REG. NO. 140721004




MEDAN 2017

Universitas Sumatera Utara





REG. NO. 140721004

Submitted to Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Sarjana Sastra from Department of English




MEDAN 2017

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Approved by the Department of English, Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara (USU) Medan as thesis for The Sarjana Sastra Examination.

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Accepted by the Board of Examiners in partial fulfillment of requirements for the degree of Sarjana Sastra from the Department of English, Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara, Medan.

The examination is held in Department of English Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara on 27 December 2017.

Dean of Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara

Dr. Budi Agustono, M.S NIP. 19600805 198703 1 001

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Signed :

Date : 27 December 2017


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Signed :

Date : 27 December 2017


Universitas Sumatera Utara


First of all, I would like to thank to the Almighty God, Allah SWT who has given me health, opportunity and ability to accomplish this thesis. Afterwards, invocation and greetings I deliver to Prophet Muhammad SAW.

Then, I would like to express a deep gratitude, love and appreciation to:

 Dr. Deliana, M.Hum as the Head of Department of English who has shared her time

to guide me in the process of my study.

 Dr. Umar Mono, Dipl. Trans, M.Hum as my supervisor who has given his advice,

criticism and valuable time in giving the correction and constructive critics in

completing this thesis and leading me to accomplish my thesis.

 Rahmadsyah Rangkuti, M.A, Ph.D as my co-supervisor who has given his valuable

time in giving constructive critics in completing this thesis.

 Dr. Masdiana Lubis, M.Hum as my examiner who has given her advice, criticism

and valuable time in giving the correction and constructive critics in completing this

thesis and leading me to accomplish my thesis.

 My beloved parents Syofran Yohnny and Yulia Suseni. Thanks for your pray,

support and endless love for me. I‟m proud of having both of you and I present this

thesis special for you.

 My beloved sisters Yunita Olivia Syaputri, S.T and Inge Dwi Ratih, A.Md, thank

you for always praying, supporting and understanding me.

 My beloved brothers-in-law, Ihsan Muttaqin, S.E and Ade Afrianto, A.Md, thank

you for always praying, supporting and understanding me.

 My handsome nephew Dzeko Addin Rasyad as well as my beautiful nieces Safiyya

Azzahra and Shadrina Ramadhani who have given me a lot of smile and laughter. iii

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 My bestfriends Astari Ramadhani, Sri Endah Wulandari, Tria Meilani Handani,

Natasha Aristanindika, Diva Firda, Nia Kharisma, Okki Kurnita, Giezla

Muttaqien, Muhammad Iqbal Oloan Lubis and Muhammad Reza Fahlevi thank

you for always being beside me when I am alone and when we are having fun.

 All my childhoodmates from Inalum Paritohan who I can‟t mention one by one, thank

you for being part of my life.

 All my classmates at English Literature Extension Class of 2014 who have been

graduated as well as who have not been graduated yet, I miss our moments in the

class of all subjects with you guys! Especially for my Last Minute squad, Fazlan

Isnanda who has been graduated first, followed by Aulia Syarif Nasution who let

me to be graduated third after him and last but not least Ricky Adi Asputra who is

still working hard for this degree but I believe that you can do it because it is better

late than never.

Finally, I do realize that this thesis is still far from perfect. Therefore, advice, constructive criticism and suggestions aimed for this thesis will be warmly welcomed and highly appreciated. I also hope this thesis would be useful for the readers in the future

Medan, 27 December 2017

The author,

GUSRANDA TRITAMA Reg. No. 140721004


Universitas Sumatera Utara


This thesis entitled “HEDGES IN THE SPEECHES OF TOP 10 FINALISTS MISS GRAND INTERNATIONAL 2016” contains of a study of the types of hedging construction used by the top 10 finalists Miss Grand International 2016 and the revealed hedge in their speeches during speech competition in the final night of Miss Grand International 2016. The analysis of types of hedging construction in this study uses theory by Chan Swee Heng-Helen Tan (2002:4) to identify the types of hedging construction which are divided into six types of hedging construction. The analysis of revealing the hedges uses theory of G. Lakoff (1972:195) in analyzing the revealed hedge. The methodology used in this thesis is qualitative method. In collecting data, the writer take all the speeches of top 10 finalists Miss Grand International 2016 and in data analysis, the writer used Azwar‟s theory (2004:36). From the analysis, it is found that there are 24 (twenty four) cases of hedges with the classification as follows: epistemic verbs (2 data), modal verbs (15 data), cognition verbs (6 data) and hypothetical constructions (1 data). From the data, modal verb is the most dominant type of hedging construction in the speeches of top 10 finalists Miss Grand International 2016 from 24 cases found.

Keywords: Hedge, Hedging, Hedging construction, Speech, Epistemic verbs, Modal verbs, Cognition verbs and Hypothetical constructions.


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Skripsi ini berjudul "HEDGES IN THE SPEECHES OF TOP 10 FINALISTS MISS GRAND INTERNATIONAL 2016" berisi kajian tentang tipe-tipe konstruksi hedging yang digunakan oleh 10 besar finalis Miss Grand International 2016 dan hedge yang terungkap dalam pidato mereka selama kompetisi pidato di malam final Miss Grand International 2016. Analisis tipe-tipe konstruksi hedging dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teori dari Chan Swee Heng-Helen Tan (2002: 4) untuk mengidentifikasi tipe-tipe konstruksi hedging yang terbagi dalam 6 tipe konstruksi hedging. Analisis pengungkapan hedge menggunakan teori dari G. Lakoff (1972: 195) dalam menganalisis hedge yang diungkapkan. Metodologi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif. Dalam mengumpulkan data, penulis mengambil semua pidato dari 10 besar finalis Miss Grand International 2016 dan dalam menganalisis data, penulis menggunakan teori Azwar (2004: 36). Dari hasil analisis diketahui bahwa terdapat 24 (dua puluh empat) kasus hedge dengan klasifikasi sebagai berikut: epistemic verbs (2 data), modal verbs (15 data), cognition verbs (6 data) dan hypothetical constructions (1 data). Dari data tersebut, tipe modal verbs adalah tipe konstruksi hedging yang paling dominan dalam pidato 10 besar finalis Miss Grand International 2016 dari 24 kasus yang ditemukan.

Kata kunci: Hedge, Hedging, Konstruksi hedging, Pidato, Kata kerja epistemik, Kata kerja modal, Kata kerja kognisi dan Konstruksi hipotesis.


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ABSTRACT...... v

ABSTRAK...... vi



1.1 Background of the Study...... 1 1.2 Problem of the Study...... 5 1.3 Objective of the Study...... 5 1.4 Scope of the Study...... 5 1.5 Significance of the Study...... 6


2.1 Review of Related Studies...... 7 2.2 Hedges...... 12 2.2.1 Types of Hedging Construction...... 15 2.3 Speech Theory...... 18 2.3.1 Speech Situation...... 20 2.3.2 The Units of Speech...... 20 The Communicator...... 20 The Message...... 22 The Hearers...... 22


3.1 Research Design...... 24 3.2 Data and Sources of Data...... 24 3.3 Data Collecting Method...... 24 3.4 Data Analysis Method...... 25 vii

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4.1 Data Analysis...... 26 4.1.1 Types of Hedging Construction...... 26 4.2 Analysis of the Revealed Hedges...... 32 4.3 Finding...... 39

CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION 5.1 Conclusion...... 41 5.2 Suggestion...... 41

REFERENCES...... …….. 43



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1.1 Background of the Study

Two friends having a conversation may imply some things and infer some others without providing any clear linguistic evidence that we can point to as the explicit source of „the meaning‟ of what was communicated said Yule (1996:4) Yule (1996:5) said that semantics is the study of the relationships between linguistic forms and entities in the world; that is, how words literally connect to things. Semantic analysis also attempts to establish the relationships between verbal descriptions and states of affairs in the world as accurate (true) or not, regardless of who produces that description Pragmatics is the study of the relationships between linguistic forms and the users of those forms. The advantage of studying language via pragmatics is that one can talk about people‟s intended meanings, their assumptions, their purposes or goals, and the kinds of actions (for example, requests) that they are performing when they speak. The big disadvantage is that all these very human concepts are extremely difficult to analyze in a consistent and objective way. However, the thing that distinguishes pragmatics from semantics is pragmatics deals with meanings included in a speaker‟s utterance or conversation while semantics deals with pure linguistics concern such as the units of language, types of expressions, and so on. Based on its use, pragmatics is often called as the speakers‟ meaning. When someone utters he delivers two meanings, surface and deep structure of meanings. Here pragmatics is required to help us in understanding the deep meaning of the speaker since it usually occurs that the deep meaning has a different understanding than its surface structure said Yule (1996:4) Yule (1996:3) categorized pragmatics into four areas namely: 1. Pragmatics is the study of speaker meaning It has, consequently, more to do with the analysis of what people mean by their utterances than what the words or phrases in those utterances might mean by themselves.


