General report 2019

Volodymyr Omelchuk, Grace Church, , region, (74)

Greetings! Recently, we have opened a new church in Irpin city. You have supported our ministry for many years! You helped us in the Church of Grace in Kyiv, with the Church of Peace in Kyiv, and now in the Church of Grace in Irpin. An increasing number of people are involved in the lives of these churches, and because of its supporters, the Churches are constantly growing. For all this, thank God and thank you very much!

In 2019 I was a pastor in Kyiv in Pechersk district. The church is called "The Church of Peace". It was built 2.5 years ago. The church had 169 members. In 2019, 25 people more were bapzed. We had two wonderful camps this summer: children's and men's ones. Thank you for your financial support. We have organized 12 Bible study home groups in our Church. All went well, thank God. And our church members allowed us to go to a new Church in Irpin.

We opened a new Church in Irpin (city in Kyiv region) just a few months ago. Around 100,000 people live in Irpin now. The Church started funconing with a small Bible study home group. Now there are 3 groups. There are non- believers in the groups who are open to the Gospel. Three weeks ago, at the Bible study group, one girl accepted Christ immediately. She sent me a message during the Bible study group: "I want to repent. Is it beer to do it now or after the Bible group?" It was wonderful, praise God! PRAYER REQUESTS:

Please, pray for my family in order for everyone's faith to grow; Ask God for the growth of the Church of Grace in Irpin, pray for God to give us open-hearted people; Pray for the opening of a rehabilitation center at our Church. There are a lot of drug and alcohol addicts in Irpin; Please, pray for the organization of new Bible study home groups.

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