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Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) Bulloch County Historical Newspapers

11-16-1939 Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-Statesboro Eagle)

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Recommended Citation "Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-Statesboro Eagle)" (1939). Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues). 1980.

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• I I I I I 1 I ....I 1'++++++++*++++++ 1 1 I 1 II I IIII I It • Jo+++++++++++++ I II .. I I I I I ! II I I II IIIII II I I Executive Board of • t University Women S"(jJman�s c 'D MRS Bulloch Editor WE DELIVER BACKWARD LOOK County, Joeta:I Cl,US:b I ersona 2�:���e�eT�:u�e��rd bo;� \�����t1�� ��:rdA�e;';'�a�o�ro I -, In the Heart Bulloch CoD',., I c t -:-+1- on of Un vers ty Women met on TEN AGO of In the Th COFFEE-we grmd It YEARS Georgia, Bean rsday even ng Noven ber 2 at "Where Nature of .. ..!.... :I: the 2 From BllIlodI T.m '+o!. I +-1 ...... Jueckol Hotel Aiter served pounds es, N� 14 1929 Georgl� 1++++'"I + "I-• r.++ H ++++++-!-+++++++++++H PII-+-1'-1'-I -I '!e_ng I-+++++++++++++++++++..L..I....L'"'I'"""'T'""T"'-:I-r++.L...L...."""'--4" d m cr t Smiles" "Where tent ve pia s we e n ade for The home of Brooks MIkell on Col Nat� the year s york M 55 Jane Fran of the WEST boulevard was BULLOCH Smiles" QUEEN lege totally destroy Mrs E M Mount was a v s tor n TIMES seth pres de t of the local orgamza 24 Ibs ed WIth aU Its contents by ftre Mon Savannah Announce Winner s ton ded FLOUR, (STATESBORO Saturday.!\. pres Dlscuss on of plans day morning NEWS-STATESBORO EAGLE) Mr and Mrs Andrew Shelton SI e t 0 for the ® l\.'W®®lTIl lUI � School of the AIr year sworn centered largely CRAB MEAT Honest Bill and Moon Bros Tram was a v s tor n Macon In Savannah aro nd Bulloch Time. Jack Burney Monday the stand to be taken on the Ammal Show to III EstablIshed 1892 ed advertised be ConsolIdated Mr and Mrs W L "aller were lIB) Under the superv s on of Mrs J ballet on Canned Statesboro Sews Estabhohed 1901 January 17 1917 II ialat Bunda) Ieg concerning finan Statesboro on FrIday Nov 29 at } Fr VIS tors In Statesboro llirs Roy Green spent day Savannah Tuesday Mothers dasl ng here and there 0 Joh ston I cud of the depa tment cial SUI pOJ t of schools plecemeat of Teachers College football field Eagle Establlshed 191T-Conftohdated December 9 1920 VOL 48-NO sa Lo s Rob nson of Savi nnab of the I Savannah trYing to get cost mes ready for tI e speech preh 'ntnur-y contest key persons In each commumty for FLOOR WAX W W HIggins local tobacco dem Holland was a V s tor was a vrs lor here dur ng the week annual P 1 A carn val other moth I of tI e students of for the the of Roger speech 1 urpose studvmg and correct- One can onstrator won a cash prrse of $26 Mr and Mrs Dew Groover were ers honor of Statesboro local pound BLUE Savannah Fr dRY hop g the very young ch Idren epresentlng ng needs plans for a forum for hia display of tobacco shown at DEVILS TO PLAY Mrs T E Rush ng was a v s to, VIS tors n Valdosta dur ng tI e week would th the To n I'l umb schools at the School of tho Air con art MUST go ough displa and reviews of current Back Bones the state faIr III Savannah last week ORGANIZE DUBLIN FRIDAY NIGHT NEARING 10 Savannah Saturday Mr and Mrs Cecil W Waters and wedd ng after seve al rehearsals and test" ::sava nah vas held Tues novels Country Spare DEADLINE lay and sponsonng lectures M,s. Rev E F Morgan came as pastor TWO CHANG� IN the B n n Meat MISS Edna Nevils spent Ily Frankl spent Sunday Dub some of them Just refusing' to go after noon In the high acbool audi Rut! Bolton who attended the state RIbs, Sausage, Souse of Statesboro MethodIst churcb to By HUE MARSH I n vn urn - end w th relativea at Metler do the a sic However all In all tor I meet ng n recently conclud all the succeed Rev J E FOR PROO'ECfION Parker who was When COUNTY CONT�TS Mr Mrs Josh Nesm th Mr and Mrs E L Barnes and the curn val was W nncrs n the contest wero as ed the Shoul�ers the Blue Devils meet Dublm COUNTY and a great success and fol discusaion with a report from transferred to Cherokee Heights CHURCIDJ In Savannah Thursday Barnes III Sa t 8 no wonder "I en lows CI arIes Brooks McAllister that Conditions here vis tors Buddy spent Saturday you th nk how fIrst meet ng Those present were Mcaon Changing Make In Fnday mght they WIll start tilelr Twelve 0 Clock a ness vis Saturday Noon PI nce Preston was bus vannah much effort the me nbe s of the P place Robert Lan er second placo MISS Juno Franseth MISS Suo HAm E PJ seventh of Rev N H Williams ReturM o.ey county agent announc telllgent Farm Leadership game the 1939 season Itor n Atlanta dur the week end Mr and Mrs Glenn and T A forth to _ Jean Cone was ven f.rst lice mack Last Minute to ng Jennings had put make It so Betty g pl I MISS Hester Newton, M ss Mal ed the of a car to Frank Qualify to Here, New Pastors at commg poultry A Farr wbo has been out of Portal M 5S B rd Foy was the guest Glenn Jr were vts tors n Savannah Now that the carn val 8 over n Carmen Cow rt waft v a Trussell Betty folks gIrls group Lilian Hogarth Statesboro on Wednesday Nov 20 Neeessity Today Run In And New Turner the week Su VIII warded the game due to two broken ribs will Pnmary Hope Brooklet of MISS Julie durmg day get to work m earnest on the second place and Martha MISS EI zabeth Donovan M.... Ronald be announced of FrIday Farmers see service end Mrs Dew G oover and M ss M81Y Harvest Fest val 'the COl ty rs hav Evelyn Hodges third Ncrl Mrs Ida Cazort Ruth Bol must orgamae for their Fnday mght accordIng to fh:�e!.e:k" It won t be long now' e WhIle Staw-boro Methodiltta are Mrs Johnston and son Kim Groover were v sitors III Savannah at the Gram nar school WInner ton a Mr Forty ghl Grady g tobacco warehouse The selected d MISS MarIe Wood Achilles W.lson of Statesboro and protection Mrs Charles W Sewell Sherman who ra coaching during bours WIll tell who IS n at the return ball were v s to'S n Augusta Sutur Woman s Club a tI e war" afternoon wero V ma the rum Ing happy of Ulel� Saturday decorating- Wednesday rg MISS Joseph ne Coleman of Orange adminiatrativs director the Assocrat the illneas of Coach B A Jobuon palI_, Mr. J mm e Allen last week house u d th R sh first Joe A and who IS left out Rev N H Wllllams for day spent nkrng about the sIze ng Bobby derson Va were matrled November 7th at anoUler ,ear, ed Women of AmerIcan Fann Bureau Captam W R Lovett receIved a Mr and Mrs L E L and n a as tI e of her moth of tI e bu Id t s no second Kather ne South th ndsey Sylvan guest ng vOOller they rd Ben D C WIll be at home Twelve a clock noon 18 two chang"" m Bulloch Washington Ln Saturday county PM­ R to wele v s tOIS In er Mrs Co., e H II have been. iI over Robert NeRn th fourth Federat.on told her audIence at Geor sprained ankle the Re.dsVllle Lindsey the county try ng In after a game the last torates were Orange trIP to Nlagra mmute at wh ch prospectl\ e made at the annual COD­ Claxton Sunday Ha y Sm th and J B Johnson to get pumpk ns corn stalks and oth Falls and New York gla Teachers College Monday after but IS expe<:ted to be In good Shape Dan Bu CIty candidates for county offlcus ference III Macon last week Mrs E BRush ng Mrs are attend ng the Method st confer er th gs perta n ng to-o r fall Sweet noon may crops potatoes poured IIlto the ed by Fnday nIght The Blue Devils to In were V In qualify run the Brooklet and Jack SItars er cc 10 Macon th 8 week Cnn nc of vo ccs county prill ary New ney Burney yo mag hundreds .tor s desk G T HIll of Chto Mrs Sewell fought the ReIdSVIlle team to a score Hope charge � addressed a group of to be held December 19th So far the SavannAh Fr llir and Mrs and led Ro nIl Ne I 5 the I have for the day Grady Attaway by ng ng ymns The Y WAs held theIr brought three whIch SIX less tIe last commg year Rev .. To regular weIghed farmers and farm women FrIday mght According race has not been rher" Mr a I Mrs Esten Cromal tend and ne we love so nuch BC ! from Bul lagg nlf daughters Nancy Joseph omp. ned by n eet even ! t the each W to Mr Sherman the Jordan who IS ng Monday ng Bap pounds C HunnIcutt Statesboro team ses to a transferred from )(e� S Ioch an e prom be full field when the M,ss Pruelln Cromart e vere tors ttl e "eek end 0 Atlanta an org low or e or t dideven a count es "Pc (Just where tl st ch rch w th MIsses ta Ed III three whIch a JOlmng wIll be III good for tbe com tel' Jacqu brought wmghed shape t me IS called and the race Portal which •• attacbed te In Savannah Saturday Mrs Robe. t Fo.t and Mrs Charles g , s to be n the wa chouse we e fiel I The Umted n actually and Helen Nowell as hostesses total of 19 pounds the largest being GeorgIa Farmers were Ing FrIday ght game the Mr M s Gordon Jr of beginS Metter cIrcuIt WIll be served and Mays and httle da LaVin a don t kno )' It VIII I e a ] he n was an by Bryant ghte. great lay progra opened w th eleven to down a The probable I for the Blue songs pounder compared travehng hIgh neup Our columllB ar M lien " .. e of Mr • Statesboro 01 e advertlsmg today, Rev B L Brown guests Sunday otored to Savannah Thursday und ve "on t for by the ent re gop and a short Becaus T.m Smart to Devlis IS as follows Ed Olhft' C W Bulloch circuit, pro obJCCted way by the speaker She lilted out ry twenty announcements for and Mrs G J Sr llir and "00' -Ul na po the Mays Mrs Bernard McDougald get very Sn th 18 one gram on the work of the m1SSHmnrlCS lhe lateness of the of re R Lovett RG Red embrace. NevUs a COD hours her Prosser LG varJOUs off ccs recordil at newly Dor s Brannen of Savannal of those L. J & CO that the obstructIons that are uauaII the off cc M;s had as the r guest for the week end folk. that should get a blue A fr ca was resented Aiter the SlIUMAN turn from h,s y Waldo Martin RT Dean Stltuted church I preaching wife Dmah D.cKey of B H of REV will be supplIed II)' WltI her Mr her mother Mrs Newton M r bbon for c tertam encountered on a Ramsey se<:retary the N H WILL[AMS opent Thursday parents of lien ng her club tn p. ogra n the hostesses served I Fish Oysters Smart stuck a kmfe .nto h.m and he hlghl"ay are found LT Thurman Lamer RE gbt County Han:y county Democrattc executive comm Rev Ohver B Thomas and Mrs Rale Brannen M s tl e most t.­ has been Umon aDel gh Clarence Chance of Savan novel way Th s I ast week refreshn cnts dIed ThIS was a 10 farm and PIke LE Charles BrItton RRB returned for a thIrd newspaper story orgamzatlOns that they tee reveal that one llilss Jean Cone the s sl e I v Produce twenty cand dates as Eureka attached to the Betty spent nah spe d ng th s week WIth her ted ail the me nbe s of I er Next meet WIll be at whICh told of Dinah s Robert Groover LHB year pastor of Statesboro Metho Rocky Fonl ng the lome convlctron and a only served to make the umted effort J G iIlartin have quahfied for the week e Savannah as the club to to raCes by pay Clrcu.t w.1l d guest paJents Mr and Mrs W 0 Shup go Tybee (or the of M S8 Helen Rowse on MOl eve aentence of one Frank Farr FB diBt Church retarn ther.r Re'f' 'I ght day year more QB 109 the entrance fees pastor of Mr and Mrs Bas I COl e eft'e<:t,ve When the Three car di tr ne So club membcts and the r 'lusb mds n ut 7 0 n populatIon R L HarrIS ng 30 clock All ember s are Forty members of the Savannah dates for coroner s lew and one for Mrs Maude M ddleton of Atlanta M s s left town 1 oon h ft d to bere thcre was one county Mary Lee Peak spendu g a hursday after and v te dto attend club were hosts to a number only Rotary surveyor have paid thoae fees but Readers of the T,me. Will be Inter­ Is I the week as the of v a n ilom co n cro Club spen ng guest fe days lh week Atlanta as the the ents the vd had a Chummage of Statesboro c.tlzens a th,rd of the people In the Umted at luncheon ANNUAL have not pubhshed formal LOCAL WOMAN IS ested to learn of s K ROLL newspaper whiab lIer ste Mrs S t me CAU asslgnmeats s And one me Hodges guest of her ster Mrs Fox and greut nber sa d In the room States on farms Members of the Chummage Club Monday dOIng of Geor It be<:ome even more annonccments in these columns Mrs John Wilcox left dur ng the Mr If were hunt a warmel have beea g.ven to a number of Fqx you ng for a gla Teachers PreSIdent Rob for enJoyed dehghtful party Thursday College to have a mlhtant According to formal announce week for Eastman where she ",n Mr cl ne tI an I e. 0 ne<:esaary strong menta mer and Mrs Sm th and go to Tybee twas ert ton of the mas TO pastors m th,s Edgar Mrs Johnson was hostess to afternoon WIth Mrs Arthur Howard Kay Rotary was BEGIN MONDAY there are the NAMED DELEGATE communIty BeY w th ves Harry to follow, g III the tield spend seve al weeks relat I tt1e son Earl left dur the week n uch warmer do vn there ter of orgam"atlon protect the Interest ng -SI>caklOg her club at a as hosteBs Guests assembled at Mrs ceremomes J E McCroan who have .,ther G N Rainey preVSlOU8 for Mrs Jol, WIllcox se eral lovely party Tuesday of thIS already paId the.r pastor spent for a where w,lI make of cl hs there.s a club In our town of the group Mrs Sylvan they afternoon at I er home on Broad street Howard s home on South MalO street secretary Statesboro Chamber Committees to aD Active fees to or L F Martin to four on the last week as the of Mrs Wage qualify declared theIr rn Represent years Stateaboro days guest their home that h IS asked for a I ttle g rl to take whIch of Commerce Mrs Sewell charp, Chrysanthcm 1m3 decorated her rooms was beautifully decorated WIth spoke for the local Clti comphmented the tentlon to do so Bulloch at at I er home I M d for before time State UGF Con has been returned as Perry Kennedy Mr and Mrs Parker had 8S cnre of d the w nter and the zens Campaign clOSing Roy ng "here potted and Membership at noon presldi,.. vtlle guests assembled for br dge plants chrysanthemulll" Georgia organization fqr the start Saturday venlton Next theIr for the week end h • welfare off ce located the chIld If February elder (now des.gnated guests par Mrs Brannen re<: eved a SIlent Later to the afternoon the gUCf!ts rno .t has