHU N/A DO NOT SUPPORT Support notified zone. The submitter's requested zone would result in a spot zone which would not No change No No Zealand Pukekohe from Mixed Housing Avenue, Pukekohe Urban/Mixed Housing North CHANGE; SUPPORT recognise local context. Zoning the site MHS is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives Corporation Suburban to Mixed Housing Suburban/Single House Pukekohe RETENTION OF of the MHS zone which provides for a variety of detached and attached housing types, and gives Urban. Expansion/Contraction residential NOTIFIED ZONE effect to the RPS. 839-6157 Housing New Rural (South) S16 Rezone 196, Wellington Street, 196, Wellington St, Mixed Housing Pukekohe - MHS MHU N/A DO NOT SUPPORT Support notified zone. The submitter's requested zone would result in a spot zone which would not No change No No Zealand Pukekohe from Mixed Housing Pukekohe Urban/Mixed Housing Rest of CHANGE; SUPPORT recognise local context. Zoning the site MHS is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives Corporation Suburban to Mixed Housing Suburban/Single House Pukekohe RETENTION OF of the MHS zone which provides for a variety of detached and attached housing types, and gives Urban. Expansion/Contraction residential NOTIFIED ZONE effect to the RPS. 839-6187 Housing New Rural (South) S16 Rezone 41-43, Beatty Road, 41-43, Beatty Rd, Mixed Housing Pukekohe - MHS MHU N/A DO NOT SUPPORT Support notified zone. The submitter's requested zone would result in a spot zone which would not No change No No Zealand Pukekohe from Mixed Housing Pukekohe Urban/Mixed Housing North CHANGE; SUPPORT recognise local context. Zoning the sites MHS is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives Corporation Suburban to Mixed Housing Suburban/Single House Pukekohe RETENTION OF of the MHS zone which provides for a variety of detached and attached housing types, and gives Urban. Expansion/Contraction residential NOTIFIED ZONE effect to the RPS. 839-6385 Housing New Rural (South) S15 Rezone 152,152A,152B, GREAT 152,152A,152B, Great Any residential Drury and SH MHU Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support change of zone from SH to MHU. The site is affected by flooding constraints. No change No No Zealand SOUTH ROAD, Drury from Single South Rd, Drury properties subject to a Opaheke constraints CHANGE; SUPPORT Retention of the SH zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the SH zone and Corporation House to Mixed Housing Urban. key overlay RETENTION OF gives effect to the RPS. NOTIFIED ZONE 839-6386 Housing New Rural (South) S15 Rezone 183B,183,183A, GREAT 183B,183,183A, Great Any residential Drury and SH and MHS MHU Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support change of zone from SH and MHS to MHU. MHS rather than MHU aligns with the No change No No Zealand SOUTH ROAD, Drury from Mixed South Rd, Drury properties subject to a Opaheke constraints CHANGE; SUPPORT residential zoning pattern in Drury given its distance from the Papakura Metropolitan Centre and a Corporation Housing Suburban to Mixed key overlay RETENTION OF RFN. Retention of the notified zones is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of those Housing Urban. NOTIFIED ZONE zones and gives effect to the RPS. 839-7370 Housing New Rural (South) S16 Rezone 47,45,49, Birdwood 47,45,49, Birdwood Mixed Housing Pukekohe - MHS MHU N/A DO NOT SUPPORT Support notified zone. The submitter's requested zone would result in a spot zone which would not No change No No Zealand Road,9,3,5,7, Windmill Road,44, Rd, 9,3,5,7, Windmill Urban/Mixed Housing North CHANGE; SUPPORT recognise local context. Zoning the sites MHS is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives Corporation Beatty Road, Pukekohe from Rd, 44, Beatty Rd, Suburban/Single House Pukekohe RETENTION OF of the MHS zone which provides for a variety of detached and attached housing types, and gives Mixed Housing Suburban to Mixed Pukekohe Expansion/Contraction residential NOTIFIED ZONE effect to the RPS. Housing Urban. 839-7371 Housing New Rural (South) S16 Rezone 10,12,14,8, Windmill 10,12,14,8, Windmill Any residential Pukekohe - MHS MHU Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Support zone as notified. Managing flooding risks on these sites does not require a SH zoning No change No No Zealand Road, Pukekohe from Mixed Rd, Pukekohe properties subject to a North constraints CHANGE; SUPPORT however the submitter's requested MHU zone would result in a spot zone which would not recognise Corporation Housing Suburban to Mixed key overlay Pukekohe RETENTION OF local context. Retention of MHS zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the Housing Urban. residential NOTIFIED ZONE MHS zone which provides for a variety of detached and attached housing types, and gives effect to the RPS. 839-7372 Housing New Rural (South) S16 Rezone 24,26, McShane Street, 24,26, McShane St, Any residential Pukekohe - MHS MHU Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Support change of zone to MHS. Managing flooding risk on this site does not require maintaining a No change No No Zealand Pukekohe from Mixed Housing Pukekohe properties subject to a North constraints CHANGE; SUPPORT SH zone. The submitter's requested zone would however result in a spot zone, which would not Corporation Suburban to Mixed Housing key overlay Pukekohe RETENTION OF recognise local context. Zoning the sites MHS is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives Urban. residential NOTIFIED ZONE of the MHS zone which provides for a variety of detached and attached housing types and gives effect to the RPS. 839-7373 Housing New Rural (South) S16 Rezone 54,56, Princes Street, 54,56, Princes St, Mixed Housing Pukekohe - MHS MHU N/A DO NOT SUPPORT Support notified zone. The submitter's requested zone would result in a spot zone which would not No change No No Zealand Pukekohe from Mixed Housing Pukekohe Urban/Mixed Housing North CHANGE; SUPPORT recognise local context. Zoning the sites MHS is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives Corporation Suburban to Mixed Housing Suburban/Single House Pukekohe RETENTION OF of the MHS zone which provides for a variety of detached and attached housing types, and gives Urban. Expansion/Contraction residential NOTIFIED ZONE effect to the RPS. 839-7374 Housing New Rural (South) S16 Rezone 5,7, Montgomery 5,7, Montgomery Mixed Housing Pukekohe - MHS MHU or THAB N/A SUPPORT IN FULL; Support the change of zone proposed by the submitter. Applying THAB zoning close to town centre THAB Yes No Zealand Avenue,32,30,28, Kennelly Avenue, 32,30,28, Urban/Mixed Housing Town centre & CHANGE OF ZONE and railway station gives effect to the RPS and is the most appropriate way to achieve the THAB Corporation Crescent, Pukekohe from Mixed Kennelly Crescent, Suburban/Single House surrounds zone objectives. The zone allows terraced housing and apartment residential living around town Housing Suburban to Mixed Pukekohe Expansion/Contraction centres, enables efficient use of land and infrastructure. The area offers the opportunity to achieve Housing Urban or Terrace quality compact residential development within walkable distance of the town centre. Housing and Apartment Buildings.

839-7375 Housing New Rural (South) S16 Rezone 1, Montgomery 1, Montgomery Mixed Housing Pukekohe - MHS MHU or THAB N/A SUPPORT IN FULL; Support the change of zone proposed by the submitter. Applying THAB zoning close to town centre THAB Yes No Zealand Avenue,51,49, Victoria Street, Avenue,51,49, Victoria Urban/Mixed Housing North CHANGE OF ZONE and railway station gives effect to the RPS and is the most appropriate way to achieve the THAB Corporation Pukekohe from Mixed Housing St, Pukekohe Suburban/Single House Pukekohe zone objectives. The zone allows terraced housing and apartment residential living around town Suburban to Mixed Housing Expansion/Contraction residential centres, enables efficient use of land and infrastructure. The area offers the opportunity to achieve Urban or Terrace Housing and quality compact residential development within walkable distance of the town centre. Apartment Buildings. 839-7376 Housing New Rural (South) S16 Rezone 24,18,20,22, Kennelly 24,18,20,22, Kennelly Mixed Housing Pukekohe - MHS MHU or THAB N/A SUPPORT IN FULL; Support the change of zone proposed by the submitter. Applying THAB zoning close to town centre THAB Yes No Zealand Crescent, Pukekohe from Mixed Crescent, Pukekohe Urban/Mixed Housing Town centre & CHANGE OF ZONE and railway station gives effect to the RPS and is the most appropriate way to achieve the THAB Corporation Housing Suburban to Mixed Suburban/Single House surrounds zone objectives. The zone allows terraced housing and apartment residential living around town Housing Urban or Terrace Expansion/Contraction centres, enables efficient use of land and infrastructure. The area offers the opportunity to achieve Housing and Apartment Buildings. quality compact residential development within walkable distance of the town centre.

Page 27 RURAL Attachment 'C': Zoning Analysis and Position for each Submission Point Notes: The black text in the "summary" column of this Attachment is as notified. Occasional amendments have been made in red to take account of any re-notified SDR points and also for clarity, where necessary.

Auckland Unitary Plan Independent Hearings Panel Auckland Council Evidence Submission Point Pathway Report Analysis Planner's Position RELEVANT SUB PROPERTIES OVERLAYS, PLANNER'S PROPOSED SUB SUBMITTER AREA SUBJECT TO REQUESTED PRECINCTS AND PROPOSED ZONE GIS MAP POINT NAME TOPIC UNIT SUMMARY SUBMISSIONS SUBMISSION THEME LOCALITY PAUP ZONE ZONE CONSTRAINTS POSITION REASONS CHANGE CHANGE CONSEQUENTIAL AMENDMENT 839-7377 Housing New Rural (South) S16 Rezone 10,12,8, Kennelly 10,12,8, Kennelly Mixed Housing Pukekohe - MHS MHU or THAB N/A SUPPORT IN FULL; Support the change of zone proposed by the submitter. Applying THAB zoning close to town centre THAB Yes No Zealand Crescent, Pukekohe from Mixed Crescent, Pukekohe Urban/Mixed Housing Town centre & CHANGE OF ZONE and railway station gives effect to the RPS and is the most appropriate way to achieve the THAB Corporation Housing Suburban to Mixed Suburban/Single House surrounds zone objectives. The zone allows terraced housing and apartment residential living around town Housing Urban or Terrace Expansion/Contraction centres, enables efficient use of land and infrastructure. The area offers the opportunity to achieve Housing and Apartment Buildings. quality compact residential development within walkable distance of the town centre.

839-7378 Housing New Rural (South) S16 Rezone 27,29, Victoria Street,4, 27,29, Victoria St, 4, Mixed Housing Pukekohe - MHS MHU or THAB N/A SUPPORT IN FULL; Support the change of zone proposed by the submitter. Applying THAB zoning close to town centre THAB Yes No Zealand Kennelly Crescent, Pukekohe Kennelly Crescent, Urban/Mixed Housing Town centre & CHANGE OF ZONE and railway station gives effect to the RPS and is the most appropriate way to achieve the THAB Corporation from Mixed Housing Suburban to Pukekohe Suburban/Single House surrounds zone objectives. The zone allows terraced housing and apartment residential living around town Mixed Housing Urban or Terrace Expansion/Contraction centres, enables efficient use of land and infrastructure. The area offers the opportunity to achieve Housing and Apartment Buildings. quality compact residential development within walkable distance of the town centre.

839-7379 Housing New Rural (South) S16 Rezone 8,8A, Kiwi Place, 8,8A, Kiwi Place, Mixed Housing Pukekohe - MHS MHU or THAB N/A DO NOT SUPPORT Support notified zone. Zoning the sites MHS is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of No change No No Zealand Pukekohe from Mixed Housing Pukekohe Urban/Mixed Housing Town centre & CHANGE; SUPPORT the MHS zone, which provides for a variety of detached and attached housing types, and gives effect Corporation Suburban to Mixed Housing Suburban/Single House surrounds RETENTION OF to the RPS. Urban or Terrace Housing and Expansion/Contraction NOTIFIED ZONE Apartment Buildings. 839-7380 Housing New Rural (South) S16 Rezone 2, Alamein 2, Alamein Any residential Pukekohe - SH THAB Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Support change of zone in part. Managing the flooding risks for 13 and 15 Kennelly Crescent does SH and MHS Yes No Zealand Place,13,15,17, Kennelly Place,13,15,17, properties subject to a Town centre & constraints CHANGE; SUPPORT not require maintaining a SH zone. Zoning these sites MHS is the most appropriate way to achieve Corporation Crescent, Pukekohe from Single Kennelly Crescent, key overlay surrounds ALTERNATIVE ZONE the objectives for the MHS zone - which provides for a variety of detached and attached housing House to Mixed Housing Urban Pukekohe types. 23 Alamein Place and 17 Kennelly are affected by flooding constraints and maintaining the SH or Terrace Housing and zone for these sites is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives for the zone. Applying the Apartment Buildings. zoning as above will gives effect to the RPS. 839-7381 Housing New Rural (South) S16 Rezone 11,12, Alamein Place, 11,12, Alamein Place, Any residential Pukekohe - SH MHU or THAB Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support proposed change. These sites are affected by flooding constraints and retaining the No change No No Zealand Pukekohe from Single House to Pukekohe properties subject to a Town centre & constraints CHANGE; SUPPORT notified SH zone is considered the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the SH zone Corporation Mixed Housing Urban or Terrace key overlay surrounds RETENTION OF and gives effect to the RPS. Housing and Apartment Buildings. NOTIFIED ZONE

839-7382 Housing New Rural (South) S16 Rezone 11, Kennelly 11, Kennelly Any residential Pukekohe - SH MHU or THAB Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support proposed change. These sites are affected by flooding constraints and retaining the No change No No Zealand Crescent,1,3,3A, Alamein Place, Crescent,1,3,3A, properties subject to a Town centre & constraints CHANGE; SUPPORT notified SH zone is considered the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the SH zone Corporation Pukekohe from Single House to Alamein Place key overlay surrounds RETENTION OF and gives effect to the RPS. Mixed Housing Urban or Terrace NOTIFIED ZONE Housing and Apartment Buildings.

839-7383 Housing New Rural (South) S16 Rezone 76,78, Seddon Street,1,3, 76,78, Seddon St,1,3, Mixed Housing Pukekohe - MHS MHU or THAB N/A SUPPORT IN FULL; Support the change of zone proposed by the submitter. Applying the THAB zone to the site is the THAB Yes No Zealand Victoria Street, Pukekohe from Victoria St, Pukekohe Urban/Mixed Housing Town centre & CHANGE OF ZONE most appropriate way to achieve the zone's objectives. The THAB zone allows terraced housing and Corporation Mixed Housing Suburban to Mixed Suburban/Single House surrounds apartment residential living around town centres, enables efficient use of land and infrastructure. The Housing Urban or Terrace Expansion/Contraction site offers the opportunity to achieve quality compact residential development within walkable Housing and Apartment Buildings. distance of the town centre

839-7384 Housing New Rural (South) S16 Rezone 82E,82D,82A,82C,82B, Mixed Housing Pukekohe - MHS MHU N/A DO NOT SUPPORT Support notified zone. The submitter's requested zone would result in a spot zone, which would not No change No No Zealand 82E,82D,82A,82C,82B,76B,76A,7 76B,76A,78, Kayes Rd, Urban/Mixed Housing North CHANGE; SUPPORT recognise local context. Zoning the sites MHS gives effect to the RPS and is the most appropriate Corporation 8, Kayes Road, Pukekohe from Pukekohe Suburban/Single House Pukekohe RETENTION OF way to achieve the objectives of the MHS zone, which provides for a variety of detached and Mixed Housing Suburban to Mixed Expansion/Contraction residential NOTIFIED ZONE attached housing types. Housing Urban. 839-7385 Housing New Rural (South) S16 Rezone 10,3,4,8, Sapling Drive, 10,3,4,8, Sapling Dr, Mixed Housing Pukekohe - MHS MHU N/A DO NOT SUPPORT Support notified zone. The submitter's requested zone would result in a spot zone, which would not No change No No Zealand Pukekohe from Mixed Housing Pukekohe Urban/Mixed Housing North CHANGE; SUPPORT recognise local context. Zoning the sites MHS gives effect to the RPS and is the most appropriate Corporation Suburban to Mixed Housing Suburban/Single House Pukekohe RETENTION OF way to achieve the objectives of the MHS zone, which provides for a variety of detached and Urban. Expansion/Contraction residential NOTIFIED ZONE attached housing types. 839-7386 Housing New Rural (South) S16 Rezone 26,30,28, Prospect 26,30,28, Prospect Mixed Housing Pukekohe - MHU MHU or THAB N/A SUPPORT IN FULL; Support the change of zone proposed by the submitter. Applying THAB zoning close to town centre THAB Yes No Zealand Terrace, Pukekohe from Mixed Terrace, Pukekohe Urban/Mixed Housing Town centre & CHANGE OF ZONE and railway station gives effect to the RPS and is the most appropriate way to achieve the THAB Corporation Housing Urban to Mixed Housing Suburban/Single House surrounds zone objectives. The zone allows terraced housing and apartment residential living around town Urban or Terrace Housing and Expansion/Contraction centres, enables efficient use of land and infrastructure. The area offers the opportunity to achieve Apartment Buildings. quality compact residential development within walkable distance of the town centre. 839-7387 Housing New Rural (South) S16 Rezone 176,174-174B,172,178, 176,174- Mixed Housing Pukekohe - MHS MHU N/A DO NOT SUPPORT Support notified zone. The submitter's requested zone would result in a spot zone, which would not No change No No Zealand Wellington Street, Pukekohe from 174B,172,178, Urban/Mixed Housing Rest of CHANGE; SUPPORT recognise local context. Zoning the sites MHS gives effect to the RPS and is the most appropriate Corporation Mixed Housing Suburban to Mixed Wellington St, Suburban/Single House Pukekohe RETENTION OF way to achieve the objectives of the MHS zone, which provides for a variety of detached and Housing Urban. Pukekohe Expansion/Contraction residential NOTIFIED ZONE attached housing types. 839-7388 Housing New Rural (South) S16 Rezone 65,65A, Harris Street, 65,65A, Harris St, Mixed Housing Pukekohe - SH MHU or THAB N/A SUPPORT IN FULL; Support change of zone to MHU. Applying the proposed zone gives effect to the RPS and is the most MHU Yes No Zealand Pukekohe from Single House to Pukekohe Urban/Mixed Housing Town centre & CHANGE OF ZONE appropriate way to achieve the MHU zone objectives. The zone allows three storey dwellings in Corporation Mixed Housing Urban or Terrace Suburban/Single House surrounds locations close to centres. Housing and Apartment Buildings. Expansion/Contraction

839-7389 Housing New Rural (South) S16 Rezone 8,6, Wesley Street, 8,6, Wesley Street, Centres/Terrace Pukekohe - MU THAB N/A SUPPORT IN FULL; Support the change of zone proposed by the submitter. Applying the THAB zone to the site is the THAB Yes No Zealand Pukekohe from Mixed Use to Pukekohe Housing Apartment Town centre & CHANGE OF ZONE most appropriate way to achieve the zone's objectives. The THAB zone allows terraced housing and Corporation Terrace Housing and Apartment Buildings (THAB)/Mixed surrounds apartment residential living around town centres, enables efficient use of land and infrastructure. The Buildings. Use site offers the opportunity to achieve quality compact residential development within walkable Expansion/Contraction distance of the town centre 839-7390 Housing New Rural (South) S16 Rezone 11,13, Harris Street, 11,13, Harris St, Mixed Housing Pukekohe - MHU MHU or THAB N/A SUPPORT IN FULL; Support proposed change to THAB - applying the proposed zone to the sites gives effect to the RPS THAB Yes No Zealand Pukekohe from Mixed Housing Pukekohe Urban/Mixed Housing Town centre & CHANGE OF ZONE and is the most appropriate way to achieve the THAB zone objectives. The zone allows terraced Corporation Urban to Mixed Housing Urban Suburban/Single House surrounds housing and apartment residential living around town centres and close to public transport, enables or Terrace Housing and Expansion/Contraction efficient use of land and infrastructure. The sites offer the opportunity to achieve quality compact Apartment Buildings. residential development within walkable distance of the town centre and/or railway station.

839-7391 Housing New Rural (South) S16 Rezone 8,2,4,6, Carlton Road, 8,2,4,6, Carlton Rd, Any residential Pukekohe - MHU MHU or THAB N/A SUPPORT IN FULL; Support the change of zone proposed by the submitter. Applying THAB zoning close to town centre THAB Yes No Zealand Pukekohe from Mixed Housing Pukekohe properties subject to a Town centre & CHANGE OF ZONE and railway station gives effect to the RPS and is the most appropriate way to achieve the THAB Corporation Urban to Mixed Housing Urban or key overlay surrounds zone objectives. The zone allows terraced housing and apartment residential living around town THAB. centres, enables efficient use of land and infrastructure. The area offers the opportunity to achieve quality compact residential development within walkable distance of the town centre. 839-7392 Housing New Rural (South) S17 Rezone 11,11A, SEAVIEW RISE, 11 and 11A Seaview Mixed Housing Waiuku MHS MHS Flooding SUPPORT IN FULL; Support retention of MHS. The notified zone achieves the objectives of the MHS zone and gives No change No No Zealand Waiuku from Mixed Housing Rise, Waiuku Urban/Mixed Housing constraints RETENTION OF effect to the RPS growth objectives, and is appropriate for the local context of Waiuku in areas away Corporation Suburban to Mixed Housing Suburban/Single House NOTIFIED ZONE from the local centre. Suburban. This is a retained Expansion/Contraction submission

Page 28 RURAL Attachment 'C': Zoning Analysis and Position for each Submission Point Notes: The black text in the "summary" column of this Attachment is as notified. Occasional amendments have been made in red to take account of any re-notified SDR points and also for clarity, where necessary.

