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Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) Bulloch County Historical Newspapers

2-16-1939 Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-Statesboro Eagle)

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Recommended Citation "Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-Statesboro Eagle)" (1939). Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues). 1938.

This newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Bulloch County Historical Newspapers at Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. It has been accepted for inclusion in Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. For more information, please contact [email protected]. THURSDAY, FEB 9, 1939 EIGHT BULLOCH TIMES AND STATESBORO J:IoEWS tIo::+.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++·H·oJ' I hi II I ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ I I I I I I WHAT BUILDS A CITY? IS IT LOYALTY TO AND SUPPORT OF ITS INSTITUTIONS-S'l'ORES, BANKS, TOBACCO WAREHOUSES, LUll­ WHO I{NOWS THE WOMAN BACKWAID LOOK BER YARDS, FILLING STATIONS, STOCK YARDS, AUTOMOBILE DEALERS, PLUMBERS, PAINTERS, CARPENTERS, AND EVEN NEws. t (FIRST TIME HERE) ( I PAPERS? THE BULLOCH TIMES IS THE ONLY NEWSPAPER PRINTED IN BULLOOH COUNTY, EVERY DOLLAR PAID ITS EMPLOYES GIrTED PALMIST AND ADVI OR TEN YEARS AGO GOES BACK DIRECTLY TO THE INSTITUTIONS OF STATESBORO, NOT INTO THE CASH REGISTERS OF RIVAL COMMUNITIES. OF LIFE WATCH OUR ADVERTISING COLUMNS TO SEE WHICH OF STATESBORO'S INSTITUTIONS ARE ASKING FOR YOUR CO-OPERATION _ ON ALL AFFAIRS ). .From BoIJoch 11m... Feb 14 1929 w hat w ant CITY. THEN GIVE THEM YOUR SUPPORl', Reads future. 1 ells [ust YU1' IN BUILDING UP THIS past. present, Cross ..- luck health and fanuly Mrs Anna E SIms Red to know on business, love l. If schools of _..��:���.+�++9::!':!"e:.s;::��_++���i affairs 1 ells whom and when you WIll marry nurse, began work among not see Madame Fonda Bulloch \\EEK END )OU wo.nt facts, promises county M,s LeeF f,UESIS life hke an 'D I am dIfferent from all others I not only read your this Balla Mr and MIS Lee as MISS Mary Lou Carmichael, of Bulloch Count,., CeaIIq. week 10 at Waley had hesitate ureI .c ersonaI days during the fD2 ,fI, 17 � IIbut also out of your troubles Don t la tile 'P y thetr fOl the week Mr open book, I help you became member of of In the Heart Beat the null mel guests end Located CIty, facult,. tending sprmg' � showing W� U.W��ml � � come now for and MIS Broward Bring this adver-tisement special reading of GeorgI&, fI( GeorIta, MISS Sara Wickei last week Poppell of Way �Iercer summer school from spent Ga. "Where Mea.. A M has returned I ClOSt Eati Lee a student at the Unt At Savannah Ave., Route 80, Statesboro, "Where Nature Sehgrnnn with her at Lincolnton II Limits, end Andelsonspentseveralll CIty Preston Statesboro piirents Prince young S.O.... to Atlanta of Athens Sll\il.... a business trip hnd 1\S hOI Miss Nell Col When the Junior Chamber of COIn VCISlty Georgln, MISS RIta and guest made of the law class M,ss Ann WIlliford motored Lee, Dr and Mrs Anderson and DI man, presldent BULLOCH' TIMES merce organized It was easy to see Mrs Saturday for the day I Lee Garrett, of Bremen On FOR MUS PORR E C Ohvel at UnIversIty of GcorglS Augusta W h th th U ted Sunday I,)" lin] C were to to Groover who teaches that they gomg' get light "ere for MI s Hinton Booth, NEWS-STATESBORO Miss Mary Store at la�t �'eek they joined luncheon by Mrs Fred T Lanier SI compli Roger Holland, W Henry Pelot, age 54 years died (STATESBORO EAGLE) ¥'�ol�soon ISs��nt men (i) was home for the week work WI h that of young MIsses ElVIe a W H Blitch, Mrs Jesse at MIllen, at end here with his mother MIS Aaron group Maxwell and Menza mented Mrs James Port Itt with Mrs from lelf inflIcted wounds, Bruce Olliff MIS Ar­ gunshot at the head of the orgnnlzution and Cumming and three-course luncheon Wednesday aft Johnston, Mrs Cone left note, to hve for" Bulloch Establisbed 1892 B W Str-ickland, of Claxton F'�ed. �age room at thur Mrs Inman Fay '''nothing T,mes, CoDlIO cn�rs MI and Mrs Parke! and chil that ere the ei noon In the private dining Turner, Iidated lanuary 17, 1917, Roy what happens but they her Statesboro �eW3, Established 1901 } THURSDAY, FEB 16, 1939 In the the FOUR COU RSE s C P Olliff enter talned Mrs M F former cttiaen STATESBORO, GA, was a VISItor city during Jean and D[NNER the Tea Pot Gillie and folliwed It MI Stubbs, dren, BIlly Kenneth, spent first club to up fOI the annual and Statesboro Eagle, Established 1917-Conaolidated December 9, 1920 sign Dr and Mrs C M Destler enter ra club 'l uesday mormng at m, week S d in Thomasboro WI th h IS with a matmee pal ty at the GeO! g bridge of Statesboro, died LaGl'alIge, and Mrs Bud Fisher of Wal marble tournament sponsored tbe tamed followed with a three-coin se lunch Dr by Wednesday evening at their Theatre Covel'S were laid for MIS tennent W8l! at Eut Slde cemetery here m��h:r James POllitt was terboro, S C, VISIted friends Atlanta Journal? And who knows home on Woodrow avenue WIth a MISS Nell MIS E G eon at which MIS MISS Wmme Jones who teaches at Porritt, Jones, here Tuesdya Bulloch Man foui course dinner 10 which the Val Allen MIS honor guest A basket "as grven County Newnan spent last' week end here but that III May one of our little fel Cromartie, Mrs Lamer, NAME WINNERS IN E8t�te Pl�n�- BULLOCH tlTIZENS score Thirteen hundred and SELlS EGGS SmIth several entme Idea Wllhams fOI twenty-sIx TIDER _. _ Sidne spent WBS Mrs MIS Frank high SuMndrasy Y WIth her MI and Mrs W lows for "bones" m be on effectIvely carried Hinton Booth MI'S C P Olliff Erect OffIce wit purents calling ight In Column Butldmg the week m AtIanta h I out Covers were 11lId a box of for 10\\ went to attended farmers' inatitute Ripley's days dunng L Jones the bus headed for the national tour for MI and l¥1 E Gvimes, M,S W H Bhtch Mlo pIlZC, candy persons note fOI IHolland Mrs Z S Henderson Dr and Mrs Annie Smith Ml:5 MIS Dan Lester and paper and UD­ Mrs W E Dekle IS scv nament held each year at Atlantic Sidney Smith, MISS held here Monday Tuesday RIGHTFUL OWNER Two office buildings WIth dlmen TO BE ON THE AIR left spending Marlon W a West SIde COUNTY TOURNEY , Jardine .R H MlS Arthur Turner, ,elR"etivveSand Mr" Clyde- 11\ J DeLoach Mr and Mrs M S Mrs W W and cut was given Turner, erul days this week 10 Vidalia WIth CIty? Glad this organisation IS PIttman, Edge der auspices of GeorgtA Bankers As aions 20 40 teet each, are 10 110 to spend a Flora M,ss fOI also re­ received notice by Sunday for Detroit, Mlch, and we Hesaie Mr MIS Lamer Mrs POI rltt guest prrse community farmer, hei Mrs Marvm McNatt terested m our younger boys, Newton, on Fmds Basketful on Porch and RadIO Seek daughter, SoclatlOD, Brooks Simmons spoke Ready ' Shlson, Leefield medIate to be erected by Entertainel'll MIla few days SchIller, Dr and Mrs Destler MISS Hattie PO\',: cClved note l>aper Pla)'lng blldge from Beheve It Or Not" Reglster, prospect an d het famI I y expeci: to hear great th I1Igs from Monday evelllllg Monday week end ••• Interest m the Far­ For and Went on the Iota Bob MIkell spent the hel home on Cles \\ ere Mesdame� Alfred Dorman, "The Bankers' Handling West