THE General Grand Council of ROY AL and SELECT MASTERS

SUN VALLEY, IDAHO September 30, 1957 - October l , 1957


SUN VALLEY, IDAHO Scpten1ber 30, 1957 -October 1, 1957

Presiding M.'. P. '. THOMAS EARL DOSS Cr'eneral Grr1nd jHaster

Held at




John Bridges Phelps, Most Puissant General Grand lvfaster, \Vas born in Carndcn, Kersha'" County, South Carolina, July JO, 1885, the son of John B. Phelps and Henrietta Elizabeth Joy Phelps. He received his education in the public schools of Ca1nden, South Carolina. 'fhe subject of our sketch began his life's \\·ork as a construction engineer for the Bell Telephone Systcrn, serving that co1npany for 21 years; upon his rctirc1nent in 1921, he inoved to l~lorida and entered into business for hin1sclf; later he \Vent \Vith the Depart1nent of Agriculture of the State of Florida, \vhcrc he is still an i1nportant factor. Upon his election as ()eneral ()rand lvfastcr, he desired to retire in order that he could devote his foll tirnc to the office of General (;rand lvfastcr; hO\\'ever, the Con11nissioner of Agriculture, the Honorable Nathan l\1ayo, prevailed upon hi1n to re1nain \vith the Departn1ent, pron1ising hiin all the tin1e necessary to carry on the responsibilities of his high office as (;eneral Gntnd :tvfaster. ()n July 2, 191.2, Co1npanion John united in n1arriage \\'ith l\1iss Edith Brunner, of l\1acon, (Jeorgia, and to this union \vas born three girls; Eliza­ beth, no\v the \vife of Dr. 'f. C. Norton of Houston, Texas; Edith, nO"-' the \vi(e of Albert Pierce, Jr., of \Xlest Palin Beach, Fla.; Edna, OO\v the "'ife of John Marshal Sinclair of Havitna, ; and one son, John B. Phelps III, of Miarni, Florida. His l\1asonic career is one of service. Read the record, n1y co1npanions, and you \vill be in1pressed \Vith the fact that for the past 37 years John Bridges Phelps lvfasonic life has bec:n one of extren1e activity. No 1nan could have filled these stations, both high and Jo,v, in our fraternity \Vith out the respect and confidence of those \vhoin he has served. Is it any "-'Onder he is kno\--r,'n in his State as "Mr. YORK RITE l\1ASON." He \vas raised to the Subli1ne Degree of a l\{;tster lvfason in Pied1nont lodge No. :\.-l7, A.tlanta, ()eorgia, February 1-'i, 1920; dernitted to Jan1cs Carnell Lodge No. 223, Mian1i, Florida, in 1923. Exalted as a Royal Arch fl-Jason in Jericho Chapter No. 11, i\fian1i, Florida, March .JO, 1922, and served his Chapter as High Priest in 1927. c;reeted as a Royal and Select i\faster in 1\donira1n Council No. 10, l\1iarni, Florida, October 29, 1926, and served his Council as Thrice Illus­ trious Master in 1929. Knighted in Si1non of Cyrene Co1nn1andery, No. 13, K. T. of Mian1i, and served his Co1111nandery as E1ninent Co1n1nander in 1927.

His zealous and intelligent attach1nent to the York Rite of Frce1nasonry has been n10St fittingly re\varded by his coinpanions, as our General Grand Master, served his Grand Chapter as Grand High Priest in 1938-1939; Most Illustrious Grand lvfaster of the Grand Council Royal and Select Masters in 1935; Right Erninent Grand Co1n1nander Knights Tc1nplar in 1935. He is a life n1en1ber of his Chapter-Council and Con11nandery.

His zeal and leadership being recognized; he '\Vas elected Grand Secretary· Recorder for the Three Grand Bodies of the York Rite of Frecn1asonry of Florida, in 11,'ly 19··i2, and is sc:rving in that capacity at the present tin1e.

John Bridges Phelps, is one of the 1nost beloved 11asons in all Florida; he ah\'ays has the tin1e to counsel \vith the craft, and never too busy \vith his o'vn affairs to overlook any 1nc:1nbcr 'vith problen1s.

His activities in the Associated Bodies are rnany and various. A 1ne1nber of Miarni Priory No. 10 Knights of the '{ork Cross of Honour; a Knight Grand Cross \Vith three quadrants, and a life 1nen1ber of Convent General of the K. ''r'. C. H., having served as (~rand lvfaster General in 19)3.

A 1nen1ber of Mian1i Conclave No. 25, Red Cross of Constantine, and is nO\V serving as \T. I. Grand Junior General, Einpire of the East.

A 1nen1ber of the lvfutual-(;uild and served as Regent of that body in 1949.

Grand College of Rites of the l!. S . .t\., presided over that body in 1956.

King of Kings Tabernacle No. 25, Holy Royal Arch Knights Ten1plar Priests, and the Grand College of A1nerica Holy Royal Arch Knights Templar Priests, holding the title of Knight Cornrnander.

Great Priory of A1nerica, (C. B. C. S.) Holy Order of Knights Beneficicnt of the Holy City.

Florida Council of Anointed Kings of the Order of the Silver Tro\vel; serving as Secretary-Treasurer.

Florida's Holy Order of High Priesthood; s<:rving as Secretary-Treasurer.

Allied Masonic Degrees; Societas Roscruciana in Civitatibus Foederatis; Knights Masons of Ireland; Ye Ancient Order of Corks; Order of the Bath of the U. S. A. Honorary Member of n1any 11asonic Bodies of this and other Countries. Fort Dallas Chapter No. 17, 0. E. S.; serving as Worthy Patron in 1929. Most Excellent Ray V. DenslO\\', General Grand High Priest in 1916 appointed John Bridges Phelps, as Chainnan of the Finance Con1rnittee and his service has been continuous.

Most Puissant Frank Wells, General Grand Master in 1946, appointed John, General Grand Marshal for the Triennial held in \Xlinnipeg, Septetn· ber 1946, and \vas reappointed by M. P. Co1npanion Charles E. Inbusch, serving the Triennial Asse1nbly held in Nev" York, October 1948.

Elected General Cl-rand Principal Conductor of Work, at the Triennial held in Little Rock, Arkansas, October 195/l, and advanced regularly through the chairs.

Me1nber of Coral Cl-ables Methodist Church, and for a tirne \Vas a mernber of the Board of Ste\vards of 1"rinity iYfethodist Church of Mian1i; also President of the Men's Bible Class. CENTENNIAL DEPOSIT

Resolution adopted at the Fifth Triennial Asse1nbly Resolved, That

<:ach succeeding 1.fost Puissant Clencral Grand 1-fastcr be requested to ascer­ tain, at least three 1nonths prior to subsequence asse1nblies of this General

Grand Council, that the iron chest, nO\V to be placed in the custody of the

Grand Council of Ne\v York, is still safely preserved, and \vhere the facts

\vill so \varrant_, to report to the (Jenera! Grand Council in his triennial address in these ,,·ords:

"On the day of 1895, there \vas deposited \vith ...... , by this (Jenera! Grand

Council a sealed iron chest containing objects of interest to the Craft, \vhich is to be preserved unopened until the centennial anniversary of the organiza­ tion of this Body. In the discharge of rny official duties I have ascertained that the chest is still secure in its designated place of deposit."

(Note): The chest is stored in the vault of the Frce and accepted 1'1asons in the State of Nc\v York, i\'1asonic Hall, 7 l \Vest T\vcnty-'fhird Street, Ne\v York, N. Y. DIVINE SERVICES

Sunday, Septernber 29, 1957 - 8:00 P. 1'1. Sun Valley, Idaho


Organ Prelude lvfr. R. F. Goransen

Hyinn "A1nerica the Beautiful"

Opening Prayer ..... Rev. 1\aronah MacDonnel!

Duct "1'he King of Love"

Mrs. Jan1es Cra,vfor

Scriptural Reading Rev. Henry F. Collins

Duet "Ho\v Beautiful Lipon the Mountains" Mrs. Jarnes Cra\Yford Mrs. Jan1es SehYay Mrs. Roy Sinclair, Accoinpanist

The Price of Freedo1n Dr. 'VI/. B. Selah General Cl-rand Chaplain Benediction PROCEEDINGS General Grand Council Royal and Select Masters


9:00 A. M. The CJrand Council Royal and Sdect 1-fasters of Idaho, opened in Special J\sse1nbly, 1,fonday, Scpten1her .=>Oth, 1957, at 9:00 a. 111., in the Opera I-louse, Sun Valley, Idaho, for the purpose of fonnally receiving and officially .\vcl­ coining the c;eneral (;rand Council Officers and the delegates.


(JH.:\ND CouNcn. ·- InAHO

Theodore F. Anderson .i\L '. I.·. (Jrand 1-faster John A. Johnson (acting) R. ·.I.·. l)eputy ()rand :tviaster C. :rvierton \Y/inegar ...... R. ·,I.· (Jr and P. C. \XI. E

RECEPTION Undtr escort the c;cncral Clrand CJfficcrs entered the Council 1\sscrnbly and \vere presented to l\Jost Illustrious Co1npanion 1"heodore F. Anderson, CJrand lv[astcr of the CTrand Council of Idaho, \vho \velco1ned then1 and the 1ncn1hers assc1nhkd. In introducing the General (;rand Officers the Grand t.1astcr of Idaho stated: "I have the honor and distinct pleasure in introduc­ ing at this T\vcnty-Sixth 1'ricnnial 1\sse1nble the officers \vhoin have served you during this trienniu1n, you \vill join \vith 1ne extending the1n the Grand Honors." The (Jenera! ()rand lvfaster Thon1as Earl l)oss, thanked the Officers of the Clrand Council ol Idaho, for their part in the opening cere1nonies and for thi::ir gracious reception. 'fhe General Grand 1vfaster closed the CJrand Council of Idaho, and after a preli1ninary Report. 14 PROCEEDINGS OF THE


Elvin F. Strain, Chainnan of the Cornrnittee on Credentials sub1nitted the follo\ving prelin1inary report, and on his n1otion \Vas adopted.

To the Genel'al Grand Co1tncil Roytd ttnd Select l\'fdJfers:

Your Co1n1nittee on Credentials reports that there is present at the opening of the 26th Triennial Asse1nbly, Nine General Grand Officers; Tv"o Past General Grand Masters, and representatives fro1n ,,10 Grand Councils, and guests fro1n Four non-affiliated Jurisdictions, Total votes 224 and 98 visitors \Vithout voting rights. Zealously subrnitted,


The General (Jrand Master, 1'hoinas Earl Doss, opened the 26th Triennial Assernbly in a1nple forrn, \Vith prayer by the General c;rand Chaplain.


"Our gracious and rnerciful Heavenly Father, '"e thank Thee for 1"hy 1nany blessings and for the joy that is ours in asse1nbling in this beautiful setting, for this the 26th Triennial Assc1nbly. Unite our hearts to do Thy \viii; teach us Thy patience; grant us Thy grace; give us \visdorn and courage, and fill our hearts \Vith Thy love. Grant that '"e 1nay \vork to­ gether in unity to the end that our labors may accornplish the 1nore and be pleasing to Thee. Bless, \Ve pray Thee, especially those \vho are to direct the affairs of this 1'riennial i\sse111bly, that all '"e do 1nay tend to Thy glory. Ainen.


Tho1nas Earl Doss ...... 'fennessee...... Cieneral Ci rand 1-faster John Bridges P41elps ...... Florida ...... Deputy General Grand Master George G. Verbryck ...... California...... ()eneral (;.rand P. C. of Work Le\vis E. Sn1ith ...... Nebraska ...... General Grand Treasurer Ross ]. Ca1nblin...... lo\va...... General (;rand Recorder Dorsey H. Rutter ...... Florida ...... General Grand Chaplain Sain Harris...... ...... General Grand Capt. of Guard Clarence B. Shulenberger.. North Carolina ..... General c;rand Cond. of Council C. Elhvood Sn1yrk ...... Maryland...... Cic:neral Grand Marsh:il Charles C. Indiana ...... General Grand Steward J. G. Eldridge...... , ...... Idaho...... General Grand S:ntin:·I GENERAL GRAND COUNCIL 15

PAST GENERAL GRAND MASTERS Charles E. Inbusch ...... \'<' isconsin John M. Littlefield ...... Maine

MINUTES OF THE 25TH TRIENNIAL ASSEMBLY On 1notion, the 1ninutes of the 25th Triennial Assernbly \Vere approved as printed and distributed.

RECEPTION OF DISTINGUISHED GUESTS Under escort of the (icncral Grand Marshal, C. Ell\vood S1nyrk, the follo\ving distinguished guests \Vere presented to Most Puissant 'fho1nas Earl Doss, \vho introduced then1 to the Asse1nbly and in each instance ac· corded the Grand Honors of Masonry. Angus L. Cavanagh, Grand Master General of Convent General, K. Y. C. H. Walter A. Dclan1ater, 11ost En1inent Grand Master, Grand Enca1np1nent Knights 1'e1nplar; also Grand Senior General, Red Cross of Constan­ tine of the: East.

Ray V. Denslow, Past Grand Sovereign, Red Cross of Constantine for the U. S. 1\., and the ; personal representative of C. Vernon Eddy, (;rand Sovereign. Lorne Johnson, Supre1ne Grand Master, Sovereign Grand Priory of Canada. Frank S. Land, Past ln1perial Potentate A. A. 0. N. M. S. Harold CJ. Price, (;rand Co1n1nander Knights Ten1plar, in Utah.

Russell E. Stra\vn, Grand Con1n1ander Knights Ternplar, in Florida. 'fheodore F. Anderson, Most Illustrious Grand Master, Grand Council of Idaho. C. Morton Winegar, Most Excel!ent Grand High Priest, Grand Chapter of Idaho.

General Grand Chapter Officers: To1n Q. Ellis ...... General Grand High Priest J. Luther Jordan ...... General Grand King Edward A. Martini ...... General Grand Scribe Edward E. Core ...... General Grand Treasurer Roscoe R. \YJ alcott...... General Grand Secretary \\'.fillia1n B. Selah ...... General Grand Chaplain \Villiarn F. Clark. ...General c;rand Captain of the Host 16 PROCEEDINGS OF THE

Abb N. Sneed ...... (Jenera! Grand Principal Sojourner Nonnan P. Kennedy...... General CJ rand Royal Arch Captain Benjainin \Xf. Ela ...... General Grand Master III Veil Roy]. Sheldon... General Grand 1vfaster II Veil Francis]. Scully...... c;eneral (;rand Master I Veil Jay Glover Eldridge...... ,, ...... Cieneral Grand Sentinel Past General Grand High Priests: Ray V. Densl(nV, Earl E. Dusenbery, Robert F. Janes Past General Grtind J(ing and Honorary Past Gtn<:ral Grand High Priest \Xli!lia1n E. (Joff. 'Grand Masters of Masons: M. ·. \XI.·. Herbert Eberle ...... Grand Master in Idaho

M. '.\YI.·. F. D. Richards .... Grand Master in South Dakota-~P. G. H.P. M.·. \XI, . Calvin A. Behle ...... C.lrand Master in lJtah

TELEGRAMS AND LETTERS l)uring the asseinbly 1nany letters and tdegra1ns \Vere received congratu· la ting M. ·. P. ·. Tho1nas E. Doss for a n1ost successful 'friennial Asse111bly and for his leadership during the last ·rrienniuin; and to M. ·. P. ·. John B. Phelps on the honor conferred upon hirn as the ne\vly elected General Grand Master. Many letters froin Cryptic friends throughout the Masonic \vorld express­ ing their regrets on their inability to attend the T\venty-Sixth Triennial, \Vith \vishes for a successful asse1nbly received and noted.


'fhe c;eneral Grand Master announced the follo,ving Con1rnittee appoint- 1nents:


FINANCE AND AccotJNTS Clarence P. Sousley, Chairn1an ...... Indiana Jarnes D. Yeager...... Florida \XI alter H. Steffey...... Washington Cranville V. Eln1ore ...... Tennessee Hoyt McClcndon...... Alaba1na (~ENERAL GR1\ND COUNCIL 17


\X1illia1n J. Netherton, Chainnan ...... Kentucky La \vrence Beaghen ...... N e\v Jersey \Xf. Ray Converse...... Ne\v York Waldron C. Biggs ...... Vern1ont Charles D. Hill...... Arkansas


Charles E. Inbusch, Chainnan ...... \Xfisconsin Donald D. Boude1nan ...... lvfichigan John 1.1. Littlefield ...... Maine Eugene B. Ha1nilton ...... 11assachusetts Earl F. Harrington...... South Dakota Claud Stallworth ...... 1\Jaban1a



\Te:rne \Xl. Mokler, Chainnan ...... \Xlyo1ning Oiiver ]. Olin ...... Ne\v Mexico \XlaJter E. Beisecker ...... North Dakota Claude lvf. Gorden ...... Idaho



Bruce H. Hunt, Chainnan...... Missouri Sid F. Curtis...... Mississippi Henry F. Co!li;1s...... South Carolina Carl R. Greisen...... Nebraska

CRYPTIC Pt.HH.ICITY lee \XI. Harris, Chainnan ...... Louisiana 'I'. Olin c;ore, Jr...... Mississippi Ja1nes A. lathirn ...... Oklahon11 18 PROCEEDINGS OF THE


Chas. C. Ricker, Chairn1an ...... North Carolina E1nil A. Wold ...... Minnesota Chas. H. Stubinger ...... Alaba1na E. Guy Frizzell...... Tennessee Russell Houston ...... ,.Florida Carl F. Hanson ...... Oklahon1a Francis E. Eukes ...... Montana


'r. Olin Gore, Chainnan ...... Mississippi Charles E. Inbusch ...... Wisconsin


Elvin F. Strain, Chainnan ...... ,...... South Dakota D. Peter Laguens, Jr...... Louisiana Reginald F. Berry ...... Maine Willian1 Beck...... Ne\v Jersey Charles A. Carlson ...... Bert At\vater ...... Utah


Godfrty Pittis, Chainnan ...... 1,,Tc:,v Jersey Dorsey H. Rutter...... Florida


Arch \XI. Paln1er, Chainnan ...... California Stuart H. Paul.. .. ., .... Wisconsin Richard H. Tusant ...... Oregon


.Ed\vin Knudsen, Chainnan ...... Missouri Herbert T. White ...... Nebraska C. Elhvoo

APPRECIATION lvL ·. P. ·. Tho1nas E. Doss, General Grand Master, expressed his grateful thanks for the beautiful array of flo,vcrs \vhich adorned the Grand East, \vhich exe1nplified our \Velcon1e. This expression of fraternal \velcon1e to scenic Idaho, \vill ever be a cherished 1ne1nory. They \Vere presented by, CJ.rand Chapter Order of the Eastern Star, of Idaho; Grand Chapter Royal Arch 11asons of Idaho.


lv[. ·. E. ·. Carl R. Moore, Chairrnan Erneritus of the 'V?estern Conference, stated in his \velco1ne, that the Sun Valley Triennial Executive Co1n1nittee requested hin1 to extend each one present a 1nost gracious and cordial \Vel· co1ne. J can assure you that the (;rand Council of Idaho and the 1ne1nbers of the Eleven States which con1prise the Western Conference of the York Rite, arc profoundly happy to be your host. \1?e \vish for each of you a \VOnderful tin1e in this truly beautiful scenic setting. 1'he Cornn1ittee and alt rnernbers of the \X'estern Conference \vill do everything in our p(nver to n1ake your visit to Sun Valley, pleasant and n1en1orable. It is our desire that your deliberations prove even 1norc constructive and abundantly fruitful than you n1ay have hoped, and that the Sun of Sun Valley rises upon a ne\v and still greater era of progress and prosperity for Cryptic Masonry. \'V'elcon1e, thrice welcon1e.


R. ·. P. ·. John Bridges Phelps, Deputy General Grand Master, stated in his response; it is indeed a pleasure for n1e to respond on behalf of the Co1npanion here assen1bk:d to your \vords \vhich have breathed to us such a generous welcorne, and n1ay I, on behalf of the C;c:neral Grand Council, express to you our deepest gratitude and our keenest appreciation, not only for your \vords, \Vhich have touched our hearts, but also for your hos­ pitality and all that has been done for our con1fort and entertain1nent. We, and I speak for all assen1bled, fully appreciate our very good fortune that this Triennial Asse1nbly is held in Sun Valley, in \vhich the atrnosphere constantly breathes forth those happy and oft-used \vords "On \Vith the dance, let joy be unconfined." We are happy to be: the guests of the Westc:rn Conference and the Con1panion of Idaho.


Deputy General C:lrand Master John Bridges Phelps presided \vhile the General Grand Master read his address and on his n1otion \Vas referred to the Con11nittee on Topical Reference. 20 PROCEEDINGS OF THE GENERAL GRAND MASTER'S ADDRESS

To the General Grand Council of Roynl cmd Select Mcrnters:

)\Jy llhrstrio11s Co111/1anio11s, (;reeli11gs:

\\'lelcorne to the 26th Triennial Assen1bly. 'fhree years ago \vhen in n1c1norable Triennial Asse1nbly at Asheville, North Carolina, you honored n1e \Vith the highest gift at your co1n1nand. I spoke to you of the sense of responsibility \Vith \vhich I entered upon to n1aintain the standard of n1y high posilion. I 1nade but one pro1nist; it \Vas that I \vould give of 1ny best efforts.

'fhis 1norning, in this beautiful setting, \Ve again 1neet in Triennial Assernbly \Vith rny service to the craft ncnv alinost behind 1ne in place of before. I greet you no\v \vith the sa1ne sense of responsibility \Vith \vhich I received the trust you reposed in 1ne at Asheville. This 1nornent is also one of great joy, since it again brings 1ne face to face \vith so 1nany of you \\'hose personal friendship I hold so dear, and pr:nnits n1e to greet this gathering of zealous Cryptic \vorkers. .

You 1nay ask yours<:lf: \Xlhy a c;eneral CJrand Council? .i.'viy reply to this question \vould be t\vofold; that it si::rves t\vO purposes. It is an opportunity for this great Fraternity to 1neet in friendly counsd, and through the representative of your n1en1bership, discuss the divers experiences of years of usefulness, to rent\\' old friendships and n1ake ne\v.

Each successive Triennial Asseinhly gives our Cryptic leaders a fresh grip upon essentials, reinforces confidence and surcharges all her vibrant forces \vith nc'v faith and ne'v vision.

'fhe second purpose ,·vhich this 'friennial 1\sse1nbly serves - is as the ()eneral Grand Council's legislative body. I invite the active participation of every 1nernber present in the \VOrk \Ve have to do. Let 1ne urge your constant and faithful atte:ndance at all sessions; i1nportant n1on1ents arc generally unheraldc:d and that 1no1ncnt inay be inost irnportant \vhich is least expected.

\Xie are especially pleased and honored to have as our guests rnany nationally kno,vn distinguished 11asons; \Ve appreciate your presence; 1nay your visit \Vith us be 1nost enjoyable and instructive.

I an1 happy to report that the Trienniu1n just closing has been one of progressive grOVl'th, not only in North A1nerica, but throughout the globe, as Vl'ill be attested throughout this report. GENERAL GR1\ND COUNCIL 21

NECROLOGY It is fitting and appropriate that the first 1eference in 1ny report should be to pay tribute to the n1e1nory of those \vho have laid do\\'n the \VOrking tools of life, and having \Vrought \Vell and conscientiously, \viii surely hear froin Hll\1 that revie,vs each hurnan life, the con1fotting \vords: "\Xlell done, good and faithful servant, enter thou into the joy of THY LORI)."

Our official fa1nily re1nains unbroken, for \vhich \Ve are thankful, but \ve have suffered the loss of one of our rnost beloved Past General (;rand Masters~·-- 11ost Puissant Co1npanion Bert S. Lee, \vho died l\1arch 6, 1957, at his ho1ne in Springfield, Missouri. lipon notice of his death, a suitable floral design \vas procured, and Most Illustrious Ralph ]. Brooks, Past Grand lvfaster of Missouri, represented the (ieneral (1rand Council at the interrnent. \\?e do 1nourn the loss of rnany of our pern1ancnt 1ne1nbers. Our syn1pathy is extended to all those 'vho have lost loved ones. A 1nern­ orial \vill be given later by the Co1n1nittee on Fraternal Dead.


'I'o pro1note the best interest of the (~eneral Cl-rand Council in sub­ ordinate councils throughout the globe, I assun1ed the prerogative of n1y office in appointing as n1y personal representatives, the fo!k)\ving nained cornpanions:

Illustrious Co1npanion Ja1ncs Fenton, for Cuba Illustrious Co1npanion Ho1vard G. Gee, for ... Canal Zone Illustrious Con1panion Kenneth L. Look, for Ha\vaii Illustrious Con1panion \XfiJliain Webber, for fvfexico Illustrious Con1panion Alfred A. \X?ilson, for \Xlestern Canada Illustrious Co1npanion Ray Rasn1ussen, for J\laska Illustrious Co1npanion Ivor D. B1~tler, for Philippines Illustrious Con1panion La\vrence M. Tilton, for Illustrious Co1npanion \V'allace H. Morris, for Okina\va

1"hese con1panions have served lhe craft \Vith zeal and fidelity, \vith­ out the hope of fee 01· re\vard. I can not overlook this opportunity to ackno\vledge 1ny grateful thanks for their fidelity to 1ny office and their zeal to this fraterhit)»

CENTENNIAL MEMORIAL DEPOSIT At the Fifth Triennial Asse1nbly held at Topeka, Kansas in 1894, Co1npanion (;eorge \Y/. Cooley, Past General (Jrand l\1aster, on behalf of the Grand Council of Minnesota, presented to the General Grand Council an iron chest \Vith bronze tablet appropriate!)' inscribed, for the purpose indicated in the follo\ving resolution, adopted by that Grand Council Oc· tober 12, 1891: 22 PROCEEDINGS or THE

"Resolution: That a special corn1nittce of three be appointed to pre­ pare a suitable 1ne1norial on behalf of this Grand Council, \vhich n1cn1- orial is to be presented \vith others in a sealed case to the General Grand Council at its next Triennial Assc1nbly, to be opened at the Centennial Anniversary of the General Grand Council, for the purpose of presenting i I to the Craft a record of the early history of Cryptic Masonry." 1 ! "Con1panion Thorp P. Jennings, on behalf of 7.abud Council No. 1i of 1"opcka, Kansas presented copies in silver of the je\vels of the Three I Ancient Grand lvfasters to be placed on top of the chest, that it 1nay be I kno\vn as containing treasures belonging to the Craft. On n1otion of I Con1panion Willian1 Abran1 Love of Cleorgia, the c;enera! Grand Council accepted the trust." I "Con1panion S. Stacker \Xlillia1ns of Ohio 1noved that the first three General Grand Officers select a safe place of deposit for said chest, and that it be kept open for sixty days for the reception of such other appro· priate 1nernorials as Grand Councils and individual Con1panions 1nay de­ sire to 1nake. Cornpanion Andre\\' P. $\vanstro1n of Minnesota 1noved an arnend1nent that the chest be kept open until Dece1nber 31, 189/1, \vhich \vas concurred in. Most Puissant General Grand Master John \Y/. Coburn reported in his address at the 1"riennial Assernbly hdd in Balti1nore, Octo­ ber 11, 1897, that on the evening of Dece1nber 31, 189-'i, the 1ne1noria! chest \vas sealed and placed in the safe roon1 of the Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge, Masonic Hall, Ne\v York. It has been the duty of each General Grand :t\1aster to exarnine the deposit, either personally or by proxy, during his tenn of office and report sa1ne to the (Jenera! Grand Council. In conforn1ity \Vith this custoin, \Ve requested M.I.G.M. Billings, R.I. Grand Recorder Leinbach, together \Vith t\vO or three cornpanions of their choice, to rnake the inspection and report to this Triennial Assen1bly.

I have covered this n1atter in detail, as I find very fe\v of our 1ne1nbers are familiar \vith the history of this 11en1orial. Co1npanions, for your con­ sideration, I \vould recon1n1end that this n1cn1orial chest be deposited in the Cryptic Roorn in the George \Xfashington Masonic National 1\fe1norial Cryptic Roo1n, at its dedication.


By virtue of the high prerogative in inc vested as your General Grand Master and in accordance \Vith the ancient custo1ns, land1narks and con­ stitution of the General Grand Council, and for good and sufficient :tvfasonic reasons, did grant and i~sue EIGHT dispensations. to fonn Su:)ordinate Councils in: Monterrey, Mexico, under the title 11onterrey Council lJ. D. Tokyo, Japan, under the tit!e Tokyo Council l!. D. GENERAL GRAND COUNCIL 23

AVl'ase, Okina\va, Ryukyu Island, under the title Okina\va Council U. D. Olongapo, Zan1bales, Subic Baey, Philippines, under the title Cos1nos Council U. D. Cavite City, Philippines under the title Freedo1n Council lJ. D. Heidelberg, Gern1any, under the title Heidelberg Council U. D. Kaufbeuren, Gern1any, under the title Kaufbeuren Council U. D. Mannhei1n, Gern1any, under the title Europe Council U. D.

The petitions requesting the above dispensations \Vere in each case signed by the required nu1nber of petitioners. Through n1y office I author­ ized n1y Special Representatives to institute the above nan1ed Councils Under Dispensation. A gro,vth in subordinate councils is no cause for boasting but rather for serious introspection. In nu1nbers there is strength, only if each be strong, and fro1n the reports subn1itred, \vhich are in the hands of the Con1rnittee on Charters and Dispensations, all is ·well.

A n1ore detailed report V11 ill be sub1nitted by the Corninittee on Charters and Dispensations, \vith their recon11nendation.

GERMAN COUNCILS UNDER DISPENSATION To assist our "'Orthy cornpanions in c;ennany to diffuse the beneficent principles of the Cryptic Rite in their Country, I authorized R. I. Co1npanion Ray V. Denslo\v to institute three councils under Dispensation, and to assist them in their efforts. I authorized Con1panion Denslo\v to \Vaive the re­ quired fees. I sincerely request and pray that 1ny action in this \vorthy cause \vill be approved by this Triennial Asse1nbly.

RE-AFFILIATIONS At the annual assen1bly of the Grand Council of \Xlisconsin and th::; Grand Council of Massachusetts, held in 1955, it "'as voted by each Grand Council to re-affiliate \Vith the General Grand Council. Their action \Vas officially confinned by official notice fro1n the Grand Recorders Ward A. R

I quote fro1n the report of the Special Cornn1ittee on Re-affiliation: "The cordial and fraternal contacts continued \Vith us by sister jurisdictions and Cryptic Masons everyv,,here, through this period of non-affiliation and readjust1nent, have been a great satisfaction to us, and seerns to urge that \ve again join \Vith the other States in presenting a 1nore united front in pro1noting the interest of the Cryptic Rite. Such action is supported by our consciousness of the a\vakened outlook and broader vision in today's \vorld in practically all interests of life, and in \vhich co-operation has been under­ taken on a national or \vorld basis. The broadened co-operation in the PROCEEDINGS OF THE

\Vork of our beloved Rite, the i111plied personal contacts, \vill afford values. 1"his action \Vould gain 1nuch for us 'vith nothing to lose; \Ve retain our sovereignty, full control of policy 1naking at the jurisdictional level, and the details of Rituals."

It is \Vith open arn1s that \\'e \\'dco1ne thein again into the fold. \Xlould that Connecticut - Illinois - Pennsylvania - Ohio - H.. hodc Island and Texas, follo\v the exa1nple set by \Wisconsin and j\fassachusctts.

COURTESY WORK We arc grateful to the Grand Council Royal and Sdcct Masters of Texas for courtesy degree \VOrk pcrfonned for the (;eneral Grand Council in behalf of t\VO of her subordinate Councils. On June "i, 1956, request \vas 1nade in behalf of Canal Zone Council, Ancon, Canal Zone, that A. E. Rust Council No. 389, Corpus Christi, Txas, confer the Cryptic Degrees upon: On1ar Patterson Hainlen 11·1 Iowa Jin1a EMH Naval Air Station Corpus Christi, Texas

On February 25, 1957, request \vas n1ade in behalf of Oriental Council J:\To. l, Manila, Philippines, that El Paso Council No. 98 confer the Cryptic Degree upon M/Sgt. HO\\'ard P. Naegtle, 1703719-'i 7067 Fairchild - 1\ero \Tista Biggs J\FB, Texas

CRYPTIC ROOM Without untiy, I can sec no future for Masonry, but \Vith it there is no height to 'vhich she 1nay not aspire. Early in rny adrninistration, the President of the George Washington Masonic National Association, Clifford D. Jory, approached rne rtgarding the only unfinished roon1 available in this niagnificent edifice, and asked rne this question: "\Xfould the Cryptic Masons be interested in this roo1n"? Seeing an opportunity to identify the Cryptic Rite 'vith the other Rites already established in this !\1en1oria!, I infonned the con1rnittee that I \\'Ould see 'vhat could be done. During the Grand Masters Conference held in \Vashington, D. C., February 195'5, I called together the Cryptic Leaders in every jurisdiction for a conference on this question. It \vas the opinion of those asse1nbled that Cryptic Masonry could not afford to be unidentified in this n1cn1orial. I, as your General Grand i\1aster, consented that the Cieneral Grand Council \vould serve as a clearing house in pron1oting this project, but that it rnust be understood that this 'vas not a progran1 of the General Grand Council, but one in \vhich every Cryptic Mason could participate and be an i1nportant part. GENERAL (;RAND (OUNCIL 25

\X!ith this understanding, I inforined the Finance Co1n1nittee of our action, and requested that they set up in their budget an1ple funds to carry on the preli1ninary \Vork in this progran1. Organization being the first factor to co1ne before the conference, the follo\ving 1ne1nbers \Vere selected to serve as the Executive Co1n1nittee with full po\ver to act: lvf I. Echvin Knudsen, Chainnan, Past Grand Master of Missouri M. I. Herbert 1'. \Vhite, Past Grand lvfaster of Nebraska M. I. Bruce H. Hunt, Past Grand Master of l\1issouri M. I. C. Elhvood Sinyrk, Past Grand lvL1ster of 11aryland M. I. Robert B. Doing, Past (Jrand Master of District of Colu1nbia I an1 happy to report that under the dyna1nic leadership of 1'.1. I. Con1· panion Knudsen and his co1n1nittee, \vork on this roo1n is progressing \vay beyond our expectation. \Xfe have had \Yonderful cooperation fron1 every jurisdiction, but, HYE S1'JLL ]'./EED FlJ1\rDS. \Xfe are requesting that each of you here asse1nbled, upon your return to your hon1e State, see to it that every Cryptic lvfason in your jurisdiction be given an opportunity to iden­ tify hi1nself in this united CRY.PTIC PROG'R/l)H. The na1ne of each con· tributor of $1.00 or 1nore \vill be deposited in this roo1n on a 1nicro filn1 in a crypt prepared for that purpOsc. A financial staten1ent and a full re· port fron1 the Executi,'e Co1n1nittee \Vil! be a part of our Triennial pro· gi·an1.

PUBLICITY Under the able supervision of the Co1n1nittee on Cryptic Publicity, the General Grand Recorder has prepared and distributed each quarter, 1200 bulletins, together ·with 50,000 Pa1nphlets "The Co1npletion of Ancient Craft lvfasonry" and Placards sho\ving the Masonic Ladder, \Vithout cost to our 1ne1nbership. These 1nediu1ns of expression have 1net \\'itb approval fro1n the craft, and I \\'Otild reco1nn1end that th~y be continued, and that the Finance Co1nn1ittee budget enough funds to carry on and i1nprove the '\VOrk of the co1n1nittee.

STATE OF THE RITE -·· A Broadc:r Vie\vpoint It \vould appear to n1c as your General Grand Master that son1e of us have in our n1akcup a habit of looking at things \vith jaundiced eyes. It scen1s to be our nature to overrate \vhat \Ve feel evil, and to underrate \vhat \Ve kno\v to be good. If things are not the \vay \Ve think they should be, \Ve fuss and fret to the point \vhere \Ve can not enjoy those things that arc in hannony '\Vith us. We shO\V a nice gain in Jne1nbership over 1954. When all reports are in, we \vill have an increase of approxi1nately 20,000. The General Grand Council nov.r consists of 112 jurisdictions -· 8 Subordin· ate Councils, and 8 Councils Under Dispensation. So lc:t us inake sure \Ve \vaste no time over things that \vill no doubt adjust the1nselves, and be forgotten by us all within the year. Let us devote our tin1e to \VOrtlnvhile 26 PROCEEDINGS OF THE

action, to finer thoughts, and so live that the part \ve cont:ribute \vill lend endurance to our cause.

YORK RITE CO-OPERATION We entered into the office of General Grand Master kno\ving full \veil \Ve \vould receive 100 per cent cooperation fro1n General Grand High Priest 'forn Q. Ellis, and l\1ost E1ninent Grand Master \Xlalter A. DeLan1ater. No General Grand Master has ever enjoyed a happier experience than has been ours in \VOrking \Vith these distinguished Masons. Both have taken their honors seriously, and both have given their best to prornote the best interests of York Rite Masonry. We are extre1nely thankful for having received their full support and cooperation in our efforts to build the Cryptic Rite. We n1ust all V.'Ork together if \Ve hope to survive.

GRAND ENCAMPMENT RESOLUTION Many of you know that a resoultion \vas presented to the Grand En­ ca1np1nent at its Ne\v York Conclave in 1955, proposing that each Grand Con1mandery desiring to do so could 1nake the Cryptic Degrees prerequisite. It was an optional proposal. If adopted, any Grand Commandery could, if they \vished to do so, require petitioners for the Ten1plar Orders to hold 1nen1bership not only in a regular Lodge, and Royal Arch Chapter, but also in a Council of Royal and Select Masters. Due to technicalities, the reso­ lution failed to pass. Another resolution of sirnilar nature, but one which we hope has all the "bugs" re1noved, is nO\V in the hands of the Grand Recorder of the Grand Encan1pn1ent for consideration at its 1neeting in Indianapolis, Indiana, in August of next year.

The proposers of the resolution \Vant it kno\vn that they are not try· ing to saddle the Council on to the Con1n1_andery. They are vitally interested in all of York Rite Masonry, and feel that the adoption of the resolution \vill not in any \vay hurt the Co1n1nandery, but, on the contrary, \vill be most helpful. The York Rite is inco1nplete \Vithout the Council Degrees, and n1any of us feel that our invitation to Master Masons to join \vith us should include Chapter - Council · and Corninandery. The ne\v resolu­ tion is an optional plan, and if approved by the Grand Enca1nprnent, only those jurisidictions desiring to do so need adopt it.

VISITATIONS At the tin1c of n1y Installation in Asheville, N. C., I had finnly re· solved in 1ny heart that I \vould visit every jurisdiction during my interi1n as your General Grand Master. This resolution n1iscarried, as I found so n1any Grand Councils 1necting the sa1ne n1onth, and at so great a dis­ tance apart that it V.'as impossible. Although the spirit V.'as willing, the flesh could not accomplish our objective. You \vill note fro1n the following (JENERAL GRAND CouNCIL 27 list of visitations that \Ve have traveled n1any thousands of 1niles, by air, rail and auton1obile. We rnadc 1nany fine contacts, and \\'C \VOtdd like to rnention son1t of our grand expe1icncts, but ti1ne \\•ill not ptrinit; for like reason \\'e are not listing the 1nany other rneetings 1nade in Tennessee - a lot \Vere routine, but rnany \Vere honoring your C1eneral Grand l\1aster and \vere highly appreciated. For the courtesies extended us, \VC shall be ever grateful.

October 7, 195-'l-lvfy first visitation follo\ved the closing of the Triennial. The councils of Upptr East Tennessee congregated at Johnson City, 'feonessee for the purpose of honoring your c;eoeral Grand lvfaster and his distinguished guests and ladies at a banquet served in the John Sevier Hotel Ball Roo1n. FoJlo,ving the dinner, ladies \Vere pro­ vided with entertain1nent, \vhile the Con1panions of lJppcr East Tenne· ssee conferred the: Super Excellent lvfastcrs Degree upon a large class, \vhich \vas called thr: "Ted Doss Class." \Xie \Vere honored on this occasion \vith guests frorn Alaba1na, Arkansas, District of Colun1bia, Kentucky, Nebraska, South Dakota, and frorn all sections of Tennessee.

()ctober 26-27, 1954: Attended the Clrand Council of Indiana at Indian­ apolis.

Nove1nber 5, 195,i: Attended a Special Asscn1bly of Jason Burr Council No. 13 in Atlanta, Cfeorgia. The Grand ()fficcrs of Georgia bonorcd this asse1nbly by their presencc. \X'ork in all the degrees upon a large class.

Noven1ber 17·18· l 9, i 95:j: Attended the Gr.1nd Lodge-Grand Cha pt er and Grand Council of Arkansas at Little Rock. Novernber 28, 29, 30 · Dece1nber l, 195.-J: Attended Grand Chapter Council and (;rand lodge of Texas at \X1aco. Dece1nber 6-7, 1954: Attended the Grand Council of J\Tehraska at 01naba. General C1rand 'freasurer Lc,vis E. Sinith, and (Jenera! Grand Re· cord(:r Ross J. Ca1nblin greeted n1e upon n1y arrival.

Dece1nbcr 15, 195·'i: Attended Grand Council of Maryland at Balti1nore '''ith our General Grand Marshal, C. Elhvood S1nyrk.

February 13·1'1·15, 1955: Attended the Grand Lodge of Louisiana at Ne\Y Orleans. February 19·2··1, 1955: Attended Cl rand Masters and Grand Secretaries Conference in Washington, D. C. February 26-27, 1955: Attended dedication ceren1onies at the Ne\v Masonic Te1nple of Cuba, Grand Lodge, at Havana. \\'.fas highly entertained \vhile in Cuba by the York Rite Masons of Cuba. A visit througb this beautiful Te1nple is \vorth a trip to Cuba. 28 PROCEEDINGS OF THE

March 20-24, 1955: 1\ttended c;rand Council · Grand Chapter - Grand Lodge of 1"ennessee at Nashville. April 1·2, 1955: Attended Grand Council of Ne\v Jersey at 1"renton. April 19-20-21, 1955: Attended Grand Chapter Council of Georgia at Macon. May 10-11·12, 1955: Attended Grand Council · Grand Chapter of Missis­ sippi at Jackson. June 5-6, 1955: 1\ttended lhe Grand Council of Ne\v Ha1npshire at l\1an­ chester. June 13-Ui, 1955: Attended Ci rand Lodge ot Io\va, and dedication cere· 1nonies of their ne\v l\1asonic Library at Cedar Rapids. June 17·18, 1955: 1\ttended linperial Conclave Red Cross of Constantine at Detroit, iYfich. June 30, 1955: Attended dinner and reception honoring (Teneral Grand High Priest Torn Q. Ellis and CJ.rand High Priest T. Olin Cl-ore, Jr., at Water Valley, Miss. July 12·13·1-'i, 1955: Attended l1nperial Council Nobles of the Mystic Shrine at Chicago, Illinois. August 20-27, 1955: Attended Grand Encan1p1nent Knights Teinplar at Ne\v York City, as the guest of the Right Eininent Grand Master. August 28-29, 1955: 1\ttended Grand Council of Ne\v York at Pough­ keepsie, Ne\v York. Septe1nber 13.1.-1, 1955: Attended Grand ConHnandery Knights Ten1plar of Tennessee at Nashville.

Scpte1nber l 5· 16, 195 5: Attended Grand Council of \Xlisconsin at Madison.

Se1,u:1nber 18-19, 1955: Attended Grand Council of lo\va at Dubuque.

Septe1nber 21-22, 1955: 1\ttended Grand C:hapter and Grand Council of Colorado at Denver.

Septcrnber 27-28, 1955: Attended as guest Supreine Council 33rd AASR, NMJ at Detroit, Michigan.

October 1, 1955: Attended Annual Meeting York Cross of Honour at Chicago, Illinois.

October 6-7-8, 1955: Attended Grand Lodge Con11nunication of Illinois at Chicago.

October 11-12, 1955: Attended Grand Council of Ohio at Cincinnati. (;ENERt\L GRAND COUNCIL 29

October 12-19-20, 1955: Attended as guest Supre1ne Council 33rd AASR. SM]. at Washington, D. C. October 20-21, 1955: Attended Centennial Celebration of the Grand Council of Indiana at 'ferre Haute.

October 31 - Noveinher l, 1955: i\.ttended 1.1asonic Relief Assn. of lJnited States and Canada, of \Vhich I \vas Junior Past President of the Association, at J\fe\v ()rleans, Louisiana. Decen1ber 11-12, 1955: Attended Grand Council of Massachusetts at Bos­ ton. It \vas at this asscinbly that I \Vas n1ade n1ost happy \vhen they voted unanin1ously to reaffiliate \vith the (Jenera! Grand Council.

