Summii**t$tff»tt»tit*t# refilHerall ll@ll?(¥|lflllffl* d

VOLUMES NO.. J7JM0OO November 8/19 ilO.AYear Price lit Patrolman charged with stealing from local merchants Judge postpones hearing on patrolman

IbJ.J, MARTIN orinii to (jou twords, the is weef, wgfHl of the sior« owners relttllHie \)mm he look tMisiody of their SUMMIT A Niiwiior < 'mill Jipe lis, hoili tiiiiuiiiHli mul difpmil liMtl Miil«d in worn dwHisiliunii lliHI Hin Htul wp then(il)lcioretftin Illsliuhl to iM WMI, IIIIICHMI \\W |t,)q||>.t|lt)tU on New Vent's livp IUHO, vHriouti LoiitMHidi ttthled Hint he etui' m no l Illieh, Ivfii'liuii! NiHteil In an HffidHvh llmi he ludye MihiMi IH-IIH HIMI unified miliiitiiiiivu piirlii fiiiin Hitroimil Hros. reHson why iheSuiiimii 1'pljt'e l)epHtl= 1 HIM) hip wife, Milwn, Imtl iiiiilfiaoiip "bil= liny !imiH'iipi« nl: tnniiuiil v\ iliiiitil! Ihi period of Hppd l°7ll io Mnruh mem iHiiiiiimiiny iheinvgsiisitiion, I Mill U l HIMI vHiiouN \iwm from ii?i" mom protwdlnp In him of \9\\2, imtiiiini CitiioluHui (UMIII Kft»imm, « lh After iwiiiim Hie dlvoiee psjiers, Keihmim "I ean'i tiiider§it;n(1 why fn Hie police yinirvelt'itm, bo HIVPII to UU Hlioiiii>y, T>-ny's I IIIIIIOI, liHsiimiiN UHMB sHhl his wife Hiut IIKIIIII?I--III law hmm tlepHinneiiiHl hearing you n.\\m° w-- John I oiulwidi, shop, mid Mill C'iiy WsllpHpei and Paint tiiiiftjicd tiiid iliieHtened to "m Him," He meone with SIMIIIIU when Hie Uniiiii The Indue lilwliwl tli^ pliiiuiml Nov, o t'oiiipany, . ttitdetl IIIHI lib wife's toinltiiM WHS due to bounty (liftint Jury §lieHily dismissed (he i i I I mt*ivt Ihe iimirlmonlHl Ht'linn Hiid ttlso her "^ allegations," he sHid, "lint tlmt ditln't iiHintCiipts, lienl»oiu)kil llmi nlta|ittlioittai i The dtipftriiDPiiiHl uliinut inuluilwl iki h^r ilininp a htndi liipftk, titW tensive involvmeni" witluli tins. slop Hie I'iiy of Summit from "Keiiilunn's eK=wife is trying to lid l i on m'HM Aquifer, amphitheater, concern candidates

niemher of Ihe Ikmrd of Gltosen Hyl'KilHHUtHK Npniota. Keiinrdiiiti ihebitiiiis oil more passive m for the mm would be SUMMIT "We. IIUIDI woik 10 nit? who have speoifii! mtms of bet let," freeholders, venl I'OillHinlii'tlloM III nut Wftlm i\l]iplV," without i'ei|iiii ing pdiiMlinn (ionises HI. « The two ettndldttle.f) for Union County "The Hdmittislrfliive offite is similar to nitid /\iiiir|), wiuniwr tmil nil) while ti K k 01 li wtlinu llih pusl I lll streets of downtown SiiiiHnll, Assembly position, j (Photo by Jut Gull) Ogdeii, who reseitrt'lictl the iiriHifer lint! Ilitiuteii has nmde M vtiinimiiiii promise supplier IIK1 drhiMim WHICI fur fil to ttit)i for the (?liniiiirtilon of loxiu waste and lid stittflfd miles of the itres, wnn (liuiiiis in tin?,state, Them .IN knowl«dp. », |)ossl.l»k.?.qn.!.nftllj)«tlrj(n i|ifi)|itth !-»-tt.Valltil)|6 io provide foi on me disposal of lighting controversy wuslrs uwpfriav 'MBWIy1' liiif In ll ^tpWki wmlfi wllliflnt •.(riinsporilng il, he fashion Into tlin wiile-r supply, of (iOO.tWItr peopl«, i Two tmiulidBius rutttiinu for freeholder A piibliiMpieiiiioiiiMiiltelmlloton Nov, Hllended I lit? brtinth, Drimi I'uhey, heats up public meeting It MSU foi MpprovMl for siintullng HIS Oeinoorttl Irom Weslfield, hits been lit* million of II %\M) million futuJ itpproved volvml in M oon |)iiliiiiitl proieci c«lled, in the Winer Supply lloml Ai't in IMItl, "(.••win for I lope," vyliinh would provide ytW; TiltIKI Kit The sodium viipor h not lo h<-11 ml IIM^I The money wouhl he iiwtl io fund tt study it hospice itl Htiininlln Ilospiltd, The tenter SUMMIT = Cotiiuiil president Miirniy with low inleiiMly sodium vitooi, wlikii is of ilie tifjuifiM Niumikui, Wittor moves would pinphntil/e home fine for the ter- HONN unnoitneed HI tke executive. seiMon I'lineinly being ttH'd ptivitiely on leiiuin ftom llye lo M)i) fuDl it yt*nr uiilwisrotnl miiiHlly ill, with Utiiinells its Ihe- ims? of Inil Monthly rvoiting llmi he wmiu I he l»iopeiili-i In Stimniit, The low uncivilly I'olhiliott oi'i'inii slowly, hut MI does opetHllons, (subject of Niullum vitpoi Huhilng put on imliiiii'i ii -.itmm oinniii' uhu«'. mul h nui eituup. noinl()(i(lt?iil)l , Hie nttciuln lor Dei*, ft lor 11 piddle 1 Holieil Miller, l(t?piihliiwi fiom under nutildeniiioii I'm itnv IIW in lite Atsemhlvoimi lluli I'MIIII .«, tt Smnmil Iteikeky lleiyhls, noiiiiim for I'letiholder, eelliitfl . lesideni. itho riiniilim for iccktlion lo Ihe l' Summit, spoke of lite need fot dedicittliiti Ihe men "We are now hcphmliiH lo ist?I mlv«rse Ahiemhfy, deiJt'ilht'il (lie nce*1pil t'ivll Ser- p III dolloi'i HIr •iluiillirillll, id of ihe rioitdHille tuiitiry lo oitrk litnds mul comments on the mopoMtl lo put nodluin n lo Hnllon, "ml I'ltnnoi 1H- i^noied vice telonii, Tlir piP!>enl mtTtiiik' system In vnpoi llttlil* In lite downtown bushier it hlndntnre, io nuntl uiivpiiiinrni, lie sitid, open spittJe, lie stild llnti ilie idpit for (in l>y H budijeu'oiiieloiii Council, The in iinipkiilieiilfi In ihiMiiuoiy wits priiuttiily dlNlrlel.' COIIIK'IIIUHII TIIOIIMN lltmoit cuiiilfKCi'iii linnii which In n 111,1)0(1 lumen iilihnimh ,'jnmmii Ims not (ulopiuil \) flxtiiiVN, m ilmi the noise liurrletnpioinisfd lor Sinn for ifoiisliiu'iion In |{ll/itbelh HITOSS from will be gimilnl hy tllMilllluii it Midltiin II little under JS peieein of Ihe loinl ii\ mil huvr noi beeiioitiiiplflfil, the I'littiihotise, Me believes It \t> necessttry vitporlluhi, linen In the tiiy, ml supply llietti lo Ihe A'tseinbly vjinttlilnlc IdAiiiie Spiiinlti, lo tulieve oveiftnwdln^, itnd the only Tliete me lluee tvpci of Inhibit! cut - downtown men. <'nuni.'iliiutn Doiuthl iiinnliiu for olll(!«ln lltr )hu\ Dlsi,, drew itllrinntive lo eiuly rekitw of prisoner!), i fully Illumltmiltm i lit* siieeb ol'Snniiuli: NeUon snime/iied Him iln- pinkoiitntje from tier rnpi'iii'iire nn it jitiilor Illfili The Jitll will wisl lite lit«pnyeis $1(1 the while huhi ol the liu'iuulcurnl lump, 11 K IM N be Initiilk'd m ninior inieHei'llotn tem'lief io noimncni tut ('iimnilsijlon of ntlllinii, will Itttve iiptiioHliiiftiely 'lOOwlls, tile hluelNh Until ol ihe uteieiiiy viipot HIM. HO peopleeim yei n«ed lo ihein, I'IIIU'IIIIOH Situl (.'o'lhenmiit'N pluns lor I'lllll O'Keeffe, Kepiiblleitu rjitldiditle Inmn, ami die rosy, ll)tlii m.iuiu- lump«>!' < 'rllk'N Mini Mippoileit. ni sodium vnpoi edu'/iilkmitl lefofiu. Slip wid f>lts k ylttd foi I'leeholdrj, sitid he is nmtiiitii bidldlntf Ihe filuh InteiiNliy sodium vupni liiiiti, eur will Imve Ihi-lr liiniu'r io be beiud on !)(••• be bite rn'ounl/ed Htul prohleniti exlsi In mi iiiii|)lillln-tiiei In the tpiiiiry, "Tlte tcnily on display nlonn (luin. Avrtntr, (i. <111111m it puhtli' •.i'|!iiirni iil ihe t'i\\n the pii" SIIHIHIII (il 'iwrmiil luni'if Ilioh'wl, ' m,w yum || il," hiilil 111U11r111 ItllOllkl lie Ittikrd wlilll i| WHIMS, A I'dfl' v/lili lini iliiij Pttniiy.. icii'iiuli/ ii,« fiiilloj 'Interview lly.l.l. MAIM IN Tlwrv Is nothing Jlnshy orjunrv iihimi (irvrr vnlrd n\\ I lie (iKtojp-'t, lievr.l Itjril to /•'rank l.ehr. No Jlmhy \inilr hcltiml n y, d 1k llrnoks Urotherx suit wiiltlnis In HI ah yum rd il, 'Ilir. trlriifjM jij fill f»hvf(l|lt> IUIIIII, no political tloiiblt' talk, tnulhvu nj Frank Lehr speaks his mind of I hi- la' h, ly/ii)lrd U) (iHil'r a jinllll' n| till, no iivohiltiH thi' (iiw\tttin\ illnrtr'tl bsitr, 'lltcy IIIIV>* ln\f:f-n n f'fiw fB'.tfe itd'i toward him, Sltllnx niwnly ami In a ivlm rdilinriidl/rd Illlll l/lil'k illipll'Illlntll; I'd position, Iw usiw Ills linnds n> c\i>ltitn v/lti<:li ittr slin|i|y (int I me, Ms points dm Inn the Interview unit quite boards n/ illreclois mitl \eveinl counts' MiTllll)J Si'Wrl ( lilllllll-^.lllll (Illlillii ftic III Wlnil nri- oiimi- II r your thoughls oil I In' Illr ilirrllh ilrpiiiImriil liiiiitdil |r|n/h|nn 'Ilir fifluiiQ U\i> ll/IVr «•/«)'/ )i|/til III often speaks frankly and honestly, committees He h nmnieil to the /oimei Milllalloi! ol Illr %"''' Olllll'ili 'in nnilliiy IHII< of liniitliiK In Sinnmll, mul In unr- firlli Inr tl'K) Illmr lliim Ilir CiillMy I'll! (pirtlion Ilir |)i||. | dry rvrn hi(r,l an ill there's soniethlni! alunit him that makes \'eronica Shevock mul bin tluvechllilien. llrulilicnl I'llllll, I nl'iii pirnnl ;i II'MIIII llcitliir, Ilie hill/Ill (if Ilir nenlor < Ill/in pro- i lln^i li|J I (rpinllll'lil , mild Imvr nolllfhl Iniiirylm lZ,7Wt'n<-vi<;'//il iiti'f lir inn/!e you believe he's n neighbor of yours the Ili'.UAl l> iccenilv emiyjit iqi with lion lo Kcl I Vl< i niiipli-li'il ii'i i|uk'kly II': Jl-d'ii ((ul cup wiilvrr? thrin fni. Aho, lliir f'oor.i dibiipprmi-d on Ihr drlrimllliili'iil 'Dnil'l sue Illlll l»*r*;«ut«r I Kink I eln ailil luul these questions loi rather than one of your pulley •making pov.llili- hei'inl'ii- ill Illr |)K illlrlll'i II WH'i lii'il ol nil, rvriymir Wluilf. In livr 01 ll-i v/ny linm the (ffotflltl IIDOI lip In ihr yoii'tl ln*r mid ynu Iwlln poy hiiti,' I br him. i'reeholders. Simply put, I'tunk l.ehr i IIH'.IMK In Summit mul IK-HIIIM- II WII^I Siimniil mid Illiil'iwhiti Illl-iUpuiii iipmi n'lh nn the IUKIICI limn* I IM-i'.iiihd |iu y lirmni i ill '"nliMnllrd linaiil n\ speaks his mind. Itnt'k In the lute I'IMIH unit nuly Mis, IHTilrii I• it mil I'liiiiint-ii'tr mill lililuMiy Illrnfi illlll Iliitlir^., Itlll V/llllr il ^ceiliQ In llr illlll Illr f.liiiuli! |,nvr liiKli il I'lrrlmldrt!! (iliyrd me, \\\*, IIIOIC?1/ ov/«| your Inlcicls win' olivloiislv pointed Horn In Has/on, I'a., l.ehr hus been a (>l|>llliillv, I In* lierliolili-H lonk it Ilimil'. il very ileiiltitblr ('(iiiiiimiilly, wr )inii ilon'l uvr/ Miimn lliim Iliry djrl III!-, || Wili; luilllli UJW) bill Ilir |i(/l|(/lll lowiird tin' in|dniiiln|.; tiild mid I In- (ill policy on I-7M |i> IMiilir mi "rxliJiinlivr Iliivc rMiitlub limit lo liulhi on In onli-i in Illir ii lliiil llji;y paid il, II v/oidd li;c/r ii'-'-it resident of Summit for M) years. I'm 1,1 of I'^tillilhlilliK (if your own in^lniiilii|.; I'roplr dill 11-n11 |n llllnl- nl Ihr :•),• fi(I those years, he was very active In the city, mid iiiik'plh '.loily," mul il iimioyrd mi- liriiimilKidiilr llirir prnplr, II id-.u IIM', II ii'. n mnilrin day Mull Dillon v/llh n him fmiliuli (Hid iifrspmisil/lr |n Irimiiiiiir rny firm. How iinil why did you Iniiuiir In- loi Ikrin lo hutv Ihcll lirilili lo ill'- '.iinil lot In do wlih ilir pill Illy nl inn 111111'; c, him ill Ilir ml'ldlr nl I hit mnliii/l If I starling as councilman In I%1, progress- volvril si) licuvlly lulu politics? IIKHII III nnr liiiml ,ili(l Illr. kry>. In Ihr pill ing to /'resident of the Common Council, II win H.oiiiK lo hi' Illllll iinywiiy hut the which III cnnihlrialily hi(/hn I him mn*.l tm ilir irlrplionr. iniiip.'iny, you Well, buck then I would havr -.iiid I'd in the oilier. 'Ilir lint |^ thai ihr '(jiiuiy and then Mayor. He served as Summit's II ".iiluliiiii upciieil it line oI ciiiiimiiiili ii meii'i, pinnrciitni is ihr ihirl |nw rntnn rmr/ii wouldn't liitr Ilir i/li'iiirs out tit (fir < nm representative lo Ihe Joint Meeting he I III' lii'il K11V ill lilt' Will Id In I'd illlll lion hirlwi-i'ii the (iiiinly mill nliilr KOVCIII Ilintitr. politic1, becnusc il jii',1 wiisn'l my lliinn I Ai litr HI ibe 'iriiioi cili/eu piujcrt Born, nlliirt in |hr inimly, In i.'liy i.ii?r» Ih'- Sewage Commission for It) years, six mrill', to )>rl lln: load Illllll ibe wny wr shrrlll I-. I, Inritiri lav/ *.„. DV rmrni nl A hi I of Summit reslilfiilii are u(i In don'l think I'm a pi,id liiiiulniK ivpc "I wmii il. I ':|mkc wlih lolui Hcimii (i.niimii'-.-.iiiiii'i arm* over lln- rr- In Clio |'.o liom iiihlt- io lahlc MIIIIIIII' ami One ul the III;I|I>I •.clhiu.k'. thai im iminily Al'lniiii) mul IIP wm vciy en- (.mild liiivr ii lormrr lie kIf sidr%maii in I'lunt now operating in lilizubcth. i'or this 1 ibctK mul lir wouldn't know an/ilun^ Ilirlr luxct,, Mow %\u foil Justify Ihr in- sbaklii)). hands. With uu- n' , IIMIKII f<• |ir,l meilialelv nimi", in mind, whk'li rvcnliial iiMiiiiKlilf, iblll we wiiulil p.rl ihr waiver. irraur, anil in parlleularly, Ihr ruhe Irr work the United Slates Environmental ly I limed lulu an act i>iii|>li'iboii'Ol, wir. ihr Itiil you never know with ihr WinliniKloii abiml jail ailminiMialinii \UIJI /if havr a Protect Agency awarded him their Region pimp into a ciovvd id people I dmi'l 7 know. Siimniil ' inniiiiiiiiiy Swliniinii)/ I'IIOI, 111)1), They i.haiiKcd hor^r-. in the miditli: niiiiiniK lof •.lirnll and I hav It, IW special award of merit. lid iritcnlloil nl HKIIillH Ihe jail hai k 'ivi 'Mir munty fiuilj/rt In I'^.l tr.n Mack in l%2 the S1111111111 ( iiy ( i^pcil Ilie iniinill -.Iiicliitt tile- p.-.iir In, many of ihr -.iream with u-,. Some nl I lie MIKKO million, -lippc'l In X'll iiilllinn in lie has two civil engineering degrees In tin: ilierlfl. I Irel very slmlicl/ thai lh<- iippiiiiilcd me lo '.imply I ill an uiiexpucd yeats and Hieo driklcd In liuilil it. timi'i they made were silly, and it hit ol and thru v/rnl in 110! million in and at the present time Is a licensed pro liiil -.linuld lir run hy jail adminiMiaiur. term, liven then il you had lold me I'd In- However, n taxpayer, .isMiciiilion I ell il them we could iicciniinilale llirm on, It'", I his yr.if v/e faiir'l ihr la/r» 4>(Z (irri<-/|| fesslonal engineer in six slates and a wir, iniwoMliy ami iiliioaccd In put it on totally In the hand-, nl HUD now, hut I Ibe mayor ol'Smiimil oi a I'li-lioldi'i, I the DruKK ralic f rrrliolilrr candldalci an'l in '.run) ihr prnjdr W) million In \.tr, licensed professional planner in New the. ballot. I campaigned mote loi tluil don'i sec how they can Mini il down. wouldn't have hclicvcd II I Ihink in rrcrolly dhlrlhulfd a prt-m rrlrasr atlai k- iiti'in. lint V'hllr ihr pinprriy valui-; smy Jersey, lie served in Ihe Marine Corps pool than I did lot my own election. The publics it's just a 11,.1111-1 ol irit.iiii i-M'iiK Inn your clhlv* ttnd ai cutilriK yon of it con ihr. samr or i^n lio'/m in (.ilk-. 111<- Reserve in World War II and Ihe Korean ck't/lion ended up In an alinn',1 even '.plit About u ymr «K'>, control of Hit Union huppi'lllllK Ol tnurse you In hiivc fllcl of Inlcftil litcausr your flrtn wa-. I'.ll/aljrth ami VuU-zufj, thry mcviliilil/ ;/«, conflict, eventually retiring as a Lieute- hall lor the pi ml ami Iniil iiKam-.t loi County .lull wu« nwllclicd from the Ihe talent and knowledge, hut a lot ol it is ConlrjHli-d by Ihr count)' to ilrslK'l Ilir ii(> III I.I!I<". litre ','llllHlll and tirrkrlry nant Colonel, lie has been on manv innalelv. a lew innir viiied I in il, ami now ilitrlff'n (Icpurtmrnl lo Ihe county Ihrlf, just liciiiK i" Ibe iitthl place al the ii|.'lil Imupr I'itrlt Kclvnllon Ma>.ln In < ranford llrii/ht-. Ijiifnfliinal<-|'/. thru [iln|,i-(ly t-veiyone \\ lot it Why wm Ilir nwllcli niudr und hui It prov- lime. ed lo hf H hfiicflclul move ? and Kfiillworlh for flood control, which valur; hav ilvn tualirr Ihan Ihr ayrriigr Whut wire sonu- of your iuu|or |inllllcul Sllll, il sun ill nuclei imiidril my lailh We (Ihe Ircchoklcis) look the county eventually coil VI.7 million lo hulttl. I• i•//11 in 11^ • 'Hirily -.'I Ihr p'-nplr In 'iurn ucciiinplKhnunt'i unit sctlnuks aiioclulcd with Ihe ckcluri.ik- In lli,,l they ahuoil uwuy In mi Ihe 'ihcrilf becaii'ic il had Wouldn't IhU corntllule u iniilllil of In mil and lli-rk-r|ry llrij/hi-j p,i / :> hujlir.) Subscriptions with Summit, holli us inavnr ami voieil ii^amsl SUIUCIIUIIK wlmh was an oh iildicatinni or misriiaiuiKemeiil and al Irrent between your Iwo John? prf rniajyr ol that in' fa >.'- I'vrj ynnr sii'/fj vioiis I'MIHI IIIIIIK .mil has MIKC heen pio be'il, sonic very poor management. Al tin- I i>,ipjnilty -,iinl it was a i.i/tilli' t ,1 m lhal r. unfaii, l.ul nit'f iiyam, irv, ylji,dy ,\\\ cniiinci'i, I think I Inimj.-Iii r SUMMIT HUHl.IC LIHNARY u-n I olli'ii leel thai people make up their liuir rvciyoue said 0 was a political move iciest hill I was wrniiif NI- /<-, "Jill //.ml': I'. Il / III '.illlJlllll ll|i|' llUpOllalll In the i omiul Si,ilir mi,iil without even KCIIIIIK into i|,c -.imy hcciiu-.c Kcpuhhcairi wen: lakiim a |oh led Ihe moth' I in lie- In-ii |,l-i I h,- h.,n Hi" I-rrrliiililurs didu U,i tllr CH 0 7 1 0 7 in I spear hiMilnl I hi- uU-.i ul ne 7S MAWl-K ST. I hey iu',1 i rail llieln.',idliiu: mil I lit-n make away Irotii ii Utmnrtatii ->hriiff Mil fin I win it Win d'"'l HI I'//'II,'IOI I ,•:: lounly IIH- Ilkr? Ml MM IT N.J. O/^Ol IV'., ir|i|,-',i'U|,|l|Si- Ii, l In- I, > i Ml l I),id Ihimjs iliuui tin- |ad t ur 'Maniple, I" I my linn did I I' It ili'- I'",IM .ii"! l"le,,;o I,,,,, l,,|^,)jn ,,„,„ Don't forget to vote,1 news PAGE 2. The Summit Herald, Siturday, November 3,1983 rpn Council considers youth center housing Peg Goes Public ccptcd, results in an energy By.PEGTHURLER efficient operation. SODIUM VAPOR WARNING TICKETS Fire rescuers honored for bravery LIGHTING — Does Summit will be given to bike riders want to be bathed in the rosy who violate the laws of safe go "when we don't feel like glow of sodium vapor lights? SUMMIT — Four city public hearing on the move is Other possible locations riding. The police depart- staying at home." The idea moved one step ment has announced a get- employees were honored last scheduled for Dec. 20. The discussed at length by Coun- Brian Kasbar, 152 closer to reality last Tuesday Tuesday evening at Common Council is divided in its cil in its executive session tough program that will not Hillcrcst Ave., a member of evening at Council's public only educate young people to Council meeting for their thinking on the best action to prior to the Tuesday meeting the Youth Guidance Council, meeting. outstanding actions during u take on (he building. are Edison Recreation obey the rules of the road, said it was one of the most Councilman Thomas But- but will follow up warnings lire on Oct. I at 249 Kent Center, the Field House at positive things that has been ton, chairman of the Public place Dlvd. Councilman Thomas But- Memorial Field, Wilson with summons for court ap- ton reported that a new home done. "To do away with it Works Committee recom- pearances after a second of- School, and for the long term would be self-defeating," mended sodium vapor be in- Certificates of award and must be found for the Youth plans, two classrooms at the fense, The Summit Elks Club noted Kasbar. stalled In the downtown area service bars were giv«.n to Center as it can no longer Junior High. Is cooperating in the project operate at Center Sue Robb, another for 24 percent of the total ci- Captain Thomas Murray and Youth Center users with the goal of producing / Firefighter Michael Barber Presbyterian Church after member of the Youth Coun- ty lighting, safe bicycle riding. June 30,1984. The use of at speak out cil, said Common Council of the Fire Department and In Iti favor This cost efficient move A copy of the warning to Cuirolmcn Edward Siebet least part of the Dietche should provide expanded would save the city $30,000 tickets will go to the parent Almost 50 young people funds so that the Center can and Frederick Mondi, of the building is one of the alter- CAPITOL REPORT — Exchanging views on education with Assemblywoman Maureen Ogden on her public which money could be used, of the bike rider for such attended the Council meeting serve a greater proportion of service television show, "Capitol Report," are, from left, Superintendents Dr. Richard L. Flander of Sum- Police Department. All four natives being considered for said Button, for . planting violations as riding without a short term solution to the to show their support of the the youth of Summit. mit, Robert Lachenauer of New Providence, Dr, Robert Howlett of Scotch Plains and Edward McKoon of risked their lives in a com- work being done by the trees in the bare spots along lights at night, riding on the plicated rescue operation of a need for a new location. It Richard DeReyna, 42 Caldwel). Scheduled for viewing on Cable Channel 3 at 6 p.m. on Sunday, Nov, 6, tho program will feature Springfield Avenue and ad- Youth Center. Many of them a discussion on how national and state policies and programs are affecting schools In our area, (Anne sidewalk, improper passing, man trapped on the second contains 2,700 square feet of Oloucester Rd. noted that joining side streets of the space, in u 35 x 80 foot area spoke during the public part the youth of Summit will get Cooper photo) . • • and carrying another person. floor of the home, in- of the meeting, expressing business district. That has East Summit residents still capacitated by a body cast and would cost an estimated , out of the Center what the ci- always been the job of the $26,000 to renovate unless their feelings about the need ; ty puts in to it. wait for speed limit reduction for two broken lens. for such a center In Summit. 1 Parks Department, but in on Broad Street. The acci- Future of landmark volunteer help were used. Jeff Avant asked how "It's a place where high much money the city has for another cost efficient move dent on Broad Street last building in doubt Weight of racism affects lives by Council,,that department A second city-owned school students can go to funding the Center. Coun- week in which a pedestrian Council introduced an or- building that might be used stay out of the streets," said cilman Thomas Button has been absorbed by Public was struck by a car points up dinance to appropriate funds Tina Andrews. Charlie replied that $36,000 has been DyPEGTHURLER supported the myth concept (White Anglo-Saxon Protes- Works. Its budget was slash- the plan never carried out - to short term, is the Board of tant), grew up in an environ- for the demolition of the Health garage, an area of 700 Tucker, 11 William St. allocated in the 1984 budget, SUMMIT — The study of of progress against racism, ed and tree planting received reduce the speed limit from Dietetic Building, u structure agreed, and Steve Martin, 2 but it has not yet been Institutional racism took on a Why did the police come ment where the only black a low priority, although the 40 down to 35 m.p.h. square feet. Renovation cost person she know was the adjacent to the City Hall. A is $13,000. Weaver St. said it's a place to adopted, David Bennett, 21 new dimension last Thursday to her home to question her cutting down of trees all over Irontcaly it was a resident of South St. said that he has evening when the YWCA four year son who was play' family maid. She became town proceeded at a steady Broad Street who was hit as learned a lot from Director presented its fifth program In ing with a six year old friend outraged at the way blacks pace all spring and summer, she tried to cross her own Fred Stewart and "it's been a series titled, The Myth of In his yard about where they were treated in the military So the rosy glow of sodium street. Anna Alfiero, 151 where she worked after col- good for me." Progress, had been playing? Macon vapor Is expected to ball out Broad St, was taken to the Pedestrian struck on Broad St lege graduation as a waitress "I feel the weight of found out later that a group the tree planting program. In West Germany. The place hospjtal following the acci- Several who were out of racism," Georglella Holliday of black boys had been har- Whether a tree can thrive dent, which took place on a SUMMIT — Anna Bright sunlight may have together, and continued high school sopkc of the where she worked was a told the group at Central assing a group of white girls under such an artificial color county road, Alfiero, 151 Broad St., was contributed to an accident on north on Morris until the benefits they had enjoyed. "KKK fortress," she said, Presbyterian Church parish at a nearby playground, only time will tell. struck by a car on Nov. 1 as Broad Street between Elm Barber car hit a utility pole- Mark Haley, 22 William St. with the blacks from the Walter Gardiner of the she attempted to cross Broad Street and Maple Sit eel on end of dual trip. Both drivers house. Holliday was one of Why did the police stop In a phone conversation Union County Road Depart- remembered the original four speakers from the Panel armed forces, being baited to Street at the corner of Broad Nov. 1, Frances Owren 52 were taken to the hospital boys' club, the mini bikes, her son another time while he get them into trouble. with George Metzgar, Jersey ment has jurisdiction over and Orclmrd Street. Fred Bcllevue Ave., told police she following the accident. of American Women, who was riding his new bike down county roads in Summit. and the car washes to raise tod their personal ex- "I was morally outraged Central Power & Light Harris of Newark, told had stopped her car on A summons for failing to money before the Youth the street? Public Relations Director for This is the second incident in police following the accident Broad Street ready to parallel periences as a black, a Jew, Will she ever know but I didn't do much," said recent weeks on va county yield the right of way went to Center came along. Oentile. • Community and public rela- that he was driving west on park. Rudolf Cummins, 202 and a WASP, whether she was hired for her road where an accident might Herold Binder, Short Hills, "All we ask Is proper fun- Analyzing her situation, tions, it was learned that Broad Street at the lime of Morris Ave. struck the following a collision between Orowlng up in Newark, job because of race or some towns that tried the have been avoided If the the incident when he saw a Owrcn vehicle with his car as ding and a place to go," he she said she became aware because of her qualifica- she said "my passivity in In- his car and one driven by said. Jerry Hunt 33 Weaver sodium vapor did not like it. County had implemented Its man crossing Broad Street he traveled east on Broad. that ground meat was red on- tions? cidents in the town where I Mary Ellen McCandless of St., and Debbie Jones, 108 Metzgar offered to send a plans for a section of Its from the southeast corner. Animals (Inure ly when a supermarket open- Stomping out live was really a racist at- Springfield on Oct. 29. Park Ave., spoke of how the representative to the public roadway. There is still no in accidents ed up In her neighborhood. It anti-Semitism titude," Working on the Then he said he saw a Two cars collided at the in- Center helped them when meeting to be held on Dec. 6 warning reflector sign at the had always been brown col- "Attitude is the place to Panel of American women woman standing in the east A deer darted out of the tersection of Springfield they were growing up. at City Hall on the subject. A curve on Summit Avenue ored before that. Her start," said Laura Cohen, has helped her to analyze bound lane of traffic dash in woods along Passalc Avenue Avenue and Passalc Avenue George Miles, 99 Ashwood conversion program is of- where a motorist was killed teachers at South Side High Jewish member of the Pxnel, how she can help to solve the front of his vehicle. He hit just as Peter Breyer of on Oct. 31. Janet Jannelli, Ave, teaches various hobbles fered to a town, and if uc- last month. School geared her to be a "in wiping out institutional problem of racism. the brakes but was unable to Somerset, was driving by on 800 Old Springfield Ave. told of his at the Center, stressed house worker. At 29 she was racism. "There are hot too Meetings of the Ku Klux slop before the vehicle .struck Oct. 31, The deer struck his police that the driver of the the need for positive think- widowed wllh five children many opportunities to work Klan arc held as close to the woman. vehicle and damaged it. No other car, Kate Herzog, ing. Victor Reynolds is a to rear, and remarried eight your way up, if you are Summit as the Watchung Alfiero was taken to the word on how the deer fared. disregarded a red light, and senior at Seton Hall Univer- Residence alert police years later. Jewish, especially in my field Reservation, according to In- hospital. One day later on Broad struck her car in the rear, sity but said he still drops by of commercial banking." , formation received by Panel Marilyn Stern, 29 Street, a dog ran into the Herzog said she did not see and that the programs at the She feels comfortable, she SUMMIT — Phone colls Prcscott, 19,112 Walnut St., Cohen was advised not to ap- members. Members of the Plymouth Rd. was driving a traffic near Springfield the Jannelli car, was blinded Center provide a "viable said, with the word black, to police headquarters by Newark, were apprehended ply for a job at a bank run by audience recounted stories of vehicle on Morris Avenue on Avenue, Antoinette Wiley by the sun, and that the function." but It distrubs her to "have a alert residents on Kent Place and charged with possession Jews. She "sanitized" her friends who had seen after Nov. 1, between Lafayette and Rita Kern, both of New signal light changed just white person,pat my children Boulevard, Colonial Road, of marijuana and intent to • David McCray, an resume, left out words that dark gatherings, and said Avenue and Aubrey Street Providence, N.J. were driv- before the collision. on the head," She became a and Edgewood Road led to distibute. Alexander Kelly, employee of the Center, said would give away the fact she that the police arc aware of when she struck the rear of a ing cast on Broad and both grandmother at 30, and two arrests on Oct. 29 for il- 33, 134 S. 10th St., Newark, he had visited the Dietche was Jewish. the activities. car owned by Elizabeth saw the dog, and tried to that's when she saw the first legal canvassing. was arrested for the same of- building and "you could not Walters, Bcrnardsville, N.J. avoid it by slowing down. From the black Santa Claus. Cohen lives in Plalnfield, Another sign that racial at- fense. Court appearances are find a better site for the Arrested for "soliciting The Walters car was stopped The Kern vehicle struck the Progress in wiping out has an MBA from Rutgers, titudes still need to undergo scheduled for Nov. 16, 9:30 Center. The garage part for a Summit Publishing in traffic at the time of ipact. Wiley car in a rear end colli- racism is still a myth, said and said it was healthy for basic changes, according to a.m. The incident occurred police record coujd be used for a car repair Company "without a can- Walters was taken to the sion. No word on the fate of Holliday, as long as black her to be paranoid. She suid one speaker, is the fact that vasser's permit were Jerry A. at 10:03 a.m. on Oct. 29. hospital following the acci- project." He urged them not people arc followed to work young people must be an ethnic joke book is on the the dog, but neither driver An alert citizen called Robles, 19, 238 Jerome St., Camera equipment was dent. to demolish it. by a police car, as long as educated before anti- current best seller list. was injured. police when he observed a Brooklyn, N.Y., and Charles taken from a home on Council president Dr. advertisements; jn. magazines Semitism can be stamped out "When a joke belittles so- Open car door ' - Cars lock together thief stealing hub caps from Lewis, 30, 191-35 113 Ave. Ashland Road on Oct. 30. Murray Ross replied to the show only, otiejiblack If any, and thut^the effects of, pre- meone, (hen it Is no longer causes accident but keep going a yehlcle on Oc(, 18 in the Hollis, Queens. N.Y. The ar- No forced entry was group who spoke that; the as long'fltM cnliatjs allowed' judice must be taught to funny," commented a Constance White, .1,5 Steven Osmulski, 16 parking lot next to the Junior rests were made at 3:03 and discovered, but gold chains problem of relocating the to attend a school Halloween them. member of a discussion 3:41 p.m. Druid Hill Rd. was pulling Aubrey St, and Michael High. The owner f the car, a Center will be solved, that group. and jewelry were taken as into the 7-Elevcn Convicnce. dark color Corvette, did not party dressed as a KKK Asked about the vandaliz- Marijuana arrests Barber, 270 Woodland Ave,, every group funded by the ci- The final YWCA forum well as the camera parts and store parking lot on Nov. 1, report the theft, and the caps member, when minorities are ing of a synagogue in Sum- made on train were both driving north on ty has to struggle for the will be aimed at identifying a carrying case. The incident when the door on the driver's have not been recovered. The part of the class. mit, she said she wondered If Two men were arrested, on Morris Avenue on Oct. 28 money needed, and that city problems in Summit and will was reported at 9:06 p.m. side of a parked vehicle thief was described as a Debbie Macon of North the incident was investigated. an Eric-Lackawanna train near the intersection of Mor- government spending is try to prioritize as to where opened in front of her vehi- white, male, in his 20's, Plalnfield, moved from St. "If the people are caught after the train was slopped at Entry through a side win- ris and Norwood Avenue. limited by the state. change can be instigated at cle. She was unable to stop in wearing a dark gray Louis, Mo, to the who did it, they should do the Summit station and the dow of a home on Park The Barber car attempted to the local level. The Panel's time to avoid a collision. The sleeveless sweatshirt. Councilman Donld Nelson predominantly white com- community work as part of police were notified, Avenue resulted in the theft pass the Osmulski vehicle, indicated that Community personal experiences should parked vehicle was owned by munity of North Plalnfield. the punishment," she sug- Ronald Frazler, 20, of 158 of a check and a blank check. but Barber lost control and On that same day, a radio Development funds are used serve as a catalyst for the Hin Fong, South Orange, She had unanswered ques- gested. S. Arlington Ave., East The break in was reported at swerved his car in front of was stolen from a car parked for the Center's operation. discussions on Nov, 3 and 4, N.J. Osmulski. The cars locked in the Elm St. parking lot. tions for her audience that Hilary Gentile, a WASP Orange, and Jonathan 5;39p.m.onOct. 25.

