Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of

The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers

Dushanbe 2010 BBK 86.38+87.717+87.3 (2Tadis)

K-64 The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers Edited by Hamrokhon Zarifi The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Repulic of Tajikistan Dushanbe, “Vizaprint”, 2010, 172 pages, illustrated Series: Tajikistan Foreign Policy

ISBN 978-99947-801-6-7

© Information Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan 2010 Introduction The Republic of Tajikistan, which pursues an «open door» foreign policy, is a member of many international and regional organizations and makes continuous efforts to develop closer and integrated relationship and cooperation with member states of these organizations. In this context, after gaining the state independence, the Republic of Tajikistan placed a particular emphasis on the issues of restoring and strengthening friendly and partnership relations with Muslim countries and took necessary measures in further developing these ties both on bilateral and multilateral levels. The Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) as an effective mechanism of multilateral relations among Muslim countries is becoming increasingly important in the process of ensuring well-being and development of its member states, as well as bringing peace and stability in the Islamic world. Today, OIC as a collective voice of the Islamic world is urged to provide Muslim solidarity in social, economic and political spheres. The Organization is the guarantor of protection of interests of the Islamic world in the spirit of promoting international peace and harmony among nations around the globe. Many positive changes and reforms aimed at development of all aspects of Organization’s activity have been carried out in recent years with the purpose of strengthening the Organization’s role in international arena. Adoption of a new Charter of the Organization in 2008, the Ten-Year Program of Action with consideration of necessity for reforms in the Organization in accordance with the requirements of the day and priorities of the Islamic world, establishment of the Islamic Solidarity Fund, as well as other measures taken within the past few years are clear examples of these transformations. Given the growing role of the Organization in international arena, Tajikistan shortly after the break-up of the Soviet Union as one of the first newly independent Central Asian countries joined the Organization of the Islamic Conference and considers its active participation in the Organization as an important aspect of its foreign policy. Therefore, Tajikistan, since joining the Organization, has been actively participating in all OIC Summits, Islamic Councils of Foreign Ministers, as well as other important meetings, widely supporting on this basis constructive efforts and closer cooperation between the OIC member states. Thanks to the constructive internal and external policies of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, the image of the Republic of Tajikistan in international arena, as well as in the Islamic world is strengthened and developed. As a result of an «open door» policy of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, H.E. Emomali Rahmon and his consistent efforts for implementation and development of bilateral and multilateral relations of Tajikistan with the Muslim countries, for the first time in the history of Tajikistan and Central Asia, one of the most important international events of the OIC, the 37th Session of the Council of Foreign Ministers of member countries was held in Dushanbe where one-year chairmanship of the Organization was handed over to Tajikistan. Being held on 18-20 May 2010, the 37th Session of the Council of Foreign Ministers under the motto “Shared Vision of a More Secure and Prosperous Islamic World” is considered as a sign of growing attention of the Organization and its Member States to Central Asia, known in the history of Islam as «Mawaraunnahr» and underlines the contribution and cultural role of the region in the history of Islam. Along with this event, Dushanbe city was declared the Capital of Islamic Culture for 2010. Tajikistan-OIC Business Forum was held on the eve of the Session of the Council of Foreign Ministers, which is also a proof of a recognition of various achievements of our country in economic, scientific, cultural fields and establishment of lasting peace and overall stability and national unity, as well as valuable contribution of Tajikistan in the protection and enrichment of Islamic culture and education. The mentioned initiatives have been important steps for demonstration of cultural and economic environment of Tajikistan to the Islamic world. It will create favorable conditions for further development of mutually beneficial cooperation between Tajikistan and Muslim countries in trade, economic and cultural fields. The present book is a compendium of the 37th Session of the Council of Foreign Ministers of the OIC Member States, which deservedly recognized as historic. It contains a wealth of meaningful information and illustrative photos about the Session as well as events that took place in the Tajik capital – Dushanbe in the days of the Session. I hope that it will serve as a reliable tool for getting familiar with the outcomes of this Session, which became a milestone in further promotion of Islamic solidarity and prosperity. HAMROKHON ZARIFI Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan The Organization of the Islamic Conference and the Republic of Tajikistan

The Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC), being the second largest inter-governmental organization after the United Nations, has membership of 57 states spread over four continents. As the collective voice of the Muslim world it plays a key role in fostering mutual coordination and cooperation between its Member States. The Organization ensures to safeguard and protect interests of the Muslim world in the spirit of promoting international peace and harmony among various peoples of the world. The Organization keeps wide consultative and cooperative relations with the UN and other inter-governmental organizations to protect the vital interests of Muslims and to work for the settlement of conflicts and disputes involving Member States. Along with it, the Organization has taken various steps to safeguard the true values of Islam and Muslims on a constant basis. The fundamental purposes of the Organization, as well as the objectives and principles of its activity, are focused on strengthening solidarity and cooperation among the Member States, as well as achievement of their sustainable development, enshrined in the Charter of the Organization, which was adopted at the Eleventh Islamic Summit held in Dakar on 13-14 March 2008. Adoption of the Charter of the Organization is a clear example of those numerous positive changes and transformations that have been carried out in recent years with a view of development of all aspects of activities of the Organization. Moreover, the OIC Ten-Year Program of Action was approved at the Third Extraordinary Makkah Summit in December 2005 after all-round discussions and deliberations. Today, the necessity is arisen to responsibly consider an issue of further implementation of the Ten-Year Program of Action within the Organization. Without any doubt, setting urgent issues of the modern life, reflected in the Program, will promote security and stability, as well as contribute to further development and prosperity of the Muslim world. The abovementioned measures demonstrate that the OIC as an important and influential structure of international cooperation, whose activities cover a large part of the world community, is in the process of continuous improvement according to conditions of dynamically developing world. Today, it is obvious that the activities of this Organization, which expresses the interests of the Islamic world and reflects wishes of all Muslims, are adequate and

The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers 5 continuously being adapted to the rapidly changing socio-economic conditions and emerging modern processes. Given the growing role of the Organization in international arena, the Republic of Tajikistan in December 1992, shortly after obtaining the state independence, joined the Organization of the Islamic Conference. Since the first days of joining the OIC, Tajikistan endeavors to establish good bilateral and multilateral relations with Muslim countries and strengthen cooperation within the framework of the Organization on the basis of historical, cultural, religious and civilizational commonalities with consideration of human aspects as a core principal. Therefore, the Republic of Tajikistan has broad and multifaceted cooperation with OIC Member States and its specialized agencies taking into account its national interests within the organization. The Parliament of the country ratified the new Charter of the Organization on 8 April 2009. Earlier, Tajikistan became a member of the OIC Parliamentary Union in 2007 and has established close cooperation with such entities of the Organization as the Islamic Development Bank (IDB), International Islamic Organization for Education, Science and Culture (ISESCO), Islamic Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ICCI), etc. Tajikistan considers its active participation in the organization as an important aspect of its foreign policy. On this basis, Tajikistan is interested in strengthening the Organization’s role in addressing important regional and international issues and widely supports constructive efforts aimed at closer cooperation between the OIC member countries. In this regard, the principal position of the Government of Tajikistan affirms that undertaking efforts within the framework of the Organization should be aimed primarily at solving urgent problems of people in Muslim countries and achieving their sustainable development as well as improvement of their welfare by establishing a new level of interrelations between the member states.

6 The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers The 37th Session of the Islamic Council of Foreign Ministers (ICFM) Dushanbe, Republic of Tajikistan (4-6 Jamadul Thani 1431 H = 18-20 May 2010)

The 37th Session of the Council of Foreign Ministers of OIC Member States, which has considered the means for the implementation of general policy of this influential structure of international cooperation, was held in Dushanbe – the capital of the Republic of Tajikistan – on 18-20 May 2010 under the motto “Shared Vision of a More Secure and Prosperous Islamic World”. A relevant decision in this regard was taken at the 36th session of the Council of Foreign Ministers, held in May 2009 in Damascus city – the capital of the Syrian Arab Republic. The regular Session of ICFM, which for the first time in the history was held in Tajikistan and Central Asia, was attended by over 100 delegations – 57 delegations of Member States of the Organization, 5 observer countries and other regional and international organizations and guests – totaling nearly 700 participants. The Session was opened with a recitation of verses from the Holy Qur’an and addressed by H. E. Emomali Rahmon, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan. Due to the importance of its content, the text of the President’s speech have been issued as an official document of the meeting. Addressing the opening session, H.E. Prof. Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu, Secretary- General of the Organization of the Islamic Conference, highlighted the major issues and activities of the OIC during the last year. Further H.E. Walid Al-Muallem, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Syrian Arab Republic and Chairman of the 36th CFM delivered a speech in which he highlighted the important activities and developments that took place during the one year chairmanship of his country in ICFM. The Meeting listened to a welcome address by His Excellency Mr. Zarifi, Foreign Minister of Tajikistan who expressed his gratitude for the election of his country as the Chair of the 37th CFM and reaffirmed his willingness to promote the joint Islamic action and strengthen solidarity and cooperation among the Islamic Ummah. H.E. Maitre Madicke NIANG, State Minister, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Senegal delivered a statement on behalf of the President of the Republic of Senegal, H.E. Maitre Abdoulaye WADE, acting president of the Islamic Summit and expressed his gratitude to the Republic of Tajikistan for hosting this meeting, as well as for a warm and fraternal reception extended to the participants in

The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers 7 Dushanbe. He also felicitated H.E Mr. Hamrokhon ZARIFI, and wished him success in his new mandate as a Head of Council of Foreign Ministers of the OIC. Along with this, the representatives of three geographic groups, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya for the Arab Group, Niger for the African Group and Azerbaijan for the Asian Group thanked Tajikistan for hosting the meeting and its generous hospitality accorded to the participants of the meeting. They also pledged the full cooperation of their respective regional groups with the Chair. During the 37th OIC Session of the Council of Foreign Ministers a wide range of important political, economic, humanitarian, scientific, technological, cultural and information, legal, organic and administrative affairs and other general matters of interest to Member States have been discussed. Relevant decisions and resolutions were adopted by the Council on the most important issues. Particularly, it should be noted that Council resolutions related to such top issues, as the situation in the Middle East, including the Cause of Palestine, , , conditions of Muslim minorities and communities in non-OIC Member States, implemention of Ten-Year Program of Action and many others that were on the agenda of the OIC meeting. The Council also reviewed the draft resolution on the establishment of the Independent Permanent Commission on Human Rights and noted with appreciation the establishment of the Department of Family Affairs in the General Secretariat for implementing the relevant resolution of the OIC Summit and meetings of Foreign Ministers. The Council underscored the dangerous implications of Islamophobia and adopted the Strategy proposed by the OIC Group on Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs in Geneva for broadening support for the OIC sponsored resolution on combating defamation of religions. The Council welcomed the signing of the adopted OIC Charter during the Session by the Republic of Kazakhstan and took note of the offer made by Kazakhstan for convening the 38th Session of the CFM in Astana on 28-30 June 2011. It also welcomed a Memorandum of Understanding on advancing cooperation and coordination, which was signed between the OIC and IDB. The Council commended the Government of Tajikistan for organizing special brainstorming session on the theme of “Central Asia and the Muslim World: Strategic Vision for Solidarity” with active participation of the Member States and adopted resolution there on. It also appreciated the Secretary General for his praiseworthy initiative and concrete proposals contained in his concept paper, which was widely discussed in the margins of the Session.

8 The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers The Session highlighted the contribution of Central Asia, which is an integral part of the Islamic world, to the enrichment of the universal culture and civilization and human thought. Discussing the natural resources potential and shared difficulties in the economic, social and development fields, it was emphasized that the development of cooperation and the promotion of commercial exchanges, drawing on the Trade Preferential System of the OIC can contribute to the intensification of relations between the region and other countries of the Muslim world. Many ministers and heads of delegation addressed the Session, where they spoke about the importance of the theme under study and made a number of practical proposals with a view to reinforcing cooperation and communication ties between Central Asia and other Member States of the Organization of the Islamic Conference. The participants have agreed to accelerate cooperation particularly in the economic field among public and private sectors in the Member States in order to tap the immense capabilities of the Central Asian Member States within the existing OIC frameworks, mechanisms and programs and new sub-regional initiatives. It is also worth mentioning that during the Session two resolutions proposed by the initiative of Tajikistan have been agreed by the participants for adoptions. These resolutions cover the following issues: 1. On Use of Resources and Transit Opportunities of the Neighboring Countries for the Economic Reconstruction of Afghanistan (in the field of Economic Affairs); 2. On Rational Use of Water Resources in the Islamic World, Exchange of Experience and Information, Strengthening the Regional and Islamic Cooperation in this field (in the fields related to the issues of higher education, science, technology and innovation, health and environment); Following the 37th Session, the participants have adopted a Final Declaration, which reflects the key outcomes of its work as an official document of the OIC.

The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers 9 Statment by the President of the Republic of Tajikistan His Excellency Mr. Emomali Rahmon at the thirty-seventh session of the council of the OIC foreign ministers

Bismillahir-rahmanir-rahim, In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful! Excellencies, Distinguished heads of delegations, Honorable guests! Excellency Secretary General of the Organization of the Islamic Conference! Heads of international organizations! Dear ladies and gentlemen! At the outset, I would like to sincerely welcome you all to the Republic of Tajikistan and wish you an inspiration and sound working enthusiasm during wonderful spring days. It is indeed a great honor, that for the first time in the history, the 37th Session of the Council of the Organization of the Islamic Conference Foreign Ministers is being held in Tajikistan, in Central Asia which in the Islamic history the region is known as Maweraunnahr. Countries of this region gave birth to great and outstanding sons and scholars, such as Imam Bukhari, Imam Abuhanifa, Imam Termizi, Abulays Samarqandi, Sheikh-ur-Rais Ibn Sino, Aburayhon Beruni, Mawlono Jaloluddin Rumi and other prominent scientists who made an invaluable contribution to the development of science, culture, education, fiqh and Islamic doctrine. Prominent scholars have been taking great strides towards revival of Islamic culture and its values after the Soviet Union breakup and the national independence of the country. In this regard, Tajikistan undertakes impactful initiatives aimed at respect to the past and cultural heritage of its nation. Excellencies, Distinguished delegates! Our today’s session, that takes place in the terms of global financial and economic crisis and outbreak of various phenomena of threats and challenges

10 The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers of the modern world, urges us to unshakable unity and fraternal solidarity. The role which the Organization of the Islamic Conference plays, could be an element for strengthening multilateral cooperation among Islamic states, in particular it may be crucial and effective in safeguarding lasting peace, stability and sustained development. It is gratifying, that a range of positive changes and reforms has been happened in the practice of the Organization during last several years with the view to increase the role of the Organization of the Islamic Conference on the international arena. On this trend, the inititive of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, the King of the Saudi Arabia – His Majesty Abdulla Bin Abdulaziz Al Saud was indeed timely and efficient on calling the third extraordinary Islamic Summit of the Organization of the Islamic Conference in Mekkah on December 2005 in the margins of which the issues of reform of the Organization and primary missions of the Muslim world have been discussed and Ten Year Program of Actions was adopted. There is no doubt, that identification of topical issues, inclusion of questions into the agenda of the Ten Year Program of Actions and their implementation would contribute to securing peace, stability, unity, consolidation, solidarity and a common progress of Muslim countries. In addition to that, are of paramount importance the historic resolutions of the third extraordinary and 11th Islamic Summit of the OIC in Senegal where new charter of the Organization has been adopted. Establishment of the Islamic Solidarity Fund with 10 billion USD capital and the Islamic Conference Humanitarian Affairs Department (ICHAD) are obvious examples of practical initiatives. Tajikistan has been and remains a strong adherent of reinforcement of a role of the Organization of the Islamic Conference in a review and solution of the pressing issues of the Islamic world, enhancement of coordination and collaboration in addressing challenges of the modern world, including terrorism and extremism. This process requires more serious and dedicated attention to “hot points” of the Islamic world. Today, long-suffering Iraqi people expects peaceful life, stabilization of the situation as soon as possible, they are hopeful of common human life-style. Hence, the role of the Organization of the Islamic Conference would be pivotal and more impactful in this respect. The issue of lasting challenges and hardships of the Palestinian nation, who are deprived of the sovereign state over a half century and those who

The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers 11 majority of them are living far beyond their homes, has become a matter of hot discussions of many mediator groups and negotiators. However, the role of the Organization of the Islamic Conference in resolving such vital issue of Islam, despite holding variety of conferences and meetings, still remains negligible and indecisive. Along with it, we can cite a large number of other problems of Muslim Ummah which remain unresolved for decades. We are always a strong advocate of strengthening lasting peace and stability in the neighboring friendly and brotherly country of Afghanistan. Necessary and targeted assistance to Afghanistan based on certain programs would be one of the lines of stubborn resistance to various threats and challenges of this country. Unfortunately, efforts of the world community and funds allotted to these purposes, not always correspond to expanding scale of illegal narcotics and drug trafficking. Therefore, in our point of view, frontiers of countries neighboring with Afghanistan should be recognized as a front line of combat and more great efforts have to be made for reinforcement of potential and capabilities of border troops. Today, it is evident, that Afghanistan’s conflict can not be resolved by military way only and this issue needs our concerted joint actions and first and foremost, reality of the situation should be taken into account. Consequently, we have to intensify an implementation of projects of social implication as well as education and culture-oriented programs. We support any efforts made in line with peace-building and we think that international strategy of operations in this country, first of all, has to be guided by the Afghan people and constructive cooperation with official government be realized in effective manner. Majority of Muslim developing countries that plunged down to the vortex of world-wide crisis and challenges, have plentiful natural resources, eligible labor force, favorable conditions and investment-friendly environment. Investments into priority and strategic fields, like energy, infrastructure particularly, manufacturing, technological and logistics infrastructure, information and communication, industry, water supply and tourism will significantly promote the ensure of progress and intensification of common potential of the Islamic world. On that basis, it is important to considerably increase funding and investment capacity of the Islamic Development Bank, Development Funds, as well as investment and donor institutions.

12 The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers Islamic Solidarity Fund and the Islamic Conference Humanitarian Affairs Department have to be committed to improve the efficiency of their activity, in order to be of benefit to every single Muslim around the globe. And if we will succeed in the process of leveling development and progress of Muslim nations and secure more fruitful cooperation and concerted coordination of the OIC powerful member states in using investment opportunities and abundant natural resources of Muslim developing states, then we can pin our hopes and expectations for bright and prosperous future. In our point of view, securing a life of dignity for every Muslim and improvement of an image and authority of Islam which is a manifestation of divine doctrine should become a duty of our everyday roadmap and real charter of the Organization of the Islamic Conference. Ladies and Gentlemen! “Islamic factor” occupies increasingly significant position in the modern world policy. Unfortunately, certain political circles abuse the Islamic factor on the international arena in order to realize their interests and strive to embody the theory of “the clash of civilizations”. The evident example of these efforts is the use of the blameless image of Islam and the distortion and outrage of the supreme values of our holy religion for selfish ends. It is necessary to stress that the alarming process of the rising tide of the actions aimed at turning religions and civilizations into the enemies may eventually result in the chaos and tragedy not only in certain regions, including in Central Asia or in the Middle East, but also in international scale. Therefore, the spread of islamophobia as one of the manifestations of racism is a matter of deep concern of Tajikistan as it concerns the other Muslim countries. In such circumstances, we must continue our joint concerted efforts in order to notify our concern to the world community and take concrete decisive actions to effectively prevent such undesirable phenomena. In our view, the greater attention to the dialogue of civilizations may lead to the elimination of such challenges and creation of benign intentions. Supporting the initiatives of the Organization of the Islamic Conference Tajikistan is ready to actively participate in this process aimed at the development of the dialogue among the civilizations, cultures and religions. In reference to these issues, I would like to dwell on certain negative aspects of globalization which actually dominate in the global process and arise along with the positive factors.

The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers 13 If we enjoy the positive outcomes and economic benefits of this process on the one hand, on the other hand, we face its negative aspects which reflect the degradation of good behavior, traditions, morality, culture and other social elements. Hence, today the maintenance of mentality and preservation of national culture, universal and Islamic civilization must figure as one of our urgent and primary tasks in order to safeguard our being’s principle in the whirlpool of the globalization. The essence of our battle for the sake of life is namely protection of these values. Generally, we are encountered with the great and historic tasks. This mission logically calls for the Organization of the Islamic Conference to be developed and strengthened as one of the most important Islamic institutions, and at the same time to coordinate the actions of the great number of institutes and establishments in the priority directions and to maintain stronger relations with the Islamic states. It means that our organization must meet the ever- growing demand of the Islamic Ummah. We pray Allah to grant the Muslim people with the strong will and constructive endeavour towards the achievement of benign Islamic and universal goals. May Allah bless all of us!

14 The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers Speech of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan His Excellency Mr. Emomali Rahmon at the ceremony of Proclaming Dushanbe – as the capital of Islamic culture 2010

In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful! Excellencies Ministers and heads of delegations of Muslim countries! Excellency Secretary General of the Organization of the Islamic Conference! Excellency Secretary General of the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization! Distinguished guests! Brothers and sisters! Assalamu Aleikum wa Rahmatullahu wa Barakatuhu!

Celebration of extremely important cultural and political event – declaration of Dushanbe, the city of peace, as the Capital of Islamic Culture in the Asian region for the year 2010 is not only a celebration of capital residents, but it is a solemn occasion for all Tajik people. With the great pleasure and feeling of honor, I congratulate all Muslim people of the country as well as our honorable guests with this historic event. Resolution of the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO) on proclaiming Dushanbe as the Capital of Islamic Culture is an evidence of recognition of fact that Tajikistan during the years of its independence has made a valuable contribution in preservation and enrichment of religious heritage, Islamic culture and education. International community and the Islamic world witness that how the people of modern Tajikistan pay tribute to and greatly respect its rich historic, cultural and outstanding ancestral heritage. It should be noted, that commemoration of events related to prominent personalities of culture and Islam during last 16 – 17 years at the nationwide level, including, commemoration of the anniversaries of Mir Said Ali Hamadoni, Nosir Khusrav, Abuhomid Muhammad Ghazoli, Imam Bukhori, restoration of ancient historic sites Hulbuk, Kulob, Istaravshan, Panjakent, Hisor, translation and publication of the Holy Qur’an into Tajik language as

The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers 15 a gift to each family, publication of works of eminent persons of the Islamic world, declaration of the year 2009 the Year of Honoring Imam A’zam, taking the Islamic Institute of Tajikistan under the public financing, establishment of Islamic Studies Center under the President of Tajikistan, launch of construction works on building the biggest grand mosque in Dushanbe and other visible initiatives are striking illustrations of protecting and enhancing of the supreme values of Islam and preservation of moral wealth of the Islamic ancestry in our country. We profoundly respect and revere our ancestor’s religion recognizing it as a source of a moral, spiritual and ethic blamelessness. Indeed, our great ancestries – tens of outstanding personalities – have made a great contribution to strengthening and promotion of the holy religion of Islam. The leaders of Islam sharia have made an invaluable endowment in execution of their mission, in fostering wisdom and intelligence, good behavior and qualities of human character. In other words, Islam is a major element of outlook, morality and behavior of our society. We well know that world-famous poetry and verses, divans and instructive work collections of our scientists and poets in the past were developed in confounding with Islam religion and its high traditions. The Holy Qur’an that became available to our people in Tajik language during the independence helps to comprehend theology, ancestor’s heritage, ancient customs and traditions and always guides our Muslim people to understanding of values of the Islamic culture. Today, owing to national independence, a matter of revival of spiritual and religious values has gained a particular importance. We regard spiritual and religious values not only as the most effective mean of education of generations, but we believe it is essential factor of self-knowledge and self- consciousness. Since, the Islamic civilization doesn’t reject the self-consciousness and recognizes the Muslim as the brother of Muslim, it says the great wisdom: “The person, who knows himself, knows God”. Indeed, the nation that loses its self-consciousness, it is deprived of the abundance of the Islamic and universal wisdom and culture. As the capital of the independent state of Tajikistan Dushanbe plays an important role in the prosperity of the Islamic culture and the national self- consciousness. The Council of Scholars (Ulema), Islamic Institute of Tajikistan and its affiliated gymnasiums and Islamic Studies Centre are currently working in Dushanbe. There are 18 grand mosques and 40 local mosques in the capital at the moment.

16 The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers The capital of the country is the cradle of well-being and progress of the nation. No civilized nation can exist without powerful centers of science and culture. Today, we know Dushanbe as the house of hope of all Tajiks, the image of nation and state, scientific centre and basis of education. It is not for nothing, that a number of scientists of Dushanbe have been honored with different awards of the Islamic educational, scientific and cultural organization (ISESCO). Dushanbe is the young city with centuries-old history. This city is the witness of many historic events, hard and tragic times and festive occasions, political and cultural developments. Given the great contribution of the capital in the strengthening of lasting peace in Tajikistan, six years ago UNESCO has granted Dushanbe with the award of “The City of Peace” in the region of Asia and Pacific for 2002-2003. Nowadays, Dushanbe is a twin city with a number of the great centers of the world civilization, including the Muslim countries (Ankara, Tehran and Lahore) and shares fruitful cultural relations. During last several years, the process of constructive works have gained a new shape in the capital of the country, every newly-built facility becomes the magnificence of the city and the proud of its inhabitants. At the moment, we exert all our efforts for the comprehensive architectural revival of national and Islamic traditions and the protection of the outstanding peculiarities of our ancestors’ life. The declaration of Dushanbe city as the Capital of the Islamic Culture obliges us to transform it into more beautiful and prosperous city and the best cultural and moral model, favorable destination of freedom of belief and promotion of the dialogue of civilizations. I am confident, that the capital of Tajikistan will remain committed tothe implementation of its responsible mission on the high level and shall turn into the centre of permanent peace and unity, human perfection and Islamic education and culture. May Allah bless all of us and grant success to our joint deeds! Wa Minallahi Tawfiq!

The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers 17 Statement by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan Hamrokhon Zarifi at the opening of the 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim Your Excellency, Secretary General Distinguished Head of Delegations, Ladies and Gentlemen, Assalomu Alaykum va Rahmatullahi va Barakatuhu I am grateful to Almighty Allah for gathering us, the representatives of Muslim countries, at this crucial time to discuss the issues of Islamic Ummah and to identify a new horizon of our development. I would like to sincerely thank Syrian Arab Republic for successful chairman- ship during the last year. I also wish to express my appreciation to the OIC Secretariat under the leadership of Professor Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu for valu- able contribution in upgrading the role of the Organization in strengthening the unity and cooperation among the Member States. The OIC, as the second largest intergovernmental organization, should play a key role in strengthening the mutual coordination and cooperation to confront global challenges and threats facing the Islamic countries. The current session of the Council of Foreign Ministers is of special importance this year, as it took place for the first time in Central Asia, known in the history of Islam as “Mawaraunnahr”; is considered as a sign of growing attention of the Organization and its Member States to Central Asia; underlines the contribution and cultural role of the region in the history of Muslim religion and thought, as well as in the development of Islamic sciences. 40 years after its establishment, the OIC has undergone major changes, and so still has to cope with the issues of conflict and dispute resolutions. The time has come for all those playing a role in the process of comprehensive security at the OIC to address these changes by remaining loyal to its founding values and prin- ciples like the ones expressed in the OIC Charter and the Ten-Year Programme of Action to meet the Challenges Facing the Muslim Ummah in the 21st Century. This is precisely the purpose of the Organization which draws above all on our political resolve and our belief that security is our “common concern”. Dear Colleagues, The situation in the Middle East is tense and is likely to remain so, until a com- prehensive settlement covering all aspects of the problem can be reached. There- fore we call for an intensification of efforts by the international community, in- cluding by the Security Council in line with its Charter responsibilities, aimed at 18 The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers accelerating the process of achieving a just and comprehensive peace settlement in the Middle East. We strongly condemn terrorism in all its forms and manifestations and express sympathy to the victims of terrorism. Strengthened mutual cooperation needed to fight against terrorism through inter alia, evolving an appropriate definition of terrorism, capacity building, and mutual exchange of information and exper- tise and by addressing the root causes of terrorism. In this increasingly global- ized world, we need more than ever before, understanding, harmony, mutual respect, and building of bridges among all cultures and peoples. Tajikistan expresses serious concern with the spread of Islamophobia. The inten- tional use of the holy name of Islam and wrong interpretation, as well as insult- ing high values of our holy religion is the vivid confirmation of such intentions. Such perceptions are based on a lack of accurate information on the real values of Islam and distortion of its actual entities. We have to continue to make mul- tiple efforts at varied and diverse levels to raise public awareness of the need to combat Islamophobia. Dear Colleagues, Most of the OIC countries, affected by the economic and financial crisis, have significant natural resources, cheap manpower and favorable conditions for in- vestments. The investment attraction to the priority spheres – such as energy, infrastructure, IT and communications, industry, irrigation and tourism – will promote qualitatively new level of development and strengthening of the ag- gregate potential of the Islamic world. All of this requires serious reinforcement of financial and investment capacities of the financial institutions and assistance rendering structures. Water is critical for sustainable development, including environmental integ- rity and the eradication of poverty and hunger, and is indispensable for human health and well-being. It’s high time to establish and maintain an effective net- work of communication amongst the Muslim countries for dissemination and sharing of knowledge, technology and information on rational use of water and effective water management at all appropriate levels. Dear Colleagues, As we could see, we are facing great and historical tasks. This postulate logically assumes that Organization of Islamic Conference as the very important struc- ture of the Islamic world should be developed and strengthened. At the same time, our Organization shall be adequate to the day-by-day growing needs of rapidly changing Islamic Ummah. I am deeply sure that by will of the Almighty Allah, through creative and dedi- cated actions we will reach our noble historical goals. Wa Minallahi Tawfiq.