Auckland Unitary Plan Independent Hearings Panel Auckland Council Evidence Submission Point Pathway Report Analysis Planner's Position RELEVANT SUB PROPERTIES OVERLAYS, PLANNER'S PROPOSED SUB SUBMITTER AREA SUBJECT TO REQUESTED PRECINCTS AND PROPOSED ZONE GIS MAP POINT NAME TOPIC UNIT SUMMARY SUBMISSIONS SUBMISSION THEME LOCALITY PAUP ZONE ZONE CONSTRAINTS POSITION REASONS CHANGE CHANGE CONSEQUENTIAL AMENDMENT 839-7393 Housing New Rural (South) S17 Rezone 29,29A, VICTORIA 29 and 29A Victoria Mixed Housing Waiuku MHS MHS Flooding SUPPORT IN FULL; Support retention of MHS. The notified zone achieves the objectives of the MHS zone and gives No change No No Zealand AVENUE, Waiuku from Mixed Avenue, Waiuku Urban/Mixed Housing constraints RETENTION OF effect to the RPS growth objectives, and is appropriate for the local context of Waiuku in areas away Corporation Housing Suburban to Mixed Suburban/Single House NOTIFIED ZONE from the local centre. Housing Suburban. This is a Expansion/Contraction retained submission 839-7446 Housing New Rural (South) S16 Rezone 137 Victoria Street West. 137 Victoria St West Any residential Pukekohe - MHS MHU Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Support zone as notified. Managing flood risk on the site does not require a SH zone being applied. No change No No Zealand Pukekohe from Mixed Housing properties subject to a Rest of constraints CHANGE; SUPPORT The submitter's requested zone would however result in a spot zone. This would not recognise local Corporation Suburban to Mixed Housing key overlay Pukekohe RETENTION OF context. The most appropriate zoning is MHS this being the most appropriate way to achieve the Urban. residential NOTIFIED ZONE objectives of the MHS zone which provides for a variety of detached and attached housing types and gives effect to the RPS. 839-7459 Housing New Rural (South) S17 Rezone 8, 8A HUIA STREET. 8 and 8A Huia St, Mixed Housing Waiuku SH MHU Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support change from SH to MHU. However, support MHS. Managing flooding risks on this MHS Yes No Zealand Waiuku from Single House to Waiuku Urban/Mixed Housing constraints CHANGE; SUPPORT property does not require SH. MHS is more compatible with surrounding site, and the distance from Corporation Mixed Housing Urban. Suburban/Single House ALTERNATIVE ZONE LC means MHU is not appropriate. Change to MHS gives effect to the RPS and achieves the Expansion/Contraction objectives of the MHS zone. 839-7490 Housing New Rural (South) S16 Rezone 12A Helvetia Road. 12A Helvetia Rd. Mixed Housing Pukekohe - MHS MHU N/A DO NOT SUPPORT Support notified zone. The submitter's requested zone would result in a spot zone, which would not No change No No Zealand Pukekohe from Mixed Housing Pukekohe Urban/Mixed Housing Rest of CHANGE; SUPPORT recognise local context. Zoning the site MHS gives effect to the RPS and is the most appropriate way Corporation Suburban to Mixed Housing Suburban/Single House Pukekohe RETENTION OF to achieve the objectives of the MHS zone, which provides for a variety of detached and attached Urban. Expansion/Contraction residential NOTIFIED ZONE housing types. 839-7518 Housing New Rural (South) S16 Rezone 54A-54D Prospect 54A-54D Prospect Mixed Housing Pukekohe - MHS THAB N/A DO NOT SUPPORT Support notified zone. The submitter's requested zone would result in a spot zone, which would not No change No No Zealand Terrace. Pukekohe from Mixed Terrace. Pukekohe Urban/Mixed Housing Rest of CHANGE; SUPPORT recognise local context. Zoning the site MHS gives effect to the RPS and is the most appropriate way Corporation Housing Suburban to Terrace Suburban/Single House Pukekohe RETENTION OF to achieve the objectives of the MHS zone, which provides for a variety of detached and attached Housing and Apartment Buildings. Expansion/Contraction residential NOTIFIED ZONE housing types.

839-7581 Housing New Rural (South) S16 Rezone 12 Helvetia Road, 12 Helvetia Rd, Mixed Housing Pukekohe - MHS MHU N/A DO NOT SUPPORT Support notified zone. The submitter's requested zone would result in a spot zone, which would not No change No No Zealand Pukekohe from Mixed Housing Pukekohe Urban/Mixed Housing Rest of CHANGE; SUPPORT recognise local context. Zoning the site MHS gives effect to the RPS and is the most appropriate way Corporation Suburban to Mixed Housing Suburban/Single House Pukekohe RETENTION OF to achieve the objectives of the MHS zone, which provides for a variety of detached and attached Urban. Expansion/Contraction residential NOTIFIED ZONE housing types. 839-7671 Housing New Rural (South) S17 Rezone 14 SEAVIEW RISE. 14 Seaview Rise, Mixed Housing Waiuku MHS MHU N/A DO NOT SUPPORT Support retention of MHS. The notified zone achieves the objectives of the MHS zone and gives MHS No No Zealand Waiuku from Mixed Housing Waiuku Urban/Mixed Housing CHANGE; SUPPORT effect to the RPS growth objectives, and is appropriate for the local context of Waiuku in areas away Corporation Suburban to Mixed Housing Suburban/Single House RETENTION OF from the local centre. Urban. Expansion/Contraction NOTIFIED ZONE 839-7683 Housing New Rural (South) S16 Rezone 12B Helvetia Road, 12B Helvetia Rd, Mixed Housing Pukekohe - MHS MHU N/A DO NOT SUPPORT Support notified zone. The submitter's requested zone would result in a spot zone, which would not No change No No Zealand Pukekohe from Mixed Housing Pukekohe Urban/Mixed Housing Rest of CHANGE; SUPPORT recognise local context. Zoning the site MHS gives effect to the RPS and is the most appropriate way Corporation Suburban to Mixed Housing Suburban/Single House Pukekohe RETENTION OF to achieve the objectives of the MHS zone, which provides for a variety of detached and attached Urban. Expansion/Contraction residential NOTIFIED ZONE housing types. 839-7689 Housing New Rural (South) S16 Rezone 12C Helvetia Road, 12C Helvetia Rd, Mixed Housing Pukekohe - MHS MHU N/A DO NOT SUPPORT Support notified zone. The submitter's requested zone would result in a spot zone, which would not No change No No Zealand Pukekohe from Mixed Housing Pukekohe Urban/Mixed Housing Rest of CHANGE; SUPPORT recognise local context. Zoning the site MHS gives effect to the RPS and is the most appropriate way Corporation Suburban to Mixed Housing Suburban/Single House Pukekohe RETENTION OF to achieve the objectives of the MHS zone, which provides for a variety of detached and attached Urban. Expansion/Contraction residential NOTIFIED ZONE housing types. 839-7873 Housing New Rural (South) S16 Rezone 38 Ranch Place, 38 Ranch Place, Mixed Housing Pukekohe - MHS MHU N/A DO NOT SUPPORT Support notified zone. The submitter's requested zone would result in a spot zone, which would not No change No No Zealand Pukekohe from Mixed Housing Pukekohe Urban/Mixed Housing North CHANGE; SUPPORT recognise local context. Zoning the site MHS gives effect to the RPS and is the most appropriate way Corporation Suburban to Mixed Housing Suburban/Single House Pukekohe RETENTION OF to achieve the objectives of the MHS zone, which provides for a variety of detached and attached Urban. Expansion/Contraction residential NOTIFIED ZONE housing types. 839-8004 Housing New Rural (South) S16 Rezone 23 Willowgrange Place. 23 Willowgrange Any residential Pukekohe - SH MHS Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support proposed change. The site is affected by flooding constraints and retaining the No change No No Zealand Pukekohe from Single House to Place. Pukekohe properties subject to a Rest of constraints CHANGE; SUPPORT notified SH zone is considered the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the SH zone Corporation Mixed Housing Suburban. key overlay Pukekohe RETENTION OF and gives effect to the RPS. residential NOTIFIED ZONE 839-8015 Housing New Rural (South) S16 Rezone 124 Princes Street West, 124 Princes St West, Mixed Housing Pukekohe - MHS MHU N/A DO NOT SUPPORT Support notified zone. The submitter's requested zone would result in a spot zone, which would not No change No No Zealand Pukekohe from Mixed Housing Pukekohe Urban/Mixed Housing North CHANGE; SUPPORT recognise local context. Zoning the site MHS gives effect to the RPS and is the most appropriate way Corporation Suburban to Mixed Housing Suburban/Single House Pukekohe RETENTION OF to achieve the objectives of the MHS zone, which provides for a variety of detached and attached Urban. Expansion/Contraction residential NOTIFIED ZONE housing types. 839-8235 Housing New Rural (South) S16 Rezone 7 Alamein Place. 7 Alamein Place, Any residential Pukekohe - SH THAB Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support proposed change. Site affected by flooding constraints and retaining the notified SH No change No No Zealand Pukekohe from Single House to Pukekohe properties subject to a Town centre & constraints CHANGE; SUPPORT zone is considered the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the SH zone and gives Corporation Terrace Housing and Apartment key overlay surrounds RETENTION OF effect to the RPS. Buildings. NOTIFIED ZONE 839-8236 Housing New Rural (South) S16 Rezone 7A Alamein Place. 7A Alamein Place. Any residential Pukekohe - SH THAB Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support proposed change. The site is affected by flooding constraints and retaining the No change No No Zealand Pukekohe from Single House to Pukekohe properties subject to a Town centre & constraints CHANGE; SUPPORT notified SH zone is considered the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the SH zone Corporation Terrace Housing and Apartment key overlay surrounds RETENTION OF and gives effect to the RPS. Buildings. NOTIFIED ZONE 839-8237 Housing New Rural (South) S16 Rezone 81 Harris Street. 81 Harris Street St. Mixed Housing Pukekohe - MHS THAB N/A DO NOT SUPPORT Support notified zone. The submitter's requested zone would result in a spot zone, which would not No change No No Zealand Pukekohe from Mixed Housing Pukekohe Urban/Mixed Housing Town centre & CHANGE; SUPPORT recognise local context. Zoning the site MHS gives effect to the RPS and is the most appropriate way Corporation Suburban to Terrace Housing and Suburban/Single House surrounds RETENTION OF to achieve the objectives of the MHS zone, which provides for a variety of detached and attached Apartment Buildings. Expansion/Contraction NOTIFIED ZONE housing types. 839-8238 Housing New Rural (South) S16 Rezone 81A Harris Street. 81A Harris St. Any residential Pukekohe - MHS THAB N/A DO NOT SUPPORT Support change of zone to MHS. Managing flooding risk on this site does not require maintaining a MHS Yes No Zealand Pukekohe from Mixed Housing Pukekohe properties subject to a Town centre & CHANGE; SUPPORT SH zone. The submitter's requested zone would however result in a spot zone, which would not Corporation Suburban to Terrace Housing and key overlay surrounds ALTERNATIVE ZONE recognise local context. Zoning the site MHS is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of Apartment Buildings. the MHS zone which provides for a variety of detached and attached housing types and gives effect to the RPS. 839-8246 Housing New Rural (South) S16 Rezone 24 Roulston Street. 24 Roulston St. Mixed Housing Pukekohe - MHU THAB N/A SUPPORT IN FULL; Support the change of zone proposed by the submitter. Applying THAB zoning close to town centre THAB Yes No Zealand Pukekohe from Mixed Housing Pukekohe Urban/Mixed Housing Town centre & CHANGE OF ZONE and railway station gives effect to the RPS and is the most appropriate way to achieve the THAB Corporation Urban to Terrace Housing and Suburban/Single House surrounds zone objectives. The zone allows terraced housing and apartment residential living around town Apartment Buildings. Expansion/Contraction centres, enables efficient use of land and infrastructure. The area offers the opportunity to achieve quality compact residential development within walkable distance of the town centre. 839-8247 Housing New Rural (South) S16 Rezone 23 Harris Street. 23 Harris St. Pukekohe Mixed Housing Pukekohe - MHU THAB N/A SUPPORT IN FULL; Support the change of zone proposed by the submitter. Applying THAB zoning close to town centre THAB Yes No Zealand Pukekohe from Mixed Housing Urban/Mixed Housing Town centre & CHANGE OF ZONE and railway station gives effect to the RPS and is the most appropriate way to achieve the THAB Corporation Urban to Terrace Housing and Suburban/Single House surrounds zone objectives. The zone allows terraced housing and apartment residential living around town Apartment Buildings. Expansion/Contraction centres, enables efficient use of land and infrastructure. The area offers the opportunity to achieve quality compact residential development within walkable distance of the town centre. 839-8262 Housing New Rural (South) S16 Rezone 9 Graham Street. 9 Graham St. Any residential Pukekohe - MHU THAB N/A SUPPORT IN FULL; Support the change of zone proposed by the submitter. Applying THAB to the site gives effect to the THAB Yes No Zealand Pukekohe from Mixed Housing Pukekohe properties subject to a Town centre & CHANGE OF ZONE RPS and is the most appropriate way to achieve the THAB zone objectives. The zone allows terraced Corporation Urban to Terrace Housing and key overlay surrounds housing and apartment residential living around town centres, enables efficient use of land and Apartment Buildings. infrastructure. The site offers the opportunity to achieve quality compact residential development within walkable distance of the town centre. 839-8263 Housing New Rural (South) S16 Rezone 11 Graham Street. 11 Graham St. Mixed Housing Pukekohe - MHU THAB N/A SUPPORT IN FULL; Support the change of zone proposed by the submitter. Applying THAB zoning close to the town THAB Yes No Zealand Pukekohe from Mixed Housing Pukekohe Urban/Mixed Housing Town centre & CHANGE OF ZONE centre and railway station gives effect to the RPS and is the most appropriate way to achieve the Corporation Urban to Terrace Housing and Suburban/Single House surrounds THAB zone objectives. The zone allows terraced housing and apartment residential living around Apartment Buildings. Expansion/Contraction town centres, enables efficient use of land and infrastructure. The area offers the opportunity to achieve quality compact residential development within walkable distance of the town centre.

Page 29 RURAL Attachment 'C': Zoning Analysis and Position for each Submission Point Notes: The black text in the "summary" column of this Attachment is as notified. Occasional amendments have been made in red to take account of any re-notified SDR points and also for clarity, where necessary.

Auckland Unitary Plan Independent Hearings Panel Auckland Council Evidence Submission Point Pathway Report Analysis Planner's Position RELEVANT SUB PROPERTIES OVERLAYS, PLANNER'S PROPOSED SUB SUBMITTER AREA SUBJECT TO REQUESTED PRECINCTS AND PROPOSED ZONE GIS MAP POINT NAME TOPIC UNIT SUMMARY SUBMISSIONS SUBMISSION THEME LOCALITY PAUP ZONE ZONE CONSTRAINTS POSITION REASONS CHANGE CHANGE CONSEQUENTIAL AMENDMENT 839-8264 Housing New Rural (South) S16 Rezone 19, 17 Harris Street. 19, 17 Harris St. Mixed Housing Pukekohe - MHU THAB N/A SUPPORT IN FULL; Support proposed change to THAB - applying the proposed zone to the sites gives effect to the RPS THAB Yes No Zealand Pukekohe from Mixed Housing Pukekohe Urban/Mixed Housing Town centre & CHANGE OF ZONE and is the most appropriate way to achieve the zone objectives. The zone allows terraced housing Corporation Urban to Terrace Housing and Suburban/Single House surrounds and apartment residential living around town centres and close to public transport, enables efficient Apartment Buildings. Expansion/Contraction use of land and infrastructure. The sites offers the opportunity to achieve quality compact residential development within walkable distance of the town centre and/or railway station.

839-8265 Housing New Rural (South) S16 Rezone 17A Harris Street. 17A Harris St. Mixed Housing Pukekohe - MHU THAB N/A SUPPORT IN FULL; Support proposed change to THAB - applying the proposed zone to the site gives effect to the RPS THAB Yes No Zealand Pukekohe from Mixed Housing Pukekohe Urban/Mixed Housing Town centre & CHANGE OF ZONE and is the most appropriate way to achieve the zone objectives. The zone allows terraced housing Corporation Urban to Terrace Housing and Suburban/Single House surrounds and apartment residential living around town centres and close to public transport, enables efficient Apartment Buildings. Expansion/Contraction use of land and infrastructure. The sites offers the opportunity to achieve quality compact residential development within walkable distance of the town centre and/or railway station. 839-8266 Housing New Rural (South) S16 Rezone 17B Harris Street, 17B Harris St. Mixed Housing Pukekohe - MHS THAB N/A SUPPORT IN FULL; Support the change of zone proposed by the submitter. Applying THAB zoning close to the town THAB Yes No Zealand Pukekohe from Mixed Housing Pukekohe Urban/Mixed Housing Town centre & CHANGE OF ZONE centre and railway station gives effect to the RPS and is the most appropriate way to achieve the Corporation Urban to Terrace Housing and Suburban/Single House surrounds THAB zone objectives. The zone allows terraced housing and apartment residential living around Apartment Buildings. Expansion/Contraction town centres, enables efficient use of land and infrastructure. The area offers the opportunity to achieve quality compact residential development within walkable distance of the town centre. 839-8267 Housing New Rural (South) S16 Rezone 11 Dublin Street. 11 Dublin St. Any residential Pukekohe - MHS THAB Flooding SUPPORT IN FULL; Support the change of zone proposed by the submitter. Applying THAB to the site gives effect to the THAB Yes No Zealand Pukekohe from Mixed Housing properties subject to a Town centre & constraints CHANGE OF ZONE RPS and is the most appropriate way to achieve the THAB zone objectives. The zone allows terraced Corporation Suburban to Terrace Housing and key overlay surrounds housing and apartment residential living around town centres, enables efficient use of land and Apartment Buildings. infrastructure. The site offers the opportunity to achieve quality compact residential development within walkable distance of the town centre. 839-8268 Housing New Rural (South) S16 Rezone 13 Dublin Street. 13 Dublin St, Any residential Pukekohe - MHS THAB Flooding SUPPORT IN FULL; Support the change of zone proposed by the submitter. Managing flooding risks on the site does not THAB Yes No Zealand Pukekohe from Mixed Housing Pukekohe properties subject to a North constraints CHANGE OF ZONE require maintaining the notified MHS zone. Applying THAB to the site gives effect to the RPS and is Corporation Suburban to Terrace Housing and key overlay Pukekohe the most appropriate way to achieve the THAB zone objectives. The zone allows terraced housing Apartment Buildings. residential and apartment residential living around town centres, enables efficient use of land and infrastructure. The site offers the opportunity to achieve quality compact residential development within walkable distance of the town centre. 839-8330 Housing New Rural (South) S16 Rezone 44 Victoria Street, 44 Victoria St, Mixed Housing Pukekohe - MHS THAB N/A SUPPORT IN FULL; Support the change of zone proposed by the submitter. Applying THAB zoning close to the town THAB Yes No Zealand Pukekohe from Mixed Housing Pukekohe Urban/Mixed Housing Town centre & CHANGE OF ZONE centre and railway station gives effect to the RPS and is the most appropriate way to achieve the Corporation Suburban to Terrace Housing and Suburban/Single House surrounds THAB zone objectives. The zone allows terraced housing and apartment residential living around Apartment Buildings. Expansion/Contraction town centres, enables efficient use of land and infrastructure. The area offers the opportunity to achieve quality compact residential development within walkable distance of the town centre. 839-8331 Housing New Rural (South) S16 Rezone 96A Harris Street. 96A Harris St. Any residential Pukekohe - SH MHU Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support proposed change. The site is affected by flooding constraints and retaining the No change No No Zealand Pukekohe from Single House to Pukekohe properties subject to a Town centre & constraints CHANGE; SUPPORT notified SH zone is considered the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the SH zone Corporation Mixed Housing Urban. key overlay surrounds RETENTION OF and gives effect to the RPS. NOTIFIED ZONE 839-8332 Housing New Rural (South) S16 Rezone 96B Harris Street. 96B Harris St. Any residential Pukekohe - SH MHU Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support proposed change. The site is affected by flooding constraints and retaining the No change No No Zealand Pukekohe from Single House to Pukekohe properties subject to a Town centre & constraints CHANGE; SUPPORT notified SH zone is considered the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the SH zone Corporation Mixed Housing Urban. key overlay surrounds RETENTION OF and gives effect to the RPS. NOTIFIED ZONE 839-8333 Housing New Rural (South) S16 Rezone 96C Harris Street. 96C Harris St. Any residential Pukekohe - SH MHU Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support proposed change. The site is affected by flooding constraints and retaining the No change No No Zealand Pukekohe from Single House to Pukekohe properties subject to a Town centre & constraints CHANGE; SUPPORT notified SH zone is considered the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the SH zone Corporation Mixed Housing Urban. key overlay surrounds RETENTION OF and gives effect to the RPS. NOTIFIED ZONE 839-8334 Housing New Rural (South) S16 Rezone 96D Harris Street. 96D Harris St. Any residential Pukekohe - SH MHU Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Support change of zone to MHS. Managing flooding risk on this site does not require maintaining a MHS Yes No Zealand Pukekohe from Single House to Pukekohe properties subject to a Town centre & constraints CHANGE; SUPPORT SH zone. The submitter's requested zone would however result in a spot zone, which would not Corporation Mixed Housing Urban. key overlay surrounds ALTERNATIVE ZONE recognise local context. Zoning the site MHS is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS zone which provides for a variety of detached and attached housing types and gives effect to the RPS. 839-8335 Housing New Rural (South) S16 Rezone 60B Prospect Terrace, 60B Prospect Terrace, Mixed Housing Pukekohe - MHS MHU N/A DO NOT SUPPORT Support notified zone. The submitter's requested zone would result in a spot zone, which would not No change No No Zealand Pukekohe from Mixed Housing Pukekohe Urban/Mixed Housing Rest of CHANGE; SUPPORT recognise local context. Zoning the site MHS gives effect to the RPS and is the most appropriate way Corporation Suburban to Mixed Housing Suburban/Single House Pukekohe RETENTION OF to achieve the objectives of the MHS zone, which provides for a variety of detached and attached Urban. Expansion/Contraction residential NOTIFIED ZONE housing types. 839-8336 Housing New Rural (South) S16 Rezone 60A Prospect Terrace. 60A Prospect Terrace. Mixed Housing Pukekohe - MHS MHU N/A DO NOT SUPPORT Support notified zone. The submitter's requested zone would result in a spot zone, which would not No change No No Zealand Pukekohe from Mixed Housing Pukekohe Urban/Mixed Housing Rest of CHANGE; SUPPORT recognise local context. Zoning the site MHS is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives Corporation Suburban to Mixed Housing Suburban/Single House Pukekohe RETENTION OF of the zone, which provides for a variety of detached and attached housing types. Urban. Expansion/Contraction residential NOTIFIED ZONE 844-2 Paul Grey Rural (South) S16 Retain the Countryside Living Countryside Living Rural - Countryside Pukekohe - CL CL N/A SUPPORT IN FULL; Support notified zone. Recently settled PC 14 to the Auckland Council District Plan: Franklin Section No change No No zone to the north and east of Zoning of properties to Living (CL) Grace James RETENTION OF established the Runciman CL area and defined the rural edge. The notified zoning and Runciman Grace James Road, Pukekohe. the north and east of and north and NOTIFIED ZONE precinct provisions are in line with PC14. RPS Sections 8.1 - 8.3, as described in the Closing Grace James Rd. countryside Statement on behalf of Council in relation to Topic 011 establishes the RPS rural policy framework living for sustainably managing the rural environment. Section 6.6 Countryside Living zone, as described in the Closing Statement on behalf of Council in relation to Topics 056 and 057, confirms the purpose of the CL zone and its objectives. The notified zone gives effect to the RPS and is the most appropriate way to achieve the CL zone objectives and the relevant objectives of the Runciman precinct.