Throughout Enhre H SUperlDto. Mrs H D Anderson a d M sS Lloyd made and stated that she felt County Ordmary-W Crouse and J E ents IIfr and M.s W J Palker of you could he I Son of the women tored to TWENTY YEARS AGO dent) of the I utler for I gh score and for cut a the Howard farm where McCroan Columbus dIstrict, Carol Anderson left for At tell that the other states wollld soon Mrs L F Martin has been named Monday Thomasboro ng of the real JOy they are Attend cane In eIght The annual roll get- deck of cards went to Mrs Devane Funeral grmdmg was progress call for Red Cross Sherift'-G W Clark Rev SIlas Joh"aon OD the lanta \\ here \V II a few From Bullocb Times, Nov 13 1919 S J Foss remalftl they spend Mr and Mrs J L Johnson had RS tlng ng clothes for th s ch ld and be members of the national za by R M StIles who .a of buy Watson Salad cheese crackers 01 organ In Lester NesmIth prcsldent RItes In Jason membersh,p. Bulloch county WIll And L M Mallard Macon dlstrtct Rev J E Parker ..... days tl er.r dur ng the week end already they a e plann ng for her MIdvIlle RIggs brought edItor an 8 .ton the Umted guests vcs sal1dw ches and hot tea wcre Tax CommIssIoner - Georgia Farmers for the Mrs Horace Woods of Savannah foot stalk of cane begm next November 20 and John P Lee turna to the at tI Clr n ece M ss LeIla Mae Jol nson CI. stmas WI at do some of you SIxteen sugar Monday pastorate ReY served Others were Mcs Among those from Statesboro at- FrIendly Mrs M M Brand and 1 L Zetterower state to the Ad,., several du • the "eek as play ng Elder A W Patterson dIstrIct home WIll contlllue reprCllent ol'g1ln ution opent days g of Wh te Oak other clubs say to do g the same to I aged 74 actIvely through the re Leland Moors 18 given a new dn nes Pe Aver tt [m Dekle ng the funeral seVlces I eld for Mrs Buster Bowen enterta School - a881gn the n er Mrs D cy an ned de­ demonstratIOn Supenntendent W Earl at a of womOn guest of ber otl W Mrs and k 0 v as have a passed away after an Illness of near agent Mr. H G mamder of meeting from rural Joseph Ham.lton of Sanford thing ng you Bland A L fton Let Frank Kenr In M dVllle the month until en McElveen and H ment al paator at Rey 'v s Percy CI Grady At edy lightfully the member. of her club a thl' P Womack Fitzgerald D t me arc 'n! k • ly year w th pres dent of the sr durban commUnit us the Fla Is spend ng th.s week as the good you g lue lot� Wed ,esd wcre paralYSIS W,ley .tate home tIre for pur Mr of tuwuy Bud y Mesdames Gordon the Fnendly Suctoen Tuesday after county has been coyered Clerk of Court-O Lester Bran Frank GIlmore recently 01 nd Mrs J ml'y Oil ff of her p er for some one less fortunate Statesboro affected by sugal short­ of paator guest parents Mr and Mrs hal Hurr� -!.o�nson Mays I rank P 'rker J E Donehoo noon at the Tea Pot demonstratIon cOllncl1 R M Stiles nen Ell S Y pose d.scuBBmg farm and home Wr lie tI e e d w tI Grille For hIgh Plaos to the were DeLoach and S Edwm New ghtsv spent veek Lowell thRn The nembe s so much age wholesale merchants able to ob begin campaIgn Hope Brooklet, goes to Talbot­ Mallard you' pay H W ty J L Mat.hews and score m M,s Frank R preSIdent of the state the Groover problems. whICh concern them her lTelits Mr Mrs iii Doughe. brIdge chard ta n chapter of announced a p and C Cum M ss week and tlrs fun I IS Week only Single hbbtlred at luncheon at the Nor ton Rev C M Meeka o""e Eugen a W,ll ams returned per used to End at Howell son pound bags pre,"d Henry wus given a wall flower conta ner Umted Sol cltor Court-B H bomen akers and as m g and reta.1 .8 25 cents GeorgIa Farmers and B T ns CIty Ramsey cItIzens to I er ho ne 10 Brooklet aft- buy the neceS8 l es for the ch Id- pnce Hotel at wh ch Mrs W 109 elder of the Tu�sduy and for In rook attractive Tuesday Charrman of Bonrd-F W Savannab dIStrict, M 8 J L Matl ews TI Yellow Bluff hIgh �cole H J AkinS announces a8 Brown field worker Hodges TI c IS to be spent ursday cr as Ho" rna y of sa v the band com candl for the organ meeting held at the spend ng several days the gl est you salt a. d went to Mrs Ellis W Edge county chairman was host­ Member of la returned to Rev C M n n Sava nah as tl e of her U I eppers date for tax recClver Board...... {leo P Lee J ght guest of ves of tl e ch Idren n Mr mversIty Women was defeated Izat.on of 2-3 relat here posed grammar and Mrs Em t AkinS Mr and DeLoacb Fruit salad accomparued Mrs Sewell to oss and ,[ Newman M J Umverslty Georg." February Mrs Bl tch and Mr sandWIches four J W workers from throughout the Bowen T Oscar Infinger once pastor at Metter an4 daughte Henry IIlr and Mrs Fred 8. school on parade Fr It s worth Mrs Hern an Bland Mr Mrs yellr� ago l>y Donaldson Statesboro to Dr Waters d chil day' and and p ckles and tea were served Other Earl Varner county Wynn and J A Harmon Caldwell BI tcl a narrow two county were prese It to assIst ID the (Gus) Denmark Portal to dren Terrell e a t cket to 1I e w see them LIt- a by margan of votes goes Jeft'ernsonville II R and Jack spent Sun egan Grady Bla. d formed party spe d guests were Mesdames PhIl Bean from Emanuel Coroner-C C pres dent of the Mr und M s W Bufloch r agent L WEber (Lum) Akins 0 0 UDlverslty who call SIate1 Hodges of w tie Grace Waller Sh er county fa was formation of the on day tl her mother Mrs Rnchael rley Lan and ng tI e vook end ut Yellow Bluff even ng November 14 at the home L Waller H C profitable pillns Seventeen Stewart and J M Rustin, aceepted trial at the con­ ve e dur tI e McGinty Joe Wil to �tockholdCls d,v hart from WIll ams cd for thOBU vanoua Waycloss guests ng s Carol Jean Cn ter dressed as tbe old B of dend of for� county agent TreutJen reprCHentatives Coil. at Portal lIy Joh so. spe. t the week end Mrs C M Destler Mrs Walter I amson Elmore Brown committee workers were present ference 90n of MarVin Rustin of this week of h s Kermit Carr on Slr.rveyor-Dnn W HendrIX nother MIS W A e won a per cent the st.oek was and H G Mr StUes made the fact known dur Mr and Mrs Cec I and majorettes really place for Atlanta as tho of h s broth Edge cl a rman of the com F A o.ap.tal WIley county agent Rural "iI H Kennedy guest program Smaltwood Floyd Brannen C d workers In charge of the va Ramsey of the cIty was sent as aaslstant to J E Hodges as 1'a during the week-a net se<:retary a cl Idren June a I Cec.1 Jr and Mr themselves tbcy paraded the length e J Brantley Johnso. 11 d atte ded n ttee I as a nter A profit CrIsp were present ng rally meeting at Teach Mrs Fred Sm th Thu arranged very Srmmons HarrIS Harv"l Penton of 000 for rlOUS groups are Mrs J H Bhtch county DemocratIC executive commlt;... Georgta Barah II at Stevens spcnt sday and of the field In the r wh,te satm Ulll the $2 the season Hamp MemOrial Mrs S J Proctor were v.s tors Tech Duke gan e Saturday estlng and nstructive program R mos and Stotha, d Deal Home demonstratIon from tee requests the ers Gollege that MfII Mllr t n Savannah a. the of I M S8 and agents &lr. Rafus pubhcat10n of tbe Monday and Baker MISS S mmons Earhne mgl guest S lVannRh forms -Ronme Brown IS only four King of the Mrs E C Wat­ Avenue Rev Sunday Chatbam extract from the tin was hlB choice to Colnmbus. her pa ents Mr nnd Mrs S H 1".1l'st DiStrIct Agr.cultural school Bryan Screven Toombs klns mrnutes represent the J P Mrs Joh Paul Jones I as retu ned years old but he has spent four vecy Mrs Roy Mr. ,gad L of the recent Dell recently Par sh WIll ve a Emanuel mooting of that UGF presldl.1f _"er f 0 n Last be was the laGulty g re<: tal at the Treutlen WI eeler Chari body Luve ne Ala .here she spent busy years year Brannen Mrs J P Mrs F'rank That the t me for all of the Savannah was M ss Carol And. so court house on the Frl Foy ca d dates to distrICt, "Will­ several v n ascot of the senJor class and wore evelllng of ton and Bulloch countle. Mrs Marhn s a member of the day" tl I C daughter Mrs accompam S,mmons Luther enter sa d ed to MoultrIe from n v s t to he Nov 21 admlss on Mrs Brown Mrs county prill ary shall be 12 g and,mrents c and 1 and marcbed WIth the allY WIll be by UGF In lp gow ed delegations of farm women to tbe o clock noon 1lhe county and her home Mr a d Mrs W H a tard Dan Lee Mrs Saturday November 18 Tbe return SI I'e at Day d sen ors to Wade and Mrs of Rev N H Wllliam. Mr and Mrs Fred T Lan er and gn fied get theIr d plo Hodges 1939 commun tonn meet ng clos ng by the court I 0 "e ty Warnock She las been Beuel Fla n un Strike among coni mmcrs caused A J to Statesboro .s Robert Lan cr vere c I at; I now con os news that he lu Trapnell tl week end clock at 12 0 clock partIcularly pleasing, Sh ley Cia. k a st llIent at tI e shortage of coal In Statesboro M,ss Elv e Maxwell Bulloch home noon Ilt wh ch very active r helping to C6tabl.h of Mr and Mrs F B Th to don a umio m and lead the college pow The comnuttee ted to clos not only to h s ve guests g apl'o conduct ng hour all candIdates fees cong regation but te Un s ty of Geo.g a vas tI e .eek er plant closed do\yo lasb n leav stated must the en at theIr e band at the r vmg game ght agent that every home demon strongest county chapter of the I hon 10 Savannah Thanksg the • Statesboro cons.sts be pa d In cash to the the ent re end guest of I.s pare ts llil a. d 109 10 darkness aftel 9 0 clock campaIgn secretary and community the J D Soon he IS to be gett ng a Ph D c,ty strat on club n the farm 0 gan zutlOn n tho state Fulford has returned to hIS gOing county was rep treasurer of 8a d and two MI S WIll Cia k s x carloads o. but ted en of Mrs A J Mooney Mrs C P Oil commIttee year. of b 8 pastorate be haa lone n from some of our unlverslt es How vay up Atlanta after spend 109 the ),esented at the neet and atttend attends the weekly Cba les B.annm vho attend. G route ng I If Mrs B B Morr s regu been alert In the work week end Mrs ever It matters I ttle to Ronn e his Mrs R L Cone of h.s churcll Fulford and httle ed the conDC I M C at M lIedgeVllle spent tl e Bart Parllsh announced 8S a can meeting later n the lariy "on at the home of her Mr I ttle brown eyes spalkle as be says and Mrs Hrnton Booth These ladles and commun.ty His report submIt­ week e I vlth h ts Mr an parents dldate fOI Pres dent Caldwell in spare I I am school and now sher II' has been a mem afternoon FOUR IN ask ng for a d 111 s W C AkinS through high plan to open up the r CONT�T ted to the recent coaference revealed Mrs G.over Brannen ber of the c force for sev campBlgn early the Mrs M lton Hendr.x I m gOing to college -" 111 soo you ty pohce UGF representative stated that and I ttle In that oae Mr nnd Mrs D S Robertson have eral years others discussed as can Monday Statesboro and w.lI push api roxlmately hundr...r daughter Mary Weldon have return AROUND TOWN they werc nv tmg a limited number as the r g est. for ten days 1I1r nnd didate. a. e BIll H DeLoach for re the work to a successful FOR CITY COUNCIL names had been added to the chnrell ed to ther.r home n Callahan vIgorously of Mrs R W Fla BOOKS ON DISPLAY delegates and that tboso who Shepard a d Mrs T S elecbon Cap Mallard J Z KendrIck conclUSion only membersh the two a fter spe d ng two weeks lh I er p durlllg years, So "ell of Pensocoln Fla Red and J T :Jones Entnes Close at To have been offic ally named a. dele mother Mrs D C McDougald Cross Workers In addItIon to the regular Red Cross Mldmght and that deductrng for deaths and Mesdan es W H BI tch Hal Ken Eleven men were de gates WIll par tIC n Mr and Mrs Wade young given AT THE LffiRARY night In Race to Fill pate the d ICU. non Hodges and membershIps wh ch WIll be sol CIted Three transfers the net gain m member Alfred Dorman Z Wh tehurst grees 10 Ogeechee Masomc at Rl0n d s M sses DIne Next Tuesday Lodge ughte Martha Evelyn n for tbat and Inn an Foy for ed a party mooting Tuesday evemng degrees every commumty plans are bemg Vacancies on Counc� shIp perIOd IS more thaa Betty Grace and Jane Hodges v SIted Many Collections of Interest Mr St les stated that Mr. eonferred team Ifrom Landrum made to a half that number n Wavc oss !by orgamze Jumor Red Cross and AI a Sunday and TI v II be a IUl cheon gather ng Loaned by PatroDs and It had been one of the most actIve farm m�1 �� I t�l�u�ub��n FJora�to d �1>dge Savannah headed pronllses to be a r ght warm Go d rect from .ore of the I ss by Ce�11 In each school m the ng Macon Rev WII ch guests daugl ter M next T 0 ti e coun cljapter county I women llren G bson J and Almarlta Icsday at 1 clock of Maxwell members of Friends 9� Llbrar.y ttle contest n cIty poht cs when the workcrs n the orglUUZation Sara Lou party taking I arns and b 9 wile are of S v. Hodges among the young Eu elect on spendIng tIle nsboro e e veek end gue.ts ty Red Cross wo ke sat the Norns degrees were Joel E Dav s Robert S pe�ple comes on the fi ..t Saturday and that he felt she should be M .. Alfred Dorma. a d Mrs the' of Mr an Dan n ce Lester IS week w th theIr son Dr I Mrs H nton Boot! Hotel Everett Ce<:11 E Hiennedy Walter The Bulloch County L IS tru chaIrman of the Jumor De<:embel'-the 2nd Wtlhams Lester motored to Macon We Statesbolo at wh ch time brary deleguw the UGF should name for Jea a d Car Inesday G Hunter Walter M Bev can At the moment are at Camilla The Wlll retm-n ad" For Johnson Iy A thmg of beauty and a for Red Cross and w II pre present there y Fnday- ere aeeo cd ho ne M ss JOY th18 conference los J ve npan by NOllember four of S vannal e H cand dateM guests du erly Moore Horace Z SmIth ever sent the n avowed for the three ever ng and he WIll the I Alfred Merle Dorman a student at thIS week Never has there matter every commumty occupy pili 109 the veek end of Mr and Mrs W SmIth E Grant Tilman vacancIes to be filled Those who have Harry I at h K Wesleyan who w 11 the remain been a and more attractive and w II be solICIted n Pit Sunday regular services H H Co a t spend cou Th s ann our cc cnt s au We ve a Z ba F and Howard prettier membershIps quahfied are Glenn ty Brand New Tyson F Up Jenmngs J B - der of tl e week v th her Selet:tlon of- Mr and MIS L H pare. ts Mr of books Book Week every school Aver tt B B MorTls Young and thor zed by M s W W Edge county church dIsplay during and Z White HOME COMING AT da d M s Alf ed Dorman ghte.s