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2. Pragmatics is the study of contextual meaning. This type of study necessarily involves the interpretation of what people mean in a particular context and how the context influences what is said. It requires a consideration of how speakers organize what they want to say in accordance with who they are talking to, where, when, and under what circumstances. Pragmatics is the study of contextual meaning. 3. Pragmatics is the study of how gets communicated than is said. This approach also necessarily explores how listeners can make inferences about what is said in order to arrive at an interpretation of the speaker‟s intended meaning. This type of study explores how a great deal of what is unsaid is recognized as part of what is communicated. We might say that it is the investigation of invisible meaning. 4. Pragmatics is the study of the expression of relative distance. This perspective than raises the question of what determines the choice between the said and the unsaid. The basic answer is tried to the notion of distance. Closeness, whether it is physical, social, or conceptual, implies shared experience. On the assumption of how close or distant the listener is, speakers determine how much needs to be said. Here is one example of pragmatics: The Queen and her butler, James, are in the drawing room. The window is open.  Queen says: it‟s cold in here. It may means: (a) The temperature in this place is frigid. (b) The Queen asks James to shut the window. As we can see, two or more utterances might have the same underlying sentence as their „script‟, but they can have quite different interpretations in context. By now we will have noticed that interpreting what a speaker‟s utterance means involves a fair amount of intelligent guesswork for the hearer, and considerably more knowledge than comes from simply knowing the meanings of individual


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words and how they combine to form sentences. In the following units, we will be looking in more detail at what this sort of intelligent guesswork might involve.

Pragmatic competence is the ability to communicate your intended message with all its nuances in any socio-cultural context and to interpret the message of your interlocutor as it was intended. As critical as this ability is for communication success, it is often not given the emphasis it deserves in the teaching of a second language; with the result that second-language speakers, who lack pragmatic competence, may produce grammatically flawless speech that nonetheless fails to achieve its communicative aims (Fraser, 2010:15). The process whereby pragmatic constrain become conventionalized in the pragmatically specialized features of grammar provides an explanation of how, over a long time-scale, grammar itself becomes adapted to pragmatic constrains. Another example namely:  Are you able to repair this watch? Although it will be pragmatically interpreted in the right context as carting the force of a request (“I want to know if you can mend this watch, and if so, I want to do so”), this sentence is not grammatically specialized for that purpose. In pragmatics, a hedge is kinds of expressions speakers use to mark that they may be in danger of not fully adhering to the principles. We assume that people are normally going to provide an appropriate amount of information; we assume that they are telling the truth, being relevant and trying to be as clear as they can, said Yule (1996:37). The concept of hedge in linguistics was coined by G. Lakoff (1972:195), whose wellknown definition of the term was: “Words whose job is to make things fuzzy or less fuzzy”. The terms hedge and hedging, in their literal sense, refer to the idea of „barrier‟, „limit‟, „defence‟, or to the means used to protect or defend him/her.


1. As far as I know, they are married. 2. I may be mistaken, but I thought I saw a wedding ring on her finger. 3. I‟m not sure if this is right, but I heard it was a secret ceremony in Hawaii.


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4. He couldn‟t live without her, I guess.

In his book General Speech Communication, Baird (1971:4) states that communication both shapes society and holds it together. In this world whatever people do, they always get involved with other people. Speech is the vocalized form of communication used by humans, which is based upon the syntactic combination of items drawn from the lexicon.

Miss Grand International is a that aims to participate in creating peace and stop the war. This beauty contest is under auspices of the Miss Grand International Organization headquartered in , . The author prefer to choose Miss Grand International than any other beauty pageant because Indonesia won this pageant and it is the very first time for Indonesia to win one of major international beauty pageant and it is a pride. Besides that, the speech competition is one of main elements of this pageant to deliver the messages of the finalists through the speech. There are some preliminary rounds of the contest until the judges decide who will be the winner of Miss Grand International. The first is the top 20 preliminary round, top 20 contestants were excluded from the total contestants registered to compete, then they have to follow the next preliminary round where they will be opted back into the top 10 finalists which then will follow the preliminary round which is a key element of this contest namely a speech about the slogan of the contest which is "Stop the War and Violence" and then it will set aside back into the top 5 finalists and again following the next preliminary round until the winner is decided as well as the first until the fourth runners up. The analysis is focused on all hedges found in the speeches of top 10 finalists Miss Grand International 2016. The option is based on a common consideration that whatever the situation is, they should not tell even a single hesitation in their utterances since it easily says that every single word from them gives significant and big impacts to the judges as well as the audiences. When they deliver a single hesitation in their speeches ahead, their reliability will go down as a consequence. By


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reflecting on that fact, they need much consideration before delivering their speeches. As the finalists, their position is much like someone standing on the highest perch on a hill. Everyone easily sees them and also judges them simultaneously. They cannot avoid that thing. That is the risk of being the finalists. All they can do is preparing, collecting, verifying, and the reconsidering their speeches. When they meet their confidence about their speeches, then they may move and deliver it. Long consideration and good-persuasive words will place them to the most comfort place in the heart of the judges as well as the audiences.

1.2 Problem of the Study

Based on the background of the study above, the problems discussed in this thesis are: 1. What types of hedging construction found in the speeches of top 10 finalists Miss Grand International 2016? 2. What does every hedge found in the speeches of top 10 finalists Miss Grand International 2016 reveal?

1.3 Objective of the Study

Objectives of this analysis are:

1. To find out the types of hedging construction found in the speeches of top 10 finalists Miss Grand International 2016. 2. To find out what every hedge found in the speeches of top 10 finalists Miss Grand International 2016 reveals.

1.4 Scope of the Study

There are two scopes that are proposed here. First, the types of hedging construction of hedges found in the speeches top 10 finalists Miss Grand International 2016 would be stated further. Second, the elaboration moves to reveal those hedges.


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1.5 Significance of the Study

Theorytically, this thesis supposed to contribute a big significance for the readers as follow: 1. This analysis could enrich research on hedges. 2. This analysis could give some information about hedges found in the speeches of top 10 finalists Miss Grand International 2016.


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2.1 Review of Related Studies

In doing an analysis scientifically it is really important to look upon another work which has been done before. Through reflecting on it, the analysis which will be done could take some different perspectives from those works, such as the theory, the methodology and the way they analyze the data. Those works, in a narrow or wide paradigm, may help to finish and conclude an analysis well. In this analysis some peculiar works are appeared in an intention to give a worth consideration in doing this analysis. The first work which is going to be disputed is a scientific journal from Paloma Poveda Cabanes in Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. This thesis entitled “A Contrastive Analysis of Hedging in English and Spanish Architecture Project Descriptions”. In this journal, Paloma analyzed a corpus consisting of 14 architecture project descriptions in Spanish and 14 in English –with a total of 13.998 words (6.689+7.389 respectively)–, all written in their original language, that is to say, there are not instances of translations. Paloma‟s intentions to do this analysis are to offer an overview of the main communicative strategies used by the authors of architecture project descriptions to express politeness, solidarity or deference towards their audience and to make their messages rhetorically appropriate. In doing his analysis Paloma walked on a method in which Paloma only reveals the illustrative and orientative purpose, and lack statistical value. The result of Paloma‟s analysis of hedging words reveals a wide array of rhetorical strategies. It can be said that the strategies described as depersonalization, detachment, modesty, humility, deference and solidarity seem to serve the author‟s wish to show deference and politeness towards the audience. The author‟s need to protect him/herself against the possible negative consequences of being proved wrong seems to be fulfilled by strategies of provisionality, tentativeness and justification. Finally, the expression of the author‟s consideration of the degree of


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precision deemed necessary in his/her text is achieved by strategies of indetermination and accuracy level. In the final conclusion, Paloma descriptively drew the phenomenon of hedging in architecture project descriptions is not apparently manifested at the surface level of the utterances, as seems to be the case in other genres. In other types of texts, hedging is mainly signalled by the insertion of certain elements or expressions which modulate the rhetorical weight of the statements but usually do not add any extra meaning. In most cases, the absence of these elements does not modify the semantic contents of the author‟s statements to a great extent. Instead, the authors of architecture project descriptions tend to resort mainly to lexical choices which add a certain amount of information to the semantic contents of their statements. They try to be more precise and accurate in the selection of the words which they judge to be most appropriate for fulfilling the specific goals of this communicative situation. Besides the journal from Paloma, another work is appeared in this present analysis. The work was packaged in the journal form as well. The journal came from Iran which goes toward a motion “A Cross-Cultural Genre Study on Hedging Devices in Discussion Section of Applied Linguistics Research Articles”. Mahmoodreza Atai and Lela Sadr are the person who took the responsibility in arranging this journal. The present study aims to investigate the impact of language/culture on the use of hedging strategies in academic writing of English and Persian Native Speakers in English applied linguistics research articles. As the sample of analysis, applied linguistics research articles written by English and Persian Native Speakers were selected on the basis of stratified sampling randomization. This is the different poin between both of these journals. When in the first journal, the writer has determined the researched material in the form of architecture project descriptions but in this journal the writer should use method of population and sampling in determining the researching materials. The similar condition happens to the present thesis analysis. The point of difference is Atai and Sadr used the sampling randomization method while in the present thesis, the way of selecting the researching materials is based on the level of urgency the speeches delivered.