January 22-23-2,,l, l 956: Attend Grand Chapter and (;rand Council of Alaba1na at Montgornery. February 18, 19-20-21-22, 1956: Attended Grand i\1asters and Secretaries Conference at Washington D. C. and annual 1neeting of the c;eorge \Xfashington lvfasonic National lvfe1norial Association, at Alexandria, Virginia. lvfarch 25-26-27-28-29, 1956: Attended Grand Council (;rand Chapter and ()rand Lodge of Tennessee at Nashville. April 6-7, '1956: A_ttended Grand Council of Nev" Jersey at 'frenton. April 29 to May 2, 1956: Attended (;rand Lodge of Ne\v York at Ne\v York City. Jl.1ay 7-8, 1956: 1\ttended (;rand Chapter and Grand Council of North Carolina at Charlotte. lvfay 1,,1-15-16, 1956: Attended Grand Lodge of Indiana at Indianapolis. May 17-18, 1956: J\ttendcd Grand Council of Michigan at Battle Creek, lvfichigan. June 11 to 13, 1956: Attended CT rand Cha pt er and Grand Council of lvfontana at Butte,

June 29·30, 1956: Attended Conference \Vith General Grand Chapter Offj. cers and d~legation fro1n \Xlestern States, relative to our Triennial Assernbly and Convocation at Sun Valley, Idaho held at Kansas City, 11issouri. July 9-11, 1956: Attended In1perial Council of the Shrine at Detroit, Michigan. August 26-27, 1956: Attended Grand Council of Ne\v York at Buffalo. August 28, 1956: Attended a conference \Vith F. F. Schondau, Secretary George Washington Masonic National Meinorial, regarding Cryptic Roo1n at Alexandria, Va. 30 PROCEEDINGS OF THE

Septe1nber 18-19·20, 1956: Attended Annual Conclave of Grand Co1n1nand­ t ery of Tennessee at Knoxville. I

Septeinber 25-26-27, 1956: Attended as guest Supre1ne Council 33rd AASR. NlvfJ. at Cincinnati, Ohio. October 3--'i-5, 1956: Attended Grand Lodge of Illinois at Chicago.

October 8-9, 1956: Attended Grand Council of Ohio at Cohunbus. October 1.-i-15, 1956: Attended Grand Chapter and (;rand Council of Ken- tucky at Louisville. ()ctober 22-23, 1956: Attended ()rand Lodge of e_;eorgia at i\-lacon.

October 27, 1956: Attended Regional Conference of General Grand Chapter hc:ld in \Xlinnipeg, Canada. Novernber 1-2, 1956: Attended Grand Council of Indiana at South Bend.

Noven1ber 20, 1956: One of the nicest things happened to us at Lebanon, 'rennessce on this date, \vhen the Masons arranged a joint n1ec.:ting honoring General Grand High Priest To1n Q. Ellis, and your c;eneral (Jrand Master \Vith a dinner and reception to \vhich the Ladies \vere invited. Past Most \Xlorshipful ()rand }..faster Ainzie Kirkpatrick engin­ eered the party. \'isitors fron1 1'1ississippi and every scction of Ten, nessee \Vere in attendance. Noven1ber 29, 1956: Our good friend, "Four Star General" \Xlalton S. Hootsell, sponsored a special 1neeting at Natchez, Mississippi, honoring Most \Xlorshipful Grand i'vfasters of Mississippi and Louisiana, together \Vith General Grand High Priest To1n Q. Ellis and your General Grand J\1aster. York Rite (;rand Officers fro1n all sections of Miss­ issippi and Louisiana \Vere present. Noven1bcr 30, 1956: Frorn Natchez, \Ve \Vcnt to J\1onroe, Louisiana, to attend a Special 1neeting of both the CJrand Council and Grand Chap­ ter of Louisiana, \vhich had been called for the purpose of receiving the General Grand High Priest and the General Grand Master. Luther Jordan, along \Vith the entire line of Louisiana Grand Officers of all the bodies \Vere there. It \Vas a n1ost splendid tribute to your General Grand Officers.

January 26, 1957: My good friends in Mcn1phis really thre\v a surprise party in honor of 1ny S\veet \vife, Phocnie, and your General Grand Master at the do·wn to\vn Masonic Ten1ple on this date. Approxi1nately 300 \Vere present to honor the General Grand Master, and n1ostly Phoenie. Ed Rothrock of U.P.R.R. faine bad collected a file of "Testi· n1onial" letters fron1 all parts of the V.'odd, and n1ost of the1n con­ tained a kind \vord for the General Grand Master. Lo,vell Hays had prepared placque V.'hich \vas presented to us and \vill ahvays be one of our inost cherished possessions. A delightful dinner \\'as served and GJ:NERAL GRAND COUNCIL 31

the only speech 1naking \vas in the form of testi1nonials that e1nbarrassed one or two of us, but it \vas S\veet 1nusic just the sa1ne. February 10-11-12, 1957: Attended Grand Lodge of Louisiana at New Orleans. February 18-19-20-21-22, 1957: Attended Conferences at \Xlashington, D. C., and Alexandria, Virginia. ]\.{arch 4, 1957: Attended Grand Council of South Carolina at Greenville. March 24-25-26-27-28, 1957: Attended Grand Chapter, Grand Council and, Grand Lodge of 1~ennessee at Nashville. May 6-7, 1957: Attended (Jrand Chapter and Grand Council of North Car­ olina at Durha1n. May 20-21-22, 1957: Attended Grand Chapter and Grand Council of Flor­ ida at Panan1a City. June 1-6, 1957: Attended Centennial Celebration of the Grand lodge of Nebraska at 01naha. August 19, 1957: Attended a joint ELLIS-DOSS night at Lexington, Miss­ issippi, the old ho1ne to\vn of the General (;rand High Priest. This n1eeting \vill ever be a cherished n1e1nory. August 25-26, 1957: Attended Grand Council of Ne·w York at Nev.· York City. Septe1nber 4, 1957: Attended G1and Co1nn1andery of Tennessee at Nash­ ville. Septen1ber 21, 195 7: Attended Grand C:ouncil of Wisconsin.

VISITATIONS BY PROXY \Xle received n1any invitations \vhich \Ve appreciated but could not accept due to conflicting engagemcnts or other reasons but, in each instance \vhere Vl'e could not acccept, \ve did designate a proxy. Present and Past General Grand Officers and other 1ne1nbers of the General Grand Council have been most kind in accepting the assign1nents to represent us. We appreciate not only their Vl'iilingness to serve, but the fine spirit in which they were received as our representative. W<: do feel that it is essential for the General 'Grand Council to be represented at all Annual Asseinblies of Grand Councils. We never kno\v at \vhat time \Ve rnay have the oppor­ tunity of serving thern in an advisory capacity. Our presence also is indi­ cative of our interest in their \velfare.

JOHN B. PHELPS, Deputy General Grand Master: North Carolina Su1nn1er Asse1nbly - 1957 Alaba1na Annual Asse1nbly · 1955 - 1957 Arkansas Annual Assen1bl y - 195 7 32 PROCEEDINGS OF THE

South Carolina Annual Asse1nbly 1955 Florida Annual Assen1bly · 1955 K.Y.C.H. Annual Meeting · 1956 Red Cross Constantine, Ne\Y '{ork - 1957 Red Cross Constantine, Balti1nore 1957 2 Visitations to Mexico

GEORGE er. \'ERBRYCK, General (~rand P.C.\'V'.: California Annual Assen1bly · 1956-1957 Arizona Annual Asse1nbly - 1955 Sectional Conference, Btitte, 11ootana - 1956 Red Cross of Constantine, California 1957 LE\X'IS E. SMITH. General Grand Treasurer: Honolulu Council, Ha,vaii - 1955 Illinois Annual Asse1nbly - 1956 Nebraska Annual Asse1nbly - 1956-1957

Ross ]. CAMBI.IN, General Grand Recorder: Nebraska Annual Assen1bly - 1955-1956 1'.1innesota Annual Ass.::1nbly · 195-'i-1955-1956 Illinois Annual Asse1nbly - 1955 South Dakota Annual Asseinbly · 1954-1955-1956 Missouri Grand Asse1nbly · 1956 Io\va Annual Asseinbly - 195,1-1956 C. ELI.\x1000 SMYRK, General Grand Marshal: Dedication Knight Te1nplar Chapel, C:leorge \'V'ashington Mein- orial - 1957 Easter Servict K.T. Arlington, Virginia - 1955-1956-1957 Dela\vare Annual Asse1nbly - 1957 Maryland Annual Assen1bly - 1956 Pennsylvania Annual Asse1nbly · 1956

S1\M HARRIS, General (Jrand Captain of the Guard: Western Canada Annual Asse1nbly - 1955-1957 CLARENCE B. SHULENBERGER, General Grand Conductor of Council: Sun11ner Asse1nbly, North Carolina - 1955-1957 Annual Assen1bly, North Car?lina - 1956

JOHN M. LITTLEFIELD, P1'.1PGGM. Vennont Annual Assiiti)bly - 1955 Ne\Y Ha1npshire Annual Asse1nbly - 1957

MILTON L. MYERS .. PMPGGM: Oregon Annual Assernbly - 1956

DONALD BOUDEMAN, PMIGM, Michigan: Michigan Annual Assernbly - 1955-1957 GENERAL GRAND COUNCIL 33

ED\'«IN KNUDSEN, P.i\11GM, Missouri 1'.1issouri Annual Assc1nbly - 1957 BRUCE H. HUNT, PlvfICJM, Missouri Kansas Annual Asse1nbly - 1957 MARSHAL!. C1\RPENTER, (Jrand Recorder, Dela\vare: l)ela\vare Annual AsscnJbly - 1955 \XIM. J. PENN, JR., Ci rand Recorder, (ieorgia · Georgia Annual Asse1nbly - 1956 R. E. \X'IGGJNS, PMICiM, Ne\v Ha1npshire: Ne\v Harnpshire Annual Asse1nbly - 1956 CHAS. K. A. 1'.1c(;,\UGHEY, Grand Recorder, Kentucky Kentucky Annual Asse1nbly - 1955 A,\RON H. (;ROUT, CJ-rand Recorder, Vennont: Vennont Annual Assen1bly - 1956-1957 Suprc1ne Council 33rd AASR. NMJ. at Boston - 1957 ARTHUR H. STRICKLAND, Cirand Recorder, Kansas Kansas Annual Assen1bly - 1955 \XIALTEH H. STEFFEY, PMIGM, Washington: Oregon Annual Assernbly - 1957 ]AMES A. LATHIM:, Grand Recorder, Oklahon1a Oklahoina Annual Asse1nbly - 1956-1957

GUY B. G,\NNA\X1AY, Pl\1lG1'.1, Louisiana: Texas Annual Asse1nbly - 1956 HENRY F. COLLINS, PMIC;M, South Carolina l\Torth Carolina Annual 1\sseinbly - 1955 South Carolina Annual Assen1bly - 1956 ROBERT B. DOING, PlvfIGlvf, District of Colun1bia: District of Colu1nbia Annual Assernbly - 1956 ABB N. SNEED, (J.Ci.P.S., Mississippi Ne\v Mexico Annual Asse1nbly - 1955

OTTO B. ROEPKE 1 Grand Recorder, D. C. District of Colu1nbia Annual Assernbly - 1955-1956 LEE \XI. HARHIS, PMIGM, Louisiana: Louisiana Annual Assen1bly - 1955-1956 EUGENE B. HAMILTON, PMIGM, Massachusetts Rhode Island Annual Asse1nbly - 1956 1'.1assachusetts Annual Assembly - 1956 VEHNE W. MOKLER, PMIGM, Wyoming: Wyon1ing Annual Assen1bly - 1956 31 PROCEEDINGS OF THE


1st · In pro1noting the Cryptic Roorn in the George Washington Masonic National Me1norial at Alexandria, Va., \Ve, through approval of the elective General (Jrand Officers, and the Finance Con1n1ittec, used a total of S3,115.00 fron1 the General Fund to 1neet e1nergcncy expense. I recon11nend that the General Grand Council approve our action and that the $3,115.00 so spent be considered a gift to the Cryptic Roo1n Fund. I ferther reco1n1nend that every 1ne1nber of this General Grand Council 1nake a personal effort to procure funds necessary to con1pletc the project.

2nd · The stock of the Monitors is exhausted. We reco1n111end an appro· priation to replenish san1c.

3rd · That the Ritual Co1n1nittee 1nake a careful study of the present ritual in both the Royal and Select and Super-Excelk:nt, and 1nake such corrections and clarifications found to be necessary. If any additional funds are nece~sary to bring this about, \Ve recon1rnend that an appropriation be n1ade to cover this expense.

4th - That an appropriation be 111ade to cover the cost of printing 111 booklet fonn the Constitution and La\VS of the General Grand Council, along \vith all Decisions, Edicts, and Regulations, as \vell as the Ceren1onies of Installation.

5th - Due to the a1nount of \VOrk involved preparing the Quarterly Bull­ etins by the Publicity Con:.1nittee, Vl'e recon1n1end that this Con11nittee be classed as a Standing Con1rnittce.


I arn nearing the end of the trail knOV1 1 ing that 1nany things have been left undone; \vould that I could have accon1plished 1nore for the Crytic Rite. I have no excuses to offer because I have endeavored to give you of 1ny best. The greatest re\vard ;vhich can co1ne to any n1an "'ho serves as your General Gr,and Master is yeur friendship, Vl'hich I highly cherish.

I deeply appreciate your confidence and the opportunity given n1e in serving you. The accon1plishn1ents during this trienniun1 are due to the loyal and \villing support of all the General Grand Officers and you con1- panions throughout the "'odd.

I have on 1nany occasions bten heartened by \vords of encourage1nent fro1n so many of you, and the uniforn1 assistance I have received 1nakes it almost i1npossible to single out any individual. GENERAL GRAND COUNCIL 35

General Grand Recorder Caniblin, and Illustrious Co1npanion John T. Rennolds, Jr., rny "hoine office" assistant, \Vere ahvays ready and \villing \Vith inforn1ation, advice and counsel. Both did their best to assist us in our \vork. Froin the botton1 of n1y heart, I thank you one and all. The one scheduled to succeed n1e is kno,vn as "Mr. York Rite 11ason of Florida." I pledge to hi1n and the General Grand Council rny loyal support for the bettern1ent of our beautiful Rite. GOD BLESS YOU ALL Zealously yours,

General Grand Master


'To the c;·enerdl G'rand Co11ncil of Royal dJJd Select i\fttsters:

I sub1nit here\vith 1ny report covering the period froin August l, 1954 to August 1, 1957, inclusive.

GENERAL FUND C:\SH ON HAND AND RECEIVED August l, 195/1-~Cash on hand ...... $ 8,77,i.45 Cash received fro1n Ross ]. Can1blin, General Grand Recorder . 19,595.00

Total ...... $28,369.45

CASH CREDIT \Xlarrants Nos. 1 to 171 Inclusive paid ...... $22,687.44 Cash on Hand-First National Bank, Lincoln, Nebraska . 5,682.01

'fotal ...... $28,369.45

PERMANENT FUND CASH ON HAND AND RECEIVED August 1, 195,f-Cash on hand ...... $ 1,041.49 Interest on U. S. Bonds . 3,891.70 Loan #6, U. S. Bonds--Series G, Matured 20,000.00 Loan #7, lJ. S. Bonds-Series G, 11atured 1,000.00 Loan ;'¢8, LJ. S. I3onds-Serics G, Matured 1,000.00 Loan #9, lJ. S. Bonds--Series F, Cashed 3,700.00

Total ...... $30,633.19 36 PROCEEDINGS OF THE

CASH CREDIT lJ. S. Bonds-Series K, Loan # 13-Registered ...... s20,ooo.oo \J. S. Bonds-Series K, Loan # l '1-·-Registered 7,000.00 U. S. Bonds-Series K, Loan ±t I 5-·Rcgistered 2,000.00 Cash on Hand 1,633.19 Total ...... $30,633.19 TOTAL ASSETS, GENERAL GRAND COUNCIL, ROY AL AND SELECT MASTERS August 1, 1957 ·~-Cash c;eneral Fund ...... $ ),682.01 Cash Pennanent Fund 1,633.19 Loan #10-U. S. Bond-Series CJ, Due March 1, 1959. ·i,000.00 Loan #11-lJ. S. Bond-··-Series G, Due June l, 1961 J ,000.00 Loan #12-U. S. Bond-Series K, Due January 1, 196:1 9,000.00 Loan #13-U. S. Bond-Series K, Due April J, 1967 20,000.00 Loan #14-U. S. Bond-Series K, Due Noveinber I, 1967 7,000.00 Loan #15-lJ. S. Bond-~Series K, l)ue June l, 1968. 2,000.00

1'otal Assets ..... $)0,3 J 5.20 General Fund Assets ... s 5,682.01 Pennanent Fund Assets ·'14,633.19

Total ...... $50,31 5.20 THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Lincoln, Nebr. August 9, 1957 This is to certify that there is on deposit in this bank as of date for the General Grand Council Royal and Select Masters "General Account" $5,808.51, and there is on deposit in the "Pennanent Fund" for the sa1ne organization Sl,633.19. (Warrant #171 for $126.50 not cashed). (Signed) E. lJ. GUENZEL J7ice President You '\Vil! note that there has been several changes in the bond account this Triennial period. 'rhree issues beca1ne due and the fourth \Vas sold because the money could be used to better advantage in other issues. All bonds are registered in the na1ne of the General ()rand Council of Rnya! and Select Masters, a unincorporated association. The audits for this report of the General Fund and the Pennanent Fund \Vas n1ade by L. A. Nelson, Certified Public Accountant of On1aha, Nebraska, and is attached and rnade a part of this report. A copy of the audit has been 1nailed to the General Grand Master, General (;rand Recorder, and Chainnan of the Finance Co1n1nittee. Zealously sub1nitted, LEWIS E. SMITH G'enerrtl Grcnul l"redJNl'er. 37


1·0 1he 1lfe1nher.1 of the c·enerttl (,'rttnd CoNnci/ Royd! dJU/ Se/eel iHt1s!erJ: Co1npanions:

I here,vith subinit 1ny report on the n1en1bership·financial transactions and other busin<::ss pertaining to the office during the past trienniurn.

TRIENNIAL PROCEEDINGS Soon after the close of the 25th Triennial Asse1nbly of the (;eneral Grand Council, the 1nanuscript of the n1inutcs of the Asheville asse1nbly, together \vith the statistical tables \Vere in the hands of the A1nbrose Printing Co. of Nashville, Tennessee, and through the efforts of our General Grand Master Tho1nas E. Doss, \Vere in the 1nail thirty days after the 1"riennial. We arc grateful for this fine service. I recon1n1end that the rninutes so transcribed and printed and distributed be approved.


Ri:CEIPTS (J;·and Council Dues: 195.3 ...... $1,453.08 195•! 4,737.27 195) •l,617.27 1956 3,592.78

$14,400.00 Subordinate Councils: Dues 1,189.00 Fees 227.00 Dispensations 120.00

1,536.00 Rituals Sold 3,228.95 Monitors Sold 82.50 Histories Sold -15.00 Supplies Sold 295.41 Refund on bond prerniurn 9.08 Canadian exchange 1.20

TOTAL RECEIPTS 19,598.54 'fotal rernitted to General CJrand Treasurer 19,595.00

Balance held in Whitney Bank, Atlantic, Io,va s 3.54 38 PROCEEDINGS OF THE

GRAND COUNCILS DUES FINANCIAL STATEMENT 1956 $ 111.39 ~:::~~~~''.:~~~~~:~:~:~~:~~!;;::::::::I ____ ~'.;::::l s ''.~; 1~ ! . '~ih; 34.83 Arkansas------1 106.08 106.65 107 .l G California ______I 270.83 277 .02 283.10 Colorado ______------·· S!l.46 90.93 90.12 Delaware------7.56 8.25 8.73 Di~tl'ict of Columbin------··------52.74 51.72 49.56 171.57 ~;~~;!~\i~------_-_-_ -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_~ ======~1 ~:~iii ~~~ :~~ 260.93 Idaho ______------··------2 7.27 28. 77 30.:33 lnclian;i______26.64 48f1.0l 337.07 338.62 Iowa ______------17!l.!l7 186.06 184.80 Kansas------··- 217 .80 220.17 223.59 1 153.54 }~~:;~~i~1l~;;1-_-:.-:.-:.-:.-:_-:.-:.-:.·:.':.':.-:.-:.-:.-_-:.-_-:.-:.-_-:.-:.-:.-:.-:.~ ======g~:~~ ~it~~ 106.56 Main('------141.78 141.00 1:38.75 Mary Jund_------··------109.132 lO!l.38 108.45 .Mnssaclrnsctts------· ------198.:30 Michiffall------177.78 176.85 174.69 Minnesota ______------74.61 75.69 76.62 M ississippJ ____ ------187 .50 l 93 .26 201.81 !IIissonri ______------__ ------243.17 244. 71 24.5.'19 Montana--··------··- 57.57 GO.GO 62. 76 N


·-----~----~------·----- COUNCIL 1955 1956

------·-~·----- Anchorage Council No. 1------$ 27 .00 S 26.00 $ 35.50 Artie Council No. 2------·· ------Canal Zone Council No. L------180.50 187.00 188.50 City of Mexico Coui'icil No. 2------2:3.25 :30.25 24.00 Guam ConnciL------28.50 20.00 ------Honolulu Council No. 1------118.00 121.50 127.50 Island Council No. L------33.00 33.50 35.50 Oriental Council No. L------97.50 122.00 151.00 Monterrey Council U. D------10.00 10.00 Okinawa Council U. D.------15.50 28.50 Tokyo Council U. D·------··------21.00 88.00 Cosmos Council U. D.------29.50 Freedom Council U. D·------34.00 Heidelberg- Council U. D·------32.00 Kaufbcurcn Council------5.00 Europe CounciL------· ------TotaL _____ ------· -S5Q7.-75~)--· $586·:75 __,,$788.QQ GENERAL GRAND COUNCIL 39


WARRANTS No. 1 TO 171 INCLUSIVE 1. Tho1nas E. Doss, Mileage & Per Dien1, Asheville ...... $ 9,l.40 2. Milton L. Meyers, Mileage & Per Dien1, Asheville 38650 3. John B. Phelps, Mileage & Per Dien1, Asheville 133,20 -1. Le\vis E. S1nith, Mileage & Per Dien1, Asheville 199,20 5. Ross J. Can1blin, Mileage & Per Die1n, Asheville 197,90 6. A. E. 11cClananhan, Mileage & Per Die1n, Asheville 60AO 7. Lee W. Harris, Mileage & Per Diern, Asheville 1'13,20 8. C. Elhvood Sn1yrk, Mileage & Per Die1n, Asheville 102,50 9. Harold V. B. Voorhis, 11ileage & Per Die1n, Asheville 135,00 10. Thon1as Eugene West, Mileage & Per Diern, Asheville 20,00 11. C. B. Shulenberger, i\1ileage & Per Diein, Asheville 20,00 12. Pre1niu1n Specialty Co. Souvenirs 18U5 13. Hillrner-Nelson Co. Audit 85,00 14. Arch W. Paliner, Mileage & Per Diern, Coir1111. 287,50 15. Bert S. Lee, P.G.G.M., Mileage & Per Die1n, Corn1n. 144,80 16. Warrant Cancelled 17. Charles E. Inbusch, P.G.G.i\1., 11ileage & Per Die1n, Co1n1n. 132,50 18. Battery Park Hotel, Guest Expense 60,88 19. John 11. Littlefield, P.c;.G.M., Mileage & Per Dien1 172,90 20. Macoy Publishing & Supply Co. 10 Aprons 486,50 21. Raihvay Express Co,, Express 8,56 22. Milton L. 11eyer, Office expense 6LOO 23. Tho1nas E. Doss, Travel 8/17 /5.-1 01naha, Nebr. 136,80 24. Le\vis E. S1nith, 3rd Quarterly Salarye 195-i 50,00 25. Ross ]. Can1blin, 3rd Quarterly Salary 1954 300,00 26. Tho1nas E. Doss, G.G.M., Office, Postage, Telephone, Etc .. 55,52 27. Director Internal Revenue, 3rd Quarter 1954 !•LOO 28. Relyea-Hapke Engravers, Stationery 67,12 29. Postrnaster, Postage 25,00 30. Thornas E. Doss, Travel Expense . 150,00 31. Le\vis E. S1nitb, Office Co1n1nittee Meeting, 8/17/5-1. 12,83 32. Latsch Brothers Inc., Grand 'freasurer Supplies . 15,80 33. Wn1. F. Patterson & Son, 3 year Premiu1n on Bond . 180,00 34. Walter H. Steffey, Mileage & Per Dien1, Asheville 100,00 35. Chas. C. Ricker, Express . 3,62 36. Crabtree Printing Service, Supplies, Forn1s 53,10 37. Garside Printing Co., Progra1ns, Cuts, Supplies, Forms . 53,92 38. Thomas E. Doss, Travel Expense ... 600,00 39. c;arsi

115. General Grand Chapter 110.7:i rt6. An1brose Printing Co. 1,:i3 I.86 47. John B. Phelps, Travel Expense, Mexico . •17.26 -'i8. Director Internal Revenue, 4th Quarter 195-'I 14.00 'J9. Le\vis E. Srnith, Salary 11th Quarter 195··1 50.00 50. Ross J. Can1blin, Salary ··ith Quarter 195.-1 300.00 51. Prc1niun1 Specialty Sales, Souvenirs . 181.35 52. John B. Phelps, D.G.G.M., Travel, i\1cxico . 72.98 53. Garside Printing Co., 1200 Bulletins, 500 X1nas Clreetings 110.67 5,i. Postrnaster, Postage 25.00 55. Bruce H. Hunt, Cryptic Roorn Co1n1nittee, Tr

9L Crabtree Printing Service, 1000 Geo. \Xfashington Cards & Holders 37.43' 92. Post1naster, Postage 30.00 93. Mrs. Earl Ebbe, 1Vfodel of Cryptic Roon1 92.00' 9·t Postrnaster, Postage 30.00 95. Crabtree Printing Service, 6000 Geo. \Xfashington Cards, 1000 Brochures Cryptic Roorn, Signature cut Knudsen, ··i Letters, 300 copies each, 1500 Letterheads, Knudsen 160.08* 96. Garside Printing Co., 1000 6l/2x9V2 Envelopes, 1200 Bul· letins, 500 Letterheads, Doss, i1nprinted & postage, 200 Letterheads, Knudsen, in1printed, postage . 94.0-1 97. Le\vis E. Sn1ith, Salary, 1st <2uarter 1956. 50.00 98. Ross]. Ca1nblin, Salary, 1st Quarter 1956 . 300.00 99. Ross ]. Ca1nblin, Travel \Xfashington, D. C. expense 189.19 100. Director Internal Revenue, S. S. 1st Quarter 1956 . 14.00 101. C. Elhvood Srnyrk, Travel, Grand Council Pa. 26.65 102. Tho1nas E. Doss, 1'ravel Expense 300.00 10.!. Allyn Cox, Artist Cryptic Roorn, Travel St. Joseph, 1956 .... 169.68' 1Q.'j. Post1naster, Postage 25.00 105. Crabtree Printing Service, Cuts of Seal G.G.C. 3.08 106. Garside Printing Co., Supplies 7.61 107. Le\vis E. S1nith, Salary, 2nd Quarter 1956 50.00 108. Ross]. Ca1nblin, Salary, 2nd Quarter 1956 300.00 109. Tho1nas E. Doss, Travel Expense . 'i00.00 110. Post1naster, Postage 25.00 111. Director Internal Revenue, S. S. 2nd Quarter 1956. 14.00 112. Bruce H. Hunt, Cryptic Roo1n Cornn1ittee1nan, Travel, K. S. Mo. 7 /6/56 28.60* 113. C. Elhvood Sn1yrk, Cryptic Roo111 Cornn1itteernan, Travel, K. S. Mo. 7 /6/56 108.14' 114. Livingstone E!d<::r, Architect, Travel, K. S. l\1o. 7 /6/56 . 151.85* 115. Livingstone Elder, Architect, Prelirninary Sketches & 11odcl 1,000.00' 116. (Jenera! C1rand Chapter, Bulletins, Triennial 20.45 117. Crabtre:e Printing Service, 5000 Cryptic Roo1n Cards, 1200 reports of Executive con1rnittec bulletins 68.71 >; 118. Garside Printing Co., 1000 71/2 xIOl/2 Envelopes i1nprinted, 1200 Quarterly bulletins 87.95 119. Post1naster,' Postage 25.00 120. Bruce H. Hunt, Cryptic Co1n1nittee, \Xfashington, D. C. 126.10' 121. Allyn Cox, Artist, 1st payrnent 500.00' 122. Crabtree Printing Service, Office 8.93, Cryptic Roo1n 102.08 111.01"' 123. Garside Printing Co., 1000 Catalogue Envelopes 17.17 J2:L Le\vis E. Sn1ith, Salary, 3rd Quarter 1956 50.00 125. Postn1aster, Postage 25.00 126. Director Internal Revenue, S. S. 3rd Quarter 1956 . Hoo 127. Ross]. Cainb!in, Salary, 3rd Quarter 1956. 300.00 42 PROCEEDINGS OF THE

128. G. G. Verbryck, G.G.P.C.W., Travel Expense, Butte, Montana 168.12 129. G. G. Verbryck, G.G.P.C.W., Travel Expense, Phoenix, Arizona 39.60 130. Thon1as E. Doss, Travel Expense . 400.00 131. Le\vis E. S1nith, 'fravel, Peoria, Illinois Grand Council . 59..12 132. Tho1nas E. Doss, Travel, \Vinnipeg, Canada 197.65 133. Ross ]. Camblin, Travel, Duluth, lvfinn., Aberdeen, South Dakota . 95.00 134. Postinaster, Postage 25.00 135. R. L. Bryan Co., 1000 Royal & Select Rituals . 660.00 136. Post1naster, Postage 25.00 137. Crabtree Printing Service, Supplies. 28.63 138. Garside Printing Co., 1200 Bulletins, -'iOO X1nas Cards, I1nprinting letterheads Doss, Postage . 131.06 139. Director Internal Revenue, Soc. Sec. 4th Quarter 1956 HOO 140. Postrnaster, Postage 25.00 1,i 1. Corbett & Elder, Architects 182.56' 1·'12. R. L. Bryan Co., 1000 Copies Super·Excellent Rituals 550.00 1,13. Atlantic Greenhouse, Flo\vers, :tvfrs. L. E. S1nith . 6.56 lrf.t Le\vis E. Sn1ith, Salary, if th Quarter 1956. 50.00 l-'i5. Ross ]. Can1blin, Salary, 4th Quarter 1956 300.00 1<16. Garside Printing Co., 500 annual report forn1s Subordi- nate Councils 83.02 147. Crabtree Printing Service, Printing . 2·1.13 118. 1'hon1as E. Doss, Travel Expense . 200.00 1/i9. Grand River Press, 10,000 Brochures Cryptic Roon1 158.37"' 150. Wn1. Schaffitzel, Florist, Flo\vers, Bert S. Lee Funeral 15.30 151. Director Internal Revenue, Soc. Sec. 1st Quarter 1957 15.7 5 152. Le\vis E. Sn1ith, Salary, 1st Quarter 1957 ... 50.00 153. Ross ]. Carnblin, Salary, 1st Quarter 1957 300.00 15·1. Postinaster, Postage 35.00 155. C. Elhvood Sn1yrk, Travel, \Vashington, D. C. Grand Council 35.60 156. 1'ho1nas E. Doss, Travel Expense 250.00 157. Garside Printing Co., 1000 Bulletins, 1000 Envelopes, r!OO Meinorials Lee, cut of Lee l 58. Crabtree Printing Service, 5000 Cryptic Roon1 Cards, 1000 9x 12 Envelopes, 1000 Letterheads Knudsen, 1000 1'bank you cards for contributors 112.16' 159. Ross]. Can1blin, Salary, 2nd Quarter 1957. 300.00 160. Le~vis E. Smith, Salary, 2nd Quarter 1957 50.00 161. John M. Littlefield, P.G.G.M., '[ravel, Vennont Grand Council 17.tiO 162. Director Internal Revenue, Soc. Sec., 2nd Quarter 1957 . 15.75 163. Postinastcr, Postage 30.00 GENERAL GRAND COUNCIL 43

164. Roscoe R. Walcutt, Triennial Bulletins .. 23.17 165. Thoinas E. Doss, Office Expense, Postage, Telephone 87.47 166. Thon1as E. Doss, G.G.M. Token 100.00 167. Crabtree Printing, Letterheads Phelps, Doss 12.10 168. Relyea.Hapke Engravers, Stationery 80.27 169. Postmaster, Postage 25.00 170. Garside Printing, ~000 6V2 x91/2 Envelopes iinprinted, 1200 Quarterly Bulletins, 500 Official Ballots ... 96.34 171. Wn1. Leh1nberg & Sons Inc., G. G. Master's Apron 126.50

*Asterisk, denotes Cryptic Roon1 expenditures $22,687.44


Triennial Asse111bly, Asheville, Mileage & Per Die1n ...... $ 2,391.00 Triennial Souvenirs 362.70 Audit-Hilliner-Nelson Co. 85.00 CJt:e:.t Expense, Asheville 171.62 10 c;eneral Grand Council Aprons & Cases 486.50 Ry·Express Co., Express 21.57 1·ravel Expense, General Grand Officers 5, 156.00 Salaries, G. G. Treas., G. G. Rec. 4,200.00 ().cn::ral Grand Master's Office Expense . 142.99 So:::ial Security 171.50 Scpplies .. 528.50 P,-::stage 504.00 Prcn1iu1n 3 yr. Bond, G. G. 'freas., G. G. Rec. 180.00 Dulletins, Triennial Bulletins, Ne,vs Letters 1,033.73 Lettering Charter-Gua1n Council 14.00 1~riennial Proceedings 1,.131.86 Pan1phlcts, 50,000 127.56 Flo\vers, Bert S. Lee, Littlefield, Sn1ith 27.41 General Grand Master's Token 100.00 R:tuals 2,310.00 General Grand Master's Apron & Case 126.50 C:yptic Roorn Pro1notion 3,115.00


REPORT ON ANNUAL RETURNS All 1ne1nbers of the General Grand Council reported pron1ptly and have paid their per capita; thus producing a revenue of S14,400J!0.

REPORT ON SUBORDINATE COUNCILS The Chartered Councils under the iininediate jurisdiction of the Gen­ eral Grand Council hava reported; \vith one exception. 1"his office has been unable to receive a report fro1n Artie Council No. 2, of Fairbanks, Alaska; 1ny last report fron1 Fairbanks stated that their Recorder \Vas in ill health and "'aS no\v located in Arizona.


By order of the (;cneral c;rand 1v1aster this office prepared and de­ livered Eight Dispensations to fonn Councils; na1nely: Tokyo Council U. D., 'fokyo, Japan. Dispensation issued Noven1be1 23,1955, \Vith Eliseo Antolin Hennosa, Illustrious :tvfaster --- Carl T. Naka­ n1tua, Deputy }.1aster, and Eun Lee, Principal Conductor of the \Xfork. Okina,va Council {). D. A\vase, Okina,va, Ryukyu Island. Dispensation issued Septe1nber 21, 1956, \vith \Xfallace Hoge 11orris, Illustrious 11aster - Kenneth Johnson, Deptity lvfaster, and Andre\v H. Bulkley Principal Conductor of the \\fork. Monterrey Council LT. D., 11onterrey, Mexico, March 19, 1956, \Vith Sain W. Clark, Illustrious 11astcr - Robc:rt E. MacMi!an, Deputy lvfaster and Robert 1·. Head, Principal Conductor of the \Xlork. Cosinos Council l.J. D., Olongapo, Za1nbales, Philippines. Subic Bay Naval Base. Dispensation issued July 9, 1956, \\'ith Charles Alton Richards, Illustrious Master - E(hvard Kennedy, Deputy :tviastc:r, and Frank Cor­ nelius Collins, Principal Conductor of the \Xlork. Freedo1n Council lJ. D., Cavite City, Philippines. Dispensation issued Dece1nbcr 20, 1956, \Vith 'feodoric A. Jiinenez, Illustrious 11aster - Jose Penaflor, Deputy' 1.fastcr, and Ronald B. Payne, Principal Conductor of the Work. Heidelberg Council lf. D., Heidc:lberg, CJen11any. Dispensation issued Scpternber 16, 1956, \Vith Clinton E. Slote, Illustrious l'vfaster ---- Ja1nes A. Parker, Deputy Jl.1aster, and E. J\. Stoup, Principal Conductor of the \Xlork. Kaufbeuren Council lT. D., Kaufbeuren, Gennany. l)ispensation issued Septe1nbcr 16, 1956, \vith Richard E. Cline, Illustrious lvlastc:r ~~ \Villia1n E. Lennon, Jr., Deputy 11aster, and Robert E. Jolbert, Principal Conductor of the \Vork. (JFNER:\L GR:\ND COUNCIL .jj

Europe Council lJ. D., Mannhei1n, Gennany. Dispens(J.:;on issued Sep· ternber 16, 1956, \vith Henry Berhard, Illustrious Master ~ \Valter Schiff. 1nann, l)eputy and \Xlolfgang Vogel, Principal Conductor of the Work. Right Illustrious Ray V. Denslo\v, instituted these three Councils up_on re­ quest of our General ()rand Master. Ali of \vhich have filed \Vith the Con11nittee on Charters and Dispen· sations a transcript of their activities along \Vitb a petition for a Charter. 'fhey pray that their request be granted.


On Decen1bcr 12, 1955, the C7rand Council Royal and Select l\1as~ers of lviassachusetts voted to re.affiliate \vith the c;cncral Cirand Council, this action \\'as confirn1ed in the proper 1nanner by their Grand Recorder \Xlillia1n F. Clark. As the Grand Council of Massachusetts \Vas one of the founders of the c;eneral c;rand Council; their action is 111ost \Velco1ne.

On Septernber 22, 1956, the ()rand Council Royal and Select 1-1asters of \Xlisconsin voted unanirnously to re-affiliate \vith the C7eneral (;rand Council; their action to this i1nportant event \vas a notification fron1 R. I. Co1npanion \X.7ard /\.. Ro\vbotton1, Clrand Recorder.

\Xlith the re-affiliation of these t\vO jurisdictions our n1e1nbership consists of -'12 Jurisdictions 8 Subordinate Councils and 8 Cot1ncils lJnder Dis· pensation.

lJnity of purpose is lhe endeavor of all your c;eneral Grand Officers; the counsel of the Leaders in every jurisdiction is their ain1. Harn1ony ainong the 1ne1nbers is their great objective; tea1n\vork \viii produce that rhyth1n \vithin our organization \'>'hich has been so beautifully exen1plified in the proinotion of the Cryptic Roon1 in the George \Xfashington i\1asonic National 1--1en1orial. Let us all get together.


In closin~ n1}' report I wish to thank you for the \vonderful kindness that you have sho,vn 1ne these past three years, and for your assistance \vhenever requested. If any credit is due for the progress of Cryptic l\1asonry during the past three years; it is due to the spirit and the love that you ccinpanions have for our beautiful Rite.

Fraternally sul11nitted,

Ross J. CAMBI.IN Go1er1tl G'r111ul Recorder 46 PROCEEDINGS OF THE


FrN 1\NCE Co:M111TTEE GENERAL GRAND (OONCIL OF ROYAL AND SELECT l\.11\STERS Gentlen1en: As requested, '"e have exa1nined financial records of the General Account and Pennanent Fund of the c;eneral Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters, rnaintained by the General Grand Tr('asurer, Lev,,is E. S1nith, Lincoln, Nebraska, for the period August 1, 1954, to August 1, 1957, and here\vith sub1nit our report. 'fhis report also includes exainination of receipts of the General Account 1n;iintaincd by the General Grand Recorder, Ross J. Can1blin, Atlantic, Io\va. 1'he follo\ving detailed statcn1ents are presented: Exhibit A -Co1nparative State1ncnt of Assets Schedule A-1--lnvestinents of Pennanent Fund, August 1, 1957 Exhibit B ---General Account, Receipts and Disbursen1ents Exhibit C -Pennanent Fund, Receipts and Disburse1ncnts Exhibit D -State1nent of Receipts, General Grand Recorder


The cash funds of the General Account and the Pennanent Fund are n1ain­ tained \vith The First National Bank of Lincoln, Lincoln, Nebraska, fro1n \vho1n \Ve secured certificate of balances as of August 1, 1957, and reconcileci the balances sho,vn \vith those of the General Grand Treasurer's records. An account is niaintained by the (;eneral Grand Recorder \Yith the \X/hitney Loan & Trust Co. Bank, Atlantic·, Io\va, through \vhich receipts fro1n due~. fees, sales and other sundry incoine iterns are deposited and checked out tf'> the General Grand 'frcasurer. \Xle exa1nined the entries for cash receipts, and found the1n properly 1nade and the a1nounts deposited \Vith the depositories. We also exa1nined the cancelled vouchers returned by the banks, and co1n­ parcd sa1ne \Vith the book entries. The disburse1nents fro1n the General Account are for vouchers No. 1 to No. 171, inclusive, issued under signa­ tures of the GenGral Grand Master and the General Grand Recorder. The disburse1nents fron1 the Perrnanent Fund are 1nade by the General Grand Treasurer.

This audit does not include the Cryptic Roon1 Account, and \Ve are in­ fonned by the General Grand Treasurer that an audit of this account \vill be furnished in11nediately preceding the Triennial 1neeting at Sun Valley. The securities listed in Schedule A-1 of the total cost of $

Receipts for dues, fees, sales, etc. during the period revie\ved are included as incorne and taken into the accounts only \vhen received, and there are no accounts receivable carried in the accounts.

For the period August 1, 195.:J, to August l, 1957, inclusive, disburse1nents fron1 the General Account exceeded receipts in the su1n of $3,088.90, and this a1nount is the difference of the disburse1nents of $22,687 Ji ..i reflected in Exhibit B over the total receipts of $19,598.5,i sho,vn in Exhibit D. The in. crease of S3,89l.70 in the assets of the Pennanent Fund is the total of the interC;st incon1e rC;ceived during the three year period.

We n1ade no cxa1nination of any physical equipn1ent, supplies or other properties in possession of or belonging to the Cieneral c;rand Council, as such exarnination is not \Vithin the scope of this audit.

We found the books and records of the c;eneral Grand Treasurer and the General Grand Recorder efficiently and neatly rnaintained, and \Ve 'vish to express our appreciation for the facilities and courtesies accorded our repre­ sentative during the course of the cxa1nination. Respectfully subn1itted, L.A. NELSON Certified P11b/ic Acco11ntr1nt 18 PROCEEDINGS OF THE



Ani~. 1, Aug. 1, Increase Hl57 1!!54 (D.:crease) GENERAi, ACCOUNT: Cash in the First Nationitl Bank of Linco!1i, Lincoln, Nebsaskn ------$ 5,682.01 $ 8,774.45 (S 3,0!l2.4·l) $20,000 Series G, 2l/2 5 ------20,000.00 ( 20.000.00) Cash in Whitney Loan & Trust Co. Bank, Atlantic, Iowa ------3.5·1 3.54 Totals for General Account ------5,685.55 8,774.45 3,088.90)

PERMANENT FUND: Cash in The Firnt National Bank of Lincoln, Lincoln, Nebraska ------1,633.19 1,041.4\l 5!ll 70

I11vestm.:nts.. ··-at cost : Savings Bonds: $20,000 Seri.:s G, 2%'iL Apl'il 1, 1\loi5 ------­ 20,000.00 20,000.00) S 1,000 Scdes G, 2%~7c., September 1, 1955 ---­ 1,000.00 1,000.00) $ 1,000 Serios G, 2%1/r., June 1, 1956 ------­ 1,000.00 1,000.00) $ 5,000 Series F. Murch L 1959 ------·­ 3,700.00 3,700.(10) $ 4,000 Se!'ies G, 2%'ii, Mai·ch 1, 1959 ------­ 4,000.00 4,000.00 S 1,000 Series G, 2~1;ir/,-, June 1, 1961 ------­ 1,000.00 J ,000.00 S 9,000 Series K, 2.76'j,-., January 1, 1966 ----- 9,000.00 9,000.00 820,000 Sel'ies J{, 2.76'/(, April I, 1967 20,000.00 20,000.00 S 7,000 Sei·ios K, 2.76'i(., November 1. 1967 __ _ 7 ,000.00 7,000.00 $ 2,000 Sel'ies K, 2.76'/r, June 1, 1968 2.000.00 2,000.00

43,000.00 3\l,700.00 3,300.00

Totals for Permanent Fund ------44,633.19 40,741.4\l 3,891.70 TOTAL ASSETS ------$50,318.74 $49,515.!M $ 802.80


INVESTMENTS August 1, 1957 Income Maturity 8-1-54 to Desc1·iption Numbe!' Maturity Value Cost 8-1-57 Unit.:;d StHtes Savings Bonds: Loan No. 10 .. --Series G, 2%532\l83G 3-I-Hl59 1,000.00

4,000.00 8 4,000.00 $ 300.00 Loan No. 11 ·Serihs G, 2%%-- M-7008297G 6-1-1961 1,000.00 1.000.00 7.5.00

Loan No. 12·-- Series K. 2.76<,:;: !vt-l52073K 1-1-1966 1,000.00 M-l52074K 1-1-1906 J.000.00 M-l:i2075K 1-1-196& 1.000.00 M-l.52076K 1-1-1\.166 1,000 00 V-40330K l·l-196G .5,000.00

!l,000.00 \l,000.00 745.20

Lonn No. 13· -Series K, 2.76',"( X-84661K 4-l-HlG7 10,000.00 X-84662K 4-1-1967 10.000.00

20.000.00 20,000.00 1, 10<1.00 (;ENERt\L (;RAND COUNCIL 49

Loan No. i.1--Sel'ies K, 2.76',( V-5367K 11-1-1967 5,000.00 M-425673K 11-1-1967 1,000.00 M-,J25674K 11-1-1967 1,000.00 7,000.00 7,000.00 289.80

Loan No. lS----Series K, 2.76'--( M--129570K 6-1-1968 1,000.00 M-429571K 6-1-1968 l,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 55.20 Interest income on bonds paid: Loan #6. $20,000 Seri.:s G, 2%'/,-, bonds, April 1, Hl5.5 500.00 Loan #7, $1,000 Sel'i.:s G, 21/~r,-;_ bonds, Sept.:mber 1, 195.5 37 .50 Loan #8, $1,000 S(.;ries G, 211{!';{. bonds, June 1, Hl56 50.00 Increment em·ned on Loan #9, $;),000 maturity value Series F Savings Bonds, cost $3, 700-redeemed Novembel' 7, 19.55 735.00 $43,000.00 S43,000.00 $3,891. 70



August l, 195:.i, to August 1, 1957

CASH BALANCE, AUGUST 1, 1954 $ 8,774.45

RECEIPTS: Cash received fro1n Genera! Grand Recorder-­ Exhibit D 19,595.00


DISBURSEMENTS: Triennial Assen1bly, Asheville, Mileage and per diein ...... $2,391.00 Triennial souvenirs 362.70 Auditing expense 85.00 Guest expense, Asheville, North Carolina 171.62 10 General Grand Council aprons and cases. ,186.50 Rail\vay Express Co1npany-cxpress charges 21.57 1·ravcl expense, General Grand ()fficers 5,156.00 Salarics-~C;c:ncral c;rand Treasurer and c;cnera! Grand Recorder 'l,200.00 General Grand Master's office expense 141.99 50 PROCEEDINGS OF THE

Social Security taxes . 171.50 Supplies 528.50 Postage 5o.1.00 Bond pre1niu1n, 3 years, General Grand Treasurer and General Grand Recorder ... 180.00 Bulletins-Triennial Bulletins, Ne\VS Letter .. 1,033.73 Lettering Guan1 Charter ... 14.00 Printing Triennial proceedings 1,431.86 Painphlets-50,000 127.56 Flo\vers-Bert S. Lee, Littlefield, Sn1ith ··27.41 General Grand Master's Token .... 100.00 General Grand Master's apron and case . 126.50 Rituals 2,310.00 Cryptic Roo1n pron1otion 3,115.00


CASH BALANCE, AUGUST !, 1957. s 5,682.0l


RECEIPTS AND DISBURSMENlS August 1, 1954, to August 1, 1957 CASH BALANCE, AUGUST l, 195•1 s 1,041.49

RECEIPTS; Interest on United States Savings Bonds­ Schedule A· 1 ... s J,891.70 Proceeds received on lJnited States Savings Bonds: Loan #6, Series G bonds, 21h%·, April 1, 1955 ...... 20,000.00 Loan #7, Series(~ bonds, 2'l2%. Septe1nber 1, 1955 1,000.00 Loan #8, G bonds, 2V2%, June 1, 1956 ... 1,000.00 Loan #9, Series F bonds, $5,000 n1aturity value as of March 1, 1959, redcc1ncd Nove1nber 7, 1955, at $4,,135 (incrcn1cnt in value of $735 is included \Vith interest incornc) 3, 700.00



DISBURSEMENTS: Purchase of United States Savings Bonds: Loan #13, Series K, 2.76%, dated April 6, 1955 20,000.00 Loan #14, Series K, 2.76%, dated Noven1ber 17, 1955 7,000.00 Loan #15, Series K, 2.76%, elated June 6, 1956 2,000.00


CASH BALANCE-AUGUST 1, 1957 . s 1,633.19



August 1, 1954, to August 1, 1957

RECEIPTS: Grand Council dues: Fro1n 1953 ...... SJ,453.08 Fron1 1954 4,737.27 Fro1n 1955 ·i,617.27 Fro1n 1956 3,592.78

$14,400.40 Subordinate Councils: Dues 1,189.00 Fees 227.00 Dispensations 120.00

1,536.00 Rituals sold 3,228.95 Monitors sold 82.50 1-Iislorics sold 45.00 Supplies sold 295.41 Refund on bond pre1niu1n . 9.08 Canadian exchange 1.20




M. ·. I.·. La\vrence Beaghen, Past Grand Master of J\Tev.' Jersey, sub1nitted the report in behalf of the Con1rnittee, and on his n1otion \Vas adopted. To the G'enern/ (;r{(nd Co11nci/ Roytd ttnd Select 1'Jt1.rter.r: lll1t.rfrioNJ Co1n/)(111ions: 1'he Topical Reference Con11nittee, to \vhich \Vas referred the allocution of the Most Puissant General c;rand Master Thornas Earl Doss, having exarnined the sa1nc rnost carefully, respectfully recon1n1end as foll

That portion pertaining to Centennial Menoorial Deposit, be referred to the Co1n1nittee on Cryptic History.