Washer • Dryer SERRV SALE Dishwasher •• DAVIES & COX International Gifts & Handicrafts Service Special 7A Beechwood Rd. ~» Drs. Edward M. Burstein and Eric S. Lerner Summit 273-4274 EARN Central AH makes & models announce the opening of an additional office: WATCH & CLOCK REPAIRS Presbyterian Church 10% off all parts Done on premises • ' $3000- Coupon 6fl« • E»p. 1/31/M 2(Wo OFF ALL NEW WATCHES Maple & Morris, Summit Chiropractic Associates of Millburn (Sales Exchange for Refugee Rehabilitation Vocations) $6000+ ^REPAIR SHACKS FOR SALE Large selection of vintage 100 Sprinffltld An.. pocket & wristwatches fully MONTHLY Nov. 8th & 9th, 10 a.m. • 8 p.m. BfiWUy ll.lghl. reconditioned & guaranteed. located at JBuilncM HII.I Tuca.'Stl, 9;00-Si30 Expiring IMW MultlLtvtl, Nov. 10th, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. 4640797 • 4640792 Food Company tatting WE SELL, REPAIR 4 APPRAISE 120 Millburn Avenue, Suite 203 national talat records. THE STATE THEATRE OF NEW JERSEY Estate Jewelry NO EXPERIENCE or Millburn, New Jersey 07041 SELLING NECCESSARYI WE BUY & SELL For FREE INCOME OP- PAPER MILL PLAYHOUSE. Gold, Silver, Antiques HOURS PORTUNITY KIT call 201- Brookside Drive, Millburn, NJ 07041 Mon. - Sat. 636-7300 or write Futurt 9:30-5:30 ANGELO DEL ROSSI, Executive Producer, presents lloiirx by ii|)|>oinliiu>nl (201) 376-5522 Foods, Box 327, 52 River Road,' Chatham, N.J. 07928 {GOVERNOR THOMAS H. KEAN SAYS "UNION One of New Jeneys' FlnesT* > Selections of Diamonds, Watches COUNTY NEEDS THIS MANAGEMENT TEAM." and Jewelry ', . Established MO.^-l^td Julius'Okserihorrf' BUYS YOUR FRANK LEHR DIAMONDS UNION COUNTY FREEHOLDER Predou/ /tone/ Oldgold-SUre ROBERT MILLER X* NOW thru and now and then UNION COUNTY FREEHOLDER DEC. 11 • he sells \ Highest Prices Paid L TO R.: FREEHOLDER CHAIRMAN FRANK LEHR, nrr Immediate Payment FORMER PLAINFIELD MAYOR PAUL O'KEEFFE, bank references AND FORMER FREEHOLDER BOB MILLER. The World's Most Acclaimed Musical! PAUL O'KEEFFE wholesale-retail Wed. & Thur. at 8 P.M., Sun. at 3 & 7:30 P.M. — $21, $15 a appraisals UNION COUNTY FREEHOLDER Fri. at 8 P.M., Sat. at 5 & 9:30 P.M. - $23, $17 Thur. at 2 P.M. — $17, $11 201-376-4343 GROUP RATES AVAILABLE The Summit Herald, Saturday, November 5, 1983 PAGE 3 Don't forget to vote news Trio of ballot questions address environmental needs

TRENTON - Three municipal governments for ly located tracts in less ing on the general election was particularly excited by Salem and Elsinboro public questions on the acquiring and developing densely developed suburban ballot, will authorize a $50 this bond issue because it will townships along the general election ballot Nov. 8 local open space facilities. or rural areas, thus enhanc- million bond issue to be used enable New Jersey to attract Delaware River. will strongly influence New The Green Acres Trust Fund ing future community by municipalities to help pay federal money for shore pro- Hughey stressed that Jersey's future environment would be created from this development. costs of shoreline erosion tection projects for the first "shorefront conditions im- and potable water supply, ac- portion of the bond issue. "Funding recreational control projects. The money time in many years. He noted pact on every resident of cording to Commissioner The remaining $52 million ' lands for multiple purposes, will be available for state that the state and the Army New Jersey. Ocean and bay Robert E. Hughey of the is to be used for direct pur- such as. flood plain protec- grants, and loans to local Corps of Engineers arc beaches not only provide en- state Department of En- chase and development by tion, hiking, picnicking and governments and for some already discussing those joyable recreational oppor- vironmental Protection the state-owned parks, natural habitat preservation direct state projects. parts of the Shore Protection tunities in the summer but (DEP). forests, and fish and game areas. Grants and loans can be Master Plan which could also pay a key role in the Hughey said the questions areas. Existing features of "Providing space for ana" for planning, acquisition, receive federal funding. State's economy, generating will permit voters to decide this type have provided development of active recrea- development, construction, The ' Commissioner ex- more jobs and revenue than on a $135 million Green recreational opportunities tion such as tennis, golf, and maintenance of plained that the New Jersey almost any other part of the Acres bond issue, a $50 for over 10 million persons baseball, football, skating municipal shore protection Shore Protection Master state's economy. million Shore Protection already this year, "but the and swimming. projects. Of the total funds, Plan completed under the Water Supply. bond issue, and the use oif growth of New Jersey's "Green Acres performs in $10 million will be earmark- previous Shore Protection "The Water Supply ballot part of a S35O million Water population and its mobility the same ways at the state ed for state loans to Bond Issue provides the basis questions does not call for .Supply bond issue which increases the need for such level by funding state pur- municipal or county govern- on which the State would any new bond issue or other voters approved in 1981. lands und facilities," Hughey chases and appropriate ments for their 25 percent select shore protection pro- expenditures. Instead it will "Practically every New said. development of urban- share of shore protection jects for funding. The Master give needed flexibility in use Jersey resident will be direct- Considerably more than oriented open space in project expenses. The other Plan emphasizes the use of of the $350 million Water ly affected by one or more of $135 million worth of land America's most densely $40 million would be non-structural shore protec- Supply bond Issue which these questions. They deserve acquisition or development populated slate and for pro- allocated both for state pro- tion projects whenever possi- voters, overwhelmingly ap- jects and grants to local and ble and also recognizes that proved in 1981," Hughey ' everyone's close attention," will be possible, said tection of New Jersey's ELECTION DAY OPEN HOUSE — Waiting to greet voters and guide them around the school on Election Day Hughey said. Hughey, because in some dwindling natural features, county governments for the ocean does not respect said. "Voter approval of the shore protection projects. municipal boundaries. ' question will bring part of. ore Jefferson School students, Chlaro La Vecchla, Erica Stewart and Damlon Yeoger and principal Janice Green Acres cases bond issue money can such as freshwater marshes, Motlstlc. Some of the octlvltles planned by the Summit school! that day ore displays of student work, Voter approval of the be used to obtain matching watersheds, archeological The stale would assume up to Hughey noted that New that money to bear on pro- 75 percent of costs for such Jersey is the only state in the blems which have become visits to student octlvltles and tours of the buildings. In some schools, PTA/PYO volunteers or students Green Acres bond issue will federal grants, "thereby in- and historic sites, water ac- will mon tables near the voting booths to give Information on, what activities are planned; Parents wishing local projects. country with such a plan. more apparent since the ; permit New Jersey to invest creasing the effectiveness of cess areas, forests and parks, tours of Broyton School should contact the office In advance, - ' $135 million toward con- the entire program." and special fish and wildlife legislation was prepared in Hughey said local govern- He also stressed that the '-factory Authorized tinuation of the nation's "Overwhelming voter sup- areas," Hughey continued. ments would prepay loans State will use the shore pro- 1981." most successful state recrea- port brought success to "New Jersey, because of directly to the Shore Protec- tection funds only for pro- "Additional funds are Rtpalr tional land acquisition and Green Acres bond issue ques- the density and patterns of its tion Fund, making the same jects which provide access to needed, especially to aid use of (he 1981 bond funds The public is a full partner In facility construction pro- tions in 1961, 1971, 1974, population, still has a deficit money available to all county the beach or waterfront for municipalities whose water for water conservation and addressing these important Genuine Pwrto Vv gram, which dates from and 1978," Hughey said. in terms of making recrea- and municipal governments the general public. He said, supplies have become con- groundwater evaluation projects." 1961. It will also create a "Green Acres assists coun- tion and conservation oppor- for shore protection. "It is only fair that if the taminated," snid Hughey. work. Groundwater supplies "Green Acres Trust Fund," ty and municipal govern- tunities available to all. This, "DEP intends to continue people of the entire state arc "We've taken big steps over 50 percent of the state's oft Repair permitting the state to loan ments in acquiring' and bond issue is needed for com- working to minimize damage paying for these bonds that toward controlling industry's water at this time and will YOU CAN MAKE A money to municipal and developing local or pletion of programs at ex- to the coast from beach they be able to equally enjoy handling of waste materials,' become Increasingly impor- DIFFERENCE-rccycIc 7 county governments for neighborhood recreation or isting state and local migration and ocean storms, access to the water." but we are somewhat limited tant in the future. glass, newspaper, aluminum recreational improvements. conservation facilities in ur- facilities," Hughey said. to protect safe access to nnd While most of the projects In our ability to replace water He noted that "all of the and your local government SHACK j Money repaid will be put ban and rural areas alike," More information on continued enjoyment of to be funded by the bond supples which have been con- projects under conslderaton receives state money plus back into the fund so that it Hughey said. He emphasized Green Acres can be obtained coastal areas. The Depart- issue arc along the Atlantic taminated." arc included in the State's recycling eliminates pollution can be used again and again and local waste. Recycle-lt's these benefits: from Hcrmia Lechner, Ad- ment has proposed a number Ocean, Hughey noted that The water supply amend- Water Supply Master Plan imHn.iTun,.8il.9iOO.BiS( for the same purposes, "Aiding New Jersey's mu- ministrator, Green Acres of oceanfront projects and the Department also plans to ment would also allow the which is updated annually. important. 464.0797 • 464 0792 Hughey noted. jor urban centers improves Program, CN 404, Trenton, others in rivers, bays, and in- use funds for river and Of the $135 million bond the quality of city life while New Jersey 08625. lets. Rut funding is needed by bayfront projects in issue, $83 million will be set encouraging involvement of Shore Protection way of the bond issue," Elizabeth in Union County aside for matching grants the private sector. The Shore Protection Hughey said. and in Bayonnc in Hudson and loans to county and "Setting aside convenient- Bond Issue of 1983, appear- The Commissioner said he County, and in Florence, Teenagers testify to film's truth, discuss drug problems S U M M I T • R I D QE W O ,0 D • W E S T F. I E L D By PEG THURLER for drug abuse. She used pot Donald Geddis, principal of Mrs. Ball was blunt in her doesn't go away, it just gels SUMMIT — Bruce sits in elementary school, she Summit High. A change in advice to parents who worse and worse,'/ said Ball, nervously on the stage of the said, then proceeded to list attitude has made drug abuse suspect their children arc In- Rev. Tremaine summed up auditorium, waiting his turn all the drugs she had taken. a "treatable health pro- volved with drugs. the seriousness of the pro- among a panel of speakers. "I took anything and blem." \ full time resource "Look through your blem as it exists in Summit He looks down at his notes, everything I could get my person and teacher training child's belongings. Ask today. then out over the audience of hands on," she said. She had arc planned. about what you find. Don't "We have to ask ourselves Election Day Sale parents who have come to see a lot of hurdles to get over to Summit Police Sergeant take excuses," Pick up the the tough questions," he a TV film called "The stay sober. She couldn't hang William Schncller told about phone and call for help, from said. "Why do kids have to . Chemical People" and to around any more with her changes in the local laws, in- your child's school or from do that, and then ask now thru Tuesday November 8th hear members of the panel old friends. She had to make cluding making parents her group, AADT. A long ourselves why is it a part of discuss drug problems new ones, mostly through the responsible for controlling narrow strip of paper' our; social structure? We among teenagers. treatment program she takes. the serving of alcohol at par- available at the literature must be.realistic enough to ' What Bruce has to say will Where did the money ties for teens. Two charges table listed agencies and their sec that the dependency is vhave.more impact onthe au- come from,.to. finance her were brought against parents phone numbers, ''if you have deep se'uWd?iR««etnbcr that ,,, ••'dlcnco than any part of the drug addiction? Stic replied last year. a> problem." 11 was- prepared( Bobby Bn|6,fs, risljt' here in % A A\% . graphically stated message of that she stole money from "We need help from the by the Summit Area Com- t'oWn,. ;If'you See something the film-because Bruce, is her parents, from other community to enact these munity Council. strange, open the door to one of the chemical people. families, and bought drugs new laws," noted Schncller. "Chemical dependency your'child." Although Bruce is not from .other students and from Summit, he was friends, not necessarily from brought to the "town drug dealers. meeting" last Wednesday Panel member Rev. Gor- torwbff evening at the Junior High don Tremaine, Calvary School by fellow panel Episcopal Church, applaud- member Bobby Ball, ed the courage of the two developer and Director of who testified and verified Adolescent Alcohol and that "the problem is real, Drug Treatment, Inc., 86 and the problem is here in all misses, juniors, teens, girls Summit Avc. He is under Summit." treatment for drug abuse and boys outerwear which started when he was an The film, "The Chemical 8th grader and got drunk in People," had shown parents the garage of a friend's and their children explaining S house. their reasoning as they were misses wool blend coats 99 He used drugs too, just for forced to change their at- classls styles, reg. & petite, • the fun of it at first, he titudes and priorities. Denial sizes 6-16* reg. $140 - related, and pot was one of is one of the biggest pro- S those he liked best. His blems. designer coats 199 dependency continued for "Children build their wall all woorbontemporary styles, almost four years. of denial with misinforma- sizes 6-14. reg. $280 "Then 1 went to my tion," said the commentator. S mother and told her I wanted The physical side of the hooded wool pantcoats 99 ' to go away and get help," he dependency includes damage to vital organs, that often zip front vest Insert, * said. 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He is 17 and a senior in community action, the final high school. message of the film stated, misses fall coordinates. 1/3-1/2 off , Another teenager, Liz, and next week's hour film GOVERNOR TOM KEAN SAYS: by Prestige, Century, also from out of town, told will show ways that the pro- White Stag, Vlctoire, etc. her story and answered ques- blem can be attacked on a S 90 tions from the audience. She community basis. Tano handbags 29 was proud to tell her record The first steps have genuine leather, reg. $45 of 14 months of staying already been taken in Sum- S 90 sober since starting treatment mit, noted panel member Dr. Re-elect Senator young teen quilt coats 49 sizes s-m-l. reg. $81 Don DiFranceSCO "... / know the great value ofleadership 8 90 skill and legislative initiative .. . Don has a young teen ski jackets 39 Participation is the vast reservoir of both... 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Bob is bright, articulate and hardwork- sizes 4-6X, 7-14. reg. $94-$104 Judy McLendon, running "These people have given ing . .. his skill as an Assemblyman has unopposed for a Common freely of their time, talent S 90 and energy to help the Mayor earned him great respect among his col- girls ski jackets 29 Council seat in the upcoming leagues and officials of my general election, concluded and Common Council to Including bomber length, sizes 4-6X, 7-14. her campaign by encouraging determine exactly what must administration..." reg. $48-$65 all residents to take an active be done to bring the Railroad S 90 interest in the issues presently Station up to Summit stan- boys polyfill poplin vests 19 dards and what the income plalcf lining, sizes s-m-l-xl. reg. $30 facing Summit. and expenses will be after the Re-elect Assemblywoman "Interest in the communi- Railroad Station is S 90 ty takes many forms: Service rehabilitated." boys ski jackets 39 on a municipal board; Maureen Ogden "... Maureen is a great asset to the "Obviously, the renova- Assembly and to the State.. . rare com- bomber & parka styles, membership in a local sizes 4-20. reg. $60-$70 organization; or simply by tion of the Station is the cor- bination of skill, compassion and in- nerstone of any plan to fur- attending Council meetings sight ... I need her in Trenton. ..." infant & toddler snowsuits . 1/3 off and making one's views ther upgrade the downtown area. There are a number of a group from our famous maker collection known. All are valuable ways other things that can be done of serving the City of Sum- to make Summit cleaner and mit," she explained. more attractive. I firmly Please vote REPUBLICAN November 8 Bring In This Ad For An Additional As an example of the im- believe that as long as we all $5.00 Off Any Featured Item portance of volunteers, continue to work together, L \ McLendon cited the valuable we can make Summit, a great DiFRANCESCO FRANKS OGDEN contribution made by over 50 community, even better," Summit residents on the concluded McLendon, who 410 tpringllald •«• • •ummlt»tm parting • hour*: 9:00 i.m. lo S:30 p.m. most recent Railroad Com- won in the Republican • mon. ind Ihun. la 9 • no Ml* It *m llnal • txqulilt* sill wtapt lr« • mittee. Primary election. Paid for by the Campaign Fund ulDon DiFranwsco, Juhrt P. Cullins. Livingston, Treas. McLendon observed. PAGE 4, The Summit Herald, Saturday, November 5,1983


cm In CH on fir pli

sc c i-'i Stic Harrison (left) and Diane i) Giillo (rijjht)

Past Co-President Diane Gallo (left), Councilman Tom Button (center), and Brucnh Chairman Lynn Nestuk. In the background Is Council Candidate Judy McLendon

Co-Pre idi-nt Gavli' S< lonlli qreel Brian Fahey, >ti( i.nulid.itcfor I rceholder

Stall' Senator Don Dl Francesco (left) and EYE Councilman Donald Nelson (ri<|ht). Assemblyman Bob Franks talks to Pat Lelthcad, former The Summit League of Women Voters held its an- Editor of the Chatham nual Brunch last Sunday at the home of Barbara Courier now with SETCO. Jutila. Local County and State Candidates were in- vited as well as LWV members and the general public. The League urges all registered voters to vote next Tuesday, November 8. Local candidates at the brunch were Judy McLen- don, running for Council in Ward 1, Marjorie Brown, Ward 11 candidate for Council and Tom Kent who is running for the at-large council seat. All are unopposed.

Assemblywoman Maureen Odgen helping herself to quiche.

M year's Co-President, Pete Brown jnd LWV member »cul>ara Packer (left) talk- Kristine McMenamv. »'« to Barbara Rail and her Richard Aronson. II], Summit Herald. Saturday, November 5. 1983 PAGL 5

Don't forget to vote

I in i On lhe Aisle with Simon Saltzman Yesterday' born again at Shakespeare Festival

our true Madison lillll'J Dawll, one l<\ tile creates a reasonable, it nol inspired, /a:;tesi .in,] most cndearini'K illiterate characteri/ation thai is politely broad .KIL'C , .inn •:•:',{. i •> cui u> mill the (card) without being overly caiicauned. Playing lahles HI: .: touiMi wi.tnaiii/ini.' swindler, the mistress of a crude and scheming .!. i'.llhc llasll'! been 111 \OL'lle l.lleh . M.l\hc lllC junkman who has wheeled and dealed hcaiintul I'ul diinih blonde types llial himself into the millions and now plans a hia'-.ils anil sassib, wisecracked ihcii way scam lo outdo lhe Teapot Dome, Barry iliiiiiiL'li ., ninlcss mid-20th century plays gels more than the upper hand in laughs .ilk! t'iliii . iia'.e become MilualK extinct, alone, especially in the famous gin rummy :11.111k- '.• '•'• ..IIKII'-. lib and cnhiihlcned at- scene. • i , j, , .; I 11 lull's The coaise-mannered Harry Brock, il. [». I .ill. . 'i.c I he Nr'.i leisev shakespeaic festival who has "always lived at the top of his •' . '. : t •:' >.u! ha~. ilianklulU, icmembeied (iarson \oice," is portrayed in waterfront fashion •M.l < i .i I •. 'ii1.' K.iinii' pciccpli\c and siill dellly- b> William Andrews while the ( ie.i|'.... '.. ' •'. Mil! .r.'f'' ,iin ii~. in L' ^. MUCLU a bum male chain eni sin, plaiiludini/ing journalist he hires lo leach A'\" ..'!. In! I'l.liiickniL1 and lln.' sHUL'j-'le lot power in his baby a little couth is passively played nine i.> in. hide II in us hall festival ol In a somewhat deadpan Don I eslie. :.'' ! • Mil.I M < .'iiu:d\. Director Paul Harry keeps the inmien-

.'. i'. rl 11II !!•::' lleie'- a '•" seal-old pla\ lhal has aeed dos, pul-downs and generally lowbrow iMiemel'. VM.-II. 1 he \am, ahnosi Kunyon- wn flowing with a naturalistic restraint. ..•M|iie in Us -all', niixIui'." nl raw New Don Perkins, as Brock's beck-and-call > HI k-si\le collni|iilahsins with lhe lilerale alcoholic lawyer, handles his humiliations ••:• 'h.n; .i !•.-.•. 1 heltet than his liquoi. II' . ' • hoipolh'i 1.1 W'.tsliiiiLMiin, suiiL'esis lhal deep V. n hi ii, ,i i-Miillible, lined ucaled, near- "Born Vesteiday" is a comedy long i Ilk* in i MI : siL'hied I'm ii>" slim i-sijjhleil dil/ lies a ineidue for revival. One really negative hidden irsoiiKelul ilynaino nisi wailing note is Michael Sharp's set, which looked ; • • ! i' i.; 11 i •. 1111 loi lhe chance in i ise and shine. less like a posh S2.15 a-day executive suite • I'lll,' In -.pile .'I spot tint; a natty siiawberry than the foyer of a seedy flophouse. II ill , llie! en GIN — Ellen Barry as Billie Down and William Andrews as Harry Brock in the New Jersey Shnkesrir'iiiv hh.ndc «h-r and a uaidrobe Kinuling Maybe that's the best WashiiRMon had io SlillillllI i festival play "Born Yesterday." (photo by Dolia) Ilioilui. wouldn't admit to, hllcn Harry oiler in I'Mfi. V'U' M,|..,

"••• . .'ml Fiddling around at the

i.iikl ii-e and Paper Mill Playhouse t einh! \ in

Joe C'usanelli will star as "I'evye" and poor Jews in villages of Oarisi Russia Dolores Wilson as "Guide" in the Paper eatly in this century, and lias had an ap- 1 ' ollnilltnlcnl Mill Playhouse production of lhe interna- peal for people o\ all faiths and . .Ill \\ '.' llccd tionally acclaimed musical "Fiddler On backgrounds. The musical is tunny and \ .Cllll>l\ 111,ill lhe Roof." serious, entertaining and meaningful, gay and sad. I,.ilr Wo..d Cusanelli, a seasoned stage performer, The popular "Sunrise, Sunset," "Mat- SI n 1111111 has appeared in "Fiddler" on Broadway chmaker, Makhmakei," "II 1 Were A as Tcvye, I.a/ar Wolf lhe Butcher, and Rich Man," ami "lo l.ile" are lout ol Avram the Bookseller and with the first the lfi songs that glisten in lhe show. national company. He has also appeared These staples ol musical hislin y combined in numerous touring productions in- with vivid dance, comedy, lavish sets, a ' -. 11 n n n n I . i \ cluding Peter Pan, ltrigadoon. Paint east ol" l11111y, and the Papei Mill Your Wagon, Kismet and Dame Yankees. Playhouse Orcheslia make "1 iddler On s, p;i\ mole Wilson, star of lhe Metropolitan The Kool" a show not lo be missed. •:,\'-\\ up-.ei b\ Opera, Broadway musical comedy, stage, Performance limes and ticket prices are ': 1 i U! M 1! •s ,11 llie television, and recordings appeared in the as follows: Weil. & Thins. H p.m., Sun. 3 1972 Paper Mill Playhouse production of and 7:30, $15; Friday 8 p.m., "Fiddler." She most recently created the Sal. 5and l):.l(> p.m. -$2.1, $17;'Thins. 2 role of Aunt Jenny in I Remember Mama p.m. --$17, $11. Visa and Mastercard are n I. M i< .n on Broadway and appeared as Miss I Ian accepted. Ciroup rates are available, for A !•.. • ,in J,' lhe nigan in Annie. tickets and additional information call the •e1 'he i esnlen "Fiddler On The Roof" tells the color- Paper Mill Playhouse Box Office at (201) Me l.'wds. ful story about the lives and customs of .176-4.14.1. , i • e 1. 11 ( . i n s b 111 L' Siunmil


; i ' .1 il ill1.' •n • II..iu! II •;•>: 1 -;ie

OS- i/'-i' GET THE POINT — Nancy Hubley of Summit challenges George kedyutn from Uiathcim m " '.iicup moment from lhe Playhouse Association's production of "Dt-ulfilrnp " Scheduled lor tin- Pl ,m^ ,,N illl wm .,,„,, through IV, 1 1 Winner of llie N I Drama Critics Award, the Tony Award as Nov- 1 11 3 16.19 tickets oreavoilal.le from Dorothy Huqh..-,. ?3I Snimcih,!-) Av, , uud f^nN,,,,,.,,

v.V,,,s,,,i..l-.,l.,s.',,,sor.,H1RrfJ<.d*ov.and?lothcM)r.»!'. McGoucjh (;/.! B604, or Gloria Johnson ! ?/i .191(1,

Playhouse opens 66th season with "Deathtrap"

si Mil I h..- Pl.ishoiiNe A'.socialion Cioss. All pei loi inances are held at ibi' o! New Providence and Kale Schli'snu'ci veai s ol I'lavhuii'.e hi'.loi \ '.}} |ii .eni ' ! V.i'lii i ap" b\ Iia I e\ ill a- Playhouse, It) New Injilaiul A\c. and Nancy llul»le\ ol Summit. liekels loi ail per I'M maun" ,ue In ' |-;.u "I 'In 1'INl h-l season. A The Playhouse has diawn 0:1 lhe lhe show will he diiected hy Mai shall available al Doioilr. Hindics. In. -1 s 1 : ill.1! in : w, ,k :-. ' in' pl.n will i uti N.n lesiiuices of suiioundiii)Z communities to I'lKvaids ill Chatham, who was lesponsi Spline, fielil A\e . Siunmil Se :in ,, \ '•. .in,I Ii. linn I1', lhe Ni.v I" pill I his populai, bin difficult piay on I he hie loi lasi year's loinedj Int "Cliaptei Memlierships he obiained b\ i, ; I.'; in,in,c IHMI:.1 .t hriu'lii loi lhe Sum in.aids. Cast inenibeis include C'.CDI>."•' I wo." The piodiicei is I il 1 ei^h of Sum Nomia Medoui'li ['.\~!\ KMi-l) ,M (. :• \' :-a ( li.ip'i-! '.'I i lie -\nieiican Hr.! Ked.L'ale ol ( halhain, William Campbell mil, whose iii'dits exlend had. into 2(1 lolmson c.7.1 -I'M Ml

Maybe, nisi loi oiu.e, ihc \oteis OUL'IH Bond issues versus I & R 1,, send a messnue lo oui lecislaliin.' bv le Re-elect Ogden, Franks, Di Francesco ie.-lin.i-1 the ..inrenl bond |iio|iosals. lhe ieast lhal eadi \oici should do is lake ,i I .. 'he edili.i tin ' in Hi,- -\ en,IT B.n.,1 look a! Ihcc bond ppiposals (III! .I^nd ! f i' I -, I;! U s e ill'-li 1. I li.r .111 . ij' iluie beal nil! I in !••'•" I poiinnin . ..!. \H'. S. h.1 el', ue 1.. il I'll Jn.l.iie , Ii. .1 li.mi .11 - •• i.u1 ,iiiv! 'Ihci ;MII'!U 1 ,idi o! ;hem is nke souiuhiij' and e.uli I ) .in ! I" 'be chine .1.11c '''. leel.'L 11111/ llie | i,ni,.r-.. ,,. '..i.-1 !p..\n i.iei • 'in 1 e'.c, :-.\! h\ .ui: -:ali' ^.anie m ins! 1'ei.Me lik- ..leadline. Inn .ill '..•am , 'I M.ioierii '. Irilen ,11: d lioi'. I 1 an \. • !,,in' \ 1 a' • r ! |.u' !i- ••!..' 1 • ••.:- ,U~ 1,0! i;a'.e :!ie Mj'h' I.. (•picM.'ii: in,,' e debt w ilk ti n. iiM ;iIi iinai e : "\ i. ,u . siion~ 1 IIKII.IIIV i- ,\ I', be paid. I1 >< \ • ei n|. I -. a !u! i h HI III i 1 .ill', e .'. ', :. .1 , VA j •,,., >., ,,,-f 1, •.., I i : i •' 1, 1 ! 1. .'. ••.•! 1 win,I, :- :i I he •..Mel' -ii.Hild considei al -,' a ,'a'' ' »''.- i .•, ; eelr, Tin;' if. u. '• " meni !'\ "-• t.111• liea-uiei Kenneli. lt.edei M.llile.'ll ' HSiei I- .1 trlMillIll ].lll"dl'. I ... ,;(i,;. r .';,,,! '; man :1: ,: '-,e\^ Jei^ev i1- .dieav'i'. .Ml-.: .•! 'lie -••! ..,11;. km • --. I. i'i MIIHMIII, !oi e\,i'ili.'|].i ;,.,.;.,. ,| .,,,.,1, ::i her aibiaiu'i'aln.i, ii.'i.- ,:, ma ."i I I'-i !•: i.eid M: . 1.1111::1 m-:e lie.r. ii\ indebted 'lales, in 1 'JS « 'tie , MI ijv-ni I- iu 'i;,',, in '••.., lien..'.- 1;"' ii, : ,r.,• \v ill ;-.;r> .^ai ^.^l' nnHi. •!. ,n ,.'•!>' ..-:

• !;,.;'i". :,' main:,nn : • n T' : :\i.' • .i: mr I \ ''i: 'Ii' .MI1!. ' m: leri la:n:' .ipl-.n .M •'.. Meterniaid peilormed her duty ; .e • •-; ':.,-• lhe '...••.-; .M'1. 1 A I' ", • • !-.e -le-'de.! •• . ':i" •• •',•• :

i'li-'-'PulitvUi Chamber Orchestra outstanding

i ban^s to a i£\)int fi'

PAGE 6, The Summit Herald, Saturday, November 5,1983 soeial Don't forget to vote Unusual techique used Piano concert at by Shand in Art Center exhibit the Arboretum . SUMMIT - Marian Summit Area Community develop her work towards a Barnes Foundation and Burke and Adrian Collins of School. There is a $5 admis- The mixed media drawings sion charge for the concert. of Nancy Hart Shand will be reprcsentaiional rendering enrollment in the Master of Short Hills will presnt a on exhibition in the without being limited by Fine Arts Program at piano concert this Sunday, Members' Gallery of thereality. Arizona State University. Nov. 6, at 3 p.m., at the Introducing^. Summit Art Center from Ms. Shand attended Reeves-Reed Arburetum, 165 Oct. 28 to Dec. 1. The Southeastern University She has exhibited widely hav- Hobart Ave., Summit. Gallery Is open to the public where she received a B.F.A. ing been included in In piano solo and piano Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Shelby on weekdays from 9 a.m. to degree. Her training also in- numerous juried and invita- four hands (duet) the pianists of 85 Lindsley Ave., West 5 p.m. (except on November cluded a year of study at the tional shows. will explore the weaving of Orange, are pleased toy an- 24 and 25), and on weekends folk melodies and dances of nounce the birth of two sons, from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. the masterpieces of com- James Jackson and Bryan McDowelton Sept. 20,1983. The majority of works in posers from Bach lo Rachmaninoff with special The paternal grandparent this show are mixed media is Mr,, Wallace MCDQWCII drawings using the color emphasis on Brahms in this, the 150th anniversary of his Shelby of Summit, and the zerox transfer process. This maternal1 grandparents are process consists of taking birth. Both musicians will of- fer historical and musical in- Mr. arid Mrs. George slides, making color xeroxes Jackson of Aldan, Pa. 'u from the slides and then sights into the music and the transferring the image using backgrounds of the com- a solvent onto 100% rag posers represented. paper. Once the image is Marian Burke and Adrian Welsh Wins transferred, Ms. Shand Collins are graduates of the works into the drawing using University of Rochester second prize w pastels, colored pencils and where they studied at the craypas to achieve the University's Eastman School desired effect. In this way she of Music. As duo artists they for sculptured is able to control the image, have performed at Eastman's combining several related and Bruton Parish Church In SUMMIT - Marie Welsh slides to form a totally new Williamsburg, Va., andof Summit has won second image. This ^interpretation toured Europe performing at prize in sculpture at the An- of nature has enabled her lo the Salzburg and Lausanne nual Members Show of the Mr and Mrs. John Closs (photo by Peter Wallburg) festivals, in Beethoven's Millb'urn-Short Hills Arts Mrs. Scott Curtiss (photo by Peter Wallburg) Haus in Baden bei Wein, and Center at the Paper Mill at English and Finnish Playhouse. The exhibition chamber music festivals. will run through Dec. 4 In the Andrew Bcrkowltz served as This past summer they were Helen Huber marries Scott Curtiss the best man. Both the bride Laurie Ammenwerth Foosaner Gallery. Welsh also on (our performing in Italy has he stone sculpture on and groom were escorted in and Austria. and out of the church by two marries John Closs display at Florham on the Helen Graham Huber and granddaughter of the late' Fairways adjoining' the Scott Jay Curtiss were mar- Senator Harry Oraham of bagpipers. This program is co- sponsorca by the ReeVes- Braidburn Country Club in ried Oct. 29 at the Calvary Pennsylvania, The groom is John Closs, the groom's The bride, a graduate of Laurie Lulse Am- Reed Arboretum and the Florham Park. Episcopal Church in Summit the son of Mr. and Mrs, menwerth, daughter of Mar- father, served as best man, with the Reverend William Rutledge Curtiss of New Marietta College, Ohio, and The groom's brothers H. Strain presiding. Milford, Conn. the University of New tin and Ida Ammcnworth of I New Providence, recently Richard, Michael, and Peter, The bride is the daughter Helen Huber was given in Haven, Conn., is currently served as Ushers, employed by Merrill, Lynch, Vlcki Dowson became the bride of John obituaries of Mr. and Mrs. Harold marriage by her father, Mrs, Patrick Closs, son of John The bride, a graduate of John Huber, 99 Fernwood Deborah Ruiz was thePierce, Fenner and Smith, as New Providence High School Rd., Summit, and the great- matron of honor and Mr. a contract analyst, and Mary Closs of Summit. The bride was given in and Union County Technical children and two great- Mr. Curtiss attended Institute, is currently MikePalladino grandchildren. Albright College, Pa., Vicki Dawson to wed Greg Irvine marriage by her father at the nuptial mass ceremony in employed by the Summit graduated from Virginia Medical Group. Services were held recently ELEGANT Polytechnic Institute and Our Lady of Peace Church. for Mike Palladino, who Mr. and Mrs. John Finance and Economics and Father Daniel Riley, Saint Felix Di Florio WEDDING State University, and receiv- Franklin Dawson, of 65 Mr. Closs, a graduate of died In Overlook Hospital, PHOTOGRAPHY ed his Masters Degree from currently has a flight con- Bonaventure University, Summit. Services were held recently Beckman Rd,, Summit, an- tract with the United States presided. Eileen Helbcrg, Summit High School and St. for Mr. Felix DiFlorio, 57, of by the University of Tennessee, nounce the engagement of Bonaventure University, is A mass was offered in St. He is employed by Pepsico, Marine Corps. sister of the bride, was maid Teresa's Church, Summit Summit, who died on Friday, C award winning their daughter, Victoria Ann, The wedding will take employed with AT'T. photographers Valhalla, N.Y., In research after the funeral from the Oct. 28 at Overlook D to Lt. Gregory Paul Irvine, place at the Christ Church in of honor. Doris Am- A reception was held at the Hospital, Summit. Born in FREE BLACK & WHITE ENGAGEMENT and technical services. son of Mrs. Evelyn Irvine of ' menwerth, Elizabeth Hof- Old Mill Inn. Bernardsville. Paul lppolito Summit PHOTO WITH THIS AD Summit at 10:30 a.m. on Memorial. Italy, he lived in Union, and A reception was held in the Summit and Mr. Paul Irvine May 12. mann, and Janet O'Brian The couple will spend their in Summit for the last 16 of Murray Hill. ; honeymoon in Hawaii. Canoe Brook Country Club, The officiating minister served as bridesmaids. Mr. Palladino was a land- years. llic Iniaqc Jiakcr Miss Dawson, a profes- will be Mark Wakefield, of IramlnK *"-^ phalogttphy Summit. scapcr for 65 years. He also He was employed by sional actress, is currently the Christ Church.; Im- 540Springfield Ave., Berkeley Heights, N.J. After a wedding trip to worked for the Beacon Hill Chiovarou Painting Co., Puerto Rico, the couple will studying Journalism at New mediately following ' the Club in Summit for 10 years Inc. of Summit for 32 years, 665-2089 reside in Danbury, Conn. York University. Lt. Irvine ceremony, there will be a Bradford to perform organ recital before retiring in 1965. He and was not retired. OPEN MONDAY THRU SATURDAY graduated from Montclair reception at the''Madison State College with a B.S. in was a member of the Golden He is survived by is wife, Hotej|jjn.Mj}d|sojK.Y SUM MIT — Wayne Bracl- will also be included in the Age Club, Summit. Helen (nee! Carclla), t two fprd'wi|l give an organ, 'recital program. He served in the Army sons, Jerry arid' Ron at Christ Church-Summit on DiFlorio; four sisters in Italy Nancy Quickstnd, ai during World War I. Sunday, Nov. 6, at 7 p.m. to Born in Italy, Mr. and two grandsons. iir^^m^t^STOtf***^ demonstrate the new reed member of the Board of! A Mass was offered at St. Directors of the Plalnflcld, Palladino lived in Summit pipes recently installed in the for 65 years. Teresa's Church, Summit, organ chamber. He will play Symphony, will play a violin on Monday, oct. 31, Inter- selections by Bach, Dupre piece by Corelli accompanied Surviving are his wife, Kidsxtountru ment was in St. ( Teresa and Franck. Some of the by Bradford. A voluntary Fannie; a son, Michael; a Cemetery. NAME BRAND music of New York City contribution to the Music daughter, Mrs. Catherine , Arrangements by Brough's CHILDREN'S CLOTHING organists Bingham and Ring Fund will be appreciated. Heilbronn; three grand- of Summit. For BOYS & >. =HELP YOUR CHILD £a|C^fe, Hpayato The CIRLS •• \Tt? Repair Your Unitarian Church Newborn TO DO BETTER IN SCHOOL NECKTIES RESHAPED size 14 Your aon or daughter Is not working to potential for \V\ Hair Dryer in Summit many rcMoqt. The** Include wcik rtudy hablta, or poor Neckties expertly narrowed Waldron & Springfield Avet, reading or math skill*. Your child may try hatd, but still to 3" widths Anymake • Any Model Sunday Services 10 a.m. get poor grades or warning notices. Pulpit Guast FREE INITIAL CONSULTATION •3 per Tie (4 lor $11.75) $2" off Reg. Posted Price* Rav. Dr. Patrick T. O'N.lll Students from first grade to high school need help from Satisfaction guaranteed or money back Coupon Offn -Eip. 1/31IU II "My God How time to time. Often they sre very bright. Mail ties and checks to: You've Changed!" We help by first testing to detect the cause of the prob- lem. Then we build the skills needed to succeed In ^REPAIR SHACKS Ours Is a liberal faith school, Of course, we meet often to review the progress JUST-RITE TIES based on reason and love. PO Box 232 being made. n.: TU.I.S.I. 9:00-5:30 All mtm welcome. • IHE LEARNING CENTER Liberty Corner, NJ 07938 4640797 • 4640792 Call 273-3245 128S Springfield Av«., New providence • 464-4455 25 W. NortMMd Road • Mon. thru sat. 9:30-5:30. Thurs. "til 9 p.m. LIVINGSTON 994-2900 The Winston School

FOR CAPABLE CHILDREN HAVING DIFFICULTIES LEARNING The Winston School is an independent day school u/t o/mcwente for boys and girls between 6 and 13 with minimal learning disabilities. The Winston School offers an Individualized instructional program based upon A NEW LANDMARK comprehensive diagnostic evaluation. deco/tatas . i . DEBUTING THIS FALL Financial Aid Available.