SIde Boys and GIrls the M M Holland estate Who Whistles and Man WIse II them Who knows that some ell entertamed at Rohert RIpley that hIS abIlity to Mrs MIkell m where PHILATHEA C Z Donaldson Ar To Merchant. In v/lth Wnycloss e a ew CLASS cent dllve With an mfolmal pnrty Flank Wllhams, mers' Welfare" Wrong VIctOrs Contests Immcdmtcly In the rear of the vost­ FOI�m.f larty motoMngrs tc; S:y boy bu� tn- "hlstle WIth hIS mouth closed, WIth Found a Pot of Gold. she teaches ue':,_:,y The Phllathea cls"s of the MIS to whom she thul 1 umer G E Bean H P Jones, ali'snnda M roll\eewperereston and Mra rs wee S outmg a'tnlghtsome campglvethnIS sum Baptist honollng Porntt, office on Vme street, according to In of Portal Bval fortkunate W E Mc adheSIve OV61 or filled MlSS ElOIse Colhns, S UIId a� school held thel[ bus a of hose 01111 SnHth HUllY Smlth Few persons are more accomodat tape It, Wltlt StIlson School and BOllllle MOl rlS mer I-Saturday night the youngel regulat plesented PIliI' JonqUIl TWENTY YEARS AGO HIgh boys Reg out Hol_ W,th the announcement made thl.I WIth hel SIster M rs Le ter and formatIOn gIven by R.ogor last week mess and SOCIal nal CISSt hel deeOl �\tlOl1 Dougald, R L Cone Dan water had been selected as one of spent lVIl and Mr- W 0 Shuptrme spent socIety had qUIte a dance at the neW meetmg Wednesday and formed 109 than Chff Bradley Sometlllles, Ister HIgh School gIrls of the senIor for F 1919 I lnnd week that Manon well kno_ afternoon at the home of theIr Valentme boxes of wele }'lllmk GlllneS Jommg them From Bulloeh Tim"" .... 13, Tomer, scveral the week In MIl Coffee when Carmen Cowal t pres candy glVen he does a kindness WIthout Rlply's Beheve It-Or Not" features MIS Dell days dUlmg Shop In perhaps, schools and Leefield boys .md West Sharpe nnd Mrs J S MUI The IIlter riC DaVIS luncheon wei e Mesdames Port Itt, 'lho&e 1\1 e ta be .mgle FrMedrsWwater:l as of M! and MIS Julie Turnel and Eltzabeth Rushmg Ident, ray fot prizes MISS Cur Lee that there have been 15, Mr Turner that bUlldmgs clttzen of Bulloch county who whilltlea ues ledgevllle guests Reported even to That was the case Mr RIpley .dvlsed S,de of the schools won An"Oei'Son motoredreTta Savanna," of was ElteailOl lIIan Holland Edwm mtendulg gIrls jUlllor HIli old entertamed The inVItations were red estill!!, program games plan made hIgh score and MISS Fay Rogel story structures and espeCIally udapt Shuptrme E 000 deaths from lnfluenza lR Georgtll some tl me III the SI>nng he will be WIth hIS mouth has beell for the lied Mrs Deall Anderlrogram d an a 0g�ne WIt aI I t e natur ness 0 r age, chapter hIgh Mr and Mrs W H Bhtch, who of opera;; �st;ee glni:' ro�ver, oveJ �'C�W Mr Bradley gathered the basket of es for thClr 10 the event Another story m theae cololllllll Mrs Fred Bland and httle son, ASSOCIatIon of Women wtll avenue Narc18Sl and to the table W88 of red and help makmg Snavanlla IS lm- but not I-DId h Unlverslty on Savannah pIece Val­ glow her l'rlt thorpeerwents he Why favors have been mukmg theIr home at and set them tolls about the Turner JIIcident. MIllen, are vIsIting pllrents, meet Feb 14 7 30 were woed for deco whIte camelhas Valentine eggs, II dozen und 10, a Buccess the ufternoon and IlIr. sat sactoril attractIve 0 a e roemostt0 Tuesday, o'clock, JonqUIl effectively Durmg proVIng allliftarlUm y p,cture fyo[ud seeR tmat .... dosta Bod have returned IlEAVY PLANTINGS and Mrs W J Racldey at the home of CPO I Wlth Her whIch WaB earn were gIVen e""h guest Mrs Dan Brunswick, on the back and went to hIS thele In town Jason Scarboro has returned In the Journal Sunday as hff, rating meal porch nIght of the last day, Saturd 'y, Turner, Monday aftsrnoOll, arne.. MIdVIlle, Harold of Billc, spen tOOl'S MISS Brooks GrImes as co-hostess was served buffet LeStel for ladlus' hIgh prIze was gtv to Statesboro to reSIde Akins, to hel home III Tifton aftel her announcement comes out? Ida prlSed of sea fooda, wOlk at tbe feed store An hour or 1200 to Wltness the gave an impromptlJ rendItion of b,s spend "ere spectators FARM LOAN GROUP here WIth � _ r Frank last week end parents The subJ�t for the pro"""'m... " Ame for en a pair of flower prints, and. Mrs several week" Wlth her VISIted Sara EllIS and style Mrs PorrItt guest pnze Mrs W T Hodges and Jasper In mg SISter, has ftequently so later he was amazed to observe WINTER LEGUMES contest A spmt of SPOI tHmnnshlp h,s speclalty-Bomethmg entireIr Mr and 00... Lewis AkIns Ican Drama and Wlll be presented as receIved handkerchIefs A nest Sunmons for men relceved a box of 11ft.. Jobn F Blannen. bas a few frIends here Also damty both of the Bhtch d,stt ICt, F",d T qUIte Hodges the back of the store a basket wb,ch In Wlitners was an mterested crowd Oil Dr R J Kennedy and follows The Federal Theatre se<>re we,,, won handkel'Chtefs Valentine candy for both the losers and umque-to M r und M rs H BI I t h an d eatlette Sh trlIIe P tertieId h ProJ- of bowls fDr "nIgh MONTH the J up dlcd tne were bUTled at Notable Results On MEET NEXT LanIer spent several days dunng Influence of MotIon PIctures, Thad MorrIS A tu low score w..nt to Jesse Johnaton durlllg week, he rccogruzed as the one m whIch he Appa�ent notable tIle (;ournamcllt the street. Standlnlr perfectly UIl­ httI e J IInJlIY, 0 r"'Svavanlla � IS a recent brIde -Ano0u. ci � ecb, by Mrs potted throughout In Atlanta on busmeos Horace were laId for Mr and Mrs Mlll Creek church week er r t LegItimate Stage and .RadIO Plays for low went to Mrs Covers Upper hlB de Farms the Wllnkle aad B A of mouth closed, he whl.tled "eek SOl�en guests h parents,,w:rre makes lts appearance therI. newkwee � ltp hud gathered eggs InqDlry Throughout �Im Johnsoll, Annual Meetmg or Members of concerned, Mrs W L deJnrnett. left Tuesday Ml8I!es Brannen and Brooks were Frank M, and Mrs Ed Marsh 11 Kea VISIted II them each Dorothy Smlth Other guests present Slmlnon�, Deputy U S a so hIS tunes could be WIth und �Irs , L �lf seems a group of young veloped the fact that negro youth Entire St..'\Lcsbor 0, were referees of t..'te scn clearly that afternoon fOI MiamI, FIll, to be and Ml'S Robert Donaldson Mrs Lan",e S,m­ Will Groover, Mr and Mrs Dan Les County. NatIOnal Farm I..oan Asso­ Mrs W I II lecelved a t em to GrImes, Mrs Waldo Floyd, 20 of shme MI lettel tellmg batrons Bulloch, caugbt "'<1l1oos bad the to the lor lmes ..ed thirty feet away Durinlr her who " qUlte III WIll have of the at De­ Mr and Mrs Wendel MI brought eggs store, and JUOIor g respecllvely recogn daughter, rs e 0Ieman an a charge program moWl, Mrs JIm Moore, Mrs Leff ter, Oliver, clabon March 8th. M R tndco:>e, r.c!:"�n� lam� the Tea Pot Saturday morrung,be:J and poured out eIght barrels of beer Some of the rcsults of the rend,tion closed Mr and Mrs R G F'leetwood and thIS meetmg Mrs Frank Olliff M", C B aDd Mrs Jesse Johnston sold them to •• clerk, asked for a county's Tornn\1c Wall, of Register was urn the he opened-and Walter ale a after thel[ arrival a dehvery Loach, end McDougald spendmg spec181 ••• a Statesboro and lIttle spent las� week at ptace betwcen sales ticket to to the alleged heaVIest seedmg of WInter legumes h,s mouth WIthout the slightest mter­ daughter rew thIS week III Atlanta was receIved theDl they carry plre 'rho unnual of the rocmbcrH Thomaav,lle days