1'hat portion relating to Dispensations issued, be referred to the Co1n­ n1ittee on Charters and Dispensations. That portion relating to Re-Affiliation, be referred to tl1e Special Co1n- 1nittcc on Re-Affiliation. ]'hat portion pertaining to the Cryptic Rooin, be referred to the Cryptic Roo111 Executive Con11nittee. 'rhat portion relating to Publicity, be referred to the Con1n1ittee on Cryptic Publicity and the Finance Con1n1ittee. That portion pertaining to York Rite Co-operation, be referred to the Co1n1nittee on York Rite Co-operation. 1'hat portion pertaining to the State of the Rite, be referred to the Co1n- 1nittee on the State of the Rite.

That portion relating to Grand Enca1np1ncnt Resolution, be referred to the Co1n1nittee on Cryptic Publicity.

That all other portions not specifically n1entioned in this re1xn·t be ap­ proved. Your Co1n1nittee \vishes to con1n1cnd and congratulate the 1'1ost Puissant CJencral (}rand 1\1aster on his outstanding and 1nost able leadership of the Cryptic Rite over the past three years and of the conscientious and kindly inanner in \vhich the n1anifold duties of this n1ost exalted 1'-fasonic Office \Vert pe::rfonned by this 1nost gracious 1'1ason and gentlen1an.

Fraternally sub1nitted,

REV. \\:'ALTER F. RENZEL, ChairnJrfll


REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON RITUALS lvf.'. I.·. T. Olin Gore, Jr., Chairrnan, Past Grand Master of Mississippi, presented his report, and on his 1notion \Vas adopted. ;ro the G'enerrd (J·unu/ Co1t11ci/ Roy(t! dnd Select /\ft1Jler.r:

\Ve, your con1n1ittee on rituals, subn1it the follo\ving report. Only t\vo suggestions have been for,varded to the con1rnittee on the 1natter of chang­ ing, or altering in any inanner, the present ritual of the Gc:nc:ral Grand Council. One recornn1endation, fro1n the Grand Council of Idaho, suggests that the orders given by the Illustrious Master to the Captain of the Cluard and the Conductor of the Council are in reverse order, in the closing of the Select Master's Degree. The suggestion is that the lines should read: "I no\v declare the Council duly closed--Co1npanion Conductor of the Coun­ cil, attend the altar- .Co1npanion Captain of the Guard, infonn the Sentinel."

'rhis suggestion is \Vtll taktn, and \ve reco1nrnend that in the next edition of the Ritual this change be n1ade. lvfany Grand Councils have their o\vn rituals and jealously guard the1n froin any radical changes. We, your con11nittce, are of the opinion that the (Jenera! CJ.rand Council Ritual Coin1nittee should study the \\ 1 ork of jurisdictions not using the (;eneral (;rand Council ritual for ideas to in1- prove our \vork. Fraternally sub1nittcd,


12 00 Noon: Call to refresh1nent. The General Grand Council \vas called froffl labor to refresh1nent until l: 30 P. M. :30 P. M.: The c;eneral Grand Council resurned labor pron1ptly at 1: 30 P. lvf., \vith prayer by (Jenera! (;rand Chaplain.

I: 15 P. M.: 'fhe General' Cf rand Council \Vas called to refreshrnent for the purpose of receiving !vfrs. CJrace Johnson, Past Worthy c;rand lvfatron, Order of the Easten Star of Idaho, the personal representative of the Worthy Grand Matron. Under escort of the General Grand i\1arshal, C. Elhvood S1nyrk, Mrs. Johnson \Vas presented to the General Grand j\·faster \vho introduced our distinguished guest to the Asse1nbly, at \vhich ti1ne greet­ ings of tht nH:1nbers of the 0. E. S. of Idaho \VeH: extended. 2 oo P. M.: Resuined labor. PROCEEDINGS OF THE


11. ·. I.·. Echvin Knudsen, P. (j, I. 11. of Missouri, Chairrnan of the Execu­ tive Co1nn1ittee of the Cryptic Roorn in the CJeorge Washington Masonic I\•ational Men1orial, subrnitted his report and on his n1otion \vas adopted; except that portion relative to finances, \vhich \Vas referred to the Coin· 1nittee on Finance and Accounts.

To the c;enerttf G'rand Co11ncil Royttl and Select 111ttslers: Cov1pr111ions:

The ranks of the Cryptic Rite have ever been filled \vith ardent n1ernbers of the Craft. In 1nost cases, 1ne1nbership in the rite is unnecessary in the course of advanceinent to other branches of Freernasonry. Only those \vho see in it an opportunity for further service to the fraternity becoine its inern­ bers. Their \Vork is perfonned \vithout ostentation, and their goal is to ad· vance the true beauty of Frec1nasonry. In this ti1ne honored spirit of service the Cryptic Roon1 ca1ne into being. After n1uch consultation bet,veen leaders of our rite, it \-Vas finally de­ cided to enter upon \vhat is probably the greatest single undertaking ever atten1pted by the sinallest recognized rite in Freernasonry. 1'he c;eneral (;rand Council agreed to serve as a clearing house and they took the lead. Erection of a Cryptic Roon1 in the C;eorge \Xlashington National Mernorial located in Alexandria, Virginia, \vas their goal. Negotiations \Vith the offj. cers of the Men1orial Association resulted in perrnission to proceed \vith t'.1eir plans and the seventh floor of that n1agnificcnt structure \Vas assigned to,varcls this purpose. As this is not a General Grand Council project but one for all Cryptic 1.fasons, a c;eneral Cornrnittce \Vas established as the Cryptic Roo1n Con1rnittee and \vork started. The first order of business \vas to detennine the type of roo1n to erect. Suggestions ca1ne fron1 all parts of the country and fron1 1na11y individuals. After careful consideration of all suggestions, it \Vas deterrnined that an executive con11nittec should be n1adc. Accordingly, in February, 1955, the Cryptic Roon1 Executive Co1n1nittee \Vas na1ned \Vith C. Elhvood Sn1yrk, Maryland, Herbert T. \X'hitc, Nebraska, Robert B. Doing, District of Colun1- bia, and Bruce H,. Hunt, Missouri, as 1ne1nbers and Ed\vin Knudsen, MisS()Uri, as Chairrnan. The con11nittec \Vas given pO\\'er to act and aut~1orized to pro­ ceed \vith the erection and con1plction of the Cryptic Roon1. In order to get started, the General Grand Council again caine to the rescue and paid all expenses. The Executive Con11nittee did not handle any of the funds so a separate report on this v,rjJI be given else,vhere. The preparation of a scale n1odel of the proposed roo1n first occupied the attention of the co1nn1ittec. After incorporating in the 1n()del the v:irious suggestions received, the con11nittee next began a series of conferences \Yith GENERAL GRAND COUNCIL 55 the architectural finn of Corbett and Elder. Perhaps it should be stated that the finn of Corbett and Elder has been the architects for all \VOrk done on the Men1orial since its beginning. In order to present a 1norc attractive roon1 and also to erect it in a truly cryptic atn1osphcrc, it \Vas detennined to add four 1nurals. These \Vere to be designed in such 1nanner as to pictorially tell the story of the three de­ grees of Cryptic Masonry. For this \vork the co1n1nittee \Vas fortunate in securing the services of the noted artist Allyn Cox, \vho has produced the other lllllfals in the 1ne1norial. It rnight be of interest to state here that at the tin1e he \Vas first contacted the artist \Vas not a 1ncmbcr of the Council, but before his \vork began he had \Vitnessed the three degrees and is no\v a 1ncn1bcr in good standing. Nu1nerous changes and alterations \Vere n1ade before final approval of plans for both the niurals and the roon1 \vhich \vould house then1 \Vere given. Many 1neetings \Vere held by the co1n1nittee, both in Kansas City, l\1issouri, and \Xlashington, D. C. 'I"he original sketches for the 1nurals as subn1itted by the artist \Vere the subject of 1nore than one 1neeting. Finally these \Vere \VOrked out to the satisfaction of the con1111ittec. '!"he original esti1nated cost \Vas detennined by the use of rnoderately priced 1natcrials, \Vith painted \\'alls and fixtures. This \vas deterrnined not to be in keeping \vith the pennanence desired for the roon1. Travertine \vas selected for the \Valls, n1arble for the arches so necessary in a cryptic setting and quart:t:itc for the floors. All of these decisions tended to increase the cost of construction, but the con1n1ittee \Vas deterrnined to present a truly "beautiful piece of \vork" \vhen the roon1 \vas finished. Unlike any other roon1 in the building, the Cryptic Roo1n \vill contain the rnost unusual appoint111ents. It \vill have rnotor driven rheostats to con­ trol the lighting effects. 1'here \vill be a sterophonic sound systern to \Vel­ co1ne the visitor and explain to hirn the rncaning of the n1urals, one of \vhich is partially invisible \vhcn not activated by Black Light. Since it has no \vindo,vs, the roo1n had to be ventilated, not only to n1ake the visitors cornfortable but to aid in presenting a crypt-like atrnosphere. As the council itself is a je,vel in the Masonic structure, so is the Cryptic Roon1 a je\vel arnong roon1s dedicated to Cryptic Masonry. Although the nurnber of square feet of floor space 1nay be exceeded by all other roon1s in the nien1orial, and the lo\v barrel vaUltcd ceiling less than t\vo feet above the heads of talter n1cn, yet the con1111ittee is confident that it 'viii be vie\ved \Vith appreciation and ad1niration by all \vho visit it. The contract bet\vcen the con1n1ittee and the contracting firrn of Eugene Sin1pson and Brother of Alexandria, Virginia, stipulated that the con11nittce "reserves the right to stop the \\'Ork during construction due to lack of funds." As this report is read, the roorn is nearing co111pletion, but the funds are not co1npletcly collected for the final pay1nent of all construction bills. \Xie earnestly solicit the representatives of all Grand Councils here 56 PROCEEDINGS OF THE assernbled and elsewhere, to put forth an effort OO\V to raise the balance of $15,693.78· to con1plete the roon1. Councils every\vhere are the sn1al!est Masonic bodies nun1erically. In this light the Cryptic Roon1 is costing rnore per capita·\vise than any other roorn in the building. Just as \Ve believe the degrees of the council to be the 1nost beautiful in all Frcc1nasonry, so \VC believe the Cryptic Roo1n to be one of the 1nost attractive roo1ns to be found any,vhere. Just as the council has stood on its 1nerits and continued to grow and prosper, so \Ve believe in the cornpanions \vho cornprise its rnen1bership. We have faith that you \Viil co1ne through with flying colors, and \VC \vill be able to say to the \vorld, "Here is a beautiful piece of \VOrk for your inspection." Zealously subn1itted,


CRYPTIC ROOM In1n1ediately foll



To the G'enera/ G'tilnd Co1111cil Roydl t1nd Select iHr1ster.1:

Co111 /hi n ions:

The subject of this report is one that I arn positive you have all been \vaiting for; it refers to the contributions to the CRYPTIC ROC)}.1 by States: GENERAL GRAND COUNCIL 57

State Quota An1ount Paid 1\la ban1a ...... s 551.10 ...... $ 561.30 Arizona 167.85 182.85 Arkansas 533.25 590.26 California 1,615.20 1,918.00 Colorado ·154.65 489.77 Connecticut 886.05 90:1.00 Dela \Van; . 11.25 66JIO District of Colun1bia 262.50 •1•15.69 Florida 810.00 1,222.00 G<:orgia 1,116.90 . l,432.90 Jdaho J .f·i. J 5 185.00 Illinois 1,191,.lO 1,558.00 Indiana 2,454.45 3,59•1.00 h)\va 899.85 1/ilS.18 Kansas 1,100.85 658.10 Kentucky 766.05 1,075.20 Louisiana 515.10 727.50 lviaine 705.00 860.05 J\1aryland 516.90 882."!8 f..1assachusetts 99l.65 906.00 Michigan 88·1. 5 5 l ;171.30 Jviinncsota 378A5 757-'iO Jviississippi 966.30 1,238.70 1'.1issouri 1,322.10 1,962.98 Montana 303.15 333.80 Nebraska 623.25 922.65 Nevada 49.35 143.65 Ne\v Ha1npshire 234.65 29·4. 51 1'\Je\v Jersey 260.25 1,252.70 Ne\\' Mexico . 217.50 219.50 Ne\v York 1,023.90 2,225.27 North Carolina 611.10 905.70 1\Torth Dakota 118.20 173.90 Ohio. 5,'i39.·i5 65.00 Oklaho1na 760.35 906.29 Oregon 430.05 •118.65 Pennsylvania 1,730.55 1,403.10 Rhode Island . 332.10 40·1.00 South Carolina 691.05 698.20 South Dakota 212.25 318.20 'fexas 6,683.10 2,795.55 1·ennessee 1,202.85 4,789.28 Utah J.15.80 171.45 Verrnont 208.20 327.00 Washington ·107.85 436.85 Western Canada 139.05 259.00 58 PROCEEDINGS OF THE

Eastern Canada 106.80 00 Ontario 78.15 1.25 \'\lest Virginia 00 00 Wisconsin 1,036.95 752.00 Wyo1ning 100.80 263.90

TOTAL ...... S·l3,085.15 ...... $45,589.76


Council A1nount Paid Canal Zone Council ...... $ 58.40 Anchorage Council 0.00 Arctic Council 0.00 City of Mexico Council 0.00 CJuarn Council, Guan1 )0.00 Honolulu C ouncil, Ha\vaii . 21.00 Island Council, Cuba 2).00 Oriental Council, Philippines 0.00

s 15'1.40


Monterrey Council, Mexico, U. D. ··········· .. $ 0.00 Okina\va Council, U. D. 38.00 Cosrnos Council, lJ. D. 0.00 Freedo1n Council, U. D. 2.00 Tokyo Council, Japan, lJ. D. 100.00 Europe Council, U. D. 0.00 Heidelberg Council, U. D. 0.00 Kaufbeuren Council, lJ. D. 0.00

s 140.00


By States ...... $45,589.76 Subordinate Councils 154.40 Subordinate Councils, U. D. 140.00 Interest~Savings Account, Nashville 98.55

TOTAL ...... $45,982.71 GENERAL GRAND COUNCIL 59


No. Corbett & Elder, Architects '''' ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$ 3,359.00 No. 2 Allyn Cox, Artist, Professional Services 2,030.00 No. 3 Grand River Press--Pan1phlets, Pro1notional 71AO No. 1 Livingstone Elder, Travel, \Xl ashington 36.14 No. 5 Corbett & Elder, Certificate 66.l-6M, Sin1pson & Bros., Contractors 2,:192.6~ No. 6 Grand River Press-Pa1nphlets, Pron1otion 9.1.35 No. 7 Livingstone Elder, Architectural Service 62.31 No. 8 Livingstone Elder, Archilectural Service 26.34 No. 9 Eugene Sin1pson & Bros., Contractors 1,053.53 No. 10 Eugene Si1npson & Bros., Contractors 3,111.03 No. 11 Livingstone Elder, 1\rchitectural Service 77.78 No. 12 Royal Arch 1'.1ason, Postage 18.80 No. 13 Livingstone Elder, Travel Expense 18.07 No. H Bruce H. Hunt, Co1n1nittcen1en Expense 113.91 No. 15 Cancelled No. 16 Eugene Si1npson & Bros., Contractors 7 ,311.0.l No. 17 Livingstone Elder, Travel Expense, \Xlashington 18.8-'i No. 18 Livingstone Elder, Certificate 671, Architectural Service 182.77 No. 19 Livingstone Elder, Architectural Service 85.ll J\To. 20 Eugene Si1npson & Bros., Contractors 3>105.37 No. 21 Livingstone Elder, Travel, \Xl ashington 18.07


BALANCE ....•.. 822,396.22 All staten1ents for expenditures \vere first approved by the Chainnan of the Executive Con11nittee, then approved by the General Grand 1.faster be­ fore \varrants \Vere dra\vn. Respectfully sub1nitted,

Ross J. CAMBLIN c·r:11r:rrtl c;l'rtnd Recorder

RESOLUTION R. ·. I.·. Con1panion A. ]. M. \Xfanna1nker, Deputy Grand 1'.1aster of South Carolina, subrnitted the follo\ving resolution, and on his inotion \Vas referred to the Finance and Jurisprudence Co1nrnittees. Resolved, that the appropriate Officers of the General Grand Council be authorized to borro\v the sun1 of $10,000.00; if so 1nuch be necessary for the establishinent of a revolving fund for the co1npletion of construction of the CRYPTIC ROOM in the GEORGE WASHINGTON MASONIC NATIONAL MEMORIAL. 60 PROCEEDINGS OF THE

RESOLUTION Resolved that 'vhereas the Co1npanions of this T\venty-Sixth Triennial Assernbly have pledged the1nselves and their (~rand Councils in an a1nount nO\V equaled to approxin1ately 275~ of the esti1nJted predicted deficit (S16,000.00) in con1pletion of the CRYPTIC ROOM in the George Wash· ington l'vfasonic l'-.,Tational Mernorial, and further \vhereas, \ve do dee1n it i1nperative to have the Cryptic Roo1n co1npkted at an early date prior to February 22, 1958,

No'v therefore be it resolved that \VC, in Triennial Asse1nbly hereby authorize and instruct the appropriate General (~rand Officers to establish 1 "Revolving Fund" for use in co1nplcting the construction of the Cryptic Roorn. And further; be it resolved that the con1panions here asse1nbled under­ stand and agree that the incorning ()eneral Grand Master shall continue the carnpaign of solicitation of voluntary contributions until the full cost of the CRYPTIC ROOM construction shall have been raised frorn the Grand Council n1en1berships and this (;eneral Grand Council fully reirnbursed for all funds \Vhich it shall have advanced under this proposed resolution. A. J. M. WANNAMAKER REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON FINANCE AND JURISPRUDENCE M. ·. P. ·. Chas. E. Inbusch, Chainnan of the Coinrnittee on Jurisprudence, subn1itted the follo\ving report, and on his 1notion \Vas adopted.

1'o the G'enerrt! (,'rand Co!fnci/ Ro)'tl-/ r1ntl Se/eel AfrtJfer.r: We, your Corn1nittees of Finance and Jurisprudence, to \vho1n \vas referred the bvo resolutions sub1nitted concerning establishrnent of a revolving fund for the Cryptic Roo1n, beg to report, that after careful consideration of the proposed resolutions, and in vic\v of the enthusias1n displayed at the open­ ing session regarding the raising of the necessary funds whereby the Cryptic Roo1n \vill undoubtedly be finished by voluntary contributions, and \vithout interruption, \Ve have therefore decided unani1nously that such proposed action is unnecesaary, and consequently reco1n1nend that the resolution be not approved. Fraternally subrnitted, CH,\RLES E. INBlJSCH, Chdlr11u1n, ]NrisprNdence JOHN M. LITTLEFIELD EUGENE B. H1\MII.TON DONALD D. BOUDEM1\N CLAUD STAI.I.WORTH EARL F. HARRINGTON CLARENCE P. SoUSELY, Chflir1!lrt11, Finance ]AMES D. YEAGER HOYT MCCLENDON GRANVILLE EI.MORE WALTER H. STEFFEY (JENERAL GR,\NO c:ouNCIL 61

REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON FINANCE AND ACCOUNTS M. ·. I.·. Clarence P. Sousley, Chainnan, subrnitted the follo\ving report, and on l1is 1notion \vas adopted. To the G'enerrtl G'rt1nd Co11ncil Roytt! tu1d Seleft ,,ft1Jters:

\Ve, your con1n1ittee on finance and accounts, to \vhon1 \Vas referred the recorn1nendation of General Grand Master Doss, that an appropriation be 1nade to replenish the depleted stock of Monitors, recon11nends that the inco1ning General (;rand t>..fastcr appoint a special con11nittee to n1ake a revision of the 1nonitor so as to enhance its value and sub1nit sa1ne at the next Triennial. Fraternally sub1nitted,


REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON FINANCE AND ACCOUNTS M. ·. I.·. Clarence P. Sousley, Chairn1an, sub1nitted the follo\ving report, and on his inotion, \Vas adopted. We, your co1n1nittee on finance and accounts, to \vhon1 \Vas referred the reco1n1nendation of General Grand Master Doss, that the an1ount of S3, 115.00 \Vhich \vas transferred fro1n the general funds to 1neet e1ncrgency expenses in pro1noting the CRYPTIC RC)C)M in the GEORGE WASH­ INGTON MASONIC NATIONAL MEMORIAL, be donated to the CRYPTIC ROO.tvf FlJND, approve san1e. Fraternally sub1nitted,


REPORT OF JURISPRUDENCE COMMITTEE .tvL ·. P. ·. Charles E. In bu sch, Chainnan of the Corn1nittee, sub1nitted the foJlo,ving, and on his n1otion, \vas adopted.

To the c;enerttl c;uou/ Council RJJyal cuul Select iHt1sters: Your Jurisprudence Con1n1ittee, to \vhoin \vas referred the question of authorization by our General Grand Master to Past General Grand High Priest Ray V. Denslo\v, to institute (3) Three Councils in Gennany, and 62 PROCEEDINGS OF THE

\Vaive the required fees; \Ve recon1n1end his action be approved. Your Co1n1nittec further approves the fifth reco1nn1cndation of General Grand Master Doss, that the Publicity Con1n1ittee be classed as a Standing Co1nrnittee. Fraternally sub1nittecl,


REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON NECROLOGY Jvf. ·. I.·. Godfrey Pitt is, Past Grand Master of Ne\v Jersey, subrnitted the follo\ving report in behalf of I-Jo,vard L. Ada1ns, Past CJ.rand Jvfaster of Ne\v York, and on his 1notion ordered printed in the proceedings. Adopted.

To the G·enera/ G"rtnul Co11ncil Roytd rnul Select 1\Ir!sters: These sorrou·/11/ ,_r;reetings:

Since our last 1'ricnnial Asse1nbly at 1\sheviile, N. C., on October 11, 195·-i. this General Grand Council and that sn1all group of five Past General Grand 11astcrs has suffered the loss of one of its stahYarts; the dean of Past General Grand Masters. M. ·. P. ·. Past General Grand Master Bert S. Lee of Springfield, 110., ·who died in fvfercy Hospital in that city March 6, 1957; his Masonic service to 1nany branches of Free-lvfasonry:

1922-11ost \Xlorshipful Grand 11aster, CJrand Lodge of Missouri 1921--Most Excellent Grand High Priest CJrand Chapter R. A. M.

1910-Most Illustrious (Jrand }.1aster, Grand Council R. & S. M. 1911-Right E1ninent Grand Co1n1nandcr, Grand Corn1nandery K. T. 1924-1927-Nfost Puissant General Grand 11aster

He ·\vas vitally interested in the (Jeorge \Xlashington Masonic National Me1norial, and at the tirne of his death \Vas a Vice-President of the Associa­ tion, also a liberal contributor to the Cryptic Roorn.

The keynote of the life of Bert S. Lee \\'as SERVICE; service to his loved ones, his friends, his neighbors, his co1n1nunity, his State, the Nation, the Cryptic Rite and to the Masonic Institution; \vhich he dearly loved. GENERAL GRAND COUNCIL 63

"There is no death. The Stars go do\vn To rise upon son1e other shore, And bright in heaven's je\vel cro\vn They shine foreverrnore.

There is no death! An angel fonn Walks o'er the earth \vith silent tread; He bears our best loved things a\vay, And then, \Ve call thern "dead."

He leaves our hearts all desolate; He plucks our fairest, S\veetest flo\vers; Transplanted into bliss, they nO\V Adorn i1n1nortal bo\vcrs."

We also here pay tribute to all those Most Illustrious Co1npanions \vho labored in this Rite in the several jurisdictions cornprising this (Jeneral Grand Council. At this 1non1ent the records of the General c;rand Recorder notes sorrO\vfully the passing of Past c;rand Masters, \Vhose na1nes and year of service are arranged alphabetically in the Meinorium attached. Their passing is a distinct and irreplaceable loss to the Rite and \Ve join \vith each of the jurisdictions and the Con1panions who kne\v then1 \vell in paying tribute to their beloved 1ne1nory.

"At end of Love, at end of Life At end of Hope, at end of Strife, At end of all \VC cling to so, The sun is setting-n1ust \ve go?

At da\vn of Love, at da\vn of Life, At da\vn of Peace that follov>'S strife At da\vn of all \Ve long for so- 'rhe sun is rising-Let us go!"

Let us gird ourselves to follo\v in their footsteps, to continue our labors in the secret vault. Fraternally sub1nitted,


Jfn Jrut~ntoriant

BERT S. LEE 1vfost Puissant c;cne::ral Grand Jvfastcr

1921 . 1927 GENERAL ()RAND COUNCIL 65


"Father in THY Ciracious keeping

Leave \VC no\v THY servants sleeping."

ALABAMA \XliJlian1 David Ha\vkins ...... Cirand i\1aster 1939-19:]() Joseph l)ixon i\1atlock ...... CJ rand 1·1asttr 1912-1913 \X'oolsey Finnell...... ()rand lvfastcr 191-i-1915 Clarence Ethvard i\1ichaels, Sr...... (;rand 1.fastcr 1937-1938 L]e,vellyn Roth Hillyer...... ()rand Master 1930-1931 Dr. Harry (:. Crclly...... C;rand .tvfastcr 192.1-192-1 Eliner Let 1'.1oss...... (;rand .tvlaster 191-1-19-15

ARKANSAS Stephen A. Diehl...... Clrand lvfaster 1932-1933 Shein Easley Hollabaugh ...... (;rand 1Jastcr 1926-1927

CALIFORNIA Clark Hervey Sha\v ...... ()rand 1-fastcr 1923-192-1 Frank lvfarplc ...... Grand Master J.95/i-J.955

COLORADO Earl Harrison Correy...... (;rand 1'.-fastcr 1950-1952 c;uy V. Sternberg... ..(;rand 1.faster 1931-1932 Lchvard c;. H(;d1tndorL...... Grand Master 1917-1918 Fred \Y/. Ilchrnan...... Grand 11astc:r 1952-1953 Frank Spicer...... Cirand i\1aster 1919-1950


Harry R. Craig ...... Cirand 11astc:r 19-16-19-17 Marshall .tvf. Carpenter...... CTrand 1.faster 1938-1939

DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Henry H. Rehinann ...... Grand Master 1951-1952 66 PROCEEDINGS OF THE


FLORIDA Louis Spencer Houston ...... Grand Master 1947-1948 Theodore Tennyson Todd ...... Grand Master 1923-192·1 Su1nner R. Hall...... Grand Master 1945-19-16

GEORGIA John B. Russell...... Grand Master 1942-1943

IDAHO Raymond K. D. Sluyter...... Grand Master

INDIANA Fred ]. Deitzer...... Grand Master 1939-1940 Willia1n John Adarns ...... Grand Master 1922-1923 Herbert Arnold Grahan1 ...... Grand Master 1912-1913

IOWA John McDonald ...... Grand Master 1942-19·13 George H. Anderson ...... Grand Master 1954-1955 Franklin H. Potter ...... Grand Master 1922-1923

KANSAS Jay B. Kirk...... Grand Master 1921-1922 Fred J. Cossitt...... Grand Master 1922-1923 Elmer Franklin Strain ...... Grand Master 1926-1927

KENTUCKY Robert Austin ...... Grand Master 1951-1952 Fred M. Klein ...... Grand Master 1933-1934 C. E. Peterson ...... Grand Master 1928-1930 Joe H. Ewalt...... Grand Master 1904-1905 GENERAL GRAND COUNCIL 67



Gordon C. Woods ...... Grand Master 1954-1955 Julian 0. Mauffray ...... Grand Master 1939-1940 Herman John Duncan...... Grand Master 1928-1929


John L. Te·wksbury ...... Grand Master 1947-1948 Benjan1in Levi Hadley ...... ,...... Grand Master 1944-1945 Convers Edv;,ard Leach ...... Grand Master 1908-1909 Emery Ehvell Mitchell ...... Grand Master 1943-1944


George W. Brooks ...... Grand Master 1950-1951


Hov,,ard Allison Gray ...... Grand Master 1946-1949


Jaines S. Potter...... Grand Master 1930-1931 Nei! E. Reid ...... Grand Master 1926-1927 Sarnucl R. Wilde ...... ,, ...... Grand Master 1939-1940


William A. Jones ...... Grand Master 1925-1926


Ed\vard Aloysius McLaughlin...... Grand Master 1940-1941 William Alexander Johns ...... Grand Master 1931-1932 68 PROCEEDINGS OF THE



Win. 1-fuse Ca1npbelL ...... c;rand Master 1922-1923 Kipp C. Johnson...... ()rand Masttr 1929-1930 Charles Gurley...... Grand M;tster 193-1-1935 Robert E. Annstrong...... CJrand .i\1aster 1953-195--l Bert S. Lee...... Past General c;rand 1910-1911 Master 1927-1930


Robert ]. Hatha\vay ...... Grand Master 1914-1915 Alfred ]. Ro\vland ...... Grand ]\.faster 1930-1931 Herbert F. Hosfeld ...... c;rand lvfaster 19•18-19•19


Willia1n Pieper ...... Clrand M


Andre\v Rucktescher ...... Grand Master 1937-1938 Henry C. Sch1nidt ...... Grand Master 1930-1931 David M. Laughery ...... Grand Master 1953-195•1 Leslie M. Sanford ...... Grand Master 1952-1953


Walter Mason Hubbard ...... Grand lvfaste::r 1931-19.l2 J arnes Edn1und Whalley ...... Grand Master 1929-1930 Ralph Ethvin ·Wiggin, Sr ...... Grand Master 19•12-1943 Allen Cleveland deRochen1ont ...... Grand 1'1Jster 19•1-1-1945


J. -Vreeland Haring...... ,(;rand Master 1930-1931 David Storrer Henderson ...... Grand Master 1933-1934 GENERAL GRAND COUNCIL 69


NEW YORK Albert S. Price ...... Cl rand Master 1932-1933 Arthur A. Bryant ...... ·...... Grand Master 19,15-1946

NORTH CAROLINA Ralph Leland Chandler ...... Grand Master 1920-1921 Jarnes Walker Payne ...... Grand Master 1922-1923

NORTH DAKOTA John A. Graharn ...... Grand Master 1928-1929

OKLAHOMA c;eorge E

OREGON Clyde Marshall McKay ...... Grand Master 1929-1930 Ralph Ernest S\vecney ...... Grand Master 1938-1939 Arthur Moles\vorth...... Grand Master 1939-1940 \Xlillia1n Bro\vn ...... Grand Treasurer

SOUTH CAROLINA Joseph Lindsay...... ,,Grand Master 1914-1915 R. Han1n1ond Etheredge ...... Grand 11aster 1947-1948 Charles Kilgore Chreitzberg ...... Grand 11aster 1925-1926

SOUTH DAKOTA \Xlil!ia1n F. R. Whorton ...... Grand Master 1926-1927 Robert S. Hart ...... Grand Master 1938-1939 70 PROCEEDINGS OF THE



Ja1nes Robert Nethery...... (;rand Master 1942-1943 Boyce Enlo Wooten...... Grand Master 1954-1955

UTAH Thor\vald John Nelson ...... Grand Master 1939-1940


Edward Bates Ra·wson ...... Grand Master 1943-194·1 Ernest W, Savage ...... Grand Master 1940-1941 Rayn1ond H. White... ., ...... Grand Master 1945-1946


Albert BelandeL ...... (;rand Master 1923-1924 John T. Forsyth ...... Grand Master 1925-1926 George W. Soinmer ...... Grand Master 1944-1945


John C. Walter...... Grand Master 1954-1955 GENERAL GRAND COUNCIL 71

REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON FINANCE AND ACCOUNTS M. ·. I.·. Clarence P. Sousley, Chainnan of the Con1mittee on Finance and Accounts, subrnitted the follo~ving report and on his n1otion, was adopted. l'o the G'eneral Grand Co1111ci/ Royal and Select J\{asters: We, your Con11nittee on Finance and Accounts, have carefully exan1ined all ite1ns of inco1ne and disbursen1ents contained in the report of the General Grand Recorder and the General Grand Treasurer and have checked sazne against the audit by L. A. Nelson, Certified Public Accountant. We have also checked the cash balance and securities in the pern1anent fund listed in the report of the General Grand Treasurer \Vith this audit. We have state1nents by officers of the First National Bank of Lincoln, Nebr., and the Whitney Loan and Trust Co. of Atlantic, Iowa, certifying all cash balances in the general and pennanent funds as set forth in the report of the General Grand Treasurer, and in the audit. We are, therefore, satisfied that these reports are accurate in every detail and reflect the true financial condition of this General Grand Body. We consider the General Grand Council fortunate in having had the services of these t\VO trust\vorthy and faithful Cornpanions for the Trienniun1 just closing and note \vith satisfaction their re-election. Fraternally submitted,



GENERAL GRAND COUNCIL The General Grand Master announced that the statutory tirne for the election of officers having arrived appointed the follo\ving tellers: Savage E. Morse ...... Florida Robert R. Ruchti ...... California Henry F. Collins ...... South Carolina Harrison Kauff1nan ...... North Carolina J as. R. Belflower...... Georgia John H. Parker ...... North Carolina The ballot being spread the following nan1ed Con1panions having re· ceived a n1ajority of all votes cast, \Vere declared duly elected for the ensu· ing Trienniun1 or until their successors are elected and installed. 72 PROCEEDINGS OF THE

GENERAL GR1\ND OFFICERS JOHN BRIDGES PHELPS .... General (;rand l'vfaster Florida (JEOHGE (;_ \ 1ERBRYCK ... .Deputy c;eneral Grand Masti:::r California DONALD D. BOUDEMAN ...... c;i::neral c;rand P. C. of \X'ork 1v1ichigan LE\\/JS E. S11-1ITH ... .. CJeneral (;rand Treasurer Nebraska Ross J. C,\11-1nL1N ...... General CJ rand Recorder lo\Ya

MESSAGE OF FRATERNAL UNITY 11ost Puissant 1'hon1as E. l)oss in his greeting to our guests stated: It is a \Vondi::rful thing to have a friend, 1nany good staunch Friends. They \Vann the: heart and brighten up life's patl1\Yay. Friendship is a culture, and fn::ndlini::ss is the 1nark of refinen1ent of nature. Friendship has inany \vays of expressing itself.---·politc:ness, courtesy, affability, geniality, kindness and thoughtfulness. It is rny pleasure to call upon our 1nany staunch friends \vho rnadc this pilgri1nagc to Sun \Tallcy to ht our gui:::sts. I a1n happy at this tirne to recognize 1ny very dear friend \XlaJter Delan1ater, 11ost Erninent Clrand Jl.'iaster of the (;rand Enca1npn1ent, K. T., lf. S ..A. The ren1arks and grei::tings fro1n this rnost forcible leader \\·ere \vc:ll re­ ceived as attest by thi::: applause. At various intervals throughout the delibi:::rations of the General c;rand Council the (;eneral c;rand :tvlastcr ri:::cognizi::d and presented: J\Tonnan R. Davis ...... I--Icnolulu Ho\vard G. Gee ...... Canal Zone Phelan Douglas...... Tennessee Colonel Riley...... japan 1'01n Q. Ellis...... (Jenera! Grand High Priest Lorne Johnson...... (;rand Prior of Canada Angus Cavanaugh ...... Convent c.;eneral K. '(. C. H. Eln1er CJibson ...... i\·fost \X!orshipful Grand l'vfaster, Louisiana Floyd D. Richards ...... l'viost \Xlorshipful c;rand J-,1astcr, So. Dak. 'fhe prestnce of kindred souls an1ong our 1nidst greatly i::nhanced our 1'riennial Asse1nbly and their greetings \Vere \\'ell reci::ived.

REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON CRYPTIC PUBLICITY M. ·. I.·. T. Olin Clore, 1ne1nber of the Cryptic Publicity Co1n1nittee, sub- 1nitted the Con1n1ittee's report, and on his 1notion, \vas adopted. (Except GENER.-1.L GRAND COUNCIL 73

that portion relating to Finance \Yhich \\·as referred to the Corn1nittee on Finance and Accounts.)

To the G"ener1t! G"rand Co1n1cil Roy({/ and Select )\f((Jfers:

During the Trienniu1n nO\\' ending, your Co1nn1ittee on Cryptic Publicity has been active in asseinbling inforfflation for the Quarterly Bulletin and \Vhen called for by the (Jenera! Grand Recorder Ross ]. Ca1nblin, the re­ ports \verc proinptly for\varded to hirn to be included in the YORK RITE OF FREEM1\SONR Y. Our reports have covered local Councils and Grand Councils activities; areas and sections of the lJnited States, Canada, Cuba, Canal Zone, \vherever Councils are \vorking. \Xle have given you a broad vie\v of the Cryptic Rite: at \\'Ork. Interest in the YORK RI'fE OF FREEMAS()NRY is attested to by the inany letters received con11nending the Bulletin and the nuinerous requests received by the General (;rand Recorder to add their na1nes to the 1nailing list, and there are soinc 200 such requests. If these Bulletins have done nothing else, they have kept the CYeneral (Jrand Council in the forefront as a 1nediurn of a united front. \'\le \vant to acquaint you \Vith son1e facts concerning issuance of the c;eneral Grand Council Quarterly-The York Rite of Freeinasonry. In addition to the report of this corn1nittec there is a special 1nessage fro1n the General Grand Master and ite1ns of interest fro1n the office of the General Grand Recorder. There is n1ailcd, each quarter, 1200 copies to the Elective Officers in all jurisdictions; Past Grand 11asters and Chainnen of Correspondence Con1· 1nittees, and those 200 special requests. The General Grand Recorder Can1· blin spends fro1n four to five days each quarter addressing and 1nailing the Bulletin. This \vork is done by hand since the General c;rancl Council does not O\Vn an addressing 1nachine, nor the plates to operate one. Cost of 1nail· ing each issue is about S25.00. c;eneral Grand Recorder infonns the con1· rnittcc; "Expenditures \Yith printing of the Bulletin exceeded our budget."


l. The preparation and n1ailing of 1200 or 1nore copies fro1n the office of t::e General Grand Recorder be approved.

2. 'fhe C·eneral c;rand Recorder be authorized to detennine the nu1nber of copies needed by each CJrand Council for its Elective Officers, Past (Jrand Masters, and Chainnen of the Correspondence Con1rnittees, this nun1:)er to be s:~ipped by hi1n to the c;rand Recorders for distribution. This \viii considerably reduce the ti1nc: required of the General Grand Recorder for addressing and 1nailing, and result in a sn1all pnstage saving. 74 PROCEEDINGS OF THE

The 200 or n1ore Special requests will continue to be mailed from the General Grand Recorder's office since nan1es and addresses are in his possession. 3. Increase the appropriation for the Bulletin York Rite of Freemasonry. 4. In order to reach 1nore readers, especially do\vn in the fields of activity, it is recon1n1ended that the YORK RITE OF FREEMASONRY be 1nade available to the Three Principal Officers of each constituent Council through the office of Grand Recorder. The General Grand Council might purchase a sufficient nu111ber for this purpose. It has been a pleasure to serve the General Grand Council as your Corn· inittee on Cryptic Publicity. Fraternally sub1nitted,


REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON CHARTERS AND DISPENSATIONS M. ·. I.·. Verne W. Mokler sub1nitted his report in behalf of the Con1mittee, and on his motion, \Vas adopted.

To the c·enerrtl G"rand CoNncil Royal and Select A1r1JterJ:

Your Con1mittee on Charters and Dispensations is pleased to subn1it the following report:

It has been our pleasure to exa1nine the reports-~read the n1inutes of assemblies of the Councils under Dispensation, and note the correspond::nce to and from the General Grand Officers, v.1 hile \vorking under dispensation. Monterrey Council, U. D...... Monterrey, Mexico Tokyo Council, U. D...... Tokyo, Japan Okina\va Council, U. D ...... Av,•ase, Okina\va, Ryukyo Island Cosines Council, U. D ...... Olongapo, Zan1bales, Philippines Freedon1 Council, U. D...... Cavite City, Philippines Heidelberg Council, U. D...... Heidelberg, Gennany Kaufbeuren 'Council, U. D...... Kaufbeuren, Germany Europe Council, U. D...... Mannheim, Germany In order to conserve time, your con1n1ittee will not report on dates dis· pensations were issued or the time of their institution as this inforn1ation is fully covered in the report of the General Grand Recorder. From the annual reports and the minutes of the assen1blies of these Eight Councils it would appear that they have been active-holding regular assemblies and conferring the Cryptic Degrees. In many instances the companions have been working under a serious handicap as the rituals were not in their language. GENERAL GRAND COUNCIL 7j

The records of all Councils are well kept. Each of the named Councils have petitioned the General Grand Council that Charters be granted, pro1nising a strict obedience to the requests and commands of the Most Puissant General Grand Master and an undeviating confonnity to the Constitution and Regu­ lations of the General Grand Council. We con1n1end our General Grand Master and our General Grand Recorder and the other Cryptic Masons who have had a part in the furtherance of the Rite in foreign climes. They have V.'orked diligently and tirelessly in giving advice and assistance to their Co1npanions throughout the globe, and ·we con1plin1ent then1 in the fact they have guided these Councils so \veil they are nu\\' petitioning this General Grand Body for Charters. We, your Co1n1nittee on Charters and Dispensations, are pleased to recornmend that Charters be granted to: Monterrey Council No. 3...... Monterrey, Mexico Tokyo Council No. 1...... Tokyo, Japan Okina\va Council No. 3.... A\vase, Okina\va, Ryukyu Island Cos1nos Council No. 2 ..... Olongapo, Zambales, Subic Bay, Philippines Freedorn Council No ..4,,,...... Cavite City, Philippines 1-feidelberg Council No. 3...... Heidelberg, Gern1any Kaufbeuren Council No. 2...... Kaufbeuren, Gennany Europe Council No. 1...... Mannheiin, Gern1any that they have the incentive to dispense n1ore Masonic Light and kno\vledge in the advancen1ent of the Cryptic Rite, and that said Councils of Royal and Select Masters be designated by the na1nes listed above.