The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers 19 Statement by Secretary General of the organization of the Islamic conference at the 37th session of the council of foreign ministers

Honourable Ministers, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, I am deeply honoured and privileged to welcome you at the opening of this important 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers, hosted in this beautiful city of Dushanbe, Republic of Tajikistan. I avail myself of this opportunity to salute the people of Tajikistan. My thanks and gratitude go to His Excellency Emomali Rahman, the honourable leader of this great country, for patronizing this important conference, and for the enor- mous efforts he and his government have deployed to ensure the adequate and smooth running of the proceedings of this ministerial meeting. I would also like to put on record our thanks and gratitude to the Syrian Arab Republic, its people and government, for their dedicated and constructive ef- forts in hosting the 36th OIC Council of Foreign Ministers. We also acknowl- edge and value their chairing of the subsequent activities and meetings, as well as for their positive contribution to the consolidation of the joint Islamic action over the past year. Honourable Ministers Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen Allow me at the outset, and as the OIC has moved to a new headquarter in Jed- dah, put at our disposal by a generous gesture of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques His Majesty King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, I would like on behalf of all of you to record our deep thanks, appreciation and gratitude to His Majesty and to the government of Saudi Arabia. The new premises allows us to work in more comfortable surrounding and more favourable atmosphere. This noble gesture is supplemented by His Majesty’s most generous gift of building a new, up to date and splendid headquarter for the Organisation. The work on this superb edifice is progressing. I would like, in this context, to renew to the Cus- todian of the Two Holy mosques, on your behalf, our gratefulness and sincere gratitude.

20 The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers Before I go to any other business, I would like to share with you the sadness and sorrow on the passing away of the late Nigerian President Umaru Musa YAR- ADUA, who died on 5th May 2010 as a result of long illness. At this sad occasion I would like on behalf of all member states to express to the people and govern- ment of Nigeria and the family of the defunct President our profound and sin- cere condolences at this great loss to Nigeria, the family of the OIC and . The late President YERADUA will be always remembered for his vision and commitment to deepen Nigeria’s OIC relations, and for his valuable services to the Ummah. He has devoted great attention to the question of peace and se- curity in Africa and beyond, and was keen to consolidate democracy and good governance in his country and in OIC Member States. We fondly remember his sincere friendship and wise leadership as a great statesman. We pray to God to bestow His mercy upon him. I would like you to join me in reciting the Fatiha on his soul. Honourable Ministers Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen The Dushanbe meeting is all the more important as it is the first CFM held in one of OIC Member States from Central Asia, which joined our ranks after achieving their independence. We warmly welcome them, and pin the hope that the five Muslim sister countries, given their glorious past in enriching Islamic civiliza- tion, will become a driving force to strengthen our organization and consolidate Islamic solidarity. The chronicles of the history of Islam bear an eloquent testimony to the abound- ing wealth of cultural and the edifying legacy, conferred to the Islamic civili- zation, by the illustrious sons of this region of Islamic world, who were true trailblazers of ingenuity in knowledge and scholarship it is this knowledge and scholarship that prompted one of the renowned and acclaimed sons of this re- gion, Abu Abdullah Jaafar Rodaki known as the Sultan of poets, to say during the mid of the 3rd Hijri century the following:- “It is knowledge and scholarship that kindle the flame of the heart, and with this illumination shield from evil, all humans”. Today, we meet in Dushanbe at a crucial time of the history of Islam and Mus- lims. At this defining moment we stand at a critical cross-road. We are facing daunting challenges which target our identity, our faith, our culture, our inter- ests, and more importantly, our destiny. In the face of this mounting menace, I have committed myself to summon all my energy and resources, and those of my colleagues in the General Secretariat, to do our utmost - at our level - to stand up to these challenges.

The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers 21 Beginning from the interior front, and over the last few years, we have made it possible for the standard of the Organisation to expand and broaden in scope, extent and amplitude. The long awaited reforms of the Organisation have al- ready taken roots. The activities of the General Secretariat were enhanced and diversified. Innovative approaches to better conduct our works were introduced. As a result, OIC performance has witnessed instant rise in serving and champi- oning Muslim causes and concerns. The stature of the Organisation, in the eyes of the world, has been raised and elevated. Our voice became more respected, and our efficacy became firmly entrenched. A remarkable achievement was realized when we have managed to consolidate and unify the voting pattern of our member states in international fora, on core issues of interest. In so doing, we have created a powerful voting block of our 57 countries, making their approval almost indispensible for the adoption of major international decisions or resolutions. In this context, I would like to seize this opportunity to appeal to Your Excellencies, to urge your representatives in in- ternational fora to stay the course in respecting the voting pattern agreed upon by the OIC official meetings, or by the OIC groups abroad. Honourable Ministers, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, Over the past few years, and in a bid to stem the tide of Islamophobia, we un- dertook direct contacts with many members of Western Foreign Ministers. We approached senior officials, academics and intellectuals in Europe and the Unit- ed States. Among those contacted are Foreign Ministers of Switzerland, France, Germany, Denmark, United Kingdom, Spain, Holland, Finland and the USA. These efforts also included the ranking officials of the relevant International Or- ganisations in the West. Among those addressed, are the European Union, the Organisation of the Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), Human Rights Institutions, UNESCO, Research Centres, and fora of dialogue among civiliza- tion based in the West, and UN “alliance of civilization” with which we have concluded a Memorandum of Understanding. As for the United States, we took advantage of Mr. Obama election as Presi- dent to address to him an open letter at the first day of his inauguration. In this letter we conveyed to him a plea of goodwill through ushering in a new era of mutual understanding and cooperation between his country and the Mus- lim world. Our call met with positive response manifested in President Obama speech at Cairo University. Our contact with the American side continued un- abated at high level. I met U.S. Secretary of State Mrs. Hillary Clinton at the U.S. State department in Washington D.C. alongwith a high ranking OIC delegation. Very fruitful discussion took place on issues pertaining to the Muslim world

22 The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers and Muslim causes. A top priority was reserved for the questions of Palestine, Jerusalem, Afghanistan, Islamophobia etc. Mrs. Clinton returned our visit by visiting the OIC headquarters in Jeddah at the head of U.S. high-level delegation on 16 February 2010. An important meeting took place, addressing the major issues of the Muslim world. She also intro- duced, on this occasion, Mr. Rashad Hussain the new special Envoy of President Barak Obama to the OIC. These activities were supplemented by numerous contacts with eminent U.S. figures from civil societies, research centers and think tanks in both New York and Washington D.C. Among them Brooking Institution, U.S. Institute for peace in Washington, George Town University and the U.S. National Press Club and wide range of similar centers. These activities has had positive effects on the relations between the Muslim world and the U.S. in particular. Honourable Ministers Ladies and Gentlemen We were gravely upset by the decision to ban the building of minarets in Swit- zerland, which came as a result of a referendum approved by the Swiss people, and became a law. I had many meetings with the Swiss Foreign Minister on this issue since 2007. The Swiss government indicated that they were against the ban, but cannot reverse the outcome of the referendum. We perceived this act as an ominous paradigm shift, raising the manifestations of Islamophobia in Europe from the level of individuals to that of laws. It has also institutionalized and constitutionalised prejudice against Muslims and contravened Muslims’ human rights regarding their liberty of religion. We have called for a meeting of the permanent representatives of member states, which convened on January 31st. The meeting denounced the new Swiss law as a discriminatory act that should be repealed. The new Swiss law has engendered grave ramification. In fact, the hate wave against Islam and Muslim immigrants became a “political commodity” and a “winning chip” in the hands of politi- cal parties during their election campaigns. Given the gravity of the situation and as we look and work for the future, I would like to say that achieving any real progress in this area needs a direct and dedicated interaction on the part of Member States with the officials of the West. I would, therefore, suggest that a high level ministerial meeting be convened to evolve an Islamic plan for interac- tion with the West, regarding Islamophobia, and defending our just causes and in facing up to the mounting hate wave against Islam. I also suggest that the question of Islamophobia be included in all member states’ interactions with their Western counterparts.

The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers 23 Honourable Ministers Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, The situation in Palestine and the city of Al Quds Al Sharif are going from bad to worse since the coming to power of the Israeli radical right-wing parties. Those parties came with a declared agenda to confiscate the maximum of the Palestin- ian occupied territories, building settlement on them, and completing the ju- dausation of the holy city of Al Quds. The new situation calls for a firm and united stand on the part of all Muslim countries, before it is too late. At our level we have held a ministerial meeting of the OIC Executive Committee on the first of November 2009 to examine this serious matter. We dispatched a joint OIC/IDB mission to Al Quds to gain in- formation on the general conditions in the sectors of housing, education, health and the social status of the Palestinians in East Jerusalem. We started to finance certain priority projects in the vital sectors of that holy city. Moreover, I sent ur- gent messages to scores of Ministers of leading countries of the world drawing their attention to the unfolding and explosive new situation there. In the aftermath of the Israeli aggression on Gaza strip, we sent relief caravans and medical supplies to the inhabitants of the strip. On the political front we have called for an urgent meeting of the UN Human Right Council to examine the Israeli aggression. We succeeded in convincing the Council to dispatch a UN fact finding mission to Gaza, led by the International Judge Goldstein. We worked hard to have the report of Judge Goldstein adopted by the Council and to be referred to the United Nations as a preliminary step towards handing it over to the international Criminal Court. In Iraq, we have welcomed the legislative elections which was carried out in adequate manners. We regret that forming a new government has entered in a protracted process of contentions. I would like to appeal to the Iraqi leadership to cooperate and join forces in setting up a new government, and avoid creating any political vacuum during this critical and unstable circumstances. The situation in is still very elucive and perilous. The onslaught of the rebel groups has foiled all attempts to put an end to the civil strife. We hosted at the OIC headquarters the 16th Meeting of the UN International Contact Group on Somalia in December last. I appeal to all Member States to extend every mate- rial and political support to the Somali strategic plan for 2010 on recovery and construction. Another high segment meeting of UN international contact group on Somalia is scheduled to be held in Istanbul during this month. We feel tormented to see Afghanistan going through the agony of a protracted war since more than eight years. I have already declared that the military ap-

24 The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers proach in Afghanistan will not yield a lasting solution. The solution in our view resides in reaching a comprehensive settlement that combines the political, eco- nomic, social and cultural dimensions on the ground. Afghanistan needs a joint Islamic effort. I would be happy to receive proposals to that effect from member states. I think that the proposal of the United Arab Emirates to designate an OIC special envoy to Afghanistan and to reopen the OIC Office in is pertinent and worthy of considering. From my side I have had a number of contacts with Afghanistan neighbouring countries to set up a joint regional committee, whose task would be to help in establishing a process that would facilitate the efforts leading to reconciliation. This action may pave the way to reaching solution, promoting peace, and favouring development and reconstructions. As for Sudan, we have welcomed and appreciated the progress achieved by the Doha peace process in Darfur to which the OIC was a party. We have also wel- comed the legislative and Presidential elections which took place in the Sudan. It is our hope that this election will move Sudan forward on the road of democ- racy. As Sudan is heading toward an important referendum next year, I would like to appeal to all Sudanese to earnestly rally their efforts to preserve the unity of their country. On the other hand, I would like to state that the OIC along with the governments of Egypt and Turkey have co-organized a donor conference for the benefit of development and reconstructure in Darfur. Almost nine hundred million dollars were pledged to that purpose. In Kashmir, the OIC has constantly expressed its concern over the absence of any significant progress in implementing the U.N. Security Council decision on the right of self-determination of the Kashmiri people. A new representative of the OIC Secretary General for Jammu and Kashmir was recently nominated, and will be visiting the area in the near future. And as for Azerbaijan, we support the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan, and call for speedy implementation of the relevant UN Security Council on this issue. Honourable Ministers, Excellencies The case of Muslim minorities and communities outside OIC Member States attracts our attention and interest. In this context we carry out a wide range of contacts with senior officials in host countries and with the representative of Islamic communities outside the OIC Member States. Among the key activities figuring in this domain are, inter alia, the situations in the Southern Philippine and Thailand. Moreover, we put forth serious efforts to look after the Muslim minorities in Europe, North America, the region of the Caucasus, the Turkish minority in Western Thrace, autonomous province of Uygur, Bulgaria, Myan- mar etc.

The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers 25 Honourable Ministers Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, In the economic field, we have been able to develop the necessary framework for a common regime of preferences, with the entry into force on 5 February 2010 of the Protocol on the Preferential Tariff Scheme (PRETAS). With this success, we have been able to lay the necessary foundation for an integrated OIC economic system. The volume of intra-trade among Member States has grown from 14.5% in 2004 to 16.60% in 2009. It is my hope that the resumption of the trade negotiation rounds, after the com- ing into force of the additional agreement on the Rule of Origin, would reinforce our collective desire to create a dynamic multilateral framework for a real eco- nomic cooperation and coordination in the OIC Member States. This will give expression to the vision of creating a growth–oriented and vibrant economy in the OIC Member States. The last session of COMCEC and the Economic Summit which were held consecutively in Istanbul to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the establishment of this committee had rekindled the hopes of attaining the various targets set for the consolidation of material cooperation and solidarity in action among Member States. In this context, I would like to hail the efforts of the government of Turkey for its unceasing support in facilitating trade negotia- tions which yielded concrete results. Poverty alleviation remains one of the key themes of the OIC economic coopera- tion agenda. The various poverty alleviation programmes have continued to ad- dress the condition of the poor and vulnerable groups of our countries. I should also mention the ongoing efforts to implement the Dakar –Port Sudan Railway Project, which remains one of our flagship projects, following the success of the ministerial meeting of the 13th countries participating in the project which was held in Khartoum. I would like at this juncture to commend the efforts of the OIC institutions and organs such as the COMCEC, the Islamic Development Bank, the Islamic Centre for the Development of Trade, the Statistical, Economic and Social Research and training Centre for Islamic Countries, and the Islamic Chamber of Commerce and Industry. As for the OIC humanitarian activities, it is worth noting that the institutional work has been completed for the establishment of the Department of Humani- tarian Affairs (ICHAD). To this end, many initiatives and activities have been undertaken in the Swat Valley in , Burkina Faso, Niger, Comoros, Dar- fur, Somalia, Banda Aceh in Indonesia, Bosnia Herzegovina, Gaza, Yemen and Sierra Leone. Furthermore, it is worth noting that more intra-OIC coordinated efforts are needed to increase awareness with regard to natural disasters.

26 The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers The Islamic Solidarity Fund has witnessed a new fresh start after the nomination of a new Executive Director. The new agreements concluded with various phil- anthropic organizations on cooperation and mutual financings of some projects have enhanced the capacity of the fund allowing it to further its activities in many domains and in many OIC countries. This was possible thanks to the gen- erous contributions of a number of OIC member states. I would like to appeal to the Member States that did not contribute to the fund to do so. I would like to invite your kind attention to the utmost importance we attach to implementing the Ten Year Programme of Action. And you are no doubt aware that proper implementation of this Programme is a unique historical occasion for the Islamic Ummah, and for its progress and development to meet the chal- lenges of our time. At the level of the General Secretariat, we have proceeded on implementing al- most all the required tasks assigned to us by the Ten Years Programme of Action. A new Charter had been written, examined, adopted and entered into force and signed by 41 Member States. Then we turned to discharge our duties of imple- menting the new requirement of the new charter such as the establishment of independent permanent commission of human rights and the draft rules on ob- server status. Consensus texts were drafted and thoroughly examined by official experts of Member States and are ready for your consideration. The establish- ment of the independent permanent commission on human right will be hailed and well received mainly human right circles. It will be a major achievement in the annals of the OIC. Excellencies, Distinguished Delegates, Dialogue among civilizations is central and a priority on the OIC’s agenda. We have remained focused on and have participated in various fora to highlight the importance of dialogue in combating intolerance and hatred. We have wel- comed and supported the initiative of His Majesty the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques on interfaith dialogue and disseminated its message through our activities on dialogue among civilizations. The initiative is, rightly, considered the highest and most effective one presented by the Muslim world. It has ob- tained wide spread recognition and acclaim. We have also engaged with lead- ing Western organizations in this field, including the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODHIR). We remain closely involved with the UN Alliance of Civilizations (AoC) with a view to strengthening dialogue among civilizations. The signing of a Memorandum of Understanding and the visit of the AoC High Representative, Mr Jorge Sampao, to the OIC General Secretariat in Jeddah, bear testimony to the growing cooperation between the OIC and the AoC.

The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers 27 In this context, the OIC has called for and hosted the 1st Meeting of the AoC Focal Points of the OIC Member States last month. I am pleased to inform you that the General Secretariat is also actively involved in holding a sideline event during the 3rd AoC Annual Forum to be held in Rio de Janeiro later this month in cooperation with the Council of Bureau Turkey and Spain. Another seminar on Islamophobia will be held during the OSCE meeting in Astana to be held in next June. On the same lines, we are taking measures to intensify our engage- ment with the international media. We will organize this year a follow up on the 2007 Baku Media Conference to be held under the title: “Media as Bridge among Civilizations”. We have completed the restructuring of the International Islamic News Agency (IINA) and are currently in the process of finalizing the restruc- turing of the Islamic States Broadcasting Union (ISBU). Excellencies, Distinguished Delegates, The General Secretariat took the initiative in drawing up the OIC draft Plan of Action for Advancement of Women (OPAAW), which was deliberated by Mem- ber States and adopted by the last Council of Foreign Ministers session. In the same vein, the Council has also approved the establishment of a Women Devel- opment Organization to be based in Cairo. I am confident that the draft statute of the organization will be adopted by the present meeting. Another Ministerial Conference on “Women’s Role in Development of OPIC Member States,” will also be held in during this year, while similar activities took place concern- ing youth and children. On the other hand, we have managed to upgrade the performance of the two OIC Universities in Niger and Kampala as well as the Islamic University of Tech- nology in Dhaka. I would also like to praise the efforts of the OIC organs active in the field of cultural and social affairs, particularly the International Islamic Fiqh Academy, ISESCO, IRCICA, Islamic Solidarity Sports Federation and the Islamic Conference Youth Forum on Dialogue and Cooperation (ICYF-DC). Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen, In the field of Dawa, the OIC has sought to bring together Islamic institutions and organizations specialized in Dawa activities under its umbrella in the frame- work of the Committee on the Coordination of Joint Islamic Action in the Field of Dawa. This Coordination Committee has started to put in place a number of executive programmes, including the establishment of a short wave and FM radio station to broadcast to Africa. The seventeenth session of the Coordination Committee to be held in Brazil in May 2010, will consider Dawa issues in Latin America. In the field of Science and Technology, a meeting took place recently at the Gen- eral Secretariat and brought together OIC specialized institutions on science

28 The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers and technology, higher education, health and the environment. The aim of the meeting was to review achievements and assess challenges facing the General Secretariat. Our leaders recognized the urgent need to bridge the gap between our Member States and the advanced countries and decided in the OIC Ten Years Programme of Action to allocate 2% of their GDP for investment in Research and Develop- ment. We have also success stories in the area of health which include eradica- tion of polio, and malaria campaign as well as in the domain of mother and child care. All the aforementioned progress and achievements were possible thanks to your trust in us, and thanks to your wise guidance and sound decisions and resolutions. We can only promise you to stay the course, redouble our efforts and deepen our dedication to work deligently on all levels and in all fields. The present international context in which we act is not easy. It is crammed and riddled with hardships, adversity and challenges. The only arm in our hands is our unity, loyalty to our causes, and the solidarity that we display here when- ever we take common decision or action. But above all and what remains more paramount is our profound believe in our Ummah, its greatness and strength and in its bright future.

Statement of His Excellency Maitre Madicke NIANG, State Minister, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Senegal on the 37th session of Foreign Ministers Council of the Organization of Islamic Conference

Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim, Ladies, Gentlemen, Ministers Mister Secretary General, Ladies, Gentlemen, Ambassadors, Ladies, Gentlemen, Head of delegations, Ladies and Gentlemen Assalamu aleykum wa Rahmatullahi taala wa Barakaatuhu I would like to express my gratitude to the Republic of Tajikistan on behalf of the President of the Republic of Senegal, His Excellency Maitre Abdoulaye WADE, acting president of the Islamic Summit, for hosting this meeting as well as for warm and fraternal reception extended to us since our arrival to this beautiful city of Dushanbe, theatre of historical deeds of Central Asia.

The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers 29 Allow me also to felicitate my colleague, His Excellency Mr. Hamrokhon ZARIFI, and wish him success in his new mandate as a Head of Council of Foreign Ministers of our organization. In addition, I would like to acclaim the positive contribution in progress made by Ummah, the Syrian Arab Republic, president of the previous session of our Council and to express my gratitude and approval to Professor Ekmeleddin IHSANOGLU, Secretary General of the Organization of Islamic Conference, for his tireless efforts in service of Ummah, and especially for new dynamics of cooperation that he could stimulate between the presidency of Islamic Summit and General Secretariat which is the guarantee of efficiency in the matter. Ladies and Gentlemen, Our today’s meetings on the theme of “Common vision of a more secure and prosperous Islamic world” fits into particular context marked by the complexity of crises and by deep changes of various categories. Actually the meetings are held at the moment when international community, in general, and Ummah, in particular, face many challenges among which are Palestinian issue, financial crisis, international peace and security, mounting extremism, terrorism, aggravation of poverty, shock of cultures and civilizations and many others. Facing such disturbing issues, we must in future, besides our declarations of good intentions, cooperate in common effort to achieve active solidarity underlining exemplary values which present our existence, I mean here Islam. In his capacity of acting president of Islamic conference summit, His Excellency Maitre Abdoulaye WADE, President of the Republic of Senegal, convinced that only the Dialogue of cultures and civilizations that is supported also by the Servant of the two holy shrines, King Abdallah Ben Abdel Aziz AL-SAUD, presents firm solution for cohabitation of nations and peoples, cleared the important way in this direction, first of all in regional scale, attaining the African Renaissance. Convinced panafricanist, Maitre Abdoulaye WADE wishes, first of all, to return to africans their dignity in order to help them take the best advantage of the different instruments and policies of our organization among which Special Program for African Development, initiated by the OIC Ten-year Plan of Action, is one of the pillars nowadays. Along with cultural fundament which, as you know, presents fertile ground for all Development, President WADE wishes then to form the Ummah’s progress through the contribution of its scientists and thinkers. In this spirit he decided to organize in Dakar the Conference of “Ulema” of Africa from 7 to 9 June 2010 and the Conference of Ulemas of Muslim world in 2011. These meetings which already have stimulated adhesion of almost all Member States, prelude for unanimous adhesion of our common organization, will be

30 The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers targeted to forming the responses of Islam to great issues and challenges of our epoch, and their success will contribute, without any doubt, in the strengthening of authority of our panislamic Organization which already nowadays enjoys incontestable authority. In this connection, the reinforcement of cooperation with United Nations Organization (UNO) is useful from many aspects and in the same context, the relations between OIC and African Union should be strengthened and formalized. Ladies and Gentlemen, All of us are not indifferent to the course of events in Palestine, particularly an impasse of peace process and the loss of hopes of international community on the GOLDSTONE report, continuation of Jewish colonization in the city of Jerusalem along with planned judaization of this muslim shrine. It is in the same way with the continuation of existence of poverty in many Member States of OIC. The reform of mechanisms of Islamic Solidarity Fund for Development (ISFD) in view of quick mobilization of necessary resources as advised by the President WADE could lay the foundation of the solution to this problem in expectation of more holistic approach. Thus, Senegal actively encourages our organization in adopting urgent measures while we face calamities and natural catastrophes which could affect our countries. Nevertheless I would like to express my satisfaction with the concerted efforts since the Eleventh Summit of Dakar for modernization of OIC through taking into account new objectives such as Human Rights, maintenance of peace and empowerment of women in Member States of our organization. I take advantage of this opportunity to commend the accomplished work of our senior officials in Jeddah which allowed to reach appreciable results on majority of questions of Ummah’s interest. We are hopeful of the pending questions and I call upon every delegation present here to reach consensus for the sake of our common action. In reality, ladies and gentlemen, the abovementioned challenges emphasized the essential role which play the Information in our societies, particularly great power which is associated to it for the access to knowledge, but also and unfortunately, the power of destruction or, despite anything, subversive power that it can give. In this new context, our Islamic Ummah is concerned for many reasons and must find measures to respond effectively to numerous aggressions whichit addresses through certain medias known for their primitive islamophobia and which try by any means to associate the image of Islam to terrorism, violence,

The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers 31 intolerance and to all kinds of stereotypes that are contrary to Islam, religion of peace, tolerance and respect of humane personality. Ladies and gentlemen, We wish to pass new dynamism to the activity of the Standing Committee on Information and Cultural Affairs (COMIAC) that is presided by His Excellency Maitre Abdoulaye WADE by the creation of National Secretariat charged with control of recommendations issued through the works of the Committee. However, Dakar is preparing for holding from 11 to 13 October 2010 the nineth (9th) session of COMIAC which will be preceded by the meeting of the Committee on control of this organ, all the meetings which naturally will be the occasion for commencement of evaluation of OIC Ten-year Plan of Action in sectors of information and culture. Our country already can count as it was in any case on General Secretariat as well as all Member States for the successful organization of these important meetings. Allow me, Ladies and Gentlemen, in conclusion of my speech, to reaffirm allegiance of President Abdoulaye WADE, acting president of OIC, to the case of Al-Quds and settlement of Palestinian issue by fair and durable peace, in respect of inalienable rights of Palestinian fraternal People, particularly its right to viable State. Thank you for your attention. Assalamu aleykum wa Rahmatullahi taala wa Barakaatuhu

Speech of Mr. Walid Al-Moualem Minister of foreign affairs of the Syrian Arab Republic on the 37th session of the foreign Ministers of member states to the Organization of Islamic Conference

His Excellency Hamrokhon Zarifi, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan H.E. Prof. Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu, Secretary General of the Organization of Islamic Conference. Excellencies Ministers, Heads of Delegations, Ladies and Gentlemen, I would like to express my happiness to be in Dushanbe to deliberate in the affairs of the Umah and its future, under the slogan «Joint Vision for more Security

32 The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers and Prosperity for the Islamic World», and to pass the presidency of the Islamic Conference Organization (OIC) on the ministerial level, which we carried with pride over the past year, to the Republic of Tajikistan with its ancient Islamic and human heritage. I am confident that this trust will receive the care and consideration from the new presidency of our conference. I would also like to thank you for the confidence you have placed in my country which we did not spare any effort to activate the role of our organization, and to enhance cooperation and solidarity among our states for the benefit of our people. Ladies and Gentlemen, The past year witnessed immense events and serious challenges, the most important of which are Israel’s acts of aggression aiming to Judaizing of Jerusalem and other occupied Arab territories by continuing the process of settlement building and dispossession of land from its owners, and deporting them; and also continuing the unjust siege imposed on Gaza which is a humanitarian disaster that represents genocide in all forms. Israel continues to deny the most basic requirements of just and comprehensive peace in the region. In this regard, Israeli voices rise with threat under one pretext or another. Those who resist Israel’s plans and objectives are under continuous threat. Unfortunately, these false pretexts and threats are adopted by key parties in the peace making process in the region. We witness this instead of having them standing firm in the face of escalation and Israeli violations and obstinacy. The Israeli practices against our steadfast Palestinian people and sacred Islamic sites call upon our organization to take an active, united and strong stand on the international level to push towards comprehensive and firm international condemnation of Israeli violations in order to stop them, and put an end to Israeli acts, and its violation of international law and international humanitarian law, as well as its refusal of the requirements of just and comprehensive peace. We believe that this issue needs to be considered in depth by our council in order to adopt a position that meets the enormous challenge facing the Islamic Umah in a way that preserves its rights and safeguards its legitimate interests. I would like to assure all member states of the OIC of our appreciation for standing by Syria in its endeavor to end the Israeli occupation of the Syrian Arab Golan, and reject actions aimed at Judaizing it, and the violation and the inhuman practices perpetrated against its people. We will continue working together until the return of this precious part of our land to its motherland, Syria. Ladies and Gentlemen: Our organization emphasized its condemnation of terrorism, as a dangerous global phenomenon, and the necessity of cooperation to combat it. Syria has

The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers 33 worked for combating terrorism, and called to eliminate this phenomenon not only by force, but also by dealing with its roots and causes. We continuously emphasize on the distinction between terrorism, which we all work to combat, and the people’s legitimate right in resisting occupation. This right should receive all support and advocacy. Ladies and Gentlemen, Our states have supported both the call to make the Middle East nuclear weapons free zone, and the Arabic initiative, which had been submitted by Syria to the Security Council in the 2003 in this regard. Our states called upon an Israeli accession to the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty (NPT) as a state which does not possess nuclear weapons, and submitting its nuclear facilities to the comprehensive safeguards system of the International Agency. In this important meeting, we renew our call to the conference of the state parties to the NPT, held in New York, to implement the Review Conference Resolution of 1995 that calls for Middle East Free of nuclear weapons. Establishing this zone is of extreme importance, and will participate in enhancing regional and international peace and security. Again, we emphasize the right of all states to have the nuclear technology for peaceful uses, and the necessity of not giving up this right, or laxing using it. The peaceful use of the nuclear energy has become one of the major elements for empowerment to possess the required ability for sustainable development, and this is especially what the people of the developing states are looking forward to. It is not accepted to monopolize the ability of peaceful use of nuclear energy by certain states rather than others under any pretext whatsoever. Ladies and gentlemen: The current international circumstances and the challenges we face as Islamic states call upon us to work on strengthening Islamic solidarity and enhancing the joint work within the frame of the OIC. We, in Syria, are open to all efforts of solidary effort and every constructive joint work through the organization. We also, are, open to establishing of relations and useful exchanges among our states. In conclusion, I would like to express my great consideration for his Excellency, Prof. Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu, Secretary General of the Organization, and for all employees in the secretariat and its institutions, for their good efforts in serving our organization’s goals and implementing its resolutions, and for the fruitful cooperation between Syria and the Organization last year. I would also seize this opportunity to express my great thanks to the friendly government and people of this country for the warm reception and generous hospitality. I am sure that our meeting will push our Organization’s work forward.