844-3 Grace James Rural (south) S16 Retain the Mixed Rural zoning of Farms to the north of Rural - other Pukekohe - MR MR SEA SUPPORT IN FULL; Support notified zone. Recently settled PC 14 to the Auckland Council District Plan: Franklin Section No change No No Residents farms to the north of Grace James Grace James Rd, Grace James RETENTION OF established the Runciman CL area and defined the rural edge. The notified zoning is in line with Road, Pukekohe. Pukekohe and north and NOTIFIED ZONE PC14. RPS Sections 8.1 - 8.3, as described in the Closing Statement on behalf of Council in relation countryside to Topic 011 establishes the RPS rural policy framework for sustainably managing the rural living environment. Section 6.3 MR zone describes the purpose of the MR zone. MR sites provide greater flexibility to accommodate a range of rural production activities and non residential activities while still ensuring good amenity levels. The notified zone gives effect to the RPS and is the most appropriate way to achieve the MR zone objectives. 8465-12 Niko Kloeten Rural (South) S16 Rezone more land in Franklin to Land in the former Residential to other use Pukekohe - FU, MU, MHS, LI, HI N/A DO NOT SUPPORT Support the extent of the LI and HI zones as notified. Applying these proposed zones will gives effect No change Yes No allow more industrial Franklin district Miscellaneous RP, MR CHANGE; SUPPORT to the RPS and is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the LI and HI zones. There is development, particularly in particularly in RETENTION OF also a large area of FU zoning applied around Pukekohe/Paerata and there are local landowners Pukekohe. Pukekohe. NOTIFIED ZONE interested in developing industrial land. The Pukekohe Area Plan proposes additional industrial land to provide for local jobs. Structure planning and plan changes relating to FU land will determine the appropriate locations. 8465-5 Niko Kloeten Rural (South) S16 Retain urban intensification within Unspecified sits within Centres/Terrace Pukekohe - TC TC Pre-1944 BDC; DO NOT SUPPORT Support notified zone. Applying the notified TC zoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the TC No change No No the inner ring of commercial Wesley St, Massey Housing Apartment Town centre & Historic heritage CHANGE; SUPPORT zone objectives and gives effect to the RPS including the Centres Strategy/Hierarchy. Limited Pukekohe as defined by Wesley Ave, Stadium Dr and Buildings (THAB)/Mixed surrounds extent of place RETENTION OF intensification is proposed for residential areas close to the town centre and railway station. St, Massey Ave, Stadium Dr and Tobin St inner ring. Use NOTIFIED ZONE Tobin St. Expansion/Contraction

Page 30 RURAL Attachment 'C': Zoning Analysis and Position for each Submission Point Notes: The black text in the "summary" column of this Attachment is as notified. Occasional amendments have been made in red to take account of any re-notified SDR points and also for clarity, where necessary.

Auckland Unitary Plan Independent Hearings Panel Auckland Council Evidence Submission Point Pathway Report Analysis Planner's Position RELEVANT SUB PROPERTIES OVERLAYS, PLANNER'S PROPOSED SUB SUBMITTER AREA SUBJECT TO REQUESTED PRECINCTS AND PROPOSED ZONE GIS MAP POINT NAME TOPIC UNIT SUMMARY SUBMISSIONS SUBMISSION THEME LOCALITY PAUP ZONE ZONE CONSTRAINTS POSITION REASONS CHANGE CHANGE CONSEQUENTIAL AMENDMENT 859-2 Denis Schweder Rural (South) S16 Rezone the land on Pukekohe Hill Land on Pukekohe Hill Combined rezoning and Pukekohe - LL SH Pukekohe Hill DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support proposed zone change. The notified zoning is the most appropriate way to achieve No change No No bounded by Anzac Rd, Jellicoe bounded by Anzac Rd, precinct submissions Pukekohe Hill Precinct CHANGE; SUPPORT the LL zone objectives and the relevant objectives of the Pukekohe Hill precinct. It is also consistent Rd, Calcutta Rd, Blake Rd and Jellicoe Rd, Calcutta RETENTION OF with the North Pukekohe Hill structure plan (NPHSP) issues and objectives in the Auckland Council Kitchener Rd to Single House Rd, Blake Rd and NOTIFIED ZONE District Plan: Franklin section. The NPHSP provisions were settled in 2008 following Environment Kitchener Rd Court and High Court decisions. The change sought is not in line with the Pukekohe Hill precinct's objectives which are based on the NPHSP provisions. The precinct objectives seek to enable development which complements and integrates with the area's rural landscape character, protecting the heritage and amenity values of the hill's northern slopes from inappropriate development by restricting site size to minimise the effects of development on the open landscape character of the middle and upper slopes through graduating the intensity of development up the hill from the more suburban residential development below. 868-74 New Zealand Rural (south) S17 Rezone 35 Higgins Road, 35 Higgins Rd Heavy Industry Zone Glenbrook RC and GCM HI Sensitive Activity DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support rezoning from RC and GCM to HI. The proposed change in zoning would have an No change No No Steel Limited Glenbrook to Heavy Industry. Glenbrook (HI) and Light Industry Restriction CHANGE; SUPPORT adverse impact on the coastal area. See Council evidence from Joy LaNauze for Topic 051-054 Zone (LI) Overlay; Flooding RETENTION OF Centre Zones, Business park and industries zones, Business activities and Business Controls. NOTIFIED ZONE Retention of RC and GCM zones gives effect to the RPS and achieves the objectives of the RC and the GCM zones. 879-140 Waytemore Rural (South) S18 Add new activity permitted activity 201 Moumoukai Hill Rural - other Clevedon POS RP Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support rezoning from POS to RP zone. The submitters have a 95-year Forestry Right (with No change No No Forests Limited, for 'quarrying' in the Air Quality Rd, Clevedon constraints, SEA CHANGE; SUPPORT 84 years left to run) for the Hunua Forest over land within the former Manukau and Franklin Districts. Waytemore high amenity area - all other ALTERNATIVE ZONE This rezoning request is being dealt with at Topic - 080 Rezoning, Public Open Space Zones Farms Limited, zones'. Submission is also about whereby Councils position was to support the retention of the notified zone. The Council and the Adfordston Farms rezoning Hunua Commercial submitter are currently discussing whether precinct provisions are appropriate to address the Limited and Kauri Forest as Rural Production zone. submitters concerns. The notified zoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the Hiwi Limited POS zone and gives effect to the RPS. 8971-4 Pukekohe Rural (South) S16 Rezone more business zoned Land close to land Residential to other use Pukekohe - FU, MU, MHS, LI, MU N/A SUPPORT IN PART; Support change to Mixed Use zone in Edinburgh Street just north of the Town Centre as far as Blair MU Yes No Business land close to land already zoned already zoned for whole town, RP, MR PARTIAL CHANGE Ave, and on the eastern side of Edinburgh Street as far as Hall Street, and along the southern side of Association for business purposes around business purposes unmapped Albert Street in land to the north of the currently proposed MU zone. The MU zoning will provide for a Pukekohe. around Pukekohe. compatible mix of residential and employment activities on the periphery of the town centre without diminishing the function, role and amenity of the town centre. Applying the proposed zone to the sites will gives effect to the RPS and is the most appropriate way to achieve the zone objectives

9128-1 Robert P Blows Rural (South) S15 Rezone land at Ramarama, Area-wide - Runciman Rural Urban Boundary Runciman and CL and MR BP Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support change from MR and CL to BP - the area is located along the SH1 which provides No change No No between the Southern Motorway and Ramarama (RUB) and rezoning Ramarama constraints, SEA, CHANGE; SUPPORT high visibility to the site. The land also contains elite and prime soils where urbanisation should be and Ngahroa Stream for a new NGC RETENTION OF avoided and rural production activities encouraged. Retention of notified CL and MR zones is the business park, with costs borne NOTIFIED ZONE most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the CL and MR zones and gives effect to the RPS. by developers, as described on page 6-7/10 of submission. 9128-2 Robert P Blows Rural (South) S15 Rezone residential areas in Area-wide - Runciman Rural - Other Runciman and CL and MR Unspecified Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support change from MR and CL to other zones - the area is located along the SH1 which No change No No Ramarama to a zone where lot and Ramarama Ramarama (infer RCS?) constraints, SEA, CHANGE; SUPPORT provides high visibility to the site. The land also contains elite and prime soils where urbanisation sizes down to 2000m2 are NGC RETENTION OF should be avoided and rural production activities encouraged. Retention of notified CL and MR zones permitted. NOTIFIED ZONE is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the CL and MR zones and gives effect to the RPS. 9128-7 Robert P Blows Rural (south) S15 Add required construction factors Area-wide - Runciman Rural - Other Runciman and CL and MR Unspecified Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support relief sought for solar power related rules. This is an incorrectly coded submission No change No No for Ramarama as follows 'Solar and Ramarama Ramarama constraints, SEA, CHANGE; SUPPORT which should be considered in the related precinct topic. water heating; Solar, wind or NGC RETENTION OF waste gas supplemental power; NOTIFIED ZONE Double glassing; Insulated panel construction; Solid waste collection; Onsite composting toilets or electric disposal of human waste 9268-1 Kawakawa Bay Rural (South) S18 Clarify why Kawakawa Bay is Kawakawa Bay Rural and Coastal Clevedon RCS Unspecified Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT While the sites have connection to the reticulated wastewater network from the Kawakawa Bay No change No No Community proposed to be zoned as Rural Township Settlement zone constraints CHANGE; SUPPORT settlement, the sites are located on the outskirts of the settlement and spot zoning will occur. Association (Attn: Coastal and what development RETENTION OF Retention of the current notified PAUP zones is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of Stephen P B can be undertaken in Kawakawa NOTIFIED ZONE the respective zone and gives effect to the RPS. Waters) Bay. 9300-1 Kieran Rural (South) S17 Rezone 3 Brights Road, Waiuku 3 Brights Rd, Waiuku Large Lot Waiuku LL SH Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support change to SH. However, support MHS. Site is close to LC, adjacent to existing MHS MHS Yes No Fitzsimmons from Large Lot to Single House. constraints CHANGE; SUPPORT and MU, and serviced with water and wastewater infrastructure. MHS is an out of scope change ALTERNATIVE ZONE (refer to Attachment F) but achieves the objectives of the MHS zone and gives effect to the RPS.

9317-6 Waiuku Business Rural (south) S17 Rezone Heavy Industry sites on Kitchener Rd and Heavy Industry Zone Waiuku LI LI Waiuku precinct SUPPORT IN FULL; Change of zone to LI is not necessary as the sites are already zoned LI. This gives effect to Plan No change No No and Development Kitchener Road and Cornwall Cornwall Rd, Waiuku (HI) and Light Industry RETENTION OF Change 37 to the Auckland Council District Plan (Franklin Section), the objectives of the LI zone, and Association Road to Light Industrial. Zone (LI) NOTIFIED ZONE the business land objectives of the RPS. 958-1 Andrew Chin Rural (South) S15 Rezone 1957 Hunua Rd, 1957 Hunua Rd, Rural - Countryside Hunua RP CL Flooding DO NOT SUPPORT Do not support change of zone from RP to CL. The site does not meet the criteria for areas identified No change No No Papakura from Rural Production Papakura Living (CL) constraints, SEA CHANGE; SUPPORT for Countryside Living in RPS B8.3 Rural Subdivision Policy 6. In particular the site contains to Countryside Living RETENTION OF identified areas of high natural values (SEAs). Retention of notified RP zone is the most appropriate NOTIFIED ZONE way to achieve the objectives of the zones and gives effect to RPS objectives and policies.

Page 31 ATTACHMENT D: Analysis of Area-Wide Submissions

SUBMISSION SUBMITTER NAME SUMMARY POINT 5923-8 Jann Hurley Provide clear boundaries for the Light Industrial zone around residential development in Pukekohe. 5923-3 Jann Hurley Limit intensification to the area within walking distance of the Pukekohe town centre and the railway station. 8465-12 Niko Kloeten Rezone more land in Franklin to allow more industrial development, particularly in Pukekohe. 8971-4 Pukekohe Business Rezone more business zoned land close to land Association already zoned for business purposes around Pukekohe 1047-2 Alan Cole Amend the location of the Rural Coastal zone so it is in keeping with what was agreed to in Franklin District Council Plan Change 14 5716-3181 Auckland Council Rezone sites within the Franklin area from Rural (Attn: Stephen Town) Coastal to either Rural Production or Mixed Rural to reflect the Coastal zone boundary in the Auckland Council District Plan Operative Franklin Section. See volume 4, page 26/35. 5716-3526 Auckland Council Rezone land zoned as Rural Coastal in the (Attn: Stephen Town) Franklin Area to align with the Coastal zone in the operative Franklin Plan [Refer to Franklin Local Board Views, Volume 26, page 35/103]. 5716-3527 Auckland Council Rezone areas of Franklin that were zoned as (Attn: Stephen Town) Rural in the Franklin District Plan and are now zoned Rural Coastal to either Mixed Rural or Rural Production [Refer to Franklin Local Board Views, Volume 26, page 36/103]. 6410-19 John E Sexton Rezone sites affected by decision of Franklin Plan Change 14 so that the extent of the Rural Coastal zone is the same as decided in Plan Change 14. 6523-66 Federated Farmers of Amend the Rural Coastal zone in the former New Zealand Franklin District to reflect the zone boundaries agreed as part of the Franklin Plan Change 14 process.

ATTACHMENT E: Planning Maps

The Gardens and Randwick Park Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan Manurewa, Submission Area Unit Homai and Zoning submissions and zones as notified Clendon Park Takanini Urban South S14a Kingseat and Karaka LEGEND

Submission Area Unit

Properties subject to a submission



Unitary Plan Zone - As Notified

Special Purpose

Large Lot

Single House

Mixed Housing Suburban

Mixed Housing Urban

Terrace Housing and Apartment Buildings

Future Urban

Green Infrastructure Corridor

Rural and Coastal Settlement

Neighbourhood Centre

Local Centre

Town Centre d a o Metropolitan Centre R e oad v Linwood R City Centre ro g a e S Mixed Use

General Business

Business Park

Light Industry Drury Heavy Industry Urban Rural Conservation

Countryside Living

C h Rural Coastal a r l e s Mixed Rural

R Ro o ie a Rural Production nz d a y d Mcke d a oa

iew R

W V Public Open Space - Conservation

Crisp Road h

i c

k r

e ad W

o u

d l R

oa d i d ach o f a e h

R ks B t Public Open Space - Informal Recreation

r P h o r a

c la i a l t R

i C C

rk La n i To c o T a

e s n u B Public Open Space - Sport and Active Recreation e P v o te a

y S R

d Public Open Space - Community o K R a i d o d n

a a o g Public Open Space - Civic Spaces R d s rf e a a h t Strategic Transport Corridor W R o a Road [i] d

Defence [rcp/dp]

Ferry Terminal [rcp/dp]

Minor Port [rcp/dp]

Marina [rcp/dp]

Paerata Mooring [rcp]

General Coastal Marine [rcp]

Water [i]

Coastal Transition

Hauraki Gulf Islands

Rural Urban Boundary [rps] as notified

Awhitu, Glenbrook, Indicative Coastline Glenbrook Beach Note : Submissions mapped include Topic 080 and 081 and Patumahoe


0 500 1,000 2,000 m

Date: 19/01/2016 The Gardens and Randwick Park Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan Manurewa, Submission Area Unit Homai and Revised zones Clendon Park Takanini Urban South S14a Kingseat and Karaka


Submission Area Unit

Area of change

Area of change - out of scope

Revised zone

Special Purpose

Large Lot

Single House

Mixed Housing Suburban

Mixed Housing Urban

Terrace Housing and Apartment Buildings

Future Urban

Green Infrastructure Corridor

Rural and Coastal Settlement

Neighbourhood Centre

Local Centre

Town Centre

d Metropolitan Centre a o R e oad City Centre v Linwood R ro g a e Mixed Use S General Business

Business Park

Light Industry

Te Hihi Drury Heavy Industry School Urban Rural Conservation

Countryside Living

C Rural Coastal h a r l Karaka e Mixed Rural s School

R R Rural Production ie oa o z d a y Mcken d

a ad w Ro Public Open Space - Conservation

W ie V

i h c k r

ad W

ad d h Ro o u Public Open Space - Informal Recreation o a ac t

o s Be h k i

r R R lar a a n C C rk o T i To s a n u Public Open Space - Sport and Active Recreation

e B v P

o te a S y

R Public Open Space - Community

d o K R a i d o d n Public Open Space - Civic Spaces

a a o g R d s rf e a a Strategic Transport Corridor h t W R o a Road [i] d Defence [rcp/dp]

Ferry Terminal [rcp/dp]

Minor Port [rcp/dp]

Marina [rcp/dp]

Paerata Mooring [rcp]

General Coastal Marine [rcp]

Water [i]

Coastal Transition

Hauraki Gulf Islands

Indicative Coastline

Awhitu, Glenbrook, Revised Rural Urban Boundary Glenbrook Beach Note : Zone changes include Topic 080, 081 016 & 017 and Patumahoe


0 500 1,000 2,000 m

Date: 19/01/2016 Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan Submission Area Unit Zoning submissions and zones as notified Papakura South S14b P Urban East o

r to t


i n Hingaia and the Islands

n o i





n P


l Place r o a s a ulev A Bo ard c R o n ve s Submission Area Unit o ila ri e M D P s na ria s Cap y in a i W Properties subject to a submission d C a e r ic iv

a o rs Dr

v u R o a

e r i

l v C n Amend

u ive t o a r l S c o D s t e e o n B id c o e

o rs L la p T c r s n u h a bo o P e

il r i H Retain M a m i e a

H b C

v P a

a i la

r ce d r n r D

c e b

d na o

a v li

a i l o r e o i i t C a s

D a u

o B C Unitary Plan Zone - As Notified

w u a

W r

r n k

t a s

i l r a i Cap e i y d

riv S Special Purpose D e a P C n o D li h l u r e t a st u i Large Lot k v a e ce w la a i P rn P ia la Single House G c e d oa d R Mixed Housing Suburban a y o b R an w rm Mixed Housing Urban ie o d N V oa R d by Terrace Housing and Apartment Buildings n an a rm l No Is d Future Urban a P o a R r r a u re Green Infrastructure Corridor e k l a F u

Oa R p Rural and Coastal Settlement k o

la a m

n d a d P R Neighbourhood Centre e a R n ra a r L e o e k n ir a a h u Papakura d s R O Local Centre y o rb a a e d r D aku ap Urban West Town Centre O e P a n d k a oa P la L R n ia d a a e ng Metropolitan Centre R ir Hi p o h a a s k d y e u

b enu ra r e v O City Centre e A u

D n

y e f r e v r Driv f

e st A R b re Mixed Use

a gc y

B k n r r a i i r c pr e

id S ab m g P k e ic v P p ay ie H General Business W w Dr i ld R e i n ie v yf o g a a a e a H d r ho u Business Park A c n R n Cr A

e o d av

a i a Light Industry V s

l c T d

u e r

a e

n e c s t

e t iv a

r r H s i s r n

C a i Heavy Industry e n

c o D a o n C e S

n e K u

i B e t W v r

R r n a

F u u i k e

y o s m t e

o h r a

b t a Rural Conservation

a i a d

e D L P n W et a e u r y r i e ce St t ll Pla Countryside Living D a nwa in riv Cor rd e w e

a G e K riv

b e uh D Rural Coastal d i

a ld g an ta

e u a K a A r d i D aw

p la r W p n o E iv a d e

lo Mixed Rural W R o s a a y S t a r B e e w a Rural Production t a y n v i a A s g t r a m ia i A D a v Public Open Space - Conservation e r K i n v

u e

e Public Open Space - Informal Recreation All ue iu m Aven Public Open Space - Sport and Active Recreation rive B ista D ayv Public Open Space - Community

Public Open Space - Civic Spaces

Strategic Transport Corridor

Road [i]

Defence [rcp/dp]

Ferry Terminal [rcp/dp]

Minor Port [rcp/dp] Drury Marina [rcp/dp] Urban Mooring [rcp]

General Coastal Marine [rcp]

Kingseat Water [i] and Karaka Coastal Transition

Hauraki Gulf Islands

Rural Urban Boundary [rps] as notified

Indicative Coastline Note : Submissions mapped include Topic 080 and 081

0 125 250 500 m

Date: 19/01/2016 Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan Submission Area Unit Revised zones Papakura South S14b Po Urban East rto

f t

i n Hingaia and the Islands n i




P A o

i n s a

t o r LEGEND la a P c R l s o a e s c P Submission Area Unit e s y in a i W H C a ic a Area of change

o s e r

r iv b

rd u R o r

r i D o

a v


v t o a i u le C l n u e a r Area of change - out of scope o a c c s B n L la os l o o P T k i ilan i m i d M n b w i e a o G r D d o Revised zone e r r v o i d ri a i D v v na e W C e a r Special Purpose i a e Capr y C e s a riv c s D e Large Lot t na n el li t Single House

Mixed Housing Suburban d oa ad R o by Mixed Housing Urban R an w m ie or V N Terrace Housing and Apartment Buildings d n la Future Urban Is d P a a o r Green Infrastructure Corridor R a r re u k le a Rural and Coastal Settlement F u Oa

R p k o

la a m Neighbourhood Centre

n d a d R R o n Local Centre a d O ur a Town Centre e ak Papakura n ap a P L d oa P e a R Urban West Metropolitan Centre ir gai a h Hin p ys ak rb enu ur City Centre e Av e a D ry O er f b f Mixed Use ka R ic a P m General Business p H Dr i ge iv n ra e a Business Park ho u A c n R n Cr A Light Industry

e e o

d av i v

a i a V s r

lu ce D d

a n

C s t t ke Heavy Industry

o re ia s a

n o L i s n C

F c K e

W v

o e u a i Rural Conservation a s y

n h r P t a t n D e u r Countryside Living re i e ce St t ll Pla D a wa in ri Corn d v w e ar e riv Rural Coastal

b e ai D d t

a g wa a a

K d W

o E Mixed Rural R

a Rural Production aw an im Public Open Space - Conservation Ka Public Open Space - Informal Recreation A lliu enue m Av Public Open Space - Sport and Active Recreation e a Driv B ayvist Public Open Space - Community

Public Open Space - Civic Spaces

Strategic Transport Corridor

Road [i]

Defence [rcp/dp]

Ferry Terminal [rcp/dp]

Minor Port [rcp/dp]

Marina [rcp/dp]