letter tellmg mcct.tng' WIth relatives '" WOMAN"S CI,UB PulaskI the left amI smaH call now be seen on of the whIch added te1 S.lussey fallllly and suckel S \\ el e gIven as f \Vors IO! h county 18 getting mto the head­ season hnlf theIr games [t f Emanuel(3) thell sistel, Mrs \Vtlham PUltllck · .. of Market wmnmg Nesmltb(6) IN BRUS� HERE Opening Moore hnes In an unusual way-the man a 10 the Sheets Johnson g Attendmg the l¥lethodlst Young BIRD SUPPER would mdeed be feather Work Newton Beasley who can whistle aRd the man wb.cJ. confcl ence In LaGI angc last mal' should end the g Makes People's Homer S1Inmons en The new dally cash livestock of the Professols they Health OffIcer 1\11 and Mrs Filed Deat Edwards County III ".eek end \\fIe MISS on To Be g round 11. of gold are Mary Hogan will ha\ e Its opemng sale Win over the Mercer Required pot equally teltallled IIIformally Wednesday eve keb scason Wlth a Substitutes West SIde-Alien and After Careful In­ M"ses Durden, Catherllle March 9th Report Mr Turner WIll be Dorothy at home on North Maln Thursday, plovlded hold demand prepared mng theIr Bcals The B 1ptlSt basketeel s al to Leefielfi-Chfton and Rebl and the con caJlIFarmWork sheets � inS t�at e Akms, at Stores, FClguson Yalbolough weatber conditIons spection over radIO. sheet With a bud supper whIch was permit to make hiS appearance and \\ ms over Tech and other to CllrIton and Ed" aId Call'Uth structlOn of our and pens Georgm be diVided 01 changed otherwIse sel ved buffet qUInce bUlldmgs, has since to style Flowerlllg of Mr Brannen 10Rg gone Melvm Glenn that bme The name WIll be se­ southern college teams should Fisher To Be The discovery several weeks ago fOI med a centerpIece to the by strong conform With 1939 operations Ham be fa­ B "ho fOI the pretty hIS home Many persons may • D Frankl," JI past lected the comnllttee on next Mon dISease known 81S an table and \\ 8S used fOI decoratmg by be fIled WIth the county agcnt IIrlOr that dreaded year hus beel\ With the Greyhound 20th. We plan Feature Speaker mlhar ",th the story of hIS mysten. Theil InVIted guests wete Mr and day evening, Febluary Prices Remain Good III far off North Dakota, atart­ statIOn hete alla as to Mal ch 1st thrax, Bus Co at then to the bUSiness Just IlUS of It IS doubtful how­ MI'S Bob Pound MI and MIS Groo­ Incorporate Public Health SerVIce pe(uted by (By Ocorl'ta. all vel Blitch MI and Mrs Reppard On ever If anybody 18 able to gIve Macon st..'lbon was at home thiS week com offlcmls on a hunt whIch led arc fourteen stockholders In our the same opel ator 1n 1939 as In 1938 Athens, Ga Feb 6 -Ham FIsher, germ DeLoach IIIr and Mrs SIdney La authenltc of the affaIT on bUSIness und Vlslted wtth IS a brush story bnefh Each ofle of them pro stock market has had or beloved and from an lmected shavmg mer Mr and Mrs Bmg BlOwn, Dr pany Statesboro "Ith no land added taken away creator of the WIdely h,s brother Sam J Frankhn, and h,s ducer of hvestock and a real dIrt Ulld Mrs A L Chfton and Dr aDd another good v.:eelc accol ding to I c_ flom the do not need any known comiC character, "Joe Paloo­ across to Japan lUnt, Mrs J E McCroan acreage Traffic Laws Permit Mrs John Mooney f'lrm", from sales at both of Anthrax IS an oftImes fntal dis­ · .. sell hve_ port..� received aheratlOl1s In the iOl rns now on file ka' WIll be the featllred speaker · .. WhIle we plan to buy and m fast been ease common to men and firm textured pnnts, bnght we to conduct pleaSing have alteratIOns are to be mnde the annual Press Institute ammals, on Red MR GRUBBS l�lPiWVES MRS WILLIAMS HOS'lESS Smooth, stock dally, also plan yards EspeCially If ap GeorgIa Right Turning washable and once a week The cattle or of contacts WIth coIocs! Guaranteed practically an auction sale prices for hogs and young oval of the dIVISIons add,tIOns at lhe Henry W Grady School bemg spread through -THE FOOD THAT The fllends of FranK Grubbs WIll her serIes of lovely ID . PI Continuing sale Wlll be an auction sale and hair. A recent m the traffIC la_ DlStmctive patterns you're openmg handed m from Bulloch III have to be JournalISm o( the of Geor cases and-Itlfected change be mterested to leam that he IS dq fonnal Mrs W W W,ll,ams noo-shrinking, '" A Report change operat.ors Will Ulllverslty hlde� BOOtE! p,lrtles WIll be held 011 March BUILDS STADnG and Thursday, man III Dakota was of whIch change meets 11lg n leely a�tet an emergency..,Q.Jl entertamed Tuesday at the sure to like' Stock Ya, d, 0 L McLemore flom the state offIce If February 24 The dIsease Nortn. Statesboro, afternoon ,f procured gla, Fnday, fo! .It the Bul Leon 9th, pOSSIble of those whet Lb e.lI�tlOn appendICItis Hotel honormg Mrs IS as follows file March 1 WIll be the of the traced to a shavmg of foreIgn the hearty approval Rusblng We soliCIt a share of your bUSiness ager, work sheets al e on by Mr Flsber guest brqsh loch Tomhnson of of whIch County HospItal Saturday Sr, Valdosta, guest the Yard I at after manufacture on the bave learned of It, IS that per­ Lb 15c Pum now to sell your Itvestock 'Bulloch Stock epolts call be I>rocured by plant- Atlanta Journal, and speakmg haVIng SMOKED SAUSAGE .... Mr and Mrs Leon Tomlmson Jr Her approval Im�ressed the and an run turns on the red convement way.. easy way 'Iuesday's sale unllsually talge edItors and tbe UnIversIty handle "ImperIal, stenhzed, Japan, mlta [lght LOUISVILLE VISI1 ORS refreshments comprlslllg a WOOLENS Yd. mg ttme to Georg'" han� Pork and Beef l�c damty SPRING cattle sales No " Sausage� S 1.49 the way that WIll brmg you the most of hogs but hghter tbe 332 A number of these brushes So WlIS the change M,ss week course of chIcken salad frUIt cake of GeorgIa student body during hght. qUIetly Meg GUl\tel spent last the or week extra 11 head Lb cash at any hour of day 1 com fed, good hogs, to have learned PORK ROAST Mr and M1s and a were served tn the BULLOCH CITIZEN WIll be entertalDed at a were exammed and all were found made that few persons end Wlth her parents, beverage 2400 SIX months old morn 109 he were except Sunday welghmg Ibs, J W Guntel III LOUIsvIlle coffee shop [nVlted gue·ts III the Geor be inJected Ilf and traffIC 18 stIll frequently Breakfast 8aA:on., cello-,.rap� They, ALPACA Yd. Yours Sincerely sold at $755, other No Is $675 to PASSES IN MACON luncheon by the Journal It, ",th M,ss and fnends who had relatt,... III Valdosta SHEER 79c lack of In­ Betty JImmy Gunter, C PAUKER COni No 2s to $660, members Smce 1937 more than of because of th,s SHAD-Roe or Buck HOMER $700, fed $640 ginn Hotel WIth IIIstitute 85,000 delayed e lme avet Sunday and W�le guests Those �resent wele Mesdames Leon PA8'l'EL SHADES No 1 mIxed $645 ta $665 No In COUll recCived in four Tomlmson hogs, HIS many frlCnds Bulloch John Paschall, a!1Bocmte and these brushes, ship I formatIOn .e of MI and Mrs C B Mathews Tomltnson Sr Leon Jr, guests CROAKER FISH mIxed fed to No ... Lb:_ DEPUTY COLLECTOR 2 $600 $655 3s, of 01' the new rules traffiC IS re .. Gordon Bhtch and H S ale saddened the death ealtor of the WIll mouts from Japan, have been sold Under · B V Page, lind 5 ty by managmg Journal, PEANUTS 100 Ibs $395 NEXT WEEK $540 to $585 No 4 , $500 SEED Bhtch COMING Charles TIllman of I artist dlstnbutcd A of the States to slow down at �he red (lgbt VISITED