The grand opening of the Murray Hill Inn and Office Park is rapidly ap- Fbr further information call 277-6350. proaching. Inspired by the casual elegance of California architecture and designed with an attention to detail that only experience can provide, the THE WINSTON SCHOOL • 275 MORRIS AVENUE • SUMMIT, N.J. 07901 Murray Hill Inn is a perfect addition to a community already rich in tradi- At L'Ambiance, you can buy an ornament with a tion and quality. certain person in mind. Come in today and pick Reflecting the personal touch that distinguishes all Boyle Hotels, the Mur- one for: ray Hill Inn will feature a variety of richly appointed accommodations, a charming restaurant, meeting/conference/banquet rooms, an exercise All llatural Breads — your resident musician room with sauna and that Boyle hospitality. Honey Cinnamon Raisin We'll soon be announcing an Opening Date and we're looking forward to 1 lb., 8 oz. • Regular price - $2.50 — your pregnant friend having you visit us. $ooo — yourangeiic lover — your whimsical grandmother All other Baker Natural Breads 1 lb., 8 oz. • Regular price - $1.50 — your teddy bear freak Central Avenue and South Street • Mew Providence $120 BOVLE HOTEL] Or simply your favorite childl * Prices In effect until 12/3/83 [Tor inlormalion on the Hotel call Sally Linsenmann at 353 4200 between 9 AM~| We reserve the right to limit quantities £. 5 PM. For details and a brochure on our deluxe 32.000 sq. ft office building. [contact The Boyle Company. Rejltors'al 353 420O. _|

Wcstfield Motor Inn Murnslo^n Moloi Inn FOUNTAIN OF VITALITY Murray Hill Inn - Fall. 190.1 Thi- MJIOIOM A Motor Inn - Wind-i I'ihM Health Food States L'Ambiance (Ni-* Providence) (!~ anwuod) Chatham Mall, Chatham Township 372 S|)iin<|fii-kl Av ISO Spungiteld Avenue, Summit, NJ. •201273-2320. •2012/3 MM (Across'lio.iii Shop-Kite) Berkeley Htfiuh • . S778663 , 46 I-.1370 The Summit Herald, Saturday, November 5,1983 PAGE 7 .Don't forget to vote events Candidates call for commitment to excellence of Union County College

"The Union County controlled Freeholder Board, organizational review and employment needs, Union , Freeholder Board must make to produce Union County analysis of all existing pro- County College is on the a public commitment to College, as Republican can- grams, and if elected, we'd road to insuring that students < maintain the academic ex- didates, we take special pride make the implementation of entering the job market will cellence of Union County in the more than 700 students that survey one of our first be equipped with the skills College," states. Freeholder who received Associates ' priorities," he adds. An required for employment." Chairman Frank Lehr, ac- Degrees, certificates and AT&T executive, he is on Lehr, who finds the need ting as spokesman for the diplomas on June 2, when loan to the Governor's Of- to hire technically trained Republican Freeholder slate, the College completed its fice of Management and personnel in his engineering which includes former first academic year as a con- Budget in Trenton. , firm, Frank Lehr Associates, Freeholder Bob Miller and . solidated institution.'' As a mayor of one of the says, "At a time when scienf former Plainfield Mayor "We're taking special in- county's urban centers, tific and technical training] Paul O'Keeffe. , terest in the needs assessment O'Keeffe had to deal with the are in the forefront of job "Since, the merger of survey being conducted for reality of unemployment. He opportunities for .the future, FEATURED in the cost of Overlook Musical Theatre's production of Union College and Union the College by Response observes, "In contacting soaring educational costs "The King and I" are Lois Ann Zlemba (left) and Lee Ryden (right) County Technical Institute Analysis Corporation of over 2,000 Union County often times prevent, those in- of Summit. The show will be presented on Friday ana, Saturday, was initiated and im- Princeton, comments Miller. businesses and industries for terested in such education Dec. 2 and 3 at 8 p.m and on Sunday, Dec. 4 at 7 p.m. ot Millburn plemented by a Republican "It's intended to lead to an their current and anticipated from' pursuing it." Miller High School, 426 Millburn Ave., Millburn. General admission points out, "However, the tickets at $8.50 are now available at the Overlook Hospital Gift unbelievably low tuition of Shop, 351. Springfield Ave., Summit,- and Adam's Haberdashery, $350 per semester for a full- 1275 Springfield Ave., New Providence. Phone orders for tickets . time student at Union Coun-, will also be received by a ticket committee member at/232-9293. Calvino objects to landfill ty College affords that All seats are reserved. • / academic opportunity. The savings are' obvious, com- ELAINE STRONG, Vice President of the Summit and Elizabeth Trust Company and Manager of the bank's . pared to figures hovering Summit Branch, was awarded the coveted Harold T. Graves, Jr. Community Service Award at this week's cleanup delay operations around $10,000 for many in- Schlott launches Summit Bancorporation's Annual Director/ Advisory Council Dinner ot the Chaticler in Millburn. Presenting stitutions of higher educa- the award was Richard Crater, left, Senior Vice President for Human Resources and Harold T. Graves, Jr., tion." fund raising campaign of Summit, former Chairman and President of the Summit and Elizabeth Trust Company, a member of The "In fact, Union County Summit Bancorporatlon. State Senate candidate resulted in the recommenda- operation. Pia Costa has - Tony Calvino has charged tion that the drums be maintained over the years College's tuition, at $29 per that state officials have let removed and the steam that.the material dumped in credit, is the lowest in New. AREA — Schlott Realtors Bailey. There will be a special down the people of Morris cleaned of the pollution. The his landfill was not en- Jersey," adds O'Keeffe, has launched a major fund guest appearance by televi- and Passaic counties by DEP contends the content, of vironmentally threatening. "and considering that 80% raising campaign to benefit sion personality Soupy Sales. Elaine Strong awarded delaying the cleanup of il- the drums is hot of a toxic "What one local health of- of its graduates have the American Heart Assocla- "The 'Beat Goes On' is a legal landfill operations. nature qualifying for state or ficial described, as being a transferred to Bachelor's tion. The company-Wide happy solution to the "The state's bureaucratic federal spill cleanup funds, large lake on the Pia Costa degree programs with ad- campaign, "The Beat Goes challenge we encountered Graves Jr. Award for inefficiency has managed to but that it has caused pollu- property 10 years ago has vanced standing, our county On" is intended to raise when our sales associates ex- frustrate local officials in tion of the stream that emp- been all but completely filled is offering the best educa- 420,000 to fight heart pressed their desire to under- their attempts to deal with ties into the Pequannock in," Calvino said. "It's all tional buv in the state." disease. take a major public service these questionable landfill River. overgrown with grass, weeds effort," said Richard J. community involvement Each of the 40 Schlott of- ~ Schlott,. President of Schlott operations for a number of "So here we are four years and trees now, and we may Meyers enters fic& located throughout years now," said Calvino, a never find out what has been Realtors. "Our long standing later and nothing has been Northern and Central New support of the American SUMMIT - The Summit Suburban Chamber of Com- Providence and Berkeley Democrat seeking election to done," Calvino said. "The buried in the earth below. Bancorporation's Fourth Heights. Colby College Jersey has developed its own Heart Assn. remained as a merce and the Chamber's the State Senate from the leaky drums are still there sit- "The DEP apparently' method of fund raring. Annual Harold T. Graves, Parking and Personnel and Mrs. Strong also holds the 26th District on Nov. 8. "It's goal when we conceived of a' ting on the stream, and the gave both these questionable Garage and bake sales, a program thsme that allows Jr. Award was presented this Benefits Committees, the distinction of having been time for our state legislators SUMMIT — Mary K. DEP and state attorney landfills low priority," "lick hearf disease" lollipop each office to identify and week to Elaine Strong, Vice Summit Area Development the first woman president of to take a good hard look at general's office say they are Calvino continued. "I hope Meyers of Summit, was President and Manager of promotion, and a benefit pursue their, own best Corporation's Board of the Chamber of Commerce. how our Department of En- planning action in the near that this is not a decision we among the more than 200 the Summit and Elizabeth luncheon are just some of the methods of action, as well as Directors and the Anti-Litter She served as President of vironmental Protection cases future. I believe the people will all suffer for later. freshmen students who Trust Company's Summit enrolled at' Colby-Sawyer activities taking place. contribute to the; company- Committee Chairwoman, the .the New Providence are handled." deserve quicker action from Treating pollution problems Branch. Chamber of Commerce and College in New London, wide event," Schlott added. Calvino said'he was referr- those who are paid to protect in their infancy I believe is The major event' in the The award, which Board of Directors of United in 1981 was awarded the N.H., this past weekend. The ing to the failure by the state us from -environmental the way we can avoid the campaign will be "The Beat As a result of the cam- recognizes outstanding Way and a member of its Presidential Excellence College, beginning its 147th to remove the more than 100 hazards." kinds of monsters later that Goes On Variety Show" to , paign, Schlott Realtors will employee community in- Financiaj Committee. She is Award for the Chamber year, welcomed a student rotting chemical drums il- State"and, local officials tpday already promise to be held at the Orrie present a check to the Bergen volvement by a Summit Ban- also active as a volunteer Foundation. body of over 550 for the legally dumped over a stream have been disputing the gobble up $100 billion in DeNooyer Auditorium en Passaic Heart Assn. Schlott corporation employee, is 1983-84 academic year. with the Union County Past Treasurer of the - bed in Riverdale four years legality of the Pia Costa Superfund money by the year Nov. 18 at 8 p.m. The show associates in Morris, Hunter- named for Summit resident Association for Retarded _ Salvation Army in New Pro- ago and to the 10-year old landfill in Pequannock since' 2,000." Mary is the daughter of will include 15 of the best don, Union, Sussex, and Harold T. Graves, Jr., who Citizens, serves on the Sum- vidence for eight years, she controversy over whether a 1973. In 19.74, then state Mr. Robert W. Meyers, 353 acts selected from Schlott's Somerset Counties will pre- was Chairman and President The Pompton River, mit Mayor's Celebration has also been a Financial Ad- landfill should continue to be Commissioner of. En- N. Post Oak Lane, Houston, in-house talent auditions and sent their donations to the of Summit and Elizabeth which flows along Pia Committee and chairs the visor to the New Providence operated on a flood plain vironmental Protection TX., and Joan E. Good, 149 will be emceed by WNEW local branch of the Heart Trust Company from 1958 to Costa's property, has a ma- Santa Arrival Sub- League of Women Voters along the Pompton River in Dayid Bardin move'd to Kent Place Blvd., Summit. FM radio Pefsojiality,_^Earl_ Association. 1968. jor role in the $96 million committee. She was also the and is a Charter Member of Pequannock. revoke,Pia .Costa's;iandfiir Wanaque • South con- the New Providence Mrs. Strong, a bank 1983 Chairperson of the "The public should not operating, permit, contending servation project. The pro- employee for 23 years, has Women's Club. the 19?F$fWfhould not ject will pump water from Summit Summer Fair. In have to wait for years for in- served the Summit area in a Mrs. Strong also holds itial results on environmental have been issued because it the Pompton and Passaitf myriad of capacities. 1976 she was General Chair- membership in the National created a landfill on a flood rivers through a 12-mile man of the Bicentennial Ex- questions like these," Presently she is a member of Association of Bank Calvino said. plain- pipeline to the Wanaque , the Board of Directors of the position for Summit, New Women. In November, 1979, the Since that time, the dispute Reservoir to increase nor- DELBARTON SCHOOL DEP recommended that the has raged on, and the landfill theastern New Jersey's Riverdale landfill containing has continued to operate, potable water reserves for Mendham Road Morristown,N.J. 07960 Cooke wins the chemical drums be clean- frustrating local health of- use during future droughts. ed up, and forwarded the ficials who expressed concern "Making sure that we have poster contest case to the state attorney tover not knowing what was enough water to drink is only general's office for action. being dumped in the ques- half the battle," Calvino tionable landfill. On week An independent* college preparatory day school for boys, grades 7 SUMMIT — Madeleine D. The drums were reported to said. "Protecting that water contain a paint manufactur- ago, the DEP ordered An- and the people who drink it is through 12, with full academic and athletic program and located on Cooke, Summit, has won the . thony Pia Costa to halt his Olympic poster contest spon- ing material. the other half." beautiful 400 acre campus. sored by The Mall at Short The DEP's evaluations of Conducted by the Benedictine monks of St. Mary's Abbey Hills with her dramatic red, steam water at the site white and blue poster heralding "Winter Olympics '84" and featuring a lone May receives figure skiing down a moun- tain slope. Dean's Award EXAMINATIONS FOR ENTRANCE Cooke, retired librarian SUMMIT — Jeffrey May IN SEPTEMBER, 1984 from the Summit Public son of Roger and Judy May Library, has taken courses at of Summit, is a recipient of 9:15 a.m., Saturday, November 19,1983 the Summit Art Center and •the ' Dean's Award for New York City. academic excellence during The limited-edition poster, the spring term at Colgate is on sale at various stores at University where he is a Delbarton School admits boys of any race, creed, color or ethnic origin The Mall at Short Hills. The Junior. For information contact the Admissions office (201) 538-3231 . names of the stores are A 1981 graduate of Col- available at The Mall's infor- umbia H.S., Maplewood, S. . mation desk. The posters are Orange, Jeff is concentrating A WINNER — Madeleine D. Cooke, Summit, receives a check from $3 each, and all proceeds go in English at Colgate. Steve Helm, manager of The Moll at Short Hills, for winning the to the U.S. Olympic commit- To be eligible for the Mall's Olympic poster contest. tee. Dean's Award, a Colgate 38th Annual

,•.• ,

Applications {available for Scholarships carrying a full course load.

AREA — The 1984 Elks ranging from $1,100 to Kent Place School, New Pro- National Foundation "Most $1,400 each. And then a little vidence High, Oratory Prep, Expert Sewing WINTER Valuable Student" Scholar- closer to home there are 999 Mount Saint Mary Academy, . Machine Repairs ship Award applications allocated awards to state Union Catholic High, Specializing In SINGER have been received. This year finalists of $1,000 for the Chatham High, Summit ftSeanKENMORE year 1984-85. High, Mount Saint John's MARKET the awards of $2,039,000 will Free In-Home Service benefit 1,499 boys and girls Last year New Jersey plac- Academy, Oak Knoll of the graduating from high schools ed first, third, fifth, eighth Holy Child of Jesus. COUPON TUNE-UP Something New!! across the country. There and ninth in the country in Applications can be picked SPECIAL / $19.95 BOOK GRANT TO HIGH SCHOOL — Fred Moore, center, Summit will be 50 special four-year the boys competition. up at the Lodge or from Eip. 1/31/84 Schools' Foreign Languoge Chairperson for grades 10-12, presents awards, for boys and girls Applications from Summit Martin Foy by calling 464- a gift of books to Summit High School principal Dr. Donald Geddis separately, ranging from Lodge have been mailed to 5893. Applications are judg- and High School Librarian Jacqueline Brown. The books, on clossic Tuesday, November 8 EVENING OPENING: $1,500 each year for ninth the following high schools ed on Scholarship- ^REPAIR SHACKT ort ond architecture, were given by the Council for Basic Education, 10am-5 pm place to $6,000 each year for whose students live in our Leadership and Financial 300 Springfield Ave., Washington, D.C., os part of o national fellowship won last year by Monday, November 7 Betkelev MelghU Wednesday, November 9 first place. In addition there residential jurisdiction: Need and must be returned Moore for independent study of Roman art ond history. (Anne Biulncsi Mr..: Tun.Sil. 9:0O-5 30 10 am-4 pm 5 pm-8:30 pm . are $450 one year awards Chatham Township High, before February 1,1984. 464-O757 • 4640792 Cooper photo) Lunch Both Days 11:30-3 Dinner served 5:30-7:30 pm THE NEW PRESTIGE DINER ANNOUNCES WINTER DINNER SPECIALS FREE BLOOD PRESSURE SCREENING Your Choice Of Every Tues., Wed., Thurs. Llnguine with clam sauce from 1 to 3 p.m.- OVER 40 Salad & Dinner Rolls BOOTHS Kay Vallario, R.N. or SPECIAL: Including... Beef Liver Saute w/F. Onions Caricaturist Salad, Potato, Veg. & Dinner Rolls EVERY TUES. • WED. « THURS i home-baked or $5 per drawing treats, art works, books, Neat Loaf Parmlglana 10% DISCOUNT for Senior Citizens Wednesday 12:30-3:30 gifts galore at Salad, Potato, Veg. Dinner Rolls (on all merchandise except cigarettes) The Country $395 ROGERS PHARMACY Store!!! Try Our Famous Chocolate Cheesecake Computerized Prescription Dept with Personalized Service 1318 Springfield Avenue, New Providence William Vallario, R P. 273-0074 665-02U 384 Springfield Av». • Summit Hour*: Dally 6 am to 3 am Summit YWCA 79 Maple Street The Summit Herald, The New Providence, Berkeley Height! Dlspatcj Don't forget to vote Saturday, November 5.1983 Page 8 ;

dying pollen counts with end of the season, will docu- identical equipment using a ment any disparity between Marvelous items Local pollen count standardized method of air localities. sampling. The ragweed pollen count St. Luke's - Roosevelt is performed at Saint Bar- Medical Center in New York, nabas by the Department of to buy at the Summit vital for accuracy Interfaith Medical Center in Pathology and is available Brooklyn, Long Island after 9:30 a.m., Monday A drought in upstate New location to another," Dr. Jewish Hillside Medical through Friday, by calling Y Winter Market York, extreme heat in Penn- Weiss said. "Some counts Center, a medical facility in 533-5045, (Saturday and sylvania and rain in a are reported by the media Connecticut, and Saint Bar- Sunday, 533-5000). The jewelry, stuffed, animals, from areas too distant to be Winter Market at the Sum- wall . hangings, r,eramie3, neighboring New Jersey nabas are cooperating in pollen is collected by a roof- mit YWCA has numerous county - such variety in relevant to listeners. comparing and evaluating top rotating apparatus that dolls, frames, as 'well*as new things to offer this year, delicious bilked '-gpods, weather conditions can be "Pollen counts and allergy the differences in pollen operates over a 24-hour in addition to the many tradi- reflected in similar disparity symptoms may differ depen- counts in diverse locations on period to reveal the number frozen gourmet delicacies, tional favorites that young antiques, Christmas,"cards in the daily pollen count for ding on variables such as the same day. The results, of pollen grains in a specific and old have enjoyed. The hay fever sufferers, accor- wind velocity and direction, which will be available at the volume of air. and decorations, books/ and biggest change is the new ex- much, much more, ding to William Weiss, rainfall, which can tem- panded hours. Winter M.D., chief of allergy at porarily wash the air clean of Market will open on Mon., An additional attraction Saint Barnabas Medical pollen, and even a local com- Nov. 7 from 5 to 8:30, The on Wednesday' will be; a Center in Livingston and munity's control measures public is invited to come for caricaturist, Xes Mor," who chairman of the American for stopping ragweed exciting opening day shopp- - will draw pastel portraits' of Academy of Allergy's Public growth. In addition, 90 per- ing, and to enjoy a delicious adults or ^children, from Education Committee. cent of pollen produced by a baked ziti dinner. It will also photos or live. The.'TaJffle A broad-based regional ragweed plant falls to the be open on Tuesday, drawing for a fur and pollen count report cannot ground within 100 feet of the November 8 from 10:00 to Ultrasuede reVersible jacket source, while the remaining will also be held on Wednes- be a universal indication of 5:00 and on Wed., Nov. 9 ! exposure to pollen for all 10 percent can travel hun- from 10 to 4. Luncheon, day. - ' '' v. . ' ' ragweed sufferers. Local dreds of miles depending on featuring salad bar and soup, Winter Market will be held conditions have too great an meteorological conditions." will be served both days. at the Summit-'YWCA,'"79- influence to enable predic- For the 18th consecutive Maple Street; Summit: .For year, Saint • Barnabas is Shoppers will be presented 1 tions of pollen severity over a with' an exciting variety of further information, -call wide area. reporting the daily pollen 273-4242. . ' , ,. FRANKLIN SCHOOL'S David Mitchell and Brian Klacik launching balloons to raise funds for the restoration count until the first frost. handcrafted items, including of Lady Liberty, (Photo credit Rose Nardone) ' "Allergy sufferers are often confused by pollen This year, > Saint Barnabas is counts which differ from one one of five local centers stu- Summit Area YMCA honbred were taken on a field trip to for creative programming Franklin School launches Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty. After expenses Prepared sibling course students were able to present The Summit Area YMCA Theatre, which will begin its fund for Lady liberty $500 to Ranger David Mof- and its Metropolitan Musical 20th year of operation next fit, Superintendent of Statue offered at Overlook Theatre were honored recent- year, is next presenting a SUMMIT - Wanklin tag with the purchaser's , of Liberty and Ellis Island. ly by the New York Manage- musical "They're' Playing School's fourth and, fifth name and Franklin School's Chemical Bank's Mr. Overlook Hospital in Sum- gram, with a parents' class ment Resource Center for Our Song." grade students are raising name and address. Any tag O'Shaughnessy was on hand mit will offer a monthly held in a room adjacent to outstanding program funds .for ,L«dy Liberty|s being returned to Franklin to match the 1500 for a total Prepared sibling Course, the children's. They will creativity. The Center pro- The tickets, which • are'$5~ restoration. Chemical Bank results' in a brochure being of $1000. ••'.•," geared toward children learn how to help their vides leadership and support each, are '.available .at '.the of New York, City is mat- sent to the finder of the between the ages of three and children adjust to the new services to all 125 YMCA's in main desk at the YMCA or ching class efforts dollar for balloon and the buyer. The 12 whose family is expecting baby. . - the metropolitan New York by mail. Send your check, "The tour guide on Ellis WINTER MARKET at the Summit YWCA will offer a baked ziti dinner area, encompassing New. made out to the Summit dollar. •.;;... , brochure is one that the Island left us with a special a baby. The next cpurse will Fee is $10. Interested per- on opening day, Monday November 7, and a salad bar luncheon on Franklin students made in- be held on Sat., Nov. 12 sons may call Overlook's Jersey, Connecticut, Area YMCA, to 67 Maple Some students have raked thought. In stead of thinking Tuesday and Wednesday, November 8 and 9. Shown above are Lun- Southern New York State Street, Summit 07901. Be leaves, held,,, bake sales, cluding interesting facts of the United States as a from 9:30 to 11 a.m. Department/ of Health cheon Chairman Jeanne Manley of New Providence and Dinner about the Statue of Liberty. Education at 522-2963 for and New York City. sure to note your perfor- babysat, held a dance and melting pot, she suggested we Mothers and fathers may ' Chairman Stephanie Novak of Summit. \ mance preference. did various jobs around their So far balloon tags have been think of ourselves as a rain- also participate in the pro- more information. The Metropolitan Musical homes to.earn the money. returned from as far away as bow. Each maintains his or Selling and launching over Yardley, Pennsylvania, her differences but together * 500 balloons has raised a ma- Sussex County and Somerset jor portion of the $664.64 to County. we make something very date. After the balloon launch beautiful," commented Balloons carried a name. 100 students and parents Joyce Murray. Enter NOW and win a $50 dinner for two! at Far Brook hosts open house Dastis SHORT HILLS — Far grade that achieves academic who will briefly speak about j V •••,', Brook School will host an excellence through the union Compliments of the Herald Publications and the Independent Press. open house, for parents of of the liberal arts and the features of each school prospective students Tues., sciences. and how the school day of Announcements of winners will be made in the Nov. 19 issue, of the Summit Herald, Nov. 8th at 8 p.m. at the each is structured. The NewProvidence-Berkeley Heights Dispatch and the Chatham Press and in the school, 52 Great Hills Rd., Blair Maclhnes, a parent Following'a brief question Nov; 16 ftsue of the Independent Press. Short Hills. > trustee and chairman of the and answer period,' Mrs. "The public is invited and recruiting committee, will in- Maclnnes will present a slide Planning an Affair? encouraged to attend to hear troduce. Mary Wearn Haigh, show depicting special Name more about Far Brook the director of Far Brook, presentation during the Far Address. Think Dasti's! who will give an overview of Brook year. Refreshments School today and the unique l Zip. COMPLETE WEDDING PACKAGE educational experience it of- the school's philosophy and will be served. '. T ' City __ fers. .• < •• ': )•••. .i •; •• >•>. !•'.educational goals for its Barents interested in attai-jj r > students: r '• ' ' " '"' Mailcbupoh to the'KEMSuraht Contest',c/o Herald Publications and Cocktail Hour wlth*Hot and.Butler-Style Hors Far Brook is an indepen- ding the Open House may ^TKe Independent'/go South St.; New Providence, N.J. d'oeuvres, Champagne Toast, Fresh Fruit Cup, Mrs. Haigh will introduce call Far Brook at 379-3442 1 dent, co-educational day Drawing will be Monday, November 14th or Soup, Salad; Half Broiled Chicken with school for students from the heads of the Lower, Mid- from 8:30 to 3:30 p.m. to Potato and Vegetable, Floral arrangements nursery through the eighth dle and Junior High Schools, RSVP and for directions. •Wedding Cake, 5-Hour Name Brand Open Bar ,, (Includes Cocktail Hour). 50 L.P.Kieffer, wins contest »22 Complete ' 5% Discount on Sunday Affair* SUMMIT - A big con- Press weekly restaurant con- For Reservations and Information gratulations are extended to test. L.P. Kieffer, 257 Morris L.P. Keiffer has won a call Ave,, Summit, N.J. 07901 $50.00 dinner for two at 232-2969 who has won the Herald Chuck Muers, Short Hills 1230 Route 22 West, Publications/Independent Mall. Mountainside CO M E S TO 'Mchael Priori! TIFBINY SHORT HILLS GARDENS •t&scPlace fofRibs" And that means you can find the freshest Mourn* iUaaigt seafood there is, expressed in from the Atlantic Coast, Pacific Coast, the Great New Menu Item Lakes and the other great fishing'waters 22 Oz. New York of North. America. Choice Steak You'll find dinner entrees like Live $Q95 Maine Lobster, Fried Smelt and • SALAD BAR • IATS NWHT SNACKS • BEST HAPPY HOUR In Nlw JKMy • _ Mondtf thru FiMqr 11 ui til 2 un. ttluMiy t Sunday 4:00 p.m. 'Ill 2 «.m. char-grilled or broiled seafood 1637 VAUXHALL ROAD, UNION, N.J. Gathering place specialties. Plus •IHL23.EiH140S.ocHIN.Q«rttn8UttP«rtlw»y QUALITY EXCEPTIONAL Credit Cardt* 688-6666 FRESH Teriyaki Breast of Chicken, Barbecued DINING SEAFOOD Ribs and a whole string of delicious EXPERIENCE * LUNCH homemade pasta dishes — served with INTERNATIONAL BURGER BLOCKBUSTERS our unique sauces. Mon.-Mexican Burger w/F.F. & Mugof Beer $1.99 You'll also find a warm, intimate Tues. -Texas Chili Burger w/ F.F. & Mug of Beer $1.99 atmosphere and stylish surroundings. RESTAURANT Wed. - All American Cheeseburger w/F:F. & Mug of Beer $1.99 And you'll be treated to the friendliest Thurs. - Old Heidle Burger w/F.F. & Mugof Beer $1 99 service around! Regional Italian Cooking Prepared to pleat* the mptt critical palate Fri. - English Fishwich w^F.F. & Mug of Beer ...... $1 99 Stop by soon for on exceptional dining experience you'll be back for again Specializing in Veal & Seafood * DINNER and again. Live Maine Lobster always available Beef Locker Bonanza ' . Sunday thru Thursday ...Catering.... Hours: Mon.-Thurs.: 11:00 a.m. -11 p.m. Private room available Prime Rib (Queen Cut) Baked Potato Fri. G Sor.: 11:00 o.m. - midnight for special occasions . Unlimited SaladBar Sunday: Noon - 9 p.m. Banquet accommodations also Dor: Mon. • Sor. 'ril 1:30a.m. Sun, 'ril 10-.00 p.m. provided in the home or office. Make Reservations for Thanksgiving Now! ' ^ "Lunchim nunii mth Daily Sptcwls" Nowappearing...Paul Dickerson of "Paul & Oscar's Dan^e Mu^ U 7»» pnhr. ILiquor U im wU

Don't forget to vote

LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL 1 (Prevailing Woge Act) ond P.L. 1977 c.33 e; In the event title Is unmarketable, any kind by Oty. costs ond the aty * reasonable at- AM ORDINANCE #1866 A Bid Security, made payable to the Ci- lows of New Jersey, P.L. 1963 c.150 Section 3. The improvement hereby 2. Mr.4Mrt.WllllamPowerslO/lV/83 (Corporatlph ondfor Partnership Owner '- City's sole liability shall be the return h. Subject to purchaser's granting, at . tomey's fees h connection with this AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND AN OR- ty of Summit, for 10% (of each bid) must (Prevailing Woge Act) and P.L. 1977 c.33 authorized Is for the demolition of 520 Applicants request a variance to con- Information) and any subsequent amend- . of the 10% deposit, whereupon the , time of conveyance by the aty, ap- . ordinance orMeonveyance. DINANCE ENTITUD; "AN ORDINANCE TO be submitted with each proposal. (Corporation and/or Partnership Owner Springfield Avenue ond for resurfacing of struct a garage having less sldeyard ments thereto. Bidders ore required to contract of sale shall be terminated. propriate easements to owners of No charge shall be made or recovery than required by the D.R.O. and front fIX A SALARY WAGE OR COMPfNSATION ' Bidders,- when appropriate, shall comp- Information) and any subsequent amend- said location for use as a municipal park- comply with the requirements of P.L. f. - Conveyance shall be by tax block ond premises presently utilizing the hod for publishing any official advertising entry garage. Block 128, Lot 7B MF OF AND FOR THE OFFICERS AND ly with the provisions of the following ments thereto. Bidders ore required to ing lot, including all materials, supplies 1975,c.127(AfflrmatlveAction). • tot, unless purchaser supplies a metes premises being conveyed for sanitary unaccompanied by such statement of EMPLOYEES, OFJHE CITY OF SUMMIT IN comply with the requirements of P.L. ond work necessary therefor. Zone. All bids and Bid Securities must be sewer connections for the purposes of lows of New Jersey: P.L. 1963 c.150 and bounds description satisfactory to PflC THE COUNTY Of UNION ,AND STATE OF (Prevailing Woge Act) ond P.I. 1977 c.33 1975, c. 127 (Affirmative Action). Section 4. The Capitol Budget of the Ci- Any objectors to the granting af the enclosed In a properly SEALED envelope, aty." maintaining, repairing and replacing *' . DAVID I. HUGHES NEW JERSEY," potted December 121, (Corporation and/or Partnership Owner All bids ond Bid Securities must be ty Is hereby amended to conform with the above applications will be heard at bearing on the outside the name af the g. Premises shall be conveyed In "os is", such sanitary sewer connections. Dale.!. Nov. 1,1983 - CilyClerit 1982, os amendec) ond supplemented. Information) ond any subsequent amend- enclosed In a properly SEALED envelope, provisions of this ordinance to the extent sold time and piece, bidder ond the NATURE OF THE BID CON- condition without representations af I. Purchaser, shall pay_ for publication S.H.: Nov. 12 419,1983 . J77.1O Dated:November^, 1963 •-.'-• . ments thereto. Bidders,are required to bearing on the outside the name of the of any inconsistency herewith and the Arthur P. Condon TAINED THEREIN and addressed to Pur-, Approved.Novemberlil983 * comply'with the requirements of P.L bidder ond the NATURE OF THE BID CON- resolutions promulgated by the 'Locol Secretory, Zoning Board chasing Department, Secretory David L. Dated, Nov. 1,1983:. . JAMES E.L0Vm, Mayor 1975, c.l 27 (Affirmative Action). TAINED THEREIN ohd addressed to Pur- Finance Board showing oil detail of the Hughes. SH,Nov,5,1983 tiO.Ol I, Dovid L. Hughes, aty ClerkW the Oty ' All bids and Bid Securities must be chasing Department, Secretary David L. amended capital budget and capital pro- TheC.. J Commoi n Council reserves the right Mazza awarded scholarship (or graduate studies Hughes. . • • gram as opproved by the Director, Divi- of Summit, do hereby certify that, the' enclosed In a properly SEALED envelope, ! '„ •-',;;••";*•• 1 to relect all bids or porposals, waive ony foregoing Ordinance wot duly passed by bearing on the outside the name of the The Common Council reserves the right sion of Locol Government Services are on minor defects and/or to accept the bid an active member of the NOTICE OF THE NAMES OF I SUMMIT — Jay Muzza, awarded based on his the Common Council of-sola City at a bidder and the NATURE OF THE BID CON- to reject oil bids or porposols, waive any file with the City Clerk ond are available that in its judgment will be for the best In- Drama Club. He received his TAINED THEREIN and addressed to Pur- minor defects and/or to occept the bid for public Inspection. THE PERSONS APPEARING AS' terests of the City of Summit, and to con. son of Mr. and Mrs. John A. outstanding academic regular meeting held on Tuesday evening, THE OWNERS OF UNCLAIMED Bachelor of Arts Degree November 1H9B3. -.-•••' . ,, ' • chasing Deportment, Secretary David L. that in Its lodgment will be for the best In- NOTICE OF slder bids for sixty (60) days after their Mazza of 12 Linda Lane, achievements as an •Hughes. terests of the City of Summit, and to con- PENDING ORDINANCE ACCOUNTS HELD BY: receipt. undergraduajejitudent... .from Tulane in May, 1983. • DAViD I. HUGHES The Montclalr Savings Bonk Summit, has been awarded a .'.•.:•; ,. ..I-,-S qtyCleric The Common Council reserves the right sider bids for sixty (60) days after their The Ordinance published herewith was The Common Council resolved the sale full scholarship by the He is using the scholarship receipt. , introduced and passed upon first reading Ml Bloomfield Avenue af sold property os follows, SH.Nov. 5,19B3 , | to re|ect oil bids or porposals, waive any Wontclalr, New Jersey 070« Graduate School'at Tulane . Mazza is a 1979 graduate award to pursue a Master's minor defects and/or to accept the bid No charge shall be mode or recovery at a meeting of the Common Council of The minimum sales price hereby Degree in Applied Social that in its lodgment will be for the best In- had for publishing ony official advertising the City of Summit, In the County of Dorothy L.Anderson' .• , established for the sale of a parcel of va- University in New Orleans,., of Summit High where he terests af the City of Summit, and to con- unaccompanied by such. statement of Union, New Jersey, held on November 1, Samuel Carbat '. cant land owned by the City and not need- LaT The' scholarship was. . was a varsity swimmer and Research. 1983. It will be further considered for The onnuol report of the Convalescent sider bids for sixty (60) days after their price. Russell Garrlgan ed for public use Is as follows, final passage offer public hearing Fund Committee of Summit, New Jersey Is receipt. DAVID L.HUGHES ITFi Eileen D.Garrigon •Parcel " Minimum thereon, at o meeting of said Common No charge shall be/made or recovery City Clerk BertaG. Gotthold Block Lot Sales Price ovoHoMe for Inspection during regulor Council to be held In the Council Chamber. had for publishing any official advertising Doted, Nov. 1,1983 . CUST. Valeria Moiseeff 123A 3E (2,400 business hours at II* address noted below. In said City on December 20, 1983 at unaccompanied by such statement of SH Nov. 5,1983 ju71 Inei Peloez a/k/odeBofero •FURTHER RESOLVED that Sie City Clerk Lehr speaks his mind by any citizen who so requests within 180 8,30 o'clock P.M., ond during the week price. PODi Lucia Pelaei;, be ond he Is hereby authorized ond days after publication of this notice of Its prior to ond up to and including the date R E I Club/ ' . directed to advertise for bids for the sale burn excess garbage to create steam,which availability. ' ' • • ' , DAVID L.HUGHES of such meeting, copies of sold ordinance Elizabeths, field $6.93 of sold parcel with said bids to be receiv- Continued from page one Convalescent Fund Committee City Clerk PENDING ORDINANCE #1860 will be nude available at the Clerk's Of- we can then sell to the Merck Company ed by the Purchasing Department on- of Summit, N.J. ' Doted, Nov. 1,1963 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING fice In said City Hall to the members of I think we've done several things. We who needs the steam for production. This Thursday, December 1,1983 In the Con- 64 Woodland Avenue SH, Nov. 5,1983 (18.48 FOR THE DOMOUTION AND IM- the general public who shall request the ference -Room, aty Hall, Summit, New cleaned up the welfare mess when the will still be a very expensive operation and Summit, New Jersey 07901 PROVEMENTS TO 520 SPR- same. . • • ' The principal manager Is Mrs. Elltabeth H, INGFIELD AVENUE IN AND BY „.•. NOTICE " Jersey 01,11,W A.M. Welfare Board overexpended their budget will increase the cost of garbaae disposal, DAVID L.HUGHES Potter, Treas. i NOTICE THE CITY OF SUMMIT. IN THE Seoled bids wll| be received by the Pur FURTHER RESOLVED that the.sole shall by $600,000. The Welfare Department is but that cost is going through the roof aty Clerk SH: Novembers,1983 $5.39 'Seoled bids will be received by the Pur- COUNTY OF UNION. NEW chasing Department of the aty of Summit be sublect to the terms ond conditions now spending $30,000 less per year and ." anyway. * - chasing Department of the City af Summit JERSEY APPROPRIATING Dated, Nov. 1,1983 at 11,00 A.M. Thursday, December 1, established in the City Clerk, including the 1983 In the Council Conference Room, Ci- we have a much better legal department It Mean M though there U a lot of work at 11,00 A.M. Thursday. December 1, 128,000. THEREFOR. SH. Nov. 5,1983 - ., ' following, there. We took the jail over and now have .NOTICE 1983 In the Council Conference Room/Ci- BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMON ty HOB, 512 Springfield" Avenue, Summit, a. Common Council reserves the, right to Involved befog both the Freeholder and Sealed bldt will be received by the Pur- ty Hall. 512 Springfield Avenue, Summit, COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SUMMIT IN THE New Jersey-* , establish a minimum sates price ond it running effectively and efficiently. We rmalM your own engineering firm. After chasing Deportment of tttf City of Summit New Jersey. COUNTY OF UNION, NEW JERSEY (not less Bids will bbe for, the Sale of Block 123A , to reject all bids. also combined Union College jand the •ore AM 20 yean of serving the city ol at lhOO A.M. Thursday, December 15, Bldswillbefor.FuelOil . than two-thirds of all • the members The regulor meeting of the Zoning Board lot 3E b. .Bids shall be submitted In writing in a Union County Techinical Institute into SttMlt and the county, do you ever ted 1983 in the Council Conference Roam, Ci- in occordonce with the specifications and thereof affirmatively concurring), AS of Adjustment will be held on Monday, in occordonce with the specifications ond seoled envelope accompanied by a one Union County College. This ty Hall, 512 Springfield Avenue, Summit, proposal forms for some which may be ob- FOLLOWS, November 7, 1983, City Hall, 512 Spr- proposal forms for same which may be ob- , certified or bank cashier's check to Uke retiring from politics, getting away New Jersey. ' tained of the office of-the Construction Section 1. The Improvement described ingfield Avenue, Summit, New Jersey at tained at the office of the City Cleric, 512 the City of Summit for 10% of the eliminated all the duplications while pro- from It all, and relaxing with your family' Bids will be for, Deirtulllki.i of ilm Dlet- OIIIULII, 512 Sfrlnsilsld Avsniiss,, In Jtctin 3 of tfiij ordinance Is hereby 6,00P.M; ' Springfield Avenue, Summit, New Jersey. proposed purchase price, viding better education for our citizens. When I left as mayor of Summit, I che Building , , < New Jersey. • outhrolzed as a general Improvement to Tit* following eppllcotlons will be No specifications .ond/or proposol r No more than one offer shall be ploc- As far as the future goes, we are con- didn't miss it, because to become a In occordann with file specifications and 'No specifications andfor proposal be. mode by the City of Summit, Hew presented, forms shall be given out after 4,30 P.M. . ed in any single sealed envelope, proposal forms for some which may be ob- forms .shall be given out after 4,30 P M. Jersey. For the sold Improvement or pur- I. Mr. & Mrs. Richard Weaverl 0/18/83 on Wednesday, November 30,1983. d. Contract of sale shall be executed cerned with economic development. We Freeholder is challenging and very in- tained at the office of the Construction on Wednesday, November 30,1983. pose stated In said Section 3, there Is 135 Bellevue Avenue A Bid Security, mode payable to the Ci- within one week of acceptance of bid have a very beautiful county and so much teresting. Unfortunately, I don't have Official, 512 Springfield Avenue, Summit, A Bid Security, mode payable to the Ci- hereby appropriated the,sum of $28,000. Applicants request o variance to per- ty of Summit, for 10% (of eoch bid) must 1 to offer, so the Freeholders put $50,000 time to do much. I really don't have New Jersey . • ; , •.••• ,.; .->.'••, ty of Summit, for 10% (of each bid) must Section 2. For the financing of said im- mit an extension of existing garage be submitted with each proposal. J purchase price shall be paid by cer- into the budget to advertise and entice enough time for relaxation so a simple No\specifications ond(or proposal be submitted with each proposal. provement, there shall be appropriated ' having less front yard setback than Bidders, when appropriate; sholl comp- tified or bank cashier's check at time forms shall be given out after 4130 P.M. Bidders, when appropriate,.shall comp- the sum of $28,000. from an occoont en- required by the D.R.O. Block 139, Lot ly with the provisions of the following of closing, which shall be four weeks business. We have a new Job Training. . night at home is what I enjoy. I would like on Wednesday; December 14,19B3. ly with the provisions of the following titled "Capitol Fund Balance." 28 R-25 Zone. ' " laws of New Jersey, P.L. 1963 c.150 after execution of contract of sale. Partnership Act replacing CETA which to serve another term and then get out of will train people for jobs that our in- politics, be with my family,' and maybe dustries want. We're also planning to play a little golf.