Barba a a d of. V than .s hurst Those counCilmen Tom Thumb Betty rma. YOUTHFUL I being sbown In the Bul whose terms Mr and Mrs E A Sm th chn of the roll call campa gn DRESSES Weddmg dal a ere spent are are Arthur guests Sunday of Mr THmTY YEARS loch L at exp rlOg Howard W se CI al dur t! e [t s w II AGO County brary llre.ent and MIS LlOton Banks days ng veek end n planned that there be not Marvelous D Anderson and J B Everett TEACHERS COUEGE To Be Reproduced Atlanta values' STORES BE CLOSED Wh Ie n Feaunng tiny From Bulloeh TilDes No.. 1909 The theme of Book Week Dr s R away Mrs Sm th JO ewer than 17 'here Around and M L Cone Mr a d (orty persons present at waISts and smooth Messrs Howard and Anderson have MIS ed Mr and Mrs A S Dodd J and slim lines' Cottan the World WIth Rufus Co e and 111: ss AI na Co e tho luncl eo s prIces today Sea 1�land Books IS beautIfully served On the board for the ten Annual Event to be Marked By BETTY .rEAN S a. d Tuesday compr ng past By CONF; were dney of Greensboro N C n Sizes 12 to 52 • 26 to 27 cents ceate or g est. Su day of h" s ster 95 upl8lld 14 carr ed out 10 the center that FOR years longer and are dechn to Footban Game Arm the ns THANKSGIVING With On eve a v f�r the $7 ng s t to Mr Dodd s capta county gr ups display Thursday DIng Nov 21 at MI" C B Evans parents Mr and B.g auction sale of lots In stand for re at I er ho ne HIgh has a WIth electIon Mr Everett M s A S Dodd Sr at the fTom the var ous Rectl0ns of the coun Other styles at $3 95 and $9 95 globe books stacked all strong Junior College 8 0 clock the Statesboro Sliva a rhome land Park to occur tomorrow C H Merchants elemeiltuy n Ron e around It Adopt Resolution to Mesda nes Savannah autJoneer I publ c school asSIsted the Walter Johnson T H There s Stili Time to Dorsett, ;J,�s ��dtel:!t by publIc ... Buy These u���� or�:m:-L �0�!1 Alumm and other ir ends 0' Gear H nton Lad es of an church have Another unusual IS a col Observe Day Proclaimed who was Edgar Pa rsl E C Watk ns Last year M s Edge managed the PrI'sbyter dlspiay by at that time ele<:totl mayor school mU8JC c1assC8 WIll present ODe nnd P ded a Test room I g a Teacher. w II bere nce P eston a d I prov for the conven of books wr tten In Mr Everett had not College gather ttle A. can pa gn n Bulloch county and the 1870 to President and Governor only done pre of the outstandrng programs of the Preston fOI a at the home of VlOUS SUrYlce 8S counc next November when ned party VIS m ___ Iman but had 1bursday 28 ting The re8ult follow a SLIM 1886 These books to Mrs F U D C s meetl tl s afte. ng thorough organ NEW COATS F belong year Savannah Saturday g :n..::e /f strOlll'lrers In also been mayor and ch.ef of the annual v noon W Baker of comphanee w,th the proclama- polrce Thanksg ng home-com The Tom Thumb at 3 0 clock at tbe home of at on and ernest co on on 11ectlOn Statesboro wbo report­ Weddmg present­ M,s Mrs the Solomon Morrow C H Parr sh an I M ss Hen opcrat negro was found He today pos t vely an n F T Smart fur tnmmed Coats I Good Be tlOns 0f P reSI d cnt Roosevelt and Gov expressed ng IS held at the The Teach ed at the PTA carn W1I8 a r Lan er On Zetterower nvenuo In cd that some of these books were college val etta Pa I sh several part of worker Bulloch "laIn the woods near the Cage tention not to offer for re spent days dur v every hrought election but tI Mesdames let:tlOn of With luxuri ernor R vers era will meet on feature of such Interest and the n Wade A E styles Groover home one m.le south of In London and Statesboro merchants fr Armstrong College beauty 109 veek Savannah as the Rodges to attent on pnnted ven to her ends st II express that be I em county favolably the of hope tbat there has been coaslderable de­ lIes and a Bunce as co ous fur morn the football m the oon guests of Mrs Parr sh s s Georg collars Statesboro Satorday ng mother for will observe Tbursday Novemher 23 Wlll consent to thetr w shes and field aften sters tl e entire staw Mrs $24.50 regular attendance at Sun per mand for the hon of M sses hostesscs Mrs Lan er bas Edge hopes At •• repet th,s gor Mam e a d Joe cbarge of the Method t parsolUlge last as v I m t the use of hrs name as a v on the Teac1 ers Woods school ng Day The stores WIll cand Thanksg ng Col the program wh ch for a s m 1ar to her SIZes 12 to 44 day Thanksg geous spectacle In whIch dozens of Mr n d 1I1:IS R F Donaldson Mr cons sts of a response ap evemng M•• s Maude Brannen and J read Anotber be closed the entire lege campus w II begin with the an chlldren to the del of the and ng Mrs W G of for r were un m attrll SCHOOLS carried to Savannah. where an x-ray Earl Lester. Little Miss Leona Ne... first grade has' made a frieze Rome .. 3.75 6.75 aaYiD9lI 10_ f...... this important position. ·1 my Parrish and Mis.s Ouida Wyatt. all of To the Democratic Voters of Bulloch pledge was made. Dr. Julian man served minta. A number ,of of l\utumn leaves. are a picture, Quat- They having . .. 4.35 7.85 best efforts to serve the educational Georgia Teachers College. spent the Chattanooga mo.. condort ill mod.m. County: For the tlebaum set the broken bone and put guests called !letween 3 5 o'clock. time in the doll house. *-liDed � interests' of the I week end with relatives here. first time in history the and. good. pll'ying Dublin 1.15 2.10 to the rules and county cfficienU-y. The A has been for Subject regula- schools of Bulloch now have ,it in a cast. anneal home-coming of Fel- quilt made their doll. shal] apreciate the support of eTery Miss Martha Robertson. of Bam- county tions of the Democratic primary to free ice for the Mrs. known cit, lowship chuf'\!h"was"held'Sun-' SMith; a member ot the voter. S. C school and Mar- children's milk and AgT\�.Hagan. V>'."II Baptist Judf··,.Homer on December I Sincerely. berg. .• faculty. first is be held Tuesday. 19. fruit This izen of thi. community. is in the Tel- day. The home-coming is .held each, grade. ill. All hope that he . WM. EARL McELVEEN. "hal Robertson. of the Atlanta Den- juices. has been made GREYHOUND BUS DWOT announce a candidate will be soon. hereby myself states H. H. fair Hospital. Savannah, where she yellr on the second Sunday in No- back _----".,_ Brooklet. Ga. tal College. spent last week end with possible. Britt. presi­ for the office of sheruff Bulloch dent of the had a cataract removed from her eye vember. Tbe occa.ion was largely Having completed the farm unit, of. father. H. M. Robertson. county Teachers Associa­ 67 E. Main St. Phone county. I take this opportunity to Her friends wish attended members, of the second grade is a frieze 334· For Solicitor of City Court. tion. by the generosity and joint co­ ,many by the.·church. making those th�ir of pastors farm again express appreciation to To the Voters of Bulloch �he of the Statesboro h'er u recovery and hope that friends from neighboring church.... life. The grade is drawing County: rna:; 10 t e operation Provis­ .peedy on. me {ec�nt �hGngeseorgia Methodist ulmal. who supported in my previous to the rules and ion and the her will be restored. and friends from Sa- and writing farm stories. .subject regulations ev. Frank Company Claxton ,Ice sight Atlanta\. Tifton. / , Rout Gilmore, of race for this office, and shall appre- of the Democratic to be Mr. and Mrs. C. S. PrOctor enter- vannah. Statesboro. PembrOke, Guy- 7TH AND 8TH GRADES. primary c�nt e rook et was transferred Company. ciate a continuance of B'encej charge. that support held on Tuesday. December Ten of the thirteen schools tained with a dinner Sunday honoring ton and other towns. At'this time. 19th. 1939. to and .. county In tbe Talbotton. Rev. F J. Jordan. forthcoming primary. I hereby announce myself a candidate a�e already of their the sixth birthday of their twin sons. hundreds of wbo have .moved· of Metter. was sent here. taking advantage rriend� and were renew ac- . Respectfully. for re-election as "olicitor of the fine sel'vice. The others are Emery nnd Emerson. Covers away, took occasIOn to Home-Coming city Monday night the Epworth League making G . W . CLARK . con- court of Statesboro. I am plans fa it. Some schools are' not The laid for Mrs. A. J. Proctor. Miss Pau- quaintances. The devotional was _ surving Important ______of the Methodist church a Planned enjoyed Mrs. H. ducted Rev. W. D. of Rally Day my first term and have rendered the located on a regular so it liM' Proctor. G. W. Proctor. by Hortoa. FOR SHERIFF delightful social at the home of Miss ice'route, Tweed best possible. and if re-elected is necessary for them to to Imported G. Lee. Iris Lee, Guyce Lee IUld BiI- Guyton. Congregatiqnal singing and To tke Voters of Bulloch servic� Juanita Wyatt. About twenty young arrange Temple Hill Baptists invite all her County: 1 sontmue to serve the of get it themselves. Ice boxes have lie Proctor. special number featured the singing. people people were present. Mrs. Acquilla Of the Season former pastors members to I am 11 candidate for sheriff of Bul- Aaron McElveen en- G. of Sa­ and join j'1l in the same Warnock also been furnished in most cases by $19.95 Mr. and Mrs. Humphrey Dukes. attorey. is counselor Ioeh to the to courte.ous of the League: in a home-coming and rally day serv­ Visitor to Conduct county. subject primary 1 have these companies. tained Sunday witb a barbecue din- vannah was the principal .peaker. Budloch.c.ounty fa�th- Miss Martha Miss Mabel ice 20th. '"' held on Tuesday, December 19. I McElveen. Double breasted. plaid back, with chamois shoulder Howeil over busi­ Sunday. November The song �nllu yefflcl�nttoma�nh'arge my duties Free ice has led to a noticeable in­ lining; ',l nero Covers were laid for Mrs. Zada Cone presided the the and in- . Roth. Miss Susie Hale and Lanier and prayer .ervice will begin at 10:30· School Class 8",,11 appreciate support Impartitr�� d dlica so to the be st in- crease in the use of milk in school Br,nnnen, Misses Ruby and Zada Mae ness ses8ion. The committee select­ ' Cooking Hardman. all of Athens; Wilson. Strictly manninsh tailored sennon, 12:30. flgence of every voter in my behalf. e Foy and W. ed were: C. H. W. W. Robert­ 11:30; dinner, terest of ate�I a� peopI as tax payers of lunches. Heretofore only a few chil­ Brannen, and Vida McElveen. Cone. Lanier's best to faith- Statesboro; Miss Sallie McElveen. The afternoon service will at alid pledge my energies of this 1 will dren R. McElveen and of Sa- son. Boh W. O. Griner and begin A school under the dircc- appreciate your W. attempted to carry milk . to For Mail Order Capt. Rielly. Wright. cooking the duties of the office H. Adams and A. D. Millford. all 2 o'clock and will includo roll call, folly discharge , - Mrs. L. E. Brown. A an In - E. L. vote for -- Mr. and Mrs. c�un.t� second school even on cold Now a Processed on Dotted -- vannnh; Proctor, sumptuous tion of Mrs. Katherine Lanier, exten­ of Brooklet, were honor guests at a days. Clip Line church and school it elected. Respectfully, term. u 1 La\'ant dinner was at the noon hour. history. Sunday Funeral Directors uencR tfmfi dinner considerable majority of them enjoy Margaret Prodtor, Proc'tor, spread in food SAM J. FOSS. lovely Saturday night given NAME . work. sion specialist preservation BERTe·HPec. RA MYS'EY . cold milk To Be Water­ 1 ------_____ regularly. by Mr. and Mrs. Earl McElveen. ADDRESS The members and people of the and utilization. will he conducted for A conscious effort is directed 1 FOR SHERIFF the of the being are a FOR CHARIMAN OF BOARD. Wednesday night faculty community given cordial invi- women thc Ha.ryest throughout the county toward im­ Repellant­ 1 CITY . the attending To tbe People 01 Bulloch To the Voters of Bulloch Brooklet High School entertained the help make this a banner County: County: provement of the health of the chil­ Check Sue: , �tion t� day Home Festival to be held Novembcr patrons and school friends of the town •• •• m the I bereby announce my candidacy Subject to the Democratic primary 12 14 Denma,.." b,story of the church. cPren. Hot lunches are served in Dust and ) ( ) 16 ( ) 18 ( ) Doings 30th in Statesboro. re-election as Bulloch and with a Wind, 1 for sheriff of to be held December 19. 1939. 1 hereby community Thanksgiving 20 '------�------� several·schools. WPA labl'r and �ur­ ( ) ",' Day Phone 340 Night Phone 415 in the After a NOTICE TO THE OF The school will be conducted dur- county, subject to the rules and regu­ announce my candidacy for re-election party gymnasium. Check Color: '-CrIiZENS plus commodities nre made Moth-proof.. was a business "is- all Iivest.ock. Tbe has lations the to the 'office of chairman of the board short program. a number of intere.t­ being J. A. Denmark among drought STATESBORO. the for the home makers governing county primary available to Black and Wine ing morning (5jnntfc) many communities. Oth­ 1 itor in also caused our ,to fail and --- to be held on December 1939. I of commissioners of reve- ing games added to' the joy of the Savannah Friday. welili man,. the farmers are a roads and . . while 19. White . I attellding Tweed ers are lunch rooms with­ ( ) Tweed ( ) The served re­ operating Mis. Hazel Proctor spent last week folks are hauling water for thelD. for the election am now serving my first term as nues for the term beginning January evening. faculty light Tan and Brown CIty school of their own to study cotton. out this help. Purple Friends of McDonald elec�,on ?f and I shall 1941. will vote freshments to the entire group. 1 end with Miss Nita Akins. Mrs. Grady three to serve as councll- tobacco. sheriff. deeply appreciate Ist, ,I appreciate the ------) counCllm�n I livestock. corn. and Experi- Mrs. Felix Parrish entertained the Wilmer Hendrix. of North Carolina, will be interested to learn that she is men for a of two dat- Jqar vote and support in this race; and support of all, and wiH contillue SUPPER AT NEVILS. MY SHOP I _::weed (2_ T�ed__( perIOd years. ment station research workers will Ladies' Aid of the Primitive spent last week end at home. improving after having undergone an from December will be' and I promise to the a faith­ to serve to the best of Society " ing 12. 