Kaylee Christine Shallow

student currently enrolled in Mohawk College's General Arts & Science diploma program

I am inspired by my family who have consistently encouraged me to become the best person I can be. I believe that equality, environmental sustainability and loving yourself are some of the most important qualities we can build on as a society.

Since 2009 I have been competing in pageants. I started with Miss Teen - Worlds Ontario 2009 at the age of 16 but unfortunately did not place. With great determination as well as devastation from not being able to move forward in 2009, at the age of 18 I won my first national title, Miss Multicultural Canada 2011. This did not come easy, to come up with the entrance fees, evening gowns, travel expenses, and other essential pageant items; I had to work overtime, fundraise by selling tickets and look for personal sponsors. After having a great year I decided to take some time off so I could put my finances back in order but I knew it couldn't be long if I wanted to make the climb to Canada. In 2013 I received my second national title, 'Miss Tourism Canada 2013' with this title I got the opportunity to travel to Equatorial Guinea, Africa, for the Miss Tourism World Pageant. This time around becoming more experienced on how to manage myself, I threw a fundraising party to help pay for the plane ticket to Africa as this was the only expense needed for my participation. In 2014 I decided to compete in the Miss Earth Canada, receiving the title, 'Miss Earth Hamilton 2014' which I received at the Miss Earth Ontario Pageant; moving on to Miss Earth Canada pageant I placed in the top 5 in swimwear. The organization was so impressed by my performance and professionalism they appointed me ' St Vincent & the Grenadines 2014' which reflects on my heritage. In doing this, I got the opportunity to travel to , for the Miss Grand International pageant.

Everything I have accomplished, I have done myself. I have a goal, created an action plan, and I am on my way to accomplishing this. As a young woman who did not come from a wealthy family; this is uncommon in the 'pageant world' or even in the "business world'. Many did not believe I could accomplish what I have and still continue to doubt me. I have now started a program called, ͞I Can Shine͟ where I help pre-teens build their confidence and prepare for the professional world which will start June 8th 2015. I really believe in working hard and am very dedicated to accomplishing my life goals.

͞don't feel entitled to anything you didn't sweat and struggle for͟ by Marian Wright Edelman.

Facebook: Kaylee Christine Shallow Instagram: kayl33xo Website: www.kayleechristine.com