study or re-assessment of taxes until after REST AURANT OF THE Concerned . the elections. Judy McLendon, candidate for Coun- cilwoman of Ward I said she recommends candidates that a consultant be hired to "tell us how WEEK:DASTTS [Continued from page one to get the town we want." Register, has a background in real estate, he noted, and has modernized and One of McLendon's goals; she said, Carbonara, plus those Italian economized during his past five years in will be to create a downtown area where Dasti's at 1230 Route 22 family tradition as also an expert at showers, Each evening Dasti offers;. _ the full time position. West, Mountainside, re^taurenteers, is the ideal . sports events, school renu- a special-usually a veal en- delights: manicbtti, ravioli, you can park, where there is no garbage reminds one of an imposing "person for a conference with nions, business meetings, tree. Chef Margolin's most lasagna and baked ziti with Unopposed local Council visible, and where trees will be planted in villa on the Mediterrean with the bride and her mother and seminars, dub luncheons, popular creation is Veal Sor- ricotta cheese. candidates agree on goals the empty holes along the streets. its, white walls and its father. "~ etc. ...•••- rentine which is veal, eg- Desserts are another Dasti "Summit pride" is what Ward II Coun- "Summit has only nine men in its Parks achievement: their cilwoman candidate Marjorie Brown is Department," she noted. "There needs to elegantly designed awnings' Dasti's 22 Below Lounge is gplant and prosciutto on each window. Inside the a "We go all out to make prepared in a brandy and Grandma's famous cheese concerned about, , be a change in priorities." She cited an ex- the ideal atmosphere for lots cake, pecan pie, chocolate "I want everyone to become aware of ample where a business owner in Summit , la carte restaurant adds to each wedding a lovely, of fun. From 4 to 8 p.m., live wine sauce and topped with elegant and memorableocca- melted Parmesan .'.-cheese. . mousse and rice pudding plus how Summit looks," commented Brown. was told it would be 18 months before he the illusion. One could easily music is on the program; and could expect to get a new tree in front of be dining at a fine restaurant sion,"commented M Mr. Reflecting the current trend tortoni, spumoni and .yes* "It's a wonderful place. Let's make it a 1 it's happy hour Monday ~- Haagen-Dazs ice cream. All personal feeling and take pride in our his building! . .^-•in.Caprl;vv :.: iv^,";-;, .-.^'-"-v Priore."This once-in-a™ through Friday with drinks towards non-fattening offer=~~ lifetime experience requires ings, Dasti's a la carte men*. )t> .,• desserts are baked on the town." She wants downtown Summit • McLendon praised the* AdHoc commit- However Dasti's is more at $1.50 plus complimentary refurbished, and better, maintenance of ci- than a restaurant serving the personal touch and that's emphasizes veal, seafood and '"''premise. • ' • tee working on Phase I and II for the hors d'oeuvres. One can > ' Dasti's has a great wine ty property; Brown is running unopposed railroad station renovation. The simple Italian cusine. what 1 give it." A criteria of • dance to one's heart's con- to a much lesser /degree,' Dasti's dedication to making chicken. Veal a la Casa is - list. for the Second Ward.Councilman slot, rehabilitation is the ideal beginning, she It offers banquet facilities tent, and on Friday evening but reserved any comments on the blight • for 40 to , 400 persons beautiful weddings a reality veal dipped in egg batter and And it's a crowded place noted. "Chris and Family" enter- for lunch with business men available for every occasion is one of their complete wed- tain from 9 until 1.a.m. onions, sauteed in brandy from wedding receptions, ding packages. For $22.50 a and white wine and served luncheon specials. their specialty; to showers, person, Mr. Priore offers a And those on Friday, who with mushrooms and pimen- One can enjoy dining at business meetings, seminars, cocktail hour with hot and have pleasant memories of to. Dasti's for dinner seven days class reunions, sports events, cold hors d'oeuvres, cham- Another unique Dasti dish out of the week. They are . • . .. •:-. :. • . .j^ .-•.-*-- - •-• - •• the music of Elvis Presley open for diners Mondays . anniversaries, retirements. pagne toast, fresh fruit cup will be happily surprised. is Gianvotta Combination ANYTHING WE SERVE or soup, salad, half broiled through Thursday until 10, •• • for two-steak, sausage and INOUftftESTAUtANT chicken with potato and Chefs for their restaurant pork chops, only $25.50. Friday and Saturday until 11 This romantic ambience and Sunday noon until 9. CAN IE TAKEN OUT makes Dasti's an ideal scene vegetable, floral ar- are Bob Margolin for a la Pastas abound at Dasti's rangements, wedding carte and Virgil Dior for ban- , and the good news is that Business lunch is from ll;30 for weddings-their most until 3, five days a week. popular function. Michael cake.and a five hour name quets, all of which requires a pasta is healthy: Tortellini s*ve>n union plac* , Priore, manager and a brand open bar which in- high degree of profes- ala Panna, Fettucini All major credit cards are »ummlt,nJ.O79Ol SPECIAL SALEt i cludes the cocktail hour. grandson of Mary Dasti of sionalism with facilities that Alfredo, Rigatoni Di recognized and the parking (261) 277-2540 ^^ ^ Summit, who launched the . Besides weddings Dasti's is can serve up to 400 persons. Poimodoro and Lineuine can be described as spacious. Tfg#flM y/% p

•• I BlscotU (crisp bread) 2 for 1 Silver Palate (condiments) 3 for 2 i i II H N AUot Catering Imported Ch**** ft Pal* Platters, I GHt! Baskets, Colfeg* Car* Pkig*. OPEN TUES. - SAT. 6 om-9 pm, r &8QUARB

ITALIAN REGIONAL CUISINE EXCITING NEW SPECIALITIES: •OSSOBUCO • RISOTTO MILANESE 5 Hours Open Cocktail Hour • VITELLO ANTONIO 7 Course Dinner, Tiered Wedding Cake FLAMBE Silver Candelabras and Flowers Reservations Suggested Flaming Jubilee Show, Private Bridal Rooms, White Glove Service Phone 233-4990 COOKERY... 1050 Route 22 West Mountainside, NJ. right at your table! •MAJOR CKKDIT CARDS You'll love the way we prepare shrimp, veal steak...and desserts Mandarin Chinese Restaurant The finest authentic Chinese cuisine: Peking, Hanan and Szechuan LIVE BAND ENTERTAINMENT Cooking with Natural Flavor: NO MSG ADDED "SWEET AND LOW" [ fUconuwnded by NEW YORK TIMES • THE RESTAURANT REVIEW CLUB • WED. THRU SAT. STARTING AT 8:30 _j N.Y.WNCN-iStKidihl Food ft Win. R«l«w«nd th« INDEPENDENT PRESS CHINESE COOKING DEMONSTRATION At Mandarin U: 7:SO p.m. Tmdaj* CHINESES DIM SUM (Ratmhawnta) at Mandarin U: 12 to S Ewy Day Fabulous Dinner Special $8795 i Low Caloria Dbata Available Upon Rtqaaat Mondays and Tuesdays lncludes soupk wladi Fresh Lobster (IV* lb) or Prime Rib baked potatadeweri and cc(te«l MANDARIN 1 MANDARIN tt MadliOTt Plan Shopping Center • (BESIDE CHANNEL) FREE STEAMERS FREE MUSSELS S3O SprinsBtld Avt.. Summit, N.J. > SHRIMP COCKTAIL (W— urn M«il Swurni Aw.) Main Stmt, (Rt M), MadUon. N. J. 377-6661 • 882-9857 EVERY WEDS, EVERY THURS. 273-0483 IN OUR LOUNGE IN OUR LOUNGE AsMricaa Exprtti Acctpud STARTING AT 8 fxm. STARTING AT ft fxm. Majot credit card* accepted • Partta and Banqueta Wikomt Open Tua*. thru Sun. Ut 10 p.m. Frt.andS»t. UlUp.m. Open CVCTV day tU 10 p.m. & Fri. «nd Sat til 11 p.m. Jackie's Rettaurant and Cocktail lounge Route 22 W, Scotch Plains; Cloacd Monday Rear tntrance: Behind McDonalds 322-1780 PAGE 10, The Summit Herald, Saturday, November 5,1983

JOEGALLO Summit Soccer Gub teams continue season Scully and Mark Bultman on Clba-Gelgy Sirens 0 Megan Robb and Meredith fith, Jerry Madden and Mark Mcndham3 Hardy played well. Callahan was outstanding. offense. Hanging up that back problem In their first game of the Defenders Guild and Goalie Robbie Ballantyne UBS Spartans 0 season at full strength, the Karen Stenstrom made solid played his best game of the Llvlngsotn Lagoons 7 Summit Sirens played a good contributions. year, making several sensa-. The Spartans had a tough game despite losing. Jennifer Travelong Spurs 1 tional saves. , game against the flight- Hand, at goalie, had herLivingston Lightning 1 leading, undefeated work cut out for her despite In a well-played, exciting UBS Spartans 1 Lagoons. Great saves by the strong defensive line play contest, the Spurs tied Randolph 3 goalies Leo Pietrantuono t was a typical Monday Gravity Guidance System is cases a year and his invention of, Emily Jehries, Sarah league-leading Livingston 1- The Spartans suffered a and Bryce Hamilton deterred afternoon and I was used for the prevention of is the culmination of more Gump and Marsha 1. Jon Ponosuk converted a, tough loss in this close game. more Livingston scoring. hanging around in the - back problems and for than 20 years of research. Osirowski. For Summit it pass into an assist as he fed Tom Kuchler, assisted by Craig Prunier, Matt Zarinko 1 Abercrombie & Fitch store in physical fitness. Users of the Apparently, it's catching was a defensive game all the the ball to Jason Dugas. The Tom Soth and David Mit- and Andrew Morrison the Mall at Short Hills. No, I machine may also perform on. Everyone from the way with little opportunity Spurs' midfielders Joey chell, scored the lone Spartan played well on defense. wasn't shopping or casually stretching, reverse squats and Dallas Cowboys to the for scoring. Oakes, Ben Huneke and goal from his right wing posi- David Mitchell and Jason browsing through the mens' reverse sit-ups. Atlanta Braves have used it Prinlon Kane- Graham Officer controlled tion. Other Spartans playing Heim shone at midfield. Bill wear. I was hanging around, Brought to fame by actor and many health clubs, Up-Ticks Sounders 2 the ball, giving Summit, fine well included Bryce Orr, Tom Soth, Mark literally, by my feet. Richard Gere in the 1980 hospitals and universities New Providence Strikers 2 Field position for most of the Hamilton and Leon Pietran- Bultman and Tom Kuchler movie American Gigolo, have recently adapted the Summit had previously game. The Spurs' defense of tuonb in goal, Andrew Mor- worked the ball well at of- I was strapped into a gravity inversion isn't for system. And the cost for one been shut out by this team, Jon Ponosuk, Ashley Grif- rison on defense, arid Mike fense, but could not score machine called the Gravity everyone. First off, it isn't of these wonderous exercise but the strong defensive lay against the stubborn Lagoon Guidance System, a relative- too much fun. It's more like machines? Prices start at by the sounders changed defense. ly new and unique device one of those herky-jerky $300 and run to $1,295 for that, Brennan Maigetter had Smythe Volvo Storm 0 designed for people with seaside amusement rides that the top of the line model, a one-on-one assignment for Bridgcwater8 back problems. The system, make you lose all your while exercise boots range the day and thus held New Despite the beautiful day, made of chrome plated steel, change and leave you feeling from $50 to $75. Providence's top player the Storm were outclassed by looks like a harmless incline nauseous. Inverted, your Westcott spoke to me scoreless. Tough defensive Bridgewater. Mark Sheridan, bench, but in motion it face becomes flush, the about the Gravity Guidance play came especially from Andrew Margie and Alex resembles one of those blood rushes to your head, System while hanging in William Milligan, John Ostrowski did a fine job on hideous tools of torture in and your temple pounds till it place for more than five Atherton and Sumner defense. 1 Anderson. Peter Kuchler was some old Creature Feature feels like it will explode. But minutes. I almost laughed at Smytht Volvo Storm 0 than that's just my opinion. outstanding in, goal, and film. When using the the thought of conducting, Morristown 4 machine participants must "The initial reaction Is one my first interview with so- Michael Becker at stopper played his best game of the Most of this game was wear a pair of silver gravity of sickness," explained meone who talked straight played in the Summit zone, boots, which are then hook- Shirley Westcott, a sales into my ankles. But she look- year. Summit's goals came from Darren Galatt with an but the fine defensive play ed into the bottom of the associate for Abercrombie & ed comfortable and perfectly from goalie Mark Sheridan system. The bench part of Fitch. "But that's something poised as she explained the assist from William Pappas, and from Michael-Becker, and center fullbacks Miguel the machine is then inverted, that will disappear with con- different uses of the Lopez and Jon Lindabury turning the user upside tinued use." machine. An avid fan of the unassisted. RichlandKnowlM helped Summit keep the down. The Gravity Guidance system herself, she suffered Sounders 0 score low. System is the work of Dr. none of the ill side affects HANGING AROUND—Shirley Westcott, a sales associate for Aber- Morristown United 7 Bcif us Buick Scampers 0 By dangling, the pressures Robert Martin a back that the device obviously had crombie & Fitch, demonstrates teh Gravity Guidance System. (Photo by East Brunswick Strikers 7 caused by the pull of gravity surgeon from Pasadena, left on me. JoeGollo) The Sounders were again The Scampers made a bet- become eased. The body Calif. The 72-year-old Still, I was not alone in my outclassed by a much ter showing this time against becomes relaxed and loose. osteopath treats approx- skeptical viewpoint of the) "They're not built for big customer. "You hit your stronger team. Chris Rail the strong East Brunswick Not meant as a cure-all, the imately 2,400 back problem gravity inversion process. guys," said one prospective head on the floor a lot." played well throughout the team. Elizabeth Cox, Kristen game, and Dick Fisher and Beifus and Sarah Thomas Jason Schrott did a commen- made many key plays from dable job on defense. their halfback positions. Erin Malpere's Restaurant Logue was the defensive Striken 0 standout as she time and Girls' soccer team bow to Verona 1-0 Tewkesbury 2 AUSTIN SPENI of the Schlott Reoltor Sting beats a defender to the again stopped East The Strikers made a much ball. (Photo by Pete Petersen) ; Brunswick scoring drives. ByPEGTHURLER The shot that got past Eustis. Julie Vass had clear- defense held off the best that better showing against this Laura Mullery and Kristen Verona had to offer through SUMMIT — The girls- Staunton was a high angled ing boots that sent the ball up team the second time Beifus in goal had a good most of the game. soccer team lost a heart- ball coming from the left side front, and Chrissie Olson around. Kevin Welch fed the amount of saves, catches and breaker to Verona 1-0 on Staunton played a tight backup from Summit ended its regular ball to Michael Batjer and blocks with their aggressive season schedule with a tie in Oct. 27, but Cathy Staun- her fullback position, but Troy Houlker on the forward play. Laura Madden, Kristin that arched past her out of a game with Pequannock 1- Oakes and Megan Martin led ton's outstanding job as still had the speed to race line who came close to scor- reach near the top of the outstanding 1, giving the girls a final the Summit attack against an goaltender eased the disap- back to help Staunton when ing several times. Strong on cage. Dawn Scott's shot record of 3-11-1. Liz Roessle defense were Dan Lucas, older, more experienced pointment. the Verona shots zoomed came midway through the in goal toward the Summit cage. scored what looked like the Adam Sank, Corrie Logue defense. final quarter, and Summit winning goal for Summit, and Jonathan Williams. c Verona came to theSum- Beifus Buick Scampers 0 Bpmbardcd by 34 shots at was unable to match it. but Pequannock came back David Wood and Lars D her cage, she lunged, rolled Sam Pinney and Pam dribbled downfield the mit game with a nvich better WestfleldDefeeters6 record than the home team's, in the final minute of play to Pearce in goal had many into the ball, and raced out Verona defense intercepted tie the Nov. 1 game on a shot good saves. Leading the Summit attack to challenge an unguarded before they could pass the 10-2-4 compared with Sum- in this losing effort were Davis made a good pair of mit's 3-10. Yet the Summit by LizMazzi. BBS Spirit 0 Verona shooter for 12 saves. forwards, but each time they ball. The Defensive players Mendham 5 Rebecca Balchunas, Margie were tireless in feeding the Shanahan and Kristen ball to their line. Kim The game was closer than Oakes. Repeatedly • stalling Brewster controlled the ball the final score, but Summit the Westfield attack from well, passed accurately, and Girls fall in state r just couldn't put the ball in- ,' their halfback position^ Were tapped a header* up to Chris side the posts. Leslie Nor- Christina Stubbs, Victoria wood at center fullback and Hardy, Blythe Henwood and tennis tourney Courtney Griffith as sweeper Newark 'Leaf Blower Elizabeth Cox. Fullbacks led the defensive effort. Elizabeth Keyser, Karin - Factory Repair SUMMIT— tournament held at Mercer Tanya Quinn at wing provid- Petersen and Carol Fisher Academy Warrantee Service The Summit girls' tennis County Park, West Windsor. ed the team's best offense TASCHA MORITZ of the Summit Food Market Starlings takes an In- played well. Laura Mullery Also • Service on all squad fell to Watchung Hills Watchung Hills, who at threat. Blake Lowery did a bounds pass. Coach John Robb directs from the sidelines. (Photo by had many good saves in goal. commendable job as a fill-in Power Tools last week 4-1 in the semifinal 25-0 are ranked No. 1 in the Pete Petersen) Lois Schneider Realtors Stars round of the Group III state state, have not lost a match for the usual goalie who was 0 91 South Orange Avenue §*!> Refwlf Shack CSfS! Taiukf in 84 staright outings. The out with injuries. Hillsborougn Starlights 4 15.00 oH Power Tool Repair! Summit Food Warren school then went on Goalie Andrea Fiory was Livingston, New Jersey 07039 1'5 CowH)iiO««r-Eip.l/Sl/«4 '51 to defeat Ramapo in the Market Starlings 0 Hillsborough Lightning 4 Bantams football the outstanding player for 992-7000 MIIMDATE® finals 3-2. Summit in this losing contest J Summit, whose season Summit played a strong with more than 15 saves. Of- ^REPAIR SHACK 3 Look for our ad in the ended at 19-2, reached the first half, holding squad earns split fense in the game came from prf. semifinal round by routing Hillsborough scoreless. The Kelly Mead and Carolee BnWIey H.lghu classified section on Cranford in the North Jersey Starlings continued its strong Independent coeducational day school Builnni Hr«.: Tuca.Sat. 9:00-5:30 the extra point attempt, the Keane. Gail Rapuzzi from page 17! Section 2 championships 5-0. performance in the second SUMMIT — The Ban- Grades 7-12 464-0797 • 464-0792 tams, Summit's eighth grade Bantams used their last three her fullback position led the See next week's Herald for half but allowed plays to drive to Montclair's defensive team effort. Hillsborough four goals. football team, suffered its complete coverage by Joe first defeat of the season on 10 yard line as time ran out. Masco Sports Scorpions 0 Gallo with photos by Eric Forwards Sally Perlstein and Livingston Lanterns 7 Jenny Orr, and halfbacks Wednesday to the Montclair Against Springfield, the Open House D.D.S. English. Cobras 6-0, then bounced Bantams exploded for 27 The Scorpions played a back Sunday to trounce the first half points. Halfback much better game against Saturday, November 19, pedodontist Springfield Minutemen 33-8. Mike Feoli tallied on runs of Livingston this time around 42 anil 58 yards and dentistry for The Bantams played and the contest was more 10-11:30 A.M. Montclair, an All-Star team fullbacks Matt Nestuk and balanced than the score children 6 adolescents OPEN HOUSE comprised of players from Jay Williams added two shows. Wally Lobo shone in An introduction to the opportunities Montclair, Glen Ridge and more scores to give Summit a this team effort with is Roseland, even until the last 27-6 advantage at halftime. breaking away and striking offered by independent education Nov. 8 minute of play. With time After Summit's defense, for the goal. Assisting in this runing out, the Cobras led by Kevin Chisholm, Steve effort were Jonathan Lucas All parents and students are welcome 8:00 p.m. in the Hall scored to break a scoreless Schneller and Tom Duetsch, and Rob Balchunas. Marco Polo Sharks 3 Prospective Parents Invited tie. After Summit blocked stopped the Minutemen, Chet Panhans scored Sum- New Providence Green 783 Springfield ave. Nursery - 8th Orad* mit's final touchdown which Machine 1 summit, ri.j. SUMMIT was set up by a long run by Sparked by the inspired 379-3442 halfback Tiger Freeman. The 522-0640 play of Keith Roscoe, Sum- for information and directions HEALTH balance of the game was a mit got unassisted goals from FOODS defensive struggle with Chris Tommy Walden, Chris OAK KNOLL Cherry, Chris Spinner and Rolland and Matt Sheehan in 277-2050 *277-26M Nick Kouras leading the way. this come-from-behind vic- for brook school 'In Irvintf on: 372-6893 The Bantams, now 7-0 in tory. The entire team looked SCHOOL AU DIET FOODS The Kero-Sun® Portable 52 great hills road, short hills, n.j. 07078 Herbs - Juices - Nuts league play and 7-1 overall, sharp and passed well to set All dfcliloni on sdmlulons ar» liken without NATURAL VITAMINS travel to Berkeley Heights up many breakaway shots on Heater can keep you from regard to race, religion, MI or national origin. SUN DRIED FRUITS Sunday, Nov. 6, to take on goal. Manuel Tatavak an- of the Holy Child (CLOSED WEDNESDAYS) the Black Knights in a 1:15 chored the defense with Matt wasting heating dollars. 494 Sprlnglltld A«*nut Summit p.m. contest. Sheehan and Alex Shire in invites candidates goal shutting down the New Providence scoring attempts. 201 VALLEY ROAD, MONTCLAIR, N J 07042 Marco Polo Sharks 0 Livingston Learners S admission It operates at 99.9% fuel efficiency. insurance Despite their best team It's clean-burning. Needs no chimney play and the individual ef- forts of Sammy Fusco, Ben Upper School candidates, girls applying installation. Has advanced safety corner von Kelemperer and Matt for grades 7-10 in the fall of 1984, may features. And-saves you money! Hutchinson, Summit could HE* not stop a faster, stronger register for the SSAT entrance test. The Maben Agency' Special Sale On Models In Stock Only— by Mary Herring MONTCLAIR KIMBERLEY ACADEMY Livingston team. Manuel November 12 Tatavak at center fullback January 14 and goalies Alex Shire and December 3 February 11 TRANSFERRING THE RISK Matt Sheehan were con- B.T.U. Sale OPEN HOUSE PROGRAMS stantly clearing the ball only Rating Price If you own your own business, have o partner, or heod a cor- Lower School applicants, boys and girls For parents interested In learning more about to have it come back at them poration, you want to know what your financiol risks are—and again. for grades 2-6, will also be tested on this coeducational independent day school Director 11,700 '166.40 how to protect yourself. Transferring the risk is one way. (grades K-12) Saturday morning. For example, one way to cut down on property damage ex- December 10 March 10 Radiant 10 9,600 '110.50 posure is to keep your inventory low. Have just enough on hand CAMPUS PROGRAMS Kane plays to cover yor needs. By doing this, you transfer most of the risk January 14 April 14 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. scheduled as follows: Radiant 8 8,200 S106.60 to your supplier. like a terror February! 1 May 19 A landlord may transfer some damage or liability risk by mak- MIDDLE SCHOOL(KIMBERLEY CAMPUS), Omni 105 19,500 '128.70 ing tenants responsible for any damage, injury, or loss in the 201 Valley Road for grades 5-8 SUMMIT-Nora Kane, a For information about entrance requirements portion of the building they occupy. This hos to be carefully Tuesday, November 15 sophomore from Summit, is a member of the 1983 for kindergarten and first grade, call the '107.90 spelled out in the lease, stating that the tenant will hold the Radiant 22 landlord "harmless and indemnify the landlord for any loss, Western Maryland. College Admissions Office at 273-1125. PRIMARY SCHOOL (BROOKSIDE CAMPUS), field hockey team. damage, injury or claim arising out of the condition of the leas- 224 Orange Road for grades K-4 ed premises..." etc. The 1982 graduate of Sum- O,\k Knoll .idmits students of any race, creed, color or national Thursday, November 17 mit High School is a forward origin. The best wat to transfer any risk, and the most preferred for J-...Coach R°*anne Hem- many reasons, is through adequate insurance coverage. Then Brief programs, tours and the opportunity to Phill s Green Terrors. This 38 RUSSELL PLACE the money you need to cover any loss is always there when you see classes In session, and meet faculty, season has been a hard-luck OAK KNOLL SCHOOL PHONE: 277-0030 need it. students and administrators. Campus pro- year for Western Maryland grams by reservation only. Please call Mlmi as the Terrors have been in of the Holy Child This Information has been brought to you aa a public service Crawford at 746-9800, ext. 244 at least three almost every game but have l-l fi;.i.:*t'um ROJO Summd New Jersey 07901 by, SPENCER M. MABEN, INC., 490 Morris Avenuo, Summit, days In advance. only one win in eight starts. M-F 7:30-5 FREE PARKING OPEN SAT. TILL 12 N.J., 273-1900. Your one-stop answer to complete Insurance protection. Kane is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Kane of An Equal Opportunity School Mountain Avenue. Summit The Summit Herald. Saturday. November 5,1983 PAGE 11

Summit falls to Lakeland 20-19

ByJOEGALLO The loss also wasted a the first quarter. Then from porarily in check, and a the Hilltoppers and raced 75 MMlt tremendous effort by senior the 10, Horn hit pay dirt for fierce head wind that yards through the Lakeland running back Leroy Horn the game's first score. Enzo prevented any early passing, defense for a touchdown. , • Summit's. chances at a who picked up 227 yards in the team's went into the .. state playoff..berth took a Catullo added the PAT and Catullo missed the extra 31 carries and scored two the Hilltoppers led 7-0. locker room at the half with point attempt but Summit's „ turn for thewprse last Satur- : ; touchdowns. The rest of the half was a Summit still leading 7-0. lead was now. a comfortable .fOay as the Hilltoiipers were Things started off well At the start of the second . ..;iipset by Lakeland 20-19 in defensive struggle as Summit 13-0. enough for the Hilltoppers put a monkey wrench into half both team's came out But Lakeland, who ob- •, the last 24 seconds of play, in hungry to put points on the ;.'(.Wanaqije. ' ;,- . the Lakeland offensive viously made some impor- : who seemed to carry over the machine. Strickland, who is board. tant strategic changes during I -;,:Y The-; loss .also dropped And it was Summit who .Summit (4-2). to third in the momentum from last week's normally the bases of their the'intermission, came out big 17-7 win over Montville. offense, was held to his started things off with a i, Northern Hills Conference's McUug'hlin'the horKquad DREW NICHOLS explodes up field on hu way to a 75-yard touchdown With Horn carrying the bulk lowest yard production of JOHN HENNON.No; 71, helps push halfback Leroy Horn for some addi- Skyline Division as their "•-•••• - • on a second quarter kickoff return. Following is, left, Enzo Cajulli) and record fell toJ-2. of the load, Summit drove the season. With both bang. Senior Drew Nichols put together an impressive tional yardage. (Photo by Tom Hennon) ..,-..•. the length of the field early in Leroy Horn. (PtiQio by Tom Hennon) • • ' ' ' Leading at one point 13-0, ground games held tem- took the opening kickoff for ' drive on theirfirst possession Summit got burned in the se- Clifford Scott, will be Sum- cond half by the accurate of the new half, taking the stayed on top 19-7. passes for a mere 26 yards. mit's opponent next week. / ,'Passing of; Lakeland quarter- ball 61 yards in nine plays. •The fourth quarter was all Horn, who continues to pick up steam, broke Kevin "Thiji m^'big part of our ., ..back' .(yia^t „', McLaughlin. The drive culminated, with Lakeland as McLaughlin and Vanderback again hooked up • Phelan's career rushing seasonj" , '^nderson said. McLaugblin, who was 7-for- McLaughlin finding Vanderbeck for a five-yard with a big play. This time the record at .Summit by going "We are gdhjg to have our . 11 for 92 yards and three senior quarterback found over the 2,500-yard mark, hands fulJL, \Ye have to .. touchdowns, found receiver TD pass. The extra point at- tempt failed and Summit's Vanderback deep in the Sum- The senior'back, who now bounce back,", Ed Vanderbeck in the end mit, secondary and the end has 833 yards on the ground zone from five yards out to lead was cut to 13-7. 1 : "We were surprised by the raced 54 yards for the score. this season,,has. a very good Vacuum Repair climax a 76-yard, 13-play, shot at breaking Willie' way they-passed the ball," Jeff/ Livesey. converted the • „";-:Hoover* Eureka . march with time running put. PAT and it was., suddenly a Wilson's single season ,.. ; "It was not one of our bet- Anderson said. "That was ' Electrolux • Klrby the first touchdown pass 19-14 ball game with plenty rushing record of 1,093 yards • ; Kenmote ',ter efforts," said head coach of time left on the clock.. set in 1973; l against uS all year." We repair them flll Howie, .Anderson. "Our Today, Summit hosts defense ,had a let down. We At this point the Hilltop: r And it didn't stop there pers broke dowjn. The of- powerful . .Wayne Valley _ ^IuabiiTCoupoi. (Jfler" closed down Strickland | FREEpkg.bagi'wlth any either. ; \., '.'. fense failed to move the ball squad at 2 p.m. (Fred, Lakeland's top back) : Vacuum Repair /Summit got on the board and the defense was victimiz- Wayne Valley, 5-1 this but when they went to the air one last time late in. the third ed one final time, but season, is led by head coach we couldn't adjust. I don't quarter, as Horn bulled the McLaughlin's arm. Fred Keil. There only loss of know maybe we keyed on ball m from the iliiee at the OVERTIME the year has come at the him.too much. There's no gt*E>JEFAi8 SHACKS end of a Hilltopper drive. A Quarterback foave Munzo hands of, conference and • fingers to point, it was just a • LEROY HORN bulls his way for yardage in last Saturday's 20-19 loss to ENZO CATULLO ottempts an extra point. The holder Is Dave Munzo and 300 Springfield Ave.. two point conversion pass had . another rough after- state power Clifford Scott ..Btrinky Heights.-. team failure." Lakeland. No. 61, Leon Fern helps out. (photoby Toni Hennon) blocking is No. 24 Paul Brown. (Photo by Tom Hennofi) was denied and Summit noon, hitting only-two of 11 who have a perfect 6-0 mark. Buslntss Hra.i Toe..-Sal. '9:005-30 464-0797 • 4640792 "GAME OF THE WEEK" Summit spooks Raiders in win ByPEGTHURLER pass from the back line easy When your bank AREA — The girls on the to stop, and the quickness of Scotch Plains hockey team the shots gave the Summit used war paint on their faces forward line a distinct advan- when they met Summit in a tage. Halloween game last Mon- Coach Joann LaVorgna' day,- but it was Summit that said after the game she was •did the spdoklrig.'iblatlking" pleased' with'the team's 'per-j is closed on the Raiders 3-0. formance and indicated they' The first goal came off the were ready for the first round stick of Karen Everling early of the state tournament in the first half, with an assist scheduled for last Wednes- from Liz Dawson. Seven cor- day in Montville. ners later Summit did it Caroline Curry used a high again, with Michelle Halden- scoop to move the ball up to . wang providing the insurance Haldenwang taking the Election Day, goal, assisted by Liz Polestk. Raiders by surprise. Blocking Scotch,Plains rallied in the out a scoop often draws a final four minutes of the foul when a defenseman tries ' period, but defensemen to block it and gets whistled Susan Bruton and Abby down for "sticks." Liz Smith blocked the passes. Polestak led her team in • Sticks down was the key to blocking out as Summit all Treasurer Summit's defensive success, played out the final game of playing on a fast field where its regular season. • the ball really traveled. The In the Final minutes sticks only flaw in the terrain was clashed in midfield fights for the sandy loop of a softball ball possession, and the infield that intruded into the Raider coach warned her alley. It slowed the speed of team it was creating "dead the ball, .but didn't keep space," with team members Convenience •Summit's forward line from standing in a part of the field pressing into the Raiders' cir- where no one could pass to cle. them. • Nine minutes into the se- Summit had eight shots on cond half Haldenwang sent goal. Statistician Johnathan in a beauty of a shot that Lewis recorded zero shots fo zinged past the Raider goalie, SP. Summit had zero saves. Banking Centers • .taking a pass from Anna The SP goalie made eight Sank. It came after another saves. Summit is 9-7-2 after the Raider game. Scotch Summit penalty corner. The ; flatness of the field made the Plains dropped to 3-10-1. Recreation sessions will be open. SUMMIT- The following schedule in- 1 The Summit Board of cludes the programs being Recreation is in the beginn- ing stages of its Fall Indoor offered, the site of each pro- Program and getting ready gram, and approximate star- for the winter sessions. ting date and time. Summit and Elizabeth PROGRAMS AT EDISON RECREATION CEKTER