We congratulate the General Grand Council on the reaffiliation of the Grand Councils of Massachusetts and Wisconsin. We V·lelcon1e th:::-m, and their counsel in Cryptic affairs \vill be sincerely appreciated. We, the Cornn1ittee on Charters and Dispensations, thank the Most Puissant General Grand Master, and this (Jencral Grand Asse1nbly for the privilege of serving on this con1mittee. Zealously sub1nitted,


SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON CHARTERS AND DISPENSATIONS 1-1. ·. I.·. Verne W. Mokler, Chainnan of the Co1nn1ittee on Charters and Dispensations, submitted the following supplemental report, and on his motion, was adopted. 76 PROCEEDINGS OF THE

To the c;enerrt! (;rtt11d Co1o;cil Royrd r1nd Select 11frtsters:

Your Corninittee on Charters and Dispensations are pleased to sub1nit to you the folknving report; \vhich is supple1nental to our forrner report:

()riental Council No. !...... !Yfanila, Philippines Cos1nos Council No. 2 ..... Olongapo, Zarn bales, Subic Bay, Philippines Okina,va Council No. 3...... A\vasc, ()kina\Ya, Ryukyu Island Freedo1n Council No.. {...... Cavitc City, Philippines And the follo\ving Councils located and \vorking in \X'est Gern1any. Europe Council No. 1 ...... Mannheirn, (l-ern1any Kaufbeuren Council No. 2...... Kaufbeurcn, ()errnany Heidelberg Council No. 3 ...... Heidelberg, Gc:rrnany 'rhe seven Councils of Royal 11nd Select lvfasters above nan1ed have by vote of this ()eneral (;rand Council been granted Charters as subordinate Councils of this Grand Body. Fro1n definite kno\vledge it has been established that under a (;rand C:ouncil the subordinate or constitttent Councils inakc a faster and apparently a 1non: pcrrnancnt gro\vth. A CJrand Council and its officers are in closer contact and kno\v the probl<:n1s of its 1ne1nbership and could undoubtedly furnish solutions and rnakc satisfactory adjust1nent of any difficulty n1ore quickly than the (;eneral Grand Council. Personal visitations by officers of the governing body are ahvays desirable, helpful and essential, as long as the above Councils are subordinate to the General Grand Council it \\'Otdd be prohibitive fro1n the standpoint of both tiine and expeosc for any C~eneral Grand Officer to 1nake such visitations. Taking everything into consideration and vie,ving the requests of the Philippine Islands and \':\lest Gerrnany, _both pro and con, it is the reco1n- 1ncndation of your co1n1nittec that this'"(Jc:neral c;rand Council grant Char­ ters to the Philippine Islands and \'\lest Gcrinany for the fonnation of Grand Councils as they have apparently con1plied \Yith all the n:quire1ncnts of this c;eneral (;rand Cbuncil, and that if these requests are granted, the c;rand Councils above 1nentioned 1naintain affiliation \vith this c;cne:.,ral (;rand Council; also, that they \\'ill conforrn to the Constitution, La\VS and Edicts of the General c;rand Council. Zealously sub1nitted, VERNE \Y/. J\1oI

REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON AIMS AND PURPOSE AND YORK RITE CO-OPERATION M. ·. I.· Bruce H. Hunt, Past Grand !vfaster of 1.1issouri, subinitted the follo\\'ing report, and on his n1otion, \vas adopted.

~ro the c;e11ertt! c;·rrtnd Co11nci! of Royr1! r111d Select j\lt1sters: Con1pr1nions: Since the: con11nittces on Ai1n and Purposes and York Rite Cooperation are so closely allied, they have been identified as a single con1n1ittee and are 1naking their report jointly.

Under the heading of J\iins and Purposes \VC can state: generally that it is our avo\\·ed purpose to further the \Velfarc of the York l\ite as a \vhole and the Cryptic Rite in particular. To atte1npt so broad a progra1n is ob· viously not the assignn1ent of a single coininittee represented by onty a fe\v, but should incorporate the efforts of all York Rite Masons. 'fo this end \Ve solicit your support. J)uring the past trienniun1 the General (l-rand Council bas endeavored to act as a service organizatfr>n for the bcttcnnent of Cryptic Masonry. It has attc1npted to bring to all (~rand Councils, irrespcctivc of their affiliation \vith the c;cneral (Trand Council, i1nportanl infonnation concerning the Cryp· tic Rit<:. It has tried to lead the \vay, not as an autocratic or dictatorially sovereign body, hut as an association of CTrand Councils. Jn this 1nanner c:ach could profit by its association \vith the others, and each \Vas privileged to 1nake ils contribution to the success of all. Only one rcgularly callcd 1neeting of the con11nittee \vas held, and that in February, 195), in \X!ashington, D. C., at the ti1ne of the annual inceting there. Various other 1neetings of 1ne1nbcrs of the co1n1nittee at different tiine and places throughout the country have been hdd. It has been the policy of the co1n1nittee to see that son1e of its ir1e1nbers "'ere in attendance at all national lvfasonic functions. \X!e bc:lieve that progress has been 1nade the past three years, both in purpose and in cooperation. lvfany suggestions for the advanccrnent of the Cryptic Rite have con1e to the attention of the con11nittee. Soine of these apply 1nore <.!irectly to in· dividual councils or (;rand Councils, \vhllc: others are general in character and 1nay he directed to Cryptic 1.fasons every\vhere. ()ne of these capitalizes on the fact that \\'e are Select l'.1asters. It is a sales approach incorporating a printed invitation which is personally delivered to prospective 1ne1nbers, advising thun that they have been "Selected" to beco1ne 1ne1nbers of a cer· tain council. Since rhe rnajority of our inernbers'hopc: to enjoy the esteern of their brethren, the invitation is recc:ived as a ·coinpliinent and their presence is aln1ost assured in the next class. Another suggestion prescil-tly e1nployed in 1nany sections of the country is the joint ·York Rite petition, Those \vho advocate its use state that it is a 78 PROCEEDINGS OF THE

great time saver. One trip and one sales approach does the work of three, or more, and who is it that is not interested in saving ti1ne these days. More than the saving of tin1e is the sense of unity in1plied by it. This is .important. The use of various York Rite lapel pins have been suggested. These usually have engraved on thern the e1nblen1s of the four bodies of York Rite Freen1asonry. Other forms of je\velry are also e1nployed in this form of subordinate selling. All are helpful at tirnes \vhen used in the proper Inanner. Good public relations are ahvays helpful. The Royal Arch Mason 1naga· zine has been inost generous \vith its space. It has carried several articles directed at the up-building of the Cryptic Rite. It has tried to keep Free- 1nasonry infonned as to the progress of the Cryptic Roon1, and aided in the solicitation of funds for it. It has been suggested that in so1ne localities radio and television programs could be sponsored by the Cryptic Rite to its ulti­ n1ate advantage. The judicious use of proper printed 1naterial, of \vhich there is a serious shortage, can have a beneficial effect. The General Grand Chapter has found Sectional Meetings to be advan­ tageous. The con1n1ittee recon11nends that the General Grand Council give serious consideration to a similar plan during the coining trienniu1n. For the past ten years son1e eleven jurisdictions have been meeting annually in what they are pleased to designate "The \Vestern Conference of York Rite Bodies." 'fhese conferences are devoted to problen1s of inutual interest arising in not one body alone but in all of York Rite Masonry. Undoubtedly 1nuch g::iod is the result of these conferences. Having a kno\vlcdge of their deliberations as \vell as the high character of those \vho participate in thun, \ve \vish to offer our highest coinmendation. Similar conferences could be held through­ out the country.

Undoubtedly the greatest single effort 1nade by Cryptic Masons has been the erection of the Cryptic Rooin in the George Washington Masonic National Memorial, located in Alexandria, Virginia. Although an account of this work \vill be reported elsewhere, certainly it deserves mention here. The effort not only typifies \vhat can be done if proper aiins and purposes are set forth, but it also dcn1onstrates a \VOnderful spirit of York Rite co­ operation. First the Royal Arch Room in the niemorial v"as con1pleted and dedicated, and then the Grand Encampn1ent completed its roon1. No\v, the Cryptic Roo1n i!t nearing co1npletion. Perhaps leadership for the con1pletion of these three rooms '\vas assun1ed independently. Regardless of individual planning, the fact is apparent for all to see that York Rite Freemasonry completed the last three rooms in this great Masonic Men1orial. The General Grand Council does not take credit for erecting the roon1 alone. It was the work of Cryptic Masons everywhere, and only the lea"dership for this monumental undertaking had its inception in this body.

To state that the General Grand Council did not have as an aim or a pur­ pose to increase the size of its 1ncmbership numerically would be a gross GENERAL GRAND COUNCIL 79 misrepresentation of facts. Certainly it is its desire to welcome into its as­ sociation all Grand Councils interested in promoting the Cryptic Rite. While no concentrated effort has or \Ve trust ever will be made to enlist Grand Councils into n1en1bership v.'ho do not believe in the work of the General Grand Council, 'i\'e invite tben1 to consider our aims, our purposes and our efforts. We believe that councils every\vhere are growing in stature and more and more con1n1and the respect of Freen1asonry. As individual councils continue to grow and prosper so \vill the 1nember Grand Councils increase their standing and by so doing elevate the work of the General Grand Coun­ cil. Mean\vhile, the co1n1nittee reco1n1nends that n1en1ber Grand Councils busy thernselves in the honest toil of building stronger and more useful councils. \Xlhen this is accornplished, perhaps the \\'Orld of York Rite Freemasonry \vill then beat a path to its door. Zealously subrnitted, BRUCE H. HUNT, Cht1ir1nan, Missouri Srn F. CURTIS, Mississippi HENRY F. COLI.INS, South Carolina CARL R. GREISEN, Nebraska

RESOLUTION OF THANKS R.'. P.'. George G. Verbryck expressed the senti1nents of the delegation as. sernbled in the follo\ving resolution, and on his 1notion was adopted. To the c·enerrd (;uuul Co!lncil Royal dnd Select Afa.rters:

\Xlhereas the Twenty-Sixth ~friennial Assembly of the General Grand Council is about to finish its deliberations in surroundings v.'hich have brought us closer to the great soul of nature; V.'e desire to express ou-r grati· tude and pleasure for the privilege of holding our Triennial Assembly in beautiful Sun Valley. This garden spot, situated in a natural crad~ of r_are beauty, has given us a spiritual lift so necessary in our present till}eS. To the York Rite Conference of the Eleven Western States· \vho first presented the invitation, to Sun Valley, and the Union Pacific Railro_ad 'vho furthered the project, to Herbert Fitz, the General Chairman, and Walter H. Steffey, the secretary, the t\vo cornpanions on \vho1n has fallen the bur· dens of arrangcn1ent, and to all other n1en1bers of the general coinmittee, \ve offer our he~rtfelt thanks; Therefore, Be it Resolved, that "'e the Delegates to the T\venty-Sixth Triennial Asse1nbly of the General Grand Council express our appreciation for the "'onderful arrangeJY1ents, the perfect tin1ing which has n1ade our 1neeting a success. The natural surroundings of Sun Valley, the peace and quiet, and the closeness \Ve have felt to the Great Source of Nature v.·ill long be a bright spot in our n1en1ories, and in the years to con1e the Triennial at Sun Valley \vii! long stand out in the history of our deliberations. 80 PROCEEDINGS OF THE

we thari.k you, one and all for your hospitality, care and attention given to us, and 1nay it always be felt that this \vas the one perfect Assernbly. Fraternally sub1nitted, GEORGE G. V1:RBRYCK Call to refresh1nent: At 3:55 P. lvf. the General Grand Master called the c;eneral Grand Coun­ ~il frorn labor to refreshinent, until 9:30 A. lvf. Tuesday 1norning, October .1, 1957.

SECOND DAY - TnES01\Y, OcroBER I, 1957 Resu1ned Labor: Pron1ptly at 9:30 A. M. the General Grand Master resuined labor, \vith prayer by the General c;rand Chaplain. REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON CRYPTIC HISTORY R. ·. I.', Con1panion Ray V. Denslo\v, Chainnan of the Co1nrnittee, orally reported and stated that the Co1nrnittee's report \vould bt featured in th.:: next issut of the ROYAL ARCH MASON. REPORT OF SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVE OF GENERAL GR1\ND MASTER

Illustrious Howard G. (Jee, Special Representative of the Cl~neral Grand Master in the Canal Zone, gave his report on conditions in the Canal Zone.

,-\fost P1tisst111t G"enerti! (;tdlld iH(/sfer, Officer.r, Dixti11g11ished c·11e.rts aJJd t111d 111y Co111/Jt111io11.r: I a1n indeed happy to be present here today to 1nakc this report in person, and particularly happy to be able to report that Cryptic Masonry is sho\ving a sJo,v but steady increast in the Canal Zone. There \vas a tirne \vhen York Rite Masonry \vas the outstanding Masonic group on the Isthrnus. lJnfortunately, back so1ne years ago, through various circurnstanccs, the York Rite \vent into a decline and \\'as on the do\vnhill road for several years. I a1n pleased to report that that condition no longer exists and \\'e arc on a slO\\' but steady pull back to the top position. The Chapter and Co1n1nandery both have excellent Special Representatives in the Canal Zone, rnen \vho are intensely loyal to York Rite and \Vho arc rnaking every effort to further our good \VOrk. There has been son1e talk here of 1naking the Cryptic J)egrees prerequisite to the Con11nandery. 'fha t presents no proble1n to us in the zone for in n1y capacity of Secretary and Recorder for all three of the York Rite Bodies, I can truthfully say that every candidate \Ve have had for the past three years for the York Rite has been a Co1npanion in the Council before going on to (TENERAL (JRAND COUNCIL 81 the Cornrnandery. In fact, to the best of rny kno\vledge not one of those candidates \vas farniliar \vith the fact that the Council \Vas not rnandatory. W'e feel that the Council of Royal and Select Masters is just as i1nportant to York Rite as either of the other t\vO bodies, and to pass up the Council \vould be like having a \VOnderful dinner but 1nissing one of the Special courses. I appreciate the honor of having served you as your Special Representative in the Canal Zone and sincerely hope that in so1ne srnall \vay I rnay have helped in furthering your aicns and \vishes. In closing this report I \vould like to pay tribute to your \Vonderful General CJrand Recorder Ross Cacnblin \vho has done so 1nuch to keep n1e straightened out during the past three years. I've called on hi1n 1nany ti1nes and he has never let 1ne do"·n. My sincere thanks Ross. Respectfully subrnitted,

Ho»-:11\Rn CJ. GEE, Speci1t! Repre.rentt1ti·1·e

SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVE FOR CUBA Illustrious Coinpanion ). S. Fenton, Special Representative of the General Grand 1faster in Cuba, sub111itted his report on conditions that prevail in Cuba. c;·reetingJ:

Your \Velcon1c letrer of July 2·Hh rc1ninding n1c that the tirnc is fast approaching for the Triennial Assc1nbly, and I an1 pleased to report to you that Island Council No. l is gro,ving and prospering steadily. Asse1nblies have been held regularly in accordance \Vith the By-La\VS except that the stated assc1nblies of 11ay 29 and July 31, 1957 had to be cancelled due to conditions beyond our control. Ho,vever, \\'e son1eho\v 1nanaged "'ith a good turn out of the n1e1nbers to hold a special assen1bly on June 26, 1957, and greeted 3 ne\v n1e1nbers. \Y/e are no\v in Sun1n1er re­ cess and hope that conditions \vill have iinproved \vhen \\'e start up again in the fall. The degree tea1n have learned their parts thoroughly and confer the de­ gree in a very fine and instructive n1anner. They are to be congratulated. Prospective candidates fro1n Island Chapter No. l Royal Arch Masons are being regularly follo,ved up and I have no doubt that soine of the1n ,-vill join up before the year is up. The financial condition of Island Council is in good shape, they have Sl,296.85 cash balance in the Bank and S200.00 invested in Masonic Founda­ tion '1% Debentures. 82 PROCEEDINGS OF THE

Our greatest liability is the fact that in all the York Rite Bodies at least half of the new tnen1bers belong to the U. S. Anned Forces and are not parmanently located in Cuba. The Officers of the Chapter, Council and Con11nandery are substantially the same group and are all thoroughly fa- 1nilar \11ith the plans and prograrns of each other and cooperate to promote the rite as a \vhole. Brother Harry L. Che1nidlin is the recorder of the three York Rite Bodies. Sincerely and Zealously, ]. S. FENTON

REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON STATE OF THE RITE AND FOREIGN CORRESPONDENCE M. ·, I.·. William J. Netherton, Past Grand Master of Kentucky, subn1itted the follo\ving report, and on his rnotion \Vas adopted. To the G"ene1·rd Grand CoNncil Royal dnd Select A.fa.rters: Co1npanio11s: To preface our ren1arks \Ve quote fron1 the last report as follows: "Hold high the torch We did not light its glo\v T\vas given us by other hands, you kno\v 'Tis only ours to keep it burning bright Ours to pass along, \vhen \Ve no longer need the light." This poen1 posed rnany questions in the n1inds of the former comrnittee, and it poses just as many and niore profound ones in our niinds and thoughts. It seen1s to us that the challenge is greater today, and the applica· tion of the nieaning of this poern niore far reaching and extensive than it ·was three years ago or even son1etirne prior to that. Your Con1n1ittee, in reporting on the State of the Rite, feels that although n1ost Grand Jurisdictions seen1 to be n1aking son1e progress or, at the \VOrst, are sho\ving sn1all losses in n1e1nbership, n1uch is to be desired in nearly all cases to provide the leadership and inspiration so necessary for the success­ ful pron1otion and ain1s and purposes of our Rite. In t-he August 26 issue of Ti1ne Magazine there appeared an article under the heading of "Organizations," entitled "Apathy on Lodge Night." This article certainly listed boldly a great nu111ber of our ills and laid the blaine for our condition and lack of interest at our very feet. It listed some of the excuses for non-attendance at rneetings and taking part in the affairs of our organization as television, the auton1obile and various other clubs. It quoted a one tin1e earnest nien1ber of several Fraternal Organizations as say· ing "I knov.' I should attend. But all of a sudden, on a lodge night, I realize I haven't been hon1e with the fa1nily for three nights running." GENERAL GRAND COUNCIL 83

Another said he did not attend n1eetings because he \vas afraid they might try to rnake hirn an officer. 1·here also \vas the staternent that "The lodge has lost its old appeal of exclusiveness and its local leaders such as bankers, judges, and the clergy. The article further stated "The brothers just don't have the whole spirit." The article concluded with the announcen1ent that an organization had been founded in Missouri kno\vn as The Ancient and Honorable Guild of the Leather Apron, \Vith faithful attendance at Masonic affairs a pri1ne men1bership qualification.

This type of re\vard 1nay stirnulate attendance to so1ne degree but V>'C don't believe there is a substitute for energetic and \vholeso1ne leadership. We believe this leadership should be profoundly exhibited in the General (;rand Council, its officers and n1e1nbers, the several Grand Councils and finally by the individual Councils then1selves. \'\fe call your attention to the fact, that of the 288,987 total number of Cryptic 1-iasons in the United States, according to the 1956 returns, only 176,169 are 1nernbers of Grand Councils having allegiance \Yith this Gen~ral Grand Council. In other \vords, Co1npanions, over 100,000 Cryptic Masons or 34.5% of the total nurnber in the United States are not affiliated \Vith the Generai Grand Council. This unhappy condition \VOtild indicate a lack of unity. \vhich n1ay have been caused by \veak leadership or no program or both. Prograrns should be fonnulated that \vould, and could, be passed down so that our Order rnight be,.gin to function as a unit, and t'.1en to progress and go for\vard in an orderly fashion in accordance \vith its original ideals and purposes. We feel that \ve need quality 1nore than quantity at this time and, that if we do get the fine leadership \Ve so rightly deserve, that the nun1erical gains \Vil! follo'v as a natural result. \Vhen your Chainnan \Vas asked on August 19th to head this Con1n1ittee, he \vrote all of the Grand Jurisdictions \vho are n1en1bers of the Gencrj_! Grand Council for a concise report as to the condition of the Rite in their State. '[he response \vas aln1ost i1nrncdiate and the nun1ber of ans\vers very satisfactory. In the niajority of the reports a gain \vas sho,vn for each of the last three years although the percentage of gain has been sn1aller each year. All of these Councils appear to be very active, \Vith good leadership and a good progran1. Most of then1 are having \vhat is nO\V con11norily kno\vn as the "York Rite Festivals" \vhich are bringing good results. In many of these same jurisdictions the joint petition is being used, in n10St cases by voluntary agree1nent, and in a fe\v cases by legislation. Those jurisdictions that re­ ported losses seem to think that lack of interest is the cause and, sin·:e the degrees are not a pre-requisite, that the Council is an alrnost forgotten p~lrt of the York Rite.

It would seen1 reasonable to believe, that since there are in excess of seven hundred thousand Royal Arch 1'-fasons under the jurisdiction of the PROCEEDINGS OF THE

(Jeneral Grand Chapter, that there should be, and \VC believe it could be acco1nplished, at least five hundred thousand Cryptic Jvfasons in the General Cirand Council n1en1bcrship. 'V:/e believe it can be done and, if \Ve are \villing to \Vork hard enough to 1nake it a reality, \Ve should excted this 111c1nbership by the ti1ne of our next Triennial. I( \Ve \vould bring ourselves to practice the senti1nent in the follo\ving verse \\'e 1night initiate the beginning of a Cryptic revival: "Say, son, let's go to lodge tonight. \Xie haven't been for years. Let's don our little aprons \vhite and sit ainong the peers. I \Vant to hear tht gavel ring, to htar thc organ play Pass up bridge or picture sho,v, your \\'ftstling bout or fight S\\'1tch off that darncd old radio; let's go to lodge tonight." /.ealously subn1ittcd, \XiII.Ll:\11-1 ]. 'j\IETHEHTON, Chpil'!Jlrlll \XiAI.DRON C. BIGGS DON:\LD D. BOUDEM:\N CHAS. D. HlI.L ED\V:\RD C. PETERSON ROBERT ARCHER \'Xloons, Chr1innr111 E1neril;;s


Illustrious C:o111panion Charles C. Ricker, Chairrnan of the Corn1nittee on Registration, subinitted his report, and on his n1otion \Vas adopte:d. To the (,"enerril G'rr11u/ Co1111ril R.o)'t1! rll7d Seier/ Afr1.1fer.r: 'fotal registration s.-i3


1\ 1nost gracious invitation \Vas extended to the General (irand Council by Right Illustrious Co1npanion 1). Peter Laguens, Jr., of Louisiana, fro1n the York Rite Bodies of J'\Te\v Orleans and the State of Louisiana, to hold their 1\venty-Seventh Annual Asse1nbly in Ne\v Orleans. Their gracious invitation \Vas unani1nously approved.

REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON FINANCE AND ACCOUNTS .i'v1. · I · Clarence P. Sousley, Chainnan, sub1nits the follo,ving budget, and on his rnotion \vas adopted.

To the G"enerril G"rr111d Co1t11ci/ R.oyr1/ r111d Select ;\lrtJ/ers:

\Xie, your ConHriittee on Finance and Accounts, suhinit and recoininend the following budget, or so 1nuch thereof as 1nay be necessary for the: trienniurn beginning August 1, 1957, and ending August I, 1960.

11ileage and Per DienL ... ······· ...... s 3, 100.00 'l"ravel Expense for c;eneral Cirand Officers... 5,000.00 Salary c;eneral Grand 1·reasurer.. 600.00 Salary (Jenera! CJrand Recorder ... 3,600.00 1\uditing Books c;encral Clrand Treasurer and General Clrand Recorder 100.00 Surety Bonds--General Grand Treasurer-Recorder. ... 180.00 Contingent Fund ... 400.00 Internal Revenue~Social Se.cu11·1t;1 ...... 200.00 Printing and Distributing Proceedings ... 1,200.00 Printing and Supplies ... 500.00 Bulletins for Pro1notion Cryptic 1Jasonry... 1,000.00 'fcstin1onal and Apron for c;eneral c;rand 11aster. .. 250.00 Postage 500.00 Printin.g Rituals ... 2,000.00 Office R<"::ntal and Equip1nent ... 800.00 Printing Constitution, La,vs l)ecisions Edicts, Regulations in Booklet FornL. 250.00

s 19,980.00 Fraternally sub1nitted,


REPORT-COMMITTEE ON CREDENTIALS Co1npanion Elvin F. Strain, Chairman of the Con1mittee on Credentials, sub1nitted the follO\ving report, \vhich on his motion, was adopted. To lhe c·eneral G'rand CoNncil Royal and Select i\111st.ers:

Your Co1n1nittee on Credentials wishes to report there \Vere present at the 1'\venty·Sixth Annual Assen1bly, nine General Grand Officers, three Past General Grand Masters, two General Grand Masters' representatives, thirty­ ninc states and the District of Colun1bia and Western Canada, representatives \vith proxies fro1n Councils in Mexico, Hav.'aii, Philippine Islands and Japan. Total nu1nbcr of votes 250. There \Vere guests fron1 four non-affiliated juris­ dictions. The distinguished guests present \Vere Tom Q. Ellis, General Grand High Priest of the General Grand Chapter; 11ost Eminent Grand Master, Sir Knight Walter A. Delamater, of the Grand Encan1p1nent Knights Tcrnplar of the United States of A1nerica; Lorne Johnson, Most En1inent Grand Master of the Grand Priory of Canada, and Angus L. Cavanaugh, Grand Master K. Y. C. H. Convent General. Fraternally subn1itted,

ELVIN F. STRAIN_. Chdir11u1n, South D~1k-:t.t BERT ATWATER, Utah EMIL A. WOLD, Minnesota C. A. CARLSON, JR., Nevada WM. BECK, Ne\v Jersey

GENERAL GRAND OFFICERS Thon1as Earl Doss ...... General Grand Master John Bridges Phelps ...... Deputy General Grand Master George G. Verbryck ...... General Grand Principal C. of W . Lc\vis E. Smith ...... General Grand Treasurer Ross J. Can1blin ...... General Grand Recorder San1 Harris ...... General Grand Captain of Guard Clarence B. Shulepberger...... General Grand Conductor of Council C. Elhvood S1nyrk...... General Grand 11arshal Charles C. Thomas...... General Grand Steward

PAST GENERAL GRAND MASTERS Charles E. Inbusch John M. Littlefield Thon1as Earl Doss GENERAL GRAND COUNCIL 87

GENERAL GRAND MASTERS' REPRESENTATIVES La,vrence M. Tilton ...... Japan Ho\\'ard G. Gee ...... , ..... Canal Zone


ALABAMA: Terry Leon Butts...... G.lvL Claud Stallworth, Proxy...... D.G.M. Earl D. Holines, Proxy...... G.P.C.W. Hoyt McC!endon...... P.G.M. Claud Stallworth...... P.G.M. Charles H. Stubinger ...... P.G.M.

ARIZONA: Harry F. Dise, Proxy ...... G.M. Albert Buchman, Proxy ...... D.G.M. Albert Bueh1nan, Proxy ...... G.P.C.W. Albert R. Buehn1an ...... P.G.M. C. A. Westerdahl...... P.G.M.

ARKANSAS: William H. La1nbert...... G.M. Charles D. Hill, Proxy ...... D.G.M. Charles D. Hill, Proxy ...... G.P.C.W. Francis J. Scully ...... P.G.M. Walter C. Hickrnon ...... P.G.M. Charles D. Hill ...... P.G.M.

CALIFORNIA: Howard Gee ...... G.M. Robert W. Cottle, Sr...... D.G.M. Emmett H. Ernst...... P.C.W. G. G. Verbryck...... P.G.M. Arch W. Paln1er ...... P.G.M. Hamilcar Sn1ith ...... P.G.M. Robert R. Ruchti ...... P.G.M. 88 PROCEI:DINGS OF THE


Earl C. Sia yton ...... G.M. R. A. 1'odd, Proxy ...... D.G.M. Carl J. Baese1nann, Proxy ...... G.P.C.W.

DrsTRfCT OF C0Lt:MBI1\: CJknn L. Johnson ...... Cl.M. Gknn L. Johnson, Proxy ...... D.G.M. Cllenn L. Johnson, Proxy ...... G.P.C.W. John H. Eisen1an ...... P.G.M. John E. Chris1nan ...... P.G.M. Lloyd 0. lvfiller...... P.G.M. \'\falter S. Pa\vl...... P.G.M. fLOIUDJ\:

Echvard lvforris Savag<: ...... G.1L Harry J. (luy ...... D.G.M. lJ. V. Durden ...... G.P.C.W. John P. Phelps ...... P.G.M. Dorsey H. Rutter...... P.G.M. Ralph c;. Reynolds ...... P.G.M . Ja1nes D. Yeager...... P.G.M.


Charles C. Moon, Sr...... G.M. Charles C. lvloon, Sr., Proxy ...... D.G.M. ]. R. Belflower ...... P.G.M . ]. T. 11organ ...... P.G.M.


Theodore F. Anderson ...... G.M . Claude M. (Jorden, Proxy ...... D.G.M. C. Merton \Xfinegar ...... G.P.C.W. Frank \XI. Perry ...... P.G.M. Charles Hartun9...... P .Cl .ivf. John A. Johnson ...... P.G.M \\!;i.lter D. Ochvein ...... P.G.M. Claude lvf. Gorden ...... P.G.M. Jay CJ!over Eldridge ...... P.Cl.M. Dcinald E. Haasch ...... P.G.M.

JNDJAN:\: Aaron Elliott ...... G.M . George C. Harper...... D.G.M. c;i~NERAL c;RANn couNc11. 89

Q,ven L. Shanteau...... G.P.C.\\/. Charles C. Thornas...... P.G.:t-.1. Clarence P. Souslcy ...... P.G.M. Harry 11. vc•yJ

\X!alter R. Scl1\vandt...... G.M . Richard V. Dove: ...... D.C~.l\1. \XI. R. Sclnvandt, Proxy ... .G.P.C.\XI . Ralph B. Slippy ...... P.G.M. Ross ]. Can1hlin ...... P.C;.:tvf . J. Ellitt c,rayrron ...... P.c;.11.

Jain<:s E. Collier ...... c; .l\'f . Lazarus Lo<:h, Proxy ...... D.G.M. Lazarus Lo<:b ... ..G.P.C.W. Otto R. Souders ...... P.c;.1\,1. Richard \\/. Evans ...... P.G.M. Neil l\.J. l\.fcleod...... P.G.M.

KENTUCKY: Oscar Love \\!heekr...... G.M. Oscar Love \Vhecl<:r, Proxy ...... 1).(;_:tvf. ()scar Love \\lhc:eler, Proxy...... (;.P.C.\XI. Willia1n C. Black ...... P.Cf.1.f. \XI. H. Tritt ...... P.Ci.l\L \X!iJliarn ]. Netherton ...... P.C;.1'.L


D. P<:ter Laguenr; ...... L I). Peter Laguens, Proxy...... G.P.C.\XI. C. B. Owen ...... J'.G.M. John \XI. F<:lps...... r.c;.i\1. Charles H. Burgess...... r.c;.M. ]. Luther Jordan...... P.G.M. Cluy B. c;anna\vay...... r.c;.t.1


Harold E. Pratt...... G.M. Harold \XI. Kelley ...... D.G.M. Frank 1. Bourke ...... G.P.C.\XI. 90 PROCEEDINGS OF THE

John M. Littlefield...... P.G.M. Tho1nas H. Hooper...... P.G.M. Benja1nin W. Ela ...... P.G.M. Reginald F. Berry...... P.G.M.

MARYLAND: Cyril York ...... G.M. Cyril York, Proxy...... D.G.M. Cyril York, Proxy ...... G.P.C.W. Silas Ed\vard Si1npson ...... P.G.M. Albert M. Coblentz ...... P.c;.M. George B. Wells, Jr...... P.G.M. C. Elhvood Sn1yrk...... P.G.M.


Eugene B. Ha1nilton, Proxy ...... G.M. Willia111 F. Clark, Proxy...... D.G.M. Eugene B. Ha1nilton ...... P.G.M.


Arvide R. North...... G.M. Arvide R. North, Proxy ...... ,...... D.G.M. Arvide R. North, Proxy...... , ...... G.P.C.W. Frank J. Meister ...... P.G.M. Donald D. Bouden1an...... P.G.M. Russell H. Kikstadt ...... P.G.M. Clifford A. Taylor...... P.G.M.


Emil A. Wold...... P.G.M. ]. Merritt Freen1an...... P.G.M.


Sain M. Richardson...... G.M. Willian1 B. Baker ...... ,. .. G.P.C.W. Walton S. Hootsell...... P.G.M. W. L. Holland ...... P.G.M. Tom Q. Ellis...... P.G.M. Horace L. Villee ...... P.G.M. T. Olin Gore, Jr...... P.G.M. A. M. Hyn1an...... P.G.M. GENERAL GRAND COUNCIL 91

MISSOURI: Walter ]. Bublitz ...... G.M. Richard P. Dorris, Proxy ...... D.G.M. Fred Stein ...... G.P.C.W Bruce H. Hunt...... P.G.M. Ed\vin Knudsen ... ..P.G.M. Richard P. Dorris ...... P.G.M.

MONTANA: Le\vis Prater ...... G.M. Frank Jackson ...... D.G.M . John A. Peters, Proxy...... G.P.C.W. Alvin E. Lister...... P.G.M. Sterley A. Miller ...... P.G.M . Andre\v R. Siins ...... P.G.M. Lyn1an E. Sn1ith ... ..P.G.M.

NEBRASKA: Wilfred C. Boldt, Proxy ...... GM . Wilfred C. Boldt ...... D.G.M. Charles F. Adan1s ...... G.P.C.W . Le\vis E. Smith ...... P.G.M. Robert E. Lund ...... P.G.M . Herbert T. White ...... P.G.M. Brisben J. Hofer...... P.G.M Carl R. Greisen ...... P.c;.M.

NEVADA: Oliver E. Rhoades ...... G.M . Frank J. Gorrnan ...... D.G.M. Charles A. Carlson, Jr...... P.G.M . Walter A. Sutton ...... P.G.M. William E. Fitzgerald ...... P.G.M . Willia1n T. Reid ...... P.G.M.

NEW HAMPSHIRE: Horace E. Grant, Proxy ...... G.M. Hiram W. Johnson, Proxy ...... D.G.M.

NEW JERSEY: Godfrey Pittis, Proxy ...... G.M. Godfrey Pittis ...... P.G.M. Ed\\'ard Clifton Smith ...... P.G.M. 92 PROCEEDINGS OF THE

Arnold C. Osterlund ...... P.G.M. La\vrence Beaghen ...... P.G.M.


Julius ]. Richter...... G.M. Russell G. Bird, Proxy ...... D.G.M. Herbert C. Denny ...... G.P.C.W. ()liver ]. Olin ...... P.G.M. Alvis F. Denison ...... P.G.M. Russell Cr. Bird ...... P.G.!vL

NE\X! YORK: \XI. Ray Converse ...... Cl.M . (ieorge \XI. Pratt ...... P.G.M.


Harrison Kauff1nan ...... cr.M. Clifton Taylor, Proxy ...... D.G.M. John Harvey Parker, Proxy ...... G.P.C.W. C. B. Shulenberger ...... P.G.M.

NORTH DAKOTr\: Albert G. Tverberg ...... P.G.M. Cl if ford E. Miller...... P.G.M. Walter E. Beisecker...... P.G.M.


W. King Lari1nore, Proxy ...... G.M. \V/. King Larirnore ...... D.G.M. W. King Lari1nore, Proxy ...... G.P.C.W. Carl Frederick Hansen ...... P.G.M.

OREGON: \Vilber E. Sherfy ...... G.M. Wilber E. Sherfy, Proxy ...... D.G.M . Fred H. Forster, Proxy ...... G.P.C.W. Sprague H. Carter...... P.G.M. Jacob J Legler...... P.G.M. Fred H. Forster ...... P.G.M.


Leonard C. Ripley ...... G.M. A. ]. lvL \XI anna1nker...... D.G.M. GENERAL GRAND COUNCIL 93

Henry F. Collins, Proxy ...... G .. P .. C..W .. Henry F. Collins ... ..P .. G .. M ..


Loyd R. Ballard, Loyd R. Ballard, Proxy. .... D.G.M. Elvin F. Strain, Proxy ...... G.P.C.\Xl. Earl F. Harrington ...... P.G.M. Willia1n :tvf. Sonday...... P.C~.M. Loyd R. Ballard...... P.G.!Yf.


Coy Henderson Duke, Proxy ...... G.lvi. Otway Yates...... D.G.M. Coy Henderson Duke...... G.P.C.W. G. V. Elinore...... P.G.M. Thoinas E. Doss...... P.G.lvi. E. Guy Frizell ...... P.G.1'.1. Benjarnin Tate Da\vkios ...... P.G.M. Willia in Carnpbell Lee...... P.G.M.

Lloyd N...... G .. M .. Lloyd N. Taylor, Proxy ...... D.G.lvf. Warren R. Tyler...... G.P.C.W. C. Leander Prisk...... P.G.M. George F. Meissner...... P.G.M. Harold G. Price ...... P.G.M. Frank B. Harris...... P.G.M.


Waldron C. Biggs, Proxy...... G.M. Waldron C. Biggs, Proxy ...... D.G.1-f. Waldron C. Biggs, Proxy...... G.P.C.\X/.


La\vrence A. Cooper ...... G .. M .. La,vrence A. Cooper, Proxy ...... D .. G .. M .. Gilbert L. Kaseburg ...... G .. P .. C..W .. Walter H.. Steffey ...... P .. G .. M Charles E. Boughner ...... P.G.M. 94 PROCEEDINGS OF THE

WISCONSIN: Lawrence F. Schneide\vend...... G.M. Stuart H. Paul, Proxy ...... G.P.C.W. Charles E. Inbusch...... P.G.1f. Stuart H. Paul...... P.G.M.

WYOMING: Verne W. Mokler, Proxy ...... G.M. Ho1ner E. Zorn, Proxy ...... D.G.M. John A. 1-fokler, Proxy ...... G.P.CW. Verne W. Mokler ...... P.G.M . Dana P. Van Burgh ...... P.G.M.

WESTERN CANADA: Samuel Harris, Proxy ...... G.M. James L. Innes ...... D.G.M . Sa1nuel Harris, Proxy ...... G.P.CW. Sa1nuel Harris ...... P.G.M.

SUBORDINATE COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVES CITY OF MEXICO COUNCIL No. 2, Mexico City, Mexico Alexander G. Wygard, Proxy ...... J.M. J. Orozco Montiel, ProxL...... D.M. San1uel Hershcopf, Proxy ...... P.CW. HONOLULU COUNCIL No. 1, Honolulu, Ha\\•aii Norn1an R. Davis...... I.M. ORIENTAL COUNCIL No. 1, Manila, P. I. Ray V. Denslo,v, Proxy ...... J.M. Ray V. Denslo\v, Proxy...... D.M. Ray V. Denslow, Proxy ...... P.C.W. TOKYO COUNCIL lJ. D., Tokyo, Japan Frederick F. Riley, Proxy ...... J.M. Frederick F. Riley, Proxy ...... D.M. Frederick F. Riley, Proxy ...... P.CW.

GRAND RECORDERS PRESENT AND NOT LISTED ABOVE Chester H. Newell...... California Sid F. Curtis ...... Mississippi Eliner H. Riemen...... Ne\\' Mexico Richard H. Tusant...... Oregon Bert Atwater...... Utah GENERAL GR1\ND COUNCIL 95


Tht ne\\'ly elected Most Puissant General Grand Master John Bridges Phelps, after thanking the rnernbers of the General Grand Council for their confidence, announced the Standing and Special Co1n1nittees for the ensueing Trienniun1. 1\1 ... P ... Charles E. Inbusch, Past (;tneral Grand Master, Installation Gen­ eral Grand Master--·-M. ·. P. ·. John M. Littlefield., General Grand Master, installed the General Grand Officers:

Gi:NERAL (;RAND OFFICERS JOHN BRIDGES PHELPS...... (;eneral Grand l\1aster P. 0. Box 283, Mia1ni, Florida GEO. G. VERBRYCK...... Deputy General (;rand Master 519 Park Ave., Long Beach 14, California DONALD D. BouDEMAN...... General Clrand P. C. of Work 345 Westnedge Street, Kala1nazoo, Michigan LEWIS E. SMITH ...... General Grand Treasurer 321 Trust Bldg., Lincoln, Nebraska

Ross J. CAMBL!N ...... General Grand Recorder P. 0. Box 307, Atlantic, IO\\'a

APPOINTED REV. DORSEY H. RUTTER ...... General Grand Chaplain 140 N. Palmetto Ave., Daytona Beach, Florid.a WALTON S. HOOTSELL ...... General c;rand Captain of the Guard Natchez, Mississippi J. ELI.ITT (]RAYSON...... General Grand Conductor of Council P. 0. Box 45, Cedar Falls, Iowa

LAWRENCE BEAGHEN...... General Grand Marshal 1045 Edge·wood Road, Elizabeth 3, Ne\v Jersey CLAUDE M. GoRDoN ...... General Grand Steward Kirn1nerly, Idaho

WINSTON Hll.I. WARD...... General Grand Sentinel 43 West lJnder\vood, Orlando, Florida

JOHN B. PHELPS ATTEST: Generrd G'rand iVlt1ster Ross J. CAMBLIN c;eneral c;rttnd Recorder 'C "'

" 6n ~ 8z C> ~ 0 ~

~ ~ ~

(;ENERr\L (;RAND COUNCIL OFFICERS Back Ro\v: Chas. E. Inbusch. Lawrence Beaghcn, Walton S. Hootsell. Claude !YI. Gorden, J. Ellitt Grayson. Front RO\\': Geo. G. Vcrbryck, John Bridges Phelps, Donald D. Boudcman, Lewis E. Smith.