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The discussion section of experimental and descriptive research articles were compared for the amounts and types of hedges through chi- square analysis. When Atai and Sadr count the amount it means the quantitative method is walking through this analysis. This is also another critical different of Atai and Sadr‟s journal with Paloma‟s journal and also the present thesis. The findings show that there are significant differences between hedges used by English and Persian speakers of English applied linguistics in the corpus. More specifically, English native speakers were found to use a variety of terms to express tentativeness and their degree of commitment towards their finding. The findings have implications for a number of disciplines, particularly teaching English for Academic/Specific Purposes. Another work is The Frequency and Types of Hedges in Research Article Introductions by Persian and English Native Authors by Mahmoud Samaie, Fereshteh Khosravian and Mahnaz Boghayeri. Their study examined the types and frequency of hedges employed by Persian and English native speakers in the introduction section of academic research articles in the field of literature. In so doing, a corpus of forty research articles published in national and international journals were randomly selected and analysed through descriptive statistics in terms of frequency. In the introduction section, hedges allow researchers to establish an early niche for their research. The results of the study indicate that English writers are more tentative in putting forward claims and in rejecting or confirming the ideas of others than Persian writers. English native writers used modal auxiliaries, evidential main verbs, adjectives and nouns in RAs more frequently than their Persian native writers' counterparts. The present findings can be employed to design tasks and materials for teaching writing that focus not only on grammar but also on rhetorical structures and various genres of writing. The study also recommends that as hedges are used differently across languages and non- native authors mostly desire to publish their scholastic writings in prestigious journals, adequate consideration seems necessary to be paid to the descriptions of linguistic and rhetorical devices in English. Work of Raija Markkanen and Hartmut Schroder about hedging, a challenge for pragmatics and discourse analysis also says that if you hedge against something


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unpleasant or unwanted that might affect you, you do something which will protect you from it. If you hedge or hedge a problem or question you avoid answering the question or committing yourself to a particular action or decision." (Collins 1987) This description of the everyday meaning of the verb hedge suggests that as a linguistic term it might also refer to the choice of a certain kind of communicative strategy. This is actually the case in most uses of the term hedge in linguistic literature: it is possible to detect at least some affinity between its everyday meaning and the linguistic expressions referred to when using the term. However, there have been linguists who, like Skelton (1988), deplore the use of the term precisely because it reflects the connotations of the everyday usage of the word.

These definitions indicate that the formulation of concepts in everyday communication requires the use of hedges because concepts (e.g. 'bird') trigger prototypical images in people's minds, which makes it necessary to somehow mark their less prototypical representatives. Thus, if we mark a concept with a hedge, we do not refer to a prototypical representative of the class, but to a non-prototypical one. Therefore a sentence like A penguin is sort of a bird is acceptable, but A raven is sort of a bird is absurd.

Last but not least is the work of Veronika Rausova entitled Hedging in Academic Discourse: Linguistic Research Articles. The present research focused on the possible differences in the usage of hedging strategies in linguistic research articles of native Czech speakers writing in English (NCS) and native speakers of English (NES). Hedging is considered to be a fundamental part of any academic text ensuring that the outcomes of one‟s research are successfully communicated to the intended audience. The hypothesis that there will be differences in the use of hedging strategies was based on previous work done by Čmejrková et al. (1999) and Dontcheva-Navrátilová (2015) who have shown significant differences between the two groups in the conventions and approach to presentation of one‟s research to the academia. Czech academic writing is characterized as being less interactive, primarily writer-oriented, and concealing authorial presence in comparison to Anglophone academic writing, which exhibits


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higher level of interactivity, is primarily reader-oriented, and often shows marked authorial presence. The research articles providing data for this study were collected from international and Czech based peer-reviewed journals. Subsequently, two corpora were created, each consisting of 23 concluding sections of research articles and each containing approximately 11.000 words. The data were analysed using the taxonomy of hedges established by Hyland (1996, 1998), employed in Varttala‟s work (2001), and further modified by Malášková (2015) who recognizes three hedging strategies – content-oriented (attenuation of claims), writer-oriented (limiting personal commitment of the author), and reader-oriented hedging (subjectivizing claims). The analysis of the data was twofold; firstly the individual lexical items functioning as hedges either by themselves or contributing to a more complex hedging structures were identified and classified. Secondly, the items were categorized according to which hedging strategy they represented. The results were normalized and compared through log-likelihood to be able to determine significantly different values. The results have shown that the existing conventions in Czech academic writing do influence the use of hedges in research articles of NCS. The most salient differences were found in the category of the reader-oriented hedging strategies (personal reference to methods, personal attribution, inclusive we, questions, etc.) which were present with significantly higher frequency in the corpus of NES. The reader-oriented hedging contributes to higher interactivity and dialogic nature of the text and the results thus comply with the previous research. The category of writer-oriented hedges shows significant difference in the frequency of use of passive constructions (higher frequency in the NCS corpus), a strategy used to avoid overt authorial presence, which is again in compliance with the preliminary hypothesis. Content-oriented hedging strategies were employed consistently and with no significant differences in frequency by both groups, except for the category of adverbs, whose frequency was significantly higher in the NCS corpus. Finally, the overall number of all hedging devices and strategies was higher in the NES corpus. The results of this small-scale study may have implications for teaching academic writing to native Czech authors in order to


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achieve academic discourse that is able to better compete in the environment of the Anglophone academic community.

2.2 Hedges In pragmatics, hedge or hedging has an important role in politeness, mitigation, and vagueness. It is also kinds of expressions speakers use to mark that they may be in danger of not fully adhering to the principles. The concept of hedge in linguistics was coined by G. Lakoff (1972:195), whose wellknown definition of the term was: “Words whose job is to make things fuzzy or less fuzzy”. The terms hedge and hedging, in their literal sense, refer to the idea of „barrier‟, „limit‟, „defence‟, or to the means used to protect or defend him/her. Lakoff‟s theories served to facilitate understanding of the semantic based on which the concept rests, opening the way to later analyses of the subject. His approach also suggested the importance of context and meaning in the study of linguistic phenomena, and for this reason most of these subsequent studies have evolved towards pragmatic aspects. From a formal point of view, as Crompton (1997) pointed out, the nominalization which Lakoff‟s definition made of the word hedge suggested he was considering a discrete set of linguistic items. However, later studies have proved that the phenomenon of rhetoric attenuation can be formalized through multiple mechanisms which sometimes even include grammatical and syntactic aspects. Based on Lakoff‟s work, and after studying the different functions of indeterminate expressions in spoken medical discourse, Prince et al. (1982) suggested the division of these linguistic items into two main categories: approximators which express fuzziness or vagueness within the propositional content itself and which therefore constitute a semantic phenomenon and shields which express fuzziness in the relationship between the propositional content and the speaker and which therefore deal with the problem from a pragmatic point of view. Within the category of shields they identified two subclasses: plausibility shields expressing the speaker‟s degree of certainty about the veracity of his message– and


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attribution shields –which attribute the idea expressed to someone different from the speaker. The approach proposed by these authors has been, however, criticized by later studies as those of Skelton (1988), who observed that this distinction amongst different types of hedges is only sustainable in abstract terms and it is difficult to maintain in the analyses of the real use of language. Skelton proposes the abandonment of the term hedge in favour of a distinction between proposition and comment, and places the use of the communicative strategies of hedging within the framework of what he calls commentative language, characterized by the modulation of propositions. This approach has also been questioned by other studies, exclusively centred upon the consideration of hedges as devices which express the author‟s degree of commitment to the truthfulness of his/her statements. As Crompton points out, from this point of view, the scope of Skelton‟s distinction is too broad and can lead to ambiguity, since there are many other types of comments which an author can make to express different attitudes from those mentioned earlier. In this context, hedging language is no more than a subset of what Skelton described as commentative language. He was interested in the properties of words such as rather or sort of and how they make things fuzzy or less fuzzy (vague or less vague). For Lakoff, hedging involved the attenuation of the membership of a particular expression, for example:  John is sort of smart.  That is technically a bookcase. or the reinforcement of the class membership, for example:  John is very, very smart.  I really love you.  What I tell you is the absolute truth. Lakoff began with a semantic discussion of sort of, pointing out that this predicate modifier and others like it reveal different distinctions of category membership. In the sentences below,  A robin is sort of a bird. (false, no questions it‟s a bird)  A chicken is sort of a bird. (true, or very close to true)  A penguin is sort of a bird. (true, or close to true) 13