34 The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers Statment by Dr. Elmar Mamedyarov Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Dear Mr. Chairman, Dear Mr. Secretary General, Ladies and Gentlemen, I have the pleasure to express my sincere gratitude to the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan for hosting the 37th session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers in the charming city of Dushanbe. I would like to thank His Excellency President Emomali Rakhmon and the brotherly people of Tajikistan for their warm hospitality and excellent arrangements for this important event. I am honoured to congratulate you upon the assumption of the Chairmanship of the Council of Foreign Ministers and I am certain that during your Chairmanship we will achieve the established goals. In the meantime, I would like to express my appreciation to the outgoing Syrian Chairmanship for its skilful stewardship of the Organization and excellent work done during its tenure. My words of admiration also go to OIC Secretary General Prof. Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu and his team for their professionalism and dedication. Dear colleagues, In the period after the 36th CFM session, Azerbaijan has further strengthened its relations and cooperation with the OIC Member States. Azerbaijan places significant importance to the implementation of the OIC Ten-year Programme of Action. In this regards, I am privileged to inform the esteemed audience that on April 20, the Parliament of Azerbaijan has ratified the OIC Charter, and the relevant Instrument of Ratification has been sent to the OIC Secretary General on May 8. In recent period, mu country hosted a number of significant OIC events, such as, the First Islamic Conference of the Heads of Law-Enforcement Agencies, the 6th OIC Conference of Culture Ministers, the conference on inter-civilizational dialogue organized jointly with the OIC General Secretariat and dedicated to the 40th anniversary of the establishment of the OIC. Most recently, on April 26- 27, Baku hosted the summit of world religious leaders, which brought together nearly 250 delegates from 35 countries across the world.

The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers 35 I would like also to emphasize that Azerbaijan’s capital Baku was proclaimed the Capital of Islamic Culture for 2009. A number of cultural events, including numerous concerts, arts exhibitions, presentations, music festivals were held in this period in Baku and other cities of Azerbaijan and brought together representatives from many OIC Member States. It is worth mentioning, that the regional office of the Islamic Conference Youth Forum for Dialogue and Cooperation has been recently inaugurated in Baku. We are certain that the work of the Forum will contribute to strengthening moral values of young generation and engaging in the dialogue among cultures and civilizations, which is so important for the Muslim Ummah. In the period after the Damascus Ministerial, Azerbaijan has further participated in programmes of humanitarian assistance to a number of the OIC countries, carried out through the OIC and UN frameworks, and we will continue our efforts in this field. In June, Azerbaijan will host the OIC institutions meeting on the «Road Map for the Promotion of the Intra-OIC Trade» and the 35th Board of Governors Meeting of the Islamic Development Bank. Dear colleagues, I would also like to express once again Azerbaijan’s sincere gratitude to the Islamic Ummah and the OIC Secretary General for their invaluable vigorous support to the just cause of Azerbaijan in the ongoing conflict with Armenia and to the elimination of the consequences of the armed aggression by Armenia. Because of this, almost 20% of Azerbaijan’s territory remains under occupation by Armenia, around 1 million Azerbaijanis have been ethnically cleansed from their native lands, and thousands of Azerbaijani cultural and historical monuments, including of Islamic heritage were devastated and looted. Important OIC decisions on this matter based on the norms and principles of the international law, including respect to territorial integrity, sovereignty, inviolability of the internationally recognised borders of the UN members, and support of the OIC Member States have been instrumental in addressing the occupation of the territories of Azerbaijan by the international community, in particular, by the UN General Assembly. Dear colleagues, The current situation in a number of the OIC Member States is very disturbing. We remain concerned over the situation in Palestine. Once again, Azerbaijan reiterates its support to the brotherly people of Palestine and their efforts to achieve peace, stability, and establishment of a sovereign and independent Palestinian state. We highly value the work of the General Secretariat to

36 The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers consolidate our Organization in providing much needed assistance to the population in Palestine. Being deeply worried at the human sufferings in the occupied Golan Heights, I would like to affirm our strong support to the efforts of Syria to recover its full sovereignty over the occupied territories and its commitment to a durable and comprehensive peace in the region. I would like to express our support to the initiatives taken to move forward the resolution of the Kashmir dispute, and to express our concern with the continuing unjust isolation of the Turkish Cypriots. As a matter of principle, Azerbaijan supports all endeavours of the Governments of Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, Sudan, and other OIC Member States to restore peace and stability in these countries, and strives to make its contribution to the settlement of the conflicts in the Islamic world based on the norms and principles of the international law. Dear colleagues, The current situation regarding misunderstanding of Islam in some parts of the world confirms vital necessity to strengthen our joint actions to counter Islamophobia. Efforts to present true and correct image of Islam and its values to non-Muslim world need to be coordinated through appropriate OIC structures, and active dialogue with individual countries and international organizations has to be pursued. Dear colleagues, Being an inseparable part of the Islamic civilization with its history, culture, and moral values, Azerbaijan was the first among the former Soviet Muslim republics that applied for the OIC membership in 1991. The development of broad cooperation between Azerbaijan and the OIC is one of the priorities in my country’s foreign policy and bears strategic importance. As you know, last year Azerbaijan officially proposed to host the 13th Islamic Summit Conference in 2014 in Baku. Considering experience of Azerbaijan in successfully hosting numerous OIC events, including Council of Foreign Ministers and a number of other ministerial meetings, as well as importance we attach to the Organization and our commitment to the goals and objectives of the Organization, it is my privilege today to seek valuable and kind support of brotherly Muslim countries on this matter, which will be highly appreciated by the people of Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan believes that its commitment to the goals and objectives of the Organization of the Islamic Conference, its active participation in the activities of the Organization and its principled position on the issues crucial for the Islamic

The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers 37 Ummah will allow it to be given the honour of hosting the 13th Islamic Summit Conference. Dear colleagues, At the end of my presentation, I would like once again to convey my wishes of success to the incoming Chairmanship of Tajikistan and confirm our support to its endeavours. Thank you.

Speech of His Excellency Sheikh Abdullah Bin Zayid Al Nahyyan, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the State of the United Arab Emirates on the 37th session of Foreign Ministers Council of the Organization of Islamic Conference

Bismillahi Rahmanir-Rahim, Alhamdu lil-Lahi was-salatu was-salamu ala Nabiyina Muhammadin wa ala alihy wa suhubihy ajmayin As-salamu aleikum wa rahmatul-Lahi wa barakatuhu Your Excellency Mr. Chairman, dear brother, We are pleased to congratulate you on the occasion of the hosting by the Republic of Tajikistan the 37-th session of the Council of Foreign Ministers of OIC Member States, and, with best wishes for success in this session, would like to express our gratitude to the Government and people of Tajikistan for the warm reception and great hospitality. Also, we would like to express our gratitude to Syrian Arab Republic for hosting the previous session of the Council of Foreign Ministers, as well as to H.E. Professor Ekmeleddin IHSANOGLU, Secretary General of the Organization of Islamic Conference and his assistants for continued efforts to strengthen the role of the Organization and implementation of its goals. Take this opportunity; we express our deepest condolences to the people of Tajikistan in connection with the human victims and material damage suffered by his country as a result of the recent devastating floodwaters and land destructions. Your Excellency Mr. Chairman, Today, the OIC has a major responsibility in countering the threats, facing the Islamic world in the 21 century. Therefore, we should continue our efforts

38 The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers towards the implementation of the Ten Year Programmer of Action and respond adequately to the new international challenges, taking into account the need to protect interests of the Islamic Umma, to strengthen its position and ensure the security and stability of the Member States of the Organization. Your Excellency Mr. Chairman, State of the UAE with a special concern relates to the Cause of the peoples of the Islamic world and tries to provide them with humanitarian assistance and support them in heir development. By the strict guidance of H.E. the Head of State of UAE Ash-Shaikh Khalifa bin Al Zayid Al Nahyan the efforts to provide humanitarian assistance and support the objectives of development in many Muslim countries are continued. We note with satisfaction the successful holding of the meeting of Islamic Development Institutions held in Abu Dhabi, 3-4 May 2010 under the patronage of the Abu Dhabi Fund and the General Secretariat of the Organization. We are pleased to announce the transfer of $ 2 million for the Islamic solidarity and waqf fund, so that it continues to discharge its noble humanitarian goals. Your Excellency Mr. Chairman, State of the UAE, calling from this podium to resolve through negotiations and peaceful means contradictions and conflicts that exist between Islamic countries, is interested in strengthening the Organization’s role in this matter. On the basis of rules and principles of international law and the Charter of the OIC, my Government has sought and continues seeking to resolve conflict that exist with the Islamic Republic of Iran, which has occupied since 1971 three UAE islands - Zunbi-l-Kubra, Zunbi-l-Sughra and Abu Musa - by peaceful means. We continue to hope that the Islamic Republic of Iran will respond to our repeated calls regarding the negotiations or recourse to the International Court of Arbitration. The Government of my country, supporting good neighborly relations and historical ties and proceeding from the principle of Islamic solidarity, would support any desire and cooperation on this occasion. Your Excellency Mr. Chairman, State of the UAE condemns terrorism in all its shapes and forms and to deny its link with the heavenly religions, culture and civilization of the peoples. We also reaffirm the importance of mutual dialogue and constant communication between different civilizations and religions and cultures, adhering to Islamic Message, which strengthens the intellect and logic, as well as the international rules and laws, calling for centrism and avoidance of extremism and radicalism. In this regard, we reaffirm that the relevant authorities in the UAE continue legal prosecution of criminals involved in terrorist act - the murder of Mahmoud al-Mabhouh and call all friendly and brotherly countries to support our efforts in this issue.

The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers 39 Your Excellency Mr. Chairman, My Government is taking significant steps to support the efforts of the international community to promote the use of atomic energy for peaceful purposes and prohibit the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. State of the UAE has already announced in April 2008, the General policy document on assessment and capacity development program for the peaceful atom, which contains a transparent manner and strategy adopted by the Government of my country’s commitment to develop its programs in the field of atomic energy. State of the UAE has already announced in April 2008 the General policy document on assessment and capacity development program for the peaceful atom, which in a transparent manner contains strategy and commitments of my country in developing of its programs in the field of atomic energy. UAE seeks to play an active role in the International Agency for Atomic Energy and make a positive contribution in supporting the rights of member states of the peaceful use of atomic energy. Therefore, we have presented the candidacy of our country to fill one seat on the Council of Management for Agency for the period 2010-2012. We hope that our candidacy will be supported by governments of your friendly countries. We would like to congratulate the Islamic Republic of Iran on the occasion of an agreement on the sharing of atomic fuel and hope that these good intentions will continue. Your Excellency Mr. Chairman, State of the UAE affirms that the Arab peace initiative is a real and practical way to solve the Palestinian problem, as it seeks to protect legitimate national rights of the Palestinian people to establish an independent state with its capital in the holy Erusalime, as well as the return of refugees and the Israeli withdrawal from all occupied Palestinian and Arab lands, including the Syrian Golan and the occupied Lebanese territories. Your Excellency, Mr. Chairman, State of the UAE looks forward to a more active role of OIC in regional and international initiatives aimed at providing assistance to Afghanistan and highly appreciates the continuing efforts of Secretary General of the OIC in this regard. The Emirates side welcomes adopting of a Resolution to appoint the Permanent Representative of the OIC in Afghanistan at this Session and therefore, declares its readiness to make a concrete contribution to its realization. Your Excellency Mr. Chairmen, State of the UAE is an active participant in efforts of economic development of the Islamic world and contributes to the advancement of the global economy. It hopes for a closer economic and trade relations between member states, which

40 The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers can move forward the wheel of economic and social development, contributing to overcoming the consequences of the global financial crisis and strengthening the disengagement out of it. Your Excellency Mr. Chairman, State of the UAE expresses its sincere appreciation to all Member States, have supported the establishment of the headquarters of the International Agency for clean energy (IRENA) in Abu Dhabi. We will do everything that IRENA had the opportunity to start its activities with the support of programs of Member States in this area. We call all States - members of OIC upon to sign the Agreement on the IRENA and to take an active part in its activities. In conclusion, I wish success and progress for the work of this session.

Statement by H.E. Dr. R.M. Marty M. Natalegawa Minister for Foreign Affairs Republic of Indonesia At the 37th Session of The Council of Foreign Ministers of The Organization of Islamic Conference

Bismillah ir-Rahman ir-Rahim Your Excellency Mr. Hamrokhon Zarifi, Chairman of the 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Minister, Your Royal Highness and Your Excellencies Ministers, Your Excellency Prof. Ekmeleddin Ihnasoglu, Secretary-General of the OIC, Distinguished Delegates, Assalamu alaikum Wr. Wb. I congratulate you Mr. Chairman on your election as chair of this meeting. I am sure that under your able leadership our Forum will further build on our past - achievements. Let me also felicitate your country, the Republic of Tajikistan, for being the first country in Central Asia to host an OIC Ministerial Meeting. The convening of this meeting in Dushanbe attests to the geographical scope and cultural wealth of the Islamic World. I wish to thank the Arab Republic of Syria for successfully steering the 36th Session of the Council of Foreign Ministers and commend the Secretary-General and the General Secretariat for the excellent arrangements for this meeting.

The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers 41 Mr. Chairman, The theme «Shared Vision of a More Secure and Prosperous Islamic World» accurately a major goal of the Ummah, which we must all strive together to achieve. We formulated a new Charter to make sure we can achieve that goal. Two years have passed since our new Charter entered into force. The Charter and our Ten-year Programme of Action provide sound guidelines for the development of the organization. Both have advanced our efforts at reform. During the past year we worked hard on two major endeavours: first, the establishment of the OIC Independent and Permanent Commission on Human Rights and second, the establishment of the OIC Women’s Development Organization. Indonesia supports both initiatives and has been actively involved in the formulation of their statutes. The establishment of the Independent and Permanent Commission on Human Rights will be a milestone in the history of our Organization and we hope it, when established, will have a positive impact on the promotion and protection of human rights worldwide. We also support the adoption of the Statute of the Women’s Development Organization, considering the need for a specialized organization within the OIC that is concerned with the development and promotion of the role of women in the Islamic World. It is also consistent with the OIC’s Ten-year Programme of Action. I think we have done a good job of creating new institutions. What we need to do now is to consolidate the reform process so that our Organization will be able to meet international standards of professionalism and become even more effective in fostering the collective interest of member states. We should make the decision-making process of the Organization more transparent, more effective and efficient so that it can fulfill its mandate and respond to the multiple, global challenges affecting us all. Mr. Chairman, The realization of an independent Palestinian state continues to face hurdles. The current Israeli Government has consistently undermined efforts to move the peace process forward, while continuing to oppress the Palestinian population. It is therefore important that the international community continue to support the Palestinian cause and vigorously help improve the living conditions of the Palestinians. Indonesia is committed to contribute as much as we can to help Palestine through capacity building programmes. As a follow up to the New Asian-African Strategic Partnership Ministerial Conference on Capacity Building for Palestine, July 2008, Indonesia and 19 other countries are carrying out five major capacity building programmes for

42 The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers the period 2008-2013 in the areas of social development, governance, economics, infrastructures and finance. Mr. Chairman, As we meet, the Review Conference of the NPT is in session. Our commitment towards the pursuit of its’ three pillars— nuclear disarmament, nuclear nonproliferation and the peaceful uses of nuclear energy— is total and absolute. The establishment of a nuclear weapon free zone in the Middle East continues to be a priority, calling on Israel, the only country in that region not party to the NPT, to accede to the Treaty and place all its nuclear facilities under the comprehensive safeguards regime of the IAEA. Mr. Chairman, On the economic front, three of our members—Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Indonesia—are involved in the G-20 and can therefore endeavour to reflect the interests of the Ummah on matters of international finance and economic development discussed within the group. We can see to it that the G-20 does not neglect the drive to achieve the Millennium Development Goals of the developing world, a matter of great concern to us in the Organization, even as the Group attends to the current financial crisis in Europe. Mr. Chairman, One of the challenges faced by the Islamic world is the rise of Islamophobia in various parts of the, world. « We should therefore continue to engage the Western world in constructive inter faith dialogue and in the process make a case for avoiding such actions as they are counterproductive in the face of the need for all of humankind to unite and work together to solve the global problems of the time. At the same time, we must foster wider recognition of Islam as a religion of tolerance and compassion. This we can do best by our behaviour by demonstrating compassion and tolerance to others and to one another. For its part, Indonesia has been actively promoting interfaith dialogue at the national, regional and global levels. We have been doing this in partnership with other Governments, international organizations, civil society, and the mass media. Working with Australia, New Zealand, and the Philippines, we have initiated the Asia-Pacific Regional Dialogue on Interfaith Cooperation. We also took part in the launching of the Asia-Europe Interfaith Dialogue in 2005, which has also become a major annual event.

The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers 43 Bilaterally, we have initiated various initiatives partner countries. We also continue to encourage similar initiatives by civil society groups, such as the International Conference of Islamic Scholars (ICIS) and the World Peace Forum, initiated by two of the largest Muslim organizations in Indonesia We are convinced that only through such engagement with our partners will we truly build understanding among different faiths. We in the OIC should continue to be at the forefront in this endeavor. Mr. Chairman, I am glad that the OIC continues to contribute to the building of peace in various parts of the world. In Southeast Asia, our Organization, through the OIC Peace Committee on the Southern Philippines, of which Indonesia is chair, continues to facilitate the peace process between the Government of the Philippines (GRP) and the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) and to ensure full implementation of their 1996 Peace Agreement. At the 3rd Tripartite Meeting between the GRP, MNLF and the OIC, in Manila on March 2009, both sides reconfirmed their commitment to work together to fully implement the Peace Agreement by resolving pending issues. Last month in Tripoli, Libya, both sides signed a Memorandum of Understanding reflecting agreed results and providing a mechanism to deal with issues still pending. At the end of this month, in Surabaya, Indonesia, both parties will meet to seal and sign an «agreement establishing the Bangsamoro Development Assistance Fund (BDAF) and for other purposes» and «on the tripartite implementation and monitoring mechanism». Indonesia’s contribution to the Fund will be in the form of capacity building programmes. Both sides are now prepared to implement what agreements they have reached and will not be held back by what they have not yet agreed on. I hope the implementation of the agreements on various important issues will lead to a gradual improvement of the situation on the ground and serve as confidence- building measures for all stakeholders in southern Philippines, and create an atmosphere conducive to resolving the remaining issues. Much progress has been achieved since the GRP and the MNLF signed the Final Peace Agreement in 1996 and the subsequent establishment of the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (ARMM). For the past three years, we in the OIC are helping both sides consolidate that progress. [a2] It should also be noted. that since the beginning of the peace process on southern Philippines, the Government of the Philippines has conscientiously cooperated with OIC. Indonesia therefore continues to urge the OIC to grant observer status to the Philippines Government, as this will demonstrate how the OIC engages and cooperates with non-member countries with Muslim minority populations. 44 The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers In closing Mr. Chairman, Five years have passed since the Extraordinary Summit in Makkah Al- Mukaramah in 2005 adopted the Ten-year Programme of Action, a blueprint for reform and enhancement of the OIC and the Muslim world. We are now in 2010, exactly half way through the implementation of the Programme of Action. We have made considerable progress. But we still need to redouble our efforts. We still need every support that we can obtain from all over the Muslim world. I am glad therefore that this spirit had guided our deliberations here in Dushanbe in the past 3 days. I thank you. Wassalamualaikum wr. wb.

Statment by the Minister of Foreign Affars of the Islamic Republic of Iran Mr. Manouchehr Mottaki

In the name of God The compassionate the merciful Mr. Chairman Honorable Ministers Distinguished Secretary General Ladies and Gentlemen At the beginning I would like to congratulate his Excellency Hamarahkhan Zarifi, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan, for his deserving election as the chairman of the 37 meeting of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers. I also wish to extend my sincere gratitude to the Government and brotherly nation of Tajikistan for hosting the present meeting and for their warm hospitality. I also thank His Excellency Mr. Walid Moalem distinguished Foreign Minister of the Arab Republic of Syria for his untiring efforts during the 36 meeting of the OIC Council of the Foreign Ministers. I extend my deepest appreciation as well to the distinguished OIC Secretary General for his endeavors to improve performance of the OIC. Mr. Chairman, Now that we are staying in a part of the Persian language speaking territory, it is appropriate to remind ourselves of Rudaki, the great Persian poet, or better to say the father of Persian poetry. Rudaki lived in the initial centuries after the advent Islam in Persian territory. He played a major role in promoting Islamic teaching and Quranic knowledge

The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers 45 in the form of Persian poetry. The following are some versus from Rudaki’s poems which of are great ethics and virtue: «Life has given me an advice so uplifting, It is full of such advice if you so looking, Do not envy other people’s fortune, As there are others who will envy you soon» Mr. Chairman, In today’s interdependent world, the promotion of regional and beyond-regional cooperation among nations strengthens their capacities and their potentials as well as actual capabilities so that various available economic, political and cultural opportunities in different regional and international arenas are put to better use. Hence, cooperation among Muslim States in different areas is indispensable for dealing with the existing challenges, pressures and treats. This is possible only be clinging to the divine tread, promoting the unity and fraternity while avoiding division. As a persistent strategy, the enemies have always been trying to create division among Muslim States in order to induce discord within the Islamic Ummah. Integration, empathy and promotion of cooperation within the Muslim world in different fields with an aim to facilitate further growth, progress, security and welfare within the Islamic Ummah, is our only leverage against this evil strategy of our enemies. The Western World is experiencing an era where it submerges in one crisis after another due to its structural problems. At the same time it tries to impose adverse consequences of such crises upon the developing world. That is why the promotion of cooperation among developing countries is widely known and accepted as a constructive and realistic strategy by all. Even the Industrialized Countries admit the developing world will take the role of the engine for the recovery of the global economy. Under such conditions, we need to exploit all existing institutions, structures, sub-structures and mechanisms available to the Muslim Countries, especially capacities of the Standing Committee for Economic Cooperation as well as the Islamic Development Bank for the promotion of the required Cooperation. In order to minimize the unfortunate consequences of the international economic crises on the economies of the Muslim States and for the purpose of using the abundant opportunities to further develop cooperation among Muslim Nations, fostering mid-tern as well as long-term planning is of outmost importance. Our collective efforts shall aim at diminishing tension elements while promoting the economic cooperation in the field of trade and investment among Muslim Countries.

46 The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers Among the measures which may assist us reduce adverse consequences of the global economic crises of the Muslim States and at same time promote and deepen their economic со operations are: - Establishing a common Islamic Market by creating institutionalized relations and widespread trade among various regional economic organizations within the Islamic World. - Establishing some clear-cut mechanisms for the promotion of the role of the private sector in trade among Muslim nations. - Establishing joint reserve funds for dealing with the aftermath of the international economic crisis, promoting financial and banking cooperation. - Establishing joint banks and developing supporting financial and technical mechanism for the promotion of investment and trade among Muslim States. I want to stress that the existence of discriminatory approaches vis-a vis the Muslim States in the international economic dispensation including the imposition of unilateral economic sanctions, existing international export control regimes as well as discriminatory measures and restrictions on the transfer of capital, equipment and technologies to the Muslim States are considered to be the main obstacles for the economic and social development of the Muslim Nation. We need to act effectively to acquire all important indicators of power in all political, economic, military, scientific and intellectual spheres so that the Muslim world turns into a power house around the World. As long as the Muslim world is not identified as a power block, it cannot reach its deserving status in the international relations and politics. Hence, it may not influence the political and security development of the world and fails to defend and protect the national interests of the Muslim States as well as the common and collective interests of the Islamic Ummah. In this respect, Muslim Nations ought to stand against all prevailing paradigms within the international, political and security structures including the Veto right in the Security Council and must call for the establishment of the real democratic and just world order based on equal and comprehensive participation of all nations. Distinguished participants, In line with the continuation of the atrocities and aggressions of the Zionists against Palestinians, the recent excavation works near the Al Aqsa Mosque, is the beginning of the new phase in their long time efforts for eliminating and destroying Palestinian Islamic cultural heritage and changing the history and the Islamic identity of the Holy Qods. The OIC as the symbol of the Muslim world should spearhead in dealing with the continuous aggressions of the Zionists against the Holy Mosque.

The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers 47 The OIC needs to seriously address the new aggression of the Zionist Regime, exploiting all its existing capacities in barring the Regime from achieving its heinous targets. In any case, the international community must intensify its efforts in order to combat the horrifying and brutal crimes of the Zionist Regime against the Palestinians, with an aim to resolve the crisis in a manner that all rights of Palestinians including their right to return to their homeland and the establishment of an independent Palestinian State in all the Palestinian territories with the Holy Qods as its capital is ensured. Such Palestinian government shall reflect the aspirations of all Palestinian Muslims, Christians and Jews, who have live side by side in peace and harmony for generations. Mr. Chairman, With respect to the situation in Iraq, we extend our full support for the achievements of the Iraqi people during the recent elections. We believe the political process shall lead to the establishment of a government based on the Iraqi constitutions. The Islamic Republic of Iran has always been supporting this process and shall continue this support in future. Nevertheless, we are very concern about the continuation of the critical situation in Iraq including blind terrorist attacks against the Iraqi people, the religious sites and gatherings as well as efforts to provoke hostilities among different tribes. We are of the opinion that the root of the Iraqi crisis lies in continued presence of the foreign forces. We, therefore, think that withdrawal of the foreign forces is a necessity for the elimination of the roots of tensions in Iraq. In Afghanistan, there are growing concern of the return of terrorism and extremism which may have destructive impacts on the peace and stability of the whole region. We think His Excellency Mr. Karzai and his government is making valuable efforts in Afghanistan and should be supported accordingly. Furthermore, in order for us to remove all excuses and grounds for extremism in this country, Afghanistan reconstruction process shall be expedited and assisted duly. Iran will continue to extend its support for Afghanistan so that it overcomes all the problems and difficulties. In the same respect, last year we hosted a summit of Heads of State of Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan to discuss issues of interest. The Summit produced the Tehran Joint Declaration, reflecting the views of the Heads of State. Mr. Chairman, One of the widespread negative propaganda against Islam is portraying a violent image of Muslims. Muslim States have repeatedly voiced their strong opposition towards acts of terrorism and massacres of innocent people. Such opposition lies 48 The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers in their religious beliefs. In many cases there were the Muslims who have been the target of violent, discriminatory and terrorist acts, even in western states. The growing trend of Islam-o-phobia in the world is one of the most important preoccupations of the Muslim world which directly affects their security. The continuation of this trend in its various forms which includes the Muslim Holy sites and Muslim figures, tarnishing bright image of Islam and Muslims and disseminating hatred and misjudgment against them is considered a serious threat against the Islamic Ummah. Cooperation of all Muslim, Muslim States and Islamic Communities is necessary in order to withstand such threat. Distinguished Participants, I deem it necessary to thank the positions of all OIC Member States in supporting the peaceful nuclear activities of my country. The Islamic Republic of Iran as a signatory of the NPT and as an active member of the international community in promoting disarmament; while observing its legal obligations, intends to enjoy it indispensable right for peaceful use of nuclear energy. None of the political pressures and double standards against the Iranian Nuclear issue, nor the passing of the resolutions by the Security Council which is done by misusing of this body and results in the damaging of its international credibility, will induce reluctance in the will of Iranian nation in enjoying this right. Under present circumstances, while emphasizing on our inalienable right for the peaceful use of the nuclear energy we intend to continue our activities within the framework of our rights and obligations based on IAEA constitution. An International Conference on Disarmament and Non proliferation under the title of «Nuclear Energy for all, Nuclear Weapons for None» was held in Tehran last month in which high officials from sixty States participated. The outcomes of this Conference as well as the proposals made by the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the NPT Review Conference in eleven articles, are all indicatives of the positive and constructive positions of the Islamic Republic of Iran in this respect. In conclusion, while hoping for further consolidation of Islamic Ummah and further promotion of their integration, I wish to emphasize the role the OIC can play in this respect by further strengthening its internal mechanisms. This Organization and its affiliated organs which thanks to the untiring efforts of its Secretary General have been put in the right path of progress and have made valuable achievements in recent year shall be used as the basic focal point for the common measures by the Muslim States. It is only through inter-Islamic cooperation of the OIC Member States that security, welfare and prosperity of all the Islamic Ummah which they so rightfully deserve, are achieved.

