_____________________________________________________________________________________ Akademik Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, Yıl: 5, Sayı: 41, Mart 2017, s. 269-279 Yayın Geliş Tarihi / Article Arrival Date Yayınlanma Tarihi / The Publication Date 31.12.2016 02.03.2017 Dr. Celal EMANET Garden State İslamic Center, İslam Tarihi
[email protected] “ISLAMLASHMAQ” TERM IN SAID HALIM PASHA Abstract Beginning in the late eighteenth century, Ottoman Empire became the first Muslim state to reform its administrative, educational, military, and eventually the political systems. Reformist thinkers who grew up during the late Ottoman era who pro- duced their work during the republican period constitute the first generation of these post-Ottoman reformist thinkers. A respected statesman and diplomat, Said Halim Pasha was first and foremost an influential thinker, one of the most out- spoken representatives of the Islamist school during the Second Constitutional Pe- riod (1908-1920). In his famous work entitled lslamization (Islamlashmaq), Said Halim proposes a complete Islamization of Muslim society, which includes forget- ting their pre-Islamic past and purifying themselves of their pre-Islamic heritage. This study will be focused on Said Halim Pasha’s views of politics relating to Is- lamization. Keywords: Said Halim Pasha, Islamlashmaq, Imitate, Westernisation, Religion. “Islamlashmaq” Term In Saıd Halım Pasha SAİD HALİM PAŞA’DA “İSLAMLAŞMAK” TERİMİ Öz XVIII. yüzyılın son çeyreğinde Osmanlı İmparatorluğu yönetim, eğitim, askeri ve nihayetinde de politik alanlarda reformlar uygulayan ilk Müslüman devlettir. Os- manlı Devleti’nin son yüz yılında yaşamış pek çok reformist düşünce adamı vardır ki; onlar meşrutiyet döneminin hazırlayıcıları ve Osmanlı sonrası reformistlerinin ilk jeneresyonudur. Osmanlı Devleti son dönem sadrazamlarından, II. Meşrutiyet döneminde (1908-1920) İslamcılık fikrini temsil eden ve bu fikirlerini açık bir şekilde savunan Said Halim Paşa görüşleri ile dikkat çeken bir devlet adamıdır.