St Johns Joins in Protesting Rail Cutback Rts Pose Wifh Fie Votes And
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ST JOHNS, MICHIGAN 18879 28,Pages March 14,1974 r St Johns joins in protesting i •> rail cutback ST JOHNS - St Johns city officials joined Also of concern to the city is the develop other units,of government and businesses in ment of an industrial park, adjacent to the protesting both in person and by written Grand Trunk Western Railroad tracks.* resolution plans to abandon rail service in The resolution states the park includes the area. railroad 'sidings and that rail service Harvey Weatherwax,' St Johns city ".. .forms an integral part in attraction for manager, and Paul Maples, city attorney,' enterprises interested in locating within the traveled to Detroit last week when Maples city of St Johns." voiced the city's objection to abandonment The action by the Commission, in addition 'of the Grand Trunk Western Railroad line to asking for the defeat of the proposed through the city. ( * abandonment, also asks the Federal Rail Then, at Monday night's City Commission Administration to re-evaluate a more meeting, Maples recommended adoption of rational rail plan which better reflects the' a resolution stating the city's objections^ needs of Michigan's people." The Commission approved the resolution Discuss Band Shell calling forfthe defeat of the'plan. The Commission, in other action In the resolution it was stated the ''City discussed possible repairs tovthe band shell Commission feels railroads are boA , in the city park. Delores DeWitt and Loretta economically and ecologically ttfermost Escher, representing the St Johns Morning feasible means of transportation of many Musicale asked the. city if steps could be good and believes their1 use should be en taken to'fjx the band shell. couraged in the interest of conserving RandjnHumphrey, city clerk, said it would energy and insuring a flexible and adap Jake $800-$1000 to repair the structure and table transportation network serving this^ Weatherwax said a change in shingles on the A St Johns woman, Carolyn VVyble, lost her lifeln this accident about 12:30 Monday morning when her car collided with a semi-truck at ' community..." structure could prevent some damage. the intersection of Clinton Ave and North US-27. i *The resolution also states the aban He said thatswooden shingles on the shell donment will "injure the local industries had been used in the past by park visitors apd a rural agricultural industry, by the who used the woqd to start fires in the grills. curtailment of shipments of essential •,, Zoning Structure to Change v materials' to this* Communityt such as fet- The Co^rfll^ipn £lso Voted tb ajnerictthe rts pose l iUzer, grain .products*, manufacturing zoning, prdjnance - to allow 2 rriore products and by-products and lumber..." representatives on'the Zoning Commission. It further stated,/ ", *, industrial and Problems Md reportedly been experienced commercial businesses in this small in (he past when it was difficult tp get a 2/3 community received .and shipped over 422 quorunfdecision on the' 5-member body. carloads of materials during (he year 1973 m' City attorney Maples is to amend the wifh fie votes and double winneran d many commercial enterprises could ordinance for presentation to the Com- have made use of yet additional cars had the 'mission during the March 25 meeting. same been available..." ' , Earl In mahy cases, village elections have Unopposed in their bids for re-election Unopposed in their bids for re-election in Canfield was unopposed for his bid Elsie were) Durwood Conklin, president; f°r Ovid village president, tie will fill the become affairs of highly, predictable results were Robert Pettit, president; Catherine lU fonffer held with many times only 1 candidate running Rademacher, clerk; Reatha Winans, Herbert Betts, clerk; Orpha Clement, |°? °° ly ' by Robert M. for each position. \ Ireasurer and Earl Frechen, assessor. ireasurer; Lawrence Hess, assessor and Shinabery. _ The Village of Fowler gave a new twist to , EAGLE trustees Pat Foran, Joe, Bartek and Don All other Ovid candidates were unopposed Accident kills Lidle. J -- Vada Stedman, treasurer; 'Jim Besko, (he situation with only candidate running on A unique election quandry also arose in v a ballot with 3 trustee spots to be filled. 'Eagle when 1 man was elected to 2 positions. i MAPLE RAPIDS assessor and Charles McGraw, Myron r Carl Koenigsknecht won -1 of the trustee Victor McCrumb was re-elected trustee, but All candidates in Maple Rapids' were Woodruff and Wadsworth will fill positions positions with 53 votes, but 15 write-in Votes also received the most number of write-in unopposed and l position was filled with a formerly filled by Hazel Dietz, Larry Martin threw 2of the open trustee positions into a 3.