Mooring [rcp] Drury General Coastal Marine [rcp] Urban Water [i] Kingseat Coastal Transition and Karaka Hauraki Gulf Islands

Indicative Coastline

Revised Rural Urban Boundary Note : Zone changes include Topic 080, 081 016 & 017

0 125 250 500 m

Date: 19/01/2016 Manurewa, Homai and Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan Clendon Park Takanini Rural Beachlands, Submission Area Unit Takanini Maraetai, Zoning submissions and zones as notified Clevedon, Urban S kyhig h R South S15a o Brookby, Whitford, a d Matingarahi Drury East Rural, Hunua, Runciman, Ramarama, Bombay Papakura LEGEND Rural Submission Area Unit

Properties subject to a submission

W Amend hi t e R Retain o


d Unitary Plan Zone - As Notified

Hingaia Special Purpose and the Large Lot Hu nua Road Islands Single House

Mixed Housing Suburban

Mixed Housing Urban

Terrace Housing and Apartment Buildings

Future Urban

Green Infrastructure Corridor

Rural and Coastal Settlement

Neighbourhood Centre

Local Centre

Town Centre Kingseat Metropolitan Centre Drury Road ling City Centre and Karaka Urban Gel Mixed Use

General Business

Business Park

Light Industry

Heavy Industry

Rural Conservation

Countryside Living

Rural Coastal

Mixed Rural

d a

o Ararimu Road Rural Production R n D Public Open Space - Conservation a un m n i Ro c ad

n Public Open Space - Informal Recreation

u R Public Open Space - Sport and Active Recreation Paerata Public Open Space - Community d

a o Public Open Space - Civic Spaces R

a r a Strategic Transport Corridor t o G T re Road [i] at S o u Defence [rcp/dp]

t h R Ferry Terminal [rcp/dp] o ad Minor Port [rcp/dp]

Marina [rcp/dp] P a pa Mooring [rcp] rim B d P u Roa o Roa in Ro d m ata nacle Hill ad General Coastal Marine [rcp] b par a Pa y Water [i] R o a d Coastal Transition

Hauraki Gulf Islands Pukekohe ad l Ro Rural Urban Boundary [rps] as notified Mil S h 1 Indicative Coastline Note : Submissions mapped include Topic 080 and 081

0 550 1,100 2,200 m

Date: 19/01/2016 Manurewa, Homai and Clendon Park Takanini Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan Submission Area Unit Takanini Rural Beachlands, Revised zones Urban Maraetai, Clevedon, Sk yhig h R South S15a o Brookby, Whitford, a d Matingarahi Drury East Rural, Hunua, Runciman, Ramarama, Bombay Papakura LEGEND Rural Submission Area Unit

Area of change W hi t e Area of change - out of scope



a d Revised zone Hingaia Special Purpose and the Large Lot Hun Single House Islands ua Road Mixed Housing Suburban

Mixed Housing Urban

Terrace Housing and Apartment Buildings

Future Urban

Green Infrastructure Corridor

Rural and Coastal Settlement

Neighbourhood Centre

Local Centre

Town Centre

Metropolitan Centre

Kingseat Drury oad City Centre ing R Gell and Karaka Urban Mixed Use

General Business

Business Park

Light Industry

Heavy Industry

Rural Conservation

Countryside Living

Rural Coastal

Mixed Rural d

a Rural Production o Ararimu Road R Public Open Space - Conservation n D a un m n i Ro c ad Public Open Space - Informal Recreation n Paparimu u School R Public Open Space - Sport and Active Recreation Paerata Public Open Space - Community d


o Public Open Space - Civic Spaces


a r Strategic Transport Corridor a t o G T Road [i] re at S o Defence [rcp/dp] u

t h R Ferry Terminal [rcp/dp] oa d Minor Port [rcp/dp]

Marina [rcp/dp] P a pa Mooring [rcp] rim B d P u Roa o Roa inn Ro d General Coastal Marine [rcp] m ata acle Hill ad b par a Pa y Water [i] R Bombay o a d School Coastal Transition

Hauraki Gulf Islands Pukekohe d Indicative Coastline Roa Mill S h 1 Revised Rural Urban Boundary Note : Zone changes include Topic 080, 081 016 & 017

0 550 1,100 2,200 m

Date: 19/01/2016 Papakura Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan Urban East Submission Area Unit Zoning submissions and zones as notified South S15b Drury Urban LEGEND Hingaia O Submission Area Unit and the pa

e h

c ek a e

l R

P oa Islands e d

riv e Properties subject to a submission D g n

e a

v r a e

h ev

k B e

r c a Amend a

l P P a G n at cra la Retain un nd B R d d o o on Roa oa e utt R l a S a o a c d ng C d o

a P


P e

r P r y

a Unitary Plan Zone - As Notified

r k

h a Special Purpose v e n Drive Large Lot Single House

Mixed Housing Suburban

Mixed Housing Urban

et Terrace Housing and Apartment Buildings ro Stre Mi Y o rk S Future Urban t re t e ee t tr Green Infrastructure Corridor S ss re o C s r g c Rural and Coastal Settlement C e un o n Y t Neighbourhood Centre




t C h

S r Local Centre t e r


e e ce t t la k P n e o Town Centre r e S e m r t a t r C e S Metropolitan Centre e d i t Roa u W e T aihoe rri hoe Road

t No d City Centre e a o


r R t n Mixed Use

S a g


i a r n General Business

o a t l ic F Business Park V t Stree Light Industry

er c r

e Heavy Industry M Rural Conservation

Gr Countryside Living ea t S ou th Rural Coastal R o ad Kingseat F Mixed Rural itz ge ra and Karaka ld Rural Production S R o o u ad Public Open Space - Conservation th e rn M Public Open Space - Informal Recreation o to rw a Public Open Space - Sport and Active Recreation y Drury East Rural, Road Public Open Space - Community Karaka Hunua, Runciman, Public Open Space - Civic Spaces Ramarama, Bombay Strategic Transport Corridor

Road [i]

Defence [rcp/dp]

Ferry Terminal [rcp/dp] oad ry R Quar Minor Port [rcp/dp]

ad Marina [rcp/dp] Ro an m Mooring [rcp] ci un R General Coastal Marine [rcp]

Water [i]

Coastal Transition

Hauraki Gulf Islands

Rural Urban Boundary [rps] as notified

Paerata Indicative Coastline Note : Submissions mapped include Topic 080 and 081

0 230 460 920 m

Date: 19/01/2016 Papakura Papakura Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan Urban West Urban East Submission Area Unit Revised zones South S15b Drury Urban

Hingaia LEGEND

and the Op ahe Submission Area Unit ke R Islands oad Park Area of change Estate School G Area of change - out of scope atl and R tton Road oad oad Su onga R

P P Revised zone


r k

h Special Purpose a v e n Large Lot Drive Single House

Mixed Housing Suburban

Mixed Housing Urban

Terrace Housing and Apartment Buildings treet Miro S Future Urban

t Green Infrastructure Corridor ee tr S s re Rural and Coastal Settlement s C s ro g c C n e ou n Neighbourhood Centre Y t


C i Local Centre


t r

h e

e S t Town Centre k

t e

r S e e r t e t r Metropolitan Centre t e S e d i t Roa u W e T aihoe rri hoe Road City Centre t No e d e a Mixed Use r o t R

S n

a a General Business i

r g

a o t n Business Park c a i l

V F Light Industry treet

r S e

c Heavy Industry r e

M Rural Conservation

Countryside Living Gr ea t S ou Rural Coastal th R o ad Mixed Rural F itz ge Rural Production Kingseat ra ld S R and Karaka o o u ad Public Open Space - Conservation th e rn Public Open Space - Informal Recreation M o to rw Public Open Space - Sport and Active Recreation ay Drury East Rural, Public Open Space - Community Road Karaka Hunua, Runciman, Public Open Space - Civic Spaces

Ramarama, Bombay Strategic Transport Corridor

Road [i]

Defence [rcp/dp]

Ferry Terminal [rcp/dp] ad Ro rry Minor Port [rcp/dp] Qua Marina [rcp/dp] ad Ro an Mooring [rcp] m ci un R General Coastal Marine [rcp]

Water [i]

Coastal Transition

Hauraki Gulf Islands

Indicative Coastline

Paerata Revised Rural Urban Boundary Note : Zone changes include Topic 080, 081 016 & 017

0 230 460 920 m

Date: 19/01/2016 Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan Submission Area Unit Zoning submissions and zones as notified South S16a Paerata Drury LEGEND

Urban Submission Area Unit

Properties subject to a submission



Kingseat Unitary Plan Zone - As Notified and Karaka Special Purpose

Large Lot

Single House

Mixed Housing Suburban

Mixed Housing Urban

Terrace Housing and Apartment Buildings

Future Urban

Green Infrastructure Corridor

Rural and Coastal Settlement

Neighbourhood Centre

Local Centre

Town Centre

P a Metropolitan Centre e r a t a City Centre R o a d Mixed Use

General Business

Business Park

Light Industry

Heavy Industry

Rural Conservation

Countryside Living

Rural Coastal

Mixed Rural

Rural Production

Public Open Space - Conservation

Cr o Public Open Space - Informal Recreation w n R Public Open Space - Sport and Active Recreation o a d Public Open Space - Community ad Ro Tuhim ata d Public Open Space - Civic Spaces oa O R s r tric ad ho Strategic Transport Corridor h Ro nc A C r o Road [i] w n R o a d Defence [rcp/dp] C a p e Ferry Terminal [rcp/dp] H ill Ro Minor Port [rcp/dp] a d d ts Roa igh Marina [rcp/dp] He Mooring [rcp]

General Coastal Marine [rcp]

Water [i]

Coastal Transition Awhitu, Glenbrook, Hauraki Gulf Islands

Glenbrook Beach Rural Urban Boundary [rps] as notified and Patumahoe Indicative Coastline Pukekohe Note : Submissions mapped include Topic 080 and 081 Drury East Rural, Hunua, Runciman, Ramarama, Bombay

0 250 500 1,000 m

Date: 19/01/2016 Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan Submission Area Unit Revised zones South S16a Paerata

Drury LEGEND Urban Submission Area Unit

Area of change

Area of change - out of scope

Kingseat Revised zone and Karaka Special Purpose Large Lot

Single House

Mixed Housing Suburban

Mixed Housing Urban

Terrace Housing and Apartment Buildings

Future Urban

Green Infrastructure Corridor

Rural and Coastal Settlement

Neighbourhood Centre

Local Centre

Town Centre

P Metropolitan Centre a e r a City Centre t a R o Mixed Use a d General Business

Business Park

Light Industry

Heavy Industry

Rural Conservation

Countryside Living

Rural Coastal

Mixed Rural

Rural Production

Public Open Space - Conservation

Public Open Space - Informal Recreation Cr o w n Public Open Space - Sport and Active Recreation R o Paerata a d School Public Open Space - Community ad Ro Tuhim ata Public Open Space - Civic Spaces d oa O R s r Strategic Transport Corridor tric ad ho h Ro nc A Road [i]

Defence [rcp/dp] C a p Ferry Terminal [rcp/dp] e H ill Minor Port [rcp/dp] Ro a ad d ts Ro Marina [rcp/dp] igh He Mooring [rcp]

General Coastal Marine [rcp]

Water [i]

Coastal Transition Awhitu, Glenbrook, Hauraki Gulf Islands

Glenbrook Beach Indicative Coastline and Patumahoe Pukekohe Revised Rural Urban Boundary Note : Zone changes include Topic 080, 081 016 & 017 Drury East Rural, Hunua, Runciman, Ramarama, Bombay

0 250 500 1,000 m

Date: 19/01/2016 Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan Submission Area Unit Zoning submissions and zones as notified Drury East Rural, Hunua, Runciman, Paerata South S16b Ramarama, Bombay Pukekohe LEGEND C a p e Submission Area Unit




u l l t R


h o a Properties subject to a submission

e r d


o Amend W


d i l ad l Ro i Retain ms James a e m

d Ada D rac

a P

h o G

c e t r u e R B i c illeD A r v s e a la V r e P o i l e e al v n v C a Unitary Plan Zone - As Notified r h e t e d v r y i a o n r N b I ce b r

D t Pla A e a h r e Keit n r ive A r C e rthu u R D w Special Purpose o v Is i a a

B r e y l e D R c a a d v e r m

ith oa o ri l n v o w h o

e L D b a n i R K L r

o h D s ll w

B g C t e L i u r i u R a s e era esce gh E T o k n a i

o n R

e v l t T e v a ic m l H d a d h y i P a e Large Lot a le s

t d l b a l e

t r i V e a y d A t e a n

n e c

s c

R o s s e I l w a

n c e o r A e P a C d e o x v e i d a Single House P v a Dr e k t L t r n s r w i a M V o u a V o d e S h n a e H e M o a S u p r ig P a C P l r t n a Mixed Housing Suburban H e b l b D r e l n a B l C o e n e e v B y L w r A c e

e a o i e y

e n o v p

l e t F e d s

v e i V c a G r d a R a l r C r a le Mixed Housing Urban e t o o y a v e S o t e t nle Pl i t w ac R de y e n ro e i B s W a a Pl d e

r k d


s a t E d

l e y e d R l Terrace Housing and Apartment Buildings

R o S i w o

m c e n t Knol i o R rR l Ris o n d n a u T a a o ey T

a P

s C l h

a d o R e o C br a r RD d n A e e o R a d idy s G Avo d r B y l n Future Urban o P o d a s

d a i d el

e d e m

e f m h k i e t o a r Co urt r r e f o t c e o K S t L l R a o a e o g l t d n w r N e P e S d e N i

d e s a i r tr r D t u d i H e o Green Infrastructure Corridor S n p B o r Grierson P R m g l t u lace ge la d e T u y P d

re e i

n St R e e

w l

d l

t R

e i

b c R d

a g a e a

e e

c n R


o a V

l t a

r a l Bla o r P t ir A Rural and Coastal Settlement

R v h V

i en

a ue t S o

k a i

i u h n T e u r t G r ai tree y Stem nue

s bri ve o y d S dge A e a u w

W n ad Pukekohe Ea

c S s a o o s S R t R a d K a e w r oa

P M e ent d m c r l C es c t r Neighbourhood Centre

s d a n a d u T i K r r a e l e r iw c re t P G St i e e t

r i e he c as i l T i Albert St H Cromw ll P la E n P t reet al e t Local Centre R S scen g ue la erry Cre J o n c Ch R

t ve t d u a s r A t e r o

t d e e a

l e ee a Town Centre W p in e o a t o tr Ha ob Street d

n o S rri t T e l n T R e il t gt o d r H h e o Seddon

St c re n Lane t ra Avenue

R C r t A a e Metropolitan Centre

s a u S v

t e

h r

o e n c h a c i u e a n r e Kin ri C o g Street ah d art Clo t nAv We P se rr c io e Dev g City Centre e a i t n s on Lane e

T c a y V n u N lone e o l u Mo or e ey n

G C Street Ave

r t Mass y ne

e s t e e La Mixed Use ig Pla e e lsi ce e M E t W tr oad RM e e S a n rlto n e o t a a Y r rs n n C a s r t L o te v General Business A e t S a u e P v H le d

l a

a l o u

e W e

G R a W r e h i n k r t rc r u is S Bi e tr s n

ee J a

e a o a t

F a r t y g

c t u C

a i r o Business Park V d s c h t S s d R

e n

t W y a e o a G t o

e n o

n e S e W

r tr R r

e Light Industry y S n a u o a e t

ri T p e o o e r d v R t n c a e

i e c u V s c e d e o i s rv r a e d a A r v Q Heavy Industry t d n d

d a a a A

o L Ro

R Harry M r ay S ooe d ubw n oa S t ly P w R a o o

l Be l g Rural Conservation

a resford a las ti S c s G treet o o

n e R a ie n

c Crosb a

d M s M R

Phillip n Countryside Living

Stree a o t v Court a e Fair Oaks E ad d c sot Plac Sven o r e d n R e a se Rural Coastal a t P t r e v W re ard e St r i S d treet lson y e Ne Wa a r e on r ts C igh t r o D T W Mixed Rural R t o i S u

e d o esho n s p Li t u n o n W

P u h o e Rural Production t

S c r a e y g Dalton C e c n v S our ri a a t n D l

R i r T t

P l P Public Open Space - Conservation

l o h ion r o e

w n e e r P e m o n l e la o a d c n e s

u W et a L H c M lace Public Open Space - Informal Recreation e O ' o L W n P o s ry r B r i C race e o n l o urd Ter v ad n P o l a R e er i p l e n Public Open Space - Sport and Active Recreation s ane a r tche e a e i L c K A rte Driv ill n T Ya e e e r t

r H h es

c C R v

t o

i a l

G d

o e K s Public Open Space - Community n e

u e nue ey Ave Public Open Space - Civic Spaces

BilkD u

e Stonedale n c d a

o l B P D u

l c r Strategic Transport Corridor a ly i k v

o e l an R d Road Road [i] c Place a n z i l n y Defence [rcp/dp]

A a L Ferry Terminal [rcp/dp]

k Place Minor Port [rcp/dp]

broo e

dow c a Mea l irn P nca Gle Marina [rcp/dp] n Gle b o g


D Mooring [rcp]


G i v

e e

o General Coastal Marine [rcp]

r g e Crescent Water [i] Roa Coastal Transition Awhitu, Glenbrook, Tuakau d Glenbrook Beach Hauraki Gulf Islands

and Patumahoe Rural Urban Boundary [rps] as notified

Indicative Coastline Note : Submissions mapped include Topic 080 and 081

0 230 460 920 m

Date: 19/01/2016 Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan Submission Area Unit Revised zones Drury East Rural, Hunua, Runciman, Paerata South S16b Ramarama, Bombay Pukekohe


B Submission Area Unit u



h e Area of change r


o W

a i Area of change - out of scope d l l oad i ames R a s m Adam D race J r G P D i lle r A Revised zone v i i v a e V n e e

d r a


a ace nI Pl e Special Purpose t ith L e a K rive w B o I D R s a l e e c a iv b l r R Large Lot

a o D

h e oa t L a v

e y Ba d

t o e

d e m si v

y n i wo n Place i T d e c

M r Single House R w a

l o

D a e o d iv P P a Dr x t a

k ra o r r n o

d d e R h Mixed Housing Suburban a S o t e k l S re u C i l H n w a P D e pe H r e v a e i t A is v H Mixed Housing Urban l eg e p nold v y R ris Re sR e C o t T t d e ad i ce h Terrace Housing and Apartment Buildings a la a e P o tr e s R e R S G d d d o im a a s n T o o e o la a A Future Urban a R y Reid d o R d y Pla d d a ce e B n l P s l d R e oo i K F e lm t r N R e i m t l w e r y d o g i Green Infrastructure Corridor e rd Win e t S a o e d i tr e s l i e n u B S r l g H e r p o t a m r k ll d et t t h ge e P d

a n tre e Ri V S S w l Rural and Coastal Settlement e S c R R a i

n n

t a d n o r o

h a a i k a

o l T t R G e a e g

R h tr y y d

S e b Pukeko s r d he

a d Eas Neighbourhood Centre i o r c s a Ro o t R

r Valley o w u

u e u ad P a l

a M c r n b a d

K u ri D d School c r P n i i Local Centre r a e t in d e i H l Stre

l st g R a d e E E

J o nu S a R

u t ve Town Centre a A o s r t t o

t d e e r a l e e e R a W p r t bin Street d t e

n t o S e o T e T e

e o ill e t o r r Metropolitan Centre d tr H ch t ue R S r S t ara Aven es u ria e o c h to Ki h a in C c ng Stree ga City Centre d r i We t P T V s Devon Lane e N y e l u one r ey n ol r et Stre ve Mixed Use M a e et Massey A ne c tr ie La M s reig e S El G t oad Y P s a R e Pukekohe rlton o General Business l n a a W C u c u n t e Intermediate t d e k a s Stre Ro g t h e e s c i a r J arr Bi s Business Park F W e H a t c o u e G e a

r h c r re R t n t t r r o S o o Light Industry e S S r a v i a T y r e Pukekohe t e o n d t r R u ic n e e High School o V n Heavy Industry e e e

a e d t d u d d a v a o r o Q y R S a a R A d bw a u Rural Conservation Ro S ta y G w ll Be n d go

resford a Glas ti S o a tre o n et Ro o

s e n R i c Crosb a Countryside Living a M d R

Phill e ip S i

tre M o

et l l a e d

o S ad Rural Coastal c vends Ro

e t Pl t n ac C e t e e a o Stre v s n W r o a e ls i rd S r Ne d treet r a r e a e Mixed Rural o r P t D Pukekohe T R t C i S u e o

n Hill d sho s o Lie t

u n o n Rural Production P p W

u School h o S t e a c y g e

r iv

an Dr

n r Public Open Space - Conservation i


R l o l n n

e e t o

c n r Public Open Space - Informal Recreation

W eet a O ' lace L W s P r i o n ll v Public Open Space - Sport and Active Recreation e Parkside e is ane r e L A ill T Yat r School H es R v d oa Public Open Space - Community G oa d e hener R n Kitc u

e e Public Open Space - Civic Spaces Avenu Bilkey d Buc Strategic Transport Corridor a k o l an R d Road Road [i] c Place a n z i l Defence [rcp/dp] n y

A a L Ferry Terminal [rcp/dp]

Minor Port [rcp/dp]

Marina [rcp/dp]

Mooring [rcp]

G e

o General Coastal Marine [rcp]

r g e Water [i] Crescent Buckland Roa Coastal Transition Awhitu, Glenbrook, Tuakau d School Glenbrook Beach Hauraki Gulf Islands

and Patumahoe Indicative Coastline

Revised Rural Urban Boundary Note : Zone changes include Topic 080, 081 016 & 017

0 230 460 920 m

Date: 19/01/2016 Puhinui Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan Submission Area Unit Zoning submissions and zones as notified Takanini Wattle B Urban a R B South S17a

y d oad a i g

o R Awhitu, Glenbrook, Glenbrook Beach and Patumahoe B a y y B LEGEND a s e R B m a ha c o a a h Gr R d a u o a d

Or Submission Area Unit T

r a Properties subject to a submission m G u Amend lly Ro a d Hingaia Retain and the Unitary Plan Zone - As Notified