1939. conduct the discussion for the farm- people you my BO� --- ability . church afternoon. Mrs. Par- 20-22 East St. Mr. and Mrs. Russell DeLoach were operation at Bulloch County Hospital beld on ful, fair and efficient service in this as in the if re-elected. Monday Broughton Savannah, Ga. 2. 1939. 'ers past, On Friday night. December �aturday. Decem�er groups. BARNES FUNERAL HO�M�E rfsh led a beautiful 15th. in Savannah the week. .ffice. devotional on the .hoppers Friday. during All candIdates are reqUired to file Miss Elvie Maxwell I1ulloch coun- Very respectfully, there will be an of after which 01<) time "box sup­ The Woodwards attended the home- Mrs. W. L. of en- of you for any and co­ FRED W. HODGES. subject Thanksgiving. Ginn. Savannah. notice their candidacy home demonstratio� is ar- E. L. Owner Thanking help in the Nevils au­ w�itt�n .by ty agent. BARNES. Mrs. S. W. led the Bible per" High School at church Sunday. tertained with a joint birthday din- of I operation you may give me, I am. Hughes study coming Fellowship mldnlgbt Novem�er 16. 1939. wIth· ranging the details for the cooking ditorium. A professional auctioneer ner at the home her Mrs. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER on Fir'st Corinthians. During t.he so­ Hitler has swallowed the bits of Science gives us glass false Ed Blackburn. of Sylvania. visited of sister. the mayor of the cIty of Statesboro. known in Respectfully. wil1 assist the eyes, school. Mrs. Lanier is Well To the Voters of Bulloch cial hour H. Dollar master of ceremonies Hendrix the week. J. H. seven members LOWELL M. MALLARD. County: Mrs. M. assisted for which he went to war. It wooden and the family during Ginn. honoring R. L. CONE. Mayor. this section of the state and is an au- AMBULANCE SERVICE with the Good music ,viII Poland teeth, legs wings. Unfor­ I am as a the program. Miss Muriel of of the Jackson whose birtb- again offc'ring myself hostess in serving refreshments. Parrish. Savannah. family City of Statesboro. on remains now to see whether or not it cannot Georgia. thority cooking and [00.1 preser- LADY ATTENDANT FOR he rendered throughout the evening. tunately, however, provide all come the month of SHERIFF candidate for member of the board �hs. W. M. Jones and Mrs. Ac­ spent last week end with her mother days during (9nov2tc) vation. The is invited. wil) cause acute mankind with another of commissioners of were public cordially they indigest'ion. set of brains. November. the members of the To the Voters of Bulloch County: Bulloch county. quillu Warnock joint hostesses bere. Only FOR RENT--Three-room unfurnish- During the afternoon the farmers. to the rules of the to at Mrs. Warnock's Mr. and Mrs. L. Lamb and son. family were invited. Barbecue with J wish to announce as a candidate subject primary home Monday aft­ J. ed apartment; private entrance. home-makers. and others will join to- Day Phone Night basket dinner was served in a for the office of sheriff our be held on December 1939. You ernoon, when entertained the visited A. F. Harris long of county. 19. they Emory, Thursday private bath; possession immediate- gether in a maSB meeting for a har­ have honored me with confidence of the table in the back yard. Two large 467 465 .oobject to the rules and regulatiuns YOUl· �omen's Missionary Society - night. Iy. MRS. J. M. MITCHELL. 115 vest song festival and to hear an ad- in the which I church. Mrs. Moore Waters and James Smith hirthday oakes were in tbe cen- ef the Democratic party. In seeking past. confidence es-. Methodist M. G. Morgan placed BrQlld street. (9novltp) dres8 by Hon. Abit Nix. vote and influence I teem. If you re-elect me I shall exert led the devotional. after which Miss t'�/ets-aRS1 metored to Milledgeville Sunday to of the table. I'ne g..eet­ your wish to call �2r ��i"g. to serve to the other seTen attention to the fact that I was born every effort the taxpayers Ruth Parrish and Mrs. Smith Ag(/inr-" visit relatives.' lOgs all. holding Ramp . and reared in Bulloch and have had of Bulloch county loyally. gave Lalks on "Enlal'ging the Hori­ Mr. and Mrs. ,Lee McCoy and,fam- candles. representing seven.,bjr.thdays. zon on with Mr. and Mrs. Many useful were 16 years experience in serving the Very truly.J Protestant Christianity." After lIy spent Sunday gifts exchanged by members ·tbe public. I have ncver before asked the GEORGE P. LEE. the program the hostesses served re­ Robert Aldrich. ,of .family. -��-•. ------of for freshments. Misses Maxanne and Mildred Wa- g�d people our. county a.ny FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER offlCe or 11 Monday afternoon the Women's tors were dinner guests of Betty Zet- favor. a�d �Iected I?rOlO1se To the Voters of Bulloch Teachers Plan Meeting whIch to hvn and \ County: MisKionary Society of the Baptilit terower Sunday. ] hereby myseli a candi- ;8f':et��r c�����e�� 8nnoun�e church enjoyed u silver tea at the Mrs. Will Hagin and Mrs. Cowart T0 D·ISCUSS Business date for on the board of membershIp home of Mrs. J. M. were of Mr. and I am 35 0f agc und am aII'led McElveen. Mrs. dinner guests Friday . y�ars . county commissioners subject to the R. H. 'nth or faclton mcn Warnock and Mrs. G. D. White ifrs. ·G. R. Waters. Plans for a no. GP�lal Democratic c0!lPty-wide meeting �f primary 'to be held De� made for the entertainment. Mrs. William Kitehen and wll1 apprec,ote your vote and plans Rev. and of the Builoch Q.ounty· Educ.ltlon cember 19. I shall appreciate the sup- jnftuence. . After a series of entertaining con­ were dinner guests of 14r. and Mrs. A.sociation Respectfully. . DeceJ,;ber were , af voter 10 the and early.,liI port county. tests the contributed a of L. Lamb LESTER NEMITH . .every group pot J. Sunday. discussed the executive offiCers if elected to exert en- by ______pledge my best silver coins the to treasury of the Mr. and Mrs. Willie Hagin and in a meeting .in Stitcsboro"IasLw,",k. FOR TAX ergies to serve the cl the en­ COMMISSIONER people society. Mrs. Joel Minick, Mrs. John ·family visited relatives at Waycross School board members and otbers in­ tire county. ) was born and renred To the Voters of Bulloch County: 'Bclcher and Mrs. Kemple Jones as­ the week end. tereeted will probably be iuvited in lhe district, and am sisted in I hereby announce myself a candie serving. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Ankins visited along with the teachers. now in business in the town date for the office of tax commissione engaged The Young Momen's Association of Mr: and Mrs. Eulus Williams. near It is believed that the' of' Stilson.' county er of Bulloch to the Respectfully. the Baptist church met Thursday eve­ Stilson. during the week. schools will be ,closed after county. subject J. Christ- I. NEWMAN. at the home of Mrs. Earl Mc­ Mrs. A. DeLoach and Democratic primary to be held De­ ning daughter. mas unless additional funds are pro­ with Miss cember 19th. 1939. I shall appreciate FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONEU Elveen. Elizabeth Ander­ Ailine. were dinner guests Thursday vidcd by tbe state. We have already of son as hostess. Miss Catherine Par­ J. A. Denmark. �he support each and every "oter. To the Voters of Bulloch County: of Mr. and Mrs. been notified that the state will haye hoth men and women. I'ish arranged a program on HWis_ Mrs. Jane Anderson is spend- sufficient revenue for I am offering for re-election as a Mary only four £lorn." Those were Dor­ Mrs. Yours very truly, member of the board of commission­ taking part ,ing the week with her daugbter. months this ycar. This term will Louise Thelma Theo. her JOHN P. LEE. ers of roads and revenues of Bulloch othy Hood, McElveen, McElveen. and family. end in December. Annie Lois Doris county, subjects to the Democratic Ellington, Hai-rison, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Lamb spent Further announcements as to the FOR TAX COMMISSIONER Olliff and Ozealia Usher. After the Lamb's primary to be held December 19th. last Sunday with Mrs. sister. nature of the progl'am and the date To the Voters of Bulloch program a social hour was Mrs. Otis and her the will be made soon. County' During the years you have honol'ed enjoyed, Royals. family. of meeting the solicitation of during which time Mrs. McElveen as­ Mamde Lewis and Mr. and Mrs. G. the Encourage by me by election to this office. I have In meantime, all interested per­ and n desire to selVc sisted Miss Anderson in re­ were business visitors in sons think friends, having given my very best efforts to serve serving E. Hodges are urged to seriously OD to that capacity. I make announce­ freshments. Metter nnd Swainsboro Thursday. the matter. 1ft scems and my the people of Bulloch county. I ap­ impossible ment for the office of tax eommis­ Mr. and Mrs. Terrell Harville and unwise for the local communities to preciate the honor which you have eioner of Bulloch to J. M. WARNOCK and D. Lanier and of county subject shown me in the past, and I solicit HONOREE family Mrs. J. attempt to shoulder the burden the rules of the to be held on with Mrs. A. the schools as did primary the support and influence of every EIGHTY-EIGHTH BIRTHDAY children spent Sunday keeping open they December 19. worked in the .last Having voter in the . DeLoach. . \ coming election spring. .,frice of tax collector for the past Misses Elise Waters and Edwtna ------Respectfully, Relatives and a number of seven friends were the years with Mr. and Mrs. W. W. M. J. BOWEN. and Bill Zetterower of J. M. Warnock. of the Register Hagin DeLoach. I am familiar ....ith all of of Hazel and Burney Proctor "Hillbilly Courtship" met at the Warnock home guests • the duties of the office. I will --F-O,.....R-C-O-U-N�·-T-Y-C-O-M-M--IS-S-IO-N-E-R- community. appre­ to celebrate his Fro.. froat of rear Saturday night. At West School To the eighty-eighth to of NN "ROYAL • Cliate your vote and influence. Voters of Bulloch County: S�nday grille body-for aJPtI'EIM STYLINQ ... Mr. and Mrs. John B. Anderson and J offer Mr. Warnock was once a MlDE AND OIn'SIDI • NEW Very respectfully yours. myself as a candidate for blf.thday. where - FUU-YISION little daughter. Racbael Dean. of the IIagth counts Chevrolet for BODIES BT FISHEll • The �he We�t Side J. L. ZETTEROWER. membership on the board of commis- cltJzen. f\rcola communIty. ,Ai­ Ieagth NEW EXClUSIVE VAQlIJM.. of Mr. wer�an faculty • Saturday night guests ter hiS more than sIxty POWER SHFT "'THE RIDE School will present a three-act farce sioners of roads and revenues of Hul- marl'u�ge 1940 is the of aD IOYAl"_a..v­ Lehmon Zetterower. cen I Mrs - ,. I I ourt For Superintendent of ago he hved on a farm longest lowest-priced ..... '.tfedHi • d y t't1Ie,d "H'III\'1I C SchOOls loch county. subject to the primary y�ars seve� IUdIag sya._. Grace Zetterower and Hugh co�e" e!, � mIles east of IUI'H-SlLEHf Jiiss a riot of fuss and fool­ To the Democratic to be held December I have the past 10 VAlV6-lM.HEAD ENGINE. _ Mr. and �hlp. fun. Voters of Bulloch 19. in \ For. .• .teIldOD to being the UnecI Tarte spent last Sunday with years the family has hved near HCniD HTDIlAUUC IIIlAKES • Ishness. runs feuds tal- County: the past served you in that '-Ier of A Z tt rower' also Mr. IUld I �hat f�om t� :.'1' beauty "AutomobileHrellm.Rcrw"-In C .... a it STNCRo.MESH • Ill. is ...iac ls", RegIster, , Mr. Warnock has TRANSMISSION LARGU hunt10g and I announce and appreciate the honor which to the a�d ml�lded aspll�nts hereby my candidacy capacitY'lfortl'you belnll ablelt aU-round In Ita nl'TO�nc • C�lo� family. been of Bulloch out- performer a.UTCH NEW HAlED BEAM :�:. R"us�ing for the sea of matn-money. Friday a··To81'ec&o� lor re-election to the upon me election. .one county's Waters and Mrs . office of county imposed by If =�on ItEADUGHTS WITH M·r. an d M G R SlPARATE . PARKING , rs..: at 8 o'clock. standmg planters. lentnight, November 17 most luxurious Pontiac ever built. of elected I shall strive all • isn't for 8nperintendent schools of Bulloch again with UGHn IMPROVED SHOCKPROOf' A. and NO, "Torpedo styling". ing, thrifty eight-performance '\l'bich as he is Thlo new Cbe1'rolet few 1"0 I. al80 the mERINO. DeLoac� The public Is cordially invited to to the of my. might to' render faithful and ef- Su�day "Uncle. lonfe$t 01 • e I a "four-wheel Without that front­ Pontiac i. renowned. So eonnty. subject rules the I Joh�;" NEW CIITSTAL-ClEAR "'1UT SAl'nT I'lATI tended servIces atAlhhnePrD"meL"trvaechB:t:t P term like �rakes" jewel-like wilen yuterFJ Hardy If last s traffic ac by G M dlstr ct Bulloch county and within the hours of 881e aU GI nson and well as from the Esla School d str ct Thanksgiving legal Mrs S C Br Mrs Ethan ss the week The e street and west lot of It s nice to have a lot of aad M Mary Sowell spent, ghth grade presented an m by No 13 said on Savannah avenue and bounded the deSCribed The meet was so far c dent record s followmg propertJ, Proctor were JO nt hostesses at the ng the best repeated Bub d v sron for d stance ad at the college promptu program n chapel Monday a of '58 north by Savannah avenue 207 to Wlt home to M With more members and homes to t of Mrs Proctor the W repre money spend But don for Miss Ehza who s teach Nov 18 'Ebe Even worse accord ng to the De feet YES TIPPinS ng program ncluded the feet east by Park avenue 1798 An that tract or parcel of land U of Em t church on last Wednes sented A sp r t of enthusiaam for get there s also plenty of fun to be had m Warrenton sent the week end With fcllowing M ss Hardy M ss Gl sson partment of Puhl c Safety 22 per (7) That certa n lot or parcel of feet south by lands of D B Les situate and In the afternoon An Interest the opening of the Esla hot lying beIng day ng pro Monday V vran Griffin and Mrs Deal to s Shortn n land situate and be ng In the ter on here 8 In made 11188 ng sons w II be k lIed and 770 Jr 200 feet and west by an 1575th d strict G M of Bulloeh was rendered Dan lunch room was man festd all the way up to affluence the real precision njured lymt{ gram by Mrs by thing e Bread M ss n 1716th G M d str ct of coun MISS Kat Lou Oll ff spent the Gr ff to show how to Bulloch alley or lands of W S Preetorlus a 