- votes for village clerk. , \ write-in. Only.2 of the 3 trustee positions'and"Gerald Ross, way tie. *. J open had candidates, Kenneth Wright and ~ WESTPHALIA local woman Receiving 51 votes apiece were Lawrence Carter.said the Slate'Elections Office said Ron Dean. The # Potion was filled with ai candidates in Westphalia had no op- Klein, William Braun and Leroy Goerge. McCrumb is to becer'tified for both positions wnte-in votes for\Bob Miller Jr.. ' position: John Letiman, president; Harold Killed in the. accident was Mrs Carolyn Ernest Carter, Clinton County clerk, said and then must decide which job .he'll take. Unopposed incumbents re-elected were » fer, clerk; ST JOHNS' - A "37-year-old St Johns wieb treasui er; W;lma Scnae woman lost her life early Monday morning Wyble, E. M-2l, St Johns, who was , a drawing will be held March 15 at 9 to After he picks the position in which he George Abbot Sr, president; Leaine Tyler, j h Thel asses'sor; Dennis Tneien) pronounced dead at the scene. ** determine who will service in the 2* trustee wishes to serve, a pepson may beappointed clerk; Margone Rumsey, treasurer; Jean when the car she was driving collided with Tom Arens and Edward s itzl trustees< semi-truck at the intersection of Clinton Ave Driver of the truck wasMesse Mulvena,.26, positions. t (o fill the remaining job. , < Gavenda, assessor and Joyce Bailey and NeW to the board are ^ ^^ and and US-27. of Alpena who indicated the Wyble vehicle Carter said it was indicated to him that ^ MaryFeldpausch.'in.cumbentclerki'chose Kathleen Baling, library board. Schaefer. failed Jo stop at the intersection. (here was a possibility that 1 or more of * •not to run for the position, but'ran for "and OVID ihose involved in the tie didnotwish to serve was elected to a trustee position. One position in Ovid was contested and on the village board-, Carter, said if a name that was the clerk's job.'Re-elected was Mrs or Ijames are drawn of people not wishing to " ELSIE Dale Crosslan who>received 112 votes. She serve, the positions may be filled by ap Liquor by the glass got the nod in Elsie was opposed by Jane Applebee who polled 71 pointment. with the.measure'being approved 81-68, votes. Expect lively meeting fpr DeWittTwp budget . By Linda Heyboer measured from the garage attached to his »' 'froriv,$8900 to $11,000 for the clerk and from j County NewiWrJter''' ' . $7900 to $UQ0 for the treasurer. Jiouse. • , Some adjustments in the approved budget • Forrest wartts to reserve the option to DEWITT TWP — "Wjth visions of a lively 1 will be made before copies are made .hook Up or not, but the board was not* op annual meeting March 30 the DeWitt Twp available 10 days prior to the annual- timistic. f ' ' J Board of Trustees" adopted a $305,000 for J974 meeting. ' i "I think that if any part of th$ structure at their Monday right Reeling. „, j The tentative figurejsup,from last year's comes Within 200 feet, it Has to hook into the Township resident will have to approve " budget of $lfl7'(M8,051 but Supervisor Dale sewer," Emerson "said. He asked the the budget at the aflnual meeting, where Emerson pointedout that iMs loWer than the t ownship attorney to clarify the spirited debate is expected over proposed, $330,322.71 the township actually spent. requirement and report back to the .board. salary hikes for board members. /; Members of the board indicated to the» Table wastewater plan Trustees salaries aref slated ito increase. , County News that a large number of l^ike Scieszka" of the Tri-County Regional from $2400 to $4800; planned ir/creases are residents are expected at the meeting and, Planning Commission asked tjhe board to from $12,000 to $16,006 for the supervisor, that it is unlikely to budget will be approved approve a resolution to participate in without much discussion. planning for a regional waste water Sewer policy treatment plant with 9 other units. Although Scieszka said the plan would not/ affect Time to register The board settled a touchy policy question existing programs or funds, the board was * \ 'concerning the township sewer system by unconvinced and tabled the resolution. voting to require"" Ken Boettcher, t14246 ,Boichot, to hook up with the system at his for swim class own expense. Boettcher has been sparring with the Bike i board for weeks over the issue. Because of licenses are * the elevation of his property, he would have ST JOHNS - Registration for swimming lo install a lift before the sewer could ser classes at th& St Johns High School pool will vice his whole house. due in Sf Johns be Saturday, March 17 from 9 am uhtil rtoon. Emerson emphasized that the decision set Cost of the lessons is $5 for 8 weeks with a precedent for pther residents and other lessons ranging from beginnings swimming" board members agreed, ST JOHfJS - Bicycle licenses are on sale classes to competitive swimming.