Islands Special Purpose

Large Lot

Single House

Mixed Housing Suburban

Mixed Housing Urban

Terrace Housing and Apartment Buildings

Future Urban

Green Infrastructure Corridor

Kingseat Rural and Coastal Settlement

and Karaka Neighbourhood Centre

Local Centre

Town Centre

Metropolitan Centre

City Centre

Mixed Use

General Business

Business Park

M ad clarin R o Light Industry

ad ir Ro smu Dun Heavy Industry Paerata Rural Conservation

G l K e Countryside Living i n n b g d Awh r s a Rural Coastal itu o o R d e oa o R k a t R e B oa s Mixed Rural d d u e a ho

a o d

c o e R Rural Production

R o

wo h o

a R y W d Jo H a e hn Cliv o s S Public Open Space - Conservation D t ad ree P d t a a o tu Public Open Space - Informal Recreation R m a u h uk o a e Public Open Space - Sport and Active Recreation M R Broo o k a Public Open Space - Community side Road d Public Open Space - Civic Spaces

d a d Pukekohe o a Strategic Transport Corridor R o u R

k ti Road [i] ui i




- Defence [rcp/dp]




r Ferry Terminal [rcp/dp]


n e W l aiu Minor Port [rcp/dp]

G ku Roa d Marina [rcp/dp]

Mooring [rcp]

General Coastal Marine [rcp]

Water [i]

Waiuku Coastal Transition

Hauraki Gulf Islands

Rural Urban Boundary [rps] as notified

Indicative Coastline Note : Submissions mapped include Topic 080 and 081

0 800 1,600 3,200 m

Date: 19/01/2016 Puhinui Manurewa, Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan Homai and Submission Area Unit Clendon Park Revised zones Takanini Wattle B South S17a B Urban a yR d

oad a i g

o R Awhitu, Glenbrook, Glenbrook Beach and Patumahoe B a y y

a Be R B ms a LEGEND ha c o a h ra R a u G oa d r d O

Submission Area Unit T

r a m Area of change G u ll y Area of change - out of scope Ro a

d Hingaia and the Revised zone

Islands Special Purpose

Large Lot

Single House

Mixed Housing Suburban

Mixed Housing Urban

Terrace Housing and Apartment Buildings Awhitu District Future Urban School Green Infrastructure Corridor

Rural and Coastal Settlement Kingseat Neighbourhood Centre and Karaka Local Centre

Town Centre

Metropolitan Centre

City Centre

Mixed Use

General Business

Business Park

Light Industry

Heavy Industry Paerata Rural Conservation

G Countryside Living l K e i n n b g d Rural Coastal a Awh r s itu o o R d e oa o R k at e Mixed Rural R s B oa d d u e a ho a o d Rural Production c o R o h

R y W

a Public Open Space - Conservation o P D d at ad a u o R m Public Open Space - Informal Recreation a u h k o au e Public Open Space - Sport and Active Recreation

M R U o a Broo n d Public Open Space - Community k i side R o oad n R o Public Open Space - Civic Spaces ad d a d Pukekohe Strategic Transport Corridor o a R o u R Road [i]

k ti ui i



W Defence [rcp/dp]


k o

o Ferry Terminal [rcp/dp]



n e W Minor Port [rcp/dp]

l aiu G ku Ro ad Marina [rcp/dp]

Mooring [rcp]

General Coastal Marine [rcp]

Water [i]

Waiuku Coastal Transition

Hauraki Gulf Islands

Indicative Coastline

Revised Rural Urban Boundary Note : Zone changes include Topic 080, 081 016 & 017

0 800 1,600 3,200 m

Date: 19/01/2016 Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan Submission Area Unit Zoning submissions and zones as notified South S17b Waiuku LEGEND

Submission Area Unit

Awhitu, Glenbrook, Properties subject to a submission Glenbrook Beach Amend and Patumahoe Retain Unitary Plan Zone - As Notified

Special Purpose

R a n g iw Large Lot h e



o P

a d l a Single House


ha c n e i ley ha

Cr ow

es G K

ce o Mixed Housing Suburban N e

n d c t a

l w o

i iko P t b m Koro e P l Mixed Housing Urban v l e ri ac D e S


ie H s d r ce

l e a Terrace Housing and Apartment Buildings a l E a rry P e e W o r Ch

a b t ito R a o S t t i Future Urban

re u

P e p e

o t s r iv n r o d C D Pla t R Hy Green Infrastructure Corridor e ce n s la v e a n i r d r a Place c D S e ie Rural and Coastal Settlement ls c K H C E o y lan o e d r R a u P n l w v i ac v e a i e u ve r ri l Neighbourhood Centre s r r ri D l s R D e i o

d a

R k v

e d


o a Local Centre e D o o S r e

w r a

b B R i l ise v

l a d i e M yv Rata ie StN ree Town Centre

w i t k

D e a r Car Lan A iv bi ne u w e P h lac Metropolitan Centre it Mc Pl e

u cal y a l n D c

R a a e e amilt

g l e H on Drive o r

Pl o d nu City Centre

a a L a e

c i a v

e r A e d v

d a ton d c e P is a n arr r W reet a o t l a e d S Mixed Use t R e M a a i P t

c o e a K e tre t d in w S o a R c n M a l g e e r o L a d S i o in t s r ow General Business a re g r H w P e n e t M g d e T lin E n l w V o e C h ener R O i Kitch oad e Business Park c e a e w u n M B d e R e r a Light Industry s i v o i R o g A Pla e g ce R a h n n R i h g a i l k l v i L d t le t s a o C k e s rn h Heavy Industry

H w h l g r e i u ce o R F r n

r a B r

c rr f

h r L o s o

e e i T o e ll a a m n C Rural Conservation

N n a N t d a


o e e e

r e n

f e

a b o Ris r L lk t ht Co u S rig untry Cl s B Countryside Living n me e Ja

C d w a

o i

B v o Rural Coastal

i c R t t W

e e o aiu e P b Mixed Rural e ku r

r t l R t m o O a ad S c o S l ' e s o Rural Production n R n u i B C l e a l a i e u r v e e v Dri a m k K a u Public Open Space - Conservation a l i a e k n o d e n o w Q u d e P D a a n a r lac o n l G g R e l Public Open Space - Informal Recreation

e y G v r v

a Kent St le a o reet l Mellsop Avenue a A r l M e

ad v V t o D

s e r e v i Public Open Space - Sport and Active Recreation o u v Gro r

e v n e e R e G u l t e

e e v l p e h V

p o A ict b i e e or

ta r r r ia ia A Public Open Space - Community t g n

s R icto ven

e V e u S c

n o e a S l


o S t p

C n e r y t S eec in

t r n R g Public Open Space - Civic Spaces

e l e r a v

B e elg c

a ium St e l ale R reet e P h o t e t a M leb a d G K J Strategic Transport Corridor d P i Roa aiwaka R Kaiw e ioitah a K oad aka Road n Kar c i t n f e i y e c e tr C an S S A L a L y Road [i] t e e m n r c l A a nF e n n p l e r rB a a a n J a b w e F n e t r L e n e o i k c Pa o l a cific St t l K a reet s l k e S r n Defence [rcp/dp]

e k t i P r o g h s e W t m u e a t i a t h P y S Ferry Terminal [rcp/dp] D t on Place r r iest iv Ann e Armstro e am D ive n g Way r Minor Port [rcp/dp]

H u l l R Marina [rcp/dp] o a d e lac Mooring [rcp] P H g ul n l General Coastal Marine [rcp] i Road m d a a e Water [i] o l

R G ry Coastal Transition te e m e Hauraki Gulf Islands C

Rural Urban Boundary [rps] as notified

Indicative Coastline Note : Submissions mapped include Topic 080 and 081

0 170 340 680 m

Date: 19/01/2016 Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan Submission Area Unit Revised zones South S17b Waiuku


Submission Area Unit

Awhitu, Glenbrook, Area of change

Glenbrook Beach Area of change - out of scope and Patumahoe Revised zone

Special Purpose

Large Lot

Single House

Mixed Housing Suburban

N o Mixed Housing Urban

b e H l

riv e R D a

S a Terrace Housing and Apartment Buildings e r i t c s r l b e E e

o c W e

u o ai t Future Urban

t r oa u S r tre C s e r e e Green Infrastructure Corridor t e iv s Dr R Hyla t o nd d Place a Rural and Coastal Settlement a d Sandspit o R

Road t i K Neighbourhood Centre e e School p R Driv iv iv a uri r s d e D r Local Centre n s k a i o d

ro B S e

lb a D Town Centre

il yv r Rata

i i S

M ew v tree D e t riv Metropolitan Centre Aw e h M t itu cc Pl a e


a y e lD ce e City Centre R a e r

l e riv t o r d u

n D e

a i a ra ve d v A n S a n c

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t t l N e e d h re ig t Br C Countryside Living Waiuku S s Coun n e tr y College e am

w C J Rural Coastal o i

B v i

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e R e l o r a ad O r t

t c Rural Production ' e s S


u R

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r Kent Street a v a

o A V r le

d M Mellsop A o a v v D Public Open Space - Sport and Active Recreation

t v r o e G e iv

ro s R e ve n r e e

l t G V e p e u u i

l e o cto b p e e h ria Public Open Space - Community

a i r r Av t e e s R t g nue

on S e n S

C S o d p n t a ri Public Open Space - Civic Spaces y tr o n

t e S R gv r Belgiu e a m Street Waiuku o ale Ro

t b ad M C m Strategic Transport Corridor Primary lo

School a K o aiwaka R C J m oa eet d e tr A n Road [i] S p n ce e l A n n b l y e ra a a w n F i L e n L a Pacific Street t l s a Defence [rcp/dp] e l r k S W o u t a r a P e y S Ferry Terminal [rcp/dp] e t t r e e Armstron g Way am Dr iv Minor Port [rcp/dp]

Marina [rcp/dp]

e lac Mooring [rcp] P H g u n ll General Coastal Marine [rcp] i Road m

d a

a e Water [i] o l R G ry Coastal Transition te e m e Hauraki Gulf Islands C

Indicative Coastline

Revised Rural Urban Boundary Note : Zone changes include Topic 080, 081 016 & 017

0 170 340 680 m

Date: 19/01/2016 Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan Submission Area Unit Zoning submissions and zones as notified South S18 Beachlands, Maraetai, Clevedon, Brookby, Whitford, Matingarahi LEGEND

Bucklands Submission Area Unit Beach Properties subject to a submission

enue riv w Av aetai D e d Vie r

econ a Amend

S Po Freedom Lane Coney Lane

n C

y P o u l

r m M a e b sce i C nt Be rk P a ach lace Retain land Eig s R hth o J View ad ac Ave k nue Unitary Plan Zone - As Notified L ac hla Special Purpose n Drive Large Lot

Single House

Mixed Housing Suburban

Mixed Housing Urban

Terrace Housing and Apartment Buildings

Future Urban

Green Infrastructure Corridor

d Rural and Coastal Settlement a


R i Neighbourhood Centre a t e a Local Centre Whitford-M a r W hi Town Centre t f d ordR o a Metropolitan Centre oa d a R T ig Road wakaw City Centre r a d Cleved -K Banks Roa o n B oad W ertram R Mixed Use h it fo r d General Business d oa H P R o a h r t w k r ard o Business Park R R ad o o a N d Light Industry

d a o Heavy Industry R t n i Rural Conservation Po re Roa e t d r Countryside Living gh ili O w T Rural Coastal O r am ere Mixed Rural li s d oa il Pl a - i R d ac o Ma h W e rere R a rk akaw -O gar a Kaw a ti n M N Rural Production es s V d all Roa ey Road Public Open Space - Conservation kby d M Broo W Hyde Roa est R c oad n Public Open Space - Informal Recreation The Gardens and ic o l R Public Open Space - Sport and Active Recreation Randwick Park o M a d o Public Open Space - Community n


m e Public Open Space - Civic Spaces


t R Strategic Transport Corridor Takanini o a Rural d Road [i] Defence [rcp/dp]

Ferry Terminal [rcp/dp]

Minor Port [rcp/dp]

Marina [rcp/dp]

Mooring [rcp]

Takanini General Coastal Marine [rcp]

Urban Papakura Water [i]

Rural Coastal Transition

Hauraki Gulf Islands

Rural Urban Boundary [rps] as notified

Indicative Coastline Papakura Drury East Rural, Note : Submissions mapped include Topic 080 and 081 Urban Hunua, Runciman, Hingaia West Ramarama, Bombay and the Islands Drury

Urban 0 800 1,600 3,200 m Kingseat and Karaka Date: 19/01/2016 Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan Submission Area Unit Revised zones South S18 Beachlands, Maraetai, Clevedon, Brookby, Whitford, Matingarahi


Bucklands Submission Area Unit Beach Area of change e riv ra tai D e a G M Area of change - out of scope ib Ka bia raka W Roa ay J d Revised zone ac k L ac Special Purpose hla n Drive Large Lot

Single House

Mixed Housing Suburban

Mixed Housing Urban

Terrace Housing and Apartment Buildings

Future Urban

Green Infrastructure Corridor

Rural and Coastal Settlement


a o Neighbourhood Centre R i a t e Local Centre a Whitford-M a r W Town Centre hi t f d ordR o a Metropolitan Centre

oa d City Centre a R T rig Road wakaw Cleved -Ka W o n Mixed Use h i tf General Business o d rd a P Ro B a h Business Park r t a k r y R o s Roa o d a N Light Industry d

d a Heavy Industry o R t in Rural Conservation Po re Countryside Living re O Rural Coastal O r Mixed Rural ere ad - i Road Twilig Clevedon re Ro Ma h h aw -Ore ar a t Road School Kawak a ti ng Rural Production N es s V d all Public Open Space - Conservation Roa ey Road kby d M Broo W Hyde Roa est R M c Public Open Space - Informal Recreation oad o n n ic The Gardens and u o m Public Open Space - Sport and Active Recreation l R e o Randwick Park n a t Public Open Space - Community R d


a d Public Open Space - Civic Spaces

Strategic Transport Corridor Takanini Rural Road [i] Defence [rcp/dp]

Ferry Terminal [rcp/dp]

Minor Port [rcp/dp]

Marina [rcp/dp]

Mooring [rcp]

Takanini General Coastal Marine [rcp]

Urban Papakura Water [i]

Rural Coastal Transition

Hauraki Gulf Islands

Indicative Coastline

Revised Rural Urban Boundary Papakura Note : Zone changes include Topic 080, 081 016 & 017 Urban Drury East Rural, Hunua, Runciman, Hingaia West Ramarama, Bombay and the Islands Drury

Urban 0 800 1,600 3,200 m Kingseat and Karaka Date: 19/01/2016 ATTACHMENT F: Proposed Amendments outside the Scope of Submissions


SUB AREA FULL STREET SUB-REGION TOPIC AREA UNIT SUB AREA UNIT NAME NUMBER STREET NAME SUBURB NAME NOTIFIED ZONE PROPOSED ZONE REASON FOR CHANGE Support a change in use from POR to CL as the site has previously been used for infrastructure related activites by Watercare Services Ltd but its use has been decommissioned. The site is is now surplus land and no longer required as a rural reserve. The change is consistent with the surrounding CL zoned land as notifed by the PAUP. The proposed change is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the South Rural S13 Papakura 353R Kaipara Road Papakura POR CL zone and gives effect to the RPS. Karaka South is not a serviced village. RCS implements appropriate controls for this more efficiently than an additional subdivision control rule in conjunction with SH. Rezoning is therefore consistent with the RPS rural and coastal towns and villages objectives and policies, and South Rural S14b Kingseat and Karaka 12 Blackbridge Road Karaka SH RCS achieves the objectives of the SH zone. Karaka South is not a serviced village. RCS implements appropriate controls for this more efficiently than an additional subdivision control rule in conjunction with SH. Rezoning is therefore consistent with the RPS rural and coastal towns and villages objectives and policies, and South Rural S14b Kingseat and Karaka 22 Blackbridge Road Karaka SH RCS achieves the objectives of the SH zone. Karaka South is not a serviced village. RCS implements appropriate controls for this more efficiently than an additional subdivision control rule in conjunction with SH. Rezoning is therefore consistent with the RPS rural and coastal towns and villages objectives and policies, and South Rural S14b Kingseat and Karaka 24 Blackbridge Road Karaka SH RCS achieves the objectives of the SH zone. Karaka South is not a serviced village. RCS implements appropriate controls for this more efficiently than an additional subdivision control rule in conjunction with SH. Rezoning is therefore consistent with the RPS rural and coastal towns and villages objectives and policies, and South Rural S14b Kingseat and Karaka 38 Blackbridge Road Karaka SH RCS achieves the objectives of the SH zone. Karaka South is not a serviced village. RCS implements appropriate controls for this more efficiently than an additional subdivision control rule in conjunction with SH. Rezoning is therefore consistent with the RPS rural and coastal towns and villages objectives and policies, and South Rural S14b Kingseat and Karaka 42 Blackbridge Road Karaka SH RCS achieves the objectives of the SH zone. Karaka South is not a serviced village. RCS implements appropriate controls for this more efficiently than an additional subdivision control rule in conjunction with SH. Rezoning is therefore consistent with the RPS rural and coastal towns and villages objectives and policies, and South Rural S14b Kingseat and Karaka 60 Blackbridge Road Karaka SH RCS achieves the objectives of the SH zone. Karaka South is not a serviced village. RCS implements appropriate controls for this more efficiently than an additional subdivision control rule in conjunction with SH. Rezoning is therefore consistent with the RPS rural and coastal towns and villages objectives and policies, and South Rural S14b Kingseat and Karaka 62 Blackbridge Road Karaka SH RCS achieves the objectives of the SH zone. Karaka South is not a serviced village. RCS implements appropriate controls for this more efficiently than an additional subdivision control rule in conjunction with SH. Rezoning is therefore consistent with the RPS rural and coastal towns and villages objectives and policies, and South Rural S14b Kingseat and Karaka 22A Blackbridge Road Karaka SH RCS achieves the objectives of the SH zone. As a result of the amendments to the Special Purpose – School zone, it is appropriate to retain the Special Purpose School zone for independent schools and to apply a residential, rural or business zone, consistent with the zones applied adjoining or adjacent to the subject school, to state schools. In this instance the adjoining residential zone is FU. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the South Rural S14b Hingaia and the Islands 171 Hingaia Road Hingaia SP FU objectives of the FU zone and gives effect to the RPS. As a result of the amendments to the Special Purpose – School zone, it is appropriate to retain the Special Purpose School zone for independent schools and to apply a residential, rural or business zone, consistent with the zones applied adjoining or adjacent to the subject school, to state schools. In this instance the adjoining residential zone is FU. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the South Rural S14b Hingaia and the Islands 171 Hingaia Road Hingaia SP FU objectives of the FU zone and gives effect to the RPS. This area of land has been zoned SH in error. The properties are located at the existing node of the Karaka South Village where there is PT Lot 1 DP high residential demand and where existing settlement capacity is 7692 Allot 308 limited. Support RCS as a lower density zone that will allow for limited Karaka PSH growth of an unserviced settlements growth in this area. Rezoning this BLK VII DRURY area to RCS is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the South Rural S14b Kingseat and Karaka SD-CHURCH Karaka Road Karaka SH RCS RCS and gives effect to the RPS

08 Rural Attachment F_FINAL 2

SUB AREA FULL STREET SUB-REGION TOPIC AREA UNIT SUB AREA UNIT NAME NUMBER STREET NAME SUBURB NAME NOTIFIED ZONE PROPOSED ZONE REASON FOR CHANGE As a result of the amendments to the Special Purpose – School zone, it is appropriate to retain the Special Purpose School zone for independent schools and to apply a residential, rural or business zone, consistent with the zones applied adjoining or adjacent to the subject school, to state schools. In this instance the adjoining residential zone is FU. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the South Rural S14b Kingseat and Karaka 767 Linwood Road Karaka SP RCS objectives of the FU zone and gives effect to the RPS. Support rezoning of notified RP to RC zone. This is to correct a mapping error to remove a spot zone situation. Rezoning this area to RC is the Lot 11 DP most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the RC and gives South Rural S14b Kingseat and Karaka 210015 Lot 11 DP 210015 Karaka RP RC effect to the RPS. An urban zoning of part of this site for a motorway service centre aligns with a recent plan change and the RPS, but an alternative zone of NC rather than GB is supported, as the activities provided for in that zone more closely match those suitable for a motorway service centre. The zoning maps in attachment E show the whole site as NC. This is an error. Zoning in line with the decision on Plan Change 14 to the Auckland Council District Plan (Franklin Section) is supported. This requires sub-precinct A of the Bombay 1 precinct to be rezoned NC, as an out of scope change, and retention of the RP zone for sub-precinct B. This is shown in the evidence on the Bombay 1 precinct prepared for Drury East Rural,Hunua, Runciman, the Council by Todd Webb. South Rural S15a Ramarama, Bombay 2038 Great South Road Bombay RP NC Support a change in zone to NC. The activities provided for in NC more Drury East Rural,Hunua, Runciman, closely match those suitable for a motorway service centre than in GB. South Rural S15a Ramarama, Bombay 216 Mill Road Bombay GB NC Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flooding risks on this site does not require maintaining a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS zone South Rural S15b Drury Urban 13 Beverage Place Papakura SH MHS and gives effect to the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flooding risks on this site does not require maintaining a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS zone South Rural S15b Drury Urban 12 Cross Street Drury SH MHS and gives effect to the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flooding risks on this site does not require maintaining a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS zone South Rural S15b Drury Urban 12 Cross Street Drury SH MHS and gives effect to the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flooding risks on this site does not require maintaining a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS zone South Rural S15b Drury Urban 15 Cross Street Drury SH MHS and gives effect to the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flooding risks on this site does not require maintaining a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS zone South Rural S15b Drury Urban 16 Cross Street Drury SH MHS and gives effect to the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flooding risks on this site does not require maintaining a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS zone South Rural S15b Drury Urban 16 Cross Street Drury SH MHS and gives effect to the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flooding risks on this site does not require maintaining a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS zone South Rural S15b Drury Urban 17 Cross Street Drury SH MHS and gives effect to the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flooding risks on this site does not require maintaining a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS zone South Rural S15b Drury Urban 18 Cross Street Drury SH MHS and gives effect to the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flooding risks on this site does not require maintaining a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS zone South Rural S15b Drury Urban 19 Cross Street Drury SH MHS and gives effect to the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flooding risks on this site does not require maintaining a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS zone South Rural S15b Drury Urban 1/16 Cross Street Drury SH MHS and gives effect to the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flooding risks on this site does not require maintaining a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS zone South Rural S15b Drury Urban 2/16 Cross Street Drury SH MHS and gives effect to the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flooding risks on this site does not require maintaining a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS zone South Rural S15b Drury Urban 1/12 Cross Street Drury SH MHS and gives effect to the RPS. 08 Rural Attachment F_FINAL 3

SUB AREA FULL STREET SUB-REGION TOPIC AREA UNIT SUB AREA UNIT NAME NUMBER STREET NAME SUBURB NAME NOTIFIED ZONE PROPOSED ZONE REASON FOR CHANGE Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flooding risks on this site does not require maintaining a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS zone South Rural S15b Drury Urban 2/12 Cross Street Drury SH MHS and gives effect to the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS as although the SH zone could be retained due to the site(s) being affected by flooding constraints, a spot zone would occur and in this location a spot zone will not generally achieve the integrated management of resources and South Rural S15b Drury Urban 14A Cross Street Drury SH MHS does not recognise local context. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flooding risks on this site does not require maintaining a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS zone South Rural S15b Drury Urban 19-23 Cross Street Drury SH MHS and gives effect to the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flooding risks on this site does not require maintaining a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS zone South Rural S15b Drury Urban 156 Great South Road Drury SH MHS and gives effect to the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flooding risks on this site does not require maintaining a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS zone South Rural S15b Drury Urban 1/156 Great South Road Drury SH MHS and gives effect to the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flooding risks on this site does not require maintaining a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS zone South Rural S15b Drury Urban 2/156 Great South Road Drury SH MHS and gives effect to the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flooding risks on this site does not require maintaining a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS zone South Rural S15b Drury Urban 3/156 Great South Road Drury SH MHS and gives effect to the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flooding risks on this site does not require maintaining a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS zone South Rural S15b Drury Urban 13 Murray Street Drury SH MHS and gives effect to the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flooding risks on this site does not require maintaining a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS zone South Rural S15b Drury Urban 15 Murray Street Drury SH MHS and gives effect to the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flooding risks on this site does not require maintaining a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS zone South Rural S15b Drury Urban 17 Murray Street Drury SH MHS and gives effect to the RPS. As a result of the amendments to the Special Purpose – School zone, it is appropriate to retain the Special Purpose School zone for independent schools and to apply a residential, rural or business zone, consistent with the zones applied adjoining or adjacent to the subject school, to state schools. In this instance the adjoining residential zone is FU. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the South Rural S15b Drury Urban 13 Sutton Road Drury SP MHS objectives of the FU zone and gives effect to the RPS. As a result of the amendments to the Special Purpose – School zone, it is appropriate to retain the Special Purpose School zone for independent schools and to apply a residential, rural or business zone, consistent with the zones applied adjoining or adjacent to the subject school, to state schools. In this instance the adjoining residential zone is FU. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the South Rural S15b Drury Urban 23 Sutton Road Drury SP MHS objectives of the FU zone and gives effect to the RPS. As a result of the amendments to the Special Purpose – School zone, it is appropriate to retain the Special Purpose School zone for independent schools and to apply a residential, rural or business zone, consistent with the zones applied adjoining or adjacent to the subject school, to state schools. In this instance the adjoining residential zone is FU. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the South Rural S15b Drury Urban 39 Sutton Road Drury SP MHS objectives of the FU zone and gives effect to the RPS. As a result of the amendments to the Special Purpose – School zone, it is appropriate to retain the Special Purpose School zone for independent schools and to apply a residential, rural or business zone, consistent with the zones applied adjoining or adjacent to the subject school, to state schools. In this instance the adjoining residential zone is FU. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the South Rural S15b Drury Urban 55 Sutton Road Drury SP MHS objectives of the FU zone and gives effect to the RPS.

