Georgia Southern University Digital Commons@Georgia Southern Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) Bulloch County Historical Newspapers 11-16-1939 Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-Statesboro Eagle) Notes Condition varies. Some pages missing or in poor condition. Originals provided for filming by the publisher. Gift of tS atesboro Herald and the Bulloch County Historical Society. Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/bulloch-news- issues Recommended Citation "Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-Statesboro Eagle)" (1939). Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues). 1980. https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/bulloch-news-issues/1980 This newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Bulloch County Historical Newspapers at Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. It has been accepted for inclusion in Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. For more information, please contact [email protected]. EIGHT BULLOCH TIMES AND 8TA1E8BORO NEWS • I I I I I 1 I ....I 1'++++++++*++++++ 1 1 I 1 II I IIII I It • Jo+++++++++++++ I II .. I I I I I ! II I I II IIIII II I I Executive Board of • t University Women S"(jJman�s c 'D MRS Bulloch Editor WE DELIVER BACKWARD LOOK County, Joeta:I Cl,US:b I ersona 2�:���e�eT�:u�e��rd bo;� \�����t1�� ��:rdA�e;';'�a�o�ro I -, In the Heart Bulloch CoD',., I c t -:-+1- on of Un vers ty Women met on TEN AGO of In the Th COFFEE-we grmd It YEARS Georgia, Bean rsday even ng Noven ber 2 at "Where Nature of .. ..!.... :I: the 2 From BllIlodI T.m '+o!. I +-1 ...... .. Jueckol Hotel Aiter served pounds es, N� 14 1929 Georgl� 1++++'"I + "I-• r.++ H ++++++-!-+++++++++++H PII-+-1'-1'-I -I '!e_ng I-+++++++++++++++++++..L..I....L'"'I'"""'T'""T"'-:I-r++.L...L...."""'--4" d m cr t Smiles" "Where tent ve pia s we e n ade for The home of Brooks MIkell on Col Nat� the year s york M 55 Jane Fran of the WEST boulevard was BULLOCH Smiles" QUEEN lege totally destroy Mrs E M Mount was a v s tor n TIMES seth pres de t of the local orgamza 24 Ibs ed WIth aU Its contents by ftre Mon Savannah Announce Winner s ton ded FLOUR, (STATESBORO Saturday.!\. pres Dlscuss on of plans day morning NEWS-STATESBORO EAGLE) Mr and Mrs Andrew Shelton SI e t 0 for the ® l\.'W®®lTIl lUI � School of the AIr year sworn centered largely CRAB MEAT Honest Bill and Moon Bros Tram was a v s tor n Macon In Savannah aro nd Bulloch Time. Jack Burney Monday the stand to be taken on the Ammal Show to III EstablIshed 1892 ed advertised be ConsolIdated Mr and Mrs W L "aller were lIB) Under the superv s on of Mrs J ballet on Canned Statesboro Sews Estabhohed 1901 January 17 1917 II ialat Bunda) Ieg concerning finan Statesboro on FrIday Nov 29 at } Fr VIS tors In Statesboro llirs Roy Green spent day Savannah Tuesday Mothers dasl ng here and there 0 Joh ston I cud of the depa tment cial SUI pOJ t of schools plecemeat of Teachers College football field Eagle Establlshed 191T-Conftohdated December 9 1920 VOL 48-NO sa M.ss Lo s Rob nson of Savi nnab of the I Savannah trYing to get cost mes ready for tI e speech preh 'ntnur-y contest key persons In each commumty for FLOOR WAX W W HIggins local tobacco dem Holland was a V s tor was a vrs lor here dur ng the week annual P 1 A carn val other moth I of tI e students of for the the of Roger speech 1 urpose studvmg and correct- One can onstrator won a cash prrse of $26 Mr and Mrs Dew Groover were ers honor of Statesboro local pound BLUE Savannah Fr dRY hop g the very young ch Idren epresentlng ng needs plans for a forum for hia display of tobacco shown at DEVILS TO PLAY Mrs T E Rush ng was a v s to, VIS tors n Valdosta dur ng tI e week would th the To n I'l umb schools at the School of tho Air con art MUST go ough displa and reviews of current Back Bones the state faIr III Savannah last week ORGANIZE DUBLIN FRIDAY NIGHT NEARING 10 Savannah Saturday Mr and Mrs Cecil W Waters and wedd ng after seve al rehearsals and test" ::sava nah vas held Tues novels Country Spare DEADLINE lay and sponsonng lectures M,s. Rev E F Morgan came as pastor TWO CHANG� IN the B n n Meat MISS Edna Nevils spent Ily Frankl spent Sunday Dub some of them Just refusing' to go after noon In the high acbool audi Rut! Bolton who