THE General Grand Council of ROY AL and SELECT MASTERS SUN VALLEY, IDAHO September 30, 1957 - October l , 1957 TWENTY-SIXTH TRIENN IAL ASSEMBLY THE General Grand Council of ROYAL and SELECT MASTERS SUN VALLEY, IDAHO Scpten1ber 30, 1957 -October 1, 1957 Presiding M.'. P. '. THOMAS EARL DOSS Cr'eneral Grr1nd jHaster Held at TWENTY-SIXTH TRIENNIAL ASSEMBLY BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH JOHN BRHJCES PHELPS John Bridges Phelps, Most Puissant General Grand lvfaster, \Vas born in Carndcn, Kersha'" County, South Carolina, July JO, 1885, the son of John B. Phelps and Henrietta Elizabeth Joy Phelps. He received his education in the public schools of Ca1nden, South Carolina. 'fhe subject of our sketch began his life's \\·ork as a construction engineer for the Bell Telephone Systcrn, serving that co1npany for 21 years; upon his rctirc1nent in 1921, he inoved to l~lorida and entered into business for hin1sclf; later he \Vent \Vith the Depart1nent of Agriculture of the State of Florida, \vhcrc he is still an i1nportant factor. Upon his election as ()eneral ()rand lvfastcr, he desired to retire in order that he could devote his foll tirnc to the office of General (;rand lvfastcr; hO\\'ever, the Con11nissioner of Agriculture, the Honorable Nathan l\1ayo, prevailed upon hi1n to re1nain \vith the Departn1ent, pron1ising hiin all the tin1e necessary to carry on the responsibilities of his high office as (;eneral Gntnd :tvfaster. ()n July 2, 191.2, Co1npanion John united in n1arriage \\'ith l\1iss Edith Brunner, of l\1acon, (Jeorgia, and to this union \vas born three girls; Eliza­ beth, no\v the \vife of Dr. 'f. C. Norton of Houston, Texas; Edith, nO"-' the \vi(e of Albert Pierce, Jr., of \Xlest Palin Beach, Fla.; Edna, OO\v the "'ife of John Marshal Sinclair of Havitna, Cuba; and one son, John B. Phelps III, of Miarni, Florida. His l\1asonic career is one of service. Read the record, n1y co1npanions, and you \vill be in1pressed \Vith the fact that for the past 37 years John Bridges Phelps lvfasonic life has bec:n one of extren1e activity. No 1nan could have filled these stations, both high and Jo,v, in our fraternity \Vith out the respect and confidence of those \vhoin he has served. Is it any "-'Onder he is kno\--r,'n in his State as "Mr. YORK RITE l\1ASON." He \vas raised to the Subli1ne Degree of a l\{;tster lvfason in Pied1nont lodge No. :\.-l7, A.tlanta, ()eorgia, February 1-'i, 1920; dernitted to Jan1cs Carnell Lodge No. 223, Mian1i, Florida, in 1923. Exalted as a Royal Arch fl-Jason in Jericho Chapter No. 11, i\fian1i, Florida, March .JO, 1922, and served his Chapter as High Priest in 1927. c;reeted as a Royal and Select i\faster in 1\donira1n Council No. 10, l\1iarni, Florida, October 29, 1926, and served his Council as Thrice Illus­ trious Master in 1929. Knighted in Si1non of Cyrene Co1nn1andery, No. 13, K. T. of Mian1i, and served his Co1111nandery as E1ninent Co1n1nander in 1927. His zealous and intelligent attach1nent to the York Rite of Frce1nasonry has been n10St fittingly re\varded by his coinpanions, as our General Grand Master, served his Grand Chapter as Grand High Priest in 1938-1939; Most Illustrious Grand lvfaster of the Grand Council Royal and Select Masters in 1935; Right Erninent Grand Co1n1nander Knights Tc1nplar in 1935. He is a life n1en1ber of his Chapter-Council and Con11nandery. His zeal and leadership being recognized; he '\Vas elected Grand Secretary· Recorder for the Three Grand Bodies of the York Rite of Frecn1asonry of Florida, in 11,'ly 19··i2, and is sc:rving in that capacity at the present tin1e. John Bridges Phelps, is one of the 1nost beloved 11asons in all Florida; he ah\'ays has the tin1e to counsel \vith the craft, and never too busy \vith his o'vn affairs to overlook any 1nc:1nbcr 'vith problen1s. His activities in the Associated Bodies are rnany and various. A 1ne1nber of Miarni Priory No. 10 Knights of the '{ork Cross of Honour; a Knight Grand Cross \Vith three quadrants, and a life 1nen1ber of Convent General of the K. ''r'. C. H., having served as (~rand lvfaster General in 19)3. A 1nen1ber of Mian1i Conclave No. 25, Red Cross of Constantine, and is nO\V serving as \T. I. Grand Junior General, Einpire of the East. A 1nen1ber of the lvfutual-(;uild and served as Regent of that body in 1949. Grand College of Rites of the l!. S . .t\., presided over that body in 1956. King of Kings Tabernacle No. 25, Holy Royal Arch Knights Ten1plar Priests, and the Grand College of A1nerica Holy Royal Arch Knights Templar Priests, holding the title of Knight Cornrnander. Great Priory of A1nerica, (C. B. C. S.) Holy Order of Knights Beneficicnt of the Holy City. Florida Council of Anointed Kings of the Order of the Silver Tro\vel; serving