------··-~-...... ,,. GENERAL GRAND CouNCIL 97


CRYPTIC JURISPRUDENCE M. ·. P. ·.Charles E. Inbusch ...... Wisconsin M. ·. P. ·.John M. Littlefield .. ,,Maine M, ·. P. ·.Milton L. Meyers .....Oregon M. ·. P. ·. Thon1as E. Doss ...... Tennessee M.". I.". Tom Q. Ellis ...... Mississippi M. ·. I.·.]. Luther Jordan ...... Louisiana M. ·. I.·. Hoyt McClendon ...... Alabama M. '.I.'. H. V. B. Voorhis ... ,, ...... New Jersey M. ·. P. ·.Robert Archer Woods, E1neritus ...... Indiana

FINANCE AND ACCOUNTS lvf. ·.I.·. Willia in M. Sonday ...... South Dakota M.". I.". Walter H. Steffey ...... ''Vil ashington M. ·.I.·. Clarence P. Sousley ...... Indiana M. ·.I.·. Jan1es Dav,,son Yeager ...... Florida M. ·, I.·. C. Leander Prisk ...... Utah M. ·. I.·. Claude Stalhvorth .... Alaban1a M. ·. I. . Granville V. Eln1ore . ..,, ...... Tennessee

STATE OF THE RITE AND FOREIGN CORRESPONDENCE M. ·. I.·. Henry F. Collins ...... South Carolina M. ·. I.·. Herbert T. White ...... Nebraska M. '.I.·. Walter F. Renze! ...... Wisconsin M.". I.". Fred ). Hand ...... Western Canada M. ·.I.·. Ja1nes Murray Ke1np ...... California M ... I. .. Charles D. Hi!! ...... Arkansas M. ·. I. . Ira S. Nelson ...... Nev.' Hampshire M. ·. I.·. Ira F. Ferguson ...... Nev.' York M. ·. I.·. D. Peter Laquens, Jr...... Louisiana

TOPICAL REFI:RENCE M .. I.·. Cad Hansen ...... Oklaho1na M .. I.·. Leo J. \Xlilson .... California M. ·.I.·. Willia1n J. Penn, Jr...... Georgia M. ·. I.·. Leonard C. Ripley ...... South Carolina M. ·. I.·. Sprague \XI. Carter ...... Oregon M. ·. I.·. Albe:rt Rex Buehrnan ...... Arizona i\1, ·. I.·. W. Burton Sanders ...... Indiana 98 PROCEEDINGS OF THE


NL·. I.·. \Xi'illia1n H. Cant\vell ...... l)<:Ja\vare Ivf. ·. I.·. Dorsey H. Rutter ...... Florida Ivf.'. I.'. ). A. Standifer 1,1.'. I.'. c;odfrey Pittis .... Ne\v Jersey lvf. ·.I.·. \XI. Ca1npbdl Lee ... Tenn~ssee

VISITORS R. ·. I.'. Harry W. Bundy .... Colorado R. ·. I.·. E1nitt H. Ernst ... California R. ·, I. . Russell G. Bird ...... NC\\' Mc:xico M. ·.I.·. Verne W. Mokler lvf. ·. I.·. Fred N. Forster ...... ure1pn 'f. I. M. Alex (1. \Xi'ygard

REGISTR1\TION lvf. ·. I.·. Charles H. Stubinger ..... Alab;una lv[. ·. I. . Clifford E. Miller ...... North Dakota ivL ·. I.·. Ethvard C. Peterson ...... J\Ttvada R. ·.I.'. Ralph W. Hopffgarten ...... Idaho 1L ·. I.·. Ben R. Draper ...... Montana 1'vf. ·. I.·. Guy Frizzel ...... Tcnnesste CRYPTIC ROOM EXECUTIVE (OMMITTEl! 11. ·. I.·. Echvin Knudsen ... Missouri M. ·. I.·. Robert B. Doing ...... District of Colu1nbia M.'. I.'. Herbtrt T. \Xlhite .. .. Nebraska M. ·.I.·. C. Elhvood S1nyrk .... 11aryland lvf. ·, I.·. Bruce H. Hunt ...... Miss:::iuri

AIIvfS AND PURPOSE YORK RITE COOPERATION M. ·. I.·. Bruce H. Hunt ...... Missouri M. ·. 1.·. Ja1nes H. \Xlatson ...... Ne\v York M. ·. I.·. Frederick W. Flctchtr ...... Vern1ont M. ·. I.·. John E. Chris1nan ...... District of Colu1nbi;i. lvL ·.I.·. \X'illiain J. Netherton . . .. Kentucky M. ·, I.·. Arthur 'H. Strickland ...... Kansas lvf. ·, I.·. George E. Sanders ...... JO\\'

CRYPTIC PUBLICITY M. ·.I.·. Lt<:: W. Harris .... Louisiana M. ·. I.·. Fred B. Hart1nan ...... Ne\v Mexico M. ·. I.·. Robert E. Lund ..... Nebraska M. ·.I.·. Harrison Kauff111an ...... North Carolina R. ·. I.·. \XI. K. Lariinore ... Oklahon1a ()ENERAL (JR1\ND COUNCIL 99

RrrU1\LS & 1v1oNITORS

M. ·.I.· Jan1es P. Irish ...... Iowa R. ·. I.·. Arthur B. Slocu1n ...... South Dakota M. ·. L . \XlaJter J. Bublitz ...... l\1issouri M. ·. I.·. Charles H. Pugh ...... North Carolin1 R ... I. .. Harry J. (;uy ... Florida

CH:\RTERS 1\NO DISPENSATIONS M. ·. I. . Eugene B. Ha1ni!ton ...... l\·iassachusetts M. ·.I.·. Richard \\/. Evans ...... Kansas M. ·.I.·. E. Leslie \Vebb ... 'fennessee M. ·.I. . Earle 1). \Xlebster ...... l\.1ainc M.'. I. . Charles F. Ada1ns ...... Nebraska M. ·. I.·. Cari A. Bus,vell ...... Ne\v Harnpshire 1\1. ·.I. . Ja1nes]. Johnstone ...... Kentucky i'vf. ·.I.·. John \XI. Fc:lps ...... Louisiana

CREDENTI1\LS R. ·. I. . Elvin F. Strain ...... South Dakota M.'. I Ernil A. \XloJd ...... Minnesota M. ·. I.·. Oliver B. Hall ...... Alaba1na R. ·. I. . Bert At\vater ...... lJtah l\.·f. ·.I. . Charles A. Carlson, Jr...... Nevada

To the (,"e11ertt! (;r(l!ld 1'ft1.1ter. (;e1u!utl (,"rand Officers r111d Co111/1t111ions of the (,";'11ertd (,"rr1nd CrJ1111ci! of R.O)'tl/ toul Seier/ 1'fr1s1er.r: By direction of the 1'.1. · P ·. (Jenera! ()rand Master, Co1npanion Thon1as Earl Doss; the Iron Chest, property of the General (;rand Council, has been inspected by n1c, acco1npanicd by the following Con1panions: 1\1 ... L . c;corg<: (). Linkkttcr, Pasl c;rand 11astcr, N. Y. i\1. ·. I.·. Ethvard L. Flcining, Past Grand l\1aster, N. Y. 1'.'1. . I. .. 'l'heodore 1'.J. Billings, Past (;rand l\1aster, N. ''{. 1v1. ·.I. . Edward Clifton Srnith, Past (;rand Master, N. J. R. ·.I.·. Ray Br Leinbach, ()rand Rccorck:r, N. ''{. R, . I.·. Stanley \X!. \Xlaki:::field, (lrand Captain of the Cluard, N. Y. The inspection \\'as 1nade on August 28, 1957, in the vault of the C.Jrand Lodge, F. & A. 1v1., of J'\!ew York. \Xie found the chest intact and its seals in perfect condition. It is stored in the vault of the Grand Lodge 1'.1asonic I--Iall, 7 l \\/c:st 23rd Street, Ne\\' York, N. '{. Fraternally subn1itted on behalf of the Cornrnittee.



'fhe (JerH:ral Crand Recorder stat<:d tbat the n1inutes of the T\venty-Sixth 'friennial Assen1hly \\'otdd he (aithfully transcribed, and \Vhen so transcribed, \votild he published in YolunH' fonn, and inoved that whC'.n so transcribed and published that tht·y st:in1I approved.


Please nnte that while fvloni1,1rs an: sold to anyune applying, Rituals \viii he furnished only through ( ;r:ind Recorders, excepting that Councils under the i1n1ncdiate jurisdiction ()( the c;en(:;ral CJrand Council rnay obtain the1n if ordered under seal()( tl1c (~(>uncil, at the follcnving prices, postpaid:

R. & S. Jv1. Hitu:ils, $1.00 each; S. E . .lvi. Rituals, 75c each, and l\lonitors, SJ.50 each.

Rernittanu:s sliuuld acco1npany the requisition, \\·hich ohviatr:s h:)okkeeping.


'I'hc: business of tht 'r,vcnty-Sixth Triennial 1\sseinhly of the: c;c:neral (;rand Council, having been con1pletc:d, c:xcept (or the public Installation 'fhursday Morning, ()ctobcr .·Jth, 1957, the c;encral (;rand l\·lasttr closed the c;e1H::ral (Jrand Council in an1plc forn1, with prayer. 101




JOHN BRIDGES PHELPS ...... l'vf. ·. P. · Gcncr:d (Jrand Master P. 0. Box 283, lvfia1ni, Fla. GEORGE G. VERBRYCK ...... R.. P.. Deputy (Jenera! (Jrand lv1aster 516 Professional Bldg., Long Beach, Calif.

DON1\LD D. BOUDE:M1\N ...... R. ·. P. · General ()rand P. C. W. 3.-15 \\'.festnedge St., Kalan1azoo, 11ich.

LEWIS E. SM!'rH ...... R.·. P.·. General (Jrand 'rreasurc:r 321 'frust Bldg., Lincoln, Nebr.

Ross ]. C,\:'\1BLfN ...... R. ·. P. ·. (Jenera! (;rand Recorder Box 307, Atlantic, lo\va

REV. DORSEY H. RUTTER ...... Ceneral CJ rand Chaplain l·iO N. Paln1etto Ave., Daytona Beach, Fla.

WALTON S. HooTSEI.L ...... (;encral ()rand Captain of the Guard Natchez, lvliss.

]. Er.LITT CJR.-\YSON ...... (;cncral ()rand Conductor of the Council Box ·i5, Cedar Falls, Iowa

LA\X1 RENCE BE1\GHEN ...... General ()rand Marshal l(J..!5 Edge,vood Rd., Elizabeth, N. ].

CLAUDE lv1. (JORDEN ...... General ()rand Steward Kiin1nc:rly, Idaho

\'V'INSTON HILL \'\1,\RD ...... C;eneral Clrand Stntinel .·j3 \\1. t:nder\vOO(L Orlando, Fla.

PAST (;ENERc\l. (lR:\ND j\.ft\STERS

Robert Archer \"X/oods .

Charles E. Inbusch ... ·i863 J\.T. Lake !)rive, i'viih\'aukte 11, \X1isconsin

John M. Littlefield . ..J.f5 'rurncr Street, Auburn, I\1aine

Milton L. 11eyers .... 1135 Court Street, Salen1, Oregon Tho1nas Earl Doss P. 0. Box 216, Nashville, -rennessee (;ENER1\L (JR:\ND COUNCIL 103

ALABAMA TERRY LEON BUTTS, 1--iO North 60th St., Binningharn 6, Grand 1'.1aster CHr\RLES L. CAMPBELL, 28I2-8th Street, 1\1scaloosa, Deputy Grand Master E11RYS WILLJ:\M JOHN, 6-·i9·10th Ave., \Xlest, Binningharn .-1, Grand P. C. W, CHARLES HENRY STUBINGEll, Box 98, lvfontgornery, Grand Recorder

P:\ST (}RAND 1'.·f..\STERS 1932----.. Bryce H. Carnpbe!I, Jasper, P. 0. Box 828, 1\la. 1933--Hoyt lvfcClendon, 5672-lOth Ave., South, Binninghain, Ala. 1935-··-Robert lvf. Carswell, 1207 Decatur St., Dothan, Ala. 1938-'I'. Gaines St. John, 308 So. lvfonterey St., Mobile, Ala. 19-'IO-J. McMurray Griffith, 1.-101 North 30th St., Birrnioghan1, Ala. 19,15-\X'alter F. Estes, 3··i24-13th Ave., North, Binningharn, Ala. 1946-Albert J. Savage, 110 Gleo\vood Ave., Mobile, Ala. 19.-18-·····.John Wilson, 523 Oakvie\\' Circle, Florence, Ala. 19 119-(Jeorgc H. Crook, 5320 So. 5th Terrace, Binningha1n, 1\la. 1950-Ralph W. Douglas, l··l29-:15th St., \Xfest, Binningha1n, Ala. 1951-52---Claud Stalhvorth, P. 0. Box 67.-i, Tuscaloosa, Ala. 1953-E(hvard D. Michael, 1506 Monroe St., Mobile, Ala. 1954-0scar lee Ledbetter, 227 E. 19th St., Anniston, Ala. 1955-0liver Beauregard Hall, 2000-28th St., West, Birrninghain, Ala. 1956-Jaines Matthe\v Jones, Box 933, Dothan, Ala. 1957-Charlcs H. Stubinger, P. 0. Box 98, 1'.1ontgo1ncry, Ala.

ARIZONA H1\ROLD J. FULTON, 627 W. Central, Coolidge, Ariz., Grand Master FRANK ROBERTSON, Rt. No. 1, Box '-!2, Mia1ni, Ariz., Deputy Grand Master GERALD K. DUNGAN, Box 152, Safford, Ariz., Grand P. C. \Y/. JOSEPH A. E. IVEY, Box 1·188, Tucson 8. Ariz., Grand Recorder

P1\ST GRAND lvL\STERS 1929--···Nelson Charles Bledsoe, P. 0. Box 1990, Tucson, Ariz. 1931--Fred Orrnal (Joodell, 1036 N. 6th Ave., 1"ucson, Ariz. 1932-Jarnes Ray111ond 1'.1alott, P. 0. Box 351, Glode, Ariz. 1933-Clarence Virgil Gulley, P. 0. Box 3-'.158, Phoenix, Ariz. 1938-Albert Rex Buehrnan, 50 Calle Encanto, Tucson, Ariz. 19.-10-George E. 1vfcMillan, P. 0. Box 29·4, Jeron1e, Ariz. 19:J2-Joseph A. E. Ivey, P. 0. Box l·i88, Tucson S, Ariz. i9.-1.-l-\Xlillia1n E. Hoge], C7lobe, 1\riz. I 9··15---·Gordon \XI. Hoop1nan, P. 0. Box 68 1'.1ain P. 0., San Diego, Cal. 1946-Elhvard Si1n1nons, P. 0. Box 1860, Bisbee, Ariz. 19:17--Harvey F. Tate, 2715 E. 5th St., 1·ucson, 1\riz. 19 118-C. A. Westerdahl, 1307 N. 7th St., Phoenix, Ariz. l 950-Gerald I. Craig, ·'i-19 S. l)cvereau, (Jlobe, Ariz. 104 APPENDIX TO THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE

1951·-Thoinas H. Bate, 512 W. Vernon, Phoenix, Ariz. 1952-Clark C. Ford, P. 0. Box 1168, Tucson 8, Ariz. 1953-Henry Pickens, Johnson, P. 0. Box 724, Bisbee, Ariz. 195·1-N. De\vey Marker, 3302 N. 17th Drive, Phoenix, Ariz. 1955-Earl S. S\\1enson, 307 So. Mt. Vc:rnon, Prescott, Ariz.


WILLIAM H. LAMBERT, Royal Angus Farn1, Hot Springs, Ark., Grand Master LEAHMOND \XI. WILLIAMS, Box I 05, Osceola, Ark., Deputy Grand Master ]. TROY MONROE, 1315 Pecan St., Texarkana, Ark., Grand P. C. \XI. CHARLES D. HILL, P. 0. Box 2216, Little Rock, Ark., Grand Recorder

PAST GRAND MASTERS 1925-0. E. Williams, Appleby Bldg., Fayetteville, Ark. 1928-C. Eugene Smith, 712 Scott St., Little Rock, Ark. 1929-]. D. McCloy, Monticello, Ark. 1933-Ben Q. Adan1s, 888 East Highland Ave., San Bernardino, c:aI. 1934-0scar E. Ellis, Salem, Ark. 1938-Francis J. Scully, Medical Arts Bldg., Hot Springs, Ark. 1940-W. D. Billingsley, P. 0. Box 186, Little Rock, Ark. 1941-Ernest W. St. John, Mena, Ark. 1912-H. H. Matlock, 123 Oakla\vn Blvd., Hot Springs, Ark. 1943-T. L. Blankinship, 700 South Oak St., Little Rock, Ark. 1944-J. A. Casey, Heber Springs, Ark. 19·15--J. D. McCloy, Jr., Monticello, Ark. 1946-Ray N. Boyle, Malvern, Ark. 1947-Walter C. Hickn1on, P. 0. Box 93, Little Rock, Ark. 1948-J. Miles Roberts, P. 0. Box 735, Pine Bluff, Ark. 1949-Weldon Rasberry, 519 Pulln1an St., Hot Springs, Ark. 1950-Charles D. Hill, P. 0. Box 2216, Little Rock, Ark. 1951-Earl R. Bogan, Luxora, Ark. 1952--\X'illiain F. Cochrane, 2524 Wolfe St., little Rock, Ark. 1953-Dr. Roy S. Bucy, Rector, Ark. 19Srl-Oryson V. Hopkins, 2607 West Pullen St., Pine Bluff, Ark. 1955~leslie M., Greene, P. 0. Box 350, Siloarn Springs, Ark.

CALIFORNIA HOWARD GEE, 184 "B" St., \'allejo, Cal., (7rand Master ROBERT \XI. CorrLE, SR., 50 \X'est lernon Ave., Arcadia, Cal., Deputy Grand Master EMMETT H. ERNST, 924 Noe St., San Francisco 14, Cal., Grand P. C. W, CHESTER H. NE\X'ELI., 25 \'an Ness Ave., San Francisco 2, Cal., Grand Recorder CYENER1\L GRAND COUNCIL 105

PAST GRAND 11ASTERS 1918-San1uel E. Burke, 1328 So. Hoover St., Los Angeles 6, Cal. 1933-Daniel B. Richards, 1380·7th Ave., San Francisco 22, Cal. 1935·----Clifton S. Hite, Rio Oso, Cal. 1940-Roscoe G. He\vitt, 2.-1 l·l Bonnie Brae, Santa Ana, Cal. 19'13----Fred 11. Jacobs, 2028 N. \'ennont Ave., Los Angeles 27, Cal. 19·-f·l----Alhert F. Ross, Reckling, Cal. 19---i5--Dr. c;. c;. Verbryck, 516 Professional Bldg., Long Beach, Cal. 19.-17--Jaincs' :tvfurray l(e1np, Monadnock Bldg., San Francisco 5, CaL 19.-i8-Hugh D . .tvioncur, :f.-l5·2nd SL, Yuba City, Cal. 19.-j9 ... ~Arch \V. Paliner, P. (). Box 278, Corona Del Mar, Cal. 1950-Leo]. \X'ilson, 732 So. Bronson Ave., Los Angeles 5, Cal. 1951-.. -John H. Robinson, 126 College \'\lay, Auburn, Cal. 1952-Hainilcar Sn1ith, 12503 Venice Blvd., Los Angeles 66, Cal. 1953-Joseph A. Garry, 605 Market St., San Francisco 5, Cal. 1955-]. Fred Helins, 5.-12 Santa Clara Ave., Alarneda, Cal. 1956-Robert R. Ruchti, 3623 Brayton Ave., Long Beach, Cal.

COLORADO Ro·/ E. ROCK\X'I:LL, 91.'i Carson Ave., LaJunta, Colo., Grand Master E,\:~L C. SLAYTON, 1395 Elin, Denver 20, Colo., Deputy c;rand Master MILFORD E. SHIELDS, P. 0. Box 1217, Durango, Colo., (;rand P. C. W. H.-\Rl{Y \XI. BUNDY, 300 lviasonic Ten1ple, 161•1 Welton, Denver 2, Colo., (~rand Recorder

P 1\ST GR1\ND MASTERS 1919-\Xlillian1 H. Delbridge, Jr., Greeley, Colo. 1933-Percy P. Barbour, Georgeto\vn, Colo. 1936-Charles F. Banzhaf, Jr., 300 Masonic Te1nple, Denver 2, Colo. 19.? 7-Harry E. Green, Greeley, Colo. 1939-Charles A. Shroads, 8.?'i Pine St., Trinidad, Colo. 19-'IO-Robert L. Stanley, 300 Masonic Te111ple, Denver 2, Colo. 19.-11-J. Welland Jeffers, Delta, Colo. 19.-i2-~Allen L. Ballou, 719 Rudd Ave., Canon City, Colo. 1943-Williain R. Arthur, 10.-15 University Ave., Boulder, Colo. i9.-J.-l-Benjarnin 1). \Xlillia1ns, 1713 Brin1n1er, Pueblo, Colo. 19..-i5-Tho1nas S. Cooper, :tvlanzanola, Colo. 1947-Martin Crest, 1059 Hill Ave., CJrand Junction, Colo. 19•i8-John Skoglund, Canon City, Colo. 1951·-Ernest L. c;oshen, Larnar, Colo. i953 .... Charles E. Short, Box 232, Trinidad, Colo. 1954-Clarke A. Coffin, 333·15th St., Boulder, Colo. 1955-Arthur H. Copley, 7-'i3 Beulah Ave., Pueblo, Colo. 106 1\PPENDIX TO THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE


]. HENRY McDONNELL, Shady lane Ave., RFD No. J, Dover, Cirand Master STEPHEN E. HAMILTON, 918 Franklin St., \Xlilinington, Deputy Grand Master \XltNSTON R. SHt\RPE, Clifton Park J'vfanor, \XliJn1ington, Grand P. C. W. ALFRED H. CoE, P. 0. Box ··l·i3, \X!iJinington, Grand Recorder


1926-----Harvey \Y/. Bentley, 818 f.1arket St., 'V?ilrnington, Del. 1930----Corneiius E. Beatty, P. 0. Box 1085, Raleigh, N. C. 19.?J., .. -Herrnan H. Hanson, .?.-fO N. Bradford St., Dover, Del. 1933--Clarence B. Hess, 701 \Xloodside Ave., Phillips Heights, \X'ilrnington, De!. I935·~Calvin E. Afferbach, 119 Southwick l)rive, Georg::to\vn, Del. 19.?6-Thoinas R. Saunders, 216 \XI. 27th St., \Xlilinington, l)eL 1937-.John P. Lefevre, ·'1.38 So. State St., Dover, DcL 1939-Harry \XI. Kennedy, 119 \XI. 20th St., \\'.liJn1ington, Del. 19·i0---George S. Buhl, Millsboro Laurel H'vy., 1'1illsboro, Del. 19·11·--Andrt\v J. Bock, Jr., 615 N. Broorn St., \XliJ1nington, Del. 19.-13--Wno. H. Canl\vdl, 309 Irving lJrive, \XliJinington, Del. 19·-f.·l-----Charles S. Calhoon, 225 E. 1v1arkct St., c;eorgetown, Del. 19.-1s-----Ja1nes Cars,vell, 2031 Sycarnore St., \X'iliningt;)J1, Del. 19,i9-lv1. Has\vcll Pierce, 321 S. \X'alnut St., 1-filford, Del. 1950-Waltcr L. Conaway, R. D. No. 2, Seaford, l)tl. 1951-~Gcorge E. \Tandcrgrift, Penarth Drive & Faulk Rd., \\/ilinington, Del. 1952-J. Ralph Carey, Bedford, Georgetown, l)eJ. 1953-Harry V. Holl(nvay, 10 King's High,vay, Dover, Del. 1954----Invin R. Murray, 825 E. 1'1arket St., Georgtt()\Vn, D.::l. 1955--~"Ho\vard CT. BarJo,v, 2305 \V. 18th St., \Vilrnington, l)tl. 1956---Hcnry S. 'Young, 106 Bridgt St., Elkton, Del.

DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA (;LEN L. JOHNSON, .-j5.-j6 Harrison St. NW., \Xlashington 16, Grand Master GLENN C:. RUSSELL. 10609 Bucknell l)r., Silver Springs, l\1d., Deputy (;rand 11aster C1\RL C. STUMP, JR., 7115 J\lpine St., \'?ashington 28, Grand P. C. \XI. Orro B. ROJ:PK!.i, .37 Philadelphia J\vc., T;i.korna Park 12, 1-1d., Cirand Re::corder

1923·-·0tto B. Roe::pke, 37 Philadelphia ;\ve., Takon1a Park J 2, Md. 1928--···-John \XI. Kin11nerling, Pookesville, 1'1d. 19.?2--Noblc D. Larner, East Point, RFD No. I, Onacock, \Ta. 1933···-0rit L. Beardsley, .-J020·23rd Ave., N. St. Pe::tershurg .-J, Fla. 193--1·--·John \Y/. Lainhart, J639 "\XI" St., S. E., \Xlashington 20, D. C. GENER:\L GRAND COUNCIL 107

1935-Ralph L. Hebbard, .-jJOO W. Blackthorn St., Chevy Chase 15, Md. 1936---Lucien c;. Yung, Apt. 201-280.? Nicholson St., \XI., Hyattsville, Md. 1937-Maurice L. Bre\vton, 3256 '"M'" St., N\'i(f., \Xlashington 7, D. C. 19.·!l ...... Roy A. Plyinpton, 92I-19th St., N\Xf., \Xfashington 6, D. C. 19···12-John G. Mathes, ·182-i Chevy Chase Blvd., Chevy Chase 15, Md. 19--13-John H. Eisen1an, .'.151 ...i An1herst Lane, Bethesda l·i, !Y[d. 19·'1-i-Cleorge E. U1nhau, -l8l7-36th St., N\Xf., \Xi'ashington 8, D. C. 19·15-Joe A.. Rice, Jr., c;errnantO\Vn, !Yfd. 19:16--Rayinond N. Babcock, .. j l l l-12th St., NE., Washington 17, D. C. 19·17-·--John E. Chris1nan, 2500-)lst St., NE., Washington 18, D. C. 19 .. 19·-.. -Lloyd 0. lvfiller, :1801 Connecticut 1\ve., NW., \Xlashington 8, D. C. 1950-John S. Meade, 5301 Green Way Drive, Hyattsville, Md. 1952-Theodore C. Le\vis, 3000 Tilden St., NW., Washington 8, D. C. 1953--David !YL Jones, 6713-1 .. lth St., N\XI., \Vashington 12, D. C. 195-i----Richard W. \Xlaldt, Sr., 2830 "R'" St., SE., \Xlashington 20, D. C. 1955-Robert B. Doing, 12·-13-20th St., NW., Washington 6, D. c:. 1956-\X'alter S. Pa\vl, 10-180 Po\vder Mill Road, Adelphi, !Yfd.


ED'\>:.'ARD MORRIS S"\VAGE, P. 0. Box 1025, Eustis, Fb., Grand Master Hr\RRY]. (JEY, 12·'i8 Florence \Ti1Ja Sta., \Vinter Haven, Fla., Deputy Grand Master U. V. DURDEN, l·iOO Luverne Ave., Panairia City, Fla., Grand P. C. W. Jol-!N B. PHELPS, P. 0. Box 283, Mian1i, Fla., Grand Recorder


1915-Thoinas C. Cal1nes, Plant City, Fla. 1922-Erle L. \Xfirt, Babson Park, Fla. 192•i-John Pasco, :j Rosyln Road, Richn1;)nc\, \Ta. 1925-Frank H. Thoinpson, Lakeland, Fla. 1927-Riley J. McMaster, 2911 Angeles St., Tarnpa, Fla. 1935-John B. Phelps, P. 0. Box 283, Mia1n!, Fla. 1938-Lester G. Gilbert, 923 !Yfelba St., Jacksonville 5, Fla. 19-'ll--Dorsey H. Rutter, 121-'i Ruger Place, l)aytona Beach, Fla. 19·12-Jocl A. Fite, 2 .. 153 S. W., 23rd St., !Ylia1ni, Fla. l 9·l•J- .. --R. G. Reynolds, P. 0. Box 66-t, Jacksonville 1, Fla. 19-16-Frederic 'A. Riegel, P. 0. Box :105, Sarasota, Fla. 19:f8-Ja1nes D. Yeager, 570 Hunting Lodge Drive, 11ia1ni Springs, Fla. l 950-David !Yf. Winans, P. 0. Bf)X 186, ivfonticello, Fla. 1951---.. -Sainuel E. Page, P. 0. Bex 121, \Xlinter Haven, Fla. 19:;:-i-Jan1es D. Clothvin, P. 0. Box 670, C2uincy, Fla. 195.)·· .. \Villiain J. \Xlalker, 1877 Tnu:1an Ave., Jackscnvi!!e, Fla. 195 .. ~---Roy W. Larson, -'130 N. Victoria Park R'.Xtd, Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. 1955- -\/alter I. Stevenson, 860 S\XI., 1st St., h1iaini, fla. 1956-.. -Winston H. \Xlard, :J.? \YJ. lJndcnYO~)d, Orlando, Fla. 108 Al)J>l:NDIX lO THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE


CHARLES C. lvfOON, SR., 671 Brookline St., S\Xl., Atlanta, Ga., Grand }• .{aster FERMOR R. H1\RGROVE, Milledgeville, CJa., Deputy Grand Master W. RUSH CAMP, Sylvester, Ga., Grand P. C. \XI. \XfJLJ.!1\M ]. PENN, 811 Mulberry St., lvfacon, Ga., (Jrand Recorder


1921-W. Paul Martin, Adairsville, Ga. 1930-J. G. Standifer, Blakely, Ga. 1932 .. ---C. \XI. Pidcock, Jr., lvioultrie, (Ja. 1935-Hugh W. Taylor, 872 Edge,voc)({, .Atlanta, Cra. 1936-V. 0. Ki1nsey, 13 Parker Drive, N. E., Atlanta, Ga. 1937-~Byron L. Milling, 61.-j Peters Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. 1938·-W. ]. Aldridge, Carrollton, c;a. 1939-J. D. O"·cns, 127 Hines 1'errace, 1vfacon, Cia. 19-10-J. F. Hatfidd, Moultrie, Ga. 19.-Jl---J. 0. Srnith, Bainbridge, Ga. 19-13-Lloyd C. Prichard, c/o Ad1ninistration Bldg., Alcoa, Tenn. 19·-i-J-Ray 0. Schill, Mapk:hurst Drive, Decatur, c;a. 19·-1'.>-John P. \X'eisiger, 2·i l:i Edinburgh Terrace, N. E., 1\tlanta, Ga. 19.-J6-"M. Jvl. Quattlebauin, 1913 Bull St., Savannah, (;a. J 91i7-David L. Paulk, Fitzgerald, (la. 1948-J. A . .i'vfoore, lvfilledgeville, c;a. I9··i9---C. E. P(nvers, 1328-2lst St., Cohunbus, Ga. 1950----J. R. Be!flo\ver, Tifton, (;a. 1951-J. T. Morgan, 6236 Cllenridge Drive, 1\1E., Atlanta 19, Ga. 1952-C. E. Franklin, Jvfoultric:, (Ja. 1952----.. \Xf. J. Penn, Jr., 811 Mulberry St., i\1acon, Ga. 1952-j. P. Flynn, 11.-iO Ca1npbellton Road, S. W., Atlanta, Ga. 1953--1-!arold L. \\falters, 100 Ros,vell St., i\-farietta, Ga. 195.-i-- ·Peter \Xf. Reddick, Pavo, Ga. 1955-Corliss H. E<-hvards, s.-17 Tenney Ave., Macon, Ga. 1956-·--Williaxn ]. lvfobley, .::s.-f.j Bull St., Savannah, (Ja.

IDAHO 'fHEODORE F. ANDERSON, 5_?:) J\T. Arthur St., Pocatello, Idaho, c;rand lvfaster )AMI:S A. M1I.J.ER,; 136-JOth .Ave., E., 1",vin Falls, l)eputy (;rand Master C. Mr:RTON \VJNEG:\R, 60--i E. 7th St., lvfoscc)\v, Idaho, ()rand P. C. \Y/. R1\l.PH W. HOPFFG1\RTEN, P. 0. Box 2367, Boise, Idaho, Clrand Recorder

PAST (JR1\ND M1\STERS 1936-Albert E. \Xfhite, 1328 Center 1\ve., Payette, Idaho 19.?8---D .0. Bella1ny, 905 N. 1'.1ain, c/o F. R. Bell, Pocatello, Idaho 1939-Arthur E. Hawk, 1212 Valencia \Xfay, Arcadia, Cal. 19,fO-Frank W. Perry, P. 0. Box 1326, Pocatello, Idaho GENERAL GRAND COUNCIL 109

1941----Charles Hartung, P. 0. Box 215, Payette, Idaho 19·12----Robert 1\. Parrott, J 002 Shoshone St. East, T\vin Falls, Idaho 19'"13--J. M. Milford Raeder, 315 S. Hays, Mosco\v, Idaho 1946----R. V. S'v

INDIANA AARON ELLIOTT, La,vrenceburg, Ind., ()-rand 11aster (;EORGE C. H:\R!'Ell, Frankton, Ind., Deputy Grand lvfaster 0\X1EN L. SH1\NTf1\t.:, 2009 East Broadway, Logansport, Ind., (~rand P. C. \XI. (:HARLES<:. 'fHOMAS, P. 0. Box 6, Marion, Ind., (lrand Recorder PAST (JH,\ND MASTERS 1910---Robert Archer \Xloods, c;reenfield, I(nva 1921----Charles C. 'rho1nas, P. 0. Box 6, Marion, Ind. 1927----Charlcs I--f. Brown, Rushville, Ind. 1932--Clarcncc P. S()usley, 92 Poto1nac Ave., Terre Haute, Ind. 193--i---Carl A. Ploch, 3015 N. 11eridian St., Indianapolis, Ind. 1937-Earl S. fv1cClure, 1515 N. 11th St., \lincennes, Ind. 19·40-Charles A. Lowe, La\vrencehurg, Ind. 19.-11-D. Sann1el Cade, 180 1-1aple Lane, Franklin, Ind. 19·L'>-0tto K. 'rhuerbach, Masonic Ternple, Evansville, Ind. 19-i .. f---\Xl. Burton Sanders, 610 Evergreen St., \Vest Lafayette, Ind. J9.-i5-()s"·ald P. 1-1artin, (Joshen, Ind. 19.-!6-Clinton I. \Xlasson, 202 Rose Court, 1-.funcie, Ind. 19-'18---Harry A. Stein, -108 Holiday St., lvfichigan City, Ind. 19,19----Joseph lvfanzenhergcr, !?109 "lJ" St., Bedford, Ind. 1950-----Harry lvf. Voyles, Salern, Ind. 1952~--Stanley A. ~ayn1er, 3 Clarendon Drive, Elkhart, Ind. 195.'.)----Lenis J\.f. Firestine, 5l·i0 Nanvaldo Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. 195--1-Earle 0. Prater, 1708 North 7th St., Terre Haute, Ind. 1955-1-fillard \XI. 11cConne11, 50.-1 Riley Lane, \Vest Lafayette, Ind.

IOWA \Xl:\LTER R. SCI-1\X/1\NDT, 5?112 Ovid Ave., Des i\1oines, Io\va, c;rand Jvfaster RICHARD V. l)OVE, 5.-J2 Benson Bldg., Sioux City, Ia., DePuty (Jrand Master ED\Xl1\RD A. SCHNEIDER, 9-10 Mt. Pleasant St., Dubuque, la., Grand P. C. \"XI. Ross J. C1\J\1BLIN, P. 0. Box 307, Atlantic, hnva, Grand Recorder 110 APPENDIX TO THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE


1903---·C:has. (). Cireever, San Francisco, Cal. 1915---·Chas. A. De\vey, Grand Ave., Des Moines, Iowa 1927-Ralph B. Slippy, 717 Fairview Ave., Waterloo, Iowa 1928-Rev. E. \'

KANSAS jAMr:s E. COLLIER, 1204 Central, Dcdge City, Kansas, Clrand Master R1\LPH P. BEATTY, \Xlaldo, Kansas, Deputy Grand Master LAZ1\RUS LOEB, ci05 Olive St., LeaVCO\VOrth, Kansas, Grand P. C. \Xf. ARTHUR H. STRICKLAND, 320 West 8th St., Topeka, Kansas, Clrand Recorder


1920-.---·Ben S. Paulen, 1106 Madison, Fredonia, Kansas 1923---Holn1es \Y/. Haviland, 1232 Central Ave., Kansas City, Kansas 1927-·-0tto R. Souders, 710 Sclnveiter Bldg., \'V'ichita, Kansas 1928-Arthur H. Strickland, 320 \X'. 8th St., Topeka, Kansas 1929··----Nathan B. Thon1pson, i2.-Js Clay St., Topeka, Kansas 1931-Robert I-I. Montgon1ery, Os,vego, Kansas 1932-Richard '\Y/. Evans, P. (). Box 969, Dcdge City, Kansas 1936-~Philip Eugene Stotler, Route 2, Bethel, Kansas 1937-Roy H. Closscn, P. 0. Box 33\ Coffeyville, Kansas J 938--Neil M. i'vlcleod, 2026 S. Terrace Drive, \Xlichita, Kansas 1939·-.. -Richard H. Cravtns, Box 903, Salina, Kansas 19.-10-I-Iarry York, 2"ll.-i \XI. 2nd St., Rosedale Staticn, Kansas City, Kansas 19.-12-Floyd A. Paliner, Box 1349, 'I'opeka, Kansas 1945-J. Henry Reh, P. 0. Box 65, Osa,vato1nie, Kansas 19,,16-(;eorge A. Blakeslee, 112.-j Duke St., El Paso, Ttxas 19.-Js ... -... Donald ]. Rayburn, Box 23, El Dorado, I

19.-i9---~-Glt:nn E. \Xlilliarns, Box 263, Oswego, Kansas 1951··--·Fred H. \Xlaite, .-JJ9 E. 8th St., Hutchinson, Kansas 19)2-Kenneth 1'\J. Poineroy, 1600 Collins, Topeka, Kansas 1953-·-Roy 0. Evans, 728 loula, Olathe, Kansas 195.-j_._..(;eorge F. Kerrick, 155 V2 N. Main St., Wichita, Kansas 1955---Leon J. Miller, l.?7 S. 15th St., Kansas City, Kansas 1956-Arrnand H. Bishop, .?l·i8 Bcl1nont Ave., Parsons, Kansas


()SCAR LOVE \\/J-IEELER, P. 0. Box 628, Glasg()\V, Ky., errand 11aster THOM:\S \XI 1\GERS 'l"onn, R. R. No. 3, Richrnond, Ky., Deputy Grand Master FHED \XI. S\X10PE, 1122 Colu1nhia, St., Ne,vport, Ky., Clrand P. C. \'\/. CH:\S. K. A. lvic:CJ.-\UGHEY. Richinond Rd. R-7, Lexington, Ky. Clrand H.ecordcr


191'.)--.. .,lvliles i'vl. H. l)avis, Paris 192·"1- -\Villian1 C. Black, 1509 Rich1nond Road, Lexington 1926·-···-Carl J. Crouch, 1973 Rich1nond Drive, Louisville 193 7---Forcst B. I-lea th, Corbin 193g.... -\XI. H. Tritt, 1930 \Xloodfil \Y/ay, Louisville 1939-----R. \Y./. Srnith, Jr., Irvine 19··10---C. \\!. Ho1nan, Springfield '19·12----·Frcd E. Phillips, Sr., 19 East Vernon Lane, Ft. Tho1nas 19-13---Earl L. \Xlolff, 1816 Sherwood 1\ve., Louisville 5 19·1 i-- l)r. C. E. Reddick, 2015-7th St., Bay City, 1'-1ich. i9-'i5-- --Mark Lyle, Irvine 19.-i6 --\X!n1. J. i'\'etherton, 21 l. South 5th, Louisville 19-!7- Luther C. Hufl1nan, Elizabe::thto\\'11 19.-18---F. E. Faulkner, P. 0. Box 525, Lexington 19-19-----·Fred E. Phillips, Jr., 208 La\vrence St., Cincinnati, Ohio 1950--Ray S. Stc\\"art, l901 S. Li1nestone St., Lexingtiln 1952----Jarries Tri1nble, 281·1 C~n:en Way Road, Ashland J 9':i.J----.Jan1es J. Johnstone, J\To. -!, \'\linchester Road, Irvine I 9S.i---Thon1as D. Turner, 108 Kenton St., Bro1nley, Ludl


(;(:y P_ I-luD::o:--,1 , 2-l I E. \Xlyandotte St., Shrevepqrt, La., Grand Master 1). PETER L:\Gt.:ENS, JH., l300 11. T., 3.J:f St. Char-les St., Ne\v ()rleans, La., l)cpt~ty c;rand ]\:fastcr A. L, STEPHENS, Box i50, C)akdale, La., Grand P. C. W. LEE \\/. H:\H.!US, Box -i0-1, Alexandria, La., c;rand Recorder 112 APPENDIX TO THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE

PAST GRAND MASTERS 191,i--·-David Ettinger, ·i41 Rosa Ave., Metairie, La. 1922-Hollis H. Bain, -1137 Maryland Ave., Shreveport, La. 1923-Mark D. Wentz, :JI9·6th St., Lake Charles, La. 1926--Chas. F. Ratcliff, 1779 Governn1ent St., Baton Rouge, La. 1931-George ]. Ginsberg, 728 Murray St., Alexandria, La. 1932-E

MAINE l-IAROLD E. PnxrT, Bn1ns\vick, lvfaine, Grand Master HAROLD W. KELLEY, Belfast, Maine, Deputy Grand Master FRANKL. BOURKE, Do·w Air Force Post Ex., Bangor, Maine, Grand P. C. \Y/. EARLE D. WEBSTER, Masonic Te1nple, Portland, Maine, Grand Recorder

PAST GRAND MASTERS 1927-Henry R. c;i!lis, ·1 Lo\vell St., Calais, Maine 1930-D. Saunders Patterson, Murray St., Augusta, Maine 1931--\Varren A. Nichols, Belfast, Maine 1932--··John M. Littlefield, rl32 Turner St., Auburn, Maine 1934-Arthur H. Lander, (;ardiner, l\1aine 19.?5·-John L. Sise, P. 0. Box 353, Bath, Maine 1938-David L. \Vilson, 918 \Xfashington St., Bath, Maine 19.-10-Thos. H. Hooper, Saco, Maine 19/11-Edgar R. Cornee, Bruns\vick, Maine 19.-12-Milton C. Stephenson, Wiscasset, Maine 19-15-···-Charles H. Hodgkins, 1-143 Main St., Westbrook, Maine 19·i6-Benja1nin Butler, Fannington, Maine 19:18-Earle D. Webster, .-115 Congress St., Portland, Maine 19.'j9--Ho1ncr W. Lothrop, 445 Main St., Hartford, Conn. 1950-Bcnjainin W. Ela, North Anson, Maine GENERAL GRt\ND COUNCIL 113

1951-Reginald F. Berry, Kittery Point, Maine 1952-(Jerald York, Rangeley, Maine 1953-Charles M. Durland, Ru1nford, Maine 1943-Floyd E. Anderson, 13 Brookla\vn Ave., Augusta, Maine 1955-George J. Lackedy, Bucksport, Maine 1956-Harvey A. 1\llen, Gardiner, l\.1aine

MARYLAND CYRIL H. YORK, 503 Greenbrier Drive, Silver Spring, Md., Grand Master J. CARV!L H. DESHIELDS, 2201 St. Paul St., Balti1nore 18, Md. Deputy Grand Master PGAD B. MOREHOUSE, 2005 Glenn Ross Road, Silver Spring, Grand P. C. '\£/. D. Ross VANSANT, jR., 138 Spa Vie\v Ave., Annapolis, Md., Grand Recorder

p 1\ST GRAND M1\STERS 1930-----Guy K. 11otter, 105 E. 2nd St., Frederick, Md. 1932-H. Loren Elliott, 9 Waverly Terrace, Cin1berland, Md. 1933---E. Echvard Lenz, Sunset Hill, Boyce Ave., Buston .-J, l\.1d. 193--l-Charles H. Welden, 208 A, Rodgers Forge Road, Baltiinore 12, Md. 1937-J. E(hvard Collins, 3106 Montebello 1"errace, Balti1nore lil, Md. 1938-Silas Echvard Sin1pson, Trappe, Md. 1939-Albcrt l\.L Coblentz, .-t07 Magnolia Ave., Frederick, Md. 19·10--· J. En1ory M. Carpenter, 1606 E. 29th St., Balti1nore 18, Md. 1943'- --Russell C. Urich, 629 S. Poton1ac St., Hagerst

MASSACHUSETTS FRANK HAruusON W11.soN, 27 Beverly St., Melrose 76, Mass., Grand Master ALBERT F. Fonn, 225 Melrose St., Melrose 76, Mass., Deputy Grand Master GEORGE 1{ ELLIS, 575 High St., West\vood, Mass., Grand P. C. W. \Vil.LIAM F. CLARK, 51 Boylston St., Boston 16, Mass., c;rand Recorder


1938-39· 1lO-.\"V'illiarn S. Ha1nilton, 23 Moorland Road, Willia1nsto\vn, Mass. 19.-i1----i2-.-13-Norn1an K. Wiggin, 99 Main St., Kennebunk, Maine 1953·5--i-55--··Eugene B. Ha1nilton, 1 Brae1nore Terrace, Lexington 73, Mass. 114 APPENDIX TO THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE


J\RVIDE R. NORTH, Route No. 1, Mason, i\1ich., Grand Master CHARLES D. LOGSDON, Rt. 2, Box 300, Sault Ste Marie, Deputy Grand Master R:\YMOND M. CARLSON, Harnilton Road, Box 47, Oken1os, Grand P. C. \X1. \X1r1.I.l1\M C. \XfJ-IEATON, 51 Dickinson St., SE., Grand Rapids, Grand Recorder


1922----·H<)\vard Edgar Slocuin, 109 Goodhue St., O\vosso, lvfich. 19.?···i-John E. Clark, Togue Ave. & Arnold Road, \\?ashington, R. I. 1935-···-Fred A. Young, Do,vagiac, Mich. 19.?8-\Xlrn. C. Wheaton, 51 Dickinson St., SW., c;rand Rapids, 1-fich. 19.-JJ-Hollis J. Colyer, 32 Sylvan Ave., Pleasant Ridge, Mich. 19--12--Harold P. \XliJlian1s, Rt. No. l, Otisville, fvfich. I9 .. l"3-11ark C. Carpenter, 130 N. Oakland Ave., Pasadena l, Cal. 19·'1-:l--John D. Rigg, 62 H(nvdl St., So., Hillsdale, i'vfich. 19-'(5-Russell ]. Haxnrnond, .·Js.·J3 Ardinon::, Okcrnos, Mich. 19-16---Frank ]. Meister, 1900 7th St. North, St. Petersburg, Fla. J9:l8·--·1)onovan L. Dyer, 714 Miner St., Ann Arbor, Mich. 19 .. J9-~-Willia1n E. Doran, 2001 Pierce St., Flint, Mich. 1950-··-Joe Rice, 310 W. Logan St., 1·ecun1seh, .lvfich. 1951~---Chas. H. Sinclair, 615 N . .lvfitchcll St., Cadillac, 1·1ich. 1952--Lloyd E. Knapp, 511 N. Syca1nore St., Lansing, Mich. 1953·-Donald D. Boude1nan, 3'15 \X!estnc:dge St., Kala1nazoo, .lvfich. 195 .. i--Clyde CJ. l"

l 920·--C. P. lvfontgo1ncry, 1.104 (~rand Ave., St. Paul 5, .lviinn. 192l~Siguard A. ,Rhode, 2109 East 2nd St., Duluth, 1'1inn. 1922-0scar L. Schutz, 2725 l)re\v Ave., So., Minneapolis 16, Minn. 19.11-··-lsaac F. Seeley, .1907 Montecito Ave., 1\icson, Ariz. 19)2--Walttr c;Jadson, 225 J\.T. lst Ave.,\'{/., c/o J\t"fO\Vhcad }fotel, Duluth 1938-·--Andalla 'Vl. Torrance, 502 North 13th Ave., East, l)uluth, Minn. 19·"i2--~Ray F. \\/olterstorff, 992 Minnehaha Ave., East, St. Paul 1, l\1inn. 19:1)~···-Robert lvf. Reed, .. j 14 Security Bank Bldg., Faribault, i\1inn. J9:i5-···Ernil A.. \X!oJd, ..J6:!5 Ewing Ave., So., 1'1inneapnlis 10, J\.finn. 19··i8·-Charles T. Fox, 1662 \Xlatson J\ve., St. Paul 5, l\,linn. 19·19--Neil S. Dungay, 611 East 3rd St., Northfield, Jvlinn. CJENERAL (;RAND COUNCIL 115

1950--Clarence 0. Sun<.hvall, -'tl42·24th Ave., So., Minneapolis 6, Minn. 1951-Edgar W. Johnson, .-J920·10th Ave., So., Minneapolis 17, Minn. 1952-J. Merritt Freen1nn, '-1600 Zenith Ave., So., Minneapolis 10, Minn. 1953-Win. Ho\\'ard Robinson, 8 ludlo\v Ave., St. Paul 8, Minn. 195·1···-John C. Friedrich, 626 East St., Red Wing, Minn. 1956-Carl W. Bro\vn, 1709 Jefferson St., Duluth 5B, Minn.


