Department of Health & Exercise Science Winter Quarter 2015 HLSC 317 HEALTH, SOCIETY, AND THE CONSUMER (4 units) CRN 5496 Date: Winter 2015 Place: ZSB Rm 249 Time: 13:00 – 14:50 – M - W Phone: Office phone: 951-785-2174 Instructor: Andress, William, DrPH, MPH, MA, MCHES Email:
[email protected] Health and Exercise Science Trailer – Room C Office Hours: M: 9:30 – 11:30 am; W: 3:00-5:00 pm; R: 8:30 – 10:30 am Other hours by appointment DESCRIPTION The course introduces major themes in the evolution of public health policy and practice in America, from the industrial revolution to the present. Emphasis is placed on the role of political, social, and religious movements in the development and practice of health care. Additionally it addresses the progressive impact of the health sciences and technology on life expectancy, disease causation and the quality of life. Both allopathic and alternative modalities of care will be critically analyzed, compared and contrasted. A key aspect of the course is the application of principles of social ethics in evaluating health care cost and insurance, the pros and cons of various modalities of complementary/ alternative medicine, and the roles of the public and private sectors in promoting health. REQUIRED TEXTS J. Thomas Butler. Consumer Health: Making Informed Decisions. Burlington, MA. Jones & Bartlett Publishing. 2012. [ISBN – 978-1–4496–4645-5] William C. Andress. Adventist Heritage of Health, Hope, and Healing. Brushton, NY: Teach Services. 2014. [ISBN - 978-1-4796-0266-7] (Reserve copies are available in the library. Also available as an E-book on Amazon and Kindle) OBJECTIVES Achieving the following course objectives will provide the student with the essential foundation for being an intelligent consumer and/or producer in the health care marketplace.