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 A bat is sort of a bird. (false, or very close to false)  A cow is sort of a bird. (false) The degree of truth must be „„rejected‟‟ for a real bird, „„possibly‟‟ accepted for a non-prototypical bird like a chicken or penguin, but „„rejected‟‟ again when the animal of which bird was being predicated was simply not a bird or not much of a bird. Lakoff discussed other hedges such as par excellence, typically, strictly speaking, loosely speaking, and in essence, showing that these hedges interact with the term they modify, but in different ways. All his examples involved predicate adjectives or predicate nominals, and all were declarative sentences. It is relevant that Lakoff was primarily interested in hedges, not hedging. He offered the following as examples of hedges in English namely: real, regular, actually, almost, as it were, basically, can be view as, crypto-, especially, essentially, exceptionally, for the most part, in a manner of speaking, in a real sense, in a sense, in a way, kind of, largely, literally, loosely speaking, more or less, mostly, often, on the tall side, par excellence, particularly, pretty much, principally, pseudo-, quintessentially, rather, really, relatively, roughly, so to say, somewhat, sort of, strictly speaking, technically, typically, very, virtually (Lakoff, 1972: 196). The fact that an expression may be used as a hedge is not part of its definition. In fact, an expression is usually only recognized as a hedge when it is used in hedging. Thus, it should not be surprising that there is no grammatical class of hedges, since hedging devices are drawn from every syntactic category. It can be assumed that in hedging, the fuzzy and less fuzzy things are used by the speaker to show conviviality and politeness of his/her utterance. Hence, the speaker can manipulate his/her utterance to make it soft, so he/she can spare his/herself from the negative impact of the hearer. From the definition of hedging which was explained by the linguist, it can be assumed that the most important point of hedging functions is to make the speaker in the safe position when he/she utters his/her utterance. This is because hedging device used by the speaker to affect the hearer to feel comfortable when listening to the speaker‟s utterance. When the speaker softens his/her utterance, he/she can also expresses his/her idea freely without feeling afraid of the negative impact of his/her utterance. Salager-Meyer (1995) also believes that the main functions of hedging are to


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protect the authors against reactions which their propositions might provoke and to reflect their modesty and deference towards the target audience.

2.2.1 Types of Hedging Construction Hedges or hedging is defined as devices that can diminish the impact of utterance with various purposes. Those devices are classified into hedging construction. It consists of some word classes that can be assumed as types of hedging. Types of hedging are frequently used in conversation. (Chan Swee Heng- Helen Tan (2002:4) Salager-Mayer (1994:7) defines types of hedging into taxonomy of hedges. He explains that there are some word classes included of the principle of hedging. There are: modal auxiliaries (may, can, might, could, would), modal lexical verbs (to seem, to appear, to believe, to assume, to suggest), adjectival, adverbial and nominal modal phrase (possible, probable, assumption, claim, possibility, perhaps, probably, likely, apparently), approximators (approximately, roughly, about, often, occasionally, a lot of), Introductory phrases (I believe, as far as I/we know), and certain “if” clauses (if true, if anything). On the other hand, Chan Swee Heng-Helen Tan (2002:4) limits Salager- Mayer‟s theory by mitigating adjectival, nominal, approximators, and introductory phrases and adds some word classes in her theory of hedging construction types that she calls typology of hedging construction. Her typology of hedging include of adverbials (approximately, generally, quite), epistemic verbs (suggest, seem, appear), modal verbs (may be, would be), cognition verbs (believe, surmise, think), hypothetical construction (If, and unless), and anticipatory it-clause (It and there). From the theory described by two linguists above, it can be concluded that hedging has several types whose have functions. Each type has own intention; modal is commonly used to express the tentativeness of the proposition or the possibility in the future. Adverbial is commonly used to modify a complete idea expressed in a claim and approximate or shield something. Modal lexical verbs that consist of epistemic and cognition; epistemic verb is used to soften idea and cognition verb is used to precede the use of verbs giving a focus to the speaker‟s or writer‟s assumption. Certain ”If” clauses and hypothetical construction are usually used in


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making hypothesis politely. Anticipatory it clause is commonly used to front the claim giving it more focus in the proposition. These types of hedging construction are used by the speaker to convey his/her intention which can be understood by seeing the context. From all the theory of types of hedging constructions, I took the adverbial hedging construction to be the subject of this research because it is simple construction.

Based on Chan Swee Heng-Helen Tan (2002:4), the types of hedging construction are: 1. Adverbials In the use of these hedges, some adverbials are placed immediately after the verb form such as approximately, but others such as quite modify an adjective. The word generally, however, modifies a complete idea expressed in a clause. Examples: 1. The price of that concert ticket approximately $10. 2. Generally, university student is more knowledgeable than high school student. 3. The message of the speaker was quite well received.

2. Epistemic Verbs The epistemic verbs are a class on their own as they do not show action such as kick, wash, eat, etc. In the use of these verbs, a continuation is obligatory in the form of a „that‟clausal structure or in the instance of „appear‟, the use of the infinitive is obligatory if the subject is not of the cleft structure. Examples: 1. The research suggests that drinking eight glasses of water daily will keep you health. 2. It seems that the train will come a little late. 3. The notice appears to help the passengers.


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3. Modal Verbs The modal verbs are verbs that allow the writers to express the tentativeness of the proposition. In the use of the modals, there should be a realisation of a gradation in terms of the strength of the claims made. Generally, the order that is followed is as follows (from the weakest to the strongest): might, could, should have, had better. An area of confusion could be in the choice of the modals with reference to the tense such as can and could. Both are examples to express possibility in the future, but the use of can denotes a slightly more definite possibility. More often than not, the two forms are often seen as interchangeable. Could, would and might may not be the past form. The use of the modals may be realised in perfective forms which express unfulfilled or unrealised actions or events. Attention should be given to the use of modals with perfective and those without to suit the appropriate communicative act. Examples: 1. The ticket may be able to refund. 2. It would be fun to have many new friends. 3. The venue of the contest could be amazing.

4. Cognition Verbs The choice of cognition verbs appears connected to a stronger stance taken in mitigating the proposition. Personal pronouns always precede the use of such verbs giving a focus to the writer‟s assumption of personal responsibility. These structures are always followed by a that clause.

Examples: 1. I believe that we will have a good presentation after practice. 2. I surmise that there will a plan b when we failed. 3. I think it is a good idea to get more customers.

5. Hypothetical Constructions In making a hypothesis, the hypothetical constructions using if and unless are found in the subordinated clauses. Words like possibly and probably are more


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mobile as they can be inserted into the verb phrase or in the initial position preceding the clause.

Examples: 1. If you apply your curriculum vitae, then it will be followed up by the manager. 2. Unless we attend their wedding ceremony, we will not be able to have a picture with them. 3. The hotel room could possibly be rent for $50 a night.

6. Anticipatory it- clause The constructions make use of a dummy subject to begin a sentence. It helps to front the claim giving it more prominence in the proposition. These constructions also necessitate the use of a that clause to complete the sense of the proposition. There is a gradation in the intensity of the claims made. Words like seem, and appear are not as strong as words like believe and surmise. Each structure therefore illustrates a specific stance chosen by the writer or speaker in conveying the intended message. Examples: 1. It is likely that the professor will present the seminar. 2. There is a tendency to underestimate diploma graduate. 3. By winning the competition, it is probable that she will be more challenged to join any other competitions.

2.3 Speech Theory In his book General Speech Communication, Baird (1971:4) states that communication both shapes society and holds it together. In this world whatever people do, they always get involved with other people. Speech is the vocalized form of communication used by humans, which is based upon the syntactic combination of items drawn from the lexicon.