OPENIHO DATE, OCTOBER 10, 1983 TRUST COMPANY Start lm MOrOAYt 910(1 a.n. - 12.00 noon Mult Shuffloboard MEMBE,R OF THE SUMMIT BANCORPORATION 3i00 p,n, - 5tOO p.n. Elementary School Activities Member FOIC 3i30 p.n. - 5i30 p.m. Hod urn Dance (tUr. 5, 'B*) 7O0 p.n. - IOIOO p.m. Hens Open Basketball (Nov. 7) BiOO p.n. - 10.0-3 p.n. Coin Club - 2nd. Hon. ea. month. TUESDAY: 10.00 a.m. - 12tOO noon Golden Age Kxerclao Class 3i00 p.m. - 5iOO p.m. Klemontary School Activities 7i00 p.m. - IOiOO p.n. Special Adult Program! HKOHKSDAYi 9iOO a.n. - 12.00 noon Mult Shuffltiboard 3.30 p.n. - 5.30 p.m. Cheerleading (Oct. 5) 3i30 p.n. - 5.30 p.m. Baton Tvirllnq (Nov. 30} 7.00 p.n. - 9t30 p.m. High School Co-Recreation THURSDAY. -9100 a.n. - 12.00 noon Mult Shuffleboard 10tOO a.n. - 11.00 a.m. Golden Age Chorus NEW JERSEY Delran Hackensack Little Silver Metuchen Oakland Red Bank Union City Bensatem Molrose Park Bustleton Roosevelt Mall 2100 Street Rd 341 W Cheltonha'n Bleiqh St & Buslfclor, 3i0u p.n. - 5i00 p.m. Kleraentary School Art* *» Crafta Atlantic Highlands Rt 130&Hames 359 Main St al Church St & 442 Main St 15YawpoAve 53 Broad St Dergenime Ave 1(JlG8Bu:.llelon Avi! 3.00 p.n. - 5i00 p.m. Xlementary School Activities at 39th St Bensalern Shopping Ave Ave 111 First Ave Mill Rd Passaic St Prospect Ave Mlddletown Old Bridge River Edge Castor Avenue 7iD0 p.n. - 9i30 p.n. lilgh School Co-Recreation East Orange Livingston 62OKindorkamack Center Neshamlny Valley Roxborough Bayonne Hamilton Square 100RI 35 (at Rt 9 North Union City 6424 C.-iilor Avu FRIDAY. 10100 a.m. - 2i30 p.n. Golden Age Program Central Ave 313 W Mt Pleasant & Ticetown Rd Rd 4800 Bergonlmo Ave Clifton Heights Bristol & HulmcvilK; R.'lrje Avo & Gmr-n Broadway al 23rd Si 3659 Nottingham Way Navesink River Rd ) Centennial (2) 3iOO p.n. - 5iOO p.m. Elementary School Activities & S Clinton St Ave Mllltown (at48tt.Si ) Baltimore Pike Pds Lann 7.00 p.m. - 10.30 p.n. High School Co-Recreation Bayonna Hazlet Oradell * Roseland 31st & M.-JIIT:! !3lr. Eatontown Livingston 97 N Main SI 417 Kinderkamack Verona & Bishop Ave /Bazaar Phoenixville Six Penn Center SATURDAYi 5i00 a.m. - l2i00 noon Boya Daaketball Clinic [Doc. 3) 937 Broadway Rt 35 & Poole Ave 161 Eagle Rock Ave Shopping Center Centre Square (3) Highway 36 371 E NonhlieidRd Moorestown Rd Saddle Brook 620 Bloofifitld Ave 159 Null R(! r Seventeenth St ' itOO p.n. - 3iOO p.m. Girls DaaXetball (Dec. 3) (at 45th SM Hlghtstown 1 i00'/.Tkr;t5l IS 0l.JPKB!;r1 ) \ Pathmark-Rickels Long Branch 91 E Mam SI Park Ridge 358 Market SI Wayne Doylestown Southampton (gradui 7 and Q) Belleville Shopping Center 105 S MamSt 7iP0 p.n, - lOtJO p.n. High School Cc-Recrettifin 160Bnnhtnn Ave Moorestown Spring Valley Rd 379 N Mam SI Second Str«;t A Chestnut Hill 144 Was^maton Ave Hlllsdale Scotch Plains 580 Valley Rd * Elizabeth 84 Park Ave (West End) Moorestown Mall at Grand Ave 460 Park Ave West Bclmar Falrless Hills Jayrnnr Rd R'i?7 ^nr'ii.'jriln/vn * Berkeley Heights O«lord Valley Rd PTOC_RAHS AT SUMMIT JUMOR BICM 5QI00L 135 Jeflerson Ave Hoboken Madison Rt 38 Parlln Secaucus 18thAve SRI 15 St. Davids r. v(. MOWAYi 6145 p.m. - 1OI30 p.n. H«ns SasXetball League (Nov. 7) 145SnyderAve & Olds Blvd * Locations ol Fair Lawn '0 Greenwood Ave Morrlstown Rt 9 North 100 Pla^a Center West Coldwcll Radnor-C^'ijstfjr RrJ Eastwicl; TUESDAYt 6>45 p.m. - 10(30 p.m. Mons BaiVetball Uaqu« (Nov. 6) Boonton Township 1 F.rehouse P'a^a at Lancaster P ke The Summit • 2402A Fair Ave Manalapan tea soum st & Ernston Rd South Brunswick 995 Bloomlield Ave Fort Washington WEDNESDAY! 8iOO p.m. - 10i30 p.n. Hans Volleyball (Oct. 12) Pcwerviiie Rd Irvlngton (2) 101 Fort Washington Bancorporation Falrview Rt 9 & Gordon s Perth Amboy 3510 Rt 27 West New York Straftord Holmesburg Brtcktown 11O2Clmion Ave Mount Holly Ave PROORAMS AT St3WIT HIGH SCHOOL 307 Bergen Blvd Corner Rd 313StaleSt Kendall Park 6050 Bergenline Ave 367 W L,Tica','nr Avc- B001 I r.-.tUnr'JAv 469HerbertsvilleRd Little Falls 21 Mill St Havertown/ TUESDAY. 7iOO p.». - 9i00 p.m. Soys Wrestling (Hov. 22) * Fanwood Manasquan Mount Laurel Plscataway * Summit Westflcld Volley Forge Ivyrldge Brlcktown 89 Mam St Llanerch Towers HEDKBSOAYi 7l30 p.m. - 9t00 p.m. H. S. Oirla Volleyball (Oct. 5) Quick Check Highway 71 Church Rd & RutqersBusch DeForest Ave 170E Broad St Riilrjn Ave A!)O" THURSDAY. 7iOO p.n. - 9iOO p.m. Boys Wrestling (Dec. 1) Rl 70&BncKBlvd Jersey City Campus Corners ot 401 W Chester P*... Suite 120A.--3000 S'irnnit arvj Eli/ab" 572 North Ai e * Manasquan Church St & Beechwood Rd Willingboro SATURDAY i 9i00 a.n. - lltOO a.n. Boys Wrestling ID we. 3) * Chatham 303 Central Ave Bartholomew & Horsham Vaiirv Forc]G Cuci.v Tr'.ilCo'finany Florham Park 155 Mam S! New Brunswick Teaneck Rt i30&Chariesto'. La Salle College 269 Mam St 206 Ridgedale Ave Jersey City Davidson Rds Blair Mill & Morniart) West Point lr'i-Cnatt,;im rwPCWtS AT BKAYTOH SCHOOL OYMHASItm 15 Exchange PI Maple Shade 390 George St B19TeaneckRd R,-1 Rds /Villaiio Mall * Chatham Ft. Monrnouth 21 N Fork la-Ulno * Point Pleasant Su^npyto-AnPkc T',,',t Co'r pany SAXUBBAYi 9i00 a.n. - 12iOO noon Boys Baakstball Clinic (D»c. 3. Jersey City New Brunswick Toms River Woodclltf Lake Shopping Cenlr;' Oregon 640 SriunDiko Rd 1006 Alexander Ave Rd 501 Arnold Ave IE ol Brcar) Si ) The V;niiewrjotJt)iir 40 Journal Square Rutgers Campus 1372Rt 9 505 Chestnut Rirtrjo Jenklntown/Noble r>,.,.,.r, A... ?, T'W] HOOKAHS AT MUUflCLlH SCHOOL GYHMASU'H * Clark Ft. Monmouth College Ave * Point Pleasant T Jersey City * Maplewood * Toms River R;: Plaza IOiOO a.m. - 12100 noon alrls Basketball (Dec. 3) 1050 Raman Rd CECOM Building 161 Mapev.ood A p * New Providence 2401Lakewood Rd CITY OF Passyunk O' ' frjunt 12PathPia/a v (Rt 88) 200 Rt 37 East Wyckofl 801 Old VfirK RrJ (grades 3 through 6) Freehold 15 South Si PHILADELPHIA r,|t. ( • "-.>•.(';)•/., / - •Clark * Maplewood Union 66' Wyc'-ofl Ave King ol Prussia t|.iir>.,.i'H.-ir-t 72 W Mam Si Kearny Ramsey 10WeslMdAve 1882Sp"pq',<"1A,e Newark Hcnrlfr-.onRd Academy Plaza I -<• T..JV" AT WA5IUHSWH SCHOOL SWWiTOt Guttenberg 240 Kearny Ave 76E MamSt 143? Morns Ave Reading Terminal (2) 7iP0 p.m. - 9i30 p.m. High School Co-Recreation (Oct. 17) Clifton Marlboro Ferry and Niagara Sts Union & Rl 20.? . ArMrt"" ,-IRe.l : NOWAY I Dergeni'ne Ave .it Linden Randolph PENNSYLVANIA 7,00 p.». - 10,00 p.m. High School Basketball (Nov. S) 1184 Main Ave Corners o! Hts .'0 S Newark (2) Patnmark Pia."ra,Ri 22 Maytalr Hd-. TUESDAY! 6811 Si 1000 Stiles St Jt K-Mari Shopping KKDtHSDAYi 7i30 p.m. - 10.00 p.m. Mult Woaena Volleyball (Oct. 19) Clifton 520 765 Broad Si & Spnnqlield Rd Ardmore 7'57 Fr.mklor-lA.n RiUenhouse Hackansack Si Geoiges Ave Piaia/Rl 10 and Broad L Olnoy Square TWnSOAYI 7-00 p.m. • 9i]0p.m. High School C»-a»crsatlon (Oct. 20) '00 MarketSt Linden Mendham. North Brunswick South Salem Si 125 W ' ,i"ca-jtor A.e Media 9iOO a.m. - 4.00 p.m. Boya Baaketball clinic (Dec. 3) Ma.nS' .it : i^lVA'l'n.lS' SATURDAY I Crtnford 601 N WooaAv.; a! )8F V.i.nSt 349 L v"H15ton A.e Bala Ball rr.ore P-h<; 2 North Ave West Jonnson Ave HeiMv Si PROOMUU AT «1LJC» I •V. .OTHMWH 9I0O a.a. - 12i00 noon Olrla Ovsnaatlca (Jan. 7, 'B41

flywc* and •ppHcatlona pertaining to all rwcTuatlon*l projrama will >«j (llKtrLbittwd to ullijlbl** ttuO»int« IJI th>ilr rwupwCtlvM school•• It four child t« sllqlblw for a program and Jova not c»;ciilv« »n appli- ?ation, pl«»«* contact thy tMljun lUictuatlun c-nt^r (277-4119) or th», »o*ca of R«cr«itlon otflcv U*'7-}<*li). "*• 'ts^_ ""r

Don't forget to vote PAGE 12, The Summit Herald, Saturday, November 5, X983 107-year-old landmark remembered

SUMMIT — The razing Spanish-American Club on the Theodore Ross House, At the time it was the big- this past week of the large the second floor. which then stood where the gest garage in the area, and it white Fitterer building on the In 1875, when St. Teresa's school playground is now soon became the dealership northeast corner of Chestnut original stone church (built and sold the old school to' for E.M.F. Overland and Ave. and Board St. signalled 1863 • now the church sacris- John W. Hughes. Flanders automobiles. completion of the clearing of ty) stood on its present site, Five, years later,- Em- "When the new building the Community iDevelop- and Chestnut Ave. was the manuel F. Anderson, a was erected, the old school ment (CD) Area to be used as town shopping street, Rev. horseshoer working in building was moved to the the site of the long-awaited, Winand Michael Wigger, the Charles W. Farrow's then east side of it with a frontage low-cost Senior Citizen church's first pastor, bought famous carriage factory at at 409 Broad St. (then Park Housing project. the corner property at 598 Springfield Ave., bought Ave.), as shown in the Chestnut Ave. and Broad St. the building from Hughes postcard photo of the time, It also bulldozed into obli- and erected a church school and joined with Matihew F. entitled "E.F. Anderson's vion all evidence of what was there to house the classes Keyes, formerly a blacksmith Garage and Combination in effect a 107-year-pld land- which he had started in a and horseshoer at 15 Plant." Just when the old mark site, for, beginning in residence on the present Fair Chestnut Ave., to start a school building was 1875 or 1876, this corner pro- Oaks Hospital property on blacksmith and carriage demolished is not known. perty had seen itself used, in Prospect Street. repair business which soon In 1920, Anderson sold his turn, as a school, a com- . became advertised as, the garage building to the Sum- munity meeting hall, a "city "Keyes Anderson Carriage OLD TIMES — E.F. Anderson's Garage and combination plant. This school building was mit Porcelain Company, of hall," a horseshoe and also used extensively as a Factory." which he was a director, and blacksmith shop, a carriage meeting place for various Keyes retired to Mor- in 1928, the building was sold factory, an early automobile' local organizations, as a poll- ristown, in 1905 but Ander- to -Charles Grillo and Focus on your family at evening series dealership, a porcelain fac- ing place and as the meeting son continued, and updated Giusippe Pailla, who, in tory, an instrument place of the Township Com- his business in 1908 by ad- turn, rented it to the U.S. In- SUMMIT — James C. Room of the Religious divulge "What Wives Wish manufacturing plant, the mittee, whence, perhaps, it ding a Ford car dealership, struments Corporation for a Dobson, noted psychologist Education Building Dr. Dob- Their Husbands Knew about pre-Mu'rray Hill home of a acquired its long-used name which led to the erection, in number of years, and then to and author, will be presented son will address Women." The first of these portion of the Bell of "CongressHall," 1911, of the three-story the Bell Laboratories from in three films to continue St. "Adolescence: Peer Pressure two will focus on the lonely Laboratories, offices of an In 1897, when classes garage building whose 72- about 1930 to 1940. ' Teresa's Tuesday evening and Sexuality." housewife; the second on aircraft company, and, final- outgrew the ."Congress year life ended this week. ly, a floor coverings show Finally, m 1955, Emil L. series, "Focus on the Fami- money, sex, and children. Hall'* building, Rev. John The new 50'x 50'building Fitterer, who had given up ly." On Nov. 15 and 22 in All three films will be room on the first floor and Anthony Vassalo (second the meeting place.. of the was "constructed of reinforc- the family's 26-year-old On Nov. 8 in the Avila Memorial Hall he will shown at 8 p.m. pastor) moved the school to ed concrete and equipped bakery business to go into with a heavy-duty elevator to the floor coverings business permit storage of wealthy at 20 Beechwood Road in residents' automobiles dur- about 1930, . bought the THE METROPOLITAN Musical Theatre,in association with The Sum- ing the winter months, when garage building and moved mit YMCA presents the hit musical '^They're Playlrig Our Song" at sidewalks were plowed but his business there. The the Summit YMCA, 67 Maple St. Reservations can be made by call- streets were not; .and business is now located in ing 273-9191 dr 273-3330.. The production dates are Nov. 11,12, New Rates! New Terms! transportation reverted to Fitterer's own new building,- 18,19, 20, 25, and 26 at 8:30 p.m. and 3 p.m. Pictured is Allison the not-yet-extinct horses approximately opposite the Wall who plays the lead of Sonia Walsk and Ed Hutnik who plays the and sleighs. Summit City Hall. male ledd, Vernon GerschV Total Flexibility! Family part of Superior Court discussed AREA — The ballot on courts may have before them now heard in District Court, Has there, been any ad- Nov. 8 will include a. pro- members of the same family, including small claims cases? vance planning done on how posal to amend. the Con- with no formal access to in- Under the amendment, the proposed Family -Part stitution to provide for the formation about other cases District Court cases, in- would operate? Look at Montclair Savings' Money Market Deposit Account and the other high-yielding creation of a Family Part of involving the family, cluding small claims, would certificates with new flexible terms! Why invest In money market funds when you can get Superior Court, abolish the i How would the proposed be heard in Superior Court. Yes. A '45-member competitive rates in FDICinsured accounts and have your funds invested right where you live? Juvenile and Domestic Rela- amendment change that? What happens' to the Supreme Court Family Court Ask one of our customer service representatives for more details on our flexible maturities. tions and District Courts, If approved, the amend- judges qf the J&DR and Committee studied issues and transfer the judges from ment would create a Family District Court? ' relating to court jurisdiction these two courts to the Fami- Part of Superior Court which Under the proposed and operations for a year. ly Part. Here are some of the could have jurisdiction over amendment, these judges An all-day conference was questions most raised and the all family-related cases, This would be transferred to held last June. More than answers to those questions as would provide for greater Superior Court. If they are 500 people from the courts, provided by the New Jersey coordination, access to infor- tenured, they will retain their law enforcement, public Administrative Office of the mation and more com- tenure. If not,, they will be defenders, social service Insured Money Market Deposit Account Six-Month Savings Certificate Courts. prehensive court services to subject to the reappointment agencies, corrections and How are family-related families involved. process when their term ex- youth organizations were in- cases handled under the ex- Dp any other states have pires. volved in developing a detail- isting court organization? this kind of court organiza- , How many J&DR and ed report to the Supreme Family-related cases tion? District Court Judges are Court recommending policy, Ill depending on the subject Yes. In the past few years; there? : operations and procedures in matter, are heard in Superior Delaware, Hawaii and At the present time, there the proposed Family Part, 9. Court (matrimonial and Rhode Island have establish- . are 33 J&DR Judges and 34 and new juvenile justice annual yield on IO.14 annual yield on adoption), Juvenile and ed Family Courts, and many "District Judges. legislation. Domestic Relations' Court other states are moving in (JINS, juvenile delinquency, this direction. '• 0 /!O! domestic ',; violence) or How many family-related i Municipal "Court (domestic cases' are there a year in New Matrimonial lawyers per violence). There is also Jersey? 8m 65 year overlapping jurisdiction During 1981-82, there were 9.75 between Superior Court and 238,000 family-related cases back family court (current rate) (current rate) J&DR Court in matters such at the trial court level -- one- as child custody and support.. third of all trial court cases. Currently, judges in different What happens to the cases The New Jersey Chapter people of New Jersey of the of the American Academy of proposed Family Court Con- ; i • Minimum deposit: $2,500. • $500 minimum deposit. Matrimonial Lawyers urges stitutional Amendment. •' i • Earn Money Market rates with your • Rate is guaranteed-for the entire term i the adoption of the Family Passage of the con- deposit of $2,500 or more. you choose. Zestog COurt Constitutional stitutional amendment will • Write three personal checks per month. SAVE Amendment, which will be result in the creation of one • Simple interest, credited monthly. on the ballot in the Nov. 8 Family Court, which will be • Make up to three pre-authorized or election. . known as the Family Part of automatic transfers per month. DISCOUNT COUPON USERS! Alan M. Grosman, of the Superior Court. • Make withdrawals any time without Short Hills, President, said, "The Family Court will DON'T THROW MONEY AWAY! "We need a single, modern focus on the problems of the penalty. Family Court to deal most family as a whole. In 1982 i i • Make deposits in any amount at effectively with the many over one-third of all law. suits any time. SAVE hundreds of dollars a year on your food and problems of the family." filed in New Jersey were household budget! Receive the wanted discount The Board of Managers family-related. Creation of coupons of your choice. Hurry! You must enclose a recently adopted a resolution the Family Court will be a stamped, self-addressed envelope for easy details on which urges adoption by the much needed, major judicial how to save money at your local store. reform, which for the first SEND TO: UNITED COUPON CLUB "FREE" Iron Repair time will enable one well- staffed court specializing in 6427 West Capitol Drive INFO No Steam? No Heat? 1-Year Savings Certificate Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53216 family law to deal with all 2-Year Savings Certificate No Problem family-related problems," 'Enclosed is stamped, self-addressed envelope. Mr. Grosman added. Please send facts on joining the Club. Bring It To The Repair Shack We will resurface your Iron at no charge with this Bird experts DISCOUNT COUPON USERS! coupon, a $5.00 value. Teflon not appllctbl*. to give talk 1O.67 DON'T THROW MONEY AWAY! Coupon Offer • Eip, 1/31/84 annual yield on //. 01 before PEO annual yield on jVREPAIR SHACKS 300SprlngfUldA*c., D«k*lty HtlghU Dr. and Mrs. Robert n*M lira.: Tue».-Sil. 9:00-5:30 Krebs, of Sumit, world wide SAVE 4M4797* 4644792 travelers, will be guest per speakers at the Nov. 7, year meeting of Chapter 0 Sum- 1O.3O mit, P.E.O. Sisterhood. The Krebs' are noted Or- (current rate) (current rate) nithologists and will show "PLAN YOUR WEDDING" slides and lecture on birds of • $500 minimum deposit. New Guinea and The • $500 minimum deposit. Show at Phillipines. • Rate is guaranteed for the entire term • Rate is guaranteed for the entire term The meeting will be held at ycu choose. you choose. Sulphur Springs Inn 12:15 p.m. at the home of • Interest compounded continuously and • Interest compounded continuously and Mrs. K. Schneider. credited monthly. The P.E.O. Sisterhood credited monthly. 735 Springfield Ave., Berkeley Heights supports women's educa- tional opportunities throughout the world and Tues., Nov. 15 owns and operates Cottey College, an accredited Junior Doors open at 7p.m. College for Women in Nevada, Mo. By reservation only Call 665-2463 Oratory School Inquire about our other high-yielding deposit accounts! Each of these accounts insured to $100,000 by the FDIC! flea market set Participating will be: SUMMIT - Oratory's • Bridals by Anita great flea market will be held , • Berkeley Florist again this Saturday from 9 a-m. to 4 p.m. If you are • Save with • Carmen's Caterers looking for a homemade ap- • Short Hills Limousines Pe pie or bunk beds, in- • Andrew Mills cluding mattresses, or Montclair Photography anything in between, visit the the People school located on Morris • Desserts by Design Avenue _ in Summit near • Coughlln Travel You Know at... in,?;?,"** Pha™a«utical • Eastern Airlines installation. Crafts Savings • Tuxedos by Adams Christinas decorations, Montclair • Music by Holiday ^ U d "I i" • Taylor Rental • Venice Jewelry Savings Bank. • Hair Art Library board to meet Bank • Suburban Design Center NEW PROVIDENCE: Village Shoppino Canter • Phone: 464 5788 • Verduccl Video The regular meeting of the Olher OMices Moaclau, Uppur Moultuu * • Maiy Kay By Carol O'Connor Library Board of Trustees of Ct'ilar Grovu. MulldiiU Clue In RcuA.uvjv he Summit Free pUb|ic L.hrurv will k-hddoa Wed Door ov \ >• '" H iim in n ii.m. in th The Summit Herald, Saturday, November 5,1983 PAGE 13 ev Don't forget to vote

Girl Scout Winston School learning, leaders needed

AREA—< The Girl Scouts disability scholarships announced we looking for men and women of all ages and pro- The Winston School in Information about" the scholarship committee com- fessional backgrounds to Summit, a specialized school scholarships has been mailed posed of trustee, staff and handle volunteer for elementary and junior community representatives. assignments. Persons in- high students with learning to public school ad- Financial aid applications are terested in volunteering disabilities, has recently ministrators and child study reviewed on a first come first should contact the Girl Scout received from friends of the team coordinators. Admis- served basis. Council of Greater Essex, school a gift of two partial sions information is available Learning disabilities, 746-8200. scholarships, The tuition at from the Winston office. sometimes referred to as , Persons who desire direct Winston is $6,500 per year. It All applications for finan- dyslexia, affect one out of contact on a continuing basis is hoped that the newly cial aid are processed in- every ten children. Untreated can offer their services as received assistance will help dependently by the School they can effectively prevent leaders or assistant leaders of bring the school within reach Scholarship Service and children from doing well in a troop and can employ a of average income families. evaluated by the school's school. The students at The myriad of: interpersonal Winston School have above skills. average intelligence, come Others may be more com- from highly literate homes, fortable teaching and sharing Stafford Hall career but still find school extraor- a specific skill with a smaller dinarily difficult. What group of girls, discussing causes a learning disability is anything from computers to widely debated. More boys woodcraving to music to hot- showcase scheduled than girls seem to be af- SUMMIT STUDENTS Noncy Bannister and Marjorie Burley with Mrs Sylvia Pott, Executive Director of air ballooning. Chances arc fected. Dyslexia, like many Youth Employment Service (Y.E.S.), prepare for a Party Helpers class which will be offered Thurs., Nov. that if you have skill or The Stafford Hall School The career counseling and other learning problems can, 10, 7-9 p,m. at the YWCA, 79 Maple St., Summit. The class, co-sponsored by Y.E.S. and the YWCA, knowledge to share, you'll of Business, 185 Summit placement specialists at Staf- in most cases, be overcome prepares junior and senior high school students to work at parties. To enroll, call the YWCA, 273-4242. find some Girl Scouts eager' Ave., will hold a Career ford Hall have a high degree with proper instruction. • to learn. •' Showcase on Sun., Nov. 6, of success in the creative The Winston School offers Persons with backgrounds from 1 to S p.m. placement of graduates with a student faculty ratio of in such areas as finance, This career showcase of- quality training. three to one. Its programs Social Security Systeiii and its management, fund develop- fers a unique opportunity to Knowing that perspective are personalized for.' each . ment, public relations-and meet graduates and place- students and their families child. The)curriculum in- other business skills can VANESSA WANG, Brayton School student is the October Musician of ment specialists and learn place a high priority on in- cludes not only language volunteer their time to train , the Month. first-hand about current formation that allows them arts, reading, composition other volunteers and staff business opportunities to determine the specific and math, but a full school members of Girl Scout Councils. available to the young features and benefits of a program of social studies, . The Social Security System chief staff member for the . The Adult Forum is held woman and to the more business education, we invite science, physical education, and its prospects will be the Greenspan Commission, Sunday between 10 and'As Mrs. Orville L. Summit Musicians of mature woman with business you to our fall Career art,' music, swimming and subject of the Adult Forum which developed, the pro- elevan o'clock. At least half , Freeman, national president skills. Showcase. Come and meet outdoor education. Com-, program at ten o'clock on posals for its reform; which . of that time, following Dr. of the Girl' Scouts of the Stafford Hall has created a graduates employed by such puter literacy will begin in Sunday, Nov. 6, at St.were adopted by the Con- Myers presentation, will be U.S.A., notes, "Older the Month are named professional atmosphere in diverse firms as Lincoln February. \\ .,• '• John's Lutheran: Church, gress. Dr. Myers and his wife utilized for an open discus- Americans,,.are our most which motivation is high, Center for the Performing' The school, located on 587 Springfield Aver It will , ; , j ~sioriwjthhim. vital and useful resource for Arts, Allied Chemical Corp., Vanessa Wang, Brayton Rolfe; Chorus, Aimee successful performance is Morris Avenue,. is operate. d be another special event in ;wilj 'drive | up ;from The community is cordial- volunteers/They are the ones assured, and professional at- American Bell and Western who offer a complimentary School student, is the Oc- Stefan. by the Glen Kirk Educational^ tj,e year-round program for Washington to spend the ly invited to take advantage Electric Co., only a few of mix of experience in tober Musician of the Mon- Lincoln: Band, Whitney titudes are developed. Foundation which has been adults conducted by the con- weekend at St. 'John's Chur- of the unusual opportunity. Courses are designed to cor-the many companies that technical areas, research and th. ' Ostberg; Orchestra, Tammy responsible for many other gregation. _ ch, and the local congrega- Call the church office at 273- respond to the demands that employ our graduates. 3846 for more information. management. October Musicians of the Duffy; Chorus, Kristin In- ' For more information, call fine programs for the han- tion will welcome them as its Month in the Summit schools glesby. will be made on students in dicapped. The foundation This program is one of the "Young girls need their their future employment. 273-3661. Dr, Robert J. Myers, an guest. Dr. and Mrs. Myers are the following: Washington: Band, Laura raises money to supplement outstanding authority, on the are members of a Lutheran many special events in thewisdom and caring. Their ex- Brayton: Band, Douglas Gardner; Orchestra, Kelly the tuition income. subject, was the chief actuary. .congregation in the - congregation's celebration of pertise and skills they've Michloyitz; Orchestra, Formichella; Chorus, Kim Inquiries regarding the of Social Security and the Washington D.C. area. its 75th anniversary year.' practiced for decades can be Vanessa Wang; Chorus, Gronquist. school and its financial aid so useful to an organization program should be addressed like Girl Scouts, where Jason Keiffer. Jefferson: Orchestra, i'. •• ',:•••,•".•.•••• ,.-...:•- ,!•••• •.•••• Franklin: Band, Brian Ket- Michael Avagliano; Chorus, to either R. Jay Dewey, volunteers are policymakers, tering; Orchestra, Joanna'. Jessica Raber. . Headmaster, or Mrs. Anita not simply workers." Targan, Director, at 277-YMCA offers a way to spend the day 6350. = SUMMIT — The, Summit should bring a bag lunch. A a.m. and returning by 5 p.m. People helping Area YMCA has scheduled recreational swim in the The cost of the events are special all-day and half-day YMCA's indoor.pool is op- the elderly Woman FBI agent Gymnastics $10 for each half-day trip *>. \ activities for boys and girls in tional at 4:30 p.m. both and $14 for the all-day grades one to eight on afternoons. fishing trip.'YMCA member- PREP, People Responsi- to tell Fortnightly club springs Thurs., Nov; 10 and Fri. Another all day activity, ship is not required. ble For Elderly Persons, a Nov. 11. All public schools planned for both boys and ' Also available is a special support-self-help group for into actioit^ in New Jersey will be closed girls is a fishing trip to Camp two-day soccer clinic for care-givers of elderly parents about her life for a statewide teachers Speers Eljabar in Penn- boys and girls being held at will meet Tues., Nov. 15 7:30 SUMMIT — Members of meeting on those two days. sylvannia, where youngsters Memorial Field in Summit. p.m. at St. John's Lutheran the first gymnastic club at The half-day activities be- can spend the day fishing in Individual soccer skills, Church 587 Springfield Ave., An FBI Agent will be the worked for three years in Summit. speaker for the Literature New York City as a Financial Oak Knoll School.ymder the ing offered are ice, skating at the beautiful lake located in drills, and team strategy will ; SAGE, Mrs. Ann Reeves, m MDep'aftmerit 6f the Fortnight* Analyst ^ with -' the " Foreign • direction of wfci Ha41ey.:, theiSouth Mountain, Aram, the heart of the Poconos. ' be emphasized along with and YWCA Instructor Mary\~ bowljlfg, at thev^Mamson Children should bring their* some fun-to-do options like .Director, 273-5550 sponsors ly Club in Summit at theCredit Insurance Associa- this volunteer group. Mrs. November 7th meeting. Mrs. tion. 1 Ellen Mulcahey, will Lanes;-arid roller skating at own fishing equipment and a'swimming,/ movies,, and 'NEW JERSEY'S UNION COLLEGE — Mrs. Linda Leifer of Cranford, Eileen Nielsen R.N., C.R.C. Mary Fenci, the daughter of the YWCA three times \a the Florham Park roller rink. brown bag lunch. special games. Contact direc- In 1976, the year of the left, executive director of Union County College's 50th Anniversary is the professional consul- Fortnightly member Mrs. week for six weeks. Professional staff from the Transportation will be depar- tor Bill Sclafani for more in- Bicentennial, she joined the Celebration, presents a copy of "New Jersey's Union College," a The new members are: YMCA will provide supervi- ting from the YMCA at 8:45 formation at 273-3330. tant, 635-7553. David Secundi, is a woman ranks as an Agent with the history of the College written to coincide with its 50th Anniver- Colleen McDonald eighth, sion and transportation for who had training and ex-Federal Bureau of Investiga- sary, to Freeholder Chairperson Frank Lehr of Summit. The book Suzie Civille ninth, Jackie all events from the Summit tion, New York City Field wos written by Dr. Donald Ralchle of Springfield, a professor at perience in several fields. Her Mirda tenth, Jenny O'Cone YMCA on 67 Maple St. Mor- ii work with the New York City Office. There she says she Kean College of New Jersey, Union, and published by Fairleigh eighth, Missy Duggan eighth, ning trips will leave the YM- FLEXIBLE WAREHOUSING JNC. Field Office of the Federal has spent the most rewarding Dickinson University Press. Kay Necco ninth, Tiffany CA at 9 a.m. and return at y Bureau will be her talk sub- years of her life and met her McCann eighth, Melinda 12:30 p.m. Afternoon events ject. husband, Z'ouglas Fenci, a Lewis tenth, Jennifer Rud- will begin at .1 p.m. and end fellow FBI agent. Youth Council meeting set dock ninth, Kristen Antonelli by 4:30 p.m. Children i Mrs. Fenci, a Summit However with the birth of seventh, and Sharon Walsh wishing to sign-up for both CMflee spue* native, graduated from the her first child in March of seventh. morning and afternoon trips - Hampden DuBose Academy, this year she was granted a SUMMIT — A special meeting will be declared for • Record itorag* Florida. Wishing to study the maternity leave to avail meeting of the Municipal the purpose of discussing *Mosl«rSaf«(2) bible, as well as pursue a herself of full-time Youth Guidance Council will personnel matters. • Private storage vaults For further information liberal arts degree, she chose motherhood, which she finds be held at the Summit Youth -various slxas to attend Westmont College enjoyable. Center on Nov. 7 at 8 p.m. It call: Diana Rosen, Secretary in Santa Barbara, California. is anticipated that a closed 273-1628. ZS • Commercial After obtaining a BA All Literature Department warehousing and members or those who are in- degree in psychology, she Jewelry Boutique t distribution was offered a scholarship to terested in becoming the Thunderbird Graduate members of the department Fahnestock & Co. You're invited School in Phoenix, Arizona, are invited to hear her talk. where she was granted a Tea will be served by Mary (Established 1881) to help us Celebrate our post-graduate course in In- macLeod and her commjttee 219 Valley Street, South Orange 763-5588 ternational Management. Mary Blanken, Pearl Connell MEMBERS NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE INC. First Anniversary With that background she and Janet Jaeger. AND OTHER LEADING EXCHANGES. necklaces • bracelet* • rings • earrings • gold findings • fresh water pearls Stocks, Bonds, Commodities, Investments refreshments And Advisory Service Getting a kick BJf. 1*» Suite 500,382 Springfield Avenue out of vacation Summit, New Jersey 07901 763-8041 201-273-2100 Thomas S. Paluck (Mgr.) SUMMIT — The Summit afternoon. Children should Area YMCA announces a bring a bag lunch and a two-day soccer clinic for beverage will be provided. In Faced With A If someone in your boysnd girls in grades one to case of inclement weather the family has a drinking eight during the NJEA soccer clinic will be held in- Drinking Problem? problem, you can see school vacation on Thurs., doors. what it's doing to them. Nov. 10 and Fri., Nov. 11, at During the clinic, the pro- Are you sick and tired But can you see what Memorial Field in Summit. fessional WMCA staff will of being sick and tired? it's doing to you? For FIRST IN WINE, NEW FEATURES Participants have the op- work with every player to en- information and help courage good physical fitness TEST PREPARATION tion of attending one of two Perhaps Alcoholics contact: COCKTAILS, days from either 9 a.m. to 3 habits and to teach fair play SINCE 1938 LUNCH & DINNER p.m. or from 9 a.m. to 5 along with good soccer skills. Anonymous p.m. Individual skills, drills, The cost of the clinic for RESERVATIONS Can Help AL-A-NON , SSAT-PSAT and team strategy will be em- two days is $32 for YMCA 22 BRANDS (201) 994-9628 phasized along with daily members and $35 for non- Write P.O. Box 487 SATACTGMAT practice games. An optional members. Registration forms Write P.O. Box 315 are available by calling 273- Or Call 763-1415 Or Call 672-7231 ACHIEVEMENTS OF BEER 8 swim in the YMCA pool and HAPPY HOUR a movie will be offered each 3330. GRELSAT MAT 6RE BIO TOEFL MON.-FRI. 3-6 Central Presbyterian highlights GREPSYCHPCAT AS ALWAYS, ALL DRINKS OATMCATVAT 50M««U. 1 cnutA HOWS: MON.SAT. 1130- MIDNIGHT ALL MAJOR CREDIT CARDS J ihtf Summii ling, between ilie hours of 10 W«at Orange 731-2780 SUNDAY NOON - "> Coir Ciuuso will ;un..iiKl4p.ui.