S1\M M. R1CH1\RDSON, P. 0. Box 572, Corinth, Miss, Grand lviaster A. B. HILTON, 2128 N. 7th Ave., Laurel, Miss., Deputy Grand Master \XIM. B. BAKER, 115 Roseland Drive, Vicksburg, Miss., Grand P. C. \'<1. Sin F. CURTIS, P. 0. Box 1030, Meridian, 1-1iss., Grand Recorder

1922--G. Waldo Batson, 2007 Ma1nie Ave., Hattiesburg, 1-1iss. 1923-Abe Meyer, Vicksburg, Miss. 1926-Robert W. Hinton, Jr., lun1berton, Miss. 193--l-Jarnes \V. \Xlillia1ns, 8·15 lvfandalay Road, Clearwater, Fla. 1938-Walton S. Hootsell, P. 0. Box 123, Natchez, Miss. 19--il-\X'. L. Holland, P. (). Box A1nory, Miss. 19:13--C. Reese Harris, P. (). Box 762, Meridan, 1-tiss. J9.-l-i-.. -Ton1 Q. Ellis, P. 0. Box 117, Jackson, Miss. 19"15--Horace 1. Villce, 112 N. 7th St., Colu1nbus, 1'1iss. 19--i6-T. (). Gore, Jr., P. 0. Box 1-17, Water Valley, 1-1iss. 1917-John T. Wilbanks, Corinth, Miss. 19·'i8-I-L L. Stun1baugh, 708 Alberta Ave., Colu1nbia, Miss. 19:19--A. 11. Hyrnan, c;reenvillc, Miss. 1950-\V. Carl Seab, P. 0. Box 623, Greenwood, Miss. 1951---Ho111cr D. Corley, 222 Yazoo Ave., Clarksdale, Iv1iss. 1952-John B. \'>Uheelis, P. 0. Box 992, Laurel, Miss. 1953-Jan1es A. Fair, Water \ 1allc:y, l\1iss. 195.-j-()1nar D. Srnith, Oxford, Miss. 195).- -Curtis E. Morphis, 217 Arbor Hill Drive, Jackson, 1v1iss. 1956-Justcn 1\-f. Jones, ,j.:jQ \V. 4th St., Hattiesburg, 11iss.

MISSOURI \Xi ALTl;:R ]. BUBLITZ, 6629 Overhill Road, Kansas City, Mo., (;rand Master \Xft\LTl'.R H. BAIRD, i619 Bass Ave., c:olu1nbia, Mo., Deputy c;rand lvfaster 1. FRED STEIN, 201 E. Arn1our Blvd., Kansas City, Mo., Grand P. C. \Xf. RAY \ 1. DENSLO\x1, P. 0. Box 529, Trenton, Mo., Grand Recorder

1933-Ralph T. Finley, An1bassador Bldg., St. Louis l, Mo. 1935-John IvL c;allatin, Chillicothe, Mo. 1936-Robert \Y/. Hedrick, Jefferson City, lvfo. I 16 APPENDIX TO THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE

1937 ----Carl P. Westerhaus, 12 Highgate Road, Clayton 2-l, Mo. 1938-\X'alter A. Higbee, Lancaster, Mo. 1941-Clyde C. Evans, Trenton, Mo. 1943-Bruce ]. Carl, Guitar Bldg., St. Joseph, 110. 1947--~Joseph D. Ste\vart, Chillicothe, Mo. 19/18-Henry C. Tho1npson, Bonne Terre, Mo. 1950-Ralph J. Brooks, c/o City Hall, Springfield, lvfo. 1951-Bruce H. Hunt, Kirksville, Mo. I 952--Ethvin Knudsen, Trenton, Mo. 195--l-Francis J. Bullivant, 7365 Pershing, lJniversity City 5, Mo. 1955-Edward E. \Xlilson, 3111 Duncan St., St. Joseph --iO, Mo. 1956-Richard P. Dorris, Jefferson City, Mo.


LE\X1IS PR1\TER, 5311h \Xftst Park, Butte, 11ont., Grand lvfaster FR,\NK ]1\CKSON, Sheridan, 11ont., l)eputy Grand Master CLYDE W. R,\MEH, 520 Fourth Ave., Havre, Mont., Grand P. C. W. \XIJLLIAM A. THAANUM, P. 0. Box 585, Helena, }.-font., (~rand Recorder


1928---Echvin Fredlund, Rt. No. 3, Box 613, JI.fount Vernon, \X'ash. 19.)1---(;eorge G. Hoole, Glendive, Mont. J935----Ste\van1 \XI. North, P. 0. Box 1516, Billings, Mont. l936-.,.Earl S. Barchvell, 2305-3rd 1\ve., N., (;reat Falls, Mont. 1937-Channell A. l\1ackenzie, Boze1nan, Mont. 1939--.. J. Sydney Carkeet, 722 \YI. c;aJena St., Butte, lvfont. 19.-fO-Percy \XI. Doles, 21.-!-··ith St., Havre, Mont. 19-'-i2-Alvin E. Lister, Box 7, \Vest Sacra1nenta, Cal. 19,13--Els\vorth E. Lyrnan, Lewisto\vn, Mont. J9.-f6---Ray1nond V. Love, Shtridan, Mont. 19-'17-Echvin Grafton, Box 1715, Helena, JI.font. l9-'i9--Sterlcy A. Miller, Box Jii21, Billings, Mont. 1950-~Alonzo E. Crun1ley, Box 197, Shelby, Jl.-font. 1951--Andre\v R. Si1ns, 3213 State St., Butte, 1-!ont. 1952-\XlilJiain Ray Kohls, Ennis, l'viont. 1953-lynian E. Srnith, 1070 Arvin Road, Billings, Mont. 195.-1-Ben R. Draper, c/o Union Bank, Hdena, Mont. l955-Frank \YI. Osborne, Box 483, Great Falls, Mont. 1956-Walter R. Flachsenhar, Forsyth, Mont.


ALFRED F. W,\LTER, 2614 N. 70th Ave., Oinaha, Nebr., Grand ?viastcr WU.FRED C. BOLDT, Box 2<16, North Platte, Nebr., Deputy errand ?vfaster CHARLI:S F. ADAMS, Box 1--19, Aurora, J\Tebr., Grand P. C. \Y/. CARL R. GREISEN, ,iOI Masonic 1'e1nple, On1aha 2, Nebr., Grand Recorder GENERAL (;RAND COUNCIL 117

PAST (;RAND MASTERS 1907-John E. Si1npson, Apt. 1, 5002 Cass, On1aha, 1\Tebr. 1913-le\vis E. Sn1ith, 321 Trust Bldg., Lincoln, Nebr. 1926-Clarence M. Davis, Ord, Nebr. 1936-Harky V. Styer, 200 S. 25th St., Lincoln, Nebr. 1938---Willian1 M. Sloan, 223 Barber Drive, Eugene, Oregon 19.?9-\Xl. Carel ton Rector, 3 l 10-19th St., Colu1nbus, Nebr. 19.-j 1--C;uy A. Brown, Geneva, i\febr. 19-'1--l-··-·Robert E. Lund, 3030-19th St., Colun1bus, Nebr. 19·15-\Xlalter R. Raecke, Central City, Nebr. 19--16-lindon S. Crain, 1639 Surnner, Lincoln, Nebr. 19.--J7--~0sborne P. Si1non, Culbertson, Nebr. 19-18-Herbert T. White, 522 Insurance Bldg., 01naha, Nebr. J 9·-19---Clarence A. Pittrnan, l 52 l-9th St., Colu1nbus, Nebr. 1950-----Edward C. Carr, 508V2 N. De\\'ey, North Platte, Nebr. 1951-Jack Watson, 3600 "R" St., Lincoln, Nebr. 1952-\Xlarren D. Lichty, .?01 Bordeaux St., Chadron, Nebr. 1953-----Charles VJ/. Reeve, 2021 North 70th, 01naha, Nebr. 1954----Carl R. ()reisen, .-101 Masonic_ Te1nple, Oinaha, Nebr. 1954-Fred Fouts, 1919-17th Ave., Central City, Nebr. 1955-----Brishen J. Hofer, Box 12, i\fcCook, Nebr.

NEVADA OLIVER E. RHOADES, 50 Me1nory Circle, Reno, Nevada, Grand 11aster FRANK J. GORMAN, 809 So. Center St., Reno, 0.,Tevada, Deputy Grand l\1aster JOHN 1. )1\l\-1ES, P. 0. Box 117, Carson City, Nevada, Clrand P. C. \XI. ED\X'ARD C. PETERSON, P. (),Box ·"i67, Carson City, Nevada, c;.rand Recorder


J 933-·--·1-1er\vyn H. Bro\vn, Box 72, \Xlinneinucca, Nevada 193,f-L. \Xf1n. Seincnza, 2:15 Vine St., Reno, Nevada 1938-~Walter S. Macpherson, Box 568, Sparks, Nevada 19.-JO·-Georgc B. Russell, 302 i\T. 1-1innesota St., Carson City, 'Nevada 19·l3·~Echvard C. Peterson, Box .-f67, Carson City, Nevada 19--15-Chas. A. Carlson, Jr., 206 E. Telegraph St., Carson City, Nevada 19.-16-Ceril \XI. Creel, 301 Century Club Grive, Reno, i\Tevada 19:17-Frank C. lc,vis, 612 California Ave., Boulder, Nevada 19·18"··--\Xlalter A. Sutton, 901 University 'ferrace, Reno, Nevada 1950-Peter J. Quilici, 775 Manor Drive, Reno, Nevada 1951-Perry \XI. Hayden, lJniversity of Nevada, Reno, Nevada 195·f-Willian1 E. Fitzgerald, Box 96/!, Las Vegas, Nevada 1955··---Williain D. Vance, Box 271, Las Vegas, Nevada 1956~.\X'iiliarn 'f. Reid, 808 Ryland St., Reno, Nevada 118 APPENDIX TO THE PROCEJODINGS OF THE


()ORDON H. B:\KER, Box 553, Eolfeboro, N. H., CJrand Master CHARLES \'XI. VARNEY, JR., P. 0. Box 1901, Rochester, N. H., Deputy Grand 11aster Ac;NE\XI G. \X/1\LKFR, 31 lJnion St., Lebanon, N. H., c;rand P. C. w. HrRAM 'V:l. JOHNSON, 3 Highland Ave., Antrin1, N. H., CJrand Recorder


1927----Rev. Arthur 1.f. Dunstan, 15 Lyndon St., Warren, R. I. 19.)5-(Jeorge L. Snelling, 88 Ash St., 11anchester, N. H. 1939-Reginald E. ()olds1nith, Brackett Road, Portsinouth, N. H. 19-10---" .. \Xfaldo S. Roundy, 125 South St., Concord, N. H. 19--13--David K. \\'.finton, 29 High St., Peterborough, N. H. J9:i5-Charles F. \Xlatennan, 610 Main St., Laconia, N. H. 19.·i6-----Ernest I-I. Jenness, 327 \Xlashington St., Dover, N. H. 19.!7-·---Arthur F. Henry, 382 North State St., Concord, N. H. i9.-1s-Chark:s H. Barnard, 875 Elin St., Manchester, J\.l. H. l 9·19-Ciordon A. Conboy, 5 Central Square, Keene, J\T. H. 1950------Chauncey C. Hodgdon, 29 Sherburne Ave., Portsrnouth, N. H. J 95 !---Ira S. Nelson, 6 Ca1npbell St., Lebanon, N. H. 1952-.. C. \'V'esley Lyons, 11 Sun1n1er SL, Rochester, N. H. 1953-Hcrbert D. Harris, RFD 2, Clare1nont, N. H. 195·1-Percy H. Bennett, 62 Stark St., Manchester, N. H. 1955----Carl A. Buswell, P. 0. Box 1173, CharlestO\vn, N. H. 1956--Charlcs H. Brackett, P. 0. Box 75, Greenland, N. H.


JESSE SCH1\EM, 1-161-l·"ith St., Lake\vood, N. ]., Grand Master Ci. NoRM1\N SCHLEINKOFEH, Church St., Atco, N. ]., Deputy Grand Master \\flLL:\llD ALTON B,\RNEY, 211 Rivervie\v Ave., North Arlington, J'\T. ]., CJrand P. C. \Y./. H1\RRY AMES PUTN1\M, 115 \Xfoodsidc Ave., Trenton 8, J\T J., CJrand Recorder

1903-I-:Iirain E. Deats, P. 0. Box 31, Flernington, N. ]. 1912-~-Albert D. Fortiner, :i9 l0 J'\Torth 1 lth St., Philadelphia .-j 1, Pa. 1913----Clodfrey Pittis, tf. D., 185 1-fyrtle Ave., Allendale, N. J. 191.-!-·--Harry Aines Putnarn, 115 \Xloodside Ave., Trenton 8, N.]. J 9 !6-J. Blair Cuthbert, lvfasonic Horne, Burlingt2n, N. ]. 1922---~Frank C. Sayrs, .?07 Che\vS Landing Road, Hadd~)nfield, N. ]. 1925--Dona!d J. Sargent, 4215 Sun:;et Drive, So., St. Petersb~ug, Fla. J927-Gt1 nnar G. c;udrnundson, 160 East Lincoln Ave., Roselle Park, N. _f. J935~~I-Iarry Jonas, Rain~)O\v Lake, RFD No. 6, Bridgeton, N. ]. ~936-----Georgc \\!ycoff Fle1ning, 6---i E. \\/ashingL·n Ave., \X!~,s'..ingt"n, N. ]. GJ:NERAI. GRAND COUNCIL 119

1937-Joel 1'heodorc Blo1nquist, 2.)2 Hennan St., Hackensack, N. ]. 1938-Williarn Henry Pangburn, Jr., 22.-1 Sun11nit Ave., Hackensack, N. ]. 1939-Joseph A. Nicholson, Spruce St., Se\vell N. J. 19.-10.~-Harold V. B. Voorhis, 100 Re1nsen St., Apt. 3-F, Brooklyn 1, N. Y. 19·11-Herschel J. Taylor, ·'118 Clainnont Road, Villanova, Pa. 19.-12---··-J. CYraha1n l\1organ, 25 Sn1ith St., Bloo1nfield, N. J. 19··13-C. Fo\vlcr Cline, Masonic Honie, Burlington, N. ]. 19.-J.-4--Robert Bright, 22-i \Xlernhley ROad, lJpper Darby, Pa. 19.--16--Ed\vard Clifton Sinith, 193 HoJJy,vood Ave., East Orange, 1'T. J. ! 9·17-·---Arnold C. Osterlund, 39 Vil!agc Road, Sea C;irt, N. ]. 1950-Charles \Xli]son Jackson, 8:12 Chestnit St., Arlington, I_\,,T_ ]. 1951--Frederick H. Stigale, Jr., 205 Bank Ave., Riverton, N. ]. 1952~-0rarn Ethvard Henry, 221 \Xlest lvfagnolia Ave., \Xlildwood, N. J. 1953-- · \XlilJiarn D. 1'aylor, 18 Sn(nvden Place, Red Bank, N. ]. 195·-i-~Jack 1\rno!d, Sr., -17 Irving Place, Red Bank, N. ]. 1955·---Lawrencc Beaghc:n, ICH5 Edge,vood Road, Elizabeth 3, N. J. l956-l\1ilo E. Bassett, Jr., P. 0. Box 531, Pleasantville, J\T. J.

NEW MEXICO JULIUS J. RICHTER, P. 0. Box 122.-j, Albuquerque, N. M., c;rand Master J. CARTER c;ooDLOE, P. ().Box _)01, Las Cruces, N.1-1., l)tputy CJrand Masttr 1-iERBERT C. DENNY, 700 S ...,Jth St., c;allup, N. l\1., c;rand P. C. w. ELMER H. RIEMEN, P. (). Box 6719, Ros\vcll, N. lvf., errand Recorder

PAST GR1\ND l\'ft\STERS 19·-19-0livcr ]. Olin, 3220 \'\/ihvay l)rive, Albuquerque, N. l\L 1950-Alvis F. Denison, 127 S. 8th St., Albuguc:rquc, N. l\,1. 1951-Frcd B. Ha1t1nan, P. 0. Box 22/l, lvicsilla Park, N. l\1. 1952-CJ;ester A. Floyd, P. 0. Box 375, (Jallup, N. lvf. 195.?-Russdl CJ. Bird, 212 N. l\1issouri, Ros,vcll, N. l\'1. 195-'i-\XlaJtcr B. Norris, 122 LJartrnouth Drive, Albuquc:rquc, N. lvf. 1955·~.Joseph \XI. Taylor, Rt. No. 2, Box 69, Las Cruces, N. l\-f. 1956-John C. Kost, Jr., J.-105 N. Penn St., Ros\\'cll, N. l\f.

NEW YORK THEODORE l\f. B1r:1.1NGS, .]77 l\Iar!borough Road, Brooklyn 26, ()rand lvfastcr \Y/. R:\Y CONVERSE, Palinyra, Deputy CJ.rand l\1astcr ED\X1ARD S. c;oon, 1-16-3-i 32nd Ave., Flushing, Grand P. C. \XI. R1\Y 13. LE!NB1\Cl-l, 725 ;\rg/le Road, Brooklyn 30, c;rand Recorder


1911~-··-lvlartin Q. c;ood, 2809 Avenue "K", Brooklyn, N. Y. 1925---,(Jeorgc R. He111en\Yay, 606-610 Hulett Bldg., El1nira, N. Y. 1927-Georgc 0. Linklctter, 81 Rc1nington Road, l\Janhasset, L. I., N. Y. 120 APPI\NDIX TO THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE

1936--Rayrnond E. \Xlestbury, 361 West lake Road, Geneso, N. Y. 19-'iO-Chester D. Cro\vell, 138 Har\vood Ave., Syracuse, N. Y. 19··13-\Xlalter M. Hartn1an, 16 To\vley Dr., Burnt Hills, N. Y., P. 0. Box 224 19·1·'.1-Georgc S. Wyrnan, l··-17 Overlook St., Mount Vernon, N. Y. 19:15--Eugene B. Sanford, 95 State St., Albany, N. Y. 1947·----Ira R. Ferguson, 155 Cleveland Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. 1948-Harold c;ardncr J)obson, Brockport, N. Y. 19·19-Gcorge ''\//. Pratt, Corning, N. l:'. 1951-Jaines G. Purdy, 225 Broad\vay, N. Y. 1952·-··-Ho,vard 1. A.

NORTH CAROLINA H1\RRJSON KAUFFMr\N, P. 0. Box 3:j.J, Raleigh, N. C., Grand iVfaster NATHANIEL STEPHJ:N FISHER, P. 0. Box ·-180, Charlotte, N. C., Deputy Grand Master JOHN S1\MlJEL BENNER, P. 0. Box 23, Washington, N. C., C·rand P. C. W. JOHN HARVEY P.-\RKER, P. 0. Box 792, New Bern, N. C., (;rand Recorder

P:\ST CTR:\ND J\1r\STERS 1932·-Wilbur L. Pridgen, Durhan1, N. C. 19.)5-Kennon \XI. Parha1n, 3312 Lake Boone Trail, Box 10133, Raleigh, N.C. 1939-Julius S. Stearns, Box 228, 11onroe, N. C. 19 ..~0-·-Andrc,vs S. 1-felvin, Box 1129, Gastonia, N. C. 19:41-C. B. Shulenberger, Box 5386, State Col. Station, Raleigh, N. C. 19:13-Arthur S. Chesson, Box 12:15, \Xlilson, N. C. 19•14-Wilson W. Hopkins, 2012 Wa Wa Ave., Durhan1, N. C. 19:17-D. Ernest Bulluck, Box 1084, Rocky Mount, N. C. J9.·i8-Tho1nas 0. Kepley, :122 11itchell Ave., Salisbury, N C. 1949-Ross E. Shurnaker, Box 5.4,15, Raleigh, N. C. 1950-Luther T. Hartsell, Jr., Box 1062, Concord, N. C. 1951-Charles H. Pugh, Box 527, c;astonia, N. C. 1952--\X'illiain I. Gause, Box 74 .. l, l'.Ye\v Bern, N. C. 1953-Thon1as G. Slate, Box 713, Fayetteville, N. C. 1954-C. B. Ho'saflook, Box 189, Rt. 8, CJrove Park, Charlotte, N. C. 19ss----Willia1n H. Elder, 2-il3 Club Blvd., Durhan1, N. C. 1956-Roscoe M. Wynn, 707 North Road, St. Elizabeth City, N. C.


HUGH R. PUTNAM, 7851/2 So. 2nd St., Carrington, Grand Master JOSEPH A. JAMESON, West Fargo, Deputy Grand Master HARLEY R. KINGSBURY, C-rafton, (;rand P. C. W. CLIFFORD E. MILLER, Box 1269, Fargo, Cirand Recorder (;ENERAL (;RAND COUNCIL 121

PAST GRAND MASTERS 1918-Walter H. Murfin, P. 0. Box 1104, Fargo 1924-Richard E. Wenzel, Apt. 6, 2407-15th St., NW., Washington, D. C. 1930-Ralph L. Miller, 154·1-4th Ave., So. Fargo 1931-\Xlillis L. Dickey, Ne\v Salen1 1935--Albert G. Tverberg, Grafton 1936-Gustav A. Huss, 800-4th St., NW., Minot 1937-Vine D. Lord, Cando 1938-Ernil G. Bloedow, Edgeley 1941-Harold Kiley, Carrington 1912-Fred H. Goldstone, Grafton 1944-Donald M. Paul, Renville, Minn. 194 5-0le A. Braseth, 1021-6th St., Bisn1arck 1946-Dr. Olafur W. Johnson, Rugby 1947-Clarence C. McDonald, 607 S. l·ith, Fargo 19<18-Roscoe H. Shennan, State Capitol, Bismarck 1949-Clifford E. Miller, 1213-llth Ave., N. Fargo 1950-Hernian E. Fo,vler, 205-,ith Ave., NW., Mandan 1951-Dr. Chas. C. Rand, Grafton 1952-Walter E. Beisecker, 1123-Sth St., N. Fargo 1953-Cleveland A. Arn1strong, 13 Roxy Bldg., Fargo 1954-George H. Dunhan1, Ne\v Rockford 1955-Lt. Col. Ja1nes F. Uliner, Fraine Barracks, Bis1narck 1956-Cale Dickey, Ne\v Salen1

OKLAHOMA FERRELL B. MORROW, P. 0. Box 651, Hobart, Okla., Grand Master W. KING LARIMORE, 1924 NW., 20th St., Okla. City, Deputy Grand Master CHESTER M. CO\X1EN, 1315 So. 19th St., Chickasha, Grand P. C. W. ]AMES A. LATHIM, 121 So. 6th St., Muskogee, Grand Recorder

P1\ST GRAND MASTERS 1918-Charles W. Tedro\ve, Wood\vard, ()kla. 1920-Charles E. Creager, P. 0. Box 663, Muskogee, Okla. 1931-Layton S. Chilcutt, Fayetteville, Ark. J 934-Leslie H. ,S\van, Ten1ple, Oklahorna City, Okla. 1935-· .... Edv,rard M. Washington, P. 0. Box 3161, Capitol ()ffice Bldg., Oklaho1na City, Okla. 1937-\Xlilbur P. Lee, Ada, Okla. 1939-Richard E. Ne\vhouse, 102.-1 S. Quincy, Tulsa, Okla. 1940-Walter M. Rainey, Atoka, Okla. 19·-12- .Hay\vard H. Skaggs, Medford, Okla. 1943-Wni. C. Allison, McAlester, Okla. 1945-Seth L. Mapes, P. 0. Box 28 .. 1, Norrnan, Okla. 1946-Glen B. Young, 315 Nat'! Bank of Tulsa Bldg., Tulsa, Okla. 122 1\PPEND!X TO THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE

19.47--\X'ayne Wheelock, 32.) S. Francis, Ada, Okla. J9.·i9-W1n. H. Po\vell, P. 0. Box 15, Bethany, Okla. 1951-Albcrt E. Anderson, Sec'y of State Office, Oklahorria City, Okla. l 952-·"--Fridtiof lvf. Lurnbard, P. 0. Box 652, Muskogee, Okla. 1953-Robert H. Jelley, 600-·i J\.T. \XI., 59th St., Oklaho1na City, Okla. 195·1--Carl F. Hansen, P. (). Box 63, Hugo, Okla. 1955-George G. Duff, .-121 North Osage, Ponca City, Okla. 1956 .. -Dr. Austin R. Stough, Medical Arts Bldg., 1-1cA!ester, Okla.


\\!JLBUR E. SHERFY, P. 0. Box .-.f.l7, Bend, Oregon, (;rand lvfaster LLOYD K. McRAE, Helix, Oregon, Deputy Grand Master VHRNON 1\. 'fuRPIN, P. 0. Box 1266, Medford, Oregon, (Jrand P. C. \XI. R1CH:\RD H. TUSANT, 1119 S\Xl. Park Ave., Portland 5, Grand Recorder

p AST (JRAND l\.{ASTERS 1912-Sarnuel R. 1-1osher, 1995 Harris St., Eugene 1912-Milton L. Meyers, 11.?5 Court St., Salen1 1918-Frank M. Patterson, 7932 S. E. Recd College Place, Portland 2 192.J------Olaf A. Olson, JJ:J3 Wall;i.ce Road, Sale1n 1928-E


LEON1\RD C. RIPLEY, 23 1-1oore Drive, West\vood, Charleston, Grand Master A. J.M. W:\NNAMAKER, Orangeburg, Deputy (;rand M


J 921 -- -John D. Le::·, Su inter 1929-M. Lan1ar Srnith, Laurens 1937-\Xf. Robin Zcn1p, Caindcn 1950-.,,.._r. (). Cartrette, Con\\·ay 1953-Henry F. Collins, 901 Palr11c:tto St;cte Life Bldg., Colun1bia 195.·l- .vcJvc:r E. Bentley, l(eltcn 1955·-· -Sann1cl Aiken, Rt. No. 3, Box 261, c;reenvillc 1956-Ben T. Jones, lvfarion


CH:\RLES J. K1RKP1\TJUCK, P. 0. Box 25, Pierre, (}rand lvfaster ARTHUR E. SLOCUM, i\1itchell, Deputy Grand i\1astcr SIDNEY C. Voo!lHESS, P. 0. Box .-j 18, Sturgis, Grand P. C. \V. ELVIN F. STR1\!N, P. 0. Box :168, Sioux falls, Grand Recorder


1921- -11c:rrill E. c;uinter, 1609 S. Norton Ave., Sioux Falls 1922--- (;corge \Y/. \Xlclls, Spencer 1923-\Xli1Jian1 H. Tweedle, .--1325 S. E. -lith Ave., Portland 6, ()regcn 1927----Carl I-I. Kublc:r, l)c:ac\\vood 19?10-----()Je Spi!hun, Brookings 193--1-----Roger K. Hurnphreys, Lead 19.15---Roger S. Brown, Siot1x Falls J 936-M. E. Crockett, Sisseton 1937-Harry B. Reynolds, 'ferraville 1939-\'erl A. Holton, Huron 19:13-George 0. Quale, Huron 19.-J.-f~--Edward K. 1'1ather, l\-fitclicll 19.f6---Philo H. Schultz, Pierre 19-iS------\XliJlard 1-:l. Jordan, Peterson, IG\va 19.-19 ... -Earl F. Harrington, Redfield J 950-\X'illiain 1-f. Sonday, Aberdeen l 951---Haycs J\1. Isenberg, Pierre: 1952 ···Philip l)yer, 211 E. I-lill, Lead 195.1--- Loyd R. B'allard, Hot Springs 195·i--Frank Pratt, CJ-roton 1955 ... -A1nerigo Rairnondi, 311 S. Le\vis, Sioux F.:>lls


EUGENE LESLIE \X'EBB. )IL, 709 Jones Ave., J\faryville, ()rand J\1aster ()T\X1 1\Y YATES, Sclrner, Tenn., Dc-pL:ty Grand l\1aster Coy I-IENDERSON l)UKE, P. (). Box 216, Nashville 2, ()rand P. C. \\!. THOMAS E. Doss, P. 0. Box 216, Nashville 2, Grand Recorder 124 APPENDIX TO l'HE PROCEEDINGS OF THE

1903-Rodney Blake, c:u1nbc.:rland City 1915·-J. Leonard \Xlood, 7 Grand Ave., Atlantic Highland, N. ]. 1923-··-Robert "V?. Parha1n, 1666 Clallo\vay J\ve., Mernphis 1925·-l. l\.1. SeSaussure, ...J Brookhaven Drive, Atlanta, Cla. 1928--·-·-J. C. Long, Parsons 1930--R. \T. Hope, 410 Country (]ub Drive, Burlington, N. C. 193.:.-Hoiner B. Clarke, State Banking Dcpartn1ent, Nashville 1936"-B. Hunter Jackson, l 3 l-1 Marshall St., 'fupclo, lvfiss. 19)8-(;, V. Elinon:, Apt. £\2, Woodn1ont Terrace, Nashville 19.?9·---Luther R. Ault, P. 0. Box 982, Johnson City 19-lO-.John Ivi. Cohen, P. 0. Box -1028, St. Petersburg, Fla. 19-il---Curric F. 'faylor, 3919 Ca1nbridge Ave., Nashville 19-13-Gcorgc F. Brookh


LLO'r"D N. l"'AYLOR, 1528 Lake St., Ogden, l.ftah, Clrand l\-1aster JACK R1c1-L\RDS, Price, l.!tah, l)eputy ()rand i\1aster \'\fARHJ:N R. 'fYtER, .j:j() E. 3rd, S., Salt Lake City 2, (;rand P. C. \Xi. BERT AT\'•?:\TER, 650 East South Ten1ple, Salt Lake:: City 2, Clrand Recorder

1932 .. -Harry F. c:annon, 32 \Xi. Center St., Provo 193.?-\Xiiliiain \Xi. Rager, 737 E. 9th St., Salt Lake City 193:J ... ~J. \Xfarren Beless, 725 2nd Ave., Salt lake City 1935---"Harry F. Invin, l-'197 Oak St., Apt. 18, Oakland 12, Cal. 1937--E

19-'15-Paul B. Pickering, 2288 \X'indsor St., Salt Lake City 19-16---E. H. Bingha1n, 2318 Kensington Ave., Salt Lake City 19-17·····-Fred E. Ray, 70 South 2nd, West, Provo 19··19-·C. Leander Prisk, 2066 Yale Ave., Salt Lake City 5 1950----Cleorge F. l'vfeissner, Jci92 26th St., Ogden "1951--\Xlesl<:y C. Pickens, 917 27th St., ()gden 1952-Ro!.H:rt E. Kiinberlin, 80-'f Ne,vhouse Bldg., Salt Lake City 1953-··-Harold (J. Price, 1270 East Crystal 1\ve., Salt Lake City 6 195.·i-·-··\Xlarrcn E. Flcet,vood, 1460 So. l-'lth, East, Salt Lake City 1955----Alan E. (Joodcll, 1632 26th St., Ogden 1956-Frank B. Harris, 159 1st Ave., Salt Lake City 3


(JF.ORGE E. (:t_:}l1.1>1INGS, 33 Clough Ave., \'V'indsor, Vt., (/rand Nfaster CYRUS A. l'vfETCALF, 3 Court Square, lvfiddlc:bury, \Tt., Deputy (Jrand },{aster \\?J;LLAND s. HORN, Brandon, \Tt., c;rand P. C. \XI. AARON H. ClROUT, P. 0. Box 715, Burlington, \'t., CJ.rand Recorder


1915-·~Dana S. Browntll, 91 iVfain St., Springfield 1917··--Dr:ane S. Bliss, 6.?·l \Xfashington St., Holliston, 1Jass. 1920--1\aron H. c;rout, P. (). Box 715, Burlington 1921·--Fred H. Spaulding, 3 Ehn St., Springfield 1926--Christie B. Crowell, P. 0. Box, San<.hvich, lvfass. 1930---Frank \\!. Corliss, 2 l 5 Sun11ner St., Springfield 19.?.?-John 0. Baxendale, 172 Cliff St., Burlington 1938---Ed\\·ard \XI. Curtis, P. (). Box 226, Rutland 1939····-Harlcy Ivf. \\latkins, 53 Catherine St., Burlington 19-!2--·"\Xlalter F. Chap1nan, 13 0,To. i\Liin St., Rutland 19-17·-J. Harold Stacey, P. (). Box 23, \\/indsor 19--18·-Alfred E. Bishop, P. 0. Box 156, Beebe Plain l9·f9 .. ---Charlcs A. Von Bruns, J.'.16 East Ave., Burlington '1950·-·-·J. \Xlcsley .i\furdock, P. 0. Box 3·l8, 1'1iddlebury 1951-···-Waltcr H. \X!hit1nan, 1\Torth Bennington i95:i~--.(Jeorge C. Bishop, 62 Elrn St., Springfield 1955-Allen lvf. Cline, 28 \\leubridg<:: St., 1·1iddlebury 1956--Frederick \XI. Flc:tcher, Brandon


LA\XrRENCE A. (OO!'ER, 909 \Xlinchell 1\ve., Vancouver, \X'ash., (Jrand fl.{aster LE\xrrs J. KELIHER, 22·i So. "I"' St., 1·aco1na 5, \\lash., Deputy Grand lvfastc:r GILBERT L. KASEBURY, 2010 N. Lafayette, Bre1nerton, \Xfash., CJ.rand P. C. 'XI. GEo. W. CHRISTENSEN, 3039 15th 1\ve., 'XI., Seattle 99, \Xfash., Grand Recorder 126 APPENDIX TO TllE PRO:EEDINGS OF THE

1919·----Jacob H. 11illcr, \'(lcnatchee, \\lash. 19?12-~Fred Matlhies, Poincroy, \\lash. 19·11----\Xlalter H. Steffey, .-f.?38 lJniversity \\lay, Seattle 5, \\/as:1. 19·12-\Xlarren J. (;i!bcrt, hlt. Vernon. \\lash. 19-13 .. --Alberl P. Ryan, 315 East 10th St., Vancouver, \\lash. l9·l5-(;eo. \XI. Christensen, .?039 15th Ave., \\!., Seattle 99, \\lash. 19·46-Virgil E. Davin, P. 0. Box 163, \\lalJa \\/alla, \'\!ash. 19--17-\Xlillis 'ralbott, P. 0. Box 582, Rayrnend, \X1ash. 19·18-Guy S. Rose, 171 J Rainer, Everett, \Xlash. 19.·J9-Carl L. $\vanson, 2712 North 12th St., Tacon1a 6, \X'ash. 1950-Jahner P. \\!iren, .-1503 South !.?6th St., Seattle 88, \Xlash. 1951-John D. Pistono, 215 So. 16th Ave., Yakin1a, \Xlash. 1952 .. -Lcc ]. Ada1nson, P. 0. Box 617, Be!linghain, \\lash. 1953----Everctt S. \\'.foolcock, 130-! Yaki1na St., Pasco, \Xfash. 195.-J--... Francis E. Peck, J:J05 So. 21st, Yaki1na, \'\lash. 1955-Charles E. Boughner, 2136 1-Hh St., Ciiehalis, \\:'.lash. 1956-.. --Earl N. Gadbois, 611 \\/.Crockett St., Statt1e 99, \\lash.

D. BRAND WATT, 1.-162 W. 11th Ave., Vancouver, B. C., c;rand f.1aster ]:\MES L. INNES, 3·i36 6th St., \Xlest, Calgary, Deputy c;rand Master ]r\MES C. ALLEN, :l89 Stradbrookc Ave., \Xlinnipeg, (~rand P. C. \XI. f.1ELVIN f.1. DO\VNEY, 1 l(Vi3 90th Ave., Ed1n;~nL~n, c;:·and Recorder

PAST c;n,\ND i\1:\STEHS

1938· --lvfelvin lvf. Downey, 110-'13 90th Ave., Edn1~)nton, Canada 1938 ·-·-J R. Yorke, 9 Linden lvfanor, Regina, Sask., Can::.da 1939-F. J. Hand, 1717 28th 1\ve., \\lcst, Calgary, Alta, Canada 19,13- -·John Francis Hughes, 133 Cainpbe!l St., \Xlinnipcg, 1..fanitoha J 9-17 San1uel Harris, High Prairie, Alta, Canada 19.-Js-C. \'


\XfALTJ:R F. RENZEL. 7721 N. Links \Xlay. lvfilwaukee 1 l, (;rand Master LA\VIUONCE F. SCHNEIDE\X-'END, 63··1 Detroit St., Shtb(>ygan Falls, Deputy Grand i\1aster ST:\NLEY B. CROSL1\ND, 817 Bushnell St., Beloit, Grand P. C. \XI. \XI ARD A. RO\'\IBOTTOM, 259 E. \XI ells St., 11ihvaukee 2, (;rand Recorder GENERt\L Gll1\ND COUNCii. 127

PAST (JR,\ND M:\STERS 1913-Fred Phelps, c/o Oak\vood Manor, (Jrand Rapids 3 1919--Edinond T. Stafford, 1312 To\ver Ave., Superior 192,1-John B. l"ingley, 818 J.'.,T. \Xlashington St., \Xlheaton, Ill. 1929-0rrin H. Larrabee, 117 J\.T. Bridge St., Chippe,va Falls 1935--Ray A. Mennan, .?··!7 N. Lincoln Ave., Pocatello, Idaho 1936-Charles E. Inbusch, .·f863 N. Lake Drive, Mihvaukce l l 1937··-Lafay E. Drake, 16151/2 Phillips Ave., Racine 1938-Williarn l"harp, 2210 lst J\ve., San Bernardino, Cal. 1939-\Xlalter F. Hennan, 1113 I\T. l,'ith St., Superior 19 ..fO-Paul 1·. Case, Fort Atkinson 1941-Rayn1ond E. Porter, 2223 S. 8th St., Sheboygan 1942-Chester V. Nass, 938 Fair Oaks, Oak Park, Ill. 19,13-·-\Villiarn F. Lan1bert, 117 E. To\vnsend St., Mihvaukee 7 194,1---Tiinothy P. King, 110 Buchanan St., Green Bay 1945-Rufus F. \\/ells, 121 \XI. Main St., Madison .? 1947·--Joseph B. \Xlhecler, :105 Leinira St., Waukesha 19·18---(;eorge H. Luber, 928 S. 31st St., Mihvaukee 15 J 9:\9~····0scar L. Anderson, 613 Pine St., l\1an itowoe 1951--Einer M. Olson, 508 12th Ave., East, Superior 1952-"-·-Fred Clitheroe, 7917 :j 1st Ave., Kenosha 1953-Stuart H. Paul, 12(Jii Coluinbus Circle, Janesville I95·i-Willian1 \XI, Burns, 10 Breese Terrace, l\1adison 1955--Willian1]. Kutter, 3002 N. 57th St., Mihvaukee


HARRY E. CRU~1P, 505 Thunnond, S!;eridan, Wyo., Clrand Master ALFRED R. CORSBERG, P. 0. Box 5, Lara1nic, Wyo., Deputy Grand Master R. DE\VEY 1·uRNER, 918 W. Walnut St., Ra\vlins, Wyo., C7rand P. C. \XI. ED\X1 ARD]. TREGLO\X1 N, Box 1311, Capser, Wyo., Grand Recorder

p t\ST GRAND M1\STERS 19-52--Verne \XI. l\1okler, P. 0. Box I, Casper, Wyo. 1953-Lc\vis]. Holliday, Holliday Bldg., Lararnie, Wyo. 195--1--Dana P. Van Burgh, P. 0. Box 1330, Casper, Wyo. 1955-0ra W. Hdins, P. 0. Box 231, Sheridan, \Xlyo. 1956·-L. \ 1irgil Abbott, 183 So. :ith St., Lander, \\'.Iyo. 128 APPENDIX TO THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE


GRAND COUNCIL GRAND RECORDER ADD RI: SS Alabama ...... Charles H. Stubinger ...... Box 98, Montgon1ery Arizona...... Joseph A. E. Ivey ...... Box t:i88, Tucson Arkansas ...... Charles D. Hill ...... Box 2216, Little Rock California ...... Chester H. Ne\vell...... 25 Van Ness Ave., San Francisco Colorado ...... Harry W. Bundy...... Masonic Ten1ple, Denver 2 Delaware ...... Alfred H. Coe...... Box 4-13, Wiln1ington Dist. of Colu1nbia ...... Otto B. Roepke ...... 37 Philadelphia Ave., Takon1a Park 12 Florida ...... John B. Phelps ...... Box 283, Mian1i Georgia ...... W. J. Penn, Jr...... 811 Mulberry, Macon Idaho...... Ralph W. Hopffgarten ...... Box 2367, Boise Indiana ...... Charles C. Tho1nas ...... Box 6, Marion Iowa ...... Ross J. Ca1nblin ...... Box 307, Atlantic Kansas ...... Arthur H. Strickland ...... 320 W. 8th St., Topeka Kentucky ...... Chas. K. A. McGaughey ...... Ricl1n1ond Rd.~Rt. 7, Lexington Louisiana ...... Lee \Y/. Harris ...... Box ·104, Alexandria Maine...... Earle D. \X!ebster ...... Masonic Ten1ple, Portland Maryland ...... D. Ross Vansant, Jr ...... 138 Spa Vie\v Ave., Annapolis Massachusetts ...... \XliJlian1 F. Clark ...... 51 Boylston St., Boston 16 Michigan ...... Win. C. Wheaton ...... 51 Dickinson, SE., Grand Rapids 7 Minnesota ...... John H. Anderson ...... Masonic Te1nple, St. Paul 2 Mississippi ...... Sid F. Curtis ...... Box 1030, Meridian Missouri ...... Ray V. Densh)\V ...... Box 529, Trenton Montana ...... Willian1 A. Thaanun1 ...... Box 585, Helena J\.Tebraska ...... Carl R. Greisen ...... :101 Masonic Ten1ple, 01naha 2 Nevada ...... Ed\v. C. Peterson ...... Box -167, Carson City Ne\v Hampshire ...... Hira1n W. Johnson ...... 3 Highland Ave., Antrim GENTIRAL GRAND (OUNCIL 129

Ne\v Jersey ...... Harry Arnes Putnarn ...... 115 Woodside Ave., Trenton 8 Ne'v Mexico ...... Eliner H. Rie1neri ...... Box 6719, Ros\vell "J\.Te\v York...... Ray B. Leinbach ...... 725 Argyle Rr., Brooklyn 30 North Carolina ...... John Harvey Parker ...... Box 792, Ne\v Bern J\Torth Dakota ...... Clifford E. Miller ...... Box 1269, Fargo Oklaho1na ...... Jarnes A. Lathi1n ...... 121 So. 6th St., Muskogee Oregon ...... Richard H. 1\isant...... 1119 S. 'VV. Park Ave., Portland 5 South Carolina ...... Harry F. Collins...... Palinetto State Life Bldg., Columbia South Dakota ...... Elvin F. Strain...... Box 468, Sioux Falls Tennessee...... 1"ho111as Earl Doss...... Box 216, Nashville Utah...... Bert At\vater ...... 6.50 E. S. Te1nple, Salt Lake City 2 Vern1ont...... Aaron H. Grout...... Box 715, Burlington \Xfashington ...... (;eo. W. Christensen ...... 3039 15th Ave. W., Seattle 99 \Xfestern Canada ...... M. M. Do\vney ...... 11043 90th Ave., Ed1nonton \Xlyo1ning...... Ed\V. ]. 'freglo\V!L...... Box 1311, Casper Wisconsin ...... Ward A. Ro,vbottonL ...... 259 East Wells St., Mihvaukee 2

