![Judge Postpones Hearing on Patrolman Aquifer, Amphitheater](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Summii**t$tff»tt»tit*t# refilHerall ll@ll?(¥|lflllffl* d VOLUMES NO.. J7JM0OO November 8/19 ilO.AYear Price lit Patrolman charged with stealing from local merchants Judge postpones hearing on patrolman IbJ.J, MARTIN orinii to (jou twords, the is weef, wgfHl of the sior« owners relttllHie \)mm he look tMisiody of their SUMMIT A Niiwiior < 'mill Jipe lis, hoili tiiiiuiiiHli mul difpmil liMtl Miil«d in worn dwHisiliunii lliHI Hin Htul wp then(il)lcioretftin Illsliuhl to iM WMI, IIIIICHMI \\W |t,)q||>.t|lt)tU<llt o| lotlgeil HpiitM Keiclium t»v ills ihuy Imd tin kimwluiljie of ihe off'leer'ii keep the son," Lombard! said. "Tliis itdminiitiMiive hi'tiiiiiu1! Ht<itiii«l H Ntimmii Metiliiiu of il^niji from Ihelt sioie Hiid mul fornii'i in Is*w*? IttM year nilmlf druvtf Ids §M=wife HIHI in-laws tin I lie imtioliimn dim tied vvjih «H-(tliiin from found him io W "tottilly lionwl HIUI wall," Ii hif mill vinlwiiiiti ik<tmiimen- Mfidinp food proiliiyitt fioiu [iinninii fiub trusiwonliy." m«riiHr!> on New Vent's livp IUHO, vHriouti LoiitMHidi ttthled Hint he etui' m no l Illieh, Ivfii'liuii! NiHteil In an HffidHvh llmi he ludye MihiMi IH-IIH HIMI unified miliiitiiiiivu piirlii fiiiin Hitroimil Hros. reHson why iheSuiiimii 1'pljt'e l)epHtl= 1 HIM) hip wife, Milwn, Imtl iiiiilfiaoiip "bil= liny !imiH'iipi« nl: tnniiuiil v\ iliiiitil! Ihi period of Hppd l°7ll io Mnruh mem iHiiiiiimiiny iheinvgsiisitiion, I Mill U l HIMI vHiiouN \iwm from ii?i" mom protwdlnp In him of \9\\2, imtiiiini CitiioluHui (UMIII Kft»imm, « lh After iwiiiim Hie dlvoiee psjiers, Keihmim "I ean'i tiiider§it;n(1 why fn Hie police yinirvelt'itm, bo HIVPII to UU Hlioiiii>y, T>-ny's I IIIIIIOI, liHsiimiiN UHMB sHhl his wife Hiut IIKIIIII?I--III law hmm tlepHinneiiiHl hearing you n.\\m° w-- John I oiulwidi, shop, mid Mill C'iiy WsllpHpei and Paint tiiiiftjicd tiiid iliieHtened to "m Him," He meone with SIMIIIIU when Hie Uniiiii The Indue lilwliwl tli^ pliiiuiml Nov, o t'oiiipany, . ttitdetl IIIHI lib wife's toinltiiM WHS due to bounty (liftint Jury §lieHily dismissed (he i i I I mt*ivt<ji llit> Ihe iimirlmonlHl Ht'linn Hiid ttlso her "^ allegations," he sHid, "lint tlmt ditln't iiHintCiipts, lienl»oiu)kil llmi nlta|ittlioittai i The dtipftriiDPiiiHl uliinut<i> inuluilwl iki h^r ilininp a htndi liipftk, titW tensive involvmeni" witluli tins. slop Hie I'iiy of Summit from <myin|f he of the lhe-f|ii were ftrt!*ieiiiBil mul tlismlijstnl sink irsliresaiiitNhflige," bv tliii Union i uumv (linml jury in llid blbol , kint Kelt'liiiin, who retiming on the fora, Noveuiliri of \W2 id ii re-Miti of it11 1(PH= ti^ns Mu th« \m\ ilmt' to ssiiiiieoblHlwdlhediiHtibldlhdi , fiiiiiimli GUy Attorney Kugsell Kerl»y i" k Into hinim, Mini hlpfjpiiia on tUil v> "Keiiilunn's eK=wife is trying to lid l i on m'HM Aquifer, amphitheater, concern candidates niemher of Ihe Ikmrd of Gltosen Hyl'KilHHUtHK Npniota. Keiinrdiiiti ihebitiiiis oil more passive m for the mm would be SUMMIT "We. IIUIDI woik 10 nit? who have speoifii! mtms of bet let," freeholders, venl I'OillHinlii'tlloM III nut Wftlm i\l]iplV," without i'ei|iiii ing pdiiMlinn (ionises HI. « The two ettndldttle.f) for Union County "The Hdmittislrfliive offite is similar to nitid /\iiiir<nibivwoiiiini Mtniu'in Oaiipn prerequisite, BP'HMIH sultl SIIPII lilt ins Register spoke of their (iiiHJifying my job In Hie seeretttry. of slule office in ntiididrtie loi wim'Hun Ii* (lie Mm) would work iti the hiM.li suhool level, Inn liiK'Karomids, Jomine Kttjpppi WHS former Trenion," (iHicll(.