•>: i Don't forget to vote PAGE 14, The Summit Herald, Saturday, November 5,1983 Choosing a Bus trip to Wellesley in a residence hall with a The New Jersey Wellesley Wellesley student hostess. New Jersey Christmas Club is sponsoring its fifth For reservations and rnior- annual bus trip to Wellesley mation about the= trip. caU College for high school Pat Colagiuri at 744^)723, or tree this year juniors and seniors. This Phyllis Smith at 226-3623. year's trip will be on Thurs. and Fri., Nov. 10 and 11. Students from this area AREA — Once again, the 799-4200 or Jim Zahl 101 currently attending Wellesley wonderous Christmas season Middletown Road, Holmdel, 'The. bus will beave from include Alice Zimmerman will soon be here. There's no N.J. 07733. Phone: (201) •86, Summit; , Margaret better way. to get into the 842-4375. the Essex Green Shopping Plaza in West Orange at 8 Heick '85, Summit; Christmas spirit than by New Jersey growers have Elizabeth Hiser '84, Short frolicking through a field of approximately 200,000 a.m. on Thursday and return on Friday at about 6 p.m. Hills; Susan Paulson '85, evergreen trees with the fami- Christmas trees ready for Siimmit; . Christine ly on a crisp December day in sale. It is advisable to call a The campus visit will in- clude an extensive tour of the Schabacker '87, Chatham; search of the perfect natural few Christmas tree farms to Anne Wasley '86, Chatham; Christmas tree. The sight and find out what types of trees campus and buildings, a group talk with Board of Jennifer Watts '85, Summit; aroma of hundreds of firs, they have, their prices and Erica Wheeler, '85, Summit; spruces and pines, of varying hours of operation. It's also Admssion staff, meals in stu- dent residence halls, visits to Audrey Wou, '86, Short shapes and sizes, will be a a good idea to visit a farm at Hills and Laura Zimm, 86, least two weeks before classes, a special evening pro- reminder of the beauty of the Short Hills. . rural landscape. Christmas. gram, and an overnight stay According to statistics mii To select the right tree and from the New Jersey make choosing a tree a Christmas Tree Growers' Dog show and obedience thoroughly satisfying and en- Association, which has con- joyable experience for all ducted a marketing survey for Westies Sunday trial SERRV Committee Member Roldah Cameron is busy setting up a display of Tibetan Oriental rugs, Numdha concerned, there are a few since 1966, tree choices and crewel embroidery rugs from India, Peruvian alpaca and sheep's wool blankets along with hundreds of facts you should know. The tastes have changed. In 1966, household items and decorative accessories (brass, china, wood), which are among the thousands of first step is to locate a the most popular Christmas SUMMIT — The West until 3:00 p.m. handcrofts and'gifts available at the twelfth annual SERRV Sale at Central Presbyterian Clftrch, Parish Christmas tree farm. Since trees sold at the farms were Highland White Terrier Club The Obedience Trial in House Auditorium, Maple and Morris, Summit, on Tues., Wed., and Thurs., Novi'fith and 9th, 10 a.m. to there are approximately 400 Norway Spruce. Last year's of Northern New Jersey will which:a dog must' perform 8 p.m., and Nov. 10th, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., with luncheon served daily, theSf"RV,(Sales Exchange for tree farms scattered survey showed that the hold an • AKC Sanctioned certain prescribed exercises Refugee Rehabilitation Vocations) Program offers a wide selection of gif^-Mjpding |ewelry and personal throughout New Jersey, popularity was shared by Breed; and 'Obedience will be held first and judged accessories (clothing, purses), dolls native to the country from which they come, toys and holiday decora- there will be one located White Pine, Norway Spruce, Specialty Match- in the by Mr. Donald DelVecchio. tions (tree ornaments, carved creches). SERRV is a non-profit, inter-denominational program designed to within a short distance'from Douglas Fir and Colorado Confirmation in which the help people help themselves in the developing Third World countries. (Glen Ransom photo) Edison Recreation Center, your home. If you do know 91ue Spruce. 100 Morris Ave. Summit, dog is compared to the AKC where to go to find your JAWS— Boy Scout Troop members from Summit display a shark from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sun., breed standard will follow family tree, the New Jersey for curious onlookers to see during their trip to Florida this past Nov6. immediately and be judged Christmas Tree Growers' summer. More than 25 members of the troop participated In the Admission is free and by Mr. Robert Jacques. The Fantastic Diversity of South Africa Association prepares a leaflet MAD ABOUT trip. ' visitors and spectators are Should anyone require entitled "Where to Find SOMETHING? Think more information or,have The Fantastic Diversity of peoples and country of south has a background in educa- welcome. For those who wish 'Choose & Cut' Christmas' something should be done? to enter their Westies, there any questions about obe- Africa will be talk topic at and east Africa; their dress, tion and music in this area. Trees in New Jersey -1983". Have a thought to share? the International Relations will be a $3.00 entry fee. dience dog training, they folklore, literature, music To receive a free copy, con- Write a letter to the editor of may call Mr. Cornell at 464- Department of the Fortnight- and crafts. She will include Luncheon will be served by VA provides checklist Refreshments will also be tact your local county this newspaper now: 80 available from 12:00 noon 6374. ly Club Fall Luncheon on Mrs. Clifford C. Hebbler Agricultural Agent or send a and her committee. Reserva- South St.; New Providence, Thurs., Nov. 10, at 12 noon some history of the regions S.A.S.E. to: Fred Johnston N.J..07974. at the Clubhouse. Dr. Ida L. she has visited to make the tions are being taken by Mrs. P.O. Box 4060, Princeton, for education benefits Francis will be the speaker. country more Edmund Pratt and Mrs. E.L. N.J. 08540. Phone: (609) Dr. Francis will discuss the understandable. Dr. Francis Ewertsen. If you're a veteran plann- Eligible veterans ai ptlon/Boynlon Beach/Coral Spnngs/Deerfiek) Beach/Delny Beach/Fort Lmxtordale/Juplttr/Uk* Wprtti/Margate/North Boca Raton/Pdm Bay/Palm Beach/Palm Beach Gardera/Palm Springs/piantation/Pompano , ing to enroll in or return to. reminded that they have 1 school this fall under the GI! years from their date of las Bill, the Veterans Ad- discharge (but not later than ministration has a useful December 31; 1989) to take checklist to help keep those advantage of the many pro- VA education benefits com- grams available in the GI ing regularly. Bill. Among them are ap- •Double check your choice prenticeship or on-the-job of courses to be certain they training, tutorial assistance Now...the guidance you want will count toward your and a work-study program, educational objective. under which veterans enroll- •Register early. The VA ed as full-time students may and your school need time to perform services and receive for stock market investing process your registration so an additional allowance. that GI Bill checks can be Student with . no started your way promptly. dependents enrolled in right here in Summit... •File for your OI Bill school full-time receive $342 benefits as early as possible. per month, veterans with one •Avoid dropping classes dependent receive $407'mon- after registration. thly and veterans with two •If you have to interrupt dependents receive $464. An your education, notify the additional monthly amount VA promptly and advise the is provided for each depen- FOR THE DOGS — The West Highland White Terrier Club of Nor- office of the'fjate you expect dent in excess of two. . them New Jersey will hold on AKG Sanctioned "B and 0B'" Match to return to classes. oh Sunday, Nov.^ 6, at Edison Recreation Center, 100 Morris 1 Veterans needing more in- »If you reduce your course Avenue, Summit. Entries start at 11 a.m. and close at 12:45 p.m. Discover a new kind of Wall Street load, also notify the VA pro- formation about the GI Bill for obedience and 11 to 1 p.m. for confirmation. Entry fee is $3 for or their eligibility for it are mptly to avoid an overpay- each dog. There will be a Parade of West Highland White Terrier ment of your benefits. encouraged to contact the Champions immediately before the Confirmation judging 2 p.m. nearest VA regional office or at City Federal Savings. •If you change addresses, Obedience Judging will start at 1 p.m. Admission is free. The Public notify the VA promptly. a service officer from one of is welcome. •Submit transcripts to the the national veterans college admissions and organizations. You can also SPRINGFIELD AVENUE, records office immediately dial VA toll-free. after an application is made. Consult our local phone This will speed up the directory, under U.S. Holiday toy drive NEAR MAPLE - SUMMIT school's certification to the Government listings, for the Veterans Administration. VA number for your area. AREA — Betty Robinson, enjoy the gift. Santa will chairperson of the fifth an- distribute the gifts to local It used to be that the Wall Street Working with INVENT we have de- nual Weichert Holiday Toy social service organizations Christmas flower and plant show Drive, has announced that in time for the holidays. way of investing was the only way of veloped a total investment program the Weichert firm will spon- "This is the season of giv- sor a gift program to benefit ing," said chairperson Betty investing ... but not anymore! based on a highly selective rating sys- A Christmas flower and each of these four days and needy children in local com- Robinson, who is manager of tem that draws from Value Line and plant show, now an annual will include the new munities throughout the the Weichert Co., Realtors The guidance you need is now event, will be presented by "Berkeley Boutique." metropolitan area. Caldwell/Livingston branch sother proven sources. It's an invest- Berkeley Florist & Garden Refreshments will be served. Concerned citizens are en- office. "In the true spirit of available at our Summit office ... Center, Inc. Nov. 13 through Admission is free. Berkeley couraged to drop off dona- the season, our staff and ment program that's tailored to your 16. Florist is located at 663 Spr- tions for children of all ages sales personnel have initiated through INVEST ... a nationwide full- individual needs with as minimum.risk New Christmas colors - ingfield Ave., Berkeley at any Weichert office. San- the program with their own service brokerage facility that is de- terra cotta, mauve and blue, Heights. ta, who will collect the gifts donations. We are now ask-. as possible. Of course, through IN- as well as glass ornaments, The show has been extend- on Dec. 1, has asked that ing the public to join us in signed to make investing more suc- will be featured in the special ed to four days this year to contributors mark the our efforts to help children in VEST you also get prompt, efficient floral displays. accommodate all garden packages to indicate if they need throughout our local cessful for you ... whether you are execution of your securities trades ... The show will be open groups, senior citizen and are for a boy or a girl, and to communities this year." a beginner or a long-time investor. from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on pthc organizations. specify what age child would For more information on written confirmation for each transac- the 1983 Weichert Holiday Toy Drive, contact your local Now you can get advice and rec- tion and comprehensive monthly Weichert Co., Realtors of- ommendations on stocks, bonds and statements. fice. mutual funds designed to meet your investment needs right here in our Come find out for yourself.. stop by Shop in Summit's Summit office ... our new Summit INVEST center Shop-A-Thon , today or phone 273-7050, for more GRAND OPENING OPENING Yet for all this service you'll pay com- information, including full details SUMMIT — Start your Holiday Shopping early and missions as much as 25% lower than on tax-exempt securities and our Saturday, Nov 42*h be a part of the Overlook the full-price brokerage firms charge! current investment recommendations. Hospital Auxiliary/Chamber A PERM or of Commerce Shop-A-Thon on Nov. 17 from 9:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. Participating mer- INVESTMENT SERVICES FOR AMERICA HIGHLIGHTS chants of Summit arc donating a portion of that STOCKS, BONDS, day's sales receipts to the MUTUAL FUNDS . ata$lO?ALUE Overlook Hospital Auxiliary AND INVESTMENT REG. $40 for new equipment for our ADVISORY SERVICES Regional Medical Center. HAIRCUT NOT INCLUDED A SERVICE OF ISFA CORPORATION Refreshments will be serv- MEMBER SIPC ed at participating stores and TUES. WED. & SAT. banks by Auxiliary 9 to 5 p.m. Volunteers and again there THUR,&FRI,tH8 p.m. will be a townwide raffle- City Federal Savings • One of America's Largest Financial Services Companies First Prize will be a weekend package for two in a charm- ing, beautiful New York City Hotel. Posters with ribbons will identify the stores and banks participating in this year's Shop-A-Thon which are Brooks-Sealfons, Caswell- Massey, Colonial Pontiac> Charline's, Creative Wall Coverings and Interiors, D. Christian James Gallery, 120 Offices throughout Florida and New Jersey • Deposits Insured by FSLIC Dorothy Hughes, Gradone & Keefe Jewelers, Irish Im- INVEST CENTERS: ports, Jeannette Shop, Liss Pharmacy, Lorenson's EDISON: HADDONFIELD: PHILLIPSBURG: TOMS RIVER: Jewelers, Marie Stadler, (201) 985-6990 (609) 795-7330 (201)454-5555 (201)341-8300 Mark , FREEHOLD: LINDEN: SUMMIT UNION: McElgunn's, Nee Dell's, (201) 462-4226 (201)486-5500 (201)273-7050 (201) 687-9378 Pereaux, Roger's Pharmacy, Roots, Square yard. Summit & Elizabeth Trust, Summit Federal Savings, Sumrn^ Food Market, Summit Glass Wanton Lrnden laur»ton laxn H.*«lM Latmcod Kimlwiln Hwwll M1II5OWOU9I1 HqhlandPsrt HulU **' Showcase, Summit Micro, Video Station and Walter'* Mcns Store. IT r

The Summit Herald, The New Providence, Berkeley Heights Dispatc Saturday, November 5,1983 Page 15 • ••I BOARD OF REALTORS


ADMINISTRATIVE SECY. Wont with VP of research and development In this Interna- MEMBER TIMONY& VERNI REALTORS tional company. Sales and client contact. Typing and stern. $15000 pec year. Fee 1259SPRINGFIELD AVK. OCEAN COUNTY Pokt. Benefits all company poid. Linda. THE _ NEW PROVIDENCE, N.J. 273-6500 Snelllng ond Selling, Summit. MLS AGENCY MULTIPLE MANJOtOKINC LISTING ALOE PLUS COSMETICS sell natural skin AGENCY SERVICE cart products. Free kit, flexible hours, In order to pro- good Income. 761-4682, vide maximum AMERICAN AIRWAVES, INC. Is looking for assistance in self- motivated, articulate people to MANTOLOKING marketing your create and sell commercials for radio sto- property as tions throughout the U.S. Pleasant office well as pro- environment Here is the opportunity io viding max- ercri trie kind of money you deserve. Call imum oppor- 351-5353. . '• ' tunity for you BANKTaiER to see all Position available for port time teller, that's available hours 2:30-6:30pm dally, Saturday 9 to for sale. lpm. Salary commensurate with skills and Schlott A HOME FOR ALL SEASONS! That's what this New Providence Col- ability. Call far appointment: Realtors is a onial Split Isl In excellent condition with HARDWOOD FLOORING MONTOAIR . thruoutl Entertain this winter In the gracious living room with warm- member of I SAVINGS BANK Ing FIREPLACE, dining room, FAMILY ROOM that's an Ideal Informal over 17 multi- An equal opportunity employer m/f. gathering place, kitchen wfeating area, 4 bedrooms and 2V4 baths. BOOKKEEPER - IMMEDIATE. Part time, ple listing ser- Next summer, your guests will enjoy tha DECK BOASTING GAS vices in north ' GRILLI Asking $167,500 (SUM3O2) Call 277-1770 for details and to good pay, hours to suit. Berkeley Hts and central aeel • Pharmacy, 464-1250, ' , New Jersey- BRAUNSCHWEIGER JEWELERS, part time RELOCATION cashier wonted. Requires .experience in operating cash reglster.,Ptease coll 665- SERVICE 1487. . ., ,. Schlott Realtors has BUSY CHIROPRACTIC Of FICE Is seeking an. one of the efficient, organized adult for receptionist BEAUTIFUL OCEANFRONT most advanced position. Hours 2pm • 10pm, 2 • 3 days relocation per week. Saturdays, 9om • 3pm. Call VALUE PLUS! NEW PROVIDENCE 665-0770.. :. . Lovely year-round home. Excellent condition Inside and departments in ; out located on a large lot approximately 70" x 365' with the country. As CARPENTERS AND HELPERS needed. Must natural seashore landscaping. House features 8 large Ranchh . 3 BR, 1 Full and 2 Half Baths. Screened Por a national bedrooms including the master suite with sitting room, ° -'nfiround Pool, Large yard. Immediate occupan have own transportation. Call 464-6540 four full baths. Living room with all brick fireplace and In- Cy. $129,900. counseling after 6pm. center forrna- laid tiles and picture window overlooking ocean. Ban- CASHIERS full ond part time needed for quet olio dining room, galley kitchen with dishwasher |or relocation ' year round employment. Perfect for and double self-cleaning ovens. The oceansido sunroom services, we Over 100 Oflices housewife or college student. Excellent has a full wet bar and the entry porch Is on the bayslde are responsible FOR INLAWS OR INCOMEI This SUMMIT TWO-FAMILY Is a classic with full views, plus a large deck and patio overlooking Covering The U.S. opportunity. Employee discounts. Please the private beach. Laundry room, 2 car garage, workshop for a great ma- set In a residential area offering great Income potential! Just charm- coll Mr. Walters at 277-2112 for In- and family room on the ground level. Wall to wall jority of the Ing, with STAINED GLASS WINDOW on stair landing, BUILT-IN tevlew. Wolters 41 Maple ST. Summit. carpeting throughout, dual gas grill, central air condi- transferred CHINA CABINETS on both floors, large newer kitchens, completely tioning and ga»,2-zorte heating. A rare find! Just reduc-' families who remodeled w/new wiring, hot water heaters, new garage doorsl CASTER AND TRIMMER; full time or part ed. time. High School student okay. Apply in have settled in Washer and dryer Included on both floors! 1st floor apartment offers person. Chatham Potters. 32 Watchung north and cen- living room w/FIREPLACEl Perfect location near bus and train! Ask- ing $161,500 (SUM309)Call277-1770foran appointment. Ave., Chatham. tral New POINT PLEASANT BEACH Jersey. CIVILIAN DISPATCHERS Berkeley Heights Police Department EXCELLENT SHORE INVESTMENT Male and Female Applicants cans obton information at the $19,00 plus a yearl House Includes 3 separate rental units. Two second floor apartments which produce $450 CHATHAM SUMMIT Berkeley Heights Police Depatment, a month each. First floor Includes 3 bedrooms with 2 f 132 Main St. 361 Springfield A.vo. Chief's Office 29 Pork Ave, B.H. ' . baths, living room, dining room, kitchen and breakfast 2771770 room with large yard. Now renting at $700 a month. 635-9600 46'i-HH . Superior condition. New roof, furnace and siding. Just OPEN HOUSE RtAHOR* OEANING LADY wonted-small house-New two blocks from beach. OVER 40 OFFICES Great as Investment or an easily affordable summer SCHLOTT Providence area must hove references home. Sunday, Nov. 6,1-4 p.m. IN NEW JERSEY and own transportation. 464-3223. Asking $200,000 . 55 Tanglewood Dr., Summit CLERK - Dai Deportmet - neot, depen- doble. 464-0080. Berkeley Bakery. 4 Bedroom, 2Vi baths, panelled Fam. CLERK TYIST • part time small Insurance BEAUTIFUL BAY HEAD COLONIAL agency Modison area, hours 10 to 2 llexl- Rm., central a/c, in-ground pool, VACATION ble. 822-0400. RENTAL RENTALTO EXCLUSSIVELY OURS - A truly magnificent year round security system. $240,000. RENTAL CLERK/TYPIST. Port time, flexible hours, LANDLORDS • No Fee • No obligation. No° home 1 block from ocean on 110 x 110 lot. First floor In- SHARE M-F. Gollob Analytical Service, 47 In- , eludes new kitchen, utility room, living room with expenses, screened and qualified tenants only. CENTURY RENTALS. 379-6903. MARCO ISLAND. Two bedroom, 2 bath Professional young business woman seeks dustrial Rd, Berkeley Hts, NJ. fireplace, den, 1 bedroom and master bedroom suite condominium on Gulf of Mexico. $600 a with private deck and 2 full baths. LARGE FURNISHED ROOM available in New same to shore 9 room air conditioned COAT CHECK, 12 • 3 PM. A fine Summit I ,-ovldence, oil utilities paid, heat Includ- week. Coll 277-1398. Second floor has 3 bedrooms and 1 full bath. House is home In Mlllbum. Call, after 12:30pm. restaurant. Senior citizens welcome. 654- ed, $285. fully insulated with new hot air furnace, air conditioning, NEAR JACK FROST, Big Boulder, 763-5482. 3717, Pot. sprinkler system, heated garage and security system. Share house with 3 others. Available Dec •" Comelbock. 4 Years old. 2 story, 10 room Priced at $265,000 1 thruMorch). Coll 464-5167. X SINGLE PROFESSIONAL FEMALE wanted to OAY BUSMEN Monday - Friday. Apply in house, sleeps 8. Top floor: 1 A baths, 2 share 3 br house in New Providence. MURRAY HILL- Modem 2 family, 6 room person. The Office Restaurant, 61 Union BR, LR, DR, fireploce, kitchen w/- $266 per mo. plus share utilities. o/c apartment w/goroge. Excellent loco- dishwasher. 1st floor. 2 BR, 1 bath, LR, Place, Summit. Real Estate SALES* RENTALS tion w/ trains to NY. Adults preferred. Available now. Call Joan at 464-5200, laundry room, lots of closets. Ping pong DENTAL ASSISTANT. Top notch Millburn 1130 Ocean Avenue AVAILABLE $725.647-4132. after 5 464-8229. Mantoloklng table, wrap-around deck. In Timber Trails office. Top salary ond benefits. Ex- NEW PROVIDENCE- 6 room apartment, liv- next to Lake Noomi. December 3 to April perience preferred. Must have own cor. (201)8990720 ing room, dining room, kitchen, 3 7. (3,500, plus heat and utilities. 464- SPACE FOR 376-2969. bedroom, 2 baths, garage, all apliances, 2181 eves. RENT air con. $750 per month. 464-8774. DENTAL ASSISTANT - for Summit specialty NEW PROVIDENCE 3 room apartment, PALM BEACH • magnificent ocean view 2 URGENTLY WANTEDI A garage to rent in office, x-ray licence, expanded duties walk to trains ond shopping, $595 oil bedroom, 2 bath, land, 3 months rental, the Summit area - extra storage space preferred but not necessary, pleasant and WELLINGTON PLACE utilities included. Available immediately. $6000. 277-4276. helpful. SUMMITRECYCLERS. 277-6264. congenial surroundings, benefits. Call $69,900! 464-4022. between 4 ond 5 only. 277-3600. CONDOMINIUM SEE THE SUNSET on Gulf of Mexico, rent NEW PROVIDENCE • 3 bedrooms, 2 full our 2 bedroom, 2 full bath condo on OFFICE SPACE EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES Sophisticated color bath, living room, dining room or fourth Believe It or Not! Estero Island, (off Ft. Myers) Florida. AVAILABLE. Day and evening hours. In- scheme highlighted by track bedroom, eat-in kitchen, full basement, BERKELEY HEIGHTS- 3 stores remaining In Heated outdoor pool, Jacuzzi, golf ond terview hours 2:30-4:30 ond 8-IOpm, M- lighting, custom Levelors and win- mid December occupancy. Family prefer- 7 store new shopping center. 800-1600 The truth ls...thls Is the finest condominium one can In- tennis, fishing. $400 per week. Please F. Equal opportunity employer, M/F. Roy dow treatments make this one bedroom red $975 a month plus utilities, 1'/: sq. ft. Two miles west of Berkeley vest Inl For reasons of quality, location, and detail. call 522-1549 to see photos. Rogers, 764 Morris Turnpike, Short Hills. condominium ready not only (or living but month security. Centennial Real Estate, Heights. Prime location In a compound of only 7 units featuring 102 Summit Ave., Summit. 273-8221. holiday entertainment as well. City-style kitchen, SKI POCONOS- Townhouse at Comelbock. ERA KARLTON, Realtors EXPERIENCED MEDICAL all brick, 2 BR's, family room, 3Vi baths, fireplace, cen- RENTALS AVAILABLE, storting from $900 updated bathroom, Dining Room and large Living Sleeps 8, indoor pool and tennis courts. 464-1570 tral air, vacuum, (Ire/burglar alarm systems, patio, w/w and up. Additional information coll ASSISTANT Room with hand-crafted planter for your specimen trees ac- 469-3508 evenings. carpeting and more. Last unit available • you'll be Im- DEGNAN BOYLE REALTORS.-] 779 Spr- CHATHAM • Available Immediately • Pro- Wanted for part time work in doctors of- pressed. Out of state owner says sell I Asking $205,000. centuated by dramatic lighting finish off this home with style. inglleld Ave., Summit. 273-4111. SOUTH LONDONDERRY VERMONT - 3 fessional Office space, 500 sq. ft. w/- fice. Coll 377-9500 after 1 p.m. Convenient Springfield location. $69,900. Eves. 522-0714. lavatory. RENTALS • We hove a ffcw - maybe bedroom, 2 bath chalet off Route 100. GEO. E.MAGLEY.brkr. FULL TIME DELI help wanted. Mature and one for you • starting at $700. ' Fireploce and all conveniences. Neor Strotton, Bromley, Magic. Excellent 635-7631 dependable. Call 647-O50B 6 a.m.-6 FAITOUTE AGENCY CHATHAM BORO - office space 1/2 or p.m. 4641700 273-5522 restaurants ond shopping nearby. Sleeps DUNNDIETR AGENCY 6. Call 464-0379 after 5pm. four rooms available near public FULL TIME SECRETARIAL. Short hond not SHARE-A-HOME, room and board, nan- transportation and center of town 635- required. 647-1086. after 6pm. 464- smoker, $100 a week. Call 464-5749. . ST. PETE BEACH • delux 2 bedroom condo, 6464. 1080. Wednesday call 665-1 It 0, ask for Rober- Realtors 273-6546 pool, tennis, clubhouse, available CHATHAM • Office space available Im- ta; GOVERNMENT JOBS. $16,559 • 12 Kent PI. Blvd. Summit Kitty Schettlni, Eves. 665-1286 March/April. 273-11B9. mediately. $175.00/mo. - utilities in- $50,553/year. Now hiring. Your orea. SPACIOUS ond gracious apartment in cluded. Coll 805-687-6000 ext. R-2104. prime Summit location. 2 Bedrooms, full TWO LUXURIOUS APARTMENTS: fully fur- GEO. E.MAGLEY.brkr. LOTS FOR HAHDYMAN/HaPER- for New Providence REAL ESTATE DR.and screened porch. The $850 rent nished one and three bedroom apartments 635-7631 SALE includes heat and hot water. References on ocean front wth a breathtaking view. area, full time, steody work, must have FOR SALE required. 635-5213. Indoor and outdoor swimming pools ond transportation. Coll 464-7031 between RESIDENTIAL BUILDING LOT in New Pro- EXECUTIVE OFFICE SPACE for rent. Ex- 9-5 p.m. BERKELEY HEIGHTS • Sherbrooke West SUMMIT CARRIAGE HOUSE with heated tennis courts. Many restaurants nearby cellent location; center of town, neor vidence. 100 x 250. $68,500. Call 464- HOUSEKEEPER WANTED. (Live ir. or area beautiful 4 bedroom, 2Vi bath col- garoge, single business person with low ond goad shopping facilities. Kiddie Kamp. train, post office, parking. Call Mr. 1946. profil to Insure privacy of property oil weekdays). Care for 2 school age children onial located on choice wood lot, features Community activities, mpvies, etc. Lots Walters 277-2112. neat and gas for hot waler not included, and 1 infant. Cooking and housekeeping. include paneled family room eat-in kit- SUMMIT. CLEAR FLAT of fun things to do. Private holf mile long $525 per month include refences when . Summit: References required. 277-2153. chen, large deck, plus stone patio, near private beach. Call day time 201-831- BUILDING LOT FOR SALE. 60 ft. writing. P.O. Box IP174, 80 South St., MATURE SALESCLERK to work In modern schools, low S170's principals only. 464- 3933; evenings and weekends, 201-839- front x 300 ft. deep. $59,000. 273- New Providence, NJ 07974. GIVE UP dry cleaning shop. Full or part time. 277- 9110 owner. 2713. 4332. Apartments ore located between You cannot operate o business or start a SUMMIT Rehoboth Beach, Del., and Ocean City. new one from your kitchen table or the 0901. BERKELEY HEIGHTS • 19 years old bi- level THREE BEDROOM, 2 bath luxury apart- Maryland. corner of your den. We furnish a creative MEMBERSHIP SALES, our region's top on beautifully wooded holf ocre, 3 or 4 RENTAL ment with attached garage and maid's atmosphere you need to start a new bu- business oriented organization is looking bedrooms, 2 full boths, large family suit. New GE Eat-in kitchen, loundry iness or to operate o sophisticated bran- for a self-starting individual to take 4 Rooms for rent in Summit. Couple room, loads of storage space. Heat ond room, red wood sun deck off kitchen, RENTAL ch. Included in one mouthy fee is a charge of membership development oc- preferred. Coll 328-9273. air conditioning included. $1395 per iron- tivies. Commissions up to 40 percent. Set quiet street but walking dir'once from private office, oil your furniture, oil your th. 2735600. WANTED utilities, the use of o conference room, a your own hours during the day and pick train, library ond shops.' Pleu.. call for ATTRACTIVE ROOM in pleasant home, SUMMIT- business woman. Large ottrac- receptionist and telephone service from the days of the week you wish to work. details. Principals only. $124,900. 464- shore kitchen and bath. Non-smoking pro- MATURE BUSINESS WOMAN looking for 3- 9-5. Typing ond copy service available on Interested, contoct Executive Vice Presi- tively furnished room, connecting both, 2 4 room apartment in the Summit orea. 6970. fessional person. Call after 6pm. 277- a cost basis. Our all.inclusive efficient dent, Suburban Chambers of Com- closet, kitchen, den ond deck avaialble. Coll 622-6377, ext 534. 8:30 • 5pm. 1167. price gives you a definite edge over any merence, Box 824, Summit. NJ 07901, Bordered Ad $88,800 Buys the freshly Many extras. In designer's a home. Non- PROFESSIONAL seeks small apartment or of your competition. You ore one block 201-522-1700, pointed... STIRLING • 2 bedroom apartment. Asking smoker. References. 273-5408. form the train station, one block from the $600 a month plus utilities. SUMMIT - furnished room, lovely private studio in quiet setting. $325-350 range. bus. one block from municipal porking ond McDonalds Part Time Full Time flexible CAPE • 3 bedroom, large paneled healed residents near Kings, references, non- Call Frank days 354-5000. or 241-8472 ERA KARLTON, Realtors located in one of Summit's most ottroc- hours, apply in person 1771 Springfield rec room, new eat-in kitchen, $105,500 smoker. 273-4942. 484-1570 eves. tive buildings. From $350/ mo. 273- Ave. New Providence. low taxes. 635-4958. TWO ROOM APARTMENT for single pro- BERKELEY HEIGHTS- 3 BR, 2 bath, ranch, PROFESSIONAL MAN, 39, seeks studio, 1 5600. NURSES AIDES. 7-3, 311. Weekends on- fessional person. All utilities included. HOME FOR SALE out of state St. LR w/fireploce, screened porch, finished bedroom apartment or house to shore, ly. Experience required. Own trans. Ex- $525 per month. Available November 1. OFFICE FOR RENT Petersburg Florida. 2 bedroom, l'/i both. basement, 2 cor garage, low Millburn area preferred, olso avolioble to cellent working conditions. KING JAMES Coll 992-5784. Two room office in New Providence, se- central air and beat. Low SSO's Call 201 • maintenance, good locotion, close to house sit this winter, non-smoker, ex- cond floor, carpeted. Closet and storage NURSING HOME. Coll Mrs. Oyer, 822 464-2441 after 4.30. school. $975 per month. Available WE HAVE FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED « cellentreferences. Coll 393-5238 9AMto spoce. Ample parking. Available im- 1500, 9-4 p. m. December 15 or January 1. Call 464- RENTALS. Coll us. Helen P. Fisher Realtor. 5PM. mediately. Call 464-1025 and osk for PART TIME district monagers ore needed 5956. 24 Beechwood Rd. Summit. 273-7200. MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS • AT HOME. Edie. in the early morning hours to supervise a Lovely ranch in business zone, Gillette. 3 BUSINESS COUPLE. 4 rooms, heat/hot QUIET SINGLE MAN, 40 years old, small group of newspaper carriers in br, den, livingroom, dr, kitchen, 2 boths, water, stove ond refrigerater, no pets. SKI STRATTON OR smoker, desires small oporiment in local Berkeley Hts, Passak Township, Summit plus 13 x 23 ft shop. Mony extras, of- Available immediately. $500 per mo. '/> VIEW FOLIAGE. area. Range $200-400 per month. Coll COMMERCIAL or Springfield. Permanent positions ore fered for $169,000. Coll for details. mo. security. 522-1718. 228-1188. available. You must have o good car. Call Lovely and roomy condo BUSINESS 800-242-0650 loll free. Guerin ond Pedersen, Inc., Reollors Ask CHATHAM. 3 bedroom apartment, first with view of Stratton • 3 RESPONSIBLE MARRIED COUPLE with for Mary Oelaiour. 464-4052 or 469- floor, convenient locotion, available Dec. NOTICE TO PROSPECTIVE RENTERS. Any PART TIME BUILDING CLEANERS. 5 nights daughter seek oportmenl in Summit orea. 6300. 1. No pets. References. $850 ptr mo. in- bedrooms, 2 baths, loft, liv- rents odvertised herein for qualified real per week. Summit oreo. experience and Excellent local references. Pleose coll cludes all utilities. Plus 1 Vi mo. security. ing room with fireplace, din- rental property may be subject to any cor necessary. Coll 675-2644 IOam-5pm. Antique Gem 464-1599. RIVERSIDE COUNTRY ESTATE • nestled like 273-4828. Ing and fully equipped kit- rebate or credit required by State Low (N. PART TIME SECRETARY - Short Hills orea, chen. Sleeps 8-10. Outdoor o Currier ond Ives setting on 20 meadow- CHATHAM. Comfortable room for RESPONSIBLE Commuting executive seeks J.S.54.4-6.3 etseq.) good typing skills required, salory comen- tennis and pool In season. ed and porklike acres with 100 fl. of business gentleman only. Full kitchen studio oportment-efficiency Monday surote with experience. Contoc! Noncy South Bronch River frontage ond lorge facilities, separate entrance, convenient 697-2342 564-9393. through! Thrusdoy Summit-Berkeley Small Business • Antique • III pond. Mojestic shode trees and winding locotion. Porking. References. $85 per Heights area. Call 464-8200 days. Craft Shop • Whatever • PART TIME HELP to core for live plants. brook frome impeccably restored Colonial week, plus I mo. Security. 273-4828. Modison Area. Coll Ann between 1 and 119J • SKI STRATTON Perfect 9tarter business ROOMS, APARTMENTS, HOUSES for home, carrioge house, lorge prijline FOR RENT • furnished or unfurnished, BROMLEY/MAQIC 3pm. 573-1091. Somerset Hills, Bernordsville, 2 BR condo, Transferring Corporate Executives. Con- location • New Providence - This charming older home is awaiting your treasures. Entrance hall, bonkbarn and horse poddock. A charming PART TIMF - general office duties, flexi- 1 '/i bath, living room, dining room, kit- fidential. No Fee. Metropolitan Relocation 2 rooms $330 a month • 1 Vi and spacious frome and fieldstone country Lovely and roomy condo at ble hours, coll 273-2844 for interview living room, Dining room/den with fireplace, eat in kitchen powder chen, power room, patio, fireplxe, in- Consultants, Inc. 722-6550. mo. security • avail. Immed. house of commodious, flowing design. base ol Stratton Mountain • PART TIME HELP WANTED for children's cluded wall to wall carpet, re frig , Call to see. room on the first floor. Second floor has 4 bedrooms, '""bath, 2 Custom woodwork and paneled boutique. Bright, energetic person with washer/dryer. Long or short time tent 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, loft, TWO CAREER women who do not smoke, wainscotting lend a Colonial Willionisburg flexible hours needed. 2731776. bedrooms on the third. Brayton School, walking distance to town. $1200. 273-5235 owner licensed realtor. living room with fireplace, have no pets, no children, quiet, neat, Fallouts Agency Realtors atmosphere. Private master bedroom dining and fully equipped desire opartment at a moderate rent. Coll PART TIME help needed for various and Call for inspection. FOUR ROOM oportment for rent $425 o 273-5522 464-1700 suite with fireplace ond cozy lounging kitchen, sleeps 8-10. 273-1913. light clerical office duties opprox. 5 hours month plus utilities. 273-6021. area. Brick hearth fireside country kit 697-2342 a doy Monday-Friday must hove cor. Coll FURNISHED HOUSE-BERKELEY HTS. 2 br. CORP0RA1E transferees need your fur- KathyTennant Therese McEnroe chen Butler's poniry w/wel bar, glassed- HELP WANTED Vicky Rogers 467160O. Nancy Burrows 273-7609 in Year round garden room surveys kitchen, dr'lr with fireploce. Avoiloble nished and unfurnished rental apartments 2770462 immediately $795 mo plus utilities. Coll VACATION ond homes, all sizes, all price ranges PART TIME teacher person to work in sweeping expanse of lawn, pond and ACCOUNTANTS OFFICE port time- ex Kindergarten Program. 2:30 - 5 30. Mon 538-9438after 5.30pm Free service to landlords Coll Kom Bortl postures. Abuts nature preserve for RENTAL penenced individual needed in writing up - fn. Must be avcaloble to work oil doy at Burgdorl! Seolotrs. 201 522-1800. perpetual privocy Conveniently located FOR BUSINESS SXECUTIVE furnished room, dispersements. preparation of quarterly during school vocations, ond mutt be will- 441 SPRINGFIELD AVE1MUEV277^398 BEST OF FLORIDA Free unlimited golf, semi private bath, breodfast. all ing to get van license. Apply in person within 5 minutes of Rt 79 and Clinton. WORKING COUPLE NEEDS an oportment payroll returns, bonk reconciliation, etc. transportation, shopping, walk to town, tennis, boat, swim 2 br, 2 b cotxto, Fort Summit Child Core Center. 14 Beekman Call owner 735-7522 (Bell lobs Employee) Ooys 582 6039 or Please call 464 5747 between 9 am- references 635 1 566 Myers 665 1655 Terr Summit. eves 754 2427 2 30 p. m for appointment. The Summit Herald, The New Providence, Berkeley Heights Dispalc Saturday, November 5,1983 Page 16