The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers 49 Statement by Nawabzada Malik Ahmad Khan, Minister of state for foreign affairs of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, at the thirty-seventh session of the Oic council of foreign ministers

His Excellency Mr. Hamrokhon Zarifi, Foreign Minister of Tajikistan, Professor Dr. Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu, OIC Secretary General, Excellencies, Brothers and sisters, Asslam-o-Alaikum It is a privilege for me and my delegation to be here in Tajikistan, a country with whom we have centuries old historical, cultural, intellectual, ethnic and religious ties. The serenity and beauty of Dushanbe has mesmerized us all. We are grateful to the Government and people of Tajikistan for their warm welcome and generous hospitality. Let me take this opportunity to felicitate you on your assumption of the Chairmanship of the 37th Session of the Council of Foreign Ministers. I assure you our full cooperation in making the organization more active and vibrant under your chairmanship. Our gratitude also goes to His Excellency Mr. Waleed Al-Muallim, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Syria for his able leadership as the Chairman of the 36th CFM. We greatly appreciate the contribution of Professor Dr. Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu for his consistent efforts to enhance stature of the OIC in the international community. Brothers and sisters, The 37th Session of the Council of Foreign Ministers is taking place at a time when the world, particularly the Muslim Ummah, is facing critical challenges. In this backdrop the theme of this session «Shared vision of a more secure and prosperous Islamic world» is most timely and relevant. The Muslim countries with a population of more than 1.3 billion are endowed with enormous human and material resources. Yet we are faced with problems of underdevelopment, illiteracy, poverty, unemployment, disease, conflict and terrorism. We bear the burden of largest number of refugees and internally displaced people. Our faith and religious symbols are increasingly a subject of derision and ridicule. We are suffering most at the hands of terrorists, yet we are seen as perpetrators rather than victims of terrorism. We can and must meet these huge challenges through concerted efforts and unity among our ranks. The 21st century would be dominated by innovation and competition. With our youthful population it offers us unparalleled

50 The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers opportunities. We must grab the opportunity by creating knowledge based societies. It would require priority investments in human development; science and technology and promotion and protection of human rights of all segments of society particularly women and minorities. This would ensure political stability, economic prosperity and social cohesion in our societies. We must seize the initiative and become trend setters, following in the foot steps of our worthy ancestors. Brothers and sisters, Terrorism is the most serious challenge confronting us all today. Misguided people, in the name of religion, are killing innocent men, women and children in mosques, schools, hospitals and market places. These criminals do not represent our noble faith. We wili not allow them to hijack our faith and societies. As a front line state in the on-going struggle against terrorism, Pakistan has suffered enormously both in terms of human lives and material. Our more than 2500 brave security personnel have sacrificed their lives to make the world safer for us and our children. Over 10,000 civilians have fallen victim to brutalities of terrorists. Besides, we have suffered economic losses of more than US$ 35 billion. All this has strengthened our resolve to root out this menace from our territory and the region at large. We are fully conscious that use of military force is not the enduring solution to the problem of terrorism. The Government of Pakistan, therefore, has evolved a 3D strategy comprising dialogue, development and deterrence to comprehensively deal with this scourge. Brothers and sisters, There is a need to ponder on the reasons which are making the Muslim street so restive and Muslim youth susceptible to violence and extremism. Poverty, economic deprivations and political injustices are obvious culprits. Continued foreign occupation of Muslim territories and denial of inalienable right of self- determination generate resentment, sense of helplessness and extremism leading to violence. The plight of our Palestinian brothers and sisters is a case in point. We condemn persistent violation of their fundamental rights and express our solidarity with them in the wake of continued construction of new settlements in the Occupied Territories. The desecration of the Islamic sites in the holy land must stop forthwith. Pakistan believes that basic conditions for a durable solution to the Arab-Israel conflict should be: (a) total withdrawal of Israel from occupied territories; and (b) restitution of the inalienable right of Palestinian people to have their own state, with Al-Quds Al-Sharif as its capital.

The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers 51 Brothers and sisters, Pakistan remains committed to a just and peaceful resolution of the Kashmir dispute in accordance with the Security Council Resolutions and aspirations of the people of Jammu and Kashmir. The prospects of a lasting peace in South Asia are directly linked with a just and durable solution of the Jammu and Kashmir dispute. Pakistan believes that any resolution of the dispute must be acceptable to the people of Jammu and Kashmir. We, therefore, fully support associating the true representatives of the Kashmiri people with the Pakistan-India dialogue on Jammu and Kashmir. Last month, the Prime Ministers of Pakistan and India met during the 16 SAARC Summit in Thimpu, Bhuttan. The two leaders agreed to resume the stalled dialogue process. We look forward to have meaningful dialogue with India to resolve all outstanding issues including the Kashmir dispute. Pakistan and Afghanistan enjoy close fraternal relations. Our two peoples share common roots of faith, culture and history. A stable and peaceful Afghanistan is in Pakistan’s core strategic interest. We fully support President Karzai’s initiative for national reconciliation and reintegration in Afghanistan. Pakistan has been and will continue to be an active participant in the reconstruction of Afghanistan. Pakistan supports the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Iraq, it is a matter of great satisfaction for all of us that stability is gradually returning to our brotherly country. We are deeply concerned at the continued conflict in Somalia. We support all regional and international initiatives for early return of peace and stability in Somalia. Brothers and sisters, As the second largest intergovernmental organization, the OIC needs to play a more active role in the reform of the United Nations as well as the UN Security Council. We must ensure adequate representation of the OIC Member States in any category of membership in an expanded Security Council. It is a matter of grave concern that the insidious trend of Islamophobia has been on the rise in the recent past. Political dividends reaped by Dutch extremist Geert Wilders in regional elections is encouraging extremists in other countries to resort to Islam bashing in election campaigns. Negative stereotyping of Muslim and defamation of Islam have become fashionable under the pretext of freedom of expression. Following the ban on construction of minarets of mosques in Switzerland, a Swedish radical party has published appalling and outrageous posters of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). We strongly condemn these sacrilegious posters. It has gravely hurt Muslim sentiments throughout the world.

52 The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers We appreciate efforts by the OIC Working Groups on Human Rights in New York and Geneva in support of the resolution on «Combating Defamation of Religions’». The OIC needs to follow a two-pronged strategy of closer interaction with the West to address the phenomenon of Islamophobia and defamation of Islam as well as to develop a united approach within the OIC Member States on this sensitive issue. Brothers and sisters, Pakistan is hosting two important institutions. COMSTECH is making useful contribution to scientific advancement in the Islamic world. We look forward to hosting 14l General Assembly of COMSTECH in Islamabad in December this year. Islamic Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ICCI) is also playing a pivotal role in promotion of commercial and trade relations among OIC Member States. It should be further strengthened to perform its mandated functions. Pakistan will extend every possible assistance to the Chamber in this endeavour. Pakistan remains fully committed to transforming the OIC into a revitalized, cohesive and vibrant organization. The OIC is the collective voice of the Muslim Ummah. It must be enabled to meet the challenges of 21st century. The adoption of the Revised Charter in 2008 has given the organization a new direction to bring it in sync with realities of the contemporary world. Our strength lies in promoting unity, solidarity and a strong sense of Islamic IKHWA, which are essential ingredients for our success, progress and prosperity. May Allah Almighty crown our efforts with success. Thank you and Asslam-o-Alaikum.

The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers 53 Statement of Her Excellency Dr. Dipu Moni, MP, Hon’ble Foreign Minister of Bangladesh at the 37th Conference of Foreign Ministers of the OIC

Mr. Chairman, My dear colleagues, Secretary General of the OIC, Excellencies, Ladies and gentlemen, Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullaha wa barakah. 1. At the outset, allow me to say how happy I am to be in the beautiful city of Dushanbe. We are grateful to the Government of Tajikistan for the warm hospitality given to me and my delegation and for the excellent arrangements for our meeting. 2. We also deeply appreciate that H.E. President Imomali Sharipovich Rakhmonov, very kindly graced our gathering with his presence in the opening session, and inspired us by his important speech. I extend warmest felicitations to you, Mr. Chairman, on your well deserved election. I also pay tribute to our outgoing Chair, the Foreign Minister of Syria, for ably running the affairs during the one year since our last meeting in Damascus. 3. Our special thanks go to the Secretary General for his untiring effort to transform OIC into a modern, dynamic and politically engaged organization. It now commands much more respect from far and beyond than it ever did at any time in the past. Mr. Chairman, 4. The OIC came into existence in response to a crisis. Now, after observance of its 40th anniversary, it is a moment of reflection on how much we have achieved, where we are heading for, and how fast we can attain our goals. We have come a long way since the organization came into being in 1969. It has, in these four decades, expanded its activity manifold, extending its reach beyond the immediate political need that triggered its creation. Although the initial goal remains unfulfilled, the organization’s most visible contribution now lies in the development of a sense of community among the Muslim majority states. These countries, which are home to nearly a quarter of the humanity, have an enormous range of variety in their geography, language, custom and culture. 54 The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers But this diversity is underpinned by a much deeper bond, a creed that says all human beings are created equal. We can take pride in our sense of belonging to the Ummah, an experience which is unique among the Muslim community of the globe - a type of brotherhood and bond that no other polity can claim. It is the duty of the leadership of our countries to guide and support the OIC to enhance and solidify this bond for our collective good. 5. The prestige of a community vis-a-vis others come from the unity of vision carved out of the diversity of its membership. The advancement of collective interest takes place when individual motivations are harnessed for a common purpose that includes all and ignores none. The whole community wins as a whole, and in turn this makes the individual an even bigger winner than working alone. The result thus becomes greater than the sum of its parts. 6. We need to ask ourselves if we have achieved our goals. We have not yet. But we have come a long way, and are now increasingly confident that our aims are achievable. The commonality of the purpose and the universality of the creed are at the roots of our strength. No great institution can be created in a day; it needs firm commitment and steady efforts over a sustained period. We need to redouble our commitment and support to the OIC to make it a politically empowered organization responsive to our needs. We applaud our Secretary- General for steadily steering us to that direction. We salute the most active and far sighted members of the community that are giving consistent leadership for maturation of the organization. 7. The OIC is an association of 57 diverse and sovereign nations. We all move on our individual tracks, at our own pace, and pursuing our own priorities. But our commonalities and complementarities are much stronger than our inevitable individualities. We will build on what strengthen us, and will be ready to realign our divergent approach if accommodation is needed. Many groups around the globe have accomplished visible success, even without a common strength and complementarity. We should be able to emerge as a stronger force than any of these groups. My government has thus made it a cornerstone of our foreign policy that we will work for deepening the bond and strength of our Ummah. At this meeting, when we have just celebrated the fortieth anniversary of the OIC, I believe all of us need to renew our commitment to the Organization and rededicate ourselves to its strengthening. Mr. Chairman, 8. As a community, we have many challenges to overcome. Indeed, we are nowhere near the aim for which OIC was conceived. The plight of the Palestinians in the occupied territories is aggravating every day. The Arab Peace Plan offers a golden opportunity for a just and comprehensive solution of the problems of the Middle East, and we need to pursue this in earnest. Many of our OIC members

The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers 55 are facing enormous challenges with unmanageable internal strife, ethnic tension and foreign occupation. The Organization needs to be forthcoming in assisting member countries to deal with these challenges. 9. Islamophobia is rearing its head with greater virulence and against a wider range of targets around the globe. It is ranging from obstruction to the exercise of personal modesty, to banning minarets, to traumatizing the feelings of Muslims by satirizing its holiest of figures. This reflects a persistent pattern of offensive violation of rights of free practice of faith by those who are some of the staunchest advocates of freedom and dignity of the human being. Our aim will be not to overreact, but to engage thoroughly, systematically, persuasively and patiently, with logical arguments and steady involvement, showing where such actions are prejudiced and discriminatory. If we are resolute, we should be able to show, and even convince, that unbridled tolerance to islamophobic practices is a product of irrational hatred that helps none and injures all, and has no place in any civilization. It does not create an alliance, it generates animosity; it does not build bridges, it burns them. 10. If we want to tear apart the wrong image of Islam in the Western world, it is not sufficient only to resist them. We need to prove, in our societies and through our actions, how much we value education, learning, and the pursuit of knowledge. We have been asked to seek knowledge «from the cradle to the grave.» We have been asked to «acquire knowledge even if it is to be found as distant a place as China.» And the pursuit of knowledge has been made «compulsory for each and every Muslim,» be it male or female. 11. We have often been criticized for lack of observance of human rights. We need to urgently put in place institutions that affirm human rights in Islam. The Cairo Declaration of Human Rights in Islam is an instrument adopted by OIC back in 1990, which provides an Islamic perspective of human rights with Shariah’s as its source. We need to put in place organizations for its observance. We fully support the creation of an independent Human Rights Commission in OIC, based in Jeddah. This, I am confident, will help eliminate many misperceptions about Islam and the Islamic world. 12. Although the challenges we face are numerous, many of them will disappear, even without resistance, if we become a respectable economic block. It is heartening to note that many of the OIC countries are now among the most vibrant emerging economies. They are widely regarded as exemplary models of economic progress and development. Others are endowed with unparalleled bounties and resources of nature, making the entire world dependent on them for continued global prosperity. Yet others, although not endowed with natural resources, have shown great resilience and adaptability, and are hotbeds of creative innovations. We need to pool together our combined resources and social

56 The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers creativity to emerge as a block with rising prosperity and growing economic power. 13. We have to overcome, individually and as a group, our economic marginalization, our lack of education, and our paucity of social and technical skills. We need to invest more in our citizens, societies and governance to progress faster. We have to focus our attention on poverty eradication, education and technology. Some mechanism already put in place, such as the Islamic Solidarity Fund, have enormous potential to contribute. Establishing a Free Trade Area among the OIC member states is another overarching priority. The OIC, as a maturing organization, needs to relentlessly focus on all areas of synergistic endeavours that will be of assistance to the OIC members. Mr. Chairman, 14. Bangladesh is an active member of the OIC, with a sizeable number of Muslim population. We have been able to establish many of the human rights provisions in our society while still observing principles of Shariah’s. We have invested in education, particularly in girls, and have been able to achieve full gender parity in enrolment from the last year. Our society has been able to implement that seeking knowledge and education is as much mandatory for girls as it is for boys. The leadership of women ranges from the top political to the grassroots levels. Growing empowerment of women is visible even in remote areas of the society. Our government, under the leadership of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, is determined to pursue advancement of women in economic, cultural, social and political fields, in accordance with Islamic values of justice and equity, and as agreed in the Ten Year Programme of Action in 2005. 15. I would like to conclude, Mr. Chairman, with a note of optimism. From what I’ve been seeing in my own country, and what I have been listening here from my colleagues, I feel really encouraged at the convergence of views on how to confront the challenges facing us. We must close our ranks and work in unison to redeem the respect and dignity of the Ummah around the globe. I am confident, our discussions and deliberations in Dushanbe will lead us to that end. I thank you.

The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers 57 Statement of His Royal Highness Prince Mohamed Bolkiah, Minister of foreign affairs & trade of Brunei Darussalam, at the 37th Conference of Foreign Ministers of the OIC

It is a great pleasure to be here in the heart of Central Asia and my warmest thanks to Tajikistan for their kind hospitality and at the same time my appreciation to the Syrian Arab Republic for their chairmanship over the past year. I would also especially like to congratulate President Rahmon for his warm welcome and his most inspiring keynote address. I think it comes at a very important moment for our organisation by this, of course, I mean we are half- way through our ten-year action plan and that’s why I like the theme for this meeting especially its central ideas «security and prosperity.» These are what we have been aiming at since 2005. So it’s obviously a good time now at this half-way stage to look at progress. And that’s briefly what I would like to do here. Can I, first of all, thank the Secretary-General and the Secretariat. They have given us a list of the steps they’ve taken so far a very long list, in fact over sixty of them and it makes a very impressive record. It certainly shows that the OIC is determined to make a real difference to our people’s lives. So, again, thank you very much, secretary-general and my congratulations to everyone involved. I think the work can be summed up in two broad groups. Some are administrative providing us with a strong modern infrastructure and others have been practical and aimed at improving the welfare of our people in many vital areas. Together I think they send out a very important message. It’s from our organisation to the rest of the world. It tells everyone very clearly what the OIC stands for. And this is respect, goodwill and working peacefully with all people. It also gives a lot of encouragement to our own people. It says that we are helping them meet all the great modern challenges and meet them well and have confidence in the future. As I say, Mr. Chairman, I think those are very important overall messages. They go to the heart of security and prosperity and I hope we can keep delivering them in the second half of our ten-year plan. At the same time, they also send out another message. And this one is more specific. It goes all the way back to the OIC’s founding purpose and it’sa reminder to the international community. 58 The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers It says that the OIC is indeed working hard to build security and prosperity. But it adds as firmly as ever that this must include security and prosperity for the people of Palestine in their long struggle for peace, happiness and justice. It reminds the world that our people will accept nothing less. Looking at our ten-year plan in this way I believe a great deal has been achieved so far. Of course there is still a lot to be done and, like any plan there will be disappointments as well as successes along the way. But, when it is completed I believe it will help to make globalization work well for our people. It will mean they can be more than just a part of the modern world. They will be well-equipped in their own right to contribute the richness of our faith and the strength of our values to making the world a better place for everyone. Thank you.

Speech of His Excellency Dr. Nazar bin Ubaid Madani, State Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia on the 37th session of Foreign Ministers Council of the Organization of Islamic Conference

Bismillahi Rahmanir-Rahim, Alhamdu lil-Lahi Rabbi-l-‘Alamin…………allazi jama’a faa’wa wallazi kadara fahuda wallazi rasama lana al-Jada wa anara lana as-sabila, was-salatu was-salamu ‘ala Asrafu-l-Anbiia’ wal-Mursilin Sayidina wa Nabiyina Muhammadinil-Mab’us rahmatu lil-‘Alamin wa ala alihi wa suhubihi ajma’yin Your Excellency Mr. Hamrokhon Zarifi, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan, Your Excellencies - Heads of Delegations, Your Excellency, Professor Ekmeleddin IHSANOGLU, Secretary General of the Organization of Islamic Conference, Dear brothers, As-salamu aleikum wa rahmatul-Lahi wa barakatuhu At the outset, it gives me great pleasure to express my sincere appreciation to the President, Government and people of the Republic of Tajikistan for the warm reception and great hospitality, as well as for the successful measures and

The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers 59 efforts, which they have made and are making for the success of this session. Also, I would like to express my sincere congratulations to Your Excellency, Mr. Chairman on your election to the Chairman over this session. I am confident that, with the permission of Allah, your wisdom, knowledge and experience will help us to achieve the goals have been declared and to the implementation of which we all aspire. At the same time, I would like to express my appreciation to His Excellency, Waleed al-Mo’allem - Minister of Foreign Affairs of the brotherly Syrian Arab Republic for the effective efforts in the promotion of the activity of our Council over the past year. Also, I am pleased to express my high appreciation to His Excellency Emomali Rahmon, President of the Republic of Tajikistan for addressed by him deep meaning Speech, which contained a profound view and valuable ideas in the interest of our common Islamic affairs and activities. I take this opportunity to note the good efforts have been made and being exerted by H.E. Professor Ekmeleddin IHSANOGLU, Secretary General of the Organization and his assistants as well as the General Secretariat for the tireless work together for the prosperity of the Organization and implementation of its noble goals. Dear participants, The holding of this meeting today in this important part of the Islamic world indicates the growing importance of Islamic solidarity and the increasing role of the OIC which have, with the permission of Allah, achieved many successes in the field of joint Islamic Affairs. The most obvious of these, which played a key role in the development of the activity of the Organization may be are the adoption of the Ten-Year Programmer of Action for the Islamic Ummah in the Extraordinary Summit held in Mecca in 2005 and the new Charter of the Organization adopted in 11-th Islamic Summit held in Dakar, the capital of Senegal. We should also point to other measures is complementing this solid base - it is the establishment of some specialized organizations and commissions of the Organization, such as the Organization for Gender development in Islamic countries, the Independent Human Rights Commission and the draft of rules of the activity of the Organization as an observer, which is included for the discussion in the Agenda of the Session. Therefore, we should take great efforts to strengthen these achievements, as well as to promote, respectively and adequately present stage of our lives and international changes we are witnessing now, the development of the Organization in order to counter the new threats of the 21-th Century and their reflection on our Islamic Ummah. In this context, it seems to me appropriate to point out that the role of the Organization is largely determined by the degree of the responsibility of its members for those decisions, programs and plans that have been taken within

60 The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers its framework. In particular, it concerns the question of adopting a common position of Member States in international fora with respect to the major challenges facing the Islamic world, headed by the Cause of Palestine, as well as decisions relating to the defamation of religions and their sanctities. Your Excellencies, The challenges faced by our Islamic world are transnational and multidimensional, and we believe that their absolute majority is a threat to the present and future of our Umma. These threats, enveloped in the body of our Umma, deprive of its forces and push others to commit aggression against its security and lands, to discredit its shrines and disrespect for its cultural and religious values. On the basis of sequence selfish interests between our countries, as well as within our communities have continued contradictions and disagreements the breeding grounds of that are the differences as nationalist and religious character, as personal ambitions. Where we are from the requirements of the Almighty Allah, who says: «Truly, your Ummah is united» and «Be in solidarity by the will of Allah, and never seek separation». Today, we especially need to openly and directly ask each other: «What was the situation of our Ummah, and what it is today, where we go next?» We should to identify what unites us and what divides us, and on this basis with a common position and one voice to defend the affairs and interests of our peoples. From this perspective, we should strive to eliminate the profound barriers that exist between our religion calls for unity and undivided and the situation in which we are today. It is the responsibility that now rests on the shoulders of our nations and our peoples, a responsibility that must be borne by our scientists and thinkers and our media workers. Moreover, that responsibility is the duty of our young people and the duty of every member of our communities and countries. We should take forward our Ummah through the dissemination of the teachings of Islam and the implementation of those values and high principles to which pure Islam religion calls us as well as through the linking tolerant nature of religion with the problems and aspirations of the people in order to help him in the settlement of what they encounter at the crossroads of life as well as in order to became our Ummah the best, as Allah requires us. We urgently need to reform our cases are not in response to the demands of the external factor, but in accordance with the requirements of our situation and our intentions to develop and progress of our countries. We should start with the internal changes, as Allah the Almighty tells «Verily, Allah does not change anything in the people, yet people do not implement these changes in themselves». We should first change ourself in order to achieve a balance

The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers 61 between the foundation of our religion and the changes of our time. We should take the past and not remain aloof from the modern for the benefit of progress. Our Umma deserves a more dignified future and deserves to become a leader of all Ummas, as wants it Allah Almighty. We urgently need to revive the comprehensive progress and making sustained efforts for economic development. It can be achieved through appropriate economic policies, through the exchange of knowledge and experience in technology and the opening of the resources and products, which have of our country, by removing the obstacles that stand in front of our progress and limit the exercise of our capacities in the international markets. This is the only way for us, which allows our Ummah to be a proud and capable of progress and innovation. This is the path which, as history shows, allows our Ummah to contribute to the construction of civilization and to do good to people. Your Excellencies, Brothers and sisters, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia as a Custodian of the two Holy Mosques hopes that during this session will be developed policies and mechanisms that have the goal to orient contemporary Islamic appeal to the middle ground that serves as the unification of Islamic views in the framework of tolerance on the basis of the denial of extremism and radicalism in the whole space Islamic world, as well as in our relationships and connections with others. And it is for the implementation of the following purposes: • The demonstration of the true face of Islam and its principles, which are based on the principles of tolerance, centrism, peace, and justice and mercy. • Harmonization of Islamic values and principles with high human values in the light of the truth that all human values are the same. • Demonstrating the principles of Islam in the recognition and respect for cultural and religious diversity and their practical application in relations with other throughout history. • Clarification that Islam condemns Nazism and extremism in all its forms and manifestations. Praising of tolerant and centrist values spread a culture of peace and friendship throughout the world. Your Excellencies, We have numerous problems, different challenges and we face many threats. But, the problem of Palestine is the first line in the list of problems and challenges and is considered key to peace and security and stability in the Middle East.

62 The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers The problem of Palestine - is the problem of people who have for a long time been suffering and hopes to build on their land their own state with its capital in the al-Quds al-Sharif, in the city, that is forever linked hearts of all Muslims as a place of Isra of the last Prophet, in the city which continues to be the first of two Qibla of Muslims and their third Holy Place with the of Al-Aqsa Mosque. In this regard, we appreciate the role played by the Committee for al-Quds, headed by His Highness the King of the brotherly Kingdom of Maghreb Al- Malik Muhammad YI. Now is the time to put an end to the suffering of the Palestinian people so that he could establish their own state and, as all other peoples of the world, to exercise their legitimate rights. Also, it is time for Israel to realize that it is facing the moment of truth: either accepts the peace and take advantage of it, or continue its aggression and not to forget that who strengthens the wind seeks a hurricane. Your Excellencies, We, in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia consider ourself an inseparable part of Arab and Islamic Ummah, and with it we are bound by strong ties of kinship and ideology as well as historical factors and the generality of our fates. Problems, aims and aspirations of the Ummah are also our problems, aims and aspirations. The position of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for the current problems of the Arab and Islamic Ummah is known and it has been repeatedly stressed from the rostrum various international forums and events. Its essence is to provide all possible assistance and support to the process of their full and peaceful settlement in accordance with international law based on justice and equality. Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is also constantly strived to maintain the mentality of the Ummah and protect its Affairs and Interests, as well as to resist the separatism, intrigue and confrontation challenges that threaten the existence of Umma. At the head of these threats is standing the increasing the level of fomenting discord between the currents of Islam and inter ethnical conflicts in various points in our Islamic world. We understand that extremism is fragmented and extremists are a minority among the Muslim Ummah. However, in our view, all Islamic countries should realize the threat of extremism and inciting inter ethnical conflict and strife between religious currents within the Muslim community as they pose a considerable and extensive damage to all without exception. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, recognizing the seriousness of these threats, is making efforts to prevent interference in the internal affairs of other states and is building at the same level its relationships with all the equivalent currents, branches and ethnic groups that comprise the other States, is constantly urging the regions in which there is disunity and conflict to peace, dialogue and mutual understanding. The Custodian of the two Holy Mosques Malik Abdullah Bin

The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers 63 Abd-el-Aziz said the following on one of the Islamic Summit: «We should bring order to the «Islamic home» inside and this case is paramount in our efforts to the promotion and development of Umma. We can not ensure peace in the «Muslim house», not distinguishing clearly the differences between Disagreement and Contradiction. Disagreement this is one of the of Allah’s Sunna, prescribed by his land. Whereas, any Contradiction between Muslims in matters of Ijtihad, or political issues should not go beyond those frameworks that are set for it. For example, to natural problems should be treated with wisdom, calmness and patience in order to prevent them from growing to the point where they are transformed into bloody conflicts that absorb all that is green and all that is dry» I ask Allah the Almighty and Merciful success and unity of our Ummah, and conclude my Speech with an appeal “Praise the Lord of all worlds”. As-Salamu alaikum wa rahmatu-l-Lahi wa barakatuhu.

Speech of H.E. Mr. Kanat Saudabayev, Secretary State - Minister of foreign affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Bismillahi Ar-Rahmanir Ar-Rahim! Dear Mr. President, Dear Mr. Secretary-General, Dear forum participants, It gives me great pleasure to congratulate the brotherly Republic of Tajikistan with the Chairmanship of the 37th Council of Foreign Ministers Organization of the Islamic Conference. We sincerely welcome the fact that centuries-old history of the Tajik people in the heart of the Islamic World, the contribution of his glorious sons to the world’s civilization is reflected in the active role of contemporary Tajikistan and the leadership of His Excellency President Mr.Emomali Rakhmon in the OIC. I would like to express some words of gratitude to His Excellency the OIC Secretary General, Professor Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu, for his tireless efforts towards the unification of the Ummah and its role in the international fora - they finding our support and express our solidarity.

64 The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers Dear Colleagues, The topic of our meeting - «Shared Vision of a More Secure And Prosperous Islamic World» - capacitance reflects the political will of our states to consolidated appeals for the common good of the Ummah. We must respond to the challenges by creating a new security paradigm based on the principles of openness, mutual respect, tolerance and understanding. The Islamic Ummah must also actively participate in resolving the most acute problems of today, claiming his interests in the emerging new world order of the XXI century. These steps should be accompanied by a parallel process of internal renovation - economic and technological, social and political - both at the national level and throughout the Ummah. Dear Chairman, Kazakhstan, which is a unique society of non-discrimination and tolerance, by the example of successful socio-economic and socio-political development under the outstanding leadership of its first President Mr. Nursultan Nazarbayev is actively promoting the idea of dialogue among civilizations in the international fora. The successful experience of maintaining peace and harmony in the country where there are representatives of 130 nationalities and 46 confessions, we project on the foreign policy, whose top priorities are preventing the emergence of new dividing lines, multidirectional and partnerships, international cooperation to combat threats and challenges and promote inter-civilization dialogue. In this context, Kazakhstan initiated an unique Congress of World and Traditional Religions which due to including the participation of religious leaders of Islam have gained recognition as an effective platform for dialogue to promote peace and harmony on the planet. Moreover, our joint efforts the UN General Assembly proclaimed 2010 as the International Year of Rapprochement of Cultures. In 2008 communication spiritual leaders have been completed a dialogue at a high political level, when the ministerial meeting in Astana for the first time managed to bring together representatives of more than 60 countries of the Muslim world and the West. An active foreign policy of Kazakhstan opens up new opportunities for strengthening and expanding the dialogue of the international structures and the Islamic World. Dear Mr. President, So, today, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe for the first time is headed by a Muslim state - the Republic of Kazakhstan and today

The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers 65 I stand before you as well as the Chairman of this authoritative international organization. Special attention to the OSCE on Islamophobia and the oppression of Muslims Personal is paying by Representative of the Chairman to combat intolerance and discrimination against Muslims. I think it is time to develop full-scale inter- institutional cooperation of the OIC and the OSCE. Issues of security and confidence-building measures in Asia are discussed in the framework established by the initiative of Kazakhstan, the Conference on Interaction and Confidence-Building Measures in Asia, the third Summit meeting on 8th June, 2010 in Istanbul will gather leaders of 22 non-members and 10 observer countries. In this representative forum I would like to thank the members of the OIC for the active participation and support of the CICA, as well as to welcome our overall view on the issues of strengthening security and confidence-building measures in Asia. In this regard, the logical step would be to join of the OIC in the CICA as an observer. Dear Colleagues, As a representative of the country to voluntarily renounce the forth largest nuclear missile arsenal in the world, express our strong support for the efforts of the OIC to address one of the most important challenges of our time - nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament. At the Global Summit on Nuclear Safety in Washington in April President Nursultan Nazarbayev proposed to include in the global agenda for the reduction and elimination of tactical nuclear weapons, as well as to develop a new universal treaty on general horizontal and vertical nuclear proliferation. At the same time, we support the inalienable right of each Member State to the NPT to develop and use peaceful nuclear energy based on compliance with all requirements of the IAEA. To this end, Kazakhstan is the largest producer of uranium and possessing a capacity for processing highly enriched uranium to low enriched form, ready to accommodate international nuclear fuel bank under IAEA auspices in its territory. Dear forum participants, Implementation of the OIC Ministerial Conference in Dushanbe has historical significance for our region and will give a powerful impetus to the process of closer integration of 60 million Muslims of Central Asia and the Islamic world. Central Asia, with the richest natural resources important geo-strategic position is one of the most important areas of modern world politics, the stability of which depend the stability on a global scale.