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Speech is one of communnication tools. It can be done formally or informally. Speech is alike another communication means. It needs specific way to be delivered so our speech can convince people who hear it. Hence, everyone who is curious to make his speech becomes something worth and significant to the readers, it is really essential to learn and to acquire the theory of speech. Considering that thing, a man needs to understand and be understood by other people around him. An ideal society can exist only through interaction and mutual adjustment among people. It can be believed that every conflict existing among society firstly arise when there is a breakdown in the interaction. The conflict then tends to make disintegration among the society itself. That is to say, only adequate communication can create and maintain the society to exist. Communication through language holds an essential role in making society. That language also holds an important role in placing somebody among that sociaety. Due of the fact, people should learn some prior skills in communication to make their speeches have some control of their communication environment. The skills are obviously intented to make people‟s speeches affect other people and could rise a mutual respect among people in that society. Based on that view, people need more than usual communication in making them as somebody among the society. People should avoid vain words when they have a conversation with others or a man stands against people and delivers his speech. Shakespeare in his Romeo and Juliet says, “She speaks, yet she says nothing”. How could be someone who speaks but he says nothing? At a glance, it sounds not make sense to the readers, but what Shakespeare wants to emphasize here that people, usually, go right with their own speech and they are unaware of the failures and problems appearing in their environment. This is a big problem faced by people who make a speech or other communication means. They communicate and they speak but the problems-as the main resources of the messages that should be delivered-are forgotten. Bairs emphasizes that, “effective communication requires sensitivity and skills that can only come from careful study of communication processes and an awareness of what you and others are doing as you communicate. It also requires a great deal of understanding of other people”. Regarding that outstanding statement it could be concluded that a good communicator is a man who is perfectly able to


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combine skills, sensitivity of others and awareness of the environment to his speeches. 2.3.1 Speech Situation Speech is one of the means of communication. As elaborated briefly above, all communication events always involve a communicator as well as a speech. The communicator mixes the combination of ability in feeling sensitivity, applying his skill from the lesson that he has got, and the last, showing an awareness of his environment. Based on the theory viewed above, all communicators need to master those skills, included in speech communicator. In the speech situation, the communicator should be able to recognize the particular speech situation in which the communicator is being involved. The recognizing of the particular situation of the speech is taken place gives a way to the communicator to affect people who hear his speech. When there is an affect upon the people that heard the speech, then the communicator ultimately hopes for the constant and significant change among the people of his environment. The change which the communicator hopes to be built is like a set of process which can not work in the initial work. The communicator needs a long term to build it as an influencing change for his environment. The various parties of environment push the communicator to be able to gain various skills as well. The skills cover the ability to work with various individuals and people. The ability to work with numbers people will arise the ability to give solutions in various problems occuring in environment. When it is all done, the communication of the communicator will meet the peak of his leadership image. 2.3.2 The Units of Speech As another work, a speech also has some particular elements which build it up to be a good work. The experts sometimes have different perceptions in saying these elements. This thesis, however, decides to walk on the Baird‟s theory since all the theory in writing the theory of speech above also comes from Baird. The elements which Baird outlines are: The Communicator Someone always iniatiates the process of communication. Sometimes the topic of someone‟s communication is a designated topic, yet sometimes the topic of


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communication is formed in the sudden topic. In both cases of speech, the communicator initiates the communication with some peculiar reasons. The reasons of communication then could be some information or knowledge for the hearers. Regarding that the communication of the speech speaker could be some precious information for its hearers; the speech speaker needs to be perfectly packaged so the message of his communication could be well delivered. The good speech speakers should be fulfilled some characteristics below: 1. Initially, a good speech speaker should have a good personality as well. When the speaker is able to build his good personality, conscious or unconsciously the hearers would send a positive respond toward him. A good personality which invites people‟s admiring upon him is called charisma. In politic stage, it is commonly called as the process of building image over people. It can be done through propaganda advertisement, “meet and greet” with his people and so on. Indonesian President, our honored Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, is one of the world figure who is considered achieved his seat through building a good image. 2. It is important for the speech speaker to be aware of the sensing of feedback from the hearers. Therefore, it is critically needed to learn interpreting hearers‟ dominant attitude and when facing a restless attitude of his hearers, the speech better changes the way he delivers the message in his speech. 3. Superior intelligence is needed to be more effective speech speaker. By his knowledge, a speech speaker is able to expand his communication process and he could deliver what he knows to the readers. 4. A good speaker should also have an exercise of judgement. The exercise of judgement is an aspect of responsibility. The word “responsible” means the leader avoids false pretenses, misrepresentations, and unrealibility in both word and deed. A good speech speaker should be aware to the bias, prejudice, and injustice in seeing a problem which is being discussed in his speech. Through this exercise of judgement, a good speech speaker always seeks all relevant available information in making decisions. Based on it, when he delivers his speech he would give his opinions upon a problem with a bug of rational thinking. This thing reflects the speech speaker qualities.


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5. Confidence and stage fright. The biggest problem that the speech speaker has is the lack of confidence (stage fright). The symptoms of stage fright are all the characteristics of typical fear responses. Typical fear responses can be understood as process of mental reaction which normally occurs when someone is invited to give his opinion before a hundred of eyes. To anticipate this problem, the speech speaker could firstly learn about human emotional behaviour. Through learning this method, it hopefully helps the speaker to stop thinking about nervousness. Preparing the material of topic which is going to be delivered is really helpful. Then, the speaker should also maintain his concentration so he would miss the linking of his message. Many people hence believe missing of the linking of speech message often causes nervous to the speaker himself. The Message The message may be long or short. It may be four hour speech or on the contrast, it may be merely taken less than one minute speech, as Miss Grand Macau did at the grand final of Miss Grand International 2016. The message of the speech may be an answer to some inquiry, an unbroken treatment of a theme, or an act of responsibility after doing something. The message in speech could be considered as individual original work or it may be finished by involving some certain men who are needed to enrich the content of the message as Miss Grand who started her speech by involving with a quote from Dr. Martin Luther King as well as Miss Grand USA who was involving the quote of former Secretary-General of the United Nations, Ban Ki-moon. The Hearers Adaptation to the hearers is one of the most important aspects of communnication. Communnication is a social activity. In general people do not talk simply to be talking or write simply to be writing; rather people communicate largely to help themselves adjust to each other and to their environment. There are various ways in which the speaker could adapt to the hearers. The simplest thing which a speaker can do is to deliver his ideas clearly so the ideas are easily served by the hearers. Besides, the speaker should also match the ideas that he


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wants to deliver with the needs of the hearers. It means before delivering the speech, the speaker should understand to whom he talks. The speaker must be sensitive to their needs and with all great humility; the speaker should be able to put himself in hearers‟ shoes because the effectiveness of the speech largely depends on the identification of hearers‟ most needs.


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3.1 Research Design In finishing this thesis, the qualitative method is used by the writer. In their book, Miles & Huberman (1994: 1) say that data of the qualitative method usually in the form of word rather than numbers. The qualitative data are the source of well- grounded, rich description and explanations of process in identifiable local context. With the data from qualitative method, people can preserve chronological flow, see precisely which events led to which consequences, and derive fruitful explanation. Words, especially organized into incidents or stories, have a concrete, vivid, meaningful flavor that often proves more than convincing to a reader, another researcher, a policy maker, a practitioner, than pages of summarized numbers.

3.2 Data and Source of Data The data presented in this analysis are the speeches of top 10 finalists Miss Grand International 2016. The sources of the data in this research are the utterances and sentences found in the speeches of top 10 finalists Miss Grand International 2016.

3.3 Data Collecting Method Saifuddin Azwar (2004: 36) in his book Metode Penelitian states that “ Data Penelitian dikumpulkan baik lewat instrumen pengumpulan data, observasi, maupun lewat data dokumentasi” (The research data are collected either through data collection instrument, observation or through documentation data). Based on the theory viewed above, the data are collected from the speeches of top 10 finalists Miss Grand International 2016 on the recorded video document. In collecting the data from the sources in this analysis, there are several steps which are used, they are: 1. Watching the complete video of the speeches of the top 10 finalists Miss Grand International 2016. 2. Reading the complete transcript of the speeches of the top 10 finalists Miss Grand International 2016. 24

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3. Finding the hedges contained in the speeches through reflecting on the theory that has been delivered.

3.4 Data Analysis Method After collecting the data from the data source, the next step is to analyze the data. Miles and Huberman explain about the qualitative method based on content analysis. According to Miles & Huberman (1994: 10-11), there are three concurrent flows of activity: data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing/ verification. The first step is reducing the data by the process of selecting, focusing, simplifying, and transforming the data that appear in written up-filed notes or transcriptions. Data reduction is a form of analysis that sharpens, shorts, focuses, discards, and organizes data in such a way that “final” conclusions can be drawn and verified. The second step is data display. After reducing the data, the analyst has to display the data whether in tables, matrices, graphs, charts, and networks. All are designed to assemble, compact form so that the analyst can see what is happening and either draw justified conclusions or move on to the next step of analysis the display suggests may be useful. The third step is conclusion drawing and verification. Conclusions are also verified as the analyst proceeds. Verification may be as brief as a fleeting second thought crossing the analyst‟s mind during writing. Final conclusion may not appear until the data collection is over. The systematic procedures in this research namely: 1. Reading the speeches of top 10 finalists Miss Grand International 2016. 2. Identifying the hedges existed in those speeches. 3. Categorizing the utterances or sentences found in the speeches into the type of hedging construction. 5. Identifying the most dominant types of hedge. 6. Making summary of the analysis and make a conclusion based on the findings of the analysis.