08 Rural Attachment F_FINAL 4

SUB AREA FULL STREET SUB-REGION TOPIC AREA UNIT SUB AREA UNIT NAME NUMBER STREET NAME SUBURB NAME NOTIFIED ZONE PROPOSED ZONE REASON FOR CHANGE As a result of the amendments to the Special Purpose – School zone, it is appropriate to retain the Special Purpose School zone for independent schools and to apply a residential, rural or business zone, consistent with the zones applied adjoining or adjacent to the subject school, to state schools. In this instance the adjoining residential zone is FU. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the South Rural S15b Drury Urban 71 Sutton Road Drury SP MHS objectives of the FU zone and gives effect to the RPS. As a result of the amendments to the Special Purpose – School zone, it is appropriate to retain the Special Purpose School zone for independent schools and to apply a residential, rural or business zone, consistent with the zones applied adjoining or adjacent to the subject school, to state schools. In this instance the adjoining residential zone is FU. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the South Rural S15b Drury Urban 87 Sutton Road Drury SP MHS objectives of the FU zone and gives effect to the RPS. As a result of the amendments to the Special Purpose – School zone, it is appropriate to retain the Special Purpose School zone for independent schools and to apply a residential, rural or business zone, consistent with the zones applied adjoining or adjacent to the subject school, to state schools. In this instance the adjoining residential zone is FU. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the South Rural S15b Drury Urban 103 Sutton Road Drury SP MHS objectives of the FU zone and gives effect to the RPS. As a result of the amendments to the Special Purpose – School zone, it is appropriate to retain the Special Purpose School zone for independent schools and to apply a residential, rural or business zone, consistent with the zones applied adjoining or adjacent to the subject school, to state schools. In this instance the adjoining residential zone is FU. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the South Rural S15b Drury Urban 119 Sutton Road Drury SP MHS objectives of the FU zone and gives effect to the RPS. As a result of the amendments to the Special Purpose – School zone, it is appropriate to retain the Special Purpose School zone for independent schools and to apply a residential, rural or business zone, consistent with the zones applied adjoining or adjacent to the subject school, to state schools. In this instance the adjoining residential zone is FU. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the South Rural S15b Drury Urban 135 Sutton Road Drury SP MHS objectives of the FU zone and gives effect to the RPS. As a result of the amendments to the Special Purpose – School zone, it is appropriate to retain the Special Purpose School zone for independent schools and to apply a residential, rural or business zone, consistent with the zones applied adjoining or adjacent to the subject school, to state schools. In this instance the adjoining residential zone is FU. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the South Rural S15b Drury Urban 151 Sutton Road Drury SP MHS objectives of the FU zone and gives effect to the RPS. As a result of the amendments to the Special Purpose – School zone, it is appropriate to retain the Special Purpose School zone for independent schools and to apply a residential, rural or business zone, consistent with the zones applied adjoining or adjacent to the subject school, to state schools. In this instance the adjoining residential zone is FU. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the South Rural S15b Drury Urban 23-151 Sutton Road Drury SP MHS objectives of the FU zone and gives effect to the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flooding risks on this site does not require maintaining a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS zone South Rural S15b Drury Urban 1 Young Crescent Drury SH MHS and gives effect to the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flooding risks on this site does not require maintaining a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS zone South Rural S15b Drury Urban 11 Young Crescent Drury SH MHS and gives effect to the RPS. As a result of the amendments to the Special Purpose – School zone, it is appropriate to retain the Special Purpose School zone for independent schools and to apply a residential, rural or business zone, consistent with the zones applied adjoining or adjacent to the subject school, to state schools. In this instance the adjoining residential zone is FU. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the South Rural S15b Drury Urban 174 Young Crescent Drury SP MHS objectives of the FU zone and gives effect to the RPS. As a result of the amendments to the Special Purpose – School zone, it is appropriate to retain the Special Purpose School zone for independent schools and to apply a residential, rural or business zone, consistent with the zones applied adjoining or adjacent to the subject school, to state schools. In this instance the adjoining residential zone is FU. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the South Rural S15b Drury Urban 23-33 Young Crescent Drury SP MHS objectives of the FU zone and gives effect to the RPS.

08 Rural Attachment F_FINAL 5

SUB AREA FULL STREET SUB-REGION TOPIC AREA UNIT SUB AREA UNIT NAME NUMBER STREET NAME SUBURB NAME NOTIFIED ZONE PROPOSED ZONE REASON FOR CHANGE Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flooding risks on this site does not require maintaining a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS zone South Rural S16b Pukekohe 7A Beresford Street Pukekohe SH MHS and gives effect to the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flooding risks on this site does not require maintaining a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS zone South Rural S16b Pukekohe 7B Beresford Street Pukekohe SH MHS and gives effect to the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flooding risks on this site does not require maintaining a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS zone South Rural S16b Pukekohe 7C Beresford Street Pukekohe SH MHS and gives effect to the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flooding risks on this site does not require maintaining a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS zone South Rural S16b Pukekohe 1 Birdwood Road Pukekohe SH MHS and gives effect to the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flooding risks on this site does not require maintaining a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS zone South Rural S16b Pukekohe 28 Birdwood Road Pukekohe SH MHS and gives effect to the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flooding risks on this site does not require maintaining a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS zone South Rural S16b Pukekohe 28 Birdwood Road Pukekohe SH MHS and gives effect to the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flooding risks on this site does not require maintaining a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS zone South Rural S16b Pukekohe 30 Birdwood Road Pukekohe SH MHS and gives effect to the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flooding risks on this site does not require maintaining a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS zone South Rural S16b Pukekohe 32 Birdwood Road Pukekohe SH MHS and gives effect to the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flooding risks on this site does not require maintaining a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS zone South Rural S16b Pukekohe 34 Birdwood Road Pukekohe SH MHS and gives effect to the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flooding risks on this site does not require maintaining a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS zone South Rural S16b Pukekohe 36 Birdwood Road Pukekohe SH MHS and gives effect to the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flooding risks on this site does not require maintaining a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS zone South Rural S16b Pukekohe 38 Birdwood Road Pukekohe SH MHS and gives effect to the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flooding risks on this site does not require maintaining a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS zone South Rural S16b Pukekohe 40 Birdwood Road Pukekohe SH MHS and gives effect to the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flooding risks on this site does not require maintaining a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS zone South Rural S16b Pukekohe 42 Birdwood Road Pukekohe SH MHS and gives effect to the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flooding risks on this site does not require maintaining a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS zone South Rural S16b Pukekohe 44 Birdwood Road Pukekohe SH MHS and gives effect to the RPS.

Support the change of zone proposed. Applying THAB close to town centre and railway station gives effect to the RPS and is the most appropriate way to achieve the THAB zone objectives. The THAB zone allows terraced housing and apartment residential living around town centres, enables efficient use of land and infrastructure. The area offers the opportunity to achieve quality compact residential development South Rural S16b Pukekohe 7 Graham Street Pukekohe MHU THAB within walkable distance of the town centre.

Support the change of zone proposed. Applying THAB close to town centre and railway station gives effect to the RPS and is the most appropriate way to achieve the THAB zone objectives. The THAB zone allows terraced housing and apartment residential living around town centres, enables efficient use of land and infrastructure. The area offers the opportunity to achieve quality compact residential development South Rural S16b Pukekohe 13 Graham Street Pukekohe MHU THAB within walkable distance of the town centre.

08 Rural Attachment F_FINAL 6


Support the change of zone proposed. Applying THAB close to town centre and railway station gives effect to the RPS and is the most appropriate way to achieve the THAB zone objectives. The THAB zone allows terraced housing and apartment residential living around town centres, enables efficient use of land and infrastructure. The area offers the opportunity to achieve quality compact residential development South Rural S16b Pukekohe 9A Graham Street Pukekohe MHU THAB within walkable distance of the town centre.

Support the change of zone proposed. Applying THAB close to town centre and railway station gives effect to the RPS and is the most appropriate way to achieve the THAB zone objectives. The THAB zone allows terraced housing and apartment residential living around town centres, enables efficient use of land and infrastructure. The area offers the opportunity to achieve quality compact residential development South Rural S16b Pukekohe 9 Harris Street Pukekohe MHU THAB within walkable distance of the town centre.

Support the change of zone proposed. Applying THAB close to town centre and railway station gives effect to the RPS and is the most appropriate way to achieve the THAB zone objectives. The THAB zone allows terraced housing and apartment residential living around town centres, enables efficient use of land and infrastructure. The area offers the opportunity to achieve quality compact residential development South Rural S16b Pukekohe 21 Harris Street Pukekohe MHU THAB within walkable distance of the town centre.

Support the change of zone proposed. Applying THAB close to town centre and railway station gives effect to the RPS and is the most appropriate way to achieve the THAB zone objectives. The THAB zone allows terraced housing and apartment residential living around town centres, enables efficient use of land and infrastructure. The area offers the opportunity to achieve quality compact residential development South Rural S16b Pukekohe 15A Harris Street Pukekohe MHU THAB within walkable distance of the town centre.

Support the change of zone proposed. Applying THAB close to town centre and railway station gives effect to the RPS and is the most appropriate way to achieve the THAB zone objectives. The THAB zone allows terraced housing and apartment residential living around town centres, enables efficient use of land and infrastructure. The area offers the opportunity to achieve quality compact residential development South Rural S16b Pukekohe 15B Harris Street Pukekohe MHU THAB within walkable distance of the town centre.

Support the change of zone proposed. Applying THAB close to town centre and railway station gives effect to the RPS and is the most appropriate way to achieve the THAB zone objectives. The THAB zone allows terraced housing and apartment residential living around town centres, enables efficient use of land and infrastructure. The area offers the opportunity to achieve quality compact residential development South Rural S16b Pukekohe 21A Harris Street Pukekohe MHU THAB within walkable distance of the town centre. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flooding risks on this site does not require maintaining a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS zone South Rural S16b Pukekohe 26 Kayes Road Pukekohe SH MHS and gives effect to the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flooding risks on this site does not require maintaining a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS zone South Rural S16b Pukekohe 28A Kayes Road Pukekohe SH MHS and gives effect to the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flooding risks on this site does not require maintaining a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS zone South Rural S16b Pukekohe 4 Landscape Road Pukekohe SH MHS and gives effect to the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flooding risks on this site does not require maintaining a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS zone South Rural S16b Pukekohe 6 Landscape Road Pukekohe SH MHS and gives effect to the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flooding risks on this site does not require maintaining a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS zone South Rural S16b Pukekohe 8A Landscape Road Pukekohe SH MHS and gives effect to the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flooding risks on this site does not require maintaining a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS zone South Rural S16b Pukekohe 1 Ranch Place Pukekohe SH MHS and gives effect to the RPS.

08 Rural Attachment F_FINAL 7


Support the change of zone proposed. Applying THAB close to town centre and railway station gives effect to the RPS and is the most appropriate way to achieve the THAB zone objectives. The THAB zone allows terraced housing and apartment residential living around town centres, enables efficient use of land and infrastructure. The area offers the opportunity to achieve quality compact residential development South Rural S16b Pukekohe 18 Roulston Street Pukekohe MHU THAB within walkable distance of the town centre.

Support the change of zone proposed. Applying THAB close to town centre and railway station gives effect to the RPS and is the most appropriate way to achieve the THAB zone objectives. The THAB zone allows terraced housing and apartment residential living around town centres, enables efficient use of land and infrastructure. The area offers the opportunity to achieve quality compact residential development South Rural S16b Pukekohe 20 Roulston Street Pukekohe MHU THAB within walkable distance of the town centre.

Support the change of zone proposed. Applying THAB close to town centre and railway station gives effect to the RPS and is the most appropriate way to achieve the THAB zone objectives. The THAB zone allows terraced housing and apartment residential living around town centres, enables efficient use of land and infrastructure. The area offers the opportunity to achieve quality compact residential development South Rural S16b Pukekohe 22 Roulston Street Pukekohe MHU THAB within walkable distance of the town centre.

Support the change of zone proposed. Applying THAB close to town centre and railway station gives effect to the RPS and is the most appropriate way to achieve the THAB zone objectives. The THAB zone allows terraced housing and apartment residential living around town centres, enables efficient use of land and infrastructure. The area offers the opportunity to achieve quality compact residential development South Rural S16b Pukekohe 22A Roulston Street Pukekohe MHU THAB within walkable distance of the town centre. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flooding risks on this site does not require maintaining a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS zone South Rural S16b Pukekohe 57A Wellington Street Pukekohe SH MHS and gives effect to the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flooding risks on this site does not require maintaining a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS zone South Rural S16b Pukekohe 57B Wellington Street Pukekohe SH MHS and gives effect to the RPS. The site has previously been used for infrastructure related activites by Watercare Services Ltd but its use has been decommissioned and is now surplus land and is also no longer required as a rural reserve and will be turned back into grazing land. The change is consistent with the Lot 1 DP surrounding RP zoned lands as notifed by the PAUP. The proposed Awhitu, Glenbrook, Glenbrook Beach 107819 BLK IX Lot 1 DP 107819 BLK IX change is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the South Rural S17a and Patumahoe Drury SD Drury SD Patumahoe POS RP zone and gives effect to the RPS. Support rezoning of notified RP zone to SH zone. The application of the SH zone reflects the existing pattern of residential landholdings surrounding the site and the existing residential activities that have been established on the sites. The proposed change is the most Awhitu, Glenbrook, Glenbrook Beach appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the zone and gives effect to South Rural S17a and Patumahoe 24A Mauku Road Pukekohe RP SH the RPS. Support rezoning of notified RP zone to SH zone. The application of the SH zone reflects the existing pattern of residential landholdings surrounding the site and the existing residential activities that have been established on the sites. The proposed change is the most Awhitu, Glenbrook, Glenbrook Beach appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the zone and gives effect to South Rural S17a and Patumahoe 24B Mauku Road Pukekohe RP SH the RPS. Support rezoning of notified RP zone to SH zone. The application of the SH zone reflects the existing pattern of residential landholdings surrounding the site and the existing residential activities that have been established on the sites. The proposed change is the most Awhitu, Glenbrook, Glenbrook Beach appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the zone and gives effect to South Rural S17a and Patumahoe 24C Mauku Road Pukekohe RP SH the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 5 Breaker Grove Waiuku SH MHS the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 8 Breaker Grove Waiuku SH MHS the RPS.

08 Rural Attachment F_FINAL 8

SUB AREA FULL STREET SUB-REGION TOPIC AREA UNIT SUB AREA UNIT NAME NUMBER STREET NAME SUBURB NAME NOTIFIED ZONE PROPOSED ZONE REASON FOR CHANGE Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 11 Breaker Grove Waiuku SH MHS the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 16 Breaker Grove Waiuku SH MHS the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 18 Breaker Grove Waiuku SH MHS the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 20 Breaker Grove Waiuku SH MHS the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 21 Breaker Grove Waiuku SH MHS the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 22 Breaker Grove Waiuku SH MHS the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 23 Breaker Grove Waiuku SH MHS the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 24 Breaker Grove Waiuku SH MHS the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 25 Breaker Grove Waiuku SH MHS the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 26 Breaker Grove Waiuku SH MHS the RPS. Support rezoning of notifed SH zone to MHS zone as there are no constraints on the site. MHS is more appropriate given existing surrounding zoning.The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve South Rural S17b Waiuku 28 Breaker Grove Waiuku SH MHS the objectives of the MHS zone and gives effect to the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 30 Breaker Grove Waiuku SH MHS the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 31 Breaker Grove Waiuku SH MHS the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 32 Breaker Grove Waiuku SH MHS the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 34 Breaker Grove Waiuku SH MHS the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 36 Breaker Grove Waiuku SH MHS the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 38 Breaker Grove Waiuku SH MHS the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 40 Breaker Grove Waiuku SH MHS the RPS.

08 Rural Attachment F_FINAL 9

SUB AREA FULL STREET SUB-REGION TOPIC AREA UNIT SUB AREA UNIT NAME NUMBER STREET NAME SUBURB NAME NOTIFIED ZONE PROPOSED ZONE REASON FOR CHANGE Support rezoning of notifed SH zone to MHS zone as there are no constraints on the site. MHS is more appropriate given existing surrounding zoning.The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve South Rural S17b Waiuku 3 Brights Road Waiuku SH MHS the objectives of the MHS zone and gives effect to the RPS. Support rezoning of notifed SH zone to MHS zone as there are no constraints on the site. MHS is more appropriate given existing surrounding zoning.The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve South Rural S17b Waiuku 7 Brights Road Waiuku SH MHS the objectives of the MHS zone and gives effect to the RPS. Support rezoning of notifed SH zone to MHS zone as there are no constraints on the site. MHS is more appropriate given existing surrounding zoning.The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve South Rural S17b Waiuku 9 Brights Road Waiuku SH MHS the objectives of the MHS zone and gives effect to the RPS. Support rezoning of notifed SH zone to MHS zone as there are no constraints on the site. MHS is more appropriate given existing surrounding zoning.The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve South Rural S17b Waiuku 11 Brights Road Waiuku SH MHS the objectives of the MHS zone and gives effect to the RPS. Support rezoning of notifed SH zone to MHS zone as there are no constraints on the site. MHS is more appropriate given existing surrounding zoning.The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve South Rural S17b Waiuku 13 Brights Road Waiuku SH MHS the objectives of the MHS zone and gives effect to the RPS. Support rezoning of notifed SH zone to MHS zone as there are no constraints on the site. MHS is more appropriate given existing surrounding zoning.The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve South Rural S17b Waiuku 15 Brights Road Waiuku SH MHS the objectives of the MHS zone and gives effect to the RPS. Support rezoning of notifed SH zone to MHS zone as there are no constraints on the site. MHS is more appropriate given existing surrounding zoning.The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve South Rural S17b Waiuku 17 Brights Road Waiuku SH MHS the objectives of the MHS zone and gives effect to the RPS. Support rezoning of notifed SH zone to MHS zone as there are no constraints on the site. MHS is more appropriate given existing surrounding zoning.The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve South Rural S17b Waiuku 5A Brights Road Waiuku SH MHS the objectives of the MHS zone and gives effect to the RPS. Support rezoning of notifed SH zone to MHS zone as there are no constraints on the site. MHS is more appropriate given existing surrounding zoning.The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve South Rural S17b Waiuku 5B Brights Road Waiuku SH MHS the objectives of the MHS zone and gives effect to the RPS. Support rezoning of notifed SH zone to MHS zone as there are no constraints on the site. MHS is more appropriate given existing surrounding zoning.The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve South Rural S17b Waiuku 5C Brights Road Waiuku SH MHS the objectives of the MHS zone and gives effect to the RPS. Support rezoning of notifed SH zone to MHS zone as there are no constraints on the site. MHS is more appropriate given existing surrounding zoning.The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve South Rural S17b Waiuku 5D Brights Road Waiuku SH MHS the objectives of the MHS zone and gives effect to the RPS. Support rezoning of notifed SH zone to MHS zone as there are no constraints on the site. MHS is more appropriate given existing surrounding zoning.The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve South Rural S17b Waiuku 5E Brights Road Waiuku SH MHS the objectives of the MHS zone and gives effect to the RPS. Support rezoning of notifed SH zone to MHS zone as there are no constraints on the site. MHS is more appropriate given existing surrounding zoning.The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve South Rural S17b Waiuku 5F Brights Road Waiuku SH MHS the objectives of the MHS zone and gives effect to the RPS. Support rezoning of notifed SH zone to MHS zone as there are no constraints on the site. MHS is more appropriate given existing surrounding zoning.The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve South Rural S17b Waiuku 5G Brights Road Waiuku SH MHS the objectives of the MHS zone and gives effect to the RPS. Support rezoning of notifed SH zone to MHS zone as there are no constraints on the site. MHS is more appropriate given existing surrounding zoning.The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve South Rural S17b Waiuku 5H Brights Road Waiuku SH MHS the objectives of the MHS zone and gives effect to the RPS. Support rezoning of notifed SH zone to MHS zone as there are no constraints on the site. MHS is more appropriate given existing surrounding zoning.The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve South Rural S17b Waiuku 5J Brights Road Waiuku SH MHS the objectives of the MHS zone and gives effect to the RPS. Support rezoning of notifed SH zone to MHS zone as there are no constraints on the site. MHS is more appropriate given existing Lot 10 DP surrounding zoning.The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve South Rural S17b Waiuku 188214 Brights Road Waiuku SH MHS the objectives of the MHS zone and gives effect to the RPS. Support rezoning of notifed SH zone to MHS zone as there are no constraints on the site. MHS is more appropriate given existing Lot 11 DP surrounding zoning.The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve South Rural S17b Waiuku 188214 Brights Road Waiuku SH MHS the objectives of the MHS zone and gives effect to the RPS.