attended the state RIbs, Sausage, Souse of Statesboro MethodIst churcb to By HUE MARSH I n vn urn - end w th relativea at Metler do the a sic However all In all tor I meet ng n Atlanta recently conclud all the succeed Rev J E FOR PROO'ECfION Parker who was When COUNTY CONT�TS Mr Mrs Josh Nesm th Mr and Mrs E L Barnes and the curn val was W nncrs n the contest wero as ed the Shoul�ers the Blue Devils meet Dublm COUNTY and a great success and fol discusaion with a report from transferred to Cherokee Heights CHURCIDJ In Savannah Thursday Barnes III Sa t 8 no wonder "I en lows CI arIes Brooks McAllister that Conditions here vis tors Buddy spent Saturday you th nk how fIrst meet ng Those present were Mcaon Changing Make In Fnday mght they WIll start tilelr Twelve 0 Clock a ness vis Saturday Noon PI nce Preston was bus vannah much effort the me nbe s of the P place Robert Lan er second placo MISS Juno Franseth MISS Suo HAm E PJ seventh of Rev N H Williams ReturM o.ey county agent announc telllgent Farm Leadership game the 1939 season Itor n Atlanta dur the week end Mr and Mrs Glenn and T A forth to _ Jean Cone was ven f.rst lice mack Last Minute to ng Jennings had put make It so Betty g pl I MISS Hester Newton, M ss Mal ed the of a car to Frank Qualify to Here, New Pastors at commg poultry A Farr wbo has been out of Portal M 5S B rd Foy was the guest Glenn Jr were vts tors n Savannah Now that the carn val 8 over n Carmen Cow rt waft v a Trussell Betty folks gIrls group M.ss Lilian Hogarth Statesboro on Wednesday Nov 20 Neeessity Today Run In And New Turner the week Su VIII warded the game due to two broken ribs will Pnmary Hope Brooklet of MISS Julie durmg day get to work m earnest on the second place and Martha MISS EI zabeth Donovan M.... Ronald be announced of FrIday Farmers see service end Mrs Dew G oover and M ss M81Y Harvest Fest val 'the COl ty rs hav Evelyn Hodges third Ncrl Mrs Ida Cazort M.ss Ruth Bol must orgamae for their Fnday mght accordIng to fh:�e!.e:k" It won t be long now' e WhIle Staw-boro Methodiltta are Mrs Johnston and son Kim Groover were v sitors III Savannah at the Gram nar school WInner ton a Mr Forty ghl Grady g tobacco warehouse The selected d MISS MarIe Wood Achilles W.lson of Statesboro and protection Mrs Charles W Sewell Sherman who ra coaching during bours WIll tell who IS n at the return ball were v s to'S n Augusta Sutur Woman s Club a tI e war" afternoon wero V ma the rum Ing happy of Ulel� Saturday decorating- Wednesday rg MISS Joseph ne Coleman of Orange adminiatrativs director the Assocrat the illneas of Coach B A Jobuon palI_, Mr. J mm e Allen last week house u d th R sh first Joe A and who IS left out Rev N H Wllllams for day spent nkrng about the sIze ng Bobby derson Va were matrled November 7th at anoUler ,ear, ed Women of AmerIcan Fann Bureau Captam W R Lovett receIved a Mr and Mrs L E L and n a as tI e of her moth of tI e bu Id t s no second Kather ne South th ndsey Sylvan guest ng vOOller they rd Ben D C WIll be at home Twelve a clock noon 18 two chang"" m Bulloch Washington Ln Saturday county PM­ M.ss R to wele v s tOIS In er Mrs Co., e H II have been. iI over Robert NeRn th fourth Federat.on told her audIence at Geor sprained ankle the Re.dsVllle Lindsey the county try ng In after a game the last torates were Orange trIP to Nlagra mmute at wh ch prospectl\ e made at the annual COD­ Claxton Sunday Ha y Sm th and J B Johnson to get pumpk ns corn stalks and oth Falls and New York gla Teachers College Monday after but IS expe<:ted to be In good Shape Dan Bu CIty candidates for county offlcus ference III Macon last week Mrs E BRush ng Mrs are attend ng the Method st confer er th gs perta n ng to-o r fall Sweet noon may crops potatoes poured IIlto the ed by Fnday nIght The Blue Devils to In were V In qualify run the Brooklet and Jack SItars er cc 10 Macon th 8 week Cnn nc of vo ccs county prill ary New ney Burney yo mag hundreds .tor s desk G T HIll of Chto Mrs Sewell fought the ReIdSVIlle team to a score Hope charge � addressed a group of to be held December 19th So far the SavannAh Fr llir and Mrs and led Ro nIl Ne I 5 the I have for the day Grady Attaway by ng ng ymns The Y WAs held theIr brought three whIch SIX less tIe last commg year Rev .
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