66 The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers Convincing evidence of this were the tragic events in Kyrgyzstan in early April this year. Kazakhstan immediately joined in the settlement of the crisis in the sister country. And here is fully manifested the personal authority of H.E. President Nursultan Nazarbayev, who worked tirelessly during the crisis to end the standoff in the interests of the people of Kyrgyzstan, peace and security in the region. As a result of joint efforts of Presidents N.Nazarbayev, B.Obama and D.Medvedev, with the active mediation of the OSCE, the UN and the EU managed to prevent the escalation of violence and avert civil war in this country. Potential security threats to Central Asia are also connected and the instability of the situation in Afghanistan. Although the military operation forces of the international coalition against the Taliban has led to a marked decrease in direct terrorist threat to the countries of Central Asia today is obvious dead end of a military solution to the Afghan problem. Assistance in the transferring society from the armed confrontation into constructive rails - that now need in Afghanistan. And our fraternal duty - to provide system support to Kyrgyzstan and Afghanistan, so that the peoples of these countries could independently pursue their development. In my opinion, it is time to take long-term program of financial-economic assistance of the OIC to that the least developed countries in the region. Kazakhstan is aware of its responsibility for a stable and progressive development of the Central Asian region and provides all possible assistance to neighbors. I arrived at the Forum from Kabul, where I discussed issues of further assistance, in particular, and the implementation of the Kazakh-Afghan agreement on the preparation of thousands of Afghan professionals in educational institutions of Kazakhstan, in which Astana allocated 50 million US dollars. We also render all possible assistance to the Temporary Government of the Kyrgyz Republic. Dear Colleagues, In terms of overcoming the consequences of the gravest in the modern history of the global crisis of economic, financial, technological competitiveness of our countries are particularly important. In this regard, we propose to the Islamic Development Bank to upgrade its strategic goals in favor of greater participation in the industrial-innovative development of member countries, encourage trade and economic cooperation. I note that the stability of the Islamic financial system in a period of global upheaval inspired Kazakhstan to be the first in the CIS to provide the legislative framework and to begin the development of Islamic finance.

The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers 67 Security and prosperity in the Muslim world will also contribute to the development of our cultural and humanitarian ties. Therefore I would like to call for the opening in Astana, world-class universities under the personal conducting supervision by H.E. President N.Nazarbayev, which will educate professionals in various technologies: biological, chemical, space, medical, engineering. Propose that the OIC Secretariat and donor States to consider appointing a special scholarship to study at the University of N.Nazarbayev to the students from OIC member States. Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen, In middle of 2011 Kazakhstan will chair the Council of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of OIC. We are ready to exert all our strength and opportunities for progress and development of the Ummah, to strengthen political, economic and cultural ties within the Muslim community. In this regard, we intend to make the most of the recommendations of the mid-term review of the 10-year OIC Plan of Action. We also donate 1 million US dollars to the Islamic Solidarity and Development Foundation. In concluding of my speech, let me reassure those present in the firm commitment of Kazakhstan to further strengthen and develop cooperation with Muslim countries. Only together we can make the Islamic word progressive and prosperous. Thank you for your attention!

Dr Abdulaziz Othman Altwaijri Director General of the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO) Address at the 37thMeeting of the Council of Foreign Ministers of the Organization of the Islamic Conference

Excellency President of the 37th session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers, Excellency Secretary General of the Organization of the Islamic Conference, Excellencies heads of delegation,

68 The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers Excellencies, Ladies and gentlemen, Assalamu alaikum Warahmatullahu Wa Barakatuhu. I am very much pleased to address you at this yearly meeting as part of joint Islamic action. Allow me to first thank our hosts the president, government and people of Tajikistan for their warmth and hospitality in this city which we are celebrating as this year’s capital of Islamic culture. Allah the Almighty I ask to grant success to the leaders of all member states in their efforts to steer our glorious Muslim Ummah towards greater security, prosperity and solidarity. Excellencies, Ladies and gentlemen, The joint Islamic action has expanded to larger areas, with the adoption of the amended Charter of the OIC on the occasion of the 11th Islamic Summit Conference in Dakar. It is clear that this has placed new issues of increasing complexity high on the agenda of the OIC Foreign Ministers’ Council. With such significant expansion comes the need to establish priority areas inour present and future plans towards comprehensive, sustainable development and prosperity for the whole Islamic world. «Shared Vision of a More Secure and Prosperous Islamic World», such is the vital theme chosen for this session of the Council of Foreign Ministers of the OIC Member States. Security, in its entirety, is seen in much the same way as prosperity - both as closely interrelated and as equally important for the entire Muslim world. Following from this, a shared vision is accepted as both a key to and a fruit of successful joint Islamic action and solidarity. Security and peace in the world can only first be obtained through human mind. This much is clear - building human beings is a factor of importance in education, hence the priority attention that should be accorded to this issue in Member States’ national policies. Promoting humankind, by means of joint Islamic action, is at the core of the mission we are undertaking at ISESCO to advance human civilization and achievement. Our main efforts have been concentrated on: a) promoting cooperation among Member States in education, science, culture and communication, in conformity with the core values of Islamic thought, b) stimulating cultural interaction towards greater openness to Member States’ cultural diversity, without suppressing local specificities and independence of thought, c) promoting common integration and coordination both within OIC specialised organs and within ISESCO Member States in areas of education, science, culture and communication, and d) strengthening cooperation and partnership with governmental and non- governmental institutions sharing the same interest, inside and outside the Member States.

The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers 69 Our purpose, clearly, is to help revitalise the Muslim world, enlarge prospects for Muslim societies, and achieve integrated economic growth and social development towards greater security and prosperity for the entire world. Your Excellency the President, Your Excellencies, Ladies and gentlemen, At this current stage, the Islamic world is faced with the challenges of acquiring the objective conditions for access to knowledge society and shift from traditional economy to knowledge economy, in line with international criteria and modern concepts and principles. Shaping a knowledge society rests on quality education, which results from an overhaul of the education system. Access to a knowledge society, with all the prospects this opens wide for economic prosperity, rides on good, balanced education and modernized scientific research. The shaping of the future of the Islamic world should therefore rest on science, knowledge and renewal in the various sectors of life, with a view to achieving an advanced, far- reaching educational and scientific progress. ISESCO, by dint of the wealth of experience it has over a quarter of a century and its openness to international horizons as part of a broad network of cooperation and partnership, is confident that the progress of the Islamic Ummah inthe areas of science, technology and economy hinges on the efforts made to achieve an integrated, renewed education, which constitutes the safest gateway to the future. I seize this opportunity to invite the Islamic world, through the Council of the OIC Foreign Ministers, to take further interest in education issues and put them high on the agenda of governments, as well as the economic, cultural and media institutions. Support from local community sectors is all the more necessary as governments cannot by their own assume the heavy duties of this vital field. We are all in this together because the issue of education in the Islamic world is a real challenge whose implications cannot be resolved unless all Member States pull together and demonstrate solid Islamic solidarity as part of the OIC. Your Excellency the President, Excellencies, Ladies and gentlemen, In these difficult times, we need to tackle the major challenges facing the Islamic Ummah, chief among which is the Israeli occupation of the Arab territories in Palestine, the Golan and Southern Lebanon; the continuous judaization of Al Quds Al Sharif; the deadly conflicts in some member states and the spread of the hate of Islam and Muslims and the defamation of Islam in a number of western countries. However, while these challenges are immense and demanding

70 The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers painstaking efforts, they should in no case override the crucial issue of security and prosperity, which constitutes the theme of this current session of our Council. This can only be achieved through solidarity and mutual assistance and unity of rank in the face of these ever-increasing challenges. As I said before, security is an integrated system where the legal and criminal, economic and industrial, water and food, and the psychological and social aspects are all interconnected. The cornerstone of all these aspects is the building of Man, which starts by education. Such is the mission assumed by ISESCO and which requires from the honourable Council further support and assistance in this and other sessions. Thank you for your attention. I ask Almighty Allah to guide our steps, for the good of our Ummah and humanity at large, and inspire us with wisdom in words and deeds.

Remarks of Rashad Hussain, U.S. Special Envoy at the OIC 37th session of the OIC Council of foreign Mnisters

Assalamu alaykum. Secretary General Ihsanoglu, Honorable Ministers, and Distinguished Delegates of the 37th session of the Council of Foreign Ministers of the Organization of the Islamic Conference, I extend my deepest gratitude for you invitation to participate in this historic event. This year the OIC will make great strides toward achieving the goals set forward in its 10-year plan. You will inaugurate a new Secretariat for Human Rights and center for Women’s Development, fully demonstrating the keen interest the Islamic world has in the promotion of human and women’s rights. The U.S. congratulates you on these achievements. I was recently appointed by President Obama as his Special Envoy to the Organization of the Islamic Conference, and I am deeply honored and humbled to serve in this role. I am the product of the American Muslim community - a community of nearly 7 million people and one that has prospered in all fields. It is also a community that practices its faith freely in the United States. Since the President’s election, I have served on the President’s legal team, observing first hand and contributing to his commitment to renewing relations with Muslim communities around the world. He began this process in his inaugural speech and continued it by giving one of his first television interviews to al-Arabiya. The President also immediately began addressing a key source of tension between the US and Muslim communities by appointing Senator Mitchell as his Special Envoy to the Middle East on his second day in office. In the first months of the Administration, he travelled to

The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers 71 Ankara, Turkey and then to Cairo, Egypt, where he laid out a comprehensive framework for engaging Muslim communities. The President emphasized that America and Islam are not exclusive, but share common principles of justice and progress, tolerance and the dignity of all human beings. He described in detail Islam’s tradition of tolerance, and the importance of freedom of religion. He asked us to recognize our common humanity and seek common ground. He emphasized that our commitment to these principles will be judged by our actions, not our words. This vision has informed our foreign policy in a number of ways. This Administration recognizes the urgency and importance of resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and is absolutely committed to the overall goalof a comprehensive peace in the Middle East, with two states living side by side in peace and security. Although there may continue to be ups and downs, the President and the United States will continue to be persistent on this issue. We will not waver in seeking peace and we will not walk away from this challenge. The President has also articulated a clear strategy for Afghanistan that combines a military strategy to break the Taliban’s momentum and increase Afghanistan’s capacity, as well as a civilian strategy, because we recognize that «military power alone is not going to solve the problems in Afghanistan and Pakistan.» We have focused on increasing our engagement and our foreign assistance commitments to help build opportunity and brighter futures for the Afghan and Pakistani people. We are also committed to end the war in Iraq responsibly and to transform our relationship with Iraq, from one focused on security to a civilian-led partnership based on shared interests. The President’s commitment to engagement extends to those with whom are relations are strained. The Obama Administration embarked on a full effort to engage the Iranian government in direct diplomacy to address the issues that divide us, including the first high-level meeting between U.S. and Iranian officials in over 30 years. And, if his nominee is confirmed by the Senate, President Obama will be sending the first ambassador to Syria since 2005, not to signal acceptance of Syrian policies, but to open a channel of communication to address our concerns directly. It is incumbent upon all countries to behave in a responsible manner to promote peace and stability, and to live up to their international obligations. We expect this of ourselves and ask it of others. In Cairo, the President has also repeatedly emphasized that violent extremism has no place in Islam and is rejected by its holy texts. In doing so, he quoted a famous verse of the Quran, which equates the murder of any innocent person with the killing of all humanity. He did so after the massacre at Fort Hood in Texas, where he noted that no faith accepts such acts, and that the killer will face justice in this life and the next. After the attempted attack on the 25th of December, he 72 The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers also reiterated this message, noting that the vast majority of victims of terrorism are Muslims. Despite these attacks, and the recent attempt in Times Square, the President has reaffirmed our commitment to engaging Muslim communities all over the world, and we will not let a group of extremists take us off this course. We must continue to work together to end violent extremism, and in doing so, we must recognize that U.S. policies cannot be blamed for this violence. The overwhelming majority of victims of terrorism are Muslims. How can anyone blame U.S. policy for the decision to attack fellow Muslims on Friday prayer? How can anyone justify going on a plane and killing other innocent individuals – both non-Muslim and Muslim - without any doubt in his heart that this is a sinful act that will result in their spiritual, as well as their physical, destruction? It is our duty to eradicate this ideology completely and blaming the foreign policy of any country is not the answer. No policy grievance justifies the slaughter of innocent people. The President’s vision, of course, is a comprehensive one that is not based exclusively on political conflict or violent extremism, but is a framework built on the premise that people all around the world share the same fundamental concerns- their ability to pursue opportunities, take care of their families, and have access to fundamental resources such as education and health care. That is why the President has a long term strategic vision that recognizes that once we have solutions to major political conflicts, it will be important to have created partnerships in these other important areas that will allow us to maximize prosperity. In the areas of education, we are committed to expanding opportunities for students from Muslim communities to visit and study in the U.S. We are also encouraging American students to study abroad in Muslim-majority countries. Partnering with Muslim communities to foster economic growth is also vital to the President’s vision for a new beginning - promoting entrepreneurship is the cornerstone of this effort. The President’s Entrepreneurship Summit was held last month, bringing together close to 300 successful entrepreneurs from more than fifty countries. It highlighted the importance of entrepreneurship, job creation and community development and identified ways to advance economic and social entrepreneurship. It also worked to build networks among stakeholders in entrepreneurship and provided an opportunity to establish partnerships that advance entrepreneurship. We thank the Government of Turkey for its commitment to host next year’s entrepreneurship summit in Istanbul. We also encourage the Turkish Government to partner with the OIC and other stakeholders to initiate a dual-track to the summit, which will specifically address the role governments play in shaping the conditions for entrepreneurship to flourish.

The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers 73 On science and technology, the Overseas Private Investment Corporation has issued a call for proposals for funds to support private sector investments that promote access to and growth of technology. These funds will invest hundreds of millions of dollars in companies that address areas such as technology, education, telecom, media, business services and financial technology, and clean-tech. The U.S. has also established a new Science Envoys program, which sends prominent U.S. scientists overseas. And the envoys have already traveled to many of countries. Global Health is an area in which the U.S. has been working directly with the OIC Secretariat and its member states. In Cairo, the President announced a new initiative to work with the OIC to eradicate polio. We have had tremendous successes in three OIC countries (Afghanistan, Nigeria, and Pakistan) where polio is endemic, and in India, where it disproportionately affects Muslim communities where my family comes from, Bihar and U.P. Polio knows no boundaries, and countries that were once rid of the disease have faced new cases, including in Senegal, Mauritania, Sierra Leone, Guinea, Mali, Niger, Burkina Faso, Chad, and right here in Tajikistan, where recently 500 new cases have been reported. This is an emergency that we must come together immediately to address. We must continue vaccination campaigns to protect our communities and to bring an end to polio once and for all. I came here from the World health Assembly in Geneva, where we convened an unprecedented meeting with the Secretary of Health and Human Services and the Health Ministers from all OIC countries. We reaffirmed our commitment to polio eradication and are developing ways to move forward on initiatives to enhance maternal and child health. We also welcomed the decision of Pakistan to convene a meeting of the four polio endemic countries, including India. In Cairo, the President also spoke about the importance of promoting Interfaith engagement. He said that tolerance is essential for religion to thrive and that freedom of religion is central to the ability of peoples to live together. We are carrying out his vision, including through the recently convened U.S.-Indonesia Interfaith Conference in Jakarta, which brought together faith leaders from eight countries and leaders from the private sector and civil society to work together on common projects that will have an impact on their communities, including in the areas of poverty eradication, environment, education, and governance. We are also working on the issues of religious intolerance and discrimination at the UN. The United States would like to reach agreement with the OIC on an alternative to the defamation of religion resolution at the UN that addresses the problems of intolerance and discrimination. There is much that we agree on. The United States encourages respect for all religions and as a general matter discourages speech that is offensive. Moreover, we have seen first-hand the discrimination and violence that can be exacerbated by intolerance towards and

74 The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers fear of persons with different religious faiths. Measures taken by governments to unduly control religious dress or symbols like the hijab and minarets are offensive and wrong. In the United States, women wear the hijab freely and we gather for prayers and religious discussion without any restrictions. On a personal side note, as a frequent traveler, I often like to make my mandatory prayers in the back of the airplane. I have never encountered difficulties in doing so on an American airline. Unfortunately, while traveling in Muslim countries, I have sometimes been told by Muslim staff that praying in the plane would be too difficult – I’ve once even been told that doing so would be haram due to the presence of alcoholic beverages on the plane. I’ve never experienced such resistance in America. On the issues of targeting religions, while we are also deeply concerned by hate speech that denigrates venerable figures such as the Prophet Muhammad, one area of negotiation that remains on the resolution is whether governments should place legal restrictions on speech. It has been my observation that doing so is counter-productive. The examples of the Satanic Verses and the Danish cartoons demonstrate that attempts to prohibit speech merely raise the profile of these depictions and make them more widespread. The cartoon ban led to the creation of a “Draw Muhammad” Facebook page. In the age of the Internet, governments cannot stop these pages from popping up. Attempting to shut down these pages will likely lead their authors to move their messages to other places such as MySpace or YouTube. Will governments shut down all these sites? And when they are unable or unwilling to do so, won’t they look weak for not being able enforce the speech restrictions they have put in place. This is why I believe that the resolution as it stands is actually bad for Muslims and Muslim-majority countries. An alternative approach which supports free speech and freedom of religion, while condemning negative racial and religious stereotyping and actions by individuals, provides a better way forward. We surely serve the interests of Muslim and other religious minorities better by developing a resolution which has wide-spread support and ensures that this respect is afforded to members of all religions and religious ideologies. I ask each of you to work with the United States to find common ground on this issue, as we have a common view on the importance of combating discrimination and promoting tolerance. As I move forward in my position, I will be focusing on engaging the OIC and its member-states as a partner in all the areas I have outlined. I will continue to reach out to Muslim communities around the world. Our relationship with the OIC is vital to this effort, as it serves as a foundation for sharing common interests and setting common goals. We understand that change will not happen overnight, and that success in this arena will be measured in terms of the quality, impact, and longevity of our

The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers 75 partnerships, and the effectiveness of our policies. That said, the United States is deeply committed to realizing the President’s vision of a new beginning. We are implementing a government-wide approach, engaging not only the Department of State, but also the Department of Labor, the Department of Education, USAID, the Department of Commerce, the Department of Health and Human Services, the Department of Energy, the Small Business Administration and others to works towards developing true partnerships based on mutual respect, mutual interest, and mutual responsibility. It has been nearly a year since the President’s speech in Cairo and we are taking concrete actions to address the political conflicts I have mentioned, and have also created partnerships in a number of areas of mutual interest. I am confident that when we look back on the this Administration’s tenure, we will see it as a time that that United States achieved breakthroughs to political conflicts, some of them decades old. We will also look back on a time, God willing, that we worked together to create meaningful, successful partnerships in areas we have shared interests – a time we seeded a number of programs that produced real change for many years. And we will see it as a time that the United States and Muslim communities came together to achieve peace and prosperity for ourselves and future generations. Thank you. Assalamu alaykum.

Remarks by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan Mr. Hamrokhon Zarifi at the Brainstorming Session “Central Asia and the Muslim World: Strategic Vision for Solidarity”

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim Your Excellency, Secretary General Distinguished Head of Delegations, Assalomu Alaikum Warahmatu Lahu Wabarakatuh Since the early 90s of the last century, when the countries of the former Soviet Union became independent, a new stage began in the relations of Central Asia with the Muslim world. On the one hand, affiliation of five Central Asian countries to the OIChas expanded the geography of its activity and on the other hand, these new member states of the Organization have inspired a new shape and power to promote and protect the interests of Muslim Ummah in international arena.

76 The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers As we obviously see today, the Organization of the Islamic Conference is the most universal and all-embracing institution, since it represents the objectives and expectations of Muslim Ummah. What are the advantages of cooperation between the Central Asia and the Muslim World? 1) It can revive a historic role in «Mawaraunnahr» region, whose great and outstanding sons, such as Imam Bukhari, Imam Termizi, Imam A’zam Abuhanifa Nu’man, Abulays Samarqandi, Sheikh-ur-rais Ibn Sino, Aburayhon Beruni and many other prominent scientists made an invaluable contribution to the development of science and culture. 2) Particular attention to and support of the region, as well as solidarity and results-based cooperation in coping with the socio-economic development challenges. 3) Attraction of investment for joint processing and utilization of plentiful natural resources, including oil and gas, minerals, abundant opportunities of renewable energy, particularly, hydro-power plants. 4) Using the potential of the region to give an utmost attention to the challenges in neighboring Afghanistan and inspired by the precepts of holy Qur’an to enhance Islamic solidarity in this war-ravaged country, to make a remarkable contribution to socio-economic rehabilitation of this country. I am convinced that our Muslim brothers in devastated areas looking forward that we will stretch a strong helping hand. We cannot let Afghan and other Muslim brothers’ light be shut out. We, the nations of this region welcome the growing attention and do hope that these benign intentions will be implemented in future in line with mutual interests of both Central Asia and the Muslim World.

Closing remarks by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan H.E. Mr. Hamrokhon Zarifi at the 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers

Your Excellency, Secretary General, Distinguished Head of Delegations, Ladies and Gentlemen, Subhanahu wa ta’ala, the 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers will come to an end in a few minutes. We have adopted the Dushanbe Declaration which covers all aspects of a three-day joint work and reflects our

The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers 77 commitments in further initiatives towards strengthening the solidarity, mutual understanding and fruitful cooperation for the sake of common progress and sustainable development of Islamic countries. Active participation of the esteemed delegations, valuable and substantial statements have indeed created a constructive atmosphere for adoption of a range of crucial socio- economic, political and humanitarian resolutions that represent dreams and expectations of the Muslim Ummah. In this regard, it is a matter of deep satisfaction that comprehensive views of His Excellency Emomali Rahmon, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan expressed at the opening Session assessed as an important guidance on implementing the goals and strategic commitments of our Organization, in particular in the implementation of the OIC Ten-Year Programme of Action. We are almost halfway through since the adoption of the Ten Year Programme of Action during the 3rd Extraordinary Session in Makkah Al Mukarramah. In our deliberations, we focused on our achievements and failures over these years. As we suffering today the malaise of insufficient human development and inadequate education it is in our firm interest to take bold decisions and make changes where necessary if the strategies adopted so far have been flawed or less effective. And I am sure in Dushanbe we have attempted to address these vital issues. Dear colleagues, As I mentioned earlier the thirty-seventh Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers is indeed historical and unforgettable event for Central Asia, particularly for Tajikistan, since in the course of fourty-years practice of the Organization it is for the first time that such a high-level event held in the region, historically known as “Maweraunnahr”. In conclusion, I extend profound thanks to all of you, excellencies and distinguished guests for being with us at the ancient land of Tajikistan and I pray Allah Azza wa Jalla to grant progress and prosperity to our nations, all Muslim brothers in the Islamic world and around the globe. Our next session, as it is agreed, Insha’Allah will be held in Astana. We wish to our Kazakh brothers every success in hosting this important gathering. Looking forward to our meeting in the future, I pray Allah to keep you safe in His Heaven of Goodness. Assalomu Alaikum Warahmatu Lahu Wabarakatuh

78 The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers Statement by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan Mr. Hamrokhon Zarifi at the press-conference on the outcomes of the 37th session of the Council of the OIC Member States Foreign Ministers

Distinguished representatives of mass-media, Dear ladies and gentlemen, At the outset, I welcome you all and it is indeed a great honor and distinct privilege to hail the visit of His Excellency professor Ekmelleddin Ihsanoglu – the Secretary General of the Organization of the Islamic Conference to Tajikistan. The Secretary General and I agreed to hold a press-conference with you - esteemed representatives of domesic and foreign mass-media on the outcomes of one of the most important international events – the 37th session of the Council of Foreign Ministers of the OIC Member States which was held on 18-20 May 2010 in Dushanbe on the theme Shared Vision of a More Secure and Prosperous Islamic World. As you know, it was for the first time in Tajikistan, even in Central Asia that such important event has been convened in Dushanbe. The resolution on that has been adopted at the 36th session of the Council of the OIC Member States Foreign Ministers on May 2009 in Damascus of Syrian Arab Republic. There is no doubt, that it is first of all, a striking illustration of strengthening an international prestige of the Republic of Tajikistan, recognition by the OIC Member States a constructive home and foreign policy of Tajik Government under the wise leadership of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan His Excellency Emomali Rahmon which is highly evaluated owing to significant achievements made in the fields of economy, science and culture, as well as in establishment of lasting peace, overall stability, national unity and expansion of bilateral and multilateral relationship of Tajikistan with Islamic countries. On the other hand, you are well aware, that such commitments become doable only in a consequence of agreement by all Organizations’ member states and requires stubborn efforts to become a reality. Therefore, it should be highlighted, that this is an implication of consistent and successful implementation of the foreign policy pursued by head of the state. More than 100 high-ranked delegations, including 57 OIC Member States, 5 observer countries, delegations from different regional and multilateral international organizations as well as invited guests in total 700 participants have attended this Session.

The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers 79 As well as the session has enabled us to consider political, economic, legal, humanitarian, scientific, technological, cultural and informational issues and adopt resolutions on major issues of the session. In this regard, it should be emphasized that two following resolutions which have been proposed by Tajikistan, were adopted: 1. On Use of Resources and Transit Opportunities of the Neighboring Countries for the Economic Reconstruction of Afghanistan (on economic issues); and 2. On Rational Use of Water in the Islamic world, Exchange of Experience and Information, Strengthening the Regional and Islamic Cooperation in this field (on issues related to education, science, technology and innovation, health and environment), The topic “Central Asia and the Muslim world: strategic view for solidarity” has been a key question in the main agenda of the brainstorming session at the 37th session of the Council of Foreign Ministers. In addition to that, Dushanbe city was designated by ISESCO as the Capital of Islamic Culture for the year 2010. The President of the Republic of Tajikistan H.E. Emomali Rahmon has attended the ceremony of declaring Dushanbe as the Capital of Islamic Culture. The OIC – Tajikistan Business Forum – 13th Private Sector Meeting for the Promotion of Trade and Joint Venture Investment among Islamic countries has been held in Varzob on May 14, 2010. That event is evaluated as a great step forward towards bringing latest developments in economic and investment environment, implementation and further enhancement of trade interaction of Tajikistan with the OIC member states, and we are hopeful that it will indeed remarkably facilitate a progress of mutually beneficial relationship among countries. Generally, our side remains keen in a pivotal role of the OIC in resolving pressing and topical issues of regional and international significance, and advocates more constructive efforts and expanded cooperation among member states. We are looking forward that convening the 37th session of the Council of Foreign Ministers of the OIC Member States in Dushanbe will give a renewed impetus to the relations of Tajikistan and OIC and its member states. And now, taking the advantage of this opportunity, I extend a sincere gratitude and appreciation to heads of ministries and committees for their remarkable support who have been actively working at arranging and holding this session. In conclusion, I express profound thank to all of you distinguished representatives of mass media for your active participation and making a great contribution to drawing up and publication of reliable and real information on the developments of the session and would like to wish you everyone great success and new achievements. I thank you! 80 The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers OPENING OF THE 37th Session of the OIc Council of foreign ministers Somon Palace 18 May 2010

The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers 81 President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon and Heads of delegations the 37th Session OIC President of the Republic Tajikistan 18 May 2010. Council of Foreign Ministers pose at the photo session, Somon Palace,

82 The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers Dushanbe is announced the Capital of Islamic Culture.

President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Emomali Rahmon awarded the Secretary-General of the Organization of Islamic Conference Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu and the Secretary General of the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO) Abdulaziz bin Usmon at-Tvayjiri with the Ismoil Somoni first class medal.

The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers 83 WORKING SESSION Somon Palace 18 -20 May 2010

84 The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers WORKING SESSION Somon Palace 18 -20 May 2010

The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers 85 WORKING SESSION Somon Palace 18 -20 May 2010

86 The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers WORKING SESSION Somon Palace 18 -20 May 2010

The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers 87 WORKING SESSION Somon Palace 18 -20 May 2010

88 The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers PRESS CONFERENCE ON THE OUTCOMES OF THE 37TH SESSION OF THE OIC COUNCIL OF FOREIGN MINISTERS Somon Palace 20 May 2010

The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers 89 MEETINGS WITH THE PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF TAJIKISTAN Millat Palace 18 -20 May 2010

The President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Emomali Rahmon and the Secretary General of the Organization of the Islamic Conference Ekmeliddin Ihsonoglu.