«joppii il in iif Td'l for elementary school i^ttilipifi, nmyor of fjpriniifield, former Hsslsitmi Kild llHtfleld, up for re=ekulion HS inelhoihiluisy vmirses are needed in imlei seuietmy of smie ioTrenionmui tt former Pleoss (urn to poge nine a Mini oilier I'Miutidiilc11! foi til Hit*, toIdentifyihlltiien't,problemstit ttn surly coiiiitv mid miwii.'iiMtl nffk'eh itilended it itw, This would enable Iliem to tie meew- bt ilie borne ni Iliuhmttliilihi., 101 edBiid helped, Avt?, IM.M fiiiudiiy ttfiernoon, 'Ihonmii llmnidii was the fourth t'itn= ts mul IHwot'i filntilimled wlih dldme Tor Hie iMiul tlislrhM to itileud Ike bed Iroinbolli iwiii!^ lisitmiuu liniiH'li, Ibifineii^iipd Ins biwkiJiouiHl us to ilioir iili'ni tnul iHi'in'i I'IHIIS • bin i(tnt* purl time mtiyor of Winfield I'm k mid si* ed from «()iiifi?i« in rtuiplililifiiiei lor Ihe veins us « Township Conimiileemsu in TRICK'OR-TREAf«---MI(ihenl lurry Wny, III monlln. srinof MIcliiH mill Julie I winy, Vft llnliiniinl Mil Houdtiillp <t»iimiv, to i li'iHiinff up Hie WinfiHld us providing experience for the samples some of his hooly (u l(illi|ir>|), wiuniwr tmil nil) while ti K k 01 li wtlinu llih pusl I lll streets of downtown SiiiiHnll, Assembly position, j (Photo by Jut Gull) Ogdeii, who reseitrt'lictl the iiriHifer lint! Ilitiuteii has nmde M vtiinimiiiii promise supplier IIK1 drhiMim WHICI fur fil to ttit)i for the (?liniiiirtilon of loxiu waste and lid stittflfd miles of the itres, wnn (liuiiiis in tin?,state, Them .IN knowl«dp. », |)ossl.l»k.?.qn.!.nftllj)«tlrj(n i|ifi)|itth !-»-tt.Valltil)|6 io provide foi on me disposal of lighting controversy wuslrs uwpfriav 'MBWIy1' liiif In ll ^tpWki wmlfi wllliflnt •.(riinsporilng il, he fashion Into tlin wiile-r supply, of (iOO.tWItr peopl«, i Two tmiulidBius rutttiinu for freeholder A piibliiMpieiiiioiiiMiiltelmlloton Nov, Hllended I lit? brtinth, Drimi I'uhey, heats up public meeting It MSU foi MpprovMl for siintullng HIS Oeinoorttl Irom Weslfield, hits been lit* million of II %\M) million futuJ itpproved volvml in M oon |)iiliiiiitl proieci c«lled, in the Winer Supply lloml Ai't in IMItl, "(.••win for I lope," vyliinh would provide ytW; TiltIKI Kit The sodium viipor h not lo h<-11 ml IIM^I The money wouhl he iiwtl io fund tt study it hospice itl Htiininlln Ilospiltd, The tenter SUMMIT = Cotiiuiil president Miirniy with low inleiiMly sodium vitooi, wlikii is of ilie tifjuifiM Niumikui, Wittor moves would pinphntil/e home fine for the ter- HONN unnoitneed HI tke executive. seiMon I'lineinly being ttH'd ptivitiely on leiiuin ftom llye lo M)i) fuDl it yt*nr uiilwisrotnl miiiHlly ill, with Utiiinells its Ihe- ims? of Inil Monthly rvoiting llmi he wmiu I he l»iopeiili-i In Stimniit, The low uncivilly I'olhiliott oi'i'inii slowly, hut MI does opetHllons, (subject of Niullum vitpoi Huhilng put on imliiiii'i ii -.itmm oinniii' uhu«'. mul h nui eituup. noinl()(i(lt?iil)l , Hie nttciuln lor Dei*, ft lor 11 piddle 1 Holieil Miller, l(t?piihliiwi fiom under nutildeniiioii I'm itnv IIW in lite Atsemhlvoimi lluli I'MIIII .