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4.1 Data Analysis Below are the data of hedges in the speeches of top 10 finalists Miss Grand International 2016. The data are displayed in the table and classified into each type of hedging construction.

4.1.1 Types of Hedging Construction 1. Types of Hedging Construction in the Speech of Miss Grand Bahamas (Selvinique Wright)

No. Utterances Types of Hedging Construction

1. Peace, freedom and Modal verbs

harmony should be within

every nation, every

religion, every race, every community and every home. 2. And although this grave Epistemic verbs infestation of war and violence seems unshakable. 3. We must remember that no Modal verbs matter what country, we all belong to one race, the human race. 4. And in understanding this, Modal verbs peace, love and freedom can be eminent.


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2. Types of Hedging Construction in the Speech of Miss Grand Indonesia (Ariska Putri Pertiwi)

No. Utterances Types of Hedging Construction

1. We should live in peace. Modal verbs

2. So let‟s come together as Cognition verbs one in unity, let‟s come together to make this world a better place because I believe with the heart, sincerity and hand in hand.

3. We can give hope for them. Modal verbs 4. And with the hope and Modal verbs walk together, we can stop the war.

3. Types of Hedging Construction in the Speech of Miss Grand Korea (Cho Yeseul)

No. Utterances Types of Hedging Construction

1. So I ask you, let‟s set an Modal verbs example of unity and love

from our school, families and neighbors and we should not be afraid to use our voice to stand up for justice.


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4. Types of Hedging Construction in the Speech of Miss Grand Macau (Hio Man Chan)

No. Utterances Types of Hedging Construction

1. In recent year, the world Epistemic verbs seems to have many

charities especially the terrorist attacks. 2. In my heart, I always Cognition verbs believe that there are two virtues that we need to continue to remind ourselves, to improve, to develop, that‟s respect and empathy. 3. If we put ourselves Hypothetical constructions together and work on these two virtues, no war is necessary anymore. 4. We could be pro-active Modal verbs rather than reactive and we wish see the most beautiful thing in the world that‟s true and unconditional love.


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5. Types of Hedging Construction in the Speech of Miss Grand (Prissila Stephany Howard)

No. Utterances Types of Hedging Construction

1. Showing language, religion Modal verbs and ideas cannot limit us in

finding peace.

6. Types of Hedging Construction in the Speech of Miss Grand (Nicole Ignacio Cordoves)

No. Utterances Types of Hedging Construction

1. So I ask all of you tonight, Modal verbs let‟s all write a new book

about our world and our common humanity, one that would finally give the next generation the happy ending they deserve.

7. Types of Hedging Construction in the Speech of Miss Grand Puerto Rico (Madison Sara Anderson)

No. Utterances Types of Hedging Construction

1. I truly believe the only way Cognition verbs we can end war is living a

life of peace and having tolerance.


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8. Types of Hedging Construction in the Speech of Miss Grand Thailand (Supaporn Malisorn)

No. Utterances Types of Hedging Construction

1. I strongly believe everyone Cognition verbs can stop such fearfulness

with love and forgiveness to each other. 2. Everyone can stop such Modal verbs fearfulness with love and forgiveness to each other.

3. I hopefully believe all Cognition verbs humans in the entire world can live peacefully. 4. All humans in the entire Modal verbs world can live peacefully. 5. We all can decrease the Modal verbs war and violence.

9. Types of Hedging Construction in the Speech of Miss Grand Ukraine (Veronika Mykhailyshyn)

No. Utterances Types of Hedging Construction

1. You must realize little Modal verbs helps can do make a big

difference from war.


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10. Types of Hedging Construction in the Speech of Miss Grand of America (Michelle Gabriela Leon)

No. Utterances Types of Hedging Construction

1. They are there but they are Cognition verbs afraid and that is why I

believe that we must start at home. 2. Parents must give their Modal verbs children a loving and understanding environment so that when they go out, they are not afraid to stand up for what they truly believe in.


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4.2 Analysis of the Revealed Hedges 1. The Revealed Hedges in the Speech of Miss Grand Bahamas (Selvinique Wright) a. Peace, freedom and harmony should be within every nation, every religion, every race, every community and every home.

The type of hedge found in that sentence is modal verb. Modal verb is a verb that expresses likelihood. In the sentence above the speaker use modal verb should that express likelihood that peace, freedom and harmony are still not certain thing and may not happen. The fact is peace, freedom and harmony still not within every nation, religion, race, community or home.

b. And although this grave infestation of war and violence seems unshakable. The type of hedge found in that sentence is epistemic verb. Epistemic verbs are a class on their own as they do not show action. In the sentence above the speaker use epistemic verb seems that express possibility that grave infestation of war and violence may not happen as unshakable things. The fact is the grave infestation of war and violence is still shakable. c. We must remember that no matter what country, we all belong to one race, the human race.

The type of hedge found in that sentence is modal verb. Modal verb is a verb that expresses likelihood. In the sentence above the speaker use modal verb must that express likelihood that the human race is not certain thing. The fact is that every country has their own a lot of races.

d. And in understanding this, peace, love and freedom can be eminent.

The type of hedge found in that sentence is Modal verb. Modal verb is a verb that expresses likelihood. In the sentence above the speaker use modal verb can that express likelihood that that peace, love and freedom may not happen. The fact is by


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only understanding that we all belong to one race, peace, love and freedom still cannot be eminent.

2. The Revealed Hedges in the Speech of Miss Grand Indonesia (Ariska Putri Pertiwi) a. We should live in peace.

The type of hedge found in that sentence is modal verb. Modal verb is a verb that expresses likelihood. In the sentence above the speaker use modal verb should that express likelihood that live in peace still not certain thing and may not happen. The fact is many people still not live in peace.

b. So let’s come together as one in unity, let’s come together to make this world a better place because I believe with the heart, sincerity and hand in hand we can give hope for them.

The type of hedge found in that sentence is cognition verb. Cognition verb appears connected to a stronger stance taken in mitigating the proposition by giving a focus to the writer‟s assumption of personal responsibility. In the sentence above the speaker use cognition verb believe that express assumption that by believing those certain things we can give hope for them as the victims of war. The fact is it‟s not really true by giving hope and walk together they can stop the war, but just to entertain the victims of war.

c. We can give hope for them.

The type of hedge found in that sentence is modal verb. Modal verb is a verb that expresses likelihood. In the sentence above the speaker use modal verb can that express likelihood that by giving hope then the matters will be done. The fact is she only speaks that they can give hope but not act to give the hope for the victims of war.

d. And with the hope and walk together, we can stop the war.


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The type of hedge found in that sentence is modal verb. Modal verb is a verb that expresses likelihood. In the sentence above the speaker use modal verb can that express likelihood that the hope and walk together can stop the war. The fact is they still cannot stop the war by giving hope and walk together.

3. The Revealed Hedges in the Speech of Miss Grand Korea (Cho Yeseul) a. So I ask you, let’s set an example of unity and love from our school, families and neighbors and we should not be afraid to use our voice to stand up for justice.

The type of hedge found in that sentence is modal verb. Modal verb is a verb that expresses likelihood. In the sentence above the speaker use modal verb should that express likelihood that by being unafraid to use our voice to stand up for justice is not certain thing and may not happen. The fact is people are still afraid to use their voice.

4. The Revealed Hedges in the Speech of Miss Grand Macau (Hio Man Chan) a. In recent year, the world seems to have many charities especially the terrorist attacks.

The type of hedge found in that sentence is epistemic verb. Epistemic verbs are a class on their own as they do not show action. In the sentence above the speaker use epistemic verb seems that express possibility that the world has many charities. The fact is true that charities are held for some reasons especially terrorist attack but the speaker was not really sure about what is she talking about.

b. In my heart, I always believe that there are two virtues that we need to continue to remind ourselves, to improve, to develop, that’s respect and empathy.

The type of hedge found in that sentence is cognition verb. Cognition verb appears connected to a stronger stance taken in mitigating the proposition by giving a focus to the writer‟s assumption of personal responsibility. In the sentence above the speaker use cognition verb believe that express assumption about believing those two


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virtues. The fact is those two virtues she said is only her assumption to have those two virtues.

c. If we put ourselves together and work on these two virtues, no war is necessary anymore.

