Water-Cure Journal V12 N5 Nov 1851
AND HERALD OF REFORMS, DEVOTED TO ili)g0toloat), jjigtoopafyt), atrtr tije £ato* of gift. VOL. XII. NO. 5.] NEW YORK, NOVEMBER, 1851. .00 A YEAR. FOWLERS <fc WELLS, PUBLISHERS, THE HEDICAL'iPROFESSION:. Misdirected reverence is the bane of philosophy. Men should reverence God, Nature, Truth, and 131 Nassau street, New York. AN IXAUOl'KAf, APDRKS9, OIVKN AT TUB OPINING Of THI Eternal Justice. Men should not reverence a be AMERICAN HtDROPATIUC. INSTITUTE, NEW^ YORK, SEPTEMBER 15, J851. nighted antiquity, reveries, misnamed science, the fiontt n t 0 accumulated errors of ages, and the institutions of BY T. L. NICHOLS, M. D. Tho Medical Profession, . 97 American Hydropathic Insti despotism. A man should look back upon the Tor thing anil ill Management, lol tute, .... The American Hydropathic Institute is the first wrongs, falsehoods, and darkness of antiquity as Chemistry of Life. No, 111., 103 A Puff for the " Regular' Children's Drees, , . 104 Profession, Medical School established for the purpose of ho looks upon the follies and obliquities of his Woman's Dress, . 106 A Good Dentist, teaching the principles and practice of Hydro own infancy and childhood. They are not to be Effects of Coff .■ and Tea on The cht»s of the A.H. Inatilul Human lK-alth, . .106 P'cuutlu Medical Collegvs, . pathy, or the Water-Cure. rovereuced nor repeated. The past has its lessons ; Is W*l«r Treatment Applicoljlti Lectures on the Water-Cnro. The greatest of human enterprises have small but it teaches us, for the most part, what to avoid. in City Practieo, . 10b Out-Poor Exercise, Dilious Fever — Home Trwal- A Good Example, beginnings, and from this law of development and The true man must look to the present as his field uieat, ....
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