The President of the Republic of Tajikistan,Emomali Rahmon and the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Syrian Arab Republic Walid al-Muallem.

The President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Emomali Rahmon and the Secretary General of the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO), Abdulaziz ibn Usmon at-Tvayjiri.

90 The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers The President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon with the Minister of Water Resources of the People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria Abdulmalik Selal.

Meeting of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon with the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan Elmar Mamedyarov.

The President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the State of Qatar Ahmad Abdullah Mahmoud Ali.

The President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Emomali Rahmon and the State Secretary on Foreign Affairs and cooperation of Morocco, Latifa Akharbach.

The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers 91 The President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon with the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Islamic Republic of Iran Manouchehr Mottaki.

The President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Emomali Rahmon with the Minister of Economy of the Arab Republic of Egypt, Osman Mohamed Osman.

The President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon and the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Albania Ilir Meta.

92 The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers The President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Emomali Rahmon and the State Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Nawabzada Malik Ahmad Khan.

The President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Emomali Rahmon and the State Minister of Turkey Cevdet Yilmaz.

The President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Emomali Rahmon and the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Zalmay Rasul.

The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers 93 The President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the United Arab Emirates Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan.

The President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon and the Secretary General of the Economic Cooperation Organization Yahya Maroofi.

The President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon and the President of the Islamic Development Bank Ahmad Muhammad Ali.

94 The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers The President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon and the State Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia doctor Nizar Madani.

The President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon and the State Minister on foreign affairs of Lybian Jamahiriya Mohammed al-Barani.

The President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Sultanate of Oman Yusuf bin Alawi.

The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers 95 The President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon and the Secretary of State - Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan Kanat Saudabayev .

Meeting of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon and the Secretary General of the International Society of Muslim Youth Mohammed Badahdah.

The President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon and the Special Representative of the United States in the Organization of Islamic Conference Rashad Hussain.


The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers 97 MEETINGS WITH THE MINISTER OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF THE REPUBLIC OF TAJIKISTAN Somon Palace 18 -20 May 2010

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Tajikistan Hamrokhon Zarifi and Minister for Foreign Affairs of the UAE Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan.

98 The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan Hamrokhon Zarifi and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Thailand Mr. Kasit Piromya.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan Hamrokhon Zarifi and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Islamic Republic of Mauritania Ms. Naha Mint Mouknass.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan Hamrokhon Zarifi and Minister of Water Resources of People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria Mr. Abdulmalik Selal.

The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers 99 The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan Hamrokhon Zarifi and the Secretary of State at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of the Kingdom of Morocco, Ms. Latifa Akharbach.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan Hamrokhon Zarifi and the Deputy Prime- minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Albania Ilir Meta.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan Hamrokhon Zarifi and the State Minister of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Mr. Zalmay Rasul.

100 The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan Hamrokhon Zarifi and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of The Gambia Mr. Usman Jammeh.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan Hamrokhon Zarifi and the State Minister of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan Mr. Nawabzada Malik Ahmad Khan.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan Hamrokhon Zarifi and the State Minister on Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Bahrain Nizor ibn Sodik Al-Bahorina.

The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers 101 The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan Hamrokhon Zarifi and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan Kanat Saudabayev.

102 The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan Hamrokhon Zarifi and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran Manouchehr Mottaki.

The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers 103 The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan Hamrokhon Zarifi and the Prime Minister of Malaysia Dato ‘Seri Mohamed Nazri Abdul Aziz.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan Hamrokhon Zarifi and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Sultanate of Oman, Yusuf bin Alawi.

104 The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan Hamrokhon Zarifi and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Chad Muso Muhammad Faqih.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan Hamrokhon Zarifi and the Secretary General of the Economic Cooperation Organization Yahya Maroufi.

The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers 105 The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan Hamrokhon Zarifi and the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Palestine, Ibrahim Hurayshi.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan Hamrokhon Zarifi Republic of Tajikistan Hamrokhon Zarifi and the Deputy Minister of Foreign and Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Affairs of the Philippines Rafael Segius. and African Integration of the Republic of Guinea Bakari Fofana.

106 The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan Hamrokhon Zarifi and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Repulic of Maldives Ahmed Shakhid.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan Hamrokhon Zarifi and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Indonesia Marty M. Natalegawa.

The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers 107 SIDELINE TALKS

108 The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers SIDELINE TALKS

The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers 109 SIDELINE TALKS

110 The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers SIDELINE TALKS

The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers 111 OIC DELEGATIONS VISIT GOVERNMENTAL COUNTRY RESIDENCE

112 The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers List of resolutions adopted by the thirty-seven session of the Council of foreign ministers of the Organization of the Islamic Conference Dusbanbe, Republic of Tajikistan (18 - 20 May 2010)

А) On The Cause Of Palestine, The City Of Al-Quds Al-Sharif, And The Arab- Israeli Conflict 1.Resolution No. 1/37-Pal on the Cause of Palestine. 2. Resolution No. 2/37-Pal on the City of Al-Quds Al-Sharif. 3. Resolution No. 3/37-Pal on the Occupied Syrian Golan. 4. Resolution No.4/37-Pal on Solidarity with Lebanon. 5. Resolution No. 5/37-Pal on the Current Situation of the Peace Process in the Middle East. В) On Political Issues 1. Resolution No.1/37-Pol on the Situation in the Republic of Iraq 2. Resolution No. 2/37-Pol on the Jammu and Kashmir Dispute 3. Resolution No. 3/37-Pol on the Peace Process between India and Pakistan 4. Resoloution No.4/37-Pol on the Situation in Somalia 5. Resolution No. 5/37/Pol on Solidarity with the Republic of the Sudan 6. Resolution No. 6/37-Pol on the Support of the Unity, Stability and Security of Yemen 7. Resolution No. 7 /37-pol on the Situation in Cyprus 8. Resolution No. 8/37-pol on Assistance to Commoros 9. Resolution No.9/37-Pol on the Question of the Comoros Island of Mayotte 10.Resolution No.10/37-Pol on the Aggression of the Republic of Armenia Against the Republic of Azerbaijan 11. Resolution No.11/37-Pol on the Situation in Afghanistan 12. Resolution No.12/37-Pol on the Situation in Afghanistan 13. Resolution No.13/37-Pol on the Regional Initiatives in Support of Afghanistan 14. Resolution No. 14/37-Pol on the Situation in Cote D’ivoire 15. Resolution No.15/37-Pol on Support to the Republic of Guinea 16. Resolution No. 16/37-Pol on the Situation at the Border between Djibouti and Eritrea 17. Resolution No. 17/37-Pol on the Situation in Kosovo

The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers 113 18. Resolution No.18/37-Pol on the Situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina 19. Resolution No. 19/37-Pol on the Future Role of the OIC in Maintaining Security, Peace Keeping and Conflict Resolution in the Member States 20. Resolution No.20/37-Pol on Combating International Terrorism 21. Resolution No.21/37-Pol on the Rejection of The Unilateral Us Sanctions Imposed on the Syrian Arab Republic 22. Resolution No. 22/36-Pol on the Imposition of Unilateral Economic Sanctions on Member States 23. Resolution No.23/37-Pol on Negative Impact of Economic and Financial Sanctions on the Full Enjoyment of Human Rights by People of the Targeted Country 24. Resolution No.24/37-Pol on the Right of the Great Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya to Reparation for the Losses Caused by the 1986 American Military Aggression 25. Resolution No. 25/37-Pol on the Swiss Measures Against the Great Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya 26. Resolution No.26/37-Pol on Reform of the United Nations and Expansion of Un Security Council’s Membership 27. Resolution No.27/37-Pol on the Conference of 2010 on Review of Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty 28. Resolution No.28/37-Pol on Establishment of a Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone in the Middle East 29. Resolution No.29/37-Pol on the Strengthening of the Security of Non-Nuclear Weapon States Against the Use or Threat of Use of Nuclear Weapons 30. Resolution No.30/7-Pol on Evolving a New Global Consensus on Disarmament and Non Proliferation 31. Resolution No.31/37-Pol on Consideration of the Relevant Initiatives and Proposals in the Field of Conventional Arms 32. Resolution No.32/37-Pol on The Regional Military Balance 33. Resolution No. 33/37-Pol on the Regional Arms Control and Disarmament 34. Resolution No.34/37-Pol on Condemnation of Zionist Regime for Possession of Nuclear Capability to Develop Nuclear Arsenals 35. Resolution No.35/37-Pol on Security and Solidarity Among Member States and Coordination and Consultation Among Them to Adopt a Unified Stand in International Fora and Non-Islamic States 36. Resolution No.36/37-Pol on Cooperation between the Organisation of the Islamic Conference and Other International and Regional Organisations and groupings 37. Resolution No.37/37-Pol on Designating 5th of August of Every Year as the

114 The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers “Islamic Human Rights and Human Dignity Day” 38. Resolution No.38/37-Pol on Combating Islamophobia and Eliminating Hatred and Prejudice Against Islam 39. Resolution No. 39/37-Pol on Combating Defamation of Religions 40. Resolution No. 40/37-Pol on the Conference of the Scholars of African Scholars Which will Take Place in Dakar on 7-9 June 2010 and the Conference of the Oulemas-Erudites of the Islamic World to be Held in 2010 41. Resolution No.41/37-Pol on Coordination and Voting Patterns of Member States at the United Nations and Other International and Multilateral for a 42. Resolution No.42/ 37-Pol on Central Asia and the Muslim World; Strategic Vision for Solidarity С) On Economic Affairs 1. Resolution No. 1/37-E on TPS-OIC and the Promotion of Intra – OIC Trade 2. Resolution No. 2/37-E on Enhancing Food Security and Promoting Agricultural Development in OIC Member States 3. Resolution No. 3/37-E on Development of Transportation Sector 4. Resolution No. 4/37-E on Activities in the Field of Poverty Alleviation 5.Resolution No. 5/37-E on Activities related to the Implementation of the Decisions of the COMCEC 6. Resolution No. 6/37-E on Economic Assistance to Member States and Muslim Communities in Non-OIC Countries 7. Resolution No. 7/37-E on Economic Reconstruction of Afghanistan 8. Resolution No. 8/37-E on Activities of the OIC Institutions operating in the Economic Field D) On Cultural and Social Affairs 1. Resolution No. 1/37-C on General Cultural Matters: A). Dialogue among Civilizations B). Alliance of Civilizations C). Cultural Strategy and Plan of Action D). The Unified Hijri Calendar 2. Resolution No. 2/37-C on Protection of Islamic Holy Places: A). Destruction of the Babri Masjid in India and Protection of Islamic Holy Places B). The Destruction of the Charar-e-Sharif Islamic Complex in Kashmir in Kashmir and other Islamic Sites therein C). The Destruction and Desecration of Islamic Historical and Cultural Relics and Shrines in the Occupied Azerbaijan Territories Resulting from the Aggression of the Republic of Armenia against the Republic of Azerbaijan

The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers 115 D). Destruction of Mosques, Holy Tombs, Hussainiat and Houses of Worship in Iraq 3. Resolution No. 3/37-C on Social Issues: A). Promoting Women’s Status in the OIC B). Child Care and Protection in the Islamic World C). Promoting the Position of the Youth in the Islamic World 4. Resolution No. 4/37-C on Islamic Cultural Centres and Institutes: A). Regional Institute for Complementary Education (RICE), Islamabad, Pakistan. B). Assistance to the Islamic Institute of Translation in Khartoum. C). Assistance to the Islamic Institute of Higher Studies and Islamic Research Ahmed Baba of Timbuktu 5. Resolution No. 5/37-C on Palestinian Affairs: A). The Twinning of Palestinian Universities in the Occupied Territories with Universities in OIC Member States. B). The Educational Situation in the Occupied Palestinian Territories and the Occupied Syrian Golan. C).The Israel Aggressions against Islamic Shrines in the Occupied Palestinian Territories and the Preservation of the Islamic Character, Human Heritage, and Religious Rights of Al-Quds Al-Sharif. 6. Resolution No. 6/37-C on Subsidiary Organs: A). The Research Centre for Islamic History, Art and Culture (IRCICA) B). International Islamic Fiqh Academy (IIFA) C). Islamic Solidarity Fund (ISF) 7. Resolution No. 7/37-C on Specialised Institutions: A). The Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO) B). Islamic Committee of the International Crescent (ICIC) 8. Resolution No. 8/37-C on Affiliated Institutions: A). The Islamic Solidarity Sports Federation (ISSF) B). The World Federation of International Arab-Islamic Schools (WFIAIS) C). The Islamic Conference Youth Forum for Dialogue and Cooperation D). International Union of Muslim Scouts (IUMS) 9. Resolution No. 9/37-C on the 8th Session of Comiac 10. Resolution no. 10/37-C on the Proclamation of 2010 as the International Year of Youth (Proposed by the Republic of Tunisia) 11. Resolution no. 112/37-C on the Commemoration of Karouan as Capital of Islamic Culture for the Year 2009

116 The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers E). On Information Affairs 1. Resolution No. 1/37-INF On Information Affairs 2. Resolution No.2/37-INF on Supporting the Digital Solidarity Fund 3. Resolution No.3/37-INF on Supporting the Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT) of the Organization of the Islamic Conference F). On Legal Affairs 1. Resolution No.1/37-Leg on the Follow Up and Coordination of Work on Human 2. Resolution no. 2/37-Leg on the Signing/Ratification of (Accession to) the Charter and the Agreements Concluded in the Framework of the Organization of the Islamic Conference 3. Resolution no. 3/37-Leg on Cooperation between the Organization of the Islamic Conference and the African Union G). On Higher Education, Science, Technology, Health and Environment 1. Resolution No. 1/37-S&T on Science and Technology Matters 2. Resolution No. 2/37-S&T on Higher Education Matters 3. Resolution No. 3/37-S&T on Health Matters 4. Resolution No, 4/37-S&T on Environment Matters 5. Resolution No. 5/37-S&T on The Activities Related to the Implementation of the Decisions of the Ministerial Standing Committee on Scientific and Technological Cooperation (COMSTECH) 6. Resolution No.6/37-S&T on Activities of Islamic University of Technology (IUT), Dhaka 7. Resolution No.7/37-S&T on the Activities of the Islamic University in Niger 8. Resolution No.8/37-S&T on the Activities of the Islamic University in Uganda 9. Resolution No.9/37-S&T on Mainstreaming Efforts to Combat the Sand and Dust Storm 10. Resolution No.10/37-S&T on Rational use of Water Resources in the Islamic World, Exchange of Experience and Information, Strengthening the Regional and Islamic Cooperation in this Field H). On Muslim Communities and Minorities in Non-Oic Member States 1. Resolution No. 1/37-MM On Safeguarding the Rights of Muslim Communities and Minorities in Non-OIC Member States 2. Resolution No. 2/37-MM On The Question of Muslims in Southern Philippines

The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers 117 3. Resolution No. 3/37-MM On the Situation of the Turkish Muslim Minority of Western Thrace, Greece 4. Resolution No. 4/37-MM On the Muslim Community in Myanmar I). On Dawa Activities and Committee on Coordination of Joint Islamic Action 1. Resolution No.1/37-DW on the Coordination Committee for Joint Islamic Action in the Field of Dawa 2. Resolution No.2/37-DW on Consideration of the Challenges Facing the Islamic Ummah in the Twenty- First Century 3. Resolution No.3/37-DW on Holding More Symposia on Culture, Dawa and Islamic Civilization to Project the Civilizational Image of Islam and Muslims in the World 4. Resolution No. 4/37-DW on Promoting Awareness of Pilgrims of Makkah Holy Mosque about the Rites of Pilgrimage (Hajj) and Worship Prior to Their Arrival for Hajj J). On Islamic Office for the Boycott of Israel 1. Resolution No.1/37-IBO on the Islamic office for the Boycott of Israel K). On the Humanitarian Activities: 1. Resolution No.1/37-ICHAD on the Humanitarian Activities of the OIC L). on Statutory and Organic Matters 1. Resolution No. 1/37-ORG on the Rules Governing Observer Status at the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) 2. Resolution No. 2/37-ORG on the Establishment of a Specialized Organisation for Women Development in OIC Member States 3. Resolution No.3/37-ORG on Candidacies by the Member States for Positions at International Organizations M). On the Administrative and Financial Affairs: 1. Resolution No. 1/37-AF on the report of the General Secretariat on the status of the arrears of the mandatory contributions of the member states. 2. Resolution No. 2/37-AF on the authorization to the 39th PFC to approve the budgets of 2011 of the General Secretariat of the OIC and its subsidiary organs as well as all financial and administrative issues referred to it. N). On Oic Activities: 1. Resolution No.1/37-POA on the Implementation of the OIC ten-year Programme of Action (Typoa)

118 The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers Resolutions adopted by the Council of Foreign Ministers under the iniciatives of the Republic of Tajikistan ( Dushanbe, Republic of Tajikistan, 4-6 Jamadul thani 1431H (18-20 May2010)

ON POLITICAL ISSUES Resolution No.42/ 37-POL On Central Asia and the Muslim World: Strategic Vision for Solidarity The Thirty-seventh Session of the Council of Foreign Ministers (Joint vision for greater security and prosperity for the Muslim World), held in Dushanbe, Republic of Tajikistan from 4-6 Jumada Thani 1431 H (18-20 May 2010), Expressing its thanks to the Government of Tajikistan for the initiative to organize a Special Interactive Brainstorming Session during the Thirty-seventh session of the CFM on the theme of “Central Asia: Strategic Vision for Solidarity”; Expressing its appreciation to the General Secretariat for its Concept Paper prepared as a framework for the discussions; Appreciating with gratitude the historical contributions of Central Asia to the Islamic Civilization and Knowledge over the centuries as well as the strategic importance of this Region to the Muslim World; 1. Expresses its deep appreciation to the Secretary General of the OIC for the concrete and practical proposals for strengthening Islamic Solidarity with Central Asia, as contained in his Concept Paper which served as a good framework for discussions. 2. Welcomes and encourages the active participation of the Central Asian OIC Member States in Joint Islamic Action through increased and diversified cooperation among themselves and with other Member States of the OIC. 3. Calls for increased cooperation particularly in the economic field among public and private sectors in the Member States in order to tap the immense capabilities of the Central Asian Member States within the existing OIC frameworks, mechanisms and programs and new sub-regional initiatives. 4. Mandates the Secretary General to convene a High Level Regional Conference with the participation of representatives of the two Troikas and countries of the region as well as relevant OIC Institutions to prepare a detailed Plan of Action for cooperation and integration to be submitted to the Thirty-eighth session of the CFM.

The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers 119 5. Requests the Secretary General to mobilize the capabilities of the General Secretariat and the relevant OIC Institutions for better coordination in service delivery in response to the needs of Central Asian Countries. 6. Requests the Secretary General to submit a report on the implementation of this Resolution to the Thirty-eighth session of the CFM. ------ON ECONOMIC AFFAIRS. Resolution No.7/37-E On Economic Reconsruction of Afghanistan: The Thirty-Seven Session of the Council of the Foreign Ministers of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (Session on Shared Vision of a More Secure and Prosperous Islamic World ), held in Dushanbe, Republic of Tajikistan, from 4-6 Jumada Al-Thani 1431H (18 to 20 May, 2010), Recalling the Ten-Year Programme of Action adopted by the Third Extraordinary Session of the Islamic Summit Conference held in Makkah AlMukarramah on 7-8 December, 2005, Also Recalling the United Nations Security Council resolution 1401, Further recalling the joint position of the OIC Member States in favor of a longterm commitment to Afghanistan that will bring peace and stability and socio-economic rehabilitation to this country, Desiring to ensure comprehensive nation-building process in Afghanistan in view of long-term commitment geared to stability and sustainability, Reiterating commitments to support the international efforts for reconstruction of Afghanistan, Recalling the pledges made by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at the Tokyo and London Conferences to support development projects in Afghanistan over the next three years to the tune of $ 200 million and $ 150 million respectively; Acknowledging that Afghanistan is a crossroad of large historical regions, especially Central and South Asia and such historical advantage increases today due to many factors, first of all, in view of intensive growth of inter- regional and even global connections, Reaffirming commitment to render assistance in preparation of medical, agricultural, technical, pedagogical and other experts, Realizing that by assisting Afghanistan we are providing peace and stability not only for the region but to the world as a whole, 1. Calls upon the OIC Secretariat and its institutional bodies to organize an international conference on enhancement of OIC contribution to reconstruction of Afghanistan;

120 The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers 2. Encourages the Member States, the Secretariat and specialized organs to continue their efforts to attracts funds for civil reconstruction and strive for better coordination in this field; 3. Calls upon the Member States to support the National Development Strategy of Afghanistan; 4. Requests the Member States to assist the Afghan government in its counter - drugs efforts and foster the creation of sustainable alternative sources of income for farmers; 5. Commends the reconstruction efforts undertaken by the neighboring States in Afghanistan and urges the OIC Member States to continue providing assistance for Afghanistan; 6. Encourages the Member States to actively participate in the development of infrastructure in Afghanistan, including first of all construction of international highways, railways, dams, hydroelectric power stations, transmission lines, etc; 7. Invites the Member States to contribute to the implementation of the projects and plans on electric power export from Central Asian countries; 8. Urges the Secretariat and the OIC institutional bodies in close coordination with relevant Member States to consider the proposal done by Tajikistan on construction of railroad Dushanbe-Mazari Sharif-Herat (with branch lines of Hayratan-Mazari Sharif and Kushka-Herat); 9. Invites the Secretariat and the OIC institutional bodies in view of infrastructural development of Afghanistan to render technical assistance to relevant Member States on working out and construction of transit roads connecting the countries of Central Asia with Iran and Pakistan via Afghanistan; 10. Further invites the Secretariat and the OIC institutional bodies in view of further industrial development of Afghanistan to encourage the Member States to participate in implementation of projects related to the construction of power transmission lines Kyrgyzstan-Tajikistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan; 11. Requests the Secretary General to follow up the implementation of the present resolution and report thereon to the 38th Session of the Council of Foreign Ministers of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC). ------ON HIGHER EDUCATION, SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENT Resolution No.10/37-S&T On Rational Use of Water Resources in the Islamic World, Exchange of Experience and Information, Strenthening the Regional and Islamic Coopetation in this field

The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers 121 The Thirty-Seventh Session of the Council of Foreign Ministers (Session of Shared Vision of a More Secure and Prosperous Islamic World), held in Dushanbe Republic of Tajikistan , from 4 to 6 Jumada Al Thani 1431H (18 to20 May, 2010); Recalling the Ten-Year Programme of Action adopted by the Third Extraordinary Session of the Islamic Summit Conference held in Makkah AlMukarramah on 7-8 December, 2005; Recalling the United Nations General Assembly resolution 55/196 of 20 December 2000, by which it proclaimed 2003 the International Year of Freshwater, and its resolution 58/217 of 23 December 2003, by which it proclaimed that the International Decade for Action, “Water for Life”, 2005—2015, commenced on World Water Day, 22 March 2005; Recalling the Thirteenth General Assembly of the OIC Standing Committee on Scientific and Technological Cooperation held in Islamabad, Pakistan on1-3 April 2008 which noted with appreciation the progress reports presented by the Inter-Islamic Network on Water Resources Development and Management; Emphasizing that water is critical for sustainable development, including environmental integrity and the eradication of poverty and hunger, and is indispensable for human health and well-being; Reaffirming the internationally agreed development goals on rational useof water resources, including those contained in the United Nations Millennium Declaration, and determined to achieve the goal to halve, by 2015, the proportion of people who are unable to reach or to afford safe drinking water, and the goals set out in the Johannesburg Plan of Implementation to halve the proportion of without access to basic sanitation as well as to develop integrated water resources management and water efficiency plans; Taking note of the Istanbul Declaration of Heads of State and Government adopted at the 5th World Water Forum on 16-22 March, 2009; the “Ministerial Statement” and “the Istanbul Water Guide”, which include a list of numerous recommendations for concrete action to be implemented to improve water security and water management at all levels, and also the “Message from the Beppu”, adopted on 3-4 December 2003 at the First Asian-Pacific Water Forum in Beppu, Japan, and Appeals and Recommendations, proclaimed at the International Conference on Regional Cooperation in Transboundary River Basins, held in Dushanbe from 31 May-1 June 2005; Taking note of the High Level International Conference on the Midterm Comprehensive Review of the Implementation of the International Decade for Action “Water for Life”, 2005-2015”, which is to be held in Dushanbe, Tajikistan on June 8 – 10, 2010;

122 The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers Commending the efforts made by all Member States, General Secretariat and the relevant OIC institutions, the Inter-Islamic Network on Water Resources Development and Management for mobilizing efforts and implementing program and projects within the framework of the rational use and management of water resources for drinking, hygienic (domestic), agricultural, industrial needs and electricity production; Taking note with appreciation the background document submitted by the Republic of Tajikistan: 1. Requests the General Secretariat to cooperate with the relevant OIC institutions to call for a meeting to prepare the OIC Vision on water issues for the year 2025 within the framework of the management of water resources in the Islamic World as adopted by the 10th Islamic Summit Conference in Putrajaya, Malaysia. 2. Invites the General Secretariat to lay emphasis on the need to implement the decision of the Ministerial Meeting responsible for water issue held at sideline of 5th World Water Forum, Istanbul on 20 March 2009 for the establishment of an expert group from the Member States and work towards convening an OIC conference of the ministers responsible for water issues; 3. Encourages the Member States, in collaboration with the General Secretariat, relevant OIC institutions to continue their efforts for pursuing integrated water resources management based on cooperation and partnerships at all levels, as well as political commitment to wider societal awareness of the need for water security and the sustainable management of water resources; 4. Urges the Member States to establish and maintain an effective network of communication amongst the Ummah for dissemination and sharing of knowledge, technology and information on rational use of water and effective water management at all appropriate levels; 5. Further requests the General Secretariat in coordination with other relevant OIC institutions to actively participate in the Mid-term Comprehensive Review of the Implementation of the International Decade for Action “Water for Life”, 2005-2015”, Dushanbe, Tajikistan June 8-10, 2010; 6. Invites the Member States to continue working closely with the International Organizations, particularly the UN system to strengthen water-related policies and programs that enhance water security addressing the major challenges in the water sector; 7. Requests the Secretary General to follow up the implementation of the present resolution and report thereon to the 38th Session of the Council of Foreign Ministers of the Organization of the Islamic Conference.