The type of hedge found in that sentence is hypothetical constructions which also known as If clause as conditional clauses or conditional sentences. This means that the event in the main clause (not counting the if) only takes place if the condition in the clause containing if is fulfilled. In the sentence above the speaker use hypothetical construction if. The fact is war will still happen though we work on these two virtues because not everybody will work on these two virtues.

d. We could be pro-active rather than reactive and we wish see the most beautiful thing in the world that’s true and unconditional love.

The type of hedge found in that sentence is modal verb. Modal verb is a verb that expresses likelihood. In the sentence above the speaker use modal verb could that express likelihood that be pro-active rather than reactive. The fact is by being pro-active and get true and unconditional love, war could still happen.

5. The Revealed Hedges in the Speech of Miss Grand Peru (Prissila Stephany Howard) a. Showing language, religion and ideas cannot limit us in finding peace.

The type of hedge found in that sentence is modal verb. Modal verb is a verb that expresses likelihood. In the sentence above the speaker use modal verb could that express likelihood that language, religion and ideas cannot limit us in finding peace. The fact is that language, religion and ideas still can limit them in finding peace.

6. The Revealed Hedges in the Speech of Miss Grand Philippines (Nicole Ignacio Cordoves)


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a. So I ask all of you tonight, let’s all write a new book about our world and our common humanity, one that would finally give the next generation the happy ending they deserve. The type of hedge found in that sentence is modal verb. Modal verb is a verb that expresses likelihood. In the sentence above the speaker use modal verb would that express likelihood that by writing a new book would finally give the next generation happy ending. The fact is not really true literally by writing a new book would give the happy ending to next generation.

7. The Revealed Hedges in the Speech of Miss Grand Puerto Rico (Madison Sara Anderson) a. I truly believe the only way we can end war is living a life of peace and having tolerance. The type of hedge found in that sentence is cognition verb. Cognition verb appears connected to a stronger stance taken in mitigating the proposition by giving a focus to the writer‟s assumption of personal responsibility. In the sentence above the speaker use cognition verb believe that express assumption that by believing those certain things war will end. The fact is it doesn‟t guarantee by living a life of peace and having tolerance to end war because war could happen by any reasons such as politics and something like that. 8. The Revealed Hedges in the Speech of Miss Grand Thailand (Supaporn Malisorn) a. I strongly believe everyone can stop such fearfulness with love and forgiveness to each other. The type of hedge found in that sentence is cognition verb. Cognition verb appears connected to a stronger stance taken in mitigating the proposition by giving a focus to the writer‟s assumption of personal responsibility. In the sentence above the speaker use cognition verb believe that express assumption that by believing those certain things everyone can stop such fearfulness. The fact is not everyone can stop such fearfulness. b. Everyone can stop such fearfulness with love and forgiveness to each other.


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The type of hedge found in that sentence is modal verb. Modal verb is a verb that expresses likelihood. In the sentence above the speaker use modal verb can that express likelihood that everyone is able to stop such fearfulness. The fact is though everyone has love and forgiveness to each other doesn‟t mean they can stop the fearfulness.

c. I hopefully believe all humans in the entire world can live peacefully. The type of hedge found in that sentence is cognition verb. Cognition verb appears connected to a stronger stance taken in mitigating the proposition by giving a focus to the writer‟s assumption of personal responsibility. In the sentence above the speaker use cognition verb believe that express assumption that by believing those certain things then live peacefully can be got. The fact is not all humans in the entire world can live peacefully. d. All humans in the entire world can live peacefully. The type of hedge found in that sentence is modal verb. Modal verb is a verb that expresses likelihood. In the sentence above the speaker use modal verb can that express likelihood that live peacefully. The fact is that all humans in the entire world still cannot live peacefully. e. We all can decrease the war and violence. The type of hedge found in that sentence is modal verb. Modal verb is a verb that expresses likelihood. In the sentence above the speaker use modal verb can that express likelihood that decreases the war and violence. The fact is not all people can decrease the war and violence.

9. The Revealed Hedges in the Speech of Miss Grand Ukraine (Veronika Mykhailyshyn) a. You must realize little helps can do make a big difference from war. The type of hedge found in that sentence is modal verb. Modal verb is a verb that expresses likelihood. In the sentence above the speaker use modal verb must that express likelihood that everyone must realize. The fact is not everybody has realized that little helps can make a big difference from war.


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10. The Revealed Hedges in the Speech of Miss Grand United States of America (Michelle Gabriela Leon) a. They are there but they are afraid and that is why I believe that we must start at home. The type of hedge found in that sentence is cognition verb. Cognition verb appears connected to a stronger stance taken in mitigating the proposition by giving a focus to the writer‟s assumption of personal responsibility. In the sentence above the speaker use cognition verb believe that express assumption that by believing those certain things then they must start at home. The fact is not everybody start the character building at home. b. Parents must give their children a loving and understanding environment so that when they go out, they are not afraid to stand up for what they truly believe in. The type of hedge found in that sentence is modal verb. Modal verb is a verb that expresses likelihood. In the sentence above the speaker use modal verb must that express likelihood that parents give their children a loving and understanding environment. It is the real fact but not all parents give a loving and understanding environment to their children.


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4.3 Finding Based on the analysis of the speeches of top 10 finalists Miss Grand International 2016, the writer has found the types of hedging construction which are used by the top 10 finalists Miss Grand International 2016 in their speeches. After doing the procedures of collecting, identifying and analyzing data, the research is oriented to count the frequency of each type of hedges. The frequency of hedges found in the speeches of top 10 finalists Miss Grand International 2016 would be drawn on the table, as follows:

Types of Hedging Construction No. Finalists Total Adverbials Epistemic Modal Verbs Cognition Hypothetical Anticipatory Verbs Verbs Constructions it- clause 1 3 4 1 Bahamas (seems) (should/ must/can ) 3 1 4 2 Indonesia (should/c (believe) an/can) 3 Korea 1 1 (should) 4 Macau 1 1 1 1 4 (seems) (could) (believe) (if) 5 Peru 1 1 (cannot) 6 Philippines 1 1 (would) 7 Puerto 1 1 Rico (believe) 3 2 5 8 Thailand (can/can/ (believe/ can) believe) 9 Ukraine 1 1 (must) 10 USA 1 1 2 (must) (believe) TOTAL 0 2 15 6 1 0 24

The calculation and the table adduce that there are 24 (twenty four) findings with the classification, 0 (nil) Adverbials, 2 (two) Epistemic Verbs, 15 (fifteen) Modal Verbs, 6 (six) Cognition Verbs, 1 (one) Hypothetical Constructions, 0 (nil) Anticipatory it- clause. From the data, Modal verb is the most dominant type of hedges in the speeches of top 10 finalists Miss Grand International 2016 with 15


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cases found. Therefore, most of hedges used by the top 10 finalists Miss Grand International 2016 are about using verb that expresses likelihood. Miss Grand Thailand used more hedges in her speech which are three hedges of modal verbs and one hedge of cognition verbs. In her speech she used those hedges to show her point of view about the topic she delivered. Miss Grand Bahamas, Miss Grand Indonesia and Miss Grand Macau each used four hedges. Miss Grand Bahamas used one hedge of epistemic verbs and three hedges of modal verbs. In her speech she use those hedges to show her suggestions and thoughts. Miss Grand Indonesia used three hedges of modal verbs and one hedge of cognition verbs. In her speech, she used those hedges to show her suggestion and point of views. Miss Grand Macau used each one hedge of epistemic verbs, modal verbs, cognition verbs and hypothetical constructions. In her speech she used those hedges to show her point of views, suggestion and thought. Miss Grand USA used each one hedge of modal verbs and cognition verbs. In her speech she used those hedges to show her point of view and suggestion. Miss Grand Korea, Miss Grand Peru, Miss Grand Philippines, Miss Grand Puerto Rico and Miss Grand Ukraine each used one hedge. Miss Grand Korea used one hedge of modal verbs which shows her suggestion. Miss Grand Peru used one hedge of modal verbs which shows her thought. Miss Grand Philippines used one hedge of modal verbs which shows her suggestion. Miss Grand Puerto Rico used one hedge of cognition verbs which shows her point of view and Miss Grand Ukraine used one hedge of modal verbs which shows her suggestion.