IN MILLEN Yd. to Hodges formerly mtroduce the noted comIc survey qUlred · .. SILK LINENS 49c See the New $725 or SEED POTATOES Many Styles Ma_ made the intersectIOn and to preference Cobbler Bhaa DI and Mrs R J H DeLoach "Cattle market hIgher Good fat th,s county who dIed suddeny 111 Ham FIsher now ranks among the boro stores has been by gIve SOLID AND PRINTED Fot the convelllencc of those '\\ ho I BUFFE1l. LUNCHEON 1.1I-lb Bag $3.25 \\ele dmnet of to gueqts Fttday cvenmg beef type heIfers and steers 5675 con two weeks HIS death was as a COmIC arttst and­ Bulloch health department to through tralJlC, However, rIght Today! file federal In ago top notchers county MIS Cleveland 1 Mrs EdWln Groover entertamed nre reqUIred by law to DI and bompson medIum to small none are under Guaranteed Good $575 $650, due to a heart nttock whICh he suf arts 1st to and as far as can be ascertained turns permItted prpper her the a collector $850, has helped many youngel lba. 6ac III MIllen MI'S Walter Lamal of the members of bridge club, come tax leturns deputy 00 to $650 fat cows FLOUR 12 lbs 35c 24 yearlmgs, $5 s to States and other fered ony a few haUl preceulOg he 18 still a young man of these brushes have come control Macon, preSIdent general of the U Mystery, guests nllu{lng Internal revenue w111 be at the 50 to 00 medIum 25 to $3 75, fame, though of $4 $6 $2 of States- TOILET TISSUE 3 for lOe D C \\ as hOlWl Covers \\ ere fOUl table. WIth a buffet luncheon veal Mr was the son of MI s bol'O InCIdentally the people guest In States �4 25 to $6'25 ChOICe Rodges hImself UnIted State- postofflCe bulls, for h\ld fOI Wednesday A centerpIece of red 150 Ibs to 00 of thIS and the late edltars The health asks that bora are glvmg warm approval 3 Lbo �c elgbt calves, to 225' , $925 $11 J W Hodges cIty He WIll to Georgm department BULK BORAX • • • on Febl unl 21 and 23 to as brmg and whlte used on hel bora y prettily Twenty five extra good veal calves J \v He had been engaged and tnbulatlOns each CItIZen of Bulloch ex- thIS cllnnge III the traffIC laws then [e Flodges IllS story of the trmls coanty RETURN 10 SHANGHAI appomted table and J;l!d candles com Minkovitz l&l Slst taxpayeis In plepunng flom 25 to Sons "old averagmg and SATURDAY H. �9 $11 00, sevelal am brush and if FRIDAY Flowels In the lumber bUSiness for of the comiC game, and IllS Idea of me h,s shavmg Bny MIS James POllitt WIll lenve Ftl pleted the table decoratIOn .. turns $22 00 per head" One 'Of our neighbors was demon AT to Ml Porfltt In her room and was an of the between the comics and arc found the above trade day for England J011\ predommatmg llvmg At Mink's and Save!" T GROOVER P M years employe the relution bearmg "Shop GEO No has been banded WIth hIS wI�e be�ause she In a VISIt to 1 elltives before I etuJ n \\ ere and daffodIl For I spcclfic report and Door m ta the health offIce stratmg Jopolllcns lugh WIllingham Sa,h Company the newspapers Irl, to report Llvestocl, COM to ltve to her to to In seore she a set of bo" 15 m from Statesboro _ refuses up obhgatlOn then home Shnnghal gnve mixing .. "ent IIlg '''hl� :- GEORGIA llilme Mmtster Chamberlall1 v;ent for twelve years The mother at once & CO POllitt ha3 to Mrs Cectl a STATESBORO she tells SHUMAN hele MIS been Brannen, pot plant mlS�lon sale honor and obey, but L. J Wednesday's most sur-cessful who love, V1Sltll�F. MUb"Sohnt and Company's to hiS bedsule upon learmng of Ius 'Chnt man IS hel MIS E G CIOmattie an(l for low went to Mrs Geolge Groover to Rome to see out COU$1nS\ a man has been him that sort of stuff '" as much and remallled WIth hIm llll the Llccomphshed the gpod Many thoroughly 1\[1515 Neli Jones and hl!f"m nnd a set of fancy matches for back home WIthout loslI1g hIS urn One of life'. most dIffIcult thmgs Illness has, g�test :lIl� cqt as the horse und Y •. , I eJltest number of cleaned by a httle soft soap of date ou!!' days. .... to MIS Geolge B""n I 13 to tak" adVICe end for the gl people �_i_ , brellu ':.----..,.'I'"'--o:---- I ,I f I

, ' I, 1939 THUltSDAY, FEB. 16, TItURSDAY, FEB. 16, 1939 BULLOCH TIMES AND STATESBORO NEWS BULLOCH TIMES AND STATESBORO NEW8 "0 . .... HAVE YOU READ- MY Schools Notes From Nevils !jHap\ Bulloch County AN "IF" FOR GlI!LS I Newsy

------make II can II If you dress to yourself Si)E£I.4L county tournament which was held School attractive, MI's. E. A. Proctor was a Visitor There Will be a stunt night Pl'O- Middleground in Brooklet the past week end. The ��� muke and curl But not puff your In Savauaah Thursday. gram put on at ti.e school auditorium drew Portal for their first game, chief .. "The Collegian" won a basket­ boys delight; 1 artrn was u visttor here Feb 17th Middleground boys i\[ I'S. C ,J. i\[' Fr-iday night, ruary 1 n score of "S'l�" If can swun and l'OW, be strong whom defeated by you when they In one the which we me wilt be real ball game last Tuesday night and Daisy and laxton day nnag good, a de­ active, I' W001 Fla""�1 to 20. The suffered .411_ School's 28 boys I so come out and us the they played the 'framing But of the gentle graces lose not past week, help enjoy foat at the hands of the strong Stil­ 1f�� Dan G. Lanier IS fun. second team. slowly Improving \ in sightj. I-PIECE son who took first place If can WIthout a craze for The ninth grade has been in charge engel'S, you .dance at hIS home below here UftCI an ex- Mr. and Mrs. Pernie Hagood and the tourney. The Register team de­ of the seed that arc being sold for .,�.,,� tended illness. daughter, Willena, of Savannah, too the School Satur­ Pla/:����t giving pluy strong the school. Many feated Laboratory ,# � SImmons and MI·s. JImmie of week end with Mr. of part the benefit a hold; Dent spent the afternoon a score of 25 to 20, 'til day by a SUIT packages of seed have becn sold. Now you can .buy f,!l1- Enjoy the love of Iriends without 1'0- Simmons, of Savannah, spent -part, of Hagood's parents. Mr. and Mr�, B, F. to take third place. The Register d,tfJ Pontiac near The seventh and eighth grades ." size, reu- qllahty mancmg , the week end with their parents, Mr. Hagood, and other relatives tourna­ team will enter the district more than Care for the weak, the friendless raised one dollar fOl' the infantile for so sligbtly and 1I1rs. R. '1'. Simmons. here. ment, which will be held at Metter in and the old; fund. the lowest price you'll Mr. and Mrs. F. L. DeLoach and Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Lewis an­ paralysis If you can master French and Greek the this week end. miss the difference! 