NON-PARTICIPATING GRAND COUNCILS Connecticut...... , ...... 1. D. Drescher...... Box 575, Baltic Illinois...... E. Ray1nond Kelley ...... 1512 Latharn St., Rockford Pennsylvania ...... Arthur C. Ward ...... Box 166, Ard1nore Rhode Island ...... Chas. 0. Davis ... . 3540 Pa\vtucket Ave., Riverside 15 Ohio ...... Roscoe R. \XI alcutt ...... 1605·8 East Broad, Colu1nbus 15 1·exas ...... Frank Oldhan1 ...... Box 296, Waco Eastern Canada...... Reginald V. Harris ...... Box 522, Halifax, N. S. Ontario...... Wn1. K. Herd ...... 27 Langdon Ave., 1"oronto 9 Scotland ...... W. A. Laird ...... 76 Queen Street, Edinburg ~ ~ ASSEMBLIES OF GENERAL GRAND COUNCIL SINCE ITS ORGANIZATION 0 AND OFFICERS ELECTED -·- --=====-...... =::::::_-=:------= YRS. WHEN HELD WHERE HELD GENERAL GRAND MASTERS DEPlTTY GI~NERAL GRAND MASTERS 1880 Aug. 25-28 Detroit, Mich. *Johiah H. Drummond Portland, Me. *George M. Osgoodby Buffalo, N. Y. 1883 Aug. 14 Denver, Colo. *George M. Osgoodby Buffalo, N. Y. *George J. Pinckard New Orleans, La. 1886 Sept. 28-29 Washington, D. C. *George J. Pinckard New· Orleans, La. *George W. Cooley Minneapolis, Minn. :;­ 1889 Nov. 19-20 Atlanta, Ga. *George W. Cooley Minneapolis, Minn. *Orestes A. B. Senter Columbus, 0. ~ 1891 July 21-22 Minneapolis, Minn. *Orestes A. B. Senter Columbus, 0. *John W. Coburn New York, N. Y. z 1894 Aug. 21-22 Topeka, Kan. *John W. Coburn New York, N. Y. *Bradford Nichol Nashville, T'enn. 0 1897 Oct. 11-12 Baltimore, Md. *Bradford Nichol Nashville, Tenn. *William H. Mayo St. Louis, Mo. x 1900 Sept. 24-25 Cincinnati, 0. ~ *William H. Mayo St. Louis, Mo. *And rev.' P. Sv.·anstroin St. Paul, Minn. 0 1903 Oct. 5-6 Little Rock, Ark. *Andrev.· P. S"\vanstrom St. Paul, Minn. *Henry C. Larabee Baltimore, Md. ~ 1906 June 18 Boston, Mass. *Henry C. Larabee Baltimore, Md. *Grafton M. Acklin Toledo, 0. ~ 1909 Nov. 8-9 Savannah, Ga. *Grafton M. Acklin Toledo, 0. *John Albert Blake Boston, Mass. :-:'l 1912 Sept. 9-11 Indianapolis, Ind. 'i'John Albert Blake Boston, Mass. *Edward W.Wellington Ellsworth, Kan. .,, 1915 Aug. 28-31 San Francisco, Cal. *Edv.·ard W. Wellington Ellsv,.·orth, Kan. *George A. Ne\vell Medina, N. Y. g 1918 Sept. 30-0ct. 1 Baltimore, Md. *George A. Ne\vell Medina, N. Y. *Fay Hempstead Little Rock, Ark. t':'j 1921 Sept. 26-27 Asheville, N. C. *Fay Hempstead Little Rock, Ark. *Bert S. Lee Springfield, Mo. m 1924 Sept. 8-9 Portland, Me. *Bert S. Lee Springfield, Mo. *Oliver Frank Hart Columbia, S. C. "z 1927 Sept. 26-27 Denver, Colo. *Oliver Frank Hart Columbia, S. C. *Warren S. Seipp Baltimore, Md. ~ 1930 Aug. 25-26 Tacoma, Wash. *Walter L. Stock,.vell Fargo, N. D. Robt. A. Woods Princeton, Ind. " 0 1933 Oct. 9-10 Washington, D. C. *Robert A. Woods Princeton, Ind. *Nelson Williams Hamilton, 0. ~

1936 Oct. 5-7 St. Louis, Mo. *Nelson Williams Hamiltcin, 0. ~Charles H. Johnson Ne\v York, N. Y. ~ 1939 Oct., 23-24 Charleston, S. C. *Chas. H. Johnson New York, N. Y. *Roy G. Webb Spencer, Io\va ~ 1942 Aug. 24-25 Salt Lake City, Utah *W. Frank Wells Atlanta, Ga. Chas. E. Inbusch Mi!v.·aukee, Wis. :-"1 1946 Sept. 2-3 Winnipeg. Man. Chas. E. Inbusch Mihvaukee, Wis. John M. Littlefield Auburn, Me. 1948 Oct. 4-5 Ne'v York, N. Y. John M. Littlefield Auburn, Me. Milton L. Meyers Salem, Ore. 1951 Oct. 1-2 Little Rock, Ark. Milton L. Meyers Salem, Ore. Thomas Earl Doss Nashville, Tenn. 1954 Oct. 4 Asheville, N. C. Thomas Earl Doss N'ashville, Tenn. John B. Phelps Miami, Fla. 1957 Sept. 1-0ct. 1 Sun Valley, Tdaho John Bridges Phelps Miami, Fla. George G. Verbryck_____ ------·--· Long ------·-··----- Beach, Cal. ··---~-==-- ···---·~.:.=..:.o==.:-·=-=·:'.:'.'.'.:=···;;_;.:..:..:..:.=--.=c=-:::.:--:=::....::;;_--:;::-~=-- ______::_~--··------.. --~·- *Deceased. OFFICERS OF GENERAL GRAND COUNCIL SINCE ITS ORGANIZATION

--····-· -··--~-~ YRS. GENER~L GRAND PRINCIPAL CONDUCTORS !1-·-----GENEHAJ, GRAKD TRE~SURERS 1----G~~.~"RAI. GRAKD Rgco~~~~-~ 1880 *George J. Pinckard New Orleans, La. *Orestes A. B. Senter Columbus, 0. *George W. Cooley Minneapolis, Minn. 1883 *George W. Cooley Minneapolis, Minn. *Orestes A. B. Senter Columbus, 0. *Benjamin F. Haller Memphis, Tenn. 1886 *Orestes A. B. Senter Columbus, 0. *Frank H. Beacom Montpelier, Vt. *Henry W. Mordhurst Fort Wayne, Ind. 1889 *John W. Coburn New York, N. Y. *Frank H. Beacom Montpelier, Vt. *Henry W. Mordhurst Fort Wayne, Ind. 1891 *Bradford Nichol Nashville, Tenn. *Charles H. Heaton Montpelier, Vt. *Henry W. Mordhurst Fort Wayne, Ind. 1894 *William Abram Love Atlanta, Ga. *Charles H. Heaton Montpelier, Vt. *Henry W. Mordhurst Fort Wayne, Ind. 1897 *Seranus Bo>ven Boston, Mass. *Charles H. Heaton Montpelier, Vt. *Henry W. Mordhurst Fort Wayne, Ind. 1900 *Henry C. Larabee Baltimore, Md. *Charles H. Heaton Montpelier, Vt. *Henry W. Mordhurst Fort Wayne, Ind. 0 1903 Grafton M. Acklin Toledo, 0. *Charles H. Heaton Montpelier, Vt. *Henry·w. Mordhurst Fort Wayne, Ind. z~ 1906 *John Albert Blake Boston, Mass. *Charles H. Heaton Montpelier, Vt. !*Henry W. Mordhurst Fort Wayne, Ind. ~ 1909 *EdwardW. Wellington Ells>vorth, Kan. "'Thomas E. Shears Denver, Colo. *Henry W. Mordhurst Fort Wayne, Ind. ,.."'> 1912 *George A. Newell Medina, N. Y. *Thomas E. Shears Denver, Colo. "'Henry W. Mordhurst Fort Wayne, Ind. 1915 *William F. Cleveland Harlan, Iowa *Thomas E. Shears Denver, Colo. *Henry W. 11ordhurst Fort Wayne, Ind. 0 1918 *Joseph C. Greenfield Atlanta, Ga. "'Thomas E. Shears Denver, Colo. *Henry W. 11ordhurst Fort Wayne, Ind. :z:"' 1921 *Oliver Frank Hart Columbia, S. C. "'Charles N. Fo>vler Salina, Kan. "'Henry W. Mordhurst Fort Wayne, Ind. 0 1924 *Warren S. Seipp Baltimore, Md. *Charles N. Fovder Salina, Kan. *Henry W. Mordhurst Fort Wayne, Ind. 1927 *Walter L. Stockwell Fargo, N. D. *Charles N. Fo>vler Salina, Kan. *Henry W. 11ordhurst Fort vv·ayne, Ind. S' 1930 *Nelson Williams Hamilton, 0. *Charles N. Fowler Salina, Kan. *O. Frank Hart Columbia, S. C. cz 1933 *Arthur D. Prince Boston, Mass. *Charles N. Fo>vler Salina, Kan. *0. Frank Hart Columbia, S. C. () 1936 *Roy G. Webb Spencer, Iov.ra *Charles N. Fo'\vler Salina, Kan. *O. Frank Hart Columbia, S. C. 1939 *W. Frank Wells Atlanta, Ga. *Charles N. Fowler Salina, Kan. *O. Frank Hart Columbia, S. C. 1942 *Hanson Peterson Cynthiana, Ky. Le'>vis E. Smith Omaha, Nebr. *0. Frank Hart Columbia, S. C. " 1946 *Robert B. Stoltz Columbus, 0. Lev;ris E. Smith Lincoln, Nebr. *0. Frank Hart Columbia, S. C. 1948 Thomas Earl Doss Nashville, Tenn. Le'\vis E. Smith Lincoln, Nebr. *0. Frank Hart Columbia, S. C. 1951 John B. Phelps Miami, Fla. Levvis E. Smith Lincoln, Nebr. Ross J. Camblin Atlantic, Iowa 1954 G. G. Verbryck Long Beach, Calif. Le'0.ris E. Smith Lincoln, Nebr. Ross J. Camblin Atlantic, Iowa 1957 Donald E. Boudeman Kalama.zoo, Mich. Le>vis E. Smith Lincoln, Nebr. Ross J. Camblin Atlantic, Iowa

--· ···~-·· "'Deceased. NOTE: John D., Columbia. S. C .. General Grand Recorder. November 19, 1928, to Aug:ust 26, 1930, to fill unexpired term of Henry Vi.'. Mordhurst. ~ Henry F. Collins, Columbia. S. C., General Grand Recorder, Novembe1· 29, 1950, to October 2. 1951, to fill out unexpired term of 0. Frank Hart. ~ ~ OFFICERS OF GENERAL GRAND COUNCIL SINCE ITS ORGANIZATION N

------o=:·=,::===--.----··· ---=.==----·~ YRS. GENERAL GRAND CAPTAINS OF GUARD GENERAL GRAND CONDUCTORS OF COUNCIL I' GENERAL GRAND MARSHALS ,___ "~.-.. ------· ·------1880 *Wm. D. Wadsworth Montgomery, Ala. *Charles R. Armstrong Eastman, Ga. i*Ed\\tard P. Burnham Saco, Me. 1883 *Robert Van Valzah Terre Haute, Ind. *John Haigh Somerville, Mass. I*Henry Sayre Orme Los Angeles, Cal. 1886 *John W. Coburn NeW York, N. Y. "'Henry Sayre Orme Los Angeles, Cal. I *George L. McCahan Baltimore, Md. > 1889 *Henry Sayre Orme Los Angeles, Cal. *Bradford Nichol Nashville, Tenn. i *William Abram Love Atlanta, Ga. -e 1891 *William Abram Love Atlanta, Ga. *William H. Mayo St. Louis, Mo. ! *Robert H. Baker Minneapolis, Minn. ~ 1894 *William H. Mayo St. Louis, Mo. *Seranus Bowen Boston, Mass. i *George D. McBride Gallipolis, 0. ~ 1897 * Andre>v P. Swanstrom Minneapolis, Minn. *Henry C. Larabee Baltimore, Md. [*Grafton M. Acklin Toledo, 0. ~ 1900 *Grafton M. Acklin Toledo, 0. *John Albert Blake Boston, Mass. I "'Edward W. Wellington Ellsworth, Kan. 1903 *John Albert Blake Boston, Mass. *Edv,rard W. Wellington Ellsworth, Kan. I*George A. Ne'\\·ell 11.edina, N. Y. 0 1906 *Ed>v. W. Wellington Ellsworth, Kan. *George A. Newell Medina, N. Y. :*William F. Cleveland Harlan, Io\va .., 1909 *George A. Ne>vell Medina, N. Y. *William F. Cleveland Harlan, Io>va *Fay Hempstead Little Rock, Ark. 1912 *William F. Cleveland Harlan, Io>va *Fay Hempstead Little Rock, Ark. l, *Joseph C. Greenfield Atlanta, Ga. ".,,~ 1915 *Fay Hempstead Little Rock, Ark. *Joseph C. Greenfield Atlanta, Ga. J *Bert S. Lee Springfield, Mo. 1918 *Bert S. Lee Springfield, Mo. *Oliver Frank Hart Columbia, S. C. ; *William H. L. Odell Boston. Mass. "'0 1921 *Warren S. Seipp Baltimore, Md. *Wallace C. Keith Brockton, Mass. I*Walter L. Stock\vcll Fargo, N. D. "~ ~ 1924 *Wallace C. Keith Brockton, Mass. *Walter L. Stock>vell Fargo, N. D. Robert A. Woods Princeton, Ind. 0 1927 Robert A. Woods Princeton, Ind. *Nelson Williams Hamilton, Ohio *Arthur D. Prince Lowell, Mass. z I co 1930 *Arthur D. Prince Lo>vell, Mass. *Bert D. Ashbrook El Reno, Okla. 1*Chas. H. Johnson Albany, N. Y. ~ 1933 *Bert D. Ashbrook El Reno, Okla. *Chas. H. Johnson Ne\v York, N. Y. *Roy G. Webb Spencer, Io,va 0 1936 *W. Frank Wells Atlanta, Ga. *Walter F. Meier Seattle, Wash. l Chas. E. Inbusch Mihvaukee, Wis. ~ 1939 *Walter F. Meier Seattle, Wash. Chas. E. Inbusch Mihvaukee, Wis. *Hanson Peterson Cynthiana, Ky. -~ 1942 John M. Littlefield Auburn, Maine *Robert B. Stoltz Columbus. Ohio *Frank D. Burns Denver, Colo. :-:1 1946 Milton L. Meyers Salem, Ore. Ross J. Camblin Atlantic, Iowa *John B. Phelps Miami, Fla. 1948 John D. Rigg Hillsdale, Mich. J. Harold Stacey Windsor, Vt. I G. G. Verbryck Long Beach, Cal. 1951 W. D. Billingsley Little Rock, Ark. Lee W. Harris Alexandria, La. I *J. T. Forsyth Seattle, Wash. 1954 Sam Harris Alberta Clarence B. Shulenberger Raleigh, N. C. I C. Elhvood Smyrk Baltimore, Md. 1957 Walton S. Hootsell Natchez, Miss. J. Ellitt Grayson Cedar Falls, Iowa I La\\rrence Beaghcn Elizabeth, N. J. =:::.:=--~-===o:-".:.0~:.._--=:.=.,-::::-.==:=...-:::::;;;;:;;:-==:::...... _"_'-,:;:;-:;-,=-:::;;:::------..0::_ __.,, :-.":'.'.=:.:-:~c.-·-, .. ,::... :::.~-::.·c:::::.::c· -----::.=' ""-· --~ .. ·--"' otDeceased. OFFICERS OF GENERAL GRAND COUNCIL SINCE ITS ORGANIZATION

------="'---_.::=~.::::=--=---====:::,·::------···----==-----:·=-==--=-- --··-:-_---::·::;:::: ·.==:-~--==-=-c::::;:::::::::;--- ·--.-.. =--=---- -::::::~.=.. ;:.=.:._~2----···--- GENERAL GRAND STEWARDS I GENERAL GRAND CHAPLAINS II GJo:Nl~RAL GRAND SENTINELS ------·····-··------"--""·-·--- _._.______---··------1800 *AL D. McConaughby Springfield, Mo. : 1883 *George L. McCahan Columbia, S. C. l*John R. Parson St. Louis, Mo. I 1886 *Bradford Nichol Baltimore, Md. *Claudius B. Smith Washington, D. C. *Joseph S. McCoy Washington, D. C. 1889 *William H. Mayo Princeton, Ind. . *Joseph S. Murrow Atoka, Ind. Ter. 1 *Jay D. Ed¥.·ards Atlanta, Ga. 1891 *William B. Lawrence Hamilton, 0. >'Robert W. Hill Muskogee, Ind. Ter. i*Richard Lackey Minneapolis, Minn. 1894 *AndrewP.S-..vanstrom El Reno, Okla. 1 *Samuel E. Busser Emporia, Kan. !*Spencer P. Wade Topeka, Kan. 1897 >tell Atlanta, Ga. *John W. Chamberlin Tiffin, 0. *Nelson Williams Hamilton, 0. Z 1903 *William F. Cleveland Cynthiana, Ky. l*Fay Hempstead Little Rock, Ark. *George Thornburgh Little Rock, Ark. ~ 1906 *Fay Hempstead Auburn, Me. *E. Perry Bush Boston, Mass. i*John T. Kimball Boston, Mass. > 1909 *Joseph C. Greenfield Atchison, Kan. )*Charles E. Strong Savannah, Ga. l*Thomas Robins Savannah, Ga. r 1912 *Bert S. Lee Baltimore, Md. JI San1uel L. Shirley LaGrange, Ind. George A. N"e\vhouse Ne\v Albany, Ind. ~ 1915 *Oliver Frank Hart Nashville, Tenn. *James B. Merritt Oakland, Cal. '/*George W. Perkins San Francisco, Cal.> 1918 *Warren S. Seipp St. Louis, Mo. ! Henry Branch Baltimore, Md. William T. Geddes Baltimore, Md. ~ 1921 Robert A. Woods Medford, Mass. )*Charles C. Woods St. Louis, Mo. /*E. Rovdand Hampton Asheville, N. C. () 1924 *Nelson Williams Minneapolis, Minn. Ashley A. Smith Bangor, Maine *Alden H. Willis Portland, Maine O 1927 *Bert D. Ashbrook Columbia, S. C. Marshall H. Dean Denver, Colo. Wm. H. Delbridge. Jr. Denver, Colo. 1 § 1930 *Roy G. Webb Medina, N. Y. I *George T. Harmon Sumter, S. C. John M. Arntson Tacoma, Wash. (') 1933 "'W. Frank Wells Harlan, Io•va j John C. Palmer Washington, D. C. Castleman P. Boss Washington, D. C. t= 193 *Hanson Peterson Little Rock, Ark. j' Harold L. ~eader WebsterGroves,Mo. August Kron, Sr. St. Louis, Mo. 1939 John M. Littlefield Atlanta, Ga. Henry Collins Ch

-· Grand Counci_I I M. I. Gnind Master Deputy Grand Master I Grand Principal Conductor of \York 1 ~iff£;~~~~~~~~~~=====~~~1iJfi1n :yZf1~f;~;:~:::::::~~~~~~~~=: ¥.:~t:::~~fiJ1~f=~~~=~::::==~:==:~: ~Ji~~~}:fJ~:.~~ s.-.------Colorado ______Clarke A. Coffin ______Arthur H. CopleY------Harvey B. Anderton De!aware______IIrwin R. MurraY------Howard G. Barlow ______Henry S. Young District of Columbia ______Richard W. Waldt ______Robert B. Doinii:------1\Villiam C. Dowden > Florid~------Roy Walter Lai;son------\Val!('!' Irvin Stevenson ______1 \V!n~ton Hill ~ Ward Georg:la ______Peter W. Reddick ______Corliss H. Edwards------Wilham J. J\tobl<.'y Idaho ______C!aude M. Gorden ______Jay Glover Elddd_ge ______Donald Haasch "'z~ 0 ~~~n-~-:_-:_-:_-:_-:_-:_-_·~::_-:_-:_-_-:_-:_-:_-:_-_-:_~ ~:~~-~e H. p~~d~;.;;~======~:~~~d P:v ir~h~~~-~~I~======I~:'j~~1- J<~'.k~~hwandt "x 1 Louisiana~:~~~kY======-:.======______ih~~~sGordon C.ri. Woods------1;.~::'.·~~~======M.{Vi~Ua~· M. Carradine~:·~~l~~~t======______IGuy~::::nfo~· B. Gannawi1y ~~;c~~r 0 Sg~~E~;~'.~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~:'_;~~:t~?J;l~~~~~::::~~=~~~~~~~~: ~~~~1~~~~~~~~~;~::~~~~:::~~~~:~~::: ,~;,~;;~~A~;~;;;------~ 1 S!f ~1~~~i~~==:~:~:::~:::::~ ?E~~.~!·)~;~ii~W~;;~======~i~~~~~E:. ~z,;JJJ;;~======~:Iti~~l l{:: ~~}~is ~ 0 ~Zb1:~;k~----_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-=Nevada______William~~::;, ~';0~~~~~~======E. Fit7;geraid ______\Vi!!iam~~\~~:ll\V.i. D. fl~~~~~======Vance ______:if;.~~\William I~- T.\~~~~~dy Reid Z2 ~~~: i1c~~~-~~i~~======ri~·~y A~~o!~~ns~:~======, 2:~~~re~~~nBe~t~~~~l~======~~~-I~~- 1ri~s~~~~~kJ~-~ Sl New Mexico ______.Joseph V•/. Tnylor ______iJohn C. Kost, Jr·------.Julius J. Richter 0 New York------Edward I~. Fleming ______l.James H. Watson ______Theodore M, Billing:s North C}11·01ina ______Glaude B. Hosaflook ______William H. Eld<•l'------, Roscoe McDowell Wynn "'_,

~ l~~~Jj}~~~--}~~~{J~;~:~i:f~1l~~o~:'.'.----:~~-'.'.- __ ~l[~~:i~\1~J:{!~j'm"'_'. __ ~'.'.--~'.:'._·l~~j~J~:~;r~·''''" ~f~ft ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_1~~:~:~~~;~~~~~~~~~I~~m~~=~~~=~J1:~;,~:~,~~~J~rn~~~~~~~~m=;lli~i!:J~~;:·~, GRAND COUNCIL OFFICERS-1955

