Opportunities for solar thermal systems in the tertiary and industrial sectors in Tunisia Published by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH Dag-Hammarskjöld-Weg 1-5 65760 Eschborn, Germany T +49 (0) 6196-79-0 F +49 (0) 6196-79-7291 E
[email protected] I www.giz.de Photo credits / Sources fotolia.com / shutterstock.com Responsible Christopher Gross, Frank Münk, Bassem Triki, Amin Chtioui, GIZ Research Team / Authors Jan Knaack, Bernhard Gatzka, Detlev Seidler, Jörg Mayer, Abdelhak Khémiri Bundesverband Solarwirtschaft e.V. Quartier 207 Französische Str. 23 10117 Berlin Tel. 030 2977788-0 Fax 030 2977788-99 E
[email protected] I www.solarwirtschaft.de Design Diamond media GmbH, Miria de Vogt, Susanne Wimmer Place and date of publication Berlin, January 2016 Acknowledgements Abdelkader Baccouche, Souheil Ksouri, Agence Nationale pour la Maitrise de l’Energie, ANME Supported by Abstract The study “Opportunities for solar thermal systems in the tertiary and industrial sectors in Tunisia” analyzes the technical and economic potential of solar thermal applications on the basis of individual case studies. By examining typical heat consumer profiles in Tunisia, the analysis compares three different solar thermal technologies that can be used to replace conventional heat supply technologies and lead to fossil fuel savings. Simulations for different geographical locations are compiled and then compared to economic boundary conditions. A comprehensive sensitivity analysis enables the evaluation of the effect of changes in framework conditions (such as changes in subsidy, technology costs, fuel prices) on the profitability of solar thermal systems. The study gives an overview of present market segments and provides guidance with regard to the economic feasibility of respective systems.