FURNITURE GARAGE SALE_ HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED Help Wanted HELP WANTED CHILD CARE FOR SALE PART TIME DRIVER with car for Sundoy Sot Nav 5, 9-4pm. Glass, kitchen uten- 3 PIECE MEDITERRANEAN living room set morning newspaper home delivery route TAXI DRIVER WANTED. Day and night. In- BABYSITTER • available for nights. 522- sils, shoes, household items. Garage 119 in Summit. Sunday 6-9 A.M. Compact quire ot 273-6722. SPANISH ACCOUNTS 0782. gold velvet sofa 84" coffee and end table behind 36 Ethan Dr, Murray Hill. NO EAR- routes delivery only, no collections. 277- (200 also mognovox console stereo $75. TYPESETTER AND PASTUP PERSON woges INSTRUCTOR PAYABLE CHILD CARE In my home, full time and IY BIRDS. 0)55. based on experience, Monday - Friday 9 464-1724. part time, experienced, references. Call TWO FAMILY GARAGE SALE. Nov 5 ond 6, PATROLMAN: The Borough of New Pro- to 5. Call 464-4344. FLEXIBLE HOURS TRAINEE 273-4143. 7 FT COUCH, 6 cushions, excellent condi- 9am • 5pm. 247 Elkwoad Ave, New Pro- vidence is occepting applications for TYPIST 50 WPM, various office duties for vidence. Wosher, dryer, sofa, fridge, police officer. Applicants must meet re- Part time position available tion. Newly upholstered, white damask, Berkeley Heights insurance agency. Ask We are a growing elec- CHILD DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM FOR • handmade quilt, dolls, much more. quirements of state solute. Preference morning, afternoon or even- $500 or best offer. 273-2553. for Marie 464-6887. ages 2-6 Full day. Emphasis on classical TWO FAMILY SALE. Sat, 9-3, 260 given to applicants with one year of ex- lifl. We train Highest tronics company willing to perience and certification by the N.J. TYPIST FOR THURSDAY afternoon medical train a dependable self- education. Music, dancing, swimming, BEAUTIFUL 86 inch couch en! 63 inch Washington Ave, Chatham. Ice cream Police Training Commission. Applications office Hickory Tree area. Call 377-2610 ' starter Interested in Ac- Home environment. Professional staff. loveseat, excellent condition, wiii sell chairs, sewing machine, dining table, available ot New Providence Police Heod- or 377-2035. counts Payable. Must type State certified. Jasa School. 387 Maple together or separately. 379-3576 after small oak desk, silver lamps, bicycles, gultor, hockey equipment, lawn mower, quarters. All applications must be com- 40 WPM and use business St. Murray Kill. Phone 464-3311. 6PM. WAITRESS/WAITER. Full time lunches, roller, IBM typewriter, children's books pleted and returned by Nov. 18, 1983 at pan time evenings. Experienced only need calculator. Attractive salary. 4:00pm. Any person who has previously Help us make our holiday shoppers happy MATURE LOVING Infant and toddler core BROWN WALL HUGGER RECLINER. Never and electronic games galore, x-mas apply, Auberge Swiss, 665-2310. PART TIME Please call Alice, 665-2100. applied for this position will be assessed a with our good service and excellant merchan- given in my home full or part time ex- used. Coll 376-0162. . items, much more. Something for fee of $25.00 and will submit a check WANTED ASSISTANT production manager everyone. > SECRETARY cellent references available. 464-2355. DINING ROOM FURNITURE - like peocon mode payable for that amount to the for popcorn products factory, experience dise. We need: SYMBUSCORP. Borough of New Providence olong with the not necessary also needed full and part MUTARE WOMEN needed for full time in- set includes table with two leaves, 6 WEIGHT BENCH, barbell/dumbbell set, application. An equal opportunity time artists, full and part time sales help SALES ASSOCIATES New business start up In Berkeley Heights font care and light housekeeping In my chairs, ond two piece china closet. $875. Sunbeam hat beverage maker, scaffold, apply days to Mr. Walter Cornfetti Volley the marketing field seeks a Coll evenings 376-7157. G78-15 snow tires, movie camera, ski. employer. New Providence home beglnnlg in Mall Shopping Center, Gillette, NJ. 580- SALES SUPPORT PEOPLE part time secretary with January. Own transpartorion. boots, assorted items. Sat Nov. 5, 9- PERSONNEL ASSISTANT GREEN, THREE CUSHION LEATHER COUCH/ 0025. previous experience, • ex- References. 464-1065 evenings. 2pm, 15 Cromwell Court, Berkeley Hts. Must have some previous experience good Full and Part time; All schedules ROUND DINETTE, 40 INCH FORMICA TOP WANTED PART TIME secretary/assistant cellent typing, and a par- (offPorkAve). • phone personality typing 55 WPM good RECEPTIONIST 10 to 12 hours a week interior design firm Do your Christmas shopping early while you WALNUT TABLE, THREE MATCHING CAP- with follow up and details flair for figures ticular facility for managing PART TIME ANTIQUES experienced /references. 273-1000. and attending to detail. TAIN'S CHAIRS, WHITE FULL SIZE CRIB, will train on computer 40 plus hour work work a schedule that fits your needs. Apply OODEN MEMORIAL PACKAGING ASSISTANT Prior Some word processing ex- •HSi BROWN CANVAS COLLAPSIBLE CARRIAGE week. Call 464-4000 Berkeley Employ- to our Personnel Dept. Monday thru Friday 10 Evenings and weekends, for PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ment Agency/Berkeley Temporary Help experience preferred will work mainly perience or a willingness to • NANCYHERMANCERM7 E 273-2466. with specailty overseas shipments, M-F a new progressive long term Service, 308 Springfield Ave., Berkeley AM-6pm. learn also Important. Initial ANTIQUE BUYING ' HAllET, DAVIS ANTIQUE PLAYER PIANO 9-5:30. $5.96on hour plus benefits 273- care facility located In Heights. requirement Is a flexible SERVICE with rolls, beautiful Mediterranean dining 6383 MrPineor. Berkeley Heights. Apply at: 13TH ANTIQUES RECEPTIONIST FOR DOCTOR'S office. Part schedule of 20-30 hr/wk • FOR OVER 2SYRS. ] room set, pine bedroom set, wolmrt time, Hours flexible. Call after 6pm 522- days and hours to be deter- Higher Prices • Immediate SHOW CLERK/TYPIST BERKELEY HEIGHTS bedroom set, sofobed, sofa ond chairs, 9540. 9-5 or 10-5, Monday-Friday. Diversified1 mined a week in advance. cash, for; Jewelry, Furni- The Mall At Short Hills CONVALESCENT CENTER • loveseat, Magnovo* stereo ond console, RECEPTIONIST/TYPIST - wonted by clerical duties, excellent benefits. Gollob Starting salary $6.O0/hr. ture, Silver, China, Glass, kitchen set, ping pong table, Lown Boy MAIN ST. It ELMW0OD Anaytical Service, 47 Industrial Road, burgdorff, Short Hills. Very pleosont and Please send resume Dolls, Oriental rugs, Paint-J gas mower, redwood table with umbrella AVE. Berkeley Heights, NJ, 07922. Call 464- 35 Cottage St. busy office needs calm ond efficient equal opportunity employer M/F material to VMI, P.O. Box Ings, etc. and other yord furniture. Much more. Coll 3331. Berkeley Heights CHATHAM, NJ. assistance. Port time position for 1271, Summit, NJ 07901 . 377-2138,6352733 or OrCall: . 522-1073. . weekends available. Coll Marie, 376- 377-2054 5030. SALES ASSOCIATES "; KITCHEN SET w/ 6 chairs, $75. Medlter- NOVEMBERS&9 Timony and Vernl Realtors are now inter- 4644048 . ranean green velour couch, $100. Coll REPUTABLE MODEL AGENCY locking for a viewing for full and part time sales MARKETING DEPARTMENT ADMINISTRATIVE few children to represent agency • 1984. Equal opportunity employ*. 464-556) evenings, ' associates. All interviews confidential. SECRETARY TIMI., Nov. 8- 11A.M. to 9 Ages 6-12, M/F. Coll 377-1788. Deonna Call Margaret Timony at 464-2800 for SUPPORT REP. FOR SALE Trust Models. PART TIME MAPLE DINING TABLE ond 6 chairs plus P.M. oppolntment. matching server, $350. Also mahogany RN'i or IPN's. 3-11. Full time or port PART TIME 1982 KENWOOD HOME STEREO receiver. Wed., Nov. 9 • 11 A.M, to S SALES HELP Our part time secretarial position offers diversified 100 watts, copoble for tape dubbing, china closet, $75.464-1317. time. Moke geriatric nursing your special- PART TIME P.M. Jans Luggage and Gift Shop located In the duties In the Marketing Department (or a person with (9am-3pm) AM/FM, also capo'ole of two tope decks, ty. Orientation program. New pay scale. RECEPTION- MODERN BEDROOM SET large, asking FOOD AVAILABLE KING JAMES NURSING HOME. Call Mrs. Mall at Short Hills seeks pleasant, willing good secretarial skills. The successful candidate will one equillzer, two phonos etc. S30C. Call We have an immediate ADMINISTRATION $500 or best offer. 273-6599 after 6PM. DONATION $1.75 Dyer,8221500. 9-4p.m. helper far full time position. Call 376- assist the Marketing Departmnet Secretary in typing cor- 277-2735, before 6pm. opening available at our M-F3-7:3Opm 4120 for Interview. respondence and reports In a word processing environ- MODERN SECTIONAL COUCH • very good SALES HELP WANTED in curtain store flexi- New Providence branch for Sat. 8:30-11:30am ment, filing, secretarial duties. The position requires ap- 2 SNOW TIRES. Town and Country WW, condtlon must go best price. Please call ble hours available, ask far Doug, M. WANTED an Individual with 3 to 5 Frledrlch Inc., 277-1900. proximately 20 hours per week. 165-80-13, )20 each, 464-7S24, ofter 5PM 273-7812. years of general business Seeking self starting, detail HOUSE SALE 50 people to lose weight and earn money. To. apply please call Cheryl Lands, Personnel Dept., SALESPERSON- full lime for men's and experience. The selected oriented person with good 7 ft. MEYERS SNOWPLOW with lights, SAVINGS UP TO 50%. Catalogues 154 Woodland Ave., Summit 539-5515. 635-4241. boy's clothing store. We offer a congenial candidate will type memos, phone personality and typ- mounting frame, pump and controls. Ex- available to look through In your home. Nov. 11,12; 9:3O-3:30pm atmoiphere. Full company paid benefits handle customer problems, ing ability. International at- cellent condition. Call after 5pm 464- Over 350 top manufacturers. Call your MOVING; MUST SELL ond excellent solory. For Interview coll Cellon Carbon Flbert and perform various ad- mosphere. Fringe benefits. 9492. local representative. 647-4553. Antique armolr, outdoor fur- Jim 01665-0800. a division ot niture, antique dresser, ministrative support Call between 9am and 5pm. 81 Zuzuki GS450E. 7900 miles, small SCHOOL BUS DRIVER needed drive school CELANSES CORPORATION SOFA-BED good cdnditon. (250. 522- stereo, recliner, dryer, Inlapt assignments. Applicants dent in tank. Must sell, (750. Call 647- bus 2 hours in the morning, 2 hours in the 26MalnSt.Catham • 277-0300 0782. swing, playpen, unique PART-TIME & FULL-TIME must type a minimum of 45 5716. evening $5.50 on hour In the Summit wicker bassinet, pool table, area. Must be reliable and have school WORK AVAILABLE wpm and have an excellent WHITE SEWING MACHINE, (40, round Equal opportunity employer ATTRACTIVE triple mirror medicine tools,- gas range, antique bus licence. Please call 273-8231 or 273- phone manner and the poise leother cocktail table, (25, mohogany 8240. DAYS OR NKHTS and tact to function In a MANAGEMENT TRAINEE cabinet with gold leaf frame, goad dresser with mirror, $40, pedestal sink, trunks, and much more. All Customer Service and Product customer service environ- storage, excellent condition, very (120.763-3006 or 762-3858, excellent quality and priced SCHOOL CROSSING GUARDS WANTED • Preparation ment. reosonoble. 379-7291. .___ to move. CASH ONLY. The New Providence Police Department CHRISTMAS IS HERE AT DESIGNER FURNITURE. Moving to has openings for odull school crossing International Company ex- BABY ITEMS, high chair, $20, stroller, HOWS nixnii TO sun row NHDS If qualified please call: Florida, must sell. Short Hills apartment. guard positions for morning and afternoon panding In Summit area S25, infant car seat, $10, 2 children's Dining room table, inlayed fruit wood, posts. EARN ABOVE AVERAGE INCOME Mrs. Kelble. (201) 246-3434 MOVING LORD & TAYLOR seeks management trainee car seats, (30, $20, 2 carrying seats, smoll crystal and brass antique The salary range Is (4.00 to $5.75 per MERIT INCREASES-FOOD $15,000 plus first year (S, (3, wooden port-acrib, (10. Call CITY FEDERAL chandelier, country french chest of 2 bikes, 3 speed new, ac- hour with a bonus of an additional $.75 DISCOUNT-UNIFORM SUPPLIED benefits. Background in eves 464-9461. per hour available. NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY SAVINGS drawers, hand carved, antique white quarium 10 gal., filter, teaching, counseling, Applications are available at Police Head- FOR INTERVIEW CALL We are now accepting applications for seasonal posi- BEN FRANKLIN STOVE • $75 or best offer. carved mirror, bookcase, brass gallery plants, food, new green &LOAN coaching, church work quarters or contoct the Traffic Bureau at 464-4738 tions. Sales-days; 11-4 including Saturdays. 647-5506. cane insert of doors, pair tier French Pro- house with lights, helpful. Call 464-9512 665-1) 11 for more Information. APPLY AT ASSOCIATION vincial stick lamps, toll shades* pair 3 tier humidifier, typewriter, lug- BRAND NEW HOLIDAY dresses for girls for SECRETARY, part time for dental office in Office clerk with computer Input experience • days; 11-4 Equal opportunity lamp table, fruit wood, picture, clothes, gage, yarn, fabrics, bric-a- 3 month to 5 years old store price (38 my Summit. Coll 277-3600 between 4 and including Saturdays. Also 3 nights and Sundays. Must employer m/tVh/v. brlc-a-broc. 467-2931. brac, bedding, Freebeesl 20 75 SOUTH STREET price (12 to (IB dollars, 2 girls bicycles 5PM. be flexible. Energetic outgoing person years of accumulation 2 NEW PROVIDENCE, NJ and I boys 3 speed bicycle One day only. SECRETARY/OFFICE CLERK • typing some ntodtd lor delivery of crock pots, cultivator, INSURANCE Biloons... Flexible hours; Thursday November 10th, II to 2. 9 dictaphone, filing, payroll, light book- Come Join and reap the benefits of our storewlde dis- SOLID CHERRY HARVEST Christmas tree lights, much keeping. Port time, summers off. Ideal REAL ESTATE PERSONAL LINES call between 10*5, Mon-Sat. Plain St., Summit. count for your holiday needs. Apply In person between Dining table. Excellent con- more. Thru, Frl and Sat. for person with children In school. Hourly SERVICES SUPERVISOR 467-8330 SALESPERSON 10:30-12:30 and 2-4.203 Millburn Ave., Millburn, NJ CALORIC GAS WALL OVEN, ond 90s range dition. Includes Deacon's 10am to 3pm. RAIN OR pay based on experience. Call 467-9788. Start o foclnating career with an unlimitec EXPERIENCED top, Sears, built-in gas grill, portable bench, and table pads. Bnst SHINE. 187 Pine Way New Pioneer Associates and Erectors, Inc., 45 earning potential. humidifier. Best offer 464-1029. offer over $400. Call 464- Providence E. Willow St., Millburn. The Filtoute Agency offers a com We are a prestigious, Na- TYPIST 5260 after 5pm. SEVERAL POSITIONS STILL OPEN for those plete training program with our video tope RESUMES tionwide wall • established CHERRY TRADITIONAL end table and who en|oy driving, meeting people and be- success series, on going seminars ond ACCOUNTING OFFICE cocktail table In good condition 464- most Important of all, individual one to Does your resume unsell you? Insurance company with a Saturday 9 to 4 • 472 Park ing able to set own hours. 10 year ex- Looking for part time ex-' 7404. one training. Get our On - target resume with long record of'': success. Av», Berkeley Height*. Fur- cellent driving record a must. Individuals perlenced typist 4-5 hrs. per, The Fallout* Agency, a successful 2 free career counseling and lull Growth and Internal promo- CRYSTAL AND BRASS CHANDELIER In good niture, linen*, Flea market having Doys and/or weekend hours day/5 days a week. Phone bet- WANTED: A I GARAGE SALE available will be given Immediate atten- office agency In Summit and New pro- use of our (fee-paid) search tions have created this posi- condition. 22 Inch in diameter. (75. 273- Ittmi from •state. Priced to vidence Is a member of on International ween 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. tion. Coll 992-9762. > ftnn. tion for a mature business 4094. 10 ft counter-slnk-foucet $50, Sofa,535, go. Ci»h. Marketing and Relocation Network and NOKE AND HEARD.277-4145. minded person, personal MANAGING I 277-6818 Days ENGLISH BOXWOODS. Top quality, all Atari, sport equip., lamps, rug, new anti- SHORT ORDER COOK. Full time or part four multiple listing services. lines rating background For a confidential Interview please call: 939-7156 Evcnlngi and sizes available. Call evenings and qued brass handle, bumper pool table, time evenings. Please call 647-6919. essential. Mall and supply David Faltoute-464-1700 •vtekend* until 9 p.m. EDITOR. • weekend, 647-5710. bed spread, house paint, agricultural, MUSICAL SUBSTITUTE TEACHERS NEEDED. Chatham experience a plus, you will New Providence office who knows this position so books, pine heod board, reloading equip- Township School District. Must hold or be supervise rating, typing and EVERETT CONSOLE PIANO • certified INSTRUMENTS Gloria Faltoule-273-5522 JOHN P. DALY RESPIRATORY THERAPY thoroughly that a descrip- ment, wongon. Friday and Saturday 9 to eligible for NJ certification. Call Mr. Con- 'mail route comprising of 15- prefect condition by piano tuner. (700. te, 635-5630. Summit Office CARDIOPULMONARY tion of the position Is not 4. 384 Chestnut, Stirling. 20 people. Salary comen- Call 763-4789 offer 6PM. CORONARY DEPT. necessary. Full time. Send surate with experience. We 201 Mountain Ave, New Providence. Nov BEUSCHH'; ALTO SAX ond Clorinet like new clips, complete resume with are located in a large FIREPLACE WOOD. Guaranteed seosoned 12,13, 9-4. NO EARLY BIRDS. Loveseat, condition, 322-4386. Full time positions now phone numbers for each modern office building and hard woods delivered and stacked. Our 27 lamps, cocktail tables, many household available. reference to Managing HAMMOND SPINET PIANO - excellent con- Join the Club offer excellent benefits. year. Charlie Vincent Landscaping 647- items. For Information call: (914) Editor, P.O. Box 824, Sum- dition, asking $750 best offer 464-2622. It's a ipaclftl club (or special young peopt«opltt whwhoo ar aree raad readyy t too ear earnn mono moneyy • ready to handle real responsibility! Be a • Call: 2236. carrier parson earn more money.preallge'' 'olrt now, call our circulation dept. 464-1025. 856-5351 ext. 248 mit. NJ. 42 HARTLY RD, SUMMIT - fit and Sat. llgg' 'olrt now.callour circulation( Dorothy Ananlan Fireplace wood and specially selected or apply In person Person- Nov. I lth and 12th, 10 to 4PM, PERSONAL 467-1775 short cuts for wood burning stoves. 464- nel Dept. household items, clothes, books, brie -a- OPEN ROUTE 7333 or 647-5450. brae, toys, moped. Cash only. A NOVENA TO ST. JUDE • Oh holy St. Jude The Atlantic Companies Apostle and Mortyr, Great in virtue ond MERCY COMMUNITY GE 40" Electric, Self cleaning, Harvest CHUCK MUER'S ANTIQUES GALORE • Fabulous sale. rich In miracles, near kinsman of Jesus HOSPITAL gold stove, and Nu Tone ductless hood. 150 JFK Parkway Primatlves, pine cupboard, blanket chest, Christ, Faithful Intercessor of all who in- Route No. 1315 647-6409 offer 5pm. Short Hills, NJ 07078 tobies, chairs, chest of drawers, baskets, voke your special patronage in time of a 160 East Main St. Equal opportunity employer Seafood and tavern at the KASTLE SKIS - 160's • (50. New • never desk, pinball machines, much misc. Thurs. need. To you I have recourse from the Sycamore Ave, Beech Ave, Pine Grove Rd., Mt. Ave from Snyder to Sycamore Port Jervis, NY 12771 m/f Short Hills Mall. Apply In used: mens Caber ski boots, size I2'/I, Nov. 3rd, 9:30 to 4. 44 Britten Rd., depth of my heart and humbly beg to E.O.E.M/F person 10-12 noon,- 2:30- $ 100. Hart skis -175's, (100 with Ramy Green Village. whom God has given such great power to 4:30pm or call bindings. Call 377-4900 ext 28 or 273- BARN SALE - 82 Glenside Ave., Summit, come to my assistance. Help me in my Route No. 1408 0648. 467-4199 November 4th and 5th, Friday ond Satur- present and urgent petition. In return I Walters staff, host people, promise to make your name known ond High Quality Nursery Stock day 9 to 4. Brass bed, oak tables, church bus people, cooks, pre cause you to be invoked. Say Three Our Main St, Passalc Railroad Ave, Somerset, Union, Essex, Warren We are available to design and plant what pew, dressers, pictures ond frames, • Secretaries, Slenos. Typists, cooks, and pantry. Excellent Fathers, Three Hail Marys ond Glorias. Wang. Syntiei. Olivetti, Dec Mate, we sell household goods, ond misc. benefits and paid Insurance, Publication must be promised. St. Jude Unix, Qy», & EOS Operators Nursery located ot exc. oppy. BERKELEY HEIGHTS/WARREN - Emerson pray for us and all who invoke your aid. Route No. 1425 121 Springfield Ave. IT'S TIME TO FALL INTO Lane ond Northridge Woy • 1 block east of Amen. This novena hos never been known Berkeley Heights, 464-7451 AN EXCITING CAREER Hillcrest Rd. Moving overseas Sale to fail. I have had my request granted. Ray Baldwin - November 4th and 5th - 9 to 3. Clothing Valley Rd. from Rolllnghlll Dr. to Greenwood South Northfleld Rd. ASA Publication promised. CM. MAYTAG washer, (175. Whirlpool 220 v and a variety of unusual Items. BERKELEY TEMPORARY A NOVENA TO ST. JUDE - Oh holy St. Jude electric dryer, (175. Gas lawnmower, CHATHAM TOWNSHIP. 65 Nicholson Dr. PORTUGUESE INSTRUCTOR Apostle and Martyr, Great in virtue ond Route No. 3001 REGISTER NOW! $100.18,000 BTU,22OvAmana air con- (off Foirmount Ave). Sat Nov 5, 10:30- FLEXIBLE HOURS rich in miracles, near kinsman of Jesus We've got the |obs. all we need la. ditioner, (175. 21 cu. ft. freezer, (100. 4:30, Sun Nov 6, 10:30-2:30. Beautiful Christ, Faithful Intercessor of all who in- Stanley Ave, Mt Vernon Rd from New Prov Rd to Stanley Ave, Harvey Dr, Harvey Part time position available Skil choinsow, (75. 25 Inch color console almost new childrens clothing, infant to YOU! voke your special patronage in time of Court, Paasalc Ave from Kent PI Blvd to City line, Carlsen Ct. morning, afternoon or even- TV, (200. 467-6922. size 10, playpen, stroller, maternity TOP PAY, NO FEE, NO CONTRACTS need. To you I have recourse from the ing. We train. Highest degree clothes sizes 12-14, tv, vcr, table and 4 Short or Long Term Assignments NEW LONG HAIRED BEAVER JACKET Size depth of my heart and humbly beg to of fluency required. Call 277- chairs, toys ond gomes, and much much Route No. 3004 Slop Looking. Starting Earning. 6-8,(1100,273-7515. whom God has given such great power to O30O. more. No early birds. OLD UPRIGHT PIANO - good condition come to my assistance. Help me in my BERKELEY EMPLOYMENT asking (150. 635-6B23. MULTI FAMILY GARAGE SALE. Fri Nov 4, present and urgent petition. In return I Passalc Avenue from Spfd. avenue to West End Avenue Beekman RoadFrom Passalc WORK WANTED 9-4:30, Sal Nov 5, 912. 25 ond 27 promise to make your name known ond AGENCY SEARS KENMORE PORTABLE WASHER, Avenue to Forest lane Oak forest Lane Overlook Rd. Chatham Twnsp. (Off Noe). . cause you to be invoked. Say Three Our & TEMPORARY HELP SERVICE DRYER ond dishwasher, good condition. CLEANING • Monday • Saturday, Sofo, refrigerator, gas oven, stereo, baby Fathers, Three Hail Marys and Glorias. 330 SOUTH ST. 308 SPRINGFIELD AVE reference. Coll offer 3PM 5580859, Call 277-6753. Publication must be promised. Si. Jude MOHHISTOWN BERKELEY HEIGHTS items, china, linens, toys, business Route No. 3008 Vicki. SOLID SALEM MAPLE twin bed frame, machines, clothing, and much more. pray for us and all who invoke your oid. 538-0300 464-4000 (25, Solem maple 5 drawer chest, 47" Amen. This novena has never been known EXPERIENCED, MATURE Certified Nurses NOVEMBER 5, 10 A.M. 81 Ormont, high, 33"wide, (40, Pair STIFFLE lamps to fail. I have had my request granted. Falrvlew Ave., Cromwell Pky, Dorset La., Blair PI., Nasseu Dr, Beekman Rd. (rom Fair- Aide. Available to assist eldery or ill on a Chatham. Shelving units, smocked 42" high. (20, Butcher Block ond chrome Publication promised. PBJ. view to High St. port-time basis. 273-3432. dresses sizes 2 and 3, many other items. bar cart, (20, 3 block naugahide and GENERAL HOUSECLEANING - Weekdays, chrome folding "director's" chairs, (15 SATURDAY NOV. 5, 8-4pm. Ice box, oak NEW CREDIT cordl Nobody refusedl Also Routs No. 3012 own transportation, 273-7241. each. Coll after 6pm 665-0829. wash stands, dressers, chest, and more. Viso/Mastercord. Coll 805-687-6000 Toke Colemon Ave. to end at 8 Jockson ext. 2104. GENERAL OFFICE WORK HOUSECLEANING LADY with experience STEEL SHELVING blue, 6 feet high, 3 feet Ave, Chothom. and own transportation. Call offer 5 p.m. wide and 2 feet deep, like new. Michael TYPING/FILING/CUSTOMER SERVICE 561-5629. PETS Kent Place Blvd from Colonial Road to Morris Avenue from Kent place Blvd to Weaver J. Prendeville, 635-8615. SATURDAY, Nov 5. 10-4pm. Household street, Edgar street, Kaloml court. HOUSECLEANING by dependable, hard- STEREO PHONOGRAPH, automatic, com- items, many items 25 cents ond less. 184 LHASA 6 year old, retired show dog, look- Small company requires motivated responsible In- working woman. Personal and coring ser- plete with speakers; also automatic turn- Woodland Ave, Summit. ing for a retired couple or companion for dividual to handle a variety of office functions a pleasant vice. Coll 755-7647. loble component, Veclrex self contained Route No. 3111 SATURDAY 5th - 10 to 4, household .omeone a lone 277-1573. personality to handle customer requests and facility arcode game with programs, pair of skis. with numbers will be a great asset. Please call for an ap- TYPING-ALL KINDS. Full or part-time. 464-6344 evenings, or leove messoge. items, 34 Murroy Hill Blvd, Murray Hill. FOUND 2 grey striped cats, 1 male, 1 pointment. Thesis, term popers, monuscripts a TABLE, DANISH walnut, folding, 3 ff. x 3 female. Vocinity Industrial Rd (Oil Snyder Prospect Hill, Whltrodoe from Prospect to Lenox, Glendale from Prospect hill to SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE. Early birds speciality. Call 464-8869. ft. to 3 ft. x 6 ft., (40. Rug, deep brown Ave) Berkeley Hts. Call 277-8343 days. Westminster from Whitredge to Glendale welcome. 8 A.M.-2 P.M. Saturday, SUMMIT FILTER CORP. pile, wool, 8 ft 2 in. x 19 ft, $40. LeClerk November 5. 71 Snyder Ave., Berkeley 228-5467 eves. EXCELLENT weaving loom, table model, 4 harness, Heights. Route No. 3112 235 BROAD ST. TYPIST 22" wide, excellent condition w/large assortment of yorns, (200. Super 6 Bell SUMMIT JUNIOR HIGH • ALL SPORTS SALE. SUMMIT, NJ 07901 WILL TYPE YOUR ond Howell Projector, New, 4692, wl- Friday, November 4, 5-7, Saturdoy, MIX BREED -RESUMES- Elmo super 8 zoom movie camera, (100 November 5, 9-2. Bring consignment Lenox, Essex road from Springfield to Whitredge, Whltredfle from Essex to Lenox -TERM PAPERS- 464-7633. Springfield Ave. from Hobart to Edgewood. 273-7557 sports equipment to school cafeteria Fri- White with Brown spot, -LETTERS- TWIN BED, single heodboord. Cherry col- day, November 4,2:30-7 p.m. house broken, loves -THESIS- onial style heodboard with twin beds, box children, 6 years old spad- springs ond mattresses. Beds con be join- Route No. 3116 -etc- Tools, 10" toWe sow, jointer, 6 hp shred- ed. Well behaved 464-7409. $$$$$$$$$SS$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$j$$$$j$$j$j$$jj ed to form double bed. Reasonably priced. UNDER 10 PAGES SAME DAY der, some antiques, office desk and choir, Coll 464-1119 ofter 7pm weekniohts. Mabel SERVICE kitchen toble ond chairs, plus YOU CAN EARN $ Waldron, Debarry, Hobart Ave from Spfld Ave to Whitredge Whitredge from Summit Call TWO MAT opera tickets, NYC Met miscellaneous. Rain or shine. Fri • Sat Ave to Dogwood. S50-S6O-S70-W0 $ 464-7709 LoBohemeSat. Nov 12lh (70. 273-0017. Nov 4-5, 9-4pm. 146 Robbins Ave. Berkeley Hts CASH $ WOULD YOU LIKE YOUR HOME WELL BUILT stove good oven all burners GARAGE SALE CLEANED FOR THE HOLIDAYS? operating, clean. $50. Coll evenings 273- Route No. 3118 Participating In consumer research testing. Men and $ We are 2 women that work 6584. Women ages 18 to65. $ together quickly and efficiently. AUTO-SUNROOFS SAGE RESALESHOPPE Free estimate. References upon $ For cors, pkkups, vans, pickup truck bed request. Call 322-6709 or 322- Brentwood, Arden PI., Woodfern, Ferrmood from Beacon to Turnpike. Harrison Research Lab liners, sliding rear windows, von conver- $ 8562. 1814 Springfield Ave. sions Top quality, low prices. 50 DeForest Ave., Summit, N.J. Maplawood $ Rainbow Sunroofi Route No. 3121 s 444-4150 (dlagonaly across Irom Burger King) CHILD CARE If having a house sale is not "your thing" but you have $ BRIDAL GOWNS * FORMALS. saleable furniture, china, bric-a-brac, you no lonoer need, Crest Ave. Court Bellevue Ave. from Hlllcrest to Summit Ave. Summit Ave from BABYSITTER NEEDED in my home 3 days a we wm be happy to Issue a TAX CREDIT. Proceeds will 781-1180 $ bridesmoids, mothers, accessories. Hlllcrest to Turnpike, Woodmare. week 2 I 5 to 6 for 2 boys 3 and 1 665- Reasonably priced Large selection. be used for community service $ 1558 Pamela'sBridol House. 464-73I7 J $$$$$$$S$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$SS$$:$$S$$S$$$S$SS$$ Pleaiecill MRS. 3PERC0,273-5564.273-2485 The Dispatch of New Providence, Berkeley Heights, N.J., Saturday, November 5,1983 PAGE 17 SERVICES OFFERED