----.. --··------~- Grand Cou.ncil l____ !'.,'1.:_~~'.:.::'-~ ... Maste; ------i-.------Dcn~~~~-rand--·M;s~------·i=~~-'.1-(l·· p;.!~-~-~'.:~~~~nJ-:;~~~~--~~-~-~-~ ~~~li~~t~~1f~J~~~Jt~f~~~l~~~;~f':mm=-m~ml~Cf~;~~t1~~~~~-~~::~~::=mm1~~:~~\jr~l~~~::·m, Di,tdot of ______IRobe•·t B. Doioe------. W"lte>· S. Paw'------10,leon L .•Job°'on -t-~~~£,~~~f~Ic~~~Sl~~~i~c~~~-- 1 S~f· ( Jl~itl~~1~1~1l~~~1~:1l~i~~j~i~f-:l--~ i~1~~~'.~" ...... i New Mexico______.John C. Kost, Jr·------Julius J. Richter------.J. Carter Goodloe ' New York ______.James H. Watson ______Theodore M. Billings ______Frank L. Gosnell North Carollna ______William H. Elder______Roseoe McDowell Wynn ______Hanison Kauffnmn North Dakot<'L------Lt. Col. James F. Ulmer ______Cale DickeY------Hug-h R. Putnam Oklahoma ______George G. Duff______Austin R. Stough------Ferrell B. J\1orrow 01·egon ______Jacob J. Legler------Fred H. Forster------Lloyd Kenneth McRae South Carolina ______Samuel Aiken ______Ben T . .Tones ______Leonard C. Ripley South Dakota------Amerii::-o Raimondi______. Charles J. Kirkp;ttdck ______Arthur E. Slocum

~~~!~~~~~~~~~;:~=~~ ~~~11~id~~%~~~~;i~~~~:~~~~~~~~~~~ 1f ~r :;B:~:~~i£~~~;:~~::~=~~~~~::=~~ ~&~;~r~ii~:::· J • · Wisconsin ______------· ------1------__ ------..... Wyoming______Ora W. Helms ______,IL. Virgil Abbott------· Ha\T) E. Crump '-"' .. - _.__ ...... --- -·--· ·- '-" GRAND COUNCIL OFFICERS-co',( ~ .-.-:::=--=::...-:::::==-"'.::.~:::.:::: ··-·--· - --:=-=--==-----== "' Grand C-Oun~~~-----_\Terry Le~:~~r~~~-~-:~~~~------_\chnrle~ ~e~::~~:~l~:_:~~~,~------·--~~-p~;;,;>, 2J C:1 ~.;,~ctor of \York

> :00 ;; z x"

~ 0 i .,,H "g g; "z "~ New Mexic0------1.J 1{frus- J. IiiChtE>r------i,J. c;1rier Goodloe ______; Herbert C. Denny $

~ 1~~~;~11>-=~fil~,~11~~~1~-~1~~$f~;; "H ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1~~1~~ff~-~~lE~;~;-~~~;;:~;,~~=;·~--~~0;;~~~ cr~:~~~:~~~~~~~~~===~~~====~--i~\~;f~~~-d~· ~I~~i:~~~~~~=~: SUMMARY GRAND COUNCILS RETURNS-1954 T. --·~----·---·-··---·- ----·------·------·-----,--·

• ~. ! • - I ~

C>n~nd Councils Hel I E l s ::: z: a i 8 I ~ ~--~,-- ~" .: ··I5 ~..... ~-. 1· J5" 1 0' i50 I ,S' I A0 I ~• -A]abama::-:·::-~~~~~~::-'.Yfd~t~ome~:y:~:=::-~~~~--~~~-:-~ -,~;:,' "' .~-~·-····-:.;··1 '=:-i:tt1-~,: -'-~t~~6· r- -w---~51- --ul_--;-.. 2f6=----::--;Ji3'G- 105 20 :) 0 i 128 : O 12 ! I(; 12 0 50 l,O:i(I 2J9 14 26 1 I 2fi(I I 0 ;.,_7 14 i 47 I i JK9 3,i"i36 1s:J 212 21 o I I.016 I Ill 143 291 I 1;i7 o i 6ii6 ~l.S41 §f:1f f~~t~~~~~~~~~~~J g~~~~,~~~~~::~~i :1:u ~:m 12:l 7 6 1 i 131 l 50 22 7,i 0 1 146 . 2,!!82 Dclaw;u·e ______i Wilmington ______; 1-20 240 21 () 0 0 I 21 : () 4 i 1 \) 0 ' 14 I 247 Dist. of Columbia____ ! Washing-ton ______[ 3-6 1,84(; 66 4 :i o 73 I o 5. (; :J!l ;;:; o 128 1.791 611 M\ 20 0 67ll I 80 :)2 7J 0 1K6 4,630 1 97:> :n :i:i o 1 1,045 o ir;11 64 :-.Ii o ;;os , s.658 () {)\) ;j 3 0 I 7;:, ; 0 46 4 21 0 71 I 888 :,-: ~~:g~==~~=-~=-~=-=-=~==1! ri11g~~~;,~~~~~~~-~~ Jl~ ,::m 5(;9 31 21 0 621 I () 194 171 :)()l 0 6G9 . 16,167 z 35!1 l•I 16 I 390 i J 7,5 1 74 !)7 I) 247 i i"i,928 ~ 6;.2 22 I 675 i I 11\t I 41 .Sli ];) 260 I 7,070 :,o I > :)f)9 l:l I i::; 0 ! 33;, 0 78 I 4(; .'Vi () .81 t ».044 "r fi£t~f~~~-~=~::::~~~~I Igff{71~~~=~~~=~=~~=1 ,~~(;, i;m :H!l 32 21 0 ' 372 () 72 ;j7 ;J:3 () 112 I 3.043 () Maim.'------· Portlan4 I 33 84 .-i 2 5 • 6,037 ;,90 231 57 O i 670 O l."i8 i 68 144 n :l7o 1 8,54!1 107 5 4 o l tJ6 o 16 :rn 27 o 79 1 1.715 S'c 21'7 5 :J2; o. 324 1 98 18 !19 oj 2161 :3il96 z 41 2 o I o , 4:3 [ o 3 i 2 6 o I 11 l 309 Q :rn 2 i :3 I o 1 44 1 o 2 · 14 5,, o · 11 1 l.5s4 r 10 ;; I 4 i o i i!l o 16 13 5.1 i 84 , t.73; ~j~I~1~~h"i~~t~Ji~~~ff--f!!!~>!! 'tI ;:({{ I.'5!) 2 I o , o i lfiS , o 17 I 3 8 o . 28 . l.221 New York ______IN. Y. CitY------! 8-:rn 6.8:;2 :~1~ !4 I 9 I 0 i ~36 I 14 44 I ~t6 JS~ 0 ! ;J~S l ~·S?') North Carolina ______Oxford------!_ 5-4 3,489 .:.82 ::iO I 41 I 431 a16 ! 0 66 1 61 41:> 0 1,2 i ,3 8.:l3 66 JO 2 . I 7!) 0 10 I 14 14 0 + 38 I 8'W 446 fJ8 i 77 I 0 i 621 r 0 89 71 I 90 I 0 ! 25:! ! 4 mn 196 2;:; I 8 ·. o : 22!1 i 16 I 74 ! 17 i 451 B , 160 l 2.6S7 Sollth8fi~~~~~~~-~-=~~-~~=-=:_=-=-~1 Carol inn ______Clemson------·\r~;~.~~£;======1 ~=~~:J-8 i:g~~3,Sfi!) 496 2T> ; 4G I 0 ! :,(;7 2 ! 89 :J!I 1 47 0 I 177 4.24!1 Sotith D;ikota ______.I Huron ______. 11-8 1,30:) 132 1 1 .1 ! o r 137 o 10 . 1 1 21 o · 44 1 1,396 T(•nncssee______Nashville ______! 3-22 6.604 7.'!0 278 11 0 j 1.069 I 14D ! ;320 i 61 I 0 I 531 : 7,142 Utnh ______,Sa!t Lake CitY------! .'5-12 890 57 4 ! 4 I 2 67 I 0 4 ! 6 17 I 3 I 30 l 927 102 I 1 I 41 0 107 j 0 . 23 13 I 34 I 0 I 70 1,3.'53 ~(~~?~~;;======! g1~~~f;~~--~------~---:=-~_-.\ t~ 9 ~:;i~ 13;, i 2 ' 8 0 ; 14.') ' 0 I 91 I 33 I so I 1 ! 17.'5 ! 2,742 \Vestcrn C~tnada ______ICalg~u·y ______· 5-12 7.57 131 39 1 ; 0 I 171 0 I 7 I 32 I 17 0 I 56 ~I 872 Wisco~sin ______Ja.ncsvi!Jc ______I 9-18 6,732 :J06 63 I 7 i 0 L :376 0 ;;4 ;I 57 '· 155 ! 0 266 ~ 6,842 .._,._, Wyom1 ng ______, Buffa1o ______: !l-1:) :i6:"i 69 1 2 · o r o 1 11 1 o : o : 5 1 14 I o i 19 1 611 --... ___ -:'___ I 155,715 ------~_!Q:!::~.!;--1~54 i_::,~~~~J3:;;._=~~~.. J,,~J .~.~~.o~~~.~.}-:2.~~!~ 1. ~:.-~~l~~~?- ---~~~--!_ .. ~216. L!_~~~l:. -N(~C c;;;·n-- :;;..'~86 SUMMARY GRAND COUNCILS RETURNS-1955 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- I I "B -i~l---·-1 - I "B I I ~ I ~ I I ' ' ..., 00 0 Gi·and Councils Held At c1~ ~ ~l]i~r I~ 1 • 0 "8 I «: 1 t:o ..=i;::l~I lei~'~ 0 -E ~ I :;:: I .B ~· '::; i°}i ! g :;: - I "' ; f; I ~ 2 '-~··· 230. I•. ::;:~ ...•..• ....•~I••••.. • ...t3·- ...... ~" :,j- I Ji·" I C" A" ! J~ I Q0 ~1i AT;,b;:;ma_= __ -.=-::::=-:::-=)·:M-;;-;-ti:::-0~€i:;:=-.:--== ___ ; 2-l.-,-- ::l);:rn 1 j-= 10-27 ' J,0.'50 ,·:~~~-,=~~1~ ~-::!~i·-·-:-1---1~r1--?i-r- "·-~t~--t-~, 1!' r--~-1-1--2~ ~-- ·:-!1· !]i~- 11-18 i ~l.ii3ii 4-20 I !l.84 l 1,061 : 103 :34 , o 1 201 i 42 . I();) ]43 197 , o 1 487 I 10.555 > 1 ~ 9-22 I 2.982 155 ! s 4 1 o : 167 I o i 42 20 56 ! o I 118 3,os1 l-1!) : 247 14 0 () I () I 14 i 0 i 0 2 ! 7 I () : IJ ) 252 ~ 3-5 i 1.7!"11 78 4 9 • o 90 I o GR : 21 :n ! o 1 123 ; I.758 z 1 0 I i'il4 100 HI I o ' 6:l3 ' o 114 ' 94 68 O , 276 I 4,987 ;;;-17 4.ii:3o P, 1-20 8.6ii8 7~~,' 86 l~ 0 '1 90() 0 207 122 I 10:3 ~ I 43~ ! fJ,126 5-18 fl.8.~ ·>- o 1 I r Ml o ! 1:1 3 I 16 ::i 3:J : 909 ~ l·)-18 16,167 6fl0 124 24 r o 1 838 1 o · J97 277 1 324 o 1 798 1 16.207 d 9-20 5.928 3()\) 13 22 I 0 ! 344 I 0 99 64 ' 109 1 ~ 273 j 5,!199 2-fi 7 070 i 463 24 42 0 ! 533 ! 0 165 50 128 i 0 ! 343 i 7 ,260 ~ . J0-17 5,044 248 9 16 i 0 ! 213 I 0 96 :39 75 I 0 i 210 I 5,107 Louisiana ______! Shreveport______. 3-I 4 3,043 320 JS 21· o i 3.'59 [ 1 76 29 ! 42 ' O I 148 : 3.2.)4 Maine______! Portland ______: -5-4 4. 67 4 240 4 10 o I 254 · o 37 32 I 133 o 202 1 4,726 "' 128 2 o o 1 130 7 1r; ! 37 · 78 o 138 I 3.646 "" 229 ;,1 11 o i 2n1 o sr; n 143 84 . 301 I ;;.926 ni3 i3G 3 2 0 Hl 0 23 26 i 41 15 ! 105 I 2.523 filrf~~if:~;===jjj:j~=:l,~f~:§1~~======~~===~' :;,~i: 1m 427 ;30 5~ 3 518 O 201 29 i 73 2 I 30f> ' 6,2.50 "' Missouri ______Columbia ______.' 4-2.", :-;,549 4;;9 30 47 o .536 l 148 93 I J32 o I 374 8.711 "'0 Montana______Miles City ______, G-7 1,715 250 41 :i o 21l4 o 28 , 18 I 44 o I 90 1,919 z Nebrask;i______Omnha ______,; 12-6 3,(196 ! 310 z 2:i o 33;; o 71 I 47 ss o I 1761 4,15S ~ Nevada ______: Fallon ______· 6-8 :;Of! 28 z 0 0 30 0 :3 I 1 4 2 I JO 329 " New Hampshire ______Manchester______, 6 6 1,51>:4 :;z 2 o 2 ;5s o 3 I 20 .)1 o 74 1.566 0 New Jt:'rsey _____ :._ ____ Tr~nton ______! 4·2 1,1:33 llO 5 1 ! 2 ' 118 0 2!l . 24 48 2 ! 97 L l,7S4 New Mexico ______Las Vegas ______' ii-Jf, J,227 1;;1 o 4 r o 1 162 o 31 4 15 o I :;o · 1.339 "' New York ______. Pou.c:kceps\0 ______, 8-2,; 6,,'\50 :07 s JO 4 i ;32!1 17 6;) 81 18;) 5 I 353 I 6.826 i North Carolina ______Grcensbot·o ______: 3-22 ;3,.<;33 2:ts s 1:l o I 2.17 o 66 i 11 37 o I 114 3.976 North D2kola ______,Jame:slown ______. 8-11 .''2l 18 1 1 I 0 • 20 0 ! 10 I 10 13 1 ! 34 I 806 "' Oklahoma ______Muskogee ______] 4-4 ..J,!l!l(J :io.5 ::8 37 I o i 400 o 163 1 81 77 o I 321 I 5.069 Orei:

··--·-·---··------· -··- '.~~-~"""'"'-~-"''""''~-=----· SUMMARY GRAND COUNCILS RETlJRNS-1956 -i- ---- ~ I ------·--- '"3 ! ·;::; B: Grand Councils r- Held At 1 ~ 5 g; I 15 ·2 1l 25 i5 j ~--- --~- .. '.i,!3 1 l,J .1 o-r·-· 236"T·~:(zrs 1 J Arizona------11.:17{b-~-n;;;·~-==-==·::=-~~~~~~l-t1~r~Tn~h~~=~B~sbee-Doug-las ______=-:-::~--=1.--2~1 ! 10-21) j l.08=> 1-1-70 , -lJ13 ' 1 0 l ~A84 i 0 I L--!,22 · 7 ~~4816 51 501 1.119 Ar~ansa~------L1.t~k- Rock------1 2-19. , 3.~?~ I ~87 ; ~31 2~ 1• 41 265 : J ; 1J2 I ~,-; 60 0 . 248 ! 3,572 California ______FieslJo ______, 4-18 I 10,:)::>·> 1$13 I 1.14 21 I 0 l.014 12.1 , 112 I 1•2 2.8 0 1 601 i 10,fl68 C Jon1do ______Denver______, 9-20 I 3.031 1 144 : 61 1 ' 0 Fil i 0 i -HJ 54 75 0 ] 178 I 3,004 Delaware------· Wilming-to11-______I 1-1!:! · 2S2 28 I 0 0 j 0 ; 28 ·1 0 i 0 i 1 O ' 5 I 275 Dist. of Columbia ____ Washin.t..rton______3-3 1.75fl. I 62 ! 3 11 ; 0 i 76 0 · 59 j 25 26 0 110 f 1,724 Florida ______. S::irasotH------,! 5-15 i 4,!Jfl-7 1 559 i 31 2:J. I 0 f 613 i 0 . 111 · 27 62 0 I 200 I 5,400 Georg-in------Maeon ______, ·1-18 I 9,126 ' 645 ] 24 I 21 I 0 · 690 I 0 ; 2:30 45 95 0 t 370 9,44.5 () Idaho______Sa!mon------1 ·'>-l:"i i !JC9 I 7fl I 1 i 3 i 0 i 8.3 I 0 i 9 4 2i) O_i 3:31 959 In r 5,24:3 Oreg-on------Poitland------' 4-12 I 2.111 I 193 91 8 i 0 I 210 ! ::i 44 6 .59 o I 114 : 2.867 South Carolina------Columbia ______. :l-5 I 4,.-i:rn I 332 6 , 73 I 0 411 1 148 34 57 0 240 i 4,607 South Dakota ______Aberdecn------.i 10-22 I 1.415 I 68 2 i 13 · 0 \ 83 I 0 41 11 32 o I 84 1· 1."414 Tenn0ssee ______~ashvi,lle ___ :--~------·r :~-26 ' 7·1ZZ I 6~9 102 I 14 ! o I 74.'} 1 o !)0 140 66 O j 296 , S.Olfl Utah ______S,lit Lake Cit)------..J-9 .J,_ 12 3 2 I 3 I 81 I O 6 4 22 o I ,, I I,020 Vermont______Burling:ton ______! 6·12 1.:388 61 , 0 I 0 I 0 I 64 1 0 20 l:'i 21 0 56 1.396 \Vashinidoll------Wenatchee------, 5-H; 1 2,738 112 I 8 8 · 13 I 141 1 3 81 22 .54 0 I 160 I 2,719 \Vcstern Canada ______New .~cstminister _____ [ .5-26 i ~27 71 ! 2fl l 1 ) 6 107 0 5 14 16 o I 35 999 ,._,_, 1 -- --- I ---- 6,866? ~ ~~~~;~;_-_-_-_-_-:_-:_-:_-_-_--_--_~j ~~~1;~·1~~~~~~(~-:_-:_-_-_-:_-:_-:_-:_-_~: -9~]2 \ ---13~r, ---~3 1 ---2 i --0 . o \ -85 1-0 14 ·r a ·1 11 1 1 29 [ 101 . TOTAl,-----19.'>6------I Fi!l.142 10,0(17 i ~177 605 65 ' ll.654 ; 79 3.121 1 1.751 s..134 12 I 8.103 ___ 176.169 ·N·c~-G:~i~~-=17~o2.7'""'·--==-';·~ --·-·- ·-"-.. --- ~ OFFICERS SUBORDINATE COUNCILS "'0 1954 ~ Cou;c,! - I - -I M;st;;--- --r----- D-:t1L1stet ----1-- - I' C'--\V____ i----~~:d-,-,-----~ An-Zho1.ig-e __=:: ______-::_-=-::-1n,1v R ismussefl_-::__-::__-=-::______/\v-.1ltc-1 Fat 1dl __- __ _:::_=-::: ___ /August A .Johnso1L _____ = V11 g1l D. -Storie 1dd ______P1hlr:;1-"n------1J,wk L<:>nnc\1llc ______1Ho\\,u·d Gee C1tvt:~~·.~1-z;~;==-======-ilohn of Mexico______.\nd1e« B J l duBoucheL ------1Hok Honolulu ______U Gi,rnt Maish ______01\1llc• L K11ck ______No1man R Da,.1s------IK('nn{th L I..ook ~ ~

a nc1 '==R==M=a=c=Mahon z ~~~'.~~~:~~~.~-~~.~~;;_~~~~~~===~--~o~~.~~-~~--A ·---~-~~:'..'..~~~~~~~~-:-~!.~a ~'.1_ ~-~::_::_:~.1.:_t:'.~~~:-~ ~::~ i·~~i:_m ,1~ ~ ~~~~~~~=~~ __ -- ~-1 ~1 0 0 1955 R.., ~ ~~~~~~~~======~===:==~[ w a !tC~:·-r~a lT(~11=-.:-= ------JA~~~~ust A. -xo1;·n;;o·;;·:===-= =-~rEJ-~~:;;:~:;j iiO(iTk';;~:::::::-~·=·=:::::::._ Solomon GerstenTcJ;i 0 I .., C'.1nal Zone-~------! Tack G. Lcnneyil.1<'------iSubert T~1rbyfilL:------;<::;ornelius B. Heitman ______H 0 6 0 2 8 51 $ 27 .oo z 3:) 33 0 361 :; 0 1 G 0 0 3 5 8 359 180.50 Ki\ I 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 90 23.25 n 21 18 0 0 IS 0 0 0 0 0 39 28.50 ~ 171 22 I 0 0 0 (J 2 2 192 118.00 z 4' 8 0 0 "8 0 0 I 1 2 50 33.00 [) 64 43 0 0 '3 0 0 2 6 8 99 97.50 r S38 JOO 2 1 103 0 6 6 J6 28 880


~ ~ "'~

> SUMMARY OF SUBORDINATE COUNCILS RETURNS-1955 ,,"' -----···------"'z ,, ~ :g i ., "0 x" "B I _ . i t~ J ~ COUNCILS "E ,,LJ ~ d 2;; :B ~ ] ' 1' g I ' I §,. I "' t " g ~ I ·2 ! ~ , t~ ~ g fil .., oe ~ -____ .0.. _. ___ 1__ 0 Al 2' ,, ------"-···-·------[------1______, ~ =~=~~,"'" -----1a_Ll_ .·-·---1------.---_~ L~ ~" i i '" Anchon1),!"e CounciL------i 51 ' 5 0 0 :; I 0 7 0 '1 2 I 9 I 47 l 26.oo 0 "'0 0 ' 0 i 0 ! 0 ! 0 I 33 I ------"n Z 1 Hl. 0 6 4 9 ! l!l I 359 1s1.oo m t:;;~iCity of~c;,~~ci~,~~;;;~n======i Mexico___ .:______; 3~fi90 !I 1~8 0 0 8 0 0 1 0 ' 1 ! 97 l 30.25 01 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 I 1 I 3!l I 20.00 8 0 18 0 0 0 3 i ;3 I 201 i z ~~~~1u1~Island CounciL------1C~~t~ r~;ii======I 1~~50 .I 1~6 0Z 0 6 0 0 0 1 i 1 ! 55 ' 33.50 :;: 1 4:3 0 0 3 ! o ~ 3 139 I 122.00 Orien~£1bT~LS~~======: 8~~ I t~ g 2 100 0 i3 I 15 'i 37 ' 943 ------0 ______!._.__ " I i J 'Tl ==---===;:::==:::· ------~---······--·-·---...... ; ;;

--·· SUMMARY OF SUBORDINATE COUNCILS RETURNS-1956 ,,,::g ;;; C> . Cl ~r r::. ] 0 0 5,....; z COUNCILS ?: A ..s <'¢ •<:"·~ ] -~ ~ Q .;;; .,; -~ ~ "• > Q .s or ';; ~ ·0 o r z ;s Q -~---? -·------£ .s f" 8~ CJ -r-- --,--- ,, =---$'. Anchontg:c Counci I_____ ------.... ! 4 j 11 0 H 0 0 0 1 1 I so 35.50 z Artie Council------! 33 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o I :~3 1;, 0 2 17 () 0 •I 9 · 367 I 2 "' 0 0 2 1 2 1 - ' 9 i !JO i 24.00 0O 3 0 0 3 0 7 0 1' ' Honolulug~~~·:oi~~~x~~~~~~i~======i ConnciL------! :~~~207 20 1 0 21 0 1 5 12 l zi~ \ -127-50 c:: Island CounciL ______; 5$ 6 0 0 6 0 2' 0 0 2 59 i 33:50 ~ 61 0 0 61 0 17 0 3 Orien~bTC.Zl,~~i~======~-~~-~I __ .... 5~~ 113 l !j ll!l 0 2!J i) 14 ______·:~:o·c.:::::-_=::: ___--.:::::::::=::c·--- ::-~~-J ... ~.:~_i_J-~-~1.0~-- ~

~ ~ ~ "'""

STATISTICAL SUMMARY MEMBERSHIP Grand Councils -~---===-:_c:::.=o":::~=--::--;--~------· ------·-··-·----·-·--·------· >- --·----··------··--·-·-···-·--·· ~---···- i-:--,1--r---~--, -i ~

Year ~ ::'. 0 .2 ! .s 5 ; 0 ~~ ] ~·IE~'-"z ~I I''\' x ~:::; ~ <;; .§'_§:"Rl~i~ ]1~ E-: " ~18!~i:Z!c 1 0 .s :So --,- " < ------"'·-----;···- ··---.------·-·-;· -~------,------~ Hl.54 ______[ 15.':;.715" 11.590 . 1,232 ~ i 688 92 ! ;;s 2,774 1,957 2,841 86 161,601 :':'! 56;~ 69 3.049 J,62,) 2,738 179 159,142* }ii~~======: }~A:~~i ! ~~:~~~ ! ~~~ 60E'i "6.5 79 :L 127 1.751 3,134 12 176,169** --.~·="~~,~-=- L~==L__~J~'=" "'b .. n Withdrawal of Wisconsin ;g "'* Rcaffiliation of Massachusetts and Wiscon,o;in "z STATISTICAL SUMMARY MEMBERSHIP "~ Subordinate Councils 0 ~

~ 838 100 2 0 6 6 0 sso :t 'r 880 98 0 i i 0 13 9 1612 I 0 943 19'•"--- ' lJ43 113 l ..,, gi 23 14 0 1,020 5 ' ·' SUBORDINATE COUNCILS ORGANIZED BY GENERAL GRAND COUNCIL ------.,:=------:::=:::-=---··- ---::,==:---Nam~ _ ___::::-'.=:-1-----=----"--".··.·.·.---~· ·-~~-:~'~:-;;----~·- .. D1sptnsabon I Chaiter Dated Present Status _ D,ttNi Anchorag:c. No. l------!Anchon1g-.·1 ______Al:;s ,\ Aptil 8, Hl46 Scptembe1 !), 1946 Acli\(' Arctic, No. 2------iF'air:mnks ------Alaski M1,0ct 2, 19:)1 Active Arctic. No. L ______, .. ~ur'..l:111ks ______Alaska March 16. lfl14;Aug-m;t :n. HJIS ,:hart('r annulled Sept. H. Jfl24 Olive. No. L------Pn:scoa ------Arizo1u July 1. 18!}3 August 22, 1$!)4 ~]hal'ter annulll'd Oct. 6, 1903 Phoenix, U. D. ______Phoen x ------Ariz.inn April 4. 18951Not Chartered Dispens:•tion :;urrcndered F('b. 17, 1897 1 }~~~~~sc°~:;c,~. []~~-]======i ~;~~~~~~1 -======-======~::;~~:~:; ~(~;;~i.I 1 ~: ~~i~i ~~~l~~1a;~-~~·r1;: 15 g;.~.·~~ls(;~l~~1ci~u~1;cnl11?i1~~~:~(·pt. 2. 11'97 0 1 1 ~N;:~n1N 0~<3_:_-:~~:--:~_-:_~::~-~I ir~~: ~~-======~:::~7,;;:: ~:;;~. 7.: }e13i~c~::~:;:;;b~~.. 2~~ ~921 g;:~~3 8~~~~U ~i ~:::~~;;;: Phoen.ix. No. 4 ______Phovn x ------·------ArizJr,a Ma1·ch HI, 1!l2!1September 27. 1921 Grand Coundl of A1·izona Canal Zoll('. No. l------· Ancon ______Canal :!,one F<•h. 9, l(Jll September 12. 1912 Active D(·nvei·, No. ] ______Denvc•r ------··---Co on< le Jan. 16. 1S92 Aui.;:ust 21, 1894 Grand Council of Color;\do Rocky Mountain. No. 2-----· rrinid:·d ------Colorado March 2.1, 1893 Aug-ust 21. 18\)4 Grand Council of Colo1·ado Dunini:;o, No. 3 ______Durango ______Colorado :i.Iay 16. 1893,Aug-ust 21, l8fM Grand Council of Colorado Akron, No. 4 ______Akron ------Colora!o May 22. 189a;Auj.j<1Si 21. 1894 Grand Council of Colorado c; Canon City, No. 5 ______Can::n City ______Colorado .Juiw fi. 1f:D3; Aug-ust 21, I8D4 Grand Council or Colorado :-:-i' Gunnison, No. 6 ______,Gunnison ------····----Colorado .July :J, U;;fl:J,Aurn1st 22, 1894 G1·and Council of Colo1·ndo :Z Hiram, U. D·------!;:;n)ek'y ------Colorado Dec. ~. IS941Not Chartered Not constituted ~ Zabud. U. D. ______1 Colon1do Springs ------C:olor;do May 2i, 189.51Charter0d by Grand Council of Colorado :::::0 Leadville.. U. D. ______ILeadville ------Colonid;; June 10. JSlJ.5 Not Chartc1·ed Dispens~ttion smTendl•1·ed Dec. fl, 1~96 f::; Pueblo, No. ; ______Pueblo ______Col01·ado Ap1·il 10, JSfM August 21. 1394 Dis1wnsation irnrncnd('1·cd .Jun(' 10. 18fl6 Island. No. 1------.Havanl!Oct. 2. 1951 Active c; Gunning: Bedford. No. J _____ i ______J)(')aw~1:e F(•h. 10, 1n1;! September :rn. 1918 Grand Council of Delaware (" Adonin1m, No. 2 ______iDovcr ------Dclawar .Jnn. '.H, 1D231S('Ptember !), 1()24 Grand Council of Delaware Z Joppa, No. 3------Georgetown ----··------Dclawnre .Jmw 16. 1923 Sevtcmber 9. 1924 ~irand Council of Delaware O '\Vashington, No. J ______jWashington ______Dist. C:o!um')i:t .June 30. 1SS3 Au~ust l~. 1833 Grand Council of District of Columbia ,...., A6, Septemhet 30. 19a, Active n ~~~~~~:;~.~~Nf~~~~~;~======~ I~~~~~:~~(~~~:~~~:~~:~:_=~~:~?:~~~~~~~ !i:'.~· ~ ~·: ~?i~t!(~~~.~(~;.~~;~;f ~-~~~~-- ~~~1~:~'. r Idaho U D. !Pocatello ______ldaha Dec. lS, lR9GINot Chanered Disiwnsation annulled Oct. 11. 1R97 Adonira~, U~-n~======·iiBo~se ------L~a!1 Jan. 30. 1897!.r:ot Chartel"(•d ~isnensation.annulled Sept. 24. HIOO Idaho. No. 1------· Boise ------I:bh:;: .Jan. 21. !912;September 10. 1912 ~.rand Council of Idaho Bannock. No. 2-··------Pocatc:b ------·------ldah: May l:l. \91a: AuP:ust ;)l, lf!l.'5 Grand Council of Idaho Coeur d'Alene, No. 3 ______.Coeur. (.J'Al('ne ______Idaho •. March 2. 1917;Se11tember 30, 1918 .Charter ancsted Sepkmber 2i. 192i K:ni;:- Solomon, No. 4 ______, Payette ------Idaho July 12. 1921!Scptember 27, 1921 Grand Council of Idaho Menc!eck. No. '------· Goodinv ------Idaho Feb. 22, 19241Sl•ptemlJet" 9, 1924 Grand Council of Idaho Alpha, No. 1------_ Des Moines ------low:t Ma1·ch 2, lR99iScntember 24, 1900 I' Grand Council of Iowa Z;1buda, No. 2------=-~:0skaloosa1 ______Jowa;March 2, 18n9j~eptember 24, 1900 Gi·and Counc!I of Iowa Dubuque, No. a______IDubuq\l(' ______Jowa1March 2. J899:Septemb('l' 24, 1!)00 ;Grand Council of Iowa Adelphi, No. 4------Harlan ------I::iwa,:i.1arch 10. 1899·Septembcr 24, 1900 ;Grand Council of low:t G~'ba!. N.o. 5 ______Ames ------.. -Iowa:March 2, 189():.S<"ptcmber 24, 1900 !Grand Council of Iowa Adoniram, No. 6 ______Guthrie Center ______IowaiMai-ch 2, 1899,September 24. 1900 'Grand Council of Iowa .;;:, Hiram, No. 7 ______,Carroll ------lowalApril ;, J899:Septcmber 24, 1900 iGr:1nd Council of Iowa ~ Lincoln, No. 8------·!EJkader ------Iowa! April 4. J899iS('ptember 24, 1900 1Grand Council of low:t Olive, No. 9------!Hamburg------I~>wa!April 5, J899!Scptemher 24, lDOO !Grand Council of Iowa I~e Mars, No. lO ______;Lr: Mars ------Iowa[May 22. IS99!September 24. 1900 :Grand Counc!l of Iowa J<.I a.':'.::: .. ~ o. 1!::.--~- ----~ ~.::-_:.~~:~~~b,~~-~.:.~.:.'.'.'.:_.;e,:::_:;;.::.::::::-.::::~ -:_: =:.-:-:::,-=:-:-,;~;~~~:~~:-··--·-}-~.'. .. __1 __ ;_~-~-;--~-~-~~~1;111_0_'.·... -~~:. --~-~-0~°-·· _Jg_~:a~~l~~<::.~g,~c~}.c~·-~~·.~~--·---- SUBORDINATE COUNCILS ORGANIZED BY GENERAL GRAND COUNCIL ·-::::::o_----:==.:--=:-·--- -- ··-·-··-;;-::::::::-::-_ -- -- -··--··----- Name Location Dispensation Charter Dated Present Status Dated -·------r--~---- -~----:----··------;------corning:, ~o. 12------iCornin).(" ______Towa:.Jan.. 20. 1900i~(·ptemhc1· 21. 1900 Grand Connc!I of Iowa ~ Tyrean. No. 13 ______.Crci;ton ------IownlAprd 4. HJOO;S(,ptcmbct· 2-1. HJOO Grand Connc1l of Iowa Mount Moriah. No. 14 ______1Afton ------Iowa.A11ri! 10, 1900!.Scptcmber 2~. HJOO Grand Council of Iow;1 Tokvo Council U. D------Tokyo ______.J,qm.nlNov. 2:3, 1955,Septembcr 30. Hl.57 Active Da11~·i.!lc, D_. D. ______,DanYi.l!e ______Kentuc_k:r]July 1. 188lfr:ot Charterr;:I _ ~ispern;ation returned , _ T~immco. No. 1------ITampico ______Mcx1co1May 30. 192-11Scph•mber 21. 1921 .Charte1· smT<'-ndered No\'. 18, lfl3:J Mexico City, No. 2------,M<.'xico City ------Mcxico\Sept. 21. 1928\Au~ust 2;,, 1930 Acti>e Glendive, U. D·------.---iG _endive: ______Montan::1·Apr!I ;2. 1391; .~ot (~hartered D~spensat!on annulled Sept. 24, 19~0 Custc_r. U. J?·------1;\'J_d~·s C:1ty ______Montana Ap1·1I 21· 18fl6l~ot.1 (~harte1·ed D!t ~ Zalmd. No. 2------Butte ______Montana!May 24. 1896;0ctoh<:r 12, 18H7 Gn1nd Council of Montana ~ Montana. U. D·------;Dillon ------~--Mont-11i;11May 27, 1.SflGiNot. Chartc!'ed Dispensation annulled Oct. 11, 1897 ~ Deer Lodge. U. D.------!D<"cr Lodg:e ______!1.Ionla1u: .June JO. 1Sfl6!Not Chartered Dispensation annulled Sept. 13, 1897 z Anaconda, U. D. ______1 Anaeonda ______Monlan;1:1.June 11. 18!lG!Not Charte!'ed IDispens:1t.ion annulk•d Oct. Jl, 1897 0 H?llg:ate. U. D·------~is~oula ______Mon:ana Sept. I. 1S96iN.;ot Chartered l:=>~spensat~on ;1nnulled Sept. 24. Hl~O x Hiram, U. D·------K<_tl1$pcll ______Montan<1!Sent. 2, 18Hf>\l".ot. Chartered iDispensal.ion annulled Oct. 11, 1891 >-! Tyi:ean. No. 3 ______1 M1~~oul~\.--.------Mor~tan:1[May 6. !90l1F~ove~J:C:· _D: lfl09 G;·~nd ~o:mci.l of Mont.~n:t O C:uson, U. D. ______11 C~is?n. C1t~ ------~evad,1 ·~epl. 3. 189GiN.ot C:h.11teied D:s1wns,1t~on ,1nnulled Sept. 2-1. 1900 ,._, Mountain. U. D. ______.;V1rg:m1:1 City ------~evada Sept. 4. 18fl61~ot Ch:u·tered ~~spensat~on anllulled Oct. 6. lfl03 i Reno, U. D, ______) Reno ------Nevada,Sept.1 19, 18\lG,NDt Chartered 1)1spensat1on annulled .June 18, 1906 t"1 Eureka, U. D. ______1Eurek;i ------N<'vada:Sept. 21. J.'19G;Not Chartei·ed Dispensation ;1nnulled Sept. 24. J\lOO Nevada, No. l------1Goldfield ------Nevadaf.Juue 1. l~l07iSc>ptcmber 10. lfl12 Gnmd Council of Nevada >-Cl Brown, No. 2------\Vinncmueea ______N02v11da1 :\1ay l.'I, l!l23iS('ptC'ml1er 9. 1924 ,Grand Council of Nndered Nov. 2.''(. _vrnn z Hiram. U. D·------· Aubuquerquc ------NC•\\: Mcx~cc ii-lay 1, 18\l:i1:ot Ch:n·tcred D~H1wnsat~on annul!t>d Oct. 11. J89! 0 Alph;t, U. D·------Raton ------Ne\\ Mexico May 11. Ul9:>!Not Ch:n·tcrcd D1spenH:it1on annu!l('d Oct. 11. 1891 U> Hin1m. No. 1------Aubuquerqu<.' ______New M11xico .Jan. 1!), 19'.Wi SeJ>kmhci· \), 1924 Grand Cot1ncil of Nc·w M<~xico O Zuni, U. !). ______Gallup ______New Mexico April :J, 1922 Not Chartered Dii;pc,nsation annulled ,_. Santa l"e, U. D·-··------"Santa Fe ------New Mc·xico!Apl'il 19. 1922 Not Chartered .Dispeni;ation annulled " 0!'g:an. No. 2------L:1s Cruces ------New Mexico! Feb. 1. 10·17 October :>. l!l48 i Grand Council of Nc>w Mc·xico ~ Zuni, No. 3------· Gallup ------New Mexicc:M:iy 2, 1947 October 5. lfl48 iGn1nd Council Df New Mexico Valley, No. ~------· Roswell ------New Mcxiec=1.Jtrne 28, 1947 October :>. J!l48 !/Gnrnd Council of Kc'w Mexico Fant"<>, No. ]______F'arg:o ______North DakotniF'e\). 12. l8Sfl1Nov(~mber 19. JSS\l Grand Council of North Dakota "' H~l.~iah, No. 2------.J;'.me.i;;-ow.:n ------No1:th D'.t~ol'.1,·Sc•pt. 1. 15!1?j";ngust_ 2.1. .1894 C~'.trte1: s~irre.ndered M:;rch 10, Hl.02 H11,1m, U. D. ______V,1Jle:; CJty ------Noith D.tkota Dec. 31, lSfl.J,Nol Ch,11le1cd D.sp('n:. 18fl6_.Not Ch~u·tere:d ID1spcnsat10n annulled Sept. 24. 190() Damascus. U. D·------· Wahpeon ------North Dakota[Feh. 18. 18fl6;Not CharterC'd Dispcns;1tion annulled Oct. 11, 1897 Mizp:1h. U. D. ______Park River ______North Dakota'IMarch 16, 1896!Not Chartered iDis1wnsation annulled Oct. 11, 1897 Tyre~1n, U. D. ______Lisbon ______No1·th D\1kob1 April 6. lSflr,'.Not Chart<,_red jDispensation ;mnulled Sept. 24, 190() Bismark. ~· D·------! 1lii;'.1"1a.1·ck ------:r:oi:th D~l'.o~~·j~m·il 20. 18961Not ('.harkrcd _ IJ:?i.~pens:.tion _annu~~ed. S<:>Pt. 2·1: 1900 Lebanon, No. 2 ______1Rugb} ------Noith D,1kD.aJ•eh. 21. 1914 August 31, 191::> Gi.ind Council of N01t.h Dakot,t Adoninim, No. 3 ______11<.:dg:cley ______North Dakol:!!Dcc. 21. 19J4!Auv:ust :n, 191.~ 1·G1·and Council of North Dakota Oklahoma. No. L------· Atok:i ------Oklahoma!Nov. 5. 1883jSept\'mber 2H. lSSG Grand Council of Ok!11homa ::==------;:;:-=:::::::·-·"'··-~··::.·.=~~ - ···-· ------~---~·::=.==.-~-"--_:::::;-_::::_:_~-·------··------;;;;;,:---:::::::.=-=:c:-_c:·--o;~~-~~------:~-:;::".::::...-:::===---::::=.=


-----~ "~....==:=-- ======.:::.==---==--=:::; NHme Location D. isnensation. .! .... Charter Dated Present SL'ltus Dated I I 1 Monterrey Council ___ ·------:Vi:~~~t;;;;::.-cy ~=-~~~~=~-~-Mexic~ M·:·1:ch Hl, ·1;5s1·s·~~;~~mber 30.,_ Hl.:57 -- jActive Muskogee, No. 2 ______Muskogee ______()klahom;1 May ii, IS~l4fAugust 21. 18fl4 Gr;ind Counc] of Oklahoma 1 Union, No. 3 ______McAlc_,.o:;r ------Oklnhorr:,1 May S, 18\HjAngust 21, 1894 1 ~;l·and Counc I of Oklahom;l Pioneer, No, 1------McMmnville ______Oregon Sep~. 1. lB!li:Aui:::ust 14, ll'S:3 13t.1nd Counc l of 01cgon ()1·c~'On, No. 2 ______<:;orvalis ------Oregon Ariril_ r;, _J.SS2 ·Aug-ust 14. 1~8~ , 1,uid Counc] of OH•gon \V~:s.h:ngtoi;i. No. 3 ______, East. :ortland ------.--:---?rego'.1 No.D:spen~ntJ01·'. Au~t1~t H, 1S8~ IGi,uid ('ouiH] of Orcl!:on Oi·H•ntal, No. ] ______Manil<1 ______Ph1hppme Is. Dec. I.I, Hll•l .-\u.c:ust 31. l\11.) IA.ct 1,e Cosmos Counci'------·· .. --- Zamlmles ______Philippi1w Is ..Jww 2, l!l.>G,~cptemlwr1 ;)0, 1957 Actl\e Freedom Council---··------Cavite City ___ .. _____ Phil:ppine Is D(~C. l, l!J5GiS, l~!l~:I"._ot ('.harte1:ed D:s1ie.m;at~on annulled Oct. 11. 18!J! :=:; Scotland, U. D, ______Scotland ------South Dakota Oct. l. 18(h;:Not Chartc1ed D1sp<"nsatwn annulled Oct. 11. 189 1 >- Hiram, U. D·------· C Adoniram, U. D. ______Webster ------South Dakota'INov. 6, 18!J5rNot Chartcn'd Dispensation annulled Oct. 11, 1897 Z Eman:1e!, U. D. ______Millbank ------South Dakot<: Nov. 14. 1895,Not Charlei·ed Disp0ns:1tion annulled Oct. 11, 1897 0 Mi~chell, U. D.!l ------?outh Da~.t.' No:" ~8. li::D~1.~.ot (~h:u:tei:ed l;);spen~:t~~n ~urrcndered Oct. 8. 1~97 n Onental. U. D·------P1e11e ______South Dako ..1 Dec. .2, 180.,,Not Ch.ukied 1D,spens,1t!On ,tnnulled Oct. 11. 1S!J1 Q Mystic. U. D. ______Huron ______South Dakok Dec. 30, l!';!J;i; Not Chartered '.)isJl('nsation annulled Oct. 11, 1897 C Faulk, U. D·------F'aulkton ______South 1);1kot.>]Dec. 31. 18!l5~N.ot Clwr{('r('d · D.sp0nsatwn annulled Oct 11 18!l7 Z Utah. No. 1------· Salt Lak(' City ______Utah'.F<•b. 13, 18!12.August 21. 18!)4 '";1 tnred !Dispen~atio11 annulled Oc~. 11, 18!J7 Zabud. U. D·------· Evanston ______Wyoming! Sept. 2. l8fl5:Not Chartered 'Disp0nsation ann1.1lled Oe,. 11. 18fl7 Tyrus, U. S, ______Green River ______\Vyoming:Sept. 3, l8fl.'5iNot ChHrtered !Dispt,nsation annulled Oct. 11. 18D7 Sheridan. U. D·------Shericbn ______Wyoming:!May 12. li

Wyoming, No. 1------Casper ______Wyomin;:(May I. l!J18'Sept<'mber :rn. 1\118 IGrnnd Council of \Vyoming ~ Laramic, No. 2------Lnramie ______\,lyominr::Nov. 1. rn2o;Septemb0r 27, 1921 !Grand Council of \Vyomi11~ "" Shel'idan, No. 3------.Sher~dan ______Wyom~n'!jDec. lG. 1922,Sept{·mbcr ?· ID24 j~h<11·ter arre~ted Oc.t. 6 .. 1936 Sheridan, No. 3------!Sheridan ______Wyom~ni<:jMay 4, l!l~4~Septcmher .~. _1946 !~rand Counc~l of Lander, No. 4------iLander ______1,Vyomrng1Dec. 1. l!hD!October 2. l!hl 1,.rand Counc1l of \Vyom1ng · -----· --·--- __ -- ---;;:.-.----·~ ...... , ·---=o~-·---::: ___ ,, ....- ·~·~·--~·· o_-:::::'~:=:::.c:-;;:=-:::'.:::'.=c::__---::::::::c_=:o.:-:-::=o=---==== 148 APPENDIX TO THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE


/l.r lo October 5, 1948


SECTION 1. This body shall be kn

lvfost Puissant General Clrand fl.faster. Right Puissant Deputy (Jenera! Grand Master. Right Puissant General Grand Principal Conductor of the \\fork. Right Puissant General (Jrand Treasurer. Right Puissant Cleneral CJrand Rccorckr. Right Puissant General Grand Chaplain. Right Puissant General Grand Captain of the ()uard. Right Puissant c;eneral c;rand Conductor of the Council. Right Puissant (Jenera! (lrand Marshal. Right Puissant General Grand Ste\vard. Puissant General ()rand Sentinel. Together \vith all Past Most Puissant General Grand lvfasters, Past Right Puissant Deputy General Clrand Masters, Past Right Puissant General Cl-rand Principal Conductors of the \Xlork; all i\fost Illustrious Grand 11asters, Deputy Grand Masters, and ()rand Principal Conductors of the \Xlork, or their proxies; Special Deputies appointed by the ()eneral (}rand Master; al\ Past lvfost Illustrious Grand 11asters of the several constituent ()rand Coun­ cils, and the first three officers of every Council, under the irninediate juris­ diction of this (Jenera! c;rand Council, or their proxies, \Vhich officers of said subordinate ~ouncils shall, collectively, have one vote. SEC. 3. On all questions to be decided by the C-i-encral (-i-rand Council, each Grand Council shall be entitled to three votes, by its representative or representatives. The General ()rand officers, and pennanent n1c1nbers, \vhen present, shall each have one vote, except on a1nend111cnts to the Constitution, hut no 1nen1ber of the ()eneral Cirand Council shall be entitled to vote a~ proxy \vhen the Co1npanion giving the proxy is present.

SEC . .-J. (a) The Officers of the General Grand Council shall be elected by ballot and installed at each 1'riennial Asseinbly. GENERAL GRAND COUNCIL 149

Provided, hou:ever, should the office of the General Grand Master be va· cated by death, pcnnanent disability or other cause, the Deputy General (;rand Master, the CJeneral (;rand Principal Conductor of the Work and the General CJ.rand Captain of the Guard, shall, in the order narned, be installed and succeed to the office, its title and prerogatives; and

1 Pro1 ided 1 f11rther, that the question of pern1anent disability or other cause, as herein used, shall be detennined by the Co1111nittee on Cryptic Juris­ prudence.

1'he (Jenera! Grand Chaplain and General Grand Sentinel, \vho shall be appointed by the General Grand 11aster at the co1n1nencen1ent of each General (lrand Assen1bly, shall serve only for the Assen1bly for \vhich they have been appointed.

·r1ie General Grand Captain of the Guard, the General errand Conductot of the Council, the General Grand i'vfarshal and the General Grand Sh:\vard shall be appointed by the General errand Master \Vith the approval of the J)eputy Genera! (;rand i'vfaster and the General (;rand Principal Conductor of the Work to serve a three-year tenn, and no Co1npanion serving in any of these four offices shall be eligible to succeed hin1self or to serve in any office, elective or appointive, during the trienniun1 succeeding the expiration of his tcnn of office, provided that the provisions of this section shall not apply to any officer elected at the T\Yenty-first Triennial Assen1bly held in 19--12 in Salt Lake City, Utah.

SEC. 5. The duties of the officers of this General Grand Council shall be such as are appropriate to their several stations.

SEC. 6. 1·1ie stated asseinhlics of the General Grand Council shall b\.' held trienni;dly, at such date and place as it shall detern1inc: Provided, 'fhat if, in the opinion of the c;cneral Grand 1faster, or, in case of his inability, then of the Senior General CJ.rand officer, there shall be dan,ger of life and health, fron1 sickness or other local cause, by any 1neeting being held at the tiinc appointed, he 1nay (hangc such 1neeting to sorne other ti1ne and place, and in the event of such change being n1ade he shall irnn1ediately notify the: General Grand Recorder thereof, \Yho shall fortlnvith notify the other officers and 1ne1nbers in such rnanner as he inay deern best calculated to effect the desired object. SEC. 7. The c;eneral c;iand }\{aster and tbe Deputy c;eneral Grand Master shall have authority to call a special asse1nbly of the General Grand Council \vhenever they consider it expedient or necessary, and it shall be their duty to do so \vhen properly requested by a n1ajority of the Grand Council, of which three 1nonths' notice shall be given of the tirne and place of ineeting. The purpose of the 1neeting shall be stated in the call and no business, other than that so stated, shall be transacted. 150 APPENDIX TO THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE

SEC. 8. A quonun of the General Grand Council shall consist of seven Grand Councils.

Sr;c. 9. The General Grand Council shall \Vatch over and protect the interests of Cryptic Masonry in the States, Districts or Territories \vhich recognize its jurisdiction and \vhere there is no Grand Council regularly established; and shall settle all difficulties \vhich 1nay arise and be referred to it, and shall give such advice and instructions as rnay see1n n1ost conducive to the peace, advanceinent and perpetuation of Cryptic 11asonry in its origi­ nal intcrgrity.

SEC. 10. The ()eneral Grand lviastcr, or, in case of his inability to act, the Deputy General Grand Master, shall have po\vcr and authority to grant dispensations for ne\v Councils of Royal and Select 11asters, in any State, District or Territory \vhere there is not a Grand Council regularly established and \vorking independently of any other Masonic Body; such dispensation in no case to extend beyond the tirne of the next stated assernbly of the c;eneral (Jrand Council, but no ne\V Council shall be established in any State, District or Territory \ there is a regular Council \vithin a reason­ able distance, '>Vithout tlie lVH-'tllt of the Council nearest the place \vhere such ne\v Council is proposed to be located; and he shall irnn1ediately notify the (;eneral Grand Recorder of such dispensation, and rnake report of the: san1e at the next triennial asse1nbly of the General Grand Council, \vhen the General Grand Council 1nay grant said Council a charter.

SEC. lOb. The General Grand Master, or in his inability to act, the Deputy Geni::ral Grand 1.faster, shall have po\ver and authority to appoint in each District, Territory, State or County, \vhere no Grand Council exists, but \vhere Councils subordinate to this (;eneral Grand Council have been chartered or 1nay hereafter be chartered, a Deputy \\'ho shali represent hiin, and have such duties and exercise such special po\vers and authority as rnay be granted to hi1n by the General Grand Master, or the Deputy General Grand Master. Such Special Deputies shall serve at the pleasure of the General Grand Master, and not longer than the three-year period, unless re­ appointed by the succeeding (Jenera! Cirand Master. Such Special Deputies, if present at any assen1bly of the General Grand Council, shall be 1ne1nbers of the sa1ne and entitled to vote.

SEC. l l. The fees for granting a dispensation shall be twenty-five dol­ lars, and every Council holden by dispensation, or charter, fron1 this body, shall pay into the treasury of the (Jeneral Grand Council, the stun of one dollar for each Cornpanion greeted therein, and fifty cents annually for each 1nernber, until such tirne as a (;rand Council shall be regularly established in the State, District or Territory in \vhich such Council is located. The Cleneral Grand Recorder shall be paid by the petitioners five dollars for his services in granting a charter. The fees in the several Councils under the i1n1nediate f11risdiction of the General Grand Council, for conferring the GENERAL GRAND COUNCIL 15 l degrees of Royal and Select Master, and the appendant degree of Super· Excellent Master shall not be less than ten dollars.

SEC. 12. \X/henever there shall be three Councils regularly constituted in any State, District or Territory, a Grand Council 1nay be established so soon as convenience and propriety 1nay dictate, provided the consent of the General (;rand 11aster or c;cneral Grand Council be first obtained.

SEC. 13. Each ()rand Council constituent of this General Grand Council, shall pay to the General Grand Recorder, annually, a per capll'a tax of three cents (3~) upon each of the first Seven Thousand Five Hundred (7,500), one and one-half cents (l V2c), upon each of the next Five Thousand (5,000), one cent (le), upon the next Five Thousand (5,000), and one.half cent (1/2 ~) upon each of the rernaining Royal and Select Jvfasters in good standing upon its rolls.

SEC. J .'f. The: Grand Recorder of each (Jrand Council shall he required to transrnit to the (Jenera! Clrand Recorder an official notice of the election of its (Jrand officers \Vithin thirty days thereafter, and also trans1nit to the (;cneral (;rand Recorder six copies of their proceedings, as soon as the san1:.: arc printed.

SEC. 15. Every Council of Royal and Select Masters 1nust have a charter or dispensation fro1n the General (;rand Council, or froin so1ne ()rand Coun· cil \vorking independently of any other branch of i\1asonry, and no Council shall be deen1ed legal \Vithout such dispensation or charter; and lvfasonic coin1nunication, both public and private, is hereby interdicted and forbidden between any Council or any 1nc1nber of it, and any Council or asseinbly that 1nay be so illegally forrned, opened or holden \vithout such charter, or any person assu1ned to be received or greeted therein.

SEC. 16. Each (;rand Council shall deterrnine the legal status of the Royal and Select Masters of their several jurisdictions, and shall have abso­ lute authority over, and control of, the Cryptic Rite \Vithin their several (]rand Jurisdictions; including the fonn and substance of the rituals used in conferring, in their respective jurisdictions, the Cryptic 1)egrees of Masonry, to \vit: Royal 11aster and Select lvfaster, together \Vith the degree of Super­ Excellent Master.

SEC. 17. Ali elective and appointive (;eneral Grand Officers and Past Cieneral c;rand Masters, together \Vith the chairn1en of all standing CO!l1· 1nittees, shall receive ten cents per 1nile one \vay, travelling by the shortest route, and ten dollars per day for each day consu1ned in travelling to and fro1n, and t\VO days \vhen in attendance at the Triennial Asse1nblies, Pro· Pided their cxpensc:s arc not paid by any other Masonic Grand Body for the saine period: /lnd_. Provided, F11r1her, Ho\vever, That the General Grand Chaplail), the General Clrand Sentinel and any CJeneral Grand Officers ap­ pointed te1nporarily for the 1'riennial Assen1bly shall receivt! per die1n only. 152 APPENDIX TO THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE

ARTICLE II SECTION l. A Council of Royal and Select Masters under the i1nrnediate jurisdiction of the General Grand Council shall consist of the follo\ving officers: Illustrious Master, Deputy Master, Principal Conductor of the Work, Treasurer, Recorder, Captain of the Guard, Conductor of the Coun­ cil, Ste,vard, Sentinel and as 1nany other 1ne1nbers as 1nay be convenient for \Vorking together.

SEC. 2. Every Council under the i1n1nediate jurisdiction of this General Grand Council shall annually rnake a return to the General Grand Recorder of their nan1c, nurnber, location and ti1ne of stated 1neetings, \Vith a list of officers and n1e1nbers, degrees conferred, Coinpanions ad1nitted, died, sus­ pended or expelled, in accordance \\'ith a forrn furnished fro1n the office of the General Grand Recorder. Si:c. 3. Every Council under dispensation fron1 this General Grand Coun­ cil shall, at the close of its period, relurn to the Cleneral CJ.rand Recorder its dispensation and records.


SECTION 1. 1"his Constitution 1nay bE: arnended at any stated assen1bly by a 1najority vote of the constituent Grand Councils, the vote to be by Grand Councils, and each CJ.rand Council shall be entitled to three votes and no n1ore. (r1) Ho\\' Proposed: All a1nend1nents to the Constitution of the General (Jrand Council, Royal and Select Mast<:rs, 1nust be proposed in \vriting. (h) Contents: They n1ust contain each section or sub-section thereof \vhich it is proposed to arnend in its entire forrn, as it is intended to be after it is a1nenckd. (c) Additional Sections: If desirable, such proposed a1nendn1ents n1ay be nun1bered as additional sections or sub-sections thereof. (d) Filed \vith the General Grand Recorder: Such proposed an1end- 1nents shall be fon\'arded to the General Grand Recorder at least 18 n1onths prior to the 'frie.nnial Asse1nbly of the General Grand CounciL (e) (ieneral Grand Recorder's Duty: The General Grand Recorde1 shall on the first day of August, in the second year of each 1·rienniu1n, 1nai! to each of the General Grand Officers, Past General Grand Officers, (;rand Masters and Grand Recorders of each constituent Grand Council, a copy of all proposed arnendinents \vhich shall have been filed \vith hin1. (/) Jurisprudence Co111111ittee: 1'he Jurisprudence Con1inittee shall care­ fully consider all such proposed a1nend1ncnts and report thereon to the C;eneral Grand Council at its Triennial Asse1nbly and no action shall be (;ENERAI. GRAND COUNCJL 1)) taken thereon by the c;eneral Grand Council until such report shall have been 1nade. (g) Take Effect: Unless othcr\vise provided by the General Ci·rand Council, all arnend1nents presented shall take effect i1n1ncdiately after adoption. SEC. 2. Nothing contained in this Constitution shall be construed to derogate fro1n the right of authority of any (;rand Council \Yhich 1nay not detennine to bcco1ne a constituent of this General Grand Council. SEC. ?>. Any Grand Council n1ay beco1ne a n1e1nber of this General Grand Council \vhenevi::r it shall ratify and accept this Constitution. lJpon such acceptance and ratification the Grand Recorder shall in1n1ediately notify the c;eneral Grand Recorder. SEC. ·'1. I1n1nediately after the opening of the (;eneral Grand Council the presiding officer shall appoint a Cornrnittee on Credentials, consisting of not less than thrte rnen1bers, \vhose duty it shall be to report on 1nen1bersbip fro1n tirne to tin1e during the session of the c;encral Grand Council, and \vhose tenn shall expire \Vith the session.

SEC. 5. The General Grand 11aster-elect, after installation, an

(fl) A Cornrnittee of F1N1\NCE AND ACCOUNTS, consisting as n1any n1en1- bers as in the judg1nent of the Most Puissant General Grand Master shall be necessary, \vhose duty it shall be to e:xarnine and pass upon all business of a financial nature; to e:xa1nine the books and accounts of the General (;rand Treasurer and Recorder, and to 1nake a report thereof in \vriting, as early as n1ay be, during the session of the c;eneral Grand Council, and to perfonn such other duties as the General Grand Council n1ay refer to thern.

(h) A Coinrnittee on THE STATE OF THE RITE AND FOREIGN CoM­ .MUNICATIONS, consisting of as 1nany n1en1bers as, in the judg1nent of the i\tfost Puissant (Jenera! (;rand 11aster, shall be necessary, \vhose duty it shall be to open up and enter into correspondence \vith all foreign Grand Councils of Royal and Select Masters; to establish and 1naintain a systern of cor­ respondence \Vith all State Grand Councils, not 1nen1bers of the General Grand Council; to \Vatch the interests of the rite in jurisdictions \vhere it is not under the control of this or a State Grand body, and report in a \Vritten or printed fonn at the triennial assen1bly succeeding their appoint1nent. (c) A Cornrnittee on CRYPTIC )URISPRUDENCJ:, consisting of as rnany rneinbers as, in the judgn1ent of the Most Puissant General Grand Master, shall be necessary, \vhose duty it shall be to e:xan)ine all questions of Masonic la\v and jurisprudence, the status of 1nen1bership, conflicts of opinion, ap- APPENDIX TO THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE

peals and grievances, as ey

(d) A Coirunittee on PUBLICITY, consisting of three or 1nore n1en1bers, \vhose duty it shall be to prepare such publicity dee1ncd appropriate to infuse 1nore Cryptic light. (e) A Conunittee on CRYPTIC HISTORY consisting of three Co1npanions \\'ell versed in Masonic History \vhose duty it shall be:

1. To investigate all sources of inforn1ation that 1nay offer or suggest thtinselves respecting historical inatter appertaining to the Cryptic Rite. 2. To 1naintain contacts \Vith those interested in Jl.1asonic historical re­ search. 3. To prepare a report to be presented to the General Grand Council at its triennial sessions covering its research \vork, and reco1nn1end such changes in our published history as n1ay co1ne to light. (/) A Corn1nittee on RITUAL, consisting of as inany 1ne1nbcrs as in th-: judgrncnt of the lvfost Puissant (Jenera! Grand }.{aster shall be necessary, \vhose duty it shall be to have charge of the Rituals of the (Jenera! Grand Council, to consider any changes suggeSi cd and to n1ake report to the ·rriennial Assen1blies of the (~eneral Grand Council.

SEC. 6. Every Grand Council shall be sovereign in its O\Vn jurisdiction, and 1nay \Vithdra\v its consistency fron1 this General Grand Council: Pro­ t:ided, rtl-ll'ays, 'rhat btfore such \Vithdra\val shall be effective in the General (;rand Council, a certified copy of the: resolution of \vithdra\\'al so adopted by the constituent Grand Council shall be filed \Vith the General (Jrand Recorder, \vhich resolution shall be certified by the Grand Master and Grand Recorder of the Grand Council so \Vithdra\ving: And provided. jNrther. That if, at the tirne of the \vithdra\val of any (Jrand Council, any Corn· panion of the Grand Council so \vithdra\ving, shall at the ti1ne of such \Vith­ dra>val be an officer of, or hold a n1en1bership in a con1n1ittee of this (;eneral Grand Council, such office or co1nrnitteeship shall becoine vacant: And provided, f1:rther, That all indebtedness to this (Jenera! (Jrand Council shall have been paid.

SEC. 7. The degrees recognized by the General Grand Council are as follO\VS: 1. Royal }.{aster, 2. Select Master, 3. Super-Excellent Master, and 1nust be conferred in the order narned. GENERAL (~RAND COUNCIL 155


SECTION 1. 1'hcre is hereby established a pennanent fund, \vhich shalt consist of the bonds and cash no\v on hand in the Special Account. This principal, together \Vith the accurnulation of interest shall be kept intact until the funds shall have reached S50,000.00 at \vhich tirne this shall be con­ sidered the Pennanent Fund and the earnings of the funds thereafter, shall at the end of each triennial period be transferred to the General Fund for the general expenses of the General Grand Council. The above fund shall be held in trust by the General Grand Treasurer. 1'he General Grand Master, the Deputy General Grand Master, and the General Grand Principal Conductor of the Work, shall be trustees of such funds. No funds shall be transferred fro1n the Permanent Fund except by action of the General Grand Council, \vho n1ay, in case of an en1ergency transfer to the General Fund such funds as are deen1ed necessary for the \vell being of the General Grand Council. The General Fund shall consist of all 1nonies that are received by the General Grand Recorder and by hin1 transrnitted to the General Grand Treasurer and shall only be paid out by \varrants dra,vn by the General c;rand Recorder and such \Varrants shall be counter-signed by the C;eneral Grand Master. The General Fund shall be under the direction of the Finance Co1n1nittee of the General Grand Council and they shall pre­ pare a budget at each Triennial session for the general expenses of the General Grand Council. 156 APPENDIX TO THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE



1'he General ()rand JI.Jaster has power, in ne'v territory, to issue his dis­ pc:n:,uion authorizing a Cornpanion in possession of the degrees to con1- 1~1unicate the sa1ne to a sufficient nurnber of Royal Arch Masons, to the end t~~at a Council 1nay be instituted.

Proc. 1886, p. 12. Approved, p. 31. Also Proc. 1889, pp. 18 and -i2.


1\ proxy can issue only to an officer of, or a pennanent rne1nber of the (;rand Council \vhich he is to represent by virtue of his appoint1nent, or to a Past Illustrious Master \vithin its jurisdiction, or the peer of the officer giving the proxy, if it be given to a 1ne1nber of a sister Grand Council, \vhich n1ust be a constituent of the (Jcneral C.lrand Council. P.oc. 1886, p. 16. Approved, p. 33. None other than the representatives of a Grand Council, or the representa­ tive of a subordinate Council under the inunediate jurisdiction of the General c;rand Council, can issue proxies.

Proc. 1889, p. ~6.

ll!TU;\LS :\DOPTED "The Cornrnittee on Ritual report that the ritual kno,vn as the 'Convention \vork,' a copy of \vhich is placed in the hands of the c.;eneral Grand Master, be adopted as the standard ritual of this Body, for its O\Vn use and that of its irninediate subordinates, and that the essentials of this \vork, such as preparation, obligation and recognition, be reco1nrnended to our constituent (;rand Councils, as a 1ncans of uniforrnity of rituaL"

Adopted, 1889, Proc. p. -'i7. Ritual for Super-Excellent l\faster's Degree. Adopted. Proc. 1912, pp. 52-53. Revision adopted Sept. 27, L927. Proc. p. 93. GENERAL GR1\ND COUNCIL 157

TRIENNJ,\L 1\SSEMBLIES 'friennial Assc1nblies of the (~eneral CJrand Council 1nay be held \Vithin less than three years apart, and t\YO 1nectings not exceeding six years apart. Proc. 1891, pp. 26-35. Resolred. That hereafter the (Jenera! Grand Council \viii hold its Triennial 1\sse1nbly at the place selected by the General (;rand Chapter and at least t\vO clays prior to said Convention. Proc. 1930, p. 101.

HONORARY MEMBERSHIP Re.roi-1'ed, That in the sense of this General Grand Council that honorary rank conferred by a (;rand Council is not sufficient to create pennanent 1ne1nbership in the General ()rand Council under Article I, Sections 2, of the Constitution.

Adopted 1903. Proc. p. 70.


The Genera! c;rand Recorder \\'aS instructed to procure a jC\VC] to bt' presented to the General (;rand lvfaster on his retirernent fro1n office, th:: je,vel to be of standard pattern heretofore adopted and to cost $100.00, or so inuch thereof as rnay he necessary.

Proc. 1909, pp. ,l0-41. 'I'ht retiring General Grand ivfaster and all Past General Grand 11asters are to receive appropriate aprons. Proc. 1915, p. 73.


1'he salary of the C·eneral c;rand Recorder \Vas fixed at $1,200.00 a year. Proc. 1951, p. 53.


The salary of -the General Grand 1·reasurer \Vas fixed at $200.00 a year. Proc. 1951, p. 53.

SUPER-EXCELLENT DI:GREI: 'fhe Super-Excellent Degree \vas rnade obligatory on Councils under the i1nn1ediate jurisdiction of (Jenera! Grand Council, to be either conferred or co1nn1unicated. Proc. 192·1, p. 81. (7ENER:\L GRAND COUNCIL 159


Address of c;cneral Grand Master. .. ···························· ········· ...... 20 Appointn1cnts ...... 16-97 Address of \Xlelcon1c ...... 19

Response ...... !I) Appreciation ...... 19 Approval of Minutes ... ············ ...... 100 Assernblies of General Grand Council ...... 129 Biographical Sketch: John Bridges Phelps ... . ········· ...... 7 Portrait ...... 6 Con1n1ittec Appoint1nents ...... 97 Co1n1nittee Reports: Airns and Charters and Dispensations ...... ···························· ...... 73.75 Credentials ...... 1·1-85 Cryptic History ...... ···················· ...... 80 Jurisprudence ...... 60-61 Finance ...... ,...... 60-61·71-85 Necrology ...... 62 Publicity ...... 25-72 Rituals ...... 5 l State of the Rite ...... 2 5-81 Topical Refertnce ...... 52 ''{ork Rite Co-operation ...... 76 Councils Under Dispensation...... 22-23-44 Courtesy Work...... 2 t Cryptic Roon1 ...... 2:1 Cryptic Roorn Report ...... 54-87-56 Dispensations ...... 23-1.j4 Divine Service ...... 12 Decisions, Edicts and etc...... ··································· ..... 15 5 Deputies to General Grand Master...... 21 t' ,. Distingi.Jished Guests...... 1 5 I· 160 APPENDIX TO THE P ROCEEDINGS OF T H E


Election of General Grand O fficers...... 71 General Grand Masters Present...... 15 Guests: Reception ...... 13 General Grand Recorder's Report...... 3 7 Audit ...... 46 General Grand Treasurer's Report...... 35 General Grand Master's Representatives...... 21

Idaho Grand Council Opened ...... I~ List of Officers ...... 13 Installation of General G rand Officers ...... 95 Invitations Extended, 1960 T riennial...... 84 General Grand Recorders...... 128 General G rand Officers Since Organization ...... 130 Grand Council Officers, 1954-55 -56...... 136 Minutes Approved ...... 100 Memorials ...... 64 New Councils ...... 74 New Grand Councils...... 75 Permanent Members General Grand Council...... 103 Portraits ...... 6-96 Re-Affiliation ...... 23 Resolutions ...... 59·60 Registration ...... 84 Rituals and Monitors ...... 100 Recommendations' ...... 34 Report of Representatives...... 81 Statistical Reports...... 129 Tellers ...... 16 Telegrams ...... 1 9 Visitations ...... 26 W elcome ...... 19