The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers 123 DUSHANBE DECLARATION

The Thirty-seventh Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers Session for (Shared Vision of a More Secure and Prosperous Islamic World) Dushanbe – Republic of Tajikistan 04-06 Jumada al Thani 1431h (18-20 May 2010)

We, the Ministers of Foreign Affairs and Heads of Delegation of the Member States of the Organization of the Islamic Conference, participating in the Thirty Seventh Session of the Council of Foreign Ministers, under the motto “Shared Vision of a More Secure and Prosperous Islamic World”, meeting in Dushanbe, which has been chosen as the Capital of Islamic Culture for the year 2010, at a time when the Muslim world is facing serious political, socio-economic, cultural and scientific challenges, declare the following: The OIC, as the second largest intergovernmental organization after the UN, should play a key role in strengthening the mutual coordination and cooperation to confront the challenges and threats facing the Islamic countries. The current session of the Council of Foreign Ministers is of special importance this year, as it takes place for the first time in Central Asia, known in the history of Islam as «Mawaraunnahr»; is considered as a sign of growing interest of the Organization and its Member States in Central Asia; underlines the contribution and cultural role of the region in the history of Muslim religion and thought, as well as in the development of Islamic sciences such as Fiqh, Hadith and Tafsir. 40 years after its establishment, the OIC has undergone major changes, and so still has to cope with the issues of conflict and dispute resolutions. The time has come for all those playing a role in the process of comprehensive security at the OIC to address these changes by remaining loyal to its founding values and principles like the ones expressed in the OIC Charter and the Ten-Year Programme of Action to meet the Challenges Facing the Muslim Ummah in the 21st Century. This is precisely the purpose of the Organization which draws above all on our political resolve and our belief that security is our “common concern”. The situation in the Middle East will remain tense so long as Israel persists in its obstinate policies and in hindering the peace efforts, until a comprehensive and just settlement covering all aspects of the problem is reached. Therefore we call for an intensification of efforts by the international community, including by the Security Council in line with its Charter responsibilities, aimed at accelerating

124 The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers the process of achieving a just and comprehensive peace settlement in the Middle East. In this context, the Council strongly condemns all illegal measures and actions in Occupied East Jerusalem aimed at judaizing this city which has an Arab and Islamic character, including in particular the building of settlements that threaten to undermine any negotiation leading to an end to the Israeli occupation of 1967 and the establishment of an independent, contiguous and viable Palestinian State on all Palestinian territories occupied by Israel in 1967, with East Jerusalem as its capital. We commend the efforts made by His Majesty King Mohamed VI, Chairman of AlQuds Committee, and Bayt Mal AlQuds in order to preserve the identity of the city of AlQuds Al Shareef and support the steadfastness of its people. We also condemn Israel’s persisting occupation of the Syrian Golan and Lebanese territories, and we emphasize our support for these two countries in regaining all their territories occupied by Israel in 1967. Reaffirming a joint position of the OIC Member States in favor of a long-term commitment to Afghanistan that will bring peace and stability and socio- economic rehabilitation to this country; in view of infrastructural development of Afghanistan we considered it important to offer technical assistance to relevant Member States on construction of transit roads connecting the countries of Central Asia with Afghanistan. We condemn the aggression of Armenia against Azerbaijan and call for the resolution of the conflict on the basis of respect for the territorial integrity and inviolability of internationally recognized borders of the republic Azerbaijan. We have also adopted resolutions in the political field expressing our full solidarity with Somalia, Iraq, The Sudan, Yemen, the Comoros, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Cote d’Ivoire, Guinea, Djibouti, Jammu and Kashmir, the Turkish Cypriot State and the Kosovo people. We welcomed, with appreciation, the Joint Declaration signed in Tehran on 17 May 2010, by the Foreign Ministers of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Turkey and Brazil on the exchange of nuclear fuel. We strongly call on the international community to support the Joint Declaration and to build up on the positive atmosphere created thereafter for future comprehensive agreements on all aspects of the issue. Terrorism continues to pose a serious threat to international peace and security. We reaffirm that terrorism should never associated with any religion, race, faith, values, culture, society or group. In this increasingly globalized world, we need more than ever before understanding, harmony, mutual respect, and building of bridges among all cultures and peoples. We reaffirm the proposal of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah Bin Abdulaziz on the establishment of an international center for combating terrorism under the umbrella of the United Nation for the immediate

The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers 125 exchange of information and for cooperation and coordination among the Member States, with a view to reinforcing the efforts aimed at combating this serious plight, in accordance with the recommendations of the International Counter-terrorism Conference (Riyadh, February 2005) and with the resolutions of many international and regional organizations. Armed conflicts, the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and other threats continue to challenge the foundations of international peace and security. We called upon participants in the 2010 Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (New York, 3–28 May 2010) to engage in constructive exchange of views on further strengthening the non-proliferation regime and disarmament. We reaffirmed the continuation of consultations on practical implementation of Treaty on a Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone in Central Asia, which entered into force in March 21, 2009. We also support the establishment of a Middle East free from nuclear weapons in implementation of the Review Conference Resolution of 1995. While considering the importance of dialogue among civilizations and expansion of relations between the Islamic World and other cultures and civilizations, we reiterate our commitment to continue efforts in engaging with the West in projecting the true image of Islam. We reaffirm, in this context, the Initiative of the Custodian of the TwoHoly Mosques, King Abdullah Bin-Abdulaziz for Interfaith and Intercultural Dialogue on which conferences were held in Makkah, Madrid, New York and Geneva, convinced that such initiative will promote moderation, tolerance and will encourage dialogue for shunning violence and extremism. We are almost halfway through since the adoption of the Ten Year Programme of Action during the 3rd Extraordinary Session in Makkah Al Mukarramah on 5-6 Dhul Qa’ada 1426 (7-8 December 2005) and the Vision 1441 H for Science and Technology. In our deliberations, we focused on our achievements and shortcomings over these years. Efforts need to be made to support human development and inadequate education system, which makes it necessary to take bold decisions and make changes where necessary if the strategies adopted so far require development. The meeting reiterated the fundamental principle of free movement of goods, persons, services, energy resources and capital and preventing technical barriers on the OIC Member States, which may positively contribute in fighting global crises and achieving sustainable development. Taking into consideration the water crises that were aggravated by the growth of population and global climate change, and bearing in mind that the international community should take specific measures to ensure integrated and better use of water resources in order to meet the needs of the people, the environment

126 The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers and the economies of all countries, we welcomed the initiative of Tajikistan to declare the year 2012 – as the International Year of Water Diplomacy, in order to undertake further coordinated efforts on better use of water resources at the national, regional and international levels. The meeting welcomed the High Level International Conference on the Midterm Comprehensive Review of the Implementation of the International Decade for Action “Water for Life”, 2005-2015”, to be held in Dushanbe, Tajikistan June 8-10, 2010 and encouraged all Member States and relevant OIC institutions to actively participate in it. We condemn the mounting trend of Islamophobia and systematic discrimination against Muslims. We call upon the international community to prevent incitement on hatred and discrimination against Muslims and to take effective measures to combat the defamation of religions and negative stereotyping of people on the basis of religion, faith or race. We request the Secretary General to continue the OIC initiatives in order to effectively counter Islamophobia through discussions and deliberations in various international fora. The meeting welcomed the outcome of the Special Interactive Brainstorming Session during the 37th session of the CFM on the theme of “Central Asia: Strategic Vision for Solidarity”, and encouraged the active participation of the Central Asian OIC Member States in Joint Islamic Action. We welcome the offer made by the Republic of Guinea to host the 40th session of the Council of Foreign Ministers of OIC Member States in Conakry in 2013. We express our profound gratitude to the Secretary General, Professor Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu, for promoting and supporting the causes of the Muslim world and for adopting the best international practices in the Organization’s rendering of services and advancing the role of the OIC as an active and important actor at the global level. We express our deep appreciation to His Excellency Mr. Emomali Rahmon, President of the Republic of Tajikistan, and to the people and Government of the Republic of Tajikistan for their efforts in organizing the Conference and for their generosity and hospitality that led to the success of the 37th Session of the Council of Foreign Ministers. Done in Dushanbe on 20 May 2010

The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers 127 MEETINGS OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF TAJIKISTAN

Meeting of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon with the President of the Islamic Development Bank Ahmad Muhammad Ali

A number of top-level officials who had visited Tajikistan to attend the 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers have been received by the President of the country, Emomali Rahmon, at the Palace of Nation. The President of the Islamic Development Bank, Ahmad Muhammad Ali, during his meeting with the President of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon called this influential regional financial institution “a major strategic partner of Tajikistan”. It was emphasized that lax credits at the amount of more than 180 million US Dollars and grants as well as technical assistance at the amount of 2.5 million US Dollars have been issued and provided by the Islamic Development Bank to Tajikistan over the past years of cooperation.

128 The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers Dr. Ahmad Muhammad Ali has expressed his condolences to the President Emomali Rahmon and the people of Tajikistan on continuous natural disasters and stressed the readiness of the Islamic Development Bank to provide humanitarian aid. He also mentioned that a working group of the Islamic Development Bank will be visiting Tajikistan to assess the damage and evaulate required aid and added that “the assistance will be mainly rendered to farmers to compensate their losses”. During the meeting the two sides had a fruitful discussion on possible investment in a wide range of strategic projects in Tajikistan, including hydropower development, construction of transmission facilities, roads and bridges as well as assistance in the fields of agriculture, industry, education and public health. Dr. Ahmad Muhammad Ali noted that “the Islamic Development Bank will take prominent part in hydropower development in Tajikistan, as hydropower plants are a source of cheap, renewable and clean energy”. The sides also focused on establishing and enhancing cooperation with other members of the Islamic Development Bank Group, namely, the Islamic Corporation of Investment Insurance and Export Credits and the Islamic Corporation on Private Sector Development. Dr. Ahmad Muhammad Ali expressed his gratitude to the President Emomali Rahmon of the Republic of Tajikistan, and the people of Tajikistan for warm welcome to the Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers.

The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers 129 Meeting of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the United Arab Emirates Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan

During the meeting of the President of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the United Arab Emirates Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, who arrived in Tajikistan on an official visit and with the aim of attending the 37th session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers, the sides discussed both bilateral and multilateral cooperation between the two countries. The two sides also had a fruitful discussion on practical implementation of numerous legal acts and agreements, including those 7 signed during the two official visits of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Emomali Rahmon, to the United Arab Emirates. “Among the Arab states the UAE is our most significant trade partner” said with satisfaction President Emomali Rahmon of Tajikistan during the talk. At the same time it was agreed that there is a need for enhancing fundamental economic cooperation through establishment of joint groups and development of action plans. The sides also stressed the need to hold the session of the Joint Intergovernmental Comission of the two countries on Economic, Trade and Technical Cooperation. Establishment of joint ventures in sheep breeding, bee-farming, production and export of fruits and vegetables, and engagement of investors from the United Arab Emirates in the implementation of large and beneficial infrastructural projects in Tajikistan was considered as necessary. Both sides expressed their interest in establishment of Embassies in the capitals of the two countries.

130 The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers Meeting of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon with the Secretary General of the Organization of the Islamic Conference Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu

The meeting was focused on cooperation between Tajikistan and the Organization and practical implementation of the documents signed by the head of states during the summits of the Organization. According to Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu, Tajikistan was among the first Central Asian countries that joined the Organization of the Islamic Conference as a full member after the collapse of the former Soviet Union and it is the only regional country that has been actively engaged in all summits of the Organization since its 7th session. Fruitful exchange of views took place on improvement of the prestige of the Organization of the Islamic Conference in the world, implementation of the Decade of Action Program, new Charter of the Organization and the work of the Islamic Solidarity Fund and its Waqf (Special Agency on Emergency Humanitarian Aids). The President Emomali Rahmon stressed the role of the Organization of the Islamic Conference in coping with challenges of the modern world and stated that “We are for more active role of the Organization in discussion and managing the topical issues of the Islamic world as well as for solidarity and cooperation in tackling terrorism, extremism, radicalism, and illicit drug trafficking”. President Rahmon believes that active contribution to the dialogue among civilizations and extension of constructive cooperation should be a priority for the Organization of the Islamic Conference and other interested organizations.

The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers 131 Meeting of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon with the Minister of Economy of the Arab Republic of Egypt Osman Mohamed Osman

The meeting with the Minister of Economy of the Arab Republic of Egypt, Osman Mohamed Osman has enabled the sides to discuss various issues of cooperation between Tajikistan and Egypt. While highly appreciating the solid legal framework for cooperation between the countries, the President of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon emphasized that “it is the very time to establish efficient implementation mechanisms for bilateral documents and take every joint effort to ensure their full and timely implementation”. Both parties expressed their interest in strengthening and extension of cooperation in the political and economic areas as well as trade, industry, agriculture, education, pharmacy, culture and tourism. The interest was expressed in hydropower development and establishment of joint pharmaceutical ventures based on local medicative herbs as prospective areas for beneficial economic cooperation. Establishment of the Embassy of the Arab Republic of Egypt in Dushanbe and Dushanbe – Cairo direct flights were considered necessary to ensure further extension of overall cooperation between the two countries.

132 The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers Meeting of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon with the Secretary General of the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO), Abdulaziz bin Uthman Al-Touaijiri During the meeting with the Secretary General of the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO), Abdulaziz bin Uthman Al- Touaijiri the sides expressed satisfaction on comprehensive cooperation between the Organization and corresponding agencies of Tajikistan. The Tajik President highly appreciated the support provided to science, education and culture of Tajikistan aimed at revival and preservation of historical and cultural monuments, rich written heritage, including unique manuscripts as well as the support provided to Tajik scientists and scholars in their educational and scientific activities. It was mentioned with satisfaction that hard work aimed at education and retraining for Tajik students, scientists and scholars as well as practical implementation of their scientific works in the country and abroad is being done under financial assistance of the ISESCO. It was emphasized that declaration of Dushanbe as “the Centre of the Islamic Culture” will make an active contribution to further fruitful cooperation between Tajikistan and the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization as well as among other numerous Muslim countries of the world.

The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers 133 Meeting of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon with the State Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan Nawabzada Malik Ahmad Khan

In the course of the meeting with the State Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Nawabzada Malik Ahmad Khan the sides discussed all-round cooperation between Tajikistan and Pakistan. The President Emomali Rahmon has hailed the visit of the President of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Asif Ali Zardari, paid to Tajikistan in summer last year underlying that “it has opened a new page in the relations between our two countries” and stressed that “specified Program on long-term cooperation should be developed and adopted to ensure efficient implementation of bilateral documents”. Therefore, the sides considered it necessary to boost the work of the Joint Intergovernmental Commission. Energy was announced as a priority direction of fundamental economic cooperation. The sides beneficially discussed practical implementation of CASA-1000 - project on construction of transmission line as well as possible establishment of joint ventures in light and food industries. Particular attention was paid to issues of regional security and preparation to the quadripartite meeting of presidents of Tajikistan, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Russia that will be held this summer in Sochi, Russian Federation.

134 The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers Meeting of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon with the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Albania Ilir Meta

A wide range of issues, including opportunities of establishment and development of political, economic, commercial, scientific and technical cooperation has been discussed during the meeting with the Deputy Prime Minister – Minister of Foreign Affairs of Albania, Ilir Meta. Ilir Meta stated that “Albania is interested in establishment and intensification of cooperation with Tajikistan” and underlined that “soon a new ambassador of Albania shall visit Tajikistan with a number of projects of documents on cooperation prepared by his country”. He also stressed that “Albania wishes to develop relations with Tajikistan in different levels, including in high political level”.

The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers 135 Meeting of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon with the State Secretary on foreign affairs and cooperation of Morocco, Latifa Akharbach

Issues of development of relations between the two countries were discussed at the meeting with the State Secretary on foreign affairs and cooperation of Morocco Latifa Akharbach. At first, Latifa Akharbach extended greetings and message of the King of Morocco Mohammed VI to the President of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon and informed of his great interest in strengthening and development of cooperation with Tajikistan. The President Emomali Rahmon, mentioning the community of history and culture with Arab states, also stated: - “We know that Morocco possesses great authority both in the framework of the Organization of the Islamic Conference and in the region of Maghreb Arab and we are interested in the development of friendly relations with it”. Both sides confirmed their readiness in establishment and development of close cooperation. President Emomali Rahmon invited the King of Morocco Mohammed VI to pay an official visit to Tajikistan.

136 The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers

Meeting of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Syrian Arab Republic Walid al-Muallem

The President of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon received the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Syrian Arab Republic Walid al-Muallem. In the course of the meeting parties have discussed the issues of cooperation between the two countries, first of all an implementation of documents signed during the official visit of the President Emomali Rahmon to Syria. It was stressed that it’s necessary to develop mutually beneficial bilateral relations in order to effectively use the large opportunities and untapped resources of cooperation. Walid al-Muallem evaluated the hosting of the session of the Council of Foreign Ministers of OIC Member States in Dushanbe as a good sign of beginning of a new stage of relations of Tajikistan with Muslim countries. The meeting has also covered the current situation in Middle East and Afghanistan and other issues of interest. The President Emomali Rahmon invited the President of Syrian Arab Republic to pay an official visit to Tajikistan.

The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers 137 Meeting of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Emomali Rahmon with the State Minister of Turkey Cevdet Yilmaz

President Emomali Rahmon had a meeting with the State Minister of Turkey Cevdet Yilmaz during which issues of diversified cooperation of two countries have been widely discussed. The President Emomali Rahmon called Turkey a reliable partner of Tajikistan and expressed his satisfaction on the current level of relations between the two countries. Mentioning traditional commercial partnership between the countries, it was highlighted that during last two years bilateral trade has increased for more than half billion dollars. It was noted that today tens of Turkish companies in commercial, industrial, construction and service sectors, including realization of great infrastructure projects, are working in Tajikistan. Cevdet Yilmaz stated that Turkey is ready to help Tajikistan in joining World Trade Organization and establishing free economic zones. It was considered necessary to develop cooperation in scientific, educational and cultural spheres.

138 The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers

Meeting of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon with the State Minister on Foreign Affairs of Lybian Jamahiriya Mohammed al-Barani

In the framework of the session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers the President of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon received State Minister on Foreign Affairs of Lybian Jamahiriya Mohammed al-Barani and discussed the issues of cooperation between the two countries. Mohammed al-Barani extended sincere greetings and the message of the Head of Lybian Jamahiriya Muammar Gaddafi to the President of Tajikistan and expressed gratitude to him and his nation for hosting (at the high level) such outstanding Islamic summit. With the view of developing bilateral cooperation President of the country Emomali Rahmon invited the Head of Lybian Jamahiriya Muammar Gaddafi to pay an official visit to Tajikistan.

The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers 139 Meeting of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Zalmay Rasul

During the meeting with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Zalmay Rasul major issues of cooperation and good neighborly relations between the two countries were in the centre of both parties’ attention. It was stressed that common political interests of both countries accelerated internal and regional reforms and an increase of challenges and threats require development and consolidation of relations, including among ministries of foreign affairs, border, security as well as military, law enforcement and justice structures. It was noted with satisfaction that during last 3 months nearly 100 students and officers of security and law enforcement structures and 300 medical officers of Afghanistan undergone training courses in Dushanbe and returned back to homeland. Participation in implementation of common infrastructural projects was considered as one of the main directions of economic cooperation between both countries. In this connection, it was noted necessary to develop bilateral and multilateral relations between Tajikistan and Afghanistan, as well as with different interested countries and organizations, including in the format of quadripartite meetings of Tajikistan – Afghanistan – Pakistan – Russia.

140 The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers Meeting of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon with the State Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia doctor Nizar Madani

The President met with the State Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Dr. Nizar Madani to discuss the issues of diversified cooperation between the two countries. “We attach particular attention to the development and consolidation of friendly relations with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and are delighted that our political relations, including in the highest level, are developing on the basis of mutual trust and constructiveness” – stated during the meeting the President of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon. Nizar Madani stated that, His Majesty King of Saudi Arabia Abdullah bin Abdul-Aziz accepted the invitation of the President of Tajikistan and intends to pay an official visit to this heavenly country and in closest appropriate terms this visit shall be held”. It was considered necessary to hold the first session of joint intergovernmental commission of Tajikistan and Saudi Arabia on economic, commercial, investment, technical and cultural cooperation and preparation of concrete legislative documents with the purpose of consolidation and development of further bilateral cooperation. There was expressed a hope that great Islamic Assembly in the city of Dushanbe shall open a new page in guaranteeing real solidarity of Muslim countries.

The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers 141 Meeting of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran Manouchehr Mottaki

The issues of multifaceted strategic partnership between the two brotherly nations have been discussed during the meeting with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran Manouchehr Mottaki. Emomali Rahmon expressed confidence that important agreements on cooperation in the fields of energy, transport infrastructure, transit and industry shall be effectively and timely implemented. It was considered necessary to hold negotiations of experts of both sides on establishment of joint companies on setting power transmission lines, producing energy-saving electric lamps, powerful transformers and high-speed cables, building of cement plant and other joint industrial facilities. It was stressed that it’s necessary to give an impetus to the trilateral cooperation of Tajikistan, Iran and Afghanistan. The parties have also exchanged views on issues of regional security and cooperation in the framework of the Organization of the Islamic Conference and other regional and global institutions.

142 The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers Meeting of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan Elmar Mamedyarov

The issues of mutually beneficial and constructive cooperation between the two countries were discussed in the meeting of the President of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan Elmar Mamedyarov. Parties made a special emphasis on the implementation of bilateral agreements which were signed in different levels, including those signed by high-ranking officials in Dushanbe and Baku. Both parties stressed their willingness to further develop friendly relations and mutually beneficial cooperation.

The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers 143 Meeting of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the State of Qatar Ahmad Abdullah Mahmoud Ali

During the meeting of President Emomali Rahmon with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the State of Qatar Ahmad Abdullah Mahmoud Ali parties have covered the issues of mutually beneficial relations between the two countries. «We pay special attention to developing and strengthening friendly relations and mutually beneficial cooperation with the State of Qatar, which is a major trade partner of Tajikistan in the Arab world», - said the President Rahmon. Owing to the training and the opening of direct air flights between the two countries, Qatar is building a large mosque in Dushanbe, modern schools, modern town consisting of hotels, residential buildings and designated joint ventures for the production of honey, fruits and vegetables, meat and milk for export. A promising area of cooperation is the participation of Qatari funds in the mining and manufacturing mineral resources. For further development of bilateral relations sides felt it necessary to conduct the first meeting of the joint intergovernmental commission on economic, trade and technical cooperation in Tajikistan and the opening of embassies both countries in Dushanbe and Doha.

144 The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers Meeting of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon with the Secretary of State - Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan Kanat Saudabayev

President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon received the Secretary of State - Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan Kanat Saudabayev. During the meeting they discussed plans for the activities of the OSCE and a wide range of global and regional issues and multilateral cooperation of Tajikistan and Kazakhstan. «Tajikistan highly appreciates the role of the OSCE in promoting peace in Eurasia», - said during the talks the President Emomali Rahmon. Kanat Saudabayev congratulated the Tajik President with successful meeting of the Council of Foreign Ministers of the OIC Member States and noted that the role of Tajikistan in ensuring the atmosphere of trust, cooperation and negotiation among civilizations is visible. President of the Republic of Tajikistan reaffirmed that «Tajikistan is a strong supporter of regional cooperation and integration in Central Asia» and noted that during the presidency of Kazakhstan in the OSCE good results will be achieved in this direction. Emomali Rahmon and Kanat Saudabayev noted that the OSCE Border Managment Staff College, which was opened last year in Dushanbe, is a good example of cooperation of Tajikistan with this organization. President Rahmon also assured that the OSCE regional Centre for Mine Action will be established in Dushanbe by the end of this year. Both sides pledged the operation of the development of strong bilateral relations, both in the OSCE and other regional and international organizations.

The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers 145 Meeting of the President of the Republic Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Sultanate of Oman Yusuf bin Alawi

During the talks with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Sultanate of Oman Yusuf bin Alawi President Emomali Rahmon and Oman Foreign Minister deliberated on the issues of education and development of cooperation of the two states. The President said that - «we will try to evolve mutually beneficial relations between Tajikistan and Oman in different directions of cooperation». The legal framework for cooperation and development of bilateral relations must be prepared to this end. Yusuf bin Alawi conveyed greetings of Sultan of Oman Qaboos bin Said to the President of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon, and also noted the admiration of his country regarding the enhancement of mutually beneficial relations. According to Yusuf bin Alawi to mark the beginning of a relationship, Sultanate of Oman is ready to build a small residential town and transmit it to the families of the victims of natural disaster in Tajikistan. Sultanate of Oman has offered its active participation in various investment and profitable projects in Tajikistan in the field of cattle-breeding and processing of fruits, vegetables and etc. The meeting also enabled to discuss regional and global issues. The President Rahmon invited the Sultan of Oman Qaboos bin Said to pay an official visit to Tajikistan.

146 The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers Meeting of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon with the Secretary General of the Economic Cooperation Organization Yahya Maroofi

The state of documents signed within the framewok of the ECO, including «Economic Prospects 2015», which aims to ensure free trade in the ECO Member States, were on the agenda of the meeting with the Secretary General of the Economic Cooperation Organization Yahya Maroofi. The energy sphere is marked as one of the most important and fruitful areas of cooperation, including construction of large and small hydropower plants in Tajikistan and the transfer of cheap, renewable and safe electricity to needy countries. Building a network of new bridges, tunnels, railways and roads (mostly from the Port cities to Central Asia) and increasing of transit role in Afghanistan was identified as one of the priority areas of cooperation. «Tajikistan is always ready to participate in the practical implementation of constructive strategies for ECO», - said at the end of the conversation the Head of State Emomali Rahmon.

The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers 147 Meeting of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon with the Secretary General of the World Association of Muslim Youth Mohammed Badahdah

Tajik President Rahmon also received the Secretary General of the World Association of Muslim Youth Mohammed Badahdah. Mohammed Badahdah underscored: «we admire your initiatives to promote high values of the holy religion of Islam and wish to contribute to the publication of books of the Holy Quran with Tajik translation. Mohammed Badahdah reported that the World Association of Muslim Youth is ready to issue more than 1 million copies of the Holy Quran with the Tajik translation and make it available to the Tajik youth. The President Emomali Rahmon with a sense of appreciation marked such a gesture useful, because in his words «the Tajik people, reading the Quran in their own language, comprehend its meaning and will refrain from all sorts of vices and prejudices». Parties also discussed other issues of mutual interest and further fruitful cooperation.

148 The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers Meeting of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon with the Special Envoy of the United States to the Organization of the Islamic Conference Rashad Hussain

President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon received the U.S. Special Envoy to the Organization of the Islamic Conference Rashad Hussain, who arrived in Dushanbe to participate at the 37th session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers. During the meeting they discussed multisectoral relations between Tajikistan and the United States, the situation in the region and the world, and particularly the current state and prospects of Afghanistan. «We pay special attention to developing relations with the U.S. and are interested in their strengthening and expanding», - said during the meeting the President of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon. Satisfaction was expressed on the legal framework and level of bilateral cooperation of Tajikistan and the United States. At the same time, it was stated that it is necessary to take concrete measures to promote economic cooperation, particularly given the huge market of Afghanistan and other countries of South Asia. Energy, transport and communication sectors were named as the necessary and privileged in economic cooperation between the two countries. Emomali Rahmon and Rashad Hussain also exchanged views on the Islamic world, ensuring the rights and freedoms of religion and faith, as well as addressing modern threats and challenges.

The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers 149 Meeting of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon with the Minister of Water Resources of the People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria Abdulmalik Selal

President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon has met the Minister of Water Resources of the People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria Abdulmalik Selal. Abdulmalik Selal conveyed greetings and the message of the President Abdelaziz Bouteflika of his country, on that the official visit of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan to Algeria in March 2008 became firm undertaking towards the development of cooperation between the two countries. In the course of constructive discussions both sides addressed the issues concerning the practical implementation of documents on bilateral cooperation between Tajikistan and Algeria as well as regional and global issues of mutual concern. Abdumalik Selal emphasized that his country would take concrete measures to strengthen and expand bilateral cooperation at a meeting of experts of the two countries. President Emomali Rahmon invited the President Abdelaziz Bouteflika of Algeria to visit Tajikistan on an official visit in order to give new impetus to the intensification of good relations and cooperation between the two countries.

150 The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers MEETINGS OF THE MINISTER OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF TAJIKISTAN

Meetings of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Tajikistan with the Minister for Foreign Affairs of the United Arab Emirates

May 17, 2010, the Minister of Foreign Affairs Hamrokhon Zarifi received the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the United Arab Emirates Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, who was in the country on an official visit at the Government Residence. During the meeting, Ministers discussed bilateral and multilateral cooperation between the two countries. Both sides discussed the ways of intensification of mutually beneficial cooperation. It was noticed that the establishment of a joint commission on trade, economic, scientific and technical cooperation and holding its first session would have high importance in achieving this goal. The issues of cooperation within the framework of international organisations, in particular within the Organization of the Islamic Conference were also considered at the meeting. Exchange of views on a number of the international and regional issues representing mutual interest took place between the two Ministers.

Meetings of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Tajikistan with a number of heads of foreign delegations May 18, 2010, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan, Chairman of the 37th session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers Hamrokhon Zarifi held bilateral meetings with a number of heads of participating delegations on the sidelines of the 37th session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers. The issues of development of cooperation and mutual support in the framework of the Organization of the Islamic Conference as well as other topics of mutual interest have been discussed in the course of bilateral meetings of Hamrokhon Zarifi with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Thailand Kasit Piromya, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania Ms. Naha Mint Mouknass, Minister of Water Resources of People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria Abdulmolik Selal, Deputy Prime-minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Albania Ilir Meta, State Minister on Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Bahrain Nizar bin Sadiq Al-Baharna, Secretary of State at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of the Kingdom of Morocco, Ms. Latifa Akharbach, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of the Gambia Usman Jammeh, State Minister of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan Nawabzade Malik Ahmadkhan and the State Minister of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Zalmay Rasul.

The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers 151 Meetings of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Tajikistan with a number of heads of foreign delegations May 19, 2010 the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan, Chairman of the 37th Session of the Council of Foreign Ministers of the Organization of Islamic Conference Hamrokhon Zarifi held bilateral meetings with heads of delegations, participating in the Session. In the meetings of the Minister Hamrokhon Zarifi with the Prime Minister of Malaysia Dato’ Seri Mohamed Nazri Abdul Aziz, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Sultanate of Oman, Yusuf bin Alawi bin Abdullah, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Chad Musa Mohammed Faqih, Minister of State for Foreign Affairs and African Integration of the Republic of Guinea Bakari Fofana, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Philippines and the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Palestine, Ibrahim Hurayshi topical issues of cooperation within the Organization of the Islamic Conference as well as other topics of interest for the parties were discussed.

Meeting of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Tajikistan with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan

May 19, 2010 on the sidelines of the 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Tajikistan, Chairman of the 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers Hamrokhon Zarifi met with Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan, Chairman in-office of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe Kanat Saudabayev. Hamrokhon Zarifi called Kazakhstan’s chairmanship in the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe as a new trend in the history of the organization and expressed willingness to support the activities of Kazakhstan, including at the OSCE summit in Astana. Kanat Saudabayev congratulated the Tajik side with conduction of the 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers with the chairmanship on this organization. The parties discussed a wide range of cooperation issues between the two countries within the Organization of the Islamic Conference and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, cooperation between these two prestigious international organizations during the chairmanship of both Tajikistan and Kazakhstan, the regional issues, the situation in Afghanistan and other issues of mutual concern. The two sides expressed satisfaction with mutual support in these organizations and other initiatives, and stated that this understanding stems from the relationship between Heads of States and will help in a very responsible period of the chairmanship in these international organizations.

152 The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers Meeting of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Tajikistan with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran

May 19, 2010 in the margins of the 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Tajikistan, Chairman of the 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers Hamrokhon Zarifi met with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran Manouchehr Mottaki. Iranian Foreign Minister called the holding of the 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers in Dushanbe as the merit of Tajikistan and congratulated Tajikistan on its successful convening. He also noted that during the chairmanship of Tajikistan in this authoritative international organization Iran will provide full support and assistance in the successful completion of this important mission. Minister of Foreign Affairs of Tajikistan thanked the Iranian side for its support in successful holding of this important international meeting in Dushanbe and expressed confidence that further cooperation within the organization will be strengthened. Hamrokhon Zarifi and Manouchehr Mottaki discussed issues of economic, energy and cultural cooperation as well as development of communication networks and other areas of bilateral cooperation.