«, tt Smnmil Iteikeky lleiyhls, noiiiiim for I'letiholder, eelliitfl . lesideni. itho riiniilim for iccktlion lo Ihe l' Summit, spoke of lite need fot dedicittliiti Ihe men "We are now hcphmliiH lo ist?I mlv«rse Ahiemhfy, deiJt'ilht'il (lie nce*1pil t'ivll Ser- p III dolloi'i HIr •iluiillirillll, id of ihe rioitdHille tuiitiry lo oitrk litnds mul comments on the mopoMtl lo put nodluin n lo Hnllon, "ml I'ltnnoi 1H- i^noied vice telonii, Tlir piP!>enl mtTtiiik' system In vnpoi llttlil* In lite downtown bushier it hlndntnre, io nuntl uiivpiiiinrni, lie sitid, open spittJe, lie stild llnti ilie idpit for (in l>y H budijeu'oiiieloiii Council, The in iinipkiilieiilfi In ihiMiiuoiy wits priiuttiily dlNlrlel.' COIIIK'IIIUHII TIIOIIMN lltmoit cuiiilfKCi'iii linnii which In n 111,1)0(1 lumen iilihnimh ,'jnmmii Ims not (ulopiuil <lvil 1 told fellow innuhci^ In 11 rundown on the 1 (i PMIIIII relitiions build up, Hpriiigfield, iii lump, uoM * $27,67 n month lor emii fix - wliii'h It is lot'tdPd, witi) noi fisked wboiil Munition, will lie inh'ieMi'il lo line, the sodium viipor liMine would roil lis feelings on ihe siiltlect. mid no volt? Ims Jersey Oenlnd Power mul I lulu IMM \\\\- $fi.v;ein;h I'm 'MtlO lumen lump, llmi hmilti viiinliii|mnilinle(j|iii|il nonnecd tlwl from now on whenever it In been iitkeu by the I'reeholders on the mut- Hiillou leioiniuended uilim lite money imp In N, I, The Aioi-nilily Um rutssed Ihe Midi* it new \\%\\\ II.siure In Sinnmll h will bun, bin lite hill i" Mill In imtiniiiire In the ter, ben Nodlwn vttpoi llghi, Tlntt meiinis tlnil llmi would be Mived lo huy iteen lot ihe downtown men, !iemiie, I'Vitukfi HIMI inok n bus nip over Miller dwrijwl ibe new Union (JiMtniy II rweiit iciiucM I'mm n home owner on pun ol llieiicwsci.iiuinif J.-7II, mid noird jitll ilutl ihe I'replinldtjrs h«ve ttpproved Illiu'klunii i'liu'e lor ttddlllomtl liBhtlnis The lde.it to lo Mini with M>\) flxtiiiVN, m ilmi the noise liurrletnpioinisfd lor Sinn for ifoiisliiu'iion In |{ll/itbelh HITOSS from will be gimilnl hy tllMilllluii it Midltiin II little under JS peieein of Ihe loinl ii\ mil huvr noi beeiioitiiiplflfil, the I'littiihotise, Me believes It \t> necessttry vitporlluhi, linen In the tiiy, ml supply llietti lo Ihe A'tseinbly vjinttlilnlc IdAiiiie Spiiinlti, lo tulieve oveiftnwdln^, itnd the only Tliete me lluee tvpci of Inhibit! cut - downtown men. <'nuni.'iliiutn Doiuthl iiinnliiu for olll(!«ln lltr )hu\ Dlsi,, drew itllrinntive lo eiuly rekitw of prisoner!), i fully Illumltmiltm i lit* siieeb ol'Snniiuli: NeUon snime/iied Him iln- pinkoiitntje from tier rnpi'iii'iire nn it jitiilor Illfili The Jitll will wisl lite lit«pnyeis $1(1 the while huhi ol the liu'iuulcurnl lump, 11 K IM N be Initiilk'd m ninior inieHei'llotn tem'lief io noimncni tut ('iimnilsijlon of ntlllinii, will Itttve iiptiioHliiiftiely 'lOOwlls, tile hluelNh Until ol ihe uteieiiiy viipot HIM.
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