200 tt The rooms the f the 1937 t s re inacted county Georg containing Groover Mrs H H Br Mrs present having' larg mechanisms not a to tide a agedy Ga and n town Reg just stopgap week end With her mother Mrs shoot basketball Mr Crouch to ty the of Portal estate 236 feet acres more or less bounded north L est number were as oner aId Bragg Mrs R Cone Mrs 9f parents present Comm Lon Sull van called known and as lot No 13 There s the satisfaction of you over Lester Olliff of Metter spell ph lanthrop cally the sen or deaignated Purchaser to assume and pay all by lands now or owned a S8 the th rd and fourth achieVIng formerly Gerrald and spec al song by M grades are on ans to do the r n of the above stoted v s on Fnends of Mrs L 0 Rushmg class to a ng The Man W th the all Georg part sub d plat paving assessments nn w th Jesse G Donaldson and land. The were beg ng by by Anne Last nger M lIS Mam e Lou following grademothers something better than 'you re used to-­ aa d lot south on You roll your even firm glad to know that she s mprov ng Manl ne LUCILLE HODGES preserv ng as record fronting North Ra 1 the year 1940 nga nst said lot now or owned Mrs nted M ss White s room Mrs steady gOing Georg mproved formerly by Anderson and M 8S Maude Wh te appo road street a d for instance to this smart after an extended llness stance of 24 feet and Terms of sale cash Lottie Warren and lands now or E and steppmg up taut th s year by observ ng common by accompan ed by MISS El zabeth Proc B D ckerson l,frs Frank Wi! rld�ng way and the staunch NINTH GRADE ronn Mr and Mrs J L Riggs Mrs K ng back northward between par Th s November 6th 1939 formerly owned by John After the re son Mrs Anderson s room Mrs SWift solid BUick after ve been I sense rules of the road made to Coleman, tor you tpl'olrl'atn da,nty soostanbal feel of thiS fine E Watson and M ss Watson pro allel 1 nes a d stance of 158 feet to a eveeywhere Karlyn In hs tory we are study ng ReI MRS W E McDOUGALD Admrx northeast by lands now or formerly 1reshments carry ng out the Thanks Malcolm Starl ng and Mrs Jim run tect c t zens 20 foot a and bounded north drlvmg of the mill ears shopped n Monday g ons the World We will ley by Estate W E McDougald deceased owned John Coleman east te s room a sense of some Sav!jnnah Sway by by idea 'Were served by th� host Futch Mrs Wh Mrs J earrlage brmgs getting sa I 20 cast glVlng MISS Lucy Mae Gl sson JO ned a the nc of Jesus We Don t spo 1 th s hol ntended foot alley by lot No 12 D and Mrs study pr ples day eases ass sted by Mrs B II Cone Hagan Burke Mr where as as first of sa d s b d v s on south GUARDIAN S SALE .atlsfYlng your gdt plU1;y from Metter and spent the Will also learn how other wor to be full of cheer and thankfulness plat by y;'��s C�le';; a":. 5 room Mrs Frank Scott peoples a�dri::�dl:n�::,�df:!. Oglesby Just you feel the Silk smooth 01 Its week end at the coast last week sh North Ra lroad street and west by lot GEORGIA-Bulloch County owned W C and Mrs surge edged bond p br ng t nto merly by Hodges ELDER W P KEEL Hamp Bryant by ng agedy your No 14 of sa d v s on I( ss Bert e Holland of Jackson sub d plat The unders gued as guardian of south lands known as the Dow After the bus ness sess on great 107 bal TENTH GRADE by Elder Walter P Keel who d ed all pres horsepower mlcropOise home or that of son eone els� That certa n lot or reel of the Suppose you have to stretch a bit to "me Fla spent the week end WIth (8) p person and property of Horace er land. of MrB Edd e Nesmltb ent a soc al hour - Monday of last week was bur ed at enjoyed With Mrs anced con m ss oner Ian s tu te an 1 straIght eight engme and you her parenta Mr and Mrs H C HoI urged 1 lymg be ng the McDougald n m nor by v rtue of an now or owned Walter Red H n Ben Cowart and Mrs Frank W Ison - II find that formerly by church TuCBday afternoon at buy thiS BUick well, you land town of Portal and 1716th G M d s o der from the court of ord of know that all that went before was The tenth observed Nat onal The usual h ke n k II ngs and n nary E N.smlth and west by lands now 3 0 clock Elder W R W lkerson of Del c ous refreshn ents of only grade consisting Mr and Mrs E M of tr ct of Bullocl count a des Bulloch co a will sell or Will make you prize Ihls greal eight Kennedy Education v Georg g nty Georg at formerly owned by G B Don fic at hot chocolate crackers and only Week We appo nted a com Thanksg ng hoI day s ng pound prelimmary to thiS big thr1l' week With nated as lot No 69 on the Geo a c on the first Soperton spent the end m ttee to be ble for the g publ outcry Tuesday aldson and lands now or formerly Mr Keel was 67 of on cake were served all the more I respons pro caused ncreased travel year age her arents Mr and Mrs J W HoI by early Realty s sub d v s on 10 December 1939 at the court bouse owned Jesse each With the co on Company plat by G Donaldson Said October 3rd He WILS str cken wb Ie gram day operat darkness speed ng motor sts and by recorded n book 41 0 page 197 10 door n sa d county between the tract of land has such So look at the car that can mark a of the tenth nterest legal shape metes nt warl and fcma ned n cond HOT LUNCR ROOM OPENS You Alp the firm easy gearshift-and the go grade Very ng grave L Holland M ss Lou se d vers who dr nk the off ce of the cle k of Bulloch su hours of sale the follow descr bed courses stances as more �J� were ven celebrate by ng ng and d will t on t II end The Esla hot lunch room programs g the came ten days after opened click of ItS action under hands milestone In your life It doe.n t cost a per or court front west on Th rd to Wit your says loway Mrs J W Holland and M ss ntox cat Comm S8 on ng property appenr by reference to on s IS ng beverages fully plat he was stnckcn He was a m n ster Monday Nov 6 Th project PTA PROGRAM a d to find out little It will stand Eh.a Holland n Savannab avenue stance of 65 feet and run A one half undlv led nterest In made by J E Rush ng sur thmg how shopped e Sull van en nded dr vers that the county of the Gospel and WILS estL'Cm sponsored by the Esla PTA The n back hi�bly F day ng eastward from sa d Th rd that certa n lot of land located n veyor Bulloch county Georgia In cons of cd by those of h s church aff 1 at on lunches it hot soup crackers you delivered Department of Publ c s fol avenue a 1 of We are g ad to know that 1 ttle Ida Safety stsnce 169 feet and 8 the city of Statesboro n the 1209th November 1919 COpy of ""Id plat and those outs de al ke and m Ik two days and a plate nches lun\.h Ackerman w II be able to re low ng str ctly the pol cy of auto and bounded north by lot No G M d str ct of Bulloch county be ng attached to abstract on file With m Ik the other tllre. Out of �e 70 of sa d sub d v s on east a on turn to school Tuesday after hav ng mat c revocnt on of I ccnses on co by Mill Georg and Savannah avenue With TI e Atlanta JOint Stock Land the hundred and n ne ch Idren attend belln n the Bulloch street south by F rst street and west and bounded north Savannah Bank of Atlanta Atlanta County Hosp v ct on of a dr nk wh Ie by GeorgIa ng Esla school there were s xty seven ng dr vmg tal for a few days by Th rd avenue avenue 207 feet east by Park ave The pr(}perty above described I. at s ch Idren tak ng hot lunches hool charges That certa n or nue The Woman s MISS onary Spc ety (9) lot parcel of 1798 feet south by Ian Is of that conveyed by and described In th. one e Monday Seventy Tuesday gh stands now second land and be n D B On Thursday n ght, November 30th met w th Mrs HH OIl ff Wednes Georgt.a among ly ng ng the 1716th Lester Jr 200 feet and west deed to secure debt aforesaid Said BeVel ooe Wednesday seventy G M d str ct of an Old H red Hanil and H s HIlty day afternoon Four Vlsltors from all states n the nat on for reduct on Bulloch county Ga by alley 1" lands of W SPree sale w II be made under and puroD and e four Fr B es ghty day conta n 60 acres more or less and tor us estate 236 feet and to the slons of said II fo merly the J E Manor Statesboro were present Mrs Sam of acc dents th s over but ng prov deed and are are year last The parents who able asked bounded north own Sa d land gang of WTS Columb a S C w II lThursday Groover Mrs A L Chfton Mrs by lands formerly sold for the purpose of sa d prope.ty Will be sold to tbe high to contr bute cents a or that reco d can be ma nta ned f five day that only ed R W Gunter educat on rna p esent the r latest lau� fLot at Jim Will ams and Mrs J L John by and R Leb Moore and ntenance of .... Id est b dder for cash default havlnl' valent n Those ch 1 ans are equ produce Georg loyal to co cast lands owned H minor In Nev Is H gh School beg nn ng at 8 00 son. The progru(ll was presented by enough by formerly by been made the payment of Install. dren whose parents arc unable to The tenth and eleventh grades went m Mlas R Ch cken salad operate d v ng safely Comm s H Moore and W II Bland south by Purchaser to aSSUme and pay all ments of prmc pal and Interest which p Sally ggs to see by contr bute to the lu ch roo n afC aerv Fnday the p cture Mr Sm th of One of the most Bucccss(ul TO .andWiches With coffee frUit s oner lands the W W Bland estate and pav ng assessments aga nst sa d lot became due under the of p alld Goes to Washm The Sulhvan rem nded provisIons .d also ngton tenth west or nn ams ever at Nev 1 s was ca'ke were served the hostess as by lands now formerly owned beg ng With the year 1940 sa d deed on the first of g staged pre-. by has been He sa d not must motor sts day 6eptem Th e 1 a d os 0f th e Esla com un ty grade studymg the eonst I only R Lee Moore Terms of sale cBsh sen ted by th 5 grou ot cnte ta ners by MISS Elmfl WillIams M ss by ber 1937 (exeept for credit of ,1660 are tak terms and serv .Ijlted tut on of the Un ted States the elev observe ons but ans ng propsr ng regulat pedestr That certain tract or Th s November 6th 1939 on sa d over a ye r ago Due to the many JJiez Watson and M ss Karlyn Wat (10) parcel nstallment) the first da,. the hot lunches entli grade has been study ng go",ern for a. return ng ...n ch Idren on skates dnvers of horse of land ly ng and be ng n the 1716th D 0 McDOUGALD Guard an of March and 1938 lind cquest.� engage ncnt ment Septemher A splend d sp r t of wholehearted and everyone seemed to enJoy G M d str ct of tl ey have consented to th s second of Bulloch county Horace McDougald the first days of Mareh and Septem n the cture smce we knew someth Ga., co operat on bas been manife,:,ted p ng conta n 110 acres appearance The r program of tr 08 ng and bounded ber 1939 and the ent re debt so se­ th s work School News about government Sale Under Power m Secur ty Deed duet.. �ns ball ds aets solos Register north by lands that formerly belong cured hav ng become due by reasOD AIR SHOW ed to tlie WW Brannen estate GEORGIA-Bulloch of sa d defaults fiddl ng nd lanemg Wlll g ve an east County BOX SUPPER AT ESLA lands n Under the author of the w even ng of good clean ftln and en SEVENTH GRADE Those attend ng the a r show Sun by formerly owned by Mart ty powers There II be due The Atlanta Joint of sale and conta ned n terta n nent to all wbo hear them On ght Decen ber 18 day were Sara Watson LaRose Ste Burgess south Jands now or for conveyance Stock Land Bank of Atlanta on the Monday In Engl sh we a e ng con by study that certam to seCure ven w II 1\ new there Wlll be a bOl( supper n the and Lee M ller merly owned Mrs Edna M ncey deed debt g date of th s sale the sum of one thoD Snuffle have 1 ne of Jl1II an order granted Breath Bad? tul ps Dutch boys and SALE OF PERSONALTY on a s by HeadachYt gU"ls the Georg Realty Company sub n 1924 from the or court of Bullocb January super the court of of sa d county Edw n has not m ssed a I Will offer for sale at home v s on n ordinary Wynn my d plat recorded book 41 Sa d sale to be n Make fhls Check made for the pur county favor of JAW Ison at the November term 1939 I Will Up word n spell ng th s term near Stilson on Thursday Dec 7th 197 n the off ce of the clerk of us page pose of enforc ng payment 01 the n aga nst Harry Moore Jr leVled on Wrzte for further mfor the offer for sale before the court house SEVENTH G RA DE follOWing personal property 200 Bulloch super or court sa d lot front n sa debtedness descr bed d deed as the of the defendant, n v property dooI Statesboro Bulloch county The Pol ce S en means Look out bushels of corn two tons of 1000 south on North Ra street a T�e ch ef center of nterest n hay ng load pr nc pal and nterest wh ch snow to w t • matlon Georg a on the. first Tuesday 10 De and lIterature on And so do Nature s s head bundles of fodder 200 bushels of po d stance of 24 feet and runn back gnals soc al sc ence th s month has been ng past due The sa dAM M kell hav All that certa n tract or parcel cember 19R9 to the h b dder tatoes 22 head of cattle 50 head of ghest aches b ousness bad bteath wh ch States as a Manufactur northward between parallel 1 nes to n of sa The Un ted ng defaulted the payment d of land located n sa cl state and for cash the follOWing descr bed real hogs MRS LIZZIE P HUGHES an and bounded north sa d the proiztable fert:lllZa a e ofton syn ptoms of canst pat on ng Nat on alley bl deed at ts matur ty T tle n fee county and n the 1209th G M estate Route 1 St Ison Ga east a d In I sto ve have drawn several (2nov5tp) alley stance of 152 feet by s w II be ven to the d str ct "f Bulloch conta n Don t neglect your sh bowels y mple g purchaser county A, rema nder nterest n all that slugg lot No of sa v s on sho v the Eu cIa ms 10 d sub d south as author zed n sa d deed to 79 acres more or less and tlon of for a ost of canst s maps ng opea Notice To Debtors and Creditors subject ng certa n tract or of land s t Southern crops pation other No parcel n World and anothe by th Ra lroad street and est d taxes as d the New map GEORGIA-B lloch County any unpa bounded �ollows On the north uate and be 10 the 45th scomforts may result such as tance of 155 feet lot No 12 ly ng ng show ng the results of the French All cred tors of the estate by Th s Novem ber 8 1939 R Barnes lands east lands sou. or of Wad by by G M d str ct Bulloch Geor stomach los. of appet te of sa d