BICYCLES HOME CARPENTRY • FIREWOOD MASONRY PAINTING AUTO MART FOR SALE LOST AND FOUND CLEANING FIREWOOD available for pick-up 1/10 ALL TYPES OF MASONRY, brick and stone EUROPEAN DECORATORS - Compulsive 1972 MUSTANG. P/s, p/b, good running Pecan sale LOST CAT- white Siamese with yey points' BLUE STAR • decks, small home, im- WE ARE ABLE to repeat and beat last cord (trunklood) $15. 1IA cord (station work. 20 Years in the community. After 4 perfectionists - will paint your home or condition.,{500 or best offer. Coll after lost neor Canoe Brook Parkway and Bed- provements and alterations. FREE C t, C CLEANING SERVICE specializing in p.m. 277-0537. . •., • years Christmas sale on custom built wagon), $35. W2 cord, J55. Cord, $90. apartment flawlessly. Expert walicoveing. 5.30379-9006, ford Road. Reward. Any Information ESTIMATES. Call 763-9142. general house cleaning. Includes carpets, RF.DUNES. 4 models to choose from star- Pine after Pine Nursery. 647-3047. D. A. CHIERA, INC. Mason work. All kinds Excellent references. Reasonable rates. •would be appreciated. Desperate. Please ovens, windows, wolls, stoves, ond office 1972 OLDS CUTLASS 4 door sedan, good ting ol (259.95. Bring this od for $10 off for HOPE DAUGHERTY RECONSTRUCTION - Four ond woterproofing. 277-0445. We aim to please. Coll ofter 7pm 672- call 277-3983. FIREWOOD • DELIVERED. $U5/cord, floor waxing. 753-5946. condition. $450.467-0396. on any custom Redline ordered by Nov. Seasons Greenhouse additions and Ander- MIKE PALSCHAKOV MASONRY-Concrete, 7654. $70/holfcord. 10. Areas largest BMX Dealer. Jay's Cy- The Greater Summit Area son windows ond gliding door replacement EXPERIENCED COUPLE, well recommend- Patios, Brick, Steps, Fireplaces. "No Job 1973 FORD PINTO - new Pine After Pine Nursery. 647-3047. cle 433 South Ave, Westfield, 232-3250. Phi Mu is again conducting WANTED experts. Call for more detoils. 277-6351 ed, Summit, will professionally clean your Too Small" Repoir Work. Free Estimates. Roche Brothers rebuilt auto trans, clean, runs well test Lay aways now being accepted. its annual sale of pecans to TO BUY Craig. • FIREWOOD, $100 a cord. Delivered. All home or office at renswoblc rates. We 665*1591. PAINTING CONTRACTORS offer. 376-7794 after 6. also steam cleon carpels, strip ond wax Interior/Exterior support its national philan- oak. Call 277-2173. V. & J. MERCADANTE, Concrete 1974 KHARMANN GHIA. Excellent condi- 8mm MOVIE PROJECTOR, 464-6344% EXPERIENCED CARPENTERS in oil oltero- floors, clean walls and ceilings. Fully and flag stone. Walks, steps, patios. All Paperhanglng ond Carpentry thropy Project HOPE, evenings or leave message. lions ond repoirs, deck and basement FIREWOOD FOR SALE. 100 percent hard- equipped and insured. Telephone 277- kinds of repair work. 464-7575, 746- Leaders ond Gutters Cleaned tion, very clean. New shocks, gas tank, MOPED formerly Hospital Ship wood. Very well seasoned. We deliver. Residential work our specialty. muffler. Am/fm stereo cassette. Well finishing. FREE estimotesl 277-3031. 2912. 0410. •_ MOPED PALACE HOPE. LIONEL, IVES, AMERICAN FLYER AND , Call 635-7555. .' Quality work-Reosonsable Rates loved and cared for. Asking $3200. Days HAMMER roR HIRE HJ.'s OLDEST MOPED DEALER other toy trains. Immediate cash TOD - Carpentry ond home GENERAL HOUSE CLEANING. 6 years ex- MAURO CAVALLARO 277-6143 581-5895; eves., 464-8346. Prices remain the same as FANTASTIC W DISCOUNTS repairs by Kennethu Powell. Call 2731- perience. References. Reasonable. Own Summit last year, $4.25 for a one prices paid. 635-2058 or 334-B709' —'" ""' " ' °~""" '''" "" MASON CONTRACTOR Peugeot* Motobecane*Gorelli 1398. FIREWOOD cor. 356-5101. GENERAL MASONRY 1974 MERCURY COMET- 4 door, J500. pound bag of mammoth NEEDED PIANO, console or studio model 647-1653. , I. OOO's Of Ports I Accessories halves, and $2.5t) fc>r a one for the Playhouse'Assotlallon of Summit. HAMMER FOR HIRE Carpentry and Seasoned hardwoods, PAVING-PATIOS - Ormsby Painting, Inc. . Fast, Top Quality Service 1975 LINCOLN CONT., All options, Good condition please. 277-2793, home repairs by Kenneth Powell. Call $130/cord, $7O/halfcord, HOME ~ STEPS-SIDEWALKS IS Industrial Place Summit, NJ. pound bag of ground meal. a Interior, Exterior, work ex- 277-0005 273-1398. •; delivered. FREE ESTIMATES 105,000 mi. good condition, asking Delivery is expected in early OLD BOOKS AND STAMPS IMPROVEMENT pertly done. (1800.464-6655. November. •''l:'^' ( STRaEC, DEIDRICH KITCHENS, additions, 273-1386 after 4 p.m. ORIENTAL RUGS . BATHROOM TILE REPAIRS. Tiles regrouted ; MOTORCYCLES alterations, roofing, repairs. Fully in- 635-5079 > 10 years experience, fully In- 1975 OLDS. CUTLASS, 2 DR. A/C, full New orders niay: be placed ANTIQUES and cleaned. Tubs recoulked. Call Rich, sured. 273-7368. 647-1733 sured, free estimates. • power, swivel bucket seats, original FOR SALE by calling Mrs. William •Private Buyer Call 224-6205 days 381-3716, eves 862-3521. •Joseph Eplscopo 464-3303 owner, excellent appearance ond 1975 HONDA CB500T. Very good condi- MacLehose Basmadjian at FENCE INSTALLATION AND mechanical condition, snow tires. Why 635-9326 for .the. Chatham- CLOCK REPAIR WOOD MASON - tion, extras, $600. Coll 273-8589. 1; PAY CASH -for used Oriental rugs and REPAIR spend (10-12,000 plus tax when you can Madison area'/'C' ii topestries. B37-0080. . Spill. $125 per cord Stockade, chain link, ond custom. Free CONTRACTOR buy reliable, comfortable transportation DAVIES&COX FREE ESTIMATES; for less than (25 a week. Seeing Is WANTED • World War 1, World Wor 2, Logi, $90 par cord estimotes. Coll 464-3163 after 1 Oom. • , & BUILDER Expert watch t, clock repairs done on believing. 3760409. War Souvenirs. American, Noil, Japanese premises. Antique & modern timepieces.' Fireplace and stove lengths. THE OLD HOUSE CARPENTER - renovations ADDITIONS & P. j.'s. Painting helmets, daggers, medals, uniforms/etc. 7ABeechwoodRd., Summit. 273-4274. Call 233-5562 remodeling, repoirs, smdll |obs. Jim An>- 1976 VW DASHER, standard, AC, sun Wine and cheese for After 6pm. 665-1087. • brosky, 647-7080. ALTERATIONS 665^830 ' roof, good condition, (1,700 or best of- SPRING AND FALL CLEAN-UPS. ESTABLISHED 25 YEARS fer. Please call 981-6643 or 647-5184 DRESSMAKING FURNITURE L GOODBOOKS , Lawn maintenance, railroad tie wolls, •Concrete work .i' 'Walks Interior . Exterior • ofter6. widows and widowers shrubs, tree work, thotchlng, gutters BOUGHT&SOLD EXPERT DRESSMAKING and alterations in REFINISHING •Steps • .•; .patios cleaned. Free estimotes, fully insured. 1977 LTD FORD WAGON- automatic, PS, High, prices paid. Prompt removal. my home. Call Lynn Lohse, 635-0763. •Fireplaces '!. '•Plastering Julie Bohm, President of , 464-3163 after 10am. PB, AC, new tires, brakes, shocks, ex- Fay Confalone and Mrs. Browsers welcome. Free porting. •Grading and drainage work PAPERHANGING the Suburban Widows and haust system, (1,800. Days 575-2203, Eileen Flaherty.. The group The Chatham Bookseller •Carpentry work ?Wood decks SGreenVillageRd.,Madison - E. FRITZ BOEGERHAUSEN - All types of eves 273-3129. Widowers, has announced offers an opportunity for^ A&ACANVASCO. •Sump pumps Installed 822-1361 273-4134 wall coverings. Quality workmanship since that the November meeting REPAIR OR NEW 1977 OLDSMOBILE VISTA CRUISER widowed persons to discuss 1931. Estimates cheerfully given. 376- will be the Group's annual Electrician FREE ADVJfU DESIGNING WAGON. Excellent condition, 8 their ..commpn'.'^pjicerns and 20 percent off all canvas awnings and 2384. •' Wine and Cheese party on SERVICE Spurr Elactric ; jples If ordered now through Dec. 31. passenger, p/b, p/s, o/c, tinted glass, Sun., Nov. 13th at St. Rose to provide social ?activities.- Now's the time to think about storm win- .277-0286 new tires, 1 owner. (2150, Coll 273- . or Lima Church, Ryan Hall, OFFERED Furniture Refinishing dows and doors before the cold weather 3994. . Regular mo'nthiy; activities New and old worK-'Recess- hltsl Discounts on orders of 10 or more PIANO TUNING Short Hills, 2 p.m. to 4:30 include cards;;;.Jheater par- CLEANUP & Repairs MOVING 1977 PLYMOUTH VOLARE. 40,400 miles, ed lighting, track lighting. windows. COMPLETE PIANO SERVICE -' tuning, p.m. Inez Demarest will be ties, dinner, golf, etc. Have Pickup Truck. Rubbish and debris of excellent condition, p/b, p/s, a/c, 6 cyl. 'any, kind and quality removed. Attics, Licensed and bonded. No Hand Stripping FURNITURE MOVING AND HAULING.' restoration, player pianos, and hostess. Donation is $3 for job too small. 763-2687 (2750. Coll 464-5561 evenings. For information about cellors, gorages cleaned, Seasonal & Con-' & Finishing INSTRUCTIONS Charlie Vincent, 647-2236. 24 hour ser- pianocorder. Les Gould 672-4060. members and $4, guest. struction cleanup. 635-8815. vice; 1977 PONTIAC SUNBIRO, a/c, p/b, p/s, .. uburban Widows and " MICHAEL J. PRENDEVILLE FOR FINE PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRING Antiques Restored HIGH SCHOOL science teacher interested v-6, am/fm stereo, like new, (2500. Call' The Suburban Widows Widowers, contact Julie MOVING-LIGHT TRUCKING CALL L.HORVATH. 277-3529. ELECTROLYSIS In tutoring, flexible hours and various Sue between 9 and 5. 654-6930 ext. and Widowers was founded Bohm 467-8065 or Marge " Caning, Rushing, Experienced college student will move fur- FENCE INSTALLATION AND subjects. Call 665-1930. ROBERT YOUNG • Concert tuner, 237. about nine years ago by Mrs. CYNTHIA HUNTINGTON.RN niture, appliances, household items, eic. Gilshian 761-4064. REPAIR ' >•& Splint Seats rebuilder. Serviced pianos for NBC-TV, NY Royal College of Nursing with truck or. carpeted von. Low rates. 1977 TOYOTA COROLLA. 5 speed, ex- Stockade, chain link, and custom. Free CERTIFIED ELECTROLOQIST Metro Opera. Guild member. Call 755- i estimates. Coll 464-3163 after 1 Pom, • MXRTIN D. URBANSKI INTERIOR Rob, 762-5252, evenings best. celllent condition, (2100. Also 1971 22 Bank St., Summit 1120. MAVERICK, (200 as is. Coll 464-9088. Olsen accepted in Corps of Cadets FRONTIER ELECTRIC COMPANY, 1 Clark Open Sunday 17'Yrs. experience DECORATING St., Summit. Prompt service. No |ob too 1978 4 DOOR CHEVROLET Molibu classic • For appointment or Open 7 days 10 to 5 INTERIORS CUSTOM DESIGNED with MUSICAL Loretta A. Olsen, The parade followed six small. 277-3071. If no answer, 757- complimentary consultation PLASTERING p/s, p/b, radio and a/c, excellent condi- , 647-1959 , respect for client budget ond lifestyle by INSTRUCTION '.5402. ••-• ' - " ••• 522-0160 tion. Priced right. Coll 273-6717. : daughter of Robert W. and weeks of rigorous basic cadet ?11 Hickory TavernRd.,Me»ersvi(le Rose Wotts of Wotts of Millington. In- MAKE-UP ARTIST available. Weddings; PLASTERING Mary L. Olsen of 23 training at the West Point, troduction oppointment gratis. Coll 647- STRING BASS and electric bass guitar In- 1978 DATSUN 28OZ, 5 speed, a/c, am/-. parties, Saturday night dates, etc. Please ENTERTAINMENT Don^huy new-roneW! t Expert repair or new Whitewood Drive, Summit, N.Y., academy. Training in 6456. struction. Jazz improvisation. Don call Roberta 464-5749. Wednesdays'6&5- sheetrock toping. fm stereo, sunroof, mag wheels, 78,000 has been officially accepted military . customs and A PUPPET SHOW. Delightful entertain- Messina. 379-5483 or 276-8241. . miles. (5800 or best offer. 635-2913. 1110, osk for Roberto. •1 INTERIORS CUSTOM DESIGNED, with ' Carpentry & Alterations ment for children's parlies. After 5, call into the U.S. Military courtesies, drill and physical THE VIDEO PERSPECTIVE! We record wed- respect for client budget and lifestyle by VOCAL INSTRUCTION. CALL HESTER PHIL EPISCOPO 1978 PONTIAC CATALINA- 2 door, PS,, Academy's Corps of Cadets conditioning, tactical exer- dings, parties, special events, posses- 665-1243. GUTTERS Rose Watts of Millington. Introduction ap- YOUNG 464-0590. ... 665-0761 PB, AM/FM, oir, one owner, excellent as a new member of the class cises > and .the firing of sions and legalities. Kenneth Powell. 273- oUi MAN BAND, John Gee pointment gratis. Call 647-6456. condition. (3,100. Coll 464-6473. 1398. • ': A-l GUTTER & ROOF. Complete service. VOICE AND PIANO LESSONS in Berkeley of 1987 during the annual ac- (Accordionist /Organist/Vocalist w/- weapons introduced the basic Roof, gutter, leader installed. Gutters Heights. All ages, reasonable rotes. Call 1979 AUDI 5O00S - fully equip, sun roof, THE VIDEO PERSPECTIVE We automatic drums). Parties, catered af- ceptance parade. cadets to military life with cleaned, repaired & screened. Tree trim- LIMOUSINE ; Ms. Blosevas 665-9199. ROOFING new Pirelli tires and exhaust, excellent record weddings, parties, special events, fairs, etc. 759-8324. special emphasis on leader- ming. Fully insured. Free estimates. Call condition. Best offer. 992-2633 evenings possessions' ond legalities. Kenneth LADY G' LIMOUSINE SERVICE offers "Ser-, ~~ PIANO LESSONS HUGO HODUUCH • Roofing, Gutters & ship, duty, honor and coun- Powell. 273-1398. Mon-Sun, 8-8 227-5526. 'and weekends. Kindblom appointed FENCING vice, with the Feminine touch". Our!.' leaders, Aluminum and vinyl siding. 273- try. •••.' •••;••' •• • '_ -''TRY US-For gifts, owards, plaques, CHEAP RATES! Gutters cleaned and flush- limousines are equipped with color tv • All ages (adults, children) and all levels •4094. ' '• 1979 CUTLASS SUPREME, p/s, p/b, a/c, The academy is a four-year engraving, laminations, etc. RYCO, 528 FENCE INSTALLATION AND ed, window washing. Coll Joe Richmond, stereo • bar and intercomm. We can (beginning. ' to nio$r advanced). am/fm cassette, 43,000 miles, excellent dormitory RA Springfield Avenue, Berkeley Heights. Understanding of and'appreclatlbn for the •NEW ROOFS AND REPAIRS. Insured, call educational institution REPAIR 464-9183. transport you or a party of 6 to the condition, 635-5644 ofter 6pm. ,464-926B.' ..."; . classics'emphasized. Lessons given in for free estimates. Gene Mozer, 464- graduating men and women Stockode, chain link, ondcustom. Free K&N GUTTER SERVICE theaters, airports, piers, weddings and all Linda Kindblom of Sum- QUTTEHS CLEANED estimotes. Call 464-3163 after 10am. your own home or in Chatham Borough .6739. ....,•. . •; 1979 HONDA ACCORD,HATCHBACK. 5 to serve as career Army of- Gutters and leaders cleaned and flushed, special occasions. Competitive rates. ..oil studio. IOIO .. !•) ••' • >7V mit, a sophomore at Colby 1 speed, am/fm cassette. Good condition. •';•' LIGHT HAULINQI minor, tree trimming, Insured, gauranteed female chauffeurettes...service with a WOOD ROOF PRESERVATION. Add life and College (Waterville, Maine) ficers. In addition to military REASONABLE RATES STOCKADE/SPLIT RAIL i iM 0 A Must see. Call Noncy, Doys 273-6504, satisfaction, $25 -40 (with thls'od, ' frrfc'. brie tall' and-we- -' ''* '"" -—" beauty to your wood roof.. Professional training, the academy offers CallTonyat635-1919 NEW OR REPAIR rijjfy ,qnino •« is resident assistant of her (3.00 off).Ken, 226-1864. t\ preserving, oiling and staining. An ounce' • Eves. 273-2457.-n . *••' f between 7.30 &4,30 MELEBROS. door;GDYS (glgi)DANCY.. .bwfier. (201) dormitory, Woodman. ''athletics '• and: an academic 635-6351 after 5:00 464-9492 SPRING AND FALL CLEAN-UPS.' 964-3107. . || of prevention is worth a pound of cure. 1980 CADILLAC SEVILLE DIESEL. Block Her duties include advising curriculum which includes Lawn maintenance, railroad tie walls, 464-2610 11 Coll Gory Taylor, 561-7982. with gray leather interior, 39,000 Miles, basic and engineering shrubs, tree work, thatching, gutters students, providing com- SMALL HOME REPAIRS LANDSCAPING AVAILABLE NOW . very clean, purchased October 1980. munication between the stu- sciences and social sciences No |ob too small. Carpentry work, Inside FLOOR CARE cleaned. Free estimates, fully insured. the 20mpg city, full power, including sun and the hmanities. ond outside painting. Patios, decks. Sheet 464-3163 ofter 10am FALL CLEAN UP. Complete lawnl 688-3633 roof, stereo tape player, $9995. Call dent and administrative rocking. Free estimates. Call Al anytime. maintenance, gutters.cleoned, light haul- GUITAR 522-0988. bodies, enforcing school Olsen is a graduate of New 647-1748 ing, reasonable rates. Coll 277-6231. .; Call now (or your roofing and all policy, and organizing FLOOR REFINISHINQ type-sol siding and alterations. 1980 MAZDA 626. Alum, wheels, am/fm Providence High School, SPRING AND FALL CLEAN-UPS. MIKE MEDINA • landscape ond gordner. Studio, student-related activities. By Ormtby GUTTERS Now Is the stereo, 5 speed, excellent condition, osk- N.J. Lawn maintenance, railroad tie walls, Spring cleanup, maintenance and contrac- A geology major, she is a shrubs, tree work, thatching, gutters tion. Shrubs, new lawns, free estimates. Inc. time to call. ing (5000. 388-6426. All types of floor reflnln- LEADERS graduate of Summit High cleaned. Free estimates, fully Insured. 277-1528 or 277-1530. 72 South Street, 1981 VW Rabbit AC, rust proof, top con- 464-3163 after 10am. shlng, sanding, staining, School. Gural enters etc. SEEI C. VINCENT Landscape Contractor. New Providence dition, low mileage, original owner selling She is the daughter of Mr. YARDS, CELLARS, ATTICS. Cleaned and Hushed Fencing, R.R. tie wolls, patios, shrubs, WELLS ROOFING third car. (4,800. 464-6970. Wheaton College OARAGES CLEANED, RUBBISH tree work, sod, stone, top soil, wood (Off Gales Drive) AND PAINTING and Mrs. Ralph M. Kind- REMOVED AND LIGHT HAUL- CALL 464-3303 Minor tree trimming. chips, etc. 647-2236. 1982 RENAULT LE CAR - 9,000 miles, ex- blom of Druid Hill Road. ING. REASONABLE RATES. 4-Track Recording High Quality Work, Law Prices, Free Est. cellent (4500. 273-0862 ofter SPM. SUMMIT — Rachel W. CALL 278-4340. SHRUBS IPhone 351-0540. .__ Gural of Summit is one of New plantings ond replacement. Patios, Demo Tapes Com- 240Z 340 freshman arriving for the WINDOW CLEANING References Free Estimates walls, walks. SEWING & 1972 Rode promoted to CUST.OM FLOOR SANDING Landscaping, 25 yeors experience. ing soon Tel. 273-0709. 149th opening of Wheaton Residential. 25 yeors experience. Insured ALTERATIONS STAINING, REFINISHING MELEBROS. Navy inslrumentman College in Norton, Mass. Steve Hlavko Nick Kosh 226-3322 464-9492 Musical Equip- 65 MUSTANG. Easy restorable condition. DESIGNER WHITE CESARE BADOLATO Call 665-1792. A graduate of Dayton 925-3627 AND BLUE FLOORS ment 68 Park Avenue Summit SUMMIT - Navy Chief Regional H.S. she is the TREE AND SHRUBBERY PLANTINGS • 69 VW RED CONVERTIBLE. Low mileoge, 538-3512 Steven Eckman Alterations for men, women, & children. Instrumentman Alan A. daughter of Mr. & Mrs. native grown hordy plants. Shrubbery UP TO 55% OFF new top, new Michelin tires, good condi- 277-6747 1 Rode, son of Erwin A. and William Gural of Old Coach pruning ond spraying. Experienced. B.S. tion. 464-6318. ATTENTION HAULING degree. Thomas Fish 464-3807. Professional Jayne G. Rode of 22 Dale Rd. Wheaton College will BUSINESS OWNERS 72 CADILLAC COUP 76,000 miles, asking CLEAN UP DELIVERY HANDYMAN Private Instruction SNOWPLOWING Drive, Summit, has been celebrate its 150th anniver- LANDSCAPING (795. Call 4640336 after 6 or promoted to his present rank sary in 1984-85, as the oldest Has your' bookkeeping Guitar, Banjo, Bass, CLEANUP LIGHT HAULING AND CLEAN UP - & CLEANING SN0WPLOWING- Contract or eoch service. , weekends. lallen behind? Reosonoble rates. Appliance removal our Mandolin, violin, while serving aboard USS women's college in New Have Pickup Truck. Rubbish and debris of Add |ob snip and wax floor and general Coll 273-2439 for free estimate. 72 VOLVO • good condition, (300. 277- Dixon, homeported in San' England and one of the Do you have more typing any kind ond quality removed. Attics, specialty. 277-4013. cleaning. Residential and commercial. Low Drums, Flute f«u classic. (2700 or best offer 4640686. prices paid. Coll after 4pm. 464-8695, 33 37 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS n 4648010 •up* 1970 COUGAR • new enhoust system and CARPENTRY psrtmckload p«r tracklo«d f0o. (HosMkoM Itaa. «tc) • Rutgers U-B.S.L.A. battery studded snow tires and extra BIG ISS for VW's ond other imports. Any Send days before I I. A-l ALTERATIONS AND HOME IMPROVE- • Site Plans wheels, oneownw 11050. 273-8625. condition. Also used ports for sale Moun- [mo.) [day] [yr.) MENT. Corp«ntry, windows, doors, parti- • Lawn mower repair • Garage* & attic* • Planting and toinside Towing. 233 8571. clan, pointing, roofing, ceiling. No lob too 1970 VW BUS good running conditon, osk- • Expert landscaping • Rubbish & bruih hauled Construction JUNK CARS WANTED. Top dollar paid. smollorlorB*. Rwsoooble 596-9783. ing 1900 or best offer Call ofter 5pm • Local moving • Fence Repairs 273 8291 Fiee pickup. 322-2288 MINDATE® reserves the right not to send ADDITIONS, ALTERAtlONS. WX>, «tc. FREE ESTIMATES WANTED CARS tunning w not, High p«os messages which are in its sole judgement No job loo small. Good work at reasonable Fr«e estimates • Lowest rates 277-1727 1972 MAIIBU. 350, 2 barrel, p/s, oir, pod guaranteed 150. up for complete prices. 376 4337 om.'fm, reof defogger, new tires, brokts. offensive in form or content. Call 273-7083 anytime! 273-7U4 11000 Will i.ego'iciu.464 1086 cars. Free Pickup 273 6745 Don't forget to vote PAGE 18, The Summit Herald, Saturday, November 5,1983

LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL NOTICE OF AVAILABILITY NOTICE OF PENDING ORDINANCE 41 Id ParkingMelerZ6he(O)jj(|) OFUNCOMPENSATED Ihe ordinonce published herewith was introduced and possed upon first reoding at a meeting of the Common Council of the City of 41 If PorkingMetertaie(D)Jjjl) Summit, in the County of Union, New Jersey, held on November 1, 19B3. It will be further considered for final passage after public 417b FRANKLIN PLACE Porking Meier Zones (A,D) G H hearing thereon, ot a meeting of said Common Council to be held in the Council Chamber in said Cly on December 6,1983 at 8:30 «))(()<«30))N(1)(10)<12) ) - ,. o'clock P.M., ond during Ihe week prior to and up to ond including the date of such meeting, copies of said ordinance will be mode 423b KENT PLACE BLVD. Porking Meter,Zone(C)H(l) available ot the Clerk's Office in soid Cily Holl to the members of the general public who shall request the some. 447d SUMMIT AVENUE Parking Meter Zone (AID (30))fl(1) DAVID L. HUGHES 447e Both (30 minutes) 8 o.m.-6 p.m.) hour Between Union PI. & Springfield City Clerk Ave. . . Dated. Nov. I. 1983 447f Parking Meter Zone (A»B (30)) N (1) proxlmotely $68,000 is met.. PENDING ORDINANCE #1862 447g Eost (30 minutes) 8 a.m.-6 p.m. 1 hour Between Springfield Ave. i AN ORDINANCE 10 AMEND AN ORDINANCE ENTITUD: "AN ORDINANCE REGULATING SPECIAL TRAFFIC CONDITIONS AND THE CON- Deforest Avenue Output/per visit Family dieit Inpt./for admission oyr; TROL AND USE OF PARKING METERS ON CERTAIN STREETS AND OTHER PUBLIC PUCES IN THE CITY OF SUMMIT AND APPROVING 447h Parking MeterZone(AiD(30))M(l) .' Family Size PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION THEREOF," possed Morch 16, 1976, as amended ond supplemented. 451b UNION PLACE PARKINGMETERZ0NE(A&B(30))N(l) up to* Family Size , BE IT ORDAINED By THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SUMMIT: 457b WOODLAND AVE. Parking Meter Zone (AlD(30))N,(1) Section 1. That Article II. Section 2-2, SCHEDULE I • NO PARKING of the above mentioned ordinance be amended and sup- Section 4. That Article III, Section 3-2, Types of Zones; Fees; Times legal Operation, subparograph o. of the above mentioned or- • Grosi/Annuql 1 Y 2 3 , 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 plemented os follows: dinance be amended to read as follows: ' . • •• . • o. The various types of porking meter zones h conformance with the provisions of this Ordinance and as shown by (4,860 * 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 the legend on posted signs are hereby fixed with their fees os follows: 4.861--5,760 500 •'•• 0 0 0 0 ZONE TIME FEE . 5.761-6,540 600 . 0 0 0 0 0 --6 0 0 0 0 0 A 30 minutes Otw-ccnt coin (or each /, miputes'or five cents for 30 minutes Code Side 0 Location B 30 minutes Five-cent coin . 4.541 --7,440 700 500 0 0 0 0 7 5 0 0 0 I12o East from the northerly curb line of Springfield Avenue to o point 50 feet easterly five-cent coin for eoch 30 minutes or two five-cent coins for 1 hour C Ihour 7,441--8,220, 800 , 600 : 0 0 0 0 8 6 t> 0 0 0 therefrom. D Ihour Two nickels or one dlnw ' ~~~~~~~~ ~~ v 0 ' .-- 0 9 7 5 0 0 0 170*2 Springfield Avenue North From the easterly curb line of Chopel Street to a point 50 feet eosterly VV 2 hours five-cent coin for eoeh 30 minutes or two ten-cent coins for 2 hours or one ouorter for 2 8.221 -9,120 ••••' 900 -700 .500' 0 therefrom. hours <-'.'• 9,121--9,900 1000 800 600 0 0 0 10 0 6 0 0 0 Section 2, Thot Article II, Section 2-4, SCHEDULE III • NO STOPPING OR STANDING of the above mentioned ordinance be amended F 12 hours One ouorter , . ' • '.' • , . '(9,120) and supplemented as follows: G 10 hours One quarter for 5 hours or two Quarters for 10 hours Code Name of Street Side Hours Location H 12 hours One quarter fo«'6hourr 6 hours or two ouorters for 12 hours 9,901-10,800 „••. 1.100 900 700 500 0 0 11 9 7 5 0 0 I 2 hours Five-cent coin tor each 30 minutes or tour five-coins for 2 h 307 MORRIS AVENUE East Any Time From a point 35 feet south to the southerly curb line of Aubrey Street to 1000 0 0 12 10 8 4 0 0 One five-cent coin for each 5-mlmm period or onvcolrico 10,801-11,580 1200 800 600 o point 145 feet north from the northerly curb line of Lafayette Avenue J 2 hours period or onvcolric atlon, exclusive of one-cent 11,581-12.480 1100 500. 0 13 11 9 7 5 0 (Except Saturdays, Sundoys ond Holidays) hours 1300 900 700 5 hours Section 3. Thot Article II, Section 2-5, SCHEDULE IV TIME LIMIT PARKING of the above mentioned ordinance he amended and sup- 12,481-13,260 1400 1200. 1000 800 400 0 14 12 10 8 6 0 3 hours *(2) plementcd as follows: 2 hours ' *;-'• •(13,080) Code Nome of Street Sides Time Limit Hours Location 1 hour Two five-cent coins or one ten-cent coin • 9 406li BEECHWOOD ROAD Porking Meter Zones (A&C(30)) 13,261-14.160 1500 1300 1100 900 700 500 15 13 11 7 5 MM) 12 hours Four ouorters or one Susan B, Anthonvdollor • '". ,. ...'.' . 406i West (30 minutes) 8 a.m.-6 p.m. Between 14.161-14,940 1600 .1400 1200. 1000 800 600 16 14 12 10 8 6 Ihour Springfield Ave. and Union PI. Section 5. That Article IV, Section 4-1, SCHEDULE V, TRUCKS OVER 4 TONS.EXCLUDED of the above mentioned ordinance be 14.941-15.860 1100 15 11 9 7 4061 Porking Meter Zones (ASB (30)) Jj (I) - amended ond supplemented as follows: , 1800 1500 1300 900 7O0 IS. 13 Code NameofStreet locotion ',,,; Y •• "• ; •,' - •. 406k Eost (30 minutes) 8 a.m.-6 p.m. Vhour Between Bank St. & Union PI. *(3) 15,861-16.620 2000 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 20 16 14 12 10 8 406 1 Forking Meier Zones (A4B(30)( {< U) 512 Weaver Street From the Hlnh School Drlvewoy to Morris Ave. • ' • .•(16,440) 411b DEFOREST AVENUE Porking Meter Zone (D)N(l) I Section 6. That Article IX, Section 9-1, SCHEDULE XII, BUS STOPS of the above mentioned ordinance iw amended ond sup- plemented as follows: ''-••,- ' '.: ' 16,621-17,520 • ... 1800. 1500. 1300 1100 900 .. 18 15 13 11 9

Code •::.:-.-• r •.,...• .••• '• YY" -. 17,521-18,420 ",'. '.••: 2000 1600 1400 1200 1000 .. 20 16 14 12 10 (1251 MopleStreet- ; (NearSide)• 120feet) Y .. ."••••'•"•': ,. ';;-.', ,- Y 18,421-19,320 • .. .:-.:•,.•.*.• 1800 1500 1300 1100 -. •.. 18 15 13 11 Section 7. That Article XI, Section 11-2, SCHEDULE XVI, PUBLIC PARKING LOTS of the obove mentioned ordinance be amended •(4) 19,321-20,220 • • —. .• :.'•. 2000 1400 1200 .. -- 20 16 14 12 Elect: JOANNE and supplemented as follows: ••/•••• .1600, . "(19,800) r • . , 'L • .'..-."I Code ¥V '. .'. ''••-• •••... : - •.':• 'h •' .-•:..; 1 .. 20,221-21,120 ' »• • ... • 1700 1500 1300 — .- 17 15 13 1601 Section 1. TYPES OF ZONES . •• .' .. - Zone TIME .,-..'. .. ,••• • -.- • - • • '. 21,121-22.020 :- -.-•' • •.'••I- I860' 1600 I4O0 18 16 14

SL 12 hours ' . •- ,•.,:., ••- •- 1 22.021-22^20 • . '••• 2000. 1700 1500 -- 20 17 15 1605 Section 5o OVERNIGHT PARKING PRIVILEGE IN PUBLIC PARKING LOTS '• • »• ,• •• 22,921-23,820 .-• • •.: 1800 1600 -- ;.-- 16 Residents of the City of Summit will be allowed to pork overnight in Porking Lots 2,7 and 10 (and 12) upon the payment '(5) 18 RAJOPPI •(23,160) .. of a (monthly fee $5.00.) quarterly fee of 130.00 (tlO.oo p month). Applications moy be obtained from the dry Clerk'i office and (monthly) quarterly stickers will bo Issued. The sticker will be placed m Ills |mmr rear right window of the car 23,821-24,720 •: -.- • -- 1900 1700 .- >..• 19 17 and will bear the months of Issue and the license number of the vehicle. All vehicles will park In only those areas assigned •REGISTER* for this purpose. Such parking privilege will be allowed between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 8>00 a.m. At all other times 24,721-25,620 . .'.'. 2000 1800 .. .. ,..•• 20 18 porking in the lots indicated will be In accordance with the meter restrictions listed In this ordlnoice. '(«) 25,621-(26.520) 1900 •.: .. •.'. .. 19 Section 3. That Article II, Section 2-5, SCHEDULE IV - TIME LIMIT PARKING of the above mentioned ordinance be amended ond sup-

-•- -. •.: 26,521-27.420 ..•••'• :•• •• 2000 -• -- •• • • Professionalism In Government... plemented os follows: . •" . . . •;•"••• -• 20 'Code Name of Street Sides Time Limit Hours Location : ' ' Freeholder Presidential Assistant 406h BEECHWOOD ROAD Parking Meter Zones (A»C(30)) N(l) Mayor SH-Oct. 29,1983 $69.30. Director Commissioner Secretary of Slate 406i West (30 minutes) 8 a.m.-6 p.m. Between :••• : 1 hour Springfield ' : c orflonltotlons. Ave. ond AN ORDINANCE #1857. UnionPI. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE SALE Of PUBLIC LANDS PURSUANT TO THE h. A No Porkino Zone sholl extenei d from o point that Is 88 feet olono the easterly curbline of the circular driveway •( PROVISIONS Of R.S. 40Ail2-13(b) formed by the Intersection of the eosterle y i Doted: November 1,1983 cular driveway curbline, to o point 300 feet olono the eosterly curbline of the driveway. Approved: November 1,1983 1 JAMES E.LOVETT Section 9. That Article XVII, Section 17-1, SCHEDULE XXII, NO PASSING ZONES of the obove mentioned ordinance be emended Mayor and supplemented as follows: Great Seal I, David I, Hughes, City Cleric of the Gty Senlof Seal of Seal of of Summit, do hereby certify that the of ihe ;! • *jl ottwr Uses sholl comply with the porkino requirement for the R-10 Zone. Springfield Code Nome of Street Sketch Dated , Sketch Number foregoing Ordinance was duly passed by Union County New Jersey " 4-4 ATM B United States 2216 Mountoin Avenue Morch 24.1981 , NPZ-017-C the Common Council of sold City ot a title oreos shown on the Zoning Map which occomoonles this or - Section 10. All ordinances or, parts of ordinances shall take effect upon opproval by the Commissioner of Transportation after regular meeting held on Tuesdoy evening, nonce ond li modi o port hereot. i final passage and publication, as provided by low. November 1,1983. Section 3. That Article o, DEPARTMENT REVIEW PROCEDURES AND PLOT DETAILS, ...With A Record Of Accomplishments... (Changes or additions in ordinance are indicated by underline, deletions by (brackets)). . • ... DAVID I; HUGHES subporograph 6.7-1(2.) of the above entitled ordinance be amended to delete sold SH, November 5,1983 $131.-67 ...... - CilvClerk- subporogroph at follows: • 1973: Elected Springfield Board of Education; 67.1 • •••;•. :'••'.' . ... NOTICE * WncKcAa, it is tne desire ot tne Mayor (2; The application shall also be accompanied by a complete Environmental Impact • 1974: Elected Vice President of the Board of Education; WHEREAS, the Police Deportment of, and Council of this City that sold bicycles NOTICEOF Report In accordance with provisions in Article 5 or a written request for a waiver of the City of Summit hos come into posses- be disposed of by public sale "In accor- PENDING ORDINANCE any or.oil of Its requirements. If such o woiver Is requested, the approving agency • 1975: Elected to the Springfield Township Committee; sion of numerous bicycles, by'finding or dance with the. terms and conditions os The ordinance published herewith was Introduced ond passed upon first reoding at sholl either opprove, approve In part, or disapprove the request at the first regular recovery, the owners of which connpt be set forth in N.J.R.S. 40A:l 4-157. ' a meeting of the Common Council of the City of Summit, in the County of Union, New • 1976: Elected Deputy Mayor of Springfield; Jersey, held on October 18, 1983. It will be further considered for final passage meeting of the approving authority ot which the application Is heard. If approved In. oscertoined or whose whereobouts "ore NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY :y after public hearing thereon, at a meeting of sold Common Council to be held In the part or disapproved, the applicant shall provide the required data within 15 days, or ' • 1977: Elected Mayor of Springfield; unknown, and • v THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF Council Chamber In said City on December 6,1983 at 8:30 o'clock p.m.. ond during at leost 15 days prior to the dote the approving authority Is required to act, WHEREAS, the said Items of bicycles' SUMMIT: ' .... the week prior to ond up to and. including' the date of such meeting, copies of said or- whichever comes first, or ot least 5 days prior to some further date the opprovlng • 1977: Elected to the Union County Board of Freeholders; are presently molntoined In storage and That any and all bicycles In'the posses- dinance will be mode available ot the Clerk's Office In said City Hall to the member* agency may set if the applicant consents to an extension of time.) occupying premises which may otherwise sion of the Police Oepartmerll of the City • 1978: Elected Vice Chairperson of the Board of Freeholders; of the general public who shall request the same. - ' be used for public purposes, and of Summit be sold at public auction as pro- Section 4. All ordinances or parts of ordinances Inconsistent herewith are hereby vided aqder.N.J.R:! 4QA.I4-157 ond . . . . DAVIDL.HUGHES repwledand this ordinance shall take effect upor| final passage and publication ac- • 1979; Appointed to the Presidential Commission on Schplars; 1 that'fundi derived therilrom be paid Into YYe*?."-'' -; '•" •' Y' '••'.•- •: .•'••;•••.-•• CltyClerk- cording to low,! ••'•••'• .••••• . Y . .'.'•. • 1980: Elected Director of the Board of Freeholders; Authorized the account of the Dty Tr^tisurer of the Dated, October 18,1983 . . • • (Changes or additions In ordinance are Indicated by underline, deletions by ; (brackets).';. : • . ' : .' • 1981: Appointed as New Jersey's Assistant Secretary of State: ''Sale* & Service* City os provided under the terms of the SH. November 5,1983 • ' • '• ' aforementioned statute. SH: November 5,1983 (83.16 • : PENDING ORDINANCE Joanne's background and qualifications as a legislator and - Vacuum Specialists BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED'".that - t()e advertisement pertaining to the auction AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED: "AN administrator makes Joanne the most qualified person for Register and public sale be placed In the Summit. ORDINANCE TO ESTABLISH THE CITY OF SUMMIT DEVELOP- COUPON^ONANST MENT REGULATIONS ORDINANCE SUPERSEDING THE EX- of Deeds and Mortgages in Union County. Herald on Saturday, November 5,1983,' 1 Year Supply Bags • which Is a'newspaper circulating within ISTING ZONING AND SUBDIVISION ORDINANCES IN ACCOR- with vacuum purchase the City, and that the sole be for Satur- DANCE WITH THE MUNICIPAL LAND USE LAW CHAPTER 291, IT'S TIME FOR PROFESSIONALISM IN THE COUNTY REGISTER'S OFFICE day, November 19, 1983 at.J.O:00 o.m. LAWS OF NEW JERSEY 1975," p«M*d January 30, 1879, as and be open to all of the public. •mended ind supplemented. Elect: JOANNE RAJOPPI—Register David L. Hughes BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SUMMIT City Clerk Section 1. That ARTICLE 4, ZONING PROVISIONS, subporogroph 4.12, SCHEDULE Re-Elect: RALPH FROEHLICH— ^REPAIR SHACKS Doted: October 18,1983 OF SPACE REGULATIONS, of the obove entitled ordinance be amended and sup- piildAn.. S.H.: Novembers, 1983 (13.86 ' plemented to add the following: Elect: LAPOLLA • FAHEY • SCORESE —Freeholders Bttiolcy Hllshtt 4.12 SCHEDULE OF SPACE REGULATIONS Hra.: Tun.-Sat. 9:00-5:30 ZONE . . '• BE AN ORDINANCE #1858 464 0797 • 464-0792 Principal Use See Text for permitted uses AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND AN OR- Lot Area Mln. ""^ —' =" DINANCE ENTITLED: "AN ORDINANCE Sq. Ft. N/A REGULATING SPECIAL TRAFFIC CONDI- Lot Width Mln. Ft. • . N/A TIONS AND THE CONTROL AND USE OF Front Yord Mln. Ft. 15 ft7** PARKING METERS ON CERTAIN STREETS Rear Yord Mln. Ft. in ft' AND OTHER PUBLIC PLACES IN THE CITY SideYordMln.Ft. Y NM OF SUMMIT AND APPROVING PENALTIES Side Yord Mox.Req. - fiS TR0P3SED ZONING CHANGE FOR VIOLATION THEREOF," possed March Btdg. coverage 16, 1976, as amended and sup- Maximum '95% plemented. Bldg. Height Dated: November 1,1983 Maximum 48 ft. Approved: November 1,1983 Floor Area GIGANTIC JAMES E.LOVETT, Mayor Ratio Max. ' fl/A I, David L. Hughes, City Clerk of the City NOTES: "'Elm Street, Mople Street ond Morris Avenue frontoge only. N/Aforoil NOTICE TO CREDITORS- creditors of said deceased to exhibit to of Summit, do hereby certify that the other streets. ~ • ESTATE OF J. DONALD COTTRELL, also the subscriber under oath or affirmation foregoing Ordinance was duly passed by Section i. That ARTICLE 4, ZONING PROVISIONS, of the above entitled ordinance known os JOSEPH DONALD COTTREU, their claims and demands against the the Common Council of said City at a be amended and supplemented to add the following subporogroph: Deceased estate of said deceased within six months TOWEL & LINEN Pursuant to the order of ANN P. CON" from the date of said.order, or they will regular meeting held on Tuesdoy evening, j.l 4 PUBLIC AND SEMI-PUBLIC DISTRICT November 1,1983. This district Is created ond intended to provide oppropriotappropriate develodevelopmeni t controls for Tl, Surrogate of the County of Union, be forever borred from prosecuting or DAVID L.HUGHES an area dominated by Public ond SBDII-I mode on the 28th day of October, A.D., • recovering the same against the , Cily Clerk 4.14-1 Uses Permitted by Right 1983, upon the application of the under- subscriber. SH:Nov. 5,1983 I. uiurcnes ond related facilities. signed, os Executrix of the estate of said Edith W.Cotlrell $8.47 deceased, notice is hereby given to the Executrix Fund Raising Hughes t, Hortlaub Attorneys 57 Union Plaza Summit, N.J. 07901 The Business Directory Of Services SH: November 5,1983 (9.24

Additions \Lt. SKATIN(, Plumbing & Heating Rentals Munchkins Open SALE INSTRUCTIONAL TK MARTIN 40 Years Experience PIONEER 1983 Season SELLING TWO TRACTOR TRAILER LOADS OF Victor CONSTRUCTION Professional Ice Skating Residential - Industrial Teacher will teach all ages. RENTALS, INC The Summit Munchkins, Renovations & Additions Guidetti Beginners & Advanced. We fill propane tanks 1982 Champions of the West DESIGNER SHEETS • COMFORTERS No Jobs Too Small Licensed • Insured Jersey-Penn Senior Men's Reasonable Rates • Experienced Party Needs Basketball League, will com- TOWELS • BLANKETS • RUGS 635-1315 R.Puryur Bathroom, Kitchen" Rec. Room, ' Tools-Beds mence practice for the com- Alterations, Hot Water Heating Lawn Equipment ing season on Monday, Contractors Specialists In Steam and Hot 277-0331 Automotive Tools November 7th, in the Central Water Heating Church basement. Commercial and Industrial v Contractors Equipment Quilted Mattress Pads • Pillows A. Accorsy Painting ' Work Sewer Connections Expected returnees are and many other new items Custom Builder 635-7870 such stalwarts of the hard- Additions' Alterations, Expert Home Call 464-1810 wood as: Center - Dom "Too Will be sold at Dormers, Home and Business N. Passlac Ave., Chatham Tall" Guida; Forwards - Improvements, Roofing, • Services Rick "Kessler" Paessler and Factory Outlet Prices Pool Sewing Machine "Jumping Charley" Yan- Basement, Recreation Rooms _. Painting-Wallpapering Service Repairs J nacone; Guards - Earl You Need It, We Build It Carpentry • Gutters & leaders "Dunkin" Ciampa and John Installed, Repaired & Cleaned. & POOL SERVICE' SINGER "Slammer" Grasso. Don't Miss The Large Selection Call 756-7563 . We Power Wash Aluminum & SUPPLY CO. EXPECT REPAIRS ON MX. MAKES Siding ' L S Coach H.A. "" In Our Kitchen Boutique Opening* • Service 6 Repairs SEWING MACHINES Anderson has made it clear J.W. Fulljf. Injured ChemlciU • Weekly Service • Vacuum Cleaners • that despite last year's CONSTRUCTION Leak Detection Service Save on all your Household Linen Needs! y898-0095 Factory Trained Mechanics brilliant season, no Mun- ADDITIONS 6 ALTERATIONS KEN | Store, 2S73 Morris Ave., Union Free Estimates • We Guarantee chkin has a "lock" on his Windows & Skylights Prompt Service position. This is verified by Siding • Remodeling DELIA'S Uv'n Mill • Lower Level Near Barn's Estimates & References : 687-2277 Assistant Coach, Phil "Red" OrV FOR THE BENEFIT OF: Gladly given Ryan's statement: "No only Flrst Quality 994-2515 is the ball up for grabs, but r'OVEHISYRS'j Roofing Quilted Lint-Free Tree Work so is each starting position." r 647-3366 \ Kitchen Last year's bench- Bedspreads OUR LADY OF PEACE SCHOOL • EXTERIOR & INTERIOR Nelson's Roofing Co. "No Job Too Small Towels Furniture • WALLPAPER No Tret Too Tall." warmers, including Gill S4Q95 Stripping o GUTTERS & LEADERC Experts In shingle roofing, roof oiling "Bouncing Ball" Orange, 1 and wood shake treatments. Fully In- ^ all sizes 99 SOUTH STREET UUSH* NO JOB PROFESSIONAL WORK Don "Mule" Parcells, Bob .99° sured Reasonable rales. AlH'ilfTheCosi "Tanker" Hughes and Paul THE CHAIRMAN AIUESS TOO SMALL NEW PROVIDENCE, NJ 07974 CALL 665-1499 Free estimates Fully Insured "Hook" Facchinei, were Furniture Refinbhlngs for free estimate • 387 ELM STREET • STIRLING. most delighted to hear "Can- Repair • Antiques Restored BRETT HERMANCE nonball" Ryan's exhorta- Cane • Rush • Splint Seats f 647-0548.r*'"' Rentals 377-2138 or 635-2733 tion. Placements NOVEMBER: 10-Thurs.-10-9 Martin Urbanskl, Myerjvtlk Open 7 days Further information on Starting at Loads of C«UAayttnw.TaM.-Frt.. Mp.m. 11-Fri. -10-9 10 to 5 BOOST YOUR A. J, Imbtmbo eligibility, tryouts and Christmas 647-1959 TVs Wanted schedule may be obtained from Mr. Guida at 277-4119. .50< 12-Sat. -10-5 items Carriage Houae BUSINESS! & Sons, Inc,' TV SET* WABTTE0 Munchkin Notes: Former Bix Service • Landscaping ft Paving coaches, Dave "Guts" Serving Summit Area 10 Year* ADVERTtSl Equipment Irttntab Working or Not Portable Only Guthrie and Lou "High SPONSOR - HOME & SCHOOL ASSOCIATION Furniture Stripping, | Track • Dozer Five" Martini, now residing RelinijhtnB. caning, ruining, etc. CASH PAID ' Backhoa • Powwr Rack at the Springfield Home For Metal polishing and plating CALL 464-102$ "•»* Ev«i. .464-6842 The Unsure will soon be in- M Franklin PI., Summit • 177-Mlsi .753-7333 4M-7496 dueled into the Munchkin Hall of Fame.