08 Rural Attachment F_FINAL 10

SUB AREA FULL STREET SUB-REGION TOPIC AREA UNIT SUB AREA UNIT NAME NUMBER STREET NAME SUBURB NAME NOTIFIED ZONE PROPOSED ZONE REASON FOR CHANGE Support rezoning of notifed SH zone to MHS zone as there are no constraints on the site. MHS is more appropriate given existing Lot 7 DP surrounding zoning.The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve South Rural S17b Waiuku 205574 Brights Road Waiuku SH MHS the objectives of the MHS zone and gives effect to the RPS. Support rezoning of notifed SH zone to MHS zone as there are no constraints on the site. MHS is more appropriate given existing Lot 8 DP surrounding zoning.The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve South Rural S17b Waiuku 205574 Brights Road Waiuku SH MHS the objectives of the MHS zone and gives effect to the RPS. Support rezoning of notifed SH zone to MHS zone as there are no constraints on the site. MHS is more appropriate given existing Lot 9 DP surrounding zoning.The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve South Rural S17b Waiuku 188214 Brights Road Waiuku SH MHS the objectives of the MHS zone and gives effect to the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 3 Carbine Lane Waiuku SH MHS the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 5 Carbine Lane Waiuku SH MHS the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 5 Carbine Lane Waiuku SH MHS the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 5A Carbine Lane Waiuku SH MHS the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 12 Churchill Terrace Waiuku SH MHS the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 14 Churchill Terrace Waiuku SH MHS the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 16 Churchill Terrace Waiuku SH MHS the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 18 Churchill Terrace Waiuku SH MHS the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 29 Churchill Terrace Waiuku SH MHS the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 31 Churchill Terrace Waiuku SH MHS the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 12A,12B Churchill Terrace Waiuku SH MHS the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 14A Churchill Terrace Waiuku SH MHS the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 31A,31B Churchill Terrace Waiuku SH MHS the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHU zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHU and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 3 Civic Place Waiuku SH MHU the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHU zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHU and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 4 Civic Place Waiuku SH MHU the RPS.

08 Rural Attachment F_FINAL 11

SUB AREA FULL STREET SUB-REGION TOPIC AREA UNIT SUB AREA UNIT NAME NUMBER STREET NAME SUBURB NAME NOTIFIED ZONE PROPOSED ZONE REASON FOR CHANGE Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHU zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHU and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 5 Civic Place Waiuku SH MHU the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHU zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHU and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 6 Civic Place Waiuku SH MHU the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHU zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHU and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 7 Civic Place Waiuku SH MHU the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHU zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHU and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 8 Civic Place Waiuku SH MHU the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHU zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHU and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 9 Civic Place Waiuku SH MHU the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHU zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHU and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 36 Civic Place Waiuku SH MHU the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHU zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHU and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 37 Civic Place Waiuku SH MHU the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHU zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHU and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 118 Civic Place Waiuku SH MHU the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHU zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHU and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 265 Civic Place Waiuku SH MHU the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHU zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHU and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 1A,1B Civic Place Waiuku SH MHU the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHU zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHU and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 2A Civic Place Waiuku SH MHU the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHU zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHU and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 4A,4B Civic Place Waiuku SH MHU the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHU zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHU and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 5,5A Civic Place Waiuku SH MHU the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHU zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHU and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 6A,6B Civic Place Waiuku SH MHU the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHU zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHU and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 7A,7B Civic Place Waiuku SH MHU the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHU zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHU and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 8A Civic Place Waiuku SH MHU the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHU zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHU and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 9A,9B Civic Place Waiuku SH MHU the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 32 Constable Road Waiuku SH MHS the RPS.

08 Rural Attachment F_FINAL 12

SUB AREA FULL STREET SUB-REGION TOPIC AREA UNIT SUB AREA UNIT NAME NUMBER STREET NAME SUBURB NAME NOTIFIED ZONE PROPOSED ZONE REASON FOR CHANGE Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHU zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHU and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 30 Domain Street Waiuku SH MHU the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 2 George Street Waiuku SH MHS the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 42 Hamilton Drive Waiuku SH MHS the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 12 Howden Street Waiuku SH MHS the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 14 Howden Street Waiuku SH MHS the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 16 Howden Street Waiuku SH MHS the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 12,12A Howden Street Waiuku SH MHS the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 14A Howden Street Waiuku SH MHS the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 16A Howden Street Waiuku SH MHS the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 6 Huia Street Waiuku SH MHS the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 12 Huia Street Waiuku SH MHS the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 14 Huia Street Waiuku SH MHS the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 12A Huia Street Waiuku SH MHS the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHU zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. Rezoning is consistent with the surrounding area that is close to the local centre at Waiuku. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the South Rural S17b Waiuku 6 Kent Street Waiuku SH MHU MHU zone and gives effect to the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHU zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. Rezoning is consistent with the surrounding area that is close to the local centre at Waiuku. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the South Rural S17b Waiuku 8 Kent Street Waiuku SH MHU MHU zone and gives effect to the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHU zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. Rezoning is consistent with the surrounding area that is close to the local centre at Waiuku. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the South Rural S17b Waiuku 1/8,8 Kent Street Waiuku SH MHU MHU zone and gives effect to the RPS. Do not support change to GB. Support alternative change to MU. There is a large supply of LI land in Waiuku at Fernleigh. GB would provide for large format retail, which has the potential to affect the LC zoning at Waiuku. MU would provide for a mix of business activities and is compatible with the existing warehouse and office activities on site. Rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the South Rural S17b Waiuku 23 Kitchener Road Waiuku LI MU MU zone and gives effect to the RPS. 08 Rural Attachment F_FINAL 13

SUB AREA FULL STREET SUB-REGION TOPIC AREA UNIT SUB AREA UNIT NAME NUMBER STREET NAME SUBURB NAME NOTIFIED ZONE PROPOSED ZONE REASON FOR CHANGE Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 73 Kitchener Road Waiuku SH MHS the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 75 Kitchener Road Waiuku SH MHS the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 77 Kitchener Road Waiuku SH MHS the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 2 Magnolia Drive Waiuku SH MHS the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 6 Magnolia Drive Waiuku SH MHS the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHU zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. Rezoning is consistent with the surrounding area that is close to the local centre at Waiuku. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the South Rural S17b Waiuku 26 Martyn Street Waiuku SH MHU MHU zone and gives effect to the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 113 Martyn Street Waiuku SH MHS the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 25,25A Martyn Street Waiuku SH MHS the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 49C Martyn Street Waiuku SH MHS the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 8 Matai Street Waiuku SH MHS the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 10 Matai Street Waiuku SH MHS the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 14 Matai Street Waiuku SH MHS the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 1 Meachen Terrace Waiuku SH MHS the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 1A Meachen Terrace Waiuku SH MHS the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 4 Mellsop Avenue Waiuku SH MHS the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 6 Mellsop Avenue Waiuku SH MHS the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 8 Mellsop Avenue Waiuku SH MHS the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 10 Mellsop Avenue Waiuku SH MHS the RPS.

08 Rural Attachment F_FINAL 14

SUB AREA FULL STREET SUB-REGION TOPIC AREA UNIT SUB AREA UNIT NAME NUMBER STREET NAME SUBURB NAME NOTIFIED ZONE PROPOSED ZONE REASON FOR CHANGE Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 12 Mellsop Avenue Waiuku SH MHS the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 34 Mellsop Avenue Waiuku SH MHS the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 36 Mellsop Avenue Waiuku SH MHS the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 42 Mellsop Avenue Waiuku SH MHS the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 44 Mellsop Avenue Waiuku SH MHS the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 4A Mellsop Avenue Waiuku SH MHS the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 7 O'Sullivan Place Waiuku SH MHS the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 8 O'Sullivan Place Waiuku SH MHS the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHU zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. Rezoning is consistent with the surrounding area that is close to the local centre at Waiuku. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the South Rural S17b Waiuku 93 Queen Street Waiuku SH MHU MHU zone and gives effect to the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHU zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. Rezoning is consistent with the surrounding area that is close to the local centre at Waiuku. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the South Rural S17b Waiuku 95 Queen Street Waiuku SH MHU MHU zone and gives effect to the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHU zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. Rezoning is consistent with the surrounding area that is close to the local centre at Waiuku. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the South Rural S17b Waiuku 100 Queen Street Waiuku SH MHU MHU zone and gives effect to the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHU zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. Rezoning is consistent with the surrounding area that is close to the local centre at Waiuku. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the South Rural S17b Waiuku 101 Queen Street Waiuku SH MHU MHU zone and gives effect to the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHU zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. Rezoning is consistent with the surrounding area that is close to the local centre at Waiuku. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the South Rural S17b Waiuku 102 Queen Street Waiuku SH MHU MHU zone and gives effect to the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHU zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. Rezoning is consistent with the surrounding area that is close to the local centre at Waiuku. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the South Rural S17b Waiuku 104 Queen Street Waiuku SH MHU MHU zone and gives effect to the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHU zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. Rezoning is consistent with the surrounding area that is close to the local centre at Waiuku. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the South Rural S17b Waiuku 108 Queen Street Waiuku SH MHU MHU zone and gives effect to the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHU zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. Rezoning is consistent with the surrounding area that is close to the local centre at Waiuku. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the South Rural S17b Waiuku 112 Queen Street Waiuku SH MHU MHU zone and gives effect to the RPS.

08 Rural Attachment F_FINAL 15

SUB AREA FULL STREET SUB-REGION TOPIC AREA UNIT SUB AREA UNIT NAME NUMBER STREET NAME SUBURB NAME NOTIFIED ZONE PROPOSED ZONE REASON FOR CHANGE Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHU zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. Rezoning is consistent with the surrounding area that is close to the local centre at Waiuku. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the South Rural S17b Waiuku 102A Queen Street Waiuku SH MHU MHU zone and gives effect to the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHU zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. Rezoning is consistent with the surrounding area that is close to the local centre at Waiuku. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the South Rural S17b Waiuku 93A Queen Street Waiuku SH MHU MHU zone and gives effect to the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHU zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. Rezoning is consistent with the surrounding area that is close to the local centre at Waiuku. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the South Rural S17b Waiuku 93B Queen Street Waiuku SH MHU MHU zone and gives effect to the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHU zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. Rezoning is consistent with the surrounding area that is close to the local centre at Waiuku. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the South Rural S17b Waiuku A/93 Queen Street Waiuku SH MHU MHU zone and gives effect to the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 12 Rangiwhea Road Waiuku SH MHS the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 16 Rangiwhea Road Waiuku SH MHS the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 12A Rangiwhea Road Waiuku SH MHS the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 16A Rangiwhea Road Waiuku SH MHS the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 12 Ripple Grove Waiuku SH MHS the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 25 Ripple Grove Waiuku SH MHS the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 32 Ripple Grove Waiuku SH MHS the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 38 Ripple Grove Waiuku SH MHS the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 39 Ripple Grove Waiuku SH MHS the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 46 Ripple Grove Waiuku SH MHS the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 28 Riverside Drive Waiuku SH MHS the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 32 Riverside Drive Waiuku SH MHS the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 34 Riverside Drive Waiuku SH MHS the RPS.

08 Rural Attachment F_FINAL 16

SUB AREA FULL STREET SUB-REGION TOPIC AREA UNIT SUB AREA UNIT NAME NUMBER STREET NAME SUBURB NAME NOTIFIED ZONE PROPOSED ZONE REASON FOR CHANGE Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 34,34A Riverside Drive Waiuku SH MHS the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 4 Rossiter Avenue Waiuku SH MHS the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 6 Rossiter Avenue Waiuku SH MHS the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 13 Sandspit Road Waiuku SH MHS the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 15 Sandspit Road Waiuku SH MHS the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 17 Sandspit Road Waiuku SH MHS the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 19 Sandspit Road Waiuku SH MHS the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 19A Sandspit Road Waiuku SH MHS the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 1 Seaview Rise Waiuku SH MHS the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 3 Seaview Rise Waiuku SH MHS the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 5 Seaview Rise Waiuku SH MHS the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 7 Seaview Rise Waiuku SH MHS the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 13A Shanley Crescent Waiuku SH MHS the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 2 Totara Street Waiuku SH MHS the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 14 Totara Street Waiuku SH MHS the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 4 Valley Road Waiuku SH MHS the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 6 Valley Road Waiuku SH MHS the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 51 Victoria Avenue Waiuku SH MHS the RPS.

08 Rural Attachment F_FINAL 17

SUB AREA FULL STREET SUB-REGION TOPIC AREA UNIT SUB AREA UNIT NAME NUMBER STREET NAME SUBURB NAME NOTIFIED ZONE PROPOSED ZONE REASON FOR CHANGE Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 53 Victoria Avenue Waiuku SH MHS the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 61 Victoria Avenue Waiuku SH MHS the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 59A Victoria Avenue Waiuku SH MHS the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 61A Victoria Avenue Waiuku SH MHS the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 61B Victoria Avenue Waiuku SH MHS the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 61C Victoria Avenue Waiuku SH MHS the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 63B Victoria Avenue Waiuku SH MHS the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 63D Victoria Avenue Waiuku SH MHS the RPS. Support rezoning of notified SH zone to MHS zone. Managing flood risks on this site does not require a SH zone. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the MHS and gives effect to South Rural S17b Waiuku 65A Victoria Avenue Waiuku SH MHS the RPS. A change from RC to RP zone is supported. Whilst the sites are located in proximity to the coastal environment, the application of the RP zone better provides for the use and development of land for rural production activities and rural industries, better aligns with property boundaries and the use of the Clevedon Kawakawa Road road edge is considered to be an appropriate boundary in most areas for the extent of the RC zone to the north and RP to the south. The change is consistent with the surrounding RP zoned lands as notifed by the PAUP and is the most Beachlands, Maraetai, Clevedon, appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the zone and gives effect to South Rural S18 Brookby, Whitford, Matingarahi 84 Clevedon Kawakawa Road Clevedon RC RP the RPS. A change from RC to RP zone is supported. Whilst the sites are located in proximity to the coastal environment, the application of the RP zone better provides for the use and development of land for rural production activities and rural industries, better aligns with property boundaries and the use of the Clevedon Kawakawa Road road edge is considered to be an appropriate boundary in most areas for the extent of the RC zone to the north and RP to the south. The change is consistent with the surrounding RP zoned lands as notifed by the PAUP and is the most Beachlands, Maraetai, Clevedon, appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the zone and gives effect to South Rural S18 Brookby, Whitford, Matingarahi 86 Clevedon Kawakawa Road Clevedon RC RP the RPS. A change from RC to RP zone is supported. Whilst the sites are located in proximity to the coastal environment, the application of the RP zone better provides for the use and development of land for rural production activities and rural industries, better aligns with property boundaries and the use of the Clevedon Kawakawa Road road edge is considered to be an appropriate boundary in most areas for the extent of the RC zone to the north and RP to the south. The change is consistent with the surrounding RP zoned lands as notifed by the PAUP and is the most Beachlands, Maraetai, Clevedon, appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the zone and gives effect to South Rural S18 Brookby, Whitford, Matingarahi 102 Clevedon Kawakawa Road Clevedon RC RP the RPS.

08 Rural Attachment F_FINAL 18

SUB AREA FULL STREET SUB-REGION TOPIC AREA UNIT SUB AREA UNIT NAME NUMBER STREET NAME SUBURB NAME NOTIFIED ZONE PROPOSED ZONE REASON FOR CHANGE Extension of the RC zone along the coastal edge is supported. The application of the RC zone reflects the sites proximity to the coastal environment, better aligns with property boundaries and the use of the Clevedon Kawakawa Road road edge is considered to be an appropriate boundary in most areas for the extent of the RC zone to the north and RP to the south. The proposed change is consistent with the surrounding RC zoned land as notifed by the PAUP and is the most Beachlands, Maraetai, Clevedon, appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the zone and gives effect to South Rural S18 Brookby, Whitford, Matingarahi 274 Clevedon Kawakawa Road Clevedon RP RC the RPS. Extension of the RC zone along the coastal edge is supported. The application of the RC zone reflects the sites proximity to the coastal environment, better aligns with property boundaries and the use of the Clevedon Kawakawa Road road edge is considered to be an appropriate boundary in most areas for the extent of the RC zone to the north and RP to the south. The proposed change is consistent with the surrounding RC zoned land as notifed by the PAUP and is the most Beachlands, Maraetai, Clevedon, appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the zone and gives effect to South Rural S18 Brookby, Whitford, Matingarahi 294 Clevedon Kawakawa Road Clevedon RP RC the RPS. Extension of the RC zone along the coastal edge is supported. The application of the RC zone reflects the sites proximity to the coastal environment, better aligns with property boundaries and the use of the Clevedon Kawakawa Road road edge is considered to be an appropriate boundary in most areas for the extent of the RC zone to the north and RP to the south. The proposed change is consistent with the surrounding RC zoned land as notifed by the PAUP and is the most Beachlands, Maraetai, Clevedon, appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the zone and gives effect to South Rural S18 Brookby, Whitford, Matingarahi 300 Clevedon Kawakawa Road Clevedon RP RC the RPS. A change from RC to RP zone is supported. Whilst the sites are located in proximity to the coastal environment, the application of the RP zone better provides for the use and development of land for rural production activities and rural industries, better aligns with property boundaries and the use of the Clevedon Kawakawa Road road edge is considered to be an appropriate boundary in most areas for the extent of the RC zone to the north and RP to the south. The change is consistent with the surrounding RP zoned lands as notifed by the PAUP and is the most Beachlands, Maraetai, Clevedon, appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the zone and gives effect to South Rural S18 Brookby, Whitford, Matingarahi 369 Clevedon Kawakawa Road Clevedon RC RP the RPS. A change from RC to RP zone is supported. Whilst the sites are located in proximity to the coastal environment, the application of the RP zone better provides for the use and development of land for rural production activities and rural industries, better aligns with property boundaries and the use of the Clevedon Kawakawa Road road edge is considered to be an appropriate boundary in most areas for the extent of the RC zone to the north and RP to the south. The change is consistent with the surrounding RP zoned lands as notifed by the PAUP and is the most Beachlands, Maraetai, Clevedon, appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the zone and gives effect to South Rural S18 Brookby, Whitford, Matingarahi 373 Clevedon Kawakawa Road Clevedon RC RP the RPS. A change from RC to RP zone is supported. Whilst the sites are located in proximity to the coastal environment, the application of the RP zone better provides for the use and development of land for rural production activities and rural industries, better aligns with property boundaries and the use of the Clevedon Kawakawa Road road edge is considered to be an appropriate boundary in most areas for the extent of the RC zone to the north and RP to the south. The change is consistent with the surrounding RP zoned lands as notifed by the PAUP and is the most Beachlands, Maraetai, Clevedon, appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the zone and gives effect to South Rural S18 Brookby, Whitford, Matingarahi 377 Clevedon Kawakawa Road Clevedon RC RP the RPS. Extension of the RC zone along the coastal edge is supported. The application of the RC zone reflects the sites proximity to the coastal environment, better aligns with property boundaries and the use of the Clevedon Kawakawa Road road edge is considered to be an appropriate boundary in most areas for the extent of the RC zone to the north and RP to the south. The proposed change is consistent with the surrounding RC zoned land as notifed by the PAUP and is the most Beachlands, Maraetai, Clevedon, appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the zone and gives effect to South Rural S18 Brookby, Whitford, Matingarahi 390 Clevedon Kawakawa Road Clevedon RP RC the RPS.