Meeting of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Tajikistan with the Secretary General of the Economic Cooperation Organization

May 19, 2010 on the threshold of the 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers the Miniter of Foreign Affairs of Tajikistan, Chairman of the 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers Hamrokhon Zarifi met with the Secretary General of the Economic Cooperation Organization Yahya Maroofi. During the meeting, the Secretary General of the Economic Cooperation Organization has congratulated the Tajik Minister with hosting the 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers and with the chairmanship in the Organization. Hamrokhon Zarifi and Yahya Maroofi exchanged views on cooperation between the Organization of the Islamic Conference and the Economic Cooperation Organization. Another topic of discussion was the cooperation of Tajikistan with the Economic Cooperation Organization, where parties expressed their views on the development of economic cooperation within the organization and implementation of specific plans to expand the cooperation.

The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers 153 OTHER EVENTS

Ihsanoglu suggests evolving an Islamic plan for interaction with the West on Islamophobia

The Secretary General of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC), Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu, called on the OIC Member States to urge their representatives in international forums to stay the course in respecting the voting pattern agreed upon by the OIC official meetings, or by the OIC groups abroad. He made this call at the opening of the 37th Session of the Council of Foreign Ministers (CFM) of the Organization of Islamic Conference in Dushanbe on 18 May 2010. Ihsanoglu said that the Conference is «the first of its kind to be held in one of OIC Member States from Central Asia, which joined our ranks after achieving their independence. We warmly welcome them, and pin the hope that the five Muslim sister countries, given their glorious past in enriching Islamic civilization, will become a driving force to strengthen our organization and consolidate Islamic solidarity». On the situation in Palestine and Al-Quds Al-Sharif, he noted «the situation is going from bad to worse since the coming to power of the Israeli radical right- wing parties. Those parties came with a declared agenda to confiscate the maximum of the Palestinian occupied territories, building settlements on them, and completing the judisation of the holy city of Al-Quds. The new situation calls for a firm and united stand on the part of all Muslim countries, before it is too late.» The Secretary General congratulated the Islamic Republic of Iran on the agreement signed on 17 May 2010, concerning Iran’s nuclear program through the mediation of Turkey, Brazil and the wisdom of Iran, and said, «I wish that this agreement be a tool towards achieving peace and security in the Middle East.» He added that the OIC General Secretariat took the initiative in drawing up the OIC draft Plan of Action for Advancement of Women (OPAAW), which was deliberated by Member States and adopted by the last Council of Foreign Ministers session. In the same vein, the Council has also approved the establishment of a Women Development Organization to be based in Cairo. He expressed his confidence that «the draft statute of the organization will be adopted by the present meeting. Another Ministerial Conference on Women’s Role in Development of OPIC Member States, will also be held in Iran during this year, while similar activities took place concerning youth and children.»

154 The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers The Secretary General emphasized that during the past few years, and in a bid to stem the tide of Islamophobia, he undertook direct contacts with many members of Western Foreign Ministers and approached senior officials, academics and intellectuals in Europe and the United States. Among those contacted are Foreign Ministers of Switzerland, France, Germany, Denmark, Spain, United Kingdom, USA, Finland and Holland. These efforts also in-cluded ranking officials of the relevant International Organizations in the West. Among those addressed, are the European Union, the Organization of the Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), Human Rights Institutions, UNESCO, research centers, and fora of dialogue among civilization based in the West, and UN ‘Alliance of Civilizations’ with which a Memorandum of Understanding was signed. Ihsanoglu suggested convening of a high level ministerial meeting to evolve an Islamic plan for interaction with the West regarding Islamophobia, and «defending our just causes and in facing up to the mounting hate wave against Islam. I also suggest that the question of Islamophobia be included in all Member States’ interactions with their Western counterparts.» The OIC Secretary General concluded his statement by stating that the progress and achievements made so far were only possible due to OIC Member States’ trust, wise guidance and sound decisions and resolutions in the OIC. He promised to «stay the course, redouble our efforts and deepen our dedication to work diligently on all levels and in all fields. The present international context in which we act is not easy. It is crammed and riddled with hardships, adversity and challenges.» He also noted «the only arm in our hands is our unity, loyalty to our causes, and the solidarity that we display here whenever we take common decision or action. But above all and what remains more paramount is our profound belief in our Ummah, its greatness and strength and in its bright future.»

2nd OIC Business Forum-13th Private Sector Meeting: Promotion of Trade and Joint Ventures among Islamic Countries

The Islamic Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ICCI) organized the 2nd OIC Business Forum - 13th Private Sector Meeting for the Promotion of Trade and Joint Venture Investments among Islamic Countries in Dushanbe under the theme ‘Role of Intra-Islamic trade and Investment in Strengthening Economic Growth-Tajikistan the promising country’. The Forum was held with the support and cooperation of the Islamic Development Bank (IDB), the General Secretariat of the OIC, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Tajikistan. Concurrently with the Meeting, an Exhibition was also held to showcase the Tajik and some OIC Countries’ products.

The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers 155 The 2nd OIC Business Forum -13th Private Sector Meeting was attended by 300 delegates, representing 22 OIC Member States, and some non-OIC Countries. The meeting was also attended by the OIC General Secretariat, IDB, the Islamic Corporation for the Development of the Private Sector (ICD), and the International Islamic Trade and Finance Corporation (ITFC). Abdullo Yuldoshev, First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Tajikistan, chaired the opening session. Davlatali Saidov, Chairman of the State Committee on Investment and State Property Management, welcomed the delegates and highlighted the immense potentials in Tajikistan that could be tapped. He said that during the last several years, Tajikistan has gradually strengthened its stance and role in the OIC and announced mutually beneficial cooperation in the economic, innovative scientific, technical and cultural fields as major and top priority directions of its policy. Furthermore, the Chairman of the State Committee said that the Tajik Government has determined its priority and strategic directions and provided for a number of preferences and legislative privileges to attract foreign investment and economic development. He added that there are huge untapped reserves of cooperation in metal mining industry. At the moment, Tajik Government has officially announced the second phase of the international bid (tender) for exploitation of silver, lead and zinc deposit called «Koni Mansur» which is one of the biggest silver (polymetal-lic) deposits in the world (Total reserves of silver in this deposit reportedly due to geological survey exceed 55 thousand tons). The OIC Secretary General Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu said in his message, which was delivered by Ambassador Hameed A Opeloyeru, Assistant Secretary General for Economic Affairs, that trade remains the most credible way of creating wealth, generating economic growth and increasing welfare for the teeming masses of any nation. In this context, the benefit of trade promotion is inherent in these constant efforts at increasing the holding of business meetings and networking sessions. There are other trade promotion activities in the form of trade and specialized fairs, particularly in the tourism and construction sectors. He mentioned that the OIC seeks to promote the role of the Private Sector in generating the desired investment and technological capacity-building necessary to fast-track economic development in OIC Member States. The objectives of this policy direction are to achieve poverty alleviation and employment generation. On behalf of Sheikh Saleh Kamel, President of the Islamic Chamber, At-tiya Nawazish Ali, Assistant Secretary General, addressed the participants. She explained the objectives of the Islamic Chamber, which are geared for addressing the issues of the private sector and how best they could be addressed. She pointed to the abundance of raw materials in the Member States and the need to add value as a means of capacity building and poverty alleviation. Towards

156 The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers this end, the ICCI holds training programs, workshops and seminars on various sectors, wherein training on how to adopt best practices is imparted. She mentioned the projects of the Islamic Chamber, launched within the 10 Year Work Plan of the ICCI, which in turn was a mechanism for the implementation of the OIC 10 Year Program of Action. These projects are FORAS Investment Company, Zakat Organization, Business Owners Union, Al-Emar Mega Bank and Umar Al Ardh (Land Constructors). The President of Tajikistan Chamber of Commerce and Industry Said Sharif spoke about the Chamber that as an authorized representative of business in foreign economic activity, it helps the Tajik Government to take measures aimed at promoting the integration and cooperation, and expansion of export of Tajik products and attracting foreign investments. He underlined a range of positive changes that have been made recently in the national economy of Tajikistan that has transformed the country into an attractive and promising destination for foreign investment. Parallel working sessions were held focusing on five sectors: Hydro-Energy and Industry Sector, Agriculture Sector, Construction Sector, Tourism and Health Sector, and Finance and Service Sector. Furthermore, ‘Parallel Business Matchmaking and Networking’ meetings were held among the businessmen, banks, financial institutions, project sponsors and investors as well as traders. The Forum adopted the Dushanbe Economic Declaration. It emphasizes the need for public private sector partnership and the need for the National Chambers of Commerce and Industry to be consulted in the formulation of policies and programs in order to have a more effective role of the Private Sector in economic development. In view of the significance of the Small and Medium Enterprises’ role in accelerating the economic development of the OIC Countries, the Private Sector Meeting called upon the member countries to support this important sector and cooperate with the Islamic Chamber in its programs and activities aimed at promoting it, especially in the handicraft sector. The declaration also called upon the private sector to develop the agriculture industry. Furthermore, noting the vast natural resources in the OIC Member States, particularly the Central Asian Republics, it called upon the private sector to undertake projects which could lead to value-addition for export oriented production. It also called upon relevant financial houses/banks and other sources, through the ICCI to strengthen and promote the economies of the less developed OIC countries through micro financing, in agro-based and cottage industries.

The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers 157 OIC chief meets President of Tajikistan and holds bilateral meetings

The Secretary General of the Organization of the Islamic Conference Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu had several important meetings during the 37th Session of the Council of Foreign Ministers (CFM). Before the start of the CFM, the Secretary General met with the President of Tajikistan H.E. Emomali Rahmon at the Presidential Palace on 17 May 2010. As the first Central Asian country to host a CFM, President Rahmon reiterated his country’s commitment to have an active participation and to further develop cooperation and relationship with the OIC. The Secretary General on his part congratulated President Rahmon for the successful hosting of the CFM and the OIC Business Forum organized a few days prior to the CFM. He indicated his confidence for a fruitful cooperation between the OIC and Tajikistan. The two sides also exchanged views on the current developments in the region. During the three-day CFM, Ihsanoglu held bilateral meetings with the heads of delegations of a number of Member States. In the meetings with the heads of delegations of some African Member States, they expressed appreciation for the efforts exerted by the OIC regarding economic development projects in Africa and food security.

158 The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers The Secretary General on his part confirmed the keen focus and interest of OIC in Africa and in establishing the foundations for socio-economic development and sustainable stability; and urged the African Member States to sign the OIC economic agreements in order to be able to implement these objectives. Ihsanoglu also had a bilateral meeting with the Iranian Foreign Minister Manuchehr Muttaki who indicated Iran’s government commitment to sign and ratify the new OIC Charter at the earliest convenience and expressed his wish to visit the OIC Headquarters soon. Speaking to the OIC Journal Minister Muttaki expressed his appreciation for QIC’s continued support of Iran’s peaceful nuclear activities and for welcoming the recent agreement signed between Iran, Turkey and Brazil in the final communique of the 37th CFM. «The recent agreement will bring opportunity for future cooperation in the nuclear issue; we appreciate OIC support,» he said. In addition, the Secretary General met with the representatives of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and the Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) as well as with the US Special Envoy to the OIC Rashad Hussein. Hussein reiterated the commitment of the US President to develop real partnership with the OIC on a wide range of issues, including eradication of polio and in addressing some key political issues, such as the Middle East peace process. Hussein also proposed the OIC co-organize with Turkey the second entrepreneurship forum next year as a follow-up to the first entrepreneurship forum hosted by Washington in April.

The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers 159 OIC signs MOU on Cooperation with the Islamic Development Bank Group

Within the framework of enhanced cooperation between the General Secretariat of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC-GS) and the Islamic Development Bank Group (IDB), Prof. Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu, Secretary General of OIC, and Dr. Ahmed Mohammed Ali, President of the IDB Group, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on Cooperation and Coordination Framework between the General Secretariat of the OIC and the Islamic Development Bank Group on 18th May 2010. The MOU will enable the two OIC institutions to collaborate and setup a mutual mechanism for coordination and support for the implementation of their various programs and projects in the domains of poverty alleviation, OIC Secretary General and IDB President sign MOU post conflict and emergency responses. The MOU also sets up an institutional mechanism that will organize, review, execute and monitor the implementation of the various joint programs and projects between the two bodies. This initiative is aimed at advancing the burgeoning partnership between them and promoting effective and coordinated implementation of the various socio- economic programs within the framework of the OIC Ten-year Program of Action and the IDB Vision 2020, and for the overall benefit of the peoples of the Muslim Ummah.

160 The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers Interview of Tajik Foreign Minister Hamrokhon Zarifi in OIC Magazine: «Reinforcing cooperation and communication» ties between Central Asia and the other OIC Member States

After a long day of meetings and discussions at the conclusion of the 37th CFM, Tajik Minister of Foreign Affairs sat with OIC Journal for a wrap up interview: What is your evaluation and impression of the results of the 37th CFM? The Republic of Tajikistan after obtaining state independence paid significant attention to the issues of restoring and strengthening friendly and partnership relations with Islamic countries and took necessary measures to further develop these ties both on bilateral and multilateral levels. Tajikistan is one of the first Central Asian countries that shortly after the disintegration of the Soviet Union joined the Organization of the Islamic Conference. Since joining, Tajikistan has been actively participating in all OIC Summits, Islamic Councils of Foreign Ministers, as well as in other important meetings. The 37th Session of the Council of Foreign Ministers is very significant and historic as since the establishment of the OIC forty years ago, this is the first time it being held in Central Asia, known in the history of Islam as «Mawa- raunnahr» (beyond the river); is considered as a sign of growing attention of the Organization and its Member States to Central Asia; underlines the contribution and cultural role of the region in the history of religion and thought. A wide range of issues of interest to Member States were discussed and resolutions were adopted by the Council. The Council reviewed the draft resolution on the establishment of the Independent Permanent Commission on Human Right, it noted with appreciation the establishment of the Department of Family Affairs in the General Secretariat, and it adopted the Strategy proposed by the OIC Group on Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs in Geneva for broadening support for the OIC sponsored resolution on combating defamation of religions. This is the first CFM to be hosted in a Central Asian member state, and there was a brainstorming session about the growing role of the region. Could you elaborate more on the significance of that and how to implement the resolution adopted about reinforcing cooperation and communication among Central Asian countries and with the other OIC member states in various fields? A brainstorming session was held on the topic ‘Central Asia and the Muslim World: Strategic Vision for Solidarity.’ The Session highlighted the contributions of Central Asia, which is an integral part of the Islamic world, to the enrichment

The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers 161 of the universal culture and civilization and human thought. Discussing the natural resources, potentials and shared difficulties in the economic, social and development fields, it was emphasized that the development of cooperation and the promotion of commercial exchanges, drawing on the Trade Preferential System of the OIC, can contribute to the development of relations between the region and other countries of the Muslim world. Many ministers and heads of delegation addressed the session, where they spoke about the importance of the theme under study and made a number of practical proposals with a view to reinforcing cooperation and communication ties between Central Asia and the other Member States of the OIC. We have agreed to accelerate our cooperation particularly in the economic field among public and private sectors in the Member States in order to tap the immense capabilities of the Central Asian Member States within the existing OIC frameworks, mechanisms and programs and new sub-regional initiatives. We also decided to convene a High Level Regional Conference with the participation of representatives of the two Troikas and countries of the region as well as relevant OIC Institutions to prepare a detailed Plan of Action for cooperation and integration to be submitted to the Thirty-eighth session of the CFM. Top issues on the agenda of the CFM included situation in Palestine, Iraq, Somalia, Afghanistan and concerning Muslim minorities in non-OIC member states. What role will Tajikistan play as chair of CFM in addressing these issues? Being held under the theme: ‘Shared Vision of a More Secure and Prosperous Islamic World’, this Session was also significant because it was being held at a decisive moment considering the rapid developments of various political issues. Issues related with the situation in Iraq, Palestine and Afghanistan alongside with issues of Muslim minorities are vivid reflections of those key political and social problems which the OIC faces today. As I mentioned, Tajikistan as an active member of the Organization cannot stay aside from the solution to those key issues of the Islamic World. Proposals and principal position of the Government of Tajikistan are aimed at solving urgent problems of people in Muslim countries in terms of forming a new level of interrelations between the Islamic states to reach the sustainable development and welfare of every Muslim. It is obvious that any organization and structure, especially one as influential as the OIC with activities around the whole world, should be adequate and adapting to the rapidly changing social-economic conditions and emerging modern processes. 162 The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers Globalization process as the main moving tendency logically predeterminates that the OIC activity as an important structure, which expresses the interests of the Islamic world and reflects wishes of all Muslims, should be adherent to conditions of the dynamically developing world. In December 2005 at the Third Extraordinary Makkah Summit, the OIC Ten-Year Program of Action was approved. Today, the necessity has arisen to responsibly consider further implementation of the Ten-Year Program of Action within the Organization. Without any doubt, setting urgent issues of the modern life, reflected in the Program, will promote security and stability, as well as contribute to further development and prosperity of the Muslim world. It is widely known that the dynamic of developments of the situation in Central Asia is inseparably connected with the situation in Afghanistan. Therefore, Tajikistan is highly interested in stabilization of situation in Afghanistan and strengthening peace and stability in this neighboring country. Today, as ever before, it is obvious that the military approach to solve the problems in Afghanistan will not give the expected outcomes. The level of internal escalation of the problems remains very high. It makes us conclude that the threat of modern risks and challenges coming from Afghanistan to the Central Asian region still exists. In this regard, it is vitally important to take joint steps in social and economic rehabilitation of this country, as well as contribute to returning the country to the process of peaceful development. Therefore, we support all initiatives directed at peace building and believe that international strategy of action in this country should rely, first of all, on the people of Afghanistan and on constructive cooperation with official authorities. This requires closer coordination of efforts by interested countries in strengthening the central government, as well as solutions to the social and economic problems of the country. One of the effective ways, we are confident, is rendering necessary assistance to Afghanistan based on programs aimed at, for example, fostering the process of economic rehabilitation of the country, social and educational spheres or prevention of drug threats. On the situation in Somalia, I believe that the OIC Member States should continue their efforts to encourage different parties in the country to cooperate and renounce violence. In this regard, it is necessary to undertake measures for reconciliation in Somalia and provide coordinated, timely and sustained support to strengthen security in this country. It is important for us, OIC Member States to cooperate in finding a peaceful and lasting solution to thecrisis in Somalia. At the same time, it is crucial for all parties in Somalia to prioritize economic and social rehabilitation and reconstruction. Among the issues of concern to OIC and was discussed in the CFM is Islamophobia and relations with the west. What is your view on the issue and

The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers 163 what can Tajikistan as chair of CFM do to facilitate better interaction with the west especially regarding the image of Islam? An objective, unbiased look at the component of Islam shows that our religion, with its rich scientific and intellectual potential is rich with ideas of human dignity, social justice, tolerance and peace, which illustrates that it is compatible with democratic values today. Speaking of disturbing trends of the spread of Islamophobia in the world today, I would like to focus on the words of our esteemed President Emomali Rahmon expressed in his address to the meeting of the Council of the OIC Foreign Ministers in Dushanbe. As he mentioned, unfair use of the name of the sacred religion of Islam, the distortion of its higher values, is causing increased concern in Tajikistan and the entire Islamic world. In this regard, the priority task is consolidated approach of the Islamic community to this problem and continuation of joint efforts to bring global attention to our concerns. Aware of the threat posed by the further spread of Islamophobia, Tajikistan fully supports initiatives to broaden the dialogue among civilizations as voiced by the OIC as well as other international organizations, and it is ready to continue to participate effectively in their implementation. A successful business forum was held on the sidelines of the CFM. That was also important in terms of highlighting the business and investment opportunities in OIC Member States particularly in Central Asian countries. Could you give us details about those opportunities in Tajikistan? More than 300 businessmen and entrepreneurs from 22 OIC countries participated in the 2nd OIC Business Forum and 13th Private Sector Meeting, which took place in Varzob Gorge on 14 May 2010. The aim of the one day meeting was to identify and promote economic investments in OIC countries, particularly in Central Asia. This event provided opportunities to the institutions to discuss the cooperation prospects with private sector in common areas of interests, such as finding new markets for their products, financing new projects setting up joint ventures and applications for trade financing. Through these meetings, greater awareness has been created among OIC business community regarding opportunities for collaboration in industrial ventures and for expansion of trade among Islamic Countries. The participants underscored the role of Private Sector in the current efforts to scale up economic cooperation among OIC Member States and emphasized that various programs and projects, which were being executed under the Ten- Year Program of Action, provided ample opportunities for forging enduring partnerships among the various Private Sector establishments in the Muslim world and the promotion of an enduring South-South cooperation.

164 The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers The networking sessions focused on such critical sectors as energy, tourism, agriculture, constructions and financial services. I would like to note that political stability in Tajikistan has provided all prerequisites for stable economic development. Huge reserves of mineral resources, significant hydroelectric potential, unique bioclimatic conditions and labor resources can become main factors of effective cooperation with foreign partners. As it is widely known investments are an important component of successful development of any economy. Therefore, protection of investments, decrease of risks, creation of transparent rules of doing business and other directions of forming the favorable investment climate are the main priorities. At present the current legislation in Tajikistan expresses the state policy in support of all types of entrepreneurial activity including the private one. Therefore, frequent introduction of changes and additions into the Tax and Customs Codes is an indicator of strives to bring the current legislation in accordance with the international standards on legal safeguards and protection of rights. Creation of the Consultative Council on improving the investment climate under the President (2008) and taking steps are evidence of strives to improve the investment climate. Consequently, favorable conditions for foreign investments, market structure support, and banking system development are under way. The procedure for joint ventures registration and other ownership forms have been simplified. In accordance with new laws, enterprises with foreign investments are exempt from income taxes from 2 to 5 years depending on laiddown capital. It is worth mentioning that Tajikistan does not have any limitations on direct investments from abroad. It has full currency convertibility on current operations. Interest rates are fully liberalized. Today, all the priority sectors for investments have been identified. These are: hydro-power engineering, the extraction and processing of precious metals, stones and polymetalic ores, telecommunication and infrastructure development, cotton processing, and agriculture production. Currently, companies from Canada, USA, Great Britain, Korea, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Hungary and Russia are the biggest investors in Tajikistan economy. Among them I can mention Tethys Petroleum (development and extraction of oil and natural gas), Nelson Gold Corporation (extraction of gold and silver deposits), Gulf International Minerals (extraction of gold deposits), Credit Swiss First Boston (futures contracts for cotton) and Adjind International (textile production).

The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers 165


Introduction...... 3

The Organization of the Islamic Conference and the Republic of Tajikistan...... 5

The 37th Session of the Islamic Council of Foreign Ministers (ICFM)...... 7

Statment by the President of the Republic of Tajikistan His Excellency Mr. Emomali Rahmon at the thirty-seventh session of the council of the OIC foreign ministers...... 10

Speech of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan His Excellency Mr. Emomali Rahmon at the ceremony of Proclaming Dushanbe as the capital of Islamic culture 2010...... 15 Statement by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan Mr. Hamrokhon Zarifi at the Opening of the 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers.??...... 18

Statement by Secretary General of the Organization of the Islamic Conference at the 37th session of the council of foreign ministers...... 20

Statement of His Excellency Maitre Madicke NIANG, State Minister, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Senegal on the 37th session of Foreign Ministers Council of the Organization of Islamic Conference...... 29

Speech of Mr. Walid Al-Moualem Minister of foreign affairs of the Syrian Arab Republic on the 37th session of the foreign Ministers of member states to the Organization of Islamic Conference...... 32

Statment by Dr. Elmar Mammadyarov Minister of foreign affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan...... 35

Speech of His Excellency Sheikh Abdullah Bin Zayid Al Nahyyan, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the State of the United Arab Emirates on the 37th session of Foreign Ministers Council of the Organization of Islamic conference...... 38

166 The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers Statement by H.E. Dr. R.M. Marty M. Natalegawa Minister for Foreign Affairs Republic of Indonesia At the 37th Session of The Council of Foreign Ministers of The Organization of Islamic Conference...... 41

Statment by the Minister of Foreign Affars of the Islamic Republic of Iran H.E. Dr. Manouchehr Muttaki...... 45

Statement by Nawabzada Malik Amad Khan, Minister of state for foreign affairs of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, at the thirty-seventh session of the Oic council of foreign ministers...... 50

Statement of Her Excellency Dr. Dipu Moni, MP, Hon’ble Foreign Minister of Bangladesh...... 54

Statement of His Royal Highness Prince Mohamed Bolkiah, Minister of foreign affairs & trade of Brunei Darussalam...... 58

Speech of His Excellency Dr. Nazar bin Ubaid Madani, State Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabiaon the 37th session of Foreign Ministers Council of the Organization of Islamic Conference...... 59

Speech of H.E. Mr. Kanat Saudabayev, Secretary State - Minister of foreign affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan...... 64

Dr Abdulaziz Othman Altwaijri Director General of the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO) Address 37™ Meeting of the Council of Foreign Ministers of the Organizationo the Islamic Conference...... 68

Remarks of Rashad Hussain, U.S. Special Envoy at the OIC 37th session of the OIC Council of foreign Mnisters...... 71

Remarks by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan Mr. Hamrokhon Zarifi at the Brainstorming Session“Central Asia and the Muslim World: Strategic Vision for Solidarity”...... 76

Closing remarks by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan H.E. Mr. Hamrokhon Zarifi at the 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers...... 77

Statement by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan Mr. Hamrokhon Zarifi at the press-conference on the outcomes of the 37th session of the Council of the OIC Member States Foreign Ministers...... 79

The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers 167 List of resolutions adopted by the thirty-seven session of the Council of foreign ministers of the Organization of the Islamic Conference...... 113

Resolutions adopted by the Council of Foreign Ministers under the iniciatives of the Republic of Tajikistan...... 119

Dushanbe Declaration...... 124


Meeting of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Emomali Rahmon with the President of the Islamic Development Bank, Ahmad Muhammad Ali...... 128

Meeting of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Emomali Rahmon with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the United Arab Emirates sheikh Abdullah ibn Zoid Oli Nahayon...... 130

Meeting of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Emomali Rahmon with the Secretary General of the Organization of the Islamic Conference, Ekmeliddin Ehsonoglu...... 131

Meeting of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Emomali Rahmon with the Minister of Economy of the Arab Republic of Egypt, Usmon Muhammad Usmon...... 132

Meeting of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Emomali Rahmon with the Secretary General of the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO), Abdulaziz ibn Usmon at-Tvayjiri...... 133

Meeting of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Emomali Rahmon with the State Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Nawabzada Malik Ahmad Khan...... 134

Meeting of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Emomali Rahmon with the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Albania Ilir Meta...... 135

Meeting of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Emomali Rahmon with the State Secretary on foreign affairs and cooperation of Marocco Latifa Aharbash...... 136

Meeting of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Emomali Rahmon with the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Syrian Arab Republic Walid al-Muallem...... 137

168 The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers Meeting of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Emomali Rahmon with the State Minister of Turkey Cevdet Yilmaz...... 138

Meeting of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Emomali Rahmon with the State Minister on foreign affairs of Lybian Jamahiriya Muhammad al-Baroni...... 139

Meeting of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Emomali Rahmon with the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Zalmay Rasul...... 140

Meeting of the President of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon with State Minister for Foreign Affairs of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia doctor Nizor Madani...... 141

Meeting of the President of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon with the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Islamic Republic of Iran Manouchehr Mottaki...... 142

Meeting of the President of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon with the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan Elmar Mamedyarov...... 143

Meeting of the President of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the State of Qatar Ahmad Abdullah Mahmoud Oli...... 144

Meeting of the President of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon with the Secretary of State - Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan Kanat Saudabayev...... 145

Meeting of the President of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Sultanate of Oman Yusuf ibn Alawi...... 146

Meeting of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon with the Secretary General of the Economic Cooperation Organization Yahyo Maroufi...... 147

Meeting of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon with the Secretary General of the International Society of Muslim Youth Muhammad Bodahdah...... 148 Meeting of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan

The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers 169 Emomali Rahmon with the Special Representative of the United States in the Organization of Islamic Conference Rashad Hussein...... 149

Meeting of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon with the Minister of Water Resources of the People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria Abdulmalik Salol...... 150


Meetings of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Tajikistan with a number of heads of foreign delegations...... 151

Meetings of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Tajikistan with a number of heads of foreign delegations...... 151

Meeting of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Tajikistan with the Secretary General of the Organization of Economic Cooperation...... 152

Meeting of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Tajikistan with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Islamic Republic of Iran...... 152

Meeting of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Tajikistan with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan...... 153


Ihsanoglu suggests evolving an Islamic plan for interaction with the West on Islamophobia...... 154

2nd OIC Business Forum-13th Private Sector Meeting: Promotion of Trade and Joint Ventures among Islamic Countries...... 156

OIC chief meets President of Tajikistan and holds bilateral meetings...... 158

OIC signs MOU on Cooperation with the Islamic Development Bank Group...... 160

Interview of Tajik Foreign Minister Hamrokhon Zarifi in OIC Magazine: «Reinforcing cooperation and communication» ties between Central Asia and the other OIC Member States...... 161

Photogallery...... 81

170 The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers

The 37th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers

Сompilers: Sharipov Azamsho

Translators: Niyozov Shermahmad Azimov Najib

Photos and design: Jurakulov Rahim The book also contains photographs from archives of the NIAT “Khovar“

Responsible for Publishing: Information Department, MFA of the Republic of Tajikistan