5299 The seventh grade has begun 'never and Latin of Savannah, spent nounce of II on daughter, Merle, the birth daughter ELVIN ANDERSON, I ia in their social sci­ And not as well a DeLoach's little costume study of Gcorg acquire priggish Sunday with 1111'S. parents, February 6th. No name has sa yet A fascinaling JERALD DEKLE, cold work. Mrs. A. Wear it as a dress on days ence been given it. Mrs. Lewis will be Reporters. If you ��e:�eel the touch of silk and �nd blouse on The seventh is very proud uite anum er 0 our 0 Iks were Allie as a suit with grade satin MrQ' Tb· Hfannahf· remembered as Miss Mae Sykes, School new MUSIC Haul' books it has The Register High girls at each of bas; �a'r� days. With the gay, of the With out despising calico and jean; in attendance game of near Claxton. first skirt and played their game Friday night If can a saw and use a ketball wbich was at the tour- Kick-pleated received. you ply played Misses Wnuwecse and Luuline Ne­ AutO-POISE youthfut the final score be­ buttoned to For the chief. center in interest in with Portal, with mer, ham-i narnent at Brooklet last week. form- fitting . jacket smith had several visitors during the in favor of Can do a man's 'work when need The colors are lus­ fif'th we are studying the ing 15 to 23 Register. Mr. and MI's. Charles Nevils and the throat. the grade week end and all or them took in the CONtROL met wben Sizes t2, 14, t6, 18. beet indust.ry in the mountain On Saturday night Register little Marolyn, of States- straIght, �eD cious! sugar Can si��c��'h�n asked, without excuse daughter. basketball tournament which was wheels to welcome three itt a very fast game. At states. We are glad Statesboro or boro, were guests Sunday of Mrs. A built-in stammer, held in Brooklet on Thursday, Fri­ o· f"tur"'S(a��.... HelPlbklee:.a tire Al, the end of the first half the two rise above slams, or nger modeIs. new students, Eulie Saunders. Can unfriendly Nevils' mother, Mrs. A. L. Davis. 1939 day and Saturday. on aU 1938 roodels FILLED were tied. Both teams came and MAIL ORDERS bert Woodcock and Bertiee Lee. teams slurs; Mr. and Mrs. Clayt Denmark and aU 1936. posse7193 us well on Cbe.k SIZE .nd COLOR Deslrod but when the final If you k good bread Misses Ina Pearle and Theida Sisel In the sixth grade we are studying back to win, family and Mr, and Mrs, Tom Nevils d Colors won one a�a�u�;e�� Ruth Ellsworth, of Na hville, Tenn., 12 ( I also have two new whistle blew Register by home neal' and patente ( I Scandinavia. and Can sew with skill and have an went to Gus Denmark's Aqua I I on II to 14 score of 23 to 24. al have gone wsit Mobile, Ala., Ttll t I Pate and A. J. with the AND deliverr.d to to a din- 16 I I students, Euphrates point, UP, eye dust; Brooklet Sunday birthday I - the remain., Dusly PInk t was Michigan. Prices and hold no and Hollywood, Flu .• for 18 I I are to have Avis Alderman hgh point player. P01lliac, If you can be a friend nero ( I Saunders. We delighted willloul Raspborry of .ubj«1 10 cllano. del' of the winter after staying with DOUBLE-SAFE were Jim ...... •....• ( ) Elbert The referees Wrinkle, .ad .... doli nd Ia Nude one former student, Marsh, notice. Transportation, .. Mr. and Mr8. T. W Kicklighter A all love because a few .. and of gi�l'����-;- may an aunt near here for days. Douolr, oqwppod us Statesboro, Tommy Walls, slate and local lazes (if and find Mr. und Mrs. NAME ...... wi th again. they must; son, Lunou, BRAKES chl'.1 Indudl.. p_ is to know Pulaski. any), optional equipment T. J, Denmark and Mrs. Charlie ..roe en! ca.... DOl lad...... The fourth grade proud It sometimes you should meet and Roland Starling were dinner guests froro ADDRESS a ttd accessories-extra. echanicul baa ..,. aad IoaI 1\11' . and class three made DOROTHY COLLINS. love another of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Denmark, of Atlanta, are visiting � band brake...... that all the except Sunday Sikes, Hydrau.lic start at 7:30 close in. ested in the improvement of the Doings' dr�ss, T. E. 'naves; quarte't. school on Monday of nah avenue, prIvate bath, and family Sunday. schools, and Nor­ Those Making 100 in Spelling Ilnd 10 cents. The proceeds of Clipomeka .� tbe Bamberg, S. C., be 5 See A. C. BRADLEY. (2feb2tp) in to attend �GENTS Mrs. J. H. Gl'lffeth and Mrs. T. R. red cow, weighing swine industry GeOl'gia Mr. and Mrs. Rex Trapnell and of that place, spent Those 100 in spelling were: will to the last week, abo�t 26jan4tc) man KIrkland, after­ makmg thIS entertainment go marked new automatic shal­ Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Hendrix and Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Foss, Mr. and Mrs. mother Bryan Jr. entertained Monday 650 short horns, spht FOR SALE-One the Maeon meeting. Mr. and J. K. and lit­ with M iss I Sara Beth Katiyn pounds, in Mrs. Conrad Mrs. Trapnell Sunday noon Griffeth home m honor Eva NeVIls, Woods, school. reward. DAR­ for use on rural family visited relatives Augusta R. P. Miller, Mr. and �reetor1U�t at lhc Ogeechee in ear; suitable low well pump The association was at J. C. Preetonus. I'ight organized DeLoach. Mrs. tle SOll moitored to Savannah Sunday 'Mrs of little Jill fifth bIrthday. Aida Anderson, Iris Kight, 1Il care of J. C. SmIth. lme. SAM J. FRANKLIN, Sunday. McCorkle and Mrs. A. the Bryan's Watson, BY BROWN, electric The •. F. W. Hughes en'tertained Macon last November. by-laws, visited her down for medi­ Mrs. W. S. M·r The Valentine idea was can'ied out Frank Station. (2febltp) Mrs. Robert Aldrich DeLoach having gone to visit theil' mother, Tillman, Ca"olyn Bowen, School News Bus . 13 Club Wednesday afternoon. Betty Nevils (9feb1tp) at a loter of officers bed at Lucky in the l'efreshments and the favors. adopted mceting parents, 1\11'. and Mrs. R. L. Durrence, cal treatment, will remain in of hearts Mrs. W. We have been studymg TI·apnell. In the SIX taples Simmons. that last week. home for a few but is able to The following guests were invited: and directors in Atlanta, specify days, Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Gard and Mrs. Lee and Mrs. Joel 1I1imck won in We find France The P. T. A. met Thursday after_ Ottis of D. Gilbert Aycock, Ann Akins, Joan Den_ France geography. of the ol'ganization Mr. and Mrs: Royal, receive company. scores. were Htl).e purpose Parrish attended the monthly second we crowd . Edgar bigh and high Susanna Manana H interesting. 'Vhlle noon with a large attending. Brooklet, were dmner guests of Mr. In celebration of J. A. Denmark's mark, Gilmore, JlI. very o teth e Intel'ests 0 f the swine Thelma Buie had as her guests t promo Denmark and of the vocational and home Miss Billy we a was given and Mrs. Linton Lamb Sunday. sixtwtb birthday, Mrs. meeting Colhns, S�rn Hinton, Billy Upchurch, 'studying Holland bought tulip. An interesting program last week end Miss Dorothy mdustry of the state through co-op- Robert Aldrich visited hIS motber. chtldren entertained with a teuchers ut Brooklet Mon­ Bobbie Belcher, Betty Par­ IS music Sunday economics of Robertson, is now blooming and very pret­ with Mrs. Lastinger's pupils Miss Ileen MIller, It efforts of all swine I Mrs. Julie Febru- basket dinnel·. The cake Cf,.,d of Register; Ell n Robert Minick, erative producers Aldrich, Sunday, bIrthday hO)d­ and the rish, Parnsh, with day night. /fAt green school comrnumty, ty. It is pink, pretty in charge. whose was cele- also deco� Ogeechee Barbara GI iffeth, Jen­ a.nd allied interests." ary 12th, birthday IIlg sbcty candles, being meet at of Statesboro. Jerry Minick, "'Ie has the The Baptist W. M. S. will Misses Newton, Vicki leaves. We �njoy seemg it grow. MI·s. Ray Trapnell accepted brated 'On that date. ra.ted with flowers, was in the conter a ny Shearouse, Beall, Montgom­ The activities will include CO-OpOl'_ H. Rmton hus accepted and was the home of Mrs. Mabel Soundel's Mrs. J. EBen box that helps as teachers of the SIxth Mr. and M,·s. Tel'l'ell HarVIlle of the table. Mr. Denmatk velY Auctioneer Glol'ia a of tLe ery Preston, HowaJ'd, hhve