Georgia Southern University Digital Commons@Georgia Southern Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) Bulloch County Historical Newspapers 2-16-1939 Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-Statesboro Eagle) Notes Condition varies. Some pages missing or in poor condition. Originals provided for filming by the publisher. Gift of tS atesboro Herald and the Bulloch County Historical Society. Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/bulloch-news- issues Recommended Citation "Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-Statesboro Eagle)" (1939). Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues). 1938. https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/bulloch-news-issues/1938 This newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Bulloch County Historical Newspapers at Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. It has been accepted for inclusion in Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. For more information, please contact [email protected]. THURSDAY, FEB 9, 1939 EIGHT BULLOCH TIMES AND STATESBORO J:IoEWS tIo::+.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++·H·oJ' I hi II I ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ I I I I I I WHAT BUILDS A CITY? IS IT LOYALTY TO AND SUPPORT OF ITS INSTITUTIONS-S'l'ORES, BANKS, TOBACCO WAREHOUSES, LUll­ WHO I{NOWS THE WOMAN BACKWAID LOOK BER YARDS, FILLING STATIONS, STOCK YARDS, AUTOMOBILE DEALERS, PLUMBERS, PAINTERS, CARPENTERS, AND EVEN NEws. t (FIRST TIME HERE) ( I PAPERS? THE BULLOCH TIMES IS THE ONLY NEWSPAPER PRINTED IN BULLOOH COUNTY, EVERY DOLLAR PAID ITS EMPLOYES GIrTED PALMIST AND ADVI OR TEN YEARS AGO GOES BACK DIRECTLY TO THE INSTITUTIONS OF STATESBORO, NOT INTO THE CASH REGISTERS OF RIVAL COMMUNITIES. OF LIFE WATCH OUR ADVERTISING COLUMNS TO SEE WHICH OF STATESBORO'S INSTITUTIONS ARE ASKING FOR YOUR CO-OPERATION _ ON ALL AFFAIRS ). .From BoIJoch 11m... Feb 14 1929 w hat w ant CITY. THEN GIVE THEM YOUR SUPPORl', Reads future. 1 ells [ust YU1' IN BUILDING UP THIS past. present, Cross ..- luck health and fanuly Mrs Anna E SIms Red to know on business, love l. If schools of _..��:���.+�++9::!':!"e:.s;::��_++���i affairs 1 ells whom and when you WIll marry nurse, began work among not see Madame Fonda Bulloch \\EEK END )OU wo.nt facts, promises county M,s LeeF f,UESIS life hke an 'D I am dIfferent from all others I not only read your this Balla Mr and MIS Lee as MISS Mary Lou Carmichael, of Bulloch Count,., CeaIIq. week 10 Atlanta at Waley had hesitate ureI .c ersonaI days during the fD2 ,fI, 17 � IIbut also out of your troubles Don t la tile 'P y thetr fOl the week Mr open book, I help you became member of of In the Heart Beat the null mel guests end Located CIty, facult,. tending sprmg' � showing W� U.W��ml � � come now for and MIS Broward Bring this adver-tisement special reading of GeorgI&, fI( GeorIta, MISS Sara Wickei last week Poppell of Way �Iercer summer school from spent Ga. "Where Mea.. A M has returned I ClOSt Eati Lee a student at the Unt At Savannah Ave., Route 80, Statesboro, "Where Nature Sehgrnnn with her at Lincolnton II Limits, end Andelsonspentseveralll CIty Preston Statesboro piirents Prince young S.O.... to Atlanta of Athens Sll\il.... a business trip hnd 1\S hOI Miss Nell Col When the Junior Chamber of COIn VCISlty Georgln, MISS RIta and guest made of the law class M,ss Ann WIlliford motored Lee, Dr and Mrs Anderson and DI man, presldent BULLOCH' TIMES merce organized It was easy to see Mrs Saturday for the day I Lee Garrett, of Bremen On FOR MUS PORR E C Ohvel at UnIversIty of GcorglS Augusta W h th th U ted Sunday I,)" lin] C were to to Groover who teaches that they gomg' get light "ere for MI s Hinton Booth, NEWS-STATESBORO Miss Mary Store at la�t �'eek they joined luncheon by Mrs Fred T Lanier SI compli Roger Holland, W Henry Pelot, age 54 years died (STATESBORO EAGLE) ¥'�ol�soon ISs��nt men (i) was home for the week work WI h that of young MIsses ElVIe a W H Blitch, Mrs Jesse at MIllen, at end here with his mother MIS Aaron group Maxwell and Menza mented Mrs James Port Itt with Mrs from lelf inflIcted wounds, Bruce Olliff MIS Ar­ gunshot at the head of the orgnnlzution and Cumming and three-course luncheon Wednesday aft Johnston, Mrs Cone left note, to hve for" Bulloch Establisbed 1892 B W Str-ickland, of Claxton F'�ed. �age room at thur Mrs Inman Fay '''nothing T,mes, CoDlIO cn�rs MI and Mrs Parke! and chil that ere the ei noon In the private dining Turner, Iidated lanuary 17, 1917, Roy what happens but they her Statesboro �eW3, Established 1901 } THURSDAY, FEB 16, 1939 In the the FOUR COU RSE s C P Olliff enter talned Mrs M F former cttiaen STATESBORO, GA, was a VISItor city during Jean and D[NNER the Tea Pot Gillie and folliwed It MI Stubbs, dren, BIlly Kenneth, spent first club to up fOI the annual and Statesboro Eagle, Established 1917-Conaolidated December 9, 1920 sign Dr and Mrs C M Destler enter ra club 'l uesday mormng at m, week S d in Thomasboro WI th h IS with a matmee pal ty at the GeO! g bridge of Statesboro, died LaGl'alIge, and Mrs Bud Fisher of Wal marble tournament sponsored tbe tamed followed with a three-coin se lunch Dr by Wednesday evening at their Theatre Covel'S were laid for MIS tennent W8l! at Eut Slde cemetery here m��h:r James POllitt was terboro, S C, VISIted friends Atlanta Journal? And who knows home on Woodrow avenue WIth a MISS Nell MIS E G eon at which MIS MISS Wmme Jones who teaches at Porritt, Jones, here Tuesdya Bulloch Man foui course dinner 10 which the Val Allen MIS honor guest A basket "as grven County Newnan spent last' week end here but that III May one of our little fel Cromartie, Mrs Lamer, NAME WINNERS IN E8t�te Pl�n�- BULLOCH tlTIZENS score Thirteen hundred and SELlS EGGS SmIth several entme Idea Wllhams fOI twenty-sIx TIDER _. _ Sidne spent WBS Mrs MIS Frank high SuMndrasy Y WIth her MI and Mrs W lows for "bones" m be on effectIvely carried Hinton Booth MI'S C P Olliff Erect OffIce wit purents calling ight In Column Butldmg the week m AtIanta h I out Covers were 11lId a box of for 10\\ went to attended farmers' inatitute Ripley's days dunng L Jones the bus headed for the national tour for MI and l¥1 E Gvimes, M,S W H Bhtch Mlo pIlZC, candy persons note fOI IHolland Mrs Z S Henderson Dr and Mrs Annie Smith Ml:5 MIS Dan Lester and paper and UD­ Mrs W E Dekle IS scv nament held each year at Atlantic Sidney Smith, MISS held here Monday Tuesday RIGHTFUL OWNER Two office buildings WIth dlmen TO BE ON THE AIR left spending Marlon W a West SIde COUNTY TOURNEY , Jardine .R H MlS Arthur Turner, ,elR"etivveSand Mr" Clyde- 11\ J DeLoach Mr and Mrs M S Mrs W W and cut was given Turner, erul days this week 10 Vidalia WIth CIty? Glad this organisation IS PIttman, Edge der auspices of GeorgtA Bankers As aions 20 40 teet each, are 10 110 to spend a Flora M,ss fOI also re­ received notice by Sunday for Detroit, Mlch, and we Hesaie Mr MIS Lamer Mrs POI rltt guest prrse community farmer, hei Mrs Marvm McNatt terested m our younger boys, Newton, on Fmds Basketful on Porch and RadIO Seek daughter, SoclatlOD, Brooks Simmons spoke Ready ' Shlson, Leefield medIate to be erected by Entertainel'll MIla few days SchIller, Dr and Mrs Destler MISS Hattie PO\',: cClved note l>aper Pla)'lng blldge from Beheve It Or Not" Reglster, prospect an d het famI I y expeci: to hear great th I1Igs from Monday evelllllg Monday week end ••• Interest m the Far­ For and Went on the Iota Bob MIkell spent the hel home on Cles \\ ere Mesdame� Alfred Dorman, "The Bankers' Handling West SIde Boys and GIrls the M M Holland estate Who Whistles and Man WIse II them Who knows that some ell entertamed at Rohert RIpley that hIS abIlity to Mrs MIkell m where PHILATHEA C Z Donaldson Ar To Merchant. In v/lth Wnycloss e a ew CLASS cent dllve With an mfolmal pnrty Flank Wllhams, mers' Welfare" Wrong VIctOrs Contests Immcdmtcly In the rear of the vost­ FOI�m.f larty motoMngrs tc; S:y boy bu� tn- "hlstle WIth hIS mouth closed, WIth Found a Pot of Gold. she teaches ue':,_:,y The Phllathea cls"s of the MIS to whom she thul 1 umer G E Bean H P Jones, ali'snnda M roll\eewperereston and Mra rs wee S outmg a'tnlghtsome campglvethnIS sum Baptist honollng Porntt, office on Vme street, according to In of Portal Bval fortkunate W E Mc adheSIve OV61 or filled MlSS ElOIse Colhns, S UIId a� school held thel[ bus a of hose 01111 SnHth HUllY Smlth Few persons are more accomodat tape It, Wltlt StIlson School and BOllllle MOl rlS mer I-Saturday night the youngel regulat plesented PIliI' JonqUIl TWENTY YEARS AGO HIgh boys Reg out Hol_ W,th the announcement made thl.I WIth hel SIster M rs Le ter and formatIOn gIven by R.ogor last week mess and SOCIal nal CISSt hel deeOl �\tlOl1 Dougald, R L Cone Dan water had been selected as one of spent lVIl and Mr- W 0 Shuptrme spent socIety had qUIte a dance at the neW meetmg Wednesday and formed 109 than Chff Bradley Sometlllles, Ister HIgh School gIrls of the senIor for F 1919 I lnnd week that Manon well kno_ afternoon at the home of theIr Valentme boxes of wele }'lllmk GlllneS Jommg them From Bulloeh Tim"" ...
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