sub d v s on county and Ind an Wa S P t 1 f B 11 W L ZETTEROWER of W S Pre.tor us south lands mental dullness te h t by g a conts n ng about twenty (20) energy of Mrs H F Hook LIBERAL ALLOWANCE EIGHTH GRADE dece�::dor a�� h�r noUt ��d ��u;e� and west by acres more or le8Q and bounded He bo vels "th bOy caf:J ;��� ���� olP�c FOR YEAR S SUPPORT p your lazy sp cy Our class has elected the follow der n the r demands to the under �10�n1a��lJ�h lands of R Barnes same be ng North lands of L D McElv... G M d st ct of by a BLACK DRAUGHT FOR YOUR OLD STOVE Bulloch co nty Ga GEORGIA-Bulloch ltnown as the Bess home vegetable ng office s fo th s school year s gned accord ng to la v and all per County place and by lands of Homer McEI des as lot as Act s gnated No 14 sho vn on Mrs Phar see Bennett Wr tten not ce gyp ompt y thoroughl, Pres dent Hugh B rd v ce pres dent sons ndebted to sa d estate are re havmg ap gIVen defendant ID veen east by lands of L D Me a made J E Rush s plat by ng count) pi ed for a year 0 for herself on by mple d rect ons st ne Ak ns secretary M Id ed qu red to make mmed ate support possess Elveen by lands of J E �Chr payment and n the ce surveyor recorded off of from the setate of deceased hus Tb s 7th of November 1939 sOllth BLACK DRAUGHT S n R ggB t easure Ed h Bonnett to me ,her day DaughtU' an west by lands of pr nClpa! the clerk of Bulloch or court n supe band Z T Bennett not ce shere L M MALLARD Shenff J 0 McElveen the lando ent s an ntest nal ton c ELEVEN rR Th s 18 1939 herem gred GRADE 0ctQb� deed book 41 at 197 kno �n as page by g ven that sa d appheatlOn will be referred to the Joe Grtffln laxat ve It tone to The sen or class has elected ofli MRS MAMIE H PREElTORIUS the bemg helps mpart Lee Turner garage lot front ng heard at my office on the first Mon POWER COMPANY x lands GEORGIA for th s school term as follows Executr of the W II of 1 a z y bowel muscles Next gers south on Ra lroad street a d stance In time, day Decemher 1939 This November 7 1939 this time tested 'Pres dent Mat lou Turner ce pres W S Preetor us 26 feet and 9 nches and bounded try product 1 , lof Th s November 7 1939 GREELY GRIFFIN dent R chard Brannen secretary north a 20 foot by alley east by lot J E McCROAN Ol'dinary Guardian of HIS Four Minor ChI1i1rln BACKWARD LOOK WELCOME • • I I TO WELCOIIB TEN YEARS AGO HARVEST TO • Clubs • Personal The World's Fair Is In New York. HO�IE RARVE8T From Bulloch Tim .... Nov 21 1929 FESTIVAL HOME FESTIVAL But at FINE'S we have a Pete Donaldson elected president BULLOCH TIMES I + I t II 1'1 III 1'01 +++ I , I II I I 14 of .. of the Chamber of Commerce J E McCroan re elected secretary (STATESBORO NEWS-STATESBORO EAGLE) Mrs Ernest Racklay was a VISitor Methodist congregution was joined n Savannah Attend Concert other churches in Purely Personal Friday t> IT '!7 by Sunday everung Bullocb Times Established 1892 R a farewell service for their Consohdated 17 Dr and Mrs J Kennedy spent ® t!.W®®ITil � � Among those from Statesboro at depart109 Statesboro News Estabhshed 1901 } January 1917 a visttor In the week end in Atlanta "World pastor Rev J E Parker VOL 48-NO was of fair B Johnson the Fritz fashions" 87 Mrs J tending Kreisler concert Statesboro Eagle Established 1917-Consolidated December 9 MI s Perman Anderson was a VlSI IlR In Savannah AIIl ouncement made that new Savannah Fnday II Thursday evening were Methodist .Mrs WIlhs Waters was a viaitor In tor 111 Savannah Saturday You folks who missed the Tom Misses Nellie and Frances Lee Rufus pastor Rev E F Mar Dr and Mrs M S P ttman were Wilson Dr and Mrs gan Will arrrve Fnday afternoon to Savannah Friday Thumb are to have Bird Daniel wedding gomg assume hiS Young Sends Frank Olliff Jr returned visttors 111 Atlanta during the week Mr and Mrs Leslie Johnson Mrs pastorate here Cromley another chance see When in It Mrs Andrew and Mrs to It next Tues Verdie Savannah Will be our MISS Alvaretta Kenan Statesboro DURDEN SPEAKER FUL� PROGRAM OF SIX from a trtp to Detroit Herrmgton Hilliard MISS Brooks Grimes pleas­ Fine Citrus SEEK PLAOO 21st Collection H P Jones was a visitor n Robert Bland spent Friday 111 Savan day November Maude Edge IS MISS Mafle Woods and young lady elected preaident of PI Mrs Mrs Bob ure to have you come In and see a most the week nah workmg With a committee to have Donaldson Phi PSI of the Georgia State Col A Augusta during SATURDAY MEET display of home grown citrus HARVEST FESTIVAL V1Sl Mrs the and ••• ON was Frank thiS trme for Women CITY a Grirnee and Mrs Thorn wedding agam the Mrs Irving Shearouse Jege Milledgeville. fruit reached the Times office COUNCIL are to to complete selection of MIsses dunng tor In Savannah Tuesday as Evans spent Wednesday III Au proceeds go charity If you Children, Henry Elhs an escaped convict State AAA Head to Appear at the week Elaborate to Enter Horace Smith were missed It you may be sure It WlII be Matrons' Club was returned to the after through the thoughtfulness Preparation Three Last Minute Mr and Mrs gusta - Entries ill and Women's Fashions chamgang of the United Lamar Jones Phil Bean well worth time to see It. Members of the prIC­ an absence of five was Meeting of Wilham son VIsitors In Augusta Thursray Mesdames youe Matrons club en modestly years he Cromley manly YOllJlg tain Crowds Expected next City Race Add Interest Donnan return and Bish in Frances Rackley m a real white satin Joyed a most Tues With the murder of Buck Georgia Farmers MISS Alfred Merle Murphy spent Tuesday delightful party ed "barged of Mr and Mrs W C Cromley of to The Situation at Savannah wedding gown and tram day afternoon with Mrs M S Pitt Stevens Thursday ed Sunday to Wesleyan College standing Brooklet In the assortment were Bland MI S J B Robert Bland and Andrew Herr along Jimmy Johnson who was man hostess at her suburban Aunt LUCia wa two Homer S Durden state AAA ad Mrs Percy and ing by home. presented When thiS dressed In a Fall flowers oranges lemons and kumquats all The Harvest Homc Festival paper went Into the mall Rushing motored to Savannah Friday ton wcre business VISitors In Sa van real tuxedo made quite and leaves decorated the evemngs last week at Teachers Col mlniatrator Will address the Bulloch James nah a And before room. where the on the farm a mile last Thursday It carried the state­ Mrs Herman Bland and MIS Monday picture Just Jimmy guests assembled lege under auspices of Eastern Star clf United grown Cromley started down the aisle for old fashioned county chapter Georgia ment Bland were vtsttors 10 Savannah Frl Mrs Charles Holmes of Swains With the best games Dainty par made a great hit packed auditorium south of Brooklet The elder €rom that four avowed candlda_ man Farmers Saturday November 26 tions are being made for the thous boro W!lS the of MISS he asked Eumce (his If ty refreshments were served each were III guest Tuesday mother) a,.J evening ley who brought them III with the the field seek 109 tbe thrW Lee Peak has returned Helen Brannen he was really marrymg Frances for present were Mesdames J E Done Mr and Mrs J L F Martm program chairman ands that Will attend the celebration da�rs Mary Barney Avontt on the hoo S W compliments of his son stated that places city council It was "'_ from Atlanta where she spent last Mr and Mrs Don Brannen ar d Mr keeps' -Just about the cutest pIC LeWIS D B Turner Jas entertained With eleven table ... of of the organiaution inVited Mr Dur The festival Will be held November turned that ture seen was Hazel A Branan Joe fine's the growing of citrus fruit has there be other en­ G of might and IIlrs Dedrick Waters spent Sun lately Watson H D Savannah Hernng players Tuesday evening compliment den to diSCUSS the 1940 AAA program Ibeen In ton down one Brannen B H tr'iea before the w��ss L z Smith spent the week end day Augusta (Mrs Andrew) town Ramsey Homer Sim Ing Mr and Mrs D Percy Averitt found quite easy and adds dlvetslon 30th cloaing of the liBta mons as It would .affect Bulloch farmers at In Mrs A A Flanders had as her afternoon thiS week with her and J L Mathews at 0 with friends Shorter College very to rural hfe In Bulloch county 12 clock that night m court the morning 0. farmers and ruece 15 W Mr Will speak the During Rome guest Thursday her Mrs 10m young daughter Peggy Looking Broughton St, Savannah r"L:J:�s �;r:�:dPrimitive church an I Durden, Well the expected Be­ more s sters happened. Mrs J S and Mrs R G Hillis of Millen like than mother and nounce they would serve house "t..l1 80 p m home makers school Will be held Munay MethodIst oyster sup fore the stroke of 12 With a little SOCIety three otber pu'" Fleetwood were V sttors 10 Dubhn Miss Lucy Stokes of Pembroke daughter perky bow of pers each evening during the week It IS that the at 10 a. m the fanners About five ladies expected speaker Startmg IIc was the week end of Mr and the same color in their hair the seventy from Met end at Barnes Cafe West MaIO COUNTY PRIMARY spirited citaiens had walked Tuesday guest By ter will Into details m the mari will assemble m the s to up Portal Brooklet New Nev go part Sheppard MI and Mrs Harry Smith at d Mrs Willie Branan way Hazel and Andrew are taking Hope 1 \ street for the church debt and Signed the necessary entry doe. the lis Langston Register and States ketmg quota Will plav m cotton and bacco warehouse and divide Into Mias Smith the week end Mrs Hinton Booth and MISS Grace Bowen house and moving this Negroes m the Adabelle communi uments Betty spent bora with I'------.------.------...,V': LIVELY CONT�T brlngmg the total to seves week of us Wives visitors from Savannah at- tabacco smce the cotton to the vnrtous in Atlanta Murphy were VISItors In Atlanta sev -Most Sit at home ty held a Charleston at Bowen s store marketing groups study phases tended the zone candidates for the four Inman and Mrs. ernl the week while our h rsbnnds off meeting of the Worn PALMER PR�ENTS places, Mr and Mrs go about their referendum comes Decem of livestock corn cotton Fay days during fishing an s Saturday night disputed quota up production at Twenty SIX Candidates Cross Today the race 18 a Bruce Olliff' were VISitors In Savun Dr and Mrs Sam Crouch of whether It he fOI the in MISSionary, SOClCty Statesboro MUSIC Club skill as dancers Jhn Williams was running QUill dlly early bel' 9 W H Smith president of the tobacco and truck crops under the steadJ' the or Methodist church New The first mterde WIre at of however nah M'Onduy cy Fla were week end guests of morning IlIght flshll1g but Wednesday meeting I)f the The Statesboro MusIC Club will laid open With SIX knife wounds In Starting Drop grmd With only SIX m th8 Brooklet and UGF all the farmers 10 the direction of research workers from LYCEUM Hope Statesboro were ')J urged NUMBER Everett WIIIUlms and little son Dr and Mrs S J Crouch Ethel Bean IS one of those nommational Bible study was well hold their Last field one of the people nt regular meeting Tuesday Flag Saturday originel entrants that JO hostesses at the lunch attended and a " to attend this meet­ the Coastal StatIOn Frank few days durll1g the Miss Sara Lou Hodges of Alma goes along Wlth Phil and be noonday very msplnng mes evenmg November 21 at 8 a thM�s D Lanier contributed a county particular Experiment spent" can MIS clock, sP�te bavmg formally Wlthdrawn lIeve or McKlI1non of New was Mrs Noted to Here "eek m Atlanta spent the week end Wlth her parents It not she paddles the boat Hope sage given by W WEdge ,,�th MISS Brooks Gr mes co bost novelty to the edltoI s table-a double Ing Mr Smith stated that he be The race for offle..,s IS on The specialists that will cOllduct Art�t Appear and Mrs McCroan of county The field stands at J Bar. Mrs Bill Breedlove of Swamsboro Mr and Mrs Wade up and down the fiver and he IS Statesboro co ThiS study group Will meet each Fn and Dr one Next present Hodges very hostesses Destler Mrs egg complet(l In''lde another lIeved that the best fOI Bulloch So far It IS I ace the school are B MondlLY zone leaders had the T{I way anybody s w,th 26 Averitt spent the week end with her mother Mrs Dowse Lee has returned from qUick to tell you she bnngs him luck program 10 day mornmg at 10 0 clock at the S Hanner Mrs Leshe Johnson aa.I outside measured 9 \4 Inches ney Glenn JennIngs B B cl Mrs e�g farmCl s to the most bene candidates fa, the ms de mal husbandman arge Marshall district SeC Hotel a county get Jockeymg Mrs L T Denmark Millen where she spent several days Mertls Shuptrme who comes dOWlI Rushmg and cordtal 1I1V1ta MISS Aline WhiteSide and 7\4 mches In The first lyceum number of the Morns J B Everett Gilbert COu retary o[ Savannah fit from AAA was to learn more A ono several With Mr and Mrs With HUbert from to gave much m tlOn IS extended to all who are m rB11 agronomist S Pnrnhalll aga Macon afte. spendmg days James Lee Chattanooga FANNIE MAE SMITTH �����f����:�wlse 1939 40 series Will be presented In the and Juhan C Lane These three luI; formatIOn and In talks terested as the of her Mr and MISS Sara Lee Wilson of Millen hunt IS about as good at msplratlOn her to attend Press Homer DeLoach of Fla about how the program deals WIth When the .ta tCiS at 11Ist J M Carr tobacco and guest parents killing quail M.s Reporter Tampa flag dropped expClt uutltoraum named were the as Holland Mrs Henderson and MRS W ... college Monday evenmg last-evening entrants Mrs Alfred Dorman spont the week end With her Huhert She has her own gun W WILLIAMS and DeLoach of DetrOIt re the various ThiS IS OtiS Woodard hOI parents Mrs Virgil crops particularly 12 a clock last Saturday the tlculturlst G roover del the ... exactly N ovembel 27 at e a clock At Z Whitehurst who bad J G DeLoach of Columbus spent Mr and Mrs Hudson Wilson dons huntmg clothos and IS up and ghted gathering turned to Bulloch for a VISit to their ght prevIOus'" wtth Mrs true of 1940 when each of the speCial race For the next four weeks The home makers Will at thiS bme several musical numbers and Hostess began that ne Dr rus the week end with h.s parents Mr MISS Mildred Lee of Oliver IS tbe and ready at daylight Pruella Cro WIENER ROAST Attaway old home after an absence of more Callton Palmer noted filed candidacy