good Enghsh position teach grade and ation with stnte and federal agencies the position to seventh. Wells. made there family and Mr. and Mrs. 1'homas De- happy dUJ;ll1g the da)' to receive Monday aftel'l1oon. They begin _the and Nell us to use better English. grade, a vacancy being s'Ocinl science In the Mlddlegrollnd in a better fcecilng, dis- Loach visited their Mrs. and nl�o of for­ of Ml's. breeding, mother, many congratuln1.ions gifts. study of the mission book, "Go For­ neal' Statesboro, The Hobby Club, composed EVA NEVILS. the Ralph Junior Sehool, by resignation and Arnold About one hunch cd wcre High of B,'ooklet ease-and-parasite_control, gen- De-Loach, Sunday. guests pt'es- there Monday. mer girls graduates the Grade watd,U at this I1llleting. and began wOl'k . Firth Howard. Quite a number of our folks nt- ent. Miss Jante School who do not attend col­ eral herd il11]Jl'oYcment proglam. M,·s. G C. and and MISS Elise WillIams and HIgh has made a frieze tended the anntver_ Mr. and MI·s. C. A. Zetterower held Bidgood family Miss LUTlC The fifth grade HOME ECONOMICS auction golden wedding G. S. C. W., Milledge­ lege, was entertained by TI,e group also will sponsor of at. KeElveen, of We are sary of Mr. und 1\11'5. T, S. Denmark, open house Sunday at their ncw horne Mrs. L. H. Harville, Dublin, Mrs. Lanier Thursday aftel noon in the and it is very pretty. plan_ A of women from the Nevil!! were of Mr. and group sales of breeding stock, 14th. rlloved. Tille, guests We registel'ed of Bryan county, February into whIch they have recently tended the birthday dinner of A. A. Mrs. B. home economics l'oom of the school on having a picnic Tuesday. met afternoon in M. Williams and Mr. and lllng commumty Fndtly othel' mellsures to fur- Theil' their J. how and designed Many of our Denmark folks at- guests IOcluded chIldren, who celebrated his last week building. A continued study of to the sawdust plle. I to Turner, C. McElveen, respectively, are going the home economics department the of swine the sel'vices at the school au- Miss Grace Zetterower, of Augusta; to make decorations from ther development pro- tended birth at his home Sunday.eigh,ty-I personal have a time. Mr. second day end. know we will good a group. dltorltlm and Sunday Chas. ZetteroweJ', of Savannah; of natuI'e was the lrl·oup. The organize study dllction in thIS state. Saturday night Miss Cromley, a membm' enjoyed by LEE. Lehmon Zetterawel' and Mrs. Z. T. DeLoach is spendmg Mary OUIDA DELL table discussion on the The New '''Ie arc hoping this wi11 and IMI·S. faculty, and will soon begm painting pine A round �� Officers of the aSSOCiation, in ad- afterno,:m. Gordon School girls and Mr. and M,·s. the week in Statesboro with her the High . Sylvia, Grade thc . . be contmued. daughter, Geor­ cones and acorns for home and per- Sevent.h health status of t.he children In )(iss Dorothy Cromley, of South dltlOl\ to A. H. JelUllllgs, I Colen and children, and a She Miss a will fill his Rushing Mrs. J. J. Zetterower. week onal nse. Miss Jordan and . and the Indians," about :urcell, ar� Rev. Wm. Kltehen reg- daughter, Teachers College, spent the "OglethOl'pe school and what might be done Theo few friends. The Zp.ttel'ower home gia home economics AmeriCUs, ular at HUl'vilie church was honor celebrnting Mr. and Mrs. Smith, apprentice was by the suf­ pl'e�ldent, .and appowtment guest Sunday end with their parents, one-act, play, given it was held. Plans for productng of. i� one of the prettiest country homes had of the lesson Stivers, of RomeJ vice-preSIdent. Sunday night, \February 19th, at 7 :30 "ith her chil­ teachers, charge m Mon_ her ninetieth birthday W. C. Cromley. seventh grade pupIls chapel ficient food for the family were dis­ to at- that can be found any place. the lectures. After the progl am a social The board of directors, at pl'esent, o'clock. Everybody is lIlvited at S. entertained Directory . and fl1ends Mr•. C. Cromley Telephone Mrs. H. -0. Waters and A of the pu­ daughter, dren, grandchildren the hour was which time day morning. majority cussed. A committee \\as appointed tend these services. Missionary Society of eujoyed, durmg i'llcludes the thl'oo officers and S. H. Mrs. Waters' Zetter- Women's were Elise. viSIted father, the home of Mr. and Mrs. afternoon. Chinese checkers were played. were In the play and all t.he reC'Ords of the doc­ and Mrs. A. R. an- )(ethodist church Monday pils to investigate Gardner, of Locust Grove; Q. P.Groo- Mr. S11lpes Herschel Anderson, Sunday, at which closes SOOft! . ower. hour was interest in marl in costumes. The was what nounce the birth of a son February .. a a social Of cordial the iage dressed play tor nurse and determine tlme mI'. n erson s ht first After program, and af L'th'I la S'pl'lng.; W H I II rose,'[ h Ad' elg y- time refresh­ Anita of ver, 2nd. He will be Bobbie. 1\1rs. Mr. and MI·s. Comer Bird had as which of Miss Holland, Florence, on friends children .' called was celebrated with a bas­ enjoyed during based Oglethorpe making per' cent of ondel'-nolllished W. 8. of birthday nnd James Franklin of .f Decatur; Huw, Collcge will be I'ememhered as Miss his father and ments were served. Ala., Spiers, Indians in their have Snipes ket With most of the c11l1_ their guests Sunday With the exchange to famiJies ·who do not of dinner, Grace publIc Wilson Ala., on February 4th. belong YOUR in the "Park; Dr. M. P. Jarnagin, Athens; Latzak before her marriage. J. Mr. Miss Cromley, sch.ool Dam, was Is present listing Telephone dl'en and present. Ml'. and Mrs. E. Bird; of After the peace treaty t.o an ade­ grandcl11ldren mother, teaeher in the Douglas Hlgh The was solemnized gifts. sufficient incomes supply C. of B L. fl'om here the W. M. music wedding quietly H. Jones, Waycross; Those attending The regular meeting of the and Mrs. Geo. W. Bird and family, smoked the en. to and John Cromley, of South at 8:30 a. m. by Dr. R. L. Motley, signed they peace pipe. diet for the chIld, 'Ph,s correct? If move-if addi· horse races at Glenwood last week Mrs. C. School, quate Dircetory you plan J Southwell, of TIfton, and R. E. Weth- U. was held at the home of Lanier and were week­ of the First and was Mr. and Mr3. Regmald Georgia Teachers College, pastor emeritus BaptIst Tbe pla.y was well presented committee will present theu findings were Mr. and S, J. Foss, Mr. C. DeLoach, Tuesday, February 7th. Mr. or resent one el'mgton, of Dexter, Mr�. Josh Durden onai ing of representatives of the Baptist tences with bird names. The county will, way batcfit from Cardui. introduce a bill It aIds in as a Lee tbis week in Pembroke. churches of the RIver Georgia legislature, there. IUTn to tertained two tables of bl'ldge at saId. "Bachelors serve balance Miss Eunice Tanner, Miss Mary tmlrnament' Ogeechee Bap_ contest was won Avts Alderman. You will it convenient to lust by act of 1937 firul shop' the whole drew a bye, wbich tist Ass(X.'jation for the of to amend the creating the buddIng up system b Those wheel in our scheme of Bohler ttended The Brooklet boys purpos.e of 00- their b_ome Wedn""day night. society, keep­ and Emory 'The seniors had another thrill of tax commisSIoner of Bnllocb and the deoIer _ Brallnen :fact Hleir play until Fnday an aSSOCiation oi workers office your directory