as Secretary-Treasurer. Florida's Holy Order of High Priesthood; s<:rving as Secretary-Treasurer. Allied Masonic Degrees; Societas Roscruciana in Civitatibus Foederatis; Knights Masons of Ireland; Ye Ancient Order of Corks; Order of the Bath of the U. S. A. Honorary Member of n1any 11asonic Bodies of this and other Countries. Fort Dallas Chapter No. 17, 0. E. S.; serving as Worthy Patron in 1929. Most Excellent Ray V. DenslO\\', General Grand High Priest in 1916 appointed John Bridges Phelps, as Chainnan of the Finance Con1rnittee and his service has been continuous. Most Puissant Frank Wells, General Grand Master in 1946, appointed John, General Grand Marshal for the Triennial held in \Xlinnipeg, Septetn· ber 1946, and \vas reappointed by M. P. Co1npanion Charles E. Inbusch, serving the Triennial Asse1nbly held in Nev" York, October 1948. Elected General Cl-rand Principal Conductor of Work, at the Triennial held in Little Rock, Arkansas, October 195/l, and advanced regularly through the chairs. Me1nber of Coral Cl-ables Methodist Church, and for a tirne \Vas a mernber of the Board of Ste\vards of 1"rinity iYfethodist Church of Mian1i; also President of the Men's Bible Class. CENTENNIAL DEPOSIT Resolution adopted at the Fifth Triennial Asse1nbly Resolved, That <:ach succeeding 1.fost Puissant Clencral Grand 1-fastcr be requested to ascer­ tain, at least three 1nonths prior to subsequence asse1nblies of this General Grand Council, that the iron chest, nO\V to be placed in the custody of the Grand Council of Ne\v York, is still safely preserved, and \vhere the facts \vill so \varrant_, to report to the (Jenera! Grand Council in his triennial address in these ,,·ords: "On the day of 1895, there \vas deposited \vith ........ , by this (Jenera! Grand Council a sealed iron chest containing objects of interest to the Craft, \vhich is to be preserved unopened until the centennial anniversary of the organiza­ tion of this Body. In the discharge of rny official duties I have ascertained that the chest is still secure in its designated place of deposit." (Note): The chest is stored in the vault of the Frce and accepted 1'1asons in the State of Nc\v York, i\'1asonic Hall, 7 l \Vest T\vcnty-'fhird Street, Ne\v York, N. Y. DIVINE SERVICES Sunday, Septernber 29, 1957 - 8:00 P. 1'1. Sun Valley, Idaho PROGRAM Organ Prelude lvfr. R. F. Goransen Hyinn "A1nerica the Beautiful" Opening Prayer ..... Rev. 1\aronah MacDonnel! Duct "1'he King of Love" Mrs. Jan1es Cra,vfor<l Mrs. Ja1nes Selway J\1rs. Roy Sinclair, Accornpanist Scriptural Reading Rev. Henry F. Collins Duet "Ho\v Beautiful Lipon the Mountains" Mrs. Jarnes Cra\Yford Mrs. Jan1es SehYay Mrs. Roy Sinclair, Accoinpanist The Price of Freedo1n Dr. 'VI/. B. Selah General Cl-rand Chaplain Benediction PROCEEDINGS General Grand Council Royal and Select Masters SUN VALLEY, IDAHO, MONDAY, 5EPTEJl.H3ER 30, 1957 TWENTY-S!XTH TRIENNIAL ASSEMBLY 9:00 A. M. The CJrand Council Royal and Sdect 1-fasters of Idaho, opened in Special J\sse1nbly, 1,fonday, Scpten1her .=>Oth, 1957, at 9:00 a. 111., in the Opera I-louse, Sun Valley, Idaho, for the purpose of fonnally receiving and officially .\vcl­ coining the c;eneral (;rand Council Officers and the delegates. OFFICERS (JH.:\ND CouNcn. ·- InAHO Theodore F. Anderson .i\L '. I.·. (Jrand 1-faster John A. Johnson (acting) R. ·.I.·. l)eputy ()rand :tviaster C. :rvierton \Y/inegar ................................................................. R. ·,I.· (Jr and P. C. \XI. E<hvard H. \\?ay R. ·.I.·. (Jrand ''freasurcr Ralph \X!. Hopffgartcn .................................................... R. ·.I.·. Grand Recorder Claude 1'.f. c;orden (acting) I.·. (;rand Chaplain Herbert H. Eberle I.. c;rand C. of c;uard (;jfford R. Shaffer I.·. Grand C. of Coun~·il Robert B. Edgar I. .. c;rand Ste\vard John 1'. Parish I.·. CJ rand Sentinel RECEPTION Undtr escort the c;cncral Clrand CJfficcrs entered the Council 1\sscrnbly and \vere presented to l\Jost Illustrious Co1npanion 1"heodore F. Anderson, CJrand lv[astcr of the CTrand Council of Idaho, \vho \velco1ned then1 and the 1ncn1hers assc1nhkd. In introducing the General (;rand Officers the Grand t.1astcr of Idaho stated: "I have the honor and distinct pleasure in introduc­ ing at this T\vcnty-Sixth 1'ricnnial 1\sse1nble the officers \vhoin have served you during this trienniu1n, you \vill join \vith 1ne extending the1n the Grand Honors." The (Jenera! ()rand lvfaster Thon1as Earl l)oss, thanked the Officers of the Clrand Council ol Idaho, for their part in the opening cere1nonies and for thi::ir gracious reception. 'fhe General Grand 1vfaster closed the CJrand Council of Idaho, and after a preli1ninary Report.
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