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5.1 Conclusion

Through reflecting on the theory, there are 24 data found in the speeches of top 10 finalists Miss Grand International 2016. After finding it, those data then are clustered into types of hedging construction as stated above. Based on the elaboration which is done toward those data, the result can be summarized as: adverbials (0 data), epistemic verbs (2 data), modal verbs (15 data), cognition verbs (6 data), hypothetical constructions (1 data) and anticipatory it- clause (0 data). The result shows that all top 10 finalists used hedges in their utterances, which Miss Grand Thailand used more hedges than other finalists and most of those hedging constructions are centered on modal verbs form. After elaborating the types of hedges in the data, the analysis moves to the analysis of the revealed hedges. Besides taking that conclusion, the result also shows what does every hedge reveal which are closely related to the assumption of tentativeness, sureness and level of vagueness. Those results prove that the revealed hedges focus on a set of early assumptions of someone‟s utterances and when it deals with hedges, they surely relates to the assumption of vagueness.

5.2 Suggestion Pragmatics is a wide array of language science and it grows so fast in this recent decade. The development of pragmatics is much supported by the development of mass communication which insists people to be master in playing words to ensure his existence and his popularity among people. The ability of playing words would lead someone to have a good sounding word that can be used in persuading people to convince people to follow and believe his ideas. Mass communication needs a good packaging not only in contain but also in the package. Both of those elements can be supported by acquiring pragmatics. Pragmatics provides a room to learn how to beautify a utterance so that utterance can be widely accepted without any further consideration from its hearers.


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Hedging expression is one way provided by pragmatics which can be used to beautify an utterance. By using hedges people could put themselves in a safe position. When they doubt about something, they should not show their vagueness. They can use hedges to hide from being blamed for talking something that they do not well. As suggestion to understanding of hedges, read more articles and learn a little bit about public speaking skill. Furthermore, for us as a user or as a reader of this thesis can understand and realize the function and types of hedging construction. Finally, as the result of this research, for the students of English department it is suggested to learn more about hedges. It is important to know in order to make easier to understand this vagueness language. Hopefully findings of this research can help the student who wants to do the next research about hedges. And object of the research not only about speech, but also in many source.


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Samaie, Mahmoud, Fereshteh Khosravian and Mhnaz Boghayeri. 2014. The Frequency and Types of Hedges in Research Article Introductions by Persian and English Native Authors Ilam: English Department of Ilam University. Yule, G. 1996. Pragmatics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.


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Top 10 Finalists Miss Grand International 2016 Miss Grand International Org. Las Vegas, , USA October 25, 2016

Bahamas (Selvinique Wright) As peace keepers, it is our duty to promote love and unity. Wars exist in every area on every level from in- home violence which I have been subjected to, drug war which I’ve been a part of, civil war and clashes between nations. It is sad to see human beings care not that we are losing our brothers and sisters, our mothers, fathers and children. We are losing our love, values and respect for one another that’s causing us to not live in peace. We were created to reach out and touch the life of those around us in a positive way that means searching within ourselves and becoming the change that we want to see in this world. Peace, freedom and harmony should be within every nation, every religion, every race, every community and every home and although this grave infestation of war and violence seems unshakable, we must remember that no matter what country, we all belong to one race, the human race and in understanding this, peace, love and freedom can be eminent. Let’s teach our children the act of freedom. For freedom, persons don’t afraid for the sake of peace. The time is now to mute violence and showcase unity. For the only good thing about war is it’s ending. Thank you. Indonesia (Ariska Putri Pertiwi) War, suffering, death, these are the words that haunt more than 30 million children victims of war. They

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suffer as a result of intolerance and wars around the world. I come from military family. My father is Indonesian military officer so I have told since I was a child that war is destroy everything. The victims of war are suffering. Families are separated or killed. They don’t have a safe place to live. They have to escape from death. I wanna ask you one question, “what are we fighting for and why?”. Please, look at them, look at the victims of war and the children. They lose their homes, they lose their parents, they lose their dreams. We should live in peace. So let’s come together as one in unity, let’s come together to make this world a better place because I believe with the heart, sincerity and hand in hand, we can give hope for them and with the hope and walk together, we can stop the war. So please, stop the war and choose peace. Thank you. Korea (Cho Yeseul) Due to the conflict of the cold war since 1953, Korea was dividing to South and North. When Korea was dividing to two parts, a great number of people including my grandmother had to be separated from their family members. When they are separated from their family members, they cannot see their parents and children for more than 60 years, only praying to see their relatives again. War does not happen only between soldiers. The outcome of the war is the agony of civilians and tears of our families and neighbors. So I ask you, let’s set an example of unity and love from our school, families and neighbors and we should not be afraid to use our voice to stand up for justice. Thank you. Macau (Hio Man Chan) In recent year, the world seems to have many charities especially the terrorist attacks. In my heart,

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I always believe that there are two virtues that we need to continue to remind ourselves, to improve, to develop, that’s respect and empathy. If we put ourselves together and work on these two virtues, no war is necessary anymore. We could be pro-active rather than reactive and we wish see the most beautiful thing in the world that’s true and unconditional love. Thank you. Peru (Prissila Stephany Howard) All my life, I have dream to have the opportunity to give a message in front of millions of people, a message that can start change, a change that it starts with me tonight. Showing language, religion and ideas cannot limit us in finding peace. There are no excuses. Nothing will ever be worth more than a human life. Nothing will ever be justified that lose. We have that opportunity, we have responsibilitiy, (sorry I am trying), we have the liberty to stop, we have the liberty to stop because this is dangerous or fear but I can’t promise you, change will matter. It’s not only about us anymore, it’s about creating a world where people feel secure and respect. No matter where they stand peace start with each of us, it’s our decision. No excuses. Choose peace and start change. Thank you. Philippines (Nicole Ignacio Cordoves) Good evening, everyone. Tonight, I will tell you a story about our world. One day, I was conducting a story telling session in Tondo which is an area in the Philippines where the poorest of the poor lived. So I asked the kids to fold their papers into half and then inside it I asked them to draw who they want to be when they grow up and where they want to go like a dream destination but out of the ten kids sitting on the floor only three of them knew what they want to be when they

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grow up and only two of them knew where they want to go. These kids, they do not need us to win wars for them. They need us to build a world for them that will allow them to grow, to dream, to live. Let’s build a world where children do not have to wake up to the sound of bullets and bombs, where women and children do not have to face a battle the moment they take one step out of the door. I stand here tonight refusing to tell the same story to our next generation. Children do not need to, children do not need to risk their lives in war for us. They need to fight for their dreams not their lives. So I ask all of you tonight, let’s all write a new book about our world and our common humanity, one that would finally give the next generation the happy ending they deserve. Good night. Puerto Rico (Madison Sara Anderson) Dr. Martin Luther King said, “Darkness cannot put out darkness”. This is a very beautiful phrase which compels a very powerful message. The biggest change in life are not accomplished by act of violence but having the willingness to do the things that inspire us and others, things that makes us better. I truly believe the only way we can end war is living a life of peace and having tolerance. The Miss Grand International Organization is a vivid example of this philosophy bringing together 76 girls around the world to inspire the nations of the world. We need to believe that one kind act can become viral and change someone’s life. That person can change a community. That community can change a country and that country can change this world. We need to believe that we can actually do it beginning with ourselves. Thank you.

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Thailand (Supaporn Malisorn) When we talk about war and violence, of course, everybody don’t want to hear that and nobody need to let it happen. Some people lose their family, some people die and some people, they have scarce in their hearts forever but no one can see because of the war and violence have never made anyone happy, just only can make lose and tears. I strongly believe everyone can stop such fearfulness with love and forgiveness to each other. I am standing here tonight, so please, standing with me and tell all over voice into the world that we don’t need war and violence but we need love and forgiveness, kindness to each other. I hopefully believe all humans in the entire world can live peacefully and we all can decrease the war and violence. Thank you. Kap kun ka.

Ukraine (Veronika Mykhailyshyn) My country is suffering from war right now and people die everyday. We didn’t start this war. We been, we always been a peaceful country with peaceful people. We people who realize what is hopeless and helpless and we still dream about peaceful sky in all country and all the world. Today, I ask everybody what you can do for people who suffering, hunger, war and wilds you must realize little helps can do make a big difference from war. Thank you. USA (Michelle Gabriela Leon) Sawadeeka. Speaking at the United Nations, I have met several people, people who are there but yet do not share twice as much passion as we all share for this important cause. They are there yet afraid to stand up for things such as gender equality, a better education, a

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better way of living for all of our people but I am not afraid to stand up for this. They are there but they are afraid and that is why I believe that we must start at home, parents must give their children a loving and understanding environment so that when they go out, they are not afraid to stand up for what they truly believe in. They are the future but they can start now. Famine, racism, hates, when will it all end? Ban Ki-moon once said, “There is no plan B because we do not have a planet B”, and I say stop the war and violence. Finding peace through compassion. Kap kun ka.

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