quichly find helping wemen to more b.... Wes­ deJays organizmg oo.sifod get playmg were MI'. and Mrs. E. S. ing the benedicts �n their good the Youth Crusade rally at the \ The wilJ at mg seDlors today. We placed our county, making the tax commissioner ener� councI1. meetmg open from - ]ligbt. sells the merchandise or service thelf food and so Mesdames L. J. havior and the of Monumental church in Savannah All offIcers and ex-offICIO sheriff so that be may col­ you �, Increases Brannen, Holloway, breaking monotony ley G. W. "'ho ba.s been in Ma­ 2:30 o'clock. pastors, order 1'or the caps and gowns. y Mann, levies for the resistance to und lIarris MISS life for the wives. Old maids would with bis church officials wHi make up this AViS lect I"",ke the strain of Coy Temples Harvill, night. eon for the past two weeks ALDE��N.. 8.l\d, func­ l�ursday of lsallte' in 'said county. '( Mrs. C. D. Herrington, tXl council. The purpose IS to promote CORINNE coLtllNS, coJlliyon tional �riodlc ViVIan Gnffin and Mr. and Mrs. Hol_ lose their self·respect 'when' they claughtel', pam. It! - work of tbe This February 9, 1938. 'fry FOR RENT Small unfurnished receive treatmeDt f?om Dr. Buemore progress in the general Reporters. After the gam'ls delicious leamed that they got us because we D. B. FRANKLIN, bat», hot a tXlrn for the worse churcb m a south-wide revival. apart:nent, elf that city, took BllISketball News sandwiches wel'c served with coca­ were to avoid ,the payment adjo� BARRY S. trying ' 226 South Te. James W. of Atlanta. AK.Il(S, water; rea�onabl'" Apply Dr. Merritt, . this week. 'Jnform"tlon has been The Sdtool A·.R·D U.I '.he Regi9teT High bo)'s' Bulla<:.h County C !loway.colas, of a tax." College street. (9febltp) ber.e that an i. nec­ .... ill be present and wiJl deliver Rep.e�Dtatives. eeived operation team third in the STATESBORO TELEPHONE COMPANY of the afternoon. basketball plaeed (9feWte) -ry. message AND NEWS • BULLOCH TIMES S'tAT�SBORO THURSDAY, FEB. 16, 1939'-i THURSDAY, FEB. 16, 1939 STATESLORO NEWS BULl.OCH TIMES AND BAI'TIST W_ IIt_ S_ . iIIIl. rom of the' W_ M,Iil!- Social Overftow The circles Baptist SHALL TELL US WHEN? S, with a total of sixty_live present, WHO 00 ' TILE met Monday afternoon at 3:30, in ATLANTA BA 8 TIMES Continued from page the homes, below for a completion of BULtOCH There lS atill more or less aglt.a. the first mlSS10n study course for U AUTOMOBILE fiNANCING AND Involved in the ���i�ess I lion of the questton DRAWS FROM AFAR Nob,?�,!. LOVELY l'ArtTIES the year, "Go Forward TWO of --- the Blitch circle mot at the home of STATESBORO NEWS recent sale by the Mrs. W D. McGauley was THE . at home who have WIth Mrs J. S. \ Famous Circular At- ON THE SQUARE TODAY by other old-agars hostess Tuesday at two Mrs. Julian TIllman, war mater-ial to Painting JOO charming the not in certain potential aliso benn whacked. the afternoon Mrs. Murray mission study leader. Why put yourself n so PlllR YEAR Visitors From stauon W11l be badly lovely parties. In BUBSCRD'TION tracts Georgia another bIg fillmg at the home of Mrs_ con..derable cmnmo., BRADY'S Tomlinson of Valdosta, WRS Bradley CIrcle, !France. QUIte Leon Sr., same as a cash I ere there IS position purchaser? rock long. on Zetterower Owner. the World_ built 111 flat the pensions Mrs. used for J D. Allen, avenue, B. TURNER. EGllOT "Dd raised over the Throughout by reason of reducing honor guest. McGauley o tion IS sought to be at as co­ morc corner left in town but red curnatlons and WIth Ml's Char-les Bryant us car or some of their decorations lovely I See before you buy your to the old age folks, conducted' Marcb unwisdom of the and 6 -One the same. serv, hostess. Mrs_ E. A Smith : second-cIa.. mewee wisdom or sale, Atlanta, Ga, Feb. of L}re d'15 on red WIth fern. She antered al darters have had to help snapdragons cash to at Statel­ �ne gra;,eyar sons and tea at both the miSSIOn and arrange to pay 1906, .. the PO!llotnlce �ressen to a salad with study. truck, 28, embarrass the preaident of the War Between we could find a place congealed und-er tbe Act ot Con.re_ efforts to bloodiest battles if only good says S. Carr. boro, Oa. Sale them a little rnr. kmk Jonson was Cobb circle ,'lith Ml Kermitt Clearance Chlnker checks played. MaTch 1871 the we would hiedparties your dealer and 8, In some quarters. in which Confederate move graveyard to, their won Mrs. Raines wus in charge of have sprung up the States, February if his rna and pa don't get In the afternoon prrzes were by Guy with stations. a then be full-up filhng who made mission sludv Whether It was from a friendly, heroism reached new raised back that he lS Mrs W T. Thomas, high- )"alor and pensions circle met at the home score. She was a linen Canntchuui I we I to est given source WIfe WIll have neutral or an unfriendly that htm and his C with Mrs_ SAVEl is bemg fought agam-for as afear-I at other of Mrs. B. McAllister, heights, rom e coun sea t h ,Cd towel. a f IIer f --;-. ty a guest High prizes but there came to this Continues one tradin � 10 their cur for aa co.hostess. Mrs. are not aware, ost g were won G_ Fleetwood Through � P p tables wet c tea towels, and R. ten hours per day in town sevveral days tr-ying to few u benn come to h the mission I' off'ice within the puat duys ncw one If the worst I Nesmith and Mrs S. C. Groover taught ansoforth by Mrs. Wyley Atlanta elty officials have reopened wrtte some life insurance have towels class, We loan on all model nueationnuire from some Washmgton worst, these porrents mought \V,lde Trapnell F'ingarctip study money moore has considered a R. J After a brief buainess meeting in an­ the three dimen­ holsum a few consolation went to Mrs. bureau fOT a "yes-ol-no" to the public huge to live In the house WIth them for cars or will re-finance OPINION asking each the above mission study and trucks, DIFFERENCE OF hc but his WIfe IS beggmg him and a tea towel for floating circle, these ques­ sional presentation of the BatLle of po y, that would be awful anso- Kennedy the swer to approximately weeks. tel J_ Proctor, leaders so interestingly completed SATIJRDA¥ Mrs. S. lS was vehicle. bet-ween so hard 1.0 take out one, he getLlng prrze given your present "Do consider the sule of Atlanta which was fought forth two Iin- of "Go Forward" tourist who recently passed tions you Gift to the honor guest was remaining- chapters A and IS a-feared risk each member lS liable to in­ the forces of Sherman and Hood on suspicious, to, at as was while from his to France " en handkerchiefs. Other guests requn cd, Savannah cnroute airplanes ' , through LINE IN EACH DEPARTMENT. one on his own self. his WIfe have Tomlin, a more earnest desire to continue in war W1Lh 1864_ WITH A COMPLETE hllvvmg mr SIlent and were Mrs Leon felt to St Peters­ volve the Umted Stutes July 22, knight, this pal ty in New Jersey as laborers for HIm. home be- Mrs. A. M. Mrs. Vlrgll to go forward from nations 1" "Do you Modern splendor has been added not kicked about their pensions son Jr., Deal, Finance "our Car or for the 'Wrote France's enemy has back Mrs. The missionary burg, FIB., winter, mr tom head got horne that Miss Eunice Lester, regular monthly President Roosevelt act­ to Lhe 50-year-old pamtmg through cut from 12$ to 0$, they say Donaldson, to Savannah's may- believe Lhat HAVE ARRIVED FOR from town mg Ivan program, WIth Mrs. Gl'lIdy Attaway, the Flonda Clty YARD GOODS THAT from a 30 days stay away W. W Willlums, )l,rs. Hostetler, of the latest of SEE THE NEW lddent have as much I1S 2$ in will be of Savan­ ed 10 permitting the sale the mstallation type they d Mrs. Leon Don­ program chairman charge, m the outskirts property while drunk he do 1I0t �{lS. W W. Edge, Truck At Home. or that, for driving I� church aft­ IS­ theatr-ical The modernized lind whaL they get H. Ellis. observed at Lhe Monday he of airplanes WIthout direct penn lighting. SHOWING: ankles heretofcar, aldson and Mrs. W , as he passed through, Vfas THE SPRING but one of hIS Mrs. nah U look any worse, course It Valentme February 20. Attaway, "battle" exhibit, immediately popular, thankfully receIved. of At the evenmg party Ii ernoon, of a large SIOn of congress? a most mter­ tbe presence sore. he st1l1 claims to be mnocent went as hUB planned and frIghtened by Is better for them and box of for Iloa�mg pnze always, We give prompt personal an an- IS to be one of Georgta's would be mucb candy .. this suggest,on: Now, before one could glVC expected rccmvcd and inVItes each mcm wildcat_ He added NUCHILLA PRINTS AND of bemg under the mfluence of shong WIth to Cannon, who also esting p.l"ogrum finest tOUrist attractions May01 LIN HOB-NOB PRINTS, theIr 5 chIldren which still hves Dewey ·ao. semce on insurance SWOl tu questions so direct, thought RAY, 1 for men's hIgh ber to-be present at 3 adjustments. ammol looked to me much tlrmk when he dlove through ,rev. n hondkelchlefs "This lt lS the were ull cltlzons of � (If na­ Wllham B. Hartsfield says them If score for house cat must be glven to the nghts PLAIN. they Mrs Cannon mude hIgh the same as an ordinary RAYONS IN FANCY AND will walte's front fence and mto 10, MELLOW SAC pIS e could 50$ handkel ehlefs On FrIday afternoon, February I would not involved m war_like atti­ finest POSSCSSlon the cIty bas, sym­ callyforny whel they get women and was gIven Its size. tions not took a except great he says he had Il1ldes' low M,s. J. L Zetterower, stewardship even WIth a and settmg-room. he has fig- fruit bowl fol' w18h to meet the cat and to the reasonableness or bohzmg the hCT1tage of courage evel Lhursday mOlDIng A novelty M_ tudes, that was all and ash chalmlun, fot the BapLlst W_ S., a chlld to headache pIli, and, smce went to Mrs. M.ller, in hand For the Confederates some on callyforny, but 11111 Ivy her club those involved character which Whole at cood unrcasonablene8s oi SPRING SLIPPERS for the Family. gered was gIven held a stewardship meeting fiNANCE CO. in men's low WOODCOCK him would In my opinIon New Showings trays for offi_ encounter I to Geor- lorn has been pardoned, lhey on lIIulbC1 Tbe dIctate how those otHel handed down present-day our af­ mooney TheIr at th,s home rYdstrcet th1S mfor­ nations to MISS Jennie vecve smith, Challes NeVIls guesLs .. I send you out leade... GA. be fatal to Tlsk to love cers of Lhe W M S. and the 11 WEST MAIN ST. STATESBORO, of gians she had nre aIeared trymg wele MI and Mrs H. P. Jones, mation (or Lhe protection yom ficlent schon prlllclpIe, says party tI them Mr. and of the young people's orgumz.atlons there enst- V,BltOtS are expected Ilt the cyclo­ thele llc mought bum Mr and MIS Dewey Cannon, and especially your yout.h In any commumty may hard the was oJJon­ Insurance Office Citizens, a verry tunel .exchangmg Mr and MIS were prcscnt. The mectlng Statesboro Agency between in Grant from MIS. Charles NeVils, Groo­ adds of arIse warrmg attItudes ramu, Park, through­ she she WIth a Ml's S. C. Whicb weldent only proof Iy .. xmllS prc�sellts got the old agc Miss Mmme Jones, ed pruyel by (19jantfc) manny It IS to be hoped that Budsoll WIlson, each fucLion out the world The first paytng cus­ MEN'S DR� SHmTS CIlI11e oftel which Mrs. Zettero\Vcr ren­ known fact that you cannot mterest.; PHOENIX HOSIERY '1 sUld kress und woolworth WCI eve) ry Mif;s Leona AndClson, MisR vcr, the well Will be rmsed back to what on modelnlzed pension dered a mspll'tng message the tIme. deSIre lind demand the tomer, when the pamt­ her Lee MISS Nell Jones, Mrs. Ivy very all the pOJple all may strongly CUriOUS about swopplng thmgs on the Davis, satisfy the polhtiClans promlscd them Mrs Sld- "Stewllrdsh,p" WIth all Lhe hlgh- fur as was for cxhibit all Janu­ Mrs. Minme MIkell, came to th,S struct.on of the so mg I'eopcncd Pair- Each- make 4 01' 5 Miller, a there d other; and she had to lT111S·. but and mfoonation whIch Hardly year ago 111, vlzzly: 16$ per month, SmIth and WIlham SmIth lights helpful thmr was from far-off Oregon stump, ney It shall of from their neighbors are concerned, uary 11th, she everthmg exchanged except • • • so cleady brought out, community SLalcsb_oro got were hunting votes then; they §)le 'very be The new effects Ollt they to those slstel' state attltude toward each othel may hghtmg brmg bottle of perfume, but she CRUSADERS CLASS indeed he very profitable the state of New York (a the hoyt's Lo hunt else to and WIll have somethmg of 111 bettel stewards in a ",tuation like thnt delmls III the huge ])lcture give and a mixed class present becomlllg a leader of JusLlfled But had it and smelt It they that am't Tho "Crusaders." New Jersey) opened that somethmg Sllllle time better steward­ adjOIning whICh have never S3c tax now, lS, of the MeLhodist Sun- and at the at Incumbent J too mnny such var- Will rue the day Write the J R. CO, MULES of yOl e humble and MI s. protest agamst HORSES AND went to Mrs. E. C Ohvel, or SpaghettI 7-0z. used pounds -of W ]owa MemphiS, Tenn presldent. verb- exercIse of that right 50 years ago 8,000 SOIL BUILDING 74 Ave., of Savannah, for mints, and Lhut n I nther lengthy 514 W_ Oglethorpe Ave_ Welcome. John Kennedy, Del Monico Pkg. - V-8 S- look a after had spent months FOR SALE One 1936 model ttme to anny­ an bowl. Macaroni- on sllld If you dog pamt, they th,s IS a bad stop recclved IVy al combllt ensued, lesultlng Ga_ guest prize the, Some�ody battle ts Allowance Increased Fifty truck Tenns to TesponSI­ Savannah, is in Wei c M�sdames \ won't bIte When tn Atlanta the repOl By pick-up the CHURCH Other present (WantAd�1 or 1 ctB·cment of m the fuce he you studY1l1g boddy's paper leggislature METHODIST guests x YZ Balact DrC8sitl{J more or less graceful Con­ ble SAM J FRANKLIN, Bus (20Jan1tc) Jesse 0 Ed- our OVCl the battle Per Cent Under 1939 party we will all Al thur TUl nc), Johnston, bat_ exelClse the to sell to and gomg glound at thiS ritmg, and is tbe annual young ISSUE combattant f,om the field of we light Stahon (2fcbltp) ses�lOn Next Sunday Dan ONB CENT A WORD PER 8-01:. Pint th,s Win G,oover, Alfred Dorman, In some s as a servation Program_ W11l be talk­ the Methodlst chUtch that neJghbOls, we are lookmg After being use ye81 'want to know what they peoples' day at Z Don­ tie. ]t may be recalled, also, fJlcndty Lester, Flnnk WIlllUms, C...... ler 15- as follows TTIAN 10- was months. we Thc serV1C('S Will be FOrt LESS columns be- theu enemies full m the face. traveling exhibit, the pamtlng about for the next 6 G E Benn, C. P Olhff, H NO All TAKEN thereafter these .. SOIl al­ ;ng J. L aldson, Spread shortly The of the bUlldmg m Chulch school, CEl'