08 Rural Attachment F_FINAL 19

SUB AREA FULL STREET SUB-REGION TOPIC AREA UNIT SUB AREA UNIT NAME NUMBER STREET NAME SUBURB NAME NOTIFIED ZONE PROPOSED ZONE REASON FOR CHANGE Extension of the RC zone along the coastal edge is supported. The application of the RC zone reflects the sites proximity to the coastal environment, better aligns with property boundaries and the use of the Clevedon Kawakawa Road road edge is considered to be an appropriate boundary in most areas for the extent of the RC zone to the north and RP to the south. The proposed change is consistent with the surrounding RC zoned land as notifed by the PAUP and is the most Beachlands, Maraetai, Clevedon, appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the zone and gives effect to South Rural S18 Brookby, Whitford, Matingarahi 410 Clevedon Kawakawa Road Clevedon RP RC the RPS. Extension of the RC zone along the coastal edge is supported. The application of the RC zone reflects the sites proximity to the coastal environment, better aligns with property boundaries and the use of the Clevedon Kawakawa Road road edge is considered to be an appropriate boundary in most areas for the extent of the RC zone to the north and RP to the south. The proposed change is consistent with the surrounding RC zoned land as notifed by the PAUP and is the most Beachlands, Maraetai, Clevedon, appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the zone and gives effect to South Rural S18 Brookby, Whitford, Matingarahi 420 Clevedon Kawakawa Road Clevedon RP RC the RPS. Extension of the RC zone along the coastal edge is supported. The application of the RC zone reflects the sites proximity to the coastal environment, better aligns with property boundaries and the use of the Clevedon Kawakawa Road road edge is considered to be an appropriate boundary in most areas for the extent of the RC zone to the north and RP to the south. The proposed change is consistent with the surrounding RC zoned land as notifed by the PAUP and is the most Beachlands, Maraetai, Clevedon, appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the zone and gives effect to South Rural S18 Brookby, Whitford, Matingarahi 428 Clevedon Kawakawa Road Clevedon RP RC the RPS. Extension of the RC zone along the coastal edge is supported. The application of the RC zone reflects the sites proximity to the coastal environment, better aligns with property boundaries and the use of the Clevedon Kawakawa Road road edge is considered to be an appropriate boundary in most areas for the extent of the RC zone to the north and RP to the south. The proposed change is consistent with the surrounding RC zoned land as notifed by the PAUP and is the most Beachlands, Maraetai, Clevedon, appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the zone and gives effect to South Rural S18 Brookby, Whitford, Matingarahi 432 Clevedon Kawakawa Road Clevedon RP RC the RPS. Extension of the RC zone along the coastal edge is supported. The application of the RC zone reflects the sites proximity to the coastal environment, better aligns with property boundaries and the use of the Clevedon Kawakawa Road road edge is considered to be an appropriate boundary in most areas for the extent of the RC zone to the north and RP to the south. The proposed change is consistent with the surrounding RC zoned land as notifed by the PAUP and is the most Beachlands, Maraetai, Clevedon, appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the zone and gives effect to South Rural S18 Brookby, Whitford, Matingarahi 466 Clevedon Kawakawa Road Clevedon RP RC the RPS. Extension of the RC zone along the coastal edge is supported. The application of the RC zone reflects the sites proximity to the coastal environment, better aligns with property boundaries and the use of the Clevedon Kawakawa Road road edge is considered to be an appropriate boundary in most areas for the extent of the RC zone to the north and RP to the south. The proposed change is consistent with the surrounding RC zoned land as notifed by the PAUP and is the most Beachlands, Maraetai, Clevedon, appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the zone and gives effect to South Rural S18 Brookby, Whitford, Matingarahi 470 Clevedon Kawakawa Road Clevedon RP RC the RPS. Extension of the RC zone along the coastal edge is supported. The application of the RC zone reflects the sites proximity to the coastal environment, better aligns with property boundaries and the use of the Clevedon Kawakawa Road road edge is considered to be an appropriate boundary in most areas for the extent of the RC zone to the north and RP to the south. The proposed change is consistent with the surrounding RC zoned land as notifed by the PAUP and is the most Beachlands, Maraetai, Clevedon, appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the zone and gives effect to South Rural S18 Brookby, Whitford, Matingarahi 614 Clevedon Kawakawa Road Clevedon RP RC the RPS. Extension of the RC zone along the coastal edge is supported. The application of the RC zone reflects the sites proximity to the coastal environment, better aligns with property boundaries and the use of the Clevedon Kawakawa Road road edge is considered to be an appropriate boundary in most areas for the extent of the RC zone to the north and RP to the south. The proposed change is consistent with the surrounding RC zoned land as notifed by the PAUP and is the most Beachlands, Maraetai, Clevedon, appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the zone and gives effect to South Rural S18 Brookby, Whitford, Matingarahi 616 Clevedon Kawakawa Road Clevedon RP RC the RPS.

08 Rural Attachment F_FINAL 20

SUB AREA FULL STREET SUB-REGION TOPIC AREA UNIT SUB AREA UNIT NAME NUMBER STREET NAME SUBURB NAME NOTIFIED ZONE PROPOSED ZONE REASON FOR CHANGE Extension of the RC zone along the coastal edge is supported. The application of the RC zone reflects the sites proximity to the coastal environment, better aligns with property boundaries and the use of the Clevedon Kawakawa Road road edge is considered to be an appropriate boundary in most areas for the extent of the RC zone to the north and RP to the south. The proposed change is consistent with the surrounding RC zoned land as notifed by the PAUP and is the most Beachlands, Maraetai, Clevedon, appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the zone and gives effect to South Rural S18 Brookby, Whitford, Matingarahi 660 Clevedon Kawakawa Road Clevedon RP RC the RPS. Extension of the RC zone along the coastal edge is supported. The application of the RC zone reflects the sites proximity to the coastal environment, better aligns with property boundaries and the use of the Clevedon Kawakawa Road road edge is considered to be an appropriate boundary in most areas for the extent of the RC zone to the north and RP to the south. The proposed change is consistent with the surrounding RC zoned land as notifed by the PAUP and is the most Beachlands, Maraetai, Clevedon, appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the zone and gives effect to South Rural S18 Brookby, Whitford, Matingarahi 748 Clevedon Kawakawa Road Clevedon RP RC the RPS. Extension of the RC zone along the coastal edge is supported. The application of the RC zone reflects the sites proximity to the coastal environment, better aligns with property boundaries and the use of the Clevedon Kawakawa Road road edge is considered to be an appropriate boundary in most areas for the extent of the RC zone to the north and RP to the south. The proposed change is consistent with the surrounding RC zoned land as notifed by the PAUP and is the most Beachlands, Maraetai, Clevedon, appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the zone and gives effect to South Rural S18 Brookby, Whitford, Matingarahi 764 Clevedon Kawakawa Road Clevedon RP RC the RPS. Extension of the RC zone along the coastal edge is supported. The application of the RC zone reflects the sites proximity to the coastal environment, better aligns with property boundaries and the use of the Clevedon Kawakawa Road road edge is considered to be an appropriate boundary in most areas for the extent of the RC zone to the north and RP to the south. The proposed change is consistent with the surrounding RC zoned land as notifed by the PAUP and is the most Beachlands, Maraetai, Clevedon, appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the zone and gives effect to South Rural S18 Brookby, Whitford, Matingarahi 766 Clevedon Kawakawa Road Clevedon RP RC the RPS. Extension of the RC zone along the coastal edge is supported. The application of the RC zone reflects the sites proximity to the coastal environment, better aligns with property boundaries and the use of the Clevedon Kawakawa Road road edge is considered to be an appropriate boundary in most areas for the extent of the RC zone to the north and RP to the south. The proposed change is the most Beachlands, Maraetai, Clevedon, appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the zone and gives effect to South Rural S18 Brookby, Whitford, Matingarahi 782 Clevedon Kawakawa Road Clevedon RP RC the RPS. Extension of the RC zone along the coastal edge is supported. The application of the RC zone reflects the sites proximity to the coastal environment, better aligns with property boundaries and the use of the Clevedon Kawakawa Road road edge is considered to be an appropriate boundary in most areas for the extent of the RC zone to the north and RP to the south. The proposed change is consistent with the surrounding RC zoned land as notifed by the PAUP and is the most Beachlands, Maraetai, Clevedon, appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the zone and gives effect to South Rural S18 Brookby, Whitford, Matingarahi 790 Clevedon Kawakawa Road Clevedon RP RC the RPS. Extension of the RC zone along the coastal edge is supported. The application of the RC zone reflects the sites proximity to the coastal environment, better aligns with property boundaries and the use of the Clevedon Kawakawa Road road edge is considered to be an appropriate boundary in most areas for the extent of the RC zone to the north and RP to the south. The proposed change is consistent with the surrounding RC zoned land as notifed by the PAUP and is the most Beachlands, Maraetai, Clevedon, appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the zone and gives effect to South Rural S18 Brookby, Whitford, Matingarahi 800 Clevedon Kawakawa Road Clevedon RP RC the RPS. Extension of the RC zone along the coastal edge is supported. The application of the RC zone reflects the sites proximity to the coastal environment, better aligns with property boundaries and the use of the Clevedon Kawakawa Road road edge is considered to be an appropriate boundary in most areas for the extent of the RC zone to the north and RP to the south. The proposed change is consistent with the surrounding RC zoned land as notifed by the PAUP and is the most Beachlands, Maraetai, Clevedon, appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the zone and gives effect to South Rural S18 Brookby, Whitford, Matingarahi 806 Clevedon Kawakawa Road Clevedon RP RC the RPS.

08 Rural Attachment F_FINAL 21

SUB AREA FULL STREET SUB-REGION TOPIC AREA UNIT SUB AREA UNIT NAME NUMBER STREET NAME SUBURB NAME NOTIFIED ZONE PROPOSED ZONE REASON FOR CHANGE Extension of the RC zone along the coastal edge is supported. The application of the RC zone reflects the sites proximity to the coastal environment, better aligns with property boundaries and the use of the Clevedon Kawakawa Road road edge is considered to be an appropriate boundary in most areas for the extent of the RC zone to the north and RP to the south. The proposed change is consistent with the surrounding RC zoned land as notifed by the PAUP and is the most Beachlands, Maraetai, Clevedon, appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the zone and gives effect to South Rural S18 Brookby, Whitford, Matingarahi 810 Clevedon Kawakawa Road Clevedon RP RC the RPS. Extension of the RC zone along the coastal edge is supported. The application of the RC zone reflects the sites proximity to the coastal environment, better aligns with property boundaries and the use of the Clevedon Kawakawa Road road edge is considered to be an appropriate boundary in most areas for the extent of the RC zone to the north and RP to the south. The proposed change is consistent with the surrounding RC zoned land as notifed by the PAUP and is the most Beachlands, Maraetai, Clevedon, appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the zone and gives effect to South Rural S18 Brookby, Whitford, Matingarahi 832 Clevedon Kawakawa Road Clevedon RP RC the RPS. Extension of the RC zone along the coastal edge is supported. The application of the RC zone reflects the sites proximity to the coastal environment, better aligns with property boundaries and the use of the Clevedon Kawakawa Road road edge is considered to be an appropriate boundary in most areas for the extent of the RC zone to the north and RP to the south. The proposed change is consistent with the surrounding RC zoned land as notifed by the PAUP and is the most Beachlands, Maraetai, Clevedon, appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the zone and gives effect to South Rural S18 Brookby, Whitford, Matingarahi 836 Clevedon Kawakawa Road Clevedon RP RC the RPS. Extension of the RC zone along the coastal edge is supported. The application of the RC zone reflects the sites proximity to the coastal environment, better aligns with property boundaries and the use of the Clevedon Kawakawa Road road edge is considered to be an appropriate boundary in most areas for the extent of the RC zone to the north and RP to the south. The proposed change is consistent with the surrounding RC zoned land as notifed by the PAUP and is the most Beachlands, Maraetai, Clevedon, appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the zone and gives effect to South Rural S18 Brookby, Whitford, Matingarahi 1040 Clevedon Kawakawa Road Clevedon RP RC the RPS. Extension of the RC zone along the coastal edge is supported. The application of the RC zone reflects the sites proximity to the coastal environment, better aligns with property boundaries and the use of the Clevedon Kawakawa Road road edge is considered to be an appropriate boundary in most areas for the extent of the RC zone to the north and RP to the south. The proposed change is consistent with the surrounding RC zoned land as notifed by the PAUP and is the most Beachlands, Maraetai, Clevedon, appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the zone and gives effect to South Rural S18 Brookby, Whitford, Matingarahi 1078 Clevedon Kawakawa Road Clevedon RP RC the RPS. Extension of the RC zone along the coastal edge is supported. The application of the RC zone reflects the sites proximity to the coastal environment, better aligns with property boundaries and the use of the Clevedon Kawakawa Road road edge is considered to be an appropriate boundary in most areas for the extent of the RC zone to the north and RP to the south. The proposed change is consistent with the surrounding RC zoned land as notifed by the PAUP and is the most Beachlands, Maraetai, Clevedon, appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the zone and gives effect to South Rural S18 Brookby, Whitford, Matingarahi 1080 Clevedon Kawakawa Road Clevedon RP RC the RPS. Extension of the RC zone along the coastal edge is supported. The application of the RC zone reflects the sites proximity to the coastal environment, better aligns with property boundaries and the use of the Clevedon Kawakawa Road road edge is considered to be an appropriate boundary in most areas for the extent of the RC zone to the north and RP to the south. The proposed change is consistent with the surrounding RC zoned land as notifed by the PAUP and is the most Beachlands, Maraetai, Clevedon, appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the zone and gives effect to South Rural S18 Brookby, Whitford, Matingarahi 1130 Clevedon Kawakawa Road Clevedon RP RC the RPS. Extension of the RC zone along the coastal edge is supported. The application of the RC zone reflects the sites proximity to the coastal environment, better aligns with property boundaries and the use of the Clevedon Kawakawa Road road edge is considered to be an appropriate boundary in most areas for the extent of the RC zone to the north and RP to the south. The proposed change is consistent with the surrounding RC zoned land as notifed by the PAUP and is the most Beachlands, Maraetai, Clevedon, appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the zone and gives effect to South Rural S18 Brookby, Whitford, Matingarahi 1132 Clevedon Kawakawa Road Clevedon RP RC the RPS.

08 Rural Attachment F_FINAL 22

SUB AREA FULL STREET SUB-REGION TOPIC AREA UNIT SUB AREA UNIT NAME NUMBER STREET NAME SUBURB NAME NOTIFIED ZONE PROPOSED ZONE REASON FOR CHANGE Extension of the RC zone along the coastal edge is supported. The application of the RC zone reflects the sites proximity to the coastal environment, better aligns with property boundaries and the use of the Clevedon Kawakawa Road road edge is considered to be an appropriate boundary in most areas for the extent of the RC zone to the north and RP to the south. The proposed change is consistent with the surrounding RC zoned land as notifed by the PAUP and is the most Beachlands, Maraetai, Clevedon, appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the zone and gives effect to South Rural S18 Brookby, Whitford, Matingarahi 1136 Clevedon Kawakawa Road Clevedon RP RC the RPS. Extension of the RC zone along the coastal edge is supported. The application of the RC zone reflects the sites proximity to the coastal environment, better aligns with property boundaries and the use of the Clevedon Kawakawa Road road edge is considered to be an appropriate boundary in most areas for the extent of the RC zone to the north and RP to the south. The proposed change is consistent with the surrounding RC zoned land as notifed by the PAUP and is the most Beachlands, Maraetai, Clevedon, appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the zone and gives effect to South Rural S18 Brookby, Whitford, Matingarahi 1142 Clevedon Kawakawa Road Clevedon RP RC the RPS. A change from RC to RP zone is supported. Whilst the sites are located in proximity to the coastal environment, the application of the RP zone better provides for the use and development of land for rural production activities and rural industries, better aligns with property boundaries and the use of the Clevedon Kawakawa Road road edge is considered to be an appropriate boundary in most areas for the extent of the RC zone to the north and RP to the south. The change is consistent with the surrounding RP zoned lands as notifed by the PAUP and is the most Beachlands, Maraetai, Clevedon, Section 5 Blk appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the zone and gives effect to South Rural S18 Brookby, Whitford, Matingarahi VIII Wairoa SD Clevedon Kawakawa Road Clevedon RC RP the RPS.

Review of the Franklin precinct has identified that rezoning from LL to RCS reduces the need for some precinct subdivison controls. No change in subdivison potential results from the rezoning. The rezoning Beachlands, Maraetai, Clevedon, is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the RCS zone South Rural S18 Brookby, Whitford, Matingarahi 2213 East Coast Road Pokeno LL RCS and precinct, which provides for a new rural and coastal settlement.

Review of the Franklin precinct has identified that rezoning from LL to RCS reduces the need for some precinct subdivison controls. No change in subdivison potential results from the rezoning. The rezoning Beachlands, Maraetai, Clevedon, is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the RCS zone South Rural S18 Brookby, Whitford, Matingarahi Lot 1 DP 12729 East Coast Road Pokeno LL RCS and precinct, which provides for a new rural and coastal settlement.

A change from RC to MR zone is supported. Whilst the sites are located in proximity to the coastal environment, the application of the MR zone better provides for the use and development of land for rural production purposes on a smaller rural landholding, better aligns with property boundaries and the use of the Maraetai School Road road edge is considered to be an appropriate boundary for the extent of the MR zone Beachlands, Maraetai, Clevedon, to the south. The proposed change is the most appropriate way to South Rural S18 Brookby, Whitford, Matingarahi 37 Keanes Road Maraetai RC MR achieve the objectives of the zone and gives effect to the RPS. Extension of the RP zone along the coastal edge is supported. The application of the RP zone reflects the sites proximity to the rural environment, better aligns with property boundaries and the use of the North Road road edge is considered to be an appropriate boundary for the extent of the MR zone to the east and RP to the West. The proposed change is consistent with the surrounding RP zoned land as Beachlands, Maraetai, Clevedon, notifed by the PAUP and is the most appropriate way to achieve the South Rural S18 Brookby, Whitford, Matingarahi 87 North Road Clevedon RC RP objectives of the zone and gives effect to the RPS. Extension of the RP zone along the coastal edge is supported. The application of the RP zone reflects the sites proximity to the rural environment, better aligns with property boundaries and the use of the North Road road edge is considered to be an appropriate boundary for the extent of the MR zone to the east and RP to the West. The proposed change is consistent with the surrounding RP zoned land as Beachlands, Maraetai, Clevedon, notifed by the PAUP and is the most appropriate way to achieve the South Rural S18 Brookby, Whitford, Matingarahi 113 North Road Clevedon MR RP objectives of the zone and gives effect to the RPS. Extension of the RP zone along the coastal edge is supported. The application of the RP zone reflects the sites proximity to the rural environment, better aligns with property boundaries and the use of the North Road road edge is considered to be an appropriate boundary for the extent of the MR zone to the east and RP to the West. The proposed change is consistent with the surrounding RP zoned land as Beachlands, Maraetai, Clevedon, notifed by the PAUP and is the most appropriate way to achieve the South Rural S18 Brookby, Whitford, Matingarahi 113 North Road Clevedon RC RP objectives of the zone and gives effect to the RPS.

08 Rural Attachment F_FINAL 23

SUB AREA FULL STREET SUB-REGION TOPIC AREA UNIT SUB AREA UNIT NAME NUMBER STREET NAME SUBURB NAME NOTIFIED ZONE PROPOSED ZONE REASON FOR CHANGE Extension of the RP zone along the coastal edge is supported. The application of the RP zone reflects the sites proximity to the rural environment, better aligns with property boundaries and the use of the North Road road edge is considered to be an appropriate boundary for the extent of the MR zone to the east and RP to the West. The proposed change is consistent with the surrounding RP zoned land as Beachlands, Maraetai, Clevedon, notifed by the PAUP and is the most appropriate way to achieve the South Rural S18 Brookby, Whitford, Matingarahi 185 North Road Clevedon RC RP objectives of the zone and gives effect to the RPS. Extension of the RP zone along the coastal edge is supported. The application of the RP zone reflects the sites proximity to the rural environment, better aligns with property boundaries and the use of the North Road road edge is considered to be an appropriate boundary for the extent of the MR zone to the east and RP to the West. The proposed change is consistent with the surrounding RP zoned land as Beachlands, Maraetai, Clevedon, notifed by the PAUP and is the most appropriate way to achieve the South Rural S18 Brookby, Whitford, Matingarahi 203 North Road Clevedon MR RP objectives of the zone and gives effect to the RPS. Extension of the RP zone along the coastal edge is supported. The application of the RP zone reflects the sites proximity to the rural environment, better aligns with property boundaries and the use of the North Road road edge is considered to be an appropriate boundary for the extent of the MR zone to the east and RP to the West. The proposed change is consistent with the surrounding RP zoned land as Beachlands, Maraetai, Clevedon, notifed by the PAUP and is the most appropriate way to achieve the South Rural S18 Brookby, Whitford, Matingarahi 219 North Road Clevedon RC RP objectives of the zone and gives effect to the RPS. Extension of the RC zone along the coastal edge is supported. The application of the RC zone reflects the sites proximity to the coastal environment, better aligns with property boundaries and the use of the North Road road edge is considered to be an appropriate boundary for the extent of the RC zone to the east and MR to the West. The proposed change is consistent with the surrounding RC zoned land as Beachlands, Maraetai, Clevedon, notifed by the PAUP and is the most appropriate way to achieve the South Rural S18 Brookby, Whitford, Matingarahi 777 North Road Clevedon MR RC objectives of the zone and gives effect to the RPS. Extension of the RC zone along the coastal edge is supported. The application of the RC zone reflects the sites proximity to the coastal environment, better aligns with property boundaries and the use of the North Road road edge is considered to be an appropriate boundary for the extent of the RC zone to the east and MR to the West. The proposed change is consistent with the surrounding RC zoned land as Beachlands, Maraetai, Clevedon, notifed by the PAUP and is the most appropriate way to achieve the South Rural S18 Brookby, Whitford, Matingarahi 779 North Road Clevedon MR RC objectives of the zone and gives effect to the RPS. Extension of the RC zone along the coastal edge is supported. The application of the RC zone reflects the sites proximity to the coastal environment, better aligns with property boundaries and the use of the North Road road edge is considered to be an appropriate boundary for the extent of the RC zone to the east and MR to the West. The proposed change is consistent with the surrounding RC zoned land as Beachlands, Maraetai, Clevedon, notifed by the PAUP and is the most appropriate way to achieve the South Rural S18 Brookby, Whitford, Matingarahi 799 North Road Clevedon MR RC objectives of the zone and gives effect to the RPS. Extension of the RC zone along the coastal edge is supported. The application of the RC zone reflects the sites proximity to the coastal environment, better aligns with property boundaries and the use of the North Road road edge is considered to be an appropriate boundary for the extent of the RC zone to the east and MR to the West. The proposed change is consistent with the surrounding RC zoned land as Beachlands, Maraetai, Clevedon, notifed by the PAUP and is the most appropriate way to achieve the South Rural S18 Brookby, Whitford, Matingarahi 829 North Road Clevedon MR RC objectives of the zone and gives effect to the RPS. Extension of the RC zone along the coastal edge is supported. The application of the RC zone reflects the sites proximity to the coastal environment, better aligns with property boundaries and the use of the North Road road edge is considered to be an appropriate boundary for the extent of the RC zone to the east and MR to the West. The proposed change is consistent with the surrounding RC zoned land as Beachlands, Maraetai, Clevedon, notifed by the PAUP and is the most appropriate way to achieve the South Rural S18 Brookby, Whitford, Matingarahi 885 North Road Clevedon MR RC objectives of the zone and gives effect to the RPS. Extension of the RC zone along the coastal edge is supported. The application of the RC zone reflects the sites proximity to the coastal environment, better aligns with property boundaries and the use of the North Road road edge is considered to be an appropriate boundary for the extent of the RC zone to the east and MR to the West. The proposed change is consistent with the surrounding RC zoned land as Beachlands, Maraetai, Clevedon, notifed by the PAUP and is the most appropriate way to achieve the South Rural S18 Brookby, Whitford, Matingarahi 889 North Road Clevedon MR RC objectives of the zone and gives effect to the RPS.

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A change from RC to RP zone is supported. Whilst the sites are located in proximity to the coastal environment, the application of the RP zone better provides for the use and development of land for rural production activities and rural industries, better aligns with property boundaries and the use of the Orere Point Road road edge is considered to be an appropriate boundary for the extent of the RP zone to the south. The change is consistent with the surrounding RP zoned lands as notifed by Beachlands, Maraetai, Clevedon, the PAUP and is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of South Rural S18 Brookby, Whitford, Matingarahi 2 Orere Point Road Orere Point RC RP the zone and gives effect to the RPS.

08 Rural Attachment F_FINAL