later Withdrew MISS Inez SOIl such as cotton a martle IS Williams as IS her custom Mrs was hostess to depleted crops It will be a and forecast as be attendmg cookmg school under and Mrs Leff DeLoach guest for several days of Mr and another young lady that Mrs Grady Attaway a a century sons of grmd any artIst Will present hu; acclaim from the race contr buted to the Carrol Hart entertamod With WIdely a In happmess of the ber club afternoon at tobacco and have to be In Wlnners IS an the dlrection of MIs therme La Mrs Wllhams of Douglas Mrs Carrol Hart of Statesboro took few lessons huntmg last a brl�ge !fuesday peanuts to the merely expres Ka George occaSIOn wiener roast 111 �anH D����c�f ed art talk 'lhe of Pictures And so With mne to With beautiful floral decor Wedneaday night a at ber home on Joy days yet mD, arrlVcd Monday for a V15lt to Mr Mr and Mrs Waldo Pafford of year Wlth her dad The trouble With dehghtful party With the farm be sion of chOIce mer extension food and atlOns honor of her guest, M,ss MIldred Lee compliance quota preservatIOn Dr Palmer has chl1rmed the for the us IS Donaldson street. A colo. scheme of mllhons campolgn City council holda and Mrs Frank Williams Rocky Ford spent With her most of that we afraid TWENTY YEARS AGO e Sunday pre rhe Those preaent were Misses fOl Rny benefit payments In the Don t let tell who W II utIlization specmhst of the Goof'gla yellow and was earned out lD anybody you of With thiS excellent talk MISS Zula Gammage had as her pllrents Mr and Mrs Fred T Lanier of lOSing that last nap and probably llterory program montb Belcher green people mterestlng pOSSibilities At the p...... WI II be at Grace Hart neen Miller and the From Bulloch TImes Nov 20 1919 fOlm of p"ce adjustment or SOil can knows There Will be At 1 p m the museml Mrs Mr some -The IS given the regular decorations of wm-nobodby program over ent guests fOl the week end Mr and and Mrs John Rawls left dur beauty sleep town full meeting and chrYBanthemuma, Roiling the country With a moment there has developed no of the Woman s Margaret Pelot, Grady Howard and m scrvntlOn can be S C the a f attractive new comers one MISSionary the refreahments which can Brooklet school collected smart ones after the race IS 'Over who under the directIOn of HOI aid J NCII Powell of Columb... ng week end for Crossett Ark and Socwty James Jack trustees and facul lfIotor car full of beautiful gleat amount of excitement aftenlOon at 3 Campbell Brannen Jesse s",ted of salad IHctures though MISS Julie TUI ner was the of where WIll two weeks With who hns been here for several months Monday 30 sandWiches and bot ty published cllld endors John W Mr Sn Ith the belief that wllI dechue that knew head of the musIc at guest they spend ••• Miller Alice Evan. Mr ng expressed they but they departmcnt wh It IS and Mrs tea. ch he has collected all over the appllrent that the candidates are MISS Bird at Adabelle hl5 and who has made a few friends For high score a double deck of Davls fOl school Betly Fay parents qUite Fordham Mr Mrs county supenntend f the fannels knew more about the don t there w II be wise ones befote Georg'" Teuchers Will start Wiley and Edgar cards went to Mrs College wOlld Pulm.. takes h s o[ onc In earnest and Mr and Mrs Walter S Brown while renewmg old she MIS Devane ent gl1l1ery overy about the mat. Fmlay I1Ight Saturday frlCndshlps F1eetwood Bunch and Carrol Hart. Watsop. n a n orc Feted and a 8rketmg quotas mtellIgent then wi 0 will the wmners but all attend ng n mass The Jack Oliver of Valdosta W IS the the week knew IS a IS Gertrude Callton damty Imen bandkerchIBf waa FI ends I et to 10m n of pick wij�h 11 ctu 08 to the lomotcat nnd ter and arc mukll u more spent end With her parents gill Mrs R G Fleetwood egl the qu te purts Jot or lelll who leavea given Mrs Johnson for cut. vote would be CHst on Decembel 9 even the w sest RIC diS Stltesboro Sci 001 band and Mond! of Mr and Mrs E C MI and Mrs Thomas Carmichael at and Jack own the at­ Harry seilOUS !lncss of C C Slm nons at flequently High br to thousands for tm.. consistent guest y Cjertude very soon for Dublin was Y W A ngs tlle filst 81 peal to tholr friends '00 honored at a MEETING Others were Oliver and Mrs W W Will ams their home n Moreland tract ve bllck home on the road to playmg Mesdames Percy the home of Mike Waters west of chorus the college the col handkerchief shower appomted qualtet the of al t the qUlCt yesterday morn The Y WAs of the churcb AverItt Brannen W D Me bel1uty Mr and MIS Johl Denmark spent Mrs W L Waller has returned RegISter and moved from Atlanta at Baptist Lloyd StatesbOlo Will mus c club the ChOIUS mg the home of Mrs C B Nobody kllow till late m the lege college W Ih \111 F Mr to McAI held their Gauley E N Brown Inman Dekle Rttssell dean of reach EVerett, II1110ng the SIX named the week end In Savnl nuh ns guests from Douglas where she sever Statesboro because they liked regular meetiRg Monday Rev J B Thl asher pastor of tbe LAND USE OUTLINE spent laster On Savannah avenue of 19 the Statesbolo musIc club lind the Wlth Mrs at the home of and evenmg Tuesday Dccembe\ el B ut ubove rs a of MI and MIS Frank Denmark III Wltb her Sister Mrs C L th s town better than any other­ evenmg MISS Helen Attaway Method st ch Irch left even College Columb a Umverslty momber of the board at days McAllister and Mrs ••• Monday Wendel Oliver as Rowse Wlth Mrs C M when all the boxes m the have Mettel community choral cillb Will Mrs J W Gunter of LowsVllle Tumcr and Mr Turnel Folks are makmg plans to go to At Coalson as mg fOl Dubl n to attenn the annual county said the followut.g concermng Dr prescnt It IS not h s first hostesses Lovely chrysanthemums leader experIence was Mrs lanta for the a A very South PROGRAM TO BEGIN been and bal form a mass chOir of mOlO than 200 the o[ her J H Watson and Devane Wat Tech mterestmg program Methodist conference all the In guest Sunday daugh Georg footbaJ,l wei e In Plllmbve Georgaa legully opened Palmer and hiS talks I have been City affairs arranged the rooms where on the mlS510n BaptIst CornmenclDg man, ter M ss Gunter at G T C son the week el d 11 Moultrie gRme and t vo have stUdy group was pre MISS Ruth Allen and Emit L vOices for cetta n and to Meg spent couples had the were MillY lots have been legally counted and numbels to guests entertamed In a sented After the muny TellchelS Assocl1ltions nnd years ngo as a member of the Mr and Mrs Dean Anderson and attended the r... neral MI hotel reservatIOns smce 4th meeting the host••• Akms wCle umted In n 81 r at the of Confer WIth pohce spent of Wat- July contest Mrs B Ladles' CIrcle age Group SpecIahst checked - then It lead the Each L Smith recCived a served Will be safc to community Sll1gmg have heard but I force be the week end m Juckso", Ille as the son s Thev deCided on that date would deliCIOUS refreshments The home o[ the bI de" Mr and many worked hiS way to the uncle Sam Watson they box of Tbe Pnmltlve Ladles clr parents Local Farm Leaders posi­ hostess mmts as Deh next Baptist of the mmuenl 01 w 11 also MI lind Mr. were prize Wlll be held at the Mrs plophesy gaOlzatlOns have never heul d 'One that wus more tIOn of cruef guests of W G 10nes EmerRon Ande...on who IS • stu go and while they ndmg they CIOUS meeting Bap cle Will Ineet S C Allen Wednesday evenmg then to a placo on the refreshments of frUit cake tist Monday afternoon at About The Work Mrs Jack Nickols top cburch Monday at 7 30 Bulloch Until tl at date the T mes IS do numbers An electrical and daughter Wlth evenmg 3 30 0 clock at the home of Mrs A. superIOr court to convene pub specml pleasmg to me personally and that council and to the of ped whipped cream nuts mmts a clock All finally offIce Ar n of Chester S C lire members are 1I1Vlted to III tel: m under or IS to be used Shlrley ���t ::e� e�d SPM�t ���I���e�a�n��� ;�� J�� SO��e�" and C on and West Mall' Monday adjourned hshll1g the list of candidates organ bemg nstalled meant more to me at �'lt�I�7sdg;::�I�t.9 w��r coffee were served attend CaSSidy College The land use planning program for n�elely than that given mayor Last December he was her mother Mrs J H Rush and Mrs J J E Andersoll et.9 wei e on sale them I streets der of A B Lovett ap­ VISltll1g the} bought Judge probably as miormation There are as the accompantment Bulloch county Will un twel\tv Bridgeport by Carlton Pal ner 1 com pOlllted a member of counCIl to the lng MIss M nll)l Lan cr who attends So n ny YOUI alma mater Win -We Will rernam In session throughout the defil1ltely get SIX of The address of the occasIOn ber them for the varIOus offices ""II mend It In h tOl m. vneal created the Mr and Mrs I ester Lee and dllugh the Un vcrs ty of Georg' I Athens hate to g ve the Fleetwoods up they entire week der way Decem 11 accordmg to ghest cy by e cctlon of Dr ter of r nuh was ale The office of COIOner to be be delivered by Hon Ab t NIX W de IS Joyce Sav! spent Sunday the week end guest of her par leaVing for Dubhn In a ie", days MISS Hyacmth Fordham and Row InformatIOn received by W H Sm th appears Everyone who IIItel ested 10 the Cone as mayor I:IIS services to the With hel nothe Mrs H W Dough ents M and M s Fred T Lal er About the t me we bogm to feel folks 1and W Moore were United m mar the most sought-afte. With flve as Iy known CIVlC and educational work finer IIIe should av!ul them huve preSident of the Bulloch Ul1Ited Gear thmgs of city ulwoys been of the very •rty Rev and Mrs C M Coalsol to us have to afternoon at the home and really belong they HOSIERY FOR ALL rmge Thursdav puants the office of sheriff comes 01' selves of the to hear Dr t gla Falmers OPJlortullIty Ighest 'Order MI and Mrs Walter Groover and Mrs A L CI fton "ele vIsitors In leave TI e Purdo liS have the of the bnde S l ncle J F Fields Rev I bought next With fOUL cand dates and the The neglo farmers mterested s The on had asked fOI thiS Palmer With these SIX men to daughter FI mces and Imoger e were Augusta during the week al d atter d Fleetwoods new bome and Will move T I Nease Methodist pastol' from orgal1lzat good cbos• off ce of clerk the. morn Will a v �ntols In Savannah as soon of the court IS runner ng program Jotn flol11-and IS Satuldny after cd the 118tl Geolgla Baptist Co I as t IS vacated -Someone THE FAMILY Brooklet offICiated progl �m several weeks ago Oscar that the cond,t.on at noon ventlOn has said It s bette, to be born B T Mall81 d announced up With three In the race glOUp at the negro IlIgh school III hap formally Stennson ecOI om 1St from the bureau aspirants Bulloch Boy present-Statesboro 8 Immediate fu­ MISS Lee County Rnby Jones and Mema Mrs C H Pall Ish a Id MISS Henll py than Wise but I am beg nmng to h,s candidacy fOl sheriff of Bulloch fOI On the board of com the afternoon IOI a plogram "HummingbIrd" of agricultural economICS Kenneth membership spcc181 ture Is safe In Pembroke etta Parrish have returl ed bel eve It. bettel to be born J B Parrish Given Gold Watch Fob Cumming spent Sunday ['0111 Sa lucky county had preVIOusly tniSSlOners e of musIc and an address Presl Treanor economist for the extension thCl are five candidates by as the guest of MISS MYI tic De V\ll nah y, here tl-.ey spent several thlln al nost anythmg el&e Mary announced Bill H DeLoach expected Loach With two places to be filled so the dent Herbert of the Georgia State da)s With Misses Mamie and Jo Loe Peak spent last week n AUan ,SILK HOSE to seek re electIOn probab I ty that service and W T Cleary wi a IS A spccmlly embossed gold wateh Mrs Fred Smith lItrs Woods ta J Will odds are not so III that FISH Hornce With her sister Josie and while Z Kendrick throw hiS hat mto workmg With the plogram m Gear qUIte great College fob has been awarded to Elvm An AND GAME Smith Mrs Lester BI annm and Mr and Mrs had there Jos. took her to town and the rmg race For ordmary for tax commlS The Rotary Cluh Chamber of Com Grady Attaway gin met W th a group m the county derson for recclvmg the highest scor I ester Brnt nen Jr 111 as a News fl om The ad spent MondRY guests last week end MISS Maude gave hel lovely fUi cant she had report London slOner and for SChool mcrce JUOlor Chamber of Commerce Saturday and made for supermtendent m Bulloch In the natIOnal Savannah Hilley and Mr and Mrs R D aheady laid aSide for hel So mlralty has Just published complete plaJl� gettmg mg county VALUABLE ASSKl' Hiley you there are two for the Unite Farmers Womans MI s H D the started each for solICitor Georgl8 4 H meat ammal Anderson and MISS and clllidren Bobby and Mary all of see Santa doesn t always come on figures showmg toll of hfe and ton program actiVity Carol Anderson have At! of city court chairman of the board Club the Georgia Teachers College County JOin Forces ia returned from IIlta Christmas eve -Be sure you don t nage of the U boat war 6039 ships The technical agrICultural workers ThiS achievement ulso places thiS Agents Atlanta, whele they Sl ent several Mr Ind Mrs Loren Durde I had as n ISS the Dublin band n sunk 16316 lives lost of de and for surveyor there are one Statesboro High School the churches to Conserve Friday ght ships m the county will meet wltb Mr only clubster In the contest for a gold CampaIgn days last \\ eek the r as were guests SlIturdllY MI and Mrs they como here as guests of strayed 4104 sunk by subma each of Statesboro and others are co Wlldhfe th� Cleary who IS asSigned to Bulloch watcb if be Wlns the state contest Georgia's Edwm Gloovel JI 'ho a tlends G J E 0 and sons Jack Statesboro band -Will see rmes 406 sti uck mmes 11 were Neal Challes you at the by The to make th s occasion to complete line up IS as follows operatmg pas a M C at t tI e and R cl ard and bombed 81rcraft county assls� With the plannmg and gives him chunce to further Milledgeville Bpel week and Andrew Ernst of galliC by I County agents and other With I s H and J E Sible agru,ul­ end parents MI and Mrs Suva 11 ah AROUND TOWN County commlSRloners Issued for December 11 and work out other Ordmary-W Crouse compete for another college scholar McCroan turnl extension service workers EdWin Gloover M 8 W call the Dr A J IS chair have C Lamer has returr ed to �"_"-=__",__,,,-"'-"-"======mal to cItizens of Bulloch to details The mdlcatlOns are the pres Mooney general ship Thomas E Wilson IS the donor Sherlff-G W m .. Mrs J W has I her home m meet at the court house m Clalk S J Foss man JOined hands a movement for coa Hodges etulned Pen broke after ape dang Statesboro ent members of tbe board of of the festival With Dr MnrvlD f,am $2.95 couty Lester Nesmith and M of thiS a"ard Macon whel e L Mallard severnl - mo, she the WIth her mother � on the of Dec 6 servntlOn of s Wlldllfe DI­ spent Mrs -��----�- �- nmg days - Georgia -_ Monday S Pittman of the - preSident week end as directors of the UGF w,lL be called Tax commiSSioner John P Lee college ElVin IS now a fl eshman at the Col the guest of Mrs C T D P Ave Itt and Mr and Mrs D to diSCUSS and deVise means by which rector Walter S as adVisor Brown of the ex­ on sel ve as the alld J L Zetterower general Dean Z S Hen Hodges lind fan Iy Percy Averitt many of the pub I c cItizens to county committee lege of Agllculture UllIverslty of LACE TABLE spirited tenSion servICe announced fro. Mrs Jllll Moo e MI CLOTH Super ntendenb of schools -i Earl derson of the IS chalnnan MIS J CHines and Mrs Frank SII th and ch I r who are prepared to do so may be WIth each of these committeemen college Georgm on two 4 H club scbolar MI s •••• McElveen Athens thiS week G V Glenn Bland d en FOR and H P Womack Sr a d MIS Glenn Kenneth Sue Nell Fann e YOUR to assist the com of the educatIOnal of the Cunrung­ Jo THANKSGIVING employed county servmg as chairmen of the communi part pro ships as a direct result of hiS meat Bland JI a Clerk of court-O Lester BI annen ham state 4 H formed pal ty and Jane spent the week end n 1'1111111111 miSSIOners 111 the c roads cluh leader hM been, spending Ma TABLE keep ng publ committees to the gram Ronald J Nell IS chalr He attend Mond n ty develop plan Ellis Y DeLoach S EdWin ammal projects Will also Iy Savannah can as the guest of Mr and M'1I ID better conditIOn Groover named leader of the movement Shuman's Beauhfal man of the mUSical program and has M..s Jean Sm th who hilS been Moore Ecru lace cloth In a mng Maps of the county have been SoliCitor city court-B H Ramsey the National Club Congress and In Morgan PHONE 332 WE Wildlife can and shOUld be COD- DELIVER ChaIrman board of comml8SlOners­ for the massed chOIr Ar spending sevelal weeks In NashVille Mr and M;rs Ed M tehell and beautIful all over THIRTY lands and crop dl aHanged ternatlOnal Livestock show III ChlCa James ======deSIgn Large YEARS AGO prepared whereby a Tenn w W sidered part of every fann re.­ th fnends at Vand.. bit re have returned Fred Hodges tliur Howard and Dan Blitch are can Taylor to Valdosta aft- s.ze-72x90 Inches vIsions can be plotted to assist ill the go the first of December which IS an turned lome er BANANAS dozen 10e From Bulloch Times Nov 24 1909 Member board commiSSioners source Director Brown said 1D Monday !:Ipend ng several days as the guest (two structlOn chBlrmen Rev N H WII Mr Each In II. final recommendatlOns award he recClved for hiS beef cattle and box to be .. Mrs of Mrs Mltcbell s MI elected)-George P Lee J I out the need for conse"a Sldn.} Thompson parents and E A Corey states that he will hams IS chairman of the farm pOlntmg and I tt1e daughter Jane of Mrs MAGNOLIA The ultimate objective of the plan Newman M J Bowen T Oscar pro work SylvunlD Roy Tyson BUTTER probably be a candulate for soliCitor tlOn of the state s Wlldllfe spent the "eek J A gram Mrs W S Hanner L. chair an out­ end as the guests of Mr md Mrs Allen Lamer and ::;?leer of the nmg IS to find how more mcome can Wynn (Gus) Denmark Young Anderson has been Mr Pound Yet They Wear city court There IS a great for and Mrs Roy Blackburn MISS Martha Coroner-C C Akms A L mall 0:£ the committee four opportunity Evelyn Laruer spent < Lid was off somewhere m States be had by the people that lIOork the (Lum) decorating standmg clubster for about MIS Coleman leaaers to farm­ Roy Bluckburn MIS A L the week end III Rome With Well Hudson Stanford 0 0 W Smith and Kermit Carr agricultural orgamze their SAUSAGE boro Saturda:,< five drunks were haled land In the study land and people Harry years but reached the climax of hiS Waller Mrs S Tho d MISS Ideal for the Stewart and J M Wllhams ers and to take .toek dney llpson and IUghter Miriam Lan..r a Holiday Into s court nre finanCial chalfmen boys gIrls MISS Nell CASING 3 mayor Monday mornmg WIll an All the meat ammal project thiS sprmg when Blackbufl fan ed u studcnt at Shorter thread chit play Important part Surveyur-Dan W HendriX of party Season' rmgless '0. W Zetterower conSidered a their Wildlife resources and to de VIS 111 pas tlng Savannuh MISS Lola M Ie lands III the WlII be claSSified Of those hsted above J E Mc the Hereford steer Pat took all Monday Howald who has fon, In IIvely colors Sible candidate for tox collector has county methods of ami M sa Maltha Wilma been Croan L M Mallard velop mcreasmg S nmons who connected Wlti tbe WPA aid heretofore held the H P Womack Begin Campaign For comers at the fat stock show m Sa attends DINNER office four years utlllzmg thiS fann resource to the Shortel College at Ro ne located at has been B H Ramsey Fred W M J Waycross trans Others at 59c and $1 15 T A Wilson announces as candl Hodges vannah to WIn the 4 H club cham spent the" eek • Bulloch Send Delegates best he end" th t er parents fer cd to thiS d stnct, Wlth head Bowen Geol ge P Lee Dan WHen Membership Renewals adTantage declared It ia Ml and SET date for tax reCeiver was creditable plOnshlp the home bred champIOn Mrs Lann c S nmons qual ter� In dnx and C C Akms are re also that Statesboro second m a fieW National Convention seeking Important county extenalo.. MI1I Tlomas of e ght candidates the Hereford and Evans and httle M s E L Sm th had as her electlOn to their respective OiflCelJ J tbe cam ship cbamplOnshlp guests WIth 8 Napkin>; for the offrce last year Begmnmg Immedmtely workers take active mtel'est m wild­ daught.. Ann of Sylvan a "e e Mr and P Lee and J L Zetterower are then the of the the today Mrs Ober D Warthen ANKLETS. J W G.een Bulloch IS to be well seek for renewals m the grand champIOnship of I el Brooklet blacksmith county rep palgn membership hfe conservatlOn guests parents MI and Mrs I" d Mr and Mrs J Benton mg to a created office Warth Grrls Will move to Statesboro the first of resented at the American electIOn newly Chamber of entire show Frank Gr mes en national Commerce Will be pushed He called attentIOn to the state ding the week o[ Vidal a I d Mr and Mrs tax commiSSioner Mr Lee 18 at pres MI For and January. and be associated 10 bU!51ness and Mrs B,owald Ernest Boys Farm Bureau convent on the Inter ent tax to an early Poppell of Sm th of Waycross SALAD 25c $595 receiver and Mr ZetteroweT completIOn fisb and game department under the and quart Raines Ma"hme Company Waycross M Ss Reta Lee of Mt ana Mrs C B Tops BrIght natIOnal Livestock show and NatIOn IS connect<>d Wlth tbe office of tax At the PreSident Unemployed Workmen Matbews had DRESSING 15c Luststrous all hnnen Tomorrow meeting Tuesday leadership of Charles N Elliott ani Savannah spent tl e week as their PlOt Colors (Thursday) Thanksglv end WIth guests for the week end __ collector which offices are com ::- :- _ at al 4 H club congress Three farmers bemg Z S Henderson hiS com workers co Mr Chari set In DoraJ mg day program Methodist churcb appomted Get in October urged county to opera.. patents and Mrs Waley e Jo Mathews and bls for deSIgn bmed mto that of tax commisSioner $260.75 Pure Pork 11 a clock addresses J L Ren and one clubster Will the week mlttce for the dnve With ��r mer by spend membersblp Wlth thiS department m carrymg out roommate Bennett Fultz P. d {roe H B Mrs B SAUSAGE MEAT 15c Strange and W A Mu m see A and sous Mrs Fultz ,cIb 20 64x 84 In cloth loy Cblcago to and study these request that function W1thm the workers III Bulloch wlldltre conseM'ation measure. Daught., and MISS Rose Ani'}' they Unemployed Avant and Jalllle Rev P W Ellis Will leave ''The Old Hired Hand" of Ft Than as Wr gley all of Atlanta Lastex:.l Monday events next two weeks after which he Ky for outstandmg agncultural county were III benefits Director Brown also com­ have arllved FRESH BACKBONE AND 'WIth 8 full sne DRESS Waynesboro to attend the annual paid $26076 urged £ot a stay of severa Joseph Ham lton of Jesup sper t South The Bulloch county chapter Umt Be at Nevils Will appomt other com the Bureau co With months Wlth hel the AND Georgia Methodist conference Presented permanent by of Unmeployment plete operatlOn sportsmen. palents .M and week end as the guest of Mr and SPARE RIBS Napluns' he has been pastor of the church here ed Georgia Farmers voted to send as mlttees for the year Dr J workers Will M,. J L Jol nson MI s Lowell Mallard SOCKS ensumg CompensatIOn durmg the week end County work out plana, and was ac for the three Th. NeVils commumty as well as Mr and M'1I Hinton RIB STEAK past years Its delegates to the Farm Bureau H Whltelde IS chalnnan of the com and 111 Remll1gton had campa! ed hall e Sunday by Mrs mg November 4 It was annunccd to methods demonstratIOns order 11S Under auspices of of the commuDlties are look thell guests du the week Un lton and Daughters conventIOn Fred G Bhtch the secre surroundIng rnlttee and other members are ng end hel I ttle n cce Nancy Pound FOR Ker day Number of payments was re to emphaSize the value of Wildlife theIr s M ss Stubbs Confederacy Marvm Wllitams 1m mg forward to the return daughte. Sara Re Dllg wi a w II be thelf for and L F Martm the engage mit Carr D B Turner Thad Morns ton guest personatol of the Alkahest tary program ported at forty three conservatlOn of Nelson and M ss Margaret " few days ROUND STEAK Lyceum ment of The Old Hired Hand and course Will appear tomorrow cha.nnan The W H Cliff Bradley C E Cone C M Dest­ Total to work Remmgton of Atlanta First Lt MEN evemng preslden,t payments Georgia and Mrs R chard Pound Pure Lmen Cloth 50x70 ID. at the Statesboro HIS HIli Billies from WIS Colum LOCAL BAPTIST PLAN Mr and Mrs OllLff Rey $1.69 Institute audita Sn1lth was asked to go but due to ler and Alfred Dorman ers that week Everett and aids have returned ------­ amounted to $4674000 Mrs to thelf home TlUm bIB S C on Thursday n ght No LOAD LeOnie Everett had as their n Ft When to match cloth busmess reasons he declined E L Dr WhiteSide that the busl 7 120 whICh ORPHANS' CAR Devel s Mass after you make Sausage we Napkms above 15c Will Jackson urges represented by checks for the week end Mr spend ng colored was haled vember 30 (old Announcement IS made that the guests and two weeks With her WlU Anderson member of the state UFG ThanksgiVing I1Igbt) ness men of the be to mother Mrs W grlOd your meat at 2c mto mayor s court for wile city prepared went mto 101 counties of the state Mrs Clifford Perkms of Atlanta C beatmg are one of the most BaptiSts of the Ogeechee RIVIR' Thomas Will be board of directors \\ III attend the They popular co They transferred per and a gIve their opelatlOn when they are Four hundred nme for Mrs LeOnie Everett ]\:Ir to Ft pound adjudged gUIlty given tenn of payments ASSOCiation WlII load a car of pro­ accompanied Will ams Portland groups of artists eVer to appear at Me Dcc twenty on the streets conventIOn as a state the committee mem and Mrs Perkms home and Wlll be 1 � here Lt days by Mayor delegate approached by $3 605 38 to workers In other states VISIOns for the HapeVille Orphanage, Reynolds IS on w th NeVils and to advance thClr for duty Strange bad scar beneath hiS Elvm Anderson a 4 H accordmg the dates for to be as fol­ guests several days the >'\rmy Medical eye Register bers He hapes to attam a member who preViously had established "age loadmg Corps he was news Will On a than Outland of P explamed mfllCted hiS SIS now a put better show lows Wednesday November 29 at McDougald FaIt el ce 4.. by club boy and freshman at the of one for the ensu MI1I A J I J ter ship hundred ng credits 10 Georgia swellell the total left SHUMAN CO In law In a Mooney dur & row Fla left Wedn for hiS home g the family ever A program of clean fund and Metter Pulaski and Register Thar&­ veek end for Collego of Agllculture Wlll attend year which IS than to after Tampa to SpP. d a few Phone 332 H. At the auctIOn sale of lots m shghtly lalger $4924538 November 30 Statesboro J spendmg several days With hi. Minkovitz (U High mUSIc IS day days as the Sons promIsed guest of Mr and land Park the club congress and livestock show that reached last He mother Mrs J A He MIS Truck Time last Thursday somethmg ------year believes Number and amount of checks L Zetterower IS chamnan m charge McDougald '[upper and I\! DehvelY Any "STATESBORO'S LARGEST DEPARTMENT Saussy and Mrs W STORE" like worth of was on an award received fOl hIS out Will mnn at Statesboro was Mrs Walter :, $50000 property AdmiSSion be 15 and 25 cents every buslOess who ves the ma led the Bureau flOm accompamed by Pn rtr ck g by ranged ------She \, as aCCOn "SHOP AT Mrs Beaver pan cd by MINK'S AND SAVE" sold prIces were unsatisfactory Dl stand work With beef cattle dur McDougald Roy and ttl. Ig Last year the double plllY comb na proper thought to the matter Will ap one check ior $500 m Banks county Looks hke the wal' which IS bemg' TUpper Saussy Jt vi a J T owner Will little Jane Benvel who Will "eO had Rogers continue the daughter tel II1g "he pa$t four years tIon 10 was HItler to Musso tbe of for 1ft all es to Hltleflsm. spend ng days hel e v th wIll Europe preclate Importance enrollmg to 2 089 checks $16 676 13 the waged by the end be hiS guests for about ten bls Store be closed November For development of the property (ThiS d&ys grandparents Dr Thursday, 23rd, The Will leave for Chi I nl to and MI1I Thanksgiving. IS that lOW knewn as Col delegatIOn Franco ThiS year It seems and thus contrlbutmg to the leader Atlanta area whICh embraces Fulton may become so successful It. will Mooney )lroperty I lege boulevard) cago by speCial tram December 2 to be Stalin to H tier to Stallll ship of the city s CIVIC